Music Ensemble Brochure

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Ensemble Activities and Opportunities


Ensemble Activities and Opportunities

This booklet will help you choose from the variety of ensembles and opportunities within the Music Department; ensemble/workshop leaders have given brief details about some of the activities taking place. Please refer to the timetable on the notice boards in the Music Block and on Music News for further information on times and locations of the ensemble groups. If you would like to join an ensemble and are uncertain of how to contact the tutor, please ask Liz at Music Reception.



Ensemble Activities and Opportunities

Vocal Otter Consort Ensemble leader: Arthur Robson This small vocal ensemble is for those who are highly experienced singers, with sightreading ability and a love of choral music both sacred and secular. It is rehearsed by a number of conductors including the Masters Choral Conducting students. There is usually a residential course planned for reading week (semester 2) in Salisbury, culminating in the singing of Evensong in Salisbury Cathedral. There will also be an international tour in the summer. Entry is by audition and you should contact in order to arrange a suitable time to be heard.

Chichester Chorale Ensemble leader: Arthur Robson This is a community choir for a mixed aged group, which welcomes students and local enthusiasts from the surrounding area. It gives three major concerts, one at the end of each term plus an Evensong in Chichester Cathedral in October. Membership is through audition which can be arranged by contacting

University Chamber Choir Ensemble leader: Arthur Robson Chamber Choir is one of the most challenging vocal ensembles at the University. The repertoire is extensive and varied. It performs concerts throughout the year and takes part in the Christmas Carol Services at Chichester Cathedral and in the Parish Church in Bognor Regis, in December. The Choir also tour in the summer months. If you have had previous experience of singing in a choir and are use to sight-singing then this ensemble is for you. The Choir meet twice a week, entry is by audition and you should contact in order to arrange a suitable time to be heard.


Ascension Singers Ensemble leader: Rod Paton The Ascension Singers were originally formed as a jazz and gospel choir but today they sing the World! Repertoire includes gospel arrangements, spirituals, blues and jazz, Eastern European and Balkan folk songs, African chants, Scandinavian “yoiking�, overtone and Mongolian style throat singing, original vocal compositions and vocal improvisation. No auditions are necessary but full commitment is essential.

Opera Workshop Tutor: Michael Pearce This is a wonderful chance for keen classical singers to be involved in staging and performing scenes from an opera, either in a solo or chorus capacity. Tutored by international bass baritone Michael Pearce, the group has successfully performed scenes from Mozart’s Don Giovanni. Tenor and basses are especially welcome!

First Year Choral Experience Workshop Leader: Arthur Robson This is a practical session for all year one music students of all persuasions! The emphasis in on having fun in learning and reinforcing musical concepts and improving the musical brain and musical memory through the use of the voice. Everyone has a voice and is encouraged to use it. Improve your ability to listen, to read music, and identify chord sequences, rhythmic patterns and melodic shapes. This is musical gymnastics for the mind and voice! Vital for all musicians! If you are tentative about your singing voice you will be amazed at what you can achieve in such a short time!


Ensemble Activities and Opportunities

Orchestras and Bands Symphony Orchestra Ensemble leader: Crispin Ward Symphony Orchestra is one of the most prestigious instrumental ensembles at the University. It performs concerts throughout the year in Chichester Cathedral, the University Chapel and in other venues and often tours in the Summer months. The Symphony Orchestra meet for intensive rehearsals for a short period before concerts rather than a regular weekly meeting, usually on Sundays during the day and Tuesday evenings. The orchestra is supported by tutors in all sections of the orchestra who also take sectional rehearsals. Membership is by audition.

Chamber Orchestra Ensemble leader: Crispin Ward Chamber Orchestra is a small ensemble of between 15-17 players who rehearse twice a week to produce high quality performances throughout the year, all over the UK and abroad. This is a big commitment for students as it is a showcase for the whole University and a high standard is expected. Repertoire ranges from the Baroque to 20th Century, they also give students an opportunity to play solo in concertos. Membership is by audition.

Pops Orchestra Ensemble leader: Crispin Ward Pops orchestra is for any instrumentalist who wants experience of playing in a large ensemble. There are approximately 70 performers and they explore film music, music from the shows, orchestral rock and pop music. The Pops Orchestra has recently toured the Channel Islands as well as giving concerts both within the University and at other venues. Entry is open to anyone.


Musical Theatre Ensemble (Pit Band) Ensemble leader: Crispin Ward Pit band concentrates on developing an understanding of musical theatre performance within an instrumental ensemble. All aspects of playing in a theatre, in a pit or on stage, are explored with many opportunities to perform and to develop repertoire. The ensemble is sometimes employed by outside societies to accompany their show. One year they appeared on an advert for Ford. Membership is by audition.

Wind Band Ensemble leader: Suzie Shrubb Wind Band is for any wind instrumentalist who wants experience of playing in an active lively ensemble. They explore film music, music from the shows, symphonic band music and pop music. The Wind Band has recently toured the Channel Islands as well as giving concerts both within the University and at other venues. Entry is open to anyone.

Big Band Ensemble leader: Crispin Ward The Chichester University Big Band is an opportunity for students to experience this very popular type of group. They have developed strong links with several popular amateur big bands based in the local area and in the past some students have helped these bands and have been paid for doing so. The Big Band is a perfect relaxed way of improving your sight reading skills particularly for players who are keen on Jazz but might feel their reading is weak, it is also ideal for reading musicians who want to tackle improvisation for the first time. Membership is by audition.


Ensemble Activities and Opportunities

Contemporary Music Group Ensemble leader: Adam Swayne CMG encourages you to think outside the box. They experiment with new pieces written by both student and staff composers, and they discover new ideas and sounds from the wider contemporary concert scene. Their performances of works by John Cage, Michael Nyman and David Bryne received coverage in the local press and Tempo magazine, and following their appearance at the 2009 Arundel Festival they were invited to join the Titanic commemorations in Southampton in 2012. Open to all musicians of any style or genre. A basic understanding of notation and an open mind are all you need.



Ensemble Activities and Opportunities

Jazz and Folk Jazz Workshop Leader: Nick Reynolds Jazz workshop takes place on Wednesday afternoons. Students assemble in MB1 and are then assigned to groups based on experience / ability level. The jazz tutors then work with their group on a number of pieces during the afternoon, which are then usually showcased during Jazz Night. Any music student is welcome so long as they have a genuine interest in developing their jazz skills within a group setting. Any ability level is welcome but commitment is expected throughout the semester, since spaces are limited. Students who have already attended jazz workshop regularly have automatic places and we will try to accommodate as many new students as possible.

Jazz Nights Leader: Nick Reynolds Jazz night takes place on Wednesday evenings in MB1. We provide a relaxing atmosphere for any students with an interest in jazz, to be able to perform. The evenings are informal with a licensed bar, so you can enjoy a drink or two whilst listening to the music. Any style of jazz is welcome and the jazz tutors are always available to provide a houserhythm section for guest musicians. Jazz Nights also provide an opportunity for students who have taken part in the jazz workshops to showcase the pieces that they have been working on during the afternoon.

Folk Group Leader: Nick Reynolds Folk group takes place on Wednesday mornings. Students assemble in MB3 and then are split into groups where they can work on pieces which they are expected to provide. Any style of folk music is encouraged and any ability level is welcome. The groups have an opportunity to develop a wide range of pieces and then perform their set during ‘Folk Night’ which is usually put on towards the end of the semester. Folk groups have also played at local pubs and concerts over the years. Places are limited and based on an interview process at the beginning of the semester. Those who are already in the folk group have automatic places.


Instrumental Jonathan Plowright Drop In Sessions Our Head of Keyboard, Jonathan Plowright, is particularly keen to get to know all first study pianists during the year, as well as all other music students who have a keen interest in piano performance - in whatever shape or form. Drop in sessions are usually in the Octagon from 2pm - 4pm on a Monday afternoon. The sessions will be on a very informal basis - not an interview/audition - just a chat about who you are, your particular interests and what you would like to achieve during your studies here at Chichester. Feel free to bring along any music you would like to play - whatever state it is in!

Piano Group Ensemble Leader: Terence Allbright This is a guided but non-teaching environment in which pianists at all levels and stages of development can practice their performances with a friendly and informed audience of other pianists. Invaluable if you want regular performing experience, or if you have performance insecurities. Weekly attendance is expected; all members can play every week, and there is a group concert towards the end of each semester.

Saxophone Group Ensemble Leader: Spencer Bundy The Chichester Saxophone Ensemble is a group which is based at the University but open to Saxophone players of the local community, there are no age limits and no auditions. Often during rehearsals there will be a workshop type element where they will look at an element of playing and discuss ways of improving. Some of the repertoire goes up to 16 players so valuable experience can be gained in the performance of Chamber music in a relaxed and informal manner. They will also sometimes split into smaller groups and give people a chance to explore the ever increasing repertoire for Saxophone quartet. The Saxophone Group welcome any wind players who might be looking for a way to gain experience performing on their second instrument. They try to perform at least one concert per semester and in the past have raised funds for various charities.


Ensemble Activities and Opportunities



Ensemble Activities and Opportunities

Clarinet Choir Ensemble Leader: Spencer Bundy The Chichester Clarinet Choir is another wind group based at the University which is open to the local community. They use everything from the small Eb clarinet up to a Contra Base in Bb. They try to share parts around so that everybody gets a chance to perform a solo and lead in a chamber size group. During rehearsals they will often workshop ideas like improvisation and other areas which the other ensembles, due to their size, might not give you the opportunity to try. It also gives members a chance to experiment with arranging for Clarinet Choir. The Clarinet Choir is also ideal for saxophone or other wind players to get a chance to perform on their second instrument. It would be expected for the Clarinet Choir to take part in at least one concert per semester, usually combined with another of the Ensembles from the University.

Brass Group Ensemble Leader: Fraser Tannock Brass Ensemble is a flexible group, ranging from 3 to 12 or more players and covering mostly original repertoire from renaissance to contemporary. In recent years they have given a full 12-piece symphonic brass ensemble concert, carol descants in Chichester Cathedral and most recently, Purcell’s Funeral Music with the Chamber Choir. These sessions offer brass players an opportunity to fine-tune the individual and ensemble skills needed in all styles of playing. Entry is open to all brass players


University of Chichester

Contact Details 01243 816185 / 816205

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