دليل اإلنتاج البحثي -كلية العلوم
2015 - 2016
محتويات الدليل
كلمة عميدة كلية العلوم
كلمة وكيلة الكلية للدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي
القسم األكثر نشاطا
مكافآت التميز للنشر العلمي
املكافآت التشجيعية للنشر العلمي
اإلنتاج البحثي ألقسام الكلية املختلفة
أوال :قسم الرياضيات
ثانيا :قسم الفيزياء
ثالثا :قسم الكيمياء
رابعا :قسم األحياء
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي -كلية العلوم
2015 -2016
المقدمة تُعد كلية العلوم صرحاً تعليمياً متكامالً يف شىت اجملاالت حيث تسعى جاهدة إىل رفع مستوى العملية التعليمية وفق أحدث األنظمة املعمول هبا مبا يتماشى مع معايري اجلودة، كما حتظى بكادر تعليمي عايل الكفاءة ،ويظهر ذلك جلياً يف حصول عدد من أعضاء اهليئة التعليمية على جوائز التميز يف جمال البحث العلمي ،مثل :جائزة املراعي لإلبداع
العلمي ،جائزة سكوبس العاملية ،جائزة عكاظ ،جائزة مدينة امللك عبدالعزيز للعلوم والتقنية ،كما حصلت الكلية على جائزة األمري حممد بن فهد لألداء احلكومي املتميز يف دورهتا الثالثة يف معيار التنظيم واإلجراءات باإلضافة إىل عدد من براءات االخرتاع . وعلى ذلك فإن مستوى التقدم العلمي للجامعة يُقاس مبخزوهنا من البحوث العلمية وقدرهتا على توظيف هذا املخزون يف جماالت تنمية اجملتمع . الرؤية تسعى الكلية ألن تكون رائدة يف جمال التعليم العايل ،وحتقيق دورها يف تأهيل موارد بشرية نسائية تسهم يف خدمة اجملتمع احمللي واإلقليمي وتنميته. الرسالة املسامهة يف تنمية اجملتمع احمللي واإلقليمي ،وتطوير موارد بشرية نسائية مسلحة بالعلم واملعرفة وفق القيم اإلسالمية ،وحتقيق اجلودة يف التعليم العايل ،والتميز يف البحث العلمي التطبيقي باستخدام أحدث الوسائل والتقنيات ملواكبة التطور املعاصر يف شىت اجملاالت.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي -كلية العلوم
2015 -2016
األهداف تنمية وتطوير اجملتمع احمللي بتوفري خمرجات ذات إمكانية علمية وثقافية عالية اجلودة،حمركة لدورها ومسؤولياهتا أمام وطنها وجمتمعها اإلسالمي. التوسع يف جمال الدراسات العليا للمتفوقات من داخل الكلية وخارجها؛ لتوفري كادر منأعضاء هيئة التدريس املواطنات يف خمتلف التخصصات. تشجيع ودعم البحث العلمي التطبيقي ،وتعزيز دور الكلية يف إجياد احللول لبعضاملشاكل اليت يواجهها األفراد ومؤسسات القطاع العام واخلاص ،وذلك وفقاً للتطورات العلمية والتقنيات احلديثة. تعريب العلوم املختلفة بتشجيع حركة التأليف ،واإلنتاج الفكري العلمي ،والرتمجة. تطوير املناهج وفق املستجدات العلمية احلديثة ،وكذلك التطوير والتدريب املستمرألعضاء اهليئة التعليمية واإلدارية يف الكلية ملواكبة التطور املعاصر يف خمتلف اجملاالت.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي -كلية العلوم
2015 -2016
كلمة عميدة كلية العلوم انطالقاً من املعيار العاشر للهيئة الوطنية للتقومي واالعتماد األكادميي NCAAA
واملختص بالبحث العلمي ،فإنه ينبغي أن تضع املؤسسة التعليمية اسرتاتيجية للبحث العلمي تتفق مع طبيعتها ورسالتها .
حيث يقع على اجلامعة مسؤوليات البحث العلمي واليت تستلزم تشجيع أعضاء هيئة التدريس على متابعة اهتماماهتم البحثية ونشر نتائج أحباثهم وأن تُقدر إجنازاهتم البحثية، حيث ينعكس ذلك على تقوميهم وترقيتهم . لذا كان من واجبنا يف كلية العلوم إعداد هذا الدليل املتضمن ملخصات األحباث العلمية املنشورة واليت مت إجنازها خالل عام 5102/ 5102م تدعيماً ملسرية البحث العلمي يف اجلامعة وحصاداً جملهودات أعضاء هيئة التدريس بكلية العلوم حيث ضمنا يف هذا الدليل ما حصل عليه منسويب كلية العلوم من جوائز التميز البحثي للسعوديني واجلوائز التشجيعية لغري السعوديني ،كما وضحنا أفضل قسم علمي من ناحية النشر العلمي بالنسبة بني العضو واألحباث املنشورة ودعمنا ذلك باجلداول والرسومات البيانية اليت توضح نسبة النشر العلمي إىل العضو ،متمنني أن يكون هذا باكورة سلسلة من األدلة السنوية حلصاد إنتاج أعضاء كلية العلوم يف جمال البحث العلمي .
د .نهاد بنت عبد اهلل العمير
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي -كلية العلوم
2015 -2016
كلمة وكيلة كلية العلوم للدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي
تؤدي وكالة الكلية للدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي دوراً هاماً يف حتقيق رسالة اجلامعة ، ففي جمال الدراسات العليا حترص الوكالة على تطوير العملية التعليمية وحتسني نوعية مدخالهتا وتنمية األفراد وإبراز شخصياهتم لتحقيق تطلعات اجملتمع من خالل إعداد الطاقات البشرية املتعلمة واملدربة القادرة على منافسة وجماراة الواقع يف جماالت الفكر والعلم واملعرفة . أما فيما خيص البحث العلمي فال خيفى علينا أمهيته يف هنضة األمم والشعوب والتغلب على حل املشكالت اليت تواجهها بطرق علمية ،فاحلاجة إىل البحث العلمي يف وقتنا احلاضر أشد منها يف أي وقت مضى ،حيث أصبح العامل يف سباق للوصول إىل أكرب قدر ممكن من املعرفة الدقيقة املثمرة اليت تكفل الراحة لإلنسان وتضمن له التفوق على غريه. من هذا املنطلق تسعى وكالة الدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي بالكلية إىل تقدمي دليل اإلنتاج البحثي لكلية العلوم إلثبات رصيدها من البحوث العلمية الذي هو نتاج العمل اجلاد من أعضاء اهليئة التعليمية فهم النواة اليت تنطلق منها اجلامعة لتحقيق أعلى مستويات الريادة والتميز . كما ننوه بالتوجيهات البناءة اليت تتلقاها الوكالة من معايل مدير اجلامعة لالرتقاء مبستوى الدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي فهي احلافز األساسي لتنشيط دور الوكالة يف مسريهتا باعتبارها جزءاً ال يتجزأ من هذا اجملتمع . د.أمل بنت عبد العزيز الجريفاني
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي -كلية العلوم
2015 -2016
بلغ عدد أعضاء هيئة التدريس إمجاالً يف كلية العلوم ( )411عضواً وبلغ جمموع عدد األحباث خالل عام 5142/5142م ( )415حبثاً أي بالنسبة بني النشر السنوي و العضو 4.1:11على النحو التايل . القسم
النسبة بني النشر .العضو
قسم الرياضيات قسم الفيزياء قسم الكيمياء
52 51 15
52 51 54
4.1:11 4.4:2 4.1:1
قسم األحياء
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
عدد األعضاء عدد األبحاث
قسم األحياء
قسم الكيمياء
قسم الفيزياء
قسم الرياضيات
وعلى هذا يتضح لنا أن القسم األكثر نشاطاً خالل 5142/5142م هو: (قسم الفيزياء)
كلية العلوم- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
2015 -2016
مكافآت التميز للنشر العلمي سنة النشر
دار النشر
Physical and Chemistry of Liquids
Superlattices and Microstructures
Journal of food, Agriculture & Environment
عنوان البحث A novel approach to discuss the viscosity Arrhenius behavior and to derive the partial molar properties in binary mixtures of N,N-dimethylacetamide with 2methoxyethanol in the temperature interval (from 298.15 to 318.15) K Effect of Si δ – doped layer position on optical absorption in GaAs quantum well under hydrostatic pressure Effect gamma radiation on mitodepressive action of Aspergillus niger aflatoxin on Vicia faba root tip cells
Electrodeposite d and Electrodeposited and characterization 2015 characterization of Ag-Sn-S of Ag-Sn-S semiconductor thin films semiconductor thin films Electrodeposited ZnIn2S4 onto TiO2 Applied Surface thin films for semiconductor2015 Science sensitized photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical applications Biosynthesis of silver African Journal nanoparticles by Aspergillus niger, 2015 of Fusarium oxysporum and Biotechnology Alternaria solani
اسم الباحث مشاعل الخالدي.د نورة الزامل.د
شعفة آل منصور.د إيمان القرافي.د منى األحمدي.د
منيرة المصيريعي.د أمل العتيبي.د منيرة المصيريعي.د أمل العتيبي.د أمل الجريفاني.د
كلية العلوم- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
2015 -2016 سنة النشر
دار النشر
Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering
عنوان البحث
Radon Concentrations and Effective Radium Contents in Local and Imported Phosphate Fertilizers, Saudi Arabia Thermodynamic study of J. Indian interaction between a cationic Chemical surfactant and an anionic azo dye Society in aqueous solution Indian Journal Effect of sweetener and flavoring of Experimental agent on oxidative indices, liver Biology and kidney function levels in rats Handborne transmission of Journal of Food infectious agents by escalator Agriculture & handrails, shopping carts and Environment automated teller machines (ATMs) A partial derivatives approach for estimation of the viscosity Physics and Arrhenius temperature in N,NChemistry of dimethylformamide + 1,4-dioxane Liquids binary fluid mixtures at temperatures from 298.15 K to 318.15 K Antiradical and reductant activities of anthocyanidins and Food Chemistry anthocyanins,structure-activity relationship and synthesis High Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Ag8 SnS6 Component CHIN.PHYS.LETT Prepared by Electrodeposition Technique Journal of Effect of sio2 nano-particles and Alloys and nano-wires on microstructure and Compounds pinning properties of YBa2Cu3O7-d
اسم الباحث منى القحطاني.د فاطمة الشهري.د
م 7
نهاد العمير.د
حصة المظفر.د
سحر الدوسري.د
نهاد العمير.د
وفاء المغربي.د
ميرة المصيريعي.د أمل العتيبي.د ميرة المصيريعي.د أمل العتيبي.د
13 14
كلية العلوم- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
2015 -2016 سنة
دار النشر
Communications in Algebra
Journal of Food , Agriculture & Environment
J Solution Chem
عنوان البحث
اسم الباحث
Causal Correlation Between Boiling Temperature and Viscosity Arrhenius Activation Energy in N,N-Dimethylformamide + 2Propanol Mixtures 303.15 to 323.15K
نهاد العمير.د
Hopf Semialgebras Impact of solvent type on antibacterial activities of Lawsonia inermis leaves Viscosity Arrhenius Activation Energy and Derived Partial Molar Properties in Isobutyric Acid + Water Binary Mixtures Near and Far Away from the Critical Temperature, 302.15 to 313.15 K
مشاعل الخالدي.د أحالم العرفج.د
نورة الزامل.د
نبيلة يوسف.د السليمان
ابتسام محمد.د أبابطين
أحالم عبدالعزيز.د العرفج
16 17
كلية العلوم- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
2015 -2016
المكافآت التشجيعية للنشر العلمي سنة النشر
دار النشر
Journal of The Electrochemical Society
Superlattices and Microstructures
Applied Surface Science
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Journal of physics: condensed matter
عنوان البحث Characterization, Electrosynthesis and In Situ Spectroelectro-Chemical Studies of Poly (p-nitroanilineco-p-aminophenol) in Aqueous Media Effect of Si δ-doped Layer position on optical absorption in GaAs quantum well under hydrostatic pressure Electrodeposited ZnIn2S4 onto TiO2 thin films for semiconductor-sensitized photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical applications Effect of SiO2 nano-particles and nano-wires on microstructure and pinning properties of YBa2Cu3O7-d Synthesis by the polyol process and ionic conductivity of nanostructured La2Mo2O9 powders Effect of magnetism on surface segregation in FeNi alloys
اسم الباحث
فادي عاطف األخرس. د1
حسن البشير محمد.د الدخالوي
الطاهر الحسين طاهر.د غريب
د فاتن قدور بن عزوز.أ
عمر السعيدي بنعلي.د
عدنان منصور ذويب.د
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Rami Ben Haj-Kacem The Impact of Age Distribution on Household consumption: Evidence from Saudi Arabia Turkish Economic Review
Volume 2 (4) Date 2015
This paper aims to analyze the impact of age distribution on household consumption at the aggregate level. For that, statistical and econometric techniques are used, such as Unit root test, Co-integration and Granger Engels causality through Vector Error Correction Model, for testing an eventual short and long run causal relationships. This study is important since it helps to develop efficient national strategies for the short and the long run according to the evolution of the demographic profile and structure. Empirical validation for the Saudi Arabian case shows that the causality’s effect differs significantly according to consider the size versus the proportion of each age group. In addition, the analysis and discussions of results for each age categories gave specific conclusions for the overtime causality effect on Saudi Arabian household final consumption.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Rami Ben Haj-Kacem Extension Viscosity Arrhenius parameters correlation: from pure to binary fluid mixtures Physics and Chemistry of Liquids
Knowledge of fluids physicochemical properties is mandatory for the design and optimization of industrial processes and products. A data quantity of most importance, in this regard, turns out to be the value of fluid viscosity. Many empirical and semi-empirical formulas have been proposed in the literature to describe the viscosity of pure liquids, and binary liquid mixtures. Recently, an
interesting equation is proposed for pure
solvents correlating the two parameters in the viscosity Arrhenius-type equation, namely the activation energy (Ea) and the pre-exponential factor (As). This paper aims to extend the said correlation to binary liquid mixtures. To achieve this purpose, statistical methods are applied using data sets from the literature of some solvent binary mixtures at different compositions and temperatures. The validation of the extended proposed equation for binary liquid mixtures is important since it simplifies the estimation calculations.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title
Kamel Saoudi and Abdejabbar Ganmi Existence of multiple solutions for a singular equations involving the fractional p-lapalce operator
Name of Journal
Complex variables and elliptic equations
Under appropriate assumptions on the function f and using
Volume in press Date
fibering maps and by minimization on the suitable subset of Nehari we show the existence of multiple solutions to a singular problem involving operator.
the fractional
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Kamel Saoudi Existence and non-existence of solution for a singular problem involving the p(x)-Laplace operator Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies
Using some variationals
in press
Date 2016
method combined with
monotone method we prove some existence and nonexistence of solution to a singular problem involving the p(x)-Laplce operator.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Kamel Saoudi and Abdejabbar Ganmi The Nehari manifold for a singular elliptic equation involving the fractional Laplace operator Fractional differential calculus
in press
We use the manifold Nehari method combined with the fibering maps in order to show the existence of multiple solutions to a singular problem involving the fractional Laplace operator.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Kamel Saoudi Existence and non-existence of solution for a singular problem with variable potentials journal of applied analysis
in press
We use the method of sub and super solution combined with monotonies method in order to show the existence and non-existence of solutions for a quasi-linear problem involving a singular term
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Kamel Saoudi and Mouna Kratou Existence of multiple solutions for a singular and quasilinear equation Complex variables and elliptic equations
We use the method of sub and super solution combined with Montagne Pass Theorem
in order to show the
existence of multiple solutions for a N-Laplace equation involving a singular term. To obtain multiple solutions, we prove two new results: a Holder regularity of solutions and a strong maximum principle.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Sabbah A Elkilany Formation of ground and excited hydrogen atoms in proton-potassium atom inelastic scattering Pramana - journal of physics
in press
The inelastic scattering of proton with a potassium atom is treated for the first time as a three-channel problem within the framework of the improved coupled static approximation with the assumption that the ground (1sstate) and excited (2s-state) hydrogen formation channels are open for seven values of the total angular momentum, (0 6) at energies between 50 and 500 keV. The
Lipmann-Swinger equation and the Green's function iterative numerical method are used to calculate iterative partial and total cross sections. This can be done through calculating the reactance matrix at different values of the considered incident energies to obtain the transition matrix that gives the partial and total cross sections. Present results give reasonable agreement with previous results.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Sabbah A Elkilany Formation of non-excited and excited hydrogen in proton rubidium atom inelastic scattering Can. J. Phys
in press
The inelastic collision of protons with rubidium atoms are treated for the first time within the framework of the three channels coupled-static and frozen core approximations. The method is used for calculating partial and total crosssections with the assumption that only three channels (elastic, non-excited hydrogen, 1s-state and excited hydrogen, 2s-state) are open. We have used LipmannSchwinger equation and Green’s functions iterative numerical method technique to solve the derived coupled integro-differential equations to obtain the computer code. The present results for total hydrogen formation cross sections are in agreement with results of other available ones in wide range of incident energy.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Sabbah A Elkilany Formation of ground and excited hydrogen atoms in proton-caesium inelastic scattering Can. J. Phys
The inelastic scattering of proton with caesium atom is treated for the first time as a three-channel problem within the framework of the improved coupled static approximation with the assumption that the ground ( in 1s-state) and excited (in 2s-state) hydrogen formation channels are open for seven values of the total angular momentum (0 6) at energies between 50 and 500 keV. The Green’s function iterative numerical method is used to obtain the code of computer to calculate iterative partial cross-sections. This can be done through calculating the reactance matrix at different values of considered energies to obtain the transition matrix that gives partial and total cross sections. Present results give reasonable agreement with previous results.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Sabbah A Elkilany Effect of polarization potential on muon-H inelastic scattering Can. J. Phys
This work deals with the effect of polarization potential on inelastic scattering of muon by hydrogen atom, H , as
two channel problem in which the elastic and muonium (in 1s-state) formation channels are open for seven values of the total angular momentum
(0 6)
at energies
between 1 and 10 keV. For this purpose, we improved the coupled static approximation by "switching on" the polarization potential of hydrogen atom (in 1s-state) to calculate elastic and muonium formation cross sections of
H inelastic scattering. We use Lipmann-Swinger equation and an iterative numerical method to obtain the code of computer. This can be done through calculating the reactance matrix then obtaining the transition matrix that gives partial and total cross sections. Our results and those determined by previous authors give reasonable agreement.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Sabbah A Elkilany Formation of Hydrogen Atom in 2s-State in ProtonSodium Inelastic Scattering Chin. Phys. B
The inelastic collision of protons with sodium atoms are treated for the first time within the framework of the coupled-static and frozen core approximations. The method is used for calculating partial and total crosssections with the assumption that only two channels (elastic and hydrogen formation in 2s-state) are open. In each case, the calculations are carried out for seven values of the total angular momentum (0 6). The target is described using the Clementi Roetti wave functions within the framework of the one valence electron model. We use Lipmann-Swinger equation to solve the derived equations of the problem, then apply an iterative numerical method to obtain the code of computer to calculate iterative partial cross-sections. This can be done through calculating the reactance matrix at different values of considered energies to obtain the transition matrix that gives partial and total cross sections. The present results for total hydrogen (2s-state) formation cross sections are in agreement with results of other available ones in wide range of incident energy.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Sabbah A Elkilany Formation of ground and excited hydrogen atoms in proton–rubidium inelastic scattering Can. J. Phys.
Inelastic collisions of protons with rubidium atoms are treated for the first time within the framework of the three channel coupled static, and frozen core approximations. The method is used for calculating partial and total cross sections with the assumption that only three channels (elastic; non-excited hydrogen, 1s-state; and excited hydrogen, 2s-state) are open. We have used the Lipmann– Schwinger equation and the Green’s functions iterative numerical method technique to solve the derived coupled integro-differential equations to obtain the computer code. The present results for total hydrogen formation cross sections are in agreement with results of other available ones in a wide range of incident energy.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Sabbah A Elkilany and Ameerah aldhawi Formation of non-excited and excited hydrogen in proton lithium inelastic scattering
Can. J. Phys
The collisions of proton with lithium atom are treated for the first time as a three channels problem under the assumption that the elastic and hydrogen formation in nonexcited, H (1s) , and excited, H (2s) ,channels are open. The effect of polarization potentials of the target and hydrogen formation is considered. A one-valence-electron model for the target, based on the Clementi-Roetti Slater-type basis functions,
approximation are used for calculating the partial and total cross sections of seven partial waves ( 0 6 , where is the total angular momentum) at incident energies between 50 and 500 keV. Our values of the total cross section are in good agreement with previous results.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Reem Fahad Al Subaie and Mohamed Ali Mourou The Equivalence Theorem for a K-Functional and a Modulus of Smoothness Constructed by a Singular Differential-Difference Operator on R British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science
The purpose of this research is to establish the equivalence between a K-functional and a modulus of smoothness generated by a Dunkl type operator on the real line.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Reem Fahad Al Subaie and Mohamed Ali Mourou Equivalence of K-Functionals and Modulus of Smoothness Generated by a Generalized Dunkl Operator on the Real Line Advances in Pure Mathematics
This paper is intended to establish the equivalence between K-functionals and modulus of smoothness tied to a Dunkl type operator on the real line.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title
Marwa Khalil Hassan A New Nonparametric Estimator For Pdf Based On Inverse Gamma Distribution
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Communicatio ns in Statistics - Theory and Methods
The nonparametric approach is considered to estimate
Volume DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2014.972575
probability density function (Pdf) which have support on
(0,) . This approach is the inverse gamma kernel. We show that it has same properties as gamma , reciprocal inverse Gaussian and inverse Gaussian kernels such as it is free of the boundary bias, non-negative, and it achieves the optimal rate of convergence for the mean integrate squared error. Also some properties of the estimator were establish sch as bias and variance. Comparison of the bandwidth selection methods for inverse gamma kernel estimation of probability density function is made.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Marwa Khalil Hassan On Testing Exponentiality Against UBA Class of Life Distributions Based On Laplace Transform Sankhy¯a B: The Indian Journal of Statistics springer
Volume DOI 10.1007/s13571015-0112-4
The problem of testing various classes of life distributions have been considered in the literature during the last decades. In this paper, we consider a new test statistic for testing exponentiality against used better than age (UBA) class of life distributions based on Laplace transform. This proposed test is presented for complete and right censored
efficiencies are calculated to assess the performance of our test. Selected critical values are tabulated. Some numerical simulations of power estimates are calculated. Proposed test is presented also in multivariate form. Finally, the test is applied to some real data.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title
Marwa Khalil Hassan A generalized Hollander-Proschan test for NBUE alternative based on U-statistics approac
Name of Journal
International Journal of Reliability and Applications
In this paper, we introduce U-statistics approach to
generalized Hollander- Proschan test for new better than used (NBUE) alternative. We prove, the proposed test is equivalent to test was introduced by Anis and Mitra (2011) and includes test was introduced by Hollander Proschan (1975). Also, the asymptotic properties are studied. The powers of our test are estimated. The Pitman asymptotic efficiencies of proposed test are also calculated. Finally, the test is applied to some real data.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title
Marwa Khalil Hassan
Name of Journal
International Journal of Reliability and Applications
In this paper, the problem of testing exponentiality against
A new test of exponentiality against NDVRL
net decreasing variance residual lifetime (NDVRL) classes of life distributions is investigated. For this property a nonparametric test is presented based on kernel method. The test is presented for complete and right censored data. Furthermore, Pitman's asymptotic relative efficiency (PARE) is discussed to assess the performance of the test with respect to other tests. Selected critical values are tabulated. Some numerical simulations on the power estimates are presented for proposed test. Finally, numerical examples are presented for the purpose of illustrating our test.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Abdelrahman Altigani, Muawia Abdelmagid and Bazara Barry Evaluating AES Performance Using NIST Recommended Block Cipher Modes of Operation Science and Knowledge Research Society
Encryption plays a central role in providing electronic security and
countering cybercrimes.
symmetric encryption algorithms have gained popularity on the Internet and its associated applications. When using a symmetric encryption algorithm, specifically the AES, the Block Cipher Mode of Operation to be used must be specified. Usually this decision is influenced by two main factors: (i) security; and the (ii) performance of the mode. Most of the related literature explores the security of the modes. In contrast, this research paper explores, compares and evaluates the performance of the five modes of operation recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Based on the conducted experiments and obtained results, the modes of operation that provide better performance are shown.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
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Karim Belaid SPECTRAL SPACES AND SOBRIFICATION International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
This paper deal with topological properties of spectral spaces and sobrification of spaces. We give necessary and sufficient conditions on the T0-space X in order to get its sobrification spectral. A number of examples of spaces such that their sobrification is spectral are given.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
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Huda M Al-Kharsani, Abeer M Al-Zahrani, S S Al-Hajri, Tibor K pogany Univalence criteria for linear fractional differential operators associated with a generalized Bessel function Mathematical Communications
In this paper our aim is to establish some generalizations upon the sufficient conditions for linear fractional differential operators involving the normalized forms of the generalized Bessel functions of the first kind to be univalent in the open unit disk as investigated recently by [{\sc E. Deniz, H. Orhan, H.M. Srivastava}, {\it Some sufficient conditions for univalence of certain families of integral operators
Taiwanese J. Math. {\bf 15} (2011), No. 2, 883-917] and [{\sc \'A. Baricz, B. Frasin}, {\it Univalence of integral operators involving Bessel functions}, Appl. Math. Letters {\bf 23} (2010), No. 4, 371--376]. Our method uses certain Luke's
functions ${}_{p+1}F_p$ and ${}_pF_p$.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
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M. Al Hajri, K. Belaid, L. Jaafar Belaid On Khalimsky Topology and Applications on the Digital Image Segmentation Applied Mathematical Sciences
The main goal of this work is to deal with the Khalimsky digital topology and its application in segmentation. First, we begin by giving some theoretical results on Khalimsky topology, the one point compact- i_cation and separation axioms. Then, we present and discuss digital applications in imaging. More precisely, numerical results on segmentation, contours detection and skeletonization are proposed. We end thispaper by some concluding remarks.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
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A.M.Al-Shibani and S.M.Al-Areefi On Rg – Compact Spaces International Journal of Engineering Science and 4( 2 ) 2015 Innovative Technology IJESIT The purpose of this paper is to offer some more properties
of rg-compact spaces such as the finite union of rg-compact sets, and then we studied its connection with rg-closed sets and rg-Hausdorff spaces.
قسم الرياضيات- دليل اإلنتاج البحثي
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Lamia Jaafar Belaid Mathématique, méthodes et applications Editions Universitaires Européennes, Allemagne
This book is issued from some research works and is about resolution of certain problems in image processing which is a domain that still in expansion and a multitude of approaches used to solve such problems still increases and diversifies. On the other part, the progression concerning computation time and algorithms complexity remains an important. In addition to the general representation of mathematical imaging and its applications, the objective of this book is to present and discuss various methods in classical problems in
classification, image segmentation, contours detection and so on. Our goal is to adapt such methods to real life problems, comparing to the nature of the treated applications and the efficiency of the used approaches. This book concerns students in master and Phd degrees and to researches who are interested by image processing problems.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Faten Kadour Ben Azzouz Magneto-conductivity fluctuation in YBCO prepared by sintering of ball-milled precursor powder Materials Chemistry and Physics
We compare the electrical magneto-conductivity fluctuation between YBa2Cu3Oy (Y-123) and YBa2Cu3Oy embedded by an Y-deficient Y-123 nano-phase, generated by planetary ball-milling. Both samples were synthesized by solid state reaction with two stages of sintering at 950 °C and separated by energetic milling (milled sample) and hand grinding (unmilled sample). SEM analysis of the milled samples shows the appearance of spherical shaped nano-entities of Ydeficient Y-123 embedded in the Y-123 matrix. The magneto-conductivity data are analysed in terms of the temperature derivative of the resistivity and the logarithmic temperature derivative of the conductivity. The results show the occurrence of two-stage transitions: intragranular and intergranular, as well as a pairing transition splitting in the milled sample related to the presence of the Y-deficient nanoparticles. In the normal state, we identify a contribution of the Gaussian regimes for both samples. In the presence of a high magnetic field, the critical exponent near Tco of the milled material is higher than the one of the unmilled, indicating that the nanoparticles strengthen the effects of the order-parameter phase of individual grains of the Y-123 strongly disordered. This result fits well into a description based on a dirty limit of the general vortex-glass theory. In the paracoherent state, a crossover occurs and a small temperature range appears where the fluctuation conductivity may be governed by others mechanisms related to vortices dynamics. This temperature range is smaller in the milled sample.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Faten Kadour Ben Azzouz Excess Conductivity Study in Nano-CoFe2O4-Added YBa2Cu3O7−d and Y3Ba5Cu8O18±x Superconductors J Supercond Nov Magn
We report electrical conductivity fluctuation analyses on YBa2Cu3O7−d (noted Y-123) and Y3Ba5Cu8O18±x (noted Y358) polycrystalline samples added with nano-sized ferrite cobalt (CoFe2O4) particles. Phases and microstructure have been systematically investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). XRD results reveal that the lattice parameters change for both Y123 and Y-358 phases. SEM observations show that the grain size is reduced with increasing the content of CoFe2O4 in the yttrium-based superconductor (YBCO) matrix The temperature dependence of electrical resistivity ρ(T ) has been measured and the effect of addition of magnetic CoFe2O4 in the paraconductivity region has been reported. The thermodynamic fluctuation is obtained by analyzing the excess of conductivity on the basis of the Aslamazov–Larkin theory. The coherence length, the effective layer thickness, critical magnetic fields, and critical current density are estimated. Superconducting parameters are affected by the nanoparticle addition, and results are discussed in relevance to the structural and microstructure differences between Y-123 and Y-358.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Faten Kaddour Ben Azzouz Fluctuation induced magneto-conductivity of Y3Ba5Cu8O18±x and YBa2Cu3O7−d Modern Physics Letters B
A comparative study of the fluctuation magneto-conductivity in YBa2Cu3O7−d (noted Y-123) and Y3Ba5Cu8O18±x (noted Y-358) polycrystalline samples was carried out. Samples were synthesized in oxygen atmosphere using a standard solid state reaction technique. Phases and microstructure have been systematically investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The magneto-conductivity was measured in a magnetic field ranging from 0 T to 7 T applied perpendicular to the current path direction. The magneto-conductivity data were analyzed in terms of the temperature derivative of the resistivity and the logarithmic temperature derivative of the conductivity χσ = −d(lnΔσ)/dT , where Δσ is the fluctuation conductivity. Analyses of the magneto-conductivity data reveal that Y-123 possesses a better quality of intrinsic Josephson junction compared to Y-358 one while in the former one the depression in superconducting temperature is more pronounced. The applied magnetic field narrowed substantially the three dimensions (3D) Gaussian regime and for Y-358 sample this regime is vanished for high magnetic field (>1 T). Results are discussed in relation with the difference in the structure and microstructure Y-358 and Y-123. The upper critical and the irreversibility magnetic fields were estimated and were found to be higher in the Y-358 sample.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
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Noha A. Saleh "The QSAR
and docking calculations of fullerene derivatives as HIV-1 protease inhibitors" J. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
The inhibition of HIV-1 protease is considered as one of the most important targets for drug design and the deactivation of HIV-1. In the present work, the fullerene surface (C60) is modified by adding oxygen atoms as well as hydroxymethylcarbonyl (HMC) groups to form 6 investigated fullerene derivative compounds. These compounds have one, two, three, four or five O atoms + HMC groups at different positions on phenyl ring. The effect of the repeating of these groups on the ability of suggested compounds to inhibit the HIV protease is studied by calculating both Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) properties and docking simulation. Based on the QSAR descriptors, the solubility and the hydrophilicity of studied fullerene derivatives increased with increasing the number of oxygen atoms + HMC groups in the compound. While docking calculations indicate that, the compound with two oxygen atoms + HMC groups could interact and binds with HIV-1 protease active site. This is could be attributed to the active site residues of HIV-1 protease are hydrophobic except the two aspartic acids. So that, the increase in the hydrophilicity and polarity of the compound is preventing and/or decreasing the hydrophobic interaction between the compound and HIV-1 protease active site.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
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Ahmed A. Ezat, Hamdy I. Mostafa, Nihal. S. El-bialy, Noha. A. Saleh and Medhat A. Ibrahim "Computational Approaches to study Peptidomimetic and Macrocyclic HCV NS3 Protease Inhibitors" J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci.
12 (1)
Based on the sequences of NS3/NS4A, NS4A/NS4B, NS4B/NS5A and NS5A/NS5B junctions, two groups of HCV NS3 protease inhibitors are suggested. The first group has neutral compounds, while the second group has charged compounds. Each group has tetrapeptides, hexapeptides and macrocyclic structures. Using PM3 method, the electronic and QSAR properties are calculated. Accordingly, P1–P3 macrocycle of 4A/4B hexapeptide sequence (DEMEEC) is the most stable and hydrophilic in the first group. While the charged compounds in second group are more reactive and soluble than first group. The best compound and its charged counterpart are further studied at B3LYP/6-31G (d, p) and HF/6-31G (d, p) methods. The difference in position and energies of HOMO and LUMO between the two compounds infers different mechanisms of action between them and they react differently from a chemical point of view. These two compounds are well suited to be good inhibitors of HCV NS3 protease.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Hanan Elhaes, Noha A. Saleh, Abdel Aziz Mahmoud, Osama Osman, Amina Omar and Medhat Ibrahim "On the Spectroscopic Analyses of Fulleropyrrolidine-1carbodithioic acid 2; 3 and 4-substituted-benzyl esters" Quantum Matter
4 (5)
PM3 semiemprical method was used to study the vibrational characteristics of the Fulleropyrrolidine-1-carbodithioic acid 2; 3 and 4-substituted-benzyl esters. The substituents include OH, Cl, F, CN, CH3, OCH3, COCH3, CO2CH3, NH2, NHCH3, NO2 for ortho, meta and para positions respectively relative to the methylene group. The geometry of each structure is optimized then the vibrational spectra are calculated. The electronic property mainly energy has changed which in turn shifted the characteristic bands of C60. This may also changes the symmetry of C60.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Noha A. Saleh, Wael M. Elshemey, Anwar A. Elsayed and Medhat Ibrahim NS3 serine protease as target for anti-hepatitis C virus Reviews in Theoretical Science
Date 2015
NS3 serine protease is considered one of the most important nonstructure proteins for hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication. The significance of NS3 protease function is the conversion of polypeptides to functional proteins to produce new mature HCV. Knowing that the currently available treatment is expensive and effective in only 50– 60% of treated patients. It is thus crucially important to exert maximum effort in the design of new formulations aiming to achieve better treatment performance.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Noha A. Saleh, Hanan Elhaes, Osama Osman, Abdel Aziz Mahmoud and Medhat Ibrahim Spectroscopic Analyses of Modified Fulleropyrrolidine Derivatives The Open Spectroscopy Journal
Fullerene (C60) is enhanced with pyrrolidine group to produce fulleropyrrolidine which is considered as one of the most important derivatives of fullerene. Fulleropyrrolidine is further modified in order to enhance its solubility which in turn could enhance its biological applications. Accordingly this work is dedicated to modify fulleropyrrolidine carbodithioic acid as NO2 group introduced at meta position. Quantitative structure–activity relationship models (QSAR) was utilized to evaluate the biological activates of the investigated compounds through some descriptors. Later on chalcogenide could be subtitled in order to form three derivative groups. The QSAR descriptors were compared with the QSAR of the parent compound. Results indicate that, NO2 group enhances the biological activity.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Noha A. Saleh, Ahmed A. Ezat, Abdo A. Elfiky, Wael M. Elshemey and Medhat Ibrahim Theoretical Study on Modified Boceprevir Compounds as NS3 protease inhibitors J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci.
This study is an attempt to improve the biological activity of boceprevir, an important HCV-NS3 protease inhibitor. This is performed through the suggestion of 8 modified compounds of boceprevir and testing their biological activity in silico. At PM3 level of theory, the electronic and Quantitative
descriptors of the suggested compounds are calculated. Based on the values of these descriptors, the proposed compound 7 (with fluorinated sulfonamide at position R1, 1,3dithiolane ring at position R2 and cyclopropane at position R3) has better biological activity as NS3 protease inhibitor than unmodified boceprevir.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
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Zarrag Al-Fifi, Noha A. Saleh, Hanan Elhaes and Medhat Ibrahim On the Molecular Modeling Analyses of Novel HIV-1 Protease Inhibitors Based on Modified Chitosan Dimer International Journal of Spectroscopy
2015 2015, Article ID 174098, 9 pages. The molecular modeling studies include quantitative structure activity relationship, IR spectra, and docking calculations, occurring for novel inhibitors based on chitosan dimer which were tried as HIV protease. The inhibitors were investigated with molecular modeling calculations at different level of theories. Each compound has phenol with hydroxymethylcarbonyl (HMC) group which added to chitosan in positions 2, 3, 2', or 3'. The geometry of studied compounds is optimized with semiempirical PM3 method. Quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) properties of the suggested compounds are calculated at the same level of theory. Depending on QSAR calculations, the compounds with positions 2 and 2' are less hydrophilic. The position 2' compound makes good docking interaction into HIV protease active site. Calculated IR spectra indicate that the interaction through hydrogen bonding through the hydrogen of OH at positions 3 and 3' gives rise to two OH bands one for chitosan and the other for phenol and HMC group. While at position 3' CH band starts to appear.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Noha A. Saleh, R. A.M.Rizk, G. Kamel, E. H. EL-Sakhawy and M. Ibrahim Molecular Modeling study of fullerene- divalent metal derivatives as HCV NS5B Inhibitors Quantum Matter
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) represents a major challenge for the health community in Egypt. A novel fullerene directive is introduced in this study to inhibit HCV-NS5B. The HCV-NS5B is considered one of the most important enzymes of HCV life cycle. These novel fullerene derivatives are divided into two groups. The two groups are proposed where the fullerene-based system is modified by adding uracil and cytosine bases, in addition to a divalent metal atom. The electronic properties and Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) calculations are utilized at PM3 in order to evaluate the NS5B inhibitory properties of the proposed compounds. The electronic and QSAR results suggest that the metal atoms are responsible for the biological behavior and properties of introduced compounds not the cytosine or uracil bases. The magnesium and nickel compounds associated to the cytosine and uracil group may be considered promising NS5B inhibitors, due to they are more reactive with the surrounding system (high dipole moment, low ionization energy, low _E and low log P value) and more stable (low total energy).
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
Chao Shen, Tri B. Susilo, Irfan Khan, Pawan Mishra, Bilal Janjua, Tien Khee Ng, Hind Althib, Mohammad A. Alsunaidi, and Boon S. Ooi
Emission characteristics in soft potential profile INGAN/GAN quantum well
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11th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-11), Beijing, China,
We present the theoretical and experimental study of emission characteristics in intermixing induced soft potential profile in InGaN/GaN quantum well (QW) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on c-plane sapphire substrates. The blueshift in emission energy (~ 80 meV), and alleviation of efficiency droop (from 30.5% to 16.6%) were identified in potential profile softened QW, when compared to that of the conventional rectangular wells. This is the first report on post-growth, area-selective potential energy engineering in III-nitride QWs enabled using a novel metal/dielectric-induced intermixing technique.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Nada Elzein Eisa Omer Novel Green Synthesis and Characterization of Nanopolymer Porous Gold Oxide Nanoparticles Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Purpose: To develop a novel approach to green synthesis of nano-polymer porous gold oxide nanoparticles, and examine the effects of the temperatures on their surface. Methods: Green synthesis of nano-polymer porous gold oxide nanoparticles (GONPs) using cetyle trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) surfactant with a mixture of Olea europaea fruit and Acacia Nilotica extracts, was performed using sol-gel method. The nanoporous particles were characterized by UV (ultraviolet (UV) visible spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering (DLS) while a zetasizer was applied to determine their average particle size. Their surface morphology and shape were assessed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning election microscopy (SEM) while surface area was measured using nitrogen gas adsorption method. Results: TEM and SEM images showed a smooth, cylindrical or spherical, and cluster shapes, and porous surface morphology. Increase in calcination temperature resulted in increase in surface area and pore volume of nanoparticles. This feature yielded GONPs that were unique with a high surface area of 146.706 m2/g. Conclusion: The approach used in this study constitutes a new and rapid green synthesis of porous nanoparticles of gold oxide under simple conditions. Furthermore, increase in GONPs surface area is enhanced by increase in calcination temperature.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Nada Elzein Eisa Omer Green Synthesis, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activity of Silver/Polystyrene Nanocomposite Corporation Journal of Nanomaterials
Volume Article ID 943821
Date 2015
A novel, nontoxic, simple, cost-effective and ecofriendly technique was used to synthesize green silver nanoparticles (AgNPs).The AgNPs were synthesized using orange peel extract as a reducing agent for silver nitrate salt (AgNO3). The particle size distribution of AgNPs was determined by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The average size of silver nanoparticles was 98.43 nm. The stable dispersion of silver nanoparticles was added slowly to polystyrene solution in toluene maintaining the temperature at 70 ∘C. The AgNPs/polystyrene (PS) nanocomposite solution was cast in a petri dish. The silver nanoparticles encapsulated within polymer chains were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning ElectronMicroscopy (SEM) equipped with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) in addition to Transmission ElectronMicroscopy (TEM). The green AgNPs/PS nanocomposite film exhibited antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Salmonella, and Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.Thus, the key findings of the work include the use of a safe and simple AgNPs/PS nanocomposite which had a marked antibacterial activity which has a potential application in food packaging.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
T. H. Flemban*, M. C. Sequeira, Z. Zhang, S. Venkatesh, E. Alves, K. Lorenz, and I. S. Roqan
Identifying the influence of the intrinsic defects in Gd-doped ZnO thin-films
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Journal of Applied Physics.
Gd-doped ZnO thin films were prepared using pulsed laser deposition at different oxygen pressures and varied Gd concentrations. The effects of oxygen deficiency-related defects on the Gd incorporation, optical and structural properties, were explored by studying the impact of oxygen pressure during deposition and post-growth thermal annealing in vacuum. Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry revealed that the Gd concentration increases with increasing oxygen pressure for samples
Unexpectedly, the c-lattice parameter of the samples tends to decrease with increasing Gd concentration, suggesting that Gddefect complexes play an important role in the structural properties. Using
measurements and density functional theory calculations, we identified oxygen vacancies as the dominant intrinsic point defects. PL spectra show a defect band related to oxygen vacancies for samples grown at oxygen deficiency.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
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Flemban T H* ; Singaravelu V; Devi AAS; Roqan IS. Homogeneous vertical ZnO nanorod arrays with high conductivity on an in situ Gd nanolayer RSC advances
We demonstrate a novel, one-step, catalyst-free method for the production of size-controlled vertical highly conductive ZnO nanorod (NR) arrays with highly desirable characteristics by pulsed laser deposition using a Gd-doped ZnO target. Our study shows that an in situ transparent and conductive Gd nanolayer (with a uniform thickness of similar to 1 nm) at the interface between a lattice-matched (11-20) a-sapphire substrate and ZnO is formed during the deposition. This nanolayer significantly induces a relaxation mechanism that controls the dislocation distribution along the growth direction; which consequently improves the formation of homogeneous vertically aligned ZnO NRs. We demonstrate that both the lattice orientation of the substrate and the Gd characteristics are important in enhancing the NR synthesis, and we report precise control of the NR density by changing the oxygen partial pressure. We show that these NRs possess high optical and electrical quality, with a mobility of 177 cm(2) (V s)(-1), which is comparable to the best-reported mobility of ZnO NRs. Therefore, this new and simple method has significant potential for improving the performance of materials used in a wide range of electronic and optoelectronic applications.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Roqan, I. S; Venkatesh, S; Zhang, Z; Hussain, S; Bantounas, I; Franklin, JB, Flemban, TH*; Zou, B ; Lee, JS ; Schwingenschlogl, U. Obtaining strong ferromagnetism in diluted Gd-doped ZnO thin films through controlled Gd-defect complexes Journal of Applied Physics.
We demonstrate the fabrication of reproducible long-range ferromagnetism (FM) in crystalline GdxZn1-xO thin films by controlling the defects. Films are grown on lattice-matched substrates by pulsed laser deposition at low oxygen pressures (<= 25 mTorr) and low Gd concentrations (x <= 0.009). These films feature strong FM (10 mu (B) per Gd atom) at room temperature. While films deposited at higher oxygen pressure do not exhibit FM, FM is recovered by post-annealing these films under vacuum. These findings reveal the contribution of oxygen deficiency defects to the long-range FM. We demonstrate the possible FM mechanisms, which are confirmed by density functional theory study, and show that Gd dopants are essential for establishing FM that is induced by intrinsic defects in these films.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
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Hassen Dakhlaoui Effect of Si δ-doped layer position on optical absorption in GaAs quantum well under hydrostatic pressure
Superlattices and Microstructures
In this paper, the effects of hydrostatic pressure, the position and the concentration of Si δ-doped layer on the intersubband transitions and absorption lineshape in GaAs quantum well are studied. The electron energy structure and the optical absorption coefficient are calculated by solving Poisson and Schrödinger equations self-consistently. The obtained theoretical results show that the energy differences between the consecutives levels, the confining potential and the optical absorption coefficient depend not only on the hydrostatic pressure but also on the Si δ-doped layer position. Especially, we have found that the optical absorption coefficient can be red or blue shifted by moving the Si δ-doped layer from the middle of the quantum well to the interface with the quantum barrier. This behavior in optical absorption gives us a new degree of freedom in different device applications based on electronic transitions.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
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Hassen Dakhlaoui Linear and nonlinear optical absorption coefficients and refractive index changes in GaN/AlxGa(1−x)N double quantum wells operating at 1.55 μm
Journal of Applied physics In
and nonlinear optical
absorption coefficients and refractive index changes between the ground
GaN/AlxGa(1−x)N quantum wells are studied theoretically. The
corresponding wave
functions are obtained by solving Schrödinger-Poisson equations selfconsistently within the effective mass approximation. The obtained results show that the optical absorption coefficients and refractive index changes can be red- and blue-shifted through varying the left quantum well width and the aluminum concentration xb2 of the central barrier, respectively. These structural parameters are found to present optimum values for carrying out the transition of 0.8 eV (1.55 μm). Furthermore, we show that the desired transition can also be achieved by replacing the GaN in the left quantum well with Al yGa(1−y)N and by varying the aluminum concentration yAl
The obtained results give a new degree of freedom in
telecommunications operating at (1.55 μm).
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Hassen Dakhlaoui , Shaffa ALmansour, Eman algrafy Effect of Si δ -Doping on the Linear and Nonlinear Optical Absorptions and Refractive Index Changes in InAlN/GaN Single Quantum Wells Chinese physics Letters
In the framework of effective mass approximation, we theoretically investigate the electronic structure of the Si δdoped InAlN/GaN single quantum well by solving numerically the coupled equations Schrödinger–Poisson self-consistently. The linear, nonlinear optical absorption coefficients and relative refractive index changes are calculated as functions of the doping concentration and its thickness. The obtained results show that the position and the amplitude of the linear and total optical absorption coefficients and the refractive index changes can be modified by varying the doping concentration and its thickness. In addition, it is found that the maximum of the optical absorption can be red-shifted or blue-shifted by varying the doping concentration. The obtained results are important for the design of various electronic components such as high-power FETs and infrared photonic devices..
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Hosny Zahr El-Deen Cleaning and Protecting Demineralization Plant from Organic matter/Iron Fouling International Journal of 2(5) 2015 Advanced Scientific and Technical Research In this work the process of water demineralization is operated in the demineralization plant, which contains both cation and anion resin. One of the important problems facing the process is the organic matter fouling of the anion resin. The physicochemical characteristics of the raw inlet water revealed that the inorganic components were almost constant all over the year of test, from January to December 2014. However, the organic matter content and the most probable number (MPN) of coliform were considerably increased in summer months (August) than in winter (January). The problem of resin fouling is matched with the quantity of organic matter in raw water. Separate or mixed solutions of either NaOH , NaCl , or NaOCl, at different concentrations, showed an activity towards the cleaning of anion resin, but to a variable degree. The most potent solution was a mixture of 5% NaOH and 10% NaCl, so it was used to clean the anion resin from organic fouling and 4% HCl for iron organic matter complex. When the cleaning process is applied in washing tank, it achieved a satisfied result that was indicated by the reduction of both rinse time of the resin and the produced effluent conductivity. The number of service cycles of the plant was improved and increased to 90 cycles, similar to that of the new resin; thereby its duration will be increased. Nevertheless the protective mode such as multimedia sand and carbon filter as well as the pretreatment of water before passing through the ion exchange unit improve alsoeach of number and length of unit cycle and reduce rinse time of the unit.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
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Hosny Zahr El-Deen Studying the effect of some inorganic acids on physical and mechanical properties of cross-linked (PVA) film coated polyester membrane International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research
Cross-linked (PVA) film coated polyester membrane was prepared by using polyvinyl alcohol as a film coat and apply it on polyester fabric. The effect of some inorganic acids on the produced film coated membranes were investigated inspect of the change in its mechanical and physical properties. The produced film coated polyester membrane was found to be stable under mechanical testes when it was affected by different concentrations of some inorganic acids at different time and temperature. The physical and mechanical properties was enhanced by the coating processes and gives a good results with respect to uncoated polyester also it was enhanced by the action of inorganic acids to some extent.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Fatimh Alshahri - Muna Alqahtani Chemical Fertilizers as a Source of 238U, 40K, 226Ra, 222Rn and Trace Metal Pollutant of the Environment in Saudi Arabia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Volume 22
The specific activities of 238U, 226Ra, 40K, and 222Rn in chemical fertilizers were measured using gamma ray spectrometer and Cr39 detector. In this study, 21 chemical fertilizers were collected from Eastern Saudi Arabian markets. The specific activities of 238 U ranged from 23± 0.5 to 3900 ± 195 Bq kg−1; 226Ra ranged from 5.60 ± 2.80 to 392 ± 18 Bq kg−1; and 40K ranged from 18.4 ± 3 to 16,476 ± 820 Bq kg−1. The radon concentrations and the radon exhalation rates were found to vary from 3.20 ± 1.20 to 1532 ± 160 Bq m−3 and from 1.60 to 774 mBq m−2 h−1, respectively. Radium equivalent activities (Raeq) were calculated for the analyzed samples to assess the radiation hazards arising due to the use of these chemical fertilizers in the agriculture soil. The Raeq for six local samples (nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium (NPK) and single superphosphate (SSP)) and one imported sample (Sulfate of Potash (SOP)) were greater than the acceptable value 370 Bq kg−1. The total air absorbed doses rates in air 1 m above the ground (D) were calculated for all samples. All samples, except one imported granule sample diammonium phosphate (DAP), were higher than the estimated average global terrestrial radiation of 55 nGy h−1. The highest annual effective dose was in triple super phosphate (TSP) fertilizers (2.1 mSv y−1). The results show that the local TSP, imported SOP, and local NPK (sample 13) fertilizers were unacceptable for use as fertilizers in agricultural soil. Furthermore, the toxic elements and trace metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Co, Ni, Hg, and As) were determined using atomic absorption spectrometer. The concentrations of chromium in chemical fertilizers were higher than the global values.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
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Fatimh Alshahri - Muna Alqahtani Radon Concentrations and Effective Radium Contents in Local and Imported Phosphate Fertilizers, Saudi Arabia. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Radon concentrations and effective radium contents were measured using CR-39 solid-state nuclear track detectors. In this study, 27 local and imported phosphate fertilizer samples (liquid and solid) were collected from markets in eastern Saudi Arabia. The radon concentrations were found to vary from 3.23 ±1.2 to 1547 ±162 Bq m−3. The radon exhalation rates and effective radium contents ranged from 1.77 ± 0.7 to 848 ± 89mBq m−2 h−1 and from 3.53 ±1.1 to 2246 ± 236 Bq m−3, respectively. The highest annual effective dose was from a local fertilizer sample (39 ± 9.8mSv y−1); this value was higher than the world allowed dose. Therefore, these fertilizers can be a significant source of radiological hazards to human health. Strong correlations were found between the radon concentrations, exhalation rates and annual effective doses from the local and imported phosphate fertilizers. The radon concentrations in all fertilizer samples were compared with the recommended value from ICRP(200 Bq m−3).
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
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M.K. Ben Salem a, M.A. Almessiere b, A.L. Al-Otaibi b, M. Ben Salem , F. Ben Azzouz Effect of SiO2 nano-particles and nano-wires on microstructure and pinning properties of YBa2Cu3O7-d Journal of Alloys and Compounds
A comparative study of the effects of nanosized silicon oxide nano-particle (NP) and nano-wire (NW) additions during the final processing stage on the microstructure and superconducting properties of polycrystalline YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO, or Y-123) was carried out. Samples were synthesized in air using a standard solid state reaction technique by adding nanosized entities up to 1 wt. %. Phases, microstructure, superconductivity, have been systematically investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and electrical measurements. TEM investigation shows the presence of inhomogeneities embedded in the superconducting matrix along with the presence of columnar defects in the case of SiO2 nano particles added, however nano-wires tend to agglomerate by entangling with each other in the inter-grain regions. The critical current density of the samples was examined using currentevoltage, ac-susceptibility and magnetization measurements. The results are discussed in the framework of Bean's critical state model. Flux pinning force density is calculated and the possible pinning mechanisms prevalent in sintered samples are determined. The flux creep activation energy is determined in the light of vortex dynamics exhibited by the frequency dependence of the AC susceptibility. We have clear indication that a relatively low concentration of nanosized silicon oxide improves the pinning properties of Y-123 and we also validated the impact of the shape of nanosized inclusions on the superconducting properties.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
E Hannachi1, Y Slimani, M K Ben Salem, A Hamrita1, A L Al-Otaibi, M A Almessiere, M Ben Salem and F Ben Azzouz
Fluctuation induced conductivity studies in YBa2Cu3Oy compound embedded by superconducting nano-particles Ydeficient YBa2Cu3Oy: effect of silver inclusion
Name of Journal Abstract
Indian J Phys
Volume DOI 10.1007/s12648-016-0839-4
The effect of superconducting Y-deficient YBa2Cu3Oy nanoparticles generated by the planetary ball milling technique and silver inclusion on electrical fluctuation conductivity of polycrystalline YBa2Cu3Oy has been reported. Samples, synthesized by the conventional solid-state reaction technique, have been investigated using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and electrical resistivity. Scanning electron microscope analyses show that nano-particles of Y-deficient YBa2Cu3Oy are embedded in the superconducting matrix. The density of these nano-particles strongly depends on milling parameters. The fluctuation conductivity has been analyzed as a function of reduced temperature using the Aslamazov–Larkin model. Three different fluctuation regions namely critical, meanfield and short-wave are observed. The zero-temperature coherence length, the effective layer thickness of the twodimensional system, critical magnetic fields and critical current density are estimated. Superconducting parameters are affected by Y-deficient YBa2Cu3Oy nano-particles. It has been found that attainment of an optimum concentration and well-dispersed of nano-sized inclusions by ball milling process improves the physical properties. On the other hand, the sample with Ydeficient YBa2Cu3Oy nano-particles and Ag exhibits better superconducting properties in comparison with free added one.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء
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Taher Ghrib Structural, optical and thermal properties of nanoporous aluminum Thermochimica Acta
In this work the structural, thermal and optical properties of porous aluminum thin film formed with various intensities of anodization current in sulfuric acid are highlighted. The obtained pores at the surface are filled by sprayed graphite and nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) thin films deposited by plasma enhancement chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) which the role is to improve its optical and thermal absorption giving a structure of an assembly of three different media such as deposited thin layer (graphite or silicon)/(porous aluminum layer filled with the deposited layer)/(Al sample). The effect of anodization current on the microstructure of porous aluminum and the effect of the deposited layer were systematically studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Raman spectroscopy. The thermal properties such as the thermal conductivity (K) and thermal diffusivity (D) are determined by the photothermal deflection (PTD) technique which is a non destructive technique. Based on this full characterization, it is demonstrated that the thermal and optical characteristics of these films are directly correlated to their micro-structural properties.
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Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Taher Ghrib, Amal Lafy Al-Otaibi, Munirah Abdullah Almessiere, Ibtissem Ben Assaker, Radhouane Chtourou High Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Ag8SnS6 Component Prepared by Electrodeposition Technique CHIN. PHYS. LETT.
32( 12 )
A new thermoelectric material Ag8SnS6, with ultra-low thermal conductivity in thin film shape, is prepared on indium tin oxide coated glass (ITO) substrates using a chemical process via the electrodeposition technique. The structural, thermal and electrical properties are studied and presented in detail, which demonstrate that the material is of semiconductor type, orthorhombic structure, with a band gap in the order of 1.56 eV and a free carrier concentration of 1.46Ă&#x2014;1017 cmâ&#x2C6;&#x2019;3. The
thermal electrical
conductivity are determined using the photo-thermal deflection technique combined with the Boltzmann transport theory and Cahillâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s model, showing that the Ag8SnS6 material has a low thermal
conductivity of 2.4 Ă&#x2014; 105 Smâ&#x2C6;&#x2019;1, Seebeck coefficient of â&#x2C6;&#x2019;180 đ?&#x153;&#x2021;VKâ&#x2C6;&#x2019;1 and a power factor of 6.9mWKâ&#x2C6;&#x2019;2mâ&#x2C6;&#x2019;1, implying that it is more efficient than those obtained in recently experimental investigations for thermoelectric devices.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Munirah Abdullah Almessiere, Amal LafyAl-Otaibi, Ibtissem Ben Assaker, Taher Ghrib, RadhouaneChtourou Electrodeposited and characterization of Ag–Sn–S semiconductor thin films Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
Thin film of silver tin sulfides (Ag–Sn–S) has been deposited on indium tin oxide coated glass(ITO) substrates using potentiostatic cathodic electrode position technique. New procedure for the growth of Ag–Sn–S film is presented. An electrolyte solution containing Silver Nitrate (AgNO3), Tin(II) Chloride (SnCl2) and Sodium Thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) in acidic solution (pH-2) and at temperature of the bath 55 °C were used for the growth of Ag–Sn–S thin film. Prior to the deposition, acyclic voltammetry technique was performed in binary(Ag–S, Sn–S) and ternary(Ag–Sn–S) systems. This study was carried out to examine the behavior of electroactive species at the electrode surface. Based on these results, the cathodic applied potential was fixed at -1000mV versus Ag/AgCl to obtain a uniform and good adhesion of ternary thin film. After that, structural, morphological and optical performances of films have been investigated. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the samples demonstrate the presence of the orthorhombic phase of Ag8SnS6 at applied potential of -1000mVversusAg/AgCl. Based on the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), it was found that the surface morphology and grain size were strongly influenced by the presence of Sn and/or Ag in the electrolyte bath. The band gaps of binaries and ternary compound are evaluated from optical absorption measurements. Bandgap of Ag8SnS6 determined from transmittance spectra is in the range1.56eV. Flat-band potential and free carrier concentration have been determined from Mott–Schottky plot and are estimated to be around 0.18V and 2.21.1014 cm_3 respectively. The photoelectrochemical test of Ag8SnS6 was studied and the experimental observations are discussed in detail.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الفيزياء Ibtissem Ben Assaker, Mounir Gannouni, Jamila Ben Naceur, Munirah Abdullah Almessiere, Amal Lafy Al-Otaibi, Taher Ghrib, Shouwen Shen, Radhouane Chtourou Electrodeposited ZnIn2S4 on to TiO2 thin films for semiconductor-sensitized photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical applications Applied Surface Science
In this study, ZnIn2S4/TiO2heterostructure was successfully synthesized on ITO-coated glass substrates via a facile two-step process from aqueous solution. First, TiO2thin film was prepared by sol–gel and deposited onto ITO coated glass substrate by spin-coating method. Then the zinc indium sulfide semi-conductor was fabricated via electrodeposition technique onto TiO2/ITO coated glass electrode. The X-ray diffraction patterns confirm that the heterostructure is mixed of both Anatase TiO2 and Rhombohedric ZnIn2S4. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images show that the morphology change with the deposition of ZnIn2S4over TiO2thin film and a total coverage of the electrode surface was obtained. Optical absorption spectroscopy study of ZnIn2S4/TiO2 heterostructure exhibits a remarkable red-shift compared to the TiO2 and ZnIn2S4 achieve the best efficiency of visible light absorption. Therefore, it is expected to apply to visible-light photocatalysis and solar cells. To investigate the effect of the hetero-junction on the photocatalytic activity of ZnIn2S4/TiO2thin films, photo degradation of methylene blue in the presence of ZnIn2S4was performed. ZnIn2S4/TiO2heterostructure exhibited strong photocatalytic activity, and the degradation of methylene blue eached 91% after irradiation only for 4 h. Also, the study of the photocurrent density produced by ZnIn2S4/TiO2 thin film electrode reached 0.8 mA cm−2, about four times higher than that measured on TiO2 thin film. These results indicate that the heterojunction have a better photo-electrochemical performance than the pure TiO2thin films under illumination. As a result, the obtained ZnIn2S4/TiO2heterostructure would have great potential in photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical devices.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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Houssem Sellemi, Sandrine Coste, Maude Barre, Richard Retoux, Amor Ben Ali, Philippe Lacorre Synthesis by the polyol process and ionic conductivity of nanostructured La2Mo2O9 powders" Journal of alloys and compounds
La2Mo2O9 nanostructured powders were synthesized by the polyol process. The effects of the nature of the polyol, the refluxing time, the hydrolysis ratio, the metal concentration and the addition of hydroxide ions, on the purity and morphology of the powders are determined. Two main morphologies are observed, the particles being in the shape of platelets or spheres, with respectively diethylene glycol or ethylene glycol as solvent. A specific surface area of 24 m2 g_1 was reached by varying the metal concentration. The conductivity measurements were recorded on pellets that present in some cases a closed porosity, the relative density reaching 95% without any milling step. According to the synthesis parameters, the grain conductivity can be slightly increased, the total conductivity remaining only slightly lower than that of pellets made of powders synthesized by solid state reaction.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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Insaf Abdi, Jerome Lhoste, M. Leblanc, V. Maisonneuve, JM Greneche, G.Viau, A. Ben Ali [H2amtaz]+ iron fluorides; synthesis, crystal structures, magnetic and Mossbauer studies
J. Fluo. Chem.
Three new [H2amtaz]+ iron fluorides are synthesized at 160°C under microwave heating from FeF2, FeF3, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (Hamtaz), HF aqueous solution and ethanol. The exploration of this system shows that the dimensionality of the inorganic networks increases with the HF/(Hamtaz)
[H2amtaz]3∙(Fe F6) (0D) and [H2amtaz]2.(Fe F5) (1D), obtained for HF/(Hamtaz) ratios equal to 1 and 2.3, are built up from monoprotonated organic cations and isolated FeF6 octahedra or
respectively. For HF/(Hamtaz) = 8, [FeIII2FeIIF10(H2amtaz)2] layers (2D), resulting from the association of FeIIF4N2 entities and ∞[FeF5] chains, appear in FeIII2FeIIF10(H2amtaz)2. Interestingly, these puckered HTB-type layers are neutral. The
Fe Mossbauer results are consistent with the
presence of both +II and +III valences for iron cations in FeIII2FeIIF10(H2amtaz)2; their proportion 0.65(1)/0.35(1) at 77K is in fair agreement with the ratio deduced from the crystallographic determination. Magnetization measurements indicate that antiferromagnetic interactions are dominant in FeIII2FeIIF10(H2amtaz)2 and that frustration in the HTBtype layers results in a very large P TN
ratio (the Curie-Weiss
paramagnetic temperature is P = -347 K while the magnetic order temperature is TN = 18 K).
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء Kamal A Amin, Hessa M Al-muzafar & Adel H Abd Elsttar Effect of sweetener and flavoring agent on oxidative indices, liver and kidney function levels in rats Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
Food additives while attract consumers, improve quality, control weight and replace sugar, may affect seriously children and adults health. Here, we investigated the adverse effects of saccharin and methylsalicyltaes as sweetener and flavoring agent on lipid profile, blood glucose, renal, hepatic function and oxidative stress/antioxidants (lipid peroxidation, catalase and reduced glutathione in liver tissues). Saccharin and methylsalicylate were administered orally in young male albino rats at low and high dose for 30 days. Rats were divided into 5 groups, 1st control group, 2nd and 3rd (low and high saccharin treated groups) and 4th and 5th (low and high methylsalicylate-treated group). Serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose levels and body weight gain were found decreased in saccharin high dose compared to control. Rats consumed high dose of saccharin showed a significant decrease in serum triglycerides, cholesterol and LDL levels. Low and high doses of saccharin exhibited a significant increase in liver function marker of ALT, AST, ALP activity, total proteins and albumin levels and renal function test (urea and creatinine levels) in comparison with control group. Further, saccharin at high dose induced significant decrease in liver GSH levels, catalase and SOD activity and increase in hepatic MDA level. Overall saccharin harmfully altered biochemical markers in liver and kidney at higher as well as lower doses. Whereas, methyl salicylates did not pose a risk for renal function and hepatic oxidative markers.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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Fadi Alakhras Spectroelectrochemistry of Intrinsically conducting Selenophene-3-Chlorothiophene Copolymers Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
in press
The electrochemical copolymerization between selenophene and 3-chlorothiophene monomers was successfully realized. The influence of the applied polymerization potential and the monomer feed ratio on the copolymer properties were investigated, and the results revealed that the obtained polymer films strongly depended on the polymerization conditions. The obtained
acetonitrile-based electrolyte solution. Band gap energy of the homo- and copolymer films was estimated and the values were between 1.95-2.11 eV. The electrical conductivity measurements of selenophene-3chlorothiophene copolymers were successfully achieved using a four-probe technique and generally increased with increasing temperature. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) characterization disclosed that the bands of homopolymers were retained in the spectra of copolymers with typical assignments suggesting that α-positions in the polymer chains were involved in the polymerization.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء J. Arjomandi, S. Zamanian, M. H. Parvin, and F. Alakhras Characterization, Electrosynthesis and in situ SpectroelectroChemical Studies of Novel Poly (p-Nitroaniline-co-pAminophenol) in Aqueous Media Journal of The Electrochemical Society
Volume 162 Date
This study represented a novel conducting poly (p-nitroanilineco-p-aminophenol) (P(p-NAn-co-p-APh)) material, obtained by electrocopolymerization of para-nitroaniline (p-NAn) and para-aminophenol (p-APh) in aqueous sulfuric acid solution. Copolymerization was carried out using cyclic voltammetry technique on gold electrode with different monomer feed concentrations. The obtained polymer and copolymer films had been characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), in situ conductivity measurements, in situ UV-Vis, and FT-IR spectroscopy. Initial cyclic voltammograms of p-NAn, p-APh and p-NAn + p-APh showed that the peak potentials were located at different values. The in situ conductivity of the copolymers measured between −0.20 V< ESCE< 0.70 V increased with decreasing the [pNAn]/[p-APh] concentration ratio. In situ UV-Vis. spectra of the obtained samples revealed strong absorption bands at different applied potentials and wavelengths. The structure and morphology characterizations of homo and copolymer films were studied by FT-IR spectroscopy and SEM analysis. Fundamental differences between the morphology of the homo- and copolymers were observed. The mechanism of the electrochemical copolymerization reaction was discussed as well.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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Fadi Alakhras Conductivity Measurements of Electrochemically Synthesized Selenophene-Thiophene Conducting Materials: Effect of Temperature and Polymerization Solution Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
The electrical conductivity measurements of selenophenethiophene copolymers were successfully achieved using a fourprobe technique. The influence of the polymerization solution, the applied polymerization potential and the monomer feed ratio on the electrical conductivity was investigated. The conductivity of obtained films generally increased with increasing temperature, implying more electrons might acquire enough energy to move from the valence to the conducting band.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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Fadi Alakhras In Situ UV-Vis- Spectroscopy of Electrochemically Synthesized Selenophene-Thiophene Copolymers Helvetica Chimica Acta
In situ UV/VIS spectroscopy of selenophene–thiophene homoand copolymer films had been investigated. λ1max corresponding to the π
π* interband transition was determined.
The optical transition with λ2max from the valence band into the higher bipolaron band was also allocated. Besides, band gap energy (Eg) of the individual homopolymer and the obtained copolymer films from a direct interband transition was estimated as well, and the values were between 1.91–2.10 eV. The influence of applied polymerization potential and monomer feed ratio on the optical properties of the copolymers is discussed.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء Fadi Alakhras Electrochemical Behavior and Conductivity Measurements of Electropolymerized Selenophene-based Copolymers Materials Science-Poland Electrochemical
33 of
thiophene was performed at a constant electrode potential. The obtained homopolymer films and copolymers were studied and characterized with cyclic voltammetry and conductivity measurements, from which conductivity values around 13.35 S cm-1 were determined. The influence of the applied electropolymerization potential and the monomer feed ratio of selenophene and thiophene on the copolymers properties was investigated. The obtained copolymers showed good stability of the redox activity in an acetonitrile-based electrolyte solution. At higher polymerization potentials and at higher concentrations of thiophene in the feed, more thiophene units were incorporated into the copolymer chain. The conductivities of the copolymers were between those of homopolymers, implying that oxidation of both monomers was possible and the copolymer chains might accordingly be composed of both selenophene and thiophene units.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء Moshera Zaki Mohamed Synthesis and Characterization of Modifi ed Novolac Phenolic Resin Nanocomposites as Metal Coatings Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry
88( 6 )
Novolac phenol formaldehyde NPF resin/organobentonite clay nanocomposites were prepared and modifi ed with epoxy and/or urethane resin via solution technique. The prepared samples at organoclay content2 phr were characterized by transmission electron microscope TEM, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared measurements (FTIR) in comparison with unmodifi ed NPF resin. TEM showed that nanocomposites achieved good clay dispersion. X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that exfoliated structures were obtained.Furthermore,the FTIR investigation confi rmed the incorporation of epoxy and/or toluene diisocynate in the modifi ed structure. The infl uence of the nanoclay content (i.e., 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5) relative to the micrometer clay (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 20) on the NPF resin was analyzed through mechanical properties (viz., adhesive, scratch hardness, impact resistance and elongation at break), thermal stability (TGA) and electrical volume resistivity. Epoxy modifi ed NPF nanocomposites with 2 phr organoclay gave the optimum adhesion and scratch hardness values, thermal stability and electrical insulation resistance as compared with epoxy/urethane, urethane modifi ed NPF, and unfi lled NPF samples. The samples could be successfully evaluated as metal coatings.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء H. Salhi, N.A. Al-Omair, A.A. Al-Arfaj, M.A. Alkhaldi, N.O. Alzamel, K.Y. Alqahtani, N. Ouerfelli Causal correlation between the viscosity Arrhenius activation energy and boiling temperature in N,N-dimethylformamide+2propanol binary mixtures in the temperature interval from (303.15 to 323.15) K Asian Journal Of Chemistry
Excess properties determined from literature of experimental density and viscosity values in N,N-dimethylformamide + 2propanol mixtures over the temperature range (from 303.15 to 323.15) K can conduct us to test some correlation equations as well as their corresponding derivative properties. Investigation Arrhenius activation energy (Ea) shows very close values, here we can define new thermodynamic functions such as the molar partial activation energies Ea1 and Ea2 for N,Ndimethylformamide and 2-propanol respectively and which can reveal their individual contribution separately. Causal correlation between the two viscosity Arrhenius parameters in the whole compositions range shows existence of distinct interaction behaviors delimited by particular compositions in N,N-dimethylformamide. More, we add that correlation between viscosity Arrhenius parameters shows the interesting new concept of Arrhenius temperature which is closely in relation to the temperature of vaporization in the vapor-liquid equilibrium and the limiting corresponding partial molar thermodynamic functions can permit us to predict reliable values of the boiling temperature of the pure liquid components.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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N.A. Al-Omair,D. Das, L. Snoussi, B. Sinha, R. Pradhan, K. Acharjee, K. Saoudi, N. Ouerfelli A partial derivatives approach for estimation of the viscosity Arrhenius temperature in N,N-dimethylformamide + 1,4dioxane binary fluid mixtures at temperatures from 298.15 K to 318.15 K Physics and Chemistry of Liquids
2016 DOI:10.1080/00319104.2016.11 39707 Excess properties calculated from the literature values of experimental density and viscosity in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) + 1,4-dioxane DO) fluid binary mixtures (from 303.15 to 318.15) K can lead us to test the different correlation equations as well as their corresponding relative functions. Inspection of the Arrhenius activation energy Ea and the enthalpy of activation of viscous flow ΔH* shows very close values ;here we can define partial molar activation energy Ea1 and Ea2 for DMF and DO, respectively, along with their individual contribution separately .Correlation between the two Arrhenius parameters of viscosity in all compositions shows the existence of the primary distinct behaviours separated by particular mole fractions in DMF. In addition, we add that the correlation between Arrhenius parameters reveals interesting Arrhenius temperature (TA), which is closely related to the vaporization temperature in the liquid–vapour equilibrium; moreover, the limiting corresponding partial molar properties allow us to estimate the boiling points of the pure components.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Nuhad Abdullah Alomair Thermodynamic Study of interaction between a Cationic Surfactant and an Anionic Azo Dye in Aqueous Solution Indian Chemical Society The
Volume between
93 cationic
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and an anionic azo dye
conductometry and surface tension techniques. The specific conductance and surface tension for pure surfactant and mixture of (5, 10 % dye-surfactant) were measured at various temperatures in aqueous solution. The results showed tendency for increasing in micellization with increasing in % dye-surfactant. At a given percentage of dye-surfactant mixture, the relation between temperatures and critical micelle concentrations (CMC) followed U-shape behavior. The standard Gibbs free energy changes, enthalpy changes,
, the standard
, and the standard entropy changes,
, for the dye–surfactant complex formation were calculated by a theoretical model. The results showed that the negative standard Gibbs free energy change values for all systems. The negative values of
indicate that complex
formation processes of dye-surfactant system are exothermic. The entropy contribution of micelle formation, positive values.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء Nuhad Abdullah Alomair Thermodynamic Analysis of Dye-Surfactant Interactions in Aqueous Solution Using Conductometric and Surface Tension Techniques Scientific Journal of King Faisal University (Basic and Applied Sciences)
The interaction between anionic dye C.I. Acid Orange 5 (AO5) and anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), along with the effect of increasing the proportion of the dye in the surfactant solutions as well as the impact of increased temperature on these interactions were examined using both conductometric and surface tension techniques. The results revealed that the Critical Micelle Concentrations (CMC) have reflected a tendency towards increasing in the values with increasing in the proportion of the dye in the surfactant solutions. Correspondingly, the CMC values of the dyesurfactant mixture solutions increased with the increase of temperature. A theoretical model of calculations has been implemented to measure the standard Gibbs free energy changes of micellization,
, the standard enthalpy changes of
, and the standard entropy changes of
. Moreover, the interactions of dye-
surfactant are spontaneous based on the negative values of for all systems. Significantly, the negative values of revealed that the interactions of dye-surfactant system are exothermic. The entropy contribution of micelle formation shows positive values.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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H. Salhi, M. Dallel, Z. Trabelsi, N.O. Alzamel, M.A. Alkhaldi, N. Ouerfelli Viscosity Arrhenius activation energy and derived partial molar properties in methanol + N,N-dimethylacetamide binary mixtures the temperatures from 298.15 K to 318.15 K. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids Excess
Date 2015
experimental density and viscosity in N,N-dimethylacetamide + methanol binary mixtures (from 303.15 K to 318.15 K) can lead us to test different correlation equations as well as their corresponding relative functions. Inspection of the Arrhenius activation energy Ea and the enthalpy of activation of viscous flow ΔH* shows very close values, here we can define partial molar activation energy Ea1 and Ea2 for N,N-dimethylacetamide and methanol, respectively, along with their individual contribution separately. Correlation between the two Arrhenius parameters of viscosity in all compositions shows existence of main distinct behaviours separated by particular mole fractions in N,N-dimethylacetamide. In addition, we add that correlation between Arrhenius parameters reveals interesting Arrhenius temperature that is closely related to the vapourisation temperature in the liquid vapour equilibrium and the limiting corresponding partial molar properties can permit us to estimate the boiling points of the pure components.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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D. Das, H. Salhi, M. Dallel, Z. Trabelsi, A.A. Al-Arfaj, N. Ouerfelli Viscosity Arrhenius activation energy and derived partial molar properties in isobutyric acid + water binary mixtures near and far away from critical temperature from 302.15 K to 313.15 K Journal of Solution Chemistry
Calculations of the viscosity Arrhenius activation energy and derived partial molar properties, from literature experimental values of viscosity in isobutyric acid water binary mixtures from 302.15 to 313.15 K, are presented here. The close similarity between the values of the Arrhenius activation energy Ea and the enthalpy of activation of viscous flow DH* lead us to define the partial molar activation energies Ea1 and Ea2 for isobutyric acid and water, respectively, along with their individual separate contribution. Correlation between the two Arrhenius parameters of viscosity at all compositions shows the existence of two distinct main behaviors separated at the mole fraction in isobutyric acid equal to 0.1114. In addition, we add that correlation between Arrhenius parameters reveals the interesting Arrhenius temperature that is closely related to the vaporization temperature in the liquid– vapor equilibrium, and the limiting corresponding partial molar properties permits us to predict the boiling points of the pure components.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء A. Messaâdi, H. Salhi, D. Das, N.O. Alzamel, M.A. Alkhaldi, N. Ouerfelli, A.H. Hamzaoui. A novel approach to discuss the Viscosity Arrhenius behavior and to derive the partial molar properties in binary mixtures of N,N-dimethylacetamide with 2-methoxyethanol in the temperature interval (from 298.15 to 318.15) K. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids
Calculation of excess properties in N,N-dimethylacetamide + 2methoxyethanol binary mixtures at (298.15, 308.15 and 318.15) K from experimental density, viscosity and sound velocity values were presented in previous work. Applications of these experimental values to test different correlation equations as well as their corresponding relative functions were also reported. Considering the quasi-equality between the Arrhenius activation energy Ea and the enthalpy of activation of viscous flow ΔH*, here we can define partial molar activation energy Ea1 and Ea2 for N,N-dimethylacetamide and 2-methoxyethanol, respectively, along with their individual contribution separately. Correlation between Arrhenius parameters reveals interesting Arrhenius temperature with a comparison to the vaporisation temperature in the liquid vapour equilibrium, and the limiting corresponding partial molar properties that can permit us to estimate the boiling points of the pure components.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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Z. Trabelsi, M. Dallel, H. Salhi, D. Das, N.A. Al-Omair, N. Ouerfelli. On the viscosity Arrhenius temperature for methanol + N,Ndimethylformamide binary mixtures over the temperature range from 303.15 K to 323.15 K. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids Excess
2015 values
experimental density and viscosity in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) + methanol (Met) binary mixtures (from 303.15 to 323.15 K) can lead us to test different correlation equations as well as their corresponding derivative properties. Inspection of the Arrhenius activation energy (Ea) and the enthalpy (ΔH*) of activation of viscous flow shows very close values; here, we can define partial molar activation energies Ea1 and Ea2 for N,NDMF and Met, respectively, along with their individual contribution separately. Correlation between the two Arrhenius parameters of viscosity in all compositions shows existence of main distinct interaction behaviours delimited by particular mole fractions in N,N-DMF. In addition, we add that correlation between Arrhenius parameters reveals interesting Arrhenius temperature that is closely related to the vaporisation temperature in the liquid vapour equilibrium, and the limiting corresponding partial molar properties can permit us to estimate the boiling points of the pure components.
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A. Messaâdi, N. Dhouibi, H. Hamda, F.B.M. Belgacem, Y. Adbelkader, N. Ouerfelli A novel equation correlating the viscosity Arrhenius temperature and the activation energy for some classical solvents. Journal of Chemistry
In transport phenomena, precise knowledge or estimation of fluids properties is necessary, for mass flow and heat transfer computations. Viscosity is one of the important properties which are affected by pressure and temperature. In the present work, based on statistical techniques for nonlinear regression analysis and correlation tests, we propose a novel equation modeling the relationship between the two parameters of viscosity Arrheniustype equation, such as the energy (đ??¸đ?&#x2018;&#x17D;) and the pre-exponential factor (đ??´đ?&#x2018; ). Then, we introduce a third parameter, the Arrhenius temperature (đ?&#x2018;&#x2021;đ??´), to enrich the model and the discussion. Empirical validations using 75 data sets of viscosity of pure solvents studied at different temperature ranges are provided from previous works in the literature and give excellent statistical correlations, thus allowing us to rewrite the Arrhenius equation using a single parameter instead of two. In addition, the suggested model is very beneficial for engineering data since it would permit estimating the missing parameter value, if a well-established estimate of the other parameter is readily available.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء R. Ben Haj-Kacem, N. Ouerfelli. J.V. Herráez. Viscosity Arrhenius Parameters Correlation: Extension from Pure to Binary Liquid Mixtures. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids
Knowledge of fluids’ physicochemical properties is mandatory for the design and optimisation of industrial processes and products. A data quantity of most importance, in this regard, turns out to be the value of fluid viscosity. Many empirical and semi-empirical formulas have been proposed in the literature to describe the viscosity of pure liquids and binary liquid mixtures. Recently, an interesting equation is proposed for pure solvents correlating the two parameters in the viscosity Arrhenius-type equation, namely the activation energy (Ea) and the preexponential factor (As). This paper aims to extend the said correlation to binary liquid mixtures. To achieve this purpose, statistical methods are applied using data sets from the literature of some solvent binary mixtures at different compositions and temperatures. The validation of the extended proposed equation for binary liquid mixtures is important since it simplifies the estimation of viscous behavior and the ensuing calculations.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء D.D. Dumitrascu, E. Popovici, N. Vrinceanu, D. Humelnicu, N. Ouerfelli, R.I. Prepelita, I. Gradinaru. Photocatalytic performance of systems based on uranylincorporated SBA-15 mesoporous silica Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures
The present study investigated incorporating uranyl ions into solid porous matrices for long-term storage and, at the same time, the possibility of using excited uranyl ions as a photocatalyst for the degradation of dangerous pollutant molecules that may be ingested or inhaled. As a porous matrix, SBA-15 silica was used. The matrix synthesis consisted in a self-assembly process. The triblock copolymer Pluronic 123(EO20PO70EO20)was used as a template, under acidic conditions. Tetraethoxyorthosilicate played the role of silica source. The uranyl ions were heterogenized onto the large ordered pores of SBA-15 mesoporous silica. These pores served as ideal hosts for the encapsulation of uranyl species due to their high surface area, large pore size and high thermal stability. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), diffuse reflectance ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (DRUV–VIS), and nitrogen adsorption / desorption technique at 77K. The uranyl ions incorporated within the mesopores of silica host matrices served as highly efficient heterogeneous photocatalysts for room-temperature photooxidation of Eosin Y as a reactant in the photocatalytic batch reactor. The results indicate the potential applicability of uranyl encapsulated onto the SBA-15 silica photocatalyst in applications related to wastewater processing under ambient condition.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء Adnene Dhouib Effect of magnetism on surface segregation in FeNi alloys Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Volume 28
Modelling the segregation of the various chemical species in the vicinity of crystallographic defects in FeNi alloys is essential because it affects the macroscopic properties of these materials, which are widely used in technological applications. We present here a theoretical study of surface segregation, within a mean-field approach based on the tight-binding Ising model grounded on density functional theory calculations. The most important result is that, although FeNi presents none of the driving forces (i.e. surface energy, size mismatch) which generally favour surface enrichment in the same element in the whole range of concentrations, there exists a wide temperature range in which Ni is found to segregate at the surface irrespective of the concentration. This is due to a complex interplay between magnetic and ordering/phase separation effects
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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Jwaher Mohammed AlGhamdi Design and control of multi-actuated atomic force microscope for large-range and high-speed imaging Ultramicroscopy
This paper presents the design and control of a high-speed and large-range atomic force microscopy (AFM). A multi-actuation scheme is proposed where several nano-positioners cooperate to achieve the range and speed requirements. A simple data-based control design methodology is presented to effectively operate the AFM scanner components. The proposed controllers compensate for the coupled dynamics and divide the positioning responsibilities between the scanner components. As a result, the multi-actuated scanner behavior is equivalent to that of a single X–Y–Z positioner with large range and high speed. The scanner of the designed AFM is composed of five nano-positioners, features 6 μm out-of-plane and 120 μm lateral ranges and is capable of high-speed operation. The presented AFM has a modular design with laser spot size of 3.5 μm suitable for small cantilever, an optical view of the sample and probe, a conveniently large waterproof sample stage and a 20 MHz data throughput for high resolution image acquisition at high imaging speeds. This AFM is used to visualize etching of calcite in a solution of sulfuric acid. Layer-by-layer dissolution and pit formation along the crystalline lines in a low pH environment is observed in real time.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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Sheikha Mohammed AlGannam Impregnated multiwalled carbon nanotubes as efficient sorbent for the solid phase extraction of trace amounts of heavy metal ions in food and water samples Food Chemistry
A new, sensitive and simple solid phase extraction (SPE), separation and preconcentration method of some heavy metal ions, Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II), Pb(II) and Zn(II) at trace levels using multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) impregnated with 2-(2 benzothiazolylazo)orcinol (BTAO) from food and water samples were investigated. The effect of analytical parameters was examined. The metals retained on the nanotubes at pH 7.0 were eluted by 5.0 mL HNO3 (2.0 mol L-1). The influence of matrix ions on the proposed method was evaluated. The preconcentration factor was calculated and found to be 100. The detection limits (LODs) for Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II), Pb(II) and Zn(II) were found at 0.70, 1.2, 0.80, 2.6 and 2.2 lg L-1, respectively. The relative standard deviation (RSD) and the recoveries of the standard addition method were lower than 5.0% and 95–102%, respectively. The new procedure was successfully applied to the determination of trace amounts of the studied metal ions in various food and water samples and validated using certified reference materials SRM 1570A (spinach leaves) with satisfactory and compatible results.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء Kamal Adel Amin , Khalid Shaban Hashem, Fawziah Saleh Alshehri , Said T. Awad, Mohammed S. Hassan Antioxidant and hepatoprotective efficiency of selenium nanoparticles against acetaminophen-induced hepatic damage Biological Trace Element Research
Volume BTER-D-16-00313
Overdoses of acetaminophen (APAP), a famous and widely used drug, may have hepatotoxic effects. Nanoscience is a novel scientific discipline that provides specific tools for medical science problems include using Nano trace elements in hepatic diseases . Our study aimed to assess the hepatoprotective role of selenium nanoparticles (Nano-Se) against APAP-induced hepatic injury. Twenty-four male rats were classified into 3 equal groups: a control group that received 0.9% NaCl, an APAP-treated group (oral administration), and a group treated with Nano-Se (10-20 nm, i.p. injection) and APAP (oral administration). APAP overdose induced significant elevations in liver function biomarkers, hepatic lipid peroxidation, hepatic catalase, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), decreased the reduced glutathione (GSH) content and GR activity, and stimulated significant DNA damage in hepatocytes, compared to control rats. Nano-Se administration improved the hepatic antioxidant protection mechanism and decreased cellular sensitivity to DNA fragmentation. Nano-Se exhibits a protective effect against APAPinduced hepatotoxicity through improved liver function and oxidative stress mediated by catalase, SOD, and GSH, and decreases hepatic DNA fragmentation, a hepatic biomarker of cell death. Nano-Se could be a novel hepatoprotective strategy to inhibit oxidative stress.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
Shaikh Asrof Ali, Shamsuddeen Abdullahi Haladu, and Asma Mohammed Zamil El-Sharif
Diallylbis(3-ethoxycarbonylpropyl)ammonium Chloride: A Symmetrically Substituted Monomer for the Synthesis of an Alternate Zwitterionic-Anionic Cyclopolymer
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Macromolecular Research
24( 2 )
Diallylbis[(3-ethoxycarbonylpropyl) ammonium chloride] + 2 (CH2=CHCH2)2N [(CH2)3CO2Et] , a new symmetrical diallyl quaternary ammonium salt, has been cyclopolymerized to its cationic polyelectrolyte (CPE) (+) I having pyrrolidine rings embedded in the polymer backbone. Polymer I would exemplify for the first time a cyclopolymer with each repeating unit bearing two identical 3carboxypropyl pendants. (CPE) (+) I upon hydrolysis afforded pH-responsive polycationic acid (+) II, which upon successive deprotonation was transformed into a polyzwitterion acid (±) III and polyzwitterion-anion (± -) IV. Because of similar degrees of polymerization for I-IV, a meaningful comparison of their solution properties was possible. While I, II, and IV demonstrated polyelectrolyte like viscosity behavior, (±) III showed anti-polyelectrolyte properties. The anionic portion in (± -) IV controlled its solution properties. Polymer (± -) IV demonstrated remarkable antiscalant behavior; at a concentration of 15 ppm, it inhibited the precipitation of CaSO4 from its supersaturated solution with a scale inhibition efficiency of 100% even after 300 min. This study opens up the possibility of using the current polymer as an antiscalant in reverse osmosis plants.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء A. Elfaer, Y. Wang, X. H. Li, J. B. Chou and S-G. Kim
Gold Nanorods Coated Metallic Photonic Crystal for Enhanced Hot Electron Transfer in Electrochemical Cells Materials Research Society MRS Advances
We recently demonstrated a sub-bandgap photoresponse with our wafer-scale Au/TiO2 metallic-semiconductor photonic crystals (MSPhC). The sub-bandgap energy with 590 nm peak could be absorbed in the form of hot electron and injected to TiO2, which provides 5.28 times more energy for photolysis than that of energy absorbed to flat TiO2. If the solar energy already absorbed above 700 nm could be injected to the catalyst, higher than 10 times improvement will be achieved, and above 20% solar to fuel efficiency will be feasible with the robust but inefficient TiO2 catalyst. In order to achieve photocurrent near and above 700 nm spectrum, we deposited gold nanorods on the surface of MSPhC to incur localized surface plasmon (LSP) modes absorption and subsequent injection to the TiO2 catalyst. We used electrophoretic deposition (EPD) method to deposit nanorods on the top, sidewall and bottom well surface of the photonic nanocavities. The deposition of nanorods was achieved reasonably uniform and sparse not to block the optical cavities of MSPhC. Flat gold surfaces were tested at 4 different suspension densities to get the optimum gold nanorods density. Under 10V applied electric field, positively charged gold nanorods at the concentration of 6.52×1013 #/mL could deposit MSPhC surface with the density of 230 #/µm2, which was reasonably uniform and sparse. Preliminary tests show an absorbance increase near 700 nm on flat device coated with gold nanorods. Photocurrent measurement is under way to demonstrate the enhanced hot electron transfer over full visible light and near-infrared solar spectrum.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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Jeffrey B. Chou, David P. Fenning, Yu Wang, Miguel Angel Méndez Polanco, Jonathan Hwang, A. Elfaer, Firas Sammoura, Jaime Viegas, Mahmoud Rasras, Alexie Kolpak, Yang Shao-Horn, Sang-Gook Kim
Broadband Photoelectric Hot Carrier Collection with WaferScale Metallic-Semiconductor Photonic Crystals IEEE
Photoelectric hot carrier generation in metal-semiconductor junctions allows for optical-to-electrical energy conversion at photon energies below the bandgap of the semiconductor. Here, we present the simulated and experimental results of our wafer-scale Au/TiO2 metallic-semiconductor photonic crystal (MSPhC). We demonstrate a broadband sub-bandgap photoresponse with a FWHM of 235 nm centered at 590 nm due to surface Plasmon absorption. We also show a photoresponse enhancement factor of 4.5 at 639 nm compared to a flat chip. Photoresponse is also shown to increase with decreasing metal thickness down to 13 nm. Applications of our results could lead to low-cost and robust photoelectrochemical and thermo-photovoltaic devices. Index Terms — amorphous materials, charge carrier lifetime, photovoltaic cells, silicon.
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء Wafa M Almughrabi , Mona Alrasheedi , Hussein galal Antiradical and reductant activities of anthocyanidins and anthocyanins, structure–activity relationship and synthesis
Name of Journal
Food Chemistry
Eight anthocyanidins, seven anthocyanins and two synthesized
40-hydroxy flavyliums were examined as hydrogen donors to DPPH, ABTS and hydroxyl radicals, and as electron donors in the FRAP assay. Most compounds gave better activities than trolox and catechol. A structure–activity relationship (SAR) study showed that, in the absence of the 3-OH group, radicals of the 4, 5 or 7-OH groups can only be stabilized by resonance through pyrylium oxygen, while 3-OH group improved hydrogen atom donation because of the stabilization by anthocyanidin semiquinone-like resonance. Electron donation was also enhanced by the 3-OH group. Both anthocyanidins and their respective anthocyanins showed similar trends and close activities. Different types of sugar unit bonded to the 3-OH group or counter ion had minor effect on activities. The catechol structure improved both hydrogen and electron donation. Compounds lacking the catechol structure had a decreasing order of H-atom and electron donation (Mv > Pn > Pg > Ap > 40-OH-flavylium) consistent with the decreasing number of their hydroxyl and/or methoxy groups.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
Name Title
Madiha Omar Kamoun , Feras Abomosad , M.L.Elafreet ,Yosef Alarfawi ,Naji Besbas Experimental and theoretical rearrangement of N-acyl-2,2dimethylaziridines in acidic medium
Name of Journal
J. Chem. Sci
The acid isomerization of N-acyl-2,2-dimethylaziridines 1 in
concentrated sulfuric acid at room temperature leads to oxazolines 2 but the neutral hydrolysis of 1 in pure water at room temperature leads to amidoalcohols 3. However, the use of aqueous solutions of H2SO4 at different concentrations at room temperature leads to a mixture of oxazolines 2, amidoalcohols 3 and allylamides 4 with yields depending on the acidity of the medium and the nature of the acyl group. A mechanism has been suggested to explain the formation of these three products. DFT calculations employing the Gaussian 09 program with DFT/B3LYP methods and 6-311++G(2d,2p) basis set were carried out which gave the most stable geometry as well as their atomic charge distributions of compounds 1-4. Keywords. N-acylaziridine; hydrolysis; isomerization; DFT calculations.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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Soheir Nazmy Abd El-Rahman, Saad Aziz Mahagoub, Walid Mohamed Shehata and Afaf Abd El-Raouf Abd El-Moneim Shaaban PREVENTIVE EFFECT OF BLACK RICE ETHANOLIC EXTRACT AS NATURAL ANTIOXIDANTS ON SOME HEAVY METALS INDUCED DISORDERS IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL Int. J. Food, Nutrition and Public Health,
Purpose: The present study investigated the protective effect of black rice ethanolic (60 and 80%) extract (BREE) on Drinking Water Heavy Metals (DWHM) induced liver injury, renal damage and alteration of lipid profile in male rats. Design and methodology: Total phenols and total flavonoids in BREE were determined by HPLC. The study was conducted on 36 male Wistar rats weighing 193–195 g, the animals were divided into six equal groups. The first group was given Distilled Water (DW) and used as a control group (NC). The second group was administered DWHM (Mn 5 1000 ppm; Hg 5 10 ppm; Pb 5 100 ppm, Ni 5100 ppm, Fe 5 1200 ppm) and used as Positive Control (PC). The other groups of rats were administered BREE 60 and 80% (1 mg/1 ml) in DW and BREE 60% and 80% (1 mg/1 ml) in DWHM. Blood and tissue samples were collected after eight weeks. Lipid profile, hepatic markers, renal markers, Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) and CA19.9 as tumour marker for (GIT) were determined. Also, histological changes in kidney tissue were studied. Findings: The results revealed that the rats treated with DWHM showed a significant (p≤0.05) increase in levels of LDL-C, TG, FBS, ALT, AST, urea, creatinine, uric acid and CA19.9 and significant (p≤0.05) decrease in HDL-C level. Heavy Metal (HM) intoxication induces some pathological alterations in the kidney as degeneration and large lumen. The rise in serum hepatic enzymes, LDL-C, TG, FBS, urea, creatinine and uric acid and histopathological changes were significantly attenuated by BREE 60 and 80%. Moreover, the level of serum HDL-C in BREE 60 and 80% (1 mg/ 1 ml DWHM) groups showed a significant (p ≤ 0.05) increase as compare with PC. Research implications: The current results as certained the beneficial effects of BREE in controlling HMs induced disorders and the protection of liver and kidney against HMs intoxication in male rats. Keywords: black rice; ethanolic extract; heavy metals; HMs; drinking water.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم الكيمياء
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Heba A. El-Hady , Samar A. Abubshait Synthesis of imidazolinone and benzoxazole derivatives, and evaluation of their anticancer activity Arabian Journal of Chemistry
in press
A series of imidazolinone and benzoxazole derivatives (3 and 5) have been synthesized by the condensation of oxazolinone derivatives (2a–c) with aniline and 2-hydroxyaniline. Acetyl derivatives (4, 6 and 7) were prepared via acetylation of compounds 3 and 5 with acetic anhydride and chloroacetyl chloride. The results revealed that imidazolinone and benzoxazole derivatives are potent against the cancer cell lines MCF-7 and HePG2. In particular, benzoxazole derivatives are more potent than imidazolinone derivatives
Paper link: http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1878535214000823/1-s2.0S1878535214000823-main.pdf?_tid=0dc62f36-4348-11e4-
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
2015 - 2016
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Abdelgadir Musa Homeida Epidimiological Aspects of Camel Trypanosomosis in Saudi Arabia Journal of Camel Practice and Research
Overall prevalence of T. evansi infection among camels in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was 0.8% ( n=526) based on parasitological examination and 39.4 % (n=198) based on serological examination by CATT/T. evansi. The regional sero-prevalence ranged from 26 % in the Eastern region to 46 % in the Central region. Patent infection was detected only in pastoral camels from the Southern region and camels presented at the marketplaces in the Central and Western regions. None of the sampled camels from the Eastern region had patent T. evansi infection. Likewise, neither the camels presented to the veterinary clinics nor those put to slaughter had patent parasitaemia. The result could be attributed to variable practice of anti-trypanosomal drugs usage.
2015 - 2016
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء Elsayed M. Bayoumy; Sanaa K.A. Abou-El-dobal and Mohey A. Hassanain Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution and Fish Parasites as Biological Indicators; at Arabian Gulf off Dammam Coast, Saudi Arabia International Journal of Zoological Research
11 (5)
A new approach is chosen to visualize ecosystem health by using parasite bioindicators in Arabian Gulf off Dammam cost. Three hundred and sixty fish specimens belonging to three species of fish were examined parasitological for external and internal metazoan parasites. The seasonal prevalence of the detected parasites was differing from season to another. The highest rate occurred in summer and spring while, the lowest rate was in autumn and winter, respectively. The obtained data showed that Monogeneans prevalence showed highly significant positive correlations with Crustaceans, external parasites, Digeneans. Monogeneans and external parasites prevalence showed highly significant positive correlations with Zn and Se. While, external parasites and Digeneans showed significant positive correlations with Se only. On the other hand, Monogeneans there is antagonist action with Cr and Fe and Ni. Crustaceans showed highly significant positive correlations with Zn and Se. On the other hand, Crustaceans showed highly significant negative correlations with Cr, Fe and Ni. While, digeneans showed a significant negative correlation with Cr. On the same manner, external parasites showed highly significant negative correlations with Cr and Fe.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
2015 - 2016
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Elsayed M. Bayoumy; Maather M.M. El-Lamie and Hassan I.M. Derwa First Report of Polylabris lingaoensis (Monogenoidea: Polyopisthocotylea) Infesting the Gills of Acanthopagrus bifasciatus From the Red Sea, Off Hurghada; Egypt World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences
Volume 7 (3)
Skin, gills and intestines of sixty Acanthopagrus bifasciatus sample from Red Sea were examined parasitologically. Fish behavior, swimming, respiration were also observed. Clinical examination showed that gills of freshly dead fishes showed marbling appearance with excessive mucus secretion. Out of 60 fish,
polyopisthocotylean parasite with an infestation rate of 53.3%. The present specimens have all the morphological characters of Polylabris lingaoensis. The characters are discussed and compared with related species. Furthermore, A. bifasciatus is considered as a new host.
2015 - 2016
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Zool.), Egyptian Journal of Experimental Biology
Date 2015
Sertraline is an antidepressant drug used for treatment of depression. However, there are several side effects occurred during its use in treatment. Ginger is a natural substance which has many biological effective roles such as immunomodulatory, antioxidant, and free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory agent. The study was designed to clarify the histological, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical alterations in the spinal cord of male albino mice after ingestion of sertraline and to elucidate of the protective role of ginger extract against the side effects of this antidepressant drug. Forty adult male albino Wister mice were divided into four groups ; group 1 ingested distilled water , group 2 ingested 50 mg/l (10%) ginger extract, group 3 ingested sertraline (0.13 mg/kg/BW), group 4 ingested sertraline and then was given ginger extract after 1 hour. All groups were treated for 28 consecutive days. The animals were sacrificed and the cervical region of the spinal cord from each animal was taken and processed for both light and electron microscopic examinations. Histopathological and ultrastructural studies revealed significant alterations in the motor and sensory neurons of the spinal cord after treatment with sertraline. These changes were confirmed by the immunohistochemical expression results. Sections of animal s treated with sertraline followed by ginger revealed marked ameliorative effects. It is concluded that ginger has a protective effect by avoiding the side effects of the sertraline.
2015 - 2016
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
Ibtisam Mohammed Ababautain Impact of solvent type on antibacterial activities of Lawsonia inermis leaves Journal: Food, Agriculture and Environment (JFAE)
The objective of this study was to determine the best solvent that can be used to obtain higher antibacterial activity of Lawsonia inermis leaves against nine bacterial species, five Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Delftia tsuruhatensis and Serratia liquefaciens and four Gram-positive bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus. The results showed that the aqueous extract had the best inhibitory influence on 8 out of 9 test bacteria, followed by ethanol extract inhibiting 7 out of 9 test bacteria, while acetone extract was weakest inhibiting only 3 out of 9 test bacteria. Therefore, choosing the right solvent can be considered as an important step to obtain best results. This may indicate that some active substances in L. inermis dissolve in varying degrees in different solvents. Our results indicated that water followed by ethanol were the best solvents for the active substances lawsone, 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone C10H6 O3 which have antibacterial potential in L. inermis leaves.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
2015 - 2016
Title Name of Journal Abstract
Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Zool.), Egyptian Journal of Experimental Biology
Volume 11(1) Date 2015
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is widely used as a food additive. However, there are several side effects accompanied with its use as neuronal necrosis and brain damage. Barley is a natural product, which has shown several biological activities such as dietary fibres, source of minerals that act as a cofactor for many enzymes and as anti-oxidant agent. The present study is conducted to elucidate the protective effects of the barley against MSG induced neuro-histopathological features in the cerebellum of mice. Sixty male Swiss Wister albino mice orally administered all the substance and were divided into six groups: group (1) administered 0. 2 ml of buffered saline solution, group (2) administered 2 mg/kg BW of MSG, group (3) administered 4 mg/kg BW of MSG, group (4) administered 2 ml3/kg BW of barley, group (5) administerd 2 mg/kg BW MSG followed by barley solution, and group (6) administered 4 mg/kg BW MSG followed by barley solution daily for 6 weeks. After experimentation, all animals were sacrificed to investigate the histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural results. Dramatic changes in the histological architectures of the cerebellum were observed. Also, dramatic decrease of the neurofilaments expressed by immunohistochemistry of NF 2F11 and synaptophysin MRQ-40 in monosodium glutamate-treatment and ameliorated by barley extracttreatment. Moreover, the ultrastructural alterations in the cerebel lar tissues in different groups observed. The examination of tissue of mice administered MSG followed by barley showed an improvement in the histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural parameters. Barley may be considered an effective agent in protecting the cellular architecture of the cerebellar tissue against MSG toxic effect.
2015 - 2016
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
Sahar khamees Ahmad Aldosary Handborne transmission of infectious agents by escalator handrails, shopping carts and automated teller machines (ATMs) Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment
The escalator handrails, shopping carts and automated teller machines (ATMs) located in city center of Dammam, Khobar, and Qatif were investigated for their potential as sources of pathogenic bacteria. Two hundreds forty-one samples, out of 335, were found to be positive of bacterial growth. The positive samples were obtained from shopping carts (101 out of 129 samples, 78.3%); 89 out of 98 (90.8%) from automated teller machines (ATMs) and 51 out of 108 (47.2%) from escalator handrails. The highest positive samples of shopping carts (84.1%) were obtained from Dammam, Qatif (75.9%) and Khobar (70.3%). On the other hand, the highest positive samples of ATMs (98.0%) were obtained from Dammam, (92.9%) from Khobar, and (71.4%) from Qatif. The total viable count (1.3 x 105 cfu), (1.5 x 104 cfu), and (3.8 x 103 cfu) were observed in the samples of ATMs, shopping carts, and escalator handrails, respectively. The most commonly isolated bacteria were Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, Bacillus cereus, Kocuria atrina and Staphylococcus epidermidis
2015 - 2016
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
Amal Abdulaziz Abdullah Al juraifani and Azzah Ali Ghazwani Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria solani African Journal of Biotechnology
Recently, biosynthesis of nanoparticles has attracted scientist’s attention because of the use of environmentally friendly nanoparticles that do not produce toxic wastes in their process of synthesis. In this study we investigated the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using three fungi: Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria solani. These silver nanoparticles were characterized by means of UV-vis spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results indicate the synthesis of silver nanoparticles in the reaction mixture. The synthesis of nanoparticles would be suitable for developing a microbial nanotechnology biosynthesis process for mass scale production.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
2015 - 2016
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Amira Hassan AlAbdalall Effect of plants extracts on the growth of Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.
10 (13)
The purpose of this study was to estimate the effectiveness of cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and myrrha extracts on the inhibition of Candida albicans and two isolates of Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) and Staphylococcus aureus(MSSA) and in different concentrations. The results showed that the aqueous extract of spices Have no inhibitory effect on the growth of the tested microbes, while, that two types of the Myrrha (Commiphora myrrha and C. molmol) aqueous extracts were inhibiting all tested microbes. Also the alcoholic extract of four spices were having inhibitory effect on the growth of three pathogenic tested isolates. By performing the chemical analysis for the Myrrha, it was noted that it contains three components known for their antimicrobial effect. These
1,2,3,4,5,6anthracene and 2-bromo-1-(4-bromophenyl)-ethanone. In addition, the activity of 8 types of the bacterial antibiotics used pharmaceutically in order to know the sensitivity of the microbes' testes towards it. It was found that Staph. aureus (MRSA) and C. albicans were more resistant, as it not affected by all of the tested antibiotics. As a result, it is more effective to use such as Myrrha instead of Industrial antibiotics.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
2015 - 2016
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Mona S. AL-Ahmadi Cytogenetic Effect of Chitosan on Mitotic Chromosomes of Root Tip Cells of Vicia faba Life Sci J; 158-162. Chitosan
unbranched chain and derived from the natural product chitin. Three concentrations of chitosan during three different time periods were examined for its genotoxic and cytotoxic effects. The results show that treatments with chitosan increased the mitotic index compared with control, although treatment with high concentrations for (12&16houre) decreased the mitotic index but the effect were in significant at 005; furthermore, different treatments caused chromosomal aberrations similar to the chromosomal aberrations noticed in control which is normally observed during seed growing and before long would be insignificant. The study indicates that chitosan can be considered fertilizations.
2015 - 2016
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
Mona S. AL-Ahmadi Effect of Gamma Radiation on Mitodepressive action of Aspergillus niger Aflatoxins on Vicia faba Root Tips Cells. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE).
Date 2015
In this study, the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of aflatoxin extracted from Aspergillus niger grow on stored coffee bean seeds was investigated. Three concentrations were prepared (0.5%v,1%v,2%v) and the effects were studied after the root tips of Vicia faba were treated for three different periods of time (6, 12 and 24 hours). Gamma radiation was used as a protective agent against afltoxin mitodepressive effect; three different dosages were used (3KGy, 5K Gy and 10KGy) and compared against untreated aflatoxin and negative treatment (control). Treatment with (1%v and 2%v) decreased the mitotic index and was significant at 0.05, while the lowest concentration (0.5%v) increased the mitotic index. In addition aflatoxin increased chromosomal aberrations, treatment with (1%v) showed significant effect at 0.05. The type of chromosomes abnormalities were disturbance, sticky chromosomes during metaphase and anaphase, star metaphase, c-metaphase and tripolar in anaphase, lagging chromosomes and micronuclei. The treated aflatoxin with different dosages of gamma radiation showed less effect on mitotic index and chromosomal aberration frequency compared with untreated aflatoxin and control, gamma radiation became more effective on aflatoxin with the increase of dosage. This study encourages using gamma radiation as a protective agent against aflatoxin mitodepretion effect on cell division.
2015 - 2016
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
Reda hassan elsayed elmazoudy Paternal dapoxetine administration induced deterioration in reproductive performance, fetal outcome, sexual behavior and biochemistry of male rats International Journal of Impotence Research
Date 2015
Dapoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, is considered an antidepressant drug and has been developed for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Hence the objective was to assess whether dapoxetine administration to male rats adversely affect sexual behavior and pregnancy outcomes after mating with untreated female rats. Proven fertile male rats were gavaged with 0, 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 mg dapoxetine per kg body weight (bw) per day (DC, DI, DII and DIII groups, respectively) for 70 days prior to mating with untreated female rats. Weight gain, organ weights and feed consumption were decreased significantly in the DII and DIII groups. A significant decline in the number of spermatozoa in the DII and DIII groups is attributed to a significant decrease in testosterone, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. Levels of prolactin were significantly increased in the DII and DIII groups. Rats treated with a high dose of dapoxetine (8.0 mg kg− 1) showed a significant inhibition in sperm motility and increment in sperm abnormalities. There was a pronounced decrease in fertility index in females mated with males treated chronically with 4.0 and 8.0 mg per kg bw dapoxetine. In addition, the treatment markedly increased the number of fetal resorptions in female rats impregnated by males in the DII and DIII groups reflecting their infertility. The number of implantation sites and the number of viable fetuses were also notably decreased in female rats impregnated by males given 4.0 or 8.0 mg kg− 1 dapoxetine. These findings suggest that the long-term dapoxetine at high dosages causes failure of the fertilization or successful impregnation of the females mated with dapoxetine-treated male rats, which were clearly able to copulate. A detrimental effect of dapoxetine on fertility parameters was also revealed.
2015 - 2016
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
Reda hassan elsayed elmazoudy Quercetin Impairs the Reproductive Potential of Neonatal Male Rats International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
Volume 31(2) Date 2015
The effects of quercetin on the reproductive system, parameters of oxidant/antioxidant status and metabolism in neonatal male rats were investigated. An insignificant increase in body weights at QR (10 and 20 mg/kg) and an insignificant decrease at QR (40 mg/kg) as compared with the control group. There were no statistical differences in organ weights between the experimental and the control groups. QR (10 and 20 mg/kg) had no effect on malondialdehyde (MDA), while, QR (40 mg/kg) effectively increased the MDA levels. Quercetin (10 and 20 mg/kg) increased catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase SOD, while, QR (40 mg/kg) caused a significant decrease in these enzymes. The hypolipedemic effect of QR was pronounced at all doses specially 40 mg/kg. Testosterone and LH levels were significantly increased in QR (10 and 20 mg/kg), while, QR (40 mg/kg) significantly decreased testosterone and LH levels as compared to other groups. However, there was no significant change in FSH at all doses of QR. The doses 10 and 20 mg/kg caused an insignificant increase in sperm count, motility and viability, while, QR (40 mg/kg) caused a significant decrease in spermatozoa count. QR (40 mg/kg) significantly decreased the sperm motility and increased the total abnormal sperm numbers. The testis sections of QR (10 and 20 mg/kg), showed nearly normal histological architecture of the seminiferous tubules. QR (40 mg/kg) revealed a remarkable wide degenerative interstitial tissue. Based on the present results, the use of quercetin as alternative drug for treatment of male infertility should be considered in low doses.
2015 - 2016
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دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء Azzah Ibrahim Alghamdi - Amira Hassan Alabdalall Magda Abanndari- Ibtisam Ababutain Study the ability of elected mixed bacterial strains to analyze the petroleum oil and the impact of some physiological factors
King Khaled University
( Conference )
In the current study showed the ability of
Date 2016 bacterial species
mixture Pseudomonas balearica; Rhodococcus sp. adx-2; Proteus mirabilis; Bacillus cereus; Bacillus sonorensis; Pseudomonas sp. KGS and Pseudomonas sp. clone TJ-4 to analyze petroleum oil at highest percentage reached 73.33%. Also increasing oil concentration decreases the ability of bacterial mixture to analyze petroleum oil. The optimum concentration of the bacterial mixture is 500 μL. The temperature 30°C and pH 7 is the optimal conditions for the growth of these bacteria.
دليل اإلنتاج البحثي – قسم األحياء
2015 - 2016
Name Title Name of Journal Abstract
Lulwah Y. Al-Furaih - Ibtisam M. Ababutain - Azzat B. Abd-El-Khalek - Ahmed M. Abdel-Salam Effect of different microencapsulation materials on stability of Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 20174 African journal of biotechnology
in press
Date 2016
The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of different microencapsulation materials on the stability of probiotic bacterium (Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 20174). The microencapsulation methods with alginates were carried out using sodium chloride, canola oil, olive oil and chitosan. The recorded data showed that the encapsulated probiotic bacterium was more stable compared with free cells. Olive oil capsules recorded the highest stability at pH 2 after incubation period of 24 hours with stability up to 0.00004%. The olive oil and chitosan capsules showed stability with high concentration of bile salts (0.5%) with stability percents 82% and 65% respectively, after two hours of incubation. The sodium chloride and chitosan capsules gave the best stability percent 0.026% and 0.00005%, respectively, at heat treatment up to 65ºC for 30 minutes. Storage treatment at 4ºC for 17 days reduced the stability of all capsule types whereas sodium chloride and chitosan capsule showed stability percent up to 59% and 56% respectively.