The Executive Plan of Department of English 1439/1440 H 2018/2019

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The Executive Plan of Department of English 1439 /1440 H 2018/2019

:‫الرؤية‬ ....................

Executive Plan for the Department of English Vision: To achieve academic distinction in English language, literature and translation, nationally, regionally and internationally. Mission: To prepare competent students in fields of English language, literature and translation to meet the requirement of the job market and boost research that serves the community. Objectives: 1. To achieve quality education. 2. To cultivate critical thinking skills. 3. To prepare graduates for higher studies and research. 4. To promote the use of technology in developing language and communication skills. 5. To enrich the dialogue between cultures and enhance Islamic identity. 6. To foster academic research in the fields of literature, linguistics and translation. 7. To contribute to societal sustainable collaborations.

Strategic Objectives: Four strategic objectives were identified for the College of Arts: - First objective: To improve the quality and the sustainability of the academic output - Second objective: To support scientific research in line with the international quality standards - Third objective: To serve the community professionally and within the framework of integrative partnership - Fourth objective: To diversify sources of funding and financial support


Executive Plan for the Department of English

First strategic objective: To improve the quality and the sustainability of the academic output


Projects / Programs

1-1 developing and supporting the new management of the quality of the program

1-1-1 Adjusting and redistributing the tasks related to the management of the educational process to ensure quality of performance and flexibility of operation 1-1-2 Providing a flexible electronic system to standardize forms and procedures

Method of Implementation (Activities) -






Authorizing the updated structure of the program in both the department and the college councils Approving the operational plans of the program in both the department and the college councils Revising and updating program specification Setting a mapping matrix between the courses and the program Establishing acommittee for revising all courses specifications Updating all courses specifications Authorizing a committee for

Body Responsible for Implementation -

Head of the Department Department Council Testing and Assessment Unit Quality Office Department faculty members

Performance Indicators -

Quality standard of the administrative work


Quality standard of the scientific work


Quality standard of the services work


Senior students evaluation of the effectiveness and expertise of the program

Date of Implementation

Throught the academic year

Percentage of Achievement


Executive Plan for the Department of English


Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs






updating the self-study and identifying the tasks in each standard Authorizing the evaluation methods in the Gradebook Updating the advisory committees in the program and approving them in the department and college councils Considering the Advisory Committee’s report , recommendations ,and action plan Submitting the accreditation file to the Vice-Deanship for Quality and Academic Accreditation in preparation for the visit by the external reviewers of the program Updating the committee of P/C learning outcomes assessment

Body Responsible for Implementation

Performance Indicators

Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement

Executive Plan for the Department of English


Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs -





Establishing a plan for three years to assess PLOs and approving it in the department and college councils Establishing a committee for revising courses of PY Motivating staff, employee and students to be innovative by setting excellence award for the English program Making alignment with NQF Achieving the Program annual report of 38/39 + action plan and approving them in the department and college councils Achieving the report of all courses reports of first semester 39/40 + action plan and approving them in the

Body Responsible for Implementation

Performance Indicators

Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement

Executive Plan for the Department of English


Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs







department and college councils Setting a KPIs manual for English program till 2018 with additional KPIs + action plan and approving them in the department council Setting many formal letters to other colleges for requesting external benchmarking Writing a report on revising all courses portfolios and approving it in the department council Making alignment among mission, goals, objectives and PLOs, sending it to external reviewer and approving it in the department council Receiving all surveys

Body Responsible for Implementation

Performance Indicators

Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement

Executive Plan for the Department of English


Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs






analysis of second semester 38/39 and making action plans Collecting all surveys of first semester 39/40 and working on Participating in developing English program plan Making orientation meeting for all staff members to engage them in all quality assurance process Setting action plan to improve level of low achievers as peer teaching, writing lab and workshops for student presonal development Setting proposal for field training course Forming a committee for updating the mission and the vision of the program and approving them in the

Body Responsible for Implementation

Performance Indicators

Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement

Executive Plan for the Department of English


Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs

Body Responsible for Implementation

Performance Indicators

Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement

Throught the academic year


department and college councils. 1-2 Improving the academic content of the program and assuring its flexibility and relevance to the needs of the labor market


1-2-1 Defining the specifications of the specialization’s educational output in line with the global trends in the 21st century as well as the needs of the labor market 1-2-2 Adopting an official identity for the output of the academic programs 1.2.3 Adopting appropriate methods for evaluating the output 1.2.4 Developing marketing policies for the skills output on the day of the profession and in local and international forums






Benchmarking all the work against the finest Departments of English worldwide (On going) Updating the specifications of the program graduates in keeping with the needs of the labor market Working on the proposal of the College of Languages Approving the program annual report in both the department and college councils Establishing organized activity within the methods of assessment in the art of Speech course- level 5 Suggesting backup programs in laboratories Determining the admission requirements in the program Meeting with the stakeholders. 21/5/1440


Department Council Unit of Scientific Research and Community Service - Quality Office -Department faculty Members





Evaluation of the graduates' qualifications from the graduates’ perspective Evaluation of the graduates' qualifications from the faculty members’ perspective Evaluation of the graduates' qualifications from the employers’ perspective Evaluation of the level of conformity between the specifications of identity and

Executive Plan for the Department of English


Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs -






Meeting with graduate students. 21/5/1440 A curricular activity for speaking skills and reading courses. 10/3/1440 A curricular activity for the Arts of Speech course which includes students delivering presentations. from 5th till 10th week A curricular activity for the the Modern Drama course activated through acting selected scenes from the studied texts. The date is not identified Running literary contests and organizing open meetngs to encourage critical thinking and communication between cultures through English language. The 10th and 11th weeks. A curricular activity for the listening and comprehension course entitled the LS

Body Responsible for Implementation

Performance Indicators






distinction among the students in the department rate of employment among graduates Percentage of the courses that were evaluated during Employment rate among the graduates of the department Rate of course evaluation for a single course during one academic year Percentage of BA graduates who were employed within six months of graduation

Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement

Executive Plan for the Department of English


Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs








Activity. 3/2/1440 till 12th week A social Activity to encourage critical thinking, fluent speech and building self-confidence. 5/6/1440 Organizing the English Carnival which includes a play and a linguistic contest ( Prof. Ola Hafiz – dr. Amal Kteishat. 5/6/1440 A curricular activity for the discourse analysis course including exhibiting samples of speech analysis. 26/6/1440 A curricular activity for the children’s literature course. 26/6/1440 Running a morphology contest. 3/7/1440 A curricular activity for the discourse analysis course. 24/7/1440 A curricular activity for the graduat project course. 24/7/1440

Body Responsible for Implementation

Performance Indicators

Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement

Executive Plan for the Department of English


Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs -



An open meeting with graduate students. 2/8/1440 The Assessment and development committee meeting. 29/12/1439 Reviwing the Course Specifications. Reviewing the Program Specifications. Holding an Orientation Day for freshman. 1/1/1440 Organizing four Counselling meetings between students and academic advisors: ➢ The first Academic Councelling Meeting.22/1/1440 ➢ The second Academic Councelling Meeting. 5/3/1440 ➢ The third Academic Councelling Meeting. 23/5/1440 ➢ The fourth Academic Councelling

Body Responsible for Implementation

Head of The Department The Academic Counselling Coordinator in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Office The Academic Counselling Coordinator in cooperation with the Academic Counselling unit

Performance Indicators

Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement

Executive Plan for the Department of English


Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs



1-3 developing teaching strategies connected to technology to achieve high quality outputs

1.3.1 Providing training for faculty members on adopting distinguished patterns of teaching methods 1-3-2 Integrating technical strategies into the educational process Raising the quality standards of the academic output



Meeting. 12/7/1440 Assiggning two hours for academic Councelling by each staff member to ensure the continuity of the mentoring process. Delivering a lecture entitled: The Keys to Success. 5/3/1440 All workshops, lectures and training programs attended by faculty members and which are offered by the Deanship of Academic Development, the Deanship of Libraries, the College Vice-Deanship for Studies, Development and Community Service, the College Vice-Deanship for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, the ELearning Unit, and the Academic Guidance Unit, are directed towards the development of the professional methods of the

Body Responsible for Implementation

Performance Indicators

Deanship of Academic Development, the Deanship of Libraries, the College Vice-Deanship for Studies, Development and Community Service, the College Vice-Deanship for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, the E- Learning Unit, and the Academic Guidance Unit


Total training courses executed annually Evaluation of the programs aimed at improving the students’ abilities in social and cognitive communication Percentage of faculty members benefiting from the training courses Appraisal of job performance and professional

Date of Implementation

Throught the academic year

Percentage of Achievement


Executive Plan for the Department of English


Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs

Body Responsible for Implementation

faculty members ,the improvement of scientific research , and the utilyzation of the electronic services offered by the library. In addition, workshops and lectures on quality and academic accreditation are held throughout the academic year

1-4 setting an operational plan for the motivation for acheivement, the areas that need improvement , and for raising the level of


1-4-1 Developing an advanced system and a plan to support and motivate students, faculty members and the partners in the academic process




Orientation meetings for the new students and the new faculty members in the program Following-up on the affairs of scholarship students Involving all faculty members and all scholarship students in the development and quality plans in the program Meeting by the Head of Department with the

Performance Indicators -


Department Council Unit of Scientific Research and Community Service - Quality Office -Department faculty Members



Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement

development Percentage of faculty members who participated in professional development activities during the past year

Number of students admitted to the program Number of faculty members Student to Throught the Instructor ratio academic year student experience Survey and student course quality evaluation Percentage of


Executive Plan for the Department of English

Initiative ambition for the students and faculty members

Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs




Body Responsible for Implementation

students council members Workshop for students on positive thinking Orientation meeting for students Meeting with graduate students. 21/5/1440 An open meeting with the graduate students. 2/8/1440 Eighteen workshops by the Deanship of Libraries for the staff members of the English Department directed towards the development of Head of the Department the their professional methods ,the improvement of scientific research , and Deanship of Libraries the utilyzation of the electronic services offered by the library.

Performance Indicators



faculty members holding accredited PhDs Percentage of the students admitted to the program and who have successfully completed their first year Percentage of the students who enrolled in university programs and completed their programs in the shorted period

Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement

Executive Plan for the Department of English


1-5 launching 1-5-1 Launching new academic diploma and bachelor programs and programs diplomas in keeping with the development plans


Method of Implementation (Activities)

Projects / Programs -


Starting admission to the Parallel Master Programs in literature and linguistics Forming committees for the development of the PhD programs in literature and linguistics in preparation for their inauguration next year

Body Responsible for Implementation -

Performance Indicators

Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement

Department Council

Throught the academic year


Executive Plan for the Department of English Second Strategic Objective: To support scientific research in line with international quality standards


2-1 raising the efficiency and effectivenes s of scientific research

Projects / Programs

2-1-1 Directing scientific research to match national and global standards 2-1-2 publishing scientific research in peer-reviewed and in classified scientific journals

Method of Implementation (Activities)








Body Responsible for Implementation

Updating the program's research priorities to meet the national and global patterns Approving the research plan for the English department according to the updated form Approving the periodic report of the scientific output by the department members in all the department councils throughout the academic year Approving the admission requirements ,the course tracks, and the number of seats in the Parallel Master Program Holding seventeen scientific research workshops and seminars in various disiplines in the program. Throughout the year Holding two seminars for postgraduate students. Delivering a lecture about fake and delusory journals, how to recognize



Performance Indicators

Head of the Department Department Council Unit of Scientific Research Quality Office -Department faculty Members







Percentage of research directed towards achieving national goals Percentage of research published in international peer-reviewed journals Percentage of research published in intrnationally-indexed journals Number of researches published in peerreviewd scientific journals during the past year by each full-time faculty member or equivalent Percentage of full-time faculty members who have at least one peerreviewd research during the past year

Date of Implementati on

Throught the academic year

Percentage of Achievement

Done All

Executive Plan for the Department of English


Projects / Programs

Body Responsible for Implementation

Method of Implementation (Activities)


Performance Indicators

Date of Implementati on

Percentage of Achievement

them and the way to avoid them Organizing a workshop about the Converis system for research management: its importance and signing up steps.10/3/1440

2-2 Advocating collaboratio n and partnership with local and regional institutions

2-2-1 Attracting distinguished visiting professors 2-2-2 Activating interdisciplinary research partnerships 2-2-3 Establishing a center for human studies reinforcing research collaboration






Proposal for fellowship with University of Reading Nominating faculty members in the department to attend the Scientific Forum Encouraging research partnerships among faculty members ,and undergraduate and post-graduate students Nominating a number of CVs for Professors with high credentials for employment during the next academic year Forming research groups


Head of the Department - Department Council - Unit of Scientific Research and Community Service - Quality Office -Department faculty Members




Percentage of visiting professors in the faculty Percentage of joint interdisciplinary research Percentage of research resulting from internal research cooperation Percentage of research resulting from external research cooperation Total citations from researches by faculty members published in peer-reviewed journals during the past year

Throught the academic year

On Going

Executive Plan for the Department of English



Projects / Programs

Method of Implementation (Activities)

Body Responsible for Implementation

Performance Indicators

Date of Implementati on

Percentage of Achievement

Executive Plan for the Department of English


2-3 Organizing high quality academic& research activities

Projects / Programs

2-3-1 convening international conferences 2-3-2 holding specialized or joint scientific meetings 2.3.3 organizing distinctive cultural activities at the department level

Method of Implementation (Activities)





Body Responsible for Implementation

Developing executive plans for arranging conferences and academic meetings Developing operational plans for outstanding cultural activities Holding the Third forum for graduation projects Organizing the “Scientific Posters Day� Organizing an academic activity titled the "English Day" Holding a carricuulum- based activity in linguistics Participating in the translation competition held in Prince Sultan University in Riyadh for the second time Arranging student visits to Scitech exhibition Holding seminars in the department. (Attached)

Performance Indicators


Head of the Department - Department Council - Unit of Scientific Research and Community Service - Quality Office -Department faculty Members



Total international conferences executed based on the plan Total specialized scientific meetings Total joint scientific meetings Total distinct cultural activities carried out by the department Total working papers or reports submitted in conferences during the past year by each fulltime faculty member or equivalent

Date of Implementati on

Percentage of Achievement

On Going Throught the academic year Done

Executive Plan for the Department of English


2-4 Emphasizin g research production and stressing high quality standards


Projects / Programs

2-4-1 Increasing the volume of research 2-4-2 having a digital content for published research in all disciplines 2-4-3 Approving the College of Arts Award for Excellence in Scientific Research -

Body Responsible for Implementation

Method of Implementation (Activities)

Encouraging faculty members to apply for the Excellence Award in Scientific Research Research activities as : ECO-CRITICISM Environmental Impact Assessment (ECOCRITICISM), a study project in English in the field of environmental criticism presented by Dr. Naima Al-Ghamdi. A partnership with the History Department to translate a book about the achievements of Imam

Performance Indicators



Head of the Department Department Council Unit of Scientific Research and Community Service Quality Office




Percentage of faculty members having sabbatical leave in the college Percentage of faculty members who attended local conferences Percentage of faculty members who attended regional conferences Percentage of faculty members who attended international conferences

Date of Implementati on

Percentage of Achievement

Throught the academic year Done

Executive Plan for the Department of English


Projects / Programs

Method of Implementation (Activities)




Body Responsible for Implementation

Abdulrahman Bin Faisal -Department Establishment of a cultural research faculty Members center and community service center in the Faculty of Arts under the supervision of the Department of English which offers various cultural activities, translation, and language courses. On Going Publishing the research of faculty members in reputable academic journals indexed in Scopus& Thomson Reuters

Performance Indicators



Percentage of income from external sources of research earned by fulltime faculty members last year Aggregate annual budget allocated for research

Date of Implementati on

Percentage of Achievement

Executive Plan for the Department of English

Third Strategic objective: To serve the community professionally and within the framework an integrative partnership


Projects / Programs

3-1 Reinforcing the role of the program in community service

3-1-1 Promoting service learning in the educational programs 3-1-2 Issuing the College Community Service Manual - Preparing qualitative studies on current societal problems - Encouraging professional volunteering







Approving the executive plan for community service for the years 3840 in both the department and college councils Activating community partnerships between the English department and governmental and nongovernmental institutions Engaging students to a group of public and private schools for voluntary training Invovlving students from the Department of English to teach English Language to a group of beneficiaries at Al-Bir Association in Dammam

Body Responsible for Implementation -

Head of the Department - Department Council - Unit of Scientific Research and Community Service - Quality Office -Department faculty Members

Performance Indicators



Percentage of community partnerships compared to other college departments Number of the educational community service programs compared to the number of departments in the university or college

Date of Implementati on

Percentage of Achievement

On Going

Throught the academic year

Executive Plan for the Department of English

3-2 promoting partnerships with the concerned parties in the community

3-2-1 Activating the role of the advisory committees in the college and in the academic departments 3-2-2 Designing surveys to identify the needs of the community 3.2.3 Involving community institutions in decision-making







Holding two meetings with the Program Advisory Committee during the two academic semesters Analyzing employers 'and the graduates' surveys and developing improvement plans accordingly Creating partnership between the Department of English and the Administration of Education in the Eastern Province Creating cooperation partnership between the English language department and Aramco Creating service partnership between the English Language Department and Al-Bir Association in Dammam Inviting employers to attend the activities carried out by the program


Head of the Department - Department Council - Unit of Scientific Research and Community Service - Quality Office -Department faculty Members

3-3 developing a publicity plan for the community service activities provided by the program


3-3-1 Developing the executive plan for community service for the college and the academic departments 3-3-2 opening channels of communication with the beneficiaries of the community service 3-3-3 making




Anouncing the English department’s executive plan for community service on the university’s website Inviting the beneficiaries from the service to attend the activities and the programs of the department Broadcasting the activities of the department in the university newspaper , the official newspapers,



Head of the Department Department Council Unit of Scientific Research and Community Service Quality







Percentage of the academic departments that held quarterly sessions with the advisory committees The extent of the stakeholders benefit from the program's training courses and workshops Average number of the quarterly meetings with the advisory committees Employers' survey

On Going

Level of the awareness of the external community of the activities of the department Throught the academic year

Executive Plan for the Department of English

cooperation agreements with media institutions to spread the service of the college to the community


3-4 implementing susainable development projects that serve the local community

3-4-1 Activating "sila" “Link� humanitarian initiative 3-4-2 Developing community-based sustainable development initiatives that are attuned to the specialties in the program and which serve the local community


3-5 motivatating faculty members, administrator s and students to

3-5-1 Encouraging the department members to be nominated for the College of Arts Award for Excellence in Community Service 3.5.2 Educating faculty






and on social media Cooperation project between the Department of English and the Alyaum newspaper

Office -Department faculty Members

Developing executive plans to activate the community development initiatives (sila) Developing an operational plan for the sustainable development projects that contribute to the service of the local community Peer teaching project Writing laboratory project


Head of the Department - Department Council - Unit of Scientific Research and Community Service - Quality Office -Department faculty Members

Encouraging faculty members to submit significant community programs Establishing mechanism for effective communication between department members and associates in the society



Head of the Department Department Council Unit of Scientific

The extent to which stakeholders benefit from the initiatives Number of community service programs


Percentage of full-time faculty members , administrators and students who have been involved in community service activities

Done Throught the academic year

Executive Plan for the Department of English

take part in community service

members, administrators, and students about the importance of their role in community service






Encouraging members to create community awareness programs Community service committee’s activity (Albir Socoety for Charity). 29/12/1439 Encouraging students to take part in in the public educational system through the social service initiative Sanid. 14/5/1440 and continues throughout the year. As part of the community partnership with Albir Society for Charity. 21/5/1440 ➢ Delivering English language courses to the beneficiaries of the Society ➢ Creating a public awareness Campaign about the importance of community service and the role of Albir Society for Charity Launching the social service initiative Ata’a 12/6/1440 till the 13th week: ➢ Organizing educational and entertainment activities for disabled people through ➢ Launching a public awareness Campaign to raise awareness about the term “the white stick”. 13th week

Research and Community Service - Quality Office -Department faculty Members


Rate of attendance among faculty members in the awareness programs in the department

Executive Plan for the Department of English -

Activating the Social Activity Day by launching a public awareness Campaign of the department’s outputs and the market needs in the AlRashid Mall. At the beginning of the second semester

Forth strategic objective: To diversify sources of funding and financial support

Initiative 4-1 Seeking key sponsors for the program within the private and public bodies, organizations and institutions 4-2 Expanding connection with graduates

Projects / Programs 4-1-1 seeking sustainable support

Promoting programs through various cultural activities


4-2-1 Urging faculty members to register in LinkedIn




Body Responsible for Implementation

Method of Implementation (Activities)

Communicating with graduates through social media and during various events in the college “Graduation Day” and “Alumni Forum” Meeting with graduate students. 21/5/1440 An open meeting with the


Performance Indicators

President of the University Dean of the college Head of the Department Alumni and Professional Development Unit -

Head of the Department -

Date of Implementation

Percentage of Achievement On going

Throught the academic year

Defining the value of the targeted support by graduates Evaluating what has been actually achieved of the targeted support Graduates’

Throught the academic year

Executive Plan for the Department of English


Projects / Programs

Body Responsible for Implementation

Method of Implementation (Activities)

Performance Indicators

graduate students. 2/8/1440

4-3 Seeking sponsors for research chairs


4-3-1 Innovative and qualitative research projects

Approving researcesh within Asfaar project

Date of Implementation



Head of the Department - Department Council - Unit of Scientific Research and Community Service - Quality Office -Department faculty Members




Number of research projects available during the academic year Percentage of income from research from external sources for full-time faculty members last year The annual budget allocated for research

Throught the academic year

Percentage of Achievement

Executive Plan for the Department of English

Initiative 4-4 Expanding graduate and diploma programs

Projects / Programs 4-4-1 Specialized diploma project

Body Responsible for Implementation

Method of Implementation (Activities) -

Proposing “Professional Translation Diploma” and “English Proficiency Diploma”


Head of the Department - Department Council - Unit of Scientific Research and Community Service - Quality Office -Department faculty Members

Performance Indicators -





Number of parallel Education programs Number of diplomas offered Rate of increase in the students admitted to the Parallel Programs Percentage of students in the post-graduate programs who completed their studies on time Percentage of BA graduates who enrolled in other studies, within six months of graduation

Date of Implementation Throught the academic year

Percentage of Achievement On going

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