College of Sciences Research Directory

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‫اﻟﻌﺪد اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ‬

‫دﻟﻴﻞ اﻹﻧﺘﺎج اﻟﺒﺤﺜﻲ‬ ‫ﻷﻋﻀﺎء ﻫﻴﺌﺔ اﻟﺘﺪرﻳﺲ ﻓﻲ ﻛﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﻌﻠـﻮم‬ ‫ﻟﻌﺎم ‪ 2017 - 2016‬م‬


‫وﻛﺎﻟﺔ ﻛﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﻌﻠﻮم ﻟﻠﺪراﺳﺎت اﻟﻌﻠﻴﺎ واﻟﺒﺤﺚ اﻟﻌﻠﻤﻲ‬

‫إشراف‬ ‫د‪ .‬أمل بنت عبدالعزيز الجريفاني‬

‫إعداد وإخراج‬ ‫أ‪ .‬فرح بنت زامل الزامل‬


‫دليل الإنتاج البحيث ـ لكية العلوم‬


‫محتويات الدليل‬ ‫الموضوع‬

‫رقم الصفحة‬

‫كلمة عميدة كلية العلوم‬

‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫‪31‬‬ ‫‪39‬‬ ‫‪31‬‬ ‫‪32‬‬ ‫‪31‬‬

‫كلمة وكيلة الكلية للدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي‬ ‫القسم األكثر نشاطا‬ ‫مكافآت التميز للنشر العلمي‬ ‫املكافآت التشجيعية للنشر العلمي‬ ‫اإلنتاج البحثي ألقسام الكلية املختلفة‬ ‫أول ‪ :‬قسم الرياضيات‬ ‫ثانيا ‪ :‬قسم الفيزياء‬

‫‪73‬‬ ‫‪97‬‬

‫ثالثا ‪ :‬قسم الكيمياء‬ ‫رابعا ‪ :‬قسم األحياء‬


‫دليل الإنتاج البحيث لكية العلوم‬


‫كلمة عميدة كلية العلوم‬

‫من أمه أهدا لكية العلوم الرتكزي عىل البحث العلمي وتوظيفه مبا يسهم يف خدمة اجملمتع‬ ‫وتمنية الاقتصاد الوطين حتقيق ًا لروية ‪ ، 2000‬كام أصبحت احلاجة اإىل البحث العلمي يف وقتنا‬ ‫احلارض أشد مهنا يف أي وقت مىض فأمهيته ترجع اإىل أن المم أدركت أن عظمهتا وتفوقها يرجعان‬ ‫اإىل قدرات أبناهئا العلمية والفكرية ‪.‬‬ ‫وميكن القول‪ :‬اإنه يف وقتنا احلارض أصبح البحث العلمي واحد ًا من اجملالت الهامة اليت جتعل‬ ‫ادلول تتطور برسعة هائةل وتتغلب عىل لك املشالكت اليت تواهجها بطر علمية مدروسة ‪.‬‬ ‫ومن هذا املنطلق معلت واكةل ادلراسات العليا والبحث العلمي يف لكية العلوم عىل مجع ا إلنتاج‬ ‫البحيث لعضاء هيئة التدريس يف لكية العلوم لعام ‪ 2017/ 2016‬م وبفضل من هللا نضع‬ ‫بني يدي القارئ ا إلصدار الثاين من دليل ا إلنتاج البحيث مش مت ًل ماكفأت المتزي للنرش العلمي ‪،‬‬ ‫املاكفأت التشجيعية للنرش العلمي اإضافة اإىل ا إلنتاج البحيث لقسام اللكية اخملتلفة‪.‬‬ ‫نسأل هللا أن يوفقنا ملا فيه اخلري والسداد ‪ ،‬ونتطلع لس مترار هذه السلسةل من الدةل الس نوية‬ ‫ل إلنتاج البحيث لعضاء لكية العلوم ‪.‬‬ ‫د‪ .‬أروى بنت محمد الشيباني‬

‫دليل الإنتاج البحيث لكية العلوم‬


‫كلمة وكيلة الدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي‬

‫اإكام ًل ملسرية واكةل ادلراسات العليا والبحث العلمي يف حتقيق الرايدة يف جمال البحث العلمي‬ ‫وتشجيع العمل البحيث من خلل دمع الباحثني املمتزيين وتشجيعهم عىل اإجراء البحوث النوعية‬ ‫واملبتكرة اليت تسهم يف اإثراء املعرفة وخدمة اجملمتع وتوثيق اإنتاهجم يف دليل جيمع هذه اجلهود ‪ ،‬وملا‬ ‫ملس ناه يف النسخة الوىل يف (دليل الإنتاج البحيث) لعضاء هيئة التدريس ابللكية خلل العام‬ ‫املايض ‪2016/2012‬م من اإشادة ببادرة توثيق الحباث ابللكية ‪ ،‬فقد مت حبمد هللا وتوفيقه‬ ‫اإصدار (العدد الثاين) لهذا العام ‪2017/2016‬م من سلسةل أدلتنا الس نوية لعضاء هيئة‬ ‫التدريس يف جمال البحث العلمي اذلي هو من أمه مقومات وجود اجلامعة كوهنا مؤسسة تعلمي‬ ‫عالٍ ‪.‬‬ ‫سائلني هللا العيل القدير أن نكون وفقنا يف حتقيق ما نصبو اإليه من أهدا عىل أمكل وجه ‪.‬‬ ‫د‪ .‬أمل بنت عبدالعزيز الجريفاني‬

‫القسم األكثر نشاطاً‬


‫دليل الإنتاج البحيث ـ لكية العلوم‬


‫بلغ عدد أعضاء هيئة التدريس إمجاالً يف كلية العلوم (‪ )351‬عضواً وبلغ‬ ‫جمموع عدد األحباث خالل عام ‪1037/1036‬م (‪ )77‬حبثاً أي بالنسبة‬ ‫بني النشر السنوي و العضو ‪ 3:0.53‬على النحو التايل ‪:‬‬ ‫القسم‬

‫عدد‬ ‫األعضاء‬

‫عدد‬ ‫األحباث‬

‫النسبة بني النشر‪ :‬العضو‬

‫قسم الرياضيات‬ ‫قسم الفيزياء‬

‫‪15‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬

‫‪35‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬

‫‪3:0.41‬‬ ‫‪3:3‬‬

‫قسم الكيمياء‬ ‫قسم األحياء‬

‫‪40‬‬ ‫‪51‬‬

‫‪14‬‬ ‫‪34‬‬

‫‪3:0.6‬‬ ‫‪3:0.16‬‬ ‫‪60‬‬ ‫‪55‬‬ ‫‪50‬‬ ‫‪45‬‬ ‫‪40‬‬ ‫‪35‬‬ ‫‪30‬‬ ‫‪25‬‬ ‫‪20‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪0‬‬

‫عدد األعضاء‬ ‫عدد األبحاث‬

‫قسم األحياء‬

‫قسم الكيمياء‬

‫قسم الفيزياء‬

‫قسم الرياضيات‬

‫وعلى هذا يتضح لنا أن القسم األكثر نشاطاً خالل ‪1037/1036‬م هو‪:‬‬ ‫(قسم الفيزياء)‬


‫مكافآت التميز للنشر العلمي‬


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ كلية العلوم‬

‫ماكفآت المتزي للنرش العلمي‬ ‫س نة‬ ‫النرش‬ 2016



‫دار النرش‬

Effect of Si δ-Doping on the Linear and Nonlinear Optical Absorptions CHIN. PHYS.LETT and Refractive Index Changes in InAIN/GaN Single Quantum Wells Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Efficiency of Selenium Biological Trace Nanoparticles Against Element Research Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatic Damage Effect of different African Journal of microencapsulation materials on Biotechnology stability of Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 20174






‫عنوان البحث‬

Sensitivity of Viscosity ArrheniusType Equation to Density of Liquids

Natural Products as Corrosion Inhibitor for Steel in 0.5 M Hydrochloric Acid Solution Recovery of silver from used X-ray African Journal of film using alkaline protease from Biotechnology Bacillus subtilis sub sp. subtilis


‫امس الباحث‬


‫شعفة آل منصور‬.‫د‬ 1 ‫اميان القرايف‬.‫د‬ ‫فوزية الشهري‬.‫د‬


‫ابتسام آاببطني‬.‫د‬


‫مشاعل اخلادلي‬.‫د‬ ‫آحالم العرجف‬.‫د‬ ‫نورة الزامل‬.‫د‬


‫مشاعل اخلادلي‬.‫د‬


‫آمرية العبدالعال‬.‫د‬ ‫عيدة اخلادلي‬.‫د‬


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ كلية العلوم‬

‫ماكفآت المتزي للنرش العلمي‬ ‫س نة‬ ‫النرش‬






‫دار النرش‬

‫عنوان البحث‬

Heavy metal contamination in sand and sediments near to Environmental disposal site of reject brine from Science and desalination plant, Arabian Gulf: Pollution Assessment of environmental pollution Cytogenetic and cytotoxic effect of Journal of Food, pirimiphos-methyl 50%EC and Agriculture & acetamiprid20%SP insecticides on Environment mitotic chromosomes and DNA content of Allium sativum Production of alkaline proteases African Journal of by alkalophilic Bacillus subtilis Biotechnology during recycling animal and plant wastes Synthesis of imidazolinone and Research on benzoxazole derivatives, and Chemical evaluation of their anticancer Intermediates activity The effect of soil properties on Fresenius characteristics of Halopeplies Environmental perfoliata community in the costal Bulletin environment in eastern Saudi Arabia


‫امس الباحث‬


‫فاطمة الشهري‬.‫د‬


‫مىن المحدي‬.‫د‬


‫ آمرية العبدالعال‬.‫د‬ ‫ عيدة اخلادلي‬.‫د‬


‫ مسر آبو بشيت‬.‫ د‬10

‫ وفاء التيسان‬.‫د‬


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ كلية العلوم‬

‫ماكفآت المتزي للنرش العلمي‬ ‫س نة‬ ‫النرش‬

‫دار النرش‬


Physics and Chemistry of Liquids


Asian Journal of Chemistry


Asian Journal of Chemistry


Physics and Chemistry of Liquids


Asian Journal of Chemistry


Asian Journal of Chemistry

‫عنوان البحث‬ Prediction of the boiling temperature of 1,2-dimethoxyethane and propylene carbonate through the study of viscosity-temperature dependence of corresponding binary liquid mixtures Investigation of Interactions between Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate and Crystal Violet in Aqueous Solution Use of Blend Technique for Adjustment of Biodegradable Cellulose Acetate of Fiber Applications Estimation of boiling points by investigations of viscosity Arrhenius behaviours in Methyl Benzoate + nHexane binary liquid systems at atmospheric pressure Dealloying of Cu-Ag Alloys in Sodium Sulphate Solutions Physico-Chemical and Analytical Study of Metoprolol Tartrate : An Antihypertensive Drug


‫امس الباحث‬


‫ هناد العمري‬.‫د‬


‫ هناد العمري‬.‫د‬


‫ مىن الظفري‬.‫د‬


‫ مشاعل اخلادلي‬.‫ د‬15 ‫ مشاعل اخلادلي‬.‫ د‬16 ‫ نورة الزامل‬.‫د‬


‫المكافآت التشجيعية للنشر العلمي‬


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ كلية العلوم‬

‫املفاكآت التشجيعية للنرش العلمي‬ ‫س نة النرش‬

‫دار النرش‬


Journal of Alloys and Compounds


Superlattices and Microstructures


Journal of Chemical Physics


Synthetic Metals


Journal of Alloys and Compounds


Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry



‫عنوان البحث‬

‫امس الباحث‬

Fe-doping effect on the photoelectrochemical properties enhancement of ZnO films The effects of doping layer location on the electronic and optical properties of GaN step quantum well First-principles study of Au−Cu alloy surface changes induced by gas adsorption of CO,NO, or O2 Synthesis and characterization of polyaniline doped with polyvinyl alcohol by inverse emulsion polymerization

‫ الطاهر الحسين‬.‫د‬

A 3D array of Co(II) cubanes with very strong magnetic anisotropy Spectroelectrochemical investigations of electrochemically synthesized selenophene-thianaphthene copolymers Calcined Solution-Based PVP Influence on ZnO Semiconductor Nanoparticle Properties


‫طاهر غريب‬

‫ حسن البشير‬.‫د‬ ‫محمد الدخالوي‬ ‫ عدنان منصور‬.‫د‬ ‫ذويب‬

‫ فادي عاطف‬.‫د‬ ‫األخرس‬

‫ عمر السعيدي‬.‫د‬ ‫بنعلي‬ ‫ فادي عاطف‬.‫د‬ ‫األخرس‬ ‫ مؤيد حسين‬.‫د‬ ‫فليفل‬


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

‫اإلنتاج البحثي ألقسام الكلية المختلفة‬



‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

R. A. Zait,A. A. El-Shekhipy,N. M. Abdo Stochastic Analysis of Van der Pol Oscillator Model Using Wiener Hermite Expansion Linked by Multi-Step Differential Transform Technique

Name of Journal Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications


Volume Date 6


We study a model related to Van der Poloscillatorunder an external stochastic excitation described by white noise process. This study is limited to find the Gaussian behavior of the stochastic solution processes related to the model. Under the application of Wiener-Hermite expansion, a deterministic system is generated to describe the Gaussian solution parameters (Mean and Variance).The deterministic system solution is approximated by applying the multi-stepdifferential transformedmethodand the results are compared with NDSolveMathematica 10 package. Some case studies are considered to illustrate some comparisons for the obtained results related to the Gaussian behavior parameters.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

R.A. Zait, A.A. El-Shekhipy, N.M. Abdo Statistical measures approximations for the Gaussian part of the stochastic nonlinear damped Duffing oscillator solution process under the application of Wiener Hermite expansion linked by the multi-step differential transformed method

Name of Journal Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society


Volume Date 24


In this paper, the stochastic Wiener Hermite expansion (WHE) is used to find the statistical measures (mean and variance) of the first order stochastic approximation (Gaussian part) of the stochastic solution processes related to the nonlinear damped Duffing oscillator model which is excited randomly by white noise process. Under the application of WHE, a deterministic model is generated to simulate the statistical measures. In next stages, smi-analytical treatments are performed under applying multi-step differential transformed method (Ms-DTM) and some cases study are illustrated related to the statistical properties using Mathematica10 software.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

Nabil T. El-daba, A. Refaei, A. A. Elshekhipy Non-Linear Heat and Mass Transfer of Second Grade Fluid Flow with Hall Currents and Thermophoresis Effects

Name of Journal Applied mathematics and information science


Volume Date 11


A mathematical model analysis has been developed to investigate the effect of thermophoresis on unsteady flow of non-Newtonian fluid with heat and mass transfer through a porous medium over a permeable infinite vertical plate. The considered non- Newtonian fluid follows a second grade model and is stressed by a uniform strong magnetic field; so the Hall currents are taken into consideration. The problem is modulated mathematically by a system of coupled non-linear partial differential equations which pertaining to describe the continuity, momentum, energy and concentration. These equations involve the effects of thermal radiation, heat generation, thermal diffusion(Soret), viscous dissipation and chemical reaction. The numerical solutions of the dimensionless equations are found as a functions of the physical parameters of this problem. The numerical formulas of the velocity components (u) and (w), temperature ( ) and concentration (C) as well as Nusselt number(Nu) and Sherwood number(Sh) are computed. The physical parameters effects of the problem on these formulas are described and illustrated graphically through some figures and tables.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

Nabil T. M. Eldabe, Osama M. Abo-Seida, Adel A. S. AboSeliem3, A. A. El-Shekhipy, Nada Hegazy Peristaltic Transport of Magnetohydrodynamic Carreau Nanofluid with Heat and Mass Transfer inside Asymmetric Channel

Name of Journal American Journal of Computational Mathematics


Volume Date In Press


In this work, the peristaltic motion of a nano non-Newtonian fluid which obeys Carreau model through a porous medium inside an asymmetric channel is investigated. The hall current effects with Joule heating and viscous dissipation are considered. The problem is modulated mathematically by a set of nonlinear partial differential equations which describe the conservation of mass, momentum, energy and concentration of nanoparticles. The non-dimensional form of these equations is simplified under the assumption of long wavelength and low Reynolds number, and then resulting equations of coupled nonlinear differential equations are tackled numerically with appropriate boundary conditions. Graphical results are presented for dimensionless velocity, temperature, concentration and pressure gradient in order to illustrate the variations of various parameters of this problem on these obtained solutions.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

N.T.M.El-Dabe, A.Refaie Ali , and A.A.El-shekhipy Influence of Thermophoresis on Unsteady MHD Flow of Radiation Absorbing Kuvshinski Fluid with Non-Linear Heat and Mass Transfer

Name of Journal American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer


Volume Date In Press


A mathematical model analysis has been developed to investigate the effect of thermophoresis on unsteady flow of non-Newtonian fluid with heat and mass transfer past a permeable infinite vertical plate. The fluid is obeying to Kuvshinski model and is stressed by uniform magnetic field. The problem is modulated mathematically by a system of nonlinear partial differential equations which pertaining to describe the continuity, momentum, energy and concentration. These equations involve the effects of thermal radiation, radiation absorbing, viscous dissipation and chemical reaction. The numerical solutions of the dimensionless equations are found as a functions of the physical parameters of this problem. The numerical formulas of the velocity ( u ), temperature ( ) and concentration ( c ) as well as skin friction coefficient ( * ), Nusselt number ( Nu ) and Sherwood number ( Sh ) are computed. The physical parameters effects of the problem on these formulas are described and illustrated graphically through some figures and tables. It is found that the thermophoresis has a major role to foster the values of * , Nu and Sh


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

K. Saoudi Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a quasilinear equation involving the $p(x)$-Laplace operator

Name of Journal Complex Var. Elliptic Equ


Volume Date 62


In the present paper, we investigate the existence and multiplicity results for an inhomogeneous equation involving the p$(x)-$Laplace operator. We employ variational techniques in order to show the existence and the multiplicity of solutions.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

K. Saoudi and Abdeljabbar Ghanmi A multiplicity results for a singular equation involving the $p(x)$-Laplace operator

Name of Journal Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.


Volume Date 62


The purpose of this paper is to study the existence of multiple solutions for inhomogeneous singular Dirichlet problem involving the p$(x)-$Laplace operator. Using some variationals techniques, we show the existence and the multiplicity of solutions.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

K. Saoudi, E.A. El-Zahrani and M. A. Mourou Existence of solutions for a class of strongly coupled $p(x)$laplacian system

Name of Journal Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matem\'atica.


Volume Date 364


The present work is concerned with the study of a strongly coupled nonlinear elliptic system on the whole space $\R^N$ involving the $p(x)$-laplacien operator. We employ variational methods and the theory of the variable exponent Sobolev spaces, in order to establish some sufficient conditions for the existence of non-trivial solutions.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬


Hassan, M


A New Application of Beta Gompertz distribution in Reliability

Name of Journal Journal of testing and evaluation


Volume Date In Press


In this paper, we considered the problem of the estimation R=P(Y<X) that was defined as a life of a component, and which has strength X and is subjected to stress Y .We derive R=P(Y<X) when X and Y are independent beta Gompertz random variables. The reliability is estimated using two estimation methods; they were the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimator. A simulation study was used to compare the two different estimators real data was used as a practical application of the proposed procedure.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬


Hassan, M Estimation of Stress-Strength Model for P [Yr: n1 < Xk: n2] using the Lindley distribution


Name of Journal Revista Colombiana de Estadística


Volume Date 40


The problem of estimation reliability in a multicomponent stress-strength model, when the system consists of kcomponents have strength each component experiencing a random stress, is considered in this paper. The reliability of such a system is obtained when strength and stress variables are given by Lindley distribution. The system is regarded as alive only if at least r out of k (r<k) strength exceed the stress. The multicomponent reliability of the system is given by Rr,k. The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) and Bayes estimator of Rr,k are obtained. A simulations study is performed to compare the different estimators of Rr,k. Real data is used as a practical application of the proposed model.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

Hassan, M., Alohali, M. Estimation reliability in multicomponent stress-strength model Based on Generalized Linear Failure Rate distribution

Name of Journal Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics


Volume Date In Press


In this paper, we considered the problem of estimation reliability in multicomponent stress-strength model, when the system consists of k-components have strength are given by independently and identically distributed random variables X1,…..,Xk each component experiencing a random stress governed by a random variable Y. The reliability such system is obtained when strength and stress variables are given by a generalized linear failure rate distribution. The system is regarded as alive only if at least s out of k (s<k) strength exceed the stress. The multicomponent reliability of the system is given by Rs,k. Real data is used as a practical application of the proposed procedure.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

Abdelrahman Altigani, Muawia Abdelmagid and Bazara Barry Analyzing the Performance of AES Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Highlighting NIST Recommendations

Name of Journal Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Volume Date 9


When using a symmetric encryption algorithm, specifically the AES, the Block Cipher Mode of Operation to be used must be specified. Usually choosing the mode of operation is influenced by two main factors: 1. Security; and the 2. Performance of the mode. Most of the related literature explores the security of the modes. In contrast, this research paper explores, compares and evaluates the performance of the five modes of operation recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). A code using Crypto++ cryptographic library has been developed to benchmark the performance of these modes. Based on the conducted experiments and obtained results, the Counter mode of operation has been found generally superior to the other four modes of operation in terms of performance especially when increasing the input size.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

Mouna Kratou, K. Saoudi and Sarah Al Sadhan Multiplicity results for the $p(x)-$Laplacian equation with singular nonlinearities and nonlinear Neumann boundary condition

Name of Journal International Journal of Differential Equations


Volume Date 2016


The purpose of this paper is to study the existence of multiple solutions for inhomogeneous singular Neumann problem involving the p$(x)-$Laplace operator. Using some variationals techniques, we show the existence and the multiplicity of solutions.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title

Taher Ghrib, Munirah Abdullah ALMessiere, Amal Lafy Al-Otaibi, Sami Brini and Radhouane Chtourou Theoretical adjustment of necessary conditions for enhancing figure of merit of thin thermoelectric layers

Name of Journal Journal of Heat Transfer


Volume Date in press


This work present a simple thinking based on material's electrical and thermal properties which permit to searchers in domain of manufacturing and characterization of thin and thick films in solid state to take appropriate experimental conditions before the execution. Treatment of heat equations based on the photothermal deflection (PTD) technique, using some approximations founded on the determination of the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity and the calculation of the thermal diffusion length and comparing it with thicknesses of the substrate and the film deposited on it which constitute the sample and using the Cahill's law; we arrive to highlight, necessary conditions that allow searchers to manufacture samples with high thermoelectric power. These conditions are based on the experimental objectives that aspire many modern researches such as materials with low thermal conductivity and high electrical conductivity and the relationship between them to obtain materials with high figure of merit.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الرياضيات‬

Name Title


deLaaho h wuuL

Modules over infinite-dimensional algebras

Name of Journal Linear and Multilinear Algebra


Volume Date In Press


Let A be an infinite-dimensional K-algebra, where K is a field and let be a basis for A. We explore when (the direct product indexed by of copies of the field K) can be made into an A-module in a natural way. We call a basis satisfying that property ‘amenable,’ and we explore when amenable bases yield isomorphic A-modules. For the latter purpose, we consider a relation, which we name congeniality, that guarantees that two different bases yield (naturally) isomorphic A-module structures on . While amenability depends on the algebra structure, congeniality of bases depends only on the vector space structure and is thus independent from the specific algebra structure chosen. Among other results, we show that every algebra of countable infinite dimension has at least one amenable basis. Most of our examples will be within the familiar settings of the algebra K[x] of polynomials with coefficients in K. We show that the relation of proper congeniality (when congeniality is not symmetric) yields several natural interesting questions; among these questions we highlight those related to a natural notion of simplicity of bases. We show that the algebra of polynomials with coefficients in K has at least as many truly distinct (so-called discordant) simple bases as there are elements in the base field K.



‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬


M.A. Boukadhaba, W. Chebil, A. Fouzri, V. Sallet, A. Lusson, G. Amiri, C. Vilar and M. Oumezzine Effect of sapphire substrate orientations on the microstructural, optical and NO2 gas sensing properties of Zn(1-x)CdxO thin films synthesized by sol gel spin- coating method


Name of Journal



Superlattices and microstructures




A simple and cost-effective sol-gel technique was employed to elaborate ZnO and Zn(1-x)CdxO thin films deposit by spin coating onto the c- and r-plane sapphire substrates. The deposited films were characterized for their structural, morphological and optical properties using high resolution X ray diffraction (HRXRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as function of Cd incorporation and employed substrate. Higher Cd incorporation (4.5%) is obtained for ZnCdO layer deposited on r-plane sapphire, which is confirmed by the greatest energy shift (110 meV) to lower energy measured by low temperature photoluminescence. X-ray diffraction study revealed that all films are polycrystalline with a hexagonal wurtzite structure. A preferred orientation along [001] and [110] direction is obtained respectively for layer deposited on c- and r-plane sapphire. However, the (002) and (110) XRD layers peak were shifted towards the lower 2 values after Cd incorporation showing a slight variation of cell parameters. SEM and AFM image show no very significant variation in the morphology of the layers depending on the substrate orientation and Cd content incorporated. A mixture of large and small hexagonal grains are obtained which are more pronounced for ZnCdO deposited on r-plane sapphire and their agglomeration leaves more empty space in films. The gas sensing performances were tested in NO2 containing air for different operating temperatures as function of Cd incorporation and sapphire substrate orientation. The experimental result exhibited that ZnCdO sensors deposited on r-plane sapphire shows a more better gas response with fast response and recovery time at moderate operating temperatures as Cd contend increase.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬


W. Chebil, M.A. Boukadhaba, A. Fouzri Epitaxial growth of ZnO on quartz substrate by sol-gel spincoating method.


Name of Journal



Superlattices and microstructures




ZnO thin films grown on Quartz substrates using sol-gel method were synthesized and annealing at different temperature (700 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C). The structural, optical and morphological comparison of ZnO layers elaborated with that obtained by the sophisticated and expensive technique MOCVD demonstrates the success of the ZnO epitaxial growth on quartz substrate by sol-gel process. Sol-gel ZnO film deposited on quartz substrate annealed at 1000 °C exhibit only (00l) XRD peak which is similar to the diffraction patterns of epitaxial ZnO grown on sapphire by MOCVD. The Surface morphology was examined by SEM which revealed that the grain size becomes larger and faceted as increasing annealing temperature. Pl emission peak of sol-gel ZnO annealed at 1000 °C revealed a close similarity with that obtained by MOCVD ZnO but with a weaker intensity.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title


W. Chebil, M.A. Boukadhaba, I. Madhi, A. Fouzri, A. , C. Vilar and V. Sallet. Lusson Structural, optical and NO2 gas sensing properties of ZnMgO thin films prepared by the sol gel method.

Name of Journal



Physica B



In this present work, ZnO and ZnMgO thin films prepared by a sol-gel process were deposited on glass substrates via spin coating technique. The structural, morphological and optical properties of the obtained films were investigated. X-ray diffraction study revealed that all layers exhibit a hexagonal wurtzite structure without any secondary phase segregation. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) depicts that the grains size of ours samples decreases as magnesium content increases. The absorption spectra obtained on ZnMgO thin films show a band gap tuning from 3.19 to 3.36 eV, which is also consistent with blue shifting of near-band edge PL emission, measured at low temperature. The incorporated amount of magnesium was calculated and confirmed by EDX. The gas sensing performances were tested in air containing NO2 for different operating temperatures. The experimental result exhibited that ZnMgO sensors shows a faster response and recovery time than the ZnO thin films. The resistivity and the sensor response as function of Mg content were also investigated.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title


Norah Hamad Salem Alonizan Characterizations of multilayer ZnO thin films deposited by sol-gel spin 4 coating technique

Name of Journal



Results in Physics



In this work, zinc oxide (ZnO) multilayer thin films are deposited on glass substrate using sol-gel spin coating technique and the effect of these multilayer films on optical, electrical and structural properties are investigated. It is observed that these multilayer films have great impact on the properties of ZnO. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) confirms that ZnO has hexagonal wurtzite structure. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed the crack-free films which have uniformly distributed grains structures. Both micro and nano particles of ZnO are present on thin films. Four point probe measured the electrical properties showed the decreasing trend between the average resistivity and the number of layers. The optical absorption spectra measured using UV–Vis. showed the average transmittance in the visible region of all films is 80% which is good for solar spectra. The performance of the multilayer as transparent conducting material is better than the single layer of ZnO. This work provides a low cost, environment friendly and well abandoned material for solar cells applications.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title


Taher Ghrib, Munirah Abdullah Almessiere, Amal Lafy Al-Otaibi, Sami Brini, Radhouane Chtourou Theoretical adjustment of necessary conditions for enhancing figure of merit of thin thermoelectric layers

Name of Journal



Journal of heat transfer

In Press


This work presents a simple method based on electrical and thermal properties of materials. It permits researchers, in the field of manufacturing and characterization of thin and thick films in solid state to take appropriate experimental conditions before the preparation process. The calculation of the thermal diffusion length, its comparison with thicknesses of the substrate, the thin layer deposited on the substrate , the use of photothermal deflection technique and the Cahill’s law; permit to highlight the necessary conditions that allow researchers to manufacture samples with high thermoelectric power such as the required thickness, electric conductivity and thermal conductivity.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title


A. L. Al-Otaibi, M. A. Almessiere, M. Ben Salem, F. Ben Azzouz Excess conductivity analysis in YBa2Cu3O7-d added with SiO2 nano-particles and nano-wires: Comparative study

Name of Journal



Modern Physics Letters B



The effect of nanosized silicon oxide nano-particles (denoted NP-SiO2) and nano-wires (denoted NW-SiO2) additions during the final processing stage on electrical fluctuation conductivity of polycrystalline YBa2Cu3Oy (Y-123 for brevity) in the mean field region has been reported. Series of samples were synthesized in air using a standard solid state reaction technique by adding nanosized entities up to 0.5 wt. %. Phases, microstructure and superconductivity properties have been systematically investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and electrical measurements. TEM investigations show the presence of inhomogeneities embedded in the superconducting matrix along with the presence of columnar defects in the case of SiO2 nanoparticles added samples, however nano-wires tend to agglomerate by entangling with each other in the inter-grain regions. The fluctuation conductivity was analyzed as a function of reduced temperature using the Azlamazov-Larkin model. Using the Lawrence–Doniach equations, the GinzburgLandau (GL) number [NG] and equations, the coherence length, the effective layer thickness, the lower critical field Bc1(0), the upper critical field Bc2(0) and the critical current density Jc(0) were estimated. It was found that the addition of an optimum concentration of SiO2 nano-materials that depends on the shape effectively controlled the microstructure, the grains coupling and hence improved the physical properties of Y-123 compound.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title


M. A. Almessiere, A. L. Al-Otaibi, F. Ben Azzouz Superconducting properties of nano-sized SiO2 added YBCO thick film on Ag substrate

Name of Journal



Indian Journal of Physics

In Press


The microstructure and the flux pinning capability of SiO2 added YBa2Cu3Oy thick films on the Ag substrate were investigated. A series of YBa2Cu3Oy thick films with small amounts (0–0.5wt.%) of nano-sized SiO2 particles (12 nm) were prepared. Thicknesses of prepared thick films were approximately 100 µm. Phase analysis by x-ray diffraction (XRD), microstructure examination by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), critical current density dependence on the applied magnetic field Jc(H) and electrical resistivity ρ(T) were carried out. The magnetic field and temperature dependence of the critical current density (Jc) was calculated from the magnetization measurements using the Bean’s critical state model. Results show that a small amount ( 0.02 wt.%) of SiO2 addition was effective in enhancement of critical current densities in applied magnetic field. The 0.01 wt.% of SiO2 added sample exhibits the better superconducting characteristics under an applied magnetic field for temperature ranging from 10 to 77 K.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title


E. Hannachi a, Y. Slimani a, M. K. Ben Salem a, A.Hamrita a, A. L. Al-Otaibi b, M. A. Almessiere b, M. Ben Salem a, F. Ben Azzouz Fluctuation induced conductivity studies in YBa2Cu3Oy compound embedded by superconducting nano-particles Ydeficient YBa2Cu3Oy Effect of silver inclusion

Name of Journal



Indian Journal of Physics



The effect of superconducting Y-deficient YBa2Cu3Oy nanoparticles prepared by the planetary ball milling technique and silver inclusion on electrical fluctuation conductivity of polycrystalline YBa2Cu3Oy has been reported. Samples, synthesized by the conventional solid-state reaction technique, have been investigated using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and electrical resistivity. Scanning electron microscope analyses show that nano-particles of Y-deficient YBa2Cu3Oy are embedded in the superconducting matrix. The density of these nano-particles strongly depends on milling parameters. The fluctuation conductivity has been analyzed as a function of reduced temperature using the Aslamazov–Larkin model. Three different fluctuation regions namely critical, mean-field and short-wave are observed. The zero-temperature coherence length, the effective layer thickness of the twodimensional system, critical magnetic fields and critical current density are estimated. Superconducting parameters are affected by Y-deficient YBa2Cu3Oy nano-particles. It has been found that attainment of an optimum concentration and well-dispersed of nano-sized inclusions by ball milling process improves the physical properties. On the other hand, the sample


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title

Fayroz A. Sabah, Naser M. Ahmed, Z. Hassan, Munirah Abdullah Almessiere Effect of Light on the Sensitivity of CuS Thin Film EGFET Implemented as pH Sensor

Name of Journal



International Journal of Electrochemical Science




The lightness and darkness affect the sensitivity of thin films considered as extended-gate field-effect transistor (EGFET) for pH sensor, for this reason the research work was investigated to study these effects for CuS thin film. CuS thin film prepared by copper chloride and sodium thiosulfate using deionized water as a solvent, deposited on a glass substrate by spray pyrolysis deposition. The structural properties were studied through Xray diffractometer, and the morphological properties were studied through field emission scanning electron microscopy. Then this thin film was used as an extended gate of the field effect transistor to be implemented as pH sensor. The sensitivity was measured for this extended gate under two conditions; dark and light source. The results showed the highest sensitivity (23 mV/pH) and less hysteresis (2.6 mV) and drift (13.1, 73.5 and 85.8 for pH4, pH7 and pH10, respectively) of the sensor in dark. While under high-intensity white light the sensitivity was (19 mV/pH) and the hysteresis had the value (5.2 mV) and drift values were (21.7, 155.8 and 90.4 for pH4, pH7 and pH10, respectively). This confirmed that the extended gate of the field effect transistor is sensitive to light, and the light decreased the pH sensitivity.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title

F. A. Sabah , N. M. Ahmedz. Hassan, M. A. Almessiere Study Effects Of Thin Film Thickness On The Behavior Of Cus Egfet Implemented As Ph Sensor

Name of Journal



Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures




Membrane thickness is a very important parameter in controlling the sensitivity of the pH sensor and its other behaviour, such as hysteresis, repeatability, stability and reliability. Therefore, in this research work the thickness of CuS membrane was studied to find its effects on these parameters. CuS membrane was prepared from copper chloride and sodium thiosulfate dissolved in deionized water and ethanol with the ratio (7:3) then deposited on glass substrates for 60 and 150 sprays, respectively using spray pyrolysis deposition. These thin films were exposed to Xray diffractometer and field emission scanning electron microscopy to recognize their structures and crystal shapes. Then they were used as pH sensors, so their sensitivity, hysteresis,repeatability, stability and reliability were measured. All obtained results confirmed that the membrane with low thickness (sensitivity, linearity and hysteresis 22.9 mV/pH, 93.8%, and 23.7 mV respectively) were much better than that of high thickness (sensitivity, linearity and hysteresis 7.5 mV/pH, 70.2%, and 41.37 mV respectively) as pH sensor.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title


Q.N. Abdullah, F.K.Yam , K.H.Mohmood, Z.Hassan, M.A.Qaeed, M.Bououdina , M.A.Almessiere , A.L.AlOtaibi , S.A.Abdulateef Free growth of one-dimensional β-Ga2O3 nanostructures including nanowires,nanobelts and nanosheets using a thermal evaporation method

Name of Journal


Ceramics International


Date 2016

Large-scale β-Ga2O3 nanostructures (nanowires-NWs, nanobelts-NBs and nanosheets-NSs) were synthesized via thermal evaporation of GaN powder in an ambient argon atmosphere. The effect of the substrate type (Si, AlN-thin film/Si and ZnO-thin film/Si) on the growth of β-Ga2O3 nanostructures was investigated. The morphology changes from NWs to NBs or NSs when the substrate changes from Si to AlN-thin film/Si or ZnO-thin film/Si, respectively. The size and dimensionality were the most influential parameters on the structure of the as-grown β-Ga2O3. The as-grown nanostructures crystallize within the monoclinic crystal structure of the β-Ga2O3 phase. The obtained nanostructures show intense blue-red emission characterized by a broadband photoluminescence spectrum with peaks located at 430, 500– 525 and 688–700 nm. These emissions originate from the defect-related donor-acceptor pair recombination mechanism and depend on the nanostructure dimensionality and morphology. A vapor-solid growth mechanism for the growth of various β-Ga2O3 nanostructures was also proposed.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬


N. M. Abd-Alghafour ,Naser M. Ahmed ,Z. Hassan , Munirah Abdullah Almessiere , M. Bououdina, Naif H. AlHardan


High sensitivity extended gate effect transistor based on V2O5 nanorods


Name of Journal



J Mater Sci: Mater Electron



The sensing characteristics of extended gate field effect transistor (EGFET) as pH sensor based on V2O5 nanorods (NRs) was fabricated for the first time. The as-deposited V2O5 NRs onto glass substrate by using spray pyrolysis method have a diameter of 140–160 nm and a length of 300–500 nm. The V2O5 NRs based EGFET pH sensor exhibited a remarkable pH sensing performance due to the larger effective sensing surface area. The sensing sensitivity and linearity of the pH-EGFET sensor was found to be 54.9 mV/pH and 0.9859, respectively in the range of pH 2–12. V2O5 NRs sensor showed superior pH sensing stability and reliability, thereby can be considered as potential candidate for mass fabrication in disposable biosensors.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title

Ahmed F. Abdulrahmna, Sabah M. Ahmed, Naser M. Ahmed, Munirah A. Almessiere Different Substrates Effects On The Topography And The Structure Of The Zno Nanorods Grown By Chemical Bath Deposition Method

Name of Journal



Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures




In this paper, vertically aligned ZnO nanorods arrays were fabricated on different substrates. The substrates are Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) coated glass, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), Silicon (Si), Porous Silicon (PS) and Kapton Tape (KT). Nanorods are fabricated at low temperature by using chemical bath deposition method. The investigation of the effect of substrates on the morphological, elementary composition and structural characteristics of ZnO nanorods has been done. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), Energy Dispersive analysis (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were used to investigate the morphological, compositional and structural characteristics with hexagonal wurtzite structure of the ZnO nanorods arrays. The average diameter of ZnO nanorods are found to be closely related to the substrates nature. It is concluded that the substrates can effect on the ZnO nanorods growth remarkably and the selective growth of ZnO nanorods is possible through the choice of the substrates. The crystallite size and the lattice constants of the synthesis ZnO nanorods were calculated based on the XRD data. The found results revealed that the increase in the crystallite size is strongly associated with the type of substrate.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title

A. F. Abdulrahmana, S. M. Ahmedb, N. M. Ahmed ,M. A. Almessiere Novel Process Using Oxygen And Air Bubbling In Chemical Bath Deposition Method For Vertically Well Aligned Arrays Of Zno Nanorods

Name of Journal



Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures




Vertically well-aligned ZnO nanorods arrays have been synthesized on ZnO seed layer coated glass substrates at low temperature using modified low-cost chemical bath deposition (CBD) method. The investigation of the influence of no air bubbles, air bubbles and oxygen bubbles inside the CBD reactor on the structural characteristics, morphological (diameter, length, aligned, distribution and homogeneously), elements chemical composition and optical properties of ZnO nanorods have been studied. This new modification of chemical bath deposition method shows the improved results over traditional chemical bath deposition method. The important results of this novel process are the good morphological, structural characteristic and optical properties of ZnO nanorods. These results obtained in just of 3.5 h growing time in the CBD reactor. On this modified CBD the growth time rate decreases about 1.5 h compared with the previous works.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title


Fayroz A. Sabah, Naser M. Ahmed, Z. Hassan, Munirah Abdullah Almessiere,4 And Naif H. Al-Hardan Sensitivity of CuS Membrane pH Sensor With and Without MOSFET

Name of Journal






Many studies have been conducted on membranes implemented as pH sensors for measuring pH sensitivity; nevertheless, the effect of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors was not taken into account. Hence, this study was conducted to measure the sensitivity of the CuS membrane with and without a field effect transistor. The CuS membrane was deposited onto a glass substrate using the spray pyrolysis technique. The sensitivity and linearity in the absence of the field effect transistor were measured to be 22.86 mV/pH and 95.62%, whereas the presence of the field effect showed slightly higher sensitivity and linearity of 24 mV/pH and 98.18%, respectively. The CuS membrane synthesized in the presence of the field effect transistor also showed higher stability because the metal oxide semiconductor was not immersed in a buffer solution. Furthermore, the hysteresis of the CuS membrane, measured for 5 min, yielded a value of 12.8 mV. The structural characteristics of the membrane confirmed the formation of a single, pure CuS phase, whereas the morphological characteristics showed porous agglomerations of square nanocrystals.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬


Fayroz A. Sabah, Naser M. Ahmed, Z. Hassan and Munirah Abdullah Almessiere


Using Deionized Water with Ethanol as a Solvent of CuS EGFET as pH Sensor


Name of Journal



Materials Science Forum



In this research work, copper sulphide was deposited on glass substrate using spray pyrolysis deposition. The precursors were dissolved in deionized water (DIW) and ethanol, mixed at a ratio of 7:3. The distance between nozzle and substrate was 30 cm and the substrate temperature was maintained at 200 °C. XRD spectra analysis showed four distinctive peaks of high intensity, which indicate pure CuS covellite phase with average crystallite size of 28.3 nm. FESEM characterization of the thin film structure showed a mixture of very small nanoplates and larger square- and triangular-shaped particles. The application of the film as pH sensor showed it has exceptional qualities that include sensitivity and linearity of 22.9 mV/pH and 93.8%, hysteresis of 57.32mV, repeatability (C.V.) of 0.11% for pH7, stability and reliability (C.V.) of 0.13%, 0.12% and 0.08% for pH 4, 7 and 10, respectively. This research work confirms the feasibility of using CuS thin film as extended membrane in pH sensor and biosensor applications.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title

A. N. J. Al-Daghmana, K. Ibrahima, N. M. Ahmeda, M. Abdullah Al- Messiere Effect Of Doping By Stronger Ions Salt On The Microstructure Of Conductive Polyaniline-Es: Structure And Properties

Name of Journal



journal of Optoelectronics and Biomedical Materials




Samples of polyaniline (emeraldine salt) were prepared with different protonic acid dopant, namely hydrochloride acid and sulfuric acid. Easiest chemical method for the preparation a conducting polymer of Polyaniline (PANI-ES) emeraldien salt has been reported in this paper. This polymer microstructure are characterized and analyzed with, HR-XRD diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and UV-vis spectroscopy. Polyaniline (PANI-ES) exhibit amorphous structure confirmed that from XRD diffraction pattern and FESEM analysis study, the formation of the polymer. The presence of characteristic bonds of PANI-ES was observed from FTIR spectroscopy technique. With absorption peak has been attributed due to quantized size of polyaniline conducting polymer.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title


H. Baqiah, N.B. Ibrahim, S.A. Halima, Z.A. Talib, M.H. Flaifel, M.H. Abdi Conducting mechanisms and magnetic behaviours of Fe-doped In2O3 nanocrystalline films

Name of Journal



Results in Physics

In press


The relation between conducting mechanism and magnetic behaviour of Fe-doped In2O3 thin films was investigated. The films were prepared by sol gel method followed by spin coating techniques and characterized by X-rays diffractions, field emission electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Hall Effect at room and low temperature, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and vibrating sample magnetometer. Films’ lattice parameter decreased with increasing of Fe content. Average grain size of films ranged between 8.4 and 13 nm. Oxygen vacancies of films tended to reduce with increasing of Fe doping. Films with x = 0.025 and 0.05 showed typical semiconducting behaviour while transition from metallic- to semiconducting-like behaviour was observed at 190 K and 230 K for films with x = 0.075 and x = 0.15, respectively. No trend had been found between films saturation magnetization, Ms, and free charge carriers. The magnetic behaviour of films has a correlation with localized electrons of Nearest-Neighbour Hopping conduction.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title


Halimah Mohamed Kamari, Naif Mohammed Al-Hada, Elias Saion, Abdul Halim Shaari, Zainal Abidin Talib, Moayad Husein Flaifel and Abdullah Ahmed Ali Ahmed Calcined Solution-Based PVP Influence on ZnO Semiconductor Nanoparticle Properties

Name of Journal






A water-based solution of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) at various concentrations and zinc nitrates were used in conjunction with calcination to produce zinc oxide semiconductor nanoparticles. The extent to which the zinc oxide semiconductor nanoparticles had become crystallized was measured using X-ray diffraction (XRD), whilst morphological characteristics were determined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) supported by XRD results were used to evaluate the average particle size. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was then carried out in order to identify the composition phase, since this suggested that the samples contained metal oxide bands and that all organic compounds had been effectively removed after calcination. A UV-VIS spectrophotometer was used to determine the energy band gap and illustrate optical features. Additionally, photoluminescence (PL) spectra revealed that the intensity of photoluminescence decreased with a decrease in particle size. The obtained results have mainly been inclusive for uses by several semiconductor applications in different fields, such as environmental applications and studies, since an absorption process for energy wavelengths could efficiently occur.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬


Naif Mohammed Al-Hada, Elias Saion, Halimah Mohamed Kamari, Moayad Husein Flaifel, Abdul H. Shaari, Zainal Abidin Talib, Nura Abdullahi, Anwar Ali Baqer, Alireza Kharazmi


Structural, morphological and optical behaviour of PVP capped binary (ZnO)0.4 (CdO)0.6 nanoparticles synthesised by a facile thermal route

Name of Journal



Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing




The synthesis of binary (ZnO)0.4 (CdO)0.6 nanoparticles was achieved using a novel thermal treatment method. The structural, morphological, elemental composition and optical behaviour of these nanoparticles were determined using various techniques. X-ray diffraction of the sample at a calcination temperature above 500 °C showed the presence of both hexagonal and face-centred cubic crystalline structures. With increasing calcination temperature, the dispersion of the nanoparticles was improved, and the mean particle size determined by TEM micrographs suggested a corresponding increasing trend. Increased particle size led to a rise in the photoluminescent intensity as demonstrated by photoluminescence spectra, and multiple energy band gaps which lessen with increasing calcination temperature. The resulting (ZnO)0.4 (CdO)0.6 nanoparticles are likely to have widespread uses within numerous semiconductor applications.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬


O.El-Sayed, A.I. Hafez , H.M.Zahr El-Deen, F. Salah El-Din


Extraction of Calcium and magnesium ions from WaterTreatment-Plant Sludge for Reusing in industrial water Treatment

Name of Journal



International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research




Possibilities for reusing the recovered calcium and magnesium salts coagulant in industrial wastewater treatment was investigated by choosing the power station liquid and solid wastes. Power station is one of the industries with high significance for water pollution in our country. The analysis of sludge and waste water collected from water treatment basin revealed that it has been enriched by calcium and magnesium ions. The aim of this work is to extract calcium and magnesium ions in the form of CaO , MgO from water treatment sludge and ion exchange waste water, where CaO is hydrated to Ca(OH)2 and used as lime in the water softening processes. The extracted salts were characterized by using chemical analyses and X-ray; while the chemical analyses of water and sludge were carried out according to the standard methods. The calcium and magnesium salts recovered by acidification of these sludges and alkalization of precipitate salts have shown good results in the treatment of wastewaters from industrial water produced by water treatment plants.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title th


Nino Ponjavidze, Gia Petriashvili, Maria Penelope De Santo, Ridha Hamdi, Ramla Gary, Riccardo Barberi Silver and Gold Nanoparticle Doped Polymer and Liquid Crystal Nanocomposites For the Thermo and Photo Optical Applications

Name of Journal International Conference “Nanotechnologies”, At Tbilisi, Georgia




Conference paper


Conversion in silver nanoparticles and thermochromic dye doped polymer nanocomposite: In these experiments a polymer nanocomposite incorporated with silver nanoparticles and organic luminescence dye has been fabricated, which exhibits thermochromic properties. It was shown that this kind of composite dramatically changes its color when changes an environmental temperature and acts as a thermochromic material with such improved parameters as temperature controlled fine tuning of absorption and luminescence. 2. Light emission enhancement in cholesteric liquid crystal doped with luminescent dye and gold nanoparticles: We have demonstrated that the light emission from a solution containing a luminescent dye can be enhanced when doped with a certain quantity of gold nanoparticles. When gold nanoparticles are added to a luminescent dye doped cholesteric liquid crystal mixture, we have observed a stronger luminescence and laser emission with respect to what was obtained using the pure mixture without gold nanoparticles. Obtained results can find versatile application in the field of fabrication nano sized storage media for quantum information devices, thermo controllable filters, windows and smart coatings, infrared image converters. For the visualization and monitoring of biological cells.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬


Hassen Dakhlaoui The effects of doping layer location on the electronic and optical properties of GaN step quantum well


Name of Journal



Superlattices and Microstructures




In the present work, the intersubband transition and the optical absorption coefficient between the ground and the first excited states in the Si-δ-doped step AlGaN/GaN quantum well were theoretically studied by solving Schrödinger-Poisson equations self-consistently within the framework of effective mass approximation. The delta-doped layer was inserted in three different locations (middle of the quantum well, middle of the step quantum well and middle of the left barrier). The obtained results show that the energy difference between the ground and the first excited state and the optical absorption depend not only on the doping layer concentration but also on its location. The shape of the confining potential and the wavefunctions were also changed depending on the doped layer location. It was found that doping in the middle quantum well is advantageous to obtain an optical absorption with a higher energy separation; however, doping in the left barrier gives us an optical absorption with a lower energy separation. The obtained results in optical absorption give us a new degree of freedom in optoelectronic devices based on intersubband transitions.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬


M. Shatnawi , A.M. Alsmadi, I. Bsoul, B. Salameh, M. Mathai, G. Alnawashi, Gassem M. Alzoubi, F. Al-Dweri, M.S. Bawa’aneh


Influence of Mn doping on the magnetic and optical properties of ZnO nanocrystalline particles


Name of Journal



Results in Physics



The structural, optical and magnetic properties of Mn doped ZnO nanocrystalline particles, Zn1-xMnxO, with different percentages of Mn content have been studied. XRD and XPS measurements showed that all samples with Mn doping up to x = 0.1 possess typical wurtzite structure and have no other impurity phases. The incorporation of Mn ions into the ZnO lattice was also confirmed by FTIR and UV–Vis. spectroscopy results. Both XRD and SEM results indicated a slight decrease in the grain size with increasing the Mn doping level. The XPS results indicated an increase in the oxygen vacancies concentration with increasing the Mn doping level. The magnetization measurements revealed a weak ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature and a clear ferromagnetic behavior with relatively large coercive fields at low temperature. The ferromagnetic order is improved by increasing the Mn doping. In addition, we observed an increase in the concentration of oxygen vacancies, which is also induced by increasing the Mn doping level. A ferromagnetic coupling of the local moment of Mn dopants through the sp-d exchange interaction and oxygen vacancies, in addition to different magnetic contributions due to different forms of Mn ions that coexist in the Mn doped nanoparticles were presented in order to interpret the observed magnetic behavior. We observed a clear red shift in the direct band gap and an increase in the coercive field and saturation magnetization values with increasing the Mn doping level.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الفيزياء‬

Name Title

Imen Massoudi Enhanced photoelectrochemical and optical performance of ZnO films tuned by Cr doping

Name of Journal



Applied Physics A- Materials Science and Processing




In this paper, pure and Cr-doped nanostructured Zinc oxide thin films were synthesized by simple and low cost co-precipitation and spin-coating method with Cr concentration varying between 0.5 and 5 at.%. Crystalline structure of the prepared films was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy techniques. XRD analysis indicated that the films were indexed as the hexagonal phase of wurtzite-type structure and demonstrated a decrease in the crystallite size with increasing Cr doping content. Cr doping revealed a significant effect on the optical measurements such as transmission and photoluminescence properties. The optical measurements indicated that Cr doping decreases the optical band gap and it has been shifted from 3.41 eV for pure ZnO film to 3.31 eV for 5 at.% Cr-doped one. The photoelectrochemical (PEC) sensing characteristics of Cr-doped ZnO layers were investigated. Amongst all photo-anodes with different Cr dopant concentration, the 2 at.% Cr incorporated ZnO films exhibited fast response and higher photoconduction sensitivity.



‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

ANWAR A.WASSEL, N.O. ALZAMEL, M.A.ALKHALDI, N. OUERFELLI1 and A.A. AL-ARFA Physico-Chemical and Analytical Study Antihypertensive Drug (Metoprolol Tartrate)

Name of Journal Asian Journal of Chemistry




Volume Date 29


Metoprolol active ingredient has been investigated using X-ray diffraction analysis, thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis,infrared and high-pressure liquid chromatography before and after exposure to 5 up to 50 kGy absorbed dose. The results obtained indicated high stability of metoprolol toward -absorbed dose. The scheme of interaction of -rays with metoprolol has been considered.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

Anwar A.Wassel, Mohsen M Zaher and Yasser M Abdalkraem Electrochemical sensors for determination of Tranexamic acid in pure form and pharmaceutical

Name of Journal International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research


Volume Date 1


A novel PVC membrane sensor for tranexamic acid based on Tranexamic acid phosphotungstate ion pair complex was prepared. The influences of membrane composition (i.e. percent of ion-pair complex, PVC, kind of plasticizer and ionic additive), inner solution, pH of test solution and foreign cations on the electrode performance were investigated. The optimized membrane demonstrates Nernstian response (56.2 ±0.4 mV per decade) for tranexamic acid cations over a wide linear range from 1.0×10-5 to 1×10−2 M at 25oC with lower detection limit 8.0×10-6 M. The potentiometric response is independent from the pH of the solution in the pH range of 2.0-4.5. The proposed sensor has the advantages of easy preparation, fast response time. The selectivity coefficients indicate excellent selectivity for tranexamic acid over many common cations (e.g., Na+, Cu2+, Ni2+, vitamin k1 and gabapentin). The sensors are used successfully for the determining of tranexamic acid in pure form and pharmaceutical preparations.


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Name Title


Name of Journal World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Volume Date 5


A sensitive electroanalytical method for determination of azapropazone has been investigated on the basis of the enhanced electrochemical response at glassy carbon electrode during oxidation of azapropazone, Cyclic voltammetric undergo one irreversible anodic peak at Ep= 0.48 mV in Britton - Robinson (BR) (pH 4.0). Cyclic voltammetric study indicated that the oxidation process is irreversible and adsorption controlled. The number of exchanged electrons in the electro oxidation process was obtained. Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV) were studied and a linear calibration obtained from: 0.0014– 0.026 μg/ml, 0.014 – 0.134 μg/ml using DPV and SWV respectively. The RSD for five measurements were found in the ranges: 0.854% and 0.911% for DPV and SWV, respectively. Precision and accuracy of the developed method was checked by recovery studies. The method was applied to determine azapropazone in pure form, pharmaceutical formulations, and compared with official methods.


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Name Title

R.B. Haj-Kacem, N.O. Alzamel, N.A. Al-Omair, M.A. Alkhaldi, A.A. Al-Arfaj, N. Ouerfelli. Sensitivity of viscosity Arrhenius-type equation to density of liquids

Name of Journal Asian Journal of Chemistry


Volume Date 28


47. Numerous empirical or semi-empirical equations are proposed in the literature to describe the temperature dependence of fluids viscosity. This paper aims to contribute to this research axis by investigating the effect of density of liquids on the modeling of liquid viscosity upon temperature. We focused for that on the Arrhenius-type equation. Using experimental data set of pure solvents from the literature, our study is based on the classification of liquids into heavy versus light. Thus, statistical tests and econometric estimations showed that there is strong evidence that this classification affect significantly the distribution of the Arrhenius-type Equation parameters and the modeling of the viscosity-temperature dependence. To this end, we suggested in this paper new specific coefficient values of the simplified Arrhenius-type equation taking into consideration the said effect and allowing better estimation accuracy. This result is important given that accuracy in the estimation of the models’ parameters is very important for chemical and industrial processes and designs. It could also pave the way to investigate more accurate values of the equation’s parameters when the natures of fluids are classified differently.


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Name Title

H. Salhi, S. Babu, A.A. Al-Arfaj, M.A. Alkhaldi, N.O. Alzamel, S. Akhtar, N. Ouerfelli The Reduced Redlich-Kister Equations for Correlating Excess properties of 1,2-dimethoxyethane + water Binary Mixtures at Temperatures from 303.15 K to 323.15 K.

Name of Journal Rasayan Journal of Chemistry


Volume Date 9


48. Excess molar volumes, viscosity deviations and excess molar Gibbs energy of activation of viscous flow in 1,2dimethoxyethane + water binary mixtures at (303.15, 308.15, 313.15, 318.15 and 323.15) K. were calculated from experimental density and viscosity data presented in previous work. Here these experimental values were used to test the applicability of the correlative reduced Redlich-Kister equation and the Herráez and Belda equations as well as their corresponding relative properties. Their correlation ability at different temperatures, and the use of appropriate numbers of parameters, is discussed for the case of limited experimental data. The relative functions are important to reduce the effect of temperature and, consequently, to reveal the effects of different factors and types of interactions. Values of limiting excess partial molar thermodynamic properties at infinite dilution were deduced from different methods.


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Name Title

Ahlam A. Al-Arfaj, Rami B. H. Kacem, Lotfi Snoussi, Narcisa Vrinceanu, Mishael A. Alkhali, Nora O. Alzamel, Noureddine Ouerfelli Correlation Analysis of the viscosity Arrhenius-type equations parameters for some binary liquids mixtures

Name of Journal Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry


Volume Date 6


A49. The analysis of fluids physicochemical properties, particularly the liquids viscosity, is important for the optimization of industrial processes and products. For that, several empirical and semi-empirical equations have been proposed in the literature to study the viscosity of pure liquids and binary liquid mixtures. In this context, Messaâdi et al. have recently proposed an equation correlating the two parameters of the viscosity Arrhenius-type equation, such as the activation energy (Ea) and the pre-exponential factor (As), for 75 pure solvents. This paper aims to extend their model to binary liquid mixtures. To achieve this purpose, statistical analysis is made using data sets from the literature of some solvent binary mixtures at different compositions and temperatures. The validation of the extended Messaâdi-Dhouibi equation for binary liquid mixtures simplifies the estimation of viscous behavior and the ensuing calculations. It is very useful for engineering data which permits to estimate one non-available parameter when the second one is available.


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N.A. Al-Omair, D. Das, L. Snoussi, B. Sinha, R. Pradhan, K. Acharjee, K. Saoudi, N. Ouerfelli.


A partial derivatives approach for estimation of the viscosity Arrhenius temperature in N,N-dimethylformamide + 1,4dioxane binary fluid mixtures at temperatures from 298.15 K to 318.15 K.

Name of Journal Physics and Chemistry of Liquids


Volume Date 54


44 .Excess properties calculated from the literature values of experimental density and viscosity in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) + 1,4-dioxane(DO) fluid binary mixtures (from 303.15 to 318.15) K can lead us to test the different correlation equations as well as their corresponding relative functions. Inspection of the Arrhenius activation energy Ea and the enthalpy of activation of viscous flow ΔH* shows very close values; here we can define partial molar activation energy Ea1 and Ea2 for DMF and DO, respectively, along with their individual contribution separately. Correlation between the two Arrhenius parameters of viscosity in all compositions shows the existence of the primary distinct behaviours separated by particular mole fractions in DMF. In addition, we add that the correlation between Arrhenius parameters reveals interesting Arrhenius temperature (TA), which is closely related to the vaporization temperature in the liquid–vapour equilibrium; moreover, the limiting corresponding partial molar properties allow us to estimate the boiling points of the pure components.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬


L. Snoussi, R. Chouikh, N. Ouerfelli, A. Guizani Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer Enhancement for Natural Convection in a Cubical Enclosure filled with Al2O3/water and Ag/water Nanofluids


Name of Journal Physics and Chemistry of Liquids


Volume Date 54


46. In the present study, the natural convective heat transfer in a cube filled with Al2O3/H2O and Ag/H2O nanofluids is investigated numerically. Commercial CFD code FLUENT has been used to simulate water-based nanofluid considering it as a single-phase fluid. The influence of different parameters, such as the Rayleigh number and the nanoparticle volume fraction, is studied. The velocity vectors and the isotherm profiles are plotted. The variation of the Average Nusselt number at the hot wall and the variation of y-component of velocity are presented and discussed. The numerical results show a decrease in the heat transfer with the increase in the particle volume fraction and the same trend in the increase of the Nusselt number with the Rayleigh number.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

Hanen Salhi, Saik Babu, Nada Al-Eidan, Nejib H. Mekni, Noura Al-Otaibi, Khadija Y. Alqahtani 3, Nuhed A. AlOmair, Noureddine Ouerfelli On the reduced Redlich-Kister excess properties for 1,2dimethoxyethane with propylene carbonate binary mixtures at temperatures (from 298.15 to 318.15) K

Name of Journal Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry


Volume Date 6


A50. Values of excess properties in 1,2-dimethoxyethane + propylene carbonate binary liquid mixtures at different temperatures from experimental density and viscosity values presented in earlier work, were used to test the applicability of the correlative reduced Redlich-Kister functions and the Belda equation, and to reveal eventual specific interaction hidden by the classical treatment of direct excess Redlich-Kister functions. Their correlation ability at different temperatures, and the use of different numbers of parameters, is discussed for the case of limited experimental data. The relative RedlichKister functions are important to reduce the effect of temperature and, consequently, to reveal the effects of different types of interactions. Values of limiting excess partial molar volume at infinite dilution deduced from different methods were discussed. Also, the activation parameters and partial molar Gibbs free energy of activation of viscous flow against compositions were investigated. Correlation between the two Arrhenius parameters of viscosity shows the existence of main different behaviors separated by a stabilized structure in a short range of mole fraction in 1,2-dimethoxyethane (0.45 to 0.83). In this context, the correlation Belda equation has also been applied to the present system for thermodynamic properties in order to reveal eventual solute-solvent interaction at high dilution.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬


M. Dallel, A.A. Al-Zahrani, H.M. Al-Shahrani, G.M. AlEnzi, L. Snoussi, N. Vrinceanu, N.A. Al-Omair, N. Ouerfelli


Prediction of the boiling temperature of 1,2dimethoxyethane and propylene carbonate through the study of viscosity–temperature dependence of corresponding binary liquid mixtures

Name of Journal Physics and Chemistry of Liquids


Volume Date 55


A51. Calculation of excess properties in 1,2-dimethoxyethane (DME) + propylene carbonate (PPC) binary liquid mixtures at (298.15, 308.15 and 318.15) K from experimental viscosity and density values was presented in earlier work. Investigations of these experimental values to test correlation quality of different equations as well as their corresponding relative functions were also reported. Considering the quasi-equality between the enthalpy of activation of viscous flow ΔH* and the viscosity Arrhenius activation energy Ea, here, we can define partial molar activation energy Ea1 and Ea2 for DME with PPC, respectively, along with their individual contribution separately. Correlation between Arrhenius parameters brings to light interesting Arrhenius temperature with a comparison to the temperature of vaporization in the liquid vapour equilibrium, and the limiting corresponding partial molar properties that can permit us to predict value of the boiling points of the pure components. New empirical equations for estimating the boiling temperature are proposed.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

Hana H. Mohamed, Nuhad A. Alomair and Detlef W. Bahnemann Kinetic and Mechanistic Features on the Reaction of Stored TiO2 Electrons with Hg (II), Pb (II) and Ni (II) in Aqueous Suspension

Name of Journal Arabian Journal of Chemistry



Date 2016

The reaction of electrons stored on TiO2 nanoparticles with heavy metal ions Hg (II), Ni (II) and Pb (II) has been studied employing steady state and stopped flow spectrophotometric techniques. Prior to kinetic investigation the formation of metal deposits is detected by their surface Plasmon absorbance observed after mixing of their corresponding metal ions with stored electron on TiO2 nanoparticles ( ). The dynamic of transfer of stored TiO2 electrons to Hg (II), Pb (II) and Ni (II) in water has been investigated after mixing in the stopped flow chamber following the decrease of the absorbance of at 600 nm. The results indicate that Hg (II), Pb (II) and Ni (II) ions react readily with . The kinetic parameters of the electron transfer reactions have been obtained by pseudo first order fitting. In the presence of Hg (II) ions, the transients decay followed by a buildup at 380– 480 nm range. In the presence of Pb (II) and Ni (II), a concurrent decay of TiO2 electron absorbance and buildup of the absorbance of metal deposits were observed. The rate constants of the electron transfer reactions induced by TiO2 stored electrons to metal ions increase with the driving force of the reaction according to Tafel equation.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

Hana H. Mohamed and Nuhad A. Alomair Exploiting Stored TiO 2 Electrons for Multi–Electron Reduction of an Azo Dye Methyl Orange in Aqueous Suspension

Name of Journal Journal of Saudi Chemical Society



Date 2016

The mechanism of multi-electron reduction of methyl orange (MO) azo dye on TiO 2nanoparticles has been studied performing stopped flow technique. A multi-electron reduction of azo dye has been investigated. It was found that a multistep reduction of the dye takes place: the stored electrons reduce the conjugative system of the azo group resulting in the decolorization of the dye and leading to the formation of hydrazine derivative followed by further 2 electron transfer step leading to the cleavage of the N–N bond and the formation of aromatic amines. The FTIR analysis of the products confirms the proposed mechanism of the dye reduction. The kinetic parameters and of the multi-electrons reduction of the MO have been determined. The rate of MO reduction was found to be dependent on both the TiO 2 electrons and the dye concentrations.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

Suhailah S. Al-Jameel and Mashal M. Al-Namshan Protective effect of black rice extract on the functional status of liver and hepatic stellate cell against toxicity induced by ethanol

Name of Journal J. Indian Chem. Soc.


Volume Date 94


The present study was performed to investigate the protective effect of black rice ethanolic extract (BREE) on liver injury induced by ethyl alcohol in male rats. The study was conducted on 40 male Wistar rats weighing (190– 200 g), the animals were divided into 4 equal groups. The first group was received basal diet and used as a normal control group (NC). The second group were administered ethyl alcohol (6 g/kg bw) orally and used as positive control (PC). The other groups of rats were administered ethyl alcohol (6 mg/kg bw) + BREE (125 and 250 mg/kg bw/day). Blood and tissue samples were collected after 2 weeks. The results revealed that the rats treated with ethyl alcohol showed a significant (p 0.05) increase in levels of TC, TL, TG, ALT and AST. Ethyl alcohol intoxication induces some pathological alterations in the liver as degeneration of cytoplasm and nuclei manifest clear symptoms of pyknosis and karyorrhexis. The rise in serum hepatic enzymes, TC, TL, TG, histopathological and immunohistochemical changes were significantly attenuated by BREE. The current results clearly investigate the beneficial effects of BREE in controlling ethyl alcohol disorders induced and the protection of liver against ethyl alcohol intoxication.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

Hessah Mohammed Al-muzafar and Kamal Adel Amin Probiotic mixture improves fatty liver disease by virtue of its action on lipid profiles, leptin, and inflammatory biomarkers

Name of Journal BMC Complement Altern. Med


Volume Date 17


Background A high fat diet has an essential role in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This condition is characterized by hepatic fat accumulation (steatosis) and is associated with obesity, diabetes, and fibrosis or cirrhosis of the liver. Probiotics may be useful in the treatment of steatosis. This study examined the effects of an ingested probiotic formulation on the lipid profiles, liver functions, leptin levels, and inflammatory marker levels of rats with NAFLD that had been induced via high fat and sucrose diet (HFSD). Methods Young male albino rats were randomly divided into three groups: a control group that was fed a standard diet; a second group that was fed a HFSD; and a third group that was given both a HFSD and ingestible probiotic mixtures. The groups were fed these diets for 16 weeks, and were then examined. Results HFSD-only rats showed hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, and elevated low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, and their serum alanine transaminase (ALT) and bilirubin levels were significantly higher than those of the control group. Compared to rats on the standard diet, HFSD-only rats showed higher levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin 6 (IL-6), increased serum leptin levels, and increased resistin hormone levels in the adipose tissues. In the third group, the inclusion of the probiotic mixture seemed to ameliorate the effects of the HFSD diet. The NAFD + probiotics group showed improved lipid profiles, better leptin and resistin levels, and better TNF-α and IL-6 levels than the NAFD-only group. They also showed no signs of NAFLD. Conclusions The probiotic mixture showed promise as a treatment for NAFLD pathogenesis, and may improve HFSD-induced steatosis through its effects on leptin, resistin, inflammatory biomarkers, and hepatic function markers. We also established that gut microbiota-mediated regulation of lipid profiles was dependent on dietary lipids and carbohydrates. Keywords: Probiotics, HFSD, Lipid profile, Leptin, Inflammation, NAFLD biomarkers


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title




Volume Date 3


6-(1,2,4-triazol-3-thioxo-5-yl)-3,5-diaryl cyclohex-2-enone (4) was obtained from the reaction of cyclohexenone acid hydrazide (2) with phenyl isothiocyanate. 2-substituted oxadiazole derivatives (9), (12) have been synthesized. The treatment of (8) with carbonyl compounds was investigated. The propionitrile derivative (5) was synthesised. The antimicrobial activity of (6, 9, 10 and 12) against fungi, Grampositive and Gram-negative bacteria was screened and the results were encouraging. The antitumor activity of against human cell lines was investigated. The structures of compounds (4-13) were elucidated by means of microanalysis as well as spectral measurements such as IR, 1H-, 13C-NMR and MS.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title




Volume Date 4


A new series of pyrazolyl derivatives are reported herein. The one pot reaction of pyrazolone 3 with malononitrile, ethyl acetoacetate in presence of aromatic aldehyde, ammonium acetate and/or piperidine gave compounds 4-6. Reaction of compound 4 with ammonium thiocaynate, formamide / formic acid and acetic anhydride gave compounds 7-9. Reaction of compound 5 with acetic anhydride followed by hydrazine hydrate gave compounds 10 and 11 respectively. Reaction of pyrazolone 3 with aromatic aldehyde have also been taken onto consideration to give the α,β –unsaturated ketone 12. Compound 12 was used as key intermediate for preparation of various heterocyclic compounds via its reaction with pyrazolone 3, hydrazine hydrate, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, urea, thiourea, ethyl cyanoacetate / sodium ethoxide, malononitrile / ammonium acetate or sodium ethoxide and also with ethyl acetoacetate / sodium ethoxide. The newly synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, 1HNMR, mass spectral data. The antitumor, molecular docking biological activity has also been taken in consideration.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

Soheir N. Abd El-Rahman and Suhailah S. Al-Jameel Synergistic effect of quercetin nanoparticles on liver and pancreas tissues and oxidative stress of STZ-induced diabetic rats

Name of Journal Asian Journal of Chemistry


Volume Date 29


Nanotechnology technique increases the solubility in water and bioavailability of drug. This study aimed to investigate the synergistic effects of quercetin nanoparticales (QUNPs) on a STZ-induced diabetic rats to determine their potential role in alleviating diabetes and its oxidative stress-induced. In the present study, STZ-diabetic rats were treated with QUNPs(10 and 20mg/ kg bw/day) for 7 weeks to analyze their effects on lipid profile, markers of hepatic enzyme and enzymic antioxidant (MDA, SOD, GSH), also pancreasand livertissues. The resultsof this study indicated that QUNPs(10 and 20mg/ kg bw/day) administreated rats down-modify hyperglycemia and oxidative stress. Furthermore, when treated diabetic rats with QUNPs(10 and 20mg/ kgbw/day) we noticed a high significant improvement in histological structural degeneration of pancreas and liver. QUNPs(20mg/ kg bw/day) exhibited maximum inhibition of lipid profile, hepatic enzymes and oxidative stress, which indicates a protective role in the diabetic rats pancreas and liver. Our results show the quercetin nanoparticles (QUNPs) synergistic effects to improve hyperglycemia and oxidative stress in diabetic rats and so, open a new areas that can help to define a different trend on the developing of active treatments of nano-flavonoids.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Soheir N Abd El-Rahman, Reda SM and Sheikha M AlGhannam


Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-doped Zinc Oxide and its Application as Protective Oxidative Changes in the Retina of Diabetic Rats


Name of Journal Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism


Volume Date 7


Oxidative stress is a basic mechanism behind the development of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Therefore, the present study conducted to evaluate the protective effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) doped with fluorine (F:ZnO) and chlorine (Cl:ZnO), on retinal oxidative stress in type II diabetic rats. TEM showed that the F:ZnO and Cl:ZnO have average particle size 17.7 and 59.3 nm, respectively. The results indicated that serum glucose was increased significantly (p ≤ 0.05) and serum insulin was decreased significantly 3 days after treatment with STZ compared to other groups. STZ treatment depleted both retinal and liver TBA and retinal GST contents. While, simultaneous treatment rats with low and high dose of STZ + F:ZnO and STZ + Cl:ZnO were decreased serum glucose induced by STZ and reversed the deplete influence on GSH level of retinal and reduced the highs in TBA levels of livers and retina in STZ -administrated rats. The results investigate the useful effects of high dose of F:ZnO and Cl:ZnO in protection diabetic rats against hyperglycemia and retina against oxidative stress.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

Mona M. AL- Dhafeer, Abir Said Abdel-Naby Use of blend Technique for adjustment of biodegradable Cellulose acetate to fiber applications

Name of Journal Asian Journal of Chemistry


Volume Date 29


Cellulose acetate (CA) is a semi-ordered polymer, always used in various plastic applications. To adjust this biodegradable polymer to fiber application, the polymer is blended through its amorphous matrix with acrylonitrile copolymers to thermally support the polymer. The blending process, assisted with ultrasonic waves, led to the formation of a homogeneous matrix up to 25% of the copolymers content. A unique glass transition temperature indicating the formation of new macromolecular matrix as a result of each blend sample. The results revealed that the blend samples exhibited higher thermal stability as shown from thermal analysis as compared to cellulose acetate. Also the mechanical properties were greatly improved. Thus, blending cellulose acetate with the prepared copolymers enable it to withstand high temperatures which adjust it for fiber applications. Key words: Cellulose acetate, thermogravimetry , mechanical properties, polymer blends.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

Adnene Dhouib First-principles study of Au−Cu alloy surface changes induced by gas adsorption of CO, NO or O2

Name of Journal Journal of Chemical Physics


Volume Date 145


The surface composition of bimetallics can be strongly altered by adsorbing molecules where the metal with the strongest interaction with the adsorbate segregates into the surface. To investigate the effect of reactive gas on the surface composition of Au−Cu alloy we examined by means of Density Functional Theory (DFT) study the segregation behavior of copper in gold matrices. The adsorption mechanisms of CO, NO and O2 gas molecules on gold, copper and gold-copper low index (111), (100) and (110) surfaces were analyzed from energetic and electronic points of view. Our results show a strong segregation of Cu toward the (110) surface in the presence of all adsorbed molecules. Interestingly, the Cu segregation toward the (111) and (100) surface could occur only in presence of CO and at a lower extent in the presence of NO. The analysis of the electronic structure highlights the different binding characters of adsorbates inducing the Cu segregation.


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Nesrine Ben Saber, Amor Benali, Lise-Marie Lacroix , Patrick Gredin ,Bertrant Raquet, Guillaume Viau


A 3D array of Co(II) cubanes with very strong magnetic anisotropy


Name of Journal Journal of Alloys and Compounds


Volume Date 686


A new cobalt alkoxide Co(C3H6O2) resulting from the reaction of cobalt acetate with 1,3 propanediol, exhibits a tetragonal structure that consists in a 3D framework of [Co4O4] cubanes connected to each other by double oxygen bridge in which all the Co(II) cations are five coordinated. This compound exhibits a 3D magnetic order below 36 K and combines exceptionally high magnetic anisotropy (coercivity higher than 4 T) with complex magnetic structure revealed by a spin flip at 13 T.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

Rizwan Ullah, Salma Bilal, Anwar-ul-Haq Ali Shah, Khurshid Ali, Fadi Alakhras Synthesis and characterization of polyaniline doped with polyvinyl alcohol by inverse emulsion polymerization

Name of Journal Synthetic Metals


Volume Date 222


The properties of conducting polymers (CPs) such as polyaniline (PANI) and its derivatives can be modified, improved and even enhanced by making composites with materials which can change the extent and level of doping in the CPs. This paper reports on the synthesis of PANI in the presence of various concentration of polyvinyl alcohol by inverse emulsion polymerization. The as synthesized PANI and PANI/PVA were characterized with UV/VIS, FTIR, XRD, TGA, SEM, conductivity and electrochemical measurements. The results demonstrated the formation of polyaniline doped with polyvinyl alcohol showing high thermal stability and improved room temperature conductivity. The synthesized composites were found to be soluble in common organic solvents such as N-methylpyrolidinone (NMP), Chloroform, 2:1 mixture of toluene and 2-proanol, 1:1 mixture of chloroform and toluene and 2:1 mixture of toluene and methanol. Cyclic voltammetric studies showed good redox properties of synthesized PANI and PANI/PVA.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬

Name Title

Fadi Alakhras Spectroelectrochemical Investigations of Electrochemically Synthesized Selenophene-Thianaphthene Copolymers

Name of Journal Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry


Volume Date 786


Selenophene-co-thianaphthene films have been successfully electropolymerized by direct oxidation on platinum electrode in acetonitrile solution containing a 0.1 mol L−1 TBATFB as supporting electrolyte. The obtained material films have one redox couple with enhanced redox capacity. The investigated properties of copolymers strongly depended on the polymerization conditions. Band gap energies of homo- and copolymer films are calculated and the values are between 1.91 and 2.02 eV. The electrical conductivity measurements of co/polymers are effectively recorded using a four-probe technique and are generally increased with increasing temperature. FTIR spectra exposed that bands of the copolymers are retained in the spectra of homopolymers. Furthermore, the bands of the doped copolymers are shifted to lower energies with respect to the as-prepared ones. This shift indicates bond weakening due to the removal of electron density from π-bonding orbitals due to the co/polymer oxidation.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم الكيمياء‬


M.A. Alkhaldi Natural Products as Corrosion Inhibitor for Steel in 0.5 M Hydrochloric Acid Solution




Volume Date 28


The corrosion inhibition of steel in 0.5 M HCl by lemon leaves extracts with saffron, almonds, guava leaves and Origanum majorana extracts was studied using electrochemical polarization and EIS methods. The result indicate that the corrosion current density (Icorr) of steel increases on increasing the concentration of lemon leaves extracts while adding of each saffron, almonds, guava leaves and Origanum majorana extracts to solution of lemon leaves extracts in 0.5 M HCl increasing the inhibition efficiency of steel by decreasing corrosion current density and increasing charge-transfer resistance (Rct) with increasing the concentration of saffron, almonds, guava leaves and Origanum majorana extracts in the following order: Origanum majorana > Guava leaves Almonds > Saffron. The effect of temperature on the corrosion behaviour of steel indicates that inhibition efficiency of the lemon leaves with saffron, almonds, guava leaves and Origanum majorana extracts decreases with the rise of temperature. The adsorption isotherm of inhibitors extracts on the steel has been determined and found to follow Langmuir adsorption isotherm where the negative value of free energy of adsorption indicates that the adsorption of the inhibitors components on the steel surface occurs spontaneously.



‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Amal A. ALjuraifani Impact of solvent types on anti-bacterial activities of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) pulp extracts



Volume Date 26


The present study deals with the anti-microbial activity of five solvent extracts of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) pulps against seven microorganisms: two Gram-positive bacteria, i.e. Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus; three Gram-negative bacteria, i.e. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and two yeasts, i.e. Candida albicans & C. parapsilosis. Results revealed that all extracts were very effective against P. aeruginosa while some extracts showed no inhibition against S. aureus at all tested concentration (20, 40 & 80 μg/ml). As for the solvents, the n-hexane extract had the best inhibitory effect among five solvents tested (n-hexane, ethanol, chloroform, acetone & water). The maximum inhibition zone at 80 μg/ml concentration of n-hexane was 39 ± 0.4 mm; of chloroform extract on P. aeruginosa was 26.1 ± 0.1 mm. These indicate that some active substances in C. pepo dissolved in varying degrees in the five solvents. The minimum concentration (MIC) for n-hexane was 1.6 μg/ml for P. aeruginosa leading to a conclusion that the n-hexane extract of pumpkin was found to be the most potent.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Hanan Almahasheer, CarlosM.Duarte and Xabier Irigoien Phenology and Growth dynamics of Avicennia marina in the Central Red Sea

Name of Journal Scientific Reports


Volume Date 6


The formation of nodes, stem elongation and the phenology of stunted Avicennia marina was examined in the Central Red Sea, where Avicennia marina is at the limit of its distribution range and submitted to extremely arid conditions with salinity above 38 psu and water temperature as high as 35° C. The annual node production was rather uniform among locations averaging 9.59 node y−1, which resulted in a plastocron interval, the interval in between production of two consecutive nodes along a stem, of 38 days. However, the internodal length varied signi cantly between locations, resulting in growth di erences possibly re ecting the environmental conditions of locations. The reproductive cycle lasted for approximately 12 months, and was characterized by peak owering and propagule development in November and January. These phenological observations provide a starting point for research and restoration programs on the ecology of mangroves in the Central Red Sea, while the plastochrone index reported here would allow calculations of the growth and production of the species from simple morphological measurements.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

HananAlmahasheer,CarlosM.Duarte and Xabier Irigoien Frontiers in marine science

Name of Journal Nutrient Limitation in Central Red Sea Mangroves


Volume Date 3


As coastal plants that can survive in salt water, mangroves play an essential role in large marine ecosystems (LMEs). The Red Sea, where the growth of mangroves is stunted, is one of the least studied LMEs in the world. Mangroves along the Central Red Sea have characteristic heights of ∼2 m, suggesting nutrient limitation. We assessed the nutrient status of mangrove stands in the Central Red Sea and conducted a fertilization experiment (N, P and Fe and various combinations thereof) on 4-week-old seedlings of Avicennia marina to identify limiting nutrients and stoichiometric effects. We measured height, number of leaves, number of nodes and root development at different time periods as well as the leaf content of C, N, P, Fe, and Chl a in the experimental seedlings. Height, number of nodes and number of leaves differed significantly among treatments. Iron treatment resulted in significantly taller plants compared with other nutrients, demonstrating that iron is the primary limiting nutrient in the tested mangrove population and confirming Liebig’s law of the minimum: iron addition alone yielded results comparable to those using complete fertilizer. This result is consistent with the biogenic nature of the sediments in the Red Sea, which are dominated by carbonates, and the lack of riverine sources of iron.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Hanan Almahasheer a, b, Abdulaziz Aljowair c, Carlos M. Duarte a, Xabier Irigoien a. Decadal stability of Red Sea mangroves

Name of Journal Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science


Volume Date 169


Across the Earth, mangroves play an important role in coastal protection, both as nurseries and carbon sinks. However, due to various human and environmental impacts, the coverage of mangroves is declining on a global scale. The Red Sea is in the northern-most area of the distribution range of man- groves. Little is known about the surface covered by mangroves at this northern limit or about the changes experienced by Red Sea mangroves. We sought to study changes in the coverage of Red Sea mangroves by using multi-temporal Landsat data (1972, 2000 and 2013). Interestingly, our results show that there has been no decline in mangrove stands in the Red Sea but rather a slight increase. The area covered by mangroves is about 69 Km2 along the African shore and 51 Km2 along the Arabian Peninsula shore. From 1972 to 2013, the area covered by mangroves increased by about 0.29% y 1. We conclude that the trend exhibited by Red Sea mangroves departs from the general global decline of mangroves. Along the Red Sea, mangroves expanded by 12% over the 41 years from 1972 to 2013. Losses to Red Sea mangroves, mostly due to coastal development, have been compensated by afforestation projects.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Nagla Zaky Ibrahim El -Alfy, Mahmoud Fathy Mahmoud, Amany Ibrahim Alqosaibi and Sally Ramadan El-Ashry Genotoxic Effect of Methotrexate on Bone Marrow Chromosomes and DNA of Male Albino Mice (Mus musculus)

Name of Journal The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine


Volume Date 64


Aim of the work-Methotrexate (MTX), a structural analogue of folic acid, is an antineoplastic and antirheumatic agent which is used in a variety of clinical schedules and combination therapy regimens in man. Material and methods- Sixty mice of nearly the same age were randomly categorized into four groups (one control and three treated groups with different doses of methotrexate). Mice of the treated groups 1, 2 and 3 were intraperitoneally injected with a single dose of methotrexate (2.5, 5 or 10 mg/kg b. wt. respectively) at the first day of the experiment. All the control and the treated animals were sacrificed after 24, 48 or 72 hour by cervical dislocation post treatment. Results-Methotrexate treatment induced structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations in male mice bone marrow cells which were significantly increased (P< 0.001) by dose and time. Structural aberrations were chromosomal gap, fragment, break, centromeric attenuation, deletion, centric fusion, ring formation, end to end association and beaded chromosomes. Numerical aberration was polyploidy. Also, methotrexate treatment decreased the mitotic index in bone marrow cells of all the treated mice in comparison with the control group by increasing dose and time of treatment. Comet assay results indicated that treatment with methotrexate significantly increased (P< 0.001) DNA damage in the blood leukocytes in dose and time dependent manner. Conclusion- It can be concluded that methotrexate induced genetic damage on the chromosomes and DNA content of male albino mice even after single treatment with low doses.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Nagla Zaky Ibrahim El -Alfy, Mahmoud Fathy Mahmoud, Amany Ibrahim Alqosaibi and Sally Ramadan El-Ashry An analysis of micronuclei and DNA damage induced by Methotrexate treatment in bone marrow of Male Albino Mice (Mus musculus)

Name of Journal The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine


Volume Date 65


Background: Methotrexate is an antineoplastic, antipsoriatic and antirheumatic agent belongs to the group of antimetabolites and inhibits folic acid metabolism. Materials and methods: To investigate its possible effect, sixty male mice were randomly assigned to one of four groups (one control and three treated groups with different doses of methotrexate). Mice of groups 1, 2 and 3 were intraperitoneally injected with 2.5, 5 and 10 mg /kg b.wt. methotrexate respectively. All the control and treated animals were sacrificed at 24, 48 and 72 hour by cervical dislocation post treatment. Results: Micronucleus assay results showed that methotrexate treatment induced genotoxicity in bone marrow cells, the number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCEs) and the ratio of polychromatic erythrocytes/ normochromatic erythrocytes was gradually increased significantly (P < 0.001) by increasing dose and time of treatment in methotrexate treated groups in comparison with the control group. An analysis of randomly amplified polymorphism DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) showed different ranges of DNA modifications in the treated groups after 24, 48 and 72 hour of treatment in comparison with the control group. Results of this study indicate that methotrexate treatment induced cytotoxic and genotoxic effect on bone marrow cells and DNA content of male albino mice even after a low dose and single treatment. Conclusion: Therefore, the therapeutic uses of methotrexate should be restricted to a very narrow range border.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Amira Hassan Al-Abdalall and Eida Marshid Al-Khaldi Recovery of silver from used X-ray film using alkaline protease from Bacillus subtilis sub sp. subtilis

Name of Journal African Journal of Biotechnology


Volume Date 15


Silver is an important industrial metal used in several areas such as photographic and x-ray films, jewelries, silver wares and electronic objects. Silver is used for photographic film/xray film because of its matchless quality as a light-sensitive material for making a photographic image. Silver is not destroyed in the photographic process and it can be reused and recovered. Results have proven that, bacterial alkaline protease can be used to extract silver in 30 min, but its activity decreases with increasing incubation period. Gelatin hydrolysis was monitored by measuring the increase in turbidity of the hydrolysate, which was accompanied by release of protein and hydroxyproline. The protease of the culture filtrate used was 97 U/ml after 30 min, but it decreased to 86.5U/ml after 60 min. After 90 min, it reached 85 U/ml. A great inactivation was recorded after 120 min; it got to 39.5 and 36.5% (U/ml) after 180 min. Gelatin layer was stripped completely within 30 min with 97 U ml-1 protease at 50°C and pH 8. At the end of the treatment, gelatin layer was completely removed and the polyester film was left clean. In addition, silver was recovered in the hydrolysate, both of which can be reused.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Eida Marshid Al-Khaldi and Amira Hassan Al-Abdalall Effect of activators and inhibitors on extracellular thermostable alkaline protease isolated from Bacillus subtilis obtained from eastern province of Saudi Arabia

Name of Journal African Journal of Biotechnology


Volume Date 16


Alkaline proteases need some ions to achieve highest activity. These metallic ions help in, enzyme stability and activity through its thermal stability at high degrees. This protects the enzyme from being destroyed by heat. The results show that the ideal condition for enzyme activity was, using Mn2+ ions as the activator with 1112.5 U/ml activity, while MgSO4.7H2O has lower effectiveness of an enzyme activity 247.5 U/ml. Benzene was the best solvent (867.5 U/ml), however ethylene glycol extract had lower solvents on enzyme activity (530 U/ml). KMnO4 has the best inhibitor with enzyme activity of 1325 U/ml, while ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) has the most effective inhibitor enzyme activity with 575 U/ml. Traditional methods in leather industries are based on using H2S and other chemicals, which are considered as ways of pollution and threaten the environmental health. So, biological treatment using protease enzyme is environmentally safe and help to ease manipulation, less byproducts and wastes. Alkaline protease is used in soaking leather, incubate at 50° C for different periods then wash and hair remove by distaining processes. The enzyme control remove hair for 30 min, its activity decreased for a period of 180 min making the enzyme potentially suitable for biotechnological applications


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Ibtisam Mohammed Ababutain Anti-probiotic effect of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) leaf extract



Volume Date 26


Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L., Lamiaceae) is one of the most common plants used for flavoring many dairy products that contain probiotic bacteria. This study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial activities of methanolic, ethanolic and aqueous extracts of sweet basil leaves on the common probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 20174 and L. casei DSM 20011 using the well diffusion technique. The minimum inhibitory concentration was determined using the 96 well microtiter plates and the minimum bactericidal concentration was determined using the pour plate method. The standard method was used to determine the presence of flavonoids, saponins and tennins compounds. The results showed that flavonoids, saponins and tennins were present in all of the extracts. Each extract demonstrated inhibitory and bactericidal effects against both probiotic bacteria in the following descending order: ethanolic, aqueous and then, methanol extracts. Inconclusion, using sweet basil as a flavoring agent in functional foods may reduce the benefits of probiotic bacteria


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Hala Galal El Tantawi Assessment of the Toxicity of Sub-chronic Low and High Doses of the Bio-insecticide, Spinosad on the Liver, Kidney and the Cerebellum in Male Albino Mice



Volume Date 60


Spinosad (SPD) is a highly selective insect control product. However, it was reported that SPD has toxicity toward other non-target organisms. This study was conducted to address the toxic effect of two sub-chronic low and high doses; 35 and 350 mg/kg SPD on some biochemical, histological and immunohistochemical parameters of the liver, kidney and cerebellum. Thirty-six male Swiss mice were divided into three groups of 12 mice each; first group (G1) served as a control, second group (G2) received a low sub-chronic dose of SPD that is equal to 35 mg/kg, and third group (G3) received a high subchronic dose of SPD that is equal to 350 mg/kg. The results showed that mice which were received 350 mg/kg SPD showed a significant decrease in the body weight and a significant increase in their relative kidney and spleen weights. They also showed a significant increase in alanine aminotransferase (ALT), triglycerides and urea levels. Histopathological examination showed cytoplasmic degeneration and cell necrosis in the liver and kidney. Immunohistochemical examination showed that cerebellum illustrated several neurodegenerative changes and a down-regulation of synaptophysin-Syp. In conclusion, exposure to a high dose of SPD that is equal to 350 mg/kg could cause a marked toxicity on the liver, kidney and cerebellum in male albino mice. Key words: Bio-insecticide; Spinosad; toxicity; sub-chronic; biochemical; histological; immunohistochemical; alterations


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Mona Saud AL-Ahmadi Cytogenetic and cytotoxic effect of pirimiphos-methyl 50%EC and acetamiprid20%SP insecticides on mitotic chromosomes and DNA content of Allium sativu

Name of Journal Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment


Volume Date 14


Pirimiphos-methyl 50% EC (Fast nock) molecular formula (C11H20N3O3PS) and acetamiprid 20%% SP (Branchio X) molecular formula (C10H11ClN4) insecticides were used to investigate their cytotoxic and genotoxic effects. Three different concentrations were freshly prepared (0.0125 %v, 0.025 %v, and 0.05 %v for three different periods of time (8, 16, 24 hours). Different treatments of insecticides showed cytotoxic effects by the decrease of mitotic index of root tip cells of Allium sativum; the effect of pirimiphos-methyl 50%EC was insignificant at p>0.05 and significant after treatment with acetamiprid 20% SP at p< 0.05. The treatments had genotoxic effects by the increase of chromosomal aberration frequency; the types of chromosomal aberrations that were scored during examination were sticky chromosomes, disturbance, bridges, fragments and micronuclei, and was significant at p<0.05) after treatment with pirimiphos-methyl 50% EC, while treatment with 0.0125%v of acetamiprid 20% SP was significant at p<0.05. Disturbance, irregular polar and such types of abnormalities indicate the effects of tested insecticides on spindle apparatus responsible for chromosomes direction during mitotic phases; also anaphase bridge, micronuclei and fragments revealed the genotoxic effects of the tested insecticides on the structure of genetic material, leading to abnormal appearance. These effects were clear on DNA content caused by some concentrations of tested materials; it decreased the content of DNA compared with control, which indicates that tested insecticides interfere with the synthesis of DNA in the S-phase and cause decrease in DNA content. The effects of different treatments on mitotic index, chromosomal frequency and DNA content suggest cytotoxic and genotoxic action.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Mona Saud AL-Ahmadi Proteins patterns of eight genera of the Asteraceae family

Name of Journal African Journal of Biotechnology


Volume Date 16


Asteraceae family grows as wild plants in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia near the Gulf coast with prevalent high humidity coupled with more moderate temperatures. Eight genera were collected during the flowering season to study genetic diversity according to protein patterns for each plant. The protein patterns showed different numbers of bands, concentrations, molecular weight and intensity. Two common bands were observed to ensure the existence of fixed gene and it can also be considered as a marker of the studied genera. Protein profiles revealed genetic diversity among these species for adaptation to environmental factors. Similarity coefficient was high for Sonchus oleranceus and Senecio desfontainei, while low for Launaea capitata and Osteospermum vaillantii among the studied plants. The hierarchical cluster analysis, formed two major clusters, which indicates the existence of genetic diversity among the studied genera. The first cluster was divided into two sub-clusters. Subcluster A comprised three species, Scorzonera papposa , Senecio desfontainei , and Sonchus oleranceus; and the second sub-cluster B comprised four species Anthemis melampodina, Echinops hussoni, Launaea capitata, and O. vaillanti. The second cluster contained only one species Artemisia inculta, which suggests that the Asteraceae family may have more than one evolutionary line.


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Nouf Kkalifa ALaqeel Carnosine Treatment Attenuates Testicular Toxicity Induced by Arsenic in Rats

Name of Journal Life Science Journal


Volume Date 14


The protective effect of carnosine was investigated in rats exposed to testicular toxicity induced by sodium arsenite (10 mg/kg/day, p.o., for 2 consecutive days). Carnosine (50 mg/kg/day, i.p.) was given for 5 consecutive days, starting three days before sodium arsenite administration. Carnosine significantly attenuated the arsenic-induced decreases of serum testosterone and testicular reduced glutathione levels, and significantly decreased the elevations of testicular malondialdehyde, and nitric oxide resulted from sodium arsenite administration. Carnosine also significantly decreased the arsenic-induced increases of testicular nuclear factor-κB, tumor necrosis factor-α, inducible nitric oxide synthase, cyclooxygenase-2, and caspase-3. It was concluded that carnosine represents a potential candidate to protect against the deleterious effects of arsenic on testicular tissue. Keywords: Carnosine; arsenic; testes; rats


‫دليل اإلنتاج البحثي ـ قسم األيحيا‬

Name Title

Amira Hassan Al-Abdalall and Eida Marshid Al-Khaldi Production of alkaline proteases by alkalophilic Bacillus subtilis during recycling animal and plant wastes



Volume Date 15


The production of extracellular alkaline protease by Bacillus subtilis was studied with submerged fermentation. A new strain of Bacillus sp. was isolated from alkaline soil, which was able to produce extracellular alkaline protease. The production of alkaline protease involved the use of agricultural or animal wastes at pH 8 and temperatures at 37°C. Results showed that growing B. subtilis sub sp. subtilis under optimized growth resulted in production of alkaline protease with enzyme activity of 1412.5 U/ml, while with pomegranate peel at a concentration of 3%, the enzyme activity reached 3600 U/ml; further increase in pomegranate concentration did not however, lead to additional enzyme activity. Among various nitrogen sources, yeast extract was found to be the best inducer of alkaline protease. Among metal salts, KNO3 and NH4Cl were found to increase protease production. The maximum enzyme production (3600 U/ml) was observed with pomegranate peels of fermentation medium in the presence of yeast extract, potassium nitrate and ammonium chloride.



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