UoD Organisation and Job Description Manual

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Forward by His Excellency the President of the University of Dammam ..................................... Introduction .............................................................................................................................

1 3

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 5 First: Definitions ................................................................................................................. 7 Second: objectives of the manual ..................................................................................... 11 Third: the Manual Construction Stages and Mechanisms ................................................. 12 Fourth: University of Dammam’s vision, mission, essential values .................................... 27 Fifth: University of Dammam- the Birth and the Structuring ............................................... 29 Organizational Structures ........................................................................................................ 31 Dammam University Councils Structure ........................................................................... 32 Organizational Chart- University of Dammam .................................................................... 34 Organizational Chart- University of Dammam ................................................................... 36 Illustration Sample of the Organizational Chart of a College at Dammam University ........ 38 Organizational Chart of a Support Deanship/ University of Dammam .............................. 40 Illustration Sample of the Organizational Chart of a Directorate General at the University of Dammam ......................................................................................................


The Academic Councils and Permanent Committees of the University ................................. 43 The University Councils and Committees



• University Senate ............................................................................................................ 48 • The Academic Council .................................................................................................... 50 • The College Board ........................................................................................................... 51 • The Division Board ........................................................................................................... 56 • Postgraduate Deanship Council ...................................................................................... 61 • Academic Research Deanship Council .......................................................................... 62 • Foundation Year and Support Studies Deanship Council ............................................... 64 • Admission and Registration Committee .......................................................................... 66 • Students Affairs Deanship Committee ............................................................................ 67 • Academic Affairs Committee .......................................................................................... 68 • Library Affairs Deanship Committee ............................................................................... 69 • E- Learning and Distance Learning Deanship Committee .............................................. 70 • University Education Development Deanship Committee .............................................. 71

• Academic Quality and Accreditation Deanship Committee .............................................. 72 • University Health Services Committee ............................................................................... 74 • Academic Research and Publication Committee ............................................................... 75 • Permanent Committee on Academic Appointments and Promotions ............................... 76 • Planning Committee ............................................................................................................ 77 The Advisory Councils

............................................................................................................... 79

• The University Advisory Council ........................................................................................ 81 • The Faculty Advisory Council ............................................................................................. 81 • The Students’ Advisory Council ......................................................................................... 82 • The Hospitals’ Advisory Council ........................................................................................ 83 Permanent Administrative Committees of the University ........................................................... 85 • Permanent Committee for Administrative Promotions ..................................................... 87 • Permanent Committee for Review of Administrative and Technical Violations ................ 87 • Financial Committee ......................................................................................................... 88 • Tender Proposal Examination Committee ......................................................................... 89 • The Projects Committee ................................................................................................... 90 • Electronic Transactions Committee .................................................................................. 92 Permanent Committees at the Level of the University Colleges

.............................................. 95

• Student Rights Committee ............................................................................................... 97 • Student disciplinary Committee ....................................................................................... 97 • Committee for Attraction of Faculty Members ................................................................. 98 • Academic Quality and Accreditation Committee ............................................................. 99 Committees at the academic division levels

............................................................................ 101

• Students Committee ........................................................................................................ 103 • Faculty and similar category affairs committee ............................................................... 103 • Postgraduate Studies Committee ................................................................................... 105 • Development and Quality Committee .............................................................................. 106 Administrative Organization of the University’s Top Management .......................................... 107 Top Management of the University of Dammam

.................................................................... 109

• The President of the University ......................................................................................


• University Vice President ................................................................................................ 112 • University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Academic Research ................ 113 • University Vice President for Academic Affairs ................................................................ 113 • University Vice President for Branches Affairs ................................................................ 114 • University Vice President for Studies, development and Community Service ................. 115

Organizational Sectors Attached to the President of the University

......................................... 117

• Secretariat of the University Senate .................................................................................. 119 • King Fahd University Hospital ........................................................................................... 119 • Directorate General of Public Relations and Media .......................................................... 122 • Legal Affairs Department .................................................................................................. 123 • Internal Audit Department ................................................................................................. 125 • Follow-up Department ...................................................................................................... 126 • Financial Controller ........................................................................................................... 127 Organizational Sectors Attached to the University Vice President ............................................ 129 • Girls University Studies Deanship ..................................................................................... 131 • Faculty and Personnel Affairs Deanship ........................................................................... 132 • Directorate General of Projects and General Services ..................................................... 135 • Directorate General of Planning and Budgeting ............................................................... 137 • Directorate General of Administrative and Financial Affairs ............................................. 139 • Directorate General of Procurement and Competitive Bidding ........................................ 142 • Directorate General of Supplies ......................................................................................... 144 • Directorate General of Security, Safety and Occupational Health ..................................... 145 Organizational Sectors Attached to the University’s Vice President for Academic Affairs.........


• College of Medicine .......................................................................................................... 150 • College of Dentistry .......................................................................................................... 150 • College of Nursing ............................................................................................................ 151 • College of Clinical Pharmacy ............................................................................................ 152 • College of Applied Medical Sciences ............................................................................... 153 • College of Basic Medical Sciences .................................................................................. 153 • College of Public Health and Health Informatics ............................................................. 153 • College of Architecture and Planning ............................................................................... 154 • College of Engineering .................................................................................................... 155 • College of Design ............................................................................................................ 156 • College of Education in Dammam .................................................................................. 157 • College of Shariah and Law ............................................................................................ 157 • College of Business Administration ................................................................................. 158 • College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology ......................................... 158 • College of Applied Studies and Community Service ..................................................... 159 • Foundation Year and Support Studies Deanship ............................................................ 160 • Admission and Registration Deanship ............................................................................. 160 • Student Affairs Deanship ................................................................................................ 161

• University Guidance and Orientation Center .................................................................. 162 Organizational Sectors attached to the University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Academic Research

............................................................................................................... 165

• Postgraduate Studies Deanship ..................................................................................... 166 • Scientific Research Deanship ......................................................................................... 166 • Library Affairs Deanship .................................................................................................. 168 • Scientific Publication Center ........................................................................................... 169 • Prince Mohammad bin Fahd Center for Consulting Research and Studies ................... 169 • Urban Studies and Consultations Center ....................................................................... 170 • Academic Chairs Department ......................................................................................... 171 • Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange Department .................................................... 171 • Intellectual Property Rights Protection Department ....................................................... 172 • Academic journals .......................................................................................................... 173 Organizational Sectors attached to the University Vice President for Branches Affairs ............ 175 • Dammam College of Arts ................................................................................................ 176 • College of Sciences in Dammam .................................................................................... 176 • College of Applied Medical Sciences in Qatif ................................................................. 177 • College of Administrative Sciences in Qatif ..................................................................... 177 • Qatif Community College ................................................................................................. 177 • College of Applied Medical Sciences in Jubail ................................................................ 178 • College of Education in Jubail .......................................................................................... 178 The Organizational Sectors attached to the University Vice President for Studies, Development and Community Service

................................................................................................................ 180

• E-Learning and Distance Learning Deanship ................................................................... 183 • Academic Quality and Accreditation Deanship ............................................................... 184 • Communications and Information Technology Deanship ................................................


• University Education Development Deanship .................................................................


• Community Service and Sustainable Deanship ...............................................................


• Documentation Center ....................................................................................................


• Alumni and Career Development Center ..........................................................................


• University Printing Press ..................................................................................................


Organization and Job Description - University of Dammam Job Description of Upper Management





• President of the University ............................................................................................... 195 • University Vice President

.............................................................................................. 199

• University Vice President for Academic Affairs

............................................................... 202

• University Vice President of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research

................ 205

• University Vice President for Branches Affairs

............................................................... 208

• University Vice President for Studies, Development and Community Services ............... 210 • Female dean for girls university studies ........................................................................... 213 • Dean of the Foundation Year and Support Studies

........................................................ 215

• Dean of Admission and Registration Deanship ................................................................ 217 • Dean of Students’ Affairs Deanship

................................................................................ 219

• Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs Deanship ............................................................. 221 • Dean for Scientific Research Deanship ............................................................................ 223 • Dean for Library Affairs Deanship .................................................................................... 225 • Dean of Postgraduate Studies Deanship ......................................................................... 228 • Dean of Communications and Information Technology ................................................... 230 • Dean of E-learning and Distance Learning Deanship • Dean of the University Education Development

..................................................... 232



• Dean of Academic Quality and Accreditation Deanship .................................................. 236 • Dean of Community Service and Sustainable Development



• Not less than assistant professor ....................................................................................


• Manager, Scientific Publication Center



• Manager, Prince M. Bin Fahd Center for Consulting Research and Studies • Manager, Documentation Center





• Manger, Academic Chairs Department


• Manager, urban studies and consultation center


• Manager, University Guidance and Orientation Center • Manager, Alumni and Career Development Center

251 253





• Manager, collaboration and knowledge exchange center



• General Manager, University Hospital Department .........................................................


Job Description of Leading Management



• Deputy Dean for Admission and Registration Affairs Deanship ......................................


• Female Deputy Dean for Girls’ Admission and Registration Affairs





• Deputy Dean for Foundation Year and Support Studies

• Deputy Dean for Female students’ Foundation Year and Support Studies



• Deputy Dean for Students Affairs for Services ................................................................


• Deputy Dean for Students’ Affairs for Students’ Activities

............................................. 277

• Deputy Dean for Female Students’ Affairs for Students’ Activities







• Deputy Dean for Faculty and Personnel Affairs • Deputy Dean for Scientific Research

• Deputy Dean for Girls ‘Scientific Research



• Deputy Dean for Library Affairs


• Deputy Dean for Female Students’ Library Affairs






• Deputy Dean for Girls ‘Postgraduate Studies .................................................................


• Deputy Dean for Communications and IT .......................................................................


• Deputy Dean for Girls Communications and IT


• Deputy Dean for Postgraduate Studies


• Deputy Dean for E- learning & Distance Learning



• Deputy Dean for E- learning & Distance Learning



• Deputy Dean for University Education Development Deanship



• Deputy Dean for University Education Development Deanship for Female Students ....


• Deputy Dean for Academic Quality and Accreditation



• Female Deputy Dean for Girls’ Academic Quality and Accreditation Deanship ..............


• Deputy Dean for Community Service and Sustainable Development Deanship ..............


• Deputy Dean for Community Service and Sustainable Development Deanship • for Female Students

........................................................................................................ 313

• Deputy Dean of College for Academic Affairs

................................................................ 315

• Deputy Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research • Deputy Dean for Development and Quality Assurance

.................................... 319

................................................... 322

• Deputy Dean of the College for Girls affairs ..................................................................... 325 • Head of the scientific division .......................................................................................... 329 • Female Deputy Dean of the Girls Scientific Division ........................................................ 332 • Manager, Directorate General of Projects and Public Services

...................................... 335

• Manager, Directorate General of Planning and Budgeting

............................................. 337

• Manager, Directorate General of Procurement and Bidding

........................................... 339

• Manager, Directorate General of financial and Administrative Affairs • Manager, Directorate General of Supplies

............................. 341

...................................................................... 343

• Manager, Directorate General of Security, Safety and Occupational Health • Manager, Directorate General of Public Relations and Media

........................................ 347

• Manager, Directorate General of University Campus Department • Manager, Support Services Department

• Manager, External Scholarships Department

....................................................... 353

.................................................................. 355

.......................................................................... 357

• Manager, Intellectual Property Protection Department • Manager, University Property Departments • Manager, Faculty Affairs Department

.................................. 349

......................................................................... 351

• Manager, Operation and Maintenance Department • Manager, External Grants Management

................ 345

................................................... 359

.................................................................... 361

.............................................................................. 363

• Manager, Personnel Affairs Department

......................................................................... 365

• Manager, Administration Development Department • Manager, University Printing Press

....................................................... 367

................................................................................. 369

• Manager, Financial Affairs in the University Sectors (colleges, support deanships, centers) ... 371 • Manager, Administrative affairs in the university’s sectors (Colleges, support deanships, centers)

.............................................................................................. 373

• Manager, Storehouse Department

..................................................................................... 375

• Manager, Traffic Department .............................................................................................. 377 • Manager, _______ Executive Department Job Description of Legal Positions

......................................................................... 377



• Legal Positions .......................................................................................................................... 385 • Manager, Legal Affairs Department • Senior Legal Counsel





Job Description of Monitoring and Control Positions • Monitoring and Control Positions





• Manager, Internal Auditing Department



• Manager, Inventory Control Department







• Manager, Follow up Department • Financial controller

Job Description of Expert Positions • The Expert





• Administration Expert







• Engineering Expert • Medical Expert

The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charter







The University of Dammam Code of Ethics • Introduction

• The Fundamentals on which morality and ethics rest in Islam



Faculty Code of Ethics and Charter



• The charter and code of ethics



• Rights and duties of the faculty member



University Student Code of Ethics and Charter ........................................................................


• The charter


• Rights and duties of the university student


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The University Employee Code of Ethics and Charter • The charter





• The rights and duties of the employee


The University Scientific Research Code of Ethics and Charter • The charter






Biomedical Ethics Charter





References .................................................................................................................................


• The charter

Preface As part of our active pursuit to realize the vision of the University of Dammam and its aspirations to attain leadership and excellence as an all-inclusive beacon of knowledge and science that strives to develop and nurture the qualification of our national human resources and equip them with the highest degree of proficiency and aptitude as well as a major source of applied scientific and academic research in support of sustainable development and active participation in the Kingdom’s community service, this organization and job description manual has been developed to keep pace with and accompany the production of a blue print for the general policies of the university, fulfillment of the strategic plan and organizational objectives. The manual also seeks to define and set in concrete terms the functional duties and responsibilities of all academic, technical, administrative and financial sectors of the university in a fashion conducive to realization of the university’s ultimate mission which embraces the lofty and noble values and teachings of Islam, whereby it harnesses and pools all its resources and capabilities so as to produce and offer high quality educational programs designed to groom and graduate skilled professionals capable of addressing and dealing with the needs of the strategic forces operating in the Kingdom. The university also seeks to create and promote an education and learning environment that sharpens the wit and hones potential of the students in a way that would empower them to aspire to leadership, higher academic standards, achievements, values, quality, creativity, teamwork, continuing self- learning and development, appreciation of professional responsibility, coupled with a scientific research environment committed to scientific research ethics and ideals, leading to enrichment of knowledge, creation of opportunity for economic growth and diversity, grooming the graduate for the labor market where he/she can be an effective partner and player in the economic growth and sustainable development, provider of advisory services, health care, an advocate of the environment protection and professional development and a producer of cultural and educational programs that keep pace with the needs of the community.

President of the University Dr. Abdullah al- Rubaish






Introduction Ever since the promulgation of the High Order of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques providing for its establishment, the University of Dammam has been aspiring to be in the big league and top ranks of pioneering and prominent Saudi universities in areas which include teaching of students, spreading and propagating knowledge, promoting innovative research and social involvement which will ultimately contribute to the economic growth, sustainable development, and improvement of the quality of life not only in the Kingdom but also in the region and the world at large. The mission of the University springs from its being a national university in the pursuit of excellence and leadership in teaching, learning, innovative research, production and dissemination of knowledge, nurturing the student’s personality, skills and knowledge and building partnerships with both the public and private sector. The University seeks to achieve all these aspirations through the ingredients of excellence and quality of its academic programs, the merit and superior quality of its teaching faculty and staff, student activities, promotion of provocative creativity and innovation, inculcation of the culture of quality and outreach to local, regional and global communities. This premise highlights and underscores the importance of the organizational aspect in the realization of the University’s mission, vision and objectives as well as the need to pinpoint the duties, powers, jurisdictions and responsibilities in the organizational charts of the college which entirely revolves around logical reason, accountability, authority and functions. It is also prominently featured in the necessary credentials, the actions and procedures required for work processing, for upgrading the workers’ performance within the framework of the posted objectives and subsequent introduction of the required flexibility and control, enactment of the standards of transparency in accountability in the event of default in the performance of duties, reward for outstanding performance, motivation of the workers and teaching faculty, creation of powerful competitiveness which is based on the standards of quality, monitoring, assessment, observation and performance control. This also covers creation and provision of the optimal work environment whose components are built on the rudiments of total quality, the race to accomplish the duties and responsibilities as required rather than on capricious temperament which may result in negative consequences that may encumber the University’s endeavor to achieve its mission. The organization also seeks to eliminate duplication of and conflicts in functional jurisdictions and the need to have the right person in the right job, coupled with the absolute flexibility in giving each department, division and College in the University the right to be unique in deciding the powers, duties and controls it deems appropriate in a way that serves its best interests within the framework of the general controls which govern the university performance. We have gone to great length to keep at a distance from rigidity and adherence to absolute literary confinements, but rather sought to development within the framework of governance, watchdog controls and systems which dominate accountability. We embraced this with overzealous scientific methodology based on research, development, audits, checks and balances and soliciting the opinions of experts and specialists to assist in the definition of the functional duties and responsibilities, organizational communications, tools and instruments use in the job, the work circumstances and risks, the demands and specifications of the position’s incumbent, the appropriate timing and the compatibility between the job title and the nature of the job itself, in addition to examination and review of the factors contributing to the failure of analysis, characterization and definition of the professional career.



Introduction The basic reason for the job title and definition of the fundamental requirements that the position requires the incumbent to have is to define the role and duties of the incumbent. The absence of the job description will cause the incumbent to enter in a series of “trial and error”. For this reason, this manual has been developed to serve as a functional analysis that produces descriptions for the jobs of all employees of the university based on the nature of their work, the rules, regulations and instructions of their respective colleges and departments, while establishing “key performance indices” for each responsible official. The administrative and financial authorities are sometimes not mentioned in the “job description” but may be stated in a separate document entitled “administrative and financial authorization rules”. The official may not find a “single reference” that defines all his or her authorizations set forth in the regulations related to his or her position. It is not conceivable for the official, being a leader with strategic vision, to waste his or her precious time in browsing the rules, regulations and circulars in search of his or her duties, responsibilities and authorizations scattered here and there. For this very reason, we walked the extra mile in the development of this manual by reviewing the available literature on this issue from local and Arab universities. The fundamental benchmark for the rules of the public position and workers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is, of course, Islamic Shariah as set forth in the provisions of Article 7 of the Basic Governance Regulation, promulgated by Royal Decree No. A/9, dated 27 Sha’ban 1412, which states “the governance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia derives its authority from the Book of Allah and the traditions of his Messenger, peace and prayers be upon him. These are the twin governors in this regulation and all other regulations of the State”. Hence, the rules and principles of public civil service positions and workers are built on both the Islamic Shariah rulings and human rights dictates as per the document issued in the summer of 1948. The document underscores the duties and traits of the employee which revolve around assumption of duties, integrity, honesty, strength, perseverance, assiduity, loyalty, diligence and obedience of the employee’s superiors. The employee’s rights include giving him his due and rightful wages at the designated time, not be tasked with duties that are outside the realms of his or her job, not to be overburdened with work, which can be remedied by determination of the number of working hours as it will not be permissible to increase the working hours or load beyond the limits set forth in his or her job description, which increase may have an adverse impact on the employee’s productivity, health and emotional stability. We do not claim, by this work, that we have achieved perfection. We are, in fact, working extra hard to place the University of Dammam among the prominent and pioneering universities within the framework of the administrative and structural organization by specific and definitive clarification of the duties, jurisdictions and responsibilities in a manner that would enable us and all university personnel to accomplish the university’s mission and realize its values and objectives. It is our ultimate hope that this manual will contribute to the organization and streamlining of the university’s operations, promote quality and speed in accomplishing the works up to the standards that we all aspire to in terms of orderly and proper organization which is the most suitable method and mechanism for realization of the objectives, targets and expectations. While we place this manual in the hands of our colleagues at the University of Dammam we are full of hope that due attention be given to application of the quality and accreditation standards which have become a global yardstick for gauging the extent of advancement and development of universities and their response to the current age demands and challenges..


Introduction First Definitions No.

Glossary term




The university is an educational and cultural institution that operates in line with the guidance of Islamic Shariah. It implements the educational policy by offering college education and postgraduate studies, promoting scientific research, undertaking scientific writings, translation, publication and community service within the scope of its specializations as defined in the Higher Education and Universities Regulation.



The university council is a body that is established in each university to assume the duties of discharging the university’s academic, administrative, financial and technical affairs and seeing to it that the overall policy of the university in accordance with the Higher Education and Universities Regulation is faithfully carried out through. The council comprises the Minister of Higher Education (chairman of the Council), the university president (as vice chairman of the Council), and membership of the vice presidents of the university, the secretary general of the Higher Education Council, the college deans and three persons with expertise appointed by the minister for a three year tenure.



The Minister of Higher Education and the head of the council of each university. He is the officer responsible for monitoring implementation of the country’s policy in the area of college education



The President of the University of Dammam and Vice Chairman of the University Council is appointed on the premium grade code and is subject to the provisions of the employees in that grade in accordance with the Higher Education and Universities Regulation.


Vice President

The Vice Presidents of the University of Dammam, each university has one or more vice presidents, whose number is to be determined by the Higher Education Council and who are selected from among the teaching faculty in the title of at least associate professors. The vice presidents provide assistance to the University President in managing the university affairs. The rules will define their powers. In case of a need for more than one vice presidents, the eldest will sit in for the President in case of his absence or if the position becomes vacant in accordance with the Higher Education and Universities Regulation.



This is the administrative and academic unit in charge of teaching, research and community service in academic and knowledge subjects characterized by integration. The purpose is to prepare and groom professionals, researchers and scholars in the specialties of the faculty’s various divisions.



Introduction No. 7

Glossary term


Support deanships These are organizational sectors which fall within the supervision of the university vice presidents. They offer miscellaneous services to the students and the community at large, whether before joining the university, such as information, admission and registration, as well as during and after the university study years. These services in some deanships, such as the distance learning deanship and others, transcend these services to include full supervision of the study programs and courses as contribution to community service and education.


Organizational sectors




The Organizational Manual of the University of Dammam

This is a pamphlet which contains a description of the essential nature of the university, its vision, mission and organizational structure. It presents a summary of the university’s policies and procedures as well as an exposition of the duties, responsibilities and powers of the different departments and a description of the various positions. We can define the organization manual as the personal identification card of the University of Dammam.



This is the natural person who has been appointed in accordance with the conditions of a specific system to perform the duties and responsibilities of his/ her functional job against which he or she will avail of the defined rights and privileges (as set forth in the provisions of the Civil Service Regulation).



This is a regulatory entity attached to the government department. The entity embodies a set of duties and responsibilities that require of the employee specific obligations against availing of the rights and advantages of the job (The Civil Service Regulation).




These are the administrative formations in the approved organizational chart of the university irrespective of their names and description (branch, department, division or any other organizational form). This is the Higher Education and Universities Regulation which embodies a set of rules that regulate the functions and operations of the Higher Education and Universities Council.

Professional career This is the process for identification of the professional objectives and the path leading to realization of those objectives through the human resources departments and the employees themselves. Job title

This is the abbreviated name indicative of the type and level of the works performed (Manual of the General Management of Classification and Salaries)

Introduction No.

Glossary term



Grade code

This is a bracket which has financial appropriation in accordance with the approved salary scale (financial base). The grade code covers all positions of equal level of difficulty and responsibility, level of educational qualification and credentials required for performing the work even if the type and nature of the work are different. (Manual of the General Management of Classification and Salaries)


Job classification

This is a process whereby the functions and responsibilities covered by each position is identified, as well as the conditions, academic qualifications, practical experience and training that are required to enable the incumbent to discharge his or her duties in the best manner possible.


job characterization

This is an official document that defines the nature, boundaries, duties and responsibilities that the position incumbent is expected to be tasked with, as well as the academic and professional conditions and practical experience required of the incumbent as per the job rank in the organizational structure

(job description) 18


This is a process that identifies the activities of the university positions, departments, divisions and committees and the relationship of these components with each other by clear demarcation of the authorities, responsibilities, authorizations, centralization, decentralization, scope of supervision and other parameters as may be designed to achieve the intended target



The term means achieving results by granting the powers and authorities to the others and motivating them to carry out the works which fall within their responsibility with the required degree of standards and dexterity.



Commitment to carry out specific and well-defined work that the employee is held accountable for.



This is a process that involves tracking the performance of the university personnel by focusing on their skills and work inputs that they perform in accordance with the prescribed programs in the university as they relate to the criteria and standards of the results of their works (performance indices). The employees are held accountable for how they exploit or take advantage of the authorities bestowed on them.


Powers/ prerogatives

This refers to the acquired right that the position bestows on its incumbent to give orders to his / her subordinates and direct them on proper performance of their functions. The term means the powers effected through execution of the legislations which regulate and streamline the work of the institution.



Introduction No.

Glossary term




This means the process through which the employees are granted the authorities and responsibilities related to their work and encouraged to participate and take the initiative for making the right and appropriate decisions, allowing them the freedom and trust to perform the work their own way without direct intervention by the department, amplified by professional and behavioral qualification in a way that would allow them to perform the work on their own.



This is a process which involves transformation of work from a mere simple craft to a regulated profession that is subject to the profession’s controls and fundamentals.


Duties/ assignments

The term means the duties and works that the employee is tasked to perform in a specific position.


Direct supervisor

The term refers to the agency that the employee is administratively attached to and responsible before as part of the administrative sequence of his/her job on the organizational chart



The term means the educational and practical skills and qualities owned by the employee/ individual. The skills come in different forms and shapes (namely behavioral, functional, technical, mental and other skills) which enable him or her to carry out the duties of his/ her position the best way possible.



The rule which organize the acceptance, admission and studying of the students in the university and academic staff teaching in it.



The term means attainment of the highest benefit against the associated cost. For an organization to be marked as efficient, requires it to obtain the most of the objectives it seeks to achieve through improved exploitation of available resources to attain specific targets and objectives.



Effectiveness means the appropriateness and relevance of the chosen objectives and the extent of success in the realization of these objectives (the degree of compatibility between the organizational objectives and the realized results (or key performance indices).


Introduction Second: Objectives of the Manual The purpose of this manual is to highlight and project the administrative organization of the University of Dammam, description of the jobs, definition of the activities and works that the employee must undertake based on that organization which will be conducive and advantageous in fulfilling the following requirements: 1. Form and have in place a system for the preparation, training and development of personnel. 2. Set up standards and criteria for assessment, monitoring and tracking of individual performance. 3. Accurate and precise definition of the duties, missions and responsibilities. 4. Easy and smooth construction and design of advertising material and specifications of the jobs for distribution to employment agencies. 5. Secure crystal clear understanding of the fundamental responsibilities of the position, thereby giving the incumbent of the position the opportunity to judge the appropriateness of the job and saving time and resources for the university. 6. Reach agreement between the superior and the subordinate over the anticipated results of the performance and consequently leading to better appraisal of the performance. 7. Minimize the needless conflicts and overlapping of duties and responsibilities between the positions, thereby enhancing the efficiency of team work as well as assisting in human resources’ planning and development. 8. Subdivide and parcel out the university’s general objectives into smaller objectives and units to facilitate their achievements through the individual jobs, departments and units. This will clarify the trend and encourage cooperation and synergy among the workers, besides understanding and appreciation of the extent of the position’s contribution to realization of the university’s objectives which will in turn be transformed into smart, measurable and achievable objectives. 9. Meshing and engaging all units, departments and activities together in a clear form of a metal chain link to realize the objectives. 10. Spreading team spirit and competitiveness to produce better results. 11. Creation of an optimal work environment in favor of productivity.



Introduction Third: The Manual Construction Stages and Mechanisms This manual has been developed in line with some basic stages as follows: Review of the overall objectives and subsequent definition of the University’s strategic plan, undertaking the necessary and required amendment of the organizational chart to reflect those objectives, to be followed by analysis and collection of information, making comparisons, definition of jobs, the methodology to be used in the classification, definition of the terms of reference and functions of the jobs and consequently description of each job.

Phase 1: The overall objectives and related strategic plan of the University of Dammam: In this stage, the general objectives of the University of Dammam and the related strategic plan, which are generated and developed by the University’s top administration, have been reviewed, followed by definition of the organizational objectives of each unit. Specific organizational objectives are drawn from the University’s overall objectives and are achieved by subdividing any single general objective into a set of measureable organizational objectives which must be achievable and can be tracked to attain the results sought, namely efficiency and effectiveness. The University’s organizational objectives are formulated in accordance with a strategic plan that comprises a description of the activities that are conducive to realization of the objectives of the organizational plan, amplified by assigning the responsibility for execution, the necessary timeframe for implementation of the activities, the key performance indicators generated from such plan which are intended to evaluate and measure the achievements in terms of application and follow-up and ultimately determination of the plan’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Phase 2: Compatibility of the organizational chart with the University’s overall objectives: Following identification of the organizational objectives of the University’s administrative units, a comprehensive study will be undertaken of the existing organizational chart in a way that is amenable to realization of these objectives in line with the overall objectives of the University. This stage depends and is contingent on the following:

First: The fundamental concept for the amendment of the university’s organizational chart which is based on: 1. Compatibility and consistency of the organizational chart with the general objectives and strategic plan of the University. 2. Focus on the fundamental and key functions of the University as a scientific and research beacon and community service provider. 3. The University management serves as a supportive catalyst for the academic and research endeavor and community service. 4. Promotion of Student service as being the key hub of all the functions being offered by the University as well as service of the faculty members as an important tool for the university processes. 5. Academic affiliation with and close alignment of female student divisions with the university colleges, while reporting administratively to the University’s executive management. 6. Academic and administrative interfacing of distance learning programs to the appropriate 12

Introduction university colleges which offer these programs. 7. Treatment of the college as the administrative and academic unit that is in charge of teaching, research and community service in integrated scientific and learning issues with a view to grooming and developing professionals, researchers, scholars and scientists in the college’s various specialties and divisions as the main building block and a strategic unit of the university. 8. Consideration of the academic division as the academic structural unit of the College so that it may serve as the basis for granting graduate or post graduate degrees in its own specialty. If the division does not grant college degrees or post graduate studies in its specialty, it will play a supportive role in the scientific and knowledge effort of the other divisions and will serve as a support division. 9. Confirmation of the role of the support deans in offering related services to the concerned divisions and departments. 10. The administrative structural unit will consist of a general management, a department, a division, a section and an office.

Second: the college organizational structure divisions: • The academic organization structure: consists of the university councils, colleges, support deanships and centers. • The administrative organization structure: consists of the general management, departments, divisions, sections, units and offices.

Third: the academic organizational chart and governance: • The various strata of the university council is regarded as the centerpiece of supreme authority pursuant to the Higher Education Regulation promulgated by the High Authority, and to which the other councils report, including the university council, the science board, the College board, the division council, the postgraduate studies deanship board and the scientific research board. • The decisions of the top management of the university and colleges (university president, the vice president and college deans) involving academic affairs are executive decisions over the objectives, policies and strategies approved by the university councils. In terms of the academia, the university is managed by a set or complement of councils as part of the institutional work system since the academic decision is a collective and deliberative rather than an individual decision.

Fourth: the organizational structure of the University, which covers the following key sectors: • The academic support services, such as libraries, educational aides and learning technology, admission and enrollment, students affairs, education development and support and communications. • The higher studies and scientific research sector: this sector comprises research centers, post graduate studies and publication. • The executive management sector: this sector comprises personnel, finance, projects, storehouses, procurement, public relations, media and budgeting. • The legislative and legal sector: the legal department. • The monitoring and control sector: this sector includes the financial controller, inventory control and internal auditing functions.



Introduction • The planning, training and development sector: this sector covers planning, management development, authentication and training. Care has been exercised to ensure satisfaction of the following components in the development of the organizational chart: 1. Consolidation and combining together of identical and integrated activities under one department to avoid duplication of duties and chores. 2. Employment and taking advantage of the executive management in the service of the educational process while focusing its duties in the university vice president as an executive official who reports to the university president. 3. Allowing the opportunity to attract qualifications to work in the university’s management field as incumbents of leading positions (administrative affairs manager, public relations, management, training, financial affairs manager, planning and authentication managers). 4. Establishment of a special executive management in the university under the name of university campus project management which reports directly to the university vice president. 5. Establishment and creation of modern departments and centers for the service and development of the university objectives, such as: • Collaboration and knowledge exchange department: the purpose of this department is to support synergy between the University and international prestigious universities and research centers, coordination of the University’s operations and activities with international universities and endeavor to promote and advance the University’s stance and good name globally. • University property and investment management department. • Documentation center: to standardize the sources and support the plans and decisions issued as per the instructions of the high authority.
The alumni and professional career development center: to achieve liaison and affiliation between the alumni and the University. 6. Assignment of a number of consulting and supporting organs for the top management to be directly attached to the office of the President of the University under the nomenclature of Advisors Office, to offer: • Administrative, financial, engineering, legal and other consultations. • Academic consultations. 7. Creation of a supervisory administrative organ for the various locations of the University to activate, energize and facilitate the administrative work. 8. Creation of a position for science division vice president. 9. The executive management is to be built around the units along the lines of the general management, the department, the division, the section and the unit. 10. The definition of a branch is based on the number of students or that of colleges, or both as explained earlier. 11. The status in the female students division is based on the current situation, namely the academic attachment of the female students division to the university’s corresponding colleges and to the university vice president administratively. The consequences of this arrangement are as follows: • The college deputy dean reports to the competent dean of the college. • The deputy head of the division reports to the competent scientific and academic division. 14

Introduction • The supervisors of the girls’ divisions report administratively to the University vice president at their various locations (in Rakah, Rayan, Hafar al- Batin quarters). The future concept of the female student divisions upon completion of their set- up and availability of the necessary human resources envisages maintenance of their own independence and self-identity at Rakah, Rayan, Hafar al- Batin and they will require a supplementary study to define the future concept’s identity, building components, its appropriate organizational structure and confirmation of analogy between the female and male students division as per the requirements of the National Commission for Academic Accreditation.

Phase 3: Data collection and analysis: This phase covered gathering and collection of full information on all posts and positions in the University ever since the promulgation of the decision providing for its establishment in the year 1430, the decisions of authorities, and assignment of duties and responsibilities for the various posts in the different academic and administrative sectors, where the authorities and powers have been subject to constant and ongoing changes and upheavals depending on the incumbents, their abilities as well as the capacities and the aspirations of the University’s top management, while taking into consideration the fact that the university is composed of a collection of science, humanities, health and engineering disciplines in the then Dammam Branch of King Faisal University in addition to the girls colleges in Dammam, Hafar al-Batin, Naria and Khafji and the Teachers College. The said analysis has revealed the following: 1. Presence of great overlapping, medley and interference between the policies, rules, regulations, procedures and controls within the University. 2. Ambiguity and lack of clarity of the executive and supervisory roles. 3. Decision centralization and monopoly. 4. Poor and inadequate documentation.

Phase 4: Comparisons: Having established the basic procedures for the administrative organization stage, some comparative benchmarks were made against certain local, regional and international universities in order to identify the most salient developments in the field of academic organizational structures. Mechanism of job allocation: after completion of the administrative organization stage, the jobs have been allocated as follows:

Top management positions, including: • The University President. • The University Vice President. • The University Vice President for Academic Affairs. • The University Vice President for Post Graduate Studies and Academic Research. • The University Vice President for Branches Affairs. • The University Vice President for Studies, Development and Community Services. • University Studies Dean for Girls Divisions. • Post Graduate Studies Dean. Introduction


Introduction • Scientific and Academic Research Dean. • Library Affairs Dean.

• Foundation Year and Support Studies Dean. • Admission and Registration Dean. • Student Affairs Dean.

• Faculty and Personnel Affairs Dean. • Communications and IT Dean.

• E-Learning and Distance Learning Dean.

• Academic Quality and Accreditation Dean. • University Education Development Dean.

• Community Service and Sustainable Development Dean. • College Dean.

• General Manager, King Fahd University Hospital. • Manager, Academic Publication Center. • Manager, Documentation Center.

• Manager, Amir Muhammad bin Fahd Center for Consulting Research and Studies. • Manager, Urban Studies and Consultation Center.

• Manager, University Orientation and Guidance Center. • Manager, Alumni and Career Development Center.

Leadership positions: • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for admission and registration deanship. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for foundation year and support studies. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for student affairs for services. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for student affairs for student activities deanship. • Deputy Dean of the College for faculty and personnel affairs. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for library affairs deanship. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for postgraduate studies deanship. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for scientific research deanship. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for academic and scientific research deanship. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for postgraduate studies and scholarships deanship. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for e-learning and distance learning deanship. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for academic quality and accreditation deanship.

• Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for university education development deanship. • Deputy Dean/ female deputy dean of the College for IT and communications deanship.

• Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for community service and sustainable development deanship. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for academic affairs. • Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for postgraduate studies and academic research.

• Deputy Dean /female deputy dean of the College for development and quality assurance. 16

Introduction • College female deputy dean for students’ affairs. • Male/ female head of the academic division.

Executive positions: • Manager, directorate general of projects and general services. • Manager, directorate general of procurement and tenders. • Manager, directorate general of planning and budgeting. • Manager, directorate general of public relations and media. • Manager, directorate general of financial and administrative affairs. • Manager, directorate general of supplies. • Manager, directorate general of security, safety and occupational health. • Manager, directorate general of university campus. • Manager, directorate general of collaboration and knowledge exchange. • Manager, directorate general of intellectual property protection. • Manager, directorate general of external scholarships. • Manager, directorate general of external grants. • Manager, strategic studies department. • Manager, personnel department. • Manager, support services department. • Manager, operation and maintenance department. • Manager, administration development department. • Manager, university property and investment department. • Manager, university library. • Manager, financial department. • Manager, storehouse department. • Manager, traffic and transport department. • Manager, administrative communication department.

Supervisory positions: • Supervisor, university campus projects.

• Supervisor, university hospital.

• Supervisor, girls divisions.

• Supervisor, safety and security.

Legal positions: • Manager, legal affairs department. • Senior legal counsel.

Monitoring and control positions: • Manager, follow- up department.

• Manager, internal auditing department.

• Financial controller.

• Manager, inventory control department. Introduction


Introduction Phase 5: Definition of the methodology used in the organization and characterization: 1. Exercise flexibility in terms of ability to develop, introduction of changes in the sense of keeping records which show the date of characterization and the amendments and changes introduced therein. 2. Be content with the characterization of only one job if there is a number of jobs with similarity in most of their essential characteristics. 3. Be specific in establishing and spelling out the authority of the position in the description, while keeping at a distance from clichÊ, ambiguity and professional jargon and verbose which serve no purpose. 4. Focus in the description of every job on what sets it apart and differentiates it from the other jobs. 5. Spell out the responsibilities assigned to each job to allow for measurement of the results and administrative accountability. 6. Define the authorities and prerogatives of the job, while giving leading positions the right to delegate and authorize each other while continuing to be responsible therefor. 7. Combine the administrative and financial authorities shared by a group of jobs in one form to be attached to the characterization. 8. Refrain from lengthy and redundant tirade in the description of small details and focus on the fundamental duties. 9. Pay attention to the changes which relate to or which has a bearing on the work performance level rather than to supervision. 10. Underscore and accentuate the description of the technical jobs as per the issues of the General Organization for Professional and Technical Training. 11. Draw up the University’s organizational chart based on the units prescribed by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Civil Service, while taking guidance from the organizational charts of other Saudi and similar universities. 12. Take advantage of the job descriptions provided in the manuals of the Ministry of Civil Service, the General Organization for Professional Training and Education and the Higher Education Regulations and their implementation rules.

Phase 6: Definition of the authorities of the jobs: Upper management: First: administrative prerogative to be exercised by all officials in the upper management each in his or her own sector: 1. Notify reporting to work upon appointment and after leaves of absence. 2. Communicate with external agencies at the positions equivalent or corresponding to his or her rank. 3. Internal distribution of the employees and definition of their responsibilities. 4. Approval of enrollment of an employee in internal training courses and take the necessary action to have such courses approved. 5. Sign certificates of experience. 6. Sign letters of introduction.


Introduction 7. Approve adequacy reports. 8. Approve normal and emergency leaves in accordance with the regulations. 9. Impose censorship, warnings and salary deduction penalties in accordance with the regulations. 10. Nominate or take secondment decisions in accordance with the attached rules. 11. Nominate or take decisions involving work engagement outside official working hours in accordance with the attached rules. 12. Delegate some of the authorities to others in writing for a limited period of time. Second: the financial authorities exercised by the officials in the upper management in accordance with the regulatory rules: Direct procurement and purchases- the procedures: 1. The authorization for direct procurement and purchases is granted to the officials in charge of the sectors within the limits of SR____. Such expenditure will be in line with the budgetary appropriations and in accordance with the budgetary regulatory rules. 2. The procedure, bidding and direct procurement (other than for the items set forth in paragraph- 1 ) will be exercised centrally, subject to issuance of the regulatory decision by the University President. 3. The award and resolution of the practice will be exercised by the Proposal Examination Committee, subject to participation by a representative of the competent proponent sector, after formation of such committee by a decision of the University president and subject to advertising the tender by the Procurement Department in accordance with the regulation. 4. The responsible officials in the various sectors will be authorized where the award and resolution are concerned for certain special projects in accordance with the decision of His Excellency the University President based on a proposal to be submitted by the University vice president within the approved budgetary appropriations. Such authorization must be in written form.

Leading and executive positions: First: College deputy dean, deputy dean of assistant deanships, academic divisions’ heads and their deputies: College deputy dean, assistance deanship deputy deans, academic division heads and their deputies are vested by the deans with the administrative and financial powers. A decision to that effect will be issued by the competent dean. The deputy dean who sits in for the dean in his or her absence will exercise the administrative and financial prerogatives of the dean. Second: managers of research centers, education aides, computer, publication, scholarship management, academic communications department, community service, project management, the university hospital management and the general administration management will exercise the administrative and financial powers as follows: • Administrative powers:

• Notify reporting to work upon appointment and after leaves of absence. • Communicate with external agencies at the positions equivalent and corresponding to his or her rank. • Internal distribution of the employees and definition of their responsibilities. Introduction


Introduction • Approve enrollment of an employee in internal training courses and take the necessary action to have such courses approved. • Sign certificates of experience. • Sign letters of introductions • Approve adequacy reports • Approve normal and emergency leaves in accordance with the regulations. • Impose censorship, warnings and salary deduction penalties in accordance with the regulations. • Nominate or take secondment decisions in accordance with the attached rules. • Financial powers:

• Approve procurement orders in accordance with the procedures within the limits of up to SR50000 against each purchase order in line with the budgetary appropriations of his/ her department. • Approve procurement in accordance with the procedures within the limits of up to SR25000 against each purchase order in line with the budgetary appropriations of his/ her department. • Approve the necessary sundry invoices of the units they supervise in accordance with the existing financial regulations.

• The general administrative powers exercised by all managers each in his/her sector: • Notify reporting to work upon appointment and after leaves of absence.

• Communicate with external agencies at the positions equivalent or corresponding to his or her rank. • Internal distribution of the employees and definition of their responsibilities. • Propose enrollment of an employee in internal and external training courses and take the necessary action to have such courses approved. • Sign certificates of experience. • Sign letters of introduction. • Approve adequacy reports. • Propose normal and emergency leaves in accordance with the regulations. • Impose censorship, warnings and salary deduction penalties in accordance with the regulations. • Propose internal or external secondment decisions for the employees of his/ her department.

Phase 7: definition of the organizational relationship and association between the University’s central administration and its units and branches. The issue of the organizational relationship and connection between the University’s central administration and its units and branches is primarily built on the concept of military and matrix correlation to arrive at the objective. It underscores the role of the offices of the College deans and the offices of support deans and their relationship with the offices of the deputy deans of the university based on jurisdictions and the role of supervisory and monitoring departments in a way that would satisfy equity and equality between male and female students divisions and the different patterns of education, thereby leading to smooth flow of work, enhancing the quality and efficiency of productivity and enabling engagement of monitoring and accountability.


Introduction This section of the manual addresses the general key lines of the relationship in six major themes, namely: • The first theme: the relationship between the university branches and the central administration. • The second theme: the relationship between the offices of support deans and the university colleges. • The third theme: the relationship between the girls divisions and the university colleges. • The fourth theme: the relationship between distance learning and the university colleges. • The fifth theme: the relationship between the legal positions and the executive management. • The role of the legal department is to provide support and assistance to the executive management in performing its functions leading to attainment of the basic objective that would satisfy the requirement of justice, righteousness and equality at a distance from discrimination and exclusions. • The sixth theme: the relationship between control and watchdog positions and the executive management. • Monitor and control the work trending in the executive management and offer feedback to arrive at the required service.

The first theme: the relationship between the university branches and the central administration Since the University branches are scattered over several locations in the Eastern Province (namely Raka District, Rayan District, Abd Allah Fuad Neighborhood, Jubail, Qatif, al-Khobar, Khafji, Hafar al- Batin and al- Qurayyat Village), therefore, a mechanism must be in place to define the University’s relationship with these locations, especially the remote ones. Hence the relationship between the peripheral branches of the university and its central administration is based on the following parameters: 1. The branch will be committed to all of the University’s approved policies, regulations and rules. 2. The branches’ vice presidents in the University Council represents all colleges of the branches, will present and expose their requirements and maintain the necessary coordination. 3. The University President will bestow on and vest the branches’ vice presidents and the university vice presidents with the necessary degree of administrative and financial powers and leeway, in addition to the powers granted as may be required based on the needs, expansion phases and current requirements. The items covered by the authorization include the following: • Employ temporary staff of Saudi nationals to accomplish emergency or temporary works for a monthly reward, lump sum payment or daily wages within the approved appropriations of the branch. • Issue decisions involving lease of the necessary property for the branch, renew or otherwise annul the lease contracts and procure their requirements within the approved appropriations of the branch. • Approve disbursement of the permanent or temporary petty cash imprest of the various branch sectors and identify the items on which the petty cash imprest is spent. • Pay the various invoices due and payable to third parties against services rendered. • Select and sign employment contracts with the contracted parties based on the suggestion of the proponent and take the decisions involving renewal or revocation thereof. • Permit payment of the permanent petty cash imprest for urgent requirements.



Introduction • Divide and allot vacations or compensate therefor based on the request of the competent departments • Sign payment orders and checks drawn on the University’s account with the Saudi Monetary Agency • Any other permissions and prerogatives as may be assigned by His Excellency the University President. • The right to delegate some authorities in accordance with approved decision based on the assignee’s jurisdictions. • The University President reserves the right to appoint a general supervisor for the branches, who will be attached and reporting to the university vice president for branches. His or her function will be to address the academic issues and the “services and operation” requirements with the university vice president. 4. A general manager for administrative and financial affairs will be appointed for each branch to supervise the services department, including administrative communications, personnel affairs, financial issues, support service, engineering services, IT services and scientific and academic supplies. Such general managers will be committed to carrying out the university policies and decisions relative to these areas and their jobs will have the same characterization and description corresponding to their jobs in the approved classification guide. 5. A deputy dean for support deanship will be appointed for each branch of the university (admission and registration deanship, students affairs deanship, foundation year and support studies deanship, university education development deanship, library affairs deanship, community service and sustainable development deanship, academic quality and accreditation deanship, IT and communications deanship). Such general manager will exercise the same powers provided for in the job characterization guide and will commit to the approved policies, decisions and regulations in coordination with the competent dean.

The second theme: the relationship between the offices of support deans and the university colleges The sheer diversity of the university’ branch colleges in terms of the variety of knowledge and science mandated and called for the creation of support deanships to back up these colleges and support the university efforts in offering its educational, research and community services. Such support deanships are also intended to be responsible for implementation of the objectives, policies and systems, each where concerned and in accordance with the regulations of the Higher Education Council. Each of the University colleges is empowered to engage in the various activities related to students’ affairs, libraries, admission and registration within the limits of the powers granted to them after due coordination with the support deanship. The colleges are also empowered to draw up the plans and programs needed to achieve the objectives, policies and regulations which are part and parcel of the activities of support deanships in all matters which have a bearing on the role of the college. This becomes mandatory and binding so that the university colleges may cooperate with the support deanships and thus contribute to the various areas of activities within the framework of the responsibilities and authorities set forth in the job characterization manual without prejudice to the duties that each facility and support deanship is tasked with. The purpose is to prevent conflict and overlapping of authorities and enable the support deanships, each within the scope of its work, to offer the necessary support to the colleges in the processing of their various activities. All this calls on each of the university branches with a number of 22

Introduction not more than five students or a group of not more than three colleges to appoint the above- mentioned support deanship deputy dean and in the absence of which the college dean will perform these duties. The relationship between the support deanships and university faculties to facilitate the faculty’s participation in the councils and committees associated with the activity of appointing a deanship via clear channels can be, for instance, depicted as follows: • Post graduate deanships deanship council college representative on the council female post graduate deputy dean the post graduate studies and academic research committee in the academic division. • Library affairs deanship council learning resources committee

College representative on the council library and representative for each academic division.

The third theme: the relationship between the girls divisions and the university faculties. Because of its firm belief in the great importance of the girls education section as one of its wings for building the society of knowledge and as a basic component of the educational process for women that has received special attention and care from the Kingdom ever since its establishment both in the areas of general and university education, the University of Dammam has been bent and serious from the very beginning on highlighting that role by providing an educational environment based on academic programs exclusively dedicated to girls, the endeavor to support the girls division by resolving all difficulties that the girls may encounter in their university study progress and by meeting the girls divisions’ requirements that are helpful in the success of that effort. This has been clearly demonstrated and reflected in the reconsideration of the organizational map of the University, including creation of separate organizational panels that effectively amplify those roles and seek to rectify the weak points resulting from the applied work plan. • Justifications of the new structuring: 1. Promote the efficiency of the educational process via creation of an independent administration that is directly concerned with the girls affairs to assist in the coordination, supervision and follow up effort between the higher management of the university, represented by His Excellency the President of the University, the University vice president, the faculty members on the one hand and the female staff of the university and the beneficiary female students on the other hand. This calls for appropriation of independent budgets for the separate administrative posts that correspond to male departments. 2. Minimize the duplication and conflict in the communication lines. This act will result in smooth decision-making process and express execution and consequently ease of communication with the girls division in the university branches in a way that would be in the best interests of realization of the mission and objectives of the university. 3. The burgeoning number of female students, accounting for 65 % of the total population of the university, does call for direct supervision in order to create the favorable educational climate for the students, faculty and technicians, coupled with unification of efforts and participation in support for the extracurricular process. 4. Boost and consolidate the female division relations with the local community in the pursuit of the knowledge society and a warranty of the quality of the educational environment that favors learning, creativity and innovation. Introduction


Introduction • The most important aspects that have been taken into consideration at the time of creation of the organizational chart concept: 1. The pyramid nature of the authority. 2. Clear chain of command lines. 3. Consolidation of effective governance system and creation of a control mechanism. 4. Creation of interface links between the administrative entities. 5. Clarity of the powers, responsibilities and authorizations matrix. 6. Minimization of expanded and overstretched supervision. 7. Procurement of experienced consulting authorities and consideration of similar institutions. 8. Clarity of the jurisdictions, duties and powers. 9. Standardization of the basic components of the pyramid of male and female sections. 10. Promotion of the authority level for administrative, financial and technical affairs. 11. Activation and completion of the organizational sectors for which a decision has been issued. The relationship between the male and the female managements should either be an integrative, competitive, or else coordinating, cooperative and self- harmonious relationship. It is the university’s opinion that the relationship should be self- harmonious and this can be achieved only by creation of a female management in harmonious relationship with the corresponding male management. Based on the above premise, the relationship between the two sides will be as follows: 1. Appoint a higher administrative commission for girls sections and a complementary part for the concerned College as a female unit of the university. 2. The academic partitions of the girls divisions are natural extension of the university faculties and the girls division in the College is headed by the female deputy dean of the girls’ college who reports to the girls’ division vice president. 3. The academic majors inside the girls division of the concerned college is an extension of the academic division of the college as a female unit and is supervised by the division head. 4. The job description of the college deputy dean for girls will be the same as the description of the college deputy dean and authorizations and powers are granted in accordance with the requirements and nature of the work in the girls division 5. All communications related to the girls’ academic and administrative affairs divisions will be through the division heads. 6. The girls’ college divisions will be committed to the policies and the decisions issued by the academic division boards and the College board in all matters related to the academic divisions. The executive decisions for these policies are issued by the responsible authorized person of the different sectors. 7. In the absence of direct academic corresponding person in the girls’ academic Specialty College, the University Council will identify the College to which the specialty will be attached and a decision to that effect will be issued by His Excellence the President of the University. Based on this premise and vision, it is the University’s opinion that each job should have a corresponding Peer Admin with the same set of powers, authorizations and responsibilities. The incumbent of the job 24

Introduction will be committed to comply with the operations, responsibility and accountability requirements. We believe this can be applied and achieved by adopting the following proposals: 1. Creation of a position under the title of associate university deputy dean or female associate vice president, or 2. Creation of a position of university vice president for female students, who will be in charge of the following tasks: • The female vice president will be responsible before the competent entities for implementation of the general policies designed to realize the objectives of the deanship. • Prepare the draft budget of the deanship and supervise its execution after it has been approved. • Develop the draft five year plan of the deanship and supervise its execution after it has been approved. • Submit periodic and annual reports on all aspects of the activities of the girls’ divisions. • Assume responsibility for carrying out the resolutions of the University Council at the girls divisions in the complex in accordance with the authorities of each division. • Maintain order and discipline, track the work progress in the division and the boarding section, if any, in coordination with the students’ affairs deanship, represented by the concerned deputy dean. • Direct, guide and track execution of the rules and regulations by the female personnel in the girls division. • Give instructions involving preparation of the necessary budget draft, plans and programs as may be required for the development of the girls’ division and oversee implementation of such programs. • Coordinate with the College deanships, the teaching faculty affairs deanship and scientific and functional affairs. • Supervise the development of socio-cultural activity. • Follow up on the academic activity of the various academic divisions of the girls’ section.

The fourth theme: the relationship between distance learning and the university faculties: The higher education institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are experiencing a quantum leap, massive growth and ever increasing demand and popularity from students. Development of the educational process has evolved into a pressing demand in the light of the recent development in the communications technology. The college student today has grown more open and susceptible to the technology revolution and information sources, which fact makes it imperative to shift and migrate to a quick paced development stage in the outputs and products of college education. Organization of the relationship between the university faculties concerned with distance learning now heavily relies on the principle of organic relationship with the practical academic ingredients that facilitate promoting the standard of the learning process, achieving operational efficiency and proper exploitation of the University’s material and human resources as a transitional stage during which the offered programs, their development, support and implementation of the pertinent rules are being extensively studied. Following the trail of the characterization of the University’s leading positions, the specialized scientific divisions of the distance learning or blended learning systems are regarded from a scientific viewpoint as extensions, though the system does have the special and unique character for the university colleges Introduction


Introduction concerned with this system. Consequently, the following points demonstrate the main lines of the work relationship between the distance learning system and the university’s concerned colleges. • e- learning and distance learning deanship the deanship permanent committee representative of the college (committee) female deputy dean for e-learning and distance learning the e-learning and distance learning unit in the academic division.

The fifth theme: The relationship between the university’s legal positions and the executive management The role of the legal department is to provide support to the executive management in performing its functions leading to a basic objective that would satisfy and serve the requirement of justice, righteousness and equality at a distance from discrimination and exclusions.

The sixth theme: The relationship between control and watchdog positions: Monitor and control the work trending in the executive management and offer feedback to succeed in rendering the required service.

Phase 8: The administrative organization and associated job characterization of the University of Dammam. The administrative organization of the University of Dammam stems from and is based on the University’s objectives, vision, mission and essential values which contribute, through this added component, to the higher education objectives and strategy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a sector that embraces the orthodox teachings and values of Islam and the directives of the sagacious leadership, while taking into consideration the totality of the issues in play to realize the requirements of success, expand the participation base, benefit from global expertise and trends and quality assurance to arrive at the threshold of international competitiveness. The overall structure of the administrative organization of Dammam University makes up the framework of the University’s administrative serial sequence. This manual will demonstrates the locations of the jobs, their administrative associations, relationship between the individuals, as well as the authority and responsibility lines within the organization. A person who examines the organizational chart of the University can easily identify the positions of the upper leaderships, the deanships, faculties, departments and divisions inside them as well as the responsibilities and the authorities associated therewith.


Introduction Fourth: University of Dammam’s Vision, Mission, Essential Values Our vision: A leading University achieving distinction nationally, regionally and internationally

Our Mission: Providing creative knowledge, research, and professional services with effective community partnerships

The essential values of the University: The University of Dammam is committed to a package of values and ethics that directs and channels its scientific knowledge quest and on the basis of which the University builds its relationship with the community and the others. These values are: • Loyalty

• Diversity

• Excellence

• Creativity

• Teamwork

• Social Responsibility

• Transparency

The strategic objectives: 1. Create and sustain in a major professional university high quality instruction, research and service in professional fields relevant to Eastern Province, the nation, the GCC, and beyond. 2. Build a new organizational management system, infused with quality, to handle its future size and complexity. 3. Infuse a culture of quality with recognition into all our professional activities to ensure accountability and achievement of stated objectives at all levels of all units 4. Expand opportunities for student learning and engagement to support realization of their academic and career aspirations 5. Interactive campus environment to foster loyalty and create a university community. 6. Establish “state-of-the-art” libraries and related learning resources 7. Develop sustainable modern facilities, equipment and related infrastructure to promote high quality teaching and learning, research and community service programs 8. Increase human resource capacity to accomplish its teaching, research and service missions more effectively 9. Increased functional capacity (number of employees) to enable the University to achieve its mission of educational, research and service more efficiently. 10. Create a culture of intellectual curiosity and conduct research work the highest ethical standards to generate new knowledge through research in health, industry, and the humanities to advance the well-being and welfare of the community 11. Develop institutional relationship with the community, and business partnerships to expand joint investments with the private sector Introduction


Introduction Secondary objectives in the strategic plan of the University: • Strategic Goal 1: Create and sustain in a major professional university high quality instruction, research and service in professional fields relevant to Eastern Province, the nation, the GCC, and beyond. 1. Complete the plan for the integrated Health Professions Cluster. 2. Complete the plan for the integrated Engineering Professions Cluster. 3. Complete the plan for the integrated Science and Management Professions Cluster. 4. Complete the plan for the integrated Arts and Education Professions Cluster. • Strategic Goal 2: Build a new organizational management system, infused with quality, to handle the future size and complexity of UOD. 1. Develop a framework for system-to-campus and intra-campus delegation of responsibility and authority among executive and academic officers. 2. Define the executive/managerial role of Deanships, campus leaders, cluster leaders and academic deans. 3. Coordinate deployment of academic and administrative support functions to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. 4. Invest in strong, senior-level academic management capacity; implement in developed Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation in relation to Management. 5. Establish and implement systems for performance appraisal, award and reward in all Units. • Strategic Goal 3: Infuse a culture of quality with recognition into all our professional activities to ensure accountability and achievement of stated objectives at all levels throughout all units in UOD. 1. Create a total institutional commitment to continuing Quality Management [QM] by means of effective leadership and widespread involvement of faculty; weave QM into all planning and accreditation processes; ; support Quality Systems Unit in collection of data for UD Quest and UD Metrics 2. Ensure that the scope of Quality Management (QM) is comprehensive and relates to all clinical, educational and research programs, administration and other business units of UOD 3. Develop policies, structures and formal operating plans to assure efficient and effective administration of the QM process 4. Involve the full range of external UOD stakeholders in creating, improving, and sustaining QM processes and responsive action plans that are based on verifiable and actionable evidence-based key performance indicators (KPI›s).


Introduction • Strategic Goal 4: Expand opportunities for student learning and engagement to support realization of their academic and career aspirations. 1. Implement contemporary and innovative curriculum design, teaching and learning strategies which allow integration and critical enquiry. 2. Expand curricular options to meet the identified needs of the community. 3. Develop or Strengthen first year programs(“Prep Year”) in all clusters(tracks) to ensure quality of student preparation. 4. Design and implement mechanisms to assess graduates’ attainment of skills specified in National Qualification Framework (NQF). 5. Establish a procedure for a regular cycle of review of existing academic programs. • Strategic Goal 5: Provide access & support for all qualified students, while establishing a vibrant and interactive campus environment to create a university community and foster loyalty. 1. Revisit continuously the Strategic Enrollment Plan to manage effectively the flow of enrolled students throughout UOD. 2. Expand the implementation of effective counseling of students on academic and career choices. 3. Build linkages to support networks for students’ academic choices and career placement. 4. Expand facilities and programs for student recreation as well as professional and cultural clubs. 5. Create more opportunities for students to switch between programs at UOD. 6. Create an option to allow very high-performing high school graduates to test out of the Prep Year and enter directly into a College. • Strategic Goal 6: Establish “state-of-the-art” libraries and related learning resources. 1. Develop full campus and off campus strategic learning resources. 2. Delivery of excellent comprehensive Library and learning resources. • Strategic Goal 7: Develop sustainable modern facilities, equipment and related infrastructure to serve high quality teaching and learning, research and community service programs. 1. Develop and implement a central system for space assignment and management. 2. Prepare strategic plan for the operation and maximum utilization of campuses and related facilities. 3. Develop program for continuous facility maintenance, and changes to keep pace with evolution of facility needs of UOD colleges and programs. 4. Develop mechanisms to identify and interact with ongoing development of land bordering UOD campuses. Introduction


5. Develop on-site high-standard kindergarten, (K-12) elementary and secondary high school system for the children of faculty, staff and community to enhance value to campus. 6. Develop and implement a total safety & security management system 7. Establish and upgrade state-of-the-art IT Systems. 8. Develop a commitment towards environment friendly and sustainable campuses. 9. Develop expanded support facilities and policies to enhance campus life and environment. • Strategic Goal 8: Develop and implement a robust financial planning and management system to serve all academic and administrative programs of UOD. 1. Develop a transparent annual budgeting and revenue/expenditure tracking system to enhance accountability in all units of UOD. 2. Implement systems in UOD to comply with generally accepted accounting practice and standards to accurately track all significant financial transactions. 3. Develop a diversified portfolio of internal revenue generation to reduce dependence on a single funding source. 4. Examine the full possibilities for the use of the Self –Operating Unit approach in the University. 5. Integrate strategic planning with financial planning. • Strategic Goal 9: Increase human resource capacity to accomplish its teaching, research and service missions more effectively. 1. Design and implement a strategic model for faculty and professional staff development, recruitment and retention. 2. Design and implement recruitment procedures that maximize opportunities for successfully attracting the best candidates for the faculty and staff. 3. Design and implement a competitive salary and compensation package for faculty and professional staff. 4. Design and implement a fair and transparent performance evaluation system for faculty and professional staff. 5. Design and implement effective professional development programs for faculty and staff 6. Ensure that all policies and procedures regarding faculty and staff are transparent and published in updated charters. 7. Develop and improve all facilities and services for faculty and staff to enhance UD efficiency and effectiveness. 8. Design and implement a fair and transparent system for incentives, recognition and rewards for faculty and staff, based on merit and performance.


• Strategic Goal 10:

Create a culture of intellectual curiosity and conduct research of the highest ethical standards to generate new knowledge through research in health, industry, and the humanities to advance the well-being and welfare of the community. 1. The first CORE [Center of Research Excellence] 2. Develop Centers of Clinical Excellence (COCE) linked to the CORE to enhance health education, research and care delivery for the Eastern Province. 3. Prepare a research faculty recruitment plan and recruit 23- multidisciplinary cohorts of experienced, funded investigators in selected research areas to provide leadership, direction and credibility for the research enterprise. 4. Establish Junior Research Faculty positions in the COREs for students and other trainees 5. Create a reward system that includes incentives for extramurally funded research and promotion criteria that recognize collaborative investigations. 6. Create a research program in Public Health, housed in CRMC that builds its own research program and supports the COREs (with plans for post-graduate degree programs in the future). 7. Expand post-graduate research opportunities and increase student participation in research. 8. Design and implement a technology transfer (commercialization) program that provides both reputational and financial returns on UOD’s investment in intellectual property-generating research, and, contributes to priorities for economic development and diversification in KSA and the Region. 9. Formulate and implement robust policies and programs to consistently ensure high ethical standards in the conduct of research at UOD. 10. Generate knowledge related to the complex nature of our world by engaging in research in the humanities to address dynamic changes and rapid developments. 11. Develop and market a scientific publishing initiative in the CRMC.

• Strategic Goal 11:

Develop institutional relationship with the community; and business partnership to expand private sector joint investments. • Expand the faculty model to include linkages to faculty/professionals from strategic partners and the world of professional practices, and, vice versa, for UOD faculty. • Establish alumni organizations for UOD and constituent units and involve graduates and the wider Dammam community in the cultural and educational life of the campus. • Create the capacity to generate and analyze data related to the regional population, work force, health status, and economy to serve the needs and interests of the Eastern Province. • Draw upon UOD resources to provide research and service to provincial business, industry and government. • Establish a network of external advisory groups for UOD and its constituent units. • Develop academic and research programs of UOD to support strategies for provincial growth and workforce. • Jointly develop re-training & continued educational programs with the business sector to address their workforce retention, development and evolving specialization needs. • Jointly create business incubators with investing business partners in selected areas of academic/research focus. • Create a University Technology Park to attract businesses advantaged by interaction and partnerships with our professional disciplines and their areas of research emphasis. • Intensify UOD engagement in community service.



Introduction Fifth: University of Dammam - the Birth and the structuring Royal Decree No. 118//A, dated 15 Ramadan 1430 (5 September 2009) was issued, sanctioning and providing for segregation of the Dammam Branch of King Faisal University as a full-fledged university on its own merit under the name of the University of Dammam comprising a number of faculties in the Eastern Province: Dammam, Qatif, Dhahran, Jubail, Khafji, Naria and Hafar al- Batin.

The University Council: The University council is the highest authority in charge of all academic, scientific, financial and administrative issues. It supervises the discharge of the university affairs, formulates and follows up on the implementation of the overall policy in accordance with the higher education rules and regulations which define the duties, responsibilities and powers of the council. The council consists of the following: • Minister of Higher Education:


• The University President: Vice President. • Secretary General of the Higher Education Council:


• The University Vice Presidents: Members. • Support College Deans: Members. • College deans: Members The key functions, activities and services are practiced through the faculties, support deanships, centers and scientific, educational and service departments as follows:

Colleges of the University: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

College of Medicine. College of Dentistry. College of Nursing. College of Clinical Pharmacology. College of Applied Medical Sciences. College of Basic Medical Sciences. College of Public Health and Heath Informatics. College of Architecture and Planning. College of Engineering. College of Design. College of Business Management. College of Applied Studies and Community Service. College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology. College of Shariah and Law. College of Education. College of Arts. College of Sciences.

• College of Education for Girls in Jubail. • Qatif Community College. 32

Introduction Support centers and scientific and educational departments: • Amir Muhammad Bin Fahd Center for Research and Consultation Studies. • Urban Studies and Consultation Center. • University Orientation and Guidance Center. • Scientific Publication Center. • Documentation Center. • Alumni and Professional Development Center. • Intellectual Property Protection Center. • Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange Center. • Public Relations and Media General Administration.

Support Deanships: • Higher Studies Deanship. • Scientific and Academic Research Deanship. • Library Affairs Deanship. • Foundation Year and Support Studies Deanship. • Acceptance and Enrolment Deanship. • Students Affairs Deanship. • Girls University Studies Deanship. • Faculty Member and Personnel Affairs Deanship. • Community Service and Sustainable Development Deanship. • Academic Quality and Accreditation Deanship. • Communications and Information Technology Deanship. • University Education Development Deanship. • E-learning and Distance Learning Deanship.

Hospitals and Medical Services: • King Fahd Teaching Hospital. • The New University Hospital. • The Rehabilitation Center. • The Dental Medicine Hospital. • The Health Care Center in Rakah. • The Primary Health Care Center in al-Khobar, al- Aqrabiayah District. • The Primary Health Care Center in Dammam, Rayyan District. • The Health Services Self-Operating Program.



Organizational Structures

Dammam University Councils Structure

Higher Education Council

President of the Council of Ministers, President of the Higher Commission On Education Policies (Chairman) and Minister of Higher Education (Vice Chairman) Presidents of universities

Minister of Civil Service

Minister of Planning & Economy

Minister of Labor

Minister of Finance

Minister of Education

University Council

Minister of Higher Education (Chairman) and the President of the University (ViceChairman) Deans

Secretary General of Higher Educatioon Council

Academic Council

Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research (Chairman) One Faculty, at least associate professor, from each college or institute 32

University Vice Presidents

Postgraduate Deanship Council Postgraduate Studies Dean (Chairman) One Faculty, at least associate professor, from each college or institute

Postgraduate Studies Deputy Dean (Secretary of the Council)

Scientific Research Dean

Scientific Research Deanship Council Scientific Reseach Dean (Chairman) A number of not more than 7 prominent faculty professors in scietific Research

A number of not more than five of the directors of reseach centers

Scientific Reseach Deputy Dean (Secretary of the Council)

Postgraduate Studies Dean

College Board

Division Board

College Dean (Chairman)

Division Head

Division Heads

Division Faculty

At most three faculty members of the college, preferably one should serve as college representative on the Scientific Council College Deputy Deans

Organizational Charts


Organizational Chart- University of Dammam University Council

University President Office of the President

Secretariat of the Council

Financial Control

King Fahd University Hospital

Internal Audit Department

Directorate of PR & Media

Follow-up Directorate

Legal Affairs Directorate

University Campus Directorate

Vice President for Studies, Development & Community Service

Vice President for Branches Affairs

Vice President of the University

E-Learning and Distance Learning

College of Arts in Dammam

Girls University Education Deanshiip

Academic Quality and Accreditation Deanship

College of Sciences in Dammam

Faculty and Personnel Deanship

Communications and IT Deanship

College of Applied Medical Sciences in Qatif

Projects and General Services Directorate

University Educational Development Deanship

College of Business SciencesS in Qatif

Planning & Budgeting Directorate

Community Service & Sustainable Development

Community College in Qatif

Administrative and Financial Affairs Directorate

Documentation Center

College of Applied Medical Sciences in Jubail

Procurement and Tendering Directorate

Alumni and Career DEvelopment Center

College of Education in Jubail

Supplies Directorate

Printing Press


Security, Safety & Occupational Health

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Vice President of the University

College of Medicine

College of Shariah & Law

Scientific Council

College of Dentistry

College of Business Administration

Postgraduate Studies Deanship

College of Nursing

College of Computer Sciences & IT

Scientific Resarch Deanship

College of Clinical Pharmachology

College of Applied Studies & Community Service

Library Affairs Deanship

College of Applied Medical Sciences

Foundation Year & Support Studies Deanship

Scientific Publication Center

College of Basic Medical Sciences

Admission & Registration Deanship

Prince M. bin Fahd Center for Consultation Research & Studies

College of Public Health and Health Informatics

Student Affairs Deanship

Urban Studies & Consultation Center

College of Architecture & Planning

Guidance and Counciling Center

Academic Chairs Department

College of Engineering

Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange

College of Design

Intellecual Property Protection Directorate

College of Education in Dammam

Scientific Journals and Clubs Organizational Charts


Organizational Chart- University of Dammam University Vice President, to supervise the following deanships, directorates general & executive departments

Executive departments

Directorates General

Support Deanships

Executive Department

Directorate General of Projects and General Services

University Education Deanship for Girls

Independent Accounts Department

Resources Development and Investment Department

- Projects & General - Services Department.

- Faculty Affairs Department

- Operation & Maintenance Department.

- Admin. Formations Department

- Support Services Department.

Directorate General of Planning and Budgeting - Planning Department

- Personnel Affairs Department - Performance & Salaries Department - Passports Department - Archiving, Files & Admin Liaison Department

- Budgeting Department - Fund Allocation Department - Statistics Department

Directorate General of Administrative and Financial Affairs - Planning Department - Budgeting Department - Fund Allocation Department - Statistics Department

Directorate General of Supplies - Office Furniture Department - Smart Classroom Department - Networking and TV Department - Scientific Laboratories & Plants Department - Computer & Technical Support Department


Directorate General of Security, Safety and Occupational Health - University Security Department - Safety Department - Occupational Health Department

Directorate General of Procurement & Bidding - Contracting Department - Bidding Department - Direct Procurement Department

Illustration Sample of the Organizational Chart of a College at Dammam University University President

Competent Vice President College Board

College Dean Dean›s Office Manager

College Library

Strategic Plan Development

Liason Office for Internal Audit

and Follow-up Committee

and Financial Controller

Job Description

Development Committee

Scientific Divisions

Deputy Dean for Training Affairs

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs

Training Department

Academic Divions Affairs Department

Field Training Section

Students Affairs Section

Collaboration and Coordination Section

Admission & Registration Section Curricula and Means Section

Scheduling & Testing Section Student Guidance Section Student Services & Activities Section


Deputy Dean for Studies, Development & Community Service

Deputy Dean for Postgraduate Studies & Scientific Research

Quality Control & Development Department

Scientific Research and Postgraduate Studies Department

Financial Affairs Section

Administative Affairs Section

Quality Control & Academic Accreditation Section

Scientific Studies and Research Section

Accounting Unit

Personnel Affairs Unit

Academic & Administrative Assessment Section

Scientific & Postgraduate Affairs Section

Internal Audit Unit

Computer Unit

Performance Development & Functional Excellence section

Scientific Research Support & Development Section

Budget & Accounts Unit

Administrative Liaison Unit

Statistical Analysis Section

Scholarships & Teaching Assistants Section

Procurement & Tendering Unit

Security & Safety Unit

skills Development & Continuing Education Section

Cultural Relations & International Collaboration Center

Storehouse Unit

Maintenance and Services Unit

Manager, Admin. & Financial Affairs Department

Awareness & Community Service Section

Organizational Charts


Organizational Chart of a Support Deanship/ University of Dammam University President

Competent Vice President Deanship Council

Competent Dean Liaison Office for Internal Audit & Follow-up of deanship Cluster

Manager and Secretariat of the Dean’s Office

Deputy Dean/ deans of the Deanship based on the nature of the duties of each A Number of sections based

on the duties and jurisdictions of each deanship

Deputy Dean for Technical Affairs

Managere, Admin. & Financial Affairs Department

Planning & Development Section

Admin. & Financial Section

Informatics & Statisticcs Section

Personnel Affairs Unit

Computer Section

Accounting Unit Procurement and Storehouse Unit

Administrative Liaison Unit


Illustration Sample of the Organizational Chart of a Directorate General at the Uiversity of Dammam University President

Competent Vice President

Manager of the Directorate Internal Audit and Follow-up of the Directorates Complex


Directorate General of the Activiy›s Affairs The manager of the directorate general will be appointed on grade code twelve and above The organizational structure of the directorate general will consist of key organizational sectors in phased levels in acordance with the establishment conditions to be determined on the basis of

the nature and volume of the duties, the number of human resources required for completion of

the job and the entity and level of association. Each directorate general will embody the following units and sections:

- The departments of the affairs of the activity associated with the duties of the directorate general.

- To be instituted, each directorate general must consist of at least three executive departments and each executive department must consist of at least three divisions.

- Divisions attached to the department of the affairs of the competent activity based on the

nature of its duties. This is the organizational level above the sections. To be instituted, each division must contain at least three employees. Such division will report to the manager of

the affairs of the competent department and at least two sections must report to a single division.

- Sections attached to the division. A section must contain at least two employees who report to the division head. To be intituted, due consideration should be given to the necessary justifications required by the specialized and professional nature of the work.

- Administrative units / follow- up offices if their existence is justifiable and necessary.

Organizational Charts


The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters

The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


The University of Dammam Code of Ethics

The University of Dammam Code of Ethics Introduction Terms like “Charter, promise, pledge” mean by definition a covenant that the concerned parties have reached a consensus on, that they have been committed to hold dear and respect under all circumstances no matter what, such as the relationship between the people and their governors, or agreement reached by the masses such as the National Charter, the Cultural Treaty of the Arab League, the United Nations Charter, the Human Rights Convention, the Academic Work Charter, etc. Consequently, a charter is a collective agreement that two or more people have reached consensus on . The charter assumes the strength of a binding law to all parties that have formally ascribed it. Based on this premise, a charter is, therefore, a promise and discharge as stated in verse 20 of Surat Alra’d (or the Thunder) “20. Those who fulfill the promise to God, and do not violate the agreement” The linguistic and lexical meaning of AKLAQ, meaning morality or ethics, refer to religion, nature, inborn characteristics, natural instincts, temperament, virtues, decency and righteousness. In essence it is man’s inner image of himself, self- description, and characteristic qualities. In a contextual and conventional sense, ethics have been defined by the Persian celebrated grammarian, rhetorician, and literary theorist Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ali al- Sharif al- Hussaini, also known as alJurjani (740- 816 Hijrah calendar) in his Encyclopedia Glossary “”AlTA’RIFAT” or “The Definitions” as: “the form of engrained and deep expression of self from which actions stem with ease with no need for calculated thought, urging or deliberation. If the things issuing from self are good deeds, the outward appearance will be good and if the things are bad the exterior look will be bad”. Ahmad bin Ya’qub Abu Ali, nicknamed bin Maskawiyah, another Persian historian and philosopher (330- 421 Hijrah calendar) defines manners or conduct as “the firm and well-established state of the self which invites actions with ease and spontaneity in the absence of any need for advance thought or calculation. This state is divided into two divisions: one which is normal and springs naturally from the mood, such as an irritable person who is moved to anger and gets fired up by the slightest provocation and a person who is a coward, jittery and scared by minor things, or who gets startled and spooked by the slightest sound that hits his ears, or the person who laughs excessively to tears from the slightest thing that he likes or a person who becomes worried, gloomy and depressed by the easiest thing that afflicts him. Other qualities are learned and acquired through the force of habit and training whose source may be thought and reflection and continues steadily until it becomes a habit and routine and part of the very intuitive nature of the person. Other researchers define ethics from an Islamic perspective as being: “a set of principles and values that regulate human behavior, which is defined by inspiration, to organize man’s life, determine man’s relation with the others in a way that accomplishes the objective of his existence in this life in the best manner possible”. It is, thus, a package of communication rules to realize the objectives and a language of communication based on the exchange of benefits between parties which have reached mutual agreement or understanding on different issues.

The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


The University of Dammam Code of Ethics In Islam morality and ethics are characterized by two traits 1. It is of a divine and godly nature. 2. It is a humanity trait, in other words man makes an effort and has a hand in defining this system from a practical point of view. It is the methodology of behavior and method of dealing with oneself, with God and with the society. It is a system in which the theoretical and the practical integrate into a whole which is the very essence, core and spirit of Islam, penetrating and prevailing in all respects. Morality is, as a matter of act, the very essence, fabric and spirit of all divine and heavenly messages. The Prophet himself says “I have been sent to the masses to supplement the noble and lofty morals, to redress them and spread their virtues”. This substantiates the edict that the objective of all divine messages is a moralistic and highminded one and the word “religion” itself means good manners and behavior. Morality is one of the public culture that the community has faith in. In Saudi Arabia, because the Islamic religion is an ingredient that shapes and fashions the totality of social, economic and political landscape, and since the moral system in Islam depends on its concept of the universe and existence and man is naturally part of this existence, consequently the distant aim of man’s ultimate effort in this life is to secure the blessings of God. In Islam, justice is personified in the principle of equality where all people are created equal just like the teeth of a comb and the gauge of preference is contingent upon their degree of commitment and obedience to the orders of the creator which are incarnated in the lofty and noble characteristics of good morals. This further confirms to us, the community of Muslims, that neither color, nor language, nor nationality, nor country, nor social, economic or political status have any bearing or merit on the assessment of the value of man, but only on the basis of piety and devoutness. In this regard, the Prophet says: “God does not look at your images or color but He looks into your heart and actions. Piety is here, piety is here (pointing to his heart and chest with his index finger)”.


The University of Dammam Code of Ethics The Fundamentals on which morality and ethics rest in Islam 1. Foundation of faith: belief foundation is anchored on faith in the existence and unity of God and the conviction that God has created man and has shown him the path of evil and that of righteousness and integrity via the prophets. He sent them to enlighten people and coach them on belief in the hereafter life and that man will be held to reckoning and accountability for what he has perpetrated in his life, be it good or bad. Hence, faith represents the very essence and one of the pillars of moral rectitude and decent behavior. 2. The realistic and scientific foundation: ethics primarily preserves and protects man’s life and makes it progress seamlessly without encumbrances and handicaps. Ethics do not conflict with nature, but do in fact complement and supplement nature. Islam has devised for man a moral framework based on its knowledge of human nature which is composed of soul and matter and that man’s happy and fulfilling life can be achieved only with the satisfaction of both his material and spiritual needs on an equal footing. As regards the scientific foundation of ethics, Islam has identified for man a moralistic context based on its concept of the universe and its factual realities. Islam brings up and educates man with due regard to reason and intellect that draws its objectives from the values of science, knowledge and the righteousness and which channels man’s energy to scientific research and pursuit of the truth. 3. Commitment: Commitment is the most salient feature of the individual responsibility. It means man’s undertaking and pledge of confrontation even if it meant confrontation of the entire humanity in if it meant honoring and fulfilling a right that man has taken upon himself. One of the requirements of commitment is the Muslim’s keen desire to have only wholesome food and drink and to drink and feed himself and dependents only from HALAL natural, healthy and wholesome sources. It is one of the most salient features of individual responsibility and it signifies man’s undertaking to stick to confrontation, even confrontation of the entire humanity in order to fulfill a promise that he has taken upon himself. One feature of commitment is man’s extreme care to eat and drink and feed himself and his dependents only from wholesome and permissible source. ABUHRAIRAH (a tradition narrator) quoted the Prophet as saying “God is good and accept only good things”. God the Almighty addressed to the believer the same order He addressed to the prophets saying in verse 51 of Surat al- Momineen (the Believers) “O messengers of God, eat of the good things, and act with integrity. I am aware of what you do” And again in verse 172 of Surat al- Baqarah (or the Cow) “O you who believe! Eat of the good things we have provided for you, and give thanks to God, if it is Him that you serve”

Responsibility The sense of responsibility is an admission by man of his actions, decisions and choices and man’s preparedness to bear the consequences that may result therefrom, be they good or bad, before God first and then before his own conscience and the community. A basic condition of responsibility is the personal nature or “individual responsibility which man assumes for the consequences of any act or decision or procedure man may perpetrate. The individual responsibility comes in two forms, first “the innermost aspect” and second “the external aspect”. The innermost aspect reflects the individual’s responsibility for his intention, will and design. God says in verse 284 of Surat al- Baqarah (the Cow):

The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


The University of Dammam Code of Ethics “Whether you reveal what is within your selves, or conceal it, God will call you to account for it”. The external aspect reflects the tangible behavior of utterance or act provided that it stems of and instigated by purpose and choice. God says in verse 89 of Surat al- Maydah “God does not hold you accountable for your unintended oaths, but He holds you accountable for your binding oaths” The individual responsibility does not cancel out the collective responsibility because the group is a set of individuals and it is responsible for the deviation from behavior norms by some individuals and it is the group’s duty to rectify such deviation via legitimate means approved by the religion by means of a set of prohibitions and punishments both now and in the hereafter. Based on this meaning of morality, it raises in the mind a series of queries and questions which we need to know, albeit briefly, such as: What rules and prevails? Is it the right or the power? And if it is right that prevails, is it the morals that direct and govern it? And if power prevails, is it morals that should control it? And is right a moral or a legal value? As a matter of fact we cannot conceive right through the meaning of absolute duality of right “the natural right and the civil right”. In fact we have no choice but consider the right from the perspective of the religious teachings and heavenly legislations, as well as the provision, limits and controls whose primary function is to organize the relation between man and himself, between man and the others and between man and his creator. To regulate this relationship, it is important to satisfy the requirement or the individuals’ obedience collectively and severally, meaning the existence of an external authority that forces man to obey and submit to a principle, law or rule under the penalty of threats of punishment if man fails to obey, such as the case of a criminal who in case of violation of a certain right must be penalized by law. Hence, the relationship between law and right is an argumentative one, meaning the need for existence of an institution above all others to rule and arbitrate. Consideration of the relative influence and the historical nature of the right authority will reveal to us man’s keen desire to have and pursue a life of virtue in order to get rid of violence, injustice, inequality and struggle where the strong beats up the weak and usurps his rights and human dignity. A Roman scholar and a researcher in Greek philosophy born in the year 106 BC, a Marcus Tullius Cicero, made the point that “man by his natural instinct automatically roots for the right and by the instinct vested in him by God makes a distinction between the good and the bad, between justice and injustice or between the virtues “the good morals” and “the bad morals”. Therefore, Cicero links and associates realization of right with the moral obligation as an act that expresses the individual’s freedom and natural will and reconfirms that if a state wishes to survive it must recognize the rights and duties which bind its citizens together and between them and the state by means of the law “constitution” which embodies the rights and duties. Consequently, the legal language is the form that embodies the principles of individual freedom and upholds the human dignity against all forms and shapes of violence, force and intimidation by establishing very specific and definitive standards, criteria, charters and constitutions that control the duties and grant the rights. Consequently, right is either subject to the divine wish or to human wish to bypass the natural force right and there ought to be the force of the law as an authority to attain right and dispense justice. Therefore, moral commitment is a must for realization of right which must not conflict with human freedom.


The University of Dammam Code of Ethics Because the university has been an institution with different functions ever since the birth of the academic concepts in the first Greek state, through the Islamic civilization and moving forward movement to the Western civilization up to the age of globalization and post globalization, the workers and stakeholders are committed to the controls, behavior, morals and ethics of university operation and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All such controls, behavior patterns and ethics must be compatible with: 1. Islamic Shariah principles. 2. Higher Education Regulation. 3. Human Rights Charter, Geneva, 1948. Article 24 of the charter states: “Each person shall have the right to rest and to leisure time, especially the right to reasonable working hours and paid leaves from time to time”. The objective is to trace back some of the concepts and values documented locally and globally in university rules and regulations. The most important of these values, principles and concepts are the principles of “truthfulness, honesty, professionalism, integrity, dignity, the honor of the profession, transparency, diversity, in addition to drawing up frames for well-defined and sharp distinction of the professional practices in order to avoid conflicts. The totality of these higher principles, values and actions performed by the university personnel are called “the Academic Endeavor Charter” to which the university, its workers and stakeholders comply with to help in promoting the academic operations in a way that does not conflict with the concept of the academic freedom. The academic work charter is not a vogue or a fad that is unique to the university as there are many other charters, such as the medical and engineering ethical codes of honor. These charters are built on the professional work principles that prevail in every profession under the name of the ethical code and moral values. In this particular case of the university, the laws, regulations, rights, duties and principles are structured in a way that regulates the relationship among the university personnel with each other on one hand and their relationship with the university on the other hand. This charter represents an undertaking, a pledge and a promise that must be fulfilled and honored as a commitment to the principles on which it is built.

The principles on which the academic charter is built are 1. Capability and merit: This principle requires thorough knowledge and skill in the topic which the academician will be teaching and familiarity with the nooks, crannies and intimate details of the study topic, its developments and compatibility with the contents of the curriculum 2. Educational worthiness: An academician who is involved in teaching must be familiar with the various teaching methodologies, strategies and approaches which will facilitate for the academician solid communication to arrive at and realize the objectives of the curriculum. He or she must be knowledgeable in the various methods for student’s assessment, evaluation of the syllable, obtaining feedback while taking advantage of his or her superior analytical abilities and capabilities, in addition to reliance on work which is based on evidence, resolution of the problem and taking the appropriate decision where needed. 3. Handling sensitive issues with wisdom: sensitive issues are as many and varied as communities. A university professor is required to be perceptive and thoughtful in the discussion of issues which involve, sex, religion, sects, politics and such other subjects. 4. Student promotion and development: a university professor is required to effectively take part in the college student’s mental and physical development and uplifting of the student’s The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


The University of Dammam Code of Ethics sense of independence, minimization of dependence in a way that preserves the students’ selfrespect and maintains their human dignity. A university professor should keep at a distance from instigating or fermenting discrimination or otherwise promotion of frictions and feuds among the students. A professor is required to consolidate and strengthen the student’s lofty values and support his/ her attaining maturity and the age of perception 5. Avoidance of mutually beneficial relationship between the student and the professor: such relationship will end up in conflicts of interests and grants the student the right to have an acquired benefit that is beyond the formal relationship system and will have an impact on the student’s growth, maturity and perceptibility. 6. Confidentiality and privacy: The student’s grades, attendance and absence record, and personal communications must be regarded as matters of the interested party’s privacy, unless there is a pressing reason for making them public, such as in the case of doctor-patient relationship. 7. Respect of colleagues: A university professor is required to respect the dignity of his colleagues and to cooperate with them for the ultimate purpose of upgrading the students’ standards. Differences, if any, between the academia must be resolved amicably and within the dictates of professional ethics. A professor must never mention his work colleague with anything that is abusive and offensive to him/ her or the profession. 8. Correct evaluation of the students: A university professor must embrace and apply all methods and devices for correct and valid assessment of the student’s performance, in harmony with objectivity, openness, equality, fairness, impartiality and objectives of the curricula. 9. Respect of the institution and the university: A university professor must respect the objectives, targets and goals of the curricula and voluntarily and willingly submit to the university’s policies and regulations as reconfirmation of the professor’s respect for his or her university. A professor should never commit to any work beyond the university that will likely be in conflict with the best interests and duties of the university work. Based on the above premise, it is essential that the staff of Dammam University be acquainted with the ethics and morals related to the nature of their work and duties. The staff are required to sign the official document of the charter and consequently any violation of the contents of the document will be subject to accountability and disciplinary actions if the violation has been substantiated.


Faculty Code of Ethics and Charter

Faculty Code of Ethics and Charter The charter and code of ethics In my capacity as an employee of the University of Dammam, because I do believe in my responsibility to the University that I belong to, based on the foundations of our principles and moral ethics, at the top of which are honesty, integrity, lofty moral values and respect of the law and order, and out of my keen desire to apply the work ethics which call on me to monitor myself in the interest of the work and the transfer of its objectives, results and outputs to the community where I live, and having carefully read and clearly understood without any confusion or misperception the contents of the above introduction and after having reviewed the rules and regulations which organize the rights and duties, I undertake and pledge to commit to and abide by the highest standards of honesty, truthfulness, integrity and transparency in all activities and actions I am entrusted with, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. I shall strictly comply with all regulations, instructions and laws applicable in the university. 2. I shall carry out and execute with due diligence all duties and activities entrusted to me, with the maximum degree of accuracy, efficiency, transparency and professionalism. 3. I shall refrain from any act or work that may constitute directly or indirectly a violation of the principles of integrity, honor, transparency and professionalism. 4. I shall deal and cooperate with my colleagues in the spirit of a single professional team. 5. I shall hold fast and commit to the principles of equality, integrity, respect and absence of discrimination. 6. I shall refrain from any act or behavior that may be in conflict with the nature of the university’s operations. 7. I shall comply with the highest dictates of politeness, civility, impeccable behavior and morals. 8. I shall work hard to promote the good name and image of the university. 9. I shall be subject to accountability and responsible for all my acts and sayings which are in conflict with the nature of my academic profession. 10. I shall boost, consolidate and propagate the culture of faith, confidence, citizenship and respect for human rights in the community.

Rights and duties of the faculty member First: Rights A faculty member plays a vital role in the formation and preparation of the nation’s framework. A faculty member contributes through scientific research to the promotion of the economic growth and social development of the Kingdom. To be able to assume his/ her duties in the best manner possible and to be able to keep pace with the scientific development in his or her field of specialty, it is imperative that the Kingdom should warrant for him or her means and amenities of honorable living. For more information on the rights and privileges of the faculty, please see the Civil Service Council Law and the regulation rules on the affairs of Saudi Universities’ faculty members and similar categories, promulgated by decision No. 4 / 6 / 1417, of the Higher Education Council, adopted in the Council’s session held on 26 Sha’ban 1417 and sanctioned by High Order dated 22 Sha’ban 1418.

The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


Faculty Code of Ethics and Charter Second: Duties The duties of a university professor “teaching faculty member” stem from the qualities, characteristics and principles to be fulfilled in the personality of the faculty member which include, but not limited to, integrity, rectitude, honesty, capability, efficiency, neutrality, equality and freedom of research, subject to compliance with the Islamic values and principles which constitute the bedrock foundation of the Saudi community system. Such duties can be summarized as follows: 1. I shall refrain and desist from establishing personal relationships with the students, while keeping my behavior at bay from anything or act that may raise suspicions or doubts, such as accepting gifts or personal courtesies and compliments with the students or their families at the expense of the educational process. 2. I shall refrain from giving private tutoring and lessons and keep at a distance from any act that is likely to diminish, compromise or tarnish the integrity of the university professor. 3. I shall exert every effort within my capacity to direct the students, seek to resolve the difficulties and problems that they may encounter, extend care to all without any discrimination or bias, avoid overloading the students with any roles or works which are not part of their key duties, and allow space for discussion and objection within the boundaries of the educational process. 4. I shall refrain from disclosure of the student’s secrets which I may be privy to unless such disclosure is based on a court order or avoidance of gross damage to others. 5. A university professor is prohibited from committing in a negative or a positive way any acts that may constitute participation in cruel or inhumane treatment of the student, or otherwise collude in or instigate such acts. A university professor is by the same token prohibited from taking advantage of his or her knowledge or skills to offer assistance in a way that may be detrimental to the student’s psychological, emotional or academic stance. 6. A university professor must stay within the boundaries of his or her skills and solicit the help, in case of need, from the professors who are more knowledgeable and efficient than him or her, particularly in the field of scientific research. He or she must avoid negligence, variations in and falsification of the research findings and abuse a fabrication of the research conclusions. 7. A university professor is required to track and follow up on the developments as they unfold in his field of specialty, seek to develop his or her skills on an ongoing basis, should consider and be attentive to the standards of efficiency to attain perfection upon discharging his duties. 8. A university professor must be aware of and familiar with the emerging and new developments in the subject matter of his or her specialty as well as knowledge of the community’s educational culture, the educational issues at hand and teaching methods and styles. A professor must apply the quality standards to the subject he or she is tasked with teaching in a manner that enables the graduate to achieve the required standards of proficiency. 9. A university professor must exerise patience be mild- mannered with his /her students and colleagues, takes under his care the students whom he or she senses have the academic and moral aptitude and efficiency to feed the university teaching faculty with fresh and highly qualified and capable elements. 10. A university professor will be committed to applying the university policies related to the scientific content and the targeted educational products. He or she must heed and be mindful to the relative weight of both the contents of the teaching process and the examinations alike.


Faculty Code of Ethics and Charter 11. While assessing the students, a university professor must take into consideration the academic standards of higher education and scientific research facilities as well as clarity and transparency in assessing the grades without discrimination for any reason that is not related to the students’ academic abilities. 12. In non-urgent cases, a university professor may apologize, for personal reasons or reasons related to the profession, for not being able to offer academic help from the beginning or in any stage while the research is progressing. However, such apology will not be accepted in urgent cases. 13. In the absence of another specialist, a specialist university professor may not refuse any scientific consultation if he or she is asked to. 14. A university professor will be required to report to the competent authorities any suspicious cases which involve betrayal of scientific trust, giving detailed report on the case at the time it was offered to him or her. The professor may invite another colleague to participate in debating the case and drafting the report before presenting the case and the report to the competent entity in the university. 15. In the event a university professor ceases mentoring one of his or her students for any reason whatsoever, he or she must provide his or her substitute professor with the correct and valid information, in writing or verbally, he or she believes is necessary for continuation of the work. 16. A university professor is expected to support, encourage and back up all efforts intended to boost scientific research in universities and academic research centers and must work hard to attain the highest universal standards and levels by discharging his or her duties in support of sustainable faith in college education and academic research institution. 17. A university professor will assume any other duties he or she may be tasked with within the boundaries of his or her academic or administrative capabilities.

The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


University Student Code of Ethics and Charter

University Student Code of Ethics and Charter The charter In my capacity as student of Dammam University, because I strongly and unconditionally believe in my responsibility toward the university that I belong to, motivated by the dictates of our noble Shariah dictates, which is based on principles, morality and inherent goodness and traits, at the top of which are truthfulness, honesty, high moral values and respect for order and law, and out of my keen desire to apply and uphold the education ethics which require me to monitor my own self in my own best interest as well as the interest of my community and the country where I live, and Hence, having now thoroughly read and clearly understood without the shadow of any doubt or confusion the contents of the above introduction, and having been informed of and acquainted with my rights, duties and obligations as stated and explained therein, I hereby pledge, undertake and accept with no strings attached to commit to the highest Islamic moral standards and attributes of a true Muslim, including the characteristic honesty, truthfulness, integrity and transparency. I further pledge to obey and respect all instructions and regulations applicable in the university, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. I shall comply with and commit to the university’s study rules within the framework of the prescribed rights and duties. 2. I shall obey and respect all related and applicable university regulations, instructions and laws. 3. I shall comply with and apply the highest standards of politeness, good manners and courtesy in my dealings with the university administration, professors and colleagues. 4. I shall carry out and see through the duties and activities assigned to me. 5. I shall deal and cooperate with my colleagues in the spirit of a single team. 6. I shall be subject to and held accountable for all my actions and utterances. 7. I shall work hard to promote the good name and image of the university. 8. I shall serve in my best capacity the nation that I belong to and promote its image.

Rights and duties of the university student First: the rights A.The student’s academic rights: 1. A university student must be provided with the appropriate study environment and academic climate to enable him/her to earn high quality education in keeping with the university’s mission, to be achieved by offering all available educational resources in the service of this objective. 2. A university student has the right to be provided with the scientific material and knowledge associated with the university curricula in accordance with the university’s rules and regulations which govern the academic work.

3. Have the administrative or academic entities facilitate for the student access to his/her entire rights inside the university in accordance with the university’s rules and regulations. 4. A university student has the right to maintain and keep total confidentiality and privacy of the information related to him/ her and will disclose or otherwise use the personal information, academic record and grade transcripts only to authorized persons.

5. A university student has the right to be notified before any decision is taken against him/her, have his/ her attention drawn in case of any violations, be informed in writing of any decision taken The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


University Student Code of Ethics and Charter and be given the right to object to any decision that runs contrary to his/her academic interest in accordance with the university’s rules and regulations.

6. A university student has the right to freedom of expression of opinion and discussion of the educational issues of interest to him/her, subject to the condition that this be accomplished within the boundaries of appropriate behavior in accordance with the university rules and regulation.

7. A university student has the right to file grievance before the competent agencies in case of violation of his/her rights as set forth in the student’s charter.

8. A university student has the right to require the faculty members to commit to the hours and dates of the lectures, office hours and break periods and recess between the lectures. The faculty should not cancel or otherwise change the timings of the lectures except in cases of dire need, subject to announcing such change and to giving substitute lectures for the ones which have been canceled or missed and on the proviso that such arrangements should not contravene the student’s time and his or her ability to accommodate the substitute lectures. 9. A university student has the right to be informed on how and where to get the university rules and regulations (the university website, the Admission and Registration Deanship, the Students’ Affairs Deanship, etc.)

10. A university student has the right to be given a hardcopy as well as a softcopy (CD) of the university Student’s rights and duties document, or else the document will be posted on the university’s website.

11. A university student has the right to be enrolled in the college or academic division of his/her choice in accordance with the admission and registration controls and conditions established by the university as well as with the constraints of the university’s resources and capabilities. 12. A university student has the right to be issued the university’s identification card to be used inside and outside the university.

13. A university student has the right to be informed of the orientation day intended to introduce and acquaint him or her with the university colleges and divisions so that he or she may determine which is the suitable one to enroll in subject to satisfaction of the admission conditions as may be determined by the responsible agency, namely the Admission and Registration Deanship. 14. A university student has the right to be offered guidance and orientation through distribution of publications of the university regulations, rules and introductory brochures on the college or academic division he or she belongs to in addition to the study plans and other student services. This information will be available in an electronic form (CD) or else posted on the university website by the responsible entity, namely the Students’ Affairs Deanship and the Admission and Registration Deanship.

15. A university student has the right to access the study schedule before commencement of classes for completion of the registration of the courses available in the system in accordance with the terms and conditions of the admission and registration deanship of the university. 16. Deletion or addition of any curriculum or deletion of the entire study semester in accordance with the university calendar issued by the Admission and Registration Deanship.

17. A university student has the right to access the study curriculum plan before commencement of the study. Such plan will include and provide information on the professor(s) of the curriculum, the study curriculum, its objectives and outputs, the time table for execution of the curriculum, methods and procedures of the student’s evaluation during the semester, the examinations, the material – related activities, the practical applications of the material, distribution of the skills to


University Student Code of Ethics and Charter be acquired and the knowledge and learning references and sources related to the curriculum.

18. A university student has the right to transfer from one college to another or from one division to another within the university or otherwise migrate from distance to regular learning system or vice versa in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations and the available resources and space in the college. 19. A university student has the right to be awarded the graduation document within the duration prescribed by the university and upon satisfaction of the graduation requirements in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of the university. 20. A university student has the right to avail of constant communication opportunities with the faculty members in different ways and means, such as email or during office hours, etc.

21. A university student has the right to avail of the opportunity for effective scientific discourse and discussion and the freedom to pose questions to the faculty without embarrassment or trepidation while being committed to the ethics of debate and the dictates of public decency and respect. 22. A university student has the right to ensure the confidentiality of the complaint filed against his/ her professor.

23. A university student has the right to avail of a fine sense of security and the right to avoid being exposed to physical harm or health hazards as well as the moral and emotional security so that the student does not feel to be exposed to any moral threats, such as intimidation by penalty, or else exposure to insults, ridicule or sarcasm by the academic or administrative entities. 24. A university student has the right to have access to his/ her grades in the study curriculum and the results of periodic and semester tests after correction. Have the right to review his or her results in the finals and to have access to and review his or her answer sheet, if need be, in accordance with the university- approved rules and regulations. 25. A university student has the right to be informed of the warnings, alerts or disqualification and deprivation from sitting for the finals and the causes thereof adequately in advance of the dates of the finals. 26. The examination questions must be derived from the study curriculum and its contents, while paying due attention to the balanced and logical distribution of the grades within this framework. 27. A university student has the right to know the model answers to the questions of the semester tests.

28. A university student has the right to recover all home works submitted during the study semester, whether they are in hardcopies, electronic softcopies or other forms.

29. A university student has the right to earn monetary consideration against assignment to work hours during the study years beyond his or her normal duties in agreement with the entity which has tasked him or her with the work in accordance with the university rules and regulations.

B.The student’s non- academic rights: 1. A university student has the right to avail of the social care services offered by the university in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations. 2. A university student has the right to access and receive adequate health care as provided for in the university rules and regulations, including treatment in hospitals and health centers attached to the university.

3. A university student has the right to participate in the activities offered by the university depending on available resources. The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


University Student Code of Ethics and Charter 4. A university student has the right to avail of the university services and facilities, such as (university housing, the central library, the psychological and social assistance consultation centers, the sports playgrounds, the students’ educational activities and functions, the restaurants, the car parks, etc.). Such utilization will be in accordance with the university’s applicable rules and regulations and available resources and facilities. 5. A university student has the right to avail of the additional material incentives and rewards as provided for in the statutory regulations, if he or she is a top performer student.

6. A university student has the right to avail of financial subsidies or loans after review of his or her financial condition and substantiation of his or her need for such subsidies in accordance with the university’ rules and regulations.

7. A university student has the opportunity to attend training courses and programs, academic trips and volunteering activities and operations in a way that should not conflict with his or her academic duties.

8. A university student has the right to select his / her representative of his or her colleagues on the students’ consulting committees to discuss the issues of interest to him/her. 9. A university student has the right to secure the appropriate and correct services for his /her needs. If the student is one of the people with special needs, he or she must be informed of such services based on available resources.

10. A university student has the right to evaluate the student service rendered to him/her using the ad hoc questionnaire forms. 11. A university student has the right to access a specific entity in the university to take care of and follow up on his/her rights.

12. A university student has the right to be provided with complete list of the rules and regulations, including the disciplinary and penalty rules 13. A university student has the right to be formally informed of the mistakes attributed to him/her. The penalties meted out will be based on the university- approved disciplinary and penalty rules. The penalties may go as high as final dismissal from the university

Second: the student’s duties 1. The student is expected to respect the applicable systems of the university.

2. The student is required to respect the dignity and safety of the university family and personnel. 3. The student must present accurate and precise information at the time of registration and meet his/her administrative commitments to the institution. 4. The student must demonstrate good morals and behavior. 5. The student must respect the right of the university family members to freedom of expression as long as within the limits allowed in the university regulation, academic norms and community values in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 6. The student must never resort to cheating or stealing the works of others. 7. The student must preserve and protect the study locations and devices provided for his or her services in the educational process. He or she must preserve all properties of the university and avoid tampering therewith for destruction and pilferage purposes 8. The student must respect the university’s security rules, public security controls, and maintain the university and its facilities in a clean and tidy state.


The University Employee Code of Ethics and Charter

The University Employee Code of Ethics and Charter The charter In my capacity as employee of Dammam University, because I strongly and unconditionally believe in my responsibility toward the university that I belong to, motivated by the foundations on which our principles and morals are built, at the top of which are truthfulness, honesty, high moral values and respect for order and law, and out of my keen desire to apply and uphold the work ethics which require me to monitor my own self in my own best interest as well as the interest of the community where I live, and Hence, having now thoroughly read and clearly understood without the shadow of any doubt or confusion the contents of the above introduction, and having been informed of and acquainted with the rules and regulations which regulate the rights and duties of the university employee, I hereby pledge, undertake and unconditionally accept to commit to the highest moral standards of honesty, truthfulness, integrity, transparency in all activities and works entrusted to me, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. I shall obey and respect all related and applicable university regulations, instructions and laws. 2. I shall carry out and execute the related duties and activities with due diligence and maximum degree of accuracy efficiency, transparency and professionalism. 3. I shall hold fast and stick to the principles of equality, integrity, and respect 4. I shall commit to the highest degree of decency, good behavior and morals. 5. I shall deal with my colleagues with the spirit of a single team. 6. I shall refrain from any act that constitutes directly or indirectly violation of the principles of integrity, transparency and professionalism. 7. I shall refrain from any duty that conflicts with the nature of my work in the university. 8. I shall seek and work hard on upholding the good name and image of the university. 9. I shall be held accountable and responsible for all my acts and utterances which are inconsistent with the nature of my profession in the university 10. I shall boost and consolidate the culture of trust, citizenship and human rights.

The rights and duties of the employee The job as defined by management scholars is: a set of duties and responsibilities identified by a competent authority. A job may be vacant or else filled by a person appointed by a competent authority to perform on a permanent or temporary basis the duties and responsibilities of the position against a specific wage. The employee is a person who is hired in a statutory capacity to perform the tasks of job against a set wage and who avails of the rights and privileges associated therewith.

First: the rights The employees, administrators and technicians will be required to operate in a fashion that brings them respect, appreciation and justice just like the other effective individuals in higher education and its institutions. Therefore, it is the right of the employees of various forms and shapes to be treated in an objective manner without bias in all their rights and acquisitions during their career. Employees must not be subjected to any harassment or discrimination in their work and must be allowed to avail of all circumstances which enable them to perform their duties in the best manner possible. They

The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


The University Employee Code of Ethics and Charter have the right to benefit from the training and qualification programs which help them to improve their professional work and upgrade their functional and academic grades and ranks. For more information on the rights and privileges of the employees, please see the “Civil Service Council Law on the Affairs of Saudi Universities’ Personnel, Faculty members and similar categories and its executive rules, promulgated by decision No. 4 / 6 / 1417, of the Higher Education Council, adopted in the Council’s session held on 26 Sha’ban 1417 and sanctioned by High Order dated 22 Sha’ban 1418.

Second: Duties The function of the employees, administrators and technicians is to see to it and ensure availability of the best circumstances and conditions that should enable the researcher professor to perform and complete the duties of his or her job and the research entrusted to him or her in the best manner possible, provide the student with all amenities of success in his or her study progress and enable the university personnel and beneficiaries to avail of the best possible services. This duty which is regarded as an essential part of the general civil services offered by the university through its administrative employees and technicians must be accomplished within the framework of respect for the basic values of the general function of efficiency, neutrality, deference, confidentiality, transparency, honesty and proper performance. These high standards and other superior qualities should serve as the benchmarks that the university employees are required to follow irrespective of their locations or the nature of the positions they perform. For the employee to enjoy his/her rights, he/she must adhere to and comply with the duties of his/her job as prescribed in the rules, regulations and decisions provided for in the Civil Service regulations and rules. The job duties are divided into two categories: 1. The positive functional duties, which impose on the employee the duty to carry out certain activities, namely: • Perform the duties of his/ her job. • Observe the positive behavioral duties • Obey the orders of his/ her superiors. 2. The negative functional duties, meaning to refrain and desist from performing any of the acts that the incumbent of a civil service position in the Kingdom is prohibited from perpetrating, such as criticism, censorship and blaming the government, abuse or exploitation of the functional power, disclosure of the position’s confidential information and secrets, engaging in trading in addition to combining the public position and personal business.


The University Scientific Research Code of Ethics and Charter

The University Scientific Research Code of Ethics and Charter Right has only one clear pathway that its follower will never get lost or deviate from while falsehood has multiple trails and does not satisfy the requirements of clarity and for this reason its follower gets lost in a labyrinth and continues to be bewildered, confused and unhappy in his misery. Scientific research is the decisive evidence and the incontestable argument of this. God says in Verse 40 of Surat al-Noor “Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with a great wave topped by a great wave, topped by dark clouds, darkness, one above another, if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! And he for whom Allah has not appointed light, for him there is no light” If we carefully contemplate and the verses of the Holy Quran, we shall discover that God urges us in many verses to pursue scientific research, learning and engaging our brains, including many verses which wonder “Don’t you reconsider, don’t they know, don’t they see, don’t you understand” . God says in verse 67 of Surat al-Nahl: “And from the fruits of date-palms and grapes, you derive strong drink and a goodly provision. Verily, therein is indeed a sign for people who have wisdom”. And again in verse 69 of the same Surat: “«Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (for you).» There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying color wherein is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think” God also says in verse 13 of Surat al- Hujurat: “O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has Piety [i.e. one of the Muttaqun (pious - see V.2:2)]. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware” And again in verse 164 of Surat al-Baqarah: “Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, and the ships which sail through the sea with that which is of use to mankind, and the water (rain) which Allah sends down from the sky and makes the earth alive therewith after its death, and the moving (living) creatures of all kinds that He has scattered therein, and in the veering of winds and clouds which are held between the sky and the earth, are indeed Ayat (proofs, evidences, signs, etc.) for people of understanding”. God Almighty says in verses 20 and 21 of Surat al-Dhariat: “And on the earth are signs for those who have Faith with certainty” “And also in your ownselves. Will you not then see?” So, God created man with an inborn desire and love to pursue research, creativity and discovery of the laws of nature so that man may harness such laws for the benefit of humanity, population of the universe and the ultimate continuity of mankind and exchange of relations and benefits that sustain man’s own survival, progression and evolution.

The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


The University Scientific Research Code of Ethics and Charter With the snowballing spread of research centers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and institution of social specializations in its universities, the need has grown even more pressing for establishment of ethical controls for scientific research in the University of Dammam. Such controls are intended to help researchers to understand their task and mission, and at the same time respect the freedom and independence of scientific research within the constraints of Islamic controls and society values of the Kingdom. In order to fulfil the moral obligations and components of the content of scientific research methodology, it is imperative to stimulate the efforts of all stakeholders of scientific research in the university, including the administration, researchers, faculty members and authors, as well as promote and advocate embracing the Islamic thought and methodology for the ultimate purpose of preserving the identity of the nation, maintenance and protection of youth against intellectual and civilization servitude, and adoption of civilization progressive factors based on an authentic scientific vision that renounces intellectual dependence and bondage and builds up in young students, scholars and researchers the noble values and teachings of Islam.

The charter In my capacity as one of the researchers operating in the University of Dammam and a beneficiary of the research resources made available to me, because I do believe in my responsibility to the University that I belong to for the duration of my professional and research career, and based on the foundations of our principles and moral ethics, at the top of which are honesty, integrity, lofty moral values and respect of the law and order, and out of my keen desire to apply the scientific research ethics and controls which call on me to monitor myself in the interest of the work and the transfer of its objectives, results and outputs to the community where I live and to the world at large, and having carefully read and clearly understood without any confusion or misperception the contents of the introduction, I hereby pledge to commit to and abide by the highest standards of honesty, truthfulness, integrity and transparency in all research activities and actions I am entrusted with, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. I shall obey and respect all related and applicable university regulations, instructions and laws. 2. I shall commit to the ethical principles of the contents of the scientific research including:

The ideological principle based on belief in God and His unity and the premise that sciences are divided in two kinds: metaphysical sciences which only God knows and revealed knowledge which may be explored and researched: as stated in verse 61 of Surat Imran (the Family of Imran): “Then whoever disputes with you concerning him (Jesus)] after knowledge that has come to you” And again in verse 43 of Surat Maryam: «O my father! Verily! There has come to me of knowledge that which came not unto you. So follow me. I will guide you to a Straight Path”. And again in verse 59 of Surat Alanam “And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record”


The University Scientific Research Code of Ethics and Charter Based on this premise I shall seek to ensure that the contents of the scientific research methodology is in conformity with Islam established facts and foregone conclusions.

The authentic cultural and social Arab heritage foundation: this is the component which

sets our Islamic and Arab society apart from the others. It is based on solid foundations of religious ethics, that Arabic language of Quran, norms, knowledge, traditions, customs, Arab authentic behavioral patterns, forms of dealings, relationships and regulations and all internal and external relationships of the Saudi community. 3. Commitment to Islamic controls relative to utilization of beneficial human experiences in scientific research curricula so as to avoid conflicts between the benefits of beneficial human experiences with the Islamic creed and the Islamic way of life. 4. Compliance with the moral controls of scientific research, including the following: • Accommodate the Islamic concept of existence (the universe, life and man) • The research must be within the bounds of intellect capacity and its time and place limits. • Verification and reassertion of the research rules and views of Muslim scholars in implementation of verse 111, of Surat al-Baqarah «Produce your proof if you are truthful.»

And verse 6, of Surat al- Hujurat “O you who believe! If a rebellious evil person comes to you with a news, verify it, lest you harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful to what you have done” 5. When I undertake my research, I shall seek the help of the conclusions and findings reached by Muslim scholars about Islamic dogma and doctrines, objective scientific facts, absolute or relative, and the products of fields of knowledge which have embraced and applied the Islamic knowledge methodology. 6. Upon selection of the research topic, I shall exert everything within my power to appreciate the link between the subject matter of the research and the actual reality which is practiced in the educational environment of the university whose fundamentals are derived from the Islamic creed and the authentic norms, customs and traditions of the community. 7. I undertake to commit to the noble qualities of a true Muslim researcher, including, but not limited to, rectitude, good intensions, loyalty, truthfulness, honesty, and decorum and decency of what I say and write. 8. I pledge to execute the research duties and activities entrusted to me with the highest degree of accuracy, meticulousness, due diligence, efficiency, transparency and professionalism. 9. I further promise to refrain from any act that constitutes directly or indirectly violation of or infringement on the principles of integrity, transparency and professionalism and shall hold fast to the highest degree of the dictates of decency and good behavior and ethics. 10. I shall deal with my colleagues with the spirit of one professional team. 11. I shall seek to promote and uphold the good name and image of the university. 12. I further agree to be held accountable and assume responsibility for all my acts and utterances which are at variance with the nature of the profession of scientific research in the university.

The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


Biomedical Ethics Charter

Biomedical Ethics Charter Biomedical science is known by the name of theoretical medicine, a term that combines knowledge and research which may be more or less within the field of human medicine, veterinary medicine, botanics, zoology, dentistry, medical embryology science, cancer biology, neurobiology science, anatomy science, physiology science, pathology sciences, biomedical engineering, microbiology science, in addition to basic sciences such as biology, biochemistry, chemistry, biophysical medical sciences, biosciences, histology, genetics sciences, microbiology sciences, parasitology, various branches of parasitic sciences, immunology sciences, therapeutic drugs, epidemiology sciences and hematology. Biomedicine is usually not as much concerned with the practice of medicine as it is with the theoretical knowledge and research. Its findings make it possible to produce new drugs or else understanding the partial or total mechanism of the disease, and as such it consequently lays the foundation stone for all medical, diagnostic and therapeutic applications. For this reason, biomedicine is also called the proven or established medicine whose theories and treatments are based on solid evidence and arguments presented to the medical community. Its universal influence and appeal has shaped the most convincing and effective standards for assessment of treatments and therapies. Such proven standards can be applied to treatments which did not exist previously. The past two decades have witnessed and are still witnessing at the present time some mind - boggling and astonishing development in the field of biotechnologies and their promising applications, which raised hope anew in the ability to cure several chronic and intractable diseases, such as cancers, heart diseases and hereditary diseases by means of a set of molecular and cellular treatments which are referred to as the future medicine. The researchers have managed over the past years, thanks to genetic engineering, to test the safety and reliability of several protein, genetic and cellular treatments for a vast collection of diseases, some of which are still very hard to respond to conventional cures. The biomedicine represents a rich and fertile field with potential impact on the life sciences, biotechnologies, genetic engineering and medication sciences. It extends to the young brains a precious opportunity to benefit from the biological and technological revolution and to translate them into medical and pharmaceutical applications all designed to enhance healthcare conditions, not only for man but also for fauna and flora. Consequently, good morals and ethical values east and west do agree on honoring man for his own humanity which is revered by God, preserve his right to life and freedom, protect his property, health and adequacy in all phases of life. Some of the most important ethical principles which determine the status of man include, for instance, the following: 1. Man is honored and revered irrespective of his color, sex or creed, and must be preserved in good health, blessed with total and full recovery, amplified by due respect for his personality, privacy and secrets and that he alone who calls the shots and decision where all matters related to his health affairs are concerned 2. Life is every man’s inherent rights, in his life and his physique, self, soul and social life. It is prohibited in Islam to assault or be abused in any form or shape. 3. Justice, goodness and equality represent the noblest of Islam values that our religion urges all who belong to Islamic communities, be they Muslims or not, to uphold and cherish. Therefore, all community members must take advantage of and benefit from all resources and services in the same manner and degree without any discrimination on account of race, sex or religion. 4. The Islamic rule of thumb is “Neither cause damage nor suffer damage”, meaning at the medical level for instance, a physician or any of otherwise medical research must not expose man to any procedure whose outcome may expose the individual or the community to damage or risks. The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


Biomedical Ethics Charter Therefore, and as Al-Izz ibn Abd al- Salam, the sultan of scholars, said in his book “The Provisions of Rules in the Interests of Humans” (Medicine is akin to Shariah in the sense that it has been established to bring about and realize the interests of safety and wellness and to eliminate and ward off the consequences of damage and diseases”. Both Shariah and medicine have been introduced for the service of humanity, to serve the interests of people and ward off the damages and hazards. For this reason, ethical controls and principles have been introduced to govern the behavior of physicians. AlAghar ibn Yasar al- Muzani quoted the Prophet Muhammad as saying: “He who practices medicine without knowledge and causes the death or lesser damage is an accountable warrantor”. This goes to confirm that the accountability system is a sort of quality control system known today, and its application started in the era of the successors of the Prophet. This argument is supported by the fact that Omer ibn Al- Khattab appointed the first official in Islam responsible for the quality control of the Islamic market services and products. Her name was “Al- Shifa” and her duties included monitoring the doctors while performing their duties and the extent of their discipline and adherence to Islamic moral and code of ethics. As a result of the fast - paced development during the last two decades of the 20th Century, which development is still experiencing massive and accelerated growth in the various fields of medical sciences and health professions, leading to weakening the relationship between the doctor and his/her patient as a result of the relentless quest by some of the workers in the various medical and health profession for material and material gains, such as fame, causing them to forget and wipe out from their heart and soul the fact that they are dealing first and before everything else with a human being rather than just a number of the human population. The explosive developments and new leaps in the various medical sciences have been facilitated by the advancement in technological sciences, such as organ implants and transplants, the diversity of research performed on man, including genetic engineering, treatment of infertility with fresh innovative methods and devices, the resuscitation methods which preserve and restore man’s life, albeit in a vegetative state, for many years. All these developments and many other issues gave rise to and are still raising a host of inquiries over the moral legality/ illegality of many of the medical practices and discoveries which came to the surface about harvesting organs from the dead, and even from those who are still alive in some cases at lease without the benefit of the patient’s consent, or when is a person considered dead from a medical perspective, or else is it permissible to conduct research on a person without his or her consultation or being informed of the risks involved? Or the degree of legality of artificial insemination? Or is it legal to rent surrogate wombs? Or is it permissible to kill a patient with a terminal and incurable disease in what is called “mercy killing or euthanasia”? Or is it permissible to shut off resuscitation devices? All these and other questions and inquiries produced practices which, if engaged in without legal and ethical controls, may lead to compromising man’s dignity and life. Therefore, the university has no other choice but to ensure verification that our medical practices do not and will not in any way violate neither our Islamic Shariah rules and fundamentals nor our authentic customs and traditions, coupled with establishment of controls in the form of a charter that preserves for the profession of medicine and biomedical sciences their due respect and for humanity its dignity and preservation of life.


Biomedical Ethics Charter The charter In my capacity as one of the workers operating in the field of medicine and biomedical sciences in the University of Dammam and a beneficiary of the research resources made available to me in the field of medicine and biomedical sciences, and because I do believe in my responsibility to the University that I belong to for the duration of my professional and research career, and based on the foundations of our principles and moral ethics, at the top of which are honesty, integrity, lofty moral values and respect of the law and order, and out of my keen desire to apply the scientific research ethics and controls which call on me to monitor myself in the interest of the work and the transfer of its objectives, results and outputs to the community where I live and to the world at large, and having carefully read and clearly understood without any confusion or misperception the contents of the above introduction, I hereby pledge to commit to and abide by the highest standards of honesty, truthfulness, integrity and transparency in the different biomedical sciences, medical, laboratory and therapeutics activities and actions I am entrusted with, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. I shall commit to the Islamic controls and values as well as the local culture and the environment safety dictates in the practice of my profession. 2. I shall commit to Islamic morals and ethics, including good and pure intentions, demonstrate and effectively practice the principles and values of honesty, integrity, rectitude, modesty, patience, tolerance, compassion and respect, and refrain from bias and discrimination. 3. I shall commit, when engaging in the practice of my profession, to all related articles set forth in the Rules for Implementation of the “Law of Ethical Research on Living Creatures”, of the National Committee on Bioethics, promulgated by Royal Decree No. M/59, dated 14 Ramadan 1431(23 August 2010). 4. I shall obey and respect all related and applicable university regulations, instructions and laws. 5. I shall discharge and perform the duties and responsibilities of my job with honesty, truthfulness and honor, preserve the confidentiality of the information of the trade, respect its tradition, have God as my witness in the practice of my profession, and under all conditions and circumstances preserve life, exerting maximum effort to save life from perdition, disease, pain, worry and anxiety. 6. I shall preserve and respect people’s dignity, cover up their sin and vice, keep their secrets and shall serve at all times as a tool of God’s mercy, offering comfort and solace to the near and far, the good and the bad, the friend and the foe, persist in the pursuit of knowledge and harness that knowledge for the benefit of humanity rather than to hurt them. I shall revere he who taught me and be a true brother to each colleague in my profession. 7. I shall not terminate the life of a patient even at his or her own request or that of his or her guardian and even in case of extreme deformation, intractable and incurable disease, or severe and excruciating pain which cannot be mitigated or allayed by normal means. I shall at all times seek to assist them, assuage their fears, urge them to be patient and remind them of God’s rewards for patience. 8. I shall preserve and protect the honor of my profession, commit to its practice standards, seek to advance and promote it, and effectively participate in its development in terms of science and knowledge through research, studies, writing of articles and continuing education.

The University’s Code of Ethics and Moral Charters


Biomedical Ethics Charter 9. I shall avoid and keep away from any act that may compromise my honesty and integrity and from any act that may be offensive to my profession and research. I shall further preserve and maintain the confidence of the patient and avoid resorting to methods which involve fraud and deception or otherwise institute an unnatural relationship with my patient or any of his or her family members. I shall further refrain from illegitimate material gains and shall avoid seeking celebrity and fame status at the expense of my profession’s ethics and principles. 10. I undertake, in the event I contract any of the communicable diseases, to report the fact to the concerned entity and to stop engaging in any activity that will likely risk communicating the disease to the patients, colleagues or the community. 11. I further undertake to serve as a role model in preserving my health and my behavior and to take all necessary precautions to protect myself and work partners “professional or research� from all potential risks while engaging in my profession. 12. I shall refrain from any act that may constitute directly or indirectly any violation of the professional integrity and transparency and shall comply with and adhere to the highest standards of decency, good manners and ethical standards. 13. I shall preserve and protect the property of the organization and optimize and rationalize their utilization. 14. I undertake to deal and cooperate with my colleagues in the spirit of a single team. 15. I shall seek to promote and uphold the good name and reputation of the University. 16. I undertake to submit to accountability and be held responsible for all my acts and utterances which are in conflict with the nature of my profession.



References 1. Higher Education Council Regulations 2. Regulation Rules for the Affairs of Saudi Universities’ Faculty and the Like 3. Documentations of the National Commission for Academic Assessment and Accreditation 4. Job Classification in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 5. Regulations of the Ministry of Civil Service related to Personnel and Foreign Contracts Affairs 6. AFAQ Project and the Higher Education Future Plan for Information Technology in most of the Saudi Universities 7. Job Description for King Abdulaziz University 8. Job Description for King Saud University 9. Postgraduate Studies Deanship Council of King Saud University 10. Job Description of the Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as a model 11. The duties of the inventory control department pursuant to the provisions of article 24 of the Government Storehouses Rules and Regulations 12. Internal Audit Department, as set forth in circular No.16.81/ B, dated 8 Rabi’ II 1428, of the President of the Bureau of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, promulgated by Council of Ministers’ decision No. 129, dated 6 Rabi’ II 1428 “Standardized Rules for the Internal Audit Units in Government Departments and General Organizations” 13. Follow up Department: MAJMA’AH University 14. The Universities’ Standardized Scientific Research Rules, promulgated by decision No. 21419/1/ H, adopted in the tenth session of the Higher Education Council held on 6 Safar 1418, and approved by telegraphic directive No. 7/B/44.3, dated 2 Rabi’ II 1419, of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, President of the Council of Ministers and Chairman of the Higher Education Council. 15. Job functional Duties Rules promulgated by decision No. 10800/ 703, dated 30 Shawwal 1427, of the Minister of Civil Service, and circular No. 13/ T/ 3005, dated 18 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1427, of the Director General of Administrative and Financial Affairs. 16. Regulation rules for after-hours work assignment powers and authorities. 17. Regulation rules for in-kingdom and out-of-kingdom secondment powers and authorities. 18. Articles from No. 11 to No. 15 related to functional duties and related rules in the Civil Service Regulation, promulgated by Royal Decree No. 49, dated 10 Rajab 1397.


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