Personal development plan

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eLearning Ecosystem Project (2015)

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Dr. Muneerah Badr Almahasheer

Name: Dr. Muneerah Badr Almahasheer Acting Dean of Community College in Dammam

Date: 8 March 2015 Revised: 14 April 2015

Dr. Muneerah Badr Almahasheer Date of Birth:

12 /15 / 1978

Place of Birth: KSA

Gender: Female

Mobile: +966503801982


Address: Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Marital Status: Married

Nationality: Saudi

Academic Qualifications year

October 2010

February 2006

June 1999


Ph.D. of Arts

Master of Arts

Bachelor of English


English Literature “Poetry”

English Literature “Poetry”

English Language


University of Dammam

King Faisal University

College of Arts










Academic Qualifications - 2015- for one year A Member of the “Female E- Learning Pioneers in Saudi Universities for the Tear 2015” ( First Stage- Leadership Track) - 2015 Chief of the Business Administration Quality Insurance Committee of the Program Curriculum - 2015 Chief of CDD E-Learning Plan for Ecosystem Development Committee “E-Learning Pioneers” - 2015 Member of the Main Committee at the Deanship of Community Service and Sustainable Development - 2015 Chief of The Community College Partnerships Program Project - 2015 Chief of The E- Book Project Committee at Community College in Dammam - 2015 Project Manager of the Market Audience Research of King Abdul-Aziz Center for World Culture (University of Dammam, Saudi Aramco) - 2015 Chief of the General Quality Assurance Committee in the Community College of Dammam - 2015- Present A Member of the Institutional Academic Accreditation Committee in the University of Dammam, Standards (1,2&3) - 2015- Present Head of the Administrative and Vocational Program – The UoD and Aramco (MoU) Agreement


- 2015- Present Chief of the Demonstrators’ Nomination Committee - Community College of Dammam - 2015- Present A Member of the Advisory Team in the Deanship of Community Service and Sustainable Development (Shrakati Initiative) - 2015- Present A Member of Postgraduates Studies Committee at the Department of English Language- College of Arts - 2015- Present Chief of the Sub-Committee of Students' Conduct - Community College of Dammam - Aug 2013- Present Acting Dean of Community College in Dammam- University of Dammam - July 2011- July 2013 Vice Dean for E-Learning and Distance Learning- College of Arts- University of Dammam - December 2011- Present Columnist at Alyaum Newspaper - October 2003- Present Professional Freelance Translator (The Arab Society of Professional Translators- Beirut)

Initiatives - 2015 Almahasheer, Muneerah. "Developing Community Colleges in the Saudi Universities in Partial FulďŹ llment of the Transformational Strategy Towards a Cognitive Economy". Based on the Second Phase of the National Strategy for Transformation towards a Cognitive Society that is marked as the Acceleration of Change, and Fundamental Structural Reformations 1436 H-1447 H) Reg. no. (8126) 26/01/1436 H 4

- 2015 Almahasheer, Muneerah. "The Alignment between Learning Outcomes and Labor Market Needs Initiative " Reg. no. (34379) 04/05/1436 H - 2015 Almahasheer, Muneerah & Abeer Aldossery " Reinforce the Optimization of the Technical and Vocational Admission in Higher Education" to review the role of the technical education to accommodate 25% of the academic admission, and identify possible obstacles, and suggest trends and plans, that may facilitate the mission of the Ministry of Education to meet the requirements of the Labor Market, a Knowledge Based Society , and Community Development- Riyadh - 2015 Almahasheer, Muneerah. “School Abuse” within The cultural forum of Domestic Abuse (John Hopkins Center , Saudi Aramco)- Khobar - 2015 Project Manager of the Market Audience Research on the national level to measure the public opinions and their expectations of the Center of King Abdul-Aziz Center for World Culture -

Publications ● Published Critical Readings in Arabic: 1. “The Female Conflict of Influence and Vulnerability in the Brothers’ (Abel and Cain) 2015”: A Critical Reading of Silence and Something Else (2005) 2. Terrorism as a Signal or a Phenomenon in Khalid Sheikh’s: The Day We Met and the Day We Departed. (Review 2002) The Founder of the First Saudi International Project of Translation, (Moutassa) (2006) 5

● The Translator and the Editor of many works English–Arabic: 1. Riders to the Sea 2. Where Angels Fear to Tread 3. She Stoops to Conquer – not published ● Chief Editor of English-Arabic 1. The Silver Box 2. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy 3. The Mill on the Floss – not published ● Chief Editor of Arabic- English Translation To be Continued: Collection of the Postmodern Saudi Female Storywriters (not published- 2013)

Memberships in Scientific or Academic Organizations • Member of the scientific committee of The Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research ( MCSER) Rome, 2013 • Member of the editorial board of The Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research (MCSER) Rome, 2013 • Member of the editorial board of International Education Research, (IER) Science and Education Centre of North America (SECNA), Canada 2013 • Member of the General Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee in the College of Arts- Dammam .( July 2011-) • Member of the committee of Developing Graduate Studies, Department of English Language (MA) – (Course of: Modern British and American Poetry)( June 2012) • Member of the literary Club in the Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (June 2012- ) • A Referee in the Third Scientific Conference for students of higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (University of Dammam)- (Researches only) April 2012 (Dammam) • A Referee in the Second Scientific Conference for students of higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Ministry)- (Researches only) March 2011.(Jeddah) • Head of the Scientific Committee for the Book fair (Pilot October 2010) 6

Overall Goal: (what you want to see one year from now?)

To BE A leading SAUDI FEMALE PIONEER (Consultant) in engineering a Sustainable Education that is Innovative, Creative and Open to EMPOWER the Saudi learning community in the ďŹ elds of Leadership and eLearning in face-to-face, hybrid and online education at the university of Dammam. The roadmap plans of sustaining education and learning will gradually support the empowerment of Saudi facilitators and help in the Saudization of the work force. It will also perfectly start as a pilot study on small group of female faculty and students, beginning with the community college in Dammam which would serve a wonderful ecosystem. To succeed in engineering the eLearning Polices and plans of the Deanship of eLearning and Distance Education with the Community College efforts to what can be called an evidence-based eLearning successful story in the University of Dammam. To construct promising practices in the ďŹ elds of (LIFELONG LEARNING, TRAINING, and EMPLOYMENT) achieving LESS EDUCATION AND MORE LEARNING.


Development Goal 1

Institutional Capacity Development Aims at developing the institutional capacity for eLearning at the community college and the University of Dammam to effectively lead professional teaching and learning services and programs. (2 Years Plan) Action Steps I Will Take to Meet Development Goal 1 Identify the steps you need to take to meet this development goal and the target date to complete these steps. Action


To Provide consultation on developing defined policies for eLearning at the College and the University levels


Developing an evidence-based research to design a strategic eLearning plan of growth and implementation with leading eLearning community advocates and practitioners


To increase eLearning awareness in the offices that lead or contribute to the eLearning progress such as College Vice Deans (Vice Dean of Administrative and Financial Affairs, Vice Dean of Quality and Development, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs) and the Department Chairs (Computing Department, Business Administration Department).

Target Date

Actual Completion Date

29 March


29 March

Started 2015

It will start this semester with a series of workshops a coming one is by Dr. Donald Norris which will be this Monday 16 March “Learning Analytics Workshop”



Comment: This is done in coordination with the ELD (eLearning Deanship at the University of Dammam), as a 2 years Plan since some of the polices are not officially approved. 10

Development Goal 2

Faculty Development Aims at delivering a comprehensive program covering all the competencies needed by UoD faculty member at the community college, in order to develop and deliver eCourses effectively. Action Steps I Will Take to Meet Development Goal 2 Identify the steps you will take to meet this development goal and the target date to complete these steps. Action


To develop faculty skills related to smart systems and interactive tools that goes along with the college establishment of the Educational Technology Unit believing in its positive and tangible role in promoting the level of the educational F2F interactivity in classes.


To deliver a competency based training, the one offered by the a cademic deanship of the University to support the eLearning requirements.


To encourage Learning Analytics impact in improving considerations of learning strategy, training, technologies, or instructional d esign as afforded by (Deanship of Academic Development, D eanship of Quality Development and Accreditation & Deanship of eLearning and Distance Learning)


Target Date

Actual Completion Date











Development Goal 3

To motivate innovative projects that inspire the eLearning community (please see the current status of the eBook project)


Development Goal 4

e-Courses Development and Delivery: Aims at transforming teaching and learning practices at the Community College in Dammam. An e-Course will be developed for each and every course offered by the community college. eLearning tools will be used to facilitate and support the learning process. Mainly, the Learning Management System in use, Blackboard will be used to host all courses, and through that all course activities are driven. Standards for e-course design will be implemented. Work will be driven by these standards, and faculty members will receive ofďŹ cial training on the standards. The Course Development and Delivery (CDD) project is expected to transform the teaching and learning practices at the University of Dammam, and due to the arrangement between the college and the Deanship of eLearning in the university, this is one of the forthcoming goals that can be instigated. (attached is the Project details)

eLearning Ecosystem Project 2015

The Basic e-Courses Development and Delivery Project at the Community College in Dammam


Action Steps I Will Take to Meet Development Goal 4 Identify the steps you will take to meet this development goal and the target date to complete these steps. Action

Target Date

Actual Completion Date


To Develop all courses offered by the college as far as possible




To Deliver all courses offered by the college using the developed e-courses




To standardize course development, review, and update processes.




Empower faculty to participate in the college achievements: ranking, awards, etc.




Anticipated Obstacles What barriers can I identify which might hinder me in pursuing my development goals? How might I overcome these barriers? These barriers can be internal (e.g. you need to better understand something or you have little time) or external (your university doesn’t have the right infrastructure for this, or others may be resistant to change). For each obstacle you identify, think about how you might overcome it (e.g. colleagues who can form a team, sources of information and support).


Proposed Solution(s)

The Possible shortage of experts in the Deanship of eLearning and Distance Learning.

- Train the faculty in the computing Department to participate - Recruite part time facilitators - Encourage online classes and workshops with recommended experts - Prioritize projects

The faculty willingness to facilitate the suggested projects and plans due to working hours requirements, academic affairs involvements, etc.

- Encourage incentives - Reduce teaching hours - Include the participation in the annual evaluation - Acknowledge and Circulate the successful stories and courses

Expected delay in assignments, tasks, and mandatory improvements or lack of professionalism in managing the eLearning courses and qualitating them.

- Encourage incentives - Reduce class-room working hours - Include the participation in the annual evaluation - Acknowledge and Circulate the successful stories and courses

Me being involved in another mandatory project due to the University need.

- Prioritize projects - Get the needed strategic support by the administration - Seek the alignment of the Deanship of eLearning to coordinate between their strategy and the college promising eLearning expansion plan


Strengths Think about what you do well, what makes you feel a sense of accomplishment, and what others come to you for. Which of your strengths can you leverage to help you achieve your goals?


How will it help you achieve your goals?

1. Always supported for being Smart Planner

Look for the applicable and possibly applicable promising international strategies of eLearning and learning communities

2. Always treated as a Trustworthy decision maker

Help everyone to share and to participate in doing Good to all students and faculty

3. Gifted in creating Team members

Designing roles and responsibilities for executive participants in implementing those projects inside the college


Resources and Support for Achieving Your Goals Think about your colleagues, friends, personal and professional contacts. Who among them could help you develop skills or knowledge, help you accomplish particular action items, partner with you to achieve one or more of your goals, or be early adopters for implementation? Who do I know who already possesses the competencies I want to build? Not clear Who do I know that could work on specific action items with me? Coordinator of eLearning in the College – Vice Dean of Academic Affairs (G 1 2 3 4 ) Office of Training – Vice Dean of Quality and Development (G 1 2 3 4) Office of Training and Sustainable Education – CCD (G 2 4) Chair of Computing department (G 1 2 3 4) Chair of Business Administration Department (G 1 2 3 4) Faculty (G 1 2 3 4) Students (G 1 2 3 4) With whom at my institution should I share all or part of my development plan? Deanship of eLearning and Distance Learning (G 1 2 3 ) What additional resources do I need? How will I get these?


CCD Ecosystem Survey Analysis

A. Devices used to participate:


B. TheQuestionnaire: 1. Specify Your Department:


2. Do you have an email account provided by your institution?


3. Facilitators can use eLearning whenever wished in the classroom.


4. Facilitators can use eLearning whenever required in the classroom.


5. Internet connection is available for my use.


6. I can communicate with ยงmy students via : Participants were able to check all possible answers.


7. To strengthen the teaching and learning process, Facilitators are provided with the following equipment by the institution.


8. Have you used video conferencing facilities in your institution?


9. Are there e-books available for your courses free of charge?


10. What type of social media do you or your college use with their students?


11. What was your primary reason for attending the eLearning Workshops?


12. Specify the duration you have spent on activities and assignments in this workshop?


13. What is your overall evaluation of the workshops on each of the following criteria:


14. Technology used in workshops.


15. Support Services.


16. Please respond to the following statements:

• The workshops met my expectations • I will apply what I have learned from those workshops • I will recommend those workshops to a colleague • What I learned is important for my professional practice • I will be taking another eLearning related workshops in the future.



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