The Future Metrology Hub Annual Report 2020-2021

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The Future Metrology Hub An EPSRC Manufacturing Research Hub

Annual Report 2020–2021




EPSRC Future Metrology Hub


Dear Friends and Colleagues, Welcome to the 2020/2021 Future Metrology Hub annual report. The past 12 months have presented numerous challenges, as I expect is the case for most of you. I am happy to report that we have successfully transitioned from a default of working from home, to a hybrid working arrangement with largely unrestricted access to our labs and facilities. The team has coped exceptionally well under the circumstances and the impact has been minimal. Since the previous report was published, the Hub has achieved the significant milestone of successfully completing our Mid-Term Review. The Mid-Term Review is conducted by an independent panel of experts on behalf of our funding body, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), and considers the quality of research, industrial engagement and governance of the Hub.

I’m very pleased to say that our feedback was excellent, and we have secured the full amount of grant funding originally awarded. This will enable us to transition into the second half of the Hub programme, where the focus of our activities is shifting from fundamental research to industrial impact. We will use the next three years to pull together the research outcomes from our earlier work and use these to develop a range of new technologies and solutions which can be applied to the realworld challenges facing the manufacturing community.

We are also very pleased to announce that, in collaboration with our partners at National Physical Laboratory (NPL), we have now launched the Advanced Machinery & Productivity Institute (AMPI). This project has been funded by the UK ‘Strength in Places’ scheme and will deliver substantial benefit to the Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire regions, and brings together a consortium of academic institution and companies from across the region. I am sure that AMPI will prove to be an invaluable route to the deployment of Hub technology.

The Centre for Precision Technologies (CPT), the home of the Hub at the University of Huddersfield, has recently been awarded a 2020-2022 Queens Anniversary Prize for advanced metrology for smart and carbon-neutral manufacturing, product verification, digitalised processes and machining.

I hope that you find this report informative and we look forward to being able to welcome you back to face to face Hub events in the near future.

I would like to congratulate the whole CPT team on this fantastic achievement which is a reflection of over 20 years of world leading metrology research in Huddersfield.

Professor Dame Xiangqian (Jane) Jiang Hub Director

Contents 3

EPSRC Future Manufacturing Hubs




Key Achievements


Why Metrology is Important


Measuring Our Success


Research Highlights


Innovation and Industry


Developing People


Hub Info

Annual Report 2020–21


EPSRC Future Manufacturing Hubs

The EPRSC Future Manufacturing Hubs exist to help manufacturing industries respond to future opportunities and drivers and contribute to a prosperous UK. There are currently thirteen Hubs: Future Manufacturing Hub in Manufacture using Advanced Powder Processes University of Sheffield

Future Research Hub in Electrical Machines

Future Continuous Manufacturing and Advanced Crystallisation Research Hub University of Strathclyde

Future Metrology Hub University of Huddersfield

University of Sheffield

Future Composites Manufacturing Hub University of Nottingham

Future Vaccine Manufacturing Hub Imperial College London

Future Manufacturing Hub in Targeted Healthcare University College London

Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub University College London

Future Liquid Metal Engineering Hub Brunel University London

Strategic University Steel Technology and Innovation Network Manufacturing Hub University of Swansea

Future Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Hub Cardiff University

Future Photonics Hub University of Southampton

Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub University of Manchester


EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Vision The EPSRC Future Metrology Hub is addressing major, longterm manufacturing challenges facing UK industries through innovative research and the development of enabling technologies in metrology. The Hub is led by the University of Huddersfield, with research spokes at Sheffield, Loughborough and Bath universities, and an innovation spoke at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) in Sheffield. Key strategic partners include the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Renishaw, Rolls-Royce, Taylor Hobson, GKN Aerospace, MTT, Reliance Precision, Craftsman Tools, Digital Surf and TWI.

The Hub’s overarching vision is to create ground-breaking embedded metrology and universal metrology informatics technologies, providing a critical enabling infrastructure for increasing productivity through future smart and connected manufacturing systems. Specific objectives to support this vision are: 1. Delivering high-quality research programmes in grand challenge themes of: i. sensors, instruments, controllers and measurement technologies; and ii. mathematics, semantics and data analytics.

2. Developing pan-sector impact through extensive industry collaboration to help transform UK manufacturing performance. 3. Acting as a national focus and facilitator to build UK research leadership and capability in manufacturing metrology both nationally and internationally. Ultimately, the Hub aims to transform the UK’s manufacturing performance by delivering significant improvements in the speed, accuracy and cost of measurement.

Annual Report 2020–21

Key Achievements (to Aug 2021)

37 Keynote speeches

38 PhD and EngD starts across the consortium

£6.3 million Industry-led Leveraged Funding

271 Publications

£8.2 million research-led Leveraged Funding

155 interactions with companies



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Why Metrology is Important “ Metrology is the science of measurement and underpins all manufacturing technologies. If you cannot measure, then you cannot manufacture.” manufacture.

The vital role of metrology in manufacturing cannot be understated. Metrology affects all our daily lives. It allows manufacturers to produce products more accurately, more quickly and to a higher standard. These benefits are passed onto consumers as products become cheaper to purchase and are made to a higher quality.

“The importance of the measurement infrastructure in economic recovery” by Professor Richard J. C. Brown, Head of Metrology at NPL, cites five key benefits of adopting the principles of metrology: 1. Improves the effectiveness and efficiency of science and the trust in its outcomes

Measurement underpins many sectors of the UK’s economy and the development of new measurement knowledge is essential for the UK to fully exploit emerging technologies, improve productivity and tackle the challenges facing the UK. Access to metrology technology, high-level skills and expertise are vital.

2. Reduces waste and increases value for money and productivity

4. Decreases the time to implement change and add value

Evaluation of outcomes consistently shows a clear economic benefit for investing in measurement capabilities and research. A recent paper,

5. Is essential for the development and assessment of evidence-based policy and accelerates progress in science and in society.

3. Unlocks the potential of innovation faster, allowing earlier market entry

For established and emerging high-value manufacturing sectors (e.g. aerospace, automotive, flexible electronics, bio-engineering, optics, green energy) where precision is paramount, the development of new metrology technologies and capabilities is critical. In particular this applies to the trend towards inprocess metrology and continuous measurement which substantially reduces or removes the need for costly additional processes. In some areas and applications (e.g. optics, bio-medical, additive, green energy), without the development of new instrument technologies and methods, it becomes impossible to manufacture economically because there is no effective way of measuring. Improved metrology technologies, in particular embedded metrology, becomes an enabler to these new products and can have a dramatic impact on product quality by reducing defects and scrap rates and increasing productivity.

Annual Report 2020–21

According to a survey of measurement in industry carried out by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), which examined the use of measurement throughout the manufacturing lifecycle:





of companies take measurements during product design and development

of companies take measurements during the production process

of companies test bought components to ensure suppliers meet quality standards

of companies test that the final product meets quality standards



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Measuring Our Success 2020 – 2021

Research Programme Phase One

Research Programme Phase Two

The Hub’s research programme over years one to four.

The Hub’s research programme from year four onwards.

See Page 14

See Page 18

Research Highlights

Robotic Milling Systems A new work package investigating the use of robotic arms in machining operations. See Page 20

Vibration Compensated FSI Developing a novel technique to overcome the problem of vibration distortion of measurements. See Page 22



An industry led initiative to drive innovation for the UK’s advanced machinery manufacturers.

A new optical instrument technology under technical and commercial evaluation by a key industry partner.

See Page 26

See Page 30

Innovation and Industry


Looking Forward

Commercialising new Additive Manufacturing technology developed between Wayland Additive and the Hub.

Our programme of industry events for 2022.

See Page 31

See Page 32

Annual Report 2020–21

Research Feasibility Call A second call carried out in collaboration with three other Hubs to fund new interdisciplinary research projects. See Page 42

Developing People

Talented Students

Funding Success

Meet some of the new PhD students who have joined the Hub team.

New grants awarded to the Hub researchers and partners.

See Page 36

See Page 38



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Research Highlights The Hub research programme is split into two distinct phases. Phase One, taking place over years one to four, concentrated heavily on the development of the fundamental science and technology necessary to overcome significant technical and physical challenges. This largely consisted of focussed teams working independently in specific areas. From year four onwards, the Hub has moved into Phase Two research which focusses on drawing these separate threads together to design and deliver groundbreaking new measurement devices and techniques.

In addition to the core research programme, the Hub has identified new, complimentary research and funded them as additional work packages. The research outcomes from these new work packages will be incorporated into the Phase Two programme.

Annual Report 2020–21



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Research Programme Phase One The first phase of the Hub research programme focussed heavily on the development of fundamental technologies necessary to create the next generation of measurement devices and systems. The programme was split into two themes:

Theme I: Embedded Metrology Embedded Metrology will build sound technological foundations by bridging four formidable gaps in process- and componentembedded metrology. This covers: physical limits on the depth of field; high dynamic range measurement; real-time dynamic data acquisition in optical sensor/instruments; and robust, adaptive, scalable models for real-time control. Theme II: Metrology Data Analytics Metrology Data analytics will create a smart knowledge system to unify metrology language, understanding, and usage between design, production and verification for geometrical products manufacturing; Establishment of data analytics systems to extract maximal information from measurement data going beyond state-of-theart for optimisation of the manufacturing process to include system validation and product monitoring. systems using sensor networks with different physical properties under time-discontinuous conditions.

Optics - Novel non-contact measurement techniques such as Interferometry, Deflectometry and Fringe Projection which are essential for creating the next generation of sensors necessary to enable fully embedded metrology Machine Tool and Robotics – Methods of utilising advanced metrology techniques and sensor networks to achieve real time control of manufacturing systems, improving performance and capability. Mathematics and Data Analytics – The vast quantities of data created by embedded sensor networks will require the development of a mathematically based language for metrology and the creation advanced data analytics systems to rapidly extract maximal information from the measurement data.

Annual Report 2020–21

WP1: Basic Non-diffractive Interferometry

WP2 Novel Fringe Projection Technologies Across Scales

Aim: to investigate methods of extending dynamic range in optical sensors which is a key criterion for enabling the integration of sensors for embedded metrology by allowing more flexibility in deployment and widening applicable measurement scenarios. The planned work focusses on increasing depth of focus (DOF) using nondiffracting beams to increase dynamic range. This WP is a contributor to the major Hub aim of transferring conventional lab-based metrology to fully embedded metrology.

Aim: to investigate highspeed (>108 coordinates s-1) fringe projection systems for robot guidance and jigless assembly; to explore stereo deflectometry based measurement systems for noncontact specular freeform surface measurement, and in-situ quality control with nanometre form accuracy. This WP aims to support embedded metrology for assembly platform.

Publications: 10 Journal Papers, 2 Conference Papers, 1 Book Chapter

• A high-speed projection and acquisition system has now been implemented in the laboratory with fullframe acquisition rates of 3.5 kHz.

Key outputs: • Bessel beam generating OCT apparatus has been successfully constructed for implementing spectraldomain OCT • Modelling work on non-diffracting Bessel beams has generated an understanding that its applications to measurement systems involving specular characteristics would be challenging. • Fourier domain OCT apparatus constructed that can operate with both conventional/ axicon objective to enable performance comparisons.

Publications: 17 Journal Papers, 4 Conference Papers Key outputs:

• A phase mask design algorithm has been developed, based on a polychromatic Fourier optics model. • A direct phase measuring deflectometry system which can measure specular objects with isolated and/or discontinuous surfaces has been developed. • A triple sensor deflectometry system has been developed with combined dual scale field of views to tackle surfaces with local fine structures and large measurement field.


WP3 Spectral Interferometers for Multi-property Measurement Aim: to explore spectral interferometry as the basis for creating novel sensors operating at both long-scales (metres) and nano-scales. For absolute distance, vibration and surface topography measurement at the longscale, the key targets are rapid coordinate measurement with low system cost. At the nano-scale the challenge is to produce an ultraminiature sensor-on-a-chip for absolute distance, surface profile and layer thickness measurement. This WP aims to support embedded metrology ‘cross-scale’ in high-value manufacturing. Publications: 2 Journal papers Key outputs: • A bench-top 3-switch prototype Adaptive Delay Line (ADL) has been set up using bulk optical components. • A method for surface roughness measurement using FSI has also been proposed, based on Fourier analysis of the interference signal, and has been tested using data from a hyperspectral interferometer.


EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

WP4 Metrology-driven Control for Manufacturing Systems

WP5 New Mathematical Fundamentals for Sensor Net Metrology

Aim: to achieve inprocess measurements in highly perturbed machine environments and to improve traceability for long term embedded sensing. This is a key contributor to one of the main Hub aims of transferring conventional lab-based metrology to fully embedded metrology for high-value production.

Aim: to develop a useable holistic approach to metrology theory and practice across the manufacturing value chain by extending metrology theory from single sensors and highly structured sensor networks to irregularly structured network of disparate sensor types and develop a full kit of associated metrology tools.

It will help to improve the embedded sensor network robustness and reliability based on fundamental studying and modelling of uncertainty of multi-type embedded sensors. Publications: 7 Journal Papers, 2 Conference Papers Key outputs: • A new workpiece temperature method has been devised which utilises transmission of ultrasonic waves to measure the core temperature of metal components during machining. • A new embedded vibration sensor network has been developed for collecting temperature and vibration signals of machine tool over WIFI. • New methods have been established to achieve realtime multi-scale control for embedded measurement networks within robotic machining processes.

Publications: 1 Journal Paper, 1 Book Chapter Key outputs: • A high-level Category Semantic Language (CSL) has been developed to build multi-level hierarchy semantic structures, instead of a single layer monolithic structure of single sensors. • A morphological filter has been developed for smoothing the freeform mesh.

WP6 Smart Semantic Metrology Systems Aim: to create and deliver a smart semantic knowledge system that will incorporate the fusion of knowledge from design specification, production, verification and manufacturing sources in a smart machine-readable format. This lays a key foundation for the main Hub grand challenge of smart metrology semantics, where key manufacturing knowledge/information/ data is represented and manipulated by a new smart semantic language. Publications: 17 Journal papers, 3 Conference Papers Key outputs: • Development of a prototype CatLab software which is designed to facilitate the smart semantics metrology system. • Development of the syntax and semantics of Category Semantic Language, including libraries. • A set of knowledge reasoning rules has been developed to enable a semi-automated reasoning engine for CatLab.

Annual Report 2020–21

WP7 Metrology Data Analytic Models for the Manufacturing Value Chain Aim: to establish data analytics models to extract maximal fidelity metrology information from the manufacturing supply chain. It primarily looks at the multistage manufacturing product and process data and link these to dimensional and surface metrology. Publications: 3 Journal papers, 5 Conference Papers Key outputs: • AI-driven “inspection by exception” concept using part health prediction from manufacturing parameters. • Data driven model assisted “two stage machining” process innovation to reduce inspection costs. • Machine learning models predicting dimensional and surface quality parameters from in-process data.

WP8 Metrology Approach to Artificial Intelligence Control Aim: to develop a metrology approach to bio-inspired AI control to extract maximal traceable information to optimise the control of machine-tools/assembly/ measurement platforms. Without this building of rigour from the Engineering domain into the Computer Science domain, the potential for AI implementation will be hampered or precluded. This work package focuses on the use of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning techniques as an enabler for advanced control. It is closely aligned with the “white box” technology of WP4, including the methods of incorporating “measurement uncertainty” and traceability into the control models and their implementation. Publications: 7 Journal Papers, 5 Conference Papers Key outputs: • A new active system to compensate for machining errors with robotic tracking and rejection of external disturbances. • An AI modelling method for machine errors using Smart clustering and fuzzy switching based on modal analysis.



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Research Programme – Phase Two The second phase of the Hub research programme will work towards translating the early research outcomes into deliverable, industry ready solutions. While fundamental science and technology research will continue, there will be a much greater focus on bringing together the various research streams in order to create new devices and solutions.

WP9: Optical Interferometry Systems for large scale metrology (using ADL) and for micro-nano manufacturing (using large depth of field apparatus) Builds on: WP1 and WP3 Aim: This work package will improve on the performance of the FSI technology developed in WP3 with the aim to extend the measurement capabilities of the bench-top system to un-cooperative surfaces for both surface roughness and shape measurement, and its evolution to a functional prototype at a higher TRL by working closely with Renishaw PLC.

This will involve the introduction of a beam steering technique that will allow the object beam of the FSI/ADL system to scan a surface area and will subsequently allow the building of a 2-D surface (static) targets with the view to extend this to 3-D point clouds. The second part of this work package will take the initial proof-of-concept validation for enhanced depth-of-focus OCT using Bessel beams generated through WP1. While the basic concept of extending depth-of-focus has been validated for point scatterers embedded in a translucent media.

This WP aims to validate the anticipated enhanced lateral imaging resolution at all depths and confirm the applicability of the technique across a range of industrially relevant measurement scenarios/materials. Beyond this performance verification activity, the final target will be the development of a portable OCT apparatus that can be transported to industrial partners for further evaluation.

Annual Report 2020–21

WP10: Large Scale Embedded Metrology Systems for Manufacturing Systems and Assembly Platform

WP11: Software Platform for Integrated Geometrical Design & Metrology System Using CSL and Machine Learning

Builds on: WP2

Builds on: WP5, WP6 and WP7

Aim: This work package will leverage high-speed fringe projection to deliver state of the art 3D inspection/ assembly capabilities. Developments from WP2 will be combined with real-time control of robot paths to investigate two complementary approaches for agile 3D optical inspection of industrial components. The work will also explore in-situ specular surface inspection using stereo deflectometry to deliver state of the art 3D inspection/ assembly capabilities. Developments from WP2 will be combined with real-time control of robot paths to investigate two complementary approaches for in-situ measurement of specular surfaces.

Aim: This work package will develop sensor net models for real industrial applications. The aim is to stress test the theoretical work developed in WP5 with real industrial applications of sensor nets and make appropriate extensions to the theory through these models from the knowledge gained. To prepare Geometrical Product Specifications and verification (GPS) standards for use with smart autonomous manufacturing systems, the International Standards Organisation (ISO) technical committee 213 has requested that the Hub lead the formulation of a position for the revision of the structure of the ISO GPS documents to make them AI ready. Using the development of a CSL model resulting from WP6 GPS documents will be made machine readable, machine queryable and machine interpretable (i.e. AI ready). This will then be stress tested with real industrial applications The final task will be to build on the work carried out in WP7 to develop large volume metrology informatics through a Case Study at the AMRC and Sheffield.


WP12: Metrology-driven Data Systems to Optimise the Manufacturing Value Chain Builds on: WP4, WP7 and WP8 Aim: The main aim is to integrate the fundamental technologies from the first stage of the project into prototypes and demonstrators to accelerate TRL progression. Partners across the consortium will work closely throughout this WP to gain benefits from the different approaches to control models and different manufacturing applications. The work will be performed with industrial partners and the Catapult centres. New complimentary areas of research have also been identified during the first half of the Hub and will be initiated within this WP. Building on work carried out in WP4 and WP8, prototype structural, thermal, motion control and error monitoring systems will be integrated into a variety of manufacturing setting to validate these techniques and gather a large volume of data which can be used in system modelling. These models can then be integrated into the “inspection by exception” method from WP7 and further developed to include uncertainties in model prediction with the ultimate aim of developing control systems to optimise manufacturing machines and product verification.


EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Increasing the Capability of Robotic Milling Systems AMRC is a core member of the Hub consortium and provides a vital route to industrial deployment of Hub technology. AMRC also has its own substantial research programme and Dr Erdem Ozturk, based at AMRC since 2010, leads a team of researchers working on advanced manufacturing techniques. After attending a presentation from the Hub researchers at the University of Bath, Dr Ozturk identified several complimentary elements with his research and decided to submit a proposal for a new work package. Both AMRC and the University of Bath are researching the use of robotic arms in machining operations. Robotic arms offer several advantages over traditional machine tools, especially when manufacturing large artefacts. Eliminating the need to construct very large machining centres means that the approach is much less costly while also being more flexible, making a single machine capable of a number of tasks. However, this approach is not without its challenges. Robotic arms are generally used for activities such as pick and place operations, where the ultimate rigidity of the system does not play such a significant part in the successful completion of the task. When using a robot arm to carry out machining operations such as milling, the lack of rigidity compared to a traditional machine tool, can lead to significant errors such as chatter.

The team at AMRC are investigating a number of approaches to overcoming these challenges such as using a pair of coordinated spindles machining at the same time to compensate for each other. Another approach being investigated is the use of the redundant axis offered by a robot arm, which has a full six degrees of freedom, to orient the robot arm in the position, and offers optimum stiffness. Collaboration with the team at Bath, using their modelling techniques to understand the backlash in robotic arms and develop a feed forward compensation strategy, has the potential to further increase the capability of these systems. The Universities of Huddersfield and Sheffield are also providing support to the project through their expertise in modelling and data management.

The work by AMRC is already attracting industrial interest, particularly in high value fields with less demanding manufacturing tolerances such as the manufacture of large scale composite parts for yacht hulls. This work aims to demonstrate the feasibility of these various approaches and further enhance the appeal to a wide variety of industries.


EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Novel Techniques to Improve Vibration Distortion of Measurements Professor Nigel Copner and his team at the University of South Wales are developing a novel technique to overcome the problem of vibration distortion of measurements when using frequency scanning interferometry (FSI). Professor Copner is working in collaboration with NPL, which brought their project to the attention of the Hub. FSI uses a chirped laser source to make absolute distance measurements and generates a signal with a frequency proportional to distance. FSI is capable of multiple distance measurements on a single machine at high frequencies, making it ideal in real time monitoring of robotic machining systems. However, FSI is inherently susceptible to vibration during the finite measurement time. Vibrations are especially prevalent throughout the manufacture process and in factories where there is a lot of extraneous activity such as other machinery and vehicles. These vibrations act as a source of modulation error substantially lowering system resolution.

To overcome these challenges, frequency doubling, using a second laser with the same frequency to cancel out the up/down chirp, can be used for the error correction. However, this method presents its own challenges in that it requires two lasers, adding substantial cost, and requires complex and costly control systems in order to match frequencies in real time. Professor Copner’s team’s innovative technique uses a smart low cost and instantaneous negative chirp laser signal generated from a master chirp laser by using non-lineal optical effect i.e. four-wave mixing (FWM). The team is currently investigating different waveguides fabricated in a variety of materials.

Following proof of concept trials, the next step is to develop a prototype with highly efficient FWM and broad frequency tuning band suitable for integration into a full FSI system. The aim is for this project to support the Hub’s ongoing research programme at the University of Bath, where a prototype system could be integrated into the robotic machining rig, to evaluate the overall vibration elimination performance. Following successful completion of trials, work will shift towards productionisation, packaging and ruggedising the device to be able to operate effectively in a manufacturing environment, and ultimately commercialisation.

Annual Report 2020–21



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Innovation and Industry Moving into the second half of the Hub’s sevenyear programme there is a growing emphasis on industry engagement and the acceleration of impact from our research. This work comes in a variety of forms such as IP commercialisation, collaborative R&D, measurement services, training, and consultancy and, given the events of the past 18 months, is more important than ever to support the UK’s economic recovery post-Covid and post-Brexit.

Increasingly, this work also recognises the contribution that metrology makes to manufacturing efficiency and sustainability, and the critical role it will play in supporting new technologies (in sectors such as transport and green energy) that will help deliver the UK’s ambitious ‘Net Zero’ strategy. Because of the broad and underpinning nature of metrology, our research team works with a wide variety of industry partners from across many different sectors, and the following pages contain some highlights of the work we have been doing with industry over the past year.

Annual Report 2020–21



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Transforming the UK’s Advanced Machinery Sector As reported in last year’s report, the Advanced Machinery and Productivity Institute (AMPI) is a new industry led initiative to drive innovation for the UK’s advanced machinery manufacturers. Centred around existing capabilities and research excellence across the North of England, AMPI is a partnership between industry, local government, higher education institutions and the NPL, and the past year has seen further significant developments.

A team from the Hub have been working with the consortium over the past three years to build momentum for this initiative, which initially secured a small amount seed-corn funding in 2020. However, in 2021 the consortium successfully secured £22.6 million of funding from the Government’s Strength in Places Fund to deliver new research and innovation programmes for AMPI over a five-year period. Strength in Places is about driving innovation and economic

growth in local/regional clusters and the AMPI project aims to significantly accelerate the development of new next generation manufacturing machinery, creating new jobs and growing exports in the process. Three of AMPI’s industryinformed, academic-led work packages (highlighted above) are being led by researchers from the Hub team and will build upon some of the grand challenge research already undertaken within the Hub.

AMPI Strength in Places Fund – main work packages (with WPs led by Hub team highlighted)

AMPI SiPF programme

WP1–Industry led R&D

WP2–Industry informed Academic R&D

WP3–Innovation for machinery

WP4–Industry engagement

WP5–Programme Management

Dynamic resilient machines and fabrication technologies

Human-machine interaction systems

Materials, surface engineering and coatings

Design and optimisation through virtual tools

Data fidelity and dimensionality

Cyber-physical interoperability of machinery

Autonomous manufacturing machines

Advanced error correction and compensation

dynamic monitoring of intelligent machining systems

Annual Report 2020–21



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

In addition, three of the initial five industry-led projects (under WP1) are being led by Hub partners (PTG Holroyd, Wayland Additive, and CR Solutions) and will help to accelerate impact from our core research programme. The AMPI programme is further cementing the Hub’s long-term strategic partnership with NPL (who are project lead on behalf of the consortium) as well as drawing in expertise from research groups across the Universities of Leeds, Manchester, and Salford, further expanding the Hub’s network of academic collaborations. AMPI also has strong support from Local Enterprise Partnerships in West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester, and there is a commitment from Rochdale Development Agency to build a landmark facility as a long-term home for AMPI, as well as plans underway to build new training and skills initiatives to address the future workforce needs of the advanced machinery sector.

“AMPI is much more than just a research project. The programme has been defined in close consultation with our industry partners and includes multiple mechanisms to learn from each other and to accelerate the progression of research outcomes into commercial exploitation.” Professor Andrew Longstaff

Annual Report 2020–21

The AMPI SIPF Innovation Programme is a collaboration between partners across local government, industry and academia across the North of England, led by NPL.



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

New Instrument Technology at Renishaw for Full Evaluation

One of the new optical instrument technologies that has been under development by the Hub team (and reported on in previous Annual Reports) is the Dispersed Reference Interferometer (DRI). One of a suite of new surface measurement instruments in development, the DRI has potential applications as an embedded sensor, with the ability to achieve fast (>5kHz) measurement speeds and high dynamic range in a very small package. These features make it a strong candidate for on-machine measurement and in-house testing of early prototypes was very encouraging.

In the past year, following extensive tests on the Hub’s diamond turning machine, a second-generation prototype device has been developed that incorporates refined signal processing capability (to increase measurement speed and accuracy) and has also been further reduced in size. This prototype is now with Hub partner Renishaw for an extensive evaluation of its technical

performance and potential for commercialisation. A fully realised DRI system would be highly complementary to Renishaw’s existing product portfolio, so a successful evaluation programme is expected to lead rapidly to the company seeking a license or assignment of the DRI IP for exploitation.

Annual Report 2020–21


Wayland Additive Secures First Sale of New AM Technology

Another development reported in a previous Annual Report was an in-process metrology solution that can monitor powder deposition layer by layer in metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes. This structured light scanning technology was further developed in partnership with Reliance Precision (and subsequently their new spinoff business Wayland Additive) for integration within a new electron-beam AM system (NeuBeamTM).This work formed the basis of a joint patent and subsequent IP assignment for Wayland to commercialise as part of their unique and groundbreaking new technology.

The collaboration did not stop there and researchers at the Hub have continued to support Wayland in refining their NeuBeamTM system to improve performance and extend the range of materials it can use, and this work has been incorporated in the company’s first fully commercial product, ‘Calibur3’. Then in May 2021, Wayland sold its first Calibur3 system to Exergy Solutions, a Canadian

engineering consultancy specialising in state-of-theart industrial AM solutions for sectors including oil and gas, mining, and precision manufacturing.


EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Looking Forward Having previously enjoyed a vibrant programme of events among the Hub community, we are looking forward to being able to resume a packed agenda in 2022. Here are some of our highlights:

Functional applications including biotechnology, data storage, automotive surfaces and additive manufacturing will also be covered.

MACH2022 Organised by the Manufacturing Technologies Association, MACH is one of Europe’s premier exhibitions in the manufacturing industry. Usually held every two years and attracting over 600 exhibitors and 25,000 visitors, the event was postponed in 2020. EPSRC will have a Manufacturing the Future stand featuring the Future Metrology Hub along with the Composites, Powder Processes and Electrical Machines Hubs. The event runs from 4 to 8 April 2022, and we look forward to seeing many of our partners and supporters there.

International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Surfaces, Met & Props 2022 We are looking forward to welcoming delegates to Glasgow for the 23rd International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Surfaces on 27 to 30 June 2022. The conference will be hosted by the University of Huddersfield in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde. It will bring together academics, industrialists and engineers from wide ranging disciplines to meet, exchange ideas and showcase their latest research. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the Conference was last held in 2019 in Lyon and we are delighted to be hosting a face to face event again. The conference will include a series of keynote addresses on a broad array of scientific themes including, surface characterization, measurement and instrumentation, inprocess surface metrology, archaeology and anthropology and forensic science.

The first day of the conference will be an optional training day at the University of Strathclyde with the conference proper running from 28 June to 30 June at the University’s award winning Technology and Innovation Centre. The event will also feature a number of networking and social events including a drinks reception at the impressive Glasgow City Chambers on Tuesday 28 June and a formal conference dinner at The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. There will also be a commercial exhibition covering the main themes. The Met & Props 2022 website contains all the details of the conference and regular updates of the programme and contributors and has access to our online store for tickets.

Annual Report 2020–21


Industrial Metrology Forum (IMF)

Early Career Researcher Symposium (ECRS)

The Hub will hold its next IMF event in the spring, which will be the first time we have been able to gather our industrial partners together as a group since 2019. The IMF is our primary annual meeting, where we aim to update our industrial supporters and the wider manufacturing community, on the latest developments from within the Hub. The event is also an opportunity for our academics to meet the industrialists who will be using the technologies they are developing and understand the practical challenges they are trying to overcome. Each year we ask the industrial attendees to suggest valuable topics for discussion. We will also be using the IMF as an opportunity to launch our Innovation Projects funding scheme to accelerate the impact of Hub research.

The ECRS brings together researchers from across the consortium and wider academic partner base to present their research, develop their networks and identify valuable areas for collaboration. The event also features academic skills training to help develop the next generation of Hub researchers. The last ECRS was held in 2019 with an event planned in early 2021. We will be holding the next ECRS in Summer and look forward to welcoming our new feasibility partners into the Hub community.


EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Developing People The Hub relies on the talent and capabilities of its team of world leading researchers to deliver its varied programme of activities. To ensure that the team are well equipped for this task, the Hub is committed to providing a comprehensive range of training and development opportunities. The Hub recently recruited the first cohort of PhD students working on the EPSRC funded Next Generation Metrology Driven by Nanophotonics project. As part of the Hub community, these students will be at the forefront of development of this exciting new technology and represent potential future leaders in the field.

Supporting our researchers, and the wider metrology community, to gain independent research profiles is core to the Hub’s strategy. Our team continues to prove successful in bidding for research grants while our latest feasibility call, released collaboratively with three other Manufacturing Hubs, generated significant interest and has funded five new projects.

Annual Report 2020–21



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Talented Students Each year the Hub recruits new PhD students to focus on exciting and potentially breakthrough research projects aligned to the Grand Challenges.

Daniel Townend University of Sheffield

Who is your PhD supervisor? My main supervisor is Dr Andrew Henning with Professor Jane Jiang and Dr Haydn Martin as my cosupervisors. What attracted you to study in Huddersfield? I was attracted by the project initially and how interesting it sounded, and after talking to my soon to be supervisors about it, I was drawn in by the friendliness of the department and where my supervisors saw the work heading in the future. What is your PhD about? My PhD project explores the use of metalenses in metrological applications. There is a large emphasis on reducing the size and bulkiness of optical metrology systems, thus by using metalenses, which are typically less than 1um in thickness for visible wavelengths, the size of these systems can be greatly reduced in size and weight. Consequently, these smaller systems can then be integrated onto robotic arms or production lines where space is at a premium.

Whereas before, products may have to be removed from a production line to appropriately measure them, smaller optical metrology systems would allow inprocess measurements to be taken, hence increasing the efficiency of how production lines run and reducing wasted time. This then all links back to the continued development of “Industry 4.0” where there will be an importance of sensors to monitor what is going on and adapt appropriately. What do you enjoy most a bout working with the Future Metrology Hub? The Future Metrology Hub offers the opportunity to work alongside a multitude of people working on a range of different problems. Coming from a physics background it is also interesting to see the engineering side to problems and the different challenges that presents. Where do you hope your PhD will lead – both for the research and for you personally? I hope my PhD will lead to advancements in metrology and ultimately advance the development of smart manufacturing in Industry 4.0. Personally, I hope it will allow to me to continue with research that I enjoy long into the future.

Annual Report 2020–21

Joseph Kendrick University of Huddersfield

Who is your PhD supervisor? My main supervisor is Professor Xiang (Jane) Jiang, though Dr Andrew Henning is another supervisor who I see frequently. What attracted you to study in Huddersfield? I saw the PhD being advertised and liked the idea around it so I applied. I did more research about Huddersfield University after applying for the position and the university and Huddersfield seemed enjoyable. I studied for an integrated Masters in Physics at the University of Hull. During that time I did a lot of experimental work, for example fabricating and testing resistive switches, which I enjoyed. This made me want to work in the experimental side of academia.

Justin Chan University of Huddersfield

Who is your PhD supervisor? Haydn Martin is my main supervisor and Andrew Henning is my co-supervisor. What attracted you to study in Huddersfield? I decided to study at the Hub as the PhD project I am working on will enable me to pursue my interest in instrumentation. I wanted to develop my skills in this area further following my experience in the field during my placement year. What is your PhD about? My PhD is about creating an instrument prototype integrating nanophotonic elements including metamaterials on optical fibres to create an ultracompact fibre probe-based instrument.


Also in Hull I came across metasurfaces. I found them interesting and I wanted to learn a bit more about them. What is your PhD about? My PhD is about designing, fabricating and characterising metasurfaces so they can be used in optics and metrology. What do you enjoy most about working with the Future Metrology Hub? I particularly enjoy seeing and hearing about the exciting new innovations in technology. Where do you hope your PhD will lead – both for the research and for you personally? My job and career prospects aren’t set in stone but I do like the idea of working in the energy sector.

What do you enjoy most about working with the Future Metrology Hub? I enjoy the breadth of expertise from all the different researchers in the Hub which means that problems can be solved from a variety of angles and which also makes it a dynamic place to work. Where do you hope your PhD will lead – both for the research and for you personally? I hope that my PhD will lead to me to gain skills in instrumentation and metrology, to become more agile and capable of implementing innovative solutions where necessary.


EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Funding Success The Hub has continued to be very successful in bidding for funding this year, with projects funded by the EPSRC, the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR), Innovate UK and industry, as well as the £3 million UKRI Strength in Places funding (see page 26 to read more about this project). We are pleased to say that we are on track to substantially exceed the ambitious leveraged funding targets of £10 million research income and £10 million industry income by the end of the seven years. Here are some of the highlights:

Professor David Walker – EPSRC Research Grant Under the skin of polishing – from nano to macro Professor Walker, from the University of Huddersfield, is leading a £500k EPSRC project which brings together experts in complementary areas of physics, chemistry and engineering, to explore new science with potentially high practical impact. Processing glass and similar materials to precise, polished surfaces is the “hidden gem” behind many products and services we take for granted - both in precise control of the distribution of light (e.g. anti-glare headlamps), or to focus light in imaging. From medical X-ray cameras to satellite optics, precise, smooth surfaces are required, with surface errors down to small fractions of a micron (maybe 1/1000 the width of a human hair), and with roughness down to a few atoms. Prior work at various institutions has tended to focus on fluid flow or nano-scale removal, representing distinct disciplines. What nobody has done before, which this project is now doing, is to combine these distinct approaches, supported by real-time process-monitoring data, and high-performance computing. The aim is to reduce the number of process cycles required, improve accuracy and give insight into why defects arise and then how to control them.

Annual Report 2020–21


Professor Liam Blunt and Dr Hussam Muhamedsalih – EPSRC Research Grant Responsive Manufacturing of High Value Thin to Thick Films Professor Blunt and Dr Muhamedsalih, from the University of Huddersfield, have been awarded nearly £400,000 as part of a £2 million consortium project to develop responsive manufacturing technology and create an optimized, robust printing process for high-value flexible electronic films. The project, led by The University of Sheffield, will utilise intelligent machine learning to control the printing parameters in real-time and therefore maintain a robust, optimized printing process despite the variations in feedstock materials and/or the required output. After having proven that the system works at a laboratory scale, the consortium plan to perform a series of industrial scale demonstrations in collaboration with project partners CPI, who are world leading experts in production of printed electronics. This will provide the evidence needed to prove that this approach can work at an industrial scale in a highly demanding production environment (printed electronics require a high degree of control of the surface chemistry between subsequent layers to perform correctly and are typically made in cleanroom/glove-boxes within strict environmental tolerances). The University of Huddersfield’s part of the project will focus on developing a complete dynamic measurement solution for ultra-fast roll-to-roll processes to not only detect defects but to also measure the surface profile in real time without disturbing or slowing down the manufacturing process. The metric information provided by our measurement solution will allow the production machines to be responsive to the input of variable substrates and coatings, and adapt the processing conditions to suit; or recommend that production ceases before large amounts of costly scrap material is produced.


EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Funding Success Professor Patrick Keogh – EMPIR Dynamic applications of large volume metrology in industry of tomorrow environments Professor Keogh, who leads the University of Bath Hub team, has been awarded £133,000 funding as part of a large £1.5 million European consortium project led by NPL and includes European national metrology institutes and key metrology research centres and laboratories. Large Volume Metrology (LVM) is a critical requirement in many high value industries where the EU is globally competitive. The overall aim of the project is to provide fundamental metrology that will enable the Digitisation of European advanced manufacturing, especially in the aerospace and automotive industries. This project will deliver improved, dynamic-capable and traceable measuring systems for operational use, as LVM tools and technologies allowing integration of these tools into reconfigurable factory coordinate metrology networks, that can function in typical and harsh factory environments. The project results will offer industrial-level speed capability, with the ability to interface with production and assembly process control with reduced latency synchronisation which will lead to efficiency and cost improvements in industries reliant on LVM; this will enable automation beyond the current state of the art, which is mostly automation by simple repetition. Professor Keogh’s work package involves the integration of frequency scanning interferometry (FSI) distance metrology into robotic machining processes. The FSI system from NPL will be able to track multiple targets in real-time over the robot/ machine tool system at Bath. Issues associated with FSI latency will be addressed so that precisely machined components can be manufactured.

Annual Report 2020–21


AMRC – Innovate UK funding Product and Process Verification Centre of Excellence The Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI), through Innovate UK, has recently funded a £3.5 million Product and Process Verification (PPV) Centre of Excellence at the AMRC’s facility at Broughton in Wales. The funding has enabled AMRC to purchase key product and process verification equipment for the use of manufacturers from any sector, not only aerospace. Every piece of equipment has been bought with a focus on data: data acquisition, data handling and processing, or data visualisation; which will help manufacturers of any size on their digitalisation journey. Before it even opened, the PPV Centre already had significant demand for major research projects including work that would lead to a digitally-connected supply-chain and smart factory for Airbus’ Wing of Tomorrow programme.

Key innovations targeted by the PPV Centre include: •

capturing manufacturing data with no time penalty/cost

industrialisation of Frequency Scanning Interferometry

model-based certification

automated hole inspection with robotic co-worker

embedded process and product monitoring

enabling human-robot collaboration

hyper-flexible workforce.


EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Research Feasibility Call Following the success of our last Joint Call for Feasibility Studies, the Hub launched a second joint call over the summer of 2021. Three other EPSRC Future Manufacturing Hub’s also participated in the call. These included: the Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub (University of Nottingham), the Future Electrical Machines Manufacturing Hub (The University of Sheffield) and the Future Photonics Hub (University of Southampton). Applicants were invited to submit proposals in a number of identified areas and a specific aim of the call was to encourage interdisciplinary working. Overall, the call received a significant amount of interest with 45 applications submitted across the consortium and 14 proposals addressing topics relevant to multiple Hubs. To ensure a fair judging process, the Hubs developed a unified marking scheme with interdisciplinary proposals judged by panel members from all relevant areas.

The Future Metrology Hub An EPSRC Manufacturing Research Hub




Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub

Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub

Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub




Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub

Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub

Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub







Annual Report 2020–21

The Future Metrology Hub identified the following call topics: • Novel approaches for the Human-metrology interface • Novel methods for future inspection in manufacturing • Novel Methods for improving performance through metrology. Five projects with a combined value of £250,000 were selected for funding.

Funded Projects

Cranfield University PI: Dr Claudiu Giusca Title: Multiplexed optical fibre arrays support for inprocess control and throughlife monitoring of coating thickness. The performance and reliability of modern products, such as thin film photovoltaics, automotive parts, optoelectronic sensors and displays, is underpinned by the conformity of the next generation of surface coatings.

This study addresses the in-process measurement of coating conformity with nanoscale precision over large area substrates, in conditions typically imposed by the industrial scale coating installations. The project will explore the potential of the optical fibre platforms to withstand the harsh industrial environmental conditions whilst maintaining their well-known exquisite measurement abilities necessary to provide throughlife monitoring of coatings and deposition installations.



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Funded Projects

Heriot-Watt University PI: Professor Derryck T. Reid

University of Nottingham PI: Professor Adam Clare

Title: Towards 3D Volumetric Positioning and Tracking Using Dual-Comb Distance Metrology

Title: JetMet (Electrochemical jets for in-process metrology and digital twinning)

Two-photon dual-comb LiDAR, invented at Heriot-Watt University, uses the time-offlight of femtosecond laser pulses to measure absolute distance very precisely, and provides a continuous, realtime stream of absolute distance data at micron precision and kHz rates. This 5-month project will evaluate its feasibility for 3D volumetric positioning and tracking, which could ultimately be realized by recording the time-of-flight of optical pulses from a reference beacon to a number of receivers, analogous to GPS satellite navigation. The project’s objectives are to demonstrate a sufficient combination of precision and acquisition rate (target: 1 um at 1 kHz), and to demonstrate multichannel acquisition (target: 4 channels) as a precursor to enabling high precision optical multilateration

Electrochemical jets are an ideal platform for in-situ metrology development, as they can micromachine various conductive materials without thermal or mechanical loading and allow excellent control over removal volumes and surface profiles. Such methods are therefore attractive to manufacturers reliant on premium surface integrity. However, they are sensitive to material composition variations, meaning much experimental effort is required to calibrate a system to a material. This project will investigate an entirely new metrology approach using electrochemical jets for precision measurement and machining, exploiting electrical signals across the jet. This will allow metrology within a machine tool and could unlock significant efficiency gains.

Annual Report 2020–21

University of Strathclyde PI: Dr Theodosia Stratoudaki

University College London PI: Professor Paul Fromme

Title: Remote ultrasound tomography using deep neural networks and laser ultrasonics

Title: In-process Carbon Fibre Alignment Monitoring

The team at the University of Strathclyde will investigate a laser based system for remote and couplant-free ultrasound that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate tomographic reconstructions of the interior of opaque, metallic components. The project addresses the call challenge of the Future Metrology Hub by developing novel methods for future inspection in manufacturing and improving performance through metrology. The technique will provide in-process, tomographic information of the manufactured component and facilitate early detection of flaws, allowing either modification of the process parameters and repair, or early termination, thus minimising waste, improving performance and reducing costs.

This project will investigate a novel phase-based X-ray system (EI XPCi – Edge Illumination X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging) to accurately assess fibre orientation, gaps, and in-plane wrinkles during automated fibre placement for the improved manufacturing of large composite structures. The X-ray methodology is capable of providing exact, user-defined resolution (including in-process), which does not depend on either X-ray focal spot or detector, and with metrology capabilities that can extend into the sub-resolution range. The technology for the future inspection of manufacturing and in-process metrology will improve defect localization and quantification accuracy to benefit the UK aerospace, automotive, and renewable energy industry.



EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Our Network of Activity Core Consortium 1. University of Huddersfield


2. University of Sheffield


3. University of Loughborough 4. University of Bath


5. NPL





14 2 8 3




12 5



Annual Report 2020–21


The Hub is committed to engaging the UK metrology community. Over the past four years, we have worked with academic institutions, other research Hubs, catapult centres and businesses across the country to deliver research and innovation activities. Feasibility Call 1 2. The University of Sheffield: Hightemperature, highly integrated, aerosol printed metrology sensors on-a-chip 4. The University of Bath: Immersive Metrology System 6. Advanced Forming Research Centre: Automating Process Optimisation from a Metrology Informed Digital Twin 7. The Future Photonics Hub: Compact Tailored Scattering Spectrometer Joint Feasibility Call 1

9. Newcastle University: Boosting Inspection Metrology Productivity Through AI 10. University of Warwick: Investigation of fibre content and fibre orientation distributions in compression moulded carbon fibre SMC Joint Feasibility Call 2 6. The University of Strathclyde: Remote ultrasound tomography using deep neural networks and laser ultrasonics 11. Heriot-Watt University: Towards 3D Volumetric Positioning and Tracking Using Dual-Comb Distance Metrology

2. The University of Sheffield: In-Situ Ultrasonic Sensors for Monitoring Tool and Workpiece During Grinding Processes

8. The University of Nottingham: JetMet: Electrochemical jets for in-process metrology and digital twinning

8. The University of Nottingham: Fast Instrumented Laser Cutting of Industrial Fibre Reinforced Composites

12. Cranfield University: Multiplexed optical fibre arrays support for inprocess control and through-life monitoring of coating thickness

5. City University London: Contactless Dielectric Process Monitoring (CDPM) of Composites Manufacturing

5. University College London: In-process Carbon Fibre Alignment Monitoring

Pilot Projects/Collaborations 13. Cardiff University: Measurement of CarrierInduced Electro-refraction in InAs/In(Ga)As Quantum Dots 14. The University of Leeds: GrowMedTech 7. The University of Southampton: EPSRC Programme Grant 15. NPL: Advanced Machinery & Productivity Institute (AMPI) 18. MTT: Prediction of part accuracy using system models Researchers in Residence 16. Centre for Process Innovation: Dr Hussam Muhamedsalih 16. Centre for Process Innovation: Dr Feng Gao 2. Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre: Dr Simon Fletcher 17. Manufacturing Technology Centre: Dr Shan Lou 2. Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre: Prof Andrew Longstaff


EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

Hub Governance Hub Executive Group The Hub Executive Group is comprised of the Hub director and Hub operations director, research spoke leaders and senior co‑investigators responsible for managing research topics. The group meets quarterly and is responsible for monitoring the progress of research activities, allocation of resources and determining the strategic direction of the Hub. Professor Paul Scott University of Huddersfield

Professor Visakan Kadirkamanathan University of Sheffield

Professor Andrew Longstaff University of Huddersfield

Mr Ben Morgan AMRC

Professor Liam Blunt University of Huddersfield

Professor Dame Xiangqian (Jane) Jiang DBE Hub Director

Mr Simon McKenna Hub Operations Director

Professor Patrick Keogh University of Bath

Dr Christian Young Hub Manager

Dr Pablo Ruiz Loughborough University

The Scientific Advisory Board

Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) offers independent guidance and support to the Hub Executive Group by providing advice on areas such as strategic direction and research themes. The board is composed of a group of international experts in metrology technology and applications and meets twice per year.



Professor Ken Young Technology Director, Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)

Professor Isobel Pollock‑Hulf OBE Professor David Delpy

Visiting Professor in Engineering and Design, University of Leeds

Emeritus Professor of Biomedical Optics, University College London

Professor Ken Grattan OBE Professor of Scientific Instrumentation, City University of London

Professor Vijay Srinivasan Chief of the Systems Integration Division of the Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Professor Hans Nørgaard Hansen Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Mr Mark Summers Head of Advanced Manufacturing, National Physical Laboratory (NPL)

Mr Chaco van der Sijp Innovation Lead Manufacturing, Innovate UK

Ms Katie Walker and Ms Becky Cheesbrough Portfolio Managers, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Hub Supporters


The Hub is supported by over 70 companies, academic institutions, and regional and government bodies.
























































For more information please contact: Dr Christian Young Hub Manager

EPSRC Future Metrology Hub Centre for Precision Technologies University of Huddersfield Huddersfield HD1 3DH Tel. 01484 257076 Email. Website. Twitter. @HudMetrology


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