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Research Active The Newsletter of University of Kent Research Services, Vol 8, Issue 3, May 2014
THE REF IS DEAD The University submitted to REF2014 in November last year (RA, Vol 8, Issue 2). A huge amount of effort and time was spent in preparing the submission, and it would be tempting to forget about the REF until the end of the decade. However, as we await the outcome, we need to start preparing for the next REF, and begin thinking about what it may look like. Estimated Timescales It is expected that the next REF will take place in 2020 with similar consequent deadlines. Staffing: census date: 31st October 2019 Outputs: Jan 2014 – Dec 2019 (6 year period, 4 outputs expected) Impact Template: Jan 2014 – Jul 2019 (3+ pages – impact strategy) Impact Case Studies: Jan 2014 – Jul 2019 (based on research at Kent Jan 1999-Dec 2019) Doctorates: awards 2014/152018/19 (5 years) Research Income: 2014/15 – 2018/19 (5 years) Environment Template: Jan 2014 – Jul 2019 (7+ pages – plan, staffing, resources, academic impact) Submission Deadline: Friday 29th November 2019
Possible Developments stringency of evidence needed for impact case studies will be higher; The number of case studies needed may be higher; Open Access will be a requirement. 100% of the submitted outputs (journal articles and confer The
Indeed Scientometrics and Altmetrics may also have a role to play. Preparations Research Services is already talking to Heads of Schools and Directors of Research about how best to prepare for REF2020, including nominating a REF Coordinator, how to identify and record impact, and support for staff in preparing and publishing strong outputs. We will continue to keep you informed as preparations develop. For more on the likely parameters of the next REF, contact Simon Kerridge
INSIDE THIS EDITION ence proceedings) published from 2016 onwards will need to have been Open Access from the point of acceptance. 3 month leeway is expected, and there may be ten categories of exceptions; Equality may become more important, and possibly a requirement; Some UOAs may place a greater reliance on metrics. For example Main Panel A, and perhaps some of B could use bibliometrics as a proxy for research output quality.
Public Engagement (Research) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships KTP ESRC Early Warning New Starters Funding Opportunity Alerts Update on H2020 Changes to OA Fund Researcher Development Working Group Overview of Funding New Awards Grant Focus: ‘Grasp’ Choice Cuts from the Blog
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LONG LIVE THE REF ResearchActive is edited by Phil Ward. Contact him for more information or clarification on any of the items in this edition. In addition, 1 for the latest from the world of research funding, go to, or Twitter @frootle