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Research Active The Newsletter of University of Kent Research Services, Vol 8, Issue 1, Oct 2013
RESEARCH STRATEGY LAUNCHED At the end of last term Senate formally approved the University’s Research and Impact Strategy 2013-16. The Strategy sets out four key ambitions for the University:
To increase the volume and intensity of world leading research To increase interdisciplinary research and partnerships To increase impact To support research-led teaching.
Prof John Baldock, PVC Research, took the lead in drafting the Strategy, following a wide-ranging consultation process with Directors of Research and others. In the introduction he made clear that ‘research is fundamental to the character of the University, its reputation, and its contributions to society, The overall ambition is to increase research intensity: by raising the proportion of academic staff conducting research and producing publications and other outputs of the highest quality.‘ Once the REF has been submitted (29 November), the Deputy Director of Research Services, Phil Ward, will be meeting with Directors of Research (DoRs) and other to discuss how best to realise these ambitions. Whilst the Strategy outlines a number of broad objectives and actions, an implementation plan will be developed through the Autumn and Winter, providing a road map for such issues as training for DoRs, standardising Workload Allocation Models, benchmarking and drafting the detail for the new Fellowships Scheme. Want to know more? A summary of the Strategy, together with a downloadable pdf of the full document, is available at: www.kent.ac.uk/researchservices/about/research-strategy.html
Kent ,UEA and Essex form the Eastern Arc Collaboration One of the Strategy’s four key ambitions is the development of interdisciplinary research and partnerships. The first concrete demonstration of this was the establishment of the Eastern Academic Research Consortium (ARC) with the Universities of East Anglia and Essex. Initially focussing on three broad areas of interest, the Consortium will build on the universities' existing research and partnership activities to become a significant new force in research, and research training. The universities have committed to funding six Eastern ARC Fellows and 18 Eastern ARC PhD studentships over a five-year period. More on Eastern ARC on page 2.
INSIDE THIS EDITION Eastern ARC Sciences Funding Success Overview of Funding New Awards Grants Factory 2013-14 Horizon 2020 Future Priorities of ESRC Review of Peer Review Recycling your Proposal Tips on Applying to NIHR Contact Us New Starters REF Update Choice Cuts from the Blog
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ResearchActive is edited by Phil Ward. Contact him for more information or clarification on any of the items in this edition. In addition, 1 or Twitter @frootle for the latest from the world of research funding, go to fundermental.blogspot.com,