RESEARCH ACTIVE The Newsletter of University of Kent Research Services, Vol 6, Issue 1, October 2011
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Image: NASA
INSIDE THIS EDITION The system is intended to be supportive rather than oppressive. Applicants will be able to get feedback from two reviewers: one will have an underAs reported in the last edition of standing of their discipline, and one Research Active, the University is in- an inside knowledge of the funder to troducing a new internal peer review whom they are applying. system this term. Prof John Baldock, Pro Vice ChanKent Peer Review (KPR) went live cellor for Research, said ‘I believe on 1 October for applications due that the new system will have a posito be submitted on or after 14 No- tive effect on the quality of applications being submitted from Kent, vember. and, in turn, lead to an increase in It is being introduced in response to awards. I would encourage you to demands from the Research Coun- engage with it as early as possible in cils, and has been developed after the development of your proposals.’ widespread consultation through the Board for Research & Enterprise and More detail of KPR is available at the Directors of Research Network. You can also talk to your Faculty Funding Officer The new system only affects certain or Phil Ward ( if applications: those to the Research you have any specific queries about Councils; first grants; or large grants. the system.
New Grants •
Featured Award
Virginia Tech Awards
Grants Factory
New Programme
Notes from recent events
European Funding
Proposals for Horizon 2020
Proposed Budget
New UKRO Contact
Research Council Funding •
A Tale of 2 Success Rates
AHRC Blackout
NERC Cuts Small Grants
EPSRC Changes
Welcome to New Staff
REF Update
Research Services Contacts
ResearchActive is edited by Phil Ward. Contact him for more information or clarification on any of the items in this edition. In addition, for 1 the latest from the world of research funding, go to, or Twitter @UoKResearch & @frootle