Research Active Vol 04 Issue 3 May 2010

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RESEARCH ACTIVE The Newsletter of University of Kent Research Services, Vol 4, Issue 3, May 2010

Lone Researchers Some academics at Kent work in disciplines with limited traditions of seeking research funding. They may be ‘lone researchers’ who have not needed large teams of collaborators, working instead on their own and in archives. However, research funding can be used for more than just collaboration. You can get funding for travel and subsistence to access archives, for teaching buy out, or for equipment such high-spec computers. Think Different In addition, you could think more broadly about the kind of work you could do. It is possible to design a project that will appeal to the big funders without compromising your research. Profs Paul Allain and Liz Mansfield have done just that. Both are based in schools (Arts and SMSAS) that are rooted in the tradition of individual scholarship. However, both have been successful in getting funding from the Research Councils and charities. Meet Others Alternatively, you might think that there is potential for collaboration within your discipline. But how can you link up with others at Kent or outside? Dr Peter Bennett, based in the School of Anthropology and Conservation (SAC) has been successful in building productive partnerships with other academics, and recognises the serendipitous way these are often formed.

Guidance Three senior academics have agreed to offer their guidance on how lone researchers can design fundable research projects, and create good collaborations. Details of their sessions are below. If you’d like to take part, contact Lynne Bennett for the first workshop, and Jacqueline Aldridge for the second.

Michelle Meiklejohn/


• Designing a Fundable Project (11am—3pm, 22 June

2010) Prof. Paul Allain and Prof. Elizabeth Mansfield This workshop should appeal particularly to staff at all levels and all disciplines who feel that their research topics and methods do not fit the standard 'aims/questions/ methods/dissemination' project structure required by funders. • Building Successful Collaborations (TBC)

Dr Peter Bennett This workshop will help academics identify the best way to meet suitable collaborators, and to ensure that they will be reliable and deliver their side of the project.


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