RESEARCH ACTIVE The Newsletter of University of Kent Research Services, Vol 5, Issue 1, Sept 2010
HEALTH AT KENT: a wide range of research
The Acting Dean of Health, Prof Peter Jeffries, has been out and about talking to academics and other stakeholders about how best to support health-related research. ‘There is a need for the University to have a much closer relationship with the Kent NHS,’ said Prof Jeffries, ‘providing leadership in teaching and research across the region and helping revitalise its health economy.’ As a step towards achieving this he has launched a Health Strategy. This is currently out for consultation, and initial feedback has been positive. The Strategy recognises the limitations that the University has—such as no medical, dental or nursing school—but highlights how varied and widespread health research is here. It is this diversity that the Strategy aims to harness. A coordinating body, ‘KentHealth’, will be set up to pull together the strands of health research within the University, to champion it internally and promote it externally, in liaison with other partners. KentHealth will be launched officially in late January, and will provide a small amount of pump-priming funding for collaborative ventures. Coincidentally, the University is recruiting ten academics, across a range of disciplines which have health-related activities, together with a new Funding Officer based in the NHS, who will ensure that clinicians and academics are aware of the opportunities open to them. Contact Karen Allart ( if you would like more information on the Strategy. 1
Some of you might not be aware quite how diverse and wide spread health research at Kent is. It includes, amongst others: • Social Policy and Research Design The Centre for Health Service Studies, the Personal Social Services Research Unit, and the Tizard Centre research a wide range of issues including social and health care, community care, mental health, learning disabilities, policies and practices relating to health management and substance misuse. • Biomedical Sciences Primarily in Biosciences, research is being done on cancer, infectious diseases, genetics, pre-natal diagnostics, neuroscience, and developmental biology. • Pharmacy At Medway, research includes chemistry and drug delivery, medicines management and infection control. • Medical Electronic Engineering In Engineering and Digital Arts, work includes imaging, speech therapy tools, monitoring devices, biometrics and security in healthcare delivery. This is just a snapshot and by no means exhaustive. Elsewhere there is health related work in Sports Studies, in the Centre of Professional Practice, in Psychology, Law, Economics, and Anthropology.