Admissions Overview

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UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF LAW As educators, we prepare our graduates to be responsible members and leaders of the legal profession, commonwealth, and nation who are dedicated to the highest standards of ethics, excellence, and professionalism.

Table of Contents


UK Law: A Tradition of Excellence


Lexington: The Heart of the Bluegrass


The University of Kentucky: The Ultimate Student Experience


The First Year: A Cooperative Learning Environment




1L Curriculum


Program Requirements


Law Library


Second and Third Years: Flexibility and Opportunity


2L & 3L Curriculum


Dual Degrees


Other Outside Study


Student Input


Student Organizations


Study Abroad


Co-Curricular Programs


Real World Experience: UK Law’s Clinical Offerings


Career Services: Expert Help from Former Practicing Attorneys


The Faculty: Dedicated to Teaching, Accessible to Students


Admissions: Seeking a Talented Diverse Student Body


The Process


The Requirements


Affording UK Law: Financial Aid and Scholarships


Tuition & Financial Aid




UK Law: Experience it Firsthand


“ T hank you for your interest in the University of Kentucky College of Law. We have a nationally recognized, yet accessible, faculty and a superb curriculum. Our graduates are leaders at every level of government and in the nonprofit and private sectors. I invite you to visit us soon.” — David A. Brennen, Dean, University of Kentucky College of Law




Located on the University of Kentucky’s main Lexington campus, the College of Law is large enough for a diverse and interesting curriculum, and small enough to foster relationships among students, faculty and administrators. UK is a small law school including approximately 410 full-time students and 30 full-time faculty members. We are the commonwealth’s first law school and one of the nation’s first state law schools. UK Law has been approved by the American Bar Association since 1925 and was elected to the Order of the Coif in 1931. UK’s main campus is located within walking distance of downtown Lexington. The University’s 16 academic and professional colleges along with the graduate school support more than 26,000 students. The College of Law and our students


benefit from the instructional and recreational facilities of this major university.

16 6

Colleges Professional schools

120 Master’s degree programs

61 50

Doctoral degree programs States and over 100 countries represented in student body




A beautiful and vibrant city, Lexington is the

Within a day’s drive of 75 percent of the U.S.

heart of the Bluegrass Region and home to many

population, Lexington is strategically located at

of the world’s most famous horse farms. Major

the intersection of Interstates 64 and 75. Lexington

companies located in the Lexington area include

is accessible by air with approximately 100 direct

Toyota USA, The Valvoline Company, Long John

and nonstop flights daily.

Silver’s Inc. and Lexmark International. Over 295,000 people live in Lexington-Fayette County, and the estimated population of the metropolitan

To learn more about the Lexington area, visit

area is approximately 425,000. The nearby Kentucky Horse Park was the location for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games.


Keeneland Race Track is a must-see destination for Thoroughbred racing during its spring and fall meets. UK’s campus is close to downtown Lexington, which is popular with students for its clubs, restaurants, coffee shops, sports bars, galleries and Thursday Night Live music fests. The Lexington legal community is headquartered downtown near the local and federal courthouses, where the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court,

Population Over 295,000 people live in Lexington-Fayette County. The estimated population of the metropolitan statistical area is almost 425,000. Located in the center of the commonwealth, Lexington is surrounded by rolling hills of bluegrass and is home to some of the world’s most famous horse farms. Lexington hosted an international audience for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games.

and state and local courts convene. The Kentucky Supreme Court and the rest of state government are located nearby in Frankfort, the state capital.

15 colleges and universities are located in the Bluegrass Region. Location Within a day’s drive of 75 percent of the U.S. population, Lexington is strategically located at the intersection of Interstates 64 and 75. Lexington is accessible by air with approximately 100 direct and nonstop flights. To learn more about the Lexington area, visit




As part of a major university campus, UK Law offers our students a wide range of experiences

Johnson Athletic Center Amenities

outside the classroom. UK provides great

• Basketball gymnasium

opportunities for fans of the arts and athletics.

• Four-lane elevated jogging track

As a law student, you may obtain student

• Weight training and conditioning center

tickets to NCAA games and discounted tickets

• Free group fitness classes

to events at the Singletary Center for the Arts.

• Four racquetball courts

Whether or not they buy tickets, UK Law students

• Climbing wall

enjoy SBA tailgate parties prior to all home football games. UK is also a great place to stay in shape. In addition to the Seaton Intramural Fields, Outdoor Basketball Courts, Alumni Drive Club Sports Fields, Arboretum walking/jogging paths and the Complex Drive Tennis Courts, students also have access to the state-of-the-art Johnson Student Recreation Center and the Lancaster Aquatic Center.

• Locker and shower facilities

Among the University’s many services for students is the Disability Resource Center, which provides services for students with physical and learning disabilities. The College of Law works with the Center to provide reasonable accommodations for any law student with a documented disability. For more information visit:




Orientation The atmosphere at UK Law is epitomized by

First-year (1L) law students have a set curriculum

student participation in the orientation of

of required classes. The only required courses

entering students. Each year, 70-90 upper-level

after the first year are Professional Responsibility,

students volunteer their last summer weekend

one professional skills development course, and

to help orient the new entering class. Entering

one seminar involving a substantial writing

students are divided into orientation groups of


approximately 10-14 students. Each orientation group includes a number of upper-class students who help new students through the orientation process and their first year of law school.


Your orientation group will be in all of your larger classes, giving you the opportunity to build



Fall Semester Contracts/Sales I Legal Research and Writing Spans both fall and spring semesters Torts Criminal Law Civil Procedure I

August – December 3 hours

Spring Semester Contracts/Sales II Legal Research and Writing Spans both fall and spring semesters Property Civil Procedure II Constitutional Law I

January – May 3 hours

supportive relationships and perhaps a study group with your peers. Orientation groups will be mixed among the larger required class sections, giving you the opportunity to get to know everyone in your 1L class.

Legal Research and Writing Some members of your orientation group will also

4 hours

4 hours 3 hours 3 hours

be in your Legal Research and Writing (LRW) class, a smaller class that meets for the entire first year. The small size increases class interaction with your professors and peers and ensures individualized instruction and feedback from your professors. As a result, you will receive extensive feedback on all major writing assignments, helping support your professional growth. In addition to the full-time legal writing, clinical and library faculty who are involved in UK Law’s LRW program, a team of upper-level students serves as Moot Court Advisors. The advisors who are assigned to your LRW class will assist you in preparing for an oral argument in connection with your final writing assignment.

1L Curriculum

4 hours

4 hours 3 hours 3 hours

For course descriptions, please visit



Program Requirements

Law Library

To attain the degree of Juris Doctor, you

The course of study at the College of Law

The Alvin E. Evans Law Library contains over

You can bring your laptop computer to the

must satisfactorily complete six semesters of

is designed to be completed in six successive

a third of a million volumes. The Law Library is

College of Law and be fully connected to all of

full-time law study (90 semester hours of

semesters or, under an accelerated program,

arranged to provide you with easy access to all

the Law Library’s computer research facilities.

credit) in professional law subjects with a GPA

in five semesters and two eight-week summer

necessary research materials. In addition to state,

The Library also has laptops available for you to

of 2.0 or better, subject to the College’s rules

sessions, allowing you to graduate in December

federal and administrative court reports, the

check out and use in the library. Our students

on readmission. Also, you must complete all

of your third year.

Law Library is a depository for U.S. Government

have access to Lexis® and Westlaw®, e-mail,

publications. The Library’s greatest resource is the

spreadsheet and statistical programs, graphics

faculty and staff who are dedicated to providing

and desktop publishing as well as other software

the best possible service.

packages. The Law Library also houses UK Law’s

required courses (the first-year courses, Professional Responsibility, at least one professional skills development course, and an upper level course meeting the substantial writing requirement). Normally you will take 14 to 16 credit hours per semester.

Recognizing the relationship between law and other disciplines, the College’s academic guidelines permit you to take up to six hours of graduate-level course work approved by the College of Law faculty in other colleges and departments within the University of Kentucky as part of the 90-hour requirement.

ADVICE FROM CURRENT STUDENTS “Get involved with law student organizations and groups.” “Get to know your peers – they make the three years here even more worthwhile.” “Relax and keep perspective.” “Work hard, but remember to have fun!” “Start outlining for finals within the first 3-4 weeks of class to make finals easier.” “Always read for class and be prepared for questions.”


IT staff, who are certified Dell technicians and famous among our students for being friendly and helpful.




2L & 3L Curriculum UK Law offers a challenging education about law, legal methods, legal institutions and jurisprudence which draws upon all jurisdictions. UK Law’s faculty encourages you in your second and third year not only to take courses in the area where you expect to practice, but also to gain basic legal literacy and an understanding of the depth and complexity of the law as a whole. The courses currently offered in UK Law’s upper-level curriculum are described in the College of Law Catalog at Many different courses are available and the offerings are constantly evaluated and revised by the faculty to meet changing times and needs of a dynamic profession. In order to meet such needs responsibly, the College reserves the right to enhance the curriculum through revision in


the future. “A law professor is first and foremost a teacher. Don’t be afraid to knock on our office doors.” “ I encourage you to participate actively in class discussions, which will enhance your comprehension of the material, your analytical skills and your oral communication skills.” “Learn to focus. When you are preparing for class, be dedicated to that and nothing else. When you are in class, be a good listener and concentrate on the discussion.” “Preparation is what distinguishes first-rate lawyers from their less successful colleagues. Being well prepared is a learned skill, and the time to develop that is in law school.”



Dual Degrees

Other Outside Study

Student Input

UK Law offers three dynamic dual degree


As an upper-class law student, you may receive up

Our students are an integral part of our law school

programs. To be a dual degree student, you

The dual degree of Juris Doctor and Master’s

to six hours of pass-fail credit toward your JD for

community and are active participants in many

must apply and be admitted by both the

in Public Administration is a four-year program

successful completion of graduate courses

law school policies and decisions. Every UK Law faculty committee includes at least one student

College of Law and the Graduate School.


offered in cooperation with the Martin School

approved by the law faculty. You also may enroll

For more information, visit

of Public Administration. The Martin School’s

in any other graduate and undergraduate courses

member. The Dean and Associate Deans meet

Public Finance/Budget Program has been ranked

(not counting toward the JD) without special

regularly with students and student leaders to

JD/Master’s in Diplomacy and International Commerce

among the nation’s top five graduate programs

approval or the payment of additional fees.

solicit their ideas and comments on issues affecting

UK’s JD/MA joint program in diplomacy and international commerce enables you to gain both

in this area by U.S. News & World Report. For more information about the Martin School, visit

If you wish to do research and writing in a specialized area or on a topic of particular interest as a second- or third-year student, you may earn

degrees in three and a half to four years. UK’s

up to four hours of academic credit for indepen-

Patterson School of Diplomacy has been ranked

dent research and study. You must obtain the

among the nation’s top four graduate programs in

sponsorship of a faculty member who agrees to

this area by the International Studies Association.

recommend your project and oversee your work.

For more information on the Patterson School, visit

JD/MBA The dual degree of Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration is offered in cooperation with the Gatton College of Business and Economics. Depending upon your undergraduate background, you can obtain both degrees in four years. You can find out more about UK’s MBA program at

the College of Law.


Student Organizations

Study Abroad UK Law students have the opportunity to study

more student organizations, all of which provide

Student Public Interest Law Foundation

the opportunity for social activities, community

The Student Public Interest Law Foundation

program. The London Consortium includes six

service and contact with members of the local bar.

(SPILF) promotes student awareness of and

other law schools and is taught by UK Law

Student Bar Association

interest in public interest job opportunities. In

faculty as well as faculty from those schools. If

addition to sponsoring speakers on public interest

you participate in the London Law program

topics, SPILF awards summer fellowships that

and successfully complete your course work, you

pay your expenses to work for a public interest or

will receive automatic credit on your UK Law

public service organization. SPILF has supported

transcript. If you wish to study abroad in other

student fellows across Kentucky, as well as

locations you have the flexibility to do so through

nationally and internationally. Each year, 10-20

programs sponsored by other law schools.

students receive SPILF summer grants.

For more information, see

The majority of our students are active in one or

The Student Bar Association (SBA), affiliated with the Law Student Division of the American Bar Association, serves as a student governance organization and represents law students in the formation of law school policy. SBA also serves as a law student activities board, scheduling annual events such as football


abroad in the Spring semester London Law

tailgate parties, the Barristers Bowl flag football game against law students from the University of Louisville, a Halloween costume party, the formal Barristers Ball, the Libel Show, weekend afternoons at Keeneland Race Track, the ‘Cardozo Open’ golf tournament and the ‘Malpractice


Mixer’ with UK medical and dental students. Additionally, the SBA sponsors community

• American Civil Liberties Union

• Intellectual Property Law Society

service projects such as ‘work-a-day’ with local

• American Constitutional Society

• International Law Society

charities, Habitat for Humanity projects, the IRS

•Legal Running Club

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program

• Asian and Pacific American Law Students Association

to help lower-income persons and undergraduate

• Black Law Students Association

students with their tax returns, and the annual

• Christian Legal Society

‘Ambulance Chase,’ a 5K race held a the UK

• Criminal Law Society

Arboretum to benefit the UK Legal Clinic.

• Defense Research Institute, Student Division • Environmental Law Society

UK’s SBA has received several awards from the

• Equine Law Society

American Bar Association, including being

• Federalist Society

named the best Student Bar Association in the

• Health Law Society

nation in 2002.

• Honor Council

• Libertarian Law Caucus • National Latino/a Law Students Association • Order of the Coif • OUTLaw • Phi Alpha Delta National Legal Fraternity • Student Animal Legal Defense Fund • Students for External Engagement and Development • Tax Law Society • Women’s Law Caucus

For more information on student organizations, please visit


Co-Curricular Programs


Trial Advocacy Board

for membership on the Kentucky Law Journal,

Kentucky Journal for Equine, Agricultural, and Natural Resources Law

the Kentucky Journal for Equine, Agricultural, and

The Kentucky Journal for Equine, Agricultural,

training necessary for effective trial advocacy.

Natural Resources Law, the Moot Court Board or

and Natural Resources Law (KJEANRL) is also a

Membership on the board is determined by an

the Trial Advocacy Board, you will gain course

student-run journal which publishes the scholarly

intra-school competition, open to you in your

credit for your work with these organizations.

work of law professors, practitioners and UK Law

second year. Members of the Trial Advocacy

Kentucky Law Journal

students. Its articles address a wide range of

Board participate in inter-scholastic competitions

issues relating to environmental law, equine law,

and coordinate and conduct intra-school

agricultural law and natural resources law.

competitions for both 1Ls and 2Ls. UK’s Trial

Four very popular student organizations are part of the law school’s curriculum. If you qualify

The Kentucky Law Journal (KLJ) is the tenth-oldest law review published by the nation’s law schools, with continuous publication since 1912. The KLJ

KLJ and KJEANRL student members are selected

is edited entirely by a student editorial board,

through a competitive candidacy program.

with guidance from a faculty advisor. Each issue contains articles written by KLJ members

Moot Court Board

encompassing a broad range of legal topics. KLJ

The Moot Court Board helps run the first-year

members acquire skills in legal research, analysis

oral advocacy program and conducts an extensive

and writing which supplement the training of

upper-class program, which you can elect in

the law school curriculum.

your second year. The Moot Court Board and National Moot Court Team are selected through intra-school competition. UK’s National Moot Court Team has a long history of success, winning both regional and national titles.

The Trial Advocacy Board is a student


organization that focuses on the skills and

Advocacy program is of growing reputation, with UK Law teams advancing to national competitions in 9 of the past 14 years, placing second in the nation in 2009 and among the nation’s Elite Eight in 2010 and 2011.

Trial Advocacy Board • 2009 National Runner-up, NITA Tournament of Champions • Kentucky intrastate winners: 6 of 11 years • Winner, regional trial tournament for Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana Law schools, 5 years running • First Place and Best Advocate, Kentucky Mock Trial Tournament • Regional Finalist, National Trial Competition Seventh Circuit Regional Moot Court Board • 1st place, George Washington Religious Freedom Moot Court Competition • Best Oral Advocates, Sual Lefkowitz Moot Court Regional Competition • 2nd Place, 2005 National First Amendment Moot Court Competition, Vanderbilt University Kentucky Law Journal • 10th oldest student-run law review in the nation

Externships and other clinical opportunities outside the College allow you to obtain experience in the general practice of law including applied



research, fact gathering, interviewing, counseling, investigation, negotiation, working with outside

The Legal Clinic The College of Law’s Legal Clinic is directed by Professor Allison Connelly, UK Law ‘83 and former Kentucky Public Advocate. As a third-year student, you will have a unique opportunity to advise, counsel and represent needy clients in court on a variety of legal matters. UK’s Legal Clinic

Innocence Project Externship This program places you with the Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy’s Innocence Project, where you can work on appeals for serious criminal cases involving claims of factual innocence.

offers you an exceptional introduction to the

Judicial Clerkship Externship

realities of legal practice and client representation.

This program assigns you to a local state or

Children’s Law Center Externship This externship gives you the opportunity to

federal judge to work in the judge’s chambers for the semester.

work directly with a supervising attorney in

Prison Externship

representing children involved in high-conflict

In this program at the Federal Correctional

custody cases, who are victims of sexual assault, or

Institute-Lexington, you will counsel inmates in

who have educational disabilities or are homeless.

civil and criminal matters.

Child Advocacy Today Externship

Prosecutorial Externship

Working in partnership with Access to Justice

Under the Kentucky Supreme Court’s

Foundation and UK’s Children’s Hospital, you will

limited practice rule, you are able to participate

provide free legal advice and representation to

in criminal prosecutions in court under the

low-income pediatrics patients and their families

close supervision of an attorney with the

as part of their healthcare team.

Commonwealth Attorney’s Office in Lexington.

Department of Public Advocacy Externship

UK HealthCare Risk Management Office Externship

You will learn the criminal litigation process and trial

You will learn about hospital risk management

strategies by assisting attorneys representing indigent

while doing research, attending legal proceedings

criminal defendants in Family Court, Juvenile Court

and hospital committee meetings and reviewing

and in District Court misdemeanor cases.

clinical investigations under the supervision of

Energy and Environment Cabinet Externship


experts and trial advocacy.

the UK Hospital Risk Management Director.

This externship enables you to work with attorneys

UK Office of Legal Counsel Externship

in the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet,

You will participate in the application of law and

giving you insight into the legal and policy issues

legal analysis at a public university and academic

arising from energy development and environmental

medical institution, working with attorneys in

protection and the legal implications of emerging

UK’s Office of Legal Counsel.

energy strategies.




The employment percentages for UK Law graduates consistently have exceeded national


averages. These results are a reflection of the dedicated staff of the College’s Career Services office, which includes two UK Law graduates and former practicing attorneys. The Career Services Office staff provides countless hours of workshops, job fairs, and one-on-one career counseling to help students find positions that are personally fulfilling as well as financially lucrative. The majority of our graduates go directly into private practice following graduation. Many graduates also take judicial clerkships or pursue legal careers in government service or business. In fact, UK Law is one of the nation’s leading law schools in placing students in prestigious federal judicial clerkships. Located in Kentucky’s Golden Triangle (formed by Lexington, Louisville and the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area), the College is ideally situated to place our graduates in all of those cities. Many graduates who seek employment outside of Kentucky go to other states in our region and nearby cities such as Atlanta, Nashville, and Washington, D.C. Others return to their home states, or take advantage of opportunities nationwide. For the placement locations of UK Law’s graduating class of 2011, please see the next page.

The College participates in many employment fairs including: • Equal Justice Works Public Interest Law Job Fair, Washington, D.C. • Mid-Atlantic Legal Recruitment Conference, Washington, D.C. • Minority Opportunities Program, Nashville, Tennessee • Patent Law Interview Program, Chicago, Illinois • Southeastern Law Placement Consortium (SELPC), Atlanta, Georgia • Southeastern Law Schools Minority Job Fair (SEMJF), Atlanta, Georgia • Southeastern Intellectual Property Job Fair, Atlanta, Georgia • Spring Southeast Legal Hiring Conference, Atlanta, Georgia • Tri-State Diversity Job Fair, Covington, Kentucky


27 *Data from the UK College of Law Career Services Office

ALUMNI STATS* Employment Areas Graduating Class of 2011






Private Practice


State and Federal Judicial Clerkships

Government and Military

Public Interest and Academic

Graduate Locations Graduating Class of 2011








East South Central

South Atlantic

East North Central

New England

West South Central

Middle Atlantic





Two of UK Law’s major strengths are the outstanding quality of the faculty and their dedication to excellent teaching. UK Law


has strong traditions of open doors, faculty knowing their students, and faculty concern about their students’ progress and success. The faculty teaching first-year courses are particularly interested in meeting with you outside class time to help you make a successful transition to the law school curriculum. UK’s teaching faculty represents a variety of educational backgrounds. Their combined experience includes many years of work in major law firms and public interest programs and clerking for state and federal judges before selecting teaching careers. Because alumni support has created a number of faculty professorships, the College has hired and retained scholars of outstanding caliber. For more information on the UK Law faculty, please visit their individual profiles at

5 57 5

Ranking in the 2007 Princeton Review Professors that Rock (Legally Speaking) survey Percentage of faculty graduating from top-25 law schools Number of current faculty receiving the UK Great Teacher Award



The Process The admissions decisions at the College of Law

Non-Academic Factors

involve a “full-file review” of each candidate’s

Other factors influence selection for admission

application. The goal is to admit a talented

because they relate to potential professional

and diverse student body that enhances the

performance and the College’s goal of enriching its

educational process while serving the needs of

academic environment with a diverse student

the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the legal

body. These factors include: geographic diversity;

profession. Entering students are accepted for

cultural background; achievements and leadership

the fall only, and UK Law does not offer a

positions; perseverance and accomplishment

part-time program. We encourage you to visit the

under adverse circumstances; diversity of reasons

College of Law and to call with any questions;

for attending law school; and the potential for

however, we do not hold interviews as part of

providing legal services to under-served segments

the admissions process.

of the population. However, your application must

Numerical Factors

show evidence of your ability to succeed academi-

In measuring your academic potential, the Admissions Committee will begin with your

cally at UK Law before non-academic factors can play a role in the admissions decision.

undergraduate record and grade point average (GPA) and your performance on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). The LSAT/GPA Grid


posted at is a good starting point for determining your probability of admission to UK Law “on the numbers.”

Additional Academic Factors Additional factors considered for their relevance to your potential academic performance in law school include: writing skills; the trend of college grades; letters of recommendation; the interval between college graduation and your law school application; the performance of students from your undergraduate school; college grading and course selection patterns; and the effect that outside work may have had on your undergraduate performance.

For a complete timetable for the law school application process, see


September 1 The date the College of Law begins accepting applications for the following fall. Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis beginning in November. February LSAT In almost all cases, the last examination which will be accepted by the Admissions Committee. February 1 To receive priority consideration for admission and scholarships, you should apply by February 1 and complete your file by March 1. March 15 Deadline for the College’s receipt of your application. If you apply after this date you may be considered, but only to the extent that space is still available. March 15 The priority deadline for submission of your FAFSA financial aid form.


The Requirements


Law School Admission Test (LSAT) Score(s)

Personal Statement

Character and Fitness Explanations

You must submit a personal statement in

The College of Law Admissions Application

Registration and information for the LSAT are

accordance with the instructions on the application

includes certain questions concerning your character

available from the Law School Admission Council

form. You must write the statement yourself

and fitness to be a member of the practicing bar.

at If you have multiple LSAT

using your own words and ideas. Your statement

These questions relate to prior criminal or disciplinary

scores, the Admissions Committee will view all

will be used both as a sample of your writing

charges, claims of fraudulent or deceptive conduct,

scores but will consider only your highest score in

ability and for its insights into your background,

and similar issues. Be sure to provide a complete

There is a $50 application fee that must be paid

most cases, unless that score does not appear to

goals and potential for enriching the College’s

explanation for any “yes” answer to these questions.

by credit card when you apply online at

be as good a predictor of your performance in law

academic environment. For advice on writing

Because of the standard of truthfulness to which

school as your average score. UK College of Law

an effective personal statement, see

lawyers are held, failure to report any such charge

rules require you to retake the LSAT if you most

can have more serious consequences than the

Letters of Recommendation

charge itself. The Admissions Committee will

(two required)

consider your answers in its review, but a “yes”

The Admissions Committee requires that you

answer in most cases will not, in and of itself,

provide at least two letters of recommendation

preclude your admission. If you do answer “yes”

from those with personal knowledge of your

to any of the character and fitness questions, you

abilities and qualifications to study law. The

may want to check with the Board of Bar Admissions

Admissions Committee places the most weight on

or Supreme Court in the state where you intend

letters from professors who have taught you and

to practice, to make sure that you will not be

are familiar with your academic strengths, but

precluded from admission to the bar.

will consider all recommendation letters to the

Other Materials (optional)

All applicants for admission to the College of Law must meet the following requirements.

Application and Fee Your application must be submitted electronically through the Law School Admission Council portal at

Undergraduate Degree You must have obtained a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution prior to enrollment

recently took the test more than three years before your expected enrollment.

transcript(s) should be submitted to the LSAC

The Credentials Assembly Service (CAS)

Credentials Assembly Service, even if your

The Credentials Assembly Service simplifies

transcript is from the University of Kentucky.

the admissions procedure for you and for the law

Be sure to provide transcripts from all institutions

schools. CAS is a centralized service from LSAC

from which you have received credits toward

that receives and evaluates, according to a

your undergraduate degree.

standard scale, the undergraduate transcripts of

at the UK College of Law. Initially, your

all applicants and furnishes a report to the law schools to which you apply. You should register for the LSAT and CAS at the same time at and you should do this as early as possible.

extent that the writers actually know you and can speak to your academic potential, relevant personal qualities and circumstances.

You may submit in writing any other information you believe may be relevant to the admissions decision. The Admissions Committee welcomes and carefully considers whatever you think is important enough to present.



Tuition & Financial Aid The UK College of Law provides a high quality legal education at a comparatively low cost for both resident and non-resident students. We understand that cost plays a large role when considering where to pursue your legal education. Cost can be especially important for students who strongly desire to go into public interest law. The University controls tuition and has the

Financial aid is available to UK Law students from the following programs: • Federal Perkins Loans

right to change tuition and fees at its discretion.

• Federal Direct (Stafford) Loans

Such changes are considered by the Board of

• Federal Graduate Plus Loans

Trustees late in the spring of each year. For the most current tuition figures, see

Applying for Financial Aid

• Work-Study Funds • Private Lenders

At UK Law, financial aid is administered by

For additional information and links to these programs, go to

the University of Kentucky Student Financial Aid

Office, and is designed to ensure that all students admitted to the College of Law are able to meet the basic costs of their education. Students and potential students are directed to the counselors in this central office for any questions or assistance: Student Financial Aid, 128 Funkhouser Bldg., Lexington, KY 40506-0054; 859-257-3172; If you are interested in receiving financial aid, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and file it with the appropriate federal processing center. You can apply online at To be considered for all types of aid available, you need to file the FAFSA by March 15 for the upcoming school year.






Diversity Scholarships

Because of the generous support of alumni and friends, UK Law is able to offer scholarship

Bert Combs Scholarship

The UK College of Law awards part of its

assistance each year to many students. However,

The Bert Combs Scholar receives full tuition for three years together with a stipend. A limited number of exceptional resident and nonresident candidates who apply by February 1 will be invited to interview for this prestigious scholarship.

scholarship funds on the basis of educational

due to the high caliber of its student body, the College of Law is unable to offer scholarships to all entering students who may have received scholarship assistance as undergraduates or who may receive scholarship offers from other schools.

Merit Scholarships If you are accepted for admission, you will be considered automatically for merit scholarships. In making merit awards, the Scholarships and Honors Committee will consider your academic honors, undergraduate record and LSAT score(s), along with any additional information you choose to submit. Merit scholarships are awarded for all three years. In many cases, more funds will be awarded for the first year of law school, when students are not permitted to work.

Ashland Inc. Legal Scholarship The Ashland Scholarship was endowed by gifts from UK Law alumni with matching funds from Ashland Inc. The scholarship currently is in the amount $20,000 per year for all three years of law school. To be a candidate for the Ashland Scholarship, you must have an exceptional academic record and demonstrate that you will need to borrow funds to attend law school. One Ashland Scholar is selected each year from among Kentucky residents applying for the entering class.

University Fellowships The University of Kentucky sponsors fellowships for UK undergraduates who go on to UK Law. An application and three letters of recommendation are required and the application process is managed by UK’s Graduate School. For more information, go to fellowship/fellopps.html#wethington.

Other Merit Scholarships The College of Law awards numerous other merit scholarships from over 60 scholarship endowments. You will have the best chance of receiving a merit scholarship award if you apply by February 1 and your file is complete by March 1. No separate application is required for any of these awards, but you may choose to provide additional information for the scholarship decision.

disadvantage, low-income status, minority status and other contributions to diversity. These awards are available to both Kentucky residents and non-resident students. In making diversity awards, the Scholarships and Honors Committee will consider the information you have included in your admission application.

SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES January –the month that UK Law starts mailing scholarship award letters. February 1 – date by which you should apply to receive priority scholarship consideration. March 1 – date by which your application file should be completed for priority scholarship consideration. March 15 – final application deadline for admissions consideration April 1 – merit and diversity scholarships are given out on a rolling basis and most available funds are awarded by this date.




Would you like to learn more about UK Law?

of receiving your J.D. from the University of Kentucky College of Law, visit our Web site at

• During the fall and spring semesters students from the College of Law Recruitment Committee are available to give you a tour of the law school and escort you to visit a first-year class. To schedule a tour and class visit go to • Each fall, UK Law hosts information sessions for anyone thinking about law school or planning to apply for admission the following year. To register for an information session, go to • Also in the fall, UK Law representatives are available to answer your questions at numerous state and national recruiting events. To meet a UK Law representative, see


For additional information about the advantages If you have further questions, please feel free to contact: Drusilla Bakert Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs 620 S. Limestone Lexington, KY 40506-0048 859-257-6770


The information contained in this overview is subject to change without notice. It is intended to serve as a general source of information about the College of Law for prospective students. It is in no way intended to state contractual terms. The College of Law reserves the right to modify at any time its policies, rules, and procedures with respect to admissions, academic regulations, continuance in school, graduation requirements, or fees. The courses and the teaching personnel described in this overview are subject to change at any time by the College of Law. Produced by University of Kentucky College of Law Design: The Williams McBride Group Photography: Lee P. Thomas Photography Tim Collins (p.3) Stuart Scales (left) Printing: Wendling Printing Company

Accreditation The University of Kentucky is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. The University of Kentucky College of Law is a member of the Association of American Law Schools, and is approved by the American Bar Association.

Statement of Non-discrimination The University of Kentucky is committed to a policy of providing educational opportunities to all academically qualified students regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability.

Confidentiality of Student Records In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (the Buckley Amendment), University of Kentucky students have the right to review, inspect and challenge the accuracy of information kept in a cumulative file by the institution unless the student waives this right in writing. The Act provides that records cannot be released in other than emergency situations without the written consent of the student except in certain situations. Questions concerning this law and the University policy concerning release of academic information may be directed to the University Registrar’s Office at 859-257-8729. Š The University of Kentucky All rights reserved.



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