May 2024
The Maker Space is a cutting-edge campus facility, that provides unique access to digital fabrication and additive manufacturing tools. It houses a robust workshop with industrial-grade machinery akin to those on factory floors, facilitating testing and prototyping concepts. Supported by Morson Group, we proactively address STEM shortages by motivating students, staff, and researchers to cultivate practical digital fabrication skills, fostering innovation and production while encouraging future STEM careers.
Go Beyond Mentoring Programme Wraps Up for 2024
What a year to celebrate our achievements and growth in support of our female STEM cohort through Go Beyond. Now in its 4th year, Go Beyond included sessions for networking, coaching skills, and 1-2-1 mentoring with industry and Alumni partners. Six students completed the mentoring program, all valuing the advice and knowledge from women in their sector as they step into their first graduate jobs.
“Mymentorhelpedmetounderstand whatemployerswantandwhatmyskillset issoIcanstandoutatinterview.”
“Mymentoreasedmyworriesabout applyingforjobs.Shewasapproachable andhelpfulandhadalreadybeeninmy shoes.Ireallyenjoyedmymentoring experience!”
/ Celebrating Women in STEM - part of the Go Beyond Programme. Whataday!
On 6th March, during International Women’s Week, the Maker Space hosted its first Go Beyond Women in STEM Celebration Event, successfully bringing together female students from all levels of study across SEE.
Professor Simone Buitendijk, Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor, opened with a powerful address on belonging as a female leader. Dr Shini Somara's keynote speech emphasised nurturing differences as superpowers These themes were explored further by industry and academic panels featuring SEE staff, PhD students, and industry partners from Morson Group, Techwuman, and United Utilities, chaired by chartered engineer Claire Marie Boggiano.
The Go Beyond marketplace offered a lively networking space where students could learn about and talk to the university support services, chat with industry partners, and get LinkedIn headshots.

This celebration event was a huge success, which has now attracted interest from other universities and from the North West Women in STEM group to take part for next year. The student was very positive showcasing the importance of such events. We're now already planning our next celebration event for 2025.

"IwantedtoexpressmyheartfeltgratitudefororganisingtheGoBeyondWomen inSTEMCelebration!Thesessionwasincrediblyenlighteningandengaging,andI trulyappreciatetheeffortyoumakeandexecutesuchawonderfulevent.”
"Theopportunitytolearnfrom speakers anddelveintothefascinatingworld ofwomeninSTEMwasbothinspiringandintellectuallystimulating.The insightssharedhavefurtherignitedmypassionformysubject(Physics) andIamgratefulforthevaluableknowledgegained.”

May 2024
Meet one of our student instructor, Libby Odai, who is a 2nd year Prosthetics and Orthotics student. She recently led her own Maker workshop in 3D design, printing and laser cutting for visiting Ugandan and Tanzanian colleagues
Libby recently gained employment with the 'Knowledge for Change' charity, who work closely with the School of Health and Society. They aim to improve the standard of healthcare and education provision for the poorest members of society through the transfer of knowledge between professionals and students working in the health and education systems in order to improve their skills and capacity.

/ Supporting Students to Get Skilled Up! Paid Work for Student Instructors.
Our Student Instructor Programme offers opportunities for instructors to work on paid projects and work on commercial projects, ensuring they gain professional experience, new skills and are paid, too We've supported four paid student projects so far, these include the design and make of the Ordsall Park Tree trail and CAD support and prototyping projects.

The Student Instructor Programme brings together a student group experienced in the tools used in the Maker Space to work as an extension of our team to help instruct, keep the space open for two evening sessions a week and support other students in a peer-2-peer environment. This programme also gives them access to specialist training, bespoke sessions, and priority on live briefs and paid work.
/ New Maker Space Technology. Come and explore our new kit!
We have a new EinScan Freescan UE Pro 3D scanner, which has already generated a lot of interest. We are running regular sessions to teach its use. Students from engineering, fashion, prosthetics, orthotics, acoustics, and fine art are already applying this technology. We've also added a new pressure former for detailed moulds, two resin 3D printers for high-resolution printing, and a Bambu Lab X1 Carbon printer for multi-colour printing.

STAFF-ONLY Maker Sessions. Book your place!
Join us for a 2-hour session to explore the 3D laser scanner, pressure former, and multi-material 3D printer. We'll guide you through the process of using the machines and show examples of their applications for research, teaching, or personal projects. Please emailmakerspace@salford.ac.uk with your availability, and we'll arrange a staff-only summer maker session.