Mr. Don Anderson*
Ms. N. Anderson* ‘68
Mrs. Joyce (Maryanowich) Anglemire* ‘62
Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation
Associated Colleges
AT & T
Mrs. Jo Ann (McDonald) Barber ‘52
Barnes & Noble at St. Francis
Dr. Noel Bass
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bellah ‘82 (Patricia Banks ‘83)
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Benoit (Margaret Kennedy ‘69)
Mr. and Mrs.* Jay Bergman
Ms. Ellen Bland* ‘05, ‘09
Mrs. Sharon Blessent*
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Block ‘79
BMO Harris Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Brennan ‘81
Mr.* and Mrs.* LaVerne S. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Buchanan ‘89 (Karen M. Hammond ‘89)
Ms. Helen Burst*
Carolyn L. and Bart T. Murphy Foundation
Mr. Robert Carr
Caterpillar, Inc.
Mr. Richard Chavez
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Codo (Charlotte ‘74)
Anonymous Commonwealth Edison
Council of Independent Colleges
County of Will
Crane Composites/Crane Fund for Widows and Children
Mrs. Joan (Ryan) Danielson* ‘46
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence D’Arcy
D’Arcy Motors
Department of Health and Human Services
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dollinger
Eisenbrandt Family Foundation
Federal Express Corp.
Fifth Third Bank
First Midwest Bank
Fore-Christ, Inc.
Franciscan Learning Center
Give Something Back Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Carol Gosselin
Grant’s Appliances Electronics and More
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril W. Habiger (Diane Felbinger ‘77)
Harrah’s Joliet Casino Hotel
Health Resources & Service Administration
Henry Bros. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Holdman ‘01
Hollywood Casino
Mr. Wayne Huffman*
Illinois Board of Higher Education
Dr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson
Mr. W. Starr Johnston*
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Klasing (Barbara Franey ‘64)
Kresge Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Laken (Elizabeth Briick ‘84)
Mr. Dave Laketa ‘90
Mr.* and Mrs.* John Leach (Cecily Leach)
Leach Nursing Scholarship Trust
Mrs. Marcita Ley*
Lilly Endowment, Inc
Ms. Rosemary Lux* ‘52
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Mallof
Mr. and Mrs.* John T. Manner
Mr. William Manner ‘96
McCormick Trust
Estate of Harold and Margaret (Donovan) Moser* ‘36
Mrs. Carolyn (Tomecek) Murphy ‘65
Miss Loretta (Meyer) Murphy* ‘34
National Science Foundation
Northern Illinois Steel Supply Company
Mrs. Shirley Oberwortmann*
Mr. William Obrochta*
Office Justice Programs
Robert and Patricia Wheeler Family Foundation
Robert W. Plaster Foundation
Mrs. Evelyn Rowland*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ruth ‘82
Mr* and Mrs. James P. Sczepaniak (Frances Tures Naal ‘58)
Mr. James Sefcik Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Sickley M.D.* (Margaret C. Schmitt* ‘48)
Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate
Mrs. Vera Smith*
Mrs. Jane (Engleton) Snyder* ‘35
Dr. M. Therese Southgate M.D.* ‘48
State Of Illinois
TelecomPioneers-Illinois Chapter 1
The Retirement Research Foundation
Ms. Cecilia A. Trizna-Vargo ‘59
Mr. Frank Turk Sr.*
U.S. Small Business Administration
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vana
Virginia J. Saxon Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Brent H. Wadsworth
Wadsworth Golf Construction Company
Mrs. Frances B. (Bergold) Waranius’53*
Mrs. Eileen C. Webb*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler (Patricia S. Sexton ‘67)
Wintrust Commercial Banking
Mr. Leon Wirt
Mr. Robert Wysocki
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Benoit (Margaret Kennedy ‘69)
Ms. Ellen Bland* ‘05, ‘09
Mr.* and Mrs.* LaVerne S. Brown
Health Resources & Service Administration
Ms. Rosemary Lux* ‘52
National Science Foundation
State Of Illinois
U.S. Small Business Administration
Virginia J. Saxon Scholarship Fund
USF Society
Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation
Dr. Barbara Greenham-Conway ‘53, ‘74
Leach Nursing Scholarship Trust
Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate
USF Society
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence D’Arcy D’Arcy Motors
Eisenbrandt Family Foundation
FloSports, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril W. Habiger (Diane Felbinger ‘77)
Dr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Klasing (Barbara Franey ‘64)
Mr. Eugene Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vana
Wintrust Commercial Banking
USF Society
Mrs. Helen (Hogan) Anderson ‘61
Associated Colleges of Illinois
Mr. Michael Bily (Christy L. Ford ‘19)
Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll
City of Joliet Police Department
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Codo (Charlotte ‘74)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. DeMint (Judith Pavell ‘60)
Dream.US International Scholarships
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erickson
Mr.* and Mrs. Harold P. Graham (Patricia A. Liker ‘64)
Mr. Jack Hermanski (Bethenia Salinas ‘80)
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Holdman ‘01
Mr. William Johnson
Mrs. April Kubinski ‘08, ‘13
Mr. Dave Laketa ‘90
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Mallof
Mr. Ryan Marks
Dr. Justin Ponquinette Prep Network
Mr. and Mrs. John Przybyla ‘92
Dr. Phyllis M. Wilson
Mrs. Lee Ann (Heidenbluth) Wozniak ‘45
USF Society
Mr. Anthony Arellano
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bartolini (Rachael A. Marks ‘00, ‘05)
Association of Catholic Colleges
Ms. Ashley Cady ‘16
Mr. Richard Chavez
Chicago Trading Company
Mr. Scott Crowther SR First Secure Community Bank
Franciscan Friars of the State of Missouri
Dr. Julee and Mr. Michael Gard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hansen (Beth Shankland ‘73)
Mr. Jon Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hernandez Interstate Batteries of Southwest Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Kenny ‘81
Ms. Jane Leach Winger
Mr. Vincent K. McGirr
Mickey’s Tire & Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mravle ‘97
Ms. Frances Tures Naal ‘58
Quest Food Management Services
Mr. Matthew A. Ramuta (Joan Nahas* ‘56)
Mr.* and Mrs. James P. Sczepaniak (Frances Tures Naal ‘58)
Mr. James Sefcik Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Selzer Sentinus, LLC
Mr. Brian Sharp ‘97, ‘01 and Ms. Gina Sharp
Ms. Kathleen P. Sullivan ‘95
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Vogen ‘93 (Tracey L. Carmack ‘92)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler (Patricia S. Sexton ‘67)
Adler Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.
Mrs. Sharon (Coonan) Asher ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Bain, Jr. ‘02
(Jeana M. Coats ‘03)
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bellah ‘82
(Patricia Banks ‘83)
Sr. Jeanne Bessette O.S.F., Ed.D. ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Beutel
(Denise Clemens ‘85, ‘96)
Ms. Mary Kay (Softcheck) Blake ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Block ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Brennan ‘81
Mrs. Holly (Ogle) Brennan ‘90
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bryant ‘83
Mr. William Burich
Busey Bank
Dr. Patricia (Forsythe) Campbell ‘70
Mr. Alejandro Campos ‘15, ‘21
(Maria F. Quevedo ‘17)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Cannata
(Julie A. Schmidt ‘68)
Dr. Tanisha Cannon ‘16
Mr. George Capps
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carlson
Cathedral Area Preservation Association
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chandler (Meghan M. Chandler ‘05)
Mrs. Tracy Chapman ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Connor (Josephine Giacchino ‘56)
Mr. Tory Cosich
Dr. and Mrs. Terrance L. Cottrell ‘99, ‘03 (Michelle ‘09, ‘10, ‘20)
Council of Independent Colleges
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Cox (Mary Lagger ‘73)
Mr. Richard Cronholm
Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Debra Crowther
Crowther Roofing and Sheet Metal
Mr. and Mrs. James D’Amico
Mr. Kyle DePasquale
Mrs. Jane (McKean) Drabik ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Peery A. Duderstadt (Mary Ann Bonkowski ‘68)
Duke’s Landscaping Services, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Edwards ‘78, ‘88
Dr. Iman Ellis Bowen ‘20
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fedo ‘80 (Georgene Policandriotes ‘74, ‘80, ‘85)
Franciscan Foundation
Mrs. Marilyn Gilroy ‘62
Gould Brothers, LLC
Mr. Charles Grace
Mr. Terrence Gruber
Mr. and Mrs. Max Hershbarger (Elaine T. Kick ‘67)
Mr. Frank Huette ‘93
Mr. Thomas Ioanes
Ms. Annette Jelinek
Jewell Events Catering
Johansen & Anderson, Inc.
Ms. Amanda Johnson ‘98
Mr. Phil Johnson
Joliet Catholic Academy
Mr.* and Mrs. Charles F. Juster (Mary Lou Lechowich ‘66)
Mr. Michael Kalata ‘87
Mrs. Roberta (Wlodarski) Kehret ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. John Kella (Patricia Sowa ‘73)
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kender (Carol A. Vischak ‘67)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome G. Kenney (Dolores Torres ‘56)
Mrs. Marilynn (Jilek) Klotz ‘68
Kozol Bros, Inc.
KSKJ Life, American Slovenian Catholic Union Kuhn, Heap & Monson
Mrs. Ruth (Heimann) Lager ‘55
Mr. Stanley Laken (Elizabeth A. Briick* ‘84)
Dr. and Mrs. Michael V. LaRocco* (Kathleen ‘81, ‘96*)
Mr. and Mrs. George Lehman (Carol (Pubentz) Sterr-Lehman ‘56)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leone Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Leracz (Bernice Borek ‘62)
Dr. Carol A. Lindee
Mr. William Linz III ‘09
Ms. Catherine Lomasney
Dr. JoAnn Lopykinski ‘89
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manley (Marianne E. Busse ‘57)
Mr. and Mrs.* John T. Manner
Mr. William Manner
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Marsh (Suzanne M. Slifka ‘02)
Mr. and Mrs. Karl and Gayle Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McCafferty (Carol Ann Ardaugh ‘65)
Mrs. Kathleen (Baye) McCrohan ‘71
MynameisEmilyEagan,andIwillbeaseniorfortheacademicyearof2024-2025within theUniversityofSt.FrancisSocialWorkprogram.AfterIgraduateinspring,Iplanon pursuingthemaster’sprogramtoobtainmyMSWandgainbetterknowledgeandskillsfor the communities I serve.
Firstly,andmostimportantly,thankyouforthededicationandtrustyouholdfor thenextgenerationofcollegestudents.Ihavebeenextremelyblessedtobeselectedto receiveyourscholarship.Truthfully,Ihaveonlybeenabletopursuemyeducationthanksto scholarshipsandthefaithofindividualssuchasyourself.
Myfather’spassinginMarchchangedmyworld.Histimeinhospiceandhis passingcreatedahugeimpactonmyfamilybothmentallyandfinancially,asIspentmy weekendsathomehelpingtakecareofhimforsixmonths.Now,Iamhelpingmymother settlethingsandhelptakecareofthehouse,ourdogBella,andI’mevenhelpingtotake careofher.Mymotherhasalwaysbeenmybiggestsupporter,andIamgoingfurtherinto mystudiesandbeyond.
Thankstoyoursupport,Ihavebeenabletothriveincollege.Ineverwastoosocial inhighschool,orbefore,andIwasbarelyinvolved.Collegehasbeensomuchdifferentfor me.IhavebeenwithUniversityMinistryasaPeerMinistersincemysophomoreyear,being availableforresidentsandcommutersiftheyeverneedsupport.IservedaspartofStudent Government’sExecutiveBoardlastyearandthisnextyearastheVPofSustainability.I’m abletotrulyinvestmyselfinthecollegeexperienceandtheUSFcommunitythankstothe amazingsupportofsomanykindindividualssuchasyourself.Ihopetorepaythekindnessandfaithyouputinmesomeday—hopefullywithmy futureclients.AsocialworkerhelpedmefinishhighschoolwhenIwasatoneofmylowest points.Throughstruggleswithmentalhealthandfinancialburdens,Iwasatonepoint makingweeklyvisitstothesocialworkeratmyschoolduringmystudyperiod.Hiskindness andsupportofmegavemethestrengthandcouragetofinishmyhighschoolcareerand evenapplytocollege.Iplantodomybesttodopaythiskindnesstoclientsandempower themthesamewayIwasempowered.Everyoneneedssupportandhelpatsomepointin theirlives,andIhopetobeabletobeabletoprovidethatsupport. Thankyouforthetrustyouputinthenewgeneration.
With Gratitude, EmilyEagan EmilyEagan
Please enjoy this scholarship recipient's statement of gratitude, sharing the impact scholarship has had on their education at
Mr. John Meyer
Mr. Richard Miles
Mrs. Sandra (Novak) Montrose Olivier ‘61
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Morrissette ‘83, ‘86 (Maureen Briscoe ‘84, ‘96)
Mr. Patrick Mudron
Mrs. Marianne (Herringer) Murphy ‘62
NECA-IBEW Local 176
Mr. David Nelson
Nexus Towing
Mr. Nick Oeser
Dr. Kent Oots Ph.D. ‘78
Mr. George Panagopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Peifer (Margaret Connor ‘61) Piazza & Mannerino Masonry
Price Waterhouse LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Qualio (Stephanie ‘05)
Mr.* and Mrs. Marvin F. Rakers (Anita Heimann ‘63)
Mr. John Ramuta
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Randich ‘79 (Ann Reedy ‘80)
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Randich, Sr. ‘76
Rendel’s, Inc.
Mr. Philip Rizzo ‘13
Rockdale Automotive
Ms. Candice P. (Polovina) Rosen ‘88
Mrs. Mary Kay (Walter) Rowe ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Ruiz ‘07, ‘09 (Jennifer Horn ‘10, ‘13)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ruth ‘82
Saint Joseph Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schager (Jodi C. Zier ‘96, ‘02)
Mrs. Colette Schrank ‘10
Mr. Anthony Schubert
Mr. William Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Scott (Diane M. Kiefner ‘80)
Mr. Kevin Shaw
Mrs. Judith (Paul) Sigler ‘69
Mr. Brian Smith
Mr. Mark Snodgrass ‘97, ‘00
Ms. Barbara Speiser ‘60
Mrs. Loretta (Wiesbrook) Spesia ‘65
St. Anthony Foundation
Mr.* and Mrs. George Lehman (Carol (Pubentz) Sterr-Lehman ‘56)
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Stowe Ph.D.
Dr. Daniel Streitz DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sullivan (Margaret Bacon ‘96)
Mrs. Ann Sullivan
Ms. Mary Sue Swarthout
Mrs. Chieh Tan ‘00
Mr. Bradley Taylor ‘02
The Flooring Guys
Tim Wallace Landscape Supply Company, Inc.
Mr. Charles Topinka
Turk Furniture
Ms. Deedee Van Dyke
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Vidmar (Wilhelmine McCarley ‘68)
Dr. Michael J. Vinciguerra
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Vogrin (Shelby J. Brown ‘60)
Dr. and Mrs. Gary F. Voyce (Beverly ‘87)
Mr. Timothy Wallace ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Washburn (Jeanne ‘99, ‘01, ‘17)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Weis ‘90 (Donna Guderyahn ‘91)
Mr. Edward West
Mr. Jason Whiteside ‘00
Mr. Lawrence Wiers
Dr. Yeijin Yeom
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Zordan
Mr. Michael Abegg
Absolute Supply Inc
Ms. Jodine Adelman
Ms. Georgene Agnich ‘76
Ms. Linda Aguilar
Ms. Bernadette Aguilar
Mrs. Janice Aimaro ‘78
Air For You Heating and Air Inc.
Mrs. Claudia Albertsen ‘88
Mr. Fadil Alispahic ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Allen (Patricia Judnich ‘64)
Mrs. Dianne (Rastello) Allen ‘66
Mr. Preston Allen ‘98
Allied Universal Technology Services
Mrs. Emily Alling ‘15
Mrs. Arianna Alonzo ‘19
AOGF American Online Giving Foundation
Ms. Mary (Bentley) Anderson ‘02, ‘04
Mr. John Anderson
Mr. Frank Andreano
Andreano Law PC
Ms. Daphne Andres
Mr. Jeffrey Archambeault ‘04
Mrs. Marietta (Meier) Artz ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Babcock ‘93
Mr. Brian Badke ‘96
Mr. Richard Bajarunas
Mrs. Dollie (Badovinich) Bajusz ‘54
Ms. Antionette Baldin
Mrs. Michelle (Collofello) Bannon ‘92, ‘09
Ms. Clarissa Barkley ‘20
Mr. Grayson Barnette ‘18
Mrs. Jennifer Barraza
Mrs. Nancy Bartels ‘12
Ms. Ruthann Baskerville ‘63
Bass/Schuler Entertainment
Mrs. Dorothy (Pulo) Batka ‘58
Ms. Jill Batusich
Mr. Kenneth Bazarnik ‘78
BDA Dance
Mrs. Cheryl Bechard
Mrs. Elizabeth Bedolla ‘09, ‘13
Mr. Timothy Behland
Ms. Barbara Bell ‘92
Mrs. Lois (Oelhafen) Bence ‘78
Mrs. JoAnne Benedick
Ms. Gertrude Benish ‘80
Andreya Bennett
Bennett Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Mr. Thomas Benton
Mrs. June Benton ‘82
Mr. and Mrs.* Jay Bergman
Berman Capital Management & Research
Mr. Gregory Bernas
Ms. Amy Bersano
Dr. Lynn (Bertino) Bertino Neville ‘73
Beta Beta Beta
Mrs. Dolores Biagi-Ellison ‘80
Ms. Jan Bierer ‘07
Mr. and Mrs. Brett J. Binkowski ‘94 (Shawna Batus ‘94)
Mrs. Mary Jo Biondi
Mr. Brett Biondi
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Bisek ‘10 (Michelle Gearhart ‘10)
Bishop Hill Winery
Ms. Elizabeth (Bill) Bispo ‘76
Mr. George Black
Blackburn-Giegerich-Sonntag Funeral Home, Ltd.
Mr. Kirk Blakney ‘96
Mr. Michael Blaszczyk ‘14
Mr. Joseph Blumhardt
Ms. Linda Boasmond
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Boetto (Melanie Madarik ‘00)
Mr. and Mrs. James Bogacz ‘94 (Renee L. Hanik ‘89, ‘01)
Mrs. Arlene Bokowy
Mr. James Bolanowski
Mrs. Marsha Bolda
Mr. Paul Boley (Paula Sosnoski ‘73)
Mrs. Mary (Alexy) Bonadio ‘96
Mr. Henry Boraks ‘05
Ms. Diana Borri ‘72
Dr. Diane (Chwierut) Borucki ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bozen, Jr. ‘97 (Victoria ‘96)
Ms. Patricia L. Bracken ‘73, ‘86, ‘94
Mr. Matthew Brady
Mrs. Mary Ann (Kull) Brecht ‘71
Mrs. Marlene (Stepaniak) Bremmer ‘59
Mr. Gene Briscoe
Ms. Chellie Britt
Mrs. Joan (Wallace) Brosnahan ‘69
Dr. Shannon Brown
Brown & Brown of Illinois
Mrs. Deborah (Surinak) Brozman ‘74
Ms. Tracy Bruinsma
Mrs. Sheila Brune ‘86, ‘09
Mr. James Brunner
Sr. Susan Bruno O.S.F. ‘79
Mrs. Lillian (Doleshek) Buckley ‘72
Mrs. Susan Buckley ‘85
Mr. Michael Budimir ‘97, ‘10
Mrs. Darlene (Grybash) Bull ‘78
Ms. Sydney Burden
Ms. Mary Jo Burns ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burt (Marie A. Goeller ‘70)
Mrs. Beverly Butkus
Ms. Jeanne Buzinski ‘78
Mrs. Donna Cairone ‘03
Mrs. Mary Campobasso
Mr Virgil Cannon Jr.
Mrs. Nancy (Gimpel) Cap ‘70
Mr. Daniel Capobianco ‘21, ‘23
Mr. and Mrs. Cesar and Rosie Cardenas
Mr. Jorge Carmona ‘16
Ms. Janet Carr ‘68
Mrs. Gina (Rigoni) Carrier ‘02, ‘98
Mrs. Mary Jo (Talarico) Carroll ‘77
Ms. Katherine Casserilla
Caterpillar Foundation
Ms. Carol (Janke) Cenar ‘60
Center for Success for High Need Schools
Mr. Mark Cepon ‘02
Mr. Britto Chacko
Mr. John Chappetto ‘92
Dr. Kathleen Cheshareck Ed.D. ‘15
Mrs. Mary Ellen Chesser ‘98
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Chovanec ‘93, ‘12 (Marissa Franzen ‘95)
Mrs. Janis Christensen
Mrs. Charlotte (Eckland) Christiana ‘54
Ciarlette & Robbins LLP
Mrs. Danielle (Martin) Ciechanski ‘08
Ms. Renee Cipriani
Mrs. Cathryn Cline-Casillas ‘99
Mrs. Theresa Coburn ‘99
Mr. Terry Coley
Ms. Maryann Colletti
Colley Elevator
Mrs. Kay Collins Sebastian ‘70
Mr. Daniel Colonnelli
Ms. Jessica Conte ‘13, ‘20
Mrs. Sharon (Liptak) Corell ‘71
Ms. Marian Corley
Ms. Frances (Trainor) Corrigan ‘51
Ms. Sheila Corrigan ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Cottrell
Mrs. Melissa (Racine) Cox ‘15
Ms. Anne Crawford
Mrs. Sally Cronholm ‘04
Mr. Frank Cservenyak
Mrs. Patricia Culloton ‘91
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Curran (Mary A. Todd ‘67)
Mrs. Denise (Greif) Curran ‘69
Mr. Joseph Curry ‘01
Mr. Thomas Curry
Ms. Karen Curtin ‘82
D & B Distributing
D Construction, Inc.
Ms. Love Dactilidis ‘98, ‘04
Dahme Mechanical Industries, Inc
Mrs. Donna (Dunn) Daly ‘62
Mr. James Darguzis
Mr. Shawn C. Davis ‘91
Mr. Eric Davis Sr.
Mr. Kenneth Davis
Mrs. Julie Davis ‘03
Ms. Denise (Martincich) Davis ‘82
Mr. Rob Dawson
Ms. Kristin DeBoer
Mrs. Carol Ann (Archibald) Deck ‘55
Fr. Terry Deffenbaugh, O.S.A.
Mrs. Jessica Degelow
Ms. Selene Del Toro
Lasker Dela Cruz
Mr. Christopher Delaney ‘94
Ms. Margaret DeLany ‘68
Mr. Jerred Delgado
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and Judith DeMario
Mrs. Suzanne Dennehy ‘07
Ms. Lora Dequilla
Mr. Richard Dernulc
Mr. and Mrs. Mark DeRosa ‘06 (Melissa N. Matthews ‘06, ‘11)
Mr. Darren Desmarais ‘17 (Jacelyn B. Desmarais ‘17)
Ms. Colleen Devries
Mrs. Patricia Devron ‘99
Mrs. Sharon (Kaplan) Dewart ‘78
Mr. David DiLorenzo ‘21, ‘22
Mrs. Theresa Dollinger Waldron
Mrs. Maureen (Paul) Dombrowski ‘72
Ms. Lisa Dooley
Mr. Paul Downey
Mrs. Jill Duke
Mrs. Mary (Sheahan) Dunne ‘70
Mrs. Kathleen Dutton ‘94
Mrs. Donna Eakle ‘09, ‘13
Edward F. Larkin Family Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Donna (Delohery) Egan ‘70
Mr. Russell Egan ‘21, ‘23
Mrs. Mary Ann (Gosack) Egizio ‘66
Mrs. Mary Ann (Vince) Egizio ‘64
Dr. Jean E. Eisel ‘68
Mrs. Janet J. Eisenberg ‘98
Mr. Curtis Ellergodt ‘12
Mr. Steven Ellis
Mr. Kenneth Engstrom
Mr. Andres Enriquez ‘22
Mr. Joseph Eppling ‘92
Mr. Donald Erickson ‘08
Mr. George Escobarete ‘96
Ms. Jennifer Ethridge ‘89, ‘09
Ms. Bonnie Ewald
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fehrenbacher ‘83 (Judith Casagrande ‘72)
Mrs. Roseann (Sirotek) Feldmann ‘73
Mr. Michael Feminis ‘90
Mrs. Janet Fennewald ‘97
FFG Restoration
Mr. Michael Figiel
Mrs. Kathleen (Gerard) Filut ‘93
Ms. Arlene Finkle ‘09
Mrs. Barbara (Mikyska) Fiore ‘62
Mr. Rick Fishbeck
Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald ‘78
Mrs. Kristin Fletcher ‘08
Mr. James Flotte
Mr. Lucien Flotte
Mrs. Lygia (Dominik) Ford ‘75
Mr. Joseph Formhals ‘86
Mrs. Susanne Foster ‘83 ‘88
Ms. Theresa Fox ‘19
Franciscan Sisters of Chicago
Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart
Ms. Jane (Wilczek) Frank ‘91
Mr. John Frank
Ms. Sr. Sharon Frederick ‘99
Ms. Kathleen (Kremer) Fredrick ‘69
Mr. Christian Freedlund
Mr. William Freeman
Mrs. Victoria Freier ‘97, ‘10, ‘17
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fremeau (Joyce Goron ‘70)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Fries
(Joanne G. Gaertner ‘69)
Mrs. Jan (Johnson) Fulton ‘63
Mr. Robert Funk
Ms. Julie Futterer ‘93, ‘18
Ms. Suzanne Galdun
Mrs. April Galimba
Ms. Sheryl Gallaher
Mr. Arthur Galli Jr. ‘80
Ms. Charlotte Galuska ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gambs
Mr. Roland Garbs
(Beverly A. Kurpaitis* ‘64)
Ms. Karen Garifo
Ms. Suzanne Garvey-Dieter ‘19
Mr. Michael Gavic
Ms. Hana Gawelczyk ‘19
Mrs. Patricia Gedeller ‘95
Mrs. Susan (Stratz) Gehrke ‘88
Mr Ramon Gerona Jr.
Mrs. Nicole Gerrick ‘01
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gersman (Jennifer M. Gersman ‘03, ‘14)
Mrs. Kathleen (Cooper) Gerz ‘97, ‘74
Ms. Kathryn Giegerich
Mrs. Frances (Hawkinson) Gilles ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gimbel ‘81
(Cheryl Szymczak ‘78)
Gipple Graphics
Mrs. Mary (Devereux) Gisch ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Glenn
(Dr. Deborah M. Glenn ‘17)
Mrs. Jodie Goebel
Mr. Daniel Golaszewski ‘90
Dr. Abigail Gomulkiewicz
Mr. Robert Gomulkiewicz
Mr. Ronald Gonzalez Jr.
Mrs. Estefani Gonzalez ‘17, ‘21, ‘23
Ms. Marsha Gooch ‘05
Dr. Arnold Good
Mr. Joshua Gorzney ‘13
Mr. Anastasios Goulos
Mrs. Mary (O’Donnell) Grabowski ‘73
Mrs. Jayne Graham
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Greenan ‘01, ‘04, ‘18 (Rachael Devereaux ‘06)
Mr. Paul Greenawalt
Mr. Kevin Greene
Mrs. Penny (Hickey) Greene ‘65
Mr. Scott Gregory
Ms. June Grivetti Ed.D.
Ms. Florence Grogan ‘00
Mr. Jesse Groover ‘15
Mrs. Eileen (Gourley) Grove ‘57
Ms. Michelle Groves
Mr. Peter Gubricky
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gudac ‘88 (Michelle M. Siefert ‘86)
Ms. Maria Gulas ‘86, ‘96
Mr. Jack Guldenbecker ‘22, ‘23
Mr. Kenneth Guldenbecker ‘22
Mrs. Helen (Danner) Gumble ‘65
Mr. Luke Gundersen ‘13 (Lindsay Gisselman ‘15)
Ms. Brittany Gundlach
Ms. Karla Guseman ‘01
Ms. Lilliana Gutierrez
The Honorable and Mrs. Herman S. Haase (Shelly J. Haase ‘03)
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hackett
Ms. Erin Hackett
Mr. Michael Hackiewicz ‘10
Dr. Panayiotis Hadjimitsos ‘18
Mr. John Hale ‘02
Mrs. Suzanne (Bieschke) Hall ‘71
Mrs. Madonna (Hakey) Hamilton ‘92
Mrs. Christine Hammerlund ‘96
Mrs. Kathleen Harley ‘89
Mr. Eric Harness ‘01
Mrs. Mary Harper
Mr. Michael Harris
Mrs. Mary Jean (Lafond) Hartlep ‘49
Dr. Bruce Hartman
Mrs. Mary Anne (Wilhelmi) Hartnett ‘73
Mrs. Kim (Meyer) Haukap ‘82
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Hauser (Lori Hauser ‘09)
Mrs. Trinity Haynes ‘98
Mrs. Laureen (Horvat) Heilstedt ‘83, ‘11
Mr. Eric Heim ‘06
Ms. Breanna Heimberger ‘22, ‘23
Mr. David Heimerdinger
Mrs. Sylvia (Heimann) Henken ‘55
Mrs. Colette (Moudry) Henley ‘68
Mrs. Carol (Vitkus) Hennessey ‘77
Mrs. Jillian Herbert ‘08
Ms. Laura Hernandez
Mrs. Georgiana (Craven) Herr ‘48
Thomas Herrmann
Dr. and Mrs. Lyle L. Hicks (Nancy ‘79, ‘91, ‘99)
Mr. Donald Hildebrand ‘83
Ms. Melissa Hill
Mr. Kurt Hipke
Mr. James Hoff Jr. ‘97
Mrs. Cheryl Hoffman ‘99
Dr. Patricia (Gierich) Hofmeister Ph.D. ‘69
Ms. Aindrea Hogan
Mr. Hudson Hollister ‘02
Mrs. Sarah Holloway ‘09
Mrs. Margaret (Brown) Honiotes ‘83
Mr. Robert Hoole ‘08
Mr. Mark Hoppe
Dr. Betty J. (Beggs) Horton ‘78
Mr. Joseph Host (Chantal Peel ‘97)
Mr. Trevor Howard ‘14
Ms. Michelle Hoyt
Mrs. Margaret Huck
Mrs. Gladys (Wright) Hughes ‘67
Mr. Thomas Humenik ‘11
Mrs. Patricia (Reavley) Hunnewell ‘69
Mrs. Maureen Hunt ‘02
Mrs. Carol Huston ‘93
Ms. Katie Iacovelli
Illinois Landscape Supply, LLC
Iron Workers Local Union 444
Mr. John Irwin Jr.
Please enjoy this scholarship recipient's statement of gratitude, sharing the impact scholarship has had on their education at USF.

My name is Skylar Yazum and I wanted to sincerely express my deepest thanks for granting me the Harold and Margaret Moser Scholarship. I am a sophomore here at USF and intending to get a degree in Finance. I am involved in Saints Ambassadors where, besides tours, I train new ambassadors and plan our socials. I am also an Orientation Board Leader and mentored in our First Year Transition Program. Finally, I am a Student Success Mentor to help guide students through college and ensure they will succeed and graduate. I love USF and I am so grateful to be at this wonderful university. I enjoy being involved and I look forward to all the fun activities and opportunities that await my future. This scholarship is important to me as it eases some of the financial stress from my mind. As a first-generation and only child, I have to go through this new experience alone and have to discover my own answers. I am blessed to have a loving and supporting family, but we are not that well off—especially with costs of living increasing and retirement nearing for my parents. That being said, I guess that is why I work so many hours and try to save up as much as I can; every penny counts and helps me one step closer to my degree. Because of this scholarship, I no longer have to stress as much about the hours I work and have more opportunity to just be a part of jobs because I can, not because I need to be. In no world was I expecting to be gifted this much money, and I will forever be grateful. My freshman year of college was tough as I was working multiple jobs and studying as a full-time student. Earning a college degree has always been my biggest dream. I never knew what I wanted to do, but I always envisioned myself with a degree in hand. The reality is that it can be a little expensive. I have always been a good student so my grades have and always will remain in good standing, but expenses were always dulling my opportunities. I can live a little freer knowing I do not have to worry as much about money, but rather enjoy my time instead. I want to dedicate more time to my two on-campus jobs and to participating in clubs. Due to work, I was forced to miss a lot of campus events, but I now have the chance to focus on whichever I choose. That is a gift in itself. You have removed a financial weight from my shoulders. I will now receive my degree, and I will put it to great use.
I would just like to thank the University of St. Francis from the bottom of my heart for selecting me to receive the wonderful Harold and Margaret Moser Scholarship. I look forward to being even more involved and doing amazing things at USF and in the world in general. I will never forget this scholarship and the impact it has and will have on my life. I hope to make you proud and can promise you great things from me.
With Gratitude, Skylar Yazum
Skylar Yazum
Ms. Evera Ivy ‘23, ‘24
J. Russ and Company, Inc.
Mrs. Diane (Kozak) Jager ‘67
Mrs. Helen Janke
Fr. Michael Jennrich
Mr. Dennis Jensen
Mr. James Jeropke
Dr. Maria Jevitz Patterson ‘66
Ms. Melissa Jewell
Mrs. Barbara Jivery
Mrs. Carol Johncours ‘77
Mr. Christopher Johnson
Mrs. Lorell (White) Johnson ‘61
Ms. Loretta Johnson ‘78
Ms. Mary Johnson ‘94
Mrs. Jean Johnson ‘89
Joliet Community Baseball and Entertainment, LLC
Joliet Firefighters Local 44
Joliet Park District
Joliet Petroleum, Inc.
Joliet Tent Company
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Jones (Virginia Deiss ‘68)
Mrs. Marilyn (Plavec) Jones ‘67
Mr. Nathaniel Jones
Mr. Richard Jones ‘99
Ms. Leslie Juarez-Resendiz ‘17
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Just ‘73 (Denise Holthaus ‘72)
Mrs. Theresa (Long) Kaestner ‘72
Ms. Karin Kaiden ‘05
Mrs. Kimberly Kalafut
Mrs. Dolores (Sochacki) Kalayta ‘69
Ms. Dale Ann Kalvaitis
Mr. John Kane Jr.
Mrs. Mary Kapinus
Ms. Lori (Osmus) Kappmeyer ‘77
Kathy Miller State Farm Insurance
Mr. Christopher Kauzlaric
Mr. Michael Keane ‘87
Ms. Cheryl Keck
Mrs. Rita (Milasius) Keehn ‘64
Mrs. Leatrice (Schauer) Kelly ‘58
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nosal (Mary Jo Kelly ‘88)
Mrs. Mae Rose (Fonck) Kennedy ‘66
Mr. James Kennedy
Mrs. Mary Kepchar, RN ‘80, ‘99
Mrs. Wendy Kettering ‘03
Mrs. Amita (Oommen) Khandekar ‘83
Mrs. Michele (Sullivan) Kibble ‘79
Mr. Kevin Kickels ‘92
Mr. Matthew Kindelin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kinsella ‘02 (Christina L. Cline ‘02)
Mr. Joseph Kirkeeng
Kiwanis Club of Joliet
Ms. Joyce Klinger ‘67
Ms. Susan Klumb ‘99
Mrs. Molly Knapczyk
Mr. Ken Knezitec
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Knight ‘07, ‘18, ‘19 (Aubrey L. Durish ‘04, ‘07)
Mrs. Barbara (Krupinski) Knuth ‘63
Mr. Michael Kocinski ‘87
Dr. Ronald Kohn
Mr. Robert Kohn
Mr. Bert Kooi
Estate of Brian J. Kossett
Ms. Patricia Kovacs
Mr. Wayne Kowalkowski
Mr. Brian Kozlowski ‘96
Mr. Leonard Kozlowski
Mr. Todd Kranpitz ‘86
Ms. Katherine Kraus ‘86
Dr. Oscar Krieger
Ms. Stacy Krisch
Ms. Barbara Kristin ‘73
Mrs. Brittani (Hunter) Krueger ‘09
Ms. Colleen Krupa ‘07
Ms. Taylor Kubinski ‘21
Ms. Maria (Kump) Kump-Faren ‘67
Mrs. Kathleen Kurkamp ‘03
Mr. and Ms. Aaron Kuzava (Christina Kuzava ‘21, ‘22)
Mr. Richard Kuzmar
Mr. Ralph Kwilosz
Mrs. Adolphine (Gryzlo) Labate ‘63
Mrs. Nicolette LaFauce ‘14
Ms. Dana Lahart
Mrs. Barbara (Hills) Lambert ‘91
Mrs. Janis (Dusell) LaMont ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Tizoc Landeros ‘99
Ms. Patricia (Mansfield) Lang ‘87
Dr. Jeffrey Lange ‘89
Mrs. Jeanette (Peterson) Langebartels ‘79
Ms. Julie Larson
Lawn Works of Joliet, Inc.
Ms. Hollande Lawson ‘00
Ms. Kathryn Leatherwood
Mr. Peter Lefferts
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lehman
Mrs. Charlotte (Cathcart) Lenz ‘66
Mr. Jeff Lesnik
Dr. Leia Levy ‘18
Reverend James Lewis, O. Carm.
Mrs. Helen (Audette) Lewis ‘63
Ms. Kathryn (Schmidt) Lewis ‘83
Ms. Lindsey Lewis
Ms. Kelsey Liaromatis ‘16, ‘22
Ms. Kathryn Lindgren
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Lindquist
Mr. Stephen Locke ‘99, ‘06 (Erin N. Leginski ‘00)
Mr. Eric Lofdahl ‘92
Ms. Anne Loochtan
Mr. Ospaldo Lopez
Mr. Jhoni Lopez ‘07, ‘16 (Kristi Lopez ‘08)
Ms. Claudia Lopez
Mr. Mike Lorenzo
Ms. Carole Lucas
Lucas Law Firm
Mr. Thomas Ludrovec ‘92
Ms. Donna Ludrovec ‘04
Ms. Florence (Schrage) Luechtefeld ‘62
Dr. Lucille M. (DeVisme) Lugowski ‘70
Ms. Shae Lynch ‘24
Ms. Susan Lyrla
Mrs. Michelle (Mudron) Madura ‘94
Mrs. Rosalie Maehrer ‘95
Mr. Emmanuel Magana ‘07
Mr. Matthew Mahalik ‘02
Mr. Michael Mallon ‘84
Mr. Steve Mampe
Ms. Kristen Mansmith
Mrs. Rosemary (Lucenta) Markun ‘63
Mrs. Jean (Frank) Marquette ‘84
Mr. Jorge Marroquin
Mr. John Marshall ‘90
Mr. Robert Martin ‘06
Mr. Samuel Martin
Mrs. Susan Martin
Martin & AssociatesAmeriprise Financial
Mrs. Juanita (Kinder) Martin-Davis ‘54
Ms. Maria Martinez ‘19
Mr. Brenden Martus ‘23
Mrs. Jo Ann (Felbinger) Mathews ‘64
Ms. Cynthia Matlosz
Mr. Ryan Matuszewski ‘12
Dr. Jean Mau ‘80, ‘12
Mrs. Maria Mavrakis
Mrs. Judith Max
Mrs. Sabrina Mayland ‘00
Ms. Kaitlen Mayszak ‘13
Mrs. Carla Mazza
Mrs. Carla McArdle
Ms. Peggy McArdle
Mr. Matthew McArthur ‘06, ‘14
Mrs. Julie (McCabe) McCabeSterr ‘75
Mr. Michael McCann
Mrs. Elizabeth McCarthy ‘90
Ms. Mary McCarthy ‘04
Dr. Patricia McClintock Ed.D. ‘02, ‘93
Ms. Tina McComb
Dr. Elizabeth McDermott
Ms. Danielle McDermott ‘03
Mrs. Mary (Coghlan) McDevitt ‘96
Mrs. Patricia (Cummings) McGrath ‘87
Dr. Terrance P. McGuire and Ms. Kathleen J. McGowan
Ms. Nicole McGuire
Mr. Bret McKeand ‘81
Mrs. Arlene (Jordan) McLaughlin ‘93
Mrs. Gerri (Rzansa) McMahon ‘62
Mrs. Maria McNeely ‘90
Mrs. Jody Mech ‘07
Mr. Brian Medendorp ‘85
Ms. Darla Medernach ‘80
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Meehan ‘80
(Joan M. Travers ‘80, ‘04)
Ms. Karen Mellon ‘78
Mr. Brian Melvin
Dr. Donna and Mr. Thomas Metlicka ‘07
Mr. Brian Michalak ‘83
Mrs. Barbara (Radosta) Michalski ‘55
Mr. Mark Midlock ‘85
Midwest Environmental Consulting Services, Inc.
Midwest Property Development LLC
Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc.
Mrs. Amy Mihelich
Mr. Mark Miketinac ‘92
Mrs. Karen (Aschenbrener) Miklic ‘90, ‘99
Mr. Kevin Miller ‘79
Mr. Michael Miller
Ms. Candice Miller ‘07, ‘14
Ms. Yvonna Miller ‘16
Mr. Dimitrije Milutinovic
Mr. Sebastian Mireles ‘23
Ms. Jeanette Mitchell
Mr. James Mitchell
Mr. Kevin Molitor
Ms. Daniella Montinola
Dr. Jessica Monu
Mr. James Moore
Mr. Jeffrey Moore ‘92
Mrs. Amy Moore
Moore Glass, Inc.
Mr. Donald Morin ‘75
Morris Moose Lodge 967
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morzuch
Ms. Tammy Moseley ‘98
Mr. Scott Moses
Mr. Justin Mottier
Mr. Submarine
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mravle ‘95
Mrs. Rebecca (Daugherty) Muhs ‘88
Sr. Roberta Naegele O.S.F. ‘70, ‘75
Ms. Kathleen (Marsh) Nagle ‘92, ‘06
Mrs. Jennifer Nally ‘01, ‘05
Ms. Lisa Nash
Ms. Kylie Neese ‘14
Mr. James Neicheril ‘87
Dr. Catherine Nelson Ed.D.
Mr. John Nemitz
Mrs. Beth (Thornton) Nettles ‘96
Ms. Kelsey Nichols
Mrs. Sherene Nicolai ‘03, ‘06
Mrs. Margaret (Tully) Nicosia ‘81
Ms. Diane Nilan ‘73
Mrs. Pamela (Kolada) Nogal ‘68
Mrs. Esther (Heimann) Norrenberns ‘59
Ms. LaDonna Norstrom ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. John and Paula Norton
Ms. Rita Nortrup ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nosal (Mary Jo Kelly ‘88)
Mrs. Janet (Schroeder) Novotny ‘67
Ms. Malgorzata Nowakowski ‘08, ‘23
Mr. Ron Nowobielski
Ms. Mary Jo Noyes ‘06
NuMark Credit Union
Mr. John Nylen
Mrs. Michele O’Boyle
Ms. Lisa OBrien ‘91, ‘10
Mr. William O’Brien ‘02
Ms. Maureen O’Conor
Mrs. Linda O’Donnell ‘05
Old Timers Baseball Association of Will County
Ms. Amanda Olsen ‘16
Mr. Brian Olson ‘96
Mr. Randall Olson
Ms. Jackie Origer
Mr. Steven Osborn ‘85
Dr. Mary Oskvarek ‘89, ‘11, ‘18
Mrs. Rosemary (Tyl) Osmulski ‘62
Ms. Whitney O’Sullivan ‘13, ‘19
Mr. Richard Ott
Dr. Carol (Veverka) Overman ‘63
Oxbo Muffler & Brake Shop
Ms. Claressa Padilla
Mrs. Sharon Palmer ‘94, ‘97
Mrs. Kelsey (Castanier) Panico ‘11, ‘15
Mr. Daniel Paplaczyk
Mr. Kevin Pasciak
Mr. Jonathan Paul ‘04, ‘11
Ms. Deena Pavinato ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott Pekol ‘99 (Jeana R. Carrico ‘00)
Ms. Diane Peltzer ‘87
Mr. Christopher Pendergast ‘22
Perry Brown Plumbing and Heating, Inc.
Mrs. Elizabeth (Wubben) Peters ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson (Rae Marie Nagel ‘69)
Ms. Phyllis (Kleinhoffer) Peterson ‘98, ‘72
Ms. Traci Peterson
Mrs. Donna Petko ‘13, ‘14
Mrs. Janine (Liptak) Petric ‘73
Ms Taylor Petz ‘23
Mr. Thomas Piasecki ‘04
Ms. Beth Pitel
Mr. Kenneth Plese
Mr. Gerald Plock
Mr. George Pobuda
Mr. Allan Podlecki
Mr. Mike Polcyn
Mrs. Judith Polites ‘92
Ms. Penny Poninski
Mr. Alex Pope
Dr. Nancy (Papesh) Potempa* ‘72
Ms. Malissa Potoczny
Mrs. Barbara Price ‘93
Mr. Daniel Price
Mrs. Julie (Nelson) Pristas ‘93, ‘02
Mr. Andrew Probst
Ms. Kathleen Przybyla
Mr. Jonathan Punke ‘20
Mr. Aaron Qualio
Sr. Peggy Quinn, O.S.F.
R MTZ Inc.
R. Berti Building Solutions
Mr. Michael Ramuta
Ms. Madison Randall ‘17
Ms. Kathleen (Bolte) Randolph ‘69
Ms. Emily Redlich ‘14
Mrs. Rosemary (Lamb) Reed ‘67
Ms. Simone Reis ‘14
Mrs. Mary (Devine) Reiter ‘73
Ms. Katarzyna Remiasz ‘14, ‘22
Mr. Bruce Renz
Mrs. Mara (Gracanin) Reyes ‘04
Mr. Dylan Reyes ‘14
Ms. Elvia Rickmon
Ms. Susan Rightsell
Mrs. Brianne (Hougas) Riley ‘03
Mr. Diego Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Rockafellow ‘15
(Mollie Rockafellow ‘15)
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Rodriguez ‘09 (Rocio M. Rodriguez ‘13)
Ms. Debra Rogan ‘98, ‘08
Mr. James Rogers
Ms. Christine Rogers
Mrs. Susan Rosenberg ‘91
Mrs. Mary Beth Ross ‘00
Dr. Beth and Mr. David Roth
Mr. Daniel Rourke
Mr. William Rousonelos
Mr. James Royalty Jr. ‘00, ‘02
Mrs. Celeste (Blaskievich) Rudman ‘61
Mrs. Ann (Faivre) Ruggaber ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ruhaak
Sr. Gayle Rusbasan, O.S.F.
Ms. MaryAnn Russ ‘73
Mr. Steve Russell
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ryan (Faith A. Ryan ‘96)
Dr. and Mrs. Michael George Ryan (Paula T. Krzicnik* ‘61)
Mr. Michael Ryan
Mrs. Denise Rylander
S. Fisher Properties, Inc.
Mrs. Therese (Klawitter) Safavi ‘70
Ms. Vanessa Sager ‘13
Saint Bernard Catholic Church of Joliet
Ms. Joyce Sala ‘70
Mr. James Salvatore
Mr. James Salvatori ‘09
Mrs. Paige Salvino ‘14, ‘20
Mr. John Salzeider
Mrs. Therese Sanborn ‘02
Ms. Janice Sangabriel ‘15
Miss Luisa Santoyo ‘80
Ms. Jeanne Scalpelli
Mrs. Barbara (Zimmerman) Schaar ‘69
Miss Margaret Schauer ‘63
Mr. Owen Schnaper
Ms. Emily Schrader ‘21, ‘22
Mr. William Schubert
Ms. Gerri Schubert
Mr. Michael Schubert
Mr. Christopher Schubert
Mr. Stephen Schubert
Mr. Tony Schubert
Mr. Emil Schubert Talavera
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schultz
(Cathy J. Kocher ‘76)
Ms. Lauren Schwartz ‘14
Ms. Beth Schwartz
Dr. Daniel Schwert
Mrs. Mary Patrice (Crane) Scully ‘70
Mrs. Jennifer Segura
Mr. Greg Selzer
Mr. Christopher Selzer
Mr. James Seput ‘90
Mr. Louis Servin
Mrs. Margaret (Busca) Sevening ‘65
Mr. Dan Sharp
Mr. David P. Shea ‘84 and Dr. Rita Tamulis-Shea ‘83
Mrs. Jean (Dallas) Kellison ‘82
Mr. Eric Sieloff
Mr. Lucas Sillar ‘04
Silver Cross Hospital
Ms. Ruth Silverman
Ms. Rosalie Rene Simonelic
Ms. Tracy Simons ‘04
Mrs. Janet (Zenkus) Simpson ‘69
Mr. Keith Sincak ‘97
Mrs. Noralee (Lyons) Singer ‘71
Mrs. Mary (McCoy) Sisley-Shuker ‘76
Sisters of St. Francis of Holy Name Province, Inc
Ms. Jeanette Skul ‘59
Mrs. Nancy Slimak ‘92
Dr. Cindy O. Sloan ‘04 and Ms. Lea C. Sloan ‘04
Ms. Sandra Sloka ‘06
Mr. Robert Smith
Ms. Rebecca Smith ‘14
Mr. Francis Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Soldan ‘93 (Christina ‘94, ‘05)
Mrs. Mary K. Solon-Goers ‘73
Sooper Lube
Mrs. Holly Souza ‘06, ‘11
Mrs. Mary Ellen (Senffner) Spiegel ‘77
Mr. Paul Spiezio ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Spinozzi ‘81
Mrs. Terri (Grossen) Sprout ‘91
St. Bonaventure University
St. Mary Magdalene Church
Mrs. Adrienne (Lessard) Stack ‘92
Mrs. Janice (Jaksetich) Staniszewski ‘70
Ms. Patricia Starks ‘77
Ms. Barb Staszak
Mr. Aaron Stawikowski
Mr. James Stein
Mrs. Brighid (Kuhn) Stemmler ‘08
Mr. Scott Stephen
Mrs. Jo Anne (Donnelly) Sternisha ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stimac (Deborah L. Stimac ‘09, ‘10)
Mrs. Marguerite (Veras) Stoiber ‘73
Mr. Matt Stover
Mr. Michael Strasser ‘94
Mrs. Alice (Glowacki) Strzalka ‘51
Ms. Linda Sucich
Mrs. Constance (Ellis) Sullivan ‘77
Dr. Peter Sullivan Ed.D. ‘15
Ms. Clarice Swanson ‘18
Mrs. Tara Sweeney ‘11
Ms. Elizabeth Switalski ‘05
Mrs. Mary Grace (Morrotto) Szczypta ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Szoke ‘78 (Donna M. Musich ‘80, ‘04)
T & D Bowling Specialist, LTD
Mr. Craig Taheny (Jessica L. Conte ‘13, ‘20)
Mrs. Kathryn (Hipke) Talaski ‘02
Mr. Anthony Talley
Mr. David P. Shea ‘84 and Dr. Rita Tamulis-Shea ‘83
Mrs. Mary Ellen (Tatro) TatroMendoza ‘76
Ms. Laura Taylor
Ms. Maren Teeling
The Cove Nutrition LLC
The Dock at Inwood
The Jacob Henry Mansion Estate
Martin Thompson
Mr. Brian Thompson
Ms. Mary (Funk) Thuma ‘62
Ms. Lourdes Tirado ‘19
Titan Construction Ent. Inc
Titan Electric
Mrs. Patricia Tomac
Mrs. Ruth (Kramer) Tomala ‘74
Mr. Adam Tondini ‘13
Ms. Erica Tozer ‘20
TriStone Security Consultants LLC
Mr. Thomas Turigliatto ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Turk (Celeste Konecny ‘65)
Mr. Joseph Turk
Mrs. Lois Turk
Ms. Terri Tyner ‘73
Mr. Anthony Tyus ‘78
Ms. Colleen Udell
Mr. Gino Vaccarella ‘19
Mrs. Christine (Leonakis) Valenta ‘80
Mr. Michael Valentine
Mr. Brian Vander Luitgaren ‘98
Dr. David Veenstra Ph.D.
Mr. Miguel Villegas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vironda ‘03 (Jill M. Allen ‘04)
Ms. Elizabeth Vlahos ‘03
Mrs. Loreen (Hildy) Vlk ‘71
Ms. Natalie Vogel ‘18
Mr. Timothy Wade ‘23, ‘24
Ms. Kacie Wadycki
Mr. Brent Wagner
Ms. Marie (Schuch) Wagner RN ‘87
Mrs. Debra Wahl ‘97
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Waldron
Mrs. Diane Walker ‘92
Mrs. Kelly (Douglas) Walker ‘84, ‘06
Ms. Roseann Walsh
Mr. Daniel Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Walsh ‘05 (Jessica Saraga ‘05)
Ms. Ashley Webb ‘13, ‘17
Mrs. Marilyn Weeks ‘92
Mr. Craig Wegner
Mr. Cory Weiser
Dr. Tim Weldon
Mr. James Werner ‘00
Mr. Piotr Wesolowski
Ms. Virginia Wessling ‘81
Mrs. Mary (Bahaveolos) Westberg ‘91
White Satin Bridal
Ms. Kelly Whitehead
Mrs. Marjorie (Freiburg) Wiemels ‘60
Ms. Sharna Wilkerson
Ms. Janet Willey
Ms. Brenda Williams ‘87, ‘94
Mr. Timothy Wills ‘92
Ms. Louise Wilmot ‘91
Ms. Cindy Wirtz ‘83
Mrs. Judith (Kollar) Wisinski ‘69
Mr. Eric Wittekiend ‘91
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Witty ‘81 (Jeana Witty)
Ms. Yvonne Wong
Dr. Steven Wrobleski ‘19
Ms. Donna Wysock ‘75
Ms. Corinne Yamamoto ‘11
Mr. Thomas Yearsich
Mrs. Barbara (Tandecki) Yug ‘90
Ms. Margaret Zak ‘96
Ms. Renee Zdych
Ms. Nora Zeiler
Mrs. Nancy Zier
Ms. Bettylou Zmudka ‘04
Mrs. Margarita Zuniga
Mary Catherine Ward Abegg Endowed Scholarship
Phyllis & Buel T. Adams Endowed Scholarship
Donald C. Anderson and William W. Manion Endowed Scholarship
Harold and Joyce Anglemire Endowed Scholarship
William and Jean Anson Endowed Scholarship
JoAnn (McDonald) Barber ’52 Endowed Scholarship
Barr Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Margaret (Kennedy) ’69 and William C. Benoit Endowed Scholarship
Jennifer K. Bily Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Lloyd J. Bowden Endowed Scholarship
LaVerne S. & Dorothy M. Brown Endowed Scholarship
Helen Antonini-Bruskas ’64 Endowed Scholarship
Kimberly and Michael Bryant Endowed Scholarship
Helen M. Burst Endowed Scholarship
Joseph and Angeline Bydalek Endowed Scholarship
William and Marietta Carroll International Student Scholarship
Richard L. Chavez Endowed Scholarship
Richard Cheek Endowed Scholarship
Ed and Margaret Chmielewski Basketball Scholarship
Jason Chonacki ’90 Endowed Scholarship
Charlotte Codo ‘74 Endowed Scholarship
Margaret Coleman and John Philip Coleman Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Amy Lynn D’Amico ’98 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Eisenbrant Family Nursing Scholarship
Jonathan E. Ellis Scholarship
Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart Endowed Scholarship
Patricia Getson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Gordie Gillespie Memorial Scholarship for Servant Leadership
Shawn Green Memorial Scholarship
Nancy K. Gosselin Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Annalise Hathaway ‘12 Endowed Scholarship
Sheldon and Marie Hauck Endowed Scholarship
Charlene M. Huffman Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Sonja Jezidija Endowed Scholarship
Starr Johnston Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Karen Kietzman ’66 Endowed Scholarship for Music and Theater
Barbara & Wayne Klasing Endowed Scholarship
Elizabeth Laken Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Michael V. LaRocco Endowed Scholarship
John and Cecily Leach Endowed Scholarship
Marcita and Joseph A. Ley Endowed Scholarship
Bill Manner Student-Athlete Endowed Scholarship
Dr. James P. McCabe Memorial Scholarship
Rachel and Harold McDonald Memorial Scholarship
Vincent McGirr Endowed Scholarship
Jean Miles ’40 and Nan Miles ‘47 Endowed Scholarship
Carolyn and Bart Murphy Endowed Scholarship
Frances Naal-Sczepaniak ‘58 Endowed Scholarship
Dale G. Nicholson Memorial Scholarship
Mary Norris Endowed Scholarship
Kathy Patton Oelrich Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Sheryl (Kocher) Paul ‘70 Endowed Scholarship
Christine Poole Ponquinette Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Sister Joan Preising Endowed Scholarship
Sophia A. Rados Endowed Scholarship
Joan Nahas Ramuta Computer Science Scholarship
Remco Medical Endowed Scholarship
Candice Rosen Endowed Scholarship
Ross Excellence in Education and Service Scholarship
Dr. Ivo E. and Evelyn Rowland Endowed Scholarship
Nancy J. Russell Endowed Scholarship
Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Endowed Scholarship
Virginia J. Saxon Trust for Scholarships
Sister Beatrice Schiller Endowed Scholarship
Patricia Rita Schubert Memorial Endowed Schoalrship
Mary Clare (Gordon ’57) Sczepaniak Endowed Scholarship
James R. Sefcik Endowed Scholarship
Margaret “Peggy” (Schmitt ’48) Sickley Endowed Scholarship
Sister Rosemary Small Endowed Franciscan Values Award
Arthur and Vera Smith Endowed Scholarship
Virgil L. Smith Endowed Scholarship
Jane Engleton Snyder ’35 Endowed Scholarship
Clair and Josephine M. Southgate Endowed Scholarship
Spirit of St. Francis Endowed Scholarship
Mona Minard-Stephen Endowed Scholarship
Patrick J. Sullivan Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Billie Terrell Multicultural Endowed Scholarship
Trizna/Vargo Family Endowed Scholarship
Rita (Baranowski) Tylka ‘60 Endowed Scholarship
Lillian M. Tunze Scholarship Endowed Fund
Michael J. Vinciguerra Endowed Scholarship
The Wadsworth Endowed Scholarship
Walter-Rowe Endowed Scholarship
Packey and Eileen Webb Endowed Scholarship
Frank P. Weberg History Award
Lawrence W. Wiers Endowed Scholarship
Jeanette A. Wirt Endowed Scholarship
Sr. Claudia & Fran Zeller Endowed Scholarship
Marie Zielinski ’07 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Jean Catherine Zipf Scholarship
Coach Joseph “Tony” Delgado Memorial Scholarship
Alverno Scholarship in the Fine Arts
Arthur J. Schmitt Scholarship
Barnes & Noble Scholarship
Bernadine Hudson Memorial Scholarship
Black Saints Matter Scholarship
Bridget (Fitzgerald) Garavalia ’45 Nursing Scholarship
Dave Laketa Scholarship
Dorothy Kenney Busse ’34 Nursing Award
Dorothy Rapson BSN Emergency Fund for Nursing Students
Dr. Patricia Shelvy Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Scholarship
E.E. “Jim” Garrison Memorial Scholarship
Edwin G. and Sophie T. McAdoo/Rev. Harold Neidzwiecki Scholarship
Elizabeth Laken Memorial Scholarship
Foreign Study Scholarship
Fr. Mychal Judge Scholarship, OFM
George Schomig Scholarship
Harold and Margaret Moser Scholarship
Helen C. Fairchild Emergency Fund
Helen McKeon Scholarship
History Faculty Scholarship
Hollywood Casino Scholarship
James P. Sczepaniak Endowed Scholarship
Joan Ryan Danielson Endowed Scholarship
Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry Council for Working Women Scholarship
Joliet Rotary Club Scholarship
Margaret and John Plese Scholarship
Mary Anne Walker Memorial Scholarship
Mary Denault ’69 and Roman Klusas Endowed Scholarship
Mary Margaret Kenny Memorial Scholarship
Michael Joseph Jordan Memorial Scholarship
Multi-Cultural Education Recruitment in Teaching Scholarship
NBD Bank One Scholarship
NuMark Credit Union Financial Literacy Scholarship
R. Joy Thompson Memorial Scholarship
Reverend Isaac Singleton Scholarship
Roniece Weaver Minority Health Care Scholarship
Rosemary Lux Education Fund
Samantha Harer Memorial Scholarship
Sheryl Paul Endowed Scholarship
Barbara (Polyak) Greenham-Conway Family Nursing Award
Virginia F. Katsaromitsos Scholarship
William Bromer, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus Laudito Si’ SURE Grant
William Mikuska Memorial Scholarship
Wyrostek Family Scholarship
Please enjoy this scholarship recipient's statement of gratitude, sharing the impact scholarship has had on their education at USF.
My name is Lin Tran, and I want to express my deepest gratitude for being awarded the Harold and Margaret Moser Scholarship. Your generous support means so much to me. It is more than just financial assistance; it shows your belief in my potential and dedication. When I learned I had been selected for this scholarship, I felt relieved and motivated. Your investment in my education reassures me that I am on the right path and encourages me to keep striving for excellence in my studies and future career.
As a passionate nursing student, this scholarship is a tremendous help. Nursing school requires a lot of time, energy, and money. This scholarship alleviates some of that financial pressure, enabling me to dedicate myself completely to my coursework and practical experiences. This freedom helps me succeed academically and participate in internships, workshops, and extracurricular activities that enhance my learning. It also serves as a powerful validation of my hard work and commitment to nursing, fueling my motivation to excel and encouraging me to maintain high standards in my academic and professional pursuits.
Looking ahead, the benefits of this scholarship will extend into my career in healthcare. The recognition and support it provides will give me confidence and open doors to valuable opportunities. Knowing that my efforts are acknowledged by such a generous scholarship strengthens my resolve to make a meaningful impact in the field of nursing. This scholarship allows me to focus on becoming a skilled and compassionate nurse, ready to contribute positively to the healthcare community. Thank you once again for your generosity. I am deeply grateful for this scholarship and the opportunities it brings. Your contribution is making a significant difference in my life and my pursuit of a career in nursing.
With Gratitude, Lin
Lin Tran