Engaging Mind & Spirit 2024-25 - Issue 1

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Artwork by Victor M. Montañez Artist Educator
to a Journey” Mixed Media on Stretched Canvas University of St. Francis in collaboration with Víctor M. Montañez, Artist Educator

Engaging Mind & Spirit is published by University Advancement three times per year. Feedback is welcomed and can be sent to Lisa Sampalis, vice president for university advancement, at 815-740-5065 or lsampalis@stfrancis.edu

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Clarissa Barkley

Dave DiLorenzo

Julie Futterer

Lisa Sampalis

Elena Scoggin

Other USF employees, alumni, students & friends


Don Bersano - Bersano Photography

Cherry Hill Studios

Victor M. Montañez

Elena Scoggin

Other USF employees, alumni, students & friends



A welcoming and grateful community of learners...

Dear Members of the USF Family,

Welcome to the latest issue of Engaging Mind & Spirit magazine! This publication is one way the University of St. Francis strives to remain connected to you—our alumni, our friends, our parents, our employees, and our supporters—in short, our USF family.

As I have shared with you in the past (and as you can read in the margins that accompany this note), our mission statement calls the University of St. Francis to be a “welcoming community of learners challenged by Franciscan values and charism.”

One important way in which we make real this part of our mission statement is through two initiatives, or goals, under objective #1 of our strategic plan: “Leverage our Catholic heritage and Franciscan identity (of a values-oriented institutional culture) to create an intentionally diverse and welcoming community…” The first goal is to “Ensure the student body embraces and reflects the diversity of a global world.” Since 2013, the percentage of our undergraduate students of color has increased from less than 28% to over 52%. As important is the related goal to “Strengthen communities of learning to provide all members a sense of belonging,” which has resulted in persistence/retention rates for students of color and first-generation college students that are nearly the same as for our students as a whole—and above those of our peers.

All this work—this commitment—resulted in the University of St. Francis being named the first Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) in Will County by the Department of Education in 2023. This, in turn, enabled us to propose and be awarded a federal grant of almost $3 million in Title V funding to support capacity enhancements and innovative strategies to significantly increase retention and graduation rates for all students.

Our Mission

As a Catholic university rooted in the liberal arts, we are a welcoming community of learners challenged by Franciscan values and charism, engaged in a continuous pursuit of knowledge, faith, wisdom, and justice, and ever mindful of a tradition that emphasizes reverence for creation, compassion, and peace-making. We strive for academic excellence in all programs, preparing students to contribute to the world through service and leadership.

In this issue of Engaging Mind & Spirit, we share with you an update on this five-year HSI initiative— which we call “Going from ‘Sí se Puede’ to ‘Sí se Pudo’” (in English: “Going from ‘We Can Do It’ to ‘We Did it’”)—including its objectives and some of the early progress that we have made. This is an important next step for the University’s efforts to being not only “a welcoming community of learners” but also “a learning community of welcome,” as I described in an earlier column, referencing a challenge to us by Jesuit author Fr. James Martin, S.J., ensuring the successful inclusion of all in our increasingly diverse environment. In doing so, we are also carrying on the legacy of our founding and sponsoring congregation, the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, who always focused on addressing the unmet needs of the communities they served.

If things work as planned, you will receive this issue—either physically or via email—sometime just after Thanksgiving. It is in the spirit of gratitude that this issue also celebrates the generosity that so many of you have shown to USF and our students through your support of our mission to prepare students to contribute to the world through service and leadership in our “2023-24 Honor Roll of Donors” and annual report. Indeed, thanks to your generosity, as well as our sound financial discipline and practices, USF continues to build the resources necessary to ensure that our second century will remain strong, with net assets of nearly $60 million at the end of fiscal year 2024.

So pour yourself a cup of coffee (or maybe hot cocoa, given the season), sit back, and enjoy this latest update about what’s happening at your University of St. Francis. As always, please know that I continue to consider myself incredibly blessed to serve as your president, and I promise to continue to work hard each and every day to earn the trust that you have placed in me!

Peace and all good things...

Una comunidad de alumnos acogedora y agradecida...

Estimados miembros de la familia de USF,

¡Bienvenidos al más reciente número de la revista Engaging Mind & Spirit! Esta publicación es una forma en que la Universidad de St. Francis se esfuerza por mantenerse conectada con usted: nuestros ex alumnos, nuestros amigos, nuestros padres, nuestros empleados y quienes nos apoyan... en resumen, nuestra familia de la USF.

Como he compartido con ustedes en el pasado (y como pueden leer en los márgenes que acompañan a esta nota), nuestra declaración de misión convoca a la Universidad de St. Francis a ser una “comunidad acogedora de alumnos desafiados por los valores y el carisma franciscanos”.

Una forma importante en la que hacemos realidad esta parte de nuestra declaración de misión es por medio de dos iniciativas o metas, bajo el objetivo N.º 1 de nuestro plan estratégico: “Aprovechar nuestra herencia católica y nuestra identidad franciscana” (de una cultura institucional orientada a los valores) para crear una comunidad intencionalmente diversa y acogedora...” La primera meta es “Garantizar que el alumnado acepte y refleje la diversidad de un mundo global”. Desde 2013, el porcentaje de nuestros alumnos universitarios de color ha aumentado de menos del 28% a más del 52%. Igual de importante es el objetivo afín de “Fortalecer las comunidades de aprendizaje para proporcionar a todos los miembros un sentido de pertenencia”, lo que ha dado como resultado tasas de persistencia o retención para los alumnos de color, y los alumnos universitarios de primera generación, que son casi las mismas que para nuestros alumnos en general, y están por encima de las de nuestros iguales.

Todo este trabajo, este compromiso, dio como resultado que el Departamento de Educación nombrara la Universidad de St. Francis como la primera Institución al Servicio de los Hispanos (HSI) en el Condado de Will en 2023. Esto, a su vez, nos permitió proponer y recibir una subvención federal de casi $3 millones en fondos del Título V con objeto de apoyar mejoras de capacidad y estrategias innovadoras destinadas a aumentar significativamente las tasas de retención y graduación de todos los alumnos.

En este número de Engaging Mind & Spirit, compartimos con ustedes una puesta al día sobre esta iniciativa de cinco años de HSI, a la que llamamos “Pasar de ‘Sí se puede’ al ‘Sí se pudo’” (en inglés: “Going from ‘We Can Do It’ to ‘We Did it’”), lo que incluye sus objetivos y algunos de los primeros avances que hemos logrado. Este es un paso importante para los esfuerzos de la Universidad por ser no solo “una comunidad de alumnos acogedora”, sino también “una comunidad de aprendizaje de bienvenida”, como lo describí en una columna anterior, haciendo referencia a un desafío que nos hizo el autor jesuita, Fr. James Martin, S.J., garantizando la inclusión exitosa de todos en nuestro cada vez más diverso entorno. Al hacerlo, también continuamos con el legado de nuestra congregación fundadora y patrocinadora, las Hermanas de San Francisco de María Inmaculada, que siempre se concentraron en abordar las necesidades insatisfechas de las comunidades a las que atendían.

Si las cosas funcionan según lo planeado, usted recibirá este número, ya sea físicamente o por correo electrónico, en algún momento inmediatamente después del Día de Acción de Gracias. Es con un espíritu de gratitud que este número también festeja la generosidad que tantos de ustedes han mostrado a la USF y a nuestros alumnos mediante su apoyo a nuestra misión de preparar a los alumnos de modo que puedan aportarle al mundo mediante el servicio y el liderazgo en nuestro “Cuadro de Honor de Donantes 2023-24” y nuestro informe anual. Sin duda, gracias a su generosidad, así como a nuestra sólida disciplina y prácticas financieras, la USF continúa reuniendo los recursos necesarios para garantizar que nuestro segundo siglo siga siendo fuerte, con activos netos de casi $60 millones al final del ejercicio fiscal de 2024.

Así que sírvanse una taza de café (o quizás chocolate caliente, dada la temporada), reclínense y disfruten de esta más reciente puesta al día sobre lo que está sucediendo en su Universidad de St. Francis. ¡Como siempre, sepan que sigo considerándome increíblemente bendecido por poder actuar como su presidente, y prometo seguir trabajando duro todos los días para ganarme la confianza que ustedes han depositado en mí!

Paz y todas las cosas buenas...

Nuestra misión

Como universidad católica arraigada en las artes liberales, somos una comunidad acogedora de estudiantes, y desafiada por los valores y el carisma franciscanos, comprometidos en una búsqueda continua del conocimiento, la fe, la sabiduría y la justicia, y siempre conscientes de una tradición que enfatiza la reverencia por la creación, la compasión y la promoción de la paz. Luchamos por la excelencia académica en todos los programas, preparando estudiantes para contribuir al mundo a través del servicio y el liderazgo.



In April of this year, the USF Board of Trustees announced the retirement of USF’s ninth president, Dr. Arvid C. Johnson, on May 31, 2025—after 12 years of service.

“It has been a pleasure to work with Dr. Johnson,” said Joe Mallof, chair of the University’s Board of Trustees. “His passionate commitment to students and love of USF, coupled with fiscal responsibility and many accomplishments makes Dr. Johnson an active and innovative leader. The entire Board thanks Arvid and his wife, Anne, for their many years of service and dedication. We are very grateful for a yearlong transition period so we can find a next president who shares Dr. Johnson’s commitment to USF’s high standards and embodies our values.”

During his tenure, Johnson advanced USF locally, nationally and globally. On-campus improvements included renovations to the Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center at St. Bonaventure Campus and Guardian Angel Hall at St. Clare Campus, which significantly upgraded learning spaces for academic programs in business and nursing. The construction of a science building created a state-of-the-art environment in which students and faculty can “do science” and research. USF will break ground on a Student Success Center at the heart of campus, which will collocate the registrar, advising, tutoring, and accessibility offices to a space dedicated to student success.

Johnson’s service and leadership roles on boards, including the Council of Independent Colleges, the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics helped ensure that USF was well positioned on a national scale. Johnson also established international partnerships with leading universities in China, the Czech Republic and Vietnam, allowing hundreds of students across the globe to pursue USF degrees.

With his team, Johnson substantially improved USF’s financial position and fiscal viability including building cash reserves, increasing net assets to an all-time high, more than doubling USF’s endowment and raising over $50 million, including state and federal grants.

“As a leader in our Franciscan tradition, Dr. Johnson increased our student diversity and worked hard to structure USF as a learning community of welcome,” said Sr. Jeanne Bessette, OSF, president of the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate. “We have achieved Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) status, and our student outcomes remain strong and above our peers. During his tenure, USF launched many new academic programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as dozens of certificate and certification programs. Arvid’s dedication to our values of community and service are very apparent and we wish him well.”

The Board of Trustees has begun a national search for USF’s next president. Visit stfrancis.edu/presidential-search for more details.

Arvid and his wife, Anne, with alumni Kaitlin Aylward ‘20 (at left) and Paige Gieseke ‘21 (at right) during Homecoming.


USF’s academic programs continue to earn national and regional recognition by prestigious ranking organizations. USF’s online education programs in business, education and nursing and nursing programs were recognized in Princeton Review’s 2024 Best Online Programs rankings, and U.S. News & World Report’s Best Online Programs and Best Graduate School listings, in which two programs were honored: Education, USF was one of 11 Illinois schools recognized, and Nursing (Master’s), USF was also one of 11 Illinois schools recognized. Additionally in 2024, USF was one of 34 Illinois-based institutions included among over 700 four-year colleges and universities in Money’s Best Colleges in America ratings report, recognizing schools that successfully combine quality and affordability. USF was recognized as a top Midwest college for the diversity of its student population according to the 2024 Best Colleges in America rankings by WSJ/College Pulse. USF appeared in U.S. News & World Report’s 2024 Best Colleges rankings and was one of the top 100 universities in the country in its Top Performers on Social Mobility list for a third consecutive year. USF also made Princeton Review’s 2024 Guide to Green Colleges edition, 2025 Best Colleges list and 2025 Best 390 Colleges edition.


USF named Michael Poradek, Ph.D. (pictured at right) as vice president of mission integration. He will serve as USF’s chief mission officer and is responsible for promoting and safeguarding the integration of mission through the history, identity, and purpose of the modern USF. He will also be responsible for overseeing University Ministry, Student Affairs, Institutional Diversity and Sustainability.


Sydney L. Sklar, Ph.D., professor and department chair of USF’s Recreation & Sport Management department, has been elected as a Fellow into the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration (the Academy). Sklar (pictured at right) was inducted at the Academy’s General Membership Meeting October 9, 2024.

Bill McAdam, Executive Director of the Downers Grove Park District and a double alumnus of USF (’89 and ’98), nominated Sklar for the honor.

The Academy is an organization of distinguished practitioners and educators who are leaders in the parks and recreation profession. To be elected into the Academy, the individual must have served for at least 15 years in a high level of administration in a park and recreation agency or as a recognized educator in parks and recreation administration, or they must manage a park and recreation department for a community with a population of more than 500,000. They also must have demonstrated outstanding leadership in professional organizations through service, writing or speaking, and they must have displayed a deep interest in advancing public parks and recreation. The Academy is limited to 137 active members.

“I’m grateful for the invitation to join this group of champions for parks, recreation, and quality of life in their local communities and nationally. It is the honor of my life to be asked to join this group of change makers. Now more than ever, we need to preserve and protect natural spaces which lift up the human spirit, and steward the resources and programs needed to improve and enhance the quality of life in our communities,” Sklar offered.

“AAPRA advances knowledge and practice in the park and recreation profession. The opportunity to serve this mission is a privilege, and I am honored to represent USF on this national stage. I look forward to using these experiences to enhance the education and professional networks of Recreation and Sport Management students at USF as they prepare to lead the profession into the future,” he added.


The Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate’s Anti-Racism Committee and USF’s Office of Institutional Diversity invited the community to attend a panel presentation, “The Migrant Journey: Our Humanitarian Response,” on September 26 at the university. During the presentation, a panel of persons directly involved with migrants gave voice to their experiences and examined the impacts of faith and racism on new immigrants and organizations engaged in welcoming migrants to our area, while also identifying supportive actions. (Event photo at right.)


A Hispanic-Serving Institution

In early 2023, the University of St. Francis earned the Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) designation by the U.S. Department of Education for having an undergraduate full-time equivalent student population comprised of at least 25 percent Hispanic students. Currently, USF serves more than 1,200 undergraduate students—30% of whom are Hispanic, 40% of whom are Pell-eligible, and 64% of whom are firstgeneration college students.

With the designation, USF was able to apply for and has since been awarded Title V Developing HSIs (DHSI) funding in the form of a grant worth close to $3M over five years. The HSI designation will provide improvements and support for all students and the entire USF community. To sustain DHSI grant initiatives past the life of the grant, USF is raising a set amount of matching funds each year.

The grant is funding USF’s DHSI project titled “Going from Sí se Puede to Sí se Pudo” (translated to English as “Going from ‘We Can Do It’ to ‘We Did Do It’”), designed to support capacity enhancements and innovative strategies to significantly increase retention and graduation rates for all students, and especially those who are Hispanic, from low-income households, or otherwise underserved. The overarching DHSI goal of the project is to transform how the institution engages with current and future students to improve retention over the five-year grant period.

Under this grant, USF has already renovated commuter lounge spaces in the Motherhouse and Tower Hall, worked to increase Spanish language skills and cultural competency among full-time faculty and staff, began offering just-in-time remedial math courses, and increased and supported on-campus student employment. A continual effort will be placed on creating new and revising existing courses to better reflect Latine culture, translating at least 300 documents and webpages into Spanish, offering “college ready” and financial aid sessions for students and families, and much more.

The Title V/DHSI grant is managed by the Title V Project Coordinator, Elena Scoggin, a CAPM-certified project manager with over 10 years of experience in education and over two years of experience in formal project management. The grant is overseen by Provost Beth Roth and is expected to be implemented over the course of five years, from 20232028. USF looks forward to continuing these initiatives successfully.

To stay updated on the latest HSI initiatives at the University of St. Francis, visit stfrancis.edu/hsi.

The HSI designation will provide improvements and support for all students and the entire USF community.


Above: Top - The first faculty
staff participants in the Spanish Language and Cultural Competency HSI initiative. Bottom - The newly outfitted commuter lounge on the ground floor of the Motherhouse, near the Student Life offices.
Below: A three-part mural by artist educator Victor M. Montañez.

USF’S HSI Initiatives

• Remedial math program for incoming first-year students: Starting in summer of 2024, USF offers just-in-time math instruction to students not meeting university math requirements, along with a fall corequisite alongside Math 105. Students who successfully complete this corequisite version of Math 105 with a grade of “C” or higher will receive a partial tuition waiver at the end of the semester.

• Increased student employment: Under the DHSI grant, USF will employ up to 20 students in on-campus positions, increasing retention, engagement, and sense of belonging.

• A revised Foundations 1 course: To revise its Foundations I first-year seminar to better focus on the transition to college and provide stronger support for first-year retention, USF will hold an annual F1 Summer Institute training each May for Foundations 1 instructors.

• Revised curriculum to acknowledge and include more about Hispanic culture: Under the DHSI grant, USF will revise six existing courses and propose approval for four new courses annually to better integrate multicultural perspectives.

• Spanish language translation of things like USF website, marketing materials and more: USF has contracted with document translators to make all admissions, enrollment, and financial aid documents for students and families available in Spanish. Initial translation during Year 1 contains an estimated 300 pages, with revisions/updates planned for up to 40 pages each year for Years 2-5.

• Peer mentoring program to increase students’ sense of community and belonging: USF has established a mentoring program to match underserved first-year students with upperclass students to increase a sense of belonging and provide personalized support and leadership.

• New commuter lounge: USF began the renovation of a student lounge in the Motherhouse, to improve a sense of community and belonging among commuter students. As part of this project, flooring was replaced, new furniture was installed, and one-of-a-kind, hand-painted murals were commissioned and painted by artist educator Victor M. Montañez to capture the unique experiences of HSI students and employees.

• Spanish Language and Cultural Competency Initiative: Beginning Summer 2024, USF implemented a Spanish Language and Cultural Competency initiative, aimed at improving the Spanish language skills of staff and faculty, as well as increasing their awareness of Latine culture. Through this initiative, participants learn at their own pace and get regular practice with other conversation partners in the program.

• Community outreach: The USF team has contacted high schools and representatives from community organizations to strengthen links to the Hispanic community. The community outreach team visited Joliet Central and Joliet West High Schools to speak to students who were undocumented and invited them to an on-campus event. In addition, they have met with Big Brothers Big Sisters to discuss a collaboration to support all students, including Spanish-speaking students, in becoming involved with this organization. USF plans to support Big Brothers Big Sisters in hosting events and potentially through providing Spanish translation services beginning in Fall 2024. USF representatives met with the Joliet Latino Economic Development Association (LEDA) to discuss USF’s participation in two of their events in September and November 2024: Fiesta en la calle and Dia de lost Muertes. USF also discussed partnering with LEDA in providing FAFSA information sessions for the community. The community outreach team is also working to develop relationships with local businesses.

Goals to Maintain HSI Momentum

• Keynote speaker Jose Perales: Jose Perales, interim vice president of institutional diversity and equity at DePaul University, spoke at USF’s Opening Day on August 19th about the importance of incorporating Hispanic culture into our interactions with students and every aspect of the USF curriculum. He shared his personal experience with educators who helped guide him in his educational journey and emphasized the importance of understanding different kinds of capital, e.g. social, navigational, and resistance, as well as urging USF to consider students’ varying levels of access to each capital.

• Student and family engagement events: Starting grant year 1, USF will hold four family Hispanic cultural events each year aimed at increasing student and family engagement. These events may include, but are not limited to: bilingual mass in October and a Dia de los Muertos paint program at the LaVerne & Dorothy Brown Library.

• Monthly informational meetings: Beginning grant year 2, USF will hold regular informational meetings for students and their families. These meetings will take place in both English and Spanish and facilitate college readiness by covering such topics as College 101, rising seniors & college applications, and financial aid.

Title V Project

USF student Amber Rubio, using HSI funds, created an “ofrenda” for Día de los Muertos in the library (pictured), and teaching instructor Julie Doll created one in the science hall.


Thank You

The University of St. Francis is grateful for your continued support and commitment to continuing the tradition of a Franciscan education! To see the impact of scholarships on our students, please enjoy the gratitude statements made by current students who received scholarships this academic year—their letters can be found throughout the next several pages. Thank you for your support and generosity!


Gifts of $1,000 and above annually qualify for membership in the USF Society—the annual giving society at the University of St. Francis.

Lifetime USF Society Member $100,000+ Those who have given lifetime cumulative gifts of over $100,000.

USF Society Service & Leadership Circle $100,000+

USF Society Founders’ Circle $50,000-$99,999

* Asterisks denote deceased donors.

Every attempt was made to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If there is an error or omission, please contact University Advancement at 815-740-5065.

USF Society President’s Circle $25,000–$49,999

USF Society Francis & Clare Circle $10,000–$24,999

USF Society Assisian Circle $5,000–$9,999

USF Society Brown & Gold Circle $1,000–$4,999

Francis Fund Up to $999





Mr. Don Anderson*

Ms. N. Anderson* ‘68

Mrs. Joyce (Maryanowich) Anglemire* ‘62

Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation

Associated Colleges

AT & T

Mrs. Jo Ann (McDonald) Barber ‘52

Barnes & Noble at St. Francis

Dr. Noel Bass

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bellah ‘82 (Patricia Banks ‘83)

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Benoit (Margaret Kennedy ‘69)

Mr. and Mrs.* Jay Bergman

Ms. Ellen Bland* ‘05, ‘09

Mrs. Sharon Blessent*

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Block ‘79

BMO Harris Bank

Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Brennan ‘81

Mr.* and Mrs.* LaVerne S. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Buchanan ‘89 (Karen M. Hammond ‘89)

Ms. Helen Burst*

Carolyn L. and Bart T. Murphy Foundation

Mr. Robert Carr

Caterpillar, Inc.


Mr. Richard Chavez

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Codo (Charlotte ‘74)

Anonymous Commonwealth Edison

Council of Independent Colleges

County of Will

Crane Composites/Crane Fund for Widows and Children

Mrs. Joan (Ryan) Danielson* ‘46

Mr. and Mrs. Terrence D’Arcy

D’Arcy Motors

Department of Health and Human Services

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dollinger

Eisenbrandt Family Foundation

Federal Express Corp.

Fifth Third Bank

First Midwest Bank

Fore-Christ, Inc.

Franciscan Learning Center

Give Something Back Foundation, Inc.

Mrs. Carol Gosselin

Grant’s Appliances Electronics and More

Mr. and Mrs. Cyril W. Habiger (Diane Felbinger ‘77)

Harrah’s Joliet Casino Hotel

Health Resources & Service Administration

Henry Bros. Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Holdman ‘01

Hollywood Casino

Mr. Wayne Huffman*

Illinois Board of Higher Education

Dr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson

Mr. W. Starr Johnston*

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Klasing (Barbara Franey ‘64)

Kresge Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Laken (Elizabeth Briick ‘84)

Mr. Dave Laketa ‘90

Mr.* and Mrs.* John Leach (Cecily Leach)

Leach Nursing Scholarship Trust

Mrs. Marcita Ley*

Lilly Endowment, Inc

Ms. Rosemary Lux* ‘52

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Mallof

Mr. and Mrs.* John T. Manner

Mr. William Manner ‘96

McCormick Trust

Estate of Harold and Margaret (Donovan) Moser* ‘36

Mrs. Carolyn (Tomecek) Murphy ‘65

Miss Loretta (Meyer) Murphy* ‘34

National Science Foundation

Northern Illinois Steel Supply Company

Mrs. Shirley Oberwortmann*

Mr. William Obrochta*

Office Justice Programs


Robert and Patricia Wheeler Family Foundation

Robert W. Plaster Foundation

Mrs. Evelyn Rowland*

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ruth ‘82

Mr* and Mrs. James P. Sczepaniak (Frances Tures Naal ‘58)

Mr. James Sefcik Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Sickley M.D.* (Margaret C. Schmitt* ‘48)

Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate

Mrs. Vera Smith*

Mrs. Jane (Engleton) Snyder* ‘35

Dr. M. Therese Southgate M.D.* ‘48

State Of Illinois

TelecomPioneers-Illinois Chapter 1

The Retirement Research Foundation

Ms. Cecilia A. Trizna-Vargo ‘59

Mr. Frank Turk Sr.*

U.S. Small Business Administration

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vana

Virginia J. Saxon Scholarship Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Brent H. Wadsworth

Wadsworth Golf Construction Company

Mrs. Frances B. (Bergold) Waranius’53*

Mrs. Eileen C. Webb*

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler (Patricia S. Sexton ‘67)

Wintrust Commercial Banking

Mr. Leon Wirt

Mr. Robert Wysocki



Mr. and Mrs. William C. Benoit (Margaret Kennedy ‘69)

Ms. Ellen Bland* ‘05, ‘09

Mr.* and Mrs.* LaVerne S. Brown

Health Resources & Service Administration

Ms. Rosemary Lux* ‘52

National Science Foundation

State Of Illinois

U.S. Small Business Administration

Virginia J. Saxon Scholarship Fund



USF Society

Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation

Dr. Barbara Greenham-Conway ‘53, ‘74

Leach Nursing Scholarship Trust

Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate



USF Society


Mr. and Mrs. Terrence D’Arcy D’Arcy Motors

Eisenbrandt Family Foundation

FloSports, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Cyril W. Habiger (Diane Felbinger ‘77)

Dr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Klasing (Barbara Franey ‘64)

Mr. Eugene Schubert

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vana

Wintrust Commercial Banking



USF Society

Mrs. Helen (Hogan) Anderson ‘61

Associated Colleges of Illinois

Mr. Michael Bily (Christy L. Ford ‘19)

Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll

City of Joliet Police Department

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Codo (Charlotte ‘74)

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. DeMint (Judith Pavell ‘60)

Dream.US International Scholarships

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erickson

Mr.* and Mrs. Harold P. Graham (Patricia A. Liker ‘64)

Mr. Jack Hermanski (Bethenia Salinas ‘80)

Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Holdman ‘01

Mr. William Johnson

Mrs. April Kubinski ‘08, ‘13

Mr. Dave Laketa ‘90

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Mallof

Mr. Ryan Marks

Dr. Justin Ponquinette Prep Network

Mr. and Mrs. John Przybyla ‘92

Dr. Phyllis M. Wilson

Mrs. Lee Ann (Heidenbluth) Wozniak ‘45



USF Society


Mr. Anthony Arellano

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bartolini (Rachael A. Marks ‘00, ‘05)

Association of Catholic Colleges

Ms. Ashley Cady ‘16

Mr. Richard Chavez

Chicago Trading Company

Mr. Scott Crowther SR First Secure Community Bank

Franciscan Friars of the State of Missouri

Dr. Julee and Mr. Michael Gard

Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hansen (Beth Shankland ‘73)

Mr. Jon Harris

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hernandez Interstate Batteries of Southwest Chicago

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Kenny ‘81

Ms. Jane Leach Winger

Mr. Vincent K. McGirr

Mickey’s Tire & Service, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mravle ‘97

Ms. Frances Tures Naal ‘58


Quest Food Management Services

Mr. Matthew A. Ramuta (Joan Nahas* ‘56)

Mr.* and Mrs. James P. Sczepaniak (Frances Tures Naal ‘58)

Mr. James Sefcik Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Selzer Sentinus, LLC

Mr. Brian Sharp ‘97, ‘01 and Ms. Gina Sharp

Ms. Kathleen P. Sullivan ‘95

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Vogen ‘93 (Tracey L. Carmack ‘92)

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler (Patricia S. Sexton ‘67)



Adler Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.

Mrs. Sharon (Coonan) Asher ‘70

Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Bain, Jr. ‘02

(Jeana M. Coats ‘03)

Bank of America

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bellah ‘82

(Patricia Banks ‘83)

Sr. Jeanne Bessette O.S.F., Ed.D. ‘77

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Beutel

(Denise Clemens ‘85, ‘96)

Ms. Mary Kay (Softcheck) Blake ‘70

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Block ‘79

Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Brennan ‘81

Mrs. Holly (Ogle) Brennan ‘90

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bryant ‘83

Mr. William Burich

Busey Bank

Dr. Patricia (Forsythe) Campbell ‘70

Mr. Alejandro Campos ‘15, ‘21

(Maria F. Quevedo ‘17)

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Cannata

(Julie A. Schmidt ‘68)

Dr. Tanisha Cannon ‘16

Mr. George Capps

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carlson

Cathedral Area Preservation Association

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chandler (Meghan M. Chandler ‘05)

Mrs. Tracy Chapman ‘03

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Connor (Josephine Giacchino ‘56)

Mr. Tory Cosich

Dr. and Mrs. Terrance L. Cottrell ‘99, ‘03 (Michelle ‘09, ‘10, ‘20)

Council of Independent Colleges

Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Cox (Mary Lagger ‘73)

Mr. Richard Cronholm

Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Debra Crowther

Crowther Roofing and Sheet Metal

Mr. and Mrs. James D’Amico

Mr. Kyle DePasquale

Mrs. Jane (McKean) Drabik ‘70

Mr. and Mrs. Peery A. Duderstadt (Mary Ann Bonkowski ‘68)

Duke’s Landscaping Services, Inc.

Ms. Patricia Edwards ‘78, ‘88

Dr. Iman Ellis Bowen ‘20

Exxon Mobil Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fedo ‘80 (Georgene Policandriotes ‘74, ‘80, ‘85)

Franciscan Foundation

Mrs. Marilyn Gilroy ‘62

Gould Brothers, LLC

Mr. Charles Grace

Mr. Terrence Gruber

Mr. and Mrs. Max Hershbarger (Elaine T. Kick ‘67)

Mr. Frank Huette ‘93

Mr. Thomas Ioanes

Ms. Annette Jelinek

Jewell Events Catering

Johansen & Anderson, Inc.

Ms. Amanda Johnson ‘98

Mr. Phil Johnson

Joliet Catholic Academy

Mr.* and Mrs. Charles F. Juster (Mary Lou Lechowich ‘66)

Mr. Michael Kalata ‘87

Mrs. Roberta (Wlodarski) Kehret ‘61

Mr. and Mrs. John Kella (Patricia Sowa ‘73)

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kender (Carol A. Vischak ‘67)

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome G. Kenney (Dolores Torres ‘56)


Mrs. Marilynn (Jilek) Klotz ‘68

Kozol Bros, Inc.

KSKJ Life, American Slovenian Catholic Union Kuhn, Heap & Monson

Mrs. Ruth (Heimann) Lager ‘55

Mr. Stanley Laken (Elizabeth A. Briick* ‘84)

Dr. and Mrs. Michael V. LaRocco* (Kathleen ‘81, ‘96*)

Mr. and Mrs. George Lehman (Carol (Pubentz) Sterr-Lehman ‘56)

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leone Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Leracz (Bernice Borek ‘62)

Dr. Carol A. Lindee

Mr. William Linz III ‘09

Ms. Catherine Lomasney

Dr. JoAnn Lopykinski ‘89

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manley (Marianne E. Busse ‘57)

Mr. and Mrs.* John T. Manner

Mr. William Manner

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Marsh (Suzanne M. Slifka ‘02)

Mr. and Mrs. Karl and Gayle Maurer

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McCafferty (Carol Ann Ardaugh ‘65)

Mrs. Kathleen (Baye) McCrohan ‘71

MynameisEmilyEagan,andIwillbeaseniorfortheacademicyearof2024-2025within theUniversityofSt.FrancisSocialWorkprogram.AfterIgraduateinspring,Iplanon pursuingthemaster’sprogramtoobtainmyMSWandgainbetterknowledgeandskillsfor the communities I serve.

Firstly,andmostimportantly,thankyouforthededicationandtrustyouholdfor thenextgenerationofcollegestudents.Ihavebeenextremelyblessedtobeselectedto receiveyourscholarship.Truthfully,Ihaveonlybeenabletopursuemyeducationthanksto scholarshipsandthefaithofindividualssuchasyourself.

Myfather’spassinginMarchchangedmyworld.Histimeinhospiceandhis passingcreatedahugeimpactonmyfamilybothmentallyandfinancially,asIspentmy weekendsathomehelpingtakecareofhimforsixmonths.Now,Iamhelpingmymother settlethingsandhelptakecareofthehouse,ourdogBella,andI’mevenhelpingtotake careofher.Mymotherhasalwaysbeenmybiggestsupporter,andIamgoingfurtherinto mystudiesandbeyond.

Thankstoyoursupport,Ihavebeenabletothriveincollege.Ineverwastoosocial inhighschool,orbefore,andIwasbarelyinvolved.Collegehasbeensomuchdifferentfor me.IhavebeenwithUniversityMinistryasaPeerMinistersincemysophomoreyear,being availableforresidentsandcommutersiftheyeverneedsupport.IservedaspartofStudent Government’sExecutiveBoardlastyearandthisnextyearastheVPofSustainability.I’m abletotrulyinvestmyselfinthecollegeexperienceandtheUSFcommunitythankstothe amazingsupportofsomanykindindividualssuchasyourself.Ihopetorepaythekindnessandfaithyouputinmesomeday—hopefullywithmy futureclients.AsocialworkerhelpedmefinishhighschoolwhenIwasatoneofmylowest points.Throughstruggleswithmentalhealthandfinancialburdens,Iwasatonepoint makingweeklyvisitstothesocialworkeratmyschoolduringmystudyperiod.Hiskindness andsupportofmegavemethestrengthandcouragetofinishmyhighschoolcareerand evenapplytocollege.Iplantodomybesttodopaythiskindnesstoclientsandempower themthesamewayIwasempowered.Everyoneneedssupportandhelpatsomepointin theirlives,andIhopetobeabletobeabletoprovidethatsupport. Thankyouforthetrustyouputinthenewgeneration.

Please enjoy this scholarship recipient's statement of gratitude, sharing the impact scholarship has had on their education at

Mr. John Meyer

Mr. Richard Miles

Mrs. Sandra (Novak) Montrose Olivier ‘61

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Morrissette ‘83, ‘86 (Maureen Briscoe ‘84, ‘96)

Mr. Patrick Mudron

Mrs. Marianne (Herringer) Murphy ‘62

NECA-IBEW Local 176

Mr. David Nelson

Nexus Towing

Mr. Nick Oeser

Dr. Kent Oots Ph.D. ‘78

Mr. George Panagopoulos

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Peifer (Margaret Connor ‘61) Piazza & Mannerino Masonry

Price Waterhouse LLP

Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Qualio (Stephanie ‘05)

Mr.* and Mrs. Marvin F. Rakers (Anita Heimann ‘63)

Mr. John Ramuta

Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Randich ‘79 (Ann Reedy ‘80)

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Randich, Sr. ‘76

Rendel’s, Inc.

Mr. Philip Rizzo ‘13

Rockdale Automotive

Ms. Candice P. (Polovina) Rosen ‘88

Mrs. Mary Kay (Walter) Rowe ‘69

Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Ruiz ‘07, ‘09 (Jennifer Horn ‘10, ‘13)

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ruth ‘82

Saint Joseph Hospital

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schager (Jodi C. Zier ‘96, ‘02)

Mrs. Colette Schrank ‘10

Mr. Anthony Schubert

Mr. William Schubert

Mr. and Mrs. David D. Scott (Diane M. Kiefner ‘80)

Mr. Kevin Shaw

Mrs. Judith (Paul) Sigler ‘69

Mr. Brian Smith

Mr. Mark Snodgrass ‘97, ‘00

Ms. Barbara Speiser ‘60

Mrs. Loretta (Wiesbrook) Spesia ‘65

St. Anthony Foundation

Mr.* and Mrs. George Lehman (Carol (Pubentz) Sterr-Lehman ‘56)

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Stowe Ph.D.

Dr. Daniel Streitz DDS

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sullivan (Margaret Bacon ‘96)

Mrs. Ann Sullivan

Ms. Mary Sue Swarthout

Mrs. Chieh Tan ‘00

Mr. Bradley Taylor ‘02

The Flooring Guys

Tim Wallace Landscape Supply Company, Inc.

Mr. Charles Topinka

Turk Furniture

Ms. Deedee Van Dyke

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Vidmar (Wilhelmine McCarley ‘68)

Dr. Michael J. Vinciguerra

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Vogrin (Shelby J. Brown ‘60)

Dr. and Mrs. Gary F. Voyce (Beverly ‘87)

Mr. Timothy Wallace ‘82

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Washburn (Jeanne ‘99, ‘01, ‘17)

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Weis ‘90 (Donna Guderyahn ‘91)

Mr. Edward West

Mr. Jason Whiteside ‘00

Mr. Lawrence Wiers

Dr. Yeijin Yeom

Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Zordan



Mr. Michael Abegg

Absolute Supply Inc

Ms. Jodine Adelman

Ms. Georgene Agnich ‘76

Ms. Linda Aguilar

Ms. Bernadette Aguilar

Mrs. Janice Aimaro ‘78

Air For You Heating and Air Inc.

Mrs. Claudia Albertsen ‘88

Mr. Fadil Alispahic ‘03

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Allen (Patricia Judnich ‘64)

Mrs. Dianne (Rastello) Allen ‘66

Mr. Preston Allen ‘98

Allied Universal Technology Services

Mrs. Emily Alling ‘15

Mrs. Arianna Alonzo ‘19

AOGF American Online Giving Foundation

Ms. Mary (Bentley) Anderson ‘02, ‘04

Mr. John Anderson

Mr. Frank Andreano

Andreano Law PC

Ms. Daphne Andres

Mr. Jeffrey Archambeault ‘04

Mrs. Marietta (Meier) Artz ‘71

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Babcock ‘93

Mr. Brian Badke ‘96

Mr. Richard Bajarunas

Mrs. Dollie (Badovinich) Bajusz ‘54

Ms. Antionette Baldin

Mrs. Michelle (Collofello) Bannon ‘92, ‘09

Ms. Clarissa Barkley ‘20

Mr. Grayson Barnette ‘18

Mrs. Jennifer Barraza

Mrs. Nancy Bartels ‘12

Ms. Ruthann Baskerville ‘63

Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Mrs. Dorothy (Pulo) Batka ‘58

Ms. Jill Batusich

Mr. Kenneth Bazarnik ‘78

BDA Dance

Mrs. Cheryl Bechard

Mrs. Elizabeth Bedolla ‘09, ‘13

Mr. Timothy Behland

Ms. Barbara Bell ‘92

Mrs. Lois (Oelhafen) Bence ‘78

Mrs. JoAnne Benedick

Ms. Gertrude Benish ‘80

Andreya Bennett

Bennett Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

Mr. Thomas Benton

Mrs. June Benton ‘82

Mr. and Mrs.* Jay Bergman

Berman Capital Management & Research

Mr. Gregory Bernas

Ms. Amy Bersano

Dr. Lynn (Bertino) Bertino Neville ‘73

Beta Beta Beta

Mrs. Dolores Biagi-Ellison ‘80

Ms. Jan Bierer ‘07

Mr. and Mrs. Brett J. Binkowski ‘94 (Shawna Batus ‘94)

Mrs. Mary Jo Biondi

Mr. Brett Biondi

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Bisek ‘10 (Michelle Gearhart ‘10)

Bishop Hill Winery

Ms. Elizabeth (Bill) Bispo ‘76

Mr. George Black

Blackburn-Giegerich-Sonntag Funeral Home, Ltd.

Mr. Kirk Blakney ‘96

Mr. Michael Blaszczyk ‘14

Mr. Joseph Blumhardt

Ms. Linda Boasmond


Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Boetto (Melanie Madarik ‘00)

Mr. and Mrs. James Bogacz ‘94 (Renee L. Hanik ‘89, ‘01)

Mrs. Arlene Bokowy

Mr. James Bolanowski

Mrs. Marsha Bolda

Mr. Paul Boley (Paula Sosnoski ‘73)

Mrs. Mary (Alexy) Bonadio ‘96

Mr. Henry Boraks ‘05

Ms. Diana Borri ‘72

Dr. Diane (Chwierut) Borucki ‘63

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bozen, Jr. ‘97 (Victoria ‘96)

Ms. Patricia L. Bracken ‘73, ‘86, ‘94

Mr. Matthew Brady

Mrs. Mary Ann (Kull) Brecht ‘71

Mrs. Marlene (Stepaniak) Bremmer ‘59

Mr. Gene Briscoe

Ms. Chellie Britt

Mrs. Joan (Wallace) Brosnahan ‘69

Dr. Shannon Brown

Brown & Brown of Illinois

Mrs. Deborah (Surinak) Brozman ‘74

Ms. Tracy Bruinsma

Mrs. Sheila Brune ‘86, ‘09

Mr. James Brunner

Sr. Susan Bruno O.S.F. ‘79

Mrs. Lillian (Doleshek) Buckley ‘72

Mrs. Susan Buckley ‘85

Mr. Michael Budimir ‘97, ‘10

Mrs. Darlene (Grybash) Bull ‘78

Ms. Sydney Burden

Ms. Mary Jo Burns ‘72

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burt (Marie A. Goeller ‘70)

Mrs. Beverly Butkus

Ms. Jeanne Buzinski ‘78

Mrs. Donna Cairone ‘03

Mrs. Mary Campobasso

Mr Virgil Cannon Jr.

Mrs. Nancy (Gimpel) Cap ‘70

Mr. Daniel Capobianco ‘21, ‘23

Mr. and Mrs. Cesar and Rosie Cardenas

Mr. Jorge Carmona ‘16

Ms. Janet Carr ‘68

Mrs. Gina (Rigoni) Carrier ‘02, ‘98

Mrs. Mary Jo (Talarico) Carroll ‘77

Ms. Katherine Casserilla

Caterpillar Foundation

Ms. Carol (Janke) Cenar ‘60

Center for Success for High Need Schools

Mr. Mark Cepon ‘02

Mr. Britto Chacko

Mr. John Chappetto ‘92

Dr. Kathleen Cheshareck Ed.D. ‘15

Mrs. Mary Ellen Chesser ‘98

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Chovanec ‘93, ‘12 (Marissa Franzen ‘95)

Mrs. Janis Christensen

Mrs. Charlotte (Eckland) Christiana ‘54

Ciarlette & Robbins LLP

Mrs. Danielle (Martin) Ciechanski ‘08

Ms. Renee Cipriani

Mrs. Cathryn Cline-Casillas ‘99

Mrs. Theresa Coburn ‘99

Mr. Terry Coley

Ms. Maryann Colletti

Colley Elevator

Mrs. Kay Collins Sebastian ‘70

Mr. Daniel Colonnelli

Ms. Jessica Conte ‘13, ‘20

Mrs. Sharon (Liptak) Corell ‘71

Ms. Marian Corley

Ms. Frances (Trainor) Corrigan ‘51

Ms. Sheila Corrigan ‘86

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Cottrell

Mrs. Melissa (Racine) Cox ‘15

Ms. Anne Crawford

Mrs. Sally Cronholm ‘04

Mr. Frank Cservenyak

Mrs. Patricia Culloton ‘91

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Curran (Mary A. Todd ‘67)

Mrs. Denise (Greif) Curran ‘69

Mr. Joseph Curry ‘01

Mr. Thomas Curry

Ms. Karen Curtin ‘82

D & B Distributing

D Construction, Inc.

Ms. Love Dactilidis ‘98, ‘04

Dahme Mechanical Industries, Inc

Mrs. Donna (Dunn) Daly ‘62

Mr. James Darguzis

Mr. Shawn C. Davis ‘91

Mr. Eric Davis Sr.

Mr. Kenneth Davis

Mrs. Julie Davis ‘03

Ms. Denise (Martincich) Davis ‘82

Mr. Rob Dawson

Ms. Kristin DeBoer

Mrs. Carol Ann (Archibald) Deck ‘55

Fr. Terry Deffenbaugh, O.S.A.

Mrs. Jessica Degelow

Ms. Selene Del Toro

Lasker Dela Cruz

Mr. Christopher Delaney ‘94

Ms. Margaret DeLany ‘68

Mr. Jerred Delgado

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and Judith DeMario

Mrs. Suzanne Dennehy ‘07

Ms. Lora Dequilla

Mr. Richard Dernulc

Mr. and Mrs. Mark DeRosa ‘06 (Melissa N. Matthews ‘06, ‘11)

Mr. Darren Desmarais ‘17 (Jacelyn B. Desmarais ‘17)

Ms. Colleen Devries

Mrs. Patricia Devron ‘99

Mrs. Sharon (Kaplan) Dewart ‘78

Mr. David DiLorenzo ‘21, ‘22

Mrs. Theresa Dollinger Waldron

Mrs. Maureen (Paul) Dombrowski ‘72

Ms. Lisa Dooley

Mr. Paul Downey

Mrs. Jill Duke

Mrs. Mary (Sheahan) Dunne ‘70

Mrs. Kathleen Dutton ‘94

Mrs. Donna Eakle ‘09, ‘13


Edward F. Larkin Family Foundation, Inc.

Mrs. Donna (Delohery) Egan ‘70

Mr. Russell Egan ‘21, ‘23

Mrs. Mary Ann (Gosack) Egizio ‘66

Mrs. Mary Ann (Vince) Egizio ‘64

Dr. Jean E. Eisel ‘68

Mrs. Janet J. Eisenberg ‘98

Mr. Curtis Ellergodt ‘12

Mr. Steven Ellis

Mr. Kenneth Engstrom

Mr. Andres Enriquez ‘22

Mr. Joseph Eppling ‘92

Mr. Donald Erickson ‘08

Mr. George Escobarete ‘96

Ms. Jennifer Ethridge ‘89, ‘09

Ms. Bonnie Ewald

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fehrenbacher ‘83 (Judith Casagrande ‘72)

Mrs. Roseann (Sirotek) Feldmann ‘73

Mr. Michael Feminis ‘90

Mrs. Janet Fennewald ‘97

FFG Restoration

Mr. Michael Figiel

Mrs. Kathleen (Gerard) Filut ‘93

Ms. Arlene Finkle ‘09

Mrs. Barbara (Mikyska) Fiore ‘62

Mr. Rick Fishbeck

Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald ‘78

Mrs. Kristin Fletcher ‘08

Mr. James Flotte

Mr. Lucien Flotte

Mrs. Lygia (Dominik) Ford ‘75

Mr. Joseph Formhals ‘86

Mrs. Susanne Foster ‘83 ‘88

Ms. Theresa Fox ‘19

Franciscan Sisters of Chicago

Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart

Ms. Jane (Wilczek) Frank ‘91

Mr. John Frank

Ms. Sr. Sharon Frederick ‘99

Ms. Kathleen (Kremer) Fredrick ‘69

Mr. Christian Freedlund

Mr. William Freeman

Mrs. Victoria Freier ‘97, ‘10, ‘17

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fremeau (Joyce Goron ‘70)

Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Fries

(Joanne G. Gaertner ‘69)

Mrs. Jan (Johnson) Fulton ‘63

Mr. Robert Funk

Ms. Julie Futterer ‘93, ‘18

Ms. Suzanne Galdun

Mrs. April Galimba

Ms. Sheryl Gallaher

Mr. Arthur Galli Jr. ‘80

Ms. Charlotte Galuska ‘10

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gambs

Mr. Roland Garbs

(Beverly A. Kurpaitis* ‘64)

Ms. Karen Garifo

Ms. Suzanne Garvey-Dieter ‘19

Mr. Michael Gavic

Ms. Hana Gawelczyk ‘19

Mrs. Patricia Gedeller ‘95

Mrs. Susan (Stratz) Gehrke ‘88

Mr Ramon Gerona Jr.

Mrs. Nicole Gerrick ‘01

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gersman (Jennifer M. Gersman ‘03, ‘14)

Mrs. Kathleen (Cooper) Gerz ‘97, ‘74

Ms. Kathryn Giegerich

Mrs. Frances (Hawkinson) Gilles ‘68

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gimbel ‘81

(Cheryl Szymczak ‘78)

Gipple Graphics

Mrs. Mary (Devereux) Gisch ‘59

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Glenn

(Dr. Deborah M. Glenn ‘17)

Mrs. Jodie Goebel

Mr. Daniel Golaszewski ‘90

Dr. Abigail Gomulkiewicz

Mr. Robert Gomulkiewicz

Mr. Ronald Gonzalez Jr.

Mrs. Estefani Gonzalez ‘17, ‘21, ‘23

Ms. Marsha Gooch ‘05

Dr. Arnold Good

Mr. Joshua Gorzney ‘13

Mr. Anastasios Goulos

Mrs. Mary (O’Donnell) Grabowski ‘73

Mrs. Jayne Graham

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Greenan ‘01, ‘04, ‘18 (Rachael Devereaux ‘06)

Mr. Paul Greenawalt

Mr. Kevin Greene

Mrs. Penny (Hickey) Greene ‘65

Mr. Scott Gregory

Ms. June Grivetti Ed.D.

Ms. Florence Grogan ‘00

Mr. Jesse Groover ‘15

Mrs. Eileen (Gourley) Grove ‘57

Ms. Michelle Groves

Mr. Peter Gubricky

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gudac ‘88 (Michelle M. Siefert ‘86)

Ms. Maria Gulas ‘86, ‘96

Mr. Jack Guldenbecker ‘22, ‘23

Mr. Kenneth Guldenbecker ‘22

Mrs. Helen (Danner) Gumble ‘65

Mr. Luke Gundersen ‘13 (Lindsay Gisselman ‘15)

Ms. Brittany Gundlach

Ms. Karla Guseman ‘01

Ms. Lilliana Gutierrez

The Honorable and Mrs. Herman S. Haase (Shelly J. Haase ‘03)

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hackett

Ms. Erin Hackett

Mr. Michael Hackiewicz ‘10

Dr. Panayiotis Hadjimitsos ‘18

Mr. John Hale ‘02

Mrs. Suzanne (Bieschke) Hall ‘71

Mrs. Madonna (Hakey) Hamilton ‘92

Mrs. Christine Hammerlund ‘96

Mrs. Kathleen Harley ‘89

Mr. Eric Harness ‘01

Mrs. Mary Harper

Mr. Michael Harris

Mrs. Mary Jean (Lafond) Hartlep ‘49

Dr. Bruce Hartman

Mrs. Mary Anne (Wilhelmi) Hartnett ‘73

Mrs. Kim (Meyer) Haukap ‘82

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Hauser (Lori Hauser ‘09)

Mrs. Trinity Haynes ‘98

Mrs. Laureen (Horvat) Heilstedt ‘83, ‘11

Mr. Eric Heim ‘06

Ms. Breanna Heimberger ‘22, ‘23

Mr. David Heimerdinger

Mrs. Sylvia (Heimann) Henken ‘55

Mrs. Colette (Moudry) Henley ‘68

Mrs. Carol (Vitkus) Hennessey ‘77

Mrs. Jillian Herbert ‘08

Ms. Laura Hernandez

Mrs. Georgiana (Craven) Herr ‘48

Thomas Herrmann

Dr. and Mrs. Lyle L. Hicks (Nancy ‘79, ‘91, ‘99)

Mr. Donald Hildebrand ‘83

Ms. Melissa Hill

Mr. Kurt Hipke

Mr. James Hoff Jr. ‘97

Mrs. Cheryl Hoffman ‘99

Dr. Patricia (Gierich) Hofmeister Ph.D. ‘69

Ms. Aindrea Hogan

Mr. Hudson Hollister ‘02

Mrs. Sarah Holloway ‘09

Mrs. Margaret (Brown) Honiotes ‘83

Mr. Robert Hoole ‘08

Mr. Mark Hoppe

Dr. Betty J. (Beggs) Horton ‘78

Mr. Joseph Host (Chantal Peel ‘97)

Mr. Trevor Howard ‘14

Ms. Michelle Hoyt

Mrs. Margaret Huck

Mrs. Gladys (Wright) Hughes ‘67

Mr. Thomas Humenik ‘11

Mrs. Patricia (Reavley) Hunnewell ‘69

Mrs. Maureen Hunt ‘02

Mrs. Carol Huston ‘93

Ms. Katie Iacovelli

Illinois Landscape Supply, LLC

Iron Workers Local Union 444

Mr. John Irwin Jr.

Please enjoy this scholarship recipient's statement of gratitude, sharing the impact scholarship has had on their education at USF.

My name is Skylar Yazum and I wanted to sincerely express my deepest thanks for granting me the Harold and Margaret Moser Scholarship. I am a sophomore here at USF and intending to get a degree in Finance. I am involved in Saints Ambassadors where, besides tours, I train new ambassadors and plan our socials. I am also an Orientation Board Leader and mentored in our First Year Transition Program. Finally, I am a Student Success Mentor to help guide students through college and ensure they will succeed and graduate. I love USF and I am so grateful to be at this wonderful university. I enjoy being involved and I look forward to all the fun activities and opportunities that await my future. This scholarship is important to me as it eases some of the financial stress from my mind. As a first-generation and only child, I have to go through this new experience alone and have to discover my own answers. I am blessed to have a loving and supporting family, but we are not that well off—especially with costs of living increasing and retirement nearing for my parents. That being said, I guess that is why I work so many hours and try to save up as much as I can; every penny counts and helps me one step closer to my degree. Because of this scholarship, I no longer have to stress as much about the hours I work and have more opportunity to just be a part of jobs because I can, not because I need to be. In no world was I expecting to be gifted this much money, and I will forever be grateful. My freshman year of college was tough as I was working multiple jobs and studying as a full-time student. Earning a college degree has always been my biggest dream. I never knew what I wanted to do, but I always envisioned myself with a degree in hand. The reality is that it can be a little expensive. I have always been a good student so my grades have and always will remain in good standing, but expenses were always dulling my opportunities. I can live a little freer knowing I do not have to worry as much about money, but rather enjoy my time instead. I want to dedicate more time to my two on-campus jobs and to participating in clubs. Due to work, I was forced to miss a lot of campus events, but I now have the chance to focus on whichever I choose. That is a gift in itself. You have removed a financial weight from my shoulders. I will now receive my degree, and I will put it to great use.

I would just like to thank the University of St. Francis from the bottom of my heart for selecting me to receive the wonderful Harold and Margaret Moser Scholarship. I look forward to being even more involved and doing amazing things at USF and in the world in general. I will never forget this scholarship and the impact it has and will have on my life. I hope to make you proud and can promise you great things from me.

With Gratitude, Skylar Yazum

Ms. Evera Ivy ‘23, ‘24

J. Russ and Company, Inc.

Mrs. Diane (Kozak) Jager ‘67

Mrs. Helen Janke

Fr. Michael Jennrich

Mr. Dennis Jensen

Mr. James Jeropke

Dr. Maria Jevitz Patterson ‘66

Ms. Melissa Jewell

Mrs. Barbara Jivery

Mrs. Carol Johncours ‘77

Mr. Christopher Johnson

Mrs. Lorell (White) Johnson ‘61

Ms. Loretta Johnson ‘78

Ms. Mary Johnson ‘94

Mrs. Jean Johnson ‘89

Joliet Community Baseball and Entertainment, LLC

Joliet Firefighters Local 44

Joliet Park District

Joliet Petroleum, Inc.

Joliet Tent Company

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Jones (Virginia Deiss ‘68)

Mrs. Marilyn (Plavec) Jones ‘67

Mr. Nathaniel Jones

Mr. Richard Jones ‘99

Ms. Leslie Juarez-Resendiz ‘17

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Just ‘73 (Denise Holthaus ‘72)

Mrs. Theresa (Long) Kaestner ‘72

Ms. Karin Kaiden ‘05

Mrs. Kimberly Kalafut

Mrs. Dolores (Sochacki) Kalayta ‘69

Ms. Dale Ann Kalvaitis

Mr. John Kane Jr.

Mrs. Mary Kapinus

Ms. Lori (Osmus) Kappmeyer ‘77

Kathy Miller State Farm Insurance

Mr. Christopher Kauzlaric

Mr. Michael Keane ‘87

Ms. Cheryl Keck

Mrs. Rita (Milasius) Keehn ‘64

Mrs. Leatrice (Schauer) Kelly ‘58

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nosal (Mary Jo Kelly ‘88)

Mrs. Mae Rose (Fonck) Kennedy ‘66

Mr. James Kennedy

Mrs. Mary Kepchar, RN ‘80, ‘99

Mrs. Wendy Kettering ‘03

Mrs. Amita (Oommen) Khandekar ‘83

Mrs. Michele (Sullivan) Kibble ‘79

Mr. Kevin Kickels ‘92

Mr. Matthew Kindelin

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kinsella ‘02 (Christina L. Cline ‘02)

Mr. Joseph Kirkeeng

Kiwanis Club of Joliet

Ms. Joyce Klinger ‘67

Ms. Susan Klumb ‘99

Mrs. Molly Knapczyk

Mr. Ken Knezitec

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Knight ‘07, ‘18, ‘19 (Aubrey L. Durish ‘04, ‘07)

Mrs. Barbara (Krupinski) Knuth ‘63

Mr. Michael Kocinski ‘87

Dr. Ronald Kohn

Mr. Robert Kohn

Mr. Bert Kooi

Estate of Brian J. Kossett

Ms. Patricia Kovacs

Mr. Wayne Kowalkowski

Mr. Brian Kozlowski ‘96

Mr. Leonard Kozlowski

Mr. Todd Kranpitz ‘86

Ms. Katherine Kraus ‘86

Dr. Oscar Krieger

Ms. Stacy Krisch

Ms. Barbara Kristin ‘73

Mrs. Brittani (Hunter) Krueger ‘09

Ms. Colleen Krupa ‘07

Ms. Taylor Kubinski ‘21

Ms. Maria (Kump) Kump-Faren ‘67

Mrs. Kathleen Kurkamp ‘03

Mr. and Ms. Aaron Kuzava (Christina Kuzava ‘21, ‘22)

Mr. Richard Kuzmar

Mr. Ralph Kwilosz

Mrs. Adolphine (Gryzlo) Labate ‘63

Mrs. Nicolette LaFauce ‘14

Ms. Dana Lahart

Mrs. Barbara (Hills) Lambert ‘91

Mrs. Janis (Dusell) LaMont ‘84

Mr. and Mrs. Tizoc Landeros ‘99

Ms. Patricia (Mansfield) Lang ‘87

Dr. Jeffrey Lange ‘89

Mrs. Jeanette (Peterson) Langebartels ‘79

Ms. Julie Larson

Lawn Works of Joliet, Inc.

Ms. Hollande Lawson ‘00

Ms. Kathryn Leatherwood

Mr. Peter Lefferts

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lehman

Mrs. Charlotte (Cathcart) Lenz ‘66

Mr. Jeff Lesnik

Dr. Leia Levy ‘18

Reverend James Lewis, O. Carm.

Mrs. Helen (Audette) Lewis ‘63

Ms. Kathryn (Schmidt) Lewis ‘83

Ms. Lindsey Lewis

Ms. Kelsey Liaromatis ‘16, ‘22

Ms. Kathryn Lindgren

Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Lindquist

Mr. Stephen Locke ‘99, ‘06 (Erin N. Leginski ‘00)

Mr. Eric Lofdahl ‘92

Ms. Anne Loochtan

Mr. Ospaldo Lopez

Mr. Jhoni Lopez ‘07, ‘16 (Kristi Lopez ‘08)

Ms. Claudia Lopez

Mr. Mike Lorenzo

Ms. Carole Lucas

Lucas Law Firm

Mr. Thomas Ludrovec ‘92

Ms. Donna Ludrovec ‘04

Ms. Florence (Schrage) Luechtefeld ‘62

Dr. Lucille M. (DeVisme) Lugowski ‘70

Ms. Shae Lynch ‘24

Ms. Susan Lyrla

Mrs. Michelle (Mudron) Madura ‘94

Mrs. Rosalie Maehrer ‘95

Mr. Emmanuel Magana ‘07

Mr. Matthew Mahalik ‘02

Mr. Michael Mallon ‘84

Mr. Steve Mampe

Ms. Kristen Mansmith

Mrs. Rosemary (Lucenta) Markun ‘63

Mrs. Jean (Frank) Marquette ‘84

Mr. Jorge Marroquin

Mr. John Marshall ‘90

Mr. Robert Martin ‘06

Mr. Samuel Martin

Mrs. Susan Martin

Martin & AssociatesAmeriprise Financial

Mrs. Juanita (Kinder) Martin-Davis ‘54

Ms. Maria Martinez ‘19

Mr. Brenden Martus ‘23

Mrs. Jo Ann (Felbinger) Mathews ‘64

Ms. Cynthia Matlosz

Mr. Ryan Matuszewski ‘12

Dr. Jean Mau ‘80, ‘12

Mrs. Maria Mavrakis

Mrs. Judith Max

Mrs. Sabrina Mayland ‘00

Ms. Kaitlen Mayszak ‘13

Mrs. Carla Mazza

Mrs. Carla McArdle

Ms. Peggy McArdle

Mr. Matthew McArthur ‘06, ‘14


Mrs. Julie (McCabe) McCabeSterr ‘75

Mr. Michael McCann

Mrs. Elizabeth McCarthy ‘90

Ms. Mary McCarthy ‘04

Dr. Patricia McClintock Ed.D. ‘02, ‘93

Ms. Tina McComb

Dr. Elizabeth McDermott

Ms. Danielle McDermott ‘03

Mrs. Mary (Coghlan) McDevitt ‘96

Mrs. Patricia (Cummings) McGrath ‘87

Dr. Terrance P. McGuire and Ms. Kathleen J. McGowan

Ms. Nicole McGuire

Mr. Bret McKeand ‘81

Mrs. Arlene (Jordan) McLaughlin ‘93

Mrs. Gerri (Rzansa) McMahon ‘62

Mrs. Maria McNeely ‘90

Mrs. Jody Mech ‘07

Mr. Brian Medendorp ‘85

Ms. Darla Medernach ‘80

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Meehan ‘80

(Joan M. Travers ‘80, ‘04)

Ms. Karen Mellon ‘78

Mr. Brian Melvin

Dr. Donna and Mr. Thomas Metlicka ‘07

Mr. Brian Michalak ‘83

Mrs. Barbara (Radosta) Michalski ‘55

Mr. Mark Midlock ‘85

Midwest Environmental Consulting Services, Inc.

Midwest Property Development LLC

Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc.

Mrs. Amy Mihelich

Mr. Mark Miketinac ‘92

Mrs. Karen (Aschenbrener) Miklic ‘90, ‘99

Mr. Kevin Miller ‘79

Mr. Michael Miller

Ms. Candice Miller ‘07, ‘14

Ms. Yvonna Miller ‘16

Mr. Dimitrije Milutinovic

Mr. Sebastian Mireles ‘23

Ms. Jeanette Mitchell

Mr. James Mitchell

Mr. Kevin Molitor

Ms. Daniella Montinola

Dr. Jessica Monu

Mr. James Moore

Mr. Jeffrey Moore ‘92

Mrs. Amy Moore

Moore Glass, Inc.

Mr. Donald Morin ‘75

Morris Moose Lodge 967

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morzuch

Ms. Tammy Moseley ‘98

Mr. Scott Moses

Mr. Justin Mottier

Mr. Submarine

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mravle ‘95

Mrs. Rebecca (Daugherty) Muhs ‘88

Sr. Roberta Naegele O.S.F. ‘70, ‘75

Ms. Kathleen (Marsh) Nagle ‘92, ‘06

Mrs. Jennifer Nally ‘01, ‘05

Ms. Lisa Nash

Ms. Kylie Neese ‘14

Mr. James Neicheril ‘87

Dr. Catherine Nelson Ed.D.

Mr. John Nemitz

Mrs. Beth (Thornton) Nettles ‘96

Ms. Kelsey Nichols

Mrs. Sherene Nicolai ‘03, ‘06

Mrs. Margaret (Tully) Nicosia ‘81

Ms. Diane Nilan ‘73

Mrs. Pamela (Kolada) Nogal ‘68

Mrs. Esther (Heimann) Norrenberns ‘59

Ms. LaDonna Norstrom ‘70

Mr. and Mrs. John and Paula Norton

Ms. Rita Nortrup ‘77

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nosal (Mary Jo Kelly ‘88)

Mrs. Janet (Schroeder) Novotny ‘67

Ms. Malgorzata Nowakowski ‘08, ‘23

Mr. Ron Nowobielski

Ms. Mary Jo Noyes ‘06

NuMark Credit Union

Mr. John Nylen

Mrs. Michele O’Boyle

Ms. Lisa OBrien ‘91, ‘10

Mr. William O’Brien ‘02

Ms. Maureen O’Conor

Mrs. Linda O’Donnell ‘05

Old Timers Baseball Association of Will County

Ms. Amanda Olsen ‘16

Mr. Brian Olson ‘96

Mr. Randall Olson


Ms. Jackie Origer

Mr. Steven Osborn ‘85

Dr. Mary Oskvarek ‘89, ‘11, ‘18

Mrs. Rosemary (Tyl) Osmulski ‘62

Ms. Whitney O’Sullivan ‘13, ‘19

Mr. Richard Ott

Dr. Carol (Veverka) Overman ‘63

Oxbo Muffler & Brake Shop

Ms. Claressa Padilla

Mrs. Sharon Palmer ‘94, ‘97

Mrs. Kelsey (Castanier) Panico ‘11, ‘15

Mr. Daniel Paplaczyk

Mr. Kevin Pasciak

Mr. Jonathan Paul ‘04, ‘11

Ms. Deena Pavinato ‘78

Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott Pekol ‘99 (Jeana R. Carrico ‘00)

Ms. Diane Peltzer ‘87

Mr. Christopher Pendergast ‘22

Perry Brown Plumbing and Heating, Inc.

Mrs. Elizabeth (Wubben) Peters ‘02

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson (Rae Marie Nagel ‘69)

Ms. Phyllis (Kleinhoffer) Peterson ‘98, ‘72

Ms. Traci Peterson

Mrs. Donna Petko ‘13, ‘14

Mrs. Janine (Liptak) Petric ‘73

Ms Taylor Petz ‘23

Mr. Thomas Piasecki ‘04

Ms. Beth Pitel

Mr. Kenneth Plese

Mr. Gerald Plock

Mr. George Pobuda

Mr. Allan Podlecki

Mr. Mike Polcyn

Mrs. Judith Polites ‘92

Ms. Penny Poninski

Mr. Alex Pope

Dr. Nancy (Papesh) Potempa* ‘72

Ms. Malissa Potoczny

Mrs. Barbara Price ‘93

Mr. Daniel Price

Mrs. Julie (Nelson) Pristas ‘93, ‘02

Mr. Andrew Probst

Ms. Kathleen Przybyla

Mr. Jonathan Punke ‘20

Mr. Aaron Qualio

Sr. Peggy Quinn, O.S.F.

R MTZ Inc.

R. Berti Building Solutions

Mr. Michael Ramuta

Ms. Madison Randall ‘17

Ms. Kathleen (Bolte) Randolph ‘69

Ms. Emily Redlich ‘14

Mrs. Rosemary (Lamb) Reed ‘67

Ms. Simone Reis ‘14

Mrs. Mary (Devine) Reiter ‘73

Ms. Katarzyna Remiasz ‘14, ‘22

Mr. Bruce Renz

Mrs. Mara (Gracanin) Reyes ‘04

Mr. Dylan Reyes ‘14

Ms. Elvia Rickmon

Ms. Susan Rightsell

Mrs. Brianne (Hougas) Riley ‘03

Mr. Diego Rivera

Mr. and Mrs. Drew Rockafellow ‘15

(Mollie Rockafellow ‘15)

Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Rodriguez ‘09 (Rocio M. Rodriguez ‘13)

Ms. Debra Rogan ‘98, ‘08

Mr. James Rogers

Ms. Christine Rogers

Mrs. Susan Rosenberg ‘91

Mrs. Mary Beth Ross ‘00

Dr. Beth and Mr. David Roth

Mr. Daniel Rourke

Mr. William Rousonelos

Mr. James Royalty Jr. ‘00, ‘02

Mrs. Celeste (Blaskievich) Rudman ‘61

Mrs. Ann (Faivre) Ruggaber ‘67

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ruhaak

Sr. Gayle Rusbasan, O.S.F.

Ms. MaryAnn Russ ‘73

Mr. Steve Russell

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ryan (Faith A. Ryan ‘96)

Dr. and Mrs. Michael George Ryan (Paula T. Krzicnik* ‘61)

Mr. Michael Ryan

Mrs. Denise Rylander

S. Fisher Properties, Inc.

Mrs. Therese (Klawitter) Safavi ‘70

Ms. Vanessa Sager ‘13

Saint Bernard Catholic Church of Joliet

Ms. Joyce Sala ‘70

Mr. James Salvatore

Mr. James Salvatori ‘09

Mrs. Paige Salvino ‘14, ‘20

Mr. John Salzeider

Mrs. Therese Sanborn ‘02

Ms. Janice Sangabriel ‘15

Miss Luisa Santoyo ‘80

Ms. Jeanne Scalpelli

Mrs. Barbara (Zimmerman) Schaar ‘69

Miss Margaret Schauer ‘63

Mr. Owen Schnaper

Ms. Emily Schrader ‘21, ‘22

Mr. William Schubert

Ms. Gerri Schubert

Mr. Michael Schubert

Mr. Christopher Schubert

Mr. Stephen Schubert

Mr. Tony Schubert

Mr. Emil Schubert Talavera

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schultz

(Cathy J. Kocher ‘76)

Ms. Lauren Schwartz ‘14

Ms. Beth Schwartz

Dr. Daniel Schwert

Mrs. Mary Patrice (Crane) Scully ‘70

Mrs. Jennifer Segura

Mr. Greg Selzer

Mr. Christopher Selzer

Mr. James Seput ‘90

Mr. Louis Servin

Mrs. Margaret (Busca) Sevening ‘65

Mr. Dan Sharp

Mr. David P. Shea ‘84 and Dr. Rita Tamulis-Shea ‘83

Mrs. Jean (Dallas) Kellison ‘82

Mr. Eric Sieloff

Mr. Lucas Sillar ‘04

Silver Cross Hospital

Ms. Ruth Silverman

Ms. Rosalie Rene Simonelic

Ms. Tracy Simons ‘04

Mrs. Janet (Zenkus) Simpson ‘69

Mr. Keith Sincak ‘97

Mrs. Noralee (Lyons) Singer ‘71

Mrs. Mary (McCoy) Sisley-Shuker ‘76

Sisters of St. Francis of Holy Name Province, Inc

Ms. Jeanette Skul ‘59

Mrs. Nancy Slimak ‘92

Dr. Cindy O. Sloan ‘04 and Ms. Lea C. Sloan ‘04

Ms. Sandra Sloka ‘06

Mr. Robert Smith

Ms. Rebecca Smith ‘14

Mr. Francis Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Soldan ‘93 (Christina ‘94, ‘05)

Mrs. Mary K. Solon-Goers ‘73

Sooper Lube

Mrs. Holly Souza ‘06, ‘11

Mrs. Mary Ellen (Senffner) Spiegel ‘77

Mr. Paul Spiezio ‘82

Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Spinozzi ‘81

Mrs. Terri (Grossen) Sprout ‘91

St. Bonaventure University

St. Mary Magdalene Church

Mrs. Adrienne (Lessard) Stack ‘92

Mrs. Janice (Jaksetich) Staniszewski ‘70

Ms. Patricia Starks ‘77

Ms. Barb Staszak

Mr. Aaron Stawikowski

Mr. James Stein

Mrs. Brighid (Kuhn) Stemmler ‘08

Mr. Scott Stephen

Mrs. Jo Anne (Donnelly) Sternisha ‘71

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stimac (Deborah L. Stimac ‘09, ‘10)

Mrs. Marguerite (Veras) Stoiber ‘73

Mr. Matt Stover

Mr. Michael Strasser ‘94

Mrs. Alice (Glowacki) Strzalka ‘51

Ms. Linda Sucich

Mrs. Constance (Ellis) Sullivan ‘77

Dr. Peter Sullivan Ed.D. ‘15

Ms. Clarice Swanson ‘18

Mrs. Tara Sweeney ‘11

Ms. Elizabeth Switalski ‘05

Mrs. Mary Grace (Morrotto) Szczypta ‘67

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Szoke ‘78 (Donna M. Musich ‘80, ‘04)

T & D Bowling Specialist, LTD

Mr. Craig Taheny (Jessica L. Conte ‘13, ‘20)

Mrs. Kathryn (Hipke) Talaski ‘02

Mr. Anthony Talley

Mr. David P. Shea ‘84 and Dr. Rita Tamulis-Shea ‘83

Mrs. Mary Ellen (Tatro) TatroMendoza ‘76

Ms. Laura Taylor


Ms. Maren Teeling

The Cove Nutrition LLC

The Dock at Inwood

The Jacob Henry Mansion Estate

Martin Thompson

Mr. Brian Thompson

Ms. Mary (Funk) Thuma ‘62

Ms. Lourdes Tirado ‘19

Titan Construction Ent. Inc

Titan Electric

Mrs. Patricia Tomac

Mrs. Ruth (Kramer) Tomala ‘74

Mr. Adam Tondini ‘13

Ms. Erica Tozer ‘20

TriStone Security Consultants LLC

Mr. Thomas Turigliatto ‘84

Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Turk (Celeste Konecny ‘65)

Mr. Joseph Turk

Mrs. Lois Turk

Ms. Terri Tyner ‘73

Mr. Anthony Tyus ‘78

Ms. Colleen Udell

Mr. Gino Vaccarella ‘19

Mrs. Christine (Leonakis) Valenta ‘80

Mr. Michael Valentine

Mr. Brian Vander Luitgaren ‘98

Dr. David Veenstra Ph.D.

Mr. Miguel Villegas

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vironda ‘03 (Jill M. Allen ‘04)

Ms. Elizabeth Vlahos ‘03

Mrs. Loreen (Hildy) Vlk ‘71

Ms. Natalie Vogel ‘18

Mr. Timothy Wade ‘23, ‘24

Ms. Kacie Wadycki

Mr. Brent Wagner

Ms. Marie (Schuch) Wagner RN ‘87

Mrs. Debra Wahl ‘97

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Waldron

Mrs. Diane Walker ‘92

Mrs. Kelly (Douglas) Walker ‘84, ‘06

Ms. Roseann Walsh

Mr. Daniel Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Walsh ‘05 (Jessica Saraga ‘05)

Ms. Ashley Webb ‘13, ‘17

Mrs. Marilyn Weeks ‘92

Mr. Craig Wegner

Mr. Cory Weiser

Dr. Tim Weldon

Mr. James Werner ‘00

Mr. Piotr Wesolowski

Ms. Virginia Wessling ‘81

Mrs. Mary (Bahaveolos) Westberg ‘91

White Satin Bridal

Ms. Kelly Whitehead

Mrs. Marjorie (Freiburg) Wiemels ‘60

Ms. Sharna Wilkerson

Ms. Janet Willey

Ms. Brenda Williams ‘87, ‘94

Mr. Timothy Wills ‘92

Ms. Louise Wilmot ‘91

Ms. Cindy Wirtz ‘83

Mrs. Judith (Kollar) Wisinski ‘69

Mr. Eric Wittekiend ‘91

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Witty ‘81 (Jeana Witty)

Ms. Yvonne Wong

Dr. Steven Wrobleski ‘19

Ms. Donna Wysock ‘75

Ms. Corinne Yamamoto ‘11

Mr. Thomas Yearsich

Mrs. Barbara (Tandecki) Yug ‘90

Ms. Margaret Zak ‘96

Ms. Renee Zdych

Ms. Nora Zeiler

Mrs. Nancy Zier

Ms. Bettylou Zmudka ‘04

Mrs. Margarita Zuniga


Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bisek ‘10 (Michelle Viola ’10)

Dr. Jean E. Eisel Ph.D. ‘68

Dr. Arnold Gold

Mr. Hudson Hollister ‘02

Mr. Michael Kalata ‘87

Mrs. Barbara Knuth

Mrs. Arlene (Jordan) McLaughlin ‘93

Ms. Taylor Neverman ‘15

Mrs. Janet Novotny ‘67



Dr. Gerald L. Abegg Ph.D.*

Mrs. Mary Catherine Abegg*

Mr. Thomas B. Adams

Mr. Don C. Anderson*

Ms. N. J. Anderson

Mrs. Marilyn (Schmotzer) Auth* ‘48

Mrs. Jo Ann (McDonald) Barber ‘52

Mr. Alfred H. Baye

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Benoit (Margaret Kennedy ‘69)

Mr. Michael Bily and Ms. Christy Ford

Mrs. Kay (Cox) Bissonnette ‘46

Ms. Mary Kay (Softcheck) Blake ‘70

Ms. Ellen T. Bland* ‘05, ‘09

Mr.* and Mrs.* Eugene P. Blessent

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Block ‘79 (Regina Block)

Dr. and Dr. Robert A. Borucki

Ms. Martha E. Boyle* ‘54

Dr. Gina M. Brandolino Ph.D. ‘94

Mrs. Marlene (Stepaniak) Bremmer ‘59

Dr. Virginia M. Brouch ‘61

Mr.* and Mrs.* LaVerne S. Brown

Ms. Helen M. Burst*

Mr. Richard L. Chavez

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Codo

Mr. and Mrs. William Cohan (Sally Terman ‘71)

Miss Rosemary Coleman* ‘46

Mrs. Marcy (Moloney) Cromley ‘68

Ms. Mary C. Cushing

Mr.* and Mrs. John W. D’Arcy (Jeanette O’Donnell ‘49)

Mrs. Mary H. Dalton* ‘34

Ms. Margaret A. DeLany ‘60

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Doyle (Linda Hasslet ‘68)

Mr. and Mrs. Peery A. Duderstadt (Mary Ann Bonkowski ‘68)

Mrs. Ardith (Davis) Efner ‘70

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Engen (Lynn Skaggs ‘83)

Mrs. Dolores L. Fadeley * ‘34

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fellbaum

Dr. Catherine and Mr. Daniel Ferrario

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gishpert (Kathleen Peshek ‘92)

Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Gosselin

Mrs. June L. Haack ‘52

Mr. and Mrs. M. Clarence Huang

Dr. Gail (Scholtes ‘61) and Mr. William Jamieson

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Juster (Mary Lou Lechowich ‘66)

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kender (Carol Vischak ‘67)

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome G. Kenney

Dr. Karen M. Kietzman*

Mr. and Mrs. Roman J. Klusas (Mary Frances Denault ‘69)

Mr. and Mrs. Tad H. Koch (Carol Kuban ‘61)

Ms. Liesel E. Kossmann ’77, ‘85

Mr. Thomas J. Kujawa ‘84

Mr. John* H. and Cecily* Leach

Mr. and Mrs.* Robert E. Leckrone

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Leracz

Mr. Harold Lindstrom Jr.

Dr. Rosemary Lucas ‘49

Mr. Thomas J. Ludrovec ‘92

Ms. Rosemary A. Lux* ‘52

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Mallof

Miss Rose E. Mancuso

Mrs. Anna Louise Masching ‘46

Mr. Vincent K. McGirr

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Moore

Dr. Mary Jo Moran Ph.D. ‘69

Mr.* and Mrs.* Harold E. Moser

Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Munsch ‘44

Mrs. Carolyn Murphy ‘65

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Murphy (Marianne Herringer ‘62)

Mrs. Frances (Tures) Naal ‘58

Mrs. Esther (Heimann) Norrenberns ‘59

Dr. and Mrs.* John C. Orr

Ms. Patricia Papp* ‘60

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Peifer (Margaret Connor* ‘61)

Miss Sophia A. Rados* ‘37

Dr. Dorothy A. Ritter M.D.* ‘66

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Rooney ‘81

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic R. Ross

Ms. Nancy J. Russell* ‘57

Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Samame (Nancy Barragan ‘60)

Mr. and Mrs. David Sandahl (Marcille Pasdertz ‘67)

Miss Virginia J. Saxon*

Mr. James P. Sczepaniak*

Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Singer (Noralee Lyons ‘71)

Ms. Marlene A. Skau ‘98

Mrs. Vera Smith*

Dr. Vilaylack Soulivong ‘09, ‘10, ‘19, ‘21

Dr. M. Therese Southgate M.D.* ‘48

Mrs. Carolyn A. Steck ‘62

Ms. Cheryl (Schroeder) Stepney ‘70

Mrs. Deborah A. Sterling ‘06

Mrs. Anna Mae Stieber ‘42

Ms. Ramonda F. Talkie ‘71

Dr. and Dr. Boonchero Thorchamod ‘77

Mrs. Patricia K. Tobin* ‘53

Ms. Cecilia A. Trizna Vargo* ‘59

Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Turk (Celeste Konecny ‘65)

Mr. and Mrs.* Duane R. Walker (Mary Ann Krawchuck ‘70)

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Walsh (Donna M. Kaminiski* ‘64)

Mrs. Frances B. Waranius ‘53

Mr.* and Mrs.* Patrick Webb

Dr.* and Mrs. Ronald Weiss

Dr. Matthew Wetstein and Dr. Cindy Ostberg

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler (Patricia Sexton ‘67)

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Wiemels (Marjorie Freiburg ‘60)

Mrs. Margie (Benoit) Wilson* ‘45

Mrs. Lee Ann (Heidenbluth) Wozniak ‘45


Mary Catherine Ward Abegg Endowed Scholarship

Phyllis & Buel T. Adams Endowed Scholarship

Donald C. Anderson and William W. Manion Endowed Scholarship

Harold and Joyce Anglemire Endowed Scholarship

William and Jean Anson Endowed Scholarship

JoAnn (McDonald) Barber ’52 Endowed Scholarship

Barr Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Margaret (Kennedy) ’69 and William C. Benoit Endowed Scholarship

Jennifer K. Bily Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Lloyd J. Bowden Endowed Scholarship

LaVerne S. & Dorothy M. Brown Endowed Scholarship

Helen Antonini-Bruskas ’64 Endowed Scholarship

Kimberly and Michael Bryant Endowed Scholarship

Helen M. Burst Endowed Scholarship

Joseph and Angeline Bydalek Endowed Scholarship

William and Marietta Carroll International Student Scholarship

Richard L. Chavez Endowed Scholarship

Richard Cheek Endowed Scholarship

Ed and Margaret Chmielewski Basketball Scholarship

Jason Chonacki ’90 Endowed Scholarship

Charlotte Codo ‘74 Endowed Scholarship

Margaret Coleman and John Philip Coleman Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Amy Lynn D’Amico ’98 Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Eisenbrant Family Nursing Scholarship

Jonathan E. Ellis Scholarship

Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart Endowed Scholarship

Patricia Getson Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Gordie Gillespie Memorial Scholarship for Servant Leadership

Shawn Green Memorial Scholarship

Nancy K. Gosselin Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Annalise Hathaway ‘12 Endowed Scholarship

Sheldon and Marie Hauck Endowed Scholarship

Charlene M. Huffman Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Sonja Jezidija Endowed Scholarship

Starr Johnston Endowed Scholarship Fund

Dr. Karen Kietzman ’66 Endowed Scholarship for Music and Theater

Barbara & Wayne Klasing Endowed Scholarship

Elizabeth Laken Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Michael V. LaRocco Endowed Scholarship

John and Cecily Leach Endowed Scholarship

Marcita and Joseph A. Ley Endowed Scholarship

Bill Manner Student-Athlete Endowed Scholarship

Dr. James P. McCabe Memorial Scholarship

Rachel and Harold McDonald Memorial Scholarship

Vincent McGirr Endowed Scholarship

Jean Miles ’40 and Nan Miles ‘47 Endowed Scholarship

Carolyn and Bart Murphy Endowed Scholarship

Frances Naal-Sczepaniak ‘58 Endowed Scholarship

Dale G. Nicholson Memorial Scholarship

Mary Norris Endowed Scholarship

Kathy Patton Oelrich Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Sheryl (Kocher) Paul ‘70 Endowed Scholarship

Christine Poole Ponquinette Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Sister Joan Preising Endowed Scholarship

Sophia A. Rados Endowed Scholarship

Joan Nahas Ramuta Computer Science Scholarship

Remco Medical Endowed Scholarship

Candice Rosen Endowed Scholarship

Ross Excellence in Education and Service Scholarship

Dr. Ivo E. and Evelyn Rowland Endowed Scholarship

Nancy J. Russell Endowed Scholarship

Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Endowed Scholarship

Virginia J. Saxon Trust for Scholarships

Sister Beatrice Schiller Endowed Scholarship

Patricia Rita Schubert Memorial Endowed Schoalrship

Mary Clare (Gordon ’57) Sczepaniak Endowed Scholarship

James R. Sefcik Endowed Scholarship

Margaret “Peggy” (Schmitt ’48) Sickley Endowed Scholarship

Sister Rosemary Small Endowed Franciscan Values Award

Arthur and Vera Smith Endowed Scholarship

Virgil L. Smith Endowed Scholarship

Jane Engleton Snyder ’35 Endowed Scholarship

Clair and Josephine M. Southgate Endowed Scholarship

Spirit of St. Francis Endowed Scholarship

Mona Minard-Stephen Endowed Scholarship

Patrick J. Sullivan Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Billie Terrell Multicultural Endowed Scholarship

Trizna/Vargo Family Endowed Scholarship

Rita (Baranowski) Tylka ‘60 Endowed Scholarship

Lillian M. Tunze Scholarship Endowed Fund

Michael J. Vinciguerra Endowed Scholarship

The Wadsworth Endowed Scholarship

Walter-Rowe Endowed Scholarship

Packey and Eileen Webb Endowed Scholarship

Frank P. Weberg History Award

Lawrence W. Wiers Endowed Scholarship

Jeanette A. Wirt Endowed Scholarship

Sr. Claudia & Fran Zeller Endowed Scholarship

Marie Zielinski ’07 Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Jean Catherine Zipf Scholarship

Coach Joseph “Tony” Delgado Memorial Scholarship

Alverno Scholarship in the Fine Arts

Arthur J. Schmitt Scholarship

Barnes & Noble Scholarship

Bernadine Hudson Memorial Scholarship

Black Saints Matter Scholarship

Bridget (Fitzgerald) Garavalia ’45 Nursing Scholarship

Dave Laketa Scholarship

Dorothy Kenney Busse ’34 Nursing Award

Dorothy Rapson BSN Emergency Fund for Nursing Students

Dr. Patricia Shelvy Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Scholarship

E.E. “Jim” Garrison Memorial Scholarship

Edwin G. and Sophie T. McAdoo/Rev. Harold Neidzwiecki Scholarship

Elizabeth Laken Memorial Scholarship

Foreign Study Scholarship

Fr. Mychal Judge Scholarship, OFM

George Schomig Scholarship

Harold and Margaret Moser Scholarship

Helen C. Fairchild Emergency Fund

Helen McKeon Scholarship

History Faculty Scholarship

Hollywood Casino Scholarship

James P. Sczepaniak Endowed Scholarship

Joan Ryan Danielson Endowed Scholarship

Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry Council for Working Women Scholarship

Joliet Rotary Club Scholarship

Margaret and John Plese Scholarship

Mary Anne Walker Memorial Scholarship

Mary Denault ’69 and Roman Klusas Endowed Scholarship

Mary Margaret Kenny Memorial Scholarship

Michael Joseph Jordan Memorial Scholarship

Multi-Cultural Education Recruitment in Teaching Scholarship

NBD Bank One Scholarship

NuMark Credit Union Financial Literacy Scholarship

R. Joy Thompson Memorial Scholarship

Reverend Isaac Singleton Scholarship

Roniece Weaver Minority Health Care Scholarship

Rosemary Lux Education Fund

Samantha Harer Memorial Scholarship

Sheryl Paul Endowed Scholarship

Barbara (Polyak) Greenham-Conway Family Nursing Award

Virginia F. Katsaromitsos Scholarship

William Bromer, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus Laudito Si’ SURE Grant

William Mikuska Memorial Scholarship

Wyrostek Family Scholarship

Please enjoy this scholarship recipient's statement of gratitude, sharing the impact scholarship has had on their education at USF.

My name is Lin Tran, and I want to express my deepest gratitude for being awarded the Harold and Margaret Moser Scholarship. Your generous support means so much to me. It is more than just financial assistance; it shows your belief in my potential and dedication. When I learned I had been selected for this scholarship, I felt relieved and motivated. Your investment in my education reassures me that I am on the right path and encourages me to keep striving for excellence in my studies and future career.

As a passionate nursing student, this scholarship is a tremendous help. Nursing school requires a lot of time, energy, and money. This scholarship alleviates some of that financial pressure, enabling me to dedicate myself completely to my coursework and practical experiences. This freedom helps me succeed academically and participate in internships, workshops, and extracurricular activities that enhance my learning. It also serves as a powerful validation of my hard work and commitment to nursing, fueling my motivation to excel and encouraging me to maintain high standards in my academic and professional pursuits.

Looking ahead, the benefits of this scholarship will extend into my career in healthcare. The recognition and support it provides will give me confidence and open doors to valuable opportunities. Knowing that my efforts are acknowledged by such a generous scholarship strengthens my resolve to make a meaningful impact in the field of nursing. This scholarship allows me to focus on becoming a skilled and compassionate nurse, ready to contribute positively to the healthcare community. Thank you once again for your generosity. I am deeply grateful for this scholarship and the opportunities it brings. Your contribution is making a significant difference in my life and my pursuit of a career in nursing.

With Gratitude, Lin






Starting in the Spring 2025 semester, the University of St. Francis will offer a discount of up to 20% off master’s, doctoral, and post-master’s certificate programs to new alumni who enroll for classes. This price break can’t be beat—if you’ve been thinking about returning to learning, now is the perfect time to get started! To learn more, scan the QR at right to talk to an admissions counselor.

In addition, if you’ve got a child, grandchild, or someone else contemplating where to go to college next fall, USF is here for you. Get in touch with our admissions staff, or better yet, visit us! There are several events remaining this winter and spring that will give you a good feel for why USF is known as a welcoming community of learners, and why students so very often refer to USF as “family.” See the Upcoming Events calendar at the back of this magazine or scan the QR at right to explore the schedule.


As this magazine is being delivered, Giving Tuesday will be occuring on December 3— we hope you’ll participate at stfrancis.edu/givingtuesday! Next up will be Day of Giving on March 7, 2025 Please mark your calendar and join others in supporting USF that day. Visit stfrancis.edu/dayofgiving in the coming months for more information about specific Day of Giving initiatives




During Homecoming festivities each year, USF honors five outstanding alumni through the annual Distinguished Alumni Awards program. Awards include The Presidential Alumni Award—selected by USF President Arvid C. Johnson—and one award for an alum from each of the university’s four colleges. Congratulations to this year’s awardees! Photos from the dinner and all Homecoming festivites can be viewed at stfrancis.edu/hcrw

FRONT ROW: Cherlonda Howard ‘19, Leach College of Nursing Alumni Award and Diane Habiger ‘77, Presidential Alumni Award.

BACK ROW: Charles Szoke ‘78, College of Arts & Science Alumni Award; Dr. John Greenan ’02, ’05, ‘18, College Education Alumni Award; Dr. Arvid C. Johnson, USF President; and Hon. Vincent Cornelius ‘86, College of Business & Health Administration Alumni Award.


To contact the departments sponsoring these events, see the back cover of this magazine. See stfrancis.edu/alumni/events for an updated alumni event list and stfrancis.edu/visit for upcoming admissions events. Note that when classes are in session, all are invited to attend Mass, held daily and on Sundays in the St. Joseph Chapel and other campus spaces. Visit stfrancis.edu/ministry to get the current schedule or submit prayer intentions.

December 2024

3 Giving Tuesday (Advancement)

7 Breakfast with Santa (Advancement)

Claritas Master Chorale: Christmas at the Motherhouse (Music at Moser)

23-31 Christmas & New Year’s - Campus Closed

January 2025

1 New Year’s Day - Main Campus Closed

3 Endowed Scholarship Application Deadline (Advancement)

6 Spring Module 1 Begins (Academics)

11 Saturday Information Session (Admissions) High School Art Exhibition

18 Joliet Symphony Orchestra: Family Concert & Instrument Petting Zoo (Music at Moser)

20 Dr. Martin Luther King Day - Campus Closed

February 2025

1 Saturday Information Session (Admissions)

8 Freshman Scholarship Competition (Admissions)

17 Discover USF Day (Admissions)

22 College 101 Workshop Series (Admissions)

22-23 Joliet Symphony Orchestra: Passion (Music at Moser)

26 CAS Virtual Information Session - MSW (Admissions)

28 Spring Module 1 Ends (Academics)

March 2025

3-7 Spring Break - No Classes

7 Day of Giving

10 Spring Module 2 Begins (Academics)

15 Saturday Information Session (Admissions)

18 COBHA Virtual Information Session (Admissions)

19 Transfer, Adult Degree Completion & Graduate Student Open House (Admissions)

23 Campus Visit Day (Admissions)

April 2025

5 Saturday Information Session (Admissions)

9 COE Virtual Information Session - M.S. Teaching & Learning and M.S. Reading (Admissions)

12 Caritas Scholarship Celebration (Advancement)

17-18 Easter Observance - Campus Closed

26 Saturday Information Session (Admissions)

26-27 Joliet Symphony Orchestra: La Crème de la Crème (Music at Moser)

28 Final Exams through May 1 (Academics)

30 CAS Virtual Information Session - MSW (Admissions)

May 2025

1 Last Day of Final Exams

2 Spring Module 2 Ends (Academics)

3 Spring Commencement

Class of ‘75 50th Reunion at Commencement (Alumni)

12 Summer Module 1 Begins (Academics)

14 Student Orientation & Registration “SOAR” (Admissions)

Summer Module 1 Begins (Academics)

27 Memorial Day - Campus Closed

June 2025

7 College 101 Workshop Series (Admissions)

9 Summer Module 2 Begins (Academics)

17 Student Orientation & Registration “SOAR” (Admissions)

July 2025

4 Independence Day - Main Campus Closed Summer Module 1 Ends (Academics)

16 Student Orientation & Registration “SOAR” (Admissions)

August 2025

1 Summer Module 2 Ends (Academics)


The Power of the Francis Fund, USF’s Unrestricted Gift

Perhaps you’ve come across the term “unrestricted gift” and wondered what it means and why it’s so important. An unrestricted gift is one without a specific designation, allowing an organization the flexibility to address its most urgent needs. At the University of St. Francis, we call our unrestricted fund the Francis Fund. Supporters of USF contribute to this fund so USF can respond to the most urgent needs of our students and the entire Franciscan community. Whether its unexpected challenges or emerging opportunities, the Francis Fund allows USF to respond. As the giving season approaches, USF invites you to consider making a gift to the Francis Fund, empowering us to continue making a difference.


Tanisha & David Cannon

Rosie & Cesar Cardenas

Michelle & Terry Cottrell

Jeanette D’Arcy

Nick D’Arcy

Sue & Terry D’Arcy

Iman Ellis-Bowen & Duane Bowen

Patty Gonzalez & Jay Barriga

Annette Jelinek

Kaity & Jeff Kohl

Suzi & Gordon Marsh

Steph & Tyler Qualio

Candice Rosen

Ann & Jeffrey Rzasa

Jodi & Scott Schager




Attend or give in support of Franciscan education.

500 Wilcox Street, Joliet, Illinois 60435

Admissions event information and registration: 800-735-7500 • admissions@stfrancis.edu • stfrancis.edu/visit

Alumni events information and registration: 877-811-ALUM • alumni@stfrancis.edu stfrancis.edu/alumni/events

The University of St. Francis was founded and is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate.

Athletics information and game schedules: 815-740-3464 • gofightingsaints.com

Donor engagement and giving information: 877-USF-GIVE • advancement@stfrancis.edu • stfrancis.edu/give

Music at Moser information: 815-740-3367 • stfrancis.edu/music-at-moser

University Ministry information and Mass times: universityministry@stfrancis.edu • stfrancis.edu/ministry

USF Art Gallery exhibition and hours: 815-740-3787 • jmoore@stfrancis.edu

See calendar of upcoming events inside. With questions about other university events and activities, call 800-735-7500 or visit our website.


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