Supply Chain Management (B.S.)

The Supply Chain Management (B.S.) is an accelerated, adult degree completion program (students must transfer a minimum of 60 credit hours). Individuals with a current or future interest in careers in this field will benefit from the strong combination of applied knowledge and practical experience found in the curriculum. The goal of the degree is to prepare adult students to meet the challenges that they will face in the exciting world of supply chain management. Students will be able to apply concepts from the courses into their jobs, from supply chain planning, supplier management, manufacturing, distribution, transportation, logistics to customer experience.
The program meets the needs of adult students who are working in (or plan to work in) all areas of supply chain management. It also provides a solid foundation for the Business Administration (MBA) degree, the Management (M.S.) degree, or any other graduate business degree. It offers students the opportunity to begin taking graduate courses as part of their undergraduate curriculum.
The courses within the program are taught completely online in an eight-week accelerated format to meet the educational and lifestyle needs of adult learners. With three semesters per year and two eight-week sessions each semester, there are six entry points for the program. Even students taking one course at a time are able to complete six courses per year. If a student wishes, some courses are available in the classroom as well.
Lucind Neitzel, COBHA Graduate
“I’ve been extremely satisfied with my student experience at the University of St. Francis... everything from applying to the university and having transcripts evaluated and financial aid processed, to working with my advisor to select classes, using the online Canvas platform, and learning from my professors and fellow students. I’ve had a wonderful experience and the road map to finishing my degree couldn’t be any better!”
Supply Chain Management (B.S.) graduates will learn about many areas of supply chain management, including operations management, supply chain planning and forecasting, supplier management, logistics management, transportation management, and international logistics management, in addition to strategic business management and a core curriculum of business courses. The completion of this bachelor’s degree completion program positions the student for advanced careers in supply chain management, and preparation for professional certifications in the field. The 2023 Association for Supply Chain Management Salaries and Career Report cited a $98,570 median income for U.S. supply chain professionals, and 96% career satisfaction (planning to stay in the field for at least five years).
Students are eligible for financial aid in the form of student loans, payment plans and tuition reimbursement deferment. All students should submit the Free Application for Federal Aid (FAFSA) at USF’s code is 001664.
This program offers core business courses and supply chain management courses as part of the curriculum. Students also have an opportunity to complete an internship as part of the program or take electives in other business areas such as business analytics, project management, enterprise resource computing, marketing management and more. Faculty bring real-world experience into their classrooms and apply the classroom concepts to current supply chain scenarios and challenges. Students may also participate in The Prior Learning Assessment Program, which is a portfolio process in which the student documents all learning through work and life experiences to receive college credit for learning that is equivalent to courses offered at the University of St. Francis.