8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Arrival & Check - In Moser Performing Arts Center (MPAC) Lobby, Tower Hall
Receive your SOAR schedule and group number
9:00- 9:10 a.m. Welcome
Sexton Auditorium, MPAC
Your first welcome to USF as a college student! Representatives of the University of St. Francis administration will be some of the first to officially welcome you to the Class of 2027
9:10- 9:25 a.m. Academic Success
Sexton Auditorium, MPAC
What can you expect in your studies as a first-year college student? Students and families will learn about differences between high school and college with tips for excelling at the college level. This session will also introduce academic support services and provide an overview of the first-year seminar.
9:35 - 10:05 a.m. Meet Your Group C305 , Donovan Hall
This is the time you’ll split into smaller groups based on the group number on your nametag. Meet and socialize with your fellow Saints and future friends!
10:10-10: 50 a.m. Class Advising & Registration San Damiano, Donovan Hall
In this session, you will work with an academic or faculty advisor to receive guidance and build your fall semester schedule.
10: 55-11: 35 a.m. Student Life C316, Donovan Hall
The college experience extends way beyond the classroom. Hear the student perspective on how you can customize your journey through involvement in clubs and organizations, cultural and travel opportunities, ministry and service work, campus leadership, and more.
11: 40-12: 20 p.m. USF Systems N304, Donovan Hall
Need a parking permit? Trying to figure out what books you need? Professor sent you an email but don’t see one? Don’t worry we will show you where all of these things are located. We will help you navigate your portal and how to access your St. Francis email. This way by the time you leave this session you will understand on how to access and use your portal like a pro!
12: 25-1: 15 p.m. Lunch with Fami ly Members & Guests
**Please sit at a table which has your group number listed
Optional Lunch Time Sessions (12: 45-1: 10)
Sullivan Recreation Center
Sullivan Recreation Center Lobby
Please take time during lunch to learn about USF Student Resources & Opportunities
Ø Securing and Balancing a Job On or Off -Campus
If you are interested in working during your time as a college student, learn about finding on-or offcampus job opportunities, work-study eligibility, & how to discover transferrable skills from part-time jobs.
Ø Finding Success with Academic Resource Center & Office of Accessibility Services
Join administrators from the Academic Resource Center and gather information about the academic resources available to students including tutoring, academic assistance, and course accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
Ø Office of Institutional Diversity
Our goal is to create a hospitable campus climate espousing the celebration of all students, faculty, staff and administrators. Please stop by and say hi! We are excited to get to know you.
Ø First Year Transition
Earn a credit before you even begin classes by signing up for the First Year Transition program. We have flexible dates in July and August where you can come to campus, connect with classmates and faculty, and experience college life. Stop by the table to ask questions or learn how to sign up!
1: 20-2: 00 p.m. Dollars & Sense Turk Theater, MPAC
Join your family for this session to discuss finances during college and specifically how to limit college debt. Representatives from Financial Aid and Student Accounts will discuss financial preparation, scholarship opportunities, and the services their offices provide.
2: 05-2: 45 p.m. Mental and Spiritual Health Abbey, Marian Hall
Connect with the Student Assistance Program Counselor and University Ministry to learn about their offices and activities you can implement as you transition to college.
2: 50-3: 30 p.m. Identities/Civil Discourse Moes Room, Tower Hall
The college experience welcomes students with many different experiences and perspectives. Explore with your peers how the college transition also includes opportunity for unique connections and discourse on many new ideas.
3: 35-4: 00 p.m. Choose Your Own:
Ø Living on Campus Turk Theater, MPAC
Hear from Residence Education about the benefits of living on campus and how to create the best “home away from home” experience. You’ll learn what to expect at move-in, life in the residence halls, and have opportunities to ask questions.
Ø Commuting from Home Sexton Auditorium, MPAC Many of our students live close to campus and decide to live at home during their time in college. In this session, you will learn about resources specifically for you as a commuter student, balancing college and home responsibilities, and how to still make the most of your college experience.
4: 05-4: 35 p.m. Life as A College Student Athlete Sexton Auditorium, MPAC
Ø Staff members from Athletics will discuss the balance of academics and athletics, athletic training services, athletic participation requirements, and answer any questions related to the athletic department.
4: 40-5:30 p.m. Drop By:
This is a great time to stop by any of the offices below to ask questions and receive individualized support.
Ø Marian Residence Hall Room Tour Marian Hall
Ø Financial Aid N320, Tower Hall
Ø Admissions Motherhouse 2nd Floor
Ø Barnes & Noble USF Bookstore Tower Hall 1st Floor
Ø Athletes Connect with your Coach Sullivan Recreation Center

9:00- 9: 30 a.m. Arrival & Check - In Moser Performing Arts Center (MPAC) Lobby, Tower Hall
Receive your SOAR schedule and group number
9: 3 0 - 9: 4 0 a.m. Welcome Turk Theater , MPAC
Your first welcome to USF as a college student! Representatives of the University of St. Francis administration will be some of the first to officially welcome you to USF
9: 4 0 - 10:05 a.m. Dollars & Sense
Turk Theater , MPAC
In this session, we will discuss finances during college and specifically how to limit college debt. Representatives from Financial Aid and Student Accounts will discuss financial preparation, scholarship opportunities, and the services their offices provide.
10:10-10: 50 a.m. Student Life
C316, Donovan Hall
The college experience extends way beyond the classroom. Hear the student perspective on how you can customize your journey through involvement in clubs and organizations, cultural and travel opportunities, ministry and service work, campus leadership, and more.
10: 55-11: 35 a.m. USF Systems
N304, Donovan Hall
Need a parking permit? Trying to figure out what books you need? Professor sent you an email but don’t see one? Don’t worry we will show you where all of these things are located. We will help you navigate your portal and how to access your St. Francis email. This way by the time you leave this session you will understand on how to access and use your portal like a pro!
11: 40-12: 20 a.m. Class Advising & Registration
San Damiano, Donovan Hall
In this session, you will work with an academic or faculty advisor to receive guidance and build your fall semester schedule.
12: 25-1: 15 p.m. Lunch with Fami ly Members & Guests
**Please sit at a table which has your group number listed
Optional Lunch Time Sessions (12: 45-1: 10)
Sullivan Recreation Center
Sullivan Recreation Center Lobby
Please take time during lunch to learn about USF Student Resources & Opportunities
Ø Securing and Balancing a Job On or Off - Campus
If you are interested in working during your time as a college student, learn about finding on-or off-campus job opportunities, work-study eligibility, & how to discover transferrable skills from part-time jobs.
Ø Finding Success with Academic Resource Center & Office of Accessibility Services
Join administrators from the Academic Resource Center and gather information about the academic resources available to students including tutoring, academic assistance, and course accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
Ø Office of Institutional Diversity
Our goal is to create a hospitable campus climate espousing the celebration of all students, faculty, staff and administrators. Please stop by and say hi! We are excited to get to know you.
Ø First Year Transition
Earn a credit before you even begin classes by signing up for the First Year Transition program. We have flexible dates in July and August where you can come to campus, connect with classmates and faculty, and experience college life. Stop by the table to ask questions or learn how to sign up!

8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Arrival & Check - In Moser Performing Arts Center (MPAC) Lobby, Tower Hall
Receive your SOAR schedule and group number
9:00- 9:10 a.m. Welcome
Sexton Auditorium, MPAC
Your first welcome as part of our USF family! Representatives of the University of St. Francis administration will be some of the first to officially welcome the Class of 2027 and their families.
9:10- 9:25 a.m. Academic Success
Sexton Auditorium, MPAC
What can you expect in your studies as a first-year college student? Students and families will learn about differences between high school and college with tips for excelling at the college level. This session will also introduce academic support services and provide an overview of the first-year seminar.
9:3 0- 10 a.m. College Transition for Families
Sexton Auditorium, MPAC
The transition to college is a major life change for both students and families. Thinking and planning ahead can help avoid common challenges and encourage a positive experience. This Parent and recent Alumni Panel will help answer your questions.
10:1 0- 10: 5 0 a.m. Resources to Support Your Student N225, Tower Hall
As part of our USF family, we invite you to be involved in your student’s journey and success. A huge part of that role is helping your student identify resources they can use to transition to, and thrive during, their college experience.
10: 5 5 - 11: 3 5 a.m. Message to your Student Terrace Café, Tower Hall
With all the information being shared today take this session to enjoy coffee or tea. Also, you can think about what message you might want to share with your student as they take this next step in their journey.
11 : 4 0- 1 2 : 2 0 p .m. College Processes & Policies – Be in the “Know” N218, Tower Hall
There are many processes and policies that affect you and your student during their college experience. Learn the details behind FERPA, checking grades, and notification systems at USF.
1 2 : 2 5 - 1: 1 5
p.m. Lunch with Your Student
**Please sit at a table which has your group number listed
Optional Lunch Time Sessions (12: 45-1: 10)
Sullivan Recreation Center
Sullivan Recreation Center Lobby
Please take time during lunch to learn about USF Student Resources & Opportunities
Ø Securing and Balancing a Job On or Off -Campus
If you are interested in working during your time as a college student, learn about finding on-or offcampus job opportunities, work-study eligibility, & how to discover transferrable skills from part-time jobs.
Ø Finding Success with Academic Resource Center & Office of Accessibility Services
Join administrators from the Academic Resource Center and gather information about the academic resources available to students including tutoring, academic assistance, and course accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
Ø Office of Institutional Diversity
Our goal is to create a hospitable campus climate espousing the celebration of all students, faculty, staff and administrators. Please stop by and say hi! We are excited to get to know you.
Ø First Year Transition
Earn a credit before you even begin classes by signing up for the First Year Transition program. We have flexible dates in July and August where you can come to campus, connect with classmates and faculty, and experience college life. Stop by the table to ask questions or learn how to sign up!
1: 2 0- 2 : 00 p.m. Dollars & Sense Turk Theater, MPAC
Join your student for this session to discuss finances during college and specifically how to limit college debt. Representatives from Financial Aid and Student Accounts will discuss financial preparation, scholarship opportunities, and the services their offices provide.
2 : 05 –2 : 4 5 p.m. The USF Return on Investment N221, Tower Hall
Having you and your student as part of our USF family is an honor. It is also a great investment that will yield countless opportunities for your student’s future. Hear firsthand how a USF education will set your student up for success and to excel in the workforce for years to come.
2 : 5 0- 3 : 3 0 p.m. Health Insurance, Safety & Security and the Counseling Center N307, Tower Hall
A vital part of a successful college experience includes making safe decisions and maintaining one’s overall health. Learn how students can utilize services from both of these departments and how families can start these important conversations prior to students’ first day of classes.
3: 35 - 4 : 00 p.m. Choose Your Own
Ø Living on Campus Turk Theater , MPAC
Hear from Residence Education about the benefits of living on campus and how to create the best “home away from home” experience. You’ll learn what to expect at move-in, life in the residence halls, and have opportunities to ask questions.
Ø Commuting from Home Sexton Auditorium , MPAC
Many of our students live close to campus and decide to live at home during their time in college. In this session, you will learn about resources specifically for you as a commuter student, balancing college and home responsibilities, and how to still make the most of your college experience.
4 : 05 - 4 : 35 p.m. Life as A College Student Athlete Sexton Auditorium, MPAC
Ø Staff members from Athletics will discuss the balance of academics and athletics, athletic training services, athletic participation requirements, and answer any questions related to the athletic department.
4 : 4 0- 5 :30 p.m. Drop By:
This is a great time to stop by any of the offices below to ask questions and receive individualized support.
Ø Marian Residence Hall Room Tour Marian Hall
Ø Financial Aid N320, Tower Hall
Ø Admissions Motherhouse 2 nd Floor
Ø Barnes & Noble USF Bookstore Tower Hall 1 st Floor
Ø Athletes Connect with your Coach Sullivan Recreation Center