Educational Leadership (M.S.)

The M.S. in Educational Leadership provides educators with an opportunity to develop leadership skills through relevant coursework and experiences. There are two concentrations in the program:
The Principal Preparation concentration prepares educators by developing the leadership skills necessary to serve as a school or district administrator. School building roles may include assistant principal, principal, deanor director.
Program options include:
• Master of Science in Educational Leadership + Principal Administrative Endorsement
• Principal Administrative Endorsement
The Teacher Leader concentration provides educators with the tools to be successful as a school leader in roles such as curriculum specialist, department chair, and program leader.
Program options include:
• Master of Science in Educational Leadership + Teacher Leader Endorsement
• Teacher Leader Endorsement
Clayton Theisinger, Program Graduate“Like my cohort peers, I began the Educational Leadership program at the University of St. Francis with an array of leadership skills built upon intrinsic values and previous experiences. However, the program, its respective courses, and knowledgeable professors guided me toward shaping these skills into applicable tools and strategies for future leadership positions. Grounded in ideals and centered on service to others, the entire experience allowed me to become the professional administrator that I am today.”
USF’s Educational Leadership (M.S.) program is available in a blended format (site-based and online) or 100% online. Rolling admission allows flexibility to begin the program in the fall, spring, or summer. Educators can expect to complete the program in eight semesters or less and participate in internship courses without teacher-release time.
Coursework in this program aligns with National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) Program Standards, ensuring educators completing all requirements will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to serve as leaders in an evolving educational landscape.
Graduates of the this program will be able to:
• Demonstrate leadership skills needed to assume prominent roles in the field of education.
• Analyze ongoing issues, theories, and trends by focusing on applications in classroom settings that can improve student learning.
• Develop the skills of reflective and critical thinking to explore the larger purposes of education for the individual and society.
• Principal concentration candidates will gain experience working with special populations at multiple grade ranges.
Students are eligible for financial aid in the form of student loans, payment plans and tuition reimbursement deferment. All students should submit the Free Application for Federal Aid (FAFSA) at USF’s code is 001664.
the Illinois Board of Higher Education (ibhe.
of Education programs are further approved by the Illinois State Board of Education (