2014 - 2015 I S SUE 2
USF expands with Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center; St. Clare Campus
Joliet Symphony Orchestra at USF to celebrate 10th anniversary in May 2015
Alumnus builds new life at University of St. Francis after construction accident
A Message From the President
A Welcoming Community Dear Members of the USF Family, Welcome to the latest issue of University of St. Francis Magazine, just one way that we strive to remain connected to you – our alumni, our friends, our parents, our employees, and our supporters…in short, our USF family. In the last issue, I shared information about the second objective of the University’s Strategic Plan for 2014-19 (“Preparing for Our Second Century: Learning to Lead and Love in the Real World”) – specifically, about our rebranding efforts. In this issue, I’d like to “back up” and focus Arvid C. Johnson, Ph.D. President
upon Objective #1 of our strategic plan, which drives to the very heart of our mission. Our first – and most important – objective reaffirms USF’s commitment to becoming a leading Catholic Franciscan university. Specifically, the University aims to increase students
and employees’ understanding of Catholic Franciscan values and Catholic Social Teaching – especially through orientation programs and a redesign of the General Education curriculum.
As a Catholic university
As importantly, this includes a recommitment to increasing the diversity of our students and
rooted in the liberal arts,
employees. A broadening of our “intentional communities” to increase a sense of belonging with
we are a welcoming
our students, employees, and alumni will reinforce these efforts.
community of learners
This objective is all about who we are, as called forth in our mission: “a welcoming community
challenged by Franciscan
of learners challenged by Franciscan values and charism.” It ensures that this is what we
values and charism,
will remain as we move forward together and continue to build the legacy of our founding
engaged in a continuous
congregation, the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, who are celebrating 150 years of
pursuit of knowledge,
ministry this year.
faith, wisdom, and justice,
Perhaps most tellingly – and, I would argue, proof that we “walk the talk” – while no one
and ever mindful of a
who contributed to this issue’s articles knew that this objective would be my column’s focus,
tradition that emphasizes
virtually every story in this issue provides at least some evidence that USF remains a welcoming
reverence for creation,
community that prepares “women and men to contribute to the world through service and
compassion, and peace-
leadership”…through our University Ministry programs… with our increasing number of
making. We strive for
international students… through our students’ many service projects… in the lives of impact lived
academic excellence in
by our alumni… and with the example, the witness of our employees – especially the late, the
all programs, preparing
legendary Gordie Gillespie.
women and men to contribute to the world through service and leadership.
In upcoming issues of this magazine, I look forward to updating you on the Strategic Plan’s other three objectives. With the end of my “sophomore year” at USF in sight, I continue to consider myself incredibly blessed to serve as your president and promise to work hard to earn the trust that you have placed in me. Peace and all good things,
Arvid C. Johnson, Ph.D. President
University of St. Francis Magazine
Table of Contents Feature Story Starting with the 2015-16 academic year, University of St. Francis Magazine will be published three times per year. Feedback is welcomed and can be sent to Julie Futterer ‘93, Director of Marketing Services: 815-740-3826 or jfutterer@stfrancis.edu
Downtown Building Named
The former “Mode Building” has been named the Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center.
CO NTEN T Wesley Armstrong Michael Austin Bonnie Covelli Julie Futterer Katie Goron David Hilbert Michelle Madura Nancy Pohlman Other USF employees, students and friends
USF Success Campus News
Staying Connected
Parents’ Corner
The Colleges Arts & Sciences Business & Health Administration Education Leach College of Nursing
Alumni News
8 10 12 14
Donor News
FRONT COVER PHOTO: USF’s Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center in downtown Joliet.
Jennifer Bronson Cherry Hill Studios Julie Futterer
Calendar of Events Upcoming Events and Activities
Taylor Foote
Giving Back
The Fighting Saints USF Athletics
18 23
Dave Hilbert Chris Jones Stephanie Zelinski
Other USF employees, students and friends
DES IGN Jeff Hall Design jeffhalldesign.com
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University of St. Francis 500 Wilcox Street, Joliet, IL 60435 800-735-7500 | stfrancis.edu
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
Feature Story
Plaster Foundation Gift Expands USF’s St. Bonaventure Campus
he University of St. Francis
the-art learning environment.”
and its Board of Trustees
recently named the uni-
new classes of freshmen—more
versity’s second downtown Joliet
than 60 percent of whom are
facility the Robert W. Plaster Free
first-generation college students,
Enterprise Center, in honor of
just like Plaster was.
philanthropist and entrepreneur, the
late Robert W. Plaster. The naming
USF students is very much aligned
comes after the Robert W. Plaster
with the values of Robert W. Plaster.
Foundation gave “a significant
Just as Mr. Plaster understood and
six-figure gift” to the university, ac-
valued hard work and education
cording to USF President Arvid C.
as the key to success, so, too, do
University of St. Francis students
and faculty,” said Johnson.
Born during the Great Depression
“The educational experience of
and the first in his family to attend
college, Mr. Plaster understood and
donated to USF by BMO Harris Bank
valued hard work and education
a few years ago, joins with USF’s Art
as the key to success, according to
& Design Center and Art Gallery on
Dolly Clement, Plaster’s daughter
nearby Van Buren Street to form the
and executive director of The
St. Bonaventure Campus. The Plaster
Robert W. Plaster Foundation,
Center houses a number of university
headquartered in Lebanon, Mo.
programs that connect students with
resources in the downtown area,
Plaster’s eventual success was
evidence of his lifetime of hard
The 18,000-square-foot building,
giving students an enhanced applied
work and perseverance—start-
“The educational experience of USF students is very much aligned with the values of Robert W. Plaster. Just as Mr. Plaster understood and valued hard work and education as the key to success, so, too, do University of St. Francis students and faculty.” Arvid Johnson
ing with his boyhood paper route and grocery store job, to working for the U.S. Treasury Department, and later working for a propane company, which led to his own start-up business in 1963: Empire Gas Corporation. Empire Gas rapidly
learning experience.
The College of Business &
Health Administration has based its Transportation & Logistics Management program in the Plaster Center. It has also founded the St. Francis Business Incubator on the first floor, which hosts upstart
became one of the largest retail LP
Today, USF regularly welcomes
businesses and provides them with
gas distributors in the United States
dedicated to enabling progress
wanted to help open educational
office space and support to develop
and was listed on the New York
through entrepreneurial action.
opportunities for young people,”
new ideas. Practical advice from uni-
Stock Exchange. After selling the
USF’s College of Business & Health
added Clement. “To that end, in
versity faculty is provided, ranging
company in 1996, Plaster founded
Administration recently established
1983, he established the Robert W.
from guidance on creating business
Evergreen Investments, LLC.
a chapter to become a member
Plaster Foundation, which is dedi-
plans to mentoring to marketing
of Enactus’ worldwide network of
cated to helping students by funding
and financing tips. Student interns
and active supporter of Enactus
students, academic professionals
projects for colleges and universi-
are available to assist in developing
(at that time known as “Students
and industry leaders.
ties such as this University of St.
and executing the plans. Businesses
in Free Enterprise”) which was an
Francis enterprise—the former Mode
in the incubator have easy access
international non-profit organization
my father felt very strongly that he
Theater Building—now a state-of-
to the Joliet Region Chamber of
Plaster was also co-founder
University of St. Francis Magazine
“After achieving financial success
Mock Trial Courtroom in the new Plaster Center
St. Clare Campus main building renovations have begun
Commerce and the Will County
offices, Silver Cross Baseball Field
Immaculate in Joliet), was recently
Center for Economic Development
and the Joliet Slammers’ team man-
purchased from the Sisters and is
to expand resources and enhance
agement and marketing activities,
currently being renovated to
their professional contacts.
riverboat casino entertainment and
serve future nursing students in
Another program that has made
The following programs are or will soon be housed at USF’s new campus buildings:
operations, and a future link to the
USF’s Leach College of Nursing.
its home in the Plaster Center is
new JJC Hospitality Management
Plans for the facility include the
Criminal & Social Justice. Besides
programs which are soon to be
addition of numerous nursing
offering great classroom facilities,
located nearby.
classrooms, simulation labs and
the program can draw upon the
office space for nursing staff and
Downtown Joliet
legal and correctional facilities
part of a City of Joliet renovation
other USF administrators.
USF Art Gallery
located in the area such as the Will
plan that includes a $45 million
County Adult Detention Facility, the
City of Joliet transportation center,
already been adjusted to serve
Center for Art & Design
Will County Courthouse and the
a $52 million Joliet Junior College
students traveling to the down-
(5 E. Van Buren Street)
Joliet Police Department.
campus construction project, and a
town Plaster Center, and will
proposed $150 million Will County
further expand to include routes
Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center
courthouse complex.
to the St. Clare Campus, which is
(16 W. Van Buren Street)
located on the other side of town.
• St. Francis Business Incubator
The History & Political Science
Department likewise benefits from
USF’s downtown facilities are
access to the county courts, but can
USF shuttle services have
(The main campus, essentially,
for USF’s nationally recognized Mock
St. Clare Campus Now Undergoing Renovation for Nursing Programs
Trial Team. The courtroom has full
The next big development for
members with convenient and
video and audio recording capabili-
University of St. Francis is the
quick transportation between all
ties so arguments or cases can be
St. Clare Campus, located on
three Joliet campuses.
replayed for a team or a class and
the corner of Plainfield Road and
faculty can review strategies used.
Theodore Street in Joliet. This
large building and campus, known
also utilize the Plaster Center’s fully operational courtroom, which offers a great training ground for students and provides a tournament space
Finally, Recreation, Sport &
Tourism Management students can
for many years as the Guardian
benefit from access to chamber of
Angel Home (lovingly operated by
commerce and tourism marketing
the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary
lies in between them.) USF’s Safety, Security and Transportation Department is committed to providing busy students and faculty
St. Bonaventure Campus (25 E. Van Buren Street)
• Transportation & Logistics Management • Criminal & Social Justice • History & Political Science • Recreation, Sport & Tourism Management
St. Clare Campus 1550 Plainfield Road • Administrative Offices • Leach College of Nursing
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
USF Success
Sister Clare Award Presented
Lunching and Learning
he third annual Sister
how to live as ‘brother and sister’
gun violence: “Hadiya’s Promise.”
Teacher candidates in USF’s Survey
Clare Award was pre-
in Christ,” said Sr. Mary Elizabeth
of the Exceptional Individual
sented March 5 to activist
Imler, OSF, USF’s vice president of
every child matters, leading her
course, taught by Dr. Srimani
and founder of Hadiya’s Promise,
Mission Integration. “They looked at
to work with government officials
Chakravarthi, are gaining knowl-
Cleopatra Cowley-Pendleton, for
the same God, but from the different
and team up with organizations
edge and experience applicable to
her work to end gun violence.
angles and with the gifts and sensi-
like Moms Demand Action. Her
their future classrooms through a
tivities of a woman and a man.”
advocacy earned her the 2014 NNPA
partnership with a group of stu-
for the university’s patron saint, is
Newsmaker of the Year Award, given
dents at Lincoln-Way Community
presented as part of the university’s
others and her clarity of purpose are
to one who has made significant
High School District 210. For many
celebration of Women’s History
easy to see in Cowley-Pendleton,”
news in the Black Press.
of the teaching candidates, this
Month to recognize women of vi-
added Imler.
collaboration is their first opportu-
sion who “light the way” and make a
Promise has worked to inform,
nity to work with individuals with
positive impact in the community.
with classmates after completing
influence and empower communi-
special needs.
her final exams, 15-year old Hadiya
ties and youth. The foundation also
followers of St. Francis of Assisi,
Zaymara Pendleton was gunned
supports at-risk youth and assists
ings, candidates gain perspective
founder of the Franciscan Order, and
down in Chicago. In response to
families impacted by gun violence.
regarding the range of disabili-
for whom USF is named. Both lived
their personal tragedy, Hadiya’s
In 2014, the foundation held its first
ties they might encounter when
in the 13th century and together
parents, Cleopatra and her husband,
intergenerational summit, “Working
working in an inclusive classroom
they were dedicated to help the
Nathaniel, turned their pain into
Together to End Gun Violence.”
setting or as a special education
poor. “Clare and Francis showed us
action to create a foundation to fight
The Sister Clare Award, named
St. Clare was one of the first
“Clare’s energy, her advocacy for
In January 2013, while in the park
Cowley-Pendleton believes that
Since its inception, Hadiya’s
Through periodic lunch meet-
teacher. At the same time, the partnership affords students from Lincoln-Way High Schools the opportunity to work on important skills outside their more familiar and comfortable school environment. With each meeting, the students work at forming relationships with peers, socialization, ordering from a menu, eating at a restaurant, budgeting and paying for purchases.
After the group meets for lunch,
each teacher candidate is asked to consider what accommodations or adaptations may be required to assist the special needs of the student or students in the classroom and to reflect upon any change of perception he/she has undergone about individuals with special needs.
This collaboration is much more
than just lunch. It is a rich learning experience for all participants and serves to further USF’s commitment LEFT: Debra Workman, Chair of the Criminal Justice, History & Political Science Department; Yvonne Isom, Assistant Professor of Criminal & Social Justice; Cleopatra Cowley-Pendleton; Nathaniel Pendleton; Sr. Mary Elizabeth Imler, Vice President for Mission Integration & University Ministry; Elizabeth Laken, Vice President of Administration & Finance and Dr. Arvid Johnson, USF President.
University of St. Francis Magazine
to building an inclusive community through acceptance, flexible thinking, respecting differences and finding common ground.
University Ministry: Here, There and Everywhere
he staff, students and
by Sr. Dolores Zemont, OSF,
annual Day of Service, with
University Ministry Joe Wysocki
faculty involved with
then-director of USF’s University
faculty, staff, administrators
will participate with staff mem-
University Ministry have
Ministry program and current
and students participating in
bers from other Association
made their benevolent presence
president of the Sisters of St.
service projects throughout
of Franciscan Colleges and
known not just in Illinois, but across
Francis of Mary Immaculate.
the Joliet area.
Universities schools in a pilgrim-
the country and even overseas!
• New Orleans Mission Trip
• Assisi and Rome Pilgrmage
age to Assisi and Rome. Pilgrims
Over the last few months, University
University Ministry will return to
In May, College of Education
will have the opportunity to walk
Ministry groups have traveled near
New Orleans for a spring break
Associate Professor Srimani
in the footsteps of USF’s patrons,
and far to do their part and share
mission trip. Nine students will
Chakravarthi and Director of
Francis and Clare.
the spirit of St. Francis. Some proj-
work with Camp Hope, a com-
ects they have participated
munity development organiza-
in or have plans to attend are:
tion outside of the Lower Ninth
• Bacolod, Philippines
Ward in New Orleans. They will
Mission Trip
be doing various construction
In January, four USF stu-
and painting projects in an under-
dents joined volunteers from
served area of the city.
Benedictine and Lewis in a mis-
• Breakfast at Daybreak Shelter
sion trip to Bacolod, Philippines.
USF continues to serve breakfast
They helped with construction
at Catholic Charities’ Daybreak
projects- building a house and
Shelter in Joliet every Thursday
digging a septic system.
and Friday morning. Through the
• Winterim
Mock Trial Team Hosts The Midwest Challenge
generosity of SGA and employee
Also in January, Mission
benefactors, USF is able to pre-
Integration and University
pare warm meals for residents.
USF’s annual mock trial tournament, The Midwest Challenge, was
Ministry sponsored the annual
USF also plans to invite residents
held in January and was a tremendous success. USF hosted approxi-
Winterim dinner, which brings
of the shelter to campus again
mately 200 undergraduate student competitors. Coaches and volunteer
students, faculty and staff togeth-
this spring for St. Francis Serves,
judges included USF alumni, administrators, and faculty. The Will County
er for conversation that matters.
an event held three times each
Public Defender’s Office, the State’s Attorney’s Office, judges from the
This year’s conversation focused
school year. St. Francis Serves in-
Will County Courthouse and a myriad of legal professionals from in and
on sustainability. Speakers fo-
cludes a free buffet dinner in the
around Will and Cook Counties participated in the event.
cused on how USF’s commitment
Terrace Cafe on campus, provided
to sustainability bears witness
by Sodexo, as well as entertain-
Tevin Hopkins, Justyna Jozwik, Emily Limbach, Chloe Miller, Mary
to our value of respect as we
ment, raffle prizes and toiletry
Nuetzmann, Justin Polich, LaChrissa Safforld and Matthew Vidican.
recognize the need to value and
bags for all guests.
“Mockers” excelled throughout the competition, maintaining top tier
respect all of God’s creation.
• Third Annual TAU Retreat
The USF Mock Trial Team includes Alejandro Campos, Miranda Castro,
placement until the final rounds of the competition. In the end, Northern
The third annual TAU retreat was
Illinois University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, both nationally-
Nine students will be led by
held in March at Dickson Valley
ranked, defeated USF.
Valerie Penn, Area Coordinator
camp. The student-led retreat is
in the department of Residence
an opportunity for USF students to
during the fall 2014 session. USF took on Bradley University, St. Olaf
Education, during the university’s
take a break from school work, re-
University and Rhodes College, resulting in team members gaining valuable
mission trip to Sucre, Bolivia in
lax and share their faith together.
experience which prepared them for battle against bigger schools in the
June 2015. The students will be
The retreat also seeks to introduce
final rounds of The Midwest Challenge.
working with local daycares, or-
students to Franciscan spirituality.
• Sucre, Bolivia Mission Trip
phanages and hospitals. This will
• USF’s Annual Day of Service
be the 21st year of the mission
In April, the University commu-
trip, which was originally started
nity will participate in USF’s
This hard working, young team competed in several tournaments
The USF Team ended the tournament on a high note, realizing they were worthy opponents against top ranking-teams. Each tournament the USF Team has participated in this season has resulted in our student lawyers and witnesses being ranked on their respective ballots.
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
USF Success
Ten Years of Joliet Symphony Orchestra
he Joliet Symphony
according to Stopher, “sell out
Orchestra at the University
consistently.” There are 13 USF
of St. Francis is celebrating
students and four current/former
its 10th anniversary with a season
faculty members participating.
of service!
Founded by USF’s Dr. Patrick
When asked about his proud-
est accomplishments with the
Brannon and Michael Sundblad in
orchestra, Stopher says being invited
2005, JSO remains a quintessential
to perform as special guests at the
musical partnership between the
Rialto Square Theatre’s annual organ
university and the local community.
concert (“Organ Extravaganza”) tops
Sundblad conducted the orchestra
the list. Because their performance
for nearly four years until he was
was well-received last year, they’ve
succeeded by Clifford Hunt. Hunt
been invited back and will make
remained in the role until 2011, when
their second appearance during this
current USF music faculty member
year’s show, scheduled for April 25.
Jim Stopher became the orchestra’s
of the Angels retirement home, the
ous instruments and forms of music.
third music director. Stopher plans
niversary cake, the JSO received a
Will County Humane Society’s “Fur
to lead the orchestra through this
$10,000 grant from Joliet Township
Ball” and the Joliet Public Library.
“They are some of the kindest, most
special anniversary year and beyond.
that is being used to hire guest art-
generous people I’ve ever worked
ists, purchase scores and parts, and
John Lutheran Church Food Pantry
with. Many are music educators,
gained renown and respect in the
acquire instruments this year. The
in preparing and delivering food
which means they already have a
Joliet region. The orchestra has
group is also deep into an anniver-
to individuals and families in need,
great personality and a love for the
grown significantly and now re-
sary season service program called
and numerous members contrib-
discipline, and it’s rewarding to see
quires an audition process for spots
“Music on a Mission,” with players
uted 182 items of winter clothing
so many of them participating in
since more people want to join than
giving back to the community in
to a Christmastime donation drive
these service projects.”
the group can accommodate. Sixty
gratitude for its support. JSO players
for Cornerstone Services. In March,
members strong (approximately
are participating in 10 events of per-
members coached students at
governed by a board of directors,
five of whom have been with the
formance and volunteerism, which
Washington Jr. High School and
performs varied works for orchestra
orchestra since its inception), the
have included performing at a Joliet
helped Girl Scouts from local Troop
and is open to USF students,
orchestra’s annual performances
Slammers game, the Universalist
70839 to earn their music merit
faculty and staff, and area commu-
have more than doubled and,
Unitarian Church of Joliet, Our Lady
badges by introducing them to vari-
nity members.
Through the years, the JSO has
To put a little icing on the an-
JSO players perform at a Joliet Slammers baseball game
They assisted the staff of St.
The Joliet Symphony Orchestra’s anniversary will be celebrated with two concert performances featuring Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 and Boléro by Maurice Ravel.
May 2-3 at 3 p.m. “The most ambitious repertoire to date.” -JSO Music Director Jim Stopher Tickets are available online at stfrancis.edu/music-at-moser-tickets-online. Call 815-740-3520 with questions.
University of St. Francis Magazine
Says Stopher of his players,
The Joliet Symphony Orchestra,
Greek Life Embraced On Campus A year after being established at USF, Greek life on campus is beginning to grow, reports Damon Sloan, vice president of Student & Alumni Affairs.
Beginning in the fall of 2015,
Sigma Iota Alpha, INC. will join Alpha Phi as another greek life option for female students at USF. “The entire student population at USF has been very welcoming to the chapters, which is evident in the rapid growth and interest in membership for both chapters,” says Sloan.
Introducing these organizations
to the USF community has proven to be an outstanding addition to the roster of student clubs and organizations. “Initially there was some concern these sororities would take away from the very strong student club involvement we have here on campus. However, we’ve found that they also encourage their members to go out and be a part of our existing student groups, which everyone
Sisters of St. Francis Celebrate 150 Years The Joliet Franciscan Sisters, best known for teaching, also have a legacy in the fine arts. They were and continue to be talented musicians, composers and artists. To help celebrate their 150th anniversary of serving the people of Joliet, a fine arts performance by the institutions the Sisters sponsor was presented at University of St. Francis just as this magazine was being printed. Performances by students from the Franciscan Learning Center, Joliet Catholic Academy, University of St. Francis (Sarah Sheehan and Brent Dobrovitis pictured at right above) and Our Lady of the Angels Retirement Home, as well as artwork created by the Sisters, was featured. A wonderful time was had by all who attended.
was very happy to see,” he adds.
USF Welcomes International Students The International Programs Office has enjoyed a busy but successful semester after welcoming 11 new international students to campus. New students include Amanda Paes, Brazil (Communication & Media Arts); Hugo Feldt, Sweden (Business); Luka Djordjevic, Serbia (Biology); Lucas Navarro, Spain (International Business); Lu i s Fe n te , S pa i n ( B i ol o g y ) ; J u n l o n g Z h a n g , C h i n a ( M B A ) ; Badria Almohaimeed, Saudi Arabia (ELAP); Marwah Jamal, Saudi Arabia (ELAP); Waleed Baeshen, Saudi Arabia (ELAP); Abdullah Alshehri, Saudi Arabia (ELAP); Abdulmjjed Alseari, Saudi Arabia (ELAP). In other IPO news, two of USF’s international students, Jiaxi Hou and Zhi “Chris” Liu (pictured at left), recently visited St. Paul the Apostle’s first grade class and taught the students about Chinese New Year and Chinese culture.
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
Albuquerque Simulations O
n a mid-January day in
Albuquerque students from
a community near USF’s
the Physician Assistant Class
Albuquerque campus, fire trucks and
of 2016 have participated in a
ambulances gathered at an empty
multitude of service projects
building that was full of smoke.
over their didactic year.
People were calling out for help.
These events have deepened
However, the building was NOT on
their connection with the
fire. University of St Francis student
Albuquerque community and
Wesley Armstrong, along with
given them a sense of fulfillment.
the help of others, was providing
Volunteering multiple times at
training for almost 70 first respond-
the Roadrunner Food Bank, USF
ers at a simulated fire scene which
students were able to sort and
had taken two months of planning
package thousands of pounds of
to create. Students working on their
food to supply families in their
master’s degrees in USF’s Physician
A “patient” is given a faux injury in preparation for a simulation exercise, coordinated by students at the Albuquerque campus.
Assistant program organize a service project every quarter. Armstrong
community. Their generosity has been exhibited as they’ve held blood drives, donated teddy
chose to go back to his hometown
teaching the lecture, two fire chiefs
simulated fire and rescued patients
bears to the Children’s Hospital,
of Belen, New Mexico, to enhance
and other preceptors were setting up
from the building while the EMTs
sent care packages to soldiers
his skills as a volunteer firefighter
the scene in an abandoned, nearby
and paramedics started treatment
overseas, and donated school
paramedic while giving back to his
department store. At the conclusion
and transported patients to a mock
supplies to students in the
community through this exercise.
of the lecture, the students were
Native American community.
notified that a medivac helicopter
USF’s P.A. students have enjoyed
hour lecture on the types of patients
had “crashed into a department
with injuries created with makeup
their time serving and forging
encountered in mass casualty inci-
store while attempting to land.” The
and with a process called moulage,
relationships with their class-
dents and the triage and treatment of
EMTs, paramedics and firefighters
which simulates bones protruding
mates and residents of the
those patients. While Armstrong was
responded. Firefighters put out a
from skin, burns and abrasions.
local community.
The training consisted of a one-
Long-Time Professor Dr. Lyle Hicks Retiring Dr. Lyle Hicks (pictured at right) was recognized for 39 years of service and his coming retirement during a gathering in Chicago, held in conjunction with the Illinois Park and Recreation Association/Illinois Association of Park Districts annual “Soaring to New Heights” Conference. Approximately 50 USF alumni, friends and students attended to pay tribute to Dr. Hicks. FAR RIGHT: Lukas Wyss, Morgan Curry, Sean Burke, Torey Borkowski, Aundrea Prysock, Ali Aquel, Steven Redmond, Nicole Ginger, Lyle Hicks, Karen Ward, Tori Johnson, and Stacy Veldhuizen ‘14.
P.A.s Serve
University of St. Francis Magazine
The patients were made up
For more information about the College of Arts & Sciences, call (800) 735-7500 or visit stfrancis.edu/CAS.
Scott and Brad Oyer
Father and Son Team Explore DARA Program Together
Criminal & Social Justice Panel at USF
n late February, the University of St. Francis Criminal & Social Justice
program presented a panel discussion titled “Reporting, Investigating & Human Consequences of Police Misconduct: Alton Logan’s 26 Year Odyssey of Wrongful Incarceration.”
Logan endured 26 years of
wrongful incarceration. His case led scores of police abuse victims to come forward with stories ranging from minor mistreatment to torture. With the help of his lawyer, Harold J. Winston, and internal investigator Francine J. Sanders (who helped uncover the Jon Burge Chicago-era SCOTT OYER
cott and Brad Oyer share
within the DARA program. “You can
“The courses and people are very
a great passion for music.
tell that everyone involved with
enjoyable. Going to class is easily
This father (Scott) and
DARA really wants to be there and
the best part of my day,” says Scott.
son (Brad) duo both can recall many,
that makes for a very creative and
many holidays where spending time
uplifting learning environment,” says
also very happy with the quality of
with family meant getting out their
Brad. “I get to network with all kinds
the program his son is involved with.
favorite instruments after dinner
of people involved with the music
“DARA has made so much prog-
and playing together for hours.
industry, from musicians to produc-
ress in the last several years. This
ers and other sound engineers. It’s
program isn’t common in the area
respectively, at the University of
a very welcoming and interesting
and it would be great to see USF
St. Francis, this pair is exploring
community. Jeff Jaskowiak [DARA
become ‘the place’ to be for sound
their love of music and music en-
program director and coinciden-
engineering and similar programs,”
gineering through the Digital Audio
tally, Scott’s brother-in-law] does an
says Scott.
Recording Arts (DARA) program.
outstanding job making sure we are
connected and involved with the
become it’s own major by fall of
in their careers, Brad, a college
industry,” Brad comments.
2015. This much anticipated pro-
student, and his father, an assistant
gram has received support from the
network administrator at USF, both
taking DARA courses for self-
USF community and will continue to
got involved with DARA for their
fulfillment’s sake. Scott previously
expand once the major reaches full
love of music. Brad chose to major
attended NIU as an undergrad for
in DARA to pursue his dream of
music education, but realized teach-
becoming a sound engineer. He’s
ing was not a great fit. Now that he
very happy with the caliber of the
is taking classes again, he’s filling in
recording facilities and the faculty
his credit hours with DARA courses.
As an employee and student,
Despite being at different points
On the other hand, Scott is
From a parent’s perspective, he is
The DARA program is slated to
of torture and police misconduct), Logan was released from prison. Both Winston and Sanders were a part of the panel. Logan shared his thoughts on police misconduct and his personal experience.
Also on the panel was author
John Conroy. Conroy authored two books, “Belfast Diary: War as a Way of Life” and “Unspeakable Acts, Ordinary People: The Dynamics of Torture,” and also wrote the play “My Kind of Town,” which premiered at Chicago’s TimeLine Theatre in May 2012. The play is set against the backdrop of the Chicago police torture scandal, which he was instrumental in exposing. He is the recipient of numerous awards for journalism.
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
A Focus on Internships
n the College of Business & Health Administration (COBHA), faculty and staff are doing all they can to be sure internships are a healthy part of their students’ curriculum.
“Many programs within the College of Business are requiring students
to have at least one internship under their belt before graduation,” says Associate Professor Steve Morrissette.
Morrissette is assuredly one of these supportive faculty members.
Recently, he hired four COBHA students to assist with a full strategic planning assignment his company was hired for. While on assignment, each student was assigned to lead the development of a key piece within the research analysis. Students were expected to be responsible for the quality of work as well as managing their peer’s productivity.
“This kind of hands on learning experience can teach our students
several things,” comments Morrissette. “Field based learning assists students with important skill gathering for future challenges. Next they’re learning how to navigate day-to-day work events and perhaps most importantly, students have the opportunity to discern which careers fit their personalities and interests.”
Motivation from faculty paired with the tools USF’s Career Success Center
is provides for students makes for a potent combination. “The Career Success Center has made excellent progress over the last few years in communicating the needs of our students and that of the employers who contact them,” says Morrissette.
Emphasizing the importance of internships means USF’s graduates are
true contenders for today’s competitive job market.
Recent Faculty Scholarship Work • Chris Clott and Bruce Hartman (with B. Ogard and A. Gatto). “Matchback: Shipping Soybeans by Container”. Research in Transportation Business and management, Elsevier. http://www. journals.elsevier.com/research-in-transportation-business-andmanagement/. To appear in special issue of RTBM. • David Gordon. “Significant Economic Applications of Long Term Financial Theories and Practices”. International Journal of Transactions on Industrial, Financial and Business Management. Vol. 2, No. 4: 203-206. June, 2014. • Stephen Morrissette. “A Framework for Validating an M&A Deal Investment Thesis”. Technical Advisors, 2 (3). May, 2014. • Stephen Morrissette. Profiles and Investment Motivations of De Novo Bank Founding Investors. 2014. Berlin, Germany: Scholars Press. ISBN 978-639-71104-2.
University of St. Francis Magazine
Above: USF students who interned at Caterpillar gather after presenting their endof-term internship projects. Front Row - Lexi Southall, Ryan Wardinski and Danielle Blake. Back Row - USF faculty member Rich Vaughan, a Caterpillar representative, Joe Ruge, Dave Kuhne and COBHA Dean Christopher Clott. Below: Business Incubator members Toni Greathouse (Chief Creative Officer at Custom Community Creations, LLC) and Rick Wallace (CEO at DontQuit)visit with Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner at the State of the State update in February. The event was advertised to USF Business Incubator members as one of several activities promoting networking opportunities and knowledge of the current business, political and capital climate faced by budding business entrepreneurs.
For more information about the College of Business & Health Administration, call (800) 735-7500 or visit stfrancis.edu/COBHA.
Keith Schomig ’13
Alumnus Builds New Life after Construction Injury
n 2009 Keith Schomig was a jour-
“I wear so many hats.”
president of one of them. He went
neyman union sheet metal worker,
on an international business trip to
a member of Local 265. He was in
construction helmet—but he does
Panama, and completed a strategic
his early 30s, a graduate of Minooka
keep it on a shelf in his office as a
planning internship through the
High School, and he had some
reminder of how far he has come.
USF Solutions Department. He and
community college classes under his
He has his wife Michaelene to thank
Michaelene attended USF football
belt but had no real plans to return
for getting the ball rolling on his
and basketball games, and cheered
to school. He had been working in
second career. She was the one who
for the Fighting Saints. They even
the trade since he was 19 or 20 and
encouraged him to enroll at USF.
went to the Homecoming Dance.
things were going fine.
‘Let’s go for a walk,’” he says. “We’d
do this, we’re going all-in,’” Schomig
a patch of frost. It was on the roof
take the dogs and walk past USF and
says. “I wanted the full college
at a job site, and it sent him flying.
she would go, ‘Wow, this is such a
You know that saying, Your life can
beautiful campus.’ Then she would
change in an instant? Well, this was
hand me USF literature and give me
new start on life, and a new outlook.
Success Center and be prepared for
Schomig’s instant. He would never
little wifely nudges now and then.”
any opportunity that comes along,”
And then one day he stepped on
be able to work construction again.
The accident left him with a torn
labrum, a debilitating shoulder and arm injury. He underwent surgery, and then six months later he had to
One hat he no longer wears is his
“My beautiful wife would say,
“I told my wife, ‘If I’m going to
He definitely got it. He also got a “My education taught me that
“The education taught me that no matter what I was faced with I would be able to adapt and succeed,”
endure yet another surgery. For the
get involved, to go to the Career
Schomig says.
Schomig serves on the USF
Alumni Board, and has offered himself as a candidate for the presidentelect position of the board. It is safe to say that he is committed to USF,
next three years he would spend his
time in and out of physical therapy,
no matter what I was faced with
and could hardly be a bigger booster.
an open house on campus, and
I would be able to adapt and suc-
and dealing with workman’s com-
from that moment on, he was sold.
ceed,” he says. “I think that is what a
best things that ever occurred in my
pensation issues. He would have to
He started in 2011, as a full-time
liberal arts education gives you. You
life besides my wife and daughter,”
reinvent himself.
day student at the age of 33, and
get exposure to all aspects of a busi-
he says. Those are not just words. He
finished two years later with a
ness—not just one sector—and that
got the USF logo tattooed on his in-
Schomig says from his office in a
degree in Business Management.
makes you diverse and helps you
jured arm. He also purchased a brick
Chicago highrise.
become an asset.”
in the quad near the fountain for his
as the old man of the class,” he
wife. It says, “Michaelene, thank you
coordinator for Legacy Professionals
says. “But when I got there I felt the
prepared him for today’s competi-
for all your love and support.”
LLP, a mid-sized accounting firm with
warmth of the professors, especially
tive job market, and USF’s Career
offices in Chicago, Northwest Indiana
in the business school. They were
Success Center prepared him for his
whether they are a brick in a
and Minnesota. The firm specializes
there because they wanted to be
job search—running him through
courtyard, a tattoo, or a tattered
in audit, accounting and tax services
there—not because they had to.”
mock interviews, and helping him
old construction helmet covered in
to employee benefit plans, labor or-
refine his resume. The ISCPA career
stickers and some residual grime.
ganizations, not-for-profit organiza-
titude for himself, getting involved
fair, which USF participates in, is
tions, and governmental entities.
in everything he could—not just
where he found his current job.
who I am,” he says.
“I didn’t really have a choice,”
Today he is the human resources
“I’m responsible for recruiting,
Finally the two of them attended
“At first I was scared, going back
Schomig adapted this same at-
Schomig’s USF education
going to class and working toward
hiring, employee reviews and all
his degree with blinders on. He
USF had to offer, and when I go
“I took full advantage of what
other facets of HR,” he says.
got involved in clubs, and became
back to campus I tell students to
“St. Francis was one of the three
Reminders are important—
“It’s dirty, but it’s still a part of Now and forever, so is USF.
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
ollege of Education alumna Amanda Welsh ’05, ‘09 lives in Tuen Mun, Hong Kong, SAR, China— a town that is about an hour from the bustling, populated area called Central, or Hong Kong Island. Kelsey Polte ‘10 is living in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, and Elizabeth Buglya ‘14 resides in the historical water town of Suzhou, China, which is famous for its Chinese gardens. While thousands of miles, cultural differences, and varied educational systems separate these COE graduates, their passion for teaching, service leadership, and a sense of adventure bring commonality to their chosen careers while working as educators abroad. Each story is both fascinating and unique, providing a look at life and education in parts of the world that most people will never have an opportunity to experience.
Amanda Welsh
at a school that serves approximate-
traveled to New York City in March
Amanda Welsh works for an organi-
ly 850 students in grades 7-12.
of 2013 for an interview with the
zation called Po Leung Kuk, which
Hong Kong Education Bureau but
was created to help women and
she daydreamed about after college
was not immediately hired. Welsh
children who are victims of traffick-
but never had enough courage to
thought her dream had ended until
ing and domestic violence. Though
pursue. After meeting her husband,
she received an email one year later
she works for PLK, her official
she realized that her dream might
asking if she was still interested
employer is the Education Bureau
become a reality as he had traveled
in teaching abroad. That summer
of Hong Kong, and she is part of a
to Hong Kong on several occa-
was a whirlwind of activity, but her
teaching initiative called the NET
sions. Welsh created a profile with
family managed to fit their lives into
(Native-speaking English Teacher)
Teach Away while searching for
nine bags and landed in Hong Kong
Scheme. Welsh is currently teaching
high school teaching positions. She
on August 7, 2014.
Kelsey Polte
abroad after finishing her degree.
Kelsey Polte is employed as a middle
Immediately following graduation,
school math teacher at Sheikh
Polte prepared a profile with Teach
Zayed Private Academy, an all-girls
Away, but with little experience as a
K-12 private school that serves just
full time teacher, it was hard to find
over 1,400 students. Her path to
the right fit.
teaching abroad started while she
was still attending USF.
school in Dixon, Illinois. During her
second year, Polte received an email
During the summer of her
Teaching abroad is an idea that
She started teaching math at a
sophomore year, Polte traveled
from the Teach Away recruiter about
with family to Africa and found
an opportunity to teach in Abu Dhabi,
she wanted to immerse herself
United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.). She
sented, Polte had a decision to make.
she “did” in her life and something
in the new culture. At that point,
researched the customs, culture, and
She knew it would be the difference
she “almost” did. She’s glad she chal-
she decided to pursue teaching
lifestyle, and once the offer was pre-
between something she would say
lenged herself.
University of St. Francis Magazine
For more information about the College of Education, call (800) 735-7500 or visit stfrancis.edu/COE.
Elizabeth Buglya
rarely absent, rarely turn work in past
noted that one of the most reward-
to a larger world outside of the one I
Elizabeth Buglya began her teaching
due dates, and rarely ask to leave
ing things about her experience is
grew up in,” said Polte.
career a little later in life (see inset
the classroom. If they are sick, most
the ability to affect change.
story). She frequently found herself
students still attend class but wear a
abroad were quite different, each
searching for opportunities to travel
mask for protection. Students study a
education is something that was
educator feels confident that they
abroad. International teaching op-
total of 18 different subjects through-
not present prior to the union. I am
have found their calling in teach-
portunities kept surfacing, but most
out the year and are rigorously tested
part of an educational reform in the
ing around the world. Whether it’s
required both a university degree and
on 12 of them. Sports are considered
country, and it is amazing to see the
in Tuen Mun, Abu Dhabi, Suzhou
teaching license. Motivated to pursue
secondary, with academics being of
growth that the students make from
or places yet to be determined, the
her goal, Buglya began at University
utmost importance as students here
year to year. I have learned so much
important lesson these COE alums all
in Canada at age 25 with a plan to
know that without an education, life
about a culture that is misrepre-
know is that education is a journey,
ultimately teach at an International
will be hard.
sented in the United States. I am so
not a destination.
School. A series of career and life
lucky to have had my eyes opened
events landed her a position at
proved to be very rewarding for
Canadian International School
Buglya, Polte and Welsh, but there
in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
are still challenges. Buglya shared
that there are some drawbacks to
Franciscan Values in Education
was a fantastic place to live and work,
living overseas, noting specifically
Elizabeth Buglya, M.S. in Teaching and Learning
so Buglya arranged to bring her son
that things don’t always work out
over for the following school year as
the way one would have expected
he started 10th grade. Her son gradu-
or planned. In Vietnam she experi-
ated high school in Vietnam and
enced extremely hot temperatures,
is now in his second year studying
and the rainy season brought flood-
International Business Administration
ing. Buglya also noted that the lack
in Toronto.
of western-sized clothing and shoes
is a challenge throughout Asia.
After the first month, she knew it
Buglya currently works as an
Living and working abroad have
English as an Additional Language
(EAL) support teacher at Suzhou
hardest thing about moving abroad
Singapore International School.
was re-establishing myself in a place
The fully accredited IB World School
where no one knew anything about
serves 1,300 students of 40 nation-
me. At home, I had friends and fam-
ily that I had known most of my life.
According to Polte, “I think the
Moving to the U.A.E., I had a large support system but they were half Each of these three educators
a world away. At the beginning,
expressed how different teaching is
nothing felt normal. It was hard
in their current corner of the world
missing things that I would normally
compared to teaching in North
be home for: Thanksgiving, birth-
America. According to Welsh, “So
days, etc., but before I knew it, I had
much is incredibly different here. I’m
developed a new support system
not sure where to start, really.”
and a U.A.E. family.”
A few notable differences include
Even with its challenges, all three
things like students staying in one
alums agree that there is nothing
room with teachers moving from
like being immersed in a new cul-
class to class, and the overall respect
ture and living it day-to-day.
they demonstrate toward their teach-
ers. When Welsh enters or leaves the
has been teaching students who
classroom, all students stand and
are eager to learn everything I have
formally say good morning or good-
to teach them. Their work ethic is
bye. She also notes that students are
astounding,” Welsh said, while Polte
“I think the most rewarding thing
“UAE is 43 years old and formal
Though their paths to teaching
When I decided I wanted to pursue a master’s degree in Teaching and Learning with a concentration in ESL, I began looking at fully online options that were flexible, a good value, and offered interesting course options that suited my interests and needs. I needed fully online classes because I was living in Vietnam at the time. During my search, I came across University of St. Francis. Patricia Pierson, Graduate Advisor for M.S. Teaching and Learning, was so welcoming over email communications that I felt USF was the right fit for me. The university’s course offerings—especially Designing Effective Instruction, English as a Second Language (ESL) Methods and Materials, and Linguistics—really helped prepare me for my current role as an English as an Additional Language (EAL) support teacher. I also found the Service Learning course to be motivational, and I am looking forward to implementing some service learning into my ESL teaching. Living in China, the idea of self versus other is often at play. My preparation at USF has helped me view the world through a different lens. Many of the classes that I had the opportunity to take reflect the university’s core values of respect, compassion, service, and integrity; they helped me to think deeper about my relationships with others and the environment, and how I can help influence children in positive ways.
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
with LCON Alumna and Director of Medical Services at Adventist Hinsdale Hospital: Lisa Pittman ’00, ’10, ’13
Pittman was recently awarded with the Distinguished Leader for Innovative Thinking Award from Adventist Hinsdale Hospital.
What do you most enjoy
about working in health care?
There are two things I enjoy
How did receiving the
Never stop learning. A college
Distinguished Leader for Innovative
degree is something that no one
Thinking award impact you?
can ever take away from you. Build
on your knowledge and use it to
It had a huge impact on me,
I started bawling before I went
change the world.
on stage to accept it. In the three
years I was a manager at Hinsdale, my team and I were able to move
When did you know you
should seek to earn an advanced degree?
the most. One is the patients. I love
patient satisfaction from the 2nd
the feeling of helping someone as I
percentile to the 90th and staff
would want my own family member
satisfaction from the 9th to the
manager at Central DuPage
cared for. Second are the nurses. I
63rd percentile. We decreased
Hospital... that is where I started
have such a great respect for my
turnover from above the 20th
to love leadership and wanted to
profession and the hard work I see
percentile to around 10%, and
learn more. That is where I was
being done every day.
increased nursing certifications
working when I received my MHA.
it back to the school and soon after
from 3 to 21. We were also able to
I went back for an MSN while I was
the MSN in Nursing Administration
decrease incidental overtime from
a manager at Hinsdale because my
was made available and allowed me
166 hours a pay period to 60-70
highest nursing degree was an
to continue on.
hours per pay period. We changed
associate degree.
I credit him with that and am for-
a culture and that was more rewarding than any award I could receive
Naperville Ecumenical Center and
but the award did mean a lot to me,
professor or class?
ward my MSN, she was a mentor for
loved interacting with the elderly. I
it made me feel appreciated for all
me and I learned a lot from her.
originally thought I would major in
the hard work and effort.
When I was in the MHA program
Q: When did you know or realize nursing was a good career fit for you?
In high school I had an interest
in geriatrics; I volunteered at the
psychology and minor in geriatrics
When I was an assistant
ever grateful! I also really enjoyed Did you have a favorite Yes, I loved Dr. Robert Behling.
Dr. Susan Stowe when working to-
I expressed to him that I loved the
and then I realized nursing would
provide more opportunities for me.
would you give someone who
they should have something similar
is interested in health care
for nurses that would rather have a
higher degree in nursing. He took
What kind of career advice
MBA option after MHA, but I felt
Recent Faculty Scholarship Work • An abstract by Cheryl Brubaker, “Epigenetics of Post-Traumatic
”The Nurse Practitioner Role in the Prevention and Treatment of
American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics for the 2015
Dental Disorders,” has been accepted for a poster presentation at
Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting in March.
the AANP 2015 National Conference from June 9-14, 2015, at
• An abstract by Dr. Lola M. Prince, “Human Trafficking & Sexual Exploitation Of Women & Girls: The Hidden Vulnerable” has been accepted for a poster presentation during the Inaugural Health & Human Trafficking Conference at Indiana Weslyean University on May 20, 2015.
• An abstract by Dr. Catherine Ferrario and Dr. Lola M. Prince,
Stress Disorder and PTSD in Women Veterans,” was accepted by the
University of St. Francis Magazine
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans.
For more information about the Leach College of Nursing, call (800) 735-7500 or visit stfrancis.edu/LCON.
LCON Offers Accelerated Nurse Practitioner Certificate in Psychiatric Mental Health Are you a currently licensed Psychiatric Mental Health CNS and in need of your nurse practitioner certificate? Look no further. LCON is now taking applications for the CCNEaccredited, online, post-master’s PMHNP certificate! USF offers its students the following: •
Personal advising from the program director
Industry experienced faculty
Completion in as little as two semesters, pending previous coursework review and advisor approval
A $10,000 living stipend is available only for students who begin their studies in May 2015
Visit stfrancis.edu/PMHNP and submit your application today! All applications are reviewed on an individual basis and students can begin as soon as May. Students must be a resident of one of the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Arizona, New Mexico, Iowa or Wisconsin.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Grant GO2HP27998. Title: “Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training for Professionals and Paraprofessionals.” Award amount: $326,541. This grant supports the University of St. Francis Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner degree with a focus on the behavioral and mental health needs of 16 to 25 year olds.
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
The Fighting Saints
Gordie Gillespie
Remembering Gordie
ordie Gillespie, who
campaign as the winningest coach
his successor at St. Francis, Tony
by the Chicago Tribune as the head
spent 25 years of his
in college baseball at any level with
Delgado, announced his retire-
coach of the all-time Illinois prep
59-year coaching career
1,893 victories. He held the mark un-
ment, he returned to St. Francis to
football team.
as head baseball coach at University
til University of Texas’ Augie Garrido
begin a second stint as the Saints’
of St. Francis, passed away on Feb.
surpassed him in 2014.
head coach at the age of 79. During
the 1985 campaign to start the foot-
28 at his Joliet residence. He was 88.
the next six seasons (2006-2011),
ball program at St. Francis, which he
ball coaching career in 1953 as head
he guided USF to two Chicagoland
guided for eight years. He directed
school’s director of athletics (1976-
coach at Lewis University (then
Collegiate Athletic Conference
the Saints to winning seasons in
86), athletic chairman (1986-1995),
Lewis College), a post he held for 24
championships and one CCAC
each of their first six years and had
head football coach (1986-1993)
years. During his tenure, he directed
Tournament title. He also directed
the school in the NAIA national
and head women’s basketball coach
the Flyers to the NAIA World Series
the Saints to the Opening Round of
playoffs in just its second year as a
Gillespie also served as the
“We were saddened to hear the
news of Coach Gillespie’s passing,” said Dave Laketa, University of St. Francis director of athletics. “Our
Gillespie began his college base-
Overall, in 110 sport seasons over the course of 59 years, Gillespie compiled a record of 2,402-1,170-8 (.672 average).
heartfelt sympathies go out to his
Gillespie left Joliet Catholic after
program in 1987.
Overall, in 110 sport seasons over
the course of the 59 years, Gillespie compiled a record of 2,402-1,170-8 (.672). In all, his teams failed to record at least a .500 mark on only
wife, Joan, and the entire Gillespie
eight times with national cham-
the NAIA National Tournament in
10 occasions. In five of those years,
family. I can speak for the many
pionships in each of his last three
each of his last two years. Gillespie
he fell just one win short of the
coaches, student-athletes, staff and
seasons, beginning in 1974. After
earned over 1,000 of his 1,893 wins
break-even point.
administrators that Coach Gillespie
finishing 5-9 in Gillespie’s debut
at St. Francis, eclipsing that number
touched at St. Francis in saying
season, Lewis did not post a losing
during the 2011 campaign.
numbers—the coaching seasons,
thanks to the Gillespie family for
record for the next 23 years.
victories and championships—but
sharing ‘Coach’ with us for so many
basketball for 15 years at Lewis
those pale in comparison to the
years. He left an indelible mark
Lewis, Gillespie began his first of two
and started the women’s basketball
lives he touched and made better,”
on all of us. The teachings that he
tenures as head baseball coach at
program in 1976 at St. Francis. In his
continued Laketa. “That’s the most
provided have been priceless and
St. Francis. During that 19-year run
15 years at Lewis, he had just two
important thing, and something that
something that we have carried with
under Gillespie, the Saints made
losing seasons and his inaugural St.
is lost in sport too much now at all
us and will continue to carry with
eight trips to the NAIA World Series
Francis women’s team posted an
us throughout our lives. I am most
and, in 1993, claimed the national
11-7 record.
certain that today the Lord is telling
championship—the first in school
Chicago’s Kelvyn Park High School
Coach Gillespie, ‘Well done, good
history in any sport.
his baseball accomplishments, the
and DePaul University, where he
and faithful servant!’”
Gillespie legend may be even more
played basketball for Hall of Fame
World Series appearance in 1995 and
prominent in Joliet in the sport of
coach Ray Meyer. He also played
in four sports, including a highly-
moved to Ripon College, an NCAA
football. Despite the fact that he
college basketball at the University
successful tenure as head foot-
Division III school in Wisconsin,
never played the game, Gillespie
of Illinois and at Great Lakes Naval
ball coach for the Joliet Catholic
where he replaced his oldest son,
directed Joliet Catholic High School
Center while in the armed services.
High School (now Joliet Catholic
Bob—who was also Ripon’s director
to a 222-54-6 record and five Illinois
Academy) Hilltoppers from 1959-85.
of athletics—as the Red Hawks’ head
state championships during a re-
children through a previous mar-
While the coaching legend achieved
coach. He posted a 239-130 record
markable 27-year run. He may have
riage (Bob, Mike, Billie, Greg, Gordie
fame and success in coaching the
in 10 seasons and led Ripon to the
added even more state titles to his
Jr., Margaret Mary and Jackie) He
four sports, it is his record on the
NCAA DIII playoffs in six of his last
resume but the state playoff system
and Joan had a combined total of
baseball diamond for which he will
seven years.
was not put into place until 1974, his
40 grandchildren and 42 great-
be most remembered, as he retired
16th year on the Hilltoppers’ sideline.
from St. Francis following the 2011
Gillespie’s long-time assistant and
Gillespie amassed 2,402 victories
University of St. Francis Magazine
Following the 1976 season at
Gillespie left St. Francis after a
In the spring of 2005, after
Gillespie also coached men’s
While he is known nationally for
In 1991, Gillespie was recognized
“You can be amazed by all the
Gillespie was a graduate of
Gillespie was the father of seven
“You can be amazed by all the numbers—the coaching seasons, victories and championships—but those pale in comparison to the lives he touched and made better.” —Dave Laketa, USF Director of Athletics
Gordie Gillespie 1926-2015 THE PASSING OF A LEGEND: USF Coach, Athletic Director and Friend
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
The Fighting Saints
Katie Gonnering
USF’s Newest All-American A
nursing major with a 3.77 grade point average, senior Katie Gonnering was named to the Capital One Academic All-America College Division
Women’s Basketball Team, as selected by the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA). A Second-Team honoree, Gonnering leads NAIA Division II in scoring (24.7) and ranks second in the nation in offensive rebounding (5.3) and 12th in total rebounding (10.4). This was her third straight appearance on the Academic All-America Team, having been a First-Team selection in 2013 and Second-Team choice las year. Gonnering is a three-time NAIA All-American, having garnered honorable mention status as a freshman in 2012, Second-Team recognition in 2013 and Third-Team accolades last year (2015 awards will be announced as this publication is being printed). In the Saints’ 83-59 win over Trinity International University on Feb. 21, Gonnering set an NAIA Division II record with her 239th free throw of the year to surpass the previous national standard of 236. She also set a USF singleseason scoring record with her 689th point. At their last season game on Feb. 27, Gonnering paced the Saints with 10 points, all from the free throw line. With her 10 free throws, she finished her career with 702—the most in NAIA Division II women’s basketball history. Gonnering also increased her NAIA Division II season free throws made mark to 255 and raised her USF single-season scoring record to 720 points. St. Francis finished the season with a 17-15 record, following a 2-10 start to the season. Said head coach Samantha Quigley, “Katie is the definition of a student athlete—being a student first and foremost. She strives to be the best in everything she does and makes those around her want to be the best as well!”
Follow the Fighing Saints online at gofightingsaints.com You can also connect with our teams on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
University of St. Francis Magazine
Academic All-American
points per game
10.4 average
rebounds per game
Staying Connected: Alumni News
Mary Frances Malinoski ’67
Alumna Embraces Franciscan Ideals
t was the Franciscan sisters who
the United States. Malinoski and her
conceived the idea and developed
made Mary Frances Malinoski’s
classmates participated fully in the
the content of the kits: bottled
experience at USF so special. Now
dialogue, encouraged by the sisters
water, energy bars, some other
a lay educator of students from pre-
they so looked up to.
nutritional items, and a prayer.
school to 8th grade, she is carrying
on that legacy in northern Arizona.
person, you want to change the
teach the kids of San Francisco
world,” Malinoski says. “It was the
de Asis to meditate.
sisters who said, ‘Don’t just sit still
and talk about it. You have to do
she says. “We want to teach our
something about it. It was an
children that reciting prayers is good
exciting time to be in college. We
but it is also good to just talk to God,
were active and we always tried to
or sit silently and listen to God. We
do things in a Christian way.”
also want our kids to create their
own prayers.”
“When you start out as a young
So off they went, Malinoski and
Malinoski and her staff also
“It’s just another form of prayer,”
her friends, to a Baptist church in
Joliet to listen to a speech about
Malinoski institute Franciscan ideals
civil rights. Before it was over, rocks
in her school—to her students and all
were flying and they were forced to
the way home to their parents—she
run out the back door to their cars.
called upon USF’s Dean of Education
Later, encouraged by USF instruc-
John Gambro. And for her day-to-
tors, Malinoski, some fellow students
day struggles and victories, in her
and a social worker decided to visit
constant quest to do the right thing
de Asis Catholic School in Flagstaff,
a migrant farm to see what that
and change the world for the better,
Malinoski makes sure that “Catholic
world was all about.
she calls upon the memory and influ-
identity” speaks first and loudest,
ence of the sisters who shaped her as
specifically the Franciscan ideals:
were met by three men with rifles,
a student at USF in the volatile 1960s.
evangelization through action, joy
and they suggested that we move
of the Gospel, and tolerance in
on,” Malinoski says. “You might have
Malinoski says. “They were that
diversity. And yes, there is also a soft
the passion but you also have to
steady beam.”
spot for animals in the community.
know how to approach things and
how to make things better.”
unrefined passion were great for
blessing of the animals,” she says.
a student in her teens and early
“Everybody in town comes. Any
smaller, quieter gestures, one stu-
20s with not much on the line. But
animal you can think of will be at our
dent at a time. Her young students
things are different now. An entire
parish being blessed. We also make
go on retreats, and participate in
school, and a community, is looking
sure to have a mariachi band because
service projects that they create
to Malinoski to set that same ex-
of our large Hispanic population.”
on their own. This year the project
ample, and offer that same wisdom
involved handing out water kits to
that the sisters gave to her at USF.
graduated from USF in 1967 with a
the underserved members of the
degree in history and education. It
Flagstaff community. While the kids’
is, it’s the little things that change
was an era full of civil rights strug-
parents may actually distribute the
people,” she says. “I learned that
gles and changing social attitudes in
kits, the children are the ones who
from the sisters.”
The principal of San Francisco
“Father Pat, our pastor, loves the
Malinoski grew up in Joliet and
“When we got out of our cars we
She tries to do that now with
For materials that would help
“The sisters were always there,”
The fact-finding trips and the
“What you find out later in life
President Karen Ciarlette ‘94, ‘97 President-Elect Shawn Walsh ‘00 Vice President for Alumni Outreach Caryn Jakielski ‘03, ‘06 Vice President for Programs Caroline Portlock ‘02, ‘04 Vice President for Student Services Judy Bulat ‘72 Secretary Wihelmine Vidmar ‘68 Representative of the Sisters of St. Francis Sr. Lois Prebil, OSF ‘61 USF Administration Aubrey Knight ‘04, ‘07 Donna Eakle ‘09, ‘13 Student Representatives Kayla Madej Laura Mu~ noz Lopez Allison Sterka
GENER AL BOARD MEMBERS Dominique Annis ’00, ‘02 Luise A. Baldin ‘58 Matthew Bisek ‘10 Patricia Bracken ’73, ’86, ‘94 Sharon Dewart ‘78 Elmer F. Eddy ‘80 Jacqueline A. Edmonson ’63, ’88, ‘94 Laura Eggert ’09, ‘13 Joseph Ferrallo ’85, ’06, ‘07 Ysenia Gallegos ‘13 H. Richard Hagen, J.D., ’90 Linda M. Kilroy ‘72 Eric Lawhead ‘07 Lynley Louzensky ‘10 Erika Martinez ‘11 Frances H. Naal Sczepaniak ‘58 Jan Novotny ‘67 L. Scott Pekol ‘99 Candice Quinerly ‘10 Alan Randolph ‘07 Corey Richardson ‘09 Susan Rogina ’94, ‘99 Keith Schomig ‘13 Anne-Christine Tompkins ‘14 STAY I N TO U C H Send news and class notes to alumni@stfrancis.edu or call 877-811-ALUM. To read about what other alumni and old friends have been doing, visit stfrancis.edu/alumni/success-stories
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
Staying Connected: Alumni News
Michael McGreal ’01
Chef’s Kind Hospitality Gets Him Ahead
hef Michael McGreal’s
person’s quality of life in the process.
adult education journey
two huge opportunities presented
When McGreal arrived in Joliet,
of a fit for USF as USF was for him.
was a little bit like the
Opportunity number two pre-
McGreal obviously was as a good
themselves to him. He had been
sented itself while McGreal was still
Before he ever set foot in a USF class-
multi-course meals he teaches his
teaching at JJC for about two years
cooking for Cheryl. A USF represen-
room he knew the importance of
students to create. It was varied,
when the first one came along.
tative visited JJC to talk to students
working hard and helping others in
and sometimes surprising, and in
about continuing their education
need. He also saw that spirit in action
the end it was completely satisfying.
named Cheryl who had terminal
and receiving a bachelor’s degree
dozens of times as a USF student.
USF was the savory main course, or
cancer. She had been given six
from USF. The representative asked
perhaps the decadent dessert. Either
weeks to live, and because of her
McGreal where his bachelor’s was
his car after class and noticed that
way, it was the highlight.
family’s extensive cancer history she
from and he had to admit that he
he had a flat tire. To make matters
McGreal started this journey
had no reason to doubt the progno-
did not have one, despite constantly
worse, it was a day when he had for-
after graduating from Brother Rice
sis. Cheryl was looking for a chef to
encouraging his culinary students
gotten his gloves. As he positioned
High School on the southwest side
cook healthy, delicious meals for her
go on and pursue theirs after JJC.
his jack and ratcheted up his car, a
of Chicago. From there he was off to
in the short time she had to live.
USF security officer approached him.
Northern Illinois University in DeKalb
Janine Hicks was calling him from
to study veterinary medicine. For
was rail thin and as nice as a person
USF. McGreal liked the idea of earn-
helped me change the tire with no
extra money, he took a job in the
could be, and he promised to put
ing a bachelor’s degree but did not
gloves on his own hands,” McGreal
school’s food service program and
her in touch with one of his stu-
think he could afford it at the time.
says. “That’s how it is there—people
after two short years he had risen to
dents. On the drive home from that
When Hicks told him about the
are friendly. At many other colleges
banquet chef for the entire university.
meeting, it hit him.
Adult Continuing Education Award
and universities people will give you
scholarship, he related his story
directions if you walk into someone’s
His interest shifted. Cooking
It was a message from a woman
McGreal met with Cheryl, who
“I thought, ‘My career has been
The next thing McGreal knew,
One cold day he walked out to
“He gave me his gloves and then
was fun, and rewarding. McGreal no
so good to me and I have had so
about cooking for Cheryl and he
office and ask for them. As USF peo-
longer wanted to take care of sick
many opportunities, and if I can’t help
won the scholarship. He now holds
ple stop you in the hallway and say,
animals. Now he wanted to feed
someone for six weeks that would be
a bachelor’s of science in Applied
‘Do you need help with anything?’”
people, and feed them well. So the
pretty sad,’” McGreal recalls. The next
Organizational Management from
next stop on his adult education
day he called Cheryl to say that he
USF’s College of Business and Health
Washburne, an associate’s degree
journey was back in Chicago at
would be happy to cook for her. He
was the norm for people working
Washburne Culinary & Hospitality
sourced only organic ingredients and
in the restaurant and hospitality
Institute, where he received his for-
created delicious meals for Cheryl,
cry when they read my scholarship
industry, and a bachelor’s degree in
mal education in the art of cooking.
and four weeks later her doctor dis-
application,” McGreal says. “I really
culinary arts was not even available.
covered that her cancer cells had not
feel like attending USF was meant
that I wanted to stick with this as my
multiplied. Two weeks later—same
to be for me. Just as I was caring for
tains one of the finest culinary arts
career and not just as something to
story. Two years later, McGreal cooked
someone I didn’t know at the time,
programs in the country, the most
make money,” says McGreal, who
for Cheryl’s 50th birthday. He cooked
USF was doing the same for me.”
advanced degree possible is an asso-
is now the department chair for
for her 51st. Her 52nd. Her 53rd.
ciate’s. So when McGreal encourages
the Culinary Arts program at Joliet
people at USF kept tabs on him even
his students to further their educa-
Junior College. Before landing at
arrangement Cheryl told McGreal
after he received the scholarship.
tion and be lifelong learners, he
JJC in 1996 he had gained signifi-
that she was healthy now and could
They cared about his success, he
recommends USF as their next stop.
cant experience in the restaurant
cook for herself. She returned to nor-
says—not just about putting another
industry—from working at the highly
mal food, and a little more than six
student in a seat.
that going to USF was the best
acclaimed Everest Room in down-
months later, she died. Six weeks had
experience I have ever had,”
town Chicago under the tutelage of
turned into almost six years. What
attitude of ‘You’re an adult now so if
legendary chef Jean Joho, to open-
a gift McGreal had been given—the
you don’t turn in an assignment or
ing a restaurant in Chicago’s Beverly
opportunity to help someone in
study for an exam, it’s your own fault,’”
neighborhood, where he grew up.
need, and dramatically increase that
McGreal says. “It’s not that way at USF.”
“I came home when I realized
University of St. Francis Magazine
About 5 ½ years into their
“Janine tells me that they still
McGreal recalls how various
“Most colleges often have the
When McGreal graduated from
Today, even though JJC main-
“I tell my students all the time
McGreal says.
USF Career Success Center DID YOU KNOW that the USF Career Success Center offers many services for students and alumni? The office assists students with assessments, resumes, cover letters, career counseling and mock interviews. It also provides students and alumni access to updated job boards and an optimal resume service. If you’re not job searching yourself, consider hiring a USF grad or intern!
Said one employer, “In this challenging economy, our of-
fice is approached by hundreds of interns on a yearly basis. St. Francis really understands how to prepare its students to not only thrive at growing companies, but also how to present well in front of clients. We will definitely be continuing to reach out to St. Francis for future interns.”
Added another, “Late last year I received approval to hire
two interns this coming year. Why? Because of two students who had previously been sent to me by the USF Career Success Center. Their performance resurrected our college internship program, which had been put on hold since 2007.
“I really feel like attending USF was meant to be for me. Just as I was caring for someone I didn’t know at the time, USF was doing the same for me.”
What can you do in the future? Keep sending well-prepared students. You did an outstanding job preparing your graphic design and media arts students.“
—Micheal McGreal
McGreal (center) with Director of Alumni & Family Relations Aubrey Knight and USF President Arvid Johnson.
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
Staying Connected: Alumni News
Donovan Zielke ’88
USF Prepares Alum for the World
ince his days at USF,
he was not much of a threat to his
entrepreneurial voice was calling
Donovan “Chip” Zielke
and eventually he started his own
has logged his share
“I could never hold my own
company, Circle Athletics, based in
of miles. He has enjoyed careers
against the top athletes out there,”
Plainfield. Circle sold all manner of
as a professional bowler, a coach
he says. But he knew the game,
bowling products, and eventually
living in the Middle East, a market-
having grown up in it, first at Strike
merged with a company in Texas.
ing professional in the Midwest
and Spare II in Lockport and then
While this marked the end of Zielke’s
and Pacific Northwest, and now he
at Town & Country Lanes in Joliet.
bowling business connection, it
runs his own consultant business in
Many summers he worked as an
certainly was not the end of his
southern California.
on-lane coach at professional bowl-
business career.
ing camps, and he became highly
very reason Zielke chose USF was
respected for that work. It was
(pronounced “z cubed”) Strategy, a
to stay close to home, and remain
from this experience that he was
business consulting firm specializing
connected to his family and friends.
offered an opportunity to coach the
in global brand development and
He had contemplated attending the
national bowling team of Bahrain.
product launches. Zielke credits his
in the area and not go out of state
University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
While he had never traveled out
USF professors, specifically Michael
for college. USF can provide a variety
but after much soul searching USF
of the country, he saw it as a way
LaRocco, for opening his eyes to the
of experiences while keeping pace
became his choice. One of the main
of expanding his knowledge, and
dynamics and creative possibilities
academically with other similarly
reasons he stayed was the relation-
for the next two years he lived and
of marketing. Zielke started his USF
sized universities.”
ship he had with his father, who
coached in the Middle East.
career with an accounting-heavy
operated a local business and asked
class load, and that has served him
landed him in a nice little spot in the
his son to stay home and help run it.
States in the mid-1990s, he worked
very well professionally. But his later
sun. He lives with his wife Kathy and
“Staying connected to family, friends
for many of the companies within
marketing classes introduced him to
their daughter Anna, who came up
and your environment, I think, is a
the bowling industry. When a posi-
a whole new side of business.
with her father’s company name, “Z
really big deal,” says Zielke, a native
tion opened up at the Brunswick
cubed,” in Laguna Niguel, a town in
of Lockport and a graduate of Joliet
Corporation, it offered him a
USF was my marketing course with
southern California’s Orange County.
Catholic High School. “With my dad’s
move back to the Midwest, and
Mike LaRocco,” Zielke says. “He was
For someone so connected to his
business and many of my friends go-
an opportunity to be near family
a great instructor and it just inspired
family and friends—and the Joliet
ing to USF, it was a natural fit for me.”
once again. Zielke became director
me to think about things in new
area—the initial move to the west
of marketing for the company’s con-
ways, from a marketing perspective.”
coast required an adjustment period.
season in life, and where you go
sumer products division, and during
from there is quite another. Career
his tenure he helped launch a new
Zielke’s mind, he says his entire
years now and it truly has become
choices can take you places you
product called Viz-A-Ball, the world’s
experience at USF was memorable,
our home,” Zielke says via telephone
would never imagine. After gradu-
first bowling ball with a graphic im-
mostly because the university pro-
on a chilly day in early March when
ating from USF with a degree in
age on it.
vided an academic climate that was
temperatures in Joliet hovered in
business in 1988, Zielke joined the
personal and human in scale.
the 30s. “As with any move, it takes
Midwest regional professional bowl-
was the return to the Professional
time to get connected and rooted.
ing tour and spent his time traveling
Bowlers Tour, but not as an athlete
campus, as opposed to going
I can honestly say one of the best
the United States competing against
this time. He was hired to be the
to a large university such as the
aspects of California living is the
the best in the sport. Although he
vice president of marketing and
University of Illinois,” Zielke says.
climate. I definitely do not miss the
was likely better at bowling than
business development. While he
“I would recommend USF to any
cold of Joliet. It’s going to be about
anyone reading this story, he says
truly enjoyed the experience, his
prospective student wishing to stay
80 degrees here today.”
It is a bit ironic because the
However, college is just one
University of St. Francis Magazine
When he returned to the United
The next step in Zielke’s career
Today he is the owner of Zii3
“Probably my favorite course at
While that class stands out in
“I enjoyed being on a smaller
Zielke’s latest work relocation has
“We’ve been out here for eight
Cheryl McCarthy ’86
Superintendent is Natural Leader
s the superintendent
she was working side by side with
achieve their goal of providing each
of Joliet Township
the previous superintendent. When it
student with their own personal
High School (JTHS)
came time to hire the new superin-
netbook computer, which is used for
District #204, USF alumna Dr.
tendent, Cheryl fit the bill perfectly.
homework and research in school
Cheryl McCarthy is a true leader to
and at home. “The planning and
educators across the community.
Cheryl is very excited about the
implementation was not easy, but
“Leadership has always been a part
progress JTHS has made. “It’s com-
it was definitely worth it. We are
of my life,” says Cheryl. “Even as a
mon to hear people grumble, ‘Kids,
transforming the way we teach to
young girl I was always drawn to
these days!’ but I am not at all afraid
accommodate a more personalized
leaders. I was always helping or ob-
for the future,” says Cheryl. “We held
approach to learning.”
serving the leaders in my life or I was
a student forum that allowed for a
taking initiative and stepping into
panel of students to ask myself and
also slowly being fused into tradition-
that leadership role very early on.”
other community leaders questions
al classroom teaching. This approach
and we were just blown away at
has provided an increase in student
answers than what we see in tradi-
Cheryl did not set out in her career
the complexity of the questions our
involvement during class time and an
tional classrooms.” Cheryl explains.
gunning for the top spot. “It truly
students were asking.”
overall improvement in grades.
became a natural progression. I be-
gan as a math teacher at JT West and
under Cheryl’s guidance toward
in these classes and it has actually
hands. Cheryl and her staff have
loved being in the classroom.” Over
incorporating technology into their
increased student involvement. Now
many great things in the works
time positions opened up that Cheryl
curriculum. Cheryl is particularly
they have to participate, but they are
for the future leaders of Joliet and
fit the role for, all the way up until
proud that the district was able to
also providing more well-rounded
their community.
Despite being a natural leader,
Looking toward the future,
JTHS has made huge strides
New blended learning classes are
“We’re utilizing discussion boards
With Cheryl at the helm, JTHS
Distrcit #204 is certainly in good
Parents’ Corner
Parent & Student Involvement Smooth the Collegiate Transition for Grachan Family Like many parents, Mary and Robert Grachan were a little anxious
when it was time for their only son, Jeremy, to go off to college.
Their worries subsided, however, after they became involved with
the Parent and Alumni Network at USF.
“We realized that the more we became involved with USF, the more
we got to talk to other parents who were asking the same questions
we were. It became like a support system,” says Mary. “At these dinners
and plays, we can talk to other parents and here how they are handling certain concerns. We can also get to know the families of the students Jeremy meets. It’s nice to feel connected even while Jeremy is away.”
“Jeremy is so involved with school—he’s into everything!” she says
Mary and her husband are glad to have the opportunity to be
proudly. “St. Francis was welcoming to us and to Jeremy the moment
involved at USF. They have remained a part of Jeremy’s schools
we first visited. USF is a large enough institution that Jeremy gets to
and activities since kindergarten and they look forward to Jeremy’s
experience many things, but not so big that he is lost.”
graduation in 2017.
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
Giving Back: Donor News
Caritas Raises $350,000
or the third consecu-
She is originator and director of the
tive year, the Caritas
Pancreatic Nutritional Program, and
Scholarship Ball reached a
has written two books. Her second
record level of raising funds for stu-
book, The Pancreatic Oath, was
dent scholarships, announced USF
published in 2011. Rosen is provost,
President Arvid C. Johnson.
chief scientific officer and cancer
center director for City of Hope, a
The 58th Caritas Scholarship Ball,
held Jan. 24 at the White Eagle Golf
cancer research hospital in Duarte,
Club in Naperville, raised more than
Calif. He was previously director of
$350,000 for student scholarships,
the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive
noted Johnson.
Cancer Center of Northwestern
University and led that center to
“We are very excited that our
community—our alumni, students,
international prominence.
parents and friends—believe in the
USF mission and support our goal
were Mike and Kathy LaRocco.
of providing high-quality education
LaRocco is a retired dean of USF’s
to as many students as possible,”
College of Business & Health
said Johnson.
Administration, and Mrs. LaRocco is
an alumna and retired schoolteacher.
“About 96 percent of USF
Phavinee & Jesse Park
Co-chairs for this year’s Caritas
students receive some form of
Johnson and his wife, Anne, a
financial assistance,” said Johnson.
pension plan administrator, were
“And, 62 percent of USF freshmen
hosts of the event.
this fall were the first in their families
to attend college—as has been our
Wintrust Commercial Banking,
norm. It is our hope and goal to
Joliet Bank and Trust as the gold-
ensure that financial means are not
level sponsor.
a deterrent to keeping committed,
hardworking students from achieving
and founders of the Caritas event,
their dreams of a college education.”
Dorothy and the late LaVerne
Brown, provided a silver-level
“Our community and our
Candice & Steve Rosen
Bob Carr & Kathie Hanratty
The event was supported by
Longtime supporters of USF
country need educated and ethical
sponsorship. Silver sponsorships
workers. We are proud that USF
were also provided by Crowther
students are known throughout the
Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. and
country for being among the best
Brent and Jean Wadsworth of
in filling this need. We are also very
Wadsworth Golf Construction Co.
Cesar & Rose Cardenas of Joliet,
Ridge, Tyler & Stephanie Qualio of
grateful that so many others value
Both are longtime supporters of the
Terry & Michelle Cottrell of Joliet,
Shorewood, Steve & Ann Randich
the university and our students. The
university, said Johnson, who added
Terry & Sue D’Arcy of Shorewood,
of Joliet, Tom & Michele Vana of
support that we receive at Caritas
that an anonymous silver-level
Chris & Tammy Franklin of
Mokena, Jay & Willie Vidmar of
is evidence of a forward-thinking
sponsorship was also received.
Shorewood, Bill & Diane Habiger of
Plainfield, Dan & Tracey Vogen
community that will continue to
Additional support was provided
Joliet, Ani Johnson of Downers
of Plainfield, and Denise Winfrey of
thrive,” said Johnson.
by many other companies and
Grove, Jim & Maryellen Klang
welcomed 360 guests and was
Along with the Rosens of La
of Wheaton, Pat & Lora McGuire
chaired by alumna Candice Rosen
Canada Flintridge, Calif. and the
of Joliet, Mike Mikuska of Joliet,
and her husband, Dr. Steve Rosen.
LaRoccos of Chicago, the Caritas
Jennifer Nocco of Joliet, Sam &
Mrs. Rosen is a health care and
Scholarship Ball Committee included
Cindy Panayotovich of Palos Park,
wellness advocate and researcher.
Duffy & Rachel Blackburn of Joliet,
Jesse & Phavinee Park of Burr
The Caritas Scholarship Ball
University of St. Francis Magazine
The 2015 Caritas Scholarship Ball Committee
Calendar of Events 2015 APRIL 2 Easter Break
(April 2-3 campus closed)
Music at Moser: NewMusic Concert
25 Freshman Registration 30
“Pint for a Pint” Alumni Blood Drive
Thomas Kodron & Nathan Mata Student Recital
Annual Senior Thesis Exhibition (May 1-23)
Chorale & Singing Saints present “Festive Acclamations”
Music at Moser: Axiom Brass
Alumni Cinco de Mayo Fiesta
Career Fair for Current Students & Alumni
17 Bob Kase Jazz Quintet CD
Release Concert
21 Music Student Recital I 24 Schola Cantorum presents
Alumni BAN Meeting Music at Moser: Joliet Symphony Orchestra 10th Anniversary Concert 1
Alumni EAN Panel: Danielson Evaluation
“Mozart and More”
Music Student Recital II
MAY 1 USF Art Gallery: The
11 Music at Moser: Concert
22 30
(April 25-26)
Joliet Symphony Orchestra at Rialto Square Theater
Caption : Dr. Arvid Johnson enjoys Caritas 2015 with students Thomas Kodron, ~ Lopez, Maricar Nones, Ketura Taylor and Jeremy Grachan. Laura Munoz
Music at Moser: Joliet Symphony Orchestra 10th Anniversary Concert 2 Final Exams (May 8-14) Sarah Sheehan Student Recital
Alumni Joliet Slammers Game & Picnic Bluestem Earth Festival (Sponsored by Sisters of St. Francis)
JUNE 12 Young Alumni Happy Hour
Saturday Info Sessions are brief Saturday campus visits which include a short tour. Space is limited to three per family.
APRIL 11 & 18 RSVP: 815-740-2270
JULY 11 Assisian Club Dinner with the President
17 Business Alumni Network Bowling Party
Outdoor Family Movie Night, hosted by Alumni & Parent Relations Office
AUGUST 8 10th Annual Alumni Mystery Progressive Dinner
Spring Commencement
Alumni event information or registration: 877-811-ALUM | alumni@stfrancis.edu | stfrancis.edu/alumni/events Athletics information or game schedules: 815-740-3464 | gofightingsaints.com USF Art Gallery exhibitions: 815-740-3787 | jmoore@stfrancis.edu | Gallery Hours: Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and by appointment For information about all other university events and activities: 800-735-7500 | stfrancis.edu
A Year of Respect • 2014-2015
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