2015 - 2016 I S SUE 2
S T. F R A N C I S
State-of-the-art science building soon to become a reality at USF
Community members recognized for service and leadership
Alumni and donor news, including the 2014-15 honor roll of donors
A Message From the President
A Welcoming Community of Learners Dear Members of the USF Family, Welcome to the latest issue of Engaging Mind and Spirit — our University of St. Francis magazine and one way that we strive to remain connected to you: our alumni, our friends, our parents, our employees, and our supporters…in short, our USF family.
Our mission statement makes it clear that we aspire to be “a welcoming community of learners.” This is
an important part of the USF culture, “the USF difference” that you see celebrated in many stories in this issue! Whether in our classroom learning environments, our co-curricular experiences, or the way we treat each Arvid C. Johnson, Ph.D. President
other each and every day, we strive to ensure that everyone feels a sense of belonging, a sense of welcome.
Now, SAYING that you strive for something and actually DOING it are two different things, and one could
argue that magazines like this one may be providing a biased view — i.e., only telling a carefully-selected part of the story. That’s why our strategic plan — and, yes, it always comes back to the strategic plan! — works
OUR MISSION As a Catholic university rooted in the liberal arts, we are a welcoming community of learners challenged by Franciscan
to ensure that we remain focused upon our campus culture and environment, and that we measure our progress.
I’m pleased to report that our students — across all our degree programs — report that “I have a clear sense
of belonging at USF.” In fact, in last year’s nationally-administered Noel-Levitz surveys of student satisfaction, 82% of our undergraduate, 73% of our degree completion, and 78% of our online students responded positively to that statement. (This is tracked under goal three of our strategic plan’s first objective, which is focused on broadening of our intentional communities to increase students, employees, and alumni’s sense of belonging will reinforce these efforts.) This was affirmed by a second campus climate survey, in which 95%
values and charism,
of our students reported being “comfortable” with the campus climate.
engaged in a continuous
pursuit of knowledge,
environment that attracts, develops, and retains faculty, staff, and administrators who perform at the top of
faith, wisdom, and justice,
their profession and embrace USF’s mission and values. To that end, we are committed to providing internal
and ever mindful of a
mentoring and professional support and encouraging and celebrating external development, research, and
tradition that emphasizes
peer collaboration. I’m pleased to report that, in last year’s Noel-Levitz College Employee Satisfaction Survey,
reverence for creation,
93% and 79% of USF employees reported being satisfied with their employment and their opportunities for
compassion, and peace-
professional development, respectively, at USF. In terms of our campus culture and policies, our employee
making. We strive for academic excellence in all programs, preparing women and men to contribute to the world
What about our employees? The entire point of the fifth objective of our strategic plan is to cultivate an
satisfaction increased by a statistically significant amount in 32 out of 35 categories between 2011 and 2015. Indeed, USF employees were more satisfied than our comparison group (private, four-year, not-for-profit institutions) in 18 of the 30 categories in which comparisons were possible. Finally, 92% of our employees reported being “comfortable” in our campus climate survey.
While we certainly are committed to continuous improvement and recognize that we have additional
work to do, I am understandably proud of the welcoming environment that the USF family has worked to
through service and
create and maintain for each other.
Given this environment, I continue to consider myself incredibly blessed to serve as your president and
promise to work hard to earn the trust that you have placed in me. Peace and all good things,
Arvid C. Johnson, Ph.D. President
University of St. Francis Magazine
Table of Contents Feature Stories Engaging Mind and Spirit is published three times each academic year. Feedback is welcomed and can be sent to Julie Futterer ‘93, Director of Marketing Services: 815-740-3826 or jfutterer@stfrancis.edu
The Landscape of Science
A new, state-of-the-art science building is soon to be a reality at USF’s main campus.
CO NTEN T Michael Austin | Feature Interviews Denise M. Baran-Unland (Shaw Media) Becky Blankenship Bonnie Covelli | COBHA Erin Evans | COE Julie Futterer Katie Smith Jeremy Grachan David Hilbert | Athletics Michele O’Boyle | CAS
USF Success Campus News
Staying Connected
The Colleges Arts & Sciences Business & Health Administration Education Leach College of Nursing
Faith & Mission University Ministry
Jerri Wills | LCON
Giving Back
12 16 18 20 22
The Fighting Saints USF Athletics
Alumni News
Tracie Terlep | LCON
Donor News
Honor Roll Annual Donors 2014-2015 Financial Statements
Cherry Hill Studios Julie Futterer
31 42
Calendar of Events Events and Activities
Other USF employees, students & friends
Dave Hilbert Holabird & Root Image Group Photography, LLC Ron Molk
Other USF employees, students & friends
DES IGN Jeff Hall Design | jeffhalldesign.com
P R I N TIN G St. Croix Press | stcroixpress.com
FRONT COVER PHOTO: A rendering of the new science building, to be built at USF’s main campus. Please help us in our efforts to reduce waste. If this is an incorrect address for the intended recipient, if you no longer wish to receive this publication, or if you would like to receive it electronically, contact Betsy Dvorak at 815-740-5052 or bdvorak@ stfrancis.edu to update your records.
University of St. Francis 500 Wilcox Street, Joliet, IL 60435 800-735-7500 | stfrancis.edu
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Feature Stories
Exploring the Landscape of SCIENCE at USF
he 35,000 square-foot LaVerne & Dorothy Brown Science Hall will be built at the corner of Wilcox and Douglas Streets, and will house state-of-the art teaching laboratories, student/faculty research laboratories, faculty offices, student study lounges, a multipurpose lecture hall, an atrium, an outdoor green space and a green roof.
University of St. Francis Magazine
cience plays an important role in our
lives and dominates the culture in
learning with classroom work. Students explore
approved the construction of a new science
which we live and work. Advances
cadaver dissection, dive into summer research
building where the Pat Sullivan Recreation
in technology and science are transforming our
projects through the SURE program, and take
Center parking lot is now located. It will be the
world at a fast pace, and it is important that our
part in courses and internships at nationally
first new construction on the Joliet campus in
young people are prepared for it.
acclaimed research facilities. These experiences
more than 30 years.
prepare students for a myriad of different careers.
the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, who
Also, the Biology and Environmental Science
Streets, the three-story, 35,000-square-foot facility
founded the school with an anchor in science
Fellows Programs represent a unique opportunity
will be bordered on one side by Wilcox Street,
through nursing and health care. Current faculty
for freshman research at USF, which is unheard
and the space between the new building and
members continue to provide quality program-
of at larger schools. The result of the research
the Rec Center will become an extension of the
ming that allows students to excel in the most
experience is a presentation of findings at a local/
Quad. Parking will be relocated to new lots being
competitive of scientific fields, and USF students
national meeting or conference, to develop stu-
built at various spots on campus. The facility will
go on to fill research internships, enter medical
dents’ interpersonal and public speaking skills—
include teaching laboratories, student/faculty re-
school and benefit from job placement after
core skills for career success.
search laboratories, faculty offices, student study
The University of St. Francis is sponsored by
USF’s science courses incorporate hands-on
they graduate.
numerous proposals, the USF Board of Trustees
Located at the corner of Wilcox and Douglas
lounges, a multi-purpose lecture hall, an atrium,
Important to Everyone
an outdoor green space and a green roof.
The University of St. Francis attracts top students
President Arvid C. Johnson has announced two
One of the key aspects of a liberal arts education
with strong academic credentials. With that, the
significant gifts made by university supporters to
is a curriculum enriched in the sciences. USF’s
demand for expanded academic programs in
jump-start the construction.
department of natural sciences offers a wide
the sciences and the need for state-of-the art
range of courses in the areas of biology,
laboratory space and equipment in each science
‘83 Bellah was announced in October. Their con-
chemistry, environmental science, physics
discipline has become crucial for future growth.
tribution will name the 150-seat, multi-purpose
and allied health. Our curriculum has been
The current facilities have been stretched beyond
lecture hall, slated to be installed at the south end
designed to improve science literacy while
their capacity and have been creating obstacles
of the building. It will serve as a classroom, event
developing critical and analytical thinking and
for curriculum advancement.
and meeting space for not only students but also
creative problem solving. Forty-five percent of
the community.
freshmen and transfer students enter USF declar-
have been discussing various options for expan-
ing a major within a science field. Thirty-six
sion to ensure that science finds a true “home”
porters to our programs not only in terms of their
percent of last year’s graduating class earned a
on campus. After discussing financial realities,
treasure but also in giving so much of their time
degree in one of those fields.
considering space limitations, and looking at
and talents,” said Johnson. “Their past giving has
Science Matters at USF
To that end, over the last decade, USF leaders
To make the project a more exciting reality,
A major gift from Bill ‘82 and Trish (Banks)
“Bill and Trish have been tremendous sup-
AT LEFT: You can find lots of interesting things in USF’s science labs, ranging from spiders to microscopes to skeletons! Out on the field, biology students and nature enthusiasts at USF get the opportunity to enjoy volunteer work a few times a year at the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie and other local outdoor havens.
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Rendering of New Science Center lecture hall.
Donors Bitz and Dottie Brown
the Franciscan charisms of service
community of Joliet by enhanc-
sciences courses will continue to be
and leadership in their lives.
ing the learning environment for
taught in Tower Hall.) Each of the
all biology, nursing, and education
three clusters in the new building
Bitz, a proud Navy veteran from
students. The LaVerne & Dorothy
will share equipment and space,
World War II and partner of Brown
Brown Science Hall will also enable
creating interdisciplinary and sus-
& Lambrecht Earthmovers, the
the university to offer biochemistry
tainable learning opportunities for
couple continues to give through
and chemistry majors.”
science students. The building will
the generous and thoughtful actions
also include one large research area
included our athletic programs, the
of Dottie. When Dottie was asked to
the facility annually. Science is
for students and faculty members in
communication and media arts
consider a gift to the science build-
important to the future generations
all clusters to share and learn from
department, and the university as a
ing campaign, she paused to reflect.
of students, and the new state-of-
each other.
whole. Everyone on our campus has
She was sure to emphasize that
the-art building will support the
been touched by their generosity.”
“This gift is given from both Bitz and
innovative science curriculum that’s
importantly they DO science at USF,
Donors Bill and Trish (Banks) Bellah
Despite the 2013 passing of
Hundreds of students will utilize
Students learn science, but more
I. We have been blessed and realize
already in place. The facility will
and that has made all the difference.
announced by the USF Board
it is our responsibility to share our
allow present science instruction to
Construction of the new building
of Trustees in December. Given
blessings with others.”
be segmented into three academic
is slated to begin this spring, with
by LaVerne (Bitz) and Dorothy
clusters: microbiology, genetics, and
a groundbreaking ceremony sched-
(Dottie) Brown, the funds will
be over-used at times in describing
molecular biology on the first floor;
uled for April.
support the university’s strategic
the impact of gifts, but in this case, it
human anatomy, physiology and
objectives, including the new sci-
is entirely appropriate and merited,”
biomechanics on the second floor
ence building. The entire build-
said Johnson. “This gift will trans-
and chemistry, organic chemistry
ing will be named in honor of the
form the sciences at the University
and biochemistry on the third floor.
Browns, who have long exemplified
of St. Francis and strengthen the
(Ecology, evolution and behavioral
A second major gift was
University of St. Francis Magazine
“The term ‘transformational’ can
New Science Courses Piloted
ast summer the Department
Bromer’s class studied plants and
classes that teach students how to
projects that emphasize the physics,
of Natural Sciences started
things like a leaf’s stomata, which
fish, but rather, this course teaches
chemistry and biology of fly-fishing.
planning a new course
are small openings through which
students how to use a scientific
The science of fly-fishing is inher-
called Beginning Investigative
gases are exchanged.
approach to the enjoyable sport of
ently interdisciplinary with interac-
Experiences in Biology. The course
fly-fishing. (“And to life,” adds Dr.
tions between the biotic and abiotic,
was piloted this past fall and will
includes a lesson toward the end
Bromer.) Students will study in
between terrestrial and aquatic, and
be mandatory for all freshmen and
titled “Institutional Research Board
local creeks, streams and ponds.
between people and nature. Thus,
transfer biology majors beginning in
and Ethical Research.” During this
students will take interdisciplin-
fall of 2016.
reflection, students looked at three
was at a conference and heard a talk
ary approaches to act as scientists,
Says course instructor Dr. Bill
case studies and decided whether
on the concept of fly-fishing. The
fishermen, and citizens in order to…
Bromer, “It’s a first starting point for
or not the science was “good” (i.e.
man who spoke had written a book,
• seek a wider understanding of the
students to learn science. Current
Was a control used? Did they get the
and Bromer thought to himself,
labs are ‘canned’ and some have
right data?) and ethical. For instance,
“I want to teach this at USF!” The
been done many times, such as
a case occurred where cancer cells
book talks about the physics of a fly
learning the microscope, or deter-
were being injected into death row
rod (which casts a line, not a lure)
mining what cells look like and what
inmates. Students researched the
— how it works, different weights,
they do. This course is more broad.”
facts and decided right vs. wrong.
different flexibilities. Also, the chem-
istry of the water — temperature,
Instead of a lab each week, there
Part of the class timeline
Overall, the pilot course this
A number of years ago, Bromer
natural world. • question how humans interact with our environment. • appreciate the natural beauty and evaluate our role as stewards of our aquatic environments. • become lifelong learners by
are two to three major projects
fall “was really good,” according to
how it affects life in the water, what
each semester. Students are given
IS the life in the water?
including the scientific approach
a scenario, and they need to arrive
in an arsenal of problem-solving
at answers by deriving their own
major. Students need to know how
tion, The Science of Fly-Fishing
questions. Each of the three faculty
to do certain things for their careers,
will investigate the basic scien-
members who taught this course
and this class is going to be a fun
tific principles behind the sport,
should be able to apply the scientific
in the fall used a different scien-
way to learn,” he said.
which integrates the art of casting
method to evaluate issues in every-
tific topic and approach with their
Another science course has been
and predicting fish behavior with
day life; summarize the basic phys-
students. Dr. Erick Essick’s students
approved at USF, and this one is a bit
the physics of high-tech fly rods,
ics of fly-casting and demonstrate
studied physiology (for example,
more unusual: The Science of Fly-
chemistry and fluid mechanics of
the effects of different rods and fly
heart rate and blood pressure).
Fishing. The three-credit hour, four-
water, and biology of fish and their
lines through physical measure-
Dr. Brian Moskalik’s students
week course has been approved to
prey. Students will make observa-
ments and by actually casting a rod;
studied behavioral science—how
meet the Scientific Inquiry Learning
tions, devise hypotheses, design
and use physical, chemical, and
crickets behave, differences between
Outcome for General Education.
experiments, collect data, interpret
biotic characteristics to evaluate
male and female singing, etc. Finally,
This course is not like commercial
the findings, and report the results of
different bodies of water.
“It’s a lot of work to be a science
According to the course descrip-
tools. By the end of the class students
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Feature Stories
Q&A Science Selfies Jeremy Grachan Junior
Becky Blankenship Junior
Biology major with a minor in Chemistry (Pre-Medicine)
Environmental Science major
What made you choose USF’s science program? I chose the USF science program for two main reasons. The first was that the
I chose USF’s science program because I was accepted into the Biology
classes were not huge, giving me the opportunity to work one-on-one with
Environmental Science Fellowship. I saw it as a great way to gain experi-
professors and get more opportunities, like research. The other reason was
ence that I otherwise would not have gained. The fact that there was also
that we had a cadaver lab that offered a dissection course. This is one of the
a scholarship didn’t hurt of course!
greatest courses I have taken because I was able to learn hands on.
What’s the most innovative thing you’ve done as a science student at USF? Human Dissection has been by far my favorite and most beneficial class.
What’s the most innovative thing I’ve done as a science student? Well, I really
In Human Anatomy, we learn the structures of the human body, their
like to get students involved with sustainability and going green. That’s kind
functions, and locations. We use the cadavers to help us in this class. When
of my thing—especially because it is not an issue typically on students’ minds.
I got to actually dissect a cadaver though, I got a much better understand-
My freshman year I started organizing river cleanups through the forest pre-
ing of certain structures by actually moving them, dissecting them out, and
serve as a service project for the Council for Environmental Awareness (CEA),
going more in-depth than you do in the class.
and I have organized one each semester since then. Several students always participate in each outing, and I feel like this event, in particular, lets students actually connect the dots between our waste and the negative impact it has on the environment. It also lets them see and experience how easy it is to make a huge difference.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve learned through your research? The coolest thing I have learned is probably that science does not work
Participating in the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE).
as nicely as it does in a general lab within a course. When you are doing
Dr. Bill Bromer, William Batsch and I were catching crayfish in the streams
your own project by designing it yourself, writing it yourself, and executing
around Joliet to determine the effect of the upstream migration of the
it yourself, things do not always go as planned. You have to learn to adapt
invasive rusty crayfish. It was amazing seeing firsthand how devastating the
to whatever happens-- from having test subjects needing a week off, to
rusty crayfish were on the native crayfish populations. I absolutely loved
issues with equipment, to missing materials that are backordered in the
the field research, even when my waders weren’t quite high enough.
middle of the experiment-- anything can happen in research.
What is your favorite facility to work in and why? (chem lab, spider lab, cadaver lab, etc.) The cadaver lab is by far my favorite. I find working with the cadavers so
My favorite place to work is in the field. I believe that’s pretty natural for an
interesting and beneficial that it is somewhat peaceful to be in there. I feel
environmental science student. (See what I did there? “Natural?” Yeah, yeah,
like what I do in there is helpful to other students and helpful to me.
I know I’m not funny!) When I am on campus, I spend most of my time in the Kirk Center in Tower Hall doing homework and tutoring. There is a great sense of community in that room. The professors, the students, and the free food left on the table all help to create a great atmosphere: one where you can socialize, get work done, and ask for help.
University of St. Francis Magazine
Jeremy Grachan, Junior
Becky Blankenship, Junior
Are you excited about the new science building? What do you think it will offer new science students? I AM SOOOOO EXCITED FOR THE NEW BUILDING! I cannot wait to see
I am very excited about the new science building even though I will not
what improvements will be made. I am probably the most excited to see
get to use it before I graduate. I was one of several students that gave the
the research labs since I do research in Exercise Physiology. It gets kind of
architects suggestions on what we think the building will need in order to
tight in the lab we’re in now, and the new design looks like it would make
be awesome, and I will definitely come back to see how it turns out! I think
the research so much easier. The new building has tons of things to offer
the new building will help knit a stronger relationship between the different
new students, including spaces better designed for labs (which will make
science departments and create a greater sense of community for the
it easier to do better experiments and see what the professor is talking
about), new research spaces (which will give students more research space and will hopefully allow more students to do research), and finally, more space for students to interact with faculty besides the Kirk Center.
Who is your favorite instructor and why? Dr. Erick Essick would be my favorite professor. Dr.
Dr. Bill Bromer is by far my favorite professor! When I
Essick was not only my Biology I and Human
was first looking at St.Francis, I sat in on his ecology
Physiology professor, but also my advisor. I did
class and loved it; I have had him as an instructor for
research with him over the past two summers,
several classes since and still love it. He helped me
and I want his help with my senior thesis research.
get the CEA back on its feet. He has also helped get
Out of all the professors at University of St. Francis,
me involved in Independent Research at Midewin,
Dr. Essick is the one that I have gotten to know the
the SURE program, the Pilcher Park BioBlitz and has
best. He is not just concerned with my success as a
kept me updated when there are internship and work
student; he cares about me as a person and cares about my well-being.
opportunities available to me. In fact, I got a job with the Forest Preserve
Dr. Essick is easy to talk to and is always there, no matter what the issue, to
because he sent me the link to the application saying he thought I should
lead me in the right direction. Professors like Dr. Essick are one of the best
apply. I have been so involved and in love with my college experience
things about USF. Because USF is a smaller school, you can get to know
thanks to him.
faculty members like this and it helps you to succeed.
What do you plan to do after graduating? Do you have an internship or a job lined up yet? I plan on attending medical school to eventually become a forensic pa-
I do not want to think about how close graduation is. It is amazing how fast
thologist. As for internships, I hope to work with Career Services to get an
time has flown here at USF! I would like to get a master’s degree, but I don’t
internship at the Will County Coroner’s Office.
know where or for what field exactly. There are so many different paths I can take with environmental science: wildlife biology, general restoration, EPA, forestry, marine biology, zoology, and the list goes on. I think the best path for me would be to get experience in as many different fields as I can to figure out what I truly enjoy the most.
Finally, a personal message to our Engaging Mind & Spirit magazine readers... a favorite science quote or even your own words of wisdom! “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important
There has only been one limitation I have ever put on myself: I have to be
thing is not to stop questioning.”
happy and enjoy doing whatever it is that I decide to do. Do what makes
— Albert Einstein
you happy, even if that means something different now than it did a few years ago. It is never too late to change directions.
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
USF Success
Katlin Rasmussen ’15
A Family Legacy of Science Food chemist follows in her grandmother’s footsteps at St. Francis other words, she made sure to get
job and her life in Madison. She
involved, and she worked very hard.
remembers her time at USF fondly,
as well. The day she was moving
When she graduated, instead of
plunging straight into a job search,
in, freshman year, she made friends
she gave herself permission to relax
with Duns Scotus students. From
for a while — at home in Rockton,
that moment forward, the place felt
Ill. near the Wisconsin border, and
comfortable to her.
anyone to hang out with and study
“I wanted a last summer to
spend in the sun before entering the
with, but once we Duns Scotus
workforce,” she says. “I traveled with
people got together, I met some
college friends, visited Joliet, and
amazing, accepting people,” she
enjoyed the break from homework
says. “Having those connections
and exams without having to worry
and comforts right away probably
about a work schedule quite yet.”
would not have happened at a large
university, and that’s why USF felt
It was only after summer ended
that she started her first “real job.”
“I was afraid I wouldn’t meet
like home.”
She leaned on her boyfriend and
Anatomy, physiology, psychol-
hen Katlin Rasmussen
extracting lipid-soluble vitamins
her sister for help in preparing
ogy, physics and philosophy stand
chose USF for college, she
(A, C, D and E, in case you were
three separate resumes — one for
out as her favorite classes, and she
reconnected a family chain, linking
wondering which ones) from food
a laboratory job, another for a
feels fortunate to have been taught
two generations of women drawn to
samples. health care job, and a third for other
by a knowledgeable and dedicated
the sciences.
potential work completely unrelated
faculty, including Dr. Susan Renner,
be examined in the company’s High
to biology. “I made it my full-time
who was especially helpful with her
grandmother attended the all
Pressure Liquid Chromatography
job to apply for jobs,” she says.
senior thesis. Rasmussen’s USF ex-
women CSF, and when it was time,
system — a way to cross-check a
perience really hit home when she
decades later, for Rasmussen to
food production company’s label
live and work in Madison, Wis., she
found herself dressed in business
declare a major as at USF, she chose
claims. Other amounts need to
scoured job sites such as Monster.
clothes, sitting face-to-face with
biology due to her interest in health
be verified, too — proteins, fats,
com, Craigslist and even the very
potential employers.
care. It was a slight deviation from
metals — but Rasmussen’s depart-
specific JobsInMadison.com. She
her grandmother’s path, but still
ment deals only with vitamins.
attended a job fair in Madison and
and seeing exactly how my knowl-
within the field of science.
applied to more than 20 positions
edge could be applied to profession-
a chemist too,” she says, referring
per week. The phone started ringing
al settings and how much having a
above with her parents, Lyle and
to her grandmother. “It’s funny how
and Rasmussen landed four inter-
bachelor’s degree meant,” she says.
Mary, and her sister Kelly) works
some things work out.”
views in a single week. By the end
“It was at that moment that I real-
as an associate analytical chemist
of that week she had received job
ized how valuable my education at
for Covance, a neutral, third-party
student in many ways. She was a
offers from all four companies. One
USF was.”
food-testing company that verifies
member of both the TriBeta Biology
of them was Covance.
nutritional information on labels
Honors Society and the Duns Scotus
have that shared connection — one
as stipulated by the Food and
Honors Program. She worked as
next day and moved in five days
of many — with her grandmother, a
Drug Administration. Specifically,
a resident assistant, and was a
later,” she says.
fellow Saint with a head for science.
Rasmussen works in a laboratory
founding member of Alpha Phi. In
A chemistry major, Rasmussen’s
Today Rasmussen (pictured
University of St. Francis Magazine
She then passes them along to
“In a round-about way, I became
Rasmussen excelled as a USF
Knowing that she wanted to
“I went apartment hunting the
By all accounts, she loves her
“I was going to job interviews
And of course, she will always
Cognitive Aging Speaker to Visit USF in March Dr. Arthur F. Kramer will be speak-
topics in cognitive psychology,
ing at the University of St. Francis
cognitive neuroscience, aging, and
this spring thanks to a donation by
human factors. His recent work
alumna Linda Kilroy ‘72. Kramer is
focused on the understanding and
the director of the Beckman Institute
enhancement of cognitive and
USF Program With Illinois Park and Recreation Association Awarded
for Advanced Science & Technology
neural plasticity across the life span.
The Illinois Park and Recreation
and the Swanlund chair and profes-
Association and University of
sor of psychology and neuroscience
editor of Attention, Perception,
St. Francis (Dr. Syd Sklar and
at the University of Illinois. He will
and Psychophysics and is cur-
the Recreation and Sport
speak to the St. Francis community
rently a member of six editorial
Management Department) won a
about cognitive aging on Thursday,
boards. Kramer is also a fellow of the
2015 silver award in the American
March 3 at 7 p.m. in San Damiano
American Psychological Association,
Hall. The event is open to the public.
American Psychological Society, a for-
Journal, Washington Post, Chicago
“Power of A” Awards for their
R.N.s are eligible to receive 1.0 CEUs
mer member of the executive com-
Tribune, CBS Evening News, Today
ProConnect Mentorship Program.
from USF upon completion of an
mittee of the International Society
Show, NPR and Saturday Night Live.
The partnership program is a
evaluation form after the event.
of Attention and Performance, and
Kramer received his Ph.D. in
a recipient of a NIH Ten Year MERIT
To attend, please RSVP at stfrancis.
ing professionals of all levels of
Cognitive/Experimental Psychology
Award. Kramer’s research has been
edu/giving/special-events or con-
experience. It provides opportuni-
from the University of Illinois in
featured in a long list of media includ-
tact Kori Beck at 815-740-3717 or
ties for mentors and mentees to
1984. His research has included
ing the New York Times, Wall Street
give and grow through special
Kramer is a former associate
Society of Association Executives’
multi-tiered approach to mentor-
partnerships based on a com-
Business Alumni Network Delivers Christmas Cheer
mitment to common goals and expectations, as well as mutual trust and respect. It responds to industry professionals’ desire for mentoring at all levels of the professional experience — from early careers through executive directorship. Through the program, three-person mentoring teams included early career, midlevel and advanced professionals, who partnered together for six months for educational sessions, social/networking events and a group service project. A Power of A Award is the industry’s highest honor. The awards program recognizes the association community’s valuable contribution
In December, the USF Business Alumni Network sang Christmas carols for residents at Sunny Hill Nursing Home in Joliet. Alumna Blanca Diaz '93, '02 brought her eighth and ninth grade students from Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. It was the largest group ever to participate in this event, which University of St. Francis has been hosting for a few years now. “We were truly living the USF mission. The residents really enjoyed our visit and I think we helped to uplift spirits,” said Director of Alumni & Family Relations Aubrey Knight ‘04, ‘07, who organized the efforts with BAN President Caryn Jakielski '03, '06.
on the local, national and global level.
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
USF Success
USF Philosophy Professor Explores “The Ghost Story”
By Denise M. Baran-Unland. Reprinted with permission from Shaw Media.
eople like ghost stories.
spring and summer.
So said Tim Weldon,
favorite ghost stories? In addition
philosophy professor at
All these elements, Weldon said,
What are some of Weldon’s
toy with our sense of danger.
to the above-mentioned authors,
the University of St. Francis in Joliet.
Weldon likes Washington Irving’s
And it’s no surprise, Weldon added,
be out of place,” Weldon said.
“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and
that Shakespeare’s most famous play
recently acquired a copy of Sir Walter
“Hamlet” begins with the ghost of
also good literature. For instance,
Scott’s “The Tapestried Chamber.”
Hamlet’s father.
they address the themes of life and
death, good and evil, an existen-
school,” Weldon said.
paraphrasing Edith Wharton, “the
tialism message, and even the
fear of the shudder.” The approach
consequences of science when it
the enjoyment of ghost stories for
of autumn and Halloween — the
strays past established boundaries.
lovers of the genre? Weldon doesn’t
favorite time in the United States for
A good example is Mary Shelley’s
think so. If anything, “Haunted Beauty”
they’re reading and think, ‘Oh, now I
ghost stories, as opposed to winter
“Frankenstein,” Weldon said.
might enhance that enjoyment.
see,’” Weldon said.
National Rankings
World Report Best Graduate Schools.
higher education. The university
was recognized this spring by the
People like, Weldon said,
“A ghost at a beach party would Weldon feels such works are
“I think I read that one in high Will “Haunted Beauty” diminish “They can reflect back on what
for Great Britain, Weldon said — adds to the overall ambiance.
“They like the leaf smoke in the
air and the chill that comes with it,” Weldon said.
In its “Best Online Education
But why is that?
For the 12th consecutive year, USF
Programs 2016,” USF was ranked
Economist as a school with “Alumni
The philosopher in Weldon, who
was ranked in the top tier of U.S.
100th of 290 schools for its online
Earnings Above Expectation.” In
also likes ghost stories — as do his
News & World Report’s 2016 edition
bachelor’s programs and 69th of 147
addition, a Brookings Metropolitan
children ages 8, 5 and 4 — decided
of “Best Colleges.” For the sixth con-
schools for online graduate nursing
Policy Program report named USF as
to explore the why. The result is
secutive year, the publication also
programs. USF also was ranked 95th
one of 15 Illinois colleges with the
Weldon’s second book, “Haunted
gave USF the distinction of being an
of 252 for online graduate educa-
“best added values” based on the
Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness
“A+ School for B Students.”
tion programs and 65th of 123 for
mid-career salaries of their gradu-
in the Traditional Ghost Story.”
online graduate business programs
ates. Finally, after an assessment
[Available at amazon.com and
quality in these rankings is exciting,
(excluding MBA). USF has the top
of thousands of online master’s
the most important indicators of
ranking online graduate business
programs, USF’s online health-
our success as educators are that
programs of any private school in
care administration program was
components of good ghost stories:
our students have a great learning
named one of the best in the U.S.
sense and setting, time, place, nostal-
experience, graduate and find jobs
by OnlineMastersProgram.org. Only
gia and mystery. He shares examples
that launch their careers,” said USF’s
leges and universities rated “Best
48 programs made the list, and USF
from authors Weldon considers
President Arvid C. Johnson.
in the Midwest” by The Princeton
was one of only three programs in
masters of these stories — Algernon
Review. The “regional best” colleges
Illinois to be recognized.
Blackwood, Charles Dickens,
increased three places, from 39 to
list constitutes only 25% of the
Sheridan Le Fanu, Shirley Jackson.
36. Earlier in the year, USF was also
nation’s four-year colleges.
Through his research, Weldon
ranked among the best online edu-
learned that well-constructed ghost
cation programs for veterans by the
was once again named a Military
stories all stress the nuanced and
2015 U.S. News & World Report Best
Friendly School, and a “College of
downplay the graphic. They em-
Online Programs for Veterans and
Distinction” by CollegesofDistinction.
phasize shadows and not monsters,
one of only five Illinois universities
com, which is dedicated to honor-
and late night in the fall or winter
to have its graduate nursing pro-
ing schools nationwide for their
as opposed to bright daylight in the
gram rank in the 2016 U.S. News &
excellence in student-focused
In this book, Weldon analyzes
University of St. Francis Magazine
“While being recognized for our
USF’s ranking in “Best Colleges”
USF is also one of the 159 col-
In addition to all of this, USF
Senior Student Named Lincoln Laureate The University of St. Francis is
senior completing a bachelor’s
and pursue a career in the business
pleased to announce that senior
degree in business management
management field. She is espe-
Laura Muñoz is this year’s Student
with a minor in political science.
cially grateful for all those she has
Laureate of The Lincoln Academy
met while attending USF. Muñoz
of Illinois. Laura is an outstanding
for their leadership and service in
describes them as “some of the best
the pursuit of the betterment of
she has met in her life.”
humanity and for overall excellence
in curricular and extracurricular
honored at the 41st Annual Student
activities. A selection committee
Laureate Award Ceremony held in
consisting of administrators and
the Hall of Representatives of the
faculty made the final selection.
Old State Capitol in Springfield. At
the ceremony, Governor Bruce
Laura Muñoz, Gov. Rauner, and USF’s Eric Ruiz.
Student Laureates are honored
“Receiving this award has reas-
Community Leader Receives Leadership Award
In November, Muñoz was
sured me that through hard work,
Rauner, President of the Academy,
dedication and passion, all things
presented her with the Student
Volunteer, educator and Silver
are possible,” says Muñoz, who
Laureate Medallion, a certificate of
Cross Foundation Vice President
plans to graduate in May of 2016
achievement and a monetary grant.
Larry Johnson is the recipient of the 2015 Marx Gibson Community Leadership Award, given jointly
USF Announces 2015 Ss. Francis & Clare Award Recipient
by the University of St. Francis and the Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
USF has announced Gary Cheney
around him.
of New Lenox, Ill. as the recipient of
in November at the chamber’s
the 2015 Ss. Francis & Clare Award.
to hold on to this feeling and pass
Community Leadership School
it on to others. I credit the Lord for
(CLS) graduation dinner.
was created in 2003 to honor
making His will come to life through
individuals whose lives exhibit the
me. Secondly, the passion for the
and fitting that this year’s award –
spirit of Ss. Francis and Clare. This
mission of helping others would not
which is presented at the annual
award is an important opportunity
be fulfilled if it were not for all of the
for the university to celebrate the
volunteers who believe in this good
with ease and providing tools and
dividual who has supported and
teachings of our patron saints and
as well,” says Cheney.
driven this program forward,” said
their relevance to today’s world by
USF President Arvid C. Johnson,
recognizing persons who model
received a Governor’s Home Town
sion possible,” replies Cheney. “I
who added that the Marx Gibson
Franciscan values through their daily
Award for the great efforts and
am so honored, so humbled, to be
Community Leadership Award is
living and work.
impact made by ShareFest 2011.
recognized by the University of St.
very much in keeping with the
university’s mission and Franciscan ideal of service through leadership.
The Ss. Francis and Clare Award
Gary Cheney is the founder of
“As a Christian, we are taught
In 2012 the Village of New Lenox
Cheney has also assisted USF
The award was presented
“It’s particularly appropriate
CLS dinner – recognizes an in-
“Many people make our mis-
ShareFest, a month-long festival of
during its Day of Service event.
service and sharing in God’s love
given at commencement to rein-
dedicated to meet the needs within
ago with the hope to extend the
force the Franciscan nature of the
of what a community-engaged, a
the community. Hundreds of volun-
boundaries of service into east Joliet
education graduates received and in
community-committed leader can
teers spend time collecting food to
and thought the university would be
recognition of the award’s value and
be,” added Arvid Johnson. “He is
fill pantries, put on job resource fairs,
a place to start,” said his nomination
prestige. It is also the intention that
a role model not only for our CLS
operate free exchange clothing and
application. “Last year Gary orga-
this award will inspire USF graduates
participants but also to those of us
home goods drives and even collect
nized service sites to accommodate
to graduate with the intention of
fortunate enough to be his peers.”
items for troops overseas.
any and all of the Day of Service
becoming living examples like that
volunteers from painting a whole
of St. Francis and “to go forth and
Vice President of the Silver Cross
nation and award, but credits God’s
gym, restocking the pantry food
to repair” the world to be as God
Foundation in New Lenox, Ill.
grace for enabling him to help those
shelves, cleaning up trashed sites all
originally intended it.
Cheney is humbled by the nomi-
“Gary approached USF two years
The Ss. Francis & Clare Award is
“Larry represents the very best
Johnson, of Shorewood, is the
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
SURE Thing: Program Encourages Summer Research
When he became provost, he
ate Research Experience
handed the torch to current Dean
(SURE) grant program is
Robert Kase. When the program
in its 12th year, having originated
expanded to include students from
in the College of Arts & Sciences
other colleges, Pascoe took the
in 2003 and expanded in 2013 to
program under his wing again.
include students in all colleges. The
program provides undergraduates
a ‘welcoming community of learners.’
with the opportunity for summer
The SURE program is one of the many
research, which adds significantly
experiential opportunities available
to their learning, retention, and
for our undergraduate students to be
post-graduate work. In many cases
engaged beyond the classroom,” says
it also helps students make wise
Pascoe. “This close collaboration with
career decisions.
a faculty member on a research proj-
ect allows students an opportunity to
Earning a SURE grant is a com-
“According to our mission, we are
petitive process. Interested students
further develop their relationship with
must submit a research proposal
their discipline and practice the skills
that comes as close to a profes-
they will need as professionals.”
Advancement to find a donor to
sional research proposal as possible,
sponsor the program so it can con-
clinical coordinator, and Leia Levy,
outlining budgets, timelines and
summer is over. A formal presenta-
tinue to expand.
assistant professor and Radiation
deadlines. The proposals are then
tion of findings is required for each
ranked on merit, using guidelines
project at a local or national profes-
and rubrics that mimic those used
sional conference. During their
by national granting agencies. In
presentation, students are required
addition, proposals involving
The research doesn’t end when
professor and Radiation Therapy
Therapy program director. The project spanned from June 1, 2015 to the
to talk about the data they have
One SURE Research Project Looks at Microbial Communities in a Local Cancer Center
human subjects must be submitted
collected and analyzed. Many
Biology student Rachel Max
immune systems and are prone
to the Institutional Review Board
students end up continuing their
(pictured above) and Radiation
to infections that can sometimes
in order to protect and assure the
research through subsequent years
Therapy student Chris Rogina
come from the hospitals and clinics
rights of participants as defined by
and use it for their senior thesis.
submitted a SURE proposal to study
in which they are treated. Max and
ethical considerations and govern-
the microbial (in essence, bacterial)
Rogina wanted to take a closer look
ment guidelines. The provost and
21 students collaborated with 14
communities at a local cancer treat-
at the treatment spaces in a local
deans consider the value of each
faculty members on 11 fully-funded
ment center where radiation and
cancer center to see what micro-
project and reflect upon how each
and four partially-funded projects.
chemotherapy is administered.
organisms existed there to better
communicates the mission of the
Students received a stipend so they
They started their research
understand where the bacteria
university. Approximately 10 projects
didn’t have to work over the summer
through the SURE program but
came from and how the center
are accepted, and the research takes
and could fully commit themselves
were able to acquire more funding
could make better choices regarding
place over a ten-week period during
to their research. Faculty members
and continue the study after faculty
infection control.
the summer months.
were also given a small stipend
moderator, Dr. Ben Whitlock, guided
Student/faculty teams were also
them in getting additional grant
the bacteria found were con-
ties to the SURE program, as it was
provided with a budget for travel and
funding from the American Society
tributed by staff members of the
established while he was the dean
materials. Pascoe is currently work-
of Radiation Therapists with help
clinic. Bacteria were thought to be
of the College of Arts and Sciences.
ing with the Office of Institutional
from USF’s Elva Dawson, assistant
brought in from outside on feet and
he Summer Undergradu-
Provost Frank Pascoe has close
University of St. Francis Magazine
During the summer of 2015,
end of the semester in December.
It is commonly known that
people with cancer have suppressed
Studies showed that many of
For more information about the College of Arts & Sciences, call 800-735-7500 or visit stfrancis.edu/CAS.
Articulation Agreement Established with Roosevelt University College of Pharmacy USF recently established an articulation agreement with the College of Pharmacy at Roosevelt University in Chicago. Roosevelt offers a unique three-year program for students interested in obtaining a Pharm.D. Dr. Ben Whitlock and students Christopher Anderson, Rachel Max, Diego Mongrovejo and Matthew Peacock at senior thesis presentations.
The agreement will allow B.S. students at USF to enter Roosevelt
shoes, and hands, though after both
day. Sample collectors focused on
Laboratory — where Whitlock had
upon successful completion of their
start- and end-of-day testing, they
planning rooms, therapists console
done a sabbatical.
bachelor’s degree.
discovered that there were fewer
areas, treatment rooms, dressing
bacteria as the day progressed. That
rooms, waiting rooms, restrooms,
number of summer research awards,
for our students. As long as they
signaled that staff members were
and reception areas and took sam-
was pleased with the work of his
stay eligible [under the conditions
regularly washing their hands or
ples of surfaces including switches,
team. “I was quite impressed by their
of the agreement], they will gain
using antibacterial products while
handles, remotes, keyboards, tables,
work. I am anticipating more grant
admission to Roosevelt’s phar-
interacting with patients.
counters, immobilization devices
funds so the study can expand to
macy program,” explained Dr. Ben
and treatment equipment.
other centers. Other centers have
Whitlock of the Department of
about 500 samples over the course
different procedures and different
Natural Sciences.
of a day. They wanted to see how
analyzing the samples and the rest
kinds of patients, and we want to
bacteria levels changed from hour
of the summer gathering data on
know if there is different bacteria
pharmacy follow a special pre-
to hour, so they sampled the same
their test results. DNA extraction and
as well.”
pharmacy curriculum, tailored
surfaces three times — around
purification of the collected samples
with their graduate studies at
6 a.m. before staff and patients
was carried out in labs at USF, while
this study is being sought from
Roosevelt in mind. The pre-pharm
arrived, around noon, then again
DNA sequencing and analysis
the American Society of Radiation
curriculum begins during fresh-
around 4 p.m. at the end of the work
was done by Argonne National
man year, and over the course
The team initially collected
They spent the next week
Whitlock, who has received a
A continuation of funds for
Dr. Dan Schwert with Meridith DeLuca: “Measuring the effect of content delivery on cognitive load in students of the physical sciences”
Dr. Ben Whitlock with Rachael Max and Chris Rogina: “Understanding the microbial community and dynamics within radiation therapy treatment centers”
Dr. Brian Moskalik with Patricia Masterson: “The influence of the 6-lined racerunner on spider and ant populations in unique Illinois habitat”
Dr. Susan Renner with Matt Peacock: “The effects of minimalist shoes on the kinematics of the running stride in trained female subjects” Dr. Erick Essick with Jeremy Grachan and Maria Fernanda Quevedo: “The effects of creatine monohydrate on H+ induced muscle fatigue” Dr. Lisa Hedrick with Carly Giacomo: “Mutation of T. crunogena carbon concentrating mechanism”
Dr. Brian Moskalik with Meghan Price: “The influence of C. sexlieatus on arachnid diversity in a Illinois Sand Dune Habitat” Dr. Srimani Chakravarthi and Dr. Catherine Nelson with William Klebenow and Amanda Olsen: “The effects of the PARCC assessment on students and teachers” Dr. Alicia McLaughlin and Dr. Leia Levy with Tevin Hopkins: “Augustus Tolton Honor Society Program Description, Evaluation and Expansion”
USF students wishing to study
of their undergraduate studies,
SUMMER 2015 SURE PROJECTS Dr. Bill Bromer with William Batsch and Becky Blankenship: “Spread of the Rusty Crayfish and the effects on native crayfish”
“This is a good opportunity
students in the program are invited Dr. Shannon Brown with Emily Egizio: “How do organizations manage critical organizational events that have a potentially dramatic impact on company economic performance and why do they choose to pursue certain options?” Dr. Cathy Schultz with Alejandro Campos and Frank Kalisik: “An historical documentary on Joliet during the civil war” Dr. Mari Valle with Ravanna Bey: “Ethnic and racial disparities: exploring their nature using the National Emergency Discharge Dataset” Dr. Mari Valle with Mary Ellen Ruanne: “The impact of helmet laws on traumatic brain injuries” Dr. Srimani Chakravarthi and Dr. Catherine Nelson with Makenzie Mancuso and Renee Shibley: “Pre-Service Teachers’ perceptions on their self-efficacy for inclusion”
to attend various programs and seminars at Roosevelt. It’s important to note that electing to follow the tailored program during their undergraduate studies doesn’t preclude students from going to other schools, but it does make the Roosevelt program very accessible and frankly, an easy choice.
“The program is good because it
allows us to help students pave a path to pharmacy school that they didn’t previously have,” said Whitlock.
There are currently several
Saints who are taking that path to Roosevelt, and hopefully many more will follow.
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
WCSF Radio Welcomes New Format; New Manager
ew WCSF Station Manager
station was gutted and remodeled.
ences. Interesting enough, a recent
Anthony Musiala is no
All new equipment was purchased,
survey by the Nielsen Company
stranger to radio broadcasting.
including new transmitters.
indicates that over the air radio
From high school radio station
stations are the number one
directing all the way up to working
dreams as far as the station goes.
source where people discover
for major record labels in the music
music. Even though there is a lot
industry, Musiala has worked with
college stations in the country, and
of music available, listeners want
bands from all across the world that
we know we can achieve that goal,”
that filter and that is something
have sold millions of records. It’s
he said with confidence.
WCSF is providing. We want to
exciting that USF captured him.
be leaders in programming, not
Musiala was hired this past
interested in radio, you can try
followers,” he said.
spring. Among the many things he
your hand at it in the new sta-
currently does as station manager
tion. Students and staff alike are
music and music-related donations
include overseeing the station’s day
welcome to get involved. Musiala
for an upcoming mega-music rum-
to day operations, programming
says he and his staff are happy to
mage sale to benefit the student
and staff. He also makes sure that
train people to use the equipment
run, nonprofit radio station. Items
the station is serving the communi-
and will offer insights into creating
sought include vinyl albums, 45s,
ty, the students and the university.
great programs.
78s, cassettes, 8-tracks, reel-to
reels, VHS, DVDs, stereo equipment,
Upon accepting the position,
Musiala has high hopes and “We want to be one of the top
The good news is, if you’re
“I work with a staff of students
WCSF is currently accepting
Musiala knew he had a lot of work
who program, decide what music
films, sheet music, posters, ticket
to do. He had to find an audience
gets played, and create original
stubs, concert t-shirts and music
for the station’s new programming,
programming and productions,”
related books and magazines.
recruit students from all majors
he says.
All donations are tax deductible.
to get involved, and update the
Call WCSF at 815-740-3697 to
station’s equipment and studios.
changes in music or student prefer-
Much work was done this sum-
ences in music through the years,
mer to transform the station. With
Musiala says he’s definitely seen it.
the help of Bob Murnick and the
USF maintenance staff, the entire
and so are the student’s prefer-
University of St. Francis Magazine
When asked if he’s noticed any
“Music is constantly changing
arrange a pick-up or drop-off.
For more information about the College of Arts & Sciences, call 800-735-7500 or visit stfrancis.edu/CAS.
with Forensics Certificate Student Kristina Justice ’15 Kristina Justice graduated in 2015 with an MSW and is now pursuing a post-master’s certificate in forensic social work. The program focuses on areas of practice that reflect the relationship between social work and the law, including child welfare, domestic relations law, family violence, immigration, adult criminal and juvenile justice, public education, mental health, disabilities and aging.
Q: What is your MSW grad year? A: I graduated from USF with my
Q: Where do you currently work? A: I am a Clinical Supervisor at
MSW in 2015.
Indian Oaks Academy.
Q: What is a typical workday like? A: Supervise two transitional living programs, one male and one female, for DCFS wards and youth (ages 17.5-21) on parole transitioning to independence. Most had prior involvement with the criminal justice system.
Q: What did you learn in the social work program at USF that
Mock Trial Team Competes in Colorado
he University of St. Francis Mock Trial Team placed third at the U.S. Airforce 6th Annual Thunderbird
Invitational in Colorado Springs, Co. in December. Team captain Justyna Jozwik and co-captain Emily Limbach, with Giovanna Almada, Miranda Castro, Karen Guzman, Cori Herbert and Alejandra Medina, all worked together to bring home the big win. In the previous two tournaments the team collected several awards for their performances. At the Case Western Reserve event in Cleveland, Ohio, Joswik earned an outstanding top lawyer distinction and Herbert was given the outstanding witness honorable mention. Following that event, Limbach earned a top five lawyer spot at the Demon Deacon Mock Trial Invitation in WinstonSalem, N.C.
Mock Trial Team members pose with their award from the Thunderbird Invitational.
The team will compete next at the St. Francis Midwest Challenge taking place as this magazine is being printed at USF’s St. Bonaventure Campus.
has made you a stronger worker?
A: How to multi-task and effectively manage my time. It is busy working full time (and being on call 24/7 as a supervisor), plus interning and taking classes.
Q: Why did you choose to pursue the forensics certificate?
A: The population I work with is often involved in the judicial system and while I have extensive on-thejob experience, I hope the certificate program can quantify that knowledge.
Q: What has the overall USF experience been like for you as a returning student?
A: I only took a couple months off, just the summer, from MSW graduation to beginning the certificate program. It took me some time to get back in the swing of things.
CAS Dean Bob Kase Nominated for a GRAMMY Award Bob Kase, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, has released a jazz quintet CD on the Altenburgh Jazz Label. “As We Gather” was recently nominated for a GRAMMY Award by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. The nomination was made for “Outstanding Jazz Solo” on the track entitled “Dr. Doo Good,” which is an original composition by Kase. The album was recorded at the USF Digital Audio Recording Arts studios, and was engineered, mastered, and produced by USF faculty members Alby Odum and Jeff Jaskowiak.
Q: Is there a particular faculty member who has made an impression on you? Why?
A: Dr. Kyung-Mee Choi went above and beyond to work through scheduling conflicts with me and made an effort to accommodate my extremely busy schedule. She understands it is hard to be a working adult in the program.
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
One Dean’s Remarkable Journey
r. Orlando Griego is
celebrating his almost
Jose middle school, Griego encoun-
could afford. He had been offered
five-month anniversary
tered students who took his books
full scholarships at faraway schools
as Dean of the College of Business &
and even his shoes. Students bullied
like MIT and Michigan, but opted
Health Administration.
him. It was a hard existence and
to enroll at San Jose State, where
Griego was sure he would end up
he studied social work. He loved
destination point after a long, re-
being a dropout statistic. But through
social work and did well in school.
markable journey that took him from
his aunt’s church, Griego befriended
Upon graduating, he worked for the
a poor childhood in New Mexico
an influential youth minister named
Department of Social Services in San
and California, to the Air Force, to
Sam who changed his path forever.
Jose as a counselor for runaways
doctorate studies, to the dean’s role
and young adults serving time in the
at University of St. Francis.
saw my struggles. He wanted to
juvenile detention center.
help me get into a local college
lege student. He grew up in an area
prep high school. He worked out an
school by enrolling in the military.
like looking back.
of Southern California where gangs
arrangement where the church paid
The rigors of military life helped
and prostitutes ruled the neighbor-
half of the tuition, and the school
him develop his leadership skills,
listen. It’s not about me, it’s about
hood and poverty was prevalent. He
covered the other half.”
and he excelled. He obtained his
‘we,’” he says, noting that it’s a
attended 14 different schools by the
master’s degree in Human Resources
Biblical philosophy — the root of
time he graduated from high school.
found a strong faith that now guides
Management and served in the
faith, really.
all of his decisions. He currently
Persian Gulf War. After teaching
was shy and insecure when I was
considers himself to be Catholic,
ROTC in Rochester, NY, Griego
enced by relationships and mutual
young. I couldn’t even talk on the
but his mother was Protestant and
discovered his love for teaching.
respect. Instead of a top-down ap-
phone. I was told that I was never
had done a lot of soul searching
proach, Griego desires and expects
going to amount to anything and I
when Griego was growing up. He
his Ph.D. from Colorado State and
buy-in from his people. He wants
believed it,” said a humble Griego.
described how they “would go to
graduated in three years. He became
both students and faculty members
Catholic mass, Protestant services,
a professor there, teaching human
to be active leaders, with a competi-
old in his father’s trailer park and
Jewish temple and even new age
resource management and human
tive business sense and the ability to
meeting a young man in a wheel-
Baptist gatherings.”
resource development courses. He
treat others with respect and dignity.
chair. The man had a book in hand,
then accepted a position at Azusa
He believes in the university’s mis-
and curious, Griego asked him what
Pacific University in Azusa, Calif.,
sion of incorporating values into
he was reading. The man said he
where he was a professor and associ-
education as well as the workplace.
was studying for college.
ate dean for operations and faculty
Griego, an average student,
development before FINALLY getting
can be designed that way and our
didn’t even know what college was
that chance to become a community
values can come alive,” he says.
at the time. The man explained
member at a faith-based college: the
“People should be inspired to get
more and Griego got a lesson — not
University of St. Francis in Joliet.
on board. Think of it as a train that’s
just about education — but about
standing still. Some get on, some
life beyond the poor area where
there is cohesion within his college.
refuse to get on, and others will only
they lived. Something transpired
He wants his faculty members to
get on if other people do. How do
during that day that changed
turn their focus inward and find
you get that train moving? Energy.
University of St. Francis is Griego’s
Griego was a first generation col-
“I was moving all the time, so I
He remembers being 12 years
When he entered an East San
”He took an interest in me and
At the private school, Griego
therefore had to choose a school he
Griego was able to attend grad
Griego continued on to get
As dean, Griego makes sure
solutions to problems. He doesn’t “The key to it all is simply to
He believes leadership is influ-
“I think every program at USF
Griego’s outlook on life.
When it was time to consider
happiness in their work. He feels
Inertia. We need to keep empower-
college, Griego wanted to continue
people can’t impact others unless
ing people and reminding them that
Griego. “I suddenly knew I wanted to
studying at a faith-based school but
they can impact themselves. He asks
they can change the world.”
go to college and do bigger things.”
wanted to stay close to home and
a lot of questions and looks for
Continued on next page
“It was an epiphany for me,” said
University of St. Francis Magazine
For more information about the College of Business & Health Administration, call 800-735-7500 or visit stfrancis.edu/COBHA.
Griego recently developed a new leadership structure within his college, naming Dr. David Gordon as
with Business Incubator member Dr. Lainna Callentine: SciExperience
Q: Describe your business. A: I am a physician, author, teach-
business skills I needed to be an
It is wonderful to have a group
entrepreneur. When I decided to
backing and interested in your
er and national speaker. I run an
come home and be a full-time
They join Dr. Bonnie Covelli, direc-
educational ministry or “businistry”
mom, I began to explore running
tor of the School of Professional
outreach connecting kids and adults
a business. I knew if I was going to
Q: What do you like best about
Studies and Jeanne Washburn,
alike to science and the God who is
be successful I needed help. I heard
working out of the incubator?
executive director of the college.
the creator of this magnificent order.
about it from a friend who had
A: It is helping me be organized
I blend my knowledge of medicine,
joined up with the incubator. She
and gather a clear vision for my
science and education and have
had very positive reviews. Initially,
mission in life. I feel that God
developed hands-on science pro-
when I looked into it the deadline
has blessed me with many gifts.
grams. I travel to sites with a mobile
for submissions had expired. I had
However, when you don’t travel
lab and have developed a product
to wait for the next cycle of inter-
traditional roads or you go off the
line of hands-on science materials.
views. As soon as interviews recon-
grid as an entrepreneur, things are
hope to achieve. You’re driving down
The ministry is called “Sciexperience”
vened, I jumped right at it.
not well mapped out. You need to
the road, and in the pasture you
and the book series is “God’s
see brown and white cows, spotted
Wondrous Machine.”
Q: Is it living up to your
chair of the School of Business and Dr. Michael Stowe the chair of the School of Health Administration.
Looking forward, the way Griego
does, one might wonder what the future holds for the College of Business and Health Administration?
Says Griego, “I use the purple
cow philosophy to describe what I
cows and a purple cow. Later, which one do you remember?” [A nod to
Q: Why did you choose to
Seth Godin’s 2003 New York Times
get involved in USF’s Business
best-seller “Purple Cow,” which
A: I heard wonderful things about it. It is living up to my expectations.
sions that God has planted in you.
Do you feel your business is
The challenge is to know what you
need to fully access the incubator.
into the many resources available.
be honest, my training as a doctor
St. Francis has been phenomenal
The future looks bright!
never helped me to develop the
in helping me to tap into resources.
explains how to transform your
A: I am new to the incubator. To
business by being remarkable.]
“Everyone needs a purple cow,”
learn to leverage the gifts and pas-
Yes, I am only beginning to tap
he smiled.
Business Incubator Grows As the Business Incubator celebrates its one-year anniversary, membership has doubled! NEW MEMBERS
Acer Reports acerreport.com Parris Jones pjones@acerreport.com
Health Markets Insurance healthmarkets.com/bminton Chybrenna Minton cminton07@gmail.com
Premium Security & Associates Glenda Corbett ecorbett6768@sbcglobal.net
SciExperience sciexperience.com Dr. Lainna Callentine lcallentine@hotmail.com
Custom Community Creations maps3c.com Toni Greathouse tonig@comcast.net
DontQuit dquitlife.com Rick Wallace info@dquit.com
Quasar Design 3D quasardesign3d.com Yuri and Portia Gallegos yuri.gallegos@gmail.com portia.gallegos@gmail.com
Student Speakers, LLC studentspeakersllc.com Princess Clemente and Laura Muñoz princessclemente@stfrancis.edu lauramunoz1@stfrancis.edu
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
COE focuses on STEM
ith the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards (Achieve, Inc., 2013) by the State of Illinois in 2013, teacher preparation programs are faced with the challenge of preparing pre-service teachers for integrating the content of the NGSS, including STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), into the existing curricula. Because many schools are still adjusting to Common Core (National Governor’s Association, 2012) and have not yet begun implementing NGSS, a gap exists between what pre-service teachers are seeing in the field and how they are being prepared in methods courses. As a result, COE assistant professor Dr. Erin Evans has taken the initiative to bridge the gap through innovative revisions of her science and social studies methods course outcomes based on her research. Elementary pre-service teachers at USF are leaving the methods semester betterprepared than ever to engage in NGSS-aligned, STEM-based planning and instruction in the field. Preparing Elementary Pre-Service Teachers to Integrate STEM: A Mixed-Methods Study
they designed and implemented
design integrated STEM lessons.
an Integrated STEM Unit at a local
Quantitative findings suggest that
professional development partner
elementary pre-service teachers’
school. Phases I and II of this three-
perceptions, confidence, and abili-
phase study took place before and
ties are positively impacted through
after the methods course, while
STEM-based preparation, specifically
Phase III of this study took place
that which embeds a co-taught,
during the final student teaching
integrated teaching experience
semester in order to gain a sense as
in which the pre-service teachers
to the longitudinal retention of the
are able to apply what is learned
four variables studied pertaining to
in an authentic setting. Qualitative
STEM integration.
findings supported the quantitative
results, but also suggested a positive
In all three phases of the study
quantitative data were collected in
trend in elementary pre-service
the form of two survey instruments,
teachers’ attitudes toward STEM as
including the STEM Semantics
a result of engaging in STEM-based
Survey and the Science Teaching
Efficacy Beliefs Instrument (STEBI-B).
Additionally, in all three phases,
iSTEM Unit
one-on-one interviews were con-
To prepare elementary pre-service
ducted with the same group of five
teachers for integrating STEM, all
vans recently completed
Methods course. The mixed meth-
participants in order to examine the
students in Evans’s science and
her doctoral dissertation at
ods study longitudinally examined
study’s variables from a qualita-
social studies methods course must
Northern Illinois University. In her
12 elementary pre-service teachers’
tive perspective. In Phase II, the
work together to plan and co-
research, she studied elementary
perceptions, attitudes, confidence,
solicited iSTEM Unit, which was part
teach an integrated STEM unit (the
pre-service teacher candidates
and abilities to integrate STEM into
of the culminating project in the
“iSTEM”) as part of the culminating
during their Intermediate Field
their instruction. In three phases
methods course, was studied using
project in the course. Candidates are
Experience (IHE) semester and
spanning two semesters, the pre-
an analytical assessment rubric to
front-loaded with pertinent informa-
subsequent Science/Social Studies
service teachers were studied as
quantify participants’ abilities to
tion related to the Next Generation
University of St. Francis Magazine
For more information about the College of Education, call 800-735-7500 or visit stfrancis.edu/COE.
minutes each day to elementary students. The teaching week is possible due to flexible planning on behalf
Candidate Reflections/Experiences
of the methods instructors in the elementary IFE methods block, who arrange their schedules accordingly to allow time for the iSTEM experience to take place. After the iSTEM lessons are taught each day, candidates then reflect on the experience and review formative assessment data to revise their plans and differentiate for individual learners for the following day. The week culminates with a summative assessment, after which the candidates analyze stuScience Standards and STEM, and
dent growth from pre- to post-as-
they are strategically paired up in
sessment. The iSTEM concludes with
teaching teams based on their self-
candidates participating in a College
perceived content area strengths
of Education “poster session,” during
and weaknesses.
which the candidates display a visual
overview of their iSTEM units on a
After completing a unit proposal
for the iSTEM and engaging in pre-
poster board and engage in profes-
assessment and planning, candidates
sional dialogue with other students,
spend a week at a local partner
faculty, and administration from the
school teaching their iSTEM for 40
STEM Family Night In the spring of 2015 semester, a
professor of physics at USF, worked
STEM Family Night took place at
alongside students from her Physical
the Cathedral of St. Raymond School
Science for Educators class to teach
to expose parents, students, and
6th-8th grade students. While the
faculty to STEM-based curricula at
hands-on lessons were taking
the elementary level. As part of the
place under the supervision of
event, the families from St. Ray’s
Dr. Cindy Sloan, associate dean
were exposed to current STEM-
of the College of Education, Dr.
based offerings for young learners
Erin Evans provided a professional
at USF and JJC, after which they
development session on the Next
engaged in hands-on inquiry with
Generation Science Standards and
students and faculty from USF.
STEM for the St. Ray’s faculty and
Elementary IFE candidates co-
administration. The successful
taught STEM-based lessons to K-5th
event left those who participated
grade students and their parents
excited about STEM and eager to
while Dr. Susan Renner, assistant
engage further.
Qualitative statements from candidates’ interviews and iSTEM project reflections were gathered. Some remarks regarding the value and learning experience of the iSTEM:
“Planning, and especially teaching, the STEM Unit was the biggest learning experience for me. We got to learn how to plan for STEM in a really meaningful way. It was the most realistic experience we could have had that mirrored what it is really like to do STEM in the field.”
“Planning and getting to actually teach the STEM Unit added so many more aspects that go into teaching STEM that you don’t think about. [I learned] a lot about classroom management during inquiry and hands-on learning that I don’t think I would have otherwise learned if not for the STEM unit.”
“Getting to learn about STEM, and especially getting to teach STEM, really paved the way for us beyond IFE. I wouldn’t feel as good about STEM as I do now if I hadn’t had the opportunity to put it into practice with real students. [The STEM Unit] was really meaningful and it made me see how important STEM really is.”
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
My First Year in LCON Reflection by Dr. Jerri Wills, Director of Simulation Learning Community College (WCC), where
simulation here at USF, survey
scenarios throughout the semester.
I served as a faculty member. My
the faculty regarding their use of
doctoral work involved creating a
simulation and create a simulation
actively involved in developing
simulation program for WCC.
task force to identify strengths and
simulations for Professional Nursing
weaknesses of the current use of
Practice I and Professional Nursing
USF began in fall of 2014. I concur-
simulation. The task force would
Practice IV. I am developing simu-
rently was teaching two sections
also develop policies for the simula-
lations for Professional Nursing
for Professional Nursing Practice II
tion laboratory.
Practice II to be used in the spring
& Professional Nursing Practice III (a
Professionally, I could not have made a better
My role as simulation director at
blended course of junior and senior
level nursing students). Duties of the
decision than to join the family here at USF.
simulation director include, but are
The culture is one of great respect and support.
not limited to, collaborating with Simulation Lab Coordinator Amy
y interest in simula-
Galetti to work on scheduling, inven-
twice a month and members
each clinical course up to 25% of
tion began in 2009 as
tory, budgeting, mentoring faculty,
included me; Amy Galetti, simula-
total clinical hours. We are currently
I mentored a gradu-
developing simulation scenarios, and
tion and skills lab coordinator; Dr.
limited in simulation in the following
ate student from Northern Illinois
surveying students on their experi-
Deb Peterson, associate dean of
areas: space, personnel and
University. I was beginning a termi-
ences in the simulation lab.
undergraduate nursing; and faculty
technology resources.
nal degree quest at Rush University
members Cathy Guiney, Ashley
and identified the need for simula-
for semester one were to become
Hasselbring, Dr. Annette Mattea
faculty and students at USF is that
tion use in nursing at Waubonsee
acclimated to the current use of
and Mario Paulino.
LCON will be moving to St. Clare
One item quickly emerged about
Campus in fall of 2016. St. Clare
the current use of simulation here at
will have four simulation rooms
USF. Faculty members all had varied
which will allow for increased use of
concepts regarding what simula-
simulation and increased number of
tion actually is. I collaborated with
students using simulation.
Dr. Carol Wilson, dean, and other
faculty members to invite Michelle
additional high-fidelity mannequins.
Olech-Smith, MSN, RN-BC, CHSE, di-
We are in need of a new birthing
rector of professional development
simulator, a simulator that repre-
and simulation for Northwestern
sents our diverse student body,
Medicine, to provide a clinical
and virtual simulation capabilities.
simulation workshop. This work-
shop allowed faculty to identify best
made a better decision than to join
practices in the use of simulation.
the family here at University of St.
I felt it was crucial for individuals
Francis. The culture is one of great
using simulation to understand the
respect and support. I am look-
educational principles and founda-
ing forward to collaborating with
tions behind it. Also, in the spring
Galetti and other faculty members
semester I collaborated with Galetti
in the growth and excellence of our
to observe several simulation
emerging simulation program.
Essentially, my simulation goals
Lifelong Learning for Nurses A major goal of LCON’s graduate program is to provide students with an environment that encourages ongoing personal and professional growth while they are enrolled in rigorous online classes. The program aims to foster a sense of unity through a value-based Christian education where mutual respect between faculty, students, and staff is exemplified. In August 2015, LCON hosted a mandatory orientation event for incoming graduate students. During this event, students are provided with an overview of the graduate program’s mission and philosophy, policies, role expectations, academic advising, and access to a number of resources offered at USF. Eighty-one graduate students participated and enjoyed LCON's Franciscan hospitality. Orientation evaluations have remained consistently high with approximately 80% (n=65) of attendees strongly agreeing that the overall orientation experience was excellent.
Since fall of 2015, I have been
University of St. Francis Magazine
The simulation task force met
semester. Our goal is simulation in
The most exciting news for
Future goals include the need for
Professionally, I could not have
For more information about the Leach College of Nursing, call 800-735-7500 or visit stfrancis.edu/LCON.
Engaging Mind & Spirit Reader Unlocks Mystery
he last issue of Engaging Mind & Spirit magazine included a historic photo on
its cover of early St. Joseph College of Nursing students. The photo, unfortunately, came without a caption or any identifying information.
After the issue was published,
Barbara Kestel-Satrun contacted the editor to note that her mother, Marie Barbara Ulrich (St. Joseph College of Nursing, Class of 1928), was one of the nurses pictured in the front row. Barbara went on to share that her daughter Megan Marie Satrun ‘08 also graduated from St. Francis with a nursing degree, and was pinned with her
from pancreatic cancer at the age
entitled, ‘An Angel of Mercy: a book
their professional life and need to
grandmother’s nursing pin as well
of 60 in 1967. She participated in a
of short prayer for Catholic Nurses.’
be morally grounded. Thank you
as her own. Wrote Kestel-Satrun, “It
trial study knowing that it would not
This book was sized to fit into a
to the University of St. Francis for
was a proud moment for the family.”
help her but she felt strongly that
nurse’s uniform pocket. Among
your ongoing mission of educating
research was vital for patients in
others, it has prayers to be said at
future nurses.”
er’s life after graduating.
coming years. The tragedy was that
the bedside of dying patients. It
it extended her suffering. However,
was my mother’s little treasure. I
a traveling nurse, seeing the United
nurse until she married my father,
as a Catholic, she would ask for her
mention this demonstration of
States with her husband, Anthony
Joseph Kestel, and moved to his
crucifix and pray. As a young nurse
faith because today’s nurses face
Smith ‘08, and their two cats.
farm south of Frankfort. She died
she had received a prayer book
a myriad of secular challenges in
Kestel-Satrun talked of her moth“My mother proudly served as a
Megan Marie Satrun is currently
NURSING NOTES • DNP students Susan O'Mara and Yana
SNAI 2015-2016 Board of Directors: Marketing
• An article written by Dr. Deena Nardi, Ph.D.,
Zborovskaya will have their article "End of Life
Director Janelle Gedmin, Membership
PMHCNS-BC, FAAN has been published in
Care in the Hispanic Community" published
Director Brittany Long, and Elected Executive
the December 2015 Journal of Psychosocial
in the February 2016 issue of the Journal of
Consultant Amanda Buechel ‘15 BSN, R.N.
Nursing and Mental Health Services. The article
Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing. In addition,
is titled “Decreasing Risk for Mass Shooting in
they presented their poster, “Risk Reduction
• LCON N310 students and staff—about 54 in
the United States.” The publication is a monthly,
of Thrombosis with Prophylactic Use of Oral
all—went to Minooka Elementary School in
peer-reviewed magazine for psychiatric mental
Anticoagulants in Adult Cancer Patients with
October to discuss topics with approximately
health nurses in clinical, academic, and research
Central Venous Catheters: A Systematic Review"
600 children such as risks of smoking, stress,
positions in a variety of community and in-
at the October ISAPN Midwest meeting and
bullying, healthy eating, good vital signs, good
stitutional settings. This article is a follow-up
at the Oct. 28 research forum at Advocate
sleep habits, benefits of exercise, illness pre-
to the January 2013 editorial Dr. Nardi wrote
Lutheran General Hospital.
vention, avoidance of drugs and alcohol, and
concerning the prevention of mass shootings
health careers to name a few. Students were
after the Sandy Hook shootings.
• At their 66th Annual Convention, the Student
given pamphlets and stickers and other prizes
Nurses Association of Illinois elected the follow-
for answering questions and participating. USF
ing USF students and a recent graduate to the
nursing students were very engaging.
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Faith & Mission
Stations of the Cross
Campus Sustainability: Task Checklist 1. Recycling receptacles have been installed on the Quad and at St. Clare Campus. 2. The Student Sustainability Promise has been launched and students now have the opportunity to sign up and pledge their commitment to being more sustainable on and off campus. 3. A new program for recycling ink cartridges was launched, beginning in January. 4. The sub-committees of the university’s Sustainability Committee have all met and determined tasks for the year. The academic sub-committee is working on infusing sustainability into the curriculum, the footprint sub-committee is working on energy use assessments as well as the Community Sustainability Promise for employees, the
This fall, the University of St. Francis installed new Stations of the Cross on the Quad. The beautiful stations, crafted by Duane Meyers from St. Mary Catholic Church in Mokena, Ill., were made possible with generous donations from Arlene Benigni, Jeanne Jacobs, Rose Mancuso and Mary Roa.
Former Bishop of Diocese of Joliet Joseph Imesch Passes Away Bishop Joseph L. Imesch, after serving the Diocese of Joliet for 26 years and retiring in 2006, died on Dec. 22 in Joliet. He was 84 years old. Locally, Imesch helped establish the Housing Foundation of Will County as well as the Daybreak Shelter, which serves the homeless. On a larger scale, Imesch was well known for the years he spent working to get a pastoral letter on women’s issues approved by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Said current Bishop R. Daniel Conlon in a released statement, “Bishop Joseph L. Imesch served as chief shepherd
of the Diocese of Joliet for forty percent of its history to date. His years of service were marked by great change and population growth which he managed well. Bishop Imesch led with conviction and compassion and used his many talents generously.”
University of St. Francis Magazine
community sub-committee is working on better Web presence and spreading the word about sustainability on campus, and the campus life sub-committee is working on plans for Green Week in April.
Visit us: stfrancis.edu/green!
Athletics: The Fighting Saints
It’s On Us
he University of St. Francis
tolerate sexual assault or miscon-
This movement speaks to any age,
Student-Athlete Advisory
duct already. ‘It’s On Us’ provides an
demographic, social class, race, or
Committee (SAAC) and Stacey
excellent, unified program that helps
gender that it’s on us to make a
Burke ’93, ‘15 brought the na-
USF and its students convey this
difference,” said Nichols.
tionwide “It’s On Us” campaign to
message completely to the world
campus in November.
around them.”
involved in the project created
Several USF student-athletes
“As a Catholic university, we teach the core values
a video in support of the initia-
of service, leadership,
include students and all members of
of the SAAC group, is a junior
tive, which can be viewed on the
college communities to put an end
marketing student and a member
University of St. Francis Fighting
compassion and integrity.
to sexual assault. It was launched
of the bowling team. He personally
Saints Athletics YouTube channel.
last April as part of the White House
believes that upperclassmen have an
Task Force to Protect Students from
especially important impact on what
all students involved in the
Sexual Assault on college and uni-
kind of behavior is tolerated among
campaign hope that additional
versity campuses. The main goals of
underclassmen Saints.
schools within the NAIA (National
the campaign, according to a White
Association of Intercollegiate
House press release, are to identify
an impact on future generations
Athletics) will bring the “It’s On Us”
the scope of the problem, engage
of USF Saints. That is extremely
campaign to their campuses. USF
men in the discussion, help schools
important to us because we do
was the first within the Chicagoland
respond to assaults effectively and
have a family atmosphere here at
Collegiate Athletic Conference to
improve the federal government’s
USF and have each other’s backs.
adopt the initiative.
“It’s On Us” is a national effort to
Jeff Nichols, vice president
“We set the standards. We have
Long term, Burke, Nichols and
This campaign is all about standing up with integrity.” — Stacey Burke
enforcement efforts.
Burke, who graduated with her
master’s in social work in December, came across the campaign online while doing a graduate social work internship in the fall. She felt the message shared by “It’s On Us” would resonate with the students she works with daily at USF.
“As a Catholic university, we
teach the core values of service, leadership, compassion and integrity. This campaign is all about standing up with integrity and saying, ‘We, as a community of students, are not tolerant of this kind of behavior. It does not have a place among us,’” said Burke.
Burke also felt that, by nature,
USF students would be extremely receptive to the message due to the responsible and caring personalities of the student-athletes. “Our students exhibit the behaviors of young adults who would not
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Athletics: The Fighting Saints
Timothy Smith (Expected ’17)
Our All-American Guy Initials are a big part of Tim Smith’s plans. He’s not saying this—that initials are his thing—but when he talks about his future, it’s hard not to notice a pattern of very recognizable letter combinations: USF, NFL, FBI.
e has enjoyed two very distinct honors
3-inches and 245 pounds. But he
recently, as well—honors that look much
knows that to attract the attention
better spelled-out than they look
of NFL scouts he will have to pack on
abbreviated: “All-American” and “Player of
some weight and increase his strength.
the Year.” A native Illinoisan who grew up
That is what he has been working on in the
in the towns of Sycamore and Oregon,
off-season. He enjoyed his honors, took a little breather
Smith will play his senior season on
and then got straight back to strength training.
the Fighting Saints football team this
year as he works his way toward a double major in criminal justice and
Onward. Down the road, after his NFL career comes to a
psychology. This past season he was
close, Smith plans on attending law school in preparation for
named not only the Mid-States Football Association’s Defensive
a second career with the FBI. He cites Visiting Assistant Professor Tracy
Player of the Year, but also an NAIA Second Team All-American.
Siska as a guiding force.
A defensive end, Smith tallied 21 tackles-for-loss (which was fourth-best
“Professor Siska has a realistic view of the world and he believes in
in the NAIA), and 10 sacks (fifth in the NAIA) during the regular season,
facts before feelings, which I believe is the very essence of anything
helping the Saints go 8-3 overall. He was the star player on one of the best
related to the law,” says Smith, who caught the crime-fighting bug via
defensive units in the country last year, and he is back for another season.
television dramas.
“I don’t feel any pressure for this year after receiving these honors
“When I was younger I always enjoyed watching TV shows that had
because I know I will perform to the best of my ability,” he says. “I believe
to with law enforcement,” he says.
people will expect something from me considering what I did last year, and
I’m confident enough to say that I will do even better this coming season.”
idea that those with power who take advantage of people can be brought
Smith wears No. 92, and he was an imposing figure in 2015 at 6-foot-
“The past is done and there is no point in focusing too much on what has already happened,” he says.
University of St. Francis Magazine
“Even though I knew they were exaggerated I was still drawn to the
down to a level playing field through the justice system.”
Brown & Gold While this magazine is arriving in homes, the USF Athletic Department will be hosting its annual Brown and Gold event on Jan. 28. The event
All-American and Player of the Year
2nd Team All-American 21 Tackles-for-Loss; 4th Best in NAIA
10 Sacks; 5th Best in NAIA
will feature Jed Hoyer, Chicago Cubs executive vice president and general manager. Hoyer joins an impressive list of Chicago professional sports personalities to have served as speakers at Brown & Gold events through the years. That list includes Cubs pitcher Ryan Dempster (2014), Frank Thomas of the Chicago White Sox (2013), Chicago Bears’ Super Bowl XX quarterback Jim McMahon (2012), Denis Savard of the Chicago Blackhawks (2011), Fergie Jenkins of the Cubs (2008), and Chicago Bears’ Mike Ditka (1982, 2007) and Dick Butkus (1980).
Other notable speakers at past Brown & Gold events were longtime
Marquette University basketball coach and network television analyst Al McGuire (1977, 1987), basketball coaching legend John Wooden (1978), two-time Super Bowl MVP Bart Starr (1994), former DePaul coaching legend Ray Meyer (1979), college baseball’s all-time winningest coach and USF’s own Gordie Gillespie (1996), and Olympic wrestler and coach Dan Gable (2002).
The annual fundraiser begins with a cash bar at 5:30 p.m., followed by
dinner at 7 p.m. and the program at 8 p.m. The event will also include a silent auction. For more information, visit gofightingsaints.com.
USF has given Smith the opportunity to pursue his ultimate career
goal (FBI), while he excels as a student-athlete on his way to an interim
Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference All-Academic Squad Named
career (NFL), and both careers just happen to require the same kind
Congratulations to the 29 fall sport student-athletes who were named
of dedicated, disciplined personality. It’s probably not a coincidence
to the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference all-academic squad
that Smith is interested in two high-pressure, high-achievement fields.
(3.25 GPA, sophomore-or-higher academic standing) as well as the 13
individuals who were recognized as NAIA Scholar-Athletes (3.50 GPA,
It’s surely not a coincidence that his four siblings are just as
competitive and driven. His older brother is pursuing a career in professional basketball. Of his three younger sisters, the eldest is a scholarship basketball player at Wright State University in Ohio. The next-eldest sister is pursuing a career in the ultra-competitive world of movie production, and the youngest is a high school basketball player. The Smiths are clearly not afraid of a little competition.
Tim is glad that he is able to compete relatively close to home
so that his parents are able to watch him play in person. In fact, that was one of his original college goals—to play at the highest level available to him, in the program that he believed was most-dedicated to success. First and foremost he wanted to do it all in front of his parents.
All of this comes from a kid who did not see much playing time on the
junior or senior academic standing): CCAC ALL-ACADEMIC Men’s Cross Country: Kevin Hanlon, Brandon Ivins, Billy Klebenow, Cam Knudsen, Matt Peacock, Aaron Sanchez; Women’s Cross Country: Julia Caithamer, Catherine Crosson, Meridith DeLuca, Brooke Johnson, Mallory Johnson, Kayla Rice, Lisa Ringstmeyer, Lindsey Sayner; Men’s Soccer: Miguel Aldana, Matt Keilman; Women’s Soccer: Bethany Dombkowski, Brianna Ferrias, Trish Masterson, Raquel Montoya, Kayla Paeth, Shannon Pedone, Yessica Reyes, Haley Wenberg, Hannah Yackley; Volleyball: Leah Alles, Danielle Conrad, Tynae Phillips, Leah Rose. NAIA SCHOLAR-ATHLETES
football field until his senior year of high school. Now he is one of the best
Men’s Cross Country: Brandon Ivins, Billy Klebenow, Matt Peacock; Women’s
college players in the country. Opportunity plus hard work pays dividends,
Cross Country: Meridith DeLuca, Brooke Johnson, Lisa Ringstmeyer; Football:
and at USF, at least in this particular case, it is leading someone straight to
Michael Calandriello, Pietro Cimino, Nick Collofello, Nicolas Reese, Breion
the initials of his dreams.
Tucker; Women’s Soccer: Trish Masterson, Shannon Pedone.
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Staying Connected: Alumni News
Art Carpenter ’91
Dentist Mentors Current Saints USF
gave many
Once they reach a decision,
all, he made lifelong friends, thanks
things to Art
Carpenter makes it very clear to
to USF’s intimate campus life. “I
Carpenter, who went on to become
them what is involved in that par-
lived in the dorms all four years and
a dentist, and now he is giving some
ticular choice — to ensure that they
I made friends there that I am still
things back and feeling great about it.
are still interested. Without someone
friends with today,” he says.
like Carpenter at their disposal,
in USF’s Student Alumni Mentoring
some students might get in over
felt like home to him. “I distinctly
program. A dentist operating a
their heads, wasting both time and
remember an awesome experience
boutique dental practice in north
a week before classes started, when
suburban Kenilworth, Ill., Carpenter
the school opened the dorms up
has long been drawn to teaching
down the knowledge so that the
and let us move in early. We spent
and mentoring.
kids don’t make the same mistakes
a week getting to know each other,
When he is not at work he is
we made when we were younger,”
playing basketball and hanging out
usually providing a service to some-
says Carpenter, who was accepted
on the Quad.”
body somewhere else. It might be
to medical school but declined after
knowledge so that the
as a coach for his kids’ sports teams,
realizing that hospital and medical
four years, and during that time
kids don’t make the
or as an instructor at the College
work was not for him.
Carpenter experienced thousands of
of Lake County School of Dental
typical USF moments—those times
Hygiene. Where USF is concerned,
and he has not regretted a day since.
when you know you are part of a
made when we were
for the past three years his service
He now helps students with those
larger family and someone is looking
has been as a mentor to a student
tough decisions, and the compli-
out for you. One particular incident
interested in a career in health care.
cated process leading up to the next
occurred on a day when Carpenter
He mentors USF students the same
phase of their educational journeys.
was filling out financial aid forms.
way he treats his dental patients—
Carpenter’s first USF mentee
He thought he had crossed every
with objectivity and respect.
went on to dental school. His sec-
T and dotted every I, and it wasn’t
ond is working toward becoming a
until he was out in the hallway that
educator, not a salesman,” says
physician’s assistant, and his current
he realized he had overlooked an
Carpenter. “I say, ‘I’ll tell you what
mentee is planning for medical
entire form. A Franciscan Sister from
your needs are, but I’m not trying to
school. Guidance is what he is giv-
the office chased after him with the
sell you anything.’”
ing to USF and its students, but let’s
blank form in her hand.
get back to the many things that
health care path — from dentistry
USF gave him.
would have been ‘Oh well,’” he
to pharmacy to chiropractic — can
says. But that Sister would not have
be daunting. It’s not just the work
most looking for coming out of
dreamed of letting the oversight
involved to make it through the extra
Marist High School in Chicago: a
go. Carpenter is thankful for her act
schooling, it’s the decisions and
Catholic education at a school with
of kindness, and no doubt at least
preparations that need to be made
small class sizes. He knew he would
three USF students are thankful for
just to get started.
be getting those things before he
his, too.
even arrived in Joliet. But then he
“I enjoy mentoring, and passing down the
same mistakes we
University of St. Francis Magazine
He is giving his time and wisdom
“I tell my patients that I’m an
The bottom line is, navigating the
“I always want to assess what
“I enjoy mentoring and passing
Dentistry would be his new path
First, it gave him what he was
they’re looking at,” Carpenter says.
became an on-air personality at
“I take them through all of the allied
the campus radio station. He wrote
health professions, and I tell them to
editorials for the school newspaper,
look at those and tell me what they
got involved in student government
really want to do.”
and joined the science club. Best of
From the start, USF (then, CSF)
That set the tone for the next
“At a big state school that
Mentoring Program Evolves “Joining the Student Alumni Mentoring Program was one of the best decisions I have made while at USF! I was able to connect with a mentor on a personal and professional level, allowing me to develop my own skills.” — Laura Muñoz Lopez (Student Mentee)
he Student Alumni
ously improve the Student Alumni
a resume and creating business
Mentoring Program was
Mentoring (SAM) program at
cards. Further collaborative efforts
born in 2012 when the
University of St. Francis.
with Academic Resource Center
Director of Alumni & Family
and the University Success Scholars
Relations, Aubrey Knight ’04, ’07,
gural dinner, a career networking
include a business fashion show,
and her student worker (now
dinner, four supplemental meetings
featuring good “looks” for interview
alumna) Kayla Madej ’15 were
on campus, a service day, and an
and business attire.
looking for ways to engage students
end-of-year reflection dinner. A
and alumni. What started as a small
Distinguished Leadership program
mentoring program pairs still keep
idea has evolved into a hugely
within SAM brings together the top
in contact with one another and
successful program. There have
eight students from the previous
some have obtained internships
been 312 participants since the
year who help to design the next
and jobs through the program.”
program’s inception. Knight was
year’s program and encourage
awarded the Presidential Innovation
classmates to apply. Collaborative
visit stfrancis.edu/sam for informa-
Award in October 2015 for her work
efforts with the Career Success
tion and an application.
to create, implement and continu-
Center include seminars for building
The program includes an inau-
Says Knight about SAM, “Many
To become an alumni mentor,
“SAM has helped me to connect-to-purpose with my mentees as to why the University of St. Francis is such a special place, how our school is truly different than other institutions of higher learning and most importantly, once you graduate, you are always part of the USF family! It is our responsibility as alumni to pay it forward to current students, and I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the SAM process and working with current and future USF alumni.” — Alan Randolph ‘07 (Alumni Mentor)
President Shawn Walsh ‘00, ‘15 President-Elect Keith Schomig ‘13 Past President Karen Ciarlette ‘94. ‘97 Vice President for Constitution Joseph Ferrallo ‘85, ‘06, ‘07 Vice President for Programs Caroline Portlock ‘02, ‘04 Vice President for Scholarships Judy Bulat ‘72 Vice President for Young Alumni & Student Engagement Candice Quinerley ‘10 Secretary Wihelmine Vidmar ‘68 Sisters of St. Francis Representative Sr. Lois Prebil, OSF ‘61 Alumni & Family Relations Office Administrators Aubrey Knight ‘04, ‘07, Director Valerie Penn, Assistant Director Student Representatives Haley Collins Laura Muñoz Taylor Ringo
GENER AL BOARD MEMBERS Dominique Annis ’00, ‘02 Luise A. Baldin ‘58 Matthew Bisek ‘10 Patricia Bracken ’73, ’86, ‘94 Sharon Dewart ‘78 Elmer F. Eddy ‘80 Jacqueline A. Edmonson ’63, ’88, ‘94 Laura Eggert ’09, ‘13 Ysenia Gallegos ‘13 H. Richard Hagen, J.D., ’90 Caryn Jakielski ‘03, ‘06 Linda M. Kilroy ‘72 Eric Lawhead ‘07 Lynley Louzensky ‘10 Erika Martinez ‘11, ‘15 Frances H. Naal Sczepaniak ‘58 Jan Novotny ‘67 L. Scott Pekol ‘99 Alan Randolph ‘07 Corey Richardson ‘09 Susan Rogina ’94, ‘99 Anne-Christine Tompkins ‘14
S TAY IN TO U CH Send news and class notes to alumni@stfrancis.edu or call 877-811-ALUM. To read about what other alumni and old friends have been doing, visit stfrancis.edu/alumni/success-stories
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Staying Connected: Alumni News
Alumni Events Calendar 2016 More information and registration is available at stfrancis.edu/alumni/events.
RECURRING MEETINGS Education Alumni Network (EAN) Meeting Join fellow education alumni for networking, social events and interaction with current students and faculty. They provide assistance to alumni looking for jobs, changing careers or just looking to reconnect with other grads. Saturday, April 23 | 9 a.m. | Alumni Gathering Room, Motherhouse 2nd Floor Business Alumni Network (BAN) Meetings Join fellow business alumni for networking, social events and interaction with current USF students. The group assists alumni looking for jobs, changing careers, hiring employees or just looking to reconnect with other grads. All alumni are welcome! Saturday, March 5 and May 7 | 8:30 a.m. Meeting | Executive Conference Room, Motherhouse 3rd Floor African American Alumni Association (4A) Meetings This welcoming group provides support, resources and networking opportunities for alumni. They embrace current students and promote Franciscan values while maintaining pride in their heritage. Saturday, Feb. 13, April 16 and June 18 | 11 a.m. | Turk Theater, Tower Hall
FEBRUARY 4 The Second City Sponsored by the Family Association. Join us for a night of sidesplitting laughs! The Second City is always original, daring and hilarious. Its alumni list is a veritable “Who’s Who” of comedy including Bill Murray, Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Tim Meadows, Joan Rivers, Stephen Colbert, Chris Farley, Jason Sudeikis and so many more. Ticket includes a dessert intermission. Thursday, Feb. 4 | 6 p.m. Dinner, 7 p.m. Performance | Sexton Auditorium, Tower Hall. $30 per person/$50 includes dinner. Limited tickets available.
University of St. Francis Magazine
11 Valentine Bingo Party — Alumni Service Day* The Education Alumni Network (EAN) is hosting a Valentine’s party at Sunny Hill Nursing Home in Joliet. Alumni will get to mingle and play Bingo with the residents. It’s a great day to make a new friend! Thursday, Feb. 11 | 6–7:30 p.m. | Sunny Hill Nursing Home, Joliet
25 Career Networking Dinner* We are partnering with the Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) student club on campus to host this excellent networking opportunity for both alumni and students. Each course during dinner will be spent with a different group of alumni and students so you will meet lots of new people. Don’t forget to bring plenty of business cards to share! Complimentary, professional head shots will be available. Thursday, Feb. 25 | 6 p.m. | San Damiano Hall, Motherhouse 3rd floor Limited tickets available.
26 Cocktails for Caritas Are you looking for the opportunity to be a part of something BIG at USF? Here’s your chance! Join us for our inaugural scholarship fundraiser benefiting USF students. This exclusive cocktail party includes high-end hors d’oeuvres, an open beer and wine bar, and amazing raffle prizes. This is your opportunity to help USF and help others without the expensive ticket cost. So, alumni 40 and younger…come mix and mingle and give back to your alma mater! Friday, Feb. 26 | 7:30–10:30 p.m. | Anthony’s Restaurant & Pub, Joliet $50 per person. $20 of each ticket is a USF donation. Limited tickets available.
MARCH 3 Will County Regional Office of Education Licensure Seminar* Sponsored by the Education Alumni Network. The Will County Regional Office of Education staff will provide a seminar with the most current rules and regulations regarding licensure renewal with a special focus on endorsements. A light dinner will be served. Thursday, March 3 | 5–7 p.m. | St. Albert’s Hall, A112
10 Sips & Splatters Gather your friends and come prepared to paint and party. Sip on some wine while our art instructor gives you step-by-step directions on how to create your own painting masterpiece. Hors d’oeuvres and drinks are included! Thursday, March 10 | 6–8 p.m. | San Damiano Hall, Motherhouse 3rd floor $50 per person
12 READ for Educators Sponsored by REAL. This professional development conference on reading will offer a keynote speaker, your choice of workshops, 6 professional development hours, and a meal. Call 815-740-2626 for more information. Saturday, March 12 | 8 a.m.–2 p.m. | San Damiano Hall and Donovan Hall, Motherhouse. $30 per person
12 Easter Eggstravaganza Hop your way to the front of the line for this 3rd annual Easter holiday event with fellow alumni families. Guests will enjoy breakfast and photos with the Easter Bunny, followed by an egg hunt on the USF Quad rain or shine! Don’t forget to bring your Easter baskets! Saturday, March 12 | 9–11 a.m. | Sullivan Recreation Center $10 adult/$8 children (4-18). Kids 3 and under are free. $5 of each ticket is a USF donation. Limited tickets available.
APRIL 5 Alumni Blackhawks Game
Let’s support our Stanley Cup Championship team by going to a game! Join us for a fun-filled night of hockey as they take on the Arizona Coyotes. Tuesday, April 5 | 5:30 p.m. departure, 7:30 p.m. game | Section 303, United Center, Chicago Option A (row 5-6): $110 or $120 with transportation. Option B (row 12): $80 or $90 with transportation. $10 of each ticket is a donation to USF. Limited tickets available.
8 USF Career Fair*
Sponsored by the Career Success Center. We are proud to assist our students and alumni with resources and events for lifelong careers connections! You are invited to network with alumni employers for internship, career and job shadowing opportunities. Professional attire and resume are required. Friday, April 8 | 9 a.m. to Noon | Sullivan Recreation Center
15 USF Relay for Life*
Sponsored by Student Government, Student Activities Board, and the Department of Student Engagement and Leadership. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a life-changing event that gives everyone in communities and campuses around the globe a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember lost loved ones and fight back against the disease. Friday, April 15 | 6 p.m. to Midnight | Sullivan Recreation Center
24 Duns Scotus Cultural
Experience: Blue Man Group The Duns Scotus honors program invites its alumni to join current honors students for a joint cultural experience. at the Briar Street Theater for “Blue Man Group.” Duns Scotus alumni only. Sunday, April 24 | 2:30 p.m. departure, 4 p.m. performance | Briar Street Theater, Chicago. $15 per person, optional transportation provided.
Alumni Speakers Bureau
MAY 7 Joliet Hope Center Service Day*
JUNE 4 Summer BBQ & Concert on the Quad
Sponsored by the Business Alumni Network. This community assistance program allows people obtain food and household items that have been greatly discounted. It offers a long-term selfsufficiency solution to families and individuals struggling to fulfill their basic needs. Help us help others by packing and organizing at this local food pantry. All alumni and friends are welcome. Saturday, May 7 | 10 a.m. to Noon | The Joliet Hope Center, Inc., 511 Oak Leaf Ct., Joliet
This family-friendly event is complete with barbeque fixings, a bounce house, face painting, outdoor games and summer fun for all ages! Even if you don’t have children, come and enjoy our concert on the Quad while you eat your lunch. Saturday, June 4 | 12–3 p.m. | USF Quad $10 adult/$5 children (4-18). Kids 3 and under are free. $5 of each ticket is a USF donation.
12 32nd Annual Student Honors and Awards Convocation* Sponsored by the Provost’s Office. The Honors and Awards Convocation celebrates academic excellence across the University by recognizing the achievements of our students. Please join us in honoring them. Thursday, May 12 | 10 a.m.–12 noon | Sullivan Recreation Center
21 2016 Bluestem Earth Festival* Sponsored by The Sisters of St. Francis and their Associates. We are surrounded by critical and massive injustices: devastation of natural resources, human trafficking, racism, pollution. This event offers education and ideas for action. It will feature a variety of earth-friendly activities such as workshops, over 70 eco-conscious exhibits and vendors, food, live entertainment and children’s activities. Visit www. bluestemearthfestival.com for more information. Saturday, May 21 | 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. | Sullivan Recreation Center & Quad
JULY 29 Business Alumni Network (BAN) Bowling Party Sponsored by the Business Alumni Network. Roll on down for the Business Alumni Network’s (BAN) night of bowling! Bring a dish to pass and join us for three games of bowling (shoes provided) while you mingle with fellow alumni. All are invited to join in on the fun! Friday, July 29 | 6 p.m. | Town & Country Lanes, Joliet $10 per person, pay at the door.
AUGUST 2016 13 Grub Crawl Are you ready for the alumni event of the year? Join us for the 11th annual mystery progressive dinner as we tour three different historic mansions for a three-course meal. Games and prizes will be included on the bus! If you have a dietary restriction, please contact our office for accommodations. Saturday, Aug. 13 | 5 p.m. USF shuttle bus departure $60 per person, includes food and transportation. $10 of each ticket is a USF donation. Limited tickets available.
Do you want to share your professional expertise with our students on campus or at a company or hospital with our Director of Corporate Partnerships to help us recruit new students? Interested in growing your resume with a speaking engagement? Consider applying to be a part of our Alumni Speakers Bureau. Visit us at stfrancis.edu/alumni/asb for more information.
African American Alumni Association This alumni network, formed in 2008, collaborates with the Alumni Association to host programs for African American and other interested alumni. President Dana Hill ’14 and Vice-President Kenneth Mason ’14 are hoping to keep involving more alumni. The group is currently planning the HOPE (helping others prepare for excellence) Banquet in March, where all in attendance can discuss career related topics. Hill says about her presidency, “I became involved when I became an alum because I loved working with the student groups when I was an undergrad. Besides working with other 4A board members, this type of organization is a refreshing break from everyday life.” Visit stfrancis.edu/alumni/4a for more information.
USF Family Association Events The Second City at USF, sponsored by the Family Association Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016 | 6 p.m. Dinner, 7 p.m. Performance Sexton Auditorium, Tower Hall $30 per person/$50 includes dinner All are welcome to join us for a sidesplitting night of laughs! The Second City is always original, daring, and hilarious, and they are coming to USF for a special performance — one night only! Their alumni list is a veritable “Who’s Who” of comedy including Bill Murray, Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Tim Meadows, Joan Rivers, Stephen Colbert, Chris Farley, Jason Sudeikis and so many more. Each ticket includes a dessert intermission. To RSVP: 877-811-ALUM, alumni@stfrancis.edu or get info at stfrancis.edu/alumni/events. Limited tickets are available.
Birthday Cake Orders Sponsored by the Family Association At the cost of $5, we will provide on-campus, residential students with an individual-sized cake made with love by Joliet’s own Milano’s Bakery. The cake will be delivered to the student’s residence hall on the Monday prior to the student’s birthday, and the student will be notified via email and telephone that they have a special delivery. Orders and payment are due two weeks prior to the Monday delivery date. Visit stfrancis.edu/birthday-cakes for more information.
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Staying Connected: Donor News
Marian Hall Gets a Facelift Brenton and Jean Wadsworth, friends of the University of St. Francis, made a generous gift to renovate the Marian Hall Abbey. The Wadsworths are owners of Wadsworth Golf, and their company has built hundreds of golf clubs around the United States. The Wadsworths were recognized for their generosity at a luncheon in November. The residence hall was further “graced” with beauty after alumnae Mary Roa and Rosemary Lux, retired elementary school teachers, visited campus recently. Roa and Lux witnessed the extensive Marian Hall courtyard renovations and Roa was inspired to donate a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
USF Welcomes New Executive Director of Marketing & Communications
The University of St. Francis welcomes Mary Lin Muscolino as Executive Director of Marketing & Communications. Muscolino, a 1995 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign graduate, is an accomplished, senior marketing LEFT: Left to right — Martha Wadsworth, USF student Kayla Garritson, Athletic Director David Laketa, Major Gifts Officer Regina Block, Brenton Wadsworth, Jean Wadsworth and President Arvid Johnson in the newly renovated Marian Residence Hall Abbey. RIGHT: Mary Roa and Rosemary Lux stand next to a donated statue in the Marian courtyard.
professional with expertise in marketing, sales and operations. After a successful start in the world of business, in 2011 she was named executive vice president at Marketing Support Inc. She served there two years before accepting the role of executive vice president at The Jay Group, Inc. During her time with The Jay Group, Muscolino consulted and began working with the University of St. Francis on branding initiatives. In 2014, she became founder and CEO of CQintel, a company that holds the exclusive marketing rights to The Liautaud Institute’s Process Designed Training (PDT) Program in emotional intelligence. Muscolino was hired at USF full-time in September and looks forward to making great strides with initiating new marketing strategies for the university during her first year as a Saint.
USF Society members enjoy a holiday performance by the Schola Cantorum in December.
University of St. Francis Magazine
Honor Roll ANNUAL DONORS 2014-2015 This report reflects gifts received between June 1, 2014 - May 31, 2015.
Every attempt was made to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If there is an error or omission, please contact the USF Advancement Office at 800-822-8280.
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Honor Roll: Gifts from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015
Mr. Robert Carr
C.R. Leonard Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Ms. Elaine (Kick) Hershbarger ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Conover
Dr. Patricia F. (Forsythe) Campbell ‘70
Historic Pullman Foundation
Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation
Mr. Steven B. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Caplice
Interstate Batteries of Southwest Chicago
Department of Health and Human
Ms. Bonnie J. Ewald
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Carlson
Fifth Third Bank
Caterpillar Foundation
Ms. Annette M. Jelinek
Illinois Board of Higher Education
Mr. Joseph M. Gaul
Cathedral Area Preservation Association
Johansen & Anderson, Inc.
Leach Nursing Scholarship Trust —
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Giegerich
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cawley
Mrs. Wanda S. Johnson
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services of Illinois
Joliet Park District
Robert W. Plaster Foundation
Great Lakes Advisors, LLC
Champion Drywall, Inc.
Joliet Slammers
Estate of Nancy J. Russell* ‘57
Mr. Steven Hernandez & Mrs. Marisel
Mr. Richard L. Chavez
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Jones
Saxon Foundation
Chicago Trading Company
James P. Sczepaniak* (Frances Tures Naal ‘58)
Hollywood Casino
Dr. and Mrs. H. Randolph Chilton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Juster
Estate of M. Therese Southgate, M.D.* ‘48
Insuresoft LLC — Anthony and Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Brent H. Wadsworth
Karges Realty
Mr. Leon A. Wirt
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Laken (Elizabeth
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Covelli (Bonnie ‘09)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kase
Mrs. Marcy A. (Moloney) Cromley ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kender
Mr. John H. Leach
Ayabarreno Hernandez
Villa ‘93 Briick ‘84)
(Virginia Deiss ‘68) (Mary Lou Lechowich ‘66)
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE $25,000–$49,999
Mr. Dave Laketa ‘90
Mr. Richard Cronholm
Liberty Mutual
Mr. and Mrs. James D’Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome G. Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Manner
D’Arcy Volkswagen Hyundai
Ms. Cecilia A. Trizna-Vargo ‘59
Mickey’s Tire & Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. D’Arcy
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Kenny ‘81 Dr. Gerard H. Kickul
(Dolores Torres ‘56)
Mrs. Carolyn (Tomecek) Murphy ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Darguzis
Ms. Linda (Archambeau) Kilroy ‘72
Outdoor Accents, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. DeMint
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. King
Anonymous ‘52
Ms. Cheryl A. (Schroeder) Stepney ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Klasing
Associated Colleges of Illinois
Mrs. Constance J. (Ellis) Sullivan ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dollinger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Brennan ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Villa ‘93
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Doppke, Sr.
Mr. Andrew Klemen
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne* S. Brown
Mr. Michael J. Dowd ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Knapczyk
Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Buchanan ‘89
Mr. Duane R. Walker (MaryAnne
Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Duerinck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Knorr, Jr.
Ms. Jean Konrad
(Karen M. Hammond ‘89)
(Kendall R. Hibner ‘93) Krawchuck* ‘70)
(Jeanette O’Donnell ‘49)
(Carol A. Vischak ‘67)
FRANCIS & CLARE CIRCLE $10,000–$24,999
(Judith Pavell ‘60)
(Patricia Bird ‘52)
(Barbara Franey ‘64)
Buchar, Mitchell, Bajt Architects, Inc.
Phyllis M. Wilson, Ph.D.
Excel Electric, Inc.
KSKJ Life, American Slovenian Catholic
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Codo (Charlotte ‘74)
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Wyllie
Exxonmobil Oil Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fedo ‘80
Lakeshore Beverage — Michael Dowd ‘02
Dr. and Mrs. Michael V. LaRocco
Crowther Roofing and Sheet Metal
BROWN & GOLD CIRCLE $1,000–$4,999
Mr. Robert Fedo ‘11
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence O. D’Arcy
Adler Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.
Janice L. Feinberg, PharmD, JD
Ms. Cheryl Lees
D’Arcy Buick GMC
Alexander Grabavoy, D.D.S.
Mr. Joseph W. Feinberg
Mr. and Mrs. George Lehman (Carol
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril W. Habiger
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Andrejasich
First Community Bank
First Midwest Bank
Mr. David D. Lennon ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Crowther Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Crowther
(Josephine Giacchino ‘56)
— Ed Sterling
(Diane Felbinger ‘77)
(Carol Slana ‘59)
(Georgene Policandriotes ‘74, ‘80, ‘85)
(Kathleen ‘81, ‘96)
(Pubentz) Sterr-Lehman ‘56)
Mr. Scott W. Holdman ‘01
Archer Highland Post No. 698 —
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Fitzell
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Leone, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Arvid C. Johnson
Franciscan Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Leracz
Joliet Township Government
ASRT Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Futterer
Kurtz Ambulance Service, Inc.
Austin Tyler Construction, LLC
Mrs. Frances M. (Bozich) Gale ‘40
Dr. Rosemary Lucas ‘49
Virginia and Joseph Mallof Family Fund —
Mrs. Jo Ann (McDonald) Barber ‘52
Ms. Kathryn Giegerich
Ms. Michelle L. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Baron
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Grabavoy
Miss Rose E. Mancuso
Max Goldenberg Foundation
Mr. Mark Bass and Ms. Tracy Kontos
Mr. William J. Manner ‘96
Old Plank Trail Community Bank
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bellah ‘82
Mrs. Patricia A. (Liker) Graham ‘64
Ms. Charlotte Marks
Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. Rosen
Grants Plus, LLC
Mr. Ryan H. Marks
Mrs. Arlene Benigni
Dr. Barbara Greenham-Conway ‘53, ‘74
Martin Whalen Office Solutions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Vana
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Benoit
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hamilton ‘89, ‘07
Dr. Cheryl McCarthy ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Beutel
Mrs. Kathleen H. (Baye) McCrohan ‘71
Mrs. Marjorie (Freiburg) Wiemels ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hansen
Mr. Vincent K. McGirr
Wintrust Commercial Banking
Mr. Michael Bily and Ms. Christy Ford
Ms. Kathleen J. McGowan and
Mr. George R. Black
Harrah’s Joliet Casino Hotel
ASSISIAN CIRCLE $5,000–$9,999
Ms. Jo Ellyn Harrison ‘13
Ms. Claretta F. Meier ‘59
Healy, Bender & Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miles
Ms. Linda S. Aguilar
Henry Bros. Co.
Mrs. Magdalyn (Woolfe) Miller ‘61
Barnes & Noble at University of St. Francis
Gina M. Brandolino, Ph.D. ‘94
Mr. Jack R. Hermanski
Ms. Christine A. Modey
Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Bergman
Shannon Brown, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Herrmann
Mrs. Sandra (Novak) Montrose Olivier ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Block ‘79
Ms. Judith M. Bulat ‘72
Dr. and Mrs. Paul K. Morimoto
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
(Candice Polovina ‘88)
(Patricia Sexton ‘67)
University of St. Francis Magazine
The American Legion
(Patricia Banks ‘83)
(Margaret Kennedy ‘69) (Denise Clemens ‘85, ‘96)
Funeral Home, Ltd.
(Marisue Cordano ‘83)
(Tracy Gilliam ‘00) (Beth Shankland ‘73)
(Patricia D. Jensen ‘53)
(Bernice Borek ‘62)
Mr. Terrance P. McGuire
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Morrissette ‘83, ‘86
Ms. Jane V. Rapson
Dr. Patricia L. Shelvy ‘13
Unidos Marketing Network
Raymond James Charitable
Silver Cross Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Vidmar
Mr. Stephen Naughton & Ms. Nancy Paridy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Slade
Mrs. Frances B. North
Remco Medical, Inc.
Mr. Damon M. Sloan and Ms. Ana Rossetti
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vinciguerra
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Orr (Madonna Plese ‘56)
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Reynolds
Miss Elaine T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Vogen ‘93
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Panayotovich
Mr. Jerome A. Rich
Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates
Dr. and Mrs. Jesse K. Park
Rich Foundation
Ms. Barbara A. Speiser ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Vogrin
Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Pascoe
Dr. Reginald C. Richardson ‘82
Mrs. Loretta J. (Wiesbrook) Spesia ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Peifer (Margaret
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Rink
Ms. Susan K. (Scarcelli) Spurgeon ‘78
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Ward
(Maureen Briscoe ‘84, ‘96)
Connor ‘61)
Endowment Fund
(Wilhelmine McCarley ‘68)
(Tracey L. Carmack ‘92) (Shelby J. Brown ‘60)
Mr. Michael F. Rittof
St. Joseph School of Nursing Alumni Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Washburn (Jeanne ‘99, ‘01)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peil
Rockdale Automotive
Mr. David Stopher
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Whalen
P.F.C. Ted Stempien Post 8821
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ruth ‘82
Ms. Kathleen P. Sullivan ‘95
Dr. Carol Wilson & Mr. Charles Vasconez
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schager
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Sullivan
Mrs. Suzanne Wright
Dr. Billie P. Terrell ‘77
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wyrostek
Piazza & Mannerino Masonry
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Scheuber ‘95
The Community Foundation of Will County
Ms. Nancy Pohlman & Mr. Alan Zordan
The Flooring Guys
Presence Saint Joseph Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Scott
The Newberg Group LLC
Prime Time Marketing
The Voyager Group, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Qualio (Stephanie ‘05)
Senesac & Lennon Ltd., CPA’s
Tim Wallace Landscape Supply Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin F. Rakers (Anita
Dr. Janet L. Seper ‘87 & Dr. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Turk
Turk Furniture
Heimann ‘63)
(Jodi C. Zier ‘96, ‘02) (Kathleen ‘80, ‘87) (Diane M. Kiefner ‘80)
* Deceased
Mr. James Anderson III ‘91
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barkoski
Mrs. June M. Benton ‘82
Ms. Mary K. (Bentley) Anderson ‘02, ‘04
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Barnewolt ‘87
Mr. Brian A. Berg
Major John Aaron, Jr. (Ret.) ‘80
Mrs. Torian Anderson
Mrs. Carol J. (Link) Bergin ‘63
Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan
Mrs. Timika S. Anderson-Reeves ‘02
Barolo Ristorante — Mr. Gaetano Turi
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Berglund
Mr. Michael L. Abegg
Mrs. Angela A. (DeSandre) Andreshak ‘57
Mr. David Bartels
Mrs. Rita M. Berglund
Mrs. Jane M. (Timmermann) Absheer ‘72
Mrs. Dominique A. (Cora) Annis ‘00, ‘02
Ms. Kathryn M. Bartolomucci
Mr. Charles Berkley
Ms. Kristina Acamovic
Anonymous ‘61
Dr. Robert S. Barwa
Berman Capital Management & Research
Mrs. Felicia Acosta
Anonymous ‘05, ‘13
BASF Corporation
Mrs. Sue A. Adair ‘91
Ms. Angela L. Antonou
Mrs. Geraldine (Knowles) Baskerville ‘54
Mrs. Mary A. (Kaffer) Bernickus ‘62
Mrs. Ruby D. Adams ‘89
Mrs. Ruth B. Antony ‘05
Ms. Ruthann Baskerville ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bersano
Mr. and Mrs. Carl* F. Adams (Mary Ann)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Arellano
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Bessette ‘78
Adventure Marketing Solutions
Mrs. Sharon L. (Coonan) Asher ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Basso
Mrs. Helen M. Beutel
AGL Resources
Mrs. Barbara J. Ashton ‘03, ‘06
Mrs. Anna Marie (Di Monte) Bates ‘59
Mr. George W. Beverly, Jr. ‘84
Ahoyt Family Dental PC
Ms. Karina Astorga
Mrs. Dorothy (Pulo) Batka ‘58
Mrs. Mary M. Beyne ‘93
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
Mrs. Darice E. (Avakian) Augustson ‘74
Mr. Michael R. Battaglia ‘99
Mrs. Dolores Biagi-Ellison ‘80
Mrs. Janice A. Aimaro ‘78
Autobahn Country Club — Mr. Mark Basso
Mr. Christopher C. Batus ‘91
Mrs. Marcia A. (Burchardt) Bianco ‘64
Ajax Waste Services
Mrs. Natalie M. Bayci
Ms. Michelle R. Biciste
Ms. Sarah E. Alag
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Biciste
(Kay A. Kinsella ‘86)
— Ted and Norma Berman
Mrs. Shawna R. (Puleo) Alaimo ‘97
Mr. Kenneth J. Bazarnik ‘78 Mr. Kelly L. Beaty
Ms. Joan C. Billing ‘82
Mrs. Elaine B. Alberts ‘90
Dr. Debra A. Bacharz
Ms. Alicia D. Bechtel ‘08
Mrs. Fredricka (McNeal) Billups ‘99
Mrs. Melissa A. Albright ‘06
Mrs. D. Anne (Sonnefield) Bailie ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Beck ‘03
Ms. Eloise Billups ‘05, ‘08
Mr. James J. Albritton ‘80
Capt. and Mrs. Robert Bailie
Ms. Kori L. Beck ‘14
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bily
Mrs. Judith A. (Kertis) Alkire ‘92, ‘97
Mrs. Dollie A. (Badovinich) Bajusz ‘54
Mrs. Mary L. (Meisinger) Bednarz ‘63
Mrs. Marianne (Legan) Birgersson ‘66
Mrs. Dianne L. (Rastello) Allen ‘66
Ms. Dorothy Balash ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Beggs
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Bisek ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Allen
Mrs. Luise A. (Meier) Baldin ‘58
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Behling
Ms. June M. Baldini ‘88
Mrs. Loretta A. (Zumer) Beinhoff ‘58
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Biskupski ‘03
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Alles
Ms. Debra Ballard
Ms. Michelle M. Bell ‘90
Mr. Robert P. Alley
Mrs. Brandy J. Baltz ‘04
Mrs. Agnieszka A. Belza ‘13
Ms. Elizabeth A. (Bill) Bispo ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin M. Allums
Bank of America
Mrs. Jennifer Bendy
Mr. Robert J. Black ‘92
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben C. Alvarado
Mrs. Georgene T. (McCanna) Bankroff ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benedick
Mr. Lawrence R. Blackburn ‘77
Sr. Marlene Ambrose, O.S.F. ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bannon
Mrs. Mary Lou Benedict (Frank Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmore ‘02
Amperage Electrical Supply, Inc.
Mrs. Helen I. (Hogan) Anderson ‘61
Barba Concrete, Inc.
Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Mrs. Danielle M. Benedict-Grey ‘03
(Patricia Judnich ‘64)
(Charlene Elens ‘80)
(Michelle Gearhart ‘10) (Andrea Hotter ‘05)
(Stacy ‘04)
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Honor Roll: Gifts from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015 FRANCIS ANNUAL FUND: GIFTS UP TO $999
Mr. Brett C. Blaser ‘06
Mrs. Kathy A. (Mistrik) Bryan ‘84
Mrs. Suzanne K. Chan ‘89
Crest Rent A Car
Mrs. Eileen (Brennan) Blasing ‘73
Mr. Ernest Bryant ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Randy K. Chancey
Mrs. Sophie (Wojcik) Crittenden ‘48
Ms. Joyce D. Blau ‘91
Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. Buchholtz
Mrs. Ruth A. Chaplis ‘93
Dr. Marianne Curia
Mrs. Shirley A. Blickensderfer ‘83
Mrs. Lillian J. (Doleshek) Buckley ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Chapman ‘89
Mr. Joseph M. Curry ‘01
Mr. Erik R. Blomstedt
Mrs. Mary Ellen Buell ‘81
Ms. Karen Curtin ‘82
Ms. Vicki R. Blondin
Ms. Theresa R. Bugelholl ‘06
Ms. Debra R. Chapp
Mrs. Dellamarie (Hughes) Cushing ‘71
Blue Sky Marketing Group
Mrs. Darlene F. (Grybash) Bull ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Charvat
Mrs. Carolyn L. Cusumano ‘92
BMO Harris Bank
Mrs. Margaret (Sanderell) Bump ‘62
Mr. Tony Chesla
Ms. Kathleen Cutler
Dr. Mary Ann (Meyer) Bobosky ‘64
Mrs. Diana L. Bunten ‘94
Mrs. Donnie F. Chestnutt ‘02
Ms. Anne (Wolf) Cvrkel ‘62
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Boeke (Catherine ‘82)
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Burich
Mr. Jeffrey A. Chiapello ‘10
Ms. Lauren J. Cygan
Mrs. Frances J. (Dornik) Boese ‘62
Ms. Stacey J. (Burke) Burke ‘93
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Chimera
Czerkies Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Boetto (Melanie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Burkhardt
Ms. Kyung-Mee Choi
Madarik ‘00)
(Mary P. Boltz ‘89)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Burla
Ms. Jill E. Cholipski ‘12
Ms. Arlene A. Bogovich
Mrs. Charlotte C. (Eckland) Christiana ‘54
Ms. Suzanne Bogovich ‘10,’11
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Burla
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Christiansen
D&R Partners LLC
Mr. Brian J. Boisvert ‘87
Mrs. Margaret A. (Owing) Burnett ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Ciarlette
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dahlkamp
Mrs. Eleanore C. (Kijowski) Bolanowski ‘48
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Burnett
Miss Julia L. Dainko ‘51
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boley (Paula Sosnoski ‘73)
Mrs. Mary Jane (Erickson) Burns ‘60
Mrs. Tara M. (Bruton) Cicero ‘00
Ms. Frieda M. Dalinis ‘82
Mrs. Mary C. (Alexy) Bonadio ‘96
Ms. Mary Jo Burns ‘72
Mrs. Vincentia (Liskovec) Cink ‘77
Mrs. Donna M. (Dunn) Daly ‘62
Mrs. Kathleen M. Bond ‘15
Ms. Phyllis M. Burrell ‘84
Ms. Patricia A. Cipriani ‘54
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Daly
Mr. Michael J. Bone ‘92
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Butkus
Mrs. Rita M. (Bischof) Clark ‘43
Dr. Debra Daniels and Mr. Norman
Mrs. Rosaline A. (Rudolphi) Boone ‘64
Mrs. Cecilia A. (Nickels) Butlett ‘68
Mrs. Mary A. (Litwiller) Clauser ‘83
Ms. Julia B. Borel-Donohue ‘14
Mrs. Patricia A. (Pasich) Butterbach ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cleary
Ms. Mary Arletta (Ginter) Daugherty ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence A. Bornhofen
Ms. Jeanne M. Buzinski ‘78
Ms. Princess S. Clemente ‘14
Ms. Lori A. Davidson ‘09
Mrs. Diane M. (Chwierut) Borucki ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Byrne
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Clott
Mrs. Cathy (Andrews) Davies ‘72
Mrs. Carmella Boucher
Mr. John D. Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. James Coats
Dr. Elizabeth W. Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bozen, Jr. ‘97
Ms. Margaret J. Cockbill ‘62
Ms. Barbara B. (Payne) Davis ‘97
Ms. Denise (Martincich) Davis ‘82
(Victoria ‘96)
(Andrea Fenoglio ‘62)
(Karen L. Christianson ‘94, ‘97)
Ms. Patricia L. Bracken ‘73, ‘86, ‘94
Mrs. Ruth A. Coleman ‘83 (Jack Coleman*) Mrs. Doreen A. (Loiselle) Collins ‘53
Mr. Laurence W. Davis
Ms. Jayme E. Bradshaw ‘05
Ms. Joyce Cabay ‘91
Ms. Haley L. Collins
Mrs. Louise (Thompson) Davis ‘37
Mrs. Carol L. (White) Brady ‘62
Mrs. Catherine D. (Pals) Caccioppoli ‘60
Mrs. Ruth W. (Walder) Collins ‘37
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Sabatino Brandolino
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Caird
Mrs. Nancy J. Colombo O’Donnell ‘70
Mr. Shawn C. Davis ‘91
Mrs. Mary Lou Brannon
Mrs. Miriam (Ore) Caithamer ‘78
Compass Eye Care
Dr. Elva M. Dawson
Mr. Kevlin B. Braun ‘01
Dr. Christine R. Call
Mr. Edward Condon
Mrs. Carol Ann (Archibald) Deck ‘55
Mrs. Mary Ann (Kull) Brecht ‘71
Ms. Nancy Calumet ‘77
Miss Kathleen A. Condon ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Decman
Mrs. Marlene M. (Stepaniak) Bremmer ‘59
Ms. Kristine Calvillo
Dr. Maria A. Connolly ‘74
Fr. Terry A. Deffenbaugh, O.S.A.
Mrs. Geri A. Brent
Mrs. Lynda L. Caneva ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Conway
Mr. Darko F. Delac
Mrs. Helen Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Cannata
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Cook, Jr.
Ms. Melissa DeLassus
Bridgepoint Technologies, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. J. Anthony Delgado
Mr. Donald L. Brinkman
Mr. Chad E. Capista ‘94
Mrs. Carol M. Coolidge ‘78
Mr. Jerred A. Delgado
Mrs. Georgia L. Brinkmeier ‘88
Mr. George W. Capps
Mrs. Mary Patricia (Heldman) Coon ‘57
Mrs. Mary T. Dell
Mr. Thomas M. Britt ‘76
Mrs. Janet F. (Scharousch) Carey ‘65
Mrs. Rebecca “Kaye” Coop ‘95
Ms. Gabriella J. Demchenko
Mrs. Patricia (Berry) Brixie ‘55
Mrs. Margaret R. (Murphy) Carey ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Corcoran
Mrs. Margadette (Moffatt) Demet ‘47
Mrs. Dolores M. (Liker) Brncich ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Carlson
Mrs. Shannon E. Corn ‘14
Mrs. Barbara P. Denman ‘80
Mrs. Margaret P. (Kent) Broach ‘79
Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Carlson
Ms. Frances (Trainor) Corrigan ‘51
Mr. Craig A. Dettmann
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Broderick ‘87
Ms. Janet I. Carr ‘68
Mrs. Beth A. Corsetti ‘13
Ms. Rosemarie Devine
Mrs. Mary Jo (Talarico) Carroll ‘77
Dr. Joseph N. Costa ‘94
Mrs. Sharon (Kaplan) Dewart ‘78
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Bromer
Mrs. Phyllis E. Carroll
Mr. Michael C. Costello
Dr. Salim M. Diab
Mr. John T. Brothers ‘86
Mrs. Ashley S. Carter ‘09
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Costello-Kruzich ‘59
Mrs. Jessica R. Dickson ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Brown
Marcia J. Carter, Ph.D.
Mr. Cadet W. Cottingham
Mrs. Mary C. (McLaughlin) Diehl ‘66
Mrs. Doris (Lewis) Brown ‘50
Ms. Moira Cary
Mr. James Cottle
Mr. Robert Dieringer
Ms. Evelyn Brown
Mr. Patrick W. Casey ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance L. Cottrell ‘99, ‘03
Ms. Suzanne M. Dieter
Ms. Marilyn A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Casimere
Ms. Elaine B. DiGiusto ‘75
Brown & Brown of Northern Illinois, Inc.
Mrs. M. Angela Cassady ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Courtright III ‘92
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dillon
Mrs. Deborah J. (Surinak) Brozman ‘74
Ms. Kristen A. Castelloni ‘96
Mrs. Judith A. (Gato) Dillon ‘70
Ms. Linda Broznowski
Mrs. Sylvia R. (Bernacki) Cavanaugh ‘57
Mr. Jason T. Cox
Mrs. Joanne (Nelson) Docteur ‘81
Mrs. Michelle P. (Petrelli) Bruggeman ‘87
Cemeno’s Pizza
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Cox (Mary Lagger ‘73)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Dodd
The Honorable and Mrs. Robert P.
Ms. Carol L. (Janke) Cenar ‘60
Mr. Robert B. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Doll ‘86
Central Valley Studios
Ms. Noreen Coyan
Mrs. Patricia A. (Freeman) Brush ‘78
Dr. Srimani Chakravarthi
Mrs. Marianne (Bruss) Crane ‘55
Mr. Mark S. Dombeck ‘88
(Anna C. Fattore ‘83)
University of St. Francis Magazine
(Julie A. Schmidt ‘68)
(Linda Petrakovitz ‘65)
(Michelle ‘09, ‘10) (Kerri A. Lundeen ‘91)
(Anne C. Pritz ‘88)
Mrs. Virginia (Russell) Domzalski ‘00 Mr. Luka Dordevic Mrs. Amanda C. Dore ‘10, ‘12 Mrs. Dianna M. (Viola) Douglas ‘79,’87,’15 Mr. Duke M. Doumanian Mrs. Barbara L. Dowdal ‘86 Mr. Paulrice Downey Mrs. Lynn Doyle Ms. Donna L. Draeger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Drake
(Jo Ann DeSandre ‘56)
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Dressler
(Joanne Dupuis ‘53)
Mr. and Mrs. James L. DuBois Mr. and Mrs. Peery A. Duderstadt
(Mary Ann Bonkowski ‘68)
Mr. Mark Duffek Duke’s Landscaping Services, Inc. Mrs. Mary J. (Kleba) DuParri ‘71 Ms. Hope Durham Mr. and Mrs. Gary Durish Mrs. Betsy A. Dvorak Mrs. Frances L. (Hunsburger) Dysart ‘84 Ms. Patricia J. Dziedzic ‘77
Mr. Elmer F. Eddy ‘80 Ms. Denise Edman Ms. Janet O. Edman ‘69 Mrs. Deborah A. (Bailey) Edmondson ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Edmonson (Jacqueline A. Simon ‘63, ‘88, ‘94)
Edward F. Larkin Family Foundation Inc. — Mrs. Catherine Kuzma
Mrs. Ardith (Davis) Efner ‘70 Ms. Laura A. Eggert ‘09, ‘13 Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Egizio ‘88
Mr. Yunxiang Fan Farmers Weekly Review Mrs. Rachael G. (Grant) Favero ‘82 Mrs. Natalie R. (Stark) Fears ‘93 Mrs. Evelyn F. (Skul) Felbinger ‘61 Mr. Michael A. Feminis ‘90 Mrs. Janet Fennewald ‘97 Mr. Michael A. Fenske ‘85 Ms. Joan L. Ferguson Mr. Joseph G. Ferrallo ‘85, ‘06, ‘07 Dr. Catherine G. Ferrario Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Ferry Ms. Janice M. Fetter ‘89 Mrs. Cheryl M. Fey ‘88, ‘98 Ms. Peggy A. Field ‘96 Ms. Samantha M. Fifer Ms. Kate Filas Mrs. Kathleen A. (Gerard) Filut ‘93 Ms. Arlene J. Finkle ‘09 First Midwest Bancorp, Inc. First Step Child Care Center —
Mr. Carl Foster ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Fish
Mrs. Donna M. Eakle ‘09, ‘13
Family of Jon Ellis
Mrs. Rojeanne A. (Majewski) Fischer ‘62
(Mary Ann Roach ‘89,’11)
Mrs. Mary Ann (Gosack) Egizio ‘66 Mr. Ronald R. Eichelberger Jean E. Eisel, Ph.D. ‘68 Mrs. Janet J. Eisenberg ‘98 Mr. Steve Ellickson Ms. Jessica D. Elliott Ms. Danielle K. Emola ‘12 Mrs. Jeanne T. Erfft ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ernst Mr. Omar Esquivel Mrs. Dee J. (Grover) Estep ‘80 Ms. Jennifer Ethridge ‘89, ‘09 Ms. Roberta W. Evans ‘89 Mrs. Carol S. Ewing-Woods ‘97 Exelon ExxonMobil Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Fisher Mr. Jason D. Fiske ‘09, ‘10 Mr. Lawrence J. Fitzgerald ‘78 Gloria J. Flathom ‘91 Mrs. Maureen E. Flatley ‘96 Mrs. Kristin A. Fletcher ‘08 Fr. Roland F. Follmann Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Foote (Carol Koziol ‘86) Mrs. Lygia (Dominik) Ford ‘75 Mrs. Amy (Papesh) Foreman ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Forkal Chief Joseph W. Formhals ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Foster ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Foster
(Patricia McCormick ‘60)
Mrs. Catherine A. (Strom) Fox ‘68 Mrs. Kathleen A. (Gomez) Fox ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Casey J. Fraher ‘07, ‘12) Mr. Kevin J. Frain ‘91 Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart Frank Burla & Sons Builders, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Franklin Mrs. Dolores Frankovich Fraternal Order of Police Ms. Hillary E. Freeman Mr. William B. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fremeau
(Joyce Goron ‘70)
Mrs. Kathleen A. French Mrs. Alda M. Fridley ‘77 Friends of USF International
Programs Office
Mr. Anthony Frontera
Ms. Barbara W. Fuhlbruck
Mrs. Mary Ann (Feeney) Goolsby ‘71
Ms. Jodi L. Fults ‘11
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Gorbold
Mrs. Patricia A. (Jewell) Fulwider ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gorman
Ms. Julie A. Futterer ‘93
Mr. Adam Gorniak
Mrs. Susan A. (Kinsley) Futterer ‘91
Ms. Katherine E. Goron Mrs. Stella V. (Gawlak) Gosetti ‘83
Gould Excavating/Trucking
Mrs. Kathleen M. (Granahan) Gadarowski ‘72
Mrs. Cynthia R. (Himes) Grabow ‘88
Mr. Stanley A. Gagliardi ‘89
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Grachan
Mrs. Amy Galetti ‘97
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Grant
Mr. John Gallagher ‘00
Mrs. Muriel L. Grant ‘83
Ms. Ysenia Gallegos ‘13
Ms. Denise J. Gray ‘98
Mr. Arthur Galli, Jr. ‘80
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greely
Mrs. Keely E. Galloway ‘07
Mrs. Classandra M. Green ‘12
Ms. Charlotte R. Galuska ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. Shane E. Green ‘97
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Gambro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gamperl
Green Promoting, LLC
Mr. Paul E. Gantzert
Mrs. Penny (Hickey) Greene ‘65
Mrs. Beverly A. (Kurpaitis) Garbs ‘64
Mrs. Sandra Greenham
Ms. Rebecca A. Garcia ‘93
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Greuling
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Garland ‘09
Ms. Gwendolyn D. Grice ‘89
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Griglione
Ms. Christiana M. Grabavoy ‘11, ‘14
(Rebecca Fleischman ‘99)
(Kerri Rochowicz ‘97)
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Garlick
Dr. June L. Grivetti
Mrs. Audrey J. Garrigan
Ms. Florence M. Grogan ‘00
Ms. Cheryl Anne Garrigan & Family
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gross
Mrs. Kay F. (Snyder) Gauble ‘79
Mrs. Eileen J. (Gourley) Grove ‘57
The Honorable Chrystel (Cannon)
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Gruber ‘03
Gavlin ‘90 and Mr. Anthony Gavlin
(Susan Markun ‘04)
Ms. Gail Gawlik
Ms. Maria L. Gulas ‘86, ‘96
Mr. Michael W. Geers ‘89
Mrs. Helen E. (Danner) Gumble ‘65
Mrs. Robert E. (Stratz) Gehrke ‘88
Mr. Glen H. Gummess
Mrs. Urve Audrey (Ilves) Gentzke ‘79, ‘86
Mrs. Mary Lee Gustafson
Ms. Malisa George
Mrs. Lizette Guzman ‘05
Ms. Brenda George Henderson ‘94
Mrs. Therese (Hanish) Gyure ‘50
Mr. and Mrs. Brewster H. Gere Mrs. Kathleen L. (Cooper) Gerz ‘74, ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Giarrante
Mrs. Anna C. (Meyer) Gill ‘58
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Haaker ‘08
Mrs. Frances A. (Hawkinson) Gilles ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon* A. Gillespie
Mrs. Mary C. (Cleary) Hagemann ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Hagen ‘90
Ms. Wendi B. Gillespie
Mr. Alexander S. Haizel ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gilliam
Mrs. Frances M. (Kararo) Hakey ‘62
Mrs. Joyce A. Gilson ‘99
Mr. Randall E. Halberg ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gimbel ‘81
Mrs. Suzanne R. (Bieschke) Hall ‘71
Mrs. Mary K. Hallock ‘14
(Cheryl Szymczak ‘78)
(Renae Batsch ‘10, ‘14)
Mrs. Regina M. (Dudzinski) Giometti ‘58
Mr. Brian Hamilton
Mrs. Mary J. (Devereux) Gisch ‘59
Hampton Inn Joliet I-80
Ms. Frances A. Gitchell ‘89
Ms. Maureen J. Hanlon ‘81
Mrs. Shirley (Ludrovec) Glascock ‘75, ‘96
Mrs. Catherine D. Harms ‘87
Mrs. Patricia A. (Kelly) Glass ‘96
Ms. Martha (Savich) Harms ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Glenn
Mrs. Jean (Lukeman) Harrison ‘48
Ms. Dorothy A. Gnutek ‘10
Mrs. Lorraine A. Hart ‘86
Mrs. Jodie Goebel
Mrs. Mary Jean (Lafond) Hartlep ‘49
Ms. Ashley Golda
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Hartnell
Mrs. Beverly A. (Thomas) Golianis ‘96
Mrs. Mary Anne (Wilhelmi) Hartnett ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gonnering
Ms. Kay Hartung ‘62
Mrs. Mary T. (Keller) Gonzales ‘77, ‘83
Miss Mary Ann Hasse ‘55
Ms. Sharon Gooday
Mrs. Melanie J. Hatz
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Honor Roll: Gifts from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015 FRANCIS ANNUAL FUND: GIFTS UP TO $999
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Hauser (Lori ‘09) Mrs. Mary M. (Fairbairn) Havens ‘77 Mr. Robert E. Hayes (Shirley Vescovi* ‘49) Mrs. Trinity M. Haynes ‘98 Ms. Clarice Hearne Heartland Bank Ms. Pamela Heavens Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heberer Dr. Lisa Hedrick Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Heintz Mr. Wayne A. Heldebrandt Mrs. Margie M. Heldt ‘84 Mr. Paul Henderson ‘83, ‘87 Mrs. Sylvia (Heimann) Henken ‘55 Sr. Grace Henneberry
I IBM Corporation Joseph L. Imesch, Bishop Emeritus Sr. Mary Elizabeth Imler, O.S.F. Mrs. Karla S. (Vilt) Ingle ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ingold (Barbara Seib ‘96, ‘09) Mrs. Betty L. Inman ‘92 Integrity Restoration, Inc. Internal Medicine & Family Practice, SC International Event & Exhibition Management Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ipsen Irish American Society of Will County Mr. and Mrs. John T. Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hennessy
(Kathleen ‘77)
Ms. Carole A. Hepner ‘63 Mrs. Jillian A. Herbert ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Herkert ‘81 Mrs. Georgiana (Craven) Herr ‘48 Mr. Gilbert Herrera Mr. Benjamin A. Hewett Mrs. Catherine S. Hewett ‘79 Mrs. Janine M. (Lukowski) Hicks ‘73, ‘98 Dr. and Mrs. Lyle L. Hicks (Nancy ‘79, ‘91, ‘99) Mr. David J. Hilbert Joseph A. Hindo, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hlavka Ms. Donna K. (Lewis) Hoch ‘88 Ms. Danielle Hoffman Mrs. Sharon L. Hoffman ‘79 Mrs. Joan (Sherron) Hofman ‘84 Dr. Patricia A. (Gierich) Hofmeister ‘69 Ms. Rita A. Hogan ‘72 Mrs. Glenda L. Holloway ‘88 Homer Tree Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Sean C. Homolka ‘03 (Katherine Blotnik ‘04) Mrs. Margaret M. (Brown) Honiotes ‘83 Mr. Rick Horan Ms. Jessica A. Horn ‘10 Ms. Andrea Horvat Mr. Sheldon F. Howard ‘94 Mrs. Katherine L. (Park) Howardson ‘77 Ms. Patricia R. Huber ‘95 Mrs. Elizabeth R. (Block) Hucek ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Huck III Mrs. Michelle A. (Jerome) Hudson ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Don Hughes Mrs. Gladys (Wright) Hughes ‘67 Mrs. Jeanette F. Hursman ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Huss
(Carolyn Kaslewicz ‘59)
Mrs. Carol J. Huston ‘93 Mrs. Charlotte A. (Marquardt) Hyer ‘79
J J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Jack Mrs. Carol K. Jackson ‘87 Mrs. Jeanne Jacobs Mrs. Sharon L. Jacobs ‘95, ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Jaeger Mrs. Diane (Kozak) Jager ‘67 Ms. Caryn Jakielski ‘03, ‘06 Mr. Frank Jakosz Ms. Cynthia A. James ‘07 Mrs. Kathryn M. James Gail M. (Scholtes) Jamieson, Ph.D. ‘61 Mrs. Carol L. Janovyak ‘56, ‘84 Mrs. Joan A. (Young Liebner) Jansen ‘47 Mr. Jeffrey J. Jaskowiak Mr. Joseph Jelinek Ms. Terri L. Jelinek Mrs. JoAnne Jenkins ‘00 Ms. Amanda L. Jensen Ms. Joan M. (Senffner) Jevitz ‘63 Jim Darguzis — State Farm Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. Jivery Ms. Janet G. Johnson ‘00 Mrs. Jean T. Johnson ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Johnson Mrs. Jo Carol Johnson ‘80 Mrs. Lorell A. (White) Johnson ‘61 Joliet Bank & Trust Joliet Catholic Academy — Sr. Faith
Szambelanczyk, O.S.F. ‘57
Joliet Catholic Academy Alumni Association Joliet Country Club Joliet Junior College Faculty Union Joliet Oncology & Hematology Associates—
Mr. Paramjit Sidhu
Joliet Public Library Joliet Town and Country Lanes, Inc. —
Mr. George Kontos
Mrs. Carol Jones ‘90 Mrs. Cora L. (Thomas) Jones ‘78
University of St. Francis Magazine
Mr. Ronald D. Jones ‘78
Klang Battery Technologies —
Mr. Michael Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Klawitter
Judy’s Little Blossom — James &
Ms. Elizabeth Klein ‘62
Dr. Joyce E. Kleinaitis
Judy Sears
Mrs. Caryn (Armbruster) Justick ‘74
Mr. James Klang
Ms. Dolores A. Klepec Mr. Frank Klimala
Ms. Joyce M. Klinger ‘67
Mrs. Theresa M. (Long) Kaestner ‘72
Dr. Richard J. Kloser
Ms. Karin M. Kaiden ‘05
Ms. Julianne C. Kmetz ‘64
Mr. Michael J. Kalata ‘87
Mrs. Laurie J. Knick ‘94
Mrs. Dolores (Sochacki) Kalayta ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Knight ‘07
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Kalisik, Sr.
(Aubrey L. Durish ‘04, ‘07)
Mrs. Joni (Christianson) Kaluza ‘84
Ms. Suzanne (Kerfin) Knoelk ‘05, ‘10
Mr. James J. Kamrowski ‘92
Mrs. Mary A. Knutson ‘90
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Kapinus
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kobe
Mr. William T. Kaplan
Mrs. Carol A. (Kuban) Koch ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kararo
Mrs. Laura (DeZee) Koga ‘03, ‘06
Mrs. Laura A. (Fordonski) Karbarz ‘87
Mrs. Christine A. Kohanzo ‘03
Kathy Miller State Farm Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kohl ‘88 (Laura Resh ‘90)
Dr. Marvin Katilius-Boydstun
Mr. David M. Kohler, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Ann (Huelsmann) Kauling ‘62
Ms. Pamela C. Kohlhagen ‘09
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kavanagh
Mr. Kenneth Kohrs
Kavanagh, Grumley, & Gorbold, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Kolacinski
Mrs. Susan M. Kavich ‘93, ‘00
Ms. Betty Kolenc
Mrs. Evelyn A. Kealey ‘77
Mrs. Sylvia M. Komyatte ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Keane
Mrs. Mary A. (Graeve) Korducki ‘82
Mrs. Catherine A. (Devine) Korevec ‘48
Mrs. Irene C. (Floryance) Klopotic ‘78
(Maureen T. Barry ‘74)
Mr. Michael Keane ‘87
Mr. and Mrs. Panagiotis Kourtidis ‘03
Mrs. Rita (Milasius) Keehn ‘64
(Joanna Schroeder ‘05)
Mrs. Roberta C. (Wlodarski) Kehret ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. John Kovatch
Mr. and Mrs. John Kella (Patricia Sowa ‘73)
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kowalski
Mrs. Sharon R. (Gooding) Kelleher ‘80
Mrs. Donna K. Kozak ‘05
Mrs. Jean (Dallas) Kellison ‘82
Mrs. Joan Kozar
Mr. Daniel J. Kelly ‘82
Mrs. Mary Lou (Bourg) Kozar ‘49
Mrs. June E. (Jackson) Kelly ‘85
Mr. Todd R. Kranpitz ‘86
Ms. Kathryn R. (Gourley) Kelly ‘59
Ms. Katherine Kraus ‘86
Mrs. Ruth (Gaisor) Kelly ‘48
Mrs. Charlene (Madej) Krause ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Kelly ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Krieger
(Megan A. Plattner ‘03)
(Dolores Carpenter ‘71)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nosal (Mary Jo Kelly ‘88)
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kristich
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keltz
Ms. Barbara L. Kristin ‘73
Mrs. Merrily (Sturm) Kennedy ‘84
Ms. Cecilia Krug
Mrs. Mary A. Kepchar ‘80, ‘99
Mrs. Joan M. (Spolorich) Krumpoch ‘69
Mrs. Marlene (Schaab) Kernwein ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Krupa
Ms. Michelle A. Kerr ‘02, ‘07, ‘14
Ms. Amy A. Krynicki
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ketelaar
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kubacki
Mr. Adam J. Kielbasa ‘08
Mr. and Mrs. James Kubalewski
Mrs. Karen O. Kiesel ‘85
Dr. Karen M. Kietzman ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kucinic ‘78
Mrs. Jane F. Kilander ‘90
Ms. Emma M. (Crawford) King ‘75
Mr. Richard A. Kuehn
Mrs. Alyce M. (Schillo) Kinzie ‘59
Mrs. Patricia E. Waterbury-Kumazawa ‘91
Mr. Kevin Kirkwood
Ms. Brittney A. Kupiec
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Kirkwood
Mrs. Catherine E. (Schwarzman)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kirsch
Mr. and Mrs. James Klang
Mr. Ralph J. Kwilosz
(Rita M. Hirsch ‘65) (Patricia Schwiesow ‘65)
Kutzler ‘96, ‘99
L Mrs. Adolphine T. (Gryzlo) Labate ‘63 Mrs. Susan LaCroix ‘89, ‘92 Ms. Patricia Lafeldt ‘75 Mrs. Ruth C. (Heimann) Lager ‘55 Mr. Richard P. Laib ‘06 Mrs. Anne Laketa Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. LaLonde
(Elizabeth J. Polyak ‘82)
Mrs. Patricia M. (Sims) LaMarre ‘78 Mrs. Mary (Kennedy) Lamb ‘79 Cynthia A. Lambert, Ed.D. Mrs. Janis M. (Dusell) LaMont ‘84 Mrs. Katherine (Gregg) Lampe ‘83 Ms. Patricia A. (Mansfield) Lang ‘87 Mrs. Jeanette (Peterson) Langebartels ‘79 Ms. Amy M. Lanham ‘05, ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Lanham Mr. Jimmie D. Lansford ‘79 Mrs. Leona A. (Kowalski) Laouras ‘64 Mrs. Kelly R. Lapetino ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. LaRocco Ms. Patricia J. Larranaga ‘04 Ms. Mary Ann Larsen ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Larson
(Sharon V. Engel ‘78, ‘06)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Larson Larson & Associates Ltd. —
Mary Lou Larson
Mrs. Barbara A. (Sylvestor) Lathrop ‘85 Mr. Eric J. Lawhead ‘07 Mrs. Donna M. Lawien ‘06, ‘13 Lawn Works of Joliet, Inc. Mr. Stephen T. Lawrence Dr. Tawanda Lawrence Mr. Michael Leatherman Mrs. Donna M. Lebisly ‘98 Ms. Theresa Lee ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Leff Mrs. Catherine A. (Babicki) Leggero ‘69 Mr. Corbin R. Leininger ‘01 Ms. Joanne M. Lendvay ‘95 Mrs. Charlotte H. (Cathcart) Lenz ‘66 Mr. Jorge Leon Mr. and Mrs. Todd Leonard Mrs. Helen R. (Audette) Lewis ‘63 Liberty Creative Solutions Mrs. Marion F. (Brokish) Licwinko ‘78 Mr. Christopher M. Liddy ‘98, ‘00 Mrs. Nancy (Pierce) Limbach ‘65 Ms. Blanca E. Limon Lindahl Marine Contractors, Inc. Dr. Carol A. Lindee Ms. Kathryn I. Lindgren Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Lindquist Mrs. Gene L. (Wendel) Lingo ‘48 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Lipke
(Billie (Gillespie) Schimanski-Lipke ‘85)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Liston
Mrs. Jerilynn C. (Selelowis) Loeber ‘93
Mrs. Juanita V. (Kinder) Martin-Davis ‘54
Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc.
Mr. Eric W. Lofdahl ‘92
Mrs. Phyllis (Black) Martinec ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mikula
Mrs. Marianne (Jonaitis) Loftus ‘57
Ms. Erika M. Martinez ‘11
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Loftus
Mrs. Judith G. Martis ‘79
Milano Bakery Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Loftus
Mrs. Rosario Quick
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Millard
Mr. Jim Logan
Mr. Kenneth D. Mason, Jr. ‘14
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Miller
Mrs. Doris J. (McDermott) Lonergan ‘71
Ms. Shirley Masters
Mrs. Rosann M. (Buswell) Miller ‘76
Mr. Leonard Long (Debra Seeton* ‘99)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Masterson
Miller Mechanical, Inc. — Mr. Al Miller
Ms. Laura Lopez ‘02, ‘07
Mrs. Jo Ann (Felbinger) Mathews ‘64
Mrs. Claire L. Millweard
Ms. Eva Lopez Benedi
Mrs. Annette M. Mattea ‘13
Mrs. Linda L. (Quartuccio) Milzarek ‘65
Dr. JoAnn K. Lopykinski ‘89
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Matteson
Mr. and Mrs. James Missig
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lorch
Mrs. Amy G. Maupin ‘05
Mr. Donald J. Mitok
Mrs. Julie L. (Palleschi) Lorenc ‘49
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Max
Mr. D.J. Mitok
Mrs. Marleen (Vani) Lorenz ‘77
Mrs. Janis B. Mayfield ‘00
Mr. Diego E. Mogrovejo
Mrs. Shirley J. (Van Valkenburg) Lott ‘46
Mrs. Rosella May-Hartwell ‘79
Mr. Kevin L. Molloy
Ms. Lynley K. Louzensky ‘10
Mrs. Aneta Mazurkiewicz ‘00
Ms. Christine M. Monaco ‘98
Mrs. Erica M. Lucio ‘03
Mr. Matthew A. McArthur ‘06, ‘14
Mrs. Amy A. Moore
Mr. Thomas J. Ludrovec ‘92
Mrs. JoAnne (Zumer) McAuley ‘61
Mrs. Nancy L. Rosenberger Moore ‘79
Ms. Florence L. (Schrage) Luechtefeld ‘62
Mrs. Barbara A. McCabe
Mrs. Constance (Gilmore) Morgan ‘66
Mr. Paul Lueck & Dr. Janet M. Lueck
Ms. Mary R. McCarthy ‘04
Mr. Donald J. Morin ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lukasevich
Mrs. Mary (Doyle) McCauley ‘53
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Morrison
Mrs. Geraldine M. (Ganek) Luszcz ‘61
Mrs. Julie A. McClain ‘99
Mr. Jeff L. Morrissette
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCluskey
Mrs. Brandi Morzuch
Mrs. Mary V. (Coghlan) McDevitt ‘96
Mr. John P. Mosier ‘99
Mrs. Jeanne A. (Erlenborn) McDonald ‘46
Mrs. Lenore M. (Loeffler) Motz ‘64
Mrs. Armita Mabie ‘77
McDonald’s — Cam & Gail Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan G. Mouw ‘96
Ms. Donna MacLeod
Mrs. Alice A. (Ahler) McEwen ‘82
Mrs. Diane K. MacMillan ‘80
Mrs. Patricia A. (Keca) McGinnis ‘60
Mrs. Barbara L. (Bieschke) Mozan ‘63
Mr. Jason Madon
McGrath Office Equipment, Inc.
Mr. Benny’s Steakhouse —
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Madsen (Christine ‘06)
Senator and Mrs. Patrick McGuire ‘87
Mrs. Michelle A. (Mudron) Madura ‘94
Mrs. Jean T. (Clemens) McKenna ‘73
Mr. Submarine
Mrs. Angela Maffeo
Nancy K. McKenna, J.D.
Mr. Michael F. Mravle ‘97
Mr. Matthew R. Mahalik ‘02
Dr. Alicia McLaughlin
Ms. Shannon Mudro ‘15
Mrs. Rosemary T. (DeBlieck) Maher ‘54
Dr. Lorri S. McMeel
Mr. Shamus Mudron
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Maher
Ms. Mary C. McNamara ‘89
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Mueller
Mrs. Lucille M. (Augulis) Mahoney ‘46
Mr. Michael S. McNeily
Mrs. Dorine M. (Berta) Muenzing ‘57
Ms. Vivian Makowski Dick ‘58
Ms. Valerie McQueen
Mrs. Rebecca (Daugherty) Muhs ‘88
Mrs. Marie L. (Semling) Malm ‘46
Ms. Jeanette A. McWalter ‘04, ‘14
Mrs. Roberta J. (Bene) Mulholland ‘80
Ms. Janet B. Maloney ‘80
Meade Baltz Paints
Mrs. Patricia Mungovan ‘79
Mama Onesta’s — Frank DeGrassi
Ms. Pauline A. (Kawan) Meagher ‘60
Ms. Laura Munoz
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mampe
Ms. Darla K. Medernach ‘80
Ms. Linda Murakami ‘14
Ms. Karen L. Mancke
Ms. Jackie Medland
Murawski Construction LLC
Miss Kathleen B. Mangiaracina ‘77
Mrs. Jane B. (Groth) Murphy ‘63
Mrs. Marianne E. (Busse) Manley ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Meehan ‘80
Mrs. Jane M. (Furdek) Murphy ‘70
Mrs. Linda M. Mann ‘83
Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy
Mrs. Julie W. Manner
Mrs. Sharon I. (Chmielewski) Melko ‘69
Dr. Madonna M. Murphy
Mrs. Marion B. Manthey
Mr. and Mrs. James Melton (Kathleen A.
Mrs. Marianne (Herringer) Murphy ‘62
Marathon Sportswear
Mrs. Mary K. (Kelley) Murphy ‘60
Ms. Joan E. Marchetta ‘57
Mrs. Noreen M. (Mroczkowski) Meravy ‘97
Mrs. Melody A. (Stonegate) Murphy ‘11
Mrs. Susan J. Marconi
Merck Parternship For Giving
Ms. Angela Murray
Mrs. Marjorie A. Marion
Ms. Roberta J. Messer ‘86
Mrs. Kelly A. (Burkhardt) Myers ‘90
Mr. and Mrs. Arlie J. Marks ‘02
Ms. Judith K. Metzger ‘82
Mr. John R. Meyer
(Christine ‘99, ‘02, ‘09)
(Joan M.Travers ‘80, ‘04)
Reid ‘98)
(Sharon Bedford ‘82)
(Beth J. Kinnikin ‘96)
Mr. Benny Leonardo
Mrs. Jean A. (Frank) Marquette ‘84
Mrs. Natalie M. (Bieniasz) Meyers ‘86
Mr. John P. Marshall ‘90
Michael W. Hansen, P.C.
Mrs. Frances (Tures Naal) Sczepaniak ‘58
Mrs. Linda M. (Yoakum) Martin ‘83
Mr. Brian J. Michalak ‘83
Ms. Kathleen (Marsh) Nagle ‘92, ‘06
Mrs. Patricia (Sorgani) Martin ‘50
Mr. Lawrence W. Mickas ‘96, ‘98
Ms. Betty T. Naples
Mrs. Robert L. Martin
Mr. Mark Midlock ‘85
Mr. Lucas Navarro
Martin & Associates — Ameriprise Financial
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Midlock
Ms. Jeanette K. Nedelsky ‘54
Midwest Tankermen, Inc.
Nelnet Matching Gift Program
— Robert T. Martin ‘06
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Honor Roll: Gifts from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015 FRANCIS ANNUAL FUND: GIFTS UP TO $999
Ms. Celeste M. Nelson ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson Ms. Paige E. Nelson ‘13 Mrs. Virginia L. Nelson ‘96 Mrs. Beth L. (Thornton) Nettles ‘96 Ms. Margaret H. Neumann Next Media Mrs. Christine M. Nicholson ‘15, ‘13 Mrs. Sherene L. Nicolai ‘03, ‘06 Mrs. Margaret (Tully) Nicosia ‘81 Ms. Sara A. Niedrich ‘93 Mrs. Margaret A. Nields ‘90 Ms. Diane D. Nilan ‘73 Mrs. Pamela J. (Kolada) Nogal ‘68 Mrs. Christina K. Nolan-Dado ‘78 Mrs. Marcia E. Nordmark ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Norman
(Sandra M. Mule’ ‘89)
Mrs. Ruby (Self) Norman ‘82 Mrs. Jeanette C. Normandt ‘85 Mrs. Esther (Heimann) Norrenberns ‘59 Ms. LaDonna E. Norstrom ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Novak
(Julie L. Barron ‘94)
Mr. Ronald J. Novak ‘77 Mrs. Janet R. (Schroeder) Novotny ‘67 NuMark Credit Union
Ms. Alexis N. O’Boyle Mrs. Michele D. O’Boyle Mr. and Mrs. William F. O’Donnell (Patricia Coughlin ‘61)
Mrs. Irene M. (Planinsek) Odorizzi ‘55 Odyssey Transportation Mrs. Rita A. (Robertson) Ohlson ‘50 Mrs. Mary C. (Schlee) O’Kelly ‘02, ‘06 Mrs. Sallyann Okuno Bacchiere ‘80 Old Timers Baseball Association of Will County
Olde North, Inc. Mr. Steven G. Olivere ‘90 Ms. Moira Olivetti Dr. Robert G. Olsen Ms. Cheryl A. Olson ‘84 Mr. Michael P. Olson Mrs. Marcia R. (Halloran) O’Neal ‘69 Kent L. Oots, Ph.D. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Orlovich Mr. Steven E. Osborn ‘85 Mrs. Rosemary (Tyl) Osmulski ‘62 Mr. James. C. Ostrom ‘07 Otis Elevator Mr. Richard M. Ott Our Lady of Angels Senior Living Center Dr. Carol A. (Veverka) Overman ‘63 Ms. Lisa J. Oxentine
Mrs. June Paeth Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Pallecone Mrs. Sharon A. Palmer ‘94, ‘97 Mrs. Kimberly A. Pankau ‘00 Mrs. Mary Jane (Imparl) Papesh ‘93 Mrs. Margaret J. (Cramer) Parke ‘55 Mr. Dave J. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Parman
(Denise M. Lazorik ‘85)
Mr. Clinton Parnell Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Partain
(Joyce A. Crader ‘76)
Mrs. Katherine Patel Mrs. Rosemarie A. (Kotesa) Patterson ‘58 Mr. Victor R. Patterson ‘03 Mr. Jonathan D. Paul ‘04, ‘11 Mr. Mario V. Paulino Mrs. Paula M. (Ciomei) Pedersen ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pederson Mrs. Judith A. Peistrup ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott Pekol ‘99
(Jeana R. Carrico ‘00)
Ms. Valerie L. Penn Mrs. Joyce Penning Peoples Gas Mrs. Anna R. Perry ‘09
Oakwood Estates Condo Association
Mr. Jonathan D. Pacheco
Mrs. Maria A. Perez ‘15
University of St. Francis Magazine
Mr. Boris T. Peshev Mrs. Anita M. Peters ‘90 Mrs. Elizabeth R. (Wubben) Peters ‘02 Ms. Sue Peters Mrs. Debra S. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Donn L. Peterson Mrs. Phyllis M. (Kleinhoffer) Peterson ‘72, ‘98 Pete’s Wines & Liquors — Victoria Bozen ‘96 Mrs. Janine M. (Liptak) Petric ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Petrick Ms. Kristoff E. Petro ‘14 Mrs. Roxanne (Bennett) Petro ‘75 Pfizer Foundation Mrs. Annette M. Phelan ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Phelan ‘01 Phoenix Systems & Service, Inc. Mr. Thomas J. Piasecki ‘04 Mrs. Amy R. Piccoli Mr. Fred Piediscalzi Mr. and Mrs. Jeff R. Pierson ‘01
(Lisa L. Rogers ‘86)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pierson Mr. Michael J. Pietrzycki ‘91 Ms. Virginia C. (Cronin) Pitts ‘54 Mrs. Mary (Maes) Plaine ‘90 Mr. Michael Planeta ‘85, ‘96 Mr. George T. Pobuda Mrs. Jennifer P. Polka ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Tomas P. Ponce
Ms. Penny Poninski
Ms. Maria Riha ‘88
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pool
Mrs. Shirley A. (Ruppert) Ring ‘84
Mrs. Elizabeth A. (Molloy) Porter ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. James Ringer
Mrs. Caroline L. Portlock ‘02, ‘04
Ms. Daria Ringstmeyer
Mr. Kenneth Potts ‘93
Mrs. Allison P. Rios ‘01, ‘12
Mr. Charles R. Powell ‘01
Dr. Dorothy A. Ritter ‘66
Ms. Trecia L. Powers ‘82
Mrs. Mary F. (Rodriguez) Roa ‘59
Mrs. Arretta M. (Workman) Price ‘82
John and Jean Roach ‘78, ‘82
Mr. Benjamin Price
Ms. Claudette L. (Patheal) Roberts ‘78
Ms. Meghan J. Price
Mrs. Mary Lou (Bost) Roberts ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Price
Ms. Staci L. Roberts
Mrs. Jenae M. (Dillon) Prince ‘12
Ms. Linda S. Rocke ‘04
Mr. Anthony L. Pristas
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Rodgers
Ms. Andrea C. Prola ‘07
Mrs. Rose (Campbell) Rodriquez ‘89
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Prosise
Mrs. Annette M. Roemer
Public Landing Restaurant
Mrs. Susan M. (Doyle) Rogina ‘94, ‘99 Ms. Andrea A. Rohde ‘00
Mrs. Melissa M. Rolinitis
Ms. Maria F. Quevedo
Mrs. Linda Kay Romberg ‘73
Mrs. Therese (Ryan) Quick ‘53
Mrs. Susan E. Rosenberg ‘91
Ms. Samantha M. Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Frederic R. Ross
Ms. Candice R. Quinerly ‘10
Ms. Amanda M. (Klotz) Quinn ‘02
Mrs. Mary Beth Ross ‘00
Mrs. Joan (Opyt) Romanus ‘59
(Mary T. Cushing ‘57)
Mr. Robert J. Roszyk
Mr. and Mrs. William Roth
R. Berti Building Solutions
Mrs. Mary Kay (Walter) Rowe ‘69
Mrs. Christine A. (Seper) Rados ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Rozanski
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Rakoski ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rozman
Mr. Matthew A. Ramuta (Joan Nahas* ‘56)
Ms. Jeanette P. Rudderow ‘98
Mr. Chad T. Randall ‘15
Mrs. Monica J. (Benoit) Ruder ‘58, ‘93
Mr. Lucas B. Randall
Mrs. Celeste (Blaskievich) Rudman ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Randich, Sr. ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Ruettiger
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Randich ‘79
Ruettiger, Tonelli & Associates, Inc.
Mrs. Norma T. (Wilhelmi) Rourke ‘47
(Ann Reedy ‘80)
(Elaine K. Hirschier ‘70)
Mrs. Beverly J. Randle ‘92
Mr. Frankie V. Ruffolo
Mr. Alan C. Randolph ‘07
Mrs. Ann T. (Faivre) Ruggaber ‘67
Ms. Kathleen M. (Bolte) Randolph ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. William Ruhaak
Mrs. Ruth A. Rapposelli ‘07
Ms. Jennilyn Ruhaak
Mrs. Deborah C. Raschi ‘13
Ms. Elvia Ruiz
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle L. Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Ruiz ‘07, ‘09
Ms. Lu Anne Rayl ‘80
Recovery Management Services, Inc.
Mrs. Lisa J. Ruiz ‘14
Mrs. Marilyn K. Reese ‘79
Mrs. Sandra (Hodel) Runtz ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Reeves
Ms. Geradette L. Russ
Mrs. Kathryn E. Reginier-Bacidore ‘83
Ms. Lori A. Russ ‘95
Mrs. Linda J. Reichert ‘80
Ms. Mary Ann Russ ‘73
(Jennifer Horn ‘10, ‘13)
Mrs. Jacqueline (Brown) Reposh ‘64 Mrs. Maria D. Resurreccion Mrs. Susan J. (Kreshock) Retseck ‘61
Mrs. Mary L. Reuss ‘77
S&J Door, Inc.
Rialto Square Theatre
Mrs. Donna G. Sabo ‘87
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Riccetti
Mrs. Sheila M. (Caddigan) Saccomanno ‘74
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Salas Robles
(Shirley A. Burzawa ‘61)
Mrs. Mary M. (White) Rice ‘60
Major Peggy S. Salinas ‘15, ‘04, ‘10
Mr. Corey M. Richardson ‘09
Mrs. Therese Sanborn ‘02
Mrs. Carol A. (Golob) Riegel ‘72
Mr. Anders Sandberg
Mr. Kevin J. Rigney ‘78
Ms. Kimberly A. Sansone ‘10
Mrs. Carol (Meditz) Sather ‘79
Sikich LLP
Dr. Melanie M. Sprengel ‘08
Mr. Edward J. Schaffer
Mrs. Paulette (Coons) Simmons ‘71, ‘90
Mrs. Barbara A. (Brausch) Sprenger ‘63
Mrs. Carol J. (Lewicki) Schaffer ‘79
Mrs. Grace A. (Gozder) Simonaitis ‘60
Mrs. Terri K. (Grossen) Sprout ‘91
Mrs. Sandra (Cousineau) Schaffner ‘67
Mrs. Carol A. Simpson ‘94
St. Croix Press, Inc.
Mrs. Patricia Schager
Mrs. Janet L. (Zenkus) Simpson ‘69
St. Mary Magdalene Church —
Mrs. Judith (Jerger) Schatz ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simpson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle W. Schiller ‘95
Ms. Tricia L. Simpson
Mrs. Adrienne M. (Lessard) Stack ‘92
(Michelle L. Gremley ‘93)
Fr. Christopher Groh
Ms. Deidre Sinchak ‘02
Standard Bank and Trust Company
Mr. Robert F. Schmitt
Mrs. Noralee M. (Lyons) Singer ‘71
Mrs. Bette L. Stanek ‘85
Ms. Sharon R. Schneider ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Singletary
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stanek
Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Schoeberle ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Singletary
Mrs. Janice M. (Jaksetich) Staniszewski ‘70
(Angela Barrows ‘01)
Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate
Mrs. Lola J. (Stoltz) Stanley ‘79
Mr. Keith Schomig ‘13
Mrs. Edith J. (Hudak) Stark ‘60
Ms. Harriet G. Schott ‘80
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Skelton
State Farm Companies Foundation
Mrs. Colette M. Schrank ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Skinner
Mr. Kent J. Staver ‘91
Mrs. Amy J. Schroeder ‘90, ‘04
Dr. and Mrs. Sydney L. Sklar (Beverly Hass ‘11)
Pamela K. Steinke, Ph.D.
Mrs. Michele (Piazza) Schroeder ‘95
Ms. Jill A. Skole ‘88
Ms. Maureen Stephan
Mr. Corey M. Schultz ‘12
Ms. Linda Jo Skuban ‘75
Mrs. Nancy Stephens ‘78
Mrs. Janet L. Schumacher ‘10
Mrs. Nancy (Ward) Skuta ‘58
Mrs. Marguerite M. Stephenson ‘93
Mrs. Mary M. (Gregurich) Schweitzer ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Sloan
Mrs. Joanne M. Sterioti
Ms. Patricia M. Schwerdle
Mrs. Deborah A. Sterling ‘06
Daniel D. Schwert, Ph.D
Ms. Sandra L. Sloka ‘06
Mrs. Janice L. (Hinkleman) Sterling ‘95
Ms. Margaret M. Schwiesow ‘63, ‘80
Mrs. Constance R. Slomka ‘89
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Sterr
Mrs. Rhonda L. Scott ‘97
Mrs. Colleen A. (James) Slouf ‘70
Mrs. Margaret M. Stevenson ‘05, ‘07
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Scudder
Mrs. Audrey A. (Wujek) Slusarczyk ‘69
Mrs. Marilyn (Laverty) Stewart ‘65
Mrs. Mary Patrice (Crane) Scully ‘70
Dr. Mary F. Smaron ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stiglich ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Sears
Mrs. Catherine (Weberg) Smirnoff ‘64
Mrs. Lillian R. (Barnas) Sedgwick ‘55
Ms. April M. Smith ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Stimac
Sr. Mary Frances Seeley, O.S.F., Ph.D. ‘64
Ms. Gina M. Smith ‘15
Mr. Brian K. Seeley ‘02
Mrs. Jeanette M. Smith ‘06
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Stofan
Mrs. Marian S. Seib ‘88, ‘91
Ms. Jennifer S. Smith ‘96
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Selzer
Ms. Joan (Neff) Smith ‘81
Stofan Agazzi & Company, Inc.
Ms. Joyce M. Senffner ‘60
Ms. Rebecca S. Smith ‘14
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stoiber
Sentinus, LLC
Mrs. Telanee Smith ‘14
Mrs. Edith T. Stoneking ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sepulveda
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith
Mrs. Anita L. (Nelson) Storie ‘68
(Mary M. Kroeger ‘03)
— Sr. Dolores Zemont, O.S.F.
(Edwina E. Pointer ‘71)
(Mary Jo Kinsella ‘80) (Deborah ‘09, ‘10) (Deborah Voyce ‘87)
Mrs. Dolores M. (Grenchik) Smolen ‘50
Ms. Jacqueline T. Storm ‘10, ‘13
Mrs. Helen A. (Jones) Settle ‘81
Mr. Mark T. Snodgrass ‘97, ‘00
Susan A. Stowe, Ph.D
Ms. Maryann Sevening ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Snow ‘91
Mr. Paul D. Strle
Mrs. Deborah A. Sewald ‘99
Mrs. Marian E. Stromquist ‘75
Mr. Timothy Sewing
Mrs. Beverly A. Snyder ‘92, ‘97
Mr. John M. Strus
Mrs. Audrey J. Shaffer ‘86
Mrs. Linda R. (Stille) Soehnlein ‘96
Mrs. Alice A. (Glowacki) Strzalka ‘51
Mrs. Kristin L. Shamberg ‘00
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Soldan ‘93
Mrs. Minola C. (Williams) Sturm* ‘39
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Shannon ‘02, ‘05
Mrs. Rose L. (Barton) Suiter ‘96
(Ann Marie R. Golf ‘05)
(Anita Martincic ‘90)
(Christina ‘94, ‘05)
Dr. James M. Solofra ‘81
Mr. Charles J. Sullivan ‘06
Sharn Enterprises Inc.
Mr. Jorge Solorzano
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sharp
Sooper Lube
Mrs. Judith D. Shaw ‘07, ‘13
Ms. Patricia Sorg
Mr. Trakul J. Surapiboonchai ‘06
Fr. Ed Shea, O.F.M.
Sosnoski Exterminating, Inc. — Paula ‘73
Mrs. Marguerite Svenson ‘78, ‘91
Ms. Amber C. Shibley
Mr. Patrick D. Swaggerty
Mrs. Marjorie L. (Demiere) Shirley ‘42
Ms. Katherine Southworth
Mrs. Margaret A. (Sandberg) Swanson ‘87
Mrs. Anna (Buckstegge) Shockey ‘76
Mrs. Lucinda A. (Conz) Spang ‘91
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Swanson ‘99
Mrs. Marie Shroba
Mrs. Karen M. (Plese) Speckman ‘83
Mrs. Shirley M. (Fry) Shubat ‘93
Mrs. Valerie D. (Geckle) Spence ‘00
Mrs. Tara E. Sweeney ‘11
Abul H. Siddiqui, M.D. ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Spesia ‘05, ‘08
Syl’s Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Paramjit S. Sidhu
Spesia & Ayers
Mrs. Mary Grace (Morrotto) Szczypta ‘67
Mrs. Margaret R. (Quinn) Siefert ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Spiezio
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Szoke ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Siefert
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sieger
Mrs. Judith Spiezio ‘86
Mrs. Edmee (Pallares) Sienkowski ‘79
Mr. Paul W. Spiezio ‘82
Mrs. Jeanne M. Sierka ‘92
Ms. Amanda Spillie
and Paul Boley
(Verna Fretty ‘64)
(Margaret Bacon ‘96)
(Lisa Burla ‘99)
(Donna M. Musich ‘80, ‘04)
Mrs. Karen (Loftus) Szukalski ‘94
T T. Castro Produce Ms. Ramonda F. Talkie ‘71 Dr. Allison M. Tan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Tapak Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Tarizzo Mrs. Ann B. Taylor ‘96 Mrs. Noreen (Flynn) Taylor ‘57 TCBY Mr. James P. Teach ‘12 Mrs. Juliann M. (Torkar) Teasdale ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Teresiak Ms. Tracie M. Terlep Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Thanas Mr. and Mrs. Reece Thayer The Gammon Group, Inc. The Jacob Henry Mansion Estate —
Mrs. Susan Bornhofen
The Norine E. Mahlburg Trust The Three Sissies: ‘54, ‘64, ‘71 The Times Weekly The Village of New Lenox —
Mayor Timothy Baldermann
Sr. Julia J. Theobald, O.S.F. ‘72 Mrs. Kimberly A. Thomas ‘06 Mr. Miles and Dr. Sandra Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Jason Thormeyer ‘96, ‘97, ‘05
(Theresa Tierney ‘01)
Three Rivers Title Co. Ms. Bernadette Tiapo Mr. Fritz Ticala Mrs. Patricia (Harrigan) Tierney ‘89 Tix 4 Cause Mrs. Patricia Tomac Dr. Carolyn M. Tomazic Engers Ms. Anne-Christine Tompkins ‘14 Mrs. Mariangela (Sanelli) Tompkins ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Tonelli Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Tracy Mr. Alan A. Trantina ‘02 Tri-K Supplies, Inc. Ms. Antonette Trinchese ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Devendra Trivedi Mrs. L. Jean Troyer Mr. James L. Trudeau Ms. Kayla H. Trujillo ‘14 Mr. John M. Trusty ‘75 Truth Financial Inc. Truth Restaurant — Ms. Kate Mohundro Mrs. Phyllis A. Tschumper ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tures Mr. Thomas J. Turigliatto ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Turk
(Celeste Konecny ‘65)
Mrs. Mary Kay (Mores) Turrentine ‘81 Ms. Michelle C. Turvey Mr. and Mrs. Joshua J. Tyler
(Kathryn R. Wrobel ‘95)
Mrs. Kathryn R. (Wrobel) Tyler ‘95 Ms. Terri Tyner ‘73
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Honor Roll: Gifts from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015 FRANCIS ANNUAL FUND: GIFTS UP TO $999
U Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ullian
(Kathleen Tadey ‘74)
USF Security Officers
V Mr. Gino J. Vaccarella Ms. Galynn M. Vaksdal ‘08, ‘12 Mrs. Joann D. (Franey) Van Antwerp ‘56 Mrs. Judy R. Vanmeter Mrs. Mary J. (Bergan) Vann ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. David VanWingeren Dr. Richard J. Vaughan Mr. Mike Verbic Mrs. Marilyn R. (Beales) Viator ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Virgilio Victa Mrs. Nancy K. (Lander) Vidmar ‘62 Mrs. Norma J. (Uremovic) Vilutis ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Vironda ‘03
(Jill M. Allen ‘04)
Mrs. Linda S. Visser ‘15, ‘12 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Vogen Mr. and Mrs. George W. Voitik Mr. and Mrs. David C. Vollmer Mr. and Mrs. David R. Vollmer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vollmer Mr. Michael P. Voss ‘13 Mrs. Barbara A. (Modaff) Votaw ‘67 Dr. and Mrs. Gary F. Voyce (Beverly ‘87) Mrs. Suzette (Staggs) Voyta ‘68 Mr. Robert A. Vroegindewey, Jr. ‘93
W Mr. and Mrs. Brent Wagner Ms. Marie A. (Schuch) Wagner ‘87 Ms. Patricia Wagner Mrs. Debra A. Wahl ‘97 Mr. Mark A. Waldrop ‘97 Mrs. Diane Walker ‘92
University of St. Francis Magazine
Mrs. Kelly A. (Douglas) Walker ‘84, ‘06
Mrs. Caroline A. Williams
Ms. LaDonna K. Walker
Ms. Melva M. Williams ‘92
Mrs. Patricia (Sullivan) Walkley ‘80
Mrs. Nancy M. Williams ‘88
Mrs. Doris A. (Pohl) Wallace ‘48
Mrs. Peggy A. Williams ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Walsh
Mr. Timothy E. Wills ‘92
Representative and Mrs. Lawrence M.
Mr. Charles J. Wilson
Mrs. Mona M. (Hilsabeck) Wilson ‘68
Walsh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn T. Walsh ‘00 (Amy ‘03)
Mr. Mark S. Wiltgen
Ms. Janice M. Walters
Mr. Gerald V. Winbush
Mr. Scott M. Walton ‘93
Ms. Denise E. Winfrey
Mrs. Tami (Murphy) Wanless ‘98
Mrs. Karen E. (Germer) Wirka ‘80
Mrs. Janet G. Ward ‘90
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wirt (Alice Davies ‘66)
Mr. Michael L. Ward ‘88
Mrs. Judith S. (Kollar) Wisinski ‘69
Ms. Denara A. Watson ‘13
Mrs. Jeannine M. Witowski ‘98
Dr. Barbara Watters ‘79 and Dr. James H.
Mrs. Linda K. Woda ‘91
Mrs. Loretta C. Wojtak ‘73
Mrs. Phyllis A. (Schultz) Wear ‘75
Mr. Stephen S. Wolff
Webb Boys Leasing Corp. — J. Bradley
Dr. Linda L. Wolter
Mrs. Keun O. (Youm) Woo ‘98
Mrs. Anne J. (Hutchings) Webster ‘50
Mrs. Arlene S. (Axvig) Woodson ‘82, ‘85
Mrs. Marilyn Weeks ‘92
Dr. Debra Workman
Mrs. Catherine M. Wehrle
Mrs. Lee Ann (Heidenbluth) Wozniak ‘45
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Weis ‘90
Ms. Diane Wright
Ms. Erayna J. Wright
(Donna Guderyahn ‘91)
Mrs. Margaret (Rozman) Weiss ‘61
Mrs. Julie A. (Biasetti) Wright ‘80
Ms. Judith A. Weitzer
Mrs. Peggy A. (Myers) Wright ‘61
Mr. Laurence R. Wells ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wurzer
Mr. James F. Werner ‘00
Colleen A. Wyse ‘75 & Stephen Klasko, M.D.
Ms. Virginia R. Wessling ‘81
Ms. Donna M. Wysock ‘75
Mr. Steven S. Wettergren
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wysocki
Mr. Patrick L. Wharry
Mr. and Mrs. David Wyss
Ms. Harlene L. White Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. White
(Cynthia A. Wagner ‘97)
Ms. Kathy N. Whiting ‘05
Mr. Jeffrey Yackley
Mrs. Sally (Busker) Whitley ‘84
Mrs. Marilyn (Nelson) Yankey ‘59
Dr. Ben B. Whitlock
Ms. Pauline M. Yatsko ‘53
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wielbik
Mr. and Mrs. Gezae Ydnekew ‘03, ‘05
Ms. Kimberly (Marks) Wigley ‘05
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wilhelmi ‘88
Mrs. Clarice E. Yetter ‘82
(Margaret Sullivan ‘86)
Mrs. Karleen (Meents) Yohnka ‘70
Mrs. Marie (Gergen) Wilkerson ‘87
Ms. Sharon A. Yuska ‘06, ‘08
Mrs. Ella B. (Kelly) Wilkey ‘75
(Kathleen Hecht ‘05)
Z Mr. James Zabloudil Ms. Margaret M. Zak ‘96 Ms. Yvonne Zambrano ‘15 Mr. Anthony J. Zanelli ‘14 Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Zasada ‘08
(Julie A. Sowiak ‘98)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Zech, Jr.
(Paula Martin ‘92)
Mr. Alex J. Zemansky ‘80 Mrs. Daria (Hubiak) Zender ‘84 Dr. Ling-Yi Zhou Ms. Carol J. Zier Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Zier Mrs. Lya E. Zinn ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zolecki Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Zordan Mr. Mark Zubov ‘14 Mrs. Susan A. (Zydek) Zupanic ‘80 Mrs. Joan J. (Reckendorf) Zupec ‘85 Mr. Anthony Zurek
Three Oaks Legacy Society Three Oaks Legacy Society members support the university’s mission and vision by including the University of St. Francis in their estate and financial plans up to May 31, 2015. For more information, visit stfrancis.edu/support. Anonymous ‘46
Mr. Thomas B. Adams
Miss Rose E. Mancuso
Anonymous ‘49
Mrs. Marilyn (Schmotzer) Auth ‘48
Mrs. Anna Louise Masching ‘46
Anonymous ‘52
Mrs. Jo Ann McDonald Barber ‘52
Mr. Vincent K. McGirr
Anonymous ‘52
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Benoit
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Moore
Anonymous ‘53
Mrs. Esther (Heimann) Norrenberns ‘59
Anonymous ‘61
Mrs. Kay (Cox) Bissonnette ‘46
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Peifer
Anonymous ‘61
Ms. Mary Kay (Softcheck) Blake ‘70
Anonymous ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Blessent
Mr. and Mrs. David Sandahl
Anonymous ‘62
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Block ‘79
Anonymous ‘62
Mrs. Marlene (Stepaniak) Bremmer ‘59
Ms. Marlene A. Skau ‘98
Anonymous ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne* Brown (Dorothy)
Mrs. Deborah A. Sterling ‘06
Anonymous ‘66
Mr. Richard L. Chavez
Ms. Cecilia A. Trizna-Vargo ‘59
Anonymous ‘66
Mrs. Sally (Terman) Cohan ‘71
Mrs. Celeste (Konecny) Turk ‘65
Anonymous ‘68
Mrs. Marcy (Moloney) Cromley ‘68
Mr. Duane R. Walker
Anonymous ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. John W. D’Arcy
Anonymous ‘71
Mr. James E. Walsh (Donna M.
Anonymous ‘74
Mrs. Mary Ann (Bonkowski) Duderstadt ‘68
Anonymous ‘81
Mrs. Ardith (Davis) Efner ‘70
Matthew E. Wetstein, Ph.D. ‘85
Anonymous ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Juster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler
Anonymous ‘92
Anonymous ‘09
Mrs. Dolores (Torres) Kenney ‘56
Mrs. Marjorie (Freiburg) Wiemels ‘60
Mr. John H. Leach (Cecily*)
Mrs. Lee Ann (Heidenbluth) Wozniak ‘45
(Margaret Kennedy ‘69)
(Jeanette O’Donnell ‘49)
(Mary Lou Lechowich ‘66)
(Margaret Connor ‘61) (Marcille Pasdertz ‘67)
(MaryAnne Krawchuck* ‘70) Kaminski* ‘64)
(Patricia Sexton ‘67)
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Financial Statements
2015 Cash and Cash Equivalents
2014 $
Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets Restricted Cash and Investments
6,679,941 4,216,181
Other Investments
Property and Equipment (Net of Depreciation)
$ 79,186,185
$ 76,372,932
Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trust
Deferred Revenue
Other Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Debt-Related Liabilities U.S. Government Student Loan Funds
University of St. Francis Magazine
2015 $
2014 $
Less Scholarships and Aid
Net Tuition and Fees
Grants and Contracts
Distribution from Trusts Held by Others Investment Return
Academic Support
Student Services
Auxiliary Enterprises
Auxiliary Enterprises Other Income
Total Revenues, Gains, and Other Support EXPENSES
Total Educational Program Services Institutional Support Fundraising
Total Expenses CHANGE IN NET ASSETS BEFORE OTHER REVENUES (EXPENSES) OTHER REVENUES (EXPENSES) Unrealized Investment Gain Unrealized Loss on Real Estate Held for Investment
Change in Fair Value of Interest Rate Swap Agreement
Change in Value of Split-Interest Agreements Loss on Extinguishment of Debt
$ 41,671,256
$ 39,771,623
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
Events and Activities
59th Annual
Caritas Scholarship Ball and Dorothy Brown, Byron and
our students with more than $18
Marilyn Lee and Patrick and Eileen
million in institutional assistance
each year,” said Johnson. “We are,
Sue’s parents, Jack and Janice
thus, thrilled and extremely grateful
Patterson, had a long-time com-
to welcome Terry and Sue D’Arcy
mitment to the university’s athletic
as this year’s chairpersons. Their
programs. They helped to schedule
energy level and creativity bode
travel for athletic teams and
well for the success of our event,”
participated in the golf outing and
continued Johnson.
Brown & Gold fundraisers as well.
As servant leaders in Joliet, Terry
event, including post-event
and Sue are proud to carry
photos, can be found at
on their legacy of involvement
More information about the
with this great event.
“Caritas is historically prominent
for being one of the oldest philanthropic events in the area,” says D’Arcy. “USF is a pillar of the com-
Terry and Susan D’Arcy
munity and we are looking forward to helping it grow. By helping USF
s this magazine is be-
are fifth generation Joliet residents
continue its scholarship program-
ing printed, USF will
with a strong tie to the community
ming, we are strengthening the
be celebrating its 59th
through the many charities and
caliber of the graduates that enter
annual Caritas Scholarship Ball on
organizations both they and their
our community.”
Saturday, Jan. 23 at the Bolingbrook
parents have supported. The D’Arcy
Golf Club in Bolingbrook, Ill.
family has been in attendance at
attendance and helped to raise
University of St. Francis
In 2015, 360 guests were in
every Caritas since the event’s
$350,000 for student scholarships.
President Arvid C. Johnson and
inception in 1958. Terry’s parents,
his wife, Anne, will host the event.
John and Jeannette ’49, chaired
support of Caritas Scholarship Ball
Event chairpersons are Terry and
Caritas in 1980, 1981 and again in
sponsors and guests, the University
Susan D’Arcy of Joliet. The D’Arcys
1987 with longtime friends LaVerne
of St. Francis is able to provide
“Thanks, in part, to the generous
“Thanks, in part, to the generous support of Caritas Scholarship Ball sponsors and guests, the University of St. Francis is able to provide our students with more than $18 million in institutional assistance each year.” — Arvid Johnson
University of St. Francis Magazine
Calendar of Events FEBRUARY 2016 1 Art Gallery: Jaime Foster’s “Telluris Corda” Opens
4 6 11 12 13 15 24 25 26
MARCH 2016 3 Will County Regional Office of Education Licensure Seminar
Family Association Event: The Second City at USF
Freshman Scholarship Comp. Alumni Service Opportunity: Valentine Bingo Party
The USF community witnessed a surprise marriage proposal on the Quad in December. Congratulations to Trevor Cherwin ‘14 and current student Daniela Acamovic!
7 Art Gallery: Rita Grendze Fiber Installation Opens
African American Alumni Association Meeting Bernie Campus Visit Day
Open House: Adult & Transfer Alumni Networking Dinner Cocktails for Caritas Music at Moser: Chicago a Cappella
Music at Moser: Kaleigh Jerkatis student recital
7-11Spring Break: No Classes 10 Alumni “Sips and Splatters” 12 READ for Educators
Little Saints Weekend Begins
APRIL 2016 1 Music at Moser:
18 19 24 25
Easter Eggstravaganza Music at Moser: The Hatfield Sisters Freshman Campus Visit Day Holy Thursday: No Classes Good Friday: No Classes
Vocal Jazz Ensemble “Candlelight Cabaret” Open House: Adult & Transfer
14 15 22 24
are brief Saturday campus visits which include a short
Alumni Blackhawks Game
tour. Space is limited to three per family.
Musical “Music Man”
FEBRUARY 13, 20, 27
7-9 Music at Moser: Spring 8 11
Saturday Info Sessions
USF Career Fair Art Gallery: USF Art & Design Awards Exhibition Opens Music at Moser: New Music Concert and Student Recital I
MARCH 5, 12 APRIL 2, 9, 16, 30
RSVP: 815-740-2270
USF Relay for Life Music at Moser: Schola Cantorum and the Singing Saints Alumni Gathering: Duns Scotus Alums at Blue Man
Multi-Cultural Graduate Reception
30 Albuquerque
Music at Moser: Joliet Symphony Orchestra
Admissions event information or registration: 800-735-7500 | admissions@stfrancis.edu | stfrancis.edu/visit OR /openhouse Alumni event information or registration: 877-811-ALUM | alumni@stfrancis.edu | stfrancis.edu/alumni/events Athletics information or game schedules: 815-740-3464 | gofightingsaints.com USF Art Gallery exhibitions: 815-740-3787 | jmoore@stfrancis.edu | Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m.-2 p.m., and by appointment. For information about all other university events and activities: 800-735-7500 | stfrancis.edu
A Year of Integrity • 2015-2016
500 Wilcox Street Joliet, Illinois 60435 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED