Facts and Figures 2021/2022

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Teaching — II

Studies and the labour market When HSG students start their degree courses, they are entrepreneurs in their own right: they plan and configure their studies themselves – which requires a great deal of personal initiative.

Practical experience

80 per cent of the holders of an HSG Bachelor’s degree and 94 per cent of the holders of an HSG Master’s degree already had more than six months’ professional experience when they graduated.

Job hunting

79 per cent of the holders of an HSG Bachelor’s degree and 78 per cent of the holders of an HSG Master’s degree already had a permanent position when they graduated and could choose between at least two job offers.

Recruiting firms

In 2020, 444 national and international companies from various industries advertised a total of 1,750 jobs, among them 67 companies from the region.

Career plaftormhsgcareer.ch


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