Facts and Figures 2021/2022

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International and regional — IV

Regional network The University of St.Gallen is involved in several local and regional networks and is a member of the following organisations: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

benevol St.Gallen DenkRaumBodensee IHK –St.Gallen-Appenzell Chamber of Industry and Commerce International Association of Lake Constance Universities (IBH) IT St.Gallen rocks! Kantonaler Gewerbeverband St.Gallen (KGV) Quartierverein Nordost-Heiligkreuz Quartierverein Rotmonten REGIO Appenzell AR − St.Gallen − Bodensee Rosenberg Quartierverein Startfeld – Innovation Network in the St.GallenBodensee Region St.GallenBodenseeArea St.Gallen-Bodensee Tourism Textilland Ostschweiz Wirtschaft Region St.Gallen WISG


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