Research News October 2015

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Contents: New Funding, Grants and Research Projects Researcher in the Spotlight Recent Publications and Scientific Articles Dissertations Research Group in Focus Current Issues

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Editor: Riikka Kalmi, Science Editor tel. +358 29 449 8231, email Layout: Mari Ala-Mikkula Research News in the Internet: Next newsletter will be published in December.

3 New Funding and Research Projects (> 10 000 €)

University lecturer Ilkka Luoto got 70 800 euros for the project ”Tietoverkkoyhteyksien rooli maaseutupaikkojen suhteellisen aseman muutoksessa” (The role of IT networks in the change of the relative position of rural communities) based on the statement of YTR from Development Fund Agriculture and Forestry (MAKERA). Research manager Karita Mård-Miettinen got 15 000 euros from Aktia foundation for the project Språkbadsläraridentitet i utveckling (Immersion teachership in development). Project director Katri Karjalainen got 70 000 euros for the project eClassroom tandem, of wich 20 000 euros to the University of Vaasa and 50 000 to the Åbo Akademi. The Swedish Cultural Foundation also gave Katri Karjalainen 15 000 euros for the Workshop on Multilingualism. Professor pole of Foundations has given 27 000 euros grant to professor Jussi Nikkinen, professor Nina Pilke and professor Vesa Suutari for 12 months. Professors also got a travelling grant for 5000 euros each. Professor Merja Koskela got 10 000 euros for “Sujuva sijoittajaviestintä” (Clear and fluent investor communication) from Aktia Vaasa foundation. University lecturer Maria Järlström and her research “Ekonomit työuralla – Persoonallisuus ja uraorientaatiot uraliikkuvuuden ja uramenestyksen selittäjänä” (The Careers of Business School Graduates – Personality and career orientation as explainers of career movement and career success) got 22 000 euros from Kaute foundation. Professor Seppo Niemi, professor Kimmo Kauhaniemi and development manager Reino Virrankoski got 290 000 euros funding for the first season of FLEXe from Tekes. FLEXe is a SHOK program and its purpose is to develop flexibility in future energy systems. The South Ostrobothnia Regional Fund of the Finnish Cultural gave approximately 230 000 euros to researchers of Vaasa University.


4 New Funding and Research Projects (> 10 000 €) HERCULES-2 project gets EU Horizon 2020 funding Professor of Energy Technology Seppo Niemi’s HERCULES-2 project is the first project here in the University of Vaasa to get a large funding from EU’s Horizon 2020 program. HERCULES-2 is a joint project of two major European engine manufacturer groups MAN Diesel & Turbo and Wärtsilä, some other companies like Dinex Ecocat and several universities and research centers. EU funding for the whole project is over 16,8 million euros. – University of Vaasa gets 1,5 million euros EU funding for the project, tells professor Seppo Niemi. University of Vaasa has a long term research co-operation with Wärtsilä and other energy companies, like Dinex Ecocat. The project HERCULES-2 is targeting at a fuel-flexible large marine engine, optimally adaptive to its operating environment. – Improving fuel flexibility for seamless switching between different fuel types, developing adaptive control methodologies and achieving near zero-emissions, explains Seppo Niemi. According to Niemi, HERCULES-2 is going to be the first project involving experimental research conducted in the new Energy Business Innovation Center. The new laboratory is currently being built in Palosaari and got recently a large funding from Tekes. – The big goal here is to enhance the global competitiveness of Finnish export industry, says Niemi. Niemi sees HERCULES-2 as a great opportunity to the University of Vaasa. – I want thank the companies for trusting us and having a long-term co-operation. Niemi says that several researchers from the university are doing research in this project. The goal is to advance doctoral dissertations.


5 Researcher in the Spotlight

Tero Vartiainen – a new professor of Information Systems Research in the University of Vaasa is excited – he has found a research theme that other researchers haven’t yet thought about and which could be crucial for better understanding of information systems. – The inner paradoxes of human conduct should be taken into consideration also in the information systems research, Vartiainen says. In his free time Vartianen loves geocaching – he has already found around 2 700 caches. One day when found a cache he began to think about the inner paradoxes in geocaching. People who like geocaching usually love nature and want to preserve it. The paradox is – while doing geocaching – they always leave a mark to the forest by just walking there and thus maybe harming it unintentionally. –Joint value creation is accompanied by joint value destruction. Information systems research examines the relationship between IT artefacts and all human conduct. – Traditional research and teaching themes are developing information systems, its different phases and challenges, the success of IT projects, usability of software and information security, Vartiainen explains. Vartiainen is going to research ethics in the IT field, the other big theme is the management of IT project and the role of a project manager. Vaasa is a new town for Vartiainen. He was born 1970 in Lieksa and did his Master’s degree in Joensuu 1995 and PhD in Jyväskylä 2005. He has previously worked as a senior lecturer in Pori for the University of Turku and as a senior research fellow in the University of Oulu. Vartiainen says he is really interested in networking with colleagues from different units of the University of Vaasa – for example in Management and Energy Technology. OCTOBER 2015

6 Recent Publications and Scientific Articles

Several high-quality articles have been published by the researcher of the university. Publications at level 2 or 3 in the Finnish Publication Forum classification (Jufo) are presented.

Level 2 journals Annika Tidström an article Applying the principles of Yin-Yang to market dynamics. On the duality of cooperation and competition in Marketing Theory. Kristiina Abdallah a book chapter Projektinhallintaa ja työelämätaitoja kieliasiantuntijoille in the book Käännetyt maailmat, published by Gaudeamus. Nestori Siponkoski a book chapter Tutkijan urapolulla ja sen risteyksissä in the book Käännetyt maailmat, published by Gaudeamus. Sirkku Aaltonen, Nestori Siponkoski and Kristiina Abdallah a book chapter Alkusanat in the book Käännetyt maailmat, published by Gaudeamus. Gun-Viol Vik and Tuija Kinnunen a book chapter Oikeustulkkaus osana monikielistä oikeudenkäyntiä in the book Käännetyt maailmat, published by Gaudeamus. Vladimir A. Bochko a book chapter Multispectral Imaging in Handbook of Digital Imaging, published by John Wiley and sons. Yi Wang a book chapter Transaction cost perspectives and alliances and joint ventures: explanatory power and empirical limitations in Handbook of International Alliance and Network Research, published by Edward Elgar. Adam Smale and Jennie Sumelius an article Aligning corporate transfer intentions and subsidiary HRM practice implementation in multinational corporations in Journal of World Business. Liandong Zhu an article Microalgal culture strategies for biofuel production: a review in Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining.


7 Recent Publications and Scientific Articles

Anna-Maria Holma with Anu Bask and Katri Kauppi an article Ensuring corporate travel compliance – Control vs. commitment strategies in Tourism Management. Sirkku Aaltonen and Liisa Laukkanen a book chapter Mitä käännökset voivat meille kertoa? in the book Käännetyt maailmat, published by Gaudeamus. Harri Raisio and Pirkko Vartiainen an article Accelerating the public’s learning curve on wicked policy issues: results from deliberative forums on euthanasia in Policy Sciences. Marianne Nordman an article Språkliga vägvisare för den som skriver juridisk text på svenska – ett tidsperspektive in Folkmalsstudier. Yohanes Kristianto and Petri Helo with Roger Jianxin Jiao an article A system level product configurator for engineer-to-order supply chains in Computers in Industry. Jorma Larimo, Huu Le Nguyen and Tahir Ali an article Performance measurement choices in international joint ventures: What factors drive them? in Journal of Business Research. Kati Saarenpää a book chapter International Business Travel and WorkFamily Balance: Research Review and Future Directions in the book Work and Family Interface in the International Career Context, published by Springer. Kim Ittonen and Per-Christensen Tronnes an article Benefits and Costs of Appointing Joint Audit Engagement Partners in Auditing: A Journal or Practice and Theory. Liisa Mäkelä and Vesa Suutari a book chapter The Work and Personal Life Interface in the International Career Context: An Introduction in the book Work and Family Interface in the International Career Context, published by Springer. Liisa Mäkelä with Helen De Cieri and Audra Mockaitis a book chapter International Business Traveler, Is Work Always on Your Mind? An Investigation of the Relationship Between Sources of Social Support and OCTOBER 2015

8 Recent Publications and Scientific Articles

Satisfaction with Work-Related International Travel: The Moderating Role of Over-Commitment in the book Work and Family Interface in the book International Career Context, published by Springer. Esa Lehtinen with Pekka P채lli a book chapter Practical genre knowledge as professional competence: The case of managerial meetings in the book Linking discource studies to professional practice, published by Multilingual Matters. Henna Syrj채l채 an article Turning point of transformation: Consumer communities, identity projects and becoming serious dog hobbyist in Journal of Business Research. Aushiq Ali Memon and Kimmo Kauhaniemi an article A critical review of AC Microgrid protection issues and available solutions in Electric Power Systems Research. Esa Lehtinen with Riikka Nissi an article Conducting a task while reconstructing its meaning: Interaction, professional identities and recontextualization of a written task assignment in Pragmatics.

Level 3 journals/publishers Adam Smale and Jennie Sumelius an article Dual value-based organizational identification in MNC subsidiaries: A multilevel study in Journal of International Business. Huu Le Nguyen, Jorma Larimo and Tahir Ali a book chapter Control Position Strategy, Cultural Distance, Conflict Resolution Strategies and Performance of International Joint Ventures in the book The Rise of Multinationals from Emerging Economics, published by Palgrave Mcmillan. Yi Wang and Jorma Larimo a book chapter Subsidiary survival of multinational enterprises in China: an analysis of Nordic firms in the book The Rise of Multinationals from Emerging Economics, published by Palgrave Mcmillan.


9 Recent Publications and Scientific Articles

Huu Le Nguyen and Jorma Larimo a book chapter Liability of Country of Origin and Post-acquisition Strategies of Emerging Market MNCs in Advanced Economics in the book Global Enterprise Management, New Perspectives on Challenges and Future Developments, published by Palgrave Mcmillan.

Rodrigo Rabetino and Marko Kohtamäki with Heini Lehtonen and Hanna Kostama wrote an article Developing the concept of life-cycle service offering. The study was set out to create a concept of the life-cycle service offering by reviewing previous studies and collecting empirical data from seven manufacturing companies. –We developed a framework for life-cycle service offering by synthesizing eleven main categories of industrial services based on an empirical categorization of 1638 services from seven manufacturing firms. The created concept of life-cycle service offering facilitate analysis, benchmark, and service development for value creation and appropriation in manufacturing companies, Kohtamäki explains.

–Research process was lengthy, but the results are valuable for both theory and practice. Publishing in high quality journals require 1. managerial relevance, 2. rigorous use of methods and 3. clear theoretical contribution, Kohtamäki says.

Rodrigo Rabetino

According to Kohtamäki this study required extensive systematic literature review, and especially extensive data analysis.

The study was part of FIMECC FutIS and S4Fleet programs funded by Tekes. Article was published in Industrial Marketing Management which is level 3 journal.


10 Dissertations

25.9. Kujala, Anne (Social and Health Administration) Esimiesten ammattijohtamisvalmiuksien mittaaminen visuaalisella kehyskertomuksella – murtuuko myytti? Tarkastelussa terveys- ja sosiaaliala (The Measurement of the Managers of Professional Management Capability by the visual Frame Story – will Myth be busted? The review of Health and Social Care). Acta Wasaensia 333, Social and Health Administration 10. In general media discussion it has been said many times that hospitals have poor management and especially the doctors are bad managers. According to Anne Kujala’s research the doctors believe this myth and see themselves as bad managers. Kujala studied managers’, who work in the health and social sector, ability to professionally manage their own organizations and workplaces. The subject of her research was the capability for profession management, a.k.a. the knowledge and skills of management behavior that are acquired by education and practice. – Paramedical Science degree managers estimate themselves to be better, and the medical directors to be weaker profession managers, than in other groups of managers, says Kujala. The myth of doctors as bad managers is however not the reality. According to the research results, among the managers with the degree Doctor of Medicine, are more of those managers whose management profile can be classified as profession managers, than in other groups of managers. When measured with Finnish school grades the profession management skills of the managers in health and social sector were seen as 7 (satisfactory) or 6 (fair). In the research, over 400 managers of health and social sector were shown movie clips about managing, from which the managers and the supervisors’ task was to recognize 30 different profession management capabilities. Kujala says that good management of health and social sector needs managers who are able to regulate their own leadership behavior. – A manager who has good capabilities for profession management, appreciates their own employees, and the organization they are managing, is also appreciated. RESEARCH NEWS

11 Dissertations

25.9. Mäenpää, Teemu (Information Technology) Utilization of adjacency model in graph analysis. Acta Wasaensia 335, Information Technology 14.

24.9.2015 Oguji, Nnamdi (Marketing) Foreign acquisition entrystrategies and performance of Finnish multinationals: The role of entry motives, institutions and host country capabilities. Acta Wasaensia 334, Business Administration 136. 19.9.2015 Kinnunen, Niina (Information Technology) Tietoturvaohjeistusten noudattamisen motivaatio ja sen muuttuminen (Motivation for following information security instructions and change therein). Acta Wasaensia 331, Information Technology 13.

28.8.2015 Toivanen, Mervi (Economics) Essays on Credit Contagion and Shocks in Banking. Acta Wasaensia 332, Economics 9.

28.8.2015 Pitkäkoski, Tuija (Marketing) Elämysperusteisen ruokapalvelutapahtuman tuottamisen konseptointi Teemallisuus, prosessimaisuus ja kokonaisvaikutelma markkinoinnin johtamisen haasteena (Building a Production Concept for experiential Food Service Event –Theming, processing and holistic impression as challenge in marketing management). Acta Wasaensia 330, Business Administration 135. 21.8.2015 Yazigi, Adil (Mathematics in Economics) Representations and Regularity of Gaussian Processes Acta Wasaensia 329, Statistics and mathematics 12.

20.8.2015 Brännbacka, Bertil (Electrical Engineering) Technical improvements of Windside wind turbine systems. Acta Wasaensia 328, Electrical Engineering 3.


12 Dissertations

23.6.2015 Norrgrann, Anu (Marketing) Symbolically embedded – Essays on the creation and use of symbolic resources in furniture networks. Acta Wasaensia 327, Business Administration 134. 4.6. 2015 Ahmadzadegan, Mohammad Hossein (Information Technology) Security-Centric Analysis and Performance Investigation of IEEE 802.16 WiMAX. Acta Wasaensia 325, Information Technology 12.

3.6. 2015 Lundström, Niklas (Regional Studies) Aluekehittämisen pirullinen peli (Wicked game of regional development). Acta Wasaensia 326, Regional science 14.

22.5. 2015 Dutta, Anupam (Statistics) Essays on Testing Long-Run Abnormal Stock Returns. Acta Wasaensia 324, Statistics and mathematics 11.

21.5. 2015 Turunen, Linda (Marketing) Consumers’ Experiences of Luxury – Interpreting the Luxuriousness of a Brand. Acta Wasaensia 323, Business Administration 133. 13.5.2015 Salo, Marika (Business Law) Hyvä liiketoimintapäätös ja johdon vastuu (The good business decision and the liability of directors). Talentum 2015.

13.5.2015 Kurvinen, Pekka (Management) Media-ammattilaisen sisäinen puhe (Inner Speech of a Media Professional). Acta Wasaensia 321, Business Administration 131.


13 Dissertations

9.5.2015 Eronen, Maria (Communication studies) Rhetoric of Self-Expressions in Online Celebrity Gossip. Acta Wasaensia 320, (Väitöskirja) Communication Studies 1.

5.5.2015 Myllymäki, Emma-Riikka (Accounting and Finances) Essays on Internal Control and External Auditing in the Context of Financial Reporting Quality. Acta Wasaensia 322, Business Administration 132.

PDFs and orders


14 Research Group in Focus

Consumption Research and Value Creation The Consumption Research and Value Creation research group is founded on the long traditions of research on consumer behavior in the Marketing department. The group consists of four professors, half a dozen post docs and ten doctoral students. The group is organized in teams around different research issues that cover quite broadly theoretical and methodological actual arenas in consumer behavior and usage value research. – Majority of our studies can be characterized as basic research. This is even so in research projects conducted in cooperation with business actors and with external funding, says the head of the Consumption Research and Value Creation group, professor Martti Laaksonen. According to Laaksonen the key idea of is to create new knowledge on consumer behavior with both high academic value and the ability to assist firms to increase marketing orientation in their activities. This is achieved by focusing on real marketing challenges with the means of basic research. Four main themes The four main themes in the research group are Food consumption, Transforming energy consumption, Responsibility as business reformer and Consumption related meanings. – Food consumption is focused on because of the relevancy of food sector and bio-economy in Ostrobothnia. In the research group there is EPANET professor, who is specialized on consumer behavior on food industry, Laaksonen tells. Transforming energy consumption is the research group’s new opening focusing on the change processes related to new energy forms and circulation economy.


15 Current Issues How to get EU funding? Due to high interest towards University’s EU training programme which started in September, it has been decided that following training sessions are open to all researchers of the University of Vaasa: EU strategies and Horizon2020 & Designing Convincing Project Concepts Content: This training will provide participants with the theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice necessary to understand the European and international funding landscape and the importance of impact and policy goals in European, international and national funding programmes and to apply methodical approaches to their individual project development process to thereby maximise their chances in Research and Innovation funding programmes. Each session provides for time for participants’ questions and includes practical examples from trainer’s successful project applications. Time: Wednesday 4.11.2015 at 9.00–16.00 Place: Sauna Meeting Room, Konttori Trainer: Rita Clancy, EURIDA Research Management Sign up by Fri 30.10. at the latest: Writing High Impact Proposals for Horizon2020 (TBC) Content: Hands-on training focusing specifically on designing high impact projects and writing proposals that clearly outline the exploitation, dissemination and visibility strategies of the project and identify all the relevant stakeholders. Time: Thursday 10.12.2015 at 9.00–16.00 Place: A201 Palomäki Room, Tervahovi Trainer: TBC, but preliminary discussions have been concluded with Stephen Webb, RTDS GmbHSign up by Mon 7.12. at the latest:


University of Vaasa Wolffintie 34 P.O. Box 700, 65101 VAASA Tel. 029 449 8000

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