| CL ASS NOTES school and have accepted a nurse practitioner residency position in California. I just returned from my threeweek trip to Kenya doing a medical mission trip as well as a safari. It was magical and truly humbling. I hope everyone’s doing well.” Courtlandt Pennell and wife of 28 years Anne Lamb have moved back to Vermont after “an amazing nine-year adventure in Breckenridge, Colo.. It is so great to be HOME (although I could do without the bugs). Have been fortunate to see many 92-ers and other UVM alums since our return. Hoping our next reunion is well-attended.” Christopher Marshall Robbins writes, “After 25 years in Boston, my wife (Mel) and I moved to Dorset, Vt., where our youngest son (Oakley, 18) is attending Burr & Burton Academy, while our other two daughters (Sawyer, 24; Kendall, 22) reside in New York City and Los Angeles. In 2016, I launched a men's retreat business called Soul Degree—helping guys find more meaning in their lives. Needless to say I think often about the glorious sunsets over Lake Champlain and mid-week turns at Stowe.” Send your news to— Lisa Aserkoff Kanter jslbk@mac.com
MJ Berman lives in Washington, D.C., with his “four pretty good kids.” He looks forward to seeing everyone at the class of 1993's 30th reunion this fall. Send your news to— Gretchen Haffermehl Brainard gretchenbrainard@gmail.com
Craig Andrew Rothenberg’s son Benjamin graduated from the Dublin School and will be attending Colby College in Maine this August as a freshman. His daughter Hannah will be starting her senior year and says UVM is high on her college list. Lisa A. (Troost) Sottrel says, “My oldest child, Willem, is headed to Colorado School of Mines for his freshman year this fall and I’m excited to have someone to visit in a geographically desirable location! We’ve visited Costa Rica and Alaska so far this year and really loved both destinations. My husband and I are still working at our respective family businesses and staying alive despite the tight labor market and supply chain problems. I hope all is well with my UVM brethren!” Send your news to— Cynthia Bohlin Abbott cyndiabbott@hotmail.com
Rachel Foy is proud to announce the 10-year anniversary of real estate brokerage Hillman Homes and says she “would be thrilled to help any alumni looking to buy, sell, or rent in Massachusetts or New Hampshire.” Carl (Fuzzy) Martin thanks all the UVMers who sponsored his walk at the 10th annual CLCSN Walk for Cancer this past June at Club Motorsports in Tamworth, N. H.: Carol Martin ’64, Lois Chadbourne ’64, Denise Owens ’87, Melissa Springer ’88, Wayne Chadbourne ’92, Arnie Juanillo ’92, and Greg Rua. Send your news to— Valeri Susan Pappas vpappas@davisandceriani.com
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