WE ARE ALL HERE TO HELP You have made an important decision to enter higher education and to join us at the University of Wolverhampton. We understand this represents both a significant personal and financial commitment, so we offer a wide range of outstanding support and expertise to help you make the most of your time at University. The main thing to remember is that you are not alone. Each year, approximately 7,000 students join this University and each of them will be going through the same anxieties and concerns as you. We are here to ensure that your transition into and through higher education is as smooth as possible. If in doubt, ask – no question is too small or too silly (and you probably won’t be the first to ask it). REQUESTS FOR COURSEWORK EXTENSIONS AND EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES If you experience an illness, or other serious personal difficulty, which prevents you from completing an assignment, you may request an extension, through e:Vision, to the submission deadline. A maximum of seven days’ extension will be granted if your claim is considered valid. Where your illness or personal difficulty is so serious that you consider your performance in one or more modules has been affected, or you are unable to attend a formal examination, you should make a claim for extenuating circumstances through e:Vision before the assessment date. If your claim is accepted you will normally be offered the opportunity to take assessment as if for the first time (with no grade penalty) within the current year. Retrospective applications will not be considered.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE If you experience problems, whether medical or personal, which will affect your ability to study for an extended period (ie. more than a couple of weeks), you might want to consider applying to the University, through e:Vision, to take a temporary break from your studies in the form of a Leave of Absence. This can be for a minimum of one and a maximum of four semesters (2 years). EXPECTANT MOTHERS AND PARENTAL/ ADOPTION LEAVE The STAR Office will be able to offer advice if you become pregnant and/or need to take parental/adoption leave during your studies. For more information, visit: wlv.ac.uk/star or email us at: internationalTNE@wlv.ac.uk