3 minute read

Tangent to Run Provost’s Innovation Challenge on Accommodation

Ailbhe Noonan


Tangent has announced that it will be running the annual Provost’s Innovation Challenge on the theme of “student accommodation”. The challenge aims to get students involved in developing solutions to major social issues.

The theme was decided following a public vote in which people voted on a number of topics selected by Provost Linda Doyle.

The challenge will be run from February 10th-12th during which time students will work together to develop a solution to the student accommodation crisis. There is a €1,000 prize for the winning solution.

Previous years have focused on a variety of themes, with last year’s being focused on sustainable fashion. The programme has also seen the launch of businesses such as Foodcloud, which is designed to help businesses redistribute surplus food to those who need it.

In a press release announcing the challenge, a spokesperson for Tangent said: “We know students want to make a positive impact on society, and the world around them, and that’s what the Provost’s Challenge is all about”.

“Trinity has a long-standing commitment to social innovation, which is crucial to addressing some of the most pressing issues facing society today, and to preventing global crises of the future”, they continued.

“The Provost’s Innovation Challenge provides a fun and creative environment for teams of students to work on solutions to real-world problems. This is also a great opportunity to meet new people and students from different schools and faculties.”

In a video discussing the 2021 Provost’s Innovation Challenge, Gavan Drohan, head of student entrepreneurship at Tangent, said: “It’s always amazing to see the variety of the projects, and I love seeing that the passion is there to continue to work through the academic year”.

“That’s part of the function of Tangentwe have a number of different supports for whatever pathway they want to go through or whatever time they have available.”

Doyle also commented on the challenge:

“The Provost’s Challenge is all about empowering students to look at the world and think in terms of solutions to global and societal problems”, she said.

Speaking on her experiences with the Provost’s challenge, Ellen Ryall, one of the 2020 winners, said: “After we won the Provost’s challenge, we went on to enter a couple more competitions and accelerator programs, we got into LaunchBox and we entered [the] Blackstone Fellowship, an accelerator in the US”.

An tOllamh Dónall Mac Dónaill Ceaptha mar Dhéan Sóisearach ag Bord an Choláiste

Siothrún Sardina

Senior Editor

Aistrithe ag Siothrún Sardina

Iríomhphost a sheol a Propast Linda Doyle chuig an Coláiste uilig Déardaoin an 26ú de mhí Eanáir, fógraíodh ceapachán an tOllamh Dónall Mac Dónaill mar Dhéan Sóisearach. Tagann sé i gcomharbas ar an iar-dhéan sóisearach, an tOllamh Philip Coleman.

Is ollamh de chuid Scoil an Bhéarla é an t-iarDhéan Sóisearach. Bhí sé ina chomhalta ó 2015 agus bhí ról age mar Cláraitheoir na Seomraí ó 2018 go 2021. Bhí sé ar fhoire - ann an Déin Shóisearaigh ó 2016, agus bhí sé mar Dhéan Sóisearach ó 2020 go 2023.

Is é Mac Dónaill Cláraitheoir reatha na Seomraí é, agus bhí se mar Déan Sóisearach Cúnta ó 2019 go 2021. Thairis sin, ról aige mar Dhéan Sóisearach Reatha cúpla uair i rith an ama seo. Ag labhairt faoi cheapacháin an Déin nua, dúirt an Propast Doyle “Tá a lán taithí aige agus é ag tabhairt faoi ról an Déin Shóisearaigh. Tá an-taithí aige ar a bheith ag tabhairt tacaíochta do mhic léinn agus tá sé ina Oide leis an gColáiste ón mbliain 2014.” Thug Doyle a buíochas don iarDhéan Sóisearach chomh maith as a chuid oibre sa phost. “Ba mhaith liom deis seo a thapú chun buíochas a ghabháil leis an Déan Sóisearach atá ag dul as oifig, an tOllamh Philip Coleman, as na blianta seirbhíse tiomanta atá curtha i gcrích aige. Bhí Philip ina Dhéan Sóisearach Cúnta (2016-2020), Cláraitheoir na Seomraí (2018-2021) agus ina Dhéan Sóisearach ón mbliain 2020 go dtí 2023. Tá an t-uafás déanta aige dár bpobal anseo i gColáiste na Tríonóide.” Bíonn Oifig an Déin Shóisearaigh i gceannas ar roinnt codanna ar leith de shaol an Choláiste agus na mac léinn. I measc a dhualgais atá: maoirseacht ar iompar na mac léinn de réir chód iompair an Coláiste, gníomh smachtaithe, ceaduithe a thabhairt d’aíonna a fhanann thar oíche, agus ceaduithe a thabhairt d’ócáidí, do chóisirí, agus do chruinnithe ar an gcampas.

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