Herff College of Engineering Spring 2021 Update

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What makes Herff, Herff? Never has the answer to that question been more obvious than right now. In the middle of a pandemic, this Herff community continues to prove that we have the fierce determination and talent to stay focused on doing more. Our research work is barreling forward, because nothing can stop our drive. With pride, I invite you to read on and take in the most recent Herff accomplishments and some extraordinary plans for our near future.

Dr. Rick Sweigard Dean, Herff College of Engineering

HERFF HONES STEM EXCELLENCE Plans unveiled for an impressive $41M research and classroom facility dedicated to STEM disciplines. The design itself is a symbol of engineering.

By the spring of 2022, the UofM expects to break ground on a 65,000-square-foot facility that will serve as a new home for STEM research, instruction and competition/ exhibit space. The project is a signal to our students, faculty and the community that we are deeply dedicated to STEM excellence now and for decades to come. It also creates an inviting front door on the west side of campus that becomes an eye-catching focal point for the University. The design incorporates a lattice wall structure — unique in that it is not a normal glass “curtain wall” which would be attached to a steel support structure. The steel mullions are actually the support structure, so they become symbols of engineering on display.

Future of STEM will be shaped in Memphis. The structure represents the continuing aspirations for the ongoing success of the Herff College of Engineering and will take it to an entirely new level. While

HERFF HEALS Over the last several months, Dr. Amber Jennings’ lab in Herff’s Department of Biomedical Engineering received fantastic funding news. Jennings received a notable 2020 National Science Foundation (NSF) five-year, $543,551, EARLY CAREER award related to developing materials that have a synthetic biofilm-disrupting molecule on their surface, thereby preventing or treating deadly infection.


Herff’s growing engineering programs will benefit greatly from the space, the facility will also be used by the University’s College of Arts & Sciences. Design plans include an advanced manufacturing lab, biomaterials lab, earthquake engineering lab, cyber security lab, data science lab, a lab for the UofM’s Institute for Intelligent Systems and potentially an ag-tech lab.

Rich in space and light.

The addition of this spectacular facility will energize and enliven a critical corridor on campus, creating a hub of innovation and collaboration where students can gather in labs for coursework-related design projects, for projects related to competitions and for meetings through student organizations. A walkway will connect the new STEM building to the current engineering building. This is a monumental step forward for Herff, and we are grateful that engineering is valued, celebrated and generously supported in Memphis.

Jennings lands NSF EARLY CAREER and DOD awards for healing technologies.

In addition, her lab was chosen by the Department of Defense (DOD) for $1.3M in awards for ongoing extensive research with a natural polymer, chitosan. Chitosan-based biomaterials can be used in burn wound dressings, bringing pain relief and preventing infection in the critical first 24 to 72 hours of application. Jennings will also

collaborate with another university on a DOD project focused on using a chitosan-based membrane to prevent infection after bone and musculoskeletal trauma. Jennings, an assistant professor at the UofM, is focused on moving these technologies forward for use in the military and civilian population as soon as possible.


HERFF HARNESSES In July 2020, Herff assistant professor Dr. Ranganathan Gopalakrishnan received a prestigious, $750,000, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) EARLY CAREER award from the DOE’s Fusion Energy Sciences program. With the world’s energy problem looming, Gopalakrishnan is determined to play his part in what could be a world-changing breakthrough. His research project, “Thermodynamics and Transport Models of Strongly Coupled

Harnessing clean, limitless fusion energy is Gopalakrishnan’s goal — now bolstered by a DOE EARLY CAREER award.

Dusty Plasmas,” seeks to understand how dust particles behave collectively, so they can be avoided and minimized. Complex dusty plasmas are multi-species systems that consist of electrons, ions, neutral species and charged micro/ nanometer-sized grains interacting with each other predominantly through electrical forces. As complex dusty grains accumulate, they soak up energy from the

plasma that could otherwise be extracted as power generated from the fusion process. If Dr. Gopalakrishnan is successful at understanding how dust particles behave, then reactors can be designed to mitigate the effect of dust mechanisms. We might someday be able to harness fusion from the solar system and turn it into clean power for our way of life on earth. Simply amazing.

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Herff’s Historic Moment ASEE places Herff among the nation’s leaders for creating diverse and inclusive culture. In January 2021, Herff received word from the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Diversity Recognition Program that we earned Bronze-level recognition, the highest level currently available from the program. This is a milestone moment at Herff — one we’ve passionately strived for and worked diligently to achieve. Our faculty are constantly seeking ways to open paths for women and underrepresented minorities in engineering. The ASEE Bronze award proves the strength and follow-through of our Herff College Diversity Strategic Plan. We will always be focused on promoting a culture of inclusivity — it’s the Herff way.

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