Empower, Winter 2013

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exclusive updates on the empowering the dream centennial campaign WINTER 2012

Laurie Tucker: Shares the Skills for Success page 4



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Laurie Tucker:

Shares the Skills for Success

Support for Students • Endowed scholarships for undergraduate students: $22 million • Endowed fellowships and assistantships for graduate students: $40 million • Annual operating support: $6 million Support for Faculty • Endowed professorships and chairs: $46 million • Faculty development and research support: $36 million

Dr. G. James Gholson Jr.:

Retired Professor Continues Family Legacy of Leadership

Bryan Fox:

Planning for the Future Dreamers

Support for Facilities • Downtown Law School building: $12 million • New Nursing and School of Communication Sciences and Disorders building: $18 million • New Music center: $40 million • Alumni center: $10 million • New and expanded Athletic facilities: $20 million As the University of Memphis moves into our second century, we will strive to have an even greater impact through our commitment to:

Ben and Martha Bryant:

From Dreamers and Thinkers to Doers

• Respond to business leaders by educating a prepared, informed workforce for tomorrow. • Create new programs to enhance co-curricular and student academic activities.


Delaine Smith:

Commitment to the University

The University of Memphis has launched the most ambitious campaign in its history. With a goal of $250 million, the Empowering the Dream Centennial Campaign will build endowment to attract and retain world-class faculty and talented students, add new buildings and establish crucial program support for strategic areas of study.

• Create a 21st-century campus environment featuring facilities relevant to student learning, research and community engagement. • Attract high-caliber students, and recruit and retain preeminent faculty, creative teachers and skilled researchers to address critical societal issues. • Provide financial support to ensure student success through endowed undergraduate scholarships and endowed graduate fellowships. • Promote faculty excellence in teaching, research and service through the creation of 100 endowed professorships. • Encourage students and faculty to cultivate engaged partnerships for sharing knowledge and serving people in our community and beyond.

A MESSAGE FROM DR. SHIRLEY C. RAINES Our historic Empowering the Dream Centennial Campaign reflects upon the early 20th-century establishment of an important place for the education of teachers to serve schools in West Tennessee. NOW, one hundred years later, we are in the final months of an unprecedented effort to ensure the vital growth and proven worth of the University of Memphis during the 21st century. For the first time in our history, we have brought together alumni, friends, fans, and community and business partners from throughout the nation to build endowments for support of student scholarships, research, faculty development and major facilities. Endowment funding is crucial to the attraction of top-ranking students. With ample scholarships for talented undergraduates and increased fellowships and assistantships for graduates, we will enroll those students who excel in fields relevant to the needs of today’s complex society. A university’s reputation is closely linked with the reputation of its faculty. Increased funding for endowed professorships and chairs will foster the recruitment of distinguished faculty. The

recognition that we have many esteemed faculty members who are skilled teachers and accomplished researchers enriches our student experiences and enhances the community’s reputation. Donors to the Empowering the Dream Campaign have already made possible the awardwinning renovation of the historic Downtown Law School and the Crews Ventures Lab. As we enter these last months of the campaign, we continue to seek private support to qualify for state matching funds for key academic buildings that will create significant economic, workforce and societal development across our entire region. Two such facilities are the new Community Health Building (which will house the Loewenberg School of Nursing and the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders) and the new Music Center (which will better serve the preeminent Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music). For every one dollar secured in private support toward these much-needed capital projects, the state of Tennessee will provide three dollars of additional support. Simply put, we must realize this extraordinary opportunity.

Thanks to thousands of donors and over 120 dedicated campaign volunteers, the University of Memphis has NOW secured more than $230 million in commitments, including invaluable planned and estate gifts. This comprises 92% of our campaign goal of $250 million.

goal, and together, we will empower many dreams. Sincerely,

Shirley C. Raines President

We ask you to join us NOW, at this defining time in the history of the University of Memphis. Your gift will help us attain our

TRACKING our PROGRESS Thanks to more than 120 committed volunteer leaders and thousands of generous alumni and friends, more than $230 million in commitments have been secured. This represents an impressive 92% toward the $250 million Empowering the Dream Campaign goal.

Laurie Tucker Shares the Skills for Success The Avron B. Fogelman Center for Professional Career Development

When Laurie Tucker (BBA ’78, MBA ’83) walks across the University of Memphis campus, she is struck by the incredible changes that have occurred since she was a student. “Campus development has been so significant in the past decade,” she says proudly. “I wish all of our alumni could see how impressive it is now. The campus itself is so beautiful, and the programs are really something to be proud of.” Tucker — who is senior vice president of corporate marketing for FedEx®, a member of the University of Memphis Board of Visitors and the Foundation Board of Trustees, and a member of the Fogelman College Executive Advisory Board as well as the Centennial 100 — has been one of the University’s most consistent supporters.



She is among a somewhat elite group of female executives, however, who have made such a commitment. “Women have been in top leadership positions for decades now,” she explains. “And, as we have matured in our leadership roles, it is time to step up to the plate with our charitable giving and influence corporate commitments as well.” Balancing a demanding career, family responsibilities and community leadership positions certainly fills her time. Luckily, Tucker knows that what she gives back will shape the lives of others, as well as the city she loves. Recently, she chose to make a sizeable donation toward the Avron B. Fogelman Center for Professional Career Development, a relatively new effort named for the local real estate entrepreneur and philanthropist. “The new center will include basic services such as mentoring, internships, career counseling and job placement,” explains Tucker. “But, it will also include programs focused on business ethics, professionalism, and personal and interpersonal skill enhancement.” Tucker notes that the new center will ensure the sustainability of such programs and encourage an even greater impact on the development of U of M students into the business leaders of tomorrow.

“Being successful in the business world is about more than just knowing your trade or watching the bottom line.” “Being successful in the business world is about more than just knowing your trade or watching the bottom line,” explains Tucker. “You have to know how to network. You have to feel comfortable with business etiquette. You have to feel confident at business lunches so you can focus on the work at hand.” As a woman who made it to the top offices at a time when glass ceilings were still all too common, Tucker knows the importance of simultaneously maintaining your sense of self while also fitting into the corporate culture. “You can’t have a great city without a great university,” she adds. “My involvement with the Centennial Campaign has helped me understand how important it is to communicate to the alumni and the broader community that our shared goals will only be achieved with their financial support.” Thanks to support such as hers, many more U of M students will graduate with the personal development, holistic knowledge and skills needed to succeed.

DID YOU KNOW? Through the Fogelman Center for Professional Career Development, more than 100 students annually participate in the First Tennessee Professionalism First! program, which has resulted in numerous job and internship placements. This program and others allow our students the chance to experience the personal and professional benefits of healthy, holistic living.

Retired Professor Continues Family Legacy of Leadership The James and Christopher Gholson Scholarship Fund

The Gholson family has a tradition of supporting education and music. Recognized as the namesake of a middle school in Maryland for his commitment to education as a high school principal charged to desegregate schools, General James Gholson Sr. also instilled the love for learning in his family. “I’m so proud of him,” notes Dr. G. James Gholson Jr., recently retired music professor at the University of Memphis. “He committed his life to education and democracy and his comprehensive desegregation plan became a national model.” Dr. G. James Gholson Jr. was the first African-American professor in the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music in 1972, first chair clarinetist in the Memphis Symphony Orchestra in 1979, and the first African-American First Chair at the University. Retired in 2012, he holds an undergraduate degree from Michigan State University and a Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts from The Catholic University, and he is an emeritus member of the Memphis Woodwind Quintet. A frequent soloist with the United States Navy Band in Washington, D.C., during the Vietnam War, Gholson received the University’s 2007 FLAME Award and has received acclaim as author of The Seasoned Clarinetist, the Unitus.org website and Windscapes (a videotaped series of clarinet primers). He is currently working on a

book about the Civil War. Gholson’s wife, Billie Baker Gholson, was the first African-American graduate from the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music. Christopher Gholson, also known by the stage name “Drumma Boy,” attended the University of Memphis as a Music Business major before earning recognition from the New York Times, Southern Entertainment Awards, the Ozone Awards and the BET Hip Hop Awards.

undergraduate and graduate students majoring in Commercial Music or Woodwinds at the University of Memphis. One award per year will be made, based on financial need, musical talent, demonstration of understanding the importance of reading speed and comprehension for underrepresented communities, and tutoring to document reading improvement while in the program. The scholarship will celebrate both the enterprise and

We wanted to support the music school and impact literacy levels for the local community. Dr. Gholson’s father and mother, a music teacher, began the family tradition of sharing education. They would likely be proud to know that their son continues to impact students’ lives, even after retiring from decades in the classroom, through the establishment of a scholarship fund with his son. The award will support the family’s commitment to reading as an avenue toward cultural literacy, engaged scholarship and musical endeavor for students of underrepresented communities. The James and Christopher Gholson Scholarship is available for

the study of music, while encouraging greater literacy in the Mid-South. “We wanted to support the music school and impact literacy levels for the local community,” explains Dr. Gholson. “As committed champions of the arts who always magnify Memphis music on and off campus, we recognize that music students are usually strong readers as they develop their sightreading skills. In strengthening this basic skill [of reading], we hope to support higher levels of retention.”

Planning for the Future Dreamers: Fox Pays It Forward with Planned Giving Bryan Fox (MS, ’00) reconnected with the U of M in 2011 after reading about the new bronze tiger. He called in to make a memorial contribution, dedicated to his parents and sister. “This University has done a lot for me,” he explains. “The degree I received here gave me a good career, and I wanted to find a way to give back to those who might not be as fortunate as I am.” Upon relocating to the area and coming to the University as a nontraditional student in 1998, Fox earned his graduate degree in Human Movement Science. At the U of M, Fox also began to form strong ties with his new home. “I didn’t plan on staying in Memphis initially; I just saw it as part of my journey” he explains. “Once I finished my degree though, I found a great new career field, and there were so many things I liked about Memphis that I decided to stay.” After reconnecting with the University, Fox decided to name the U of M as a beneficiary in his retirement plans. He chose to make the planned gift to the U of M because of his love for learning and his desire to pay it forward. “I consider it an honor, a privilege and a responsibility to contribute to the University of Memphis,” he says. “In this way, I not only pay back those who have helped me but I also pay forward to those with a current or future need.”

thank Dr. Mary Fry…who provided many hours of valuable guidance with my research project and thesis.” Most importantly, however, Fox says the decision was shaped by his pastors at Hope Church, where he has been taught the importance of serving others. “We can serve by giving our time, our talents and our resources,” he adds. “I am certainly blessed by God, and I’m thankful for my University of Memphis experience and degree.” Fox hopes that his planned gift will inspire others, noting, “There are many ways to contribute: establishing a scholarship to honor a family member or designating the U of M as a beneficiary of a retirement account or life insurance policy.” Dan Murrell, planned-giving director for the University, calls Fox’s gift “visionary,” though Fox considers his donation to be something small and simple. “It does not take a large amount of resources to make a gift that can truly be magnified,” says Murrell. “We are extremely pleased that the University was the recipient of his generosity.” Fox’s gift planning was designated to be unrestricted, meaning that the University will be able to apply the funds to areas deemed in need at that time.

The decision was also made to honor several people who shaped his success. “I am very grateful to my U of M professors, Dr. Andy Fry, Dr. Yuhua Li and Dr. Larry Weiss, and I wanted to especially



From Dreamers and T hinkers to Doers

The Bryants Support New Entrepreneurs through the Crews Ventures Lab

Ben Bryant has a lifetime of entrepreneurial experience to share with U of M students. For 25 years, Bryant (BBA ’68, MS ’96) built SCB Computer Technology, Inc., from a three-person operation to a company of 1,200 employees that was named to the Forbes list of 200 Best Small Public Companies. Today, he shares his wealth of knowledge to inspire students to become the entrepreneurs of tomorrow as the Executive in Residence at the University of Memphis FedEx Institute of Technology. As members of the Centennial Campaign Steering Committee and active volunteer supporters of the Crews Ventures Lab (CVL), he and his wife, Martha, recently committed $25,000 for the project. “The purpose of the Lab is to offer a pre-early stage incubator for student and faculty initiatives,” he explains. “Many of these programs are already being scheduled to start at the FedEx Institute while construction is completed.” University technology transfer and commercialization are at the epicenter of many national economic development efforts; they provide a bridge between academia and the business community to spin off new products, technology and businesses. Many of the best research universities across the nation are joining the effort by creating similar labs and centers. In 2010, Bob Tedeschi noted in the New York Times that while these new “idea incubator” centers may appear to be academic versions of traditional business incubators, these vanguard universities instead focus on much earlier developmental stages by providing “proof-of-concept centers.” The new approach more efficiently commercializes and supports university research. The first such center, established in 2001 at the University of California, has launched 26 companies that



created more than 180 jobs and attracted $87 million in financing in less than a decade. The Crews Ventures Lab will likewise support local, technology-based economic development. Bryant points out that it will also showcase the world-class research facilities at the U of M, where these ideas are hatched.

“It isn’t a public initiative,” Bryant explains. “It is a University initiative to assist and develop the talented entrepreneurs and ideas coming out of the U of M.” The commercialization expert notes that while the CVL will draw from some of the best practices of existing local programs, it will be different in its focus on “pre-early ideas” originating within the University, as well as its free offerings to students and faculty who are chosen for participation. Noting that the FedEx Institute, which will manage the CVL, is a crown jewel for the University and the community, Bryant is excited about the potential the CVL holds to elevate the appreciation of the U of M. “The Crews Ventures Lab will help the community see the Institute for the jewel it is,” he explains. “As we start to see successful ventures coming out of the Lab and ideas brought to concept and spun off into the community, the Institute will get the recognition it deserves.”

Commitment to the University Del aine Smith

“I probably started giving my very first year out of law school, at least in some amount, so that it just became my practice.” Delaine Smith (JD, ’91) has enjoyed a successful law career for the past 20 years in Memphis. She practices in all areas of employment law and spent two decades with a private firm, litigating discrimination and harassment claims, as well as state law tort and contract claims. Earlier in 2012, she joined International Paper as Chief Counsel for Employment and Labor. She has certainly reached a point in her career where one might consider giving back to their alma mater. Smith, however, has been giving consecutively for more than 15 years. “I probably started giving my very first year out of law school, at least in some amount, so that it just became my practice,” she explains.

Consecutive gifts provide a powerful foundation for the University. The President’s Society recognizes alumni and friends, such as Smith, for demonstrating their leadership and support with annual gifts of $1,000 or more to support academic initiatives. Smith’s combined gifts now total almost $20,000. “Consecutive giving creates greater stability for the University,” says Holly Hazlett with the U of M Law School Development Office. “Membership in this giving society is a visible symbol of one’s belief in the mission of the University.” Smith has stayed active in the Federal Bar Association as the Labor and Employment Section Officer and on the Governing Board. She is also AV® Peer Review Rated by Martindale-Hubbell®. Since receiving her law degree, she has demonstrated her commitment to the University as a Lifetime Alumni Association member and a past officer for the Law Alumni Chapter Board. “I served on the board at an exciting time when the decision was made to move the school downtown,” she says. “That move had a huge impact on the community and the students.

Now we have students living and working downtown. The community is revitalized and graduates are more likely to want to stay.” Noting that the law school’s reputation has greatly increased in name recognition in recent years, Smith points to one of the primary reasons she encourages others to start supporting the school soon after graduation. “I have always heard that no matter when you graduate from a university or law school, as the prestige of that school goes up, so does the value of your degree,” she explains. “The people I meet now have a very positive impression of the University of Memphis Law School as a real up-and-coming quality school. In private practice, I was also always impressed with the quality of graduates we hired.” As to why she chooses to give year after year, Smith says that is quite a simple question to answer. “The longer I am out of school, the more I realize that the law school gave me the education I needed to have this career. I am just very grateful.”

EMPOWERING THE DREAM As with any significant undertaking, this campaign requires visionary and committed leadership. The University of Memphis is grateful to the following individuals who are empowering the dream through their generosity and service.

campaign leadership Co-Chairs Judy and Charles Burkett

Campaign Cabinet Tommie and Billy Dunavant Brenda and Frank Flautt Martha and Bobby Fogelman

Sandra and Jack Jones Pat and Mark Luttrell Dina and Brad Martin Jim McGehee

Musette and Allen Morgan Dianne and Larry Papasan Deanie Parker Honey and Rudi Scheidt

Rita Sparks Ruby and A C Wharton Norma and Kem Wilson

Campaign Steering Committee Anise and Ron Belz Marian and Mike Bruns Martha and Ben Bryant Jr.

Harriett and Hilliard Crews Evelyn and Theopolis Holeman

Betty and George Johnson Anne Marie and Tom Kadien Trish and Carl Ring

Beth and Harry Smith David Wedaman

Centennial 100 Amy Amundsen Rebecca and Mark Askew Norma and Olin Atkins Janet and Jim Ayers W. Gordon Ball Alice Nishiwaki and Reed Baskin Carolyn Williams-Bennett and Tom Bennett Carole and Emile Bizot Judy and Dave Bronczek Harold Byrd Debra and Robert Byrd Mary Calorio Mary Jo Greil and Donald K. Carson Kathy and Gene Cashman Bena and George Cates Isabel and Wei Chen Jan and Ron Coleman Margaret and Kin Dempsey Elizabeth and Robert Dinkelspiel Janice and Ted Donaldson Pamela and Phillip Donovan Andrea and Doug Edwards Amy and John Farris Fredrika and Joel Felt Bobbie and Dave Ferraro Glenna Flautt

Wendy and Avron B. Fogelman Bradley and Robert Fogelman Anne and Jerre Freeman Kathy Buckman and J.W. Gibson Dorrit and Art Gilliam Susan and Richard Glassman Susan and Alan Graf Willie H. Gregory Sr. Helen Gronauer Carolyn and Marino Hardy Jeannie and Hunter Harrison Jackie and Ron Hart Rhonda and Ken Hazen Charlotte and Fred Hodges Alison and Al Hollingsworth Margaret and Charles Hubbert Peggy and Jim Hughes Terri Murphy Hutson and Don Hutson Janet and Robert January Leesa and Larry Jensen Georgette and Cato Johnson Kim and D. Bryan Jordan

Nancy and John Kelley Marjean and Richard Kremer Margie and Jimmy Lackie Nan and Burns Landess Betty and Skip Loewenberg B. Lee Mallory John Moore Ann and Bill Morris Joanne and Morgan Morton Charlotte and Bob Neal Barbara and Jim Neely Marla Johnson Norris and James Norris Suzanne and Michael Osborn Carol and Mike Palazola Dan Palmer Vicki Roman Palmer Tommie Pardue Julie and Joe Pepe Susan and David Perdue Kimberly and Elliot Perry Diane Duncan and Knox Phillips Marguerite Piazza Rhonda and David Porter Barbara and Allie Prescott Ann and Stephen C. Reynolds Amy and Bill Rhodes

Mary and E. Taylor Richardson Barbara and H. Frank Ricks Catherine Ladnier and Mickey Robinson Cathy Ross Sandra and Joe Rowell Diane Rudner Arif Shakeel Glenda and Gary Shorb Barbara and Stefan Smith Frederick W. Smith Maxine Smith Chris Spindel Anne and John Stokes Gina and Russell Sugarmon David Sullivan Pat Kerr Tigrett Laurie and John Tucker Lynne and Henry Turley Deborah Turner Ann and Jim Vining Jeanette and Bill Watkins Robin and Tom Watson Pauline Weaver Bobby Wharton Joy and Russel Wiener Gina and Jim Wiertelak

This is the place. This is the time. This is your unprecedented opportunity to celebrate the first 100 years of the University of Memphis and create the success stories for the next century. There is no better time than now to be part of Empowering the Dream.

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D e a r F R I E N D, We are pleased to share with you the third issue of EMPOWER, the newsletter for the Empowering the Dream Centennial Campaign for the University of Memphis. Inside, you will be inspired by people who believe the University has made a difference in their lives. This issue features donors who made investments in the University because they know the impact will extend far beyond the boundaries of our campus. These philanthropists have chosen education to be their legacy in life.

A Tennessee Board of Regents Institution - An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action University. UOM235-FY1213/35M JACO BRYANT 4783 HICKORY HILL ROAD MEMPHIS TN 38141

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