Fall 2013 LSON Annual Report

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Strategically Building The Vision To Excel Preparing Leaders. Promoting Health.

Fall 2013

Our Future Home





Loewenberg School of Nursing



Fall 2013





In This Issue









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Letter From Our Leader

A Message From the Loewenberg School of Nursing Dean Preparing Leaders. Promoting Health. In my early career as an operating room nurse in a head trauma center, we treated brain injuries and often were on the road or on the helicopter with a clear goal in mind – saving lives. One day we were called to rescue injured coal miners as a large coal mine about 120 miles away from where I worked had collapsed. I never forgot how we worked as a team - surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses - collaboratively and effectively, one by one. We saved lives. Today, healthcare providers are called to work collaboratively to advance the nation’s healthcare, which should be accessible, affordable, and focused on improving patient outcomes and promoting health for all. Nursing is at a critical juncture to prepare more and better educated nurses (80% BSN and double numbers of nurses with doctorates by 2020) through innovative and quality higher education, to serve underserved and uninsured with a full scope of practice, and to partner with other healthcare providers for the advancement of healthcare. The time is now! Nurses are leading the way to solve problems and bridge healthcare gaps. As the largest segment of the healthcare workforce, nursing holds the key to creating patient- and family-centered, evidence-based healthcare that we envision for all Americans. We serve where patients and their families are, and we are entrusted by the American public. Nursing continues to top the list of the most trustworthy professions, year after year by Gallup, Inc. For more than 45 years, the Loewenberg School of Nursing has prepared outstanding nurse leaders, practitioners, clinicians, researchers, and educators. We remain committed to providing accessible and innovative higher education that prepares nursing leaders who promote health of the global community through excellence in teaching, rigorous research, and collaborative service and practice. • To make education more accessible, we launched a BSN degree program in Jackson, Tennessee, at our Lambuth Campus • To promote health for Memphians, we created “Let’s Talk Health,” a PSA campaign airing on WUMR 91.7 FM in collaboration with the University’s department of communication. • To enhance nursing research, we have Dr. Sungee Tak who joined us as Loewenberg Chair of Excellence/Associate Dean for Research. In this issue of our Loewenberg School of Nursing magazine, we share with you the outstanding achievements of our faculty, staff, students, and alumni, of whom I am so proud. We honor ten outstanding nursing students who exemplify the core values of the Loewenberg School of Nursing – Caring, Diversity, Integrity, and Leadership. We highlight the eight LSON faculty who have received DAISY Awards for their passion and skills in nursing education. My third year as Dean of Nursing at the University of Memphis has been filled with exciting challenges and phenomenal opportunities. Whether I am on the road or in the classroom, I am humbled by the overwhelming support from our community to the Loewenberg School of Nursing, from significant scholarships to the $15 million raised privately to become eligible to receive $45 million in State of Tennessee funds for a new $60 million Community Health Building on the University’s Park Avenue Campus. I thank Dr. Shirley C. Raines, our 11th president and the first female president in the University’s history, for persistently pursuing support for nursing. We also welcome interim president Mr. R. Brad Martin and new provost Dr. M. David Rudd and are thankful for their incredible leadership. Nursing will have a new home where we will prepare Dreamers. Thinkers. Doers. and continue building our Vision to Excel.

Dr. Lin Zhan, PhD, FAAN Dean and Professor



By the Numbers



students in Spring 2013

(BSN program – 499, RN-BSN program – 97, and MSN program – 272)



60 15


total faculty in 2012-2013 of which were new hires

in the 2012-2013 academic year

(BSN – 210, RN-BSN – 51,and MSN – 79)

Community Health Building

Scholarly Activities:





secured from alumni, friends, corporations, foundations and the State of Tennessee will help fund this 177,000-square-foot facility.


Funded Research in 2012-2013 and

$3,642,995 since 2010 Publications & Presentations

47 in 2012-2013 and 87 total since 2010

• 2-minute radio spots air daily and change weekly • 41 radio spots produced and aired to date • More information about Let’s Talk Health on page 9



Retention Rate

As the numbers clearly show, the Loewenberg School of Nursing has enjoyed steady growth while responding to the ever-increasing healthcare needs of Greater Memphis.

State of the School


GLOBAL As the nation is becoming more diverse and the world is flattening out, the Loewenberg School of Nursing (LSON) is poised to provide cultural learning experiences for students and to promote health for global communities. Our study abroad program (led by Drs. Gloria Carr and Jill Dapremont) to several European countries, Global Perspectives, provides a great opportunity for our students to explore and study health-care policy and delivery. Travel offers our students the opportunity to engage in rich cultural experiences, vastly different from their own. Nursing cannot practice in a cultural vacuum; therefore, as one student shared, “This learning experience has had a profound impact on my future nursing practice.”

Similarly, the LSON continues developing and growing our collaborative program with Jining Medical University in China. To date, we have had a scholarly exchange and regular Skype seminars, and we have visited Jining Medical University for two consecutive years. In May 2013, Drs. Shirleatha Lee, Belinda Fleming and Lin Zhan conducted workshops on nursing faculty development and demonstrated how to teach nursing students by cultivating their critical thinking. The LSON is reaching out on a global scale—as nursing has no geographic boundary—with an ultimate goal to promote health for all.


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Co-Chair of the Empowering the Dream Centennial Campaign, Charles Burkett addresses the crowd at the groundbreaking for the future home of LSON. 4

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BUILDING THE VISION TO EXCEL T H E C O M M U N I T Y H E A LT H B U I L D I N G The dream for a Community Health Building began with several local healthcare leaders petitioning thenTennessee Governor Phil Bredesen for support of a multimillion-dollar project to unite the faculty and facilities of the Loewenberg School of Nursing and the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders. What evolved from that early discussion was six years of planning, fund-raising, and patiently anticipating state support. Thanks to more than 35 corporations, foundations and families, the dream for a new home is becoming a reality. After raising more than $15 million in private support to secure a State of Tennessee appropriation of $45 million, the University broke ground on the $60 million Community Health Building in May 2013.

The full, two-year construction phase begins this month. The 177,000square-foot building on the future health campus of the University of Memphis is scheduled to open for Fall classes in August 2015. This building represents the vibrant future of community revitalization and interdisciplinary research that lies within the Loewenberg School of Nursing. The University’s neighbors, students and alumni will find the School and its academic programs much more accessible. Additionally, the building will allow the School to expand and enhance its services to the community. The opportunity to serve our neighbors with consolidated effort will make a tremendous difference in both the short- and longterm health of Memphis.

With construction expected to be completed in just two short years, the academic offerings will be innovative, the simulation technology will be state-of-the-art, our faculty’s programs of research will be enhanced, and our community partnerships will be strengthened. While the groundbreaking for the project was a great celebration, we look forward to a truly grand opening of the Community Health Building, where we can welcome students, faculty and community guests to our new home.

Indoor artist rendering.






Together, we are transforming nursing education, building academic and practice partnerships, and reaching out to local, regional and global communities. Our graduates from the family nurse practitioner program continue to provide much needed primary care in medically underserved areas and for vulnerable and underserved populations in Tennessee. Similarly, graduates from the Executive MSN program act as change agents whose aim is to improve patients’ outcomes at a system level of healthcare. Globally, we continue reaching out to develop nursing faculty and promote higher education for all nurses. We have a clear vision: advancing healthcare through nursing. We continue building a Vision to Excel: developing innovative and high-quality programs for diverse populations; using state-of-the-art technology to advance education, research and practice; building sustainable programs of research to advance nursing science; and forging productive partnerships to promote the health of global communities.



Goal #1: Innovation Innovation through Clinical Partnerships and Collaboration Contributed by Professor Elizabeth Thomas, MSN, RNC, Director of Clinical Education As a professor on the University’s campuses for 20 years, I have seen phenomenal growth in the numbers and quality of nursing students enrolled in the LSON nursing programs. We are attracting the best and brightest students and are now seen as the most accessible and innovative center for student success in the Mid-South region. New nurses are moving into an increasingly complex healthcare environment. Nursing educators are called upon to prepare 21st century graduates for meeting ever-changing healthcare needs. By forging meaningful partnerships and developing innovative programs with key stakeholders we will continue to lead the way as a center of nursing excellence, student learning, and professional development. As the Director of Clinical Education, I know that the key to continued high-quality nursing education is collaboration. The building blocks for sustaining and growing our cutting-edge BSN and MSN programs are community and faculty relationships. Through community partnerships, we will continue our commitment to meet the needs of healthcare and to promote the health of our global community. Sharing information and best practices with key constituents positions the LSON to become a significant conduit through which innovative ideas can be developed and disseminated. Creating an environment that enhances student learning and development prepares and empowers our students to engage in high-quality evidence-based practice. Discussions facilitated with partners, faculty and students about how to promote excellence in nursing education will prepare our road map to proactively move into the future. Together we will identify major trends in clinical education and strategize how to ensure a safe, competent and professional nursing workforce. As community ambassadors, our clinical faculty witness growth every day as they provide real-time, real-world modeling for their students and the communities we serve. We are Dreamers. Thinkers. Doers. setting the standards and leading the way toward excellence in nursing, lifelong learning and practice.

Goal #2: Technology Simulation Pushes Limits of Technology, Nursing Education Contributed by Professor Sheri Howard, Director of Simulation Since a nursing instructor first used an orange to “simulate a patient” while teaching a nursing student how to perform an injection, simulation has been used to educate nurses. New technologies have now advanced in ways to simulate hands-on, real-time patient experiences, including computer-controlled mannequins that can be programmed to display certain health conditions and complications in humans. Human patient simulators allow students to repeatedly practice skills and procedures and to make judgments and errors in a controlled setting. These special “patients” have helped revolutionize nursing education by providing another level of safety before students care for real patients in hospitals and other clinical settings.

Prof. Sheri Howard, Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of Simulation, introduces SIM Man 3G to a class. four skills labs, one health assessment lab and six simulation labs that incorporate this use of technology. Our simulation family includes three adult male patients, a post-partum adult female patient, a child and a baby as well as a mom that actually gives birth. We have also incorporated simulation in the classroom and a simulator actually travels to the classroom for certain subjects that are difficult for students to understand. As we move into a new building, this use of technology will continue with the use of camera and video equipment, which will allow students to see their performances. This will enable students to learn which skills they have successfully performed and where there is room for improvement.

Technology Essential for Effective RN to BSN Program Contributed by Professors Gerri Gass and Lisa Beasley According to the 2010 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, 80% of nurses should be baccalaureate-prepared by the year 2020. Therefore, electronic, online education is essential for the RN to BSN nursing student. Not only are many of our students employed as nurses in various organizations throughout the Mid-South, they frequently manage their families, serve in leadership roles with established charitable organizations, and seek career advancement within their organizations. An online degree from the University of Memphis LSON provides the accessibility and flexibility of an outstanding nursing program with the benefit of a global reach. The use of technology in the RN to BSN program has made getting a baccalaureate degree accessible for many of our top students. I hope you enjoy the success stories of two of our most outstanding students: Zachary Edmiston graduated from our online RN to BSN program in August of 2012, and was promoted to Clinical Director in his healthcare facility shortly thereafter. Mr. Edmiston’s leadership project advanced electronic charting compliance in certain aspects of patient assessments. Through his student project, Mr. Edmiston improved compliance and ultimately helped the hospital achieve and maintain a higher level of its accreditation status. Charity Milam’s project sought to increase compliance in patients with heart failure during the holiday seasons. Ms. Milam designed brochures focused on each holiday and the pitfalls that could send patients into an acute state of their disease, resulting in a possible readmission. In short, Ms. Milam’s project was designed to increase patient compliance and decrease hospital admissions for heart failure. She also developed a newsletter for this same group of patients that provided a detailed explanation of the disease process and tips to keep them in a well state.

The LSON has embraced these new technologies as a standard for educating our nursing students. On the Memphis Campus, we have LSO N 2013 A N N UA L R E PO RT


Goal #3: Research Dr. Sunghee H. Tak welcomed as the William A. and Ruth L. Loewenberg Chair of Excellence in Nursing

Pictured from left to right: Joel and Fredrika Felt, William “Skip” and Betty Loewenberg.

History of the Chair of Excellence In 1868, a young immigrant from Germany named “Ferdinand Loewenberg” made his way to America, where he eventually became a successful businessman. Now, almost 150 years later, Loewenberg’s legacy and his descendants’ commitment to philanthropy continue to make a major impact on the University of Memphis Loewenberg School of Nursing. When the children of Ruth and William Loewenberg (Ferdinand’s son and daughter-in-law) wanted to honor their parents with a Chair of Excellence at the University, Mr. and Mrs. Loewenberg felt strongly that the School of Nursing held the greatest promise for change in the Memphis community. “The School has come to mean a lot to our family,” William “Skip” Loewenberg (Ferdinand’s grandson) explains, “not just because it was named after my parents, but because I’ve learned how important it is for the community … It really affects everyone.” The Lichterman-Loewenberg Foundation was founded in 1948 when it was established by Ferdinand’s son, William A. Loewenberg, and Ira Lichterman, who were business partners and brothers-in-law. Since the creation of the Loewenberg Chair of Excellence in 1988, the Foundation has continued to support the Loewenberg School of Nursing’s academic and capital endeavors.

Dr. Sunghee H. Tak, an established nurse educator and researcher, joined the University of Memphis as the Loewenberg Endowed Chair of Excellence and Associate Dean for Research in January 2013. She earned baccalaureate and master’s degrees from Seoul National University and her PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. Additionally, Dr. Tak completed a Claire M. Fagin Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the field of Geriatric Nursing. She joins us from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Nursing. Dr. Tak’s program of research utilizes technology in the elderly population. She has conducted NIH research in the areas of Therapeutic Computer Activity Interventions in Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease. Looking forward, Dr. Tak will further develop a strong scholarly and research focus in the Loewenberg School of Nursing and promote collaborative and interdisciplinary research. “Dr. Tak’s research not only helps improve care for people with dementia, but also supports our strategic goal for enhancing nursing research and advancing knowledge to guide nursing practice,” shares Dr. Lin Zhan, Dean of the Loewenberg School of Nursing. Already, Dr. Tak has built new relationships with community partners and strengthened existing partnerships.

Executive Leadership Program Educates Future Nurse Leaders

national nursing leaders, which augments their online education. Additionally, they attend a national leadership conference as a student group once a year.

Contributed by Dr. Teresa Richardson, Coordinator of the Executive MSN Program

Executive nurses and nursing researchers from 16 regional hospitals and healthcare systems serve as preceptors and mentors for the students, immersing students into health administration settings different from their working environments. The EMSN preceptors are from the C-suites of the largest and busiest healthcare institutions in the Mid-South and graciously share their time and resources. By 2020, it is expected that half of the current nursing leaders in major medical centers across the nation will retire. In preparation, a majority of the EMSN students have been identified by their hospitals’ succession planning committees as future executives.

The Executive Master of Science in Nursing (EMSN) online degree program educates future nurse leaders to fill current and projected gaps in healthcare leadership. This unique program recruits, develops and retains nursing professionals who are graduate students from and/or who serve underrepresented communities. The EMSN received a three-year grant of $787,696 in 2010 from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). This grant, one of the largest HRSA grants awarded to the University of Memphis, supports curricula and initiatives targeted at minority nurse leader role development. The EMSN is the first and only nursing graduate program selected as an educational partner of the American Nurses Credentialing Center Magnet Recognition Program®. In addition, the Journal of Nursing Administration published a threepart series about the program and its stateof-the-art curriculum in 2008. The “executive” format of the EMSN brings these working professionals to the University of Memphis four times a year during their two-year program to stay on campus for seminar-style sessions and networking with



Nurses in the EMSN program work in hospitals caring for the region’s poorest and most underserved. Memphis has the highest rate of poverty of any large metropolitan city in the U.S. as one in five Memphians live below poverty level (Charlier, September 23, 2011). With poverty comes higher risk of disease and disparity in healthcare dispensation. Healthcare experts recognize a correlation between a culturally diverse healthcare workforce and the provision of quality, culturally competent care. Graduates from the Executive MSN will lead nurses in caring for patients in major medical centers throughout the region served by the University of Memphis.

EMSN Facts and Figures

Since Fall 2010, 94% of the students admitted to the LSON have or will graduate within two years of admission.

Of those who graduated in 2010 and 2011:

Current students are employed in the following corporations and organizations:

43% are from minorities:

93% completed their practicum in a facility caring for an underserved population 70% have been promoted to leadership positions with more responsibility or into research positions 2 serve as faculty in nursing 100% are certified in their nursing specialty and/or as nurse executives Of the 51 currently enrolled: 61% are from minorities 12% are male nurses 96% attend to underserved populations in three states 45% hold leadership positions at present

Baptist Memorial Hospital-Corporate Offices, Memphis Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare – University Hospital Baptist Memorial Hospital-Collierville PCS of West Tennessee (Non-Profit Community Mental Health Center) Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare-South Hospital Baptist Trinity Hospice House St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle (MS) Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare-Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital Boston Baskin Cancer Foundation West Tennessee Healthcare Jackson-Madison County General Hospital Veterans Affairs Medical Center-Memphis Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare-Germantown Unum Chattanooga St. Thomas Hospital, Nashville Baptist Memorial Hospital-Tipton

Goal #4: Partnerships WUMR—Let’s Talk Health Let’s Talk Health is a production of the University of Memphis’ Department of Communication and the Loewenberg School of Nursing (LSON) to empower those in the Mid-South and beyond via online podcasts to communicate and make healthy choices. Overall goals of the WUMR Let’s Talk Health Project include: • Promoting health literacy in the WUMR U92 FM listening area, • Informing listeners about healthy behaviors that promote health and reduce risk of disease, • Empowering listeners to become better consumers of health information, and better participants in managing their own health, • Teaching listeners to communicate more effectively with their providers, and • Promoting the University of Memphis as a community resource for current, quality health-related information Upcoming topics on Let’s Talk Health include finding and evaluating online medical information, how to best communicate with your pharmacist and insurance company, promoting good sleep hygiene, understanding dementia, the benefits of breastfeeding, and how to handle seasonal allergies. Produced at the WUMR studios on the campus of the University of Memphis, Let’s Talk Health is hosted by Lisa Beasley, family nurse practitioner and clinical assistant professor in LSON, and Christine Platt, doctoral student in the Department of Communication. Lisa Beasley MSN, NP-C, RN An alumnus of the Loewenberg School of Nursing at the University of Memphis, Lisa obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in December of 2005 and her Master of Science in Nursing, with a concentration of Family Nurse Practitioner, in May of 2010. She has worked as a staff nurse on a cardiac step-down floor in the Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare system and also as a nurse practitioner in the primary care setting and in a specialty care setting for patients with chronic pain. She now works in hospice care. A faculty member at LSON since Fall of 2010, Beasley worked in the media, namely radio, for 17 years before going back to school for nursing. Christine Platt A doctoral candidate studying health communication in the Department of Communication at the University of Memphis, Christine completed her MBA at Baylor University and her bachelor’s degree at the University of Central Arkansas, both with Marketing and Finance concentrations. Her research interests include health literacy, global health prevention and promotion (particularly in the Haitian Central Plateau), and health messaging using mass media channels. In recent years, she has focused on applying communication theory and twenty-plus years of corporate marketing experience to develop better techniques for communicating about health. Christine was awarded the 2013 University of Memphis Graduate Research Award for Liberal and Fine Arts and is part of the Food Advisory Council for the city of Memphis whose mission is to help area residents make healthy food choices. University administrators, faculty and staff serving on the committee include: Dean Lin Zhan, Dr. Carolyn Speros, Lisa Beasley, Dr. Linda Finch, and Vicki Chandler, Elizabeth Thomas, LSON; Dean Richard Ranta, Dr. Leroy Dorsey, and Dr. Gretchen Norling, Christine Platt, Malvin Massey, and Dr. Erin Willis, CCFA; and Susan Prater and Jackie Rucker, Public Relations and Marketing. LSO N 2013 A N N UA L R E PO RT


STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Student Scholarship Recipients Glazer Family Foundation Scholarship in Nursing Maggie Little Goddard Foundation Scholarship Christy Luong Jining Medical University leaders, faculty and students celebrated International Nurses’ Day with Drs. Zhan, Lee and Fleming.

LSON’s Global, Collaborative Partnership with China Strengthened Drs. Lin Zhan and Belinda Fleming returned to China to continue building relationships and international partnerships with Jining Medical University (JMU) and China’s Southern Medical University (SMU). Dr. Shirleatha Lee joined Drs. Zhan and Fleming in this year’s teaching and consultation visit. For the majority of their time, they where in the classroom and clinical settings demonstrating how to teach adult health. Their interactions with nursing faculty and students of both JMU and SMU were enlightening and rewarding. Dr. Zhan worked closely with nursing faculty to develop curriculum in line with essential nursing knowledge and skills. Drs. Zhan and Fleming also spoke to groups of nursing students, faculty and leaders about the future of nursing and advanced nursing practice in the United States. Both JMU and SMU expressed enthusiasm for continuing and strengthening the existing partnership and collaboration with the LSON for the advancement of nursing higher education.

Student Nurse Association Service and Activities The Salvation Army Angel Tree Each year, the U of M Student Nurses’ Association (SNA) helps the less fortunate have a brighter holiday by participating in the Salvation Army Angel Tree program. This program provides gifts for the holidays to children and senior citizens who would not otherwise receive gifts. Participating individuals, offices/departments and organizations “adopt” a needy child and/or senior citizen for the holiday season and provide gifts for him or her. “We are most excited about the success of our 21st year of the Loewenberg School of Nursing and Student Nurses’ Association sponsorship of the Salvation Army Angel Tree program. Over 80 children and seniors will have a brighter holiday season thanks to the generosity of University of Memphis faculty and staff,” shares Sheila Hall, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs in the Loewenberg School of Nursing. As coordinator of the program, Ms. Hall is especially thankful for LSON staff members Brenda Fortney and Melynda Whitwell, who devoted their time to “making it happen,” and to SNA Angel Tree representative Molly Davis. 2012 Angel Tree gifts collection. 10


Sharon Leslie Hansard Memorial Scholarship Christina Warren Eunice ElDoris Jordan Scholarship Brooke Paige Ronnie Price Nursing Fund Andrew Monasterio Raymond A. Bratcher and Maxine E. Ritchey Bratcher Scholarship Ginny Stanford Allene Farris Memorial Scholarship Lacey Smith William A. and Ruth F. Loewenberg Scholarship Desirae Andello, Lauren Hogue, Brandi Wood Regina Montesi Memorial Scholarship Catherine Mills Saint Francis Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship in Nursing Marshandra Hughes Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Scholarship Sarah Sayle Babb, Courtney Bradshaw, Anna Laurie Brown, Jennifer Dunn, Reona Esson, Chelsea D. Garza, Shanea Hines, Mari Iked, Kelsie Jackson, Maureen Kinsella, Amy Ravencraft, Haley Shelby

Ribbon-Cutting at U of M Lambuth

Ribbon-cutting for LSON programs at Lambuth Campus. The University of Memphis hosted an open house and ribbon-cutting for the Loewenberg School of Nursing at Lambuth in Jackson, Tennessee, on September 26. A reception followed the ribbon-cutting, complete with student-guided tours. The first floor of Hyde Hall on the U of M Lambuth Campus was completely renovated to accommodate the nursing program. In addition to regular classrooms, there are four simulation labs with debriefing and observation rooms, a health-assessment lab, a skills lab, a 24-station computer lab, and faculty offices. “The Loewenberg School has an unbroken record of providing a high-quality nursing workforce to serve the needs of the community,” said Dr. Lin Zhan, Dean of the School. “The newly offered BSN and RN to BSN programs on the U of M Lambuth Campus exemplify our commitment. The renovated Hyde Hall provides state-of-the-art simulation and skills nursing labs, as well as smart classrooms, in support of students’ learning and faculty teaching. These facilities will help produce graduates who can serve the needs of the Jackson community.”

New Scholarship Established to Honor African-American Nurses Dr. Janet A. Levy and Ralph Levy III, children of the late Ralph Levy Jr., have made a significant gift to the Loewenberg School of Nursing at the University of Memphis to support students pursuing the goal of becoming registered nurses. The gift establishes the Ralph Levy Jr. Endowed Scholarship in Nursing, which will be awarded to multiple students from underrepresented populations who attended a public high school in Memphis. Recipients must be and remain in good academic standing with the University and the School of Nursing and must demonstrate financial need. Janet Levy is an assistant research professor and statistical methodologist at Duke University School of Nursing; she has been a practicing statistician and research methodologist for 25 years. Ralph Levy III is an associate with Leahy, Wright and Associates, LLC; he has more than 30 years of experience as a trial attorney in the St. Louis area. The scholarship honors their father, the late Ralph Levy Jr., a native Memphian, businessman and amateur golfer.

Dean Zhan and the Levy family with Hazzie Hubbert, one of Mr.Levy’s caregivers at the end of his life.

“We are establishing this scholarship to express our deep gratitude and appreciation of the members of the African-American community in Memphis who provided nurturing and compassionate care to my family in our times of need, to me and my brother as small children, and to my father as he aged,” said Janet Levy. Some 20% of students in the LSON are African American. A goal of the School is to retain and graduate African American students so they can join the nursing workforce and care for diverse patient populations. “We are honored and humbled to receive such a generous gift from the Levy family in support of African-American nursing students from Memphis,” said Dr. Lin Zhan, dean and professor in the LSON. “The Levy family’s gift reflects the values of caring, compassion and humanity. Nurses make a difference every day, and this generous gift will further encourage our African American students to become professional nurses, leaders and practitioners.” LSO N 2013 A N N UA L R E PO RT


Memorial Scholarship to Honor Pediatric Nursing Alumna Mr. Travis Smith, father of LSON alumna Kelly Smith, ’94, established the Kelly Leanna Smith Pediatric Nursing Scholarship in memory of his daughter, who passed away in November 2011. Following graduation, Kelly chose to pursue a career in pediatric nursing. She loved caring for children and babies, spending over 10 years at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. Kelly worked in the emergency department, as well as with patients suffering from sickle cell anemia. The last years of her career were spent in the Neo-natal Center at The MED, caring for newborn babies. Many nurses from both organizations attended her funeral and praised her work and ability to relate to children, as well as their families, in their time of need. The Kelly Leanna Smith Pediatric Nursing Scholarship will provide financial support for students preparing for a career in pediatric nursing to help them achieve their goals.

Awards Ten outstanding nursing students were honored during the University’s Honors Assembly on May 28. Our students, along with 140 of their fellow students from across campus, were recognized for their academic achievements. Students received awards and scholarships from seven colleges, schools, and departments, including Aerospace Studies, Military Science, Naval Science, and the Helen Hardin Honors Program, as well as special awards from the Division of Student Affairs. Our 10 nursing students were recognized with awards that reflected our core values: Caring, Diversity, Integrity and Leadership. Students were also recognized for their academic excellence.

Demetria McElrath

Roger “Rod” Robinson

Katie L. Clark

Our 2013 Outstanding Student Recipients: Caring Award - Rebecca Gaddis (RN-BSN), Jennifer Sobrowski (MSN) Diversity Award - Demetria McElrath (BSN), Susan Lindo (Executive MSN) Leadership Award - Katie L. Clark (BSN, Lambuth), Roger “Rod” Robinson (Executive MSN) Dean’s Award - Molly Davis (BSN), Laura Smeltzer (MSN-Education) Highest Academic Achievement Award - Deanne LaCree Tole (BSN), Laura Smeltzer (MSNEducation) LSON would like to thank Professors Elizabeth Thomas and Lisa Beasley for working with Phi Kappa Phi and Omicron Delta Kappa and serving as 2013 Honors Assembly Coordinators. Convocation


Dr. Linda Finch, PhD, MSN, ANP-BC, retires after 11 years with University Dr. Finch joined the University of Memphis in 2002 as an assistant professor, was tenured as associate professor, and assumed the role as associate dean for undergraduate programs in 2009. A recipient of the Distinguished Faculty Award and holder of the Methodist Healthcare Llewellyn Legacy Professor of Nursing, AACN Leadership for Academic Nursing Fellow, and ANF/Dorothy Cornelius Scholar, Dr. Finch’s scholarly work focused on nurse-patient communication and the development of a substantive theory of nurse caring.

Dr. Linda Finch

“Dr. Finch has had a distinguished career as a scholar, educator, advanced practitioner and leader,” notes Dr. Zhan. “She worked tirelessly to ensure that our undergraduate programming was of the highest quality and that it met – and exceeded – CCNE and Tennessee Board of Nursing standards. Dr. Finch was also instrumental in the implementation of our nursing programming at the Lambuth Campus.”

Assistant Dean of Student Affairs retires after 36 years with University Ms. Sheila Hall, MSEd, retired from the University of Memphis on June 11, 2013, as the Assistant Dean for Students. Ms. Hall joined the staff of the University of Memphis in 1977 as Assistant Director of Student Relations, working in the area of Student Relations and Admissions prior to moving to the School of Nursing in 1987. Ms. Hall oversaw admission to the School’s BSN and MSN programs along with other student-related activities. Since 1991, she has coordinated the Salvation Army Angel Tree program in cooperation with the SNA (Student Nurses’ Association). The annual project has provided gifts for thousands of needy children and senior citizens over the years and continues to provide a wonderful opportunity for the U of M community to support those in need during the holiday season.

Sheila Hall 12


We’d also like to give a special thank you to Brenda Garner and Judy Jenkins for their many years of service. Both retired from LSON in December 2012 and will be missed!


A Case in Study From a land made famous by long-distance runners, a University of Memphis alum’s own extreme journey has reaped huge rewards. By Laura Fenton

There’s a saying almost as old as time itself that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. For a young, near penniless student from a land far away, the saying soon became a perfect fit more than a decade ago. When Kenya-native Pauline Linda Adhoch first reached U.S. soil in 1998, she only had $5 in her pocket; her lone suitcase was sparsely filled with odds and ends. “I did not have much of anything,” Adhoch bluntly admits. And, as if circumstances couldn’t have been any worse, the only person she knew in the United States “was long gone,” she notes. “I had come to the U.S. to get an education, but I did not have much in terms of wealth or any friends, so those first few years were very tough ones,” she recalls. “I had a relative here, but he had moved to New York. So I didn’t have transportation to get anywhere; I didn’t know anybody else in town. I had to rely on my work-study for the little money I had, and on scholarships to pay my tuition.”

“What is missed at home or at the doctor’s office, we catch it,” Adhoch says. “We make sure they have good vision, because sometimes children fail in school not because they don’t understand what is being taught, but because they can’t see well, and no one has treated them for that.” Adhoch says her desire to care for young children is something she comes by honestly: As a child, she would watch as her mother — a midwife and nurse in Kenya — would go to great lengths to provide proper care for newborns. Her mother’s diligence must have rubbed off on Adhoch. “She has a very calm demeanor that the kids are very receptive to,” says Hilary Armstrong, Well Child coordinator of clinical processes. “They absolutely love her. It is apparent that she is a very compassionate person.” At the U of M, Adhoch steadfastly proceeded through her coursework, graduating in two-and-a-half years with the skills necessary to become a nurse practitioner.

Adhoch had journeyed to the United States to study biology at Rust College in Holly Springs, Miss., about a 45-minute drive south of Memphis. But with no friends or family, she quickly found herself out of her comfort zone, frequently alone and often homesick. With a burning desire to earn a diploma, she knew she had to find a way to cope. What she found was something that would ultimately lead to almost dizzying success, considering her melancholic start.

“It was a wonderful program with good professors who helped me to transition through the program successfully,” she says. “They answered my phone calls when I needed help, and they gave me the guidance that I needed. It has made me confident in my role as a practitioner, and I feel the program really prepared me for the role that I have currently.”

While her classmates would spend evenings and weekends at sporting events, at the movies or shopping, Adhoch would return to her dorm room alone each night and crack the books, almost incessantly.

Adhoch has come far since those early, difficult days. She is now married and has two children. She even has siblings in the U.S. who have followed in her footsteps in their quest for a degree.

“Everything I did was centered around studying,” she says. “That is how I handled not knowing anyone or having family close by. It is how I passed my time at night, on the weekends and any free time I had. I would study for hours and hours just to turn my attention away from any loneliness I would have. And when I would become homesick, I would study even more.”

“When I came here, I didn’t have much. But my humble beginnings have been replaced with a wealth of experience that I never imagined possible,” she concludes.

What almost became an obsession born out of survivalist mode has since paid huge dividends for a woman whose chance at success seemed like a long shot 13 years ago. Adhoch graduated last summer from the University of Memphis’ Loewenberg School of Nursing with a graduate degree from the advanced nursing program. It was her third diploma since arriving in the United States and is allowing her to fulfill a lifelong dream. “My passion lies in helping people,” Adhoch (MSN ’12) says. “The $5 bill has been replaced with good nursing experience that I can share with others as a way to give back.” “This graduate inspires us all,” says Loewenberg Dean Lin Zhan. “Her determination to pursue higher education despite financial hardship is truly commendable. And I think it speaks highly of our faculty who mentored, guided and supported her in this long journey. It is an all-around success story with a happy ending.” Adhoch now works for Well Child as a family nurse practitioner, caring for young children. With the wellness company, she goes to Memphis-area schools to conduct vision, hearing, dental and behavioral-health screenings, and physical exams to make recommendations to parents on whether they need to take their child to a clinic for follow-up exams.

Pauline Linda Adhoch addresses the Loewenberg School of Nursing at their convocation and pinning ceremony. LSO N 2013 A N N UA L R E PO RT


Faculty Achievements

Dr. Gloria Carr Associate Professor The Tennessee Board of Regents approved Dr. Carr’s tenure and promotion, effective September 1, 2012, to Tenured Associate Professor of Nursing.

Dr. Robert Koch Associate Professor Stiner-Chapman, C. & Koch, R. (2012). “Managing the process of care delivery.” In L. Roussel (Ed.), Management and Leadership for Nursing Administrators (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Publishing.

Dr. Gloria Carr’s article “The Role of Caregiver Burden in Understanding African American Custodial Grandparents” was accepted for publication in the refereed journal of Geriatric Nursing. Dr. Carr’s article focuses on exploring the role of caregiver burden in influencing needs for information about services, needs for available services, and use of services among African American grandparent caregivers.

Langston, A.K. & Koch, R. (2012). Magnetism: Exemplary nursing excellence. In L. Roussel (Ed.), Management and Leadership for Nursing Administrators (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Publishing.

Dr. Jill Dapremont Associate Professor

Levy, M.; Koch, R.; & Royne M. “Identification of Training Needs to Support Interface Between Civilian and Military Emergency Responders in Disasters.” Accepted for presentation to American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. October 2012.

Dr. Dapremont was elected President-Elect of the Beta-Theta-at-Large Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Dr. Dapremont and her research team received a U of M Faculty Research Grant for the project “Feasibility of physical exercise for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness: A community-based partnership.” This research project will be conducted by a collaborative research team led by principal investigator Dr. Okwumabua from the U of M psychology department and co-investigator Dr. Dapremont.

Dr. Linda Finch Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs Dr. Finch received the Llewellyn Legacy Professorship Award at the School’s May 3 Nursing Convocation. Dr. Nikki Polis, Chief Nurse Executive from Methodist presented this award to Dr. Finch. The purpose of the Methodist Healthcare Llewellyn Legacy Professorship is to honor the contributions of Methodist Healthcare to the health of the Mid-South region and to recognize the leadership contributions of Ms. Lola Llewellyn, former Chief Nursing Officer of Methodist Hospitals in Memphis. The Professorship is designed to support the efforts of faculty who have excelled in teaching, scholarship and service in the Loewenberg School of Nursing. The Lola Llewellyn Legacy Professorship is awarded every three years to a full-time tenured nursing faculty member who contributes to excellence in healthcare through exceptional achievement or creativity in teaching, scholarship, informatics, services, outreach or nursing practice. Congratulations to Dr. Linda Finch, Associate Professor of Nursing and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs, for receiving this honor. Dr. Finch’s co-authored paper with Dr. Dee Birnbaum from Rhodes College, titled, “The Effect of Nursing Students’ Clinical Experiences on Probability of Graduation” has been accepted for presentation at the Association for Marketing & Health Care Research Meeting at the Canyons, Park City, Utah, February 29 – March 3, 2012.



Koch, R.; Levy, M.; & Royne M. “Enhancing Communication between Military and Civilian Responders in Large-Scale Disasters.” Accepted for presentation to the 2012 National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA. August 2012.

Dr. Robert Koch, Elizabeth Thomas, and Thompson, K. (2012). Human resource development: recruitment, retention, and managing conflict. In L. Roussel (Ed.), Management and Leadership for Nursing Administrators (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Publishing.

Dr. Annapoorna Mary Assistant Professor Dr. Mary’s abstract titled “Cardiopulmonary Predictors of Dysfunctional Ventilator Weaning” has been accepted as a poster presentation at the regional Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing conference in October.

Dr. Sarah Miller Assistant Professor Dr. Miller’s abstract entitled “Gender Differences in Perception of Extended Multiple Breath Resistive Loads” has been accepted for a platform presentation at the International Society of Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology Conference in October. This will be the first time University of Memphis has participated in this international conference.

Marcy Purnell Clinical Assistant Professor Prof. Purnell’s abstract “Cellular Energy Science, B16 and L929 Cells” has been accepted for podium presentation at the Education Committee of Wilson Shepard Education Associates for the January 17-18, 2014, winter meetings in Honolulu, Hawaii. The conference topic is “Transforming Healthcare: Pathway to Excellence.”

OTHER NEWS: Dr. Carolyn Speros Associate Professor Dr. Speros’ abstract titled, “Promoting Health Literacy in the Older Adults“ was accepted for presentation at an international conference, Aging and Society. This is an international conference of many disciplines from the world and focuses on issues of importance related to aging.

Professors Mary “Petey” Elliotte, Lisa Beasley, Leigh Ann Breckenridge, Vicki Chandler, and Tracy Collins have been accepted to the Doctor of Nurse Practitioner (DNP) program at the University of Alabama.

Dr. Laura Owens and Dr. Genae Strong are now certified nurse educators.

Dr. Genae Strong Assistant Professor Dr. Strong’s article “Barriers to breast feeding in the neonatal period” has been accepted for publication in the refereed Journal of Neonatal Nursing. Because Dr. Strong’s manuscript was the only one of the special edition that was accepted without revisions, she has been invited to review for the manuscript and coordinate a special Journal section, Nutrition, which would be published approximately every 4 months. The Journal of Neonatal Nursing is a research-based journal for professionals concerned with the care of neonates and their families, both in the hospital and the community. It aims to support the development of the essential practice, management, education, and health promotion skills required by these professionals. Along with co-presenter Virginia Coleman Smith, Dr. Strong presented “Postpartum Depression: Effects on the infant” at the 2012 Lamaze Innovative Learning Forum (the annual conference of Lamaze International) October 26-28, 2012, in Nashville, TN. Dr. Strong was awarded a $10,000 grant by International Lactation Consultant Association. This funded research enables Dr. Strong to determine essential content elements, identify effective teaching strategies, develop a model curriculum, and make recommendations for outcomes and indicators for pre-licensure breastfeeding education.

Beverly West Clinical Associate Professor Prof. Beverly West is recognized for her contribution as a reviewer for the newly published textbook titled China Health Nursing: Partnering with Children and Family (3rd ed.) by Bull, Bindler & Cowan, 2014.

Dr. Lin Zhan Dean and Professor Dr. Zhan was named to the “Top 100 Nursing Professors in 2012” list, published by BSNtoMSN.org. The list is compiled to bring recognition to skilled and respected professors and assistant professors of nursing from across the country, with the hope that nursing students will be inspired by the achievements of professionals in the field. More information is at www.bsntomsn.org/nursing-professors/.

NATIONAL EXPERTS: Dr. Patricia “Pat” Cunningham, DNSc, APN PMHNP/CNSBC, FNP-BC, will join the LSON this fall as an Associate Professor. Dr. Cunningham is certified through the American Nurses Credentialing Center as an adult psychiatric/mental health clinical nurse specialist, a psychiatric family nurse practitioner, and a family nurse practitioner. During Dr. Cunningham’s tenure in higher education, she has taught clinical, face-to-face didactic courses, as well as through distance technology. Her program of research has focused on the integration of mental health nursing in primary care, and on safety and quality. In her psychiatric family nurse practitioner practice, Dr. Cunningham has worked collaboratively with other members of the healthcare team and through telehealth initiatives. Dr. Cunningham currently practices in an internal medicine practice, providing care for patients with chronic illnesses and comorbid mental illnesses. Her commitment to Psychiatric Nursing, the needs of the mentally ill, and involvement at the national level will help her serve her students, colleagues, and community clients well.

Dr. Diane Todd Pace, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, NCMP, CCD, FAANP, of Memphis, Tennessee, who will join the LSON this fall as Clinical Associate Professor, has been awarded the 2013 American Association of Nurse Practitioners State Award for Excellence for the state of Tennessee and was honored during the 2013 National Conference in June. The State Award for Nurse Practitioner Excellence was founded in 1991 and recognizes a nurse practitioner in a state who demonstrates excellence in advanced nursing practice. Dr. Pace is a family nurse practitioner and a Fellow in the American Association of Nurse Practitioners with over 40 years of contributions to the nursing profession. She is a Certified Menopause Practitioner through the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) and is the current president of this international multi-professional organization dedicated to promoting the understanding of menopause and healthy aging. She maintains a private clinical practice providing women’s health and primary care at the Methodist Teaching Practice in Memphis. LSO N 2013 A N N UA L R E PO RT


Distinguished Lecture Series The Loewenberg School of Nursing Distinguished Lecture Series brings nationally renowned nursing leaders to the Mid-South for quality educational programs that promote professional nursing in academia and the practice setting.

International Nurse Leader Shares Passion for Leadership in Spring 2013 Dr. Beverly Malone, RN, PhD, FAAN, visited the University of Memphis and presented the School’s Spring 2013 Distinguished Lecture on the leadership roles of nurses in making quality healthcare accessible, affordable and cost-effective. Malone has been chief executive officer of the National League for Nursing (NLN) since February 2007. She is among America’s most vocal leaders on the role of nursing in ensuring access to safe, quality, culturally competent care to diverse patient populations domestically and globally. Under Malone’s guidance, the NLN has partnered with corporations, associations and foundations to advance the science of nursing education, increase diversity in nursing and nursing education, and advance excellence in care for seniors. In 2010, the year she was ranked 29th among the 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare by Modern Healthcare magazine, Malone served on the Advisory Committee on Minority Health, a federal panel established to advise the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Dr. Beverly Malone

Popular Voice Presented Fall 2012 Distinguished Lecture The Loewenberg School of Nursing welcomed a popular voice on wellness and patient empowerment, Dr. Marie Savard, MD, to present the Fall 2012 Distinguished Lecture. Dr. Savard presented, “Shape-shifting Through Time: Dr. Marie’s Waist Management Wellness Program for Women (and Men) of All Ages” on September 21, to a group of students, alumni, faculty and staff. Research has shown that many aspects of health are affected by body shape, including weight loss, risk of diabetes, depression, heart disease, sexual dysfunction and cancer. Dr. Savard examined an array of health issues through the lens of body shape and the changes that accompany aging. A former ABC News medical contributor and nurse-turned-physician, Dr. Savard presented solutions for both men and women to sidestep the physical and emotional pitfalls of body shape in order to lose weight, feel healthier and live longer. Dr. Savard earned a BSN and MD, both from the University of Pennsylvania. She was formerly the director of the Center for Women’s Health, technical adviser to the United Nations’ Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, adviser to the American Board of Internal Medicine on Women’s Health, health columnist for Woman’s Day magazine, and senior medical consultant to Lifetime Television’s Strong Medicine. She is the author of four books, including How To Save Your Own Life, The Savard System for Managing – and Controlling – Your Health Care, and The Apple and Pear Approach to Weight Loss and Wellness.

Acclaimed Nurse Educator Spoke to U of M and Community Nurses in Spring 2012 Contributed by Gabrielle Maxey, Communications Coordinator Internationally recognized ethicist and nurse educator Bro. Ignatius Perkins discussed “Fulfilling Nursing’s Promise – The Ethics of Healing and Hope at the End of Life” at the University of Memphis in April 2012. Perkins is a professor and dean of nursing at Aquinas College in Nashville, where he oversees all activities of the nursing programs and directs the RN to BSN program. His international reputation as a leader in nursing, healthcare ethics, and higher education is helping the college realize its new vision for nursing education, “Human Dignity, Flourishing and Healthcare of the Person.”

Brother Ignatius Perkins

Before his appointment at Aquinas, Perkins was project director and coordinator of healthcare ethics programs for the Dominican Friars Health Care Ministry of New York. He has served as professor and Chair of the School of Nursing and Dean of the College of Health and Natural Sciences at Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky, and president and staff ethicist of the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Boston. Perkins is a London Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine in London. 16


Awards “Transition to Practice” Simulation Award The Loewenberg School of Nursing received a $10,000 grant from the Promise of Nursing for Tennessee Nursing School Grant Program. Through the grant titled “Transition to Practice Utilizing High Fidelity Simulation,” the School purchased identical scenarios that will be used by our students as well as by the hospital’s nurse residency program. By collaborating in the use of simulation between the University and the hospital, the nurse resident will enter the workforce prepared and will be able to have a more individualized orientation.

Have you considered your legacy as a nurse?

DAISY Faculty Awards The Loewenberg School of Nursing’s 2012 DAISY Faculty Award recipients are models for engaging, empowering, and enabling our nursing students to pursue their dreams. Students described Drs. Belinda Fleming and Shirleatha Lee and Professors Elizabeth Thomas and Kay Sims as “role models,” Lee, Thomas, Sims and Fleming “caring,” “eager to help,” “inspiring,” and “phenomenal.” We are grateful for their commitment to our students and to LSON! The 2013 DAISY Faculty Awards were presented to four additional faculty in May. Described as “a master educator,” Associate Professor Dr. Carolyn Speros teaches with a smile and skill. She is passionate about teaching, and uses evidence-based teaching practices to effectively facilitate students’ learning. Associate Professor Dr. Nancy Mele is a seasoned educator who integrates state-of-the-art knowledge into teaching. She ably translates her passion into educating students to be critical thinkers and effective nurses. Clinical Assistant Professor Janelle Smalls is “big” in her community health teaching. She is described by peers and students as “knowledgeable,” “compassionate,” and “a great collaborator.” She raises students’ social consciousness about the vulnerable in our community and uses a service learning approach to aid the underserved. Clinical Assistant Professor Lisa Beasley teaches with knowledge, energy, and presence. As a nurse practitioner, she helps undergraduate students gain confidence in their learning. Students have commented, “She really cares about our learning.”

Through planning, you can ensure that your legacy of leadership and service endures for generations to come. You can create a powerful legacy through planned giving as a graduate of the Loewenberg School of Nursing! Your legacy can include making a gift that gives back to you! In exchange for $25,000 or more, the U of M Foundation can offer you the security of a guaranteed fixed income for the rest of your life. Benefits to you include a lifetime income stream and substantial tax benefits.

SAMPLE RATES: Your Age* Annuity Rate Your Ages** Annuity Rate 65












Single life **Joint life


The DAISY Faculty Award is a national recognition program that colleges and schools of nursing use to demonstrate appreciation to faculty for their commitment and inspirational influence on their students. The DAISY Foundation, in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, hopes the faculty recognition program will contribute to a positive work environment and encourage award recipients to continue teaching future nurses.

Once your gift is made, the annuity is fixed for life! For a confidential, personalized proposal, contact Dan Murrell at 901.678.2732. LSO N 2013 A N N UA L R E PO RT


Advisory Council The Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) is a group of representatives from the Mid-South nursing and healthcare community. Through their nursing and healthcare knowledge, expertise and resources, the DAC: • provides an opportunity for the exchange of viewpoints between business/professional persons, alumni, students and academicians as they relate to nursing education. • promotes the teaching, research and service objectives of the Loewenberg School of Nursing through participation in the School’s fundraising activities. • provides a direct liaison between faculty and the community for the purpose of promoting the activities and philosophies of the School and the nursing profession.

Pam Castleman, The Reg ional Medical Center at Memphis David Crislip, Chair, Community Representative Dana Dye, Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation Fredrika Felt, Lichterman-Loewenberg Foundation Susan Ferguson, Baptist Memorial Hospital- Collierville Mar y Hammons, Delta Medical Center

Beverly Jordan, Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation Sam Maceri, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Nikki Polis, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare Suzanne Scobey, Community Representative Cindy Wooten, Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation

We invite you to visit our website where we proudly share our exciting news and accomplishments. Send us your latest news to be

We will never forget this day… or those who made it possible. Honor your achievement with an annual gift to the Loewenberg School of Nursing today.


included in future issues. Working together, we can continue to honor our promise — promoting health and preparing leaders.


ALUMNI PULSE Alumni Chapter Legacy Luncheon and Awards

The Nursing Alumni Chapter gathered on September 21, 2012, to honor the Class of 1969, our first class of nursing graduates. Honorees in attendance included Dr. Bettye Harris Alston (ASN ‘69), Betty Kinchen Anderson (ASN ‘69, BSN ‘85), Charlotte Gibson Beaird (ASN ‘69), Ernestine Rucker Chism (ASN ‘69, BSN ‘85), Clara Goodall Evans (ASN ‘69), and Betty Rixter (ASN ‘69).

Scan this code with your QR reader on your smartphone to watch a video about the U of M Nursing Class of 1969.

Alumni News: Laura Davis, EMSN ‘12

Ellen Follis, EMSN ‘12

Baptist Memorial Hospital-DeSoto

St. Francis Hospital, Memphis

A second-year graduate student in the EMSN program and nursing director at Baptist DeSoto, Davis was appointed as the 2012 Baptist Memorial Nursing Administration Fellow. She focused her three-month fellowship around nursing scope of practice.

“The clinical nurse is the frontline leader and the change agent in the delivery of safe quality care to improve patient outcomes and impact the future of healthcare. As a graduate of the Executive Master of Science in Nursing program, I have the confidence to call myself a frontline leader as an RN.”

Carol Pahde, EMSN ‘13 Baptist Memorial Medical Group (BMG) “As the new Director of Nursing and Clinical Services for the BMG, my job is to build structure into the medical practices that Baptist owns. I will be responsible for writing job descriptions, developing policies and competencies, and ensuring staff is not working outside the scope of their practice. None of this would have been possible if I had not decided to pursue my education!”

Jacqueline “Jackie” Owens, LMSW, BSN, RN, EMSN ‘13 Home-Based Primary Care, Memphis VA Medical Center “It is such an exciting time for the profession and the future of nursing. Now more than ever, with greater attention being focused on healthcare reform, my Executive MSN degree has … equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to blend my skills in leading transformational change at VA Memphis.”



Focus on Philanthropy 20

We would like to say, “Thank you,” to the University alumni and friends who have generously supported the scholarships, programs, and projects that have helped develop caring, diversity, integrity and leadership - our core values - in each one of our students. These gifts provide financial support for deserving students, enable the School to recruit distinguished faculty and guest speakers to campus, and allow us to develop innovative solutions to local and global healthcare needs. Again, we say, “Thank you!”

Dr. Roxanne J. Aaron Ms. Glenda P. Abernathy Ms. Lisa M. Adee Mr. Vince Alfonso Jr. Ms. Phyllis B. Allen Ms. Susan M. Andrews Ms. Joan E. Appleton Ms. Mary H. Aycock Ms. Carolyn J. Baker Mr. and Mrs. David Barger Ms. Bonnie C. Beasley Ms. Mary N. Bell Nancy and Charles Benton Dr. Amy L. Birath Mr. and Mrs. Emile A. Bizot III Ms. Melissa C. Boals Ms. Davielle A. Boyce Mr. James C. Boyd Mr. Raymond A. Bratcher* and Mrs. Maxine Ritchey Bratcher* Dan and Kathy Breckenridge Ms. Sarah P. Burchfield Ms. Lauren E. Busby Ms. Mary F. Bush Dr. Kathy D. Butler Ms. Diane B. Callahan Bill and Debbie Campbell Ms. Jennifer M. Campbell Ms. Sharon N. Campbell Ms. Stephanie P. Cape Mr. Nicklus Henry Caplenor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Carney Jr. Mr. Martin and Dr. Gloria Carr Ms. Willa D. Carr Ms. Susan A. Caugh Ms. Mary K. Chapleau Ms. Ann B. Chapman Ms. Elisabeth A. Chismark Ms. Deborah R. Clark Sr. Mary F. Clark Dr. Ricketta H. Clark Mr. and Mrs. James E. Clayton Sr. Ms. Frances C. Cogdill Mr. Geoffrey B. Collins Ms. Hazel M. Condon Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Coplon Mr. Scott C. Corbitt Sherry and Terry Courtenay Dr. and Mrs. Benton W. Cox III Dr. Robyn M. Cox Mr. David B. Crislip Ms. Ananya Datta Ms. Alfreda S. Davis Ms. Lori K. Day Mr. Alemayehu B. Degefu Mr. Lewis R. Donelson Ms. Tatyana O. Dromova Mr. William C. Drummond Ms. Florence P. Dwyer-Wells Mr. Tito Echiburu Ms. Stephanie R. Edwards Ms. Mary C. Elliotte Lendon and Sean Ellis Ms. Cynthia G. Epley Ms. Clara G. Evans Ms. Tewan Dyar Fair Mr. Robert Fallis and Dr. Christine H. Garrett-Fallis


Mr. and Mrs. John M. Farris Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Felt Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ferguson Dr. Linda P. Finch Ms. Sandra C. Flatt Dr. Belinda D. Fleming Dr. and Mrs. Julian G. Fleming* Ms. Tammie L. Floersh Ms. Kathy Fly Ms. Brenda E. Fortney Dr. Alice M. Frye Ms. Joan H. Fullwood Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrett Ms. Ruby Garrett Ms. Gerri L. Gass Ms. Kathy Geary Ms. Peggy Ghent-Gloria Mr. Richard T. Gilliam Jr. Mr. John J. Gloria Ms. Stephany L. Goodnight Ms. Debbie A. Goodrum Ms. Jackie L. Gray Ms. Samantha R. Green Ms. Jacqueline G. Gregory Ms. Vivian D. Gregory Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Griffin Ms. Kim Marie J. Guess Ms. Elsa Guevara Ms. Julianne Hall Ms. Roy Ellen Hammann Mr. Larry J. Hardy Ms. Latonya S. Hardy Ms. Kerrie R. Hargrove Ms. Rita J. Harris Ms. Hayley D. Hayes Ms. Brenda M. Hilger Mr. Sigmund F. Hiller Mr. Gene Holcomb Mr. Jason L. Honeycutt Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Horton Ms. Lindsey N. Howell Ms. Nanna M. Howlett Ms. Linda M. Hughes Ms. Paula W. Hymel Ms. Peggy E. Jalenak and Mr. L. R. Jalenak Jr. Ms. Elizabeth A. Johnson Ms. Emily S. Johnson Ms. Dalan B. Jones Ms. Sandra N. Jones Mrs. Evelyn Jones-Talley and Mr. Thaldaris M. Talley Mr. W. C. (Buddy) Jordan Ms. Rose Ann Kelley Ms. Billie J. Kennett Ms. Jennifer H. Kettler Ms. Patti E. King Ms. Julie D. Knight Ms. Nancy K. Lakey Ms. Anita K. Langston Dr. Janet A. Levy and Mr. Ralph Levy III Ms. Jacqueline A. Lewis Ms. Susana Lindo Ms. Elizabeth L. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Locke Ms. Jan E. Loewenberg Ms. Laura M. Long Ms. Robbie D. Lowery Ms. Sharon K. Lucus

Dr. Marjorie F. Luttrell Ms. Annie L. Lynch Mr. Gregory S. Mann Ms. Tarisha J. Manning Ms. Andrea A. Marshall Dina and Brad Martin Ms. Brenda L. Maschmeyer Ms. Debra Mathis-Kidd Ms. Pamela J. Maxey-Dotson Mr. and Mrs. Guerry C. McComas Sr. Ms. Marla F. McDaniel Dr. Betty S. McGarvey Ms. Sarah H. McGinnis Ms. Carrie R. McIvor Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McIvor Jr. Ms. Annetta T. McNabb Ms. Kim L. McQueen Ms. Rebecca S. McRae Ms. Randy Meeks Dr. Maurice I. Mendel and Dr. Lisa L. Mendel Mr. Jon M. Mentgen Ms. Irma D. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Jacky L. Michael Ms. Karolyn M. Miller Ms. Shannon L. Miller Mr. Thomas A. Miller Mr. Mark C. Milliken Ms. Maria K. Mircheva The Honorable and Mrs. Louis J. Montesi Jr. Ms. Alethea S. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Moore Mr. Martin W. Moore Dr. Musette S. Morgan and Mr. Allen B. Morgan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Morris III Ms. Patricia A. Morris Ms. Tamala P. Mosley Ms. Ashley B. Mullen Ms. Mary E. Mynatt Dr. Lauren K. Nelson Ms. Ida Hill Nelson Dr. Jeryl M. Nickey and Mr. John A. Nickey Ms. Theresa S. Ong Ms. Lauren R. Orr Ms. Beverly J. Overton Ms. Katherine F. Peak Ms. Felesha R. Perry Ms. Ida B. Pernell Ms. Catherine L. Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Pike Ms. Patricia T. Porter Mr. Bobby A. Prince Ms. Mary L. Purtle Ms. Carol B. Purvis Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Rantzow Ms. Danielle M. Rhein Amy and Bill Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Terry Richardson Ms. Catherine B. Rinehart Ms. Betty J. Rixter Ms. Elizabeth J. Roads Ms. Paulette P. Robertson Ms. Beth Rogers Ms. Martha J. Rogers Ms. Cynthia M. Rucker Ms. Diane L. Ruppel Ms. Patsy H. Rushing Ms. Trina E. Ryan

Ms. Ruth A. Sanford Ms. Lisa W. Schafer Ms. Lisa Schweich Suzanne Potts Scobey, FNP Mr. William R. Seto Ms. Renea Y. Shelton Dr. Gayle H. Shiba Ms. LaVerne R. Simms Ms. Claudia Ann Sims Ms. Kay Sims Ms. Shirley J. Sims Ms. Annette L. Singleton Mr. Cleatus E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Smith Mr. Travis E. Smith Ms. Tonie M. Smith-Chenault Ms. Rita T. Sparks Ms. Lelia Dodge Springer Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Steinhauer Ms. Clesheree Stepter Ms. Alicia V. Stires Dr. Genae D. Strong Ms. Laritha H. Sweet Dr. Valentina L. Taran-Michael Ms. Benita I. Taylor Ms. Cindy L. Taylor Ms. Evelyn V. Taylor Dr. Herbert A. Taylor III Ms. Joanne Taylor Mr. Christopher R. Teague Ms. Marcia Teas-Hicks Ms. Elizabeth G. Thomas Ms. Talitha M. Thompson Ms. Ann Toland Ms. E. Diann Tucker Ms. Julie L. Umsted Ms. Deborah L. Van Sickle Mr. Jay VanWinkle Dr. Tammy J. Vaughan Ms. Mary B. Volner Mr. Kelly B. Wade Ms. Linda J. Wainwright Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Walhood Mr. Charles I. Walker Dr. Patricia L. Walls Chuck and Anita Ward Ms. Emily Watts Dr. Mary M. Weiner Tom and Cathy West Ms. Meghan L. Wetterer Ms. Ethel M. White Mr. Noel B. Whitworth Mr. and Mrs. Kyle M. Wiggins Ms. Martha M. Wilburn Ms. Martha J. Wilcox Ms. Patricia H. Woodard Ms. Cindy M. Wooten Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Wortham Ms. Elizabeth J. Young Dr. Jan Young Ms. Donna C. Zaino Ms. Nelie W. Zanca Ms. Charlotte R. Zerfoss Dr. Lin Zhan * Deceased

DONOR PROFILE | The Memphis Community On May 13, more than 200 students, faculty, staff, alumni and donors gathered on the Park Avenue Campus at the site of the new Community Health Building to celebrate the groundbreaking and success of an ambitious $60 million fundraising campaign for a new home for the Loewenberg School of Nursing. Initial discussions of a new home were held in early 2007 when local healthcare system and civic leaders visited then-Governor Phil Bredesen about a new facility that could be used to grow nursing enrollment, as well as consolidate and enhance simulation activities. Over the next six years, the members of the Memphis community — both individuals and corporations — stepped forward to contribute more than $15 million to secure the necessary state funding for the Community Health Building. We are most appreciative of those donors who responded selflessly and generously for the health of our community. In early 2012, the University was challenged to raise $15 million in order to become eligible for $45 million in public funding from the state of Tennessee. With $8 million already raised from leading healthcare systems and local foundations, Dr. Raines worked tirelessly to secure the remaining $7 million from alumni, faculty, friends, foundations and corporations. We eagerly anticipate construction beginning in early Fall 2013 and concluding in 24 short months. Much like the groundbreaking, the grand opening of the Community Health Building will be a special celebration of our community’s support for nursing at the University of Memphis.

Some of the donors on hand for the groundbreaking this spring. LSO N 2013 A N N UA L R E PO RT



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Contact Information Loewenberg School of Nursing Phone: 901.678.2003 Fax: 901.678.4906 Mail: 100 Billy Mac Jones Memphis, TN 38152 Email: nursing@memphis.edu Graduate Email: msn@memphis.edu Website: memphis.edu/nursing

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