2012 President's Report

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Defining Our Future 2012 President’s Report A special edition of The University of Memphis Magazine

Contents Letter from the President


Student Success


Research and Creativity


Access and Diversity




Campus Culture and Service Excellence


Sense of Place


University Donors


Campaign Update


Donor Impact


Campaign Leadership


Executive Boards


Campus Leadership


U of M Fast Facts Founded: 1912 President: Dr. Shirley C. Raines (11th president) Enrollment: 22,365 (17,795 undergraduates; 4,190 graduate students and 380 law students) Freshman Class: 2,252 Degree Programs: More than 250 areas of undergraduate study, 55 master’s degrees, 25 doctoral degrees and 24 graduate certificate programs Student Body: 47 states; 99 countries Student Life: More than 200 student organizations, including 25 sororities and fraternities Athletics: The University of Memphis competes in 19 NCAA-sanctioned sports. All data based on 2012-13 information.




Letter from the President “Your unwavering support has empowered us to continue our historic commitment to undergraduate and graduate education while advancing our reputation as a major metropolitan research university.”

Shirley C. Raines

As we enter our next century of accomplishments and service, it is important that we reflect on this historic 100th year and celebrate our successes, while also pressing forward. The higher education and societal landscape are changing rapidly. Public funding for higher education has diminished drastically over the last decade. We must rely even more heavily on the support of those who care deeply about the mission and goals of our university. We are grateful for your financial support, your counsel and your commitment to the University of Memphis. Whether you give of your time, talent or treasure, we want you to know that we highly value your contribution. Your generosity means our graduates can contribute to society at every level. The shifting environment in higher education has mandated that we adapt our programs and services to meet new dynamics. We have developed even more online degrees and extended programs, expanded research, provided more community engagement, enhanced study-abroad options, generated meaningful internships and continued to move our students toward graduation in a timely manner. We have had many reasons to celebrate in this historic year. For the first time, we graduated more than 4,000 students. Our honors W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

program, already the largest in the state, experienced phenomenal growth, evidence that we have become a “first choice” for academically motivated students. We continue to be the safest university in the state over the last five years. Our Lambuth Campus in Jackson is exceeding enrollment expectations. And, as we go to press, we are very close to reaching our goal of raising $250 million for the Empowering the Dream campaign. When we developed our strategic plan three years ago, we set some aggressive benchmarks. We continue to monitor these metrics so we can assess our progress and move boldly into the future. Our strategic plan is focused on six goals. Student success is the reason we exist, while research and creativity are at the core of our mission to educate students through knowledge and expression. Access and diversity reflect our commitment to expand educational opportunities in an environment that embraces differences, cultivates shared decision-making and encompasses the rapidly changing technological landscape of higher education. Our extensive external partnerships, in which we serve as both an initiator of and a resource for important programs, mean that we are a vital component of the communities in which we

serve. And, the realization of all of our goals requires that we have a culture of service excellence within an inviting and safe setting, and that we develop a vibrant sense of place. Together, our six goals reinforce and complement one another. This dynamic strategic plan — developed from conversations with students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors, corporate partners and neighbors — is our road map to proactively move into the future. It guides our resources, directs our planning and allows us to seize new opportunities. On behalf of our students, faculty and staff, thank you for your confidence in us. Your unwavering support has empowered us to continue our commitment to undergraduate and graduate education while advancing our reputation as a major metropolitan research university.

Shirley C. Raines President






Student Success

Hardin Honors Program excels

Putting students on the path to success is at the core of the University of Memphis’ purpose as it educates them through the advancement of knowledge and expression.

They conduct cutting-edge research, work on major fundraising efforts and spend countless hours performing community service. Not only are members of the Helen Hardin Honors Program known for being civic-minded and goal-driven, they are a part of something else: the largest honors program in the state — one that is thriving more and more each year. “Every major research university needs the best and brightest students, and that is who we are recruiting,” says University President Shirley Raines. “We know that universities with outstanding reputations have approximately 10 percent of their students in honors programs.” The University has exceeded that lofty goal. This fall, total enrollment in the program is 1,848, with 469 of those being incoming freshmen. The trend in honors program enrollment is upward: just three years ago the tally was 1,400. The criteria in the program are intense: incoming freshmen must graduate from high school with a minimum 3.5 grade point average and score at least a 27 on the ACT or 1,200 on the SAT. The program is renowned for extraordinary professors, small classes and opportunities for research in a variety of disciplines. Students have won Truman, Goldwater, Fulbright and Rotary scholarships in recent years, as well as major campus awards. “The program gives you individualized attention,” says Honors Program graduate and U of M alumnus Mikah Meyer, who won a $24,000 Rotary Scholarship while enrolled at the U of M in 2009. “It is a program that expects you to have higher academic standards. When you go to the professors in the program and say you want to do more or want to do better, they are there for you and will help you attain your goals on an individual level.” The program received a major boost four years ago when the late Helen Hardin gave a gift of $2 million to enhance the initiative.

It is easy for Brennan Somers to put a face on one of the most important parts of the University of Memphis’ strategic plan: student success. As the new weekend anchor for WMBF News in Myrtle Beach, S.C., the former journalism major is considered by industry insiders as one of the top up-and-coming TV newsmen in the South and one of the U of M’s more “visible” success stories. He is quick to credit the U of M. “By the time I completed my studies at the University of Memphis, my resume was filled with internships, jobs and skills learned from all different types of journalism experiences,” says Somers (BA ’11). “My professors pushed me and gave me the networking connections that helped build a solid foundation to jump start my journalism career.” The internships and academic support services Somers enjoyed at the U of M are just a part of the student success portion of the University’s strategic plan. Specifically, it seeks to offer academic programming that successfully increases student learning; enhances University-wide undergraduate and graduate recruitment efforts; and increases student persistence and timely graduation. It also looks to strengthen student connections to the University community and emphasize learning experiences that develop students and alumni into leaders in their professions and communities. The University is measuring the success of this key part of the strategic plan through several metrics, including recruitment and subsequent enrollment figures, retention rates, numbers of students in internships and enrollment in the Helen Hardin Honors Program. Interim provost Dr. Tom Nenon says the University’s graduation rates and the number of degrees earned are two key indicators of where the U of M is headed. “We graduated a record number 4,098 this past year (with a goal of 4,600 in two years),” says Nenon. “Our total enrollment was more than 22,000 for the third straight year, which is a first in the 100-year history of the University. W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

And our graduation rate of incoming freshmen has grown from 39 percent three years ago to 43 percent this past year with a goal of 50 percent in 2014-15.” These trends aren’t by accident. Nenon says the University has keyed on early intervention of students who are having academic problems, a sort of “early alert” system. “We revised our policies on academic standing,” Nenon says. “In the old days, we had very little notice that a student was in academic trouble — you might have had a bad grade point average but still be listed as being in good academic standing. You might have been able to slide along to the point where you just fell off the map and dropped out of school with no attempt at intervention.” Tutorial sessions and academic support programing and services for students in academic trouble are now required via the Center for Academic Retention and Enrichment Services. Faculty are required to initiate the process by submitting an online form through the Early Intervention System. Enhanced recruitment efforts, too, have led to not only higher graduation and enrollment rates, but also an increase in the academic standing of incoming freshmen and transfer students. According to Betty Huff, vice provost for Enrollment Services, the average high school GPA for incoming freshmen increased from 3.26 in fall 2010 to 3.33 this fall. An even more impressive rise has been incoming students with an ACT score of 25 or higher: the number increased to 29.8 percent this fall from 24.4 percent three years ago. Huff says the U of M recruits nationally now, with admission counselors assigned to all 50 states. The number of students participating in internships has also seen a sharp rise, from 4,328 three years ago to 4,700 this year with a plan to reach 6,600 in fall 2014. Meanwhile, recent graduates like Somers are proof the strategic plan is working, ensuring that the U of M provides distinctive learning experiences that foster lifelong success.






Research and Creativity The University of Memphis is committed to providing a researchbased atmosphere that spawns discovery, integration, application and teaching to advance knowledge and enhance our society. Research by chemistry professors Daniel Baker and Abby Parrill-Baker that is aiding in the fight against cancer; the announcement that computer science professor Santosh Kumar is one of 10 up-and-coming researchers in the nation; a newly established Office of Technology Transfer that has already been awarded nine patents: thanks to the U of M’s strategic plan, the school is on the fast track to its goal of becoming one of the top urban research universities in America while reaching the Carnegie Foundation’s most prestigious research classification. “The research mission of the University of Memphis is to create, preserve and disseminate knowledge for the betterment of global society and our urban community,” says Dr. Andrew Meyers, vice provost for Research and executive director of the U of M Research Foundation. Specifically, the “research and creativity” portion of the U of M’s strategic plan seeks to grow externally funded research; develop research partnerships that capitalize on the University’s urban and regional setting; encourage and support research and scholarship that critically engages the community; and position personnel and resources to develop research and creative strengths. Research goals include $100 million in annual research funding (at $52.5 million this past year) and 150 doctoral students (the U of M graduated 136 in 2011-12). Students remain at the core of the mission. “A research university such as the U of M offers our students the advantage of learning from those who create new knowledge,” Meyers says. Recent Goldwater Scholarship recipient Melanie Sparks, a U of M Honors student, is a perfect example of how U of M professors guide up-and-coming scientists. The chemistry major, who finished in the 99th percentile of the national standardized General Chemistry final exam, works closely with professor Dr. Yongmei Wang doing computational modeling on ribosomal proteins, which can eventually lead to the development of new drugs. She is also an integral part of the Bakers’ cancer research. W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

The University’s commitment to realizing the goals of the research and creativity section of its strategic plan was demonstrated when it established the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) in 2008 in the FedEx Institute of Technology, considered the top research center in the Mid-South. “The OTT is a leader in our region and is deeply involved in the economic, social and professional growth of Memphis, the state of Tennessee and the nation,” says Kevin Boggs, assistant vice president of Technology Transfer. “We work closely with U of M faculty researchers to identify potentially patentable or copyrightable technologies. Our investment in U of M researchers, students and the entrepreneurial community enables us to facilitate the transfer of new technologies and innovative ideas to the public.” Boggs says that students benefit, too, which in turn addresses other goals in the strategic plan.

“The OTT helps science, engineering and technology graduate students by providing professional management of inventions they may make during the course of their thesis or dissertation research,” he says. “Technologies that students invent can therefore be brought to market and return a revenue stream that the student inventor would share.” The strategic plan also looks to increase the number of endowed professorships by 2014-15 and to push the number of Chairs of Excellence from 26 (highest in the state) to more than 30. Chairs of Excellence and Centers of Excellence were established at the U of M in the 1980s and are designed to attract top researchers and faculty. Meyers says the U of M has made huge strides in the past few years toward realizing its research and creativity goals. “In this generation, the University of Memphis has grown from $1 million to almost $55 million in external funding,” he says. “Even in these last five years of economic downturn and reduced federal funding for research, we have continued to invest in research support and infrastructure development that we believe will continue to grow our research program.”

Venturing to the next research level When one discusses the Crews Ventures Lab, the words innovation, entrepreneurship and technology weave their way into the conversation. The phrase “world-class facility” quickly follows. Just over a year ago, the University of Memphis received a $1 million gift from Hilliard and Harriett Crews to create a business start-up facilitator and incubator in the former Masonic Lodge at Walker and Patterson near the main U of M campus. This facility will have a major impact on entrepreneurship initiatives in the Mid-South. “The Crews Ventures Lab (CVL) at the U of M will provide a vibrant environment for promising researchers and local entrepreneurs to collaborate on projects with real-world applications,” says Hilliard Crews in making the gift. “Harriett and I are proud to be engaged in the exciting research innovations and commercialization opportunities happening at the University. We are confident the Ventures Lab will have a powerful and positive impact on Memphis and the entire region.” The operation is being managed by the University’s FedEx Institute of Technology. Construction on the facility at the former Masonic Lodge is expected to be completed next summer. The space will provide a home for U of M students and faculty to build teams, develop ideas and prototypes, meet with mentors and advisers, and make pitches to local and regional earlystage investors. “The CVL will support local economic development by encouraging and supporting the entrepreneurial faculty and students at the U of M to ‘take the next step’ in realizing their dreams of starting companies,” says Dr. Andrew Meyers, vice provost for Research. “The CVL will also be a key driver and anchor for growth of the Highland/Walker redevelopment project.”






Access and Diversity The University of Memphis seeks to promote and sustain a safe, accessible and vibrant community that values diversity. During the Sept. 18 unveiling of a historical marker that signifies the importance of the African-American students who integrated the University in 1959, Memphis State Eight member Luther McClellan (BS ’62) said, “Learning occurs when you have a diverse and multicultural campus. If it is all one culture, then learning is limited.” When McClellan and seven other African Americans first stepped foot on campus in fall of 1959, it was a groundbreaking moment in the history of the University — the U of M’s student body had finally become integrated. Some 53 years later, the University has diversified even more with dozens of races, nationalities and identities represented. The “access and diversity” section of the U of M’s strategic plan seeks to ensure a continuation and expansion of a culturally diverse campus that is accessible to all. “The University of Memphis recognizes that institutional excellence is derived, at least in part, from diversity and the University is committed to continued enhancement of our

local, state, regional and national reputation as a leader in this area,” says Dr. Rosie Phillips Bingham, U of M vice president for Student Affairs. “Our goal is to achieve a just environment for our campus community where everyone feels welcome, respected and safe.” Part of the U of M’s strategic plan called for updating the Institutional Diversity Plan, which can be viewed at www.memphis.edu/ affirmact/access.php. Dr. Tom Nenon, interim U of M provost, says a key component of the diversity plan is to develop a University-wide curriculum that guides students to think critically about social and economic justice issues while providing faculty and staff with the tools to teach, educate and support inclusivity. “Memphis is a racially diverse city so it is extremely important for people to learn to interact with people from different backgrounds,” Nenon says. “When you have people from all over the world, it enhances the experiences and education of all.”

The strategic plan also calls for an increase in the number of scholarships and fellowships awarded to underrepresented populations as well as additional efforts at recruiting and retaining minority administrators and faculty. The plan, too, encourages tolerance and understanding by offering online diversity training modules for students and employees. The “access” portion of the strategic plan seeks to offer more academic programs at satellite campuses, such as the Lambuth Campus in Jackson, Tenn. U of M administrators have a goal of 1,000 students at Lambuth by 2014-15. This fall semester, enrollment numbers reached about 550, more than double the number from 2011’s first-year mark. The U of M is also offering more online courses, which, too, improve accessibility. In 2009-10, the total number of online course credit hours generated was 18,937, a number that has increased to 31,861 this fall. The University’s efforts at access and diversity seem to be working, as evidenced by the thoughts of the granddaughter of Memphis State Eight member Bertha Rogers Looney (BA ’79). “I am happy that I get to go here and that I am treated fairly by everyone,” says Meca Hill, an economics major.

Creating a civil campus Cyber bullying on college campuses is rare, but with the rise in the use of social media sites by students, it is occurring more often and has even drawn national attention. The University of Memphis has taken a proactive stance with a campaign that stresses civility and respect among students, faculty and staff. “Sometimes we do things that are offensive to other people and don’t realize it,” says Linda Hall, coordinator of Multicultural Affairs and a member of a committee that studies civility on the U of M campus. “We will become more aware of other people’s feelings through this campaign.” “I think that once people can hear what other people think is disrespectful, people will show more respect,” says Meta Laabs, director of Student Affairs Administration. “The goal is for everyone to get along and respect each others’ feelings and opinions.” W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Residence Life and Dining Services Director Peter Groenendyk, who initiated the campaign, included cyber bullying in with a wide-range of other civility issues. “Besides multicultural issues, we broadened it to include social media, respect for community and good sportsmanship.” More than 20 University programs resulted from the initiative, all aimed at a more civil campus. About 3,000 students have taken part, and 23 U of M departments have been involved in the civility campaign. “The real benefit comes when students talk directly with their friends, classmates and faculty about civility,” Groenendyk says. Efforts to increase dialogue have come in many forms. The University hosts an annual “Why Do You Hate Me?” week designed to address issues of diversity, prejudice, privilege and civility. U of M basketball coaches

Josh Pastner and Melissa McFerrin have discussed the importance of civility among fans and players at sporting events. Diversity workshops have been included in academic courses, while other seminars have focused on civility in the U of M workforce and in personal relationships off campus. Other workshops have included focusing on civility and disability issues, suicide awareness components and essay writing contests designed to encourage students to think about how they treat others on and off campus. “The campaign has thrived, and I feel like we have made a tremendous amount of progress toward a more civil environment,” Groenendyk says. “The University will continue to hold such campaigns in the future to ensure civility on our campus. It is a win-win situation for all.” P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2012





Partnerships Whether through corporate, educational, governmental or research partnerships, as well as by establishing a strong connection to its alumni, the University is intent on building relationships to link its mission to external communities. The date of Sept. 26, 2012, came and went like most early fall days in the Mid-South, but at the University of Memphis, there was reason to celebrate: the University’s Alumni Association reached a milestone it was hoping to see by the end of the University’s centennial year — membership surpassed the 12,000 plateau for the first time ever. The mark was important in that alumni membership and alumni giving both have been identified as focus areas in the “partnership” section of the University’s strategic plan. “Every thriving University has a robust Alumni Association,” says Tammy Hedges, executive director of the U of M Alumni Association and director of Constituent Relations. “Alumni are the guardians of their University. A lifelong relationship with one’s alma mater through the Association makes the University stronger, and thereby degrees are worth more. It is in the best interest of all alumni to maintain their degrees’ worth through ‘investing’ in a relationship with their alma mater.” Focusing on relationships with alumni is just one part of the “partnerships” section of the strategic plan. It also seeks to expand productive sustainable community alliances; enhance the visibility of the U of M locally and nationally; and increase overall giving to the U of M to support its mission. “As a metropolitan research university, we strive to form mutually beneficial partnerships with business, government and community groups that foster learning for our students, provide support for our faculty and positively impact the quality of life in the Greater Memphis area,” says Julie Johnson, vice president for Advancement. The “giving” focus area has been one of the University’s most visible and successful areas of its strategic plan. The $250 million Empowering the Dream campaign was launched publicly just over a year ago. It is securing funding for priority University-wide faculty enhancements and academic initiatives such as the proposed new joint facility for the Loewenberg School of Nursing and the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders. The plan has helped foster innovative research projects, endowed scholarships and fellowships W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

and is funding a new indoor athletic facility. The campaign has already surpassed the $220 million mark and goes through June 30, 2013. Johnson says that at any given time, the U of M has 1,200 partnerships in the community. These range from safe community projects, leadership development and reading initiatives to improve neighborhoods, providing free legal counseling to those in need and helping to prevent such societal problems as smoking, obesity and teenage pregnancy. The College of Education, Health and Human Sciences, for example, has partnered with 12 rural school districts to establish the Southwest Tennessee Rural Education Cooperative. This effort will create a sufficiently large applicant

base to effectively compete for large federal and state grants, thus improving teaching and learning for 57,000 rural school students. The Institute for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership has joined with the Community Foundation of Memphis and United Way of the Mid-South to create the Strengthening Communities Program, designed to build capacity in neighborhoods and community organizations while furthering the engaged scholarship activities of University faculty. On a statewide level, the University’s focus on partnerships has produced “Tigers on the Hill,” a network of U of M graduates and friends who work on Capitol Hill in Nashville to generate support for the school. And in Jackson, Tenn., the U of M has created new educational opportunities for West Tennessee students with the opening of the Lambuth Campus. Through these and hundreds of other partnerships, the University’s connection to the community and nation will grow even stronger in its second 100 years.

Lending a helping hand Getting through college and earning a degree can be difficult, but imagine if you are a first-generation university student with little or no financial backing — the mountain just got higher. Thanks, though, to an $860,000 grant from the Suder Foundation, first-generation University of Memphis student’s path to the top isn’t as treacherous. The U of M has been selected to join a growing network of universities committed to increasing the graduation rate of first-generation college students through participation in the Suder First Scholars program. The Plano, Texas-based foundation focuses on providing individualized academic and social support, personal development and financial assistance to students whose parents have no education beyond high school. It is just one of many shining examples of partnerships with foundations and corporations that help drive the University. “In the fall of 2012, about 40 percent of first-time, full-time freshmen at the U of M were first-generation college students,” says Dr. Rosie Phillips Bingham, vice president for Student Affairs. “Students who are the first

in their families to attend college face extra challenges adjusting to college life, because they and their families lack information about the college experience. Our No. 1 goal at the University is student success. The First Scholars program will help us achieve that goal by giving students who may benefit from additional support the help they need to persist and graduate on time.” Nationally, only 36 percent of firstgeneration students complete bachelor’s degrees within six years of enrollment, compared with 60 percent of their peers whose parents are college graduates. Grant funds will be used to provide fouryear renewable scholarships of $5,000 each to incoming first-time, full-time freshmen whose parents did not attend college. Of the 47 universities that competed for the grant this year, only the U of M and Washington State University were named recipients. Texas businessman Eric Suder said the financial difficulty his family faced in sending both him and his brother to school was a major reason he began the foundation. P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2012





Campus Culture and Service Excellence The University of Memphis’ strategic plan calls for creating a campus culture that advances shared governance among students, faculty and staff; encourages transparency; and sustains and supports operational and service excellence. Providing excellent customer service may seem more in line with retail businesses, but more and more universities are stressing the importance of this interpersonal skill that can have a major impact on the perception and overall effectiveness of an institution. The U of M has put in place steps — including an Institutional Efficiency Report — in its strategic plan that focus on the success of the “campus culture and service excellence” goal. “There have been several initiatives undertaken by the University in the past two years to achieve greater institutional efficiency in multiple areas,” says Teresa Hartnett, director of Administrative Business Analysis in the Division of Business and Finance. Hartnett says these areas include customer service, organizational structure or restructure, information technology, energy efficiency, overall administrative process improvement, and — last but not least — academic success and progress toward degree completion.

“Our ongoing assessment of academic programs provides a valuable tool for decisionmaking about resource allocation and program implementation,” says Dr. Tom Nenon, interim provost. “We assess data to recommend and implement policies and initiatives that will ensure the overall quality of academic programs and student success.” A variety of advising technologies have been implemented to optimize class selection and placement and reduce time to degree completion. U of M students now have access to UMdegree (DegreeWorks), which helps them and their advisers monitor progress toward degree completion. The efficiency report also has helped the U of M tackle organizational structure or restructuring, such as at Lambuth Campus, where processes have been streamlined and best practices put in place to create an efficient environment. Hartnett says energy efficiency and information technology also are major focuses in creat-

ing operational and service excellence. Physical plant performed a campus-wide detailed energy use and savings study in 2010 as the basis for the $9.5 million Energy Savings Performance Contracting Project. The U of M continues to participate in the Energy Star purchasing program for certain types of equipment and appliances. One of the more visible areas of focus on process improvements is in the Information Technology Division. IT’s improvements have included the implementation of the TigerBuy E-Invoicing module and an expanded online presence of the Campus ID Card. The University also launched the Administrative Process Improvement Program in 2010 to streamline processes (read more below). The U of M is also working to provide the public and students with the best in customer service as part of the strategic plan. The University’s plan calls for recognizing and providing incentives for faculty and staff who provide high-quality service. By improving service excellence and overall efficiency, the U of M will continue toward its goal of becoming one of America’s top urban research universities.

U of M improves internal processes University of Memphis professor Katrina A. Meyer likes to inject a bit of humor into an otherwise tedious, but nonetheless extremely important initiative at the University: the Administrative Process Improvement Program. “I like to say that it keeps people from having an, ‘Oh, I could have had a V-8’ moment,’” the professor of higher and adult education says. “It gives faculty and staff a chance to see why an administrative process is done, such as the required steps in a research proposal, and see the reasons behind the process. It allows them an opportunity to make a suggestion that could improve upon a process and make it more efficient.” The U of M’s Administrative Process Improvement Program has already streamlined labor- and resource-intensive tasks while helping the U of M to become a more sustainable campus. “This initiative is a core strategy of the Campus Culture and Service Excellence goal of the University’s Strategic Plan, and our success will significantly advance strategic goals and objectives,” says Teresa Hartnett, co-director of the Program Management Group, which oversees the project. “In addition, the process itself is fostering W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

a culture of enhanced institutional flexibility and adaptability, so that the University can better respond to changes in customers’ needs, competitors’ actions, economic fluctuations or development opportunities.” The University gives faculty and staff an opportunity to fill out an online questionnaire and provide input on ideas to improve programs, procedures and processes. “Becoming more efficient in our administrative processes saves the University a lot of money and creates more efficiency and actions that cut across campus,” says Ann Harbor, a member of the U of M’s Project Management Group. “It can be an administrative process that is paper and time intensive, or one that an employee simply struggles to understand.” Research is an area that is seeing results. When submitting a research proposal, scientists have to be aware of federal regulations and procedures, a process often filled with hurdles. “Overall, we want to eliminate unnecessary steps and old processes and introduce more efficient procedures,” says Meyer. “We want to include educational material, too, about the processes involved in research proposals.” P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2012





Sense of Place The University of Memphis’ strategic plan includes offering a safe, inviting and sustainable campus setting. When the University of Memphis opened the new University Center (UC) in March of 2010, administrators had high hopes the facility would serve as a magnet for student life. The old, outdated UC had run its course — students had tossed the building aside much like a worn-out shoe. Two years after opening the doors of the new UC, U of M officials couldn’t be more thrilled with one of the newest additions to campus. On a daily basis, thousands of students visit the many social areas, conference rooms, offices, computer labs and dining areas of the sleek, three-story facility. The building is again the hub of student life. It didn’t happen by accident. The University has developed a master plan that is both visionary and practical, according to Tony Poteet, assistant vice president of Campus Planning and Design. “Some of the overall goals in our day-to-day operations are to develop a safe and secure campus with a great sense of community, easy access and pedestrian-oriented,” says Poteet. “The University’s long-range plan includes improving classroom environments, adding additional living areas and expanding research space for faculty.” Specifically, the U of M’s “sense of place” segment of the strategic plan is to provide a safe and secure campus environment; create facilities that enhance recruitment and retention; improve campus signage; collaborate with neighbors and businesses to advance sense of place; implement the University’s sustainability plan; and adopt innovative ways of realizing the campus master plan. “To be competitive with other universities, we have to stay on the very edge of the latest in teaching and research facilities,” says U of M President Shirley Raines. “We take the success and well-being of our students very seriously — we continually look for ways to improve the quality of their education and their on-campus experiences.” The University is currently engaged with design teams to pre-plan the U of M’s next three major facility additions. The Community Health Building, to be located on the Park Avenue Campus, will provide new W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

accommodations for an expanded Loewenberg School of Nursing program and the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders. The Biochemistry and Biology Facility for expanded research in those fields is being planned as is a new music facility that will be one of the finest on-campus music centers in the country and house the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music. The University’s strategic plan also includes developing a sense of place that extends beyond its campus borders. The U of M has partnered with the University Neighborhoods Development

Corporation for a revitalized pedestrian-friendly Walker Avenue next to campus. “University-community partnerships have the potential to drive economic development, enhance quality of life and create the significant places that we believe will transform Tennessee,” Raines says. The University’s strategic plan also seeks to continue the U of M’s status as the safest campus in the state of Tennessee. U of M Police Director Bruce Harber says his department continually looks for new ways to improve safety. “We continue to add technology. For example, we have more than 500 Web-based cameras on campus,” says Harber.

A tinge of green in a sea of blue The University as an icon for world-wide sustainability initiatives among universities? Not too far from becoming reality, according to U of M sustainability coordinator Amelia Mayahi. Mayahi and visiting professor of architecture Jennifer Thompson were chosen to give just one of eight keynote presentations at the prestigious World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities, an event parallel to the United Nations conference for Sustainable Development held last summer in Brazil. About 60 universities from dozens of countries such as China, the Netherlands, Finland and India were present. “What better way to be a leader in sustainability than being an international icon for sustainable development at universities,” Mayahi said. Six years ago, University of Memphis President Shirley Raines signed the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, signaling the U of M’s pledge to a more sustainable campus. Since then, the U of M has hit the accelerator In sustainability initiatives. “To address environmental challenges, we are becoming a leader in sustainable technologies and practices, acting as a model for the community,” says Dr. Raines. The past five years have seen meaningful and large leaps for the U of M in

sustainability initiatives. • The University of Memphis and Apple Inc. have co-hosted the largest e-recycling event in the Mid-South three times in the past five years. • The student-initiated Green Activities Fee has been implemented, producing about $400,000 that is used for educational purposes. • Recycling efforts have increased 300 percent. The University just added the Recycling Zone Prototype near Mynders Hall, which is serving as a demonstration site for sustainable practices and is available to students, faculty and others to deposit a wide range of recyclable materials. • Architecture students developed and designed the TERRA House, a “futuristic” sustainable demonstration house in Memphis’ Uptown neighborhood that has become a model for the nation. • The University’s expansive TIGUrS garden, adjacent to the Elma Roane Fieldhouse, serves as an educational tool for University and Campus School students as well as the general public. • The U of M also boasts a new student residence complex that opened two years ago that was the first and most sustainable public building in Tennessee, meeting LEED Silver standards in sustainability and green design. The University has dozens of other “green” projects: visit www.memphis.edu/ bluegoesgreen for more information. P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2012




2012 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS All gifts, regardless of size, are valuable and ensure that the University of Memphis continues to prosper as a leading metropolitan research university. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012, the University realized financial commitments in excess of $30 million from more than 11,000 donors. This represents a remarkable increase of nearly 40 percent in total annual giving over the previous year and was the highest single year of donor commitments since the University’s opening in 1912. We are pleased to recognize the donors on the following pages who have contributed toward the Empowering the Dream Centennial Campaign and a bright future for nearly 23,000 students.

* Alumni

MYNDERS SOCIETY The Mynders Society, formerly known as the University Fellows, recognizes lifetime giving to the University of $1 million or more. It is named for Seymour Mynders, the first president of the West Tennessee State Normal School, which later became the University of Memphis. Mynders Hall was one of the two original buildings on campus, along with the Administration Building. Anonymous Donor AT&T Armstrong Relocation Co. AutoZone Janet and James W. Ayers* Mr. W. Gordon Ball* Baptist Memorial Health Care Corp. Mr. Paul W. Barret Jr. (Trust)+ Mr. and Mrs. William W. Bond III* Mr. Bert H. Bornblum Mr. David Bornblum+ Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Bryant Jr.* Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Memphis Hilliard and Harriett Crews* Dr. Tommie* and Mr. William B. Dunavant Jr* Dunavant Enterprises Inc. W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Edwards Jr.* FedEx Corp. Dr. W. Harry Feinstone+ First Tennessee Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Flautt Jr.* Ms. Glenna B. Flautt* Mr. and Mrs. Avron B. Fogelman* Martha and Robert F. Fogelman Dr. and Mrs. Jerre M. Freeman* Glassman Edwards Wyatt Tuttle and Cox PC Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway* Mr. Jabie S. Hardin Jr.+ and Ms. Helen E. Hardin+ Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. E. Hunter* and Jeannie D. Harrison Mr. Herbert Herff+ (Trust) InterContinental Hotels Group Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. “Pitt” Hyde III Mr. and Mrs. George T. Johnson* Estate of Lela Almarit Johnson*+ Learfield Communications Inc. Lichterman Loewenberg Foundation Dr. Thomas W. Meriwether Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare Inc. Dr. Musette S. Morgan and Mr. Allen B. Morgan Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Saunders Morgan Morton* Mr. Morrie A. Moss+ and Ms. Alice Wheatley Trustee Mr. Michael D. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Rudi E. Scheidt Sr. Dr. W. Byron Smith*

Dr. Willard R. Sparks+ and Ms. Rita T. Sparks Ms. Elaine Springer Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stokes Jr. SunTrust Foundation The Assisi Foundation of Memphis Inc. The Urban Child Institute The Wilson Group Mr. Henry M. Turley Jr. Union Planters Corp. Ms. Harriet S. Van Vleet+ (Trust) Volkswagen Group of America Inc. Mr. B. J. Wade* Jim and Gina Wiertelak Mr. C. Kemmons Wilson Sr.+

BRISTER SOCIETY The Brister Society, formerly the Benefactor’s Circle, is named for John Willard Brister, the second president of the Normal School. The Brister Society recognizes lifetime giving of $100,000-$999,999. Brister Hall, originally Brister Library, was constructed in 1927 and named for President Brister’s son. Anonymous Donors*+ Mr. Chris E. Adams Ms. Amelia A. Miskel AT&T Foundation Dr. M. Brent Addington Administrative Consulting Services

Air Technical Services Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson A. Alburty+ Allen Steel Products Andy Warhol Foundation Dr. Charles R. Arkin* Dr. Dale B. Armstrong* Mr. Kelly Armstrong Arthur Andersen LLP Arthur F. and Alice E. Adams Foundation Associated General Contractors Mr. and Mrs. J. Olin Atkins* Ayers Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker III* Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker Jr.* Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell and Berkowitz PC Mr. and Mrs. L. McGraw Ballard+ Banes Capital Group Bank of America Bank of Bartlett Dr. Reed C. Baskin* Bass Berry and Sims PLC Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Bearden Becton Dickinson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. E. Nicholas Belisomo* BellSouth Corporate Foundation BellSouth Telecommunications Inc. Belz Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bennett* Mr. and Mrs. Emile A. Bizot III* Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Black* Mr. John M. Blose* Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bobango* Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Bolton Mr. and Mrs. William W. Bond III* Mr. Matthew T. Bond*

+ Deceased

Dr. Robert L. Bourland Jr.+* and Mrs. Jeanine Bourland Dave and Judy Bronczek Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown* Browning-Ferris Industries Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bruns Mr. John B. Buford Burch Porter and Johnson PLLC Mr. Herman G. Burgess*+ Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Burkett* Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Byrd* C. H. Sibal Trust C. M. Gooch Foundation John and Valerie Elkington* Mr. J. Jared Campbell III* Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics Mr. and Mrs. Murry J. Card Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. Gene D. Carlisle Mr. Kenneth J. Carmack* Carrier Corp. Mr. Leon D. Cash+ Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Catholic Center Diocese of Memphis McDonald’s/Century Management Mr. Wei W. Chen* and Dr. Zhaohui Xu* Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Chinn* Ms. Carolyn N. Rosson and Mr. Leigh W. Christophersen* Ciba Foundation Cisco Systems Inc. Ms. Karen F. Clark* Ms. Patricia S. Cloar Mr. David Cohn+ College Media Advisors Comcast Con T. Welch Charitable Lead Trust DTD Mr. Edward W. Cook+



Ms. Jeanette Cooley Mr. Irby Cooper+ Mr. John A. Crisman+ and Ms. Grace W. Crisman Sheila Jordan Cunningham and Roger J. Cunningham* Ms. Bonnie B. Daniel* and Mr. Watt Daniel Darby Dental Supply Dr. Ellen Davies-Rodgers*+ Ms. Esther K. Davis+ Day Foundation Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas DeHart Jr.* DeHart Capital LLC Ms. Frances Marie Dean+ A.C.A.P. - The Care Foundation Digital Equipment Corp. Mr. John Collier Dobbs Mr. John Hull Dobbs Sr. Robert and Deana Dodds* Mr. and Mrs. Ted B. Donaldson* Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Donovan* Dorothy K. Hohenberg Trust Doubletree Memphis Dr. and Mrs. David J. Dowling* Duncan-Williams Inc. Ms. Evelyn T. Echols* Echols Family Trust Edward J. Lawler Residuary Trust John and Valerie Elkington* Eloise Kimmelman Foundation Elvis Presley Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Felt Ms. Elaine C. Hoffman+ Mr. William R. Eubanks* Ms. Janie Evans Exchange Club of East Memphis ExxonMobil Foundation Ms. Norma Upshur and Mr. Jeff H. Farmer Jr. Farris Bobango PLLC Rhonda and Lenny Feiler* Ms. Karen S. Fields-Isaacman* First Tennessee Bank Mr. Richard L. Fogelman* Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fogelman II Forrest City Grocery Co. Dr. and Mrs. Chester P. Freeman*+ Ms. Martha L. Gilliland 18

Glankler Brown PLLC Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Glenn* Ms. Ann Glover Ann and Jim Glover+ Goodlett Foundation Susan and Alan Graf Green Mountain Consulting Mr. Joe Grills Guardsmark LLC Mr. Stephen P. Hale*+ and Ms. Kimberly R. Hale Mr. Gaylon S. Hall* Dr. and Mrs. Roger E. Hanes Ms. Louise A. Hardin and Mr. Barry E. Hardin* Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh PLLC Mr. Roy P. Harrover Michael and Rebecca Hawkins* Mr. and Mrs. Furman Hebb Hewlett-Packard Mr. George F. Higgs* Mr. and Mrs. W. Bernard Hill* Hill Clayton Trust Charlotte* and Fred Hodges* Hohenberg Charity Trust Al and Alison Hollingsworth* Jerry and Libby Hubbard* Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hubbert* Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie L. Hughes Ms. Bernice A. Humphreys*+ Mr. Edward G. Humphreys Sr.*+ Mr. James R. Humphreys J.R. Hyde Sr. Family Foundation IQS Inc. International Business Machines Corp. International Paper Co. Foundation Interstate Blood Bank Irish Mike’s Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Issacman Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Israel* Jaco Bryant Printers Inc. James E. and Katherine B. Harwood Charitable Trust Ms. Janet C. January* Mr. Robert J. January Jeniam Foundation


John J. Campbell Co. Inc. John Q. Hammons Hotels Inc. Dr. Rayburn W. Johnson+ Johnson and Johnson Family of Companies Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jones Mr. Paul Tudor Jones II KPMG Foundation KPMG Peat Marwick LLP Anne Marie and Tom Kadien Henry and Lena Kahn+ Kele and Associates Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kelley Jr.* Ms. Eloise Moxley Kimmelman+ Ms. Bettie M. King Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. King*+ Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lackie* J. Michael “Mickey” Robinson and Catherine Ladnier Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Lasley Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Lawrence Sr. Le Bonheur Healthcare Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Lenoir* Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Inc. LifeModeler Inc. Gail and James Link* Barbara* and Ira A. Lipman Mr. Lester F. Lit* Mr. and Mrs. William I. Loewenberg* Lucent Technologies Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Lynch Jr.* Mr. John D. Lynn* MAAR Education Foundation Inc. Malone and Hyde Inc. Dina* and Brad Martin* Estate of Ms. Barbara B. Matheson+ Mr. Harvey F. Maxwell Sr.* Dr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Mayo Sr.* Mr. John McCallen*+ Ms. Ruthie McCallen Mr. A. Stephen McDaniel* McDonald Outdoor Advertising Mr. James E. McGehee Jr. Mr. Jere S. McGuffee II* Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. McLellan Dr. Charles H. McNutt Mr. Robert M. McRae Jr.+

and Mrs. Louise McRae+ Mr. R. Clayton McWhorter Medtronic Mr. Edward J. Meeman+ Memphis Advertising Federation Memphis Chamber Foundation Memphis Gridiron Show Inc. Memphis Oral School For The Deaf Memphis Regional Chamber Metropolitan Memphis Hotel and Lodging Association Mike Driver Trust Mr. William (Bill) C. Miller Jr.* Miller Sports Inc. Mr. Joseph N. Mitchell*+ Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Moore Morgan Keegan and Co. Dr. Dwight A. Morris* Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Morris III* Neathery Revocable Trust New South Capital Management Inc. Ms. Alice Nishwaki American Humanics Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Connor Jr.* Oberkotter Foundation Robin and Billy Orgel Palisades Geophysical Institute Ms. Dianne Miller Papasan Mr. Larry W. Papasan Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Parker* Mr. David Patrick* and Ms. Jeannie Moffatt Patriot Bank Ms. Nancy Pegram+ and Mr. Ernest W. Pegram*+ Susan and David Perdue* Mr. and Mrs. Minor W. Perkins* Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Perl Dr. Barry B. Phillips Ms. Joyce B. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Pickens Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pickens* Pickering Firm Inc. Mr. Thomas B. Preston Procter and Gamble Fund Production Specialties Inc. RBS Sparks LLC RLG-Macy’s Department Stores Rational Corp. Ms. Flora Hayes Rawls+

Regional Adjustment Bureau Inc. Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodson Reid* Reynolds Bone and Griesbeck PLC Amy and Bill Rhodes* Bernadette and Kyle Rice Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor Richardson* Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Richardson Jr. Ring Container Technologies Risk and Insurance Management Society Robert and Martha Fogelman Charitable Trust Dr. and Mrs. Lowell B. Robison Jr.* Ms. Carolyn N. Rosson and Mr. Leigh W. Christophersen Sales and Marketing Executives of Memphis Mr. Milton T. Schaeffer* Maj. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Schultze*+ Scripps Howard Foundation David* and Phyllis Scruggs* Sedgwick James of Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. Shouky Shaheen Shelby Group International Inc. Dr. Janann Sherman Dr. Nancy D. Simco Dr. T. David Sisk+ Ron and Linda Sklar* Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Smith Mr. Steve Smith Smith & Nephew Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Dowen E. Snyder Society of Manufacturing Engineers Southeast Foundation Inc. Southeastern Asset Management Inc. Sparks Financial Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Spell* Mr. Gary A. Rosenberg* Mr. Richard A. Sperry Ms. Christine C. and Mr. Murray A. Spindel+ Mitchell and Janet Spurlock* Ms. Mary Alice+ and Mr. J. Robert Stagner*+

* Alumni

Mr. Maurice E. Stanley+ Star Distributors Co. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. Steelcase Inc. Stern Cardiovascular Center Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Strasberg* Mr. and Mrs. Jim Strickland* SunTrust Foundation Sunstone Properties Inc. Ms. Deborah L. Talbot* Tennessee Road Builders Association Tennessee Titans Charity Fund Tension Envelope Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Terry* The Commercial Appeal The Hohenberg Foundation Inc. The Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation The Morgan Morton Family Foundation Inc. The Rockefeller Foundation The Rose Foundation The Sparks Foundation The Suder Foundation The West Clinic PC Estate of Edith B. Thomas+ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Thomas+ Maurie C. and Betty J. Thomas* Thomas W. Briggs Foundation Mr. Redford A. Tilson+ Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Traicoff* Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Turley Jr. United Way of the Mid-South Mrs. Ozelle H. Van Blue*+ and Dr. Rayburn W. Johnson+ Henry and Jeanne Varnell The Honorable Diane K. Vescovo* and Mr. Michael McLaren Ann and Jim Vining WREG News Channel 3 Mr. William B. Walton Sr.*+ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wang* Watkins Uiberall PLLC James T.* and Robin Watson Mr. David Wedaman* Mr. Robert E. (Bobby) Wharton Jr.* Whitaker Foundation W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Dr. and Mrs. Russel L. Wiener Estate of Fletcher Earl Wilkinson+ William R Eubanks Interior Design Inc. David and Elsa Williams Mr. DeAngelo C. Williams* Wind River Winegardner and Hammons Inc. Ms. Ethel Winfrey Wright+ Wyatt Tarrant and Combs LLP Dr. Lawrence and Ms. Sarah J. Wynn*+ Ms. Jan A. Yelen netGuru Inc.

MANNING SOCIETY The Manning Society is named for Professor Priestley Hartwell Manning, who joined the faculty with the school’s opening in 1912. Sixteen years later, he bequeathed the bulk of his estate to establish a scholarship fund. The Manning Society recognizes lifetime giving of $25,000$99,999. Manning Hall, built in 1928, is named for him. Anonymous Donors*+ ABC 24 WPTY UPN 30 WLMT ABF Freight System Inc. AC Humko Corp. ALGOR Inc. AOC LLC Mr. and Mrs. T. Robert Abney* Adam’s Mark Hotel Dr. and Mrs. John R. Adams Mr. Larry G. Adams* Dr. Ruth F. Adams* Adams and Reese PLLC Mr. James R. Adkins Dr. and Mrs. Justin C. Alder Jr.*

Agrileum LLC Alamo Rent-A-Car Mr. Gerald W. Alexander Co. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Alexander* Mr. Cary Allen Mr. Michael D. Allen* Allen Summers Simpson Lillie and Gresham Allen and Hoshall Inc. Allen-Bradley Co. Mr. Randy C. Almand* Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Alperin+ Altera Corp. American Chemical Society American Heart Association Amoco Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Rex A. Amonette Mr. Andrew J. Anderson* Ms. Sherri D. and Mr. Bill Anderson* Mr. Steve M. Anderson Anderson Tully Co. Annie E. Casey Foundation Apperson Crump and Maxwell PLC Apple Computer Inc. Dr. Thomas H. Appleton Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Argo* Aristotle Arkansas Museum of Discovery Ms. Alice M. Armstrong+ Mr. Walter P. Armstrong Jr.+ Armstrong Allen PLLC Ms. Elizabeth F. Arndt* Mr. Michael Arndt Dr. Esmond L. Arrindell Askew Hargraves Harcourt & Associates Inc. Asset Services LP Athens Distributing Co. Dr. John Autian Autodesk Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Autry* Avis Rent-A-Car Avron B. Fogelman Scholars Program Foundation Inc. Mr. Danny Azbill B and C Construction Inc. BDO Seidman Ms. Kathy Bacherig and Mr. Sam Loeb Bacherig Jr.*+

Mr. and Mrs. Kirk P. Bailey* Bill and Sandra Bailey* Mr. Chip Baine* Dr. Leighton M. Ballew*+ Ballin Ballin and Fishman Mr. Stephen M. Balton* BancorpSouth Millington Bank of America Foundation BankTennessee Banking Consultants of America Mr. Donald O. Barber* and Ms. Shirlee M. Clark* Mr. and Mrs. Aprad D. Bardos* Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Bargiacchi* Mr. George H. Barham Mr. Joseph C. Barkley* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barksdale Jr.* Mr. Gregory E. Barnes* Barnes & Brower Inc. Art and Susan Barnett* Barrow-Agee Laboratories Ms. Julie C. Bartholomew* Mr. and Mrs. C. Lamar Bell* Ms. Malcolm F. Bell+ BellSouth Advertising and Publishing Corp. Bellevue Foundation Dr. Donald J. Bellott Sr.*+ Keith and Cindy Belote* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Belz Belz Enterprises Belz Foundation Anne Wulff and Brian Bendersky* Robert and Kathryn Berry* Bill Heard Chevrolet of Collierville Mr. Steven F. Bilsky* Binswanger Glass Co. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Black* Black McLaren Jones Ryland & Griffee PC Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Blackard* Ms. Patricia B.* and Mr. Donald A. Blackard* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blackwell* Kathleen D. Blair* and Jack R. Blair Mr. William F. Blaylock*

+ Deceased

BlueCross BlueShield of TN Foundation and Community Trust Bluff City Autoplex Board of Trade of the City of NY Inc. Boatmen’s Bank of Tennessee Mr. H. Eric Bolton Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. William W. Bond Jr.+ Bond Stables Dr. and Mrs. Jerrell L. Borup* Mr. and Mrs. Ross A. Boswell* Bounds and Gillespie Architects PLLC Ms. Barbara Bowling Capt. and Mrs. Denver H. Bowman* Mr. Larry K. Boyd* Ms. Winifred J. Boyd* Ms. Genie J. Braden* and Mr. Ralph E. Braden Brady Corp. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George D. Brandenburg* Mr. Raymond A.+ and Mrs. Maxine Ritchey Bratcher+ Paul and Janie Bray Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Bray* Dan and Kathy Breckenridge* Mr. Webb A. Brewer* Brimhall Foods Co. Inc. Ms. Barbara G. Bronze* Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brooks* Brooks and Mazzola Brother International Corp. Estate of Adele B. Brown*+ Dr. Craig M. Brown* Dr. Joe L. Brown II* Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Brown*+ Brown and Associates Brownsville John Deere Mr. George W. Bryan Ms. Marcia C. Row* Bryce Corp. Buckman Laboratories International Inc. Bud Davis Cadillac Mr. Charles D. Bullock* Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Burcky*



Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Buring Mr. Nat Buring+ Mr. Bill Eugene Burk*+ Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Busby* Butler Snow O’Mara Stevens and Cannada PLLC Gary and Cindy Byars HMI Electric C. H. Robinson Worldwide Inc. CAMAX Manufacturing Technologies CARQUEST Auto Parts Stores CGG Petrosystems CN CNC Software Inc. Cadence Bank Caesars Entertainment Ms. Elizabeth T. Caldwell* Mr. Eric W. Callan Cannon Packaging Co. Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Cantu* Mr. Albert R. Capley+ Cargill Inc. Bill and Patty Carkeet* Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Carls* Dr. Peter G.+ and Ms. Carolyn E. Carnesale Carnevale Inc. Mr. John F. Carrier* Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Carter* Mr. Randon J. Carvel* Central BBQ Ms. Diane Chance Chancellor and Son Inc. Dr. Steve Charles Charlie Vergos’ Rendezvous Charter Medical LLC Barry and Susan Chase* Chevrolet Motor DivisionGeneral Motors The Honorable Robert L. Childers* and Ms. Amy J. Amundsen* Mr. and Mrs. Jack Childs* Ms. Meredith W.* and Mr.Matthew T. Chism* Mr. Tyler K. Chow* Christie Medical Holdings Mr. Mark J. Christopher* Ciba-Geigy Corp. Dr. John E. Cicala* 20

Cindy Lou LLC City Auto Sales Mr. and Mrs. James E. Clayton* Dr. Jane B. Clement* Cleo Inc. Mr. Thomas S. Cobb II* Gene B. and Sandra T. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Cockroft Ms. Ninna B. Coffman+ Drs. Dalvan and Greta Coger+ Mr. Robert B. Cohen The Honorable Stephen I. Cohen* Mr. and Mrs. George D. Cole Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Coleman Ms. Jan S. Coleman* and Mr. Ronald L. Coleman* Ms. Paula S. Collie Mr. Robert E. Collie* Colonial Country Club Mr. and Mrs. J. Gary Comella* Mr. Robert Compton Computer Sciences Corp. Confucius Institute Headquarters Cigna Construction Specifications Institute Continental Traffic Service Inc. Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Conway Jr.* Cook Systems International Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Hilburn L. Cooke Jr.* Mr. W. Lee Coolidge* Mr. Jack Cooper Cooper Companies Coopers and Lybrand LLP Coors Brewing Co. John and Deborah Cothern* Covington Pike Toyota Dr. C. E. Cox Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Crabtree II Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Craddock Jr.* Craig Construction Co. Dr. Joe M. Cromwell* Mr. and Mrs. George E. Crone Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crosby Dr. V. Glenn Crosby* and Ms. Nancy R. Crosby*+ Mr. Charles G. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Tim Dacus* Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dacus Jr.*


Dr. Susanne B. Darnell* Mr. Bryan Darr Ms. Leslie M. Darr* Data Network Systems Mrs. Toni T. Davis* and Mr. Fred Lee Davis* Dawson’s Printing Inc. Mr. Jack D. Day Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Day* Ms. Renee S. DeGutis* Mr. Vincent M. DeGutis* Mr. and Mrs. Cypriano P. DeSouza* Deal Cooper Holton PLLC Ms. Susan Decker Dr. Hubert L. Dellinger Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Rex M. Deloach* Delta Beverage Group Delta Life and Annuity Co. Delta Wholesale Liquors Inc. Delta Zeta Follies - All Sing Ms. Patsy K. Deming* Dr. Kin* and Margaret Dempsey* Dennis Electric Inc. Ms. Mary Ann Diamond* Ms. Barbara B. Dickey* Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dickey Jr.* Dillard’s Department Stores Inc. Dr. Vivian C. Dillihunt* and Mr. Curtis L. Dillihunt* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dinkelspiel* Mr. Fred Dobbs Mr. John H. Dobbs Jr. Dobbs International Services Mr. Timothy W. Donaldson* Mr. and Mrs. Bill Donigan*+ Dr. and Mrs. H. James Dorman* Mr. Joe M. Dorris* Mr. Michael J. Douglass* and Ms. Maria Douglass* Ms. Bonnie Dove Mr. J. Scott Dowdy Dr. Jackie D. Drake Jr.* Mr. Charles C. Drennon III* Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dreve* Mr. J. Michael Murphy and Mrs. Sherry DuBose Murphy* Dupont Co. Dr. Marie E. Dubke Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dunavant

Ms. Leslie G. Dunavant* Dunavant Development Co. Mr. and Mrs. P. Todd Dunaway* Eagle Specialty Products Inc. Ms. Becky E. Earl Mr. Tommy A. Earl Economy Boat Store Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Edge Jr.* Edge Biological Inc. Mr. James C. Edrington* Mr. Edward Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Edwards Jr.* Mr. W. Terry Edwards* Dr. James L. Ellis Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Ellis* Dr. and Mrs. John A. Ellzey* Elvis Presley Memorial Foundation EnSafe Engineers’ Club of Memphis Inc. Ernst and Young LLP Mr. Lawrence E. Evans* Evans Petree Bogatin Mr. Reid D. Evensky* Evergreen Steel Corp Ewing M. Kauffman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Walter Exline Dr. William D. Falvey and Ms. Emily R. Woodside Mr. Michael Farien Debbie and Ed Farler Mr. and Mrs. John M. Farris* Mr. William W. Farris Sr.*+ Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Faudree Jr.* Ms. Linda G. Feinstone Dr. Stephen M. Feinstone Ms. Louise S. Fellows* Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Felsenthal* Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ferraro Mr. Richard H. Fields* First American National Bank First Tennessee Bank First Tennessee Matching Gift Program Ms. Tina S. Flaherty* Mr. and Mrs. Leroy J. Flick Dr. Carl E. and Ms. Donna B. Flinn Kirby and Glenn D. Floyd* Mr. Mark A. Fogelman Mr. Humphrey E. Folk Jr.+

Ms. Ann G. Ford* Bob and Ann Ford* Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Forman* Mr. Jimmie D. Fouts Sr.*+ Mr. Bryan D. Fox* Dr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Francisco Mr. James H. Frazier Friends of Chucalissa Trust Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fristick Jr.* Ms. Dianne B. Fry Dr. Tommy L. Fudge Warren and Brenda Funk* G and W Diesel Service Inc. GTE Corp. Mr. David T. Gadd* Keri and Doug Gage Gannett Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Garrety* General Hotels Corp. Dr. Thomas C. Gettelfinger Drs. Julia Warnock and James R. Geurin* Mr. Christopher J. Gholson* Dr. G. James Gholson Jr. Gibbs and Associates Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Gibson Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gilliland Susan Lawless-Glassman* and Richard Glassman* GlaxoSmithKline Dr. and Mrs. Louis Glazer Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Goldsmith* Dr. Charles R. Goodpasture*+ Gossett Motor Cars Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Gould* Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Gowen Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Graesser* Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Graflund* Gran Investment Partners LP Mr. Mickey G. Granger* Ms. Terri C. Gray Mr. Gary M. Grear* Great Cities Universities Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Gresham Gretans Management Co. Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Grinder* Grinder Taber and Grinder Inc Dr. and Mrs. Nathan D. Grundstein+

* Alumni

Marty and Gayle Grusin* Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Guizlo Jr. Ms. Judy M. Gupton* Mr. Frank J. Gusmus Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. William O. Hagerman* Mr. Joe Hall Mr. Joseph B. Halyard* Dr. and Mrs. James M. Hamlett III Mr. Jerome H. Hanover Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Hansard Jr. Harcros Chemicals Mr. George C. Hargett* Mr. Mike Harless* Mr. Tom Harrison Jackie Jensen Hart* and Ron Hart* Hart Hotels Inc. Harwood F. Mullikin Trust Hattie G. Watkins Educational Fund Mr. O. Mason Hawkins Mr. Jimmy Hayslip* Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Hazen* Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Heffernan*+ Ms. Elizabeth C. Heflin* Mr. Michael Heflin Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Henning* Mr. and Mrs. P. James Henry* Glen* and Sherry Herald Herman Bensdorf II Residuary Trust Hewlett-Packard Inc. Hi Lo Music Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Roger L. Hiatt Sr.* Mr. Wes Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Randall R. Higginbotham* Holihil Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Holland* Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Holmes Ms. Lorena M. Holshoy Kathryn Hookanson Estate*+ Ms. Margaret Anne Hooker* Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks+ and Ms. Frances D. Hooks Mr. Dennis K. Hope Hospitality Education Fund Hot Graphics and Printing Inc. W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Ms. Margaret L. Hough+ Houghton Mifflin Co. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald C. Howard* Mr John G Hoyt+ Ms. Ann J. Huckaba Huey’s Corp. Mr. William S. Huff Dr. John G. Hughes+ Mr. William T. Hull Jr.+ and Ms. Sarah A. Hull Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter Humphreys* Mr. Robert S. Humphreys* Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hutson* Mr. J. Kevin Hyneman* Ms. Florence V. Illing+ Mr. and Mrs. Vince Immordino Ms. Barbara I. Ingram* Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Ingram* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inman Jr. Institute for the Study of Security Markets Insurance Professionals of Memphis Interactive Solutions Inc. Interpreting Service for the Deaf Inc. Golden Corral Corp. John* and Lynda Irvine Allen and Jeri Israel J. H. and Dorothy Shepherd Charitable Trust J. M. Smucker Co. JW and MP Richardson Living Trust Mr. Richard T. Jackson Jackson Lewis LLP Mr. Don S. Jamison Dr. Jeanne Jemison and Mr. Frank Z. Jemison Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Jerkins* Archer Malmo Advertising Mr. Allen O. Jones Jr. Dr. Billy Mac Jones+ Earle and Irene Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Jones Dr. and Mrs. R. Riley Jones Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Jordan Jr.

KDXPRESS Dr. and Mrs. Howard S. Kaltenborn+ Dr. Ehud R. Kamin* Mr. Randy Karchmer Mr. Hugh L. Keenan Jr.* Keep America Beautiful Inc. Helyn and L. Harold Keith* Kellogg Co. Estate of Charles E. Kennedy Jr.*+ Lisa L. Kennedy and Jonathan P. McCauley* Mr. Robert L. Kennedy* Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kersey Kiesewetter Wise Kaplan Prather PLC Mr. David Kimmelman+ Ms. Delores Kinsolving* Ms. Dorothy O. Kirsch* Joe and Ronni Kirsch* Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kirsch Jr.+ Kisber Enterprises LLC Kiser’s Floor Fashions Mr. George Klein* Drs. Lisa M.* and Robert Klesges Mr. Donald L. Knox Mr. William L. Koeneman Ms. Janice Kolb Mr. S. L. Kopald Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Kosten* Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kraker* Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kramer Ms. Catherine Rudner Kraus* and Dr. David H. Kraus* Dr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Kraus* Mr. Martin R. Kriger* Ms. Sonya A. Krivcher Mr. and Mrs. David F. Kustoff* Frank Ricks/Looney Ricks Kiss Ms. Jennifer Johnson* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lackey* Lackie Trading Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lafferty Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Lambert* Mr. and Mrs. Burns Landess* Alex and Sarah Laskaris* Laurelwood Shopping Center Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Laurie* Dr. Paul E. LeRoy+ Leader Federal Bank for Savings

Mr. Scott Ledford Lehman-Roberts Co. Ms. Deborah H. Bilsky* Lensrentals.com Mr. Michael I. Less* Less Getz and Lipman PLC Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lewallen Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. George P. Lewis* Dr. and Mrs. Myron Lewis Mr. Richard L. Lightman Dr. Timothy F. Linder* Dr. Sandra P. Lipman* and Mr. Clifton M. Lipman* Ms. Sue Ann Lipsey* and Mr. Bernard A. Lipsey* Mr. Edward H. Little+ Jeff and Melanie Little Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Lloyd* Mr. Lonnie E. Loeffel* Mr. and Mrs. J. William Lovelace* Mr. Wayne A. Lowrie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lucchesi Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Luhrs* Dr. Francesco Lurati Mr. and Mrs. John W. Luther Sr.* Madonna Learning Center Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Maglio Sr. Mr. John R. Malmo Mr. O. Clarke Mann+ Louise and Jeff Mann Ms. Lenore E. March+ Ms. Joanne L. Markell Ms. Annette D. Marks*+ Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marshall Ms. Virginia B. Martin+ Dr. Barbara D. and Mr. William E. Mashburn* Masscomp Computer Co. Massey’s Auto Parts Inc. Mr. S. Eugene Mathis Jr.* Mrs. Nancy L. Mattox and Mr. Richard A. Mattox* Mr. M. Woodrow Mauldin Ms. Judy May Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. May* Mr. James B. McBryde* McCabe Construction Co. Ms. Janet McCaskill Dr. Harold A. McCormack* and Ms. Beverly M. McCormack*+

+ Deceased

Col. and Mrs. James K. McCurdy*+ Ms. Beverly McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. McGee* Mr. and Mrs. Rick McKenna* Mr. Edward J. McKenney Jr.* Mr. Jerry E. McLaurine+ Ms. Shirley A. McLaurine Mr. Phillip H. McNeill Jr.* McNeill Commercial Real Estate Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. McStay Mr. Ronald B. McSwain* McVean Trading and Investments Media General Broadcast Services Medical Insurance Filing Services Medtronic Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Meeks Mr. and Mrs. William S. Melton* Memphis Area Legal Services Inc. Memphis Bar Association Memphis Chapter Society for Information Memphis Community Development Partnership Memphis Dermatology Clinic Memphis Engraving Co. Memphis Grizzlies Memphis Restaurant Association Memphis Runners Track Club Memphis Shelby Crime Commission Memphis Speech and Hearing Ctr Inc. Memphis in May Menard Gates and Mathis Inc. Dr. Lisa L. Mendel and Dr. Maurice I. Mendel Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Mendelson* Mr. Paul I. Mendelson* Mr. Hubert S. Menke+ Ms. Stella Menke Mr. and Mrs. K. Dale Menkel III* Jo Ann and Del Mercer* Merrie Oldsmobile-GMC Truck Mr. Roy G. Mersch*+ Mid-America Apartment Communities LP Mid-South Association of Contingency Planners Mid-South Head Trauma



Mike’s Autoplex Millington Telephone Co. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Millrany* Mr. Stanley Mills* Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp. Mirabile Investment Corp. Missouri Hardware Flooring Co. Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Montoya* Mr. John H. Moore* Morgan and Thornburg Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Olin F. Morris Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Morton Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. William B. Moss* Jim Moton Mount Moriah Dodge Mueller Industries Inc. Ms. Christine B. Munson* Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Murdock Dan S.+ and Patricia H. Murrell Murdock’s Nissan Motors Professor William J. Murnane Jr.+ Mr. J. Michael Murphy and Mrs. Sherry DuBose Murphy* Mr. Robert A. Murray* Barbara and Glen Murry Mr. Jay B. Myers* Ms. Maureen W. Myers* Naegele Outdoor Advertising Nahon Saharovich and Trotz PLC Nashville Community Foundation Nathan Associates National Association of Security Dealers National Guard Products Inc. National Healthcare Scholars Foundation NationsBank Nationwide Insurance Enterprise Foundation National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Neal New York Times Co. Mr. and Mrs. G. Paul Newman* Ms. Beverly J. and Mr. Lee A. Nicholson 22

Nike Inc. and Affiliates Gil and Sybille Noble David and Suzon Burrows Mr. Marcus H. Norton* Marilyn and Herbert Notowich* The Estate of Trudy A. Noyes*+ Orange County’s United Way Eunice and Edward Ordman Orgill Inc. Drs. Michael and Suzanne Osborn* Mr. and Mrs. James A. Owen* Ms. Debbie C. Padawer* and Mr. Paul R. Padawer* Hal and Betty Padgett* Carol and Mike Palazola* Ms. Catherine T. Palazola* Mr. Mark Palazola Ms. Vicki Roman Palmer* Mr. William L. Pankey* Dr. Richard C. Parker* Parker Hannifin Foundation Pathtrace Systems Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Payne* Mr. David M. Pennington* Penny Hardaway Inc. Peoples Bank Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Pera* Ms. Deborah B. Perkin* Perkins Restaurant and Bakery Mr. Hugh M. Peterson Jr.* Ms. June C. Peterson* John and Nancy Petree Pfizer Foundation Mr. John V. Phelps* Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Phillips Sr.+ Melvin and Ann Phillips Phillips Brothers Investments Ms. Rochelle Pierce Ms. Shirley E. Piontek+ Dr. Charles Plesofsky Plough Broadcasting Co. Dr. Chloee K. Poag and Mr. G. Daniel Poag Jr.* Poag Lifestyle Centers LLC Mr. Dion G. Pogson* Polaroid Corp. Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Polden Mr. and Mrs. Boyd A. Pollard* Polycryl Corp


Pope Ferrington Trust Mr. Hugh Potts Marty and Gayle Grusin* Power and Telephone Supply Co. Mr. Paul E. Prather* Dr. Barbara U. Prescott* and Mr. Allie J. Prescott III* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Presley* Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Preston Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Preston PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP Carol and Mike Prince Pro-Golf Discounters of Memphis Professional Secretaries International Promus Hotel Corp. Pryor Oldsmobile and GMC Elwood and Janet Qualls* Ms. Janet Qualls Mr. Daniel B. Quinley* Dr. Gabriel P. Racz+ Mr. Andrew H. Raines* Dr. Shirley C. Raines and Dr. Robert J. Canady Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rainey Dr. Richard R. Ranta and Dr. Carol Crown Ranta Mr. Oscar Edwin Reece*+ Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Reed* Mr. William R. Reed Jr.* Ms. Mildred A. Reeves* Regions Bank Regions Financial Corp. Foundation Ms. Tina S. Reisedge* Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Reisman* Research for International Tobacco Control Restoration Systems Inc. Dr. John W. Richardson Jr.+ Mr. Darrell B. Riffe Dr. Trish Calvert Ring and Mr. Carl D. Ring Ms. Robert G. Ring Roadshow BMW Inc. Ms. Elma N. Roane*+ Mike and Debbie Robb* Dr. and Mrs. S. Gwin Robbins Jr. Mr. William R. Roberts Mr. Michael A. Robinson*

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson Rock Island Corp. Ms. Monice J. Roland Rose Construction Inc. Mr. Herschel Rosenberg* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Rosengarten* Mr. Jeff Roth Mr. James B. Rothman Dr. and Mrs. Cecil C. Rousseau Sandra and Joe Rowell* Ms. Laura Rowland* Mr. Robert E. Royal Royal Furniture Co. Ruby Avenue Realty Mr. and Mrs. William B. Rudner Mr. Charles S. Ryan S and M Financial Services Inc. SFI of Tennessee SKAL Club of Memphis SSR Ellers Inc. Mr. David W. Sage* Saint Francis Hospital Auxiliary Saks Inc. Foundation Mr. Harry D. Samuels Ms. Barbara J. Sandberg* Mr. Reid Sanders Ms. Debra L. Sandvig Sara Lee Foundation Mr. William C. Schadrack Jr.*+ and Ms. Marianne Schadrack Schahet Hotels Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Elkan Scheidt* Schering-Plough Foundation Inc. Schering-Plough HealthCare Products Ms. Neal Schilling*+ Schilling Enterprises Schwartz Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Scobey* Murray and Susie Scott* Seamless Systems Security Bank Sedgwick Inc. Mr. Arthur N. Seessel III Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Seessel Mr. and Mrs. Melville J. Seessel Ms. Frank E. Seidman Mr. and Mrs. James R. Selberg* Dr. and Mrs. Bob L. Sellers+

Serra Chevrolet ServiceMaster Mr. Larry T. Shaffer Dr. Naseeb Shaheen+ Mr. Arif Shakeel* Dr. W. Vance Shappley Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sharp* Sharp Manufacturing Co. Ms. Verna T. Sharpes+ Mr. and Mrs. J. Alvin Shelby* Shelby Electric Co. Shelby-Skipwith Inc. Shell Oil Co. Foundation Mr. John S. Shepherd Sherman W. Parry Credit Trust Drs. Rick J. and Paula M. Short Mr. William O. Shults* Sigma Tau Health Science Inc. Dr. Judith C. Simon Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Siskin* Ms. Donna W. Skaarer* Skeeter Gowen Memorial Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin S. Skopp* Dr. Linda Smiley Mr. Aubrey A. Smith Jr. Dale Smith Mr. Garland T. Smith Mr. Gary K. Smith* Dr. Mark S. Smith* Ms. Melody D. Smith and Mr. Darrell D. Smith* Dr. R. Eugene Smith*+ and Ms. Anne C. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Rick A. Smith* SmithKline Beecham Foundation Dr. Allen and Mrs. Hope H. Sneed* Solar Barque Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Solmson Southern Steel Supply Co. Inc. SouthernSun Asset Management Mr. and Mrs. Billy G. Spain Dr. James N. and Emily C. Speakman David and Charlene Spiceland* Spiceland Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Springfield Sr.* Mr. James E. Spurlock+ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Staed*

* Alumni

Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Stafford* Standard Construction Co. Inc. State Farm Companies Foundation State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. Dr. Gilbert G. Stein Ms. Jill M. Steinberg Mr. Kenneth A. Steinberg* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Stellute* Mr. Michael J. Stengel* Mr. Robert L. Stephens* John and Margie Stoever* Stone Higgs and Drexler Storopack Inc. Mr. Elmer W. Stout Mr. Dennis W. Strickland* Mr. Todd Strickland Mr. Mike P. Sturdivant Sr. Ms. Diane Smith Sullivan*+ and Mr. David C. Sullivan* Mr. James B. Summers* Mr. and Mrs. Rick Summers* Sun Microsystems Inc. Surfware Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Svoboda* Mr. and Mrs. Mel Swaffer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry K. Swatley* Dr. Robert E. Sweeney and Ms. Lynn Franklin* Sysco Memphis LLC TAM Electric Co. TPI Restaurants Inc. Ms. Pat Tanner Mr. William B. Tanner+ Dr. Kurt Tauer Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Taylor* Mr. Michael R. Teague* Technical Consultants Inc. Mr. Edgar H. Tenent Jr.*+ Tennessee Chapter American Planning Association The 100 Club of Memphis The Arthritis Foundation The Bodine Co. The Bornblum Foundation The Brinkley Foundation The Cargill Foundation The Hardison Law Firm The Highland Hundred The Hispanic Education Foundation of Tennessee W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

The Knapp Foundation Inc. The Kroger Co. The Menke Foundation The Pallet Factory The Phoenix Manufacturing Co. Inc. The Presser Foundation The Principal Financial Group Foundation The Rainwater Family Companies The Ronald C. Hart Family Foundation The Schadt Foundation The Sun Microsystems Foundation The W. E. Flaherty Family Foundation The WMC Stations The Wetherbe Group Mr. and Mrs. Elbert L. Thomas Jr.* Ms. Elisabeth Thomas+ Mr. James A. Thomas* Thomason Hendrix Harvey Johnson Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Thompson Sr.* Ms. Nancy B. Thompson* Mr. Stephen R. Thornburg ThyssenKrupp Elevator Manufacturing Inc. Mr. Joe A. Tidwell* Mr. Joseph G. Tidwell Tiger Book Store Inc. Ms. Pat Kerr Tigrett* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Todd John and Lori Touliatos Tower Ventures V LLC Tri-State Armature and Elec Works Inc. Mr. Corey B. Trotz* Mr. Kevin True Ms. Laurie A. Tucker* Jean and Charles Tuggle Turley Foundation Dr. and Mrs. F. Dexter Tutor* Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean Tutor Sr.* Mr. Jeffrey L. Tyler* U of M Wives Club Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Underberg*

Union Pacific Foundation Unisource Worldwide UNISYS United Auto Recovery United Inns Inc. United Technologies Carrier University Career Associates University Microfilms Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Valadié* Valero Refining Co.TN Ms. Carol Thompson Van Hoozer* Mr. David R. Van Hoozer* Ms. Mary C. Vaughan Susan and Steve Vescovo* Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Vickers Vining Sparks IBG Vista Host Inc. Vistacare Health Services Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Voldeng* WGKX Radio WICAT Systems Inc. Wachovia Foundation Dr. George Wai Yiu Cheung Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lee Walker III* Mr. Larry Walker Mr. Melvin E. Walker* Walker and Associates Inc. Mr. Robert H. Wallace Jr.* Mr. Thomas L. Wallace Sr.* Wang’s International Inc. Mr. Benjamin F. Ward III Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Warder Jr. Warner-Lambert Co. Mr. Rodger D. Watkins* Ms. Ellen I. Watson Gary and Janet Watts Dr. and Mrs. Mark Weatherly Ms. Pauline A. Weaver* Mr. and Mrs. James G. Webb* Mr. and Mrs. William G. Webb* Mr. John E. Webb* Mr. Jim D. Webster Jr. Ms. Rosalie Allen Wedaman* Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Weiss+ Mr. Craig L. Weiss* Ms. Mae K. Weiss+ Dr. and Mrs. S. Danny Weiss Dr. and Mrs. Scott P. Werner* Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wernet*

West Memphis Steel Corp Dr. James C. Wetherbe Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wexler Mr. Robert E. (Bobby) Wharton Jr.* Whirlpool Foundation Mr. and Mrs. G. Wayne White* Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. White* Josh and Kym White* Mr. and Mrs. Larry N. White* Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. White White Construction and Association Inc. Dr. and Mrs. William J. Whitehead Laura and Bob Whitsitt* Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Whitten Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wiedman* Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Wiener Ms. Sally Wilbourn Mr John P. Wilcox+ Dr. and Mrs. W. David Wilcox* Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilder Mr. Cal Wilkins Ms. Carol B. Williams+ Mr. Dodd Williams Mr. Edward A. Williams* Mr. and Mrs. James R. Williams* John and Shirley Williams Ron and Kay Williams* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Williams III* Horace Willis Trust Mr. Nolen C. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. G. Trent Wilson* Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson* Mr. William C. Wilson Mr. William G. Wilson* Windgate Charitable Foundation Inc. Winegardner Community Foundation Inc. Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation Ms. Cornelia Littlejohn Wolfe*+ Marianne and Berkley Wolff Mr. Tommy D. Womack* Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis Dr. William D. Falvey and Ms. Emily R. Woodside Mr. David S. Work* Mr. and Mrs. John D. Worley Jr.* Wright Medical Technology Inc. Mr. Alvin W. Wunderlich Jr. Mr. A. William Wunderlich III

+ Deceased

Mr. and Mrs. Kent Wunderlich* Ms. Jocelyn D. Wurzburg* Wyatt Tarrant and Combs Xerox Corp. Mr. Robert W. Yates* Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Yoder* Mr. Logan Young III* Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Young Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Zellner* Zenith Data Systems Corp. Zonta Club of Memphis

THE PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY The President’s Society members are among the University of Memphis’ most generous and loyal benefactors. Membership in this giving society is a visable symbol of one’s belief in the mission of the University of Memphis. The following alumni and friends have demonstrated their leadership and support by making gifts of $1,000 or more during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. $250,000+ Mr. W. Gordon Ball* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bruns Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Burkett* FedEx Corp. E. Hunter* and Jeannie D. Harrison Mr. David Patrick* and Ms. Jeannie Moffatt Dr. Musette S. Morgan* and Mr. Allen B. Morgan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders Morgan Morton* Mr. and Mrs. Rudi E. Scheidt Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Smith Mitchell* and Janet Spurlock



Ms. Deborah L. Talbot* The Assisi Foundation of Memphis Inc. The Suder Foundation Mr. David Wedaman* Jim and Gina Wiertelak $100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous Janet and James W. Ayers* Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker III* Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker Jr.* Martha and Robert F. Fogelman Dr. and Mrs. Jerre M. Freeman* Hope Christian Community Foundation Inc. Anne Marie and Tom Kadien Dina* and Brad Martin* Jack Morris* Ms. Jane H. Morris Amy* and Bill Rhodes* Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor Richardson* Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stokes Jr. SunTrust Foundation Ann and Jim Vining David and Elsa Williams $50,000 to $99,999 Anonymous Donors* Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Faudree Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gilliland Mr. James R. Humphreys Mr. James E. McGehee Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Traicoff* Dr. and Mrs. Russel L. Wiener $10,000 to $49,999 Anonymous Donor* A Step Ahead Foundation Inc. Mr. Rhomes C. Aur* Mr. Donald O. Barber* and Ms. Shirlee M. Clark* Mr. Gregory E. Barnes* Mr. Raymond A.+ and Mrs. Maxine Ritchey Bratcher+ Mr. Webb A. Brewer* Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Bryant Jr.* Mr. Charles D. Bullock* Mr. Jack Cooper Mr. and Mrs. 24

Robert L. Dinkelspiel* Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Edwards Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Forman* Mr. Bryan D. Fox* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Garrety* Dr. Thomas C. Gettelfinger Mr. Christopher J. Gholson* Dr. G. James Gholson Jr. Glankler Brown PLLC Ms. Martha L. Gilliland Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Graesser* Glen* and Sherry Herald Al and Alison Hollingsworth* Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hubbert* Ms. Delores Kinsolving* Dr. Lisa M. Klesges* Dr. Robert Klesges KPMG Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lackie* Drs. Wanda S. Rushing and Martin L. Levin Mr. and Mrs. William I. Loewenberg* Mr. and Mrs. Olin F. Morris Dr. Patricia H. Murrell Gil and Sybille Noble The Estate of Trudy A. Noyes*+ Ms. Vicki Roman Palmer* Ms. Dianne Miller Papasan Mr. Larry W. Papasan Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pickens* Mr. Paul E. Prather* J. Michael (Mickey) Robinson* and Catherine Ladnier Mr. David S. Romantz Mr. Michael D. Rose Dr. and Mrs. Cecil C. Rousseau Dr. Wanda S. Rushing Mr. Arif Shakeel* Dr. Judith C. Simon Mr. Glen Smart Mr. Garland T. Smith Ms. Rita T. Sparks Ms. Laurie A. Tucker* Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Warder Jr. Ms. Ellen I. Watson Mr. Robert E. (Bobby) Wharton Jr.*


Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilder Mr. William C. Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Svoboda* Jean and Charles Tuggle

$5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous Donors* Ayers Foundation Inc. Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell Berkowitz PC Ms. Jennifer O. Black* Mr. William F. Blaylock* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Brister* Ms. Harriette H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. William H. Brown* Mr. Wei W. Chen* and Dr. Zhaohui Xu* The Honorable Robert L. Childers* and Ms. Amy J. Amundsen* Dr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Francisco Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fristick Jr.* Dr. Dan Gentry Susan Lawless-Glassman* and Richard Glassman* Mr. Mickey G. Granger* Jackie Jensen Hart* and Ron Hart* Mr. and Mrs. Theopolis Holeman* Dr. Yeh Hsueh Ms. Dorothy O. Kirsch* Donna and Stewart Kohl Barbara and Ira A. Lipman* Mr. Stephen Luttmann* Mr. William (Bill) C. Miller Jr.* Mr. Jay B. Myers* Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Parks Josh and Kerri Pastner Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Pike* Mr. Thomas B. Preston Mr. Bobby A. Prince Dr. Shirley C. Raines and Dr. Robert J. Canady James and Mary Jane Richens* Ms. Lisa Mollerup* Richard Sellers and Marifran Bustion* Mr. John S. Shepherd Ms. Mary E. Sherman* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Siskin* Mr. and Mrs. James F. Springfield Sr.*

$2,500 to $4,999 Anonymous Donors Dr. and Mrs. Frank Andrasik Dr. Thomas H. Appleton Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. J. Olin Atkins* Dr. Daniel L. Baker Dr. Diana R. Baker and Mr. Hal L. Baker* The Hon. Robert S. and Mrs. Ann Benham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bennett Dr. Rosie Phillips Bingham* and Mr. John J. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Emile A. Bizot III* Dr. Joe L. Brown II* Drs. Randal and Karyl Buddington Dr. Mary J. Greil* and Dr. Donald K. Carson* Dr. Karen E. Chancellor* John* and Deborah Cothern* Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Crooms* Ms. Renee S. DeGutis* Mr. Michael J. Douglass* and Ms. Maria Douglass* Dr. Ronald G. Driggers* Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ferraro General Mills Foundation Drs. Julia Warnock and James R. Geurin* Doug* and Sharon Haggett* Mr. Joe D. Hinson* Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Y. Ho* Dr. Jane H. Hooker* Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Horton* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inman Jr.* Dr. Henry A. Kurtz and Dr. Bette Ackerman Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Marchini Mr. Andrew J. McClurg Dr. Charles H. McNutt Dr. Abby L. Parrill-Baker Esther and Clint Pearson* Mr. David M. Pennington* Dr. Barbara U. Prescott* and Mr. Allie J. Prescott III* Ms. Maurice T. Rainey* Mr. Thomas R. Rushing

Mr. Sidney P. Samuels* Dr. ChrisAnn Schiro-Geist and Mr. John J. Conway Sr. SPIE Dr. Carmelita B. and Mr. Norman C. Teeter Mr. and Mrs. Elbert L. Thomas Jr.* Mr. Soumyendra D. Tripathi Alison Weld and Charles Russell Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson* Martin and Becky Zummach* $1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous Donor* Mr. Alan S. Anderson* Dr. Dot Arata AutoZone Mr. Ray Babaoglu III* Ms. Carol K. Baker* John and Rebecca Bakke* Ms. Brandi C. Band Mr. Stephen R. Barkley* Dr. Linda A. Bennett Dr. John R. Berschied Jr.* Drs. Robert and Shannon Blanton Dr. Peggy J. Bodine* and Mr. Dick Bodine Ms. Nancy E. Bogatin Denise* and Philip Bollheimer* Mr. Daniel J. Bonnet* Ms. Hendrika (Rikki) DeRooy Boyce* Mr. and Mrs. William S. Boyce* Pierre and Maria Breber Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Brooks* The Honorable and Mrs. George H. Brown Jr.* Mr. Paul W. Brown* Ms. Janis B. Brownlee Sherry Bryan* and Michael Hagge* Drew and Melissa Buchner* Mr. G. Rice Byars Jr.* Dr. Carolyn M. Callahan Dr. John A. Campbell and Dr. Brooke L. Quigley Ms. Kathryn G. Cannon Ms. Jennifer H. Case* Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Cyril and Alice Chang* Ms. Mary K. Chapleau*

* Alumni

Mr. N. B. Cheatham* Mr. Robert E. Clark* Ms. Jan S. Coleman* and Mr. Ronald L. Coleman* Ms. Winnie P. Conway* Barbara* and David Crippen* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crosby Mr. Thomas J. Cullen Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Cutting* Dr. J. Clarice Dans* Dr. Paul* and Ms. Elizabeth Darke* Mr. Kelly O. Davis* Mr. and Mrs. Winston J. Daws* Ms. Catherine C. Decker Mr. and Mrs. James S. Dickey Jr.* Dr. Leroy G. Dorsey Ms. Marion T. Douglas Dr. and Mrs. David J. Dowling* Dr. Marie E. Dubke Drs. Elizabeth M.* and Randolph T. Dupont* East Tennessee Foundation Mr. Brian Ebert Ms. Jacquie L. Ebert Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Eckstein Ms. Shawna G. Engel Mr. Robert H. Eoff* Mr. William R. Eubanks* Mr. Lawrence E. Evans* Marsha and John Evans Mr. and Mrs. John M. Farris* Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ferraro Dr. Ruthbeth D. Finerman and Dr. Ross D. Sackett First Tennessee Matching Gift Program Martha and Robert F. Fogelman Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fondren Jr. Karen and Tim Foote Ms. Catherine M. Freeburg* Michael and Elise Frick Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Hanrahan Claire Weatherford Garrett* Dr. W. Walton Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Gibson Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Goode* Ms. Devon L. Gosnell* Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Gould* Mr. and Mrs. George M. Graham III* Dr. Rajiv Grover W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Prof. Lars G. Gustafsson Dr. Warren O. Haggard Sherry Bryan* and Michael Hagge* Mr. Frank S. Hamlin* Mr. Randall C. Hampton* Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Hanrahan CDR and Mrs. Michael S. Harber* Mr. and Mrs. David A. Harris* Dr. and Mrs. Gaylon L. Harris* John and Theresa Hash Dr. Peixin He Dr. Maxine L. Hetherington* Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Higdon Mr. Benjamin F. Hill Jr.* Ms. Tamara L. Hill* Mr. Sigmund F. Hiller* Mr. and Mrs. John I. Houseal Jr.* Ms. Betty J. Huff Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter Humphreys* Dr. and Mrs. Masanori Igarashi* International Paper Company Dr. Richard and Carol Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Israel* Dr. and Mrs. Brian D. Janz Ms. Julie A. Johnson Mrs. Evelyn Jones-Talley and Mr. Thaldaris M. Talley* Mr. William H. Kallaher Jr. Mr. Ravindranath Kanuri* Patte and David S. Kennedy* Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kinney* Mr. S. L. Kopald Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Koski* Prof. William P. Kratzke Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kremer Linda and Craig Leake* Dr. Euntae T. Lee Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Lester* Kay Liles and James R. Liles Sr.* Lipscomb and Pitts Mark* and Pat Luttrell Beverly Frizzell Magee* Mr. and Mrs. Milton Magee Mr. and Mrs. B. Lee Mallory III* Mr. Stephen C. Marshall* Dr. Richard V. Martin* Ms. Michelle D. Mason* Mr. John E. Maxwell

Ms. Lois C. Mayo* Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. McCree* Dr. Kathryne S. McDorman Ann and Barry McGee* Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. McGee* Mr. Edward J. McKenney Jr.* Dr. Lisa L. Mendel and Dr. Maurice I. Mendel Merck Partnership for Giving Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Meyers* The Honorable and Mrs. Louis J. Montesi Jr.* Mr. Dennis E. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. Moore Mr. Byron Morgan Jeri and Mitch Moskovitz* Ms. Marianne C. Mussett* Mr. Brenton J. Nair* Mrs. Eunice B. and Dr. Edward T. Ordman Drs. Michael and Suzanne Osborn* Carol and Mike Palazola* Dr. Bryan K. Payne* Dr. Stephen H. Petersen Dr. and Mrs. Shahram Pezeshk Mr. Phillip L. Pinkston* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Pitt Jr.* Dr. Charles Plesofsky Ms. Susan B. Plunkett* Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Poje* Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Polden Mr. Shawn D. Powers* Mr. E. Todd Presnell* Ms. Jackie G. Prester* Procter and Gamble Fund Maj. Thomas K. Pruett Jr.* Dr. C. S. Pyun Dr. Brooke L. Quigley and Dr. John A. Campbell Mr. Andrew H. Raines* Dr. Ernest A. and Mrs. Jeanine H. Rakow* Mr. David F. Read* Ms. Jean M. Redfield* Ms. Linda Reyle* Jean and Don Rhoads* Mr. and Mrs. Terry Richardson Dr. and Mrs. Webster Riggs Jr. Ms. Elma N. Roane*+ Mr. Jonathan S. Roberts*

Ms. Shirley A. Roberts Ms. Melissa R. Russell* Mr. Larry E. Rodman* Ms. Laura Rowland* Mr. and Mrs. William B. Rudner Dr. Ross D. Sackett and Dr. Ruthbeth D. Finerman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaeffer* Dr. Charles A. Schulz* Ms. Lucy P. Secher Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Seubert Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Shannon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louie P. Sheppard Drs. Rick J. and Paula M. Short Dr. Arwin D. Smallwood Ms. Delaine R. Smith* Dr. Marilyn Dunham Smith and Dr. Kevin H. Smith Ms. Marsha L. Smith* James R. Smoot, Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Emeritus+ Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton Smythe III Mr. Ricky Sparkman* Dr. James N. and Emily C. Speakman Ms. Susan Springfield Grace* Ms. Agnes Gordon Stark Mr. Milton E. Starr* Ms. Dianne M. Stokely* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Sullivan* Mr. Thaldaris M. Talley and Mrs. Evelyn Jones-Talley* Dr. Irvin L. Tankersley* Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Taylor* The Marston Group PLC Ms. Jackie A. Thomas* Ms. Jessica A. Thompson* Ms. Tanja Lueck Thompson* Ms. Mary R. Todd* Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. Turetzky* Dr. Vincent T. Turitto Dr. William Terry Umbreit Mr. Cary Vaughn The Hon. Diane K. Vescovo* and Mr. Michael McLaren Susan* and Steve Vescovo* Mr. Raymond VunKannon Donald I. Wagner Ms. Susan M. Wagner

+ Deceased

Dr. William L. Wallace* Dr. Patricia L. Walls* Chuck and Anita Ward* Mr. Garry Warren Jim and Bita Sing Webb* Dr. Karen D. Weddle W. Burton* and Cathy Lapides Weil Mr. Nick Wells* Mr. Derek T. West* Mr. John T. Whitaker* Mr. Edward F. Williams III* John L. and Lillian Y. Williams Mr. David S. Work* Mr. Douglas Yarrow

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Abbott Laboratories Fund ADP-Automatic Data Processing Inc. Air Liquide USA LLC Albemarle Foundation Altria Group Inc. Ameriprise Financial Anadarko Petroleum Corp. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP AT&T Foundation AutoZone Bank of America Foundation BASF Matching Gift Program Becton Dickinson Foundation Boeing Co. Community Health Systems Foundation ConocoPhillips Darden Restaurants Foundation Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation Energen Corp. Ernst and Young LLP ExxonMobil Foundation First Tennessee Foundation First Tennessee Matching Gift Program FM Global Foundation Gannett Foundation Inc. GE Foundations General Mills Foundation GlaxoSmithKline



Graybar Foundation H. J. Heinz Co. Illinois Tool Works Foundation Ingersoll Rand Co.Ltd. International Business Machines Corp. Johnson and Johnson Family of Companies Kellogg’s Corporate Citizenship Fund KPMG Foundation Marsh and McLennan Companies Medtronic Foundation Merck Partnership for Giving Meredith Corp. Foundation Microsoft Giving Campaign Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Nationwide Insurance Enterprise Foundation Ohio National Foundation Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. Pfizer Foundation Philips Electronics NA Corp. Procter and Gamble Fund Regions Financial Corp. Foundation R. J. Reynolds Foundation Sara Lee Foundation Scripps Howard Foundation Securian Foundation Shell Oil Co. Foundation Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. Smith & Nephew Inc. State Farm Companies Foundation SunTrust Foundation Texas Gas Transmission Corp. The Home Depot Foundation The Principal Financial Group Foundation Towers Perrin Unilever United States Foundation Inc. United Space Alliance UnumProvident Corp. US Cellular Verizon Foundation VonLehman and Co. Inc. Wacker Chemical Corp. 26

Wells Fargo Foundation

FACULTY AND STAFF Dr. Roxanne J. Aaron* Ms. Lisa F. Abitz* Dr. Seth B. Abrutyn Dr. Manohar Aggarwal Dr. SangNam Ahn Dr. William L. Akey* Dr. Ralph Albanese Ms. Judy C. Alford Dr. Mohd Hasan Ali Dr. David Allen Ms. Lorraine Allen* Mr. Mark E. Alpuente* Ms. Charlotte Alston Dr. John M. Amis Ms. Jo Ann Ammons Ms. Constance R. Amos* Dr. Celia K. Anderson* Mr. Marco D. Anderson Ms. Tienne L. Anderson Dr. Frank Andrasik Mr. Edwin P. Antoniak Jr. Mr. Roger Arango Dr. Morgan D. Arant Jr. Dr. David Arellano Ms. Susan P. Armacost Mr. Daniel D. Armitage* Dr. Dale B. Armstrong* Dr. Sato Ashida Ms. Katherine V. Atkinson* Ms. Ashli Avis* Dr. Emin Babakus Ms. Linda J. Bacon Mr. Howard E. Bailey* Dr. Daniel L. Baker Ms. Wattine Baker Mr. Paul Neville Balister Ms. Peggy F. Ball* Mr. Sammie Ballard Ms. Jeanett H. Ballentine* Dr. Bonny Banerjee Ms. Casandra B. Banks Ms. Michelle R. Banks Mr. Thomas E. Banning* Mr. Harry C. Barber Jr. Ms. Sandra K. Barksdale*


Mr. Joseph T. Barnett Mr. Bob Barnett Dr. Randall J. Bayer Ms. Cindy C. Beard* Dr. Daniel S. Beasley Ms. Lisa D. Beasley* Ms. Mary D. Beasley Ms. Stephanie S. Beasley* Dr. J. Gayle Beck Ms. Deborah A. Becker Ms. Donna Beene Dr. Barbara K. Bekis* Ms. Karen A. Bell* Ms. Carole M. Belton* Mr. Phillip D. Bemis Dr. Linda A. Bennett Dr. John R. Bensko Dr. Jeffrey S. Berman Ms. Adoracion V. Berry* Mr. Claude A. Berry Mr. Elmer Berry Ms. Karen R. Berry Dr. Charles J. Biggers Mr. Joseph W. Biggers Dr. Rosie Phillips Bingham Mr. Charles D. Black Jr.* Dr. Charles D. Blaha Ms. Kimberly Mullins Blair Dr. Stephanie Blaisdell Dr. Shannon L. Blanton Dr. Stephan Blatti Dr. Richard Bloomer Dr. Bryna Bobick Mr. Kevin P. Boggs* Mr. James H. Bollwerk* Dr. Beverly G. Bond* Ms. Linda H. Bonnin Ms. Tiphany A. Booker Mr. Roy W. Bowery Mr. Khaatim J. Boyd Ms. Vinie M. Boyd Ms. Patti R. Bradford* Ms. Hannah J. Bradley Mr. Robert E. Branan Ms. RaShauna N. Brannon Ms. Lindsey M. Bray* Mr. Stephen I. Brewer* Dr. Eric T. Brey Dr. Peter K. Bridson Ms. Bonnie O. Briggs* Dr. Keri V. Brondo

Ms. Linda F. Brooks Dr. Lloyd D. Brooks Ms. DebraAnn P. Brown* Ms. Judith C. Brown* Dr. Walter R. Brown Ms. Janis B. Brownlee Ms. Sherry L. Bryan* Mr. Sergei Bryant Ms. Melissa M. Buchner* Ms. Elizabeth S. Buck Dr. Karyl K. Buddington Dr. Eugene H. Buder Ms. Alicia R. Buford* Dr. Joel D. Bumgardner Mr. Larry H. Bunch Dr. David C. Burchfield* Mr. Daniel A. Bureau Mr. Cedric J. Burgess* Ms. Shelly R. Burr Ms. Brenda K. Butler Dr. Kathy D. Butler* Ms. Constance M. Butts Dr. Margaret M. Caffrey Ms. Mary A. Caldwell* Mr. Jeremy D. Calico* Dr. Carolyn M. Callahan Dr. Charles V. Camp Dr. Douglas Campbell Mr. Jonathan E. Campbell Ms. Tallulah B. Campbell* Dr. Michael P. Cannito Mr. Edwin D. Cantler Jr.* Dr. Jenina M. Cantler* Dr. Luther W. Capooth Dr. Gloria Carr Mr. Michael L. Carter* Ms. Shawn M. Carter* Ms. Pamela G. Cash Ms. Kathleen M. Cates Ms. L. Ann Cavagnaro Dr. Michael J. Cervetti* Ms. Colis C. Chambers* Ms. Vicki L. Chandler Dr. Carl M. Chando* Dr. Cyril F. Chang* Ms. Linda Chang Ms. Jessica E. Channell* Mr. Michael K. Chisamore Mr. Chang S. Choi* Mr. Md Rezaul H. Chowdhury* Dr. Quentin C. Chu

Dr. James R. Chumney Jr.* Dr. King-Thom Chung Dr. Raymond A. Clapsadle* Ms. Amanda L. Clarkson* Dr. Joy A. Clay Dr. Lavonnie P. Claybon Dr. Jane B. Clement* Ms. Brenda W. Clements Ms. Kristen M. Clements Mr. Howard C. Cobbs Jr. Mr. Michael E. Cochran Ms. Hattie Renee Cogar Dr. Pamela A. Cogdal Ms. Lauren L. Coggins Dr. Robert Cohen Ms. Susan S. Cohn* Dr. Lorinda B. Cohoon Ms. Amelia B. Cole* Dr. Kimberly W. Collins* Mr. Steven A. Conlee Dr. Robert P. Connolly Mr. Gerald L. Conway* Mr. Leroy Conway III* Ms. Beverly E. Cook Ms. Courtney Cook Ms. Kathy A. Cook Ms. Frances Ilene Cooper Dr. Susan L. Copeland* Ms. Jennifer R. Cordero* Ms. Rachael A. Wagner Cottam Ms. Suzanne S. Counts Mr. Asa Covington* Ms. Angelina M. Cowles* Dr. David N. Cox Dr. Randel T. Cox Dr. Robyn M. Cox Mr. Samuel D. Cox* Mr. Ray A. Craft* Ms. Hallie J. Cranford Drs. Darrell and Dixie Crase Dr. Charles W. Crawford Ms. Deborah M. Crawford* Mr. Ronald E. Crawford Ms. Mary A. Crites* Ms. Sherry L. Crone* Ms. Joyce E. Crout Mr. Robert E. Crout Ms. Patricia A. Crowell* Dr. Carol Crown Ranta Ms. Collie Crump Ms. Debra Cummings

* Alumni

Dr. Amy L. de Jongh Curry* Ms. Angela Curry Ms. Ladonnal W. Curry* Ms. Joanna E. Curtis* Mr. John A. Daffron Dr. Richard A. Dale Dr. Teresa S. Dalle* Dr. V. Carol Danehower Dr. Jill Dapremont Ms. Alfreda S. Davis Ms. Charlotte Davis Mr. Jackie R. Davis Mr. Kelly O. Davis* Ms. Natalie T. Davis* Ms. Mary A. Dawson* Mr. Nicholas T. Day Ms. Jacqueline G. Defouw Dr. Antonio R. de Velasco Dr. Remy A. Debes Ms. Tammy R. DeGroff Dr. Pamela R. Dennis* Ms. Polly A. Dennison Ms. Pamela DeShields Dr. Nicole Detraz Mr. Vamsi Krishna Dhanekula* Ms. Catherine P. Dice* Ms. Carolyn J. Dickens* Ms. Connie L. Diffee* Ms. Mable J. Dixon* Ms. Candy F. Donald Mr. Earle G. Donelson Dr. Gregory V. Donnenwerth Dr. Leroy G. Dorsey Ms. Brenda B. Driver* Ms. Michelle L. Dry* Ms. Senese Duhart Dr. Michael R. Duke Mr. Jonathan D. Duncan Ms. Constance W. Dunn Dr. Randolph T. Dupont Ms. Deborah E. Dupuy Dr. William O. Dwyer Ms. Patricia E. Earnest Dr. Eugene C. Eckstein Ms. Laura Edwards* Dr. Larry A. Edwards Mr. Stephen L. Edwards* Ms. Susan Elliott* Ms. Mary C. Elliotte* Ms. Lendon C. Ellis Mr. Sean Ellis* W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Dr. Graves E. Enck Mr. Bruce A. Erskine Mr. Carl S. Evans Dr. John E. Evans* Dr. Richard D. Evans Ms. Frances S. Evensky Dr. Frances Fabian Dr. Thomas K. Fagan Ms. Barbara J. Farrar Mr. John E. Farrell* Dr. Ralph J. Faudree Jr. Ms. Jacqueline A. Faulkner* Ms. Suzanne A. Fenech* Mr. Geoffrey T. Fenlong* Mr. Charlette R. Fennell* Mr. Charles A. Ferryman* Dr. James E. Fickle Dr. Linda Finch* Dr. Ruthbeth D. Finerman Dr. J. Richard Fischer Ms. Jacqulyne Fitts Ms. Peggy R. Fitzgerald Ms. Susan V. Fitzgerald* Dr. Belinda D. Fleming Dr. Randy G. Floyd Dr. Jeffery Allen Foran Dr. Sylverna V. Ford Ms. Brenda E. Fortney Mr. Robert L. Foster Dr. Donald R. Franceschetti Dr. Louis A. Franceschini III* Ms. Candice Franco Dr. Stanley P. Franklin* Ms. Tammy Franklin Mr. Robert A. Frans Mr. Hal L. Freeman Jr. Ms. Misty Freeman Ms. Mary K. Freilich Mr. Brad J. Frewin Ms. Kathy Fulmer* Dr. Orges Furxhi* Dr. Shaun Andrew Gallagher Ms. Tonya E. Gandy Ms. Brenda C. Garner* Dr. Lucien Garrett Mr. Joseph P. Garrone* Ms. Jennifer W. Garst* Dr. T. Kent Gartner Ms. Wanda Tate Gary Ms. Gerri L. Gass* Dr. Pamela Gaston

Mr. Robert Gaston Mr. Robert L. Gatewood Jr.* Ms. Roxana L. Gee* Dr. Ebenezer O. George Ms. Elise E. George Dr. J. Barry Gholson Dr. Joanne Gikas* Dr. Mark L. Gillenson Dr. Michail Gkolias Dr. John E. Gnuschke Mr. Paul Goebel Mr. Jeffrey J. Goff Ms. Lisa D. Goins Ms. Georgie A. Goldsmith* Prof. Jerome A. Goldstein Ms. Katherine J. Goliver Ms. Sindhuja Gopal Dr. Arthur C. Graesser Ms. Leslie D. Graff Dr. Sage L. Graham* Ms. Kimberly M. Grantham Mr. Rodney V. Gray Dr. Reginald L. Green Mr. Travis D. Green* Mr. James E. Greenleaf Mr. David A. Greganti* Dr. Arthur L. Grehan II* Dr. Denis Grele Dr. Steven T. Griffin* Ms. Clare C. Griggs* Dr. Eric Groenendyk Mr. Peter C. Groenendyk Dr. Rajiv Grover Ms. Sharon F. Guffin* Ms. Judy M. Gupton* Prof. Lars G. Gustafsson Ms. G. L. Guy* Dr. John R. Haddock Dr. Thomas C. Hagen Dr. Warren O. Haggard Mr. Michael Hagge* Ms. Katherine R. Hair* Ms. Diana K. Hale Ms. Ann M. Hall* Mr. Brian Hall Dr. Charles E. Hall Jr. Ms. Linda G. Hall* Ms. Sheila A. Hall Ms. Heather C. Hampton* Mr. Bruce C. Harber* Ms. Sharon A. Harber

Mr. William R. Harbin Jr.* Ms. Ann F. Harbor* Mr. Willard E. Harding III Ms. Janet Y. Hargrow Dr. Donna S. Harkness* Ms. Martha F. Harrell Ms. Elizabeth W. Harrelson* Mr. James W. Harris* Dr. Laura E. Harris* Mr. Lee A. Harris Ms. Nancy A. Harris* Ms. Patricia A. Harris Dr. Teresa A. Hartnett* Ms. Marianne R. Hartquist Ms. Holly B. Hazlett Ms. Katrina L. Heard Ms. Tammy Hedges Ms. Linda M. Heide* Ms. Camisha A. Henderson Ms. Deborah W. Hernandez Dr. Leigh N. Hersey Mr. Carl F. Hess Mr. Robert A. Hetherington Mr. Robert W. Hewitt Jr.* Mr. Darrell E. Hickey Ms. Jessica D. McKinney Mr. Scott Higgins Ms. Cynthia Hill Mr. Jessie Hill Jr. Mr. Willie E. Hilliard Ms. Danielle L. Hillman* Ms. Eileen M. Hinders* Ms. Deborah J. Hochstein Dr. John I. Hochstein Ms. Laura A. Hoffman Dr. Cary Holladay Mr. William H. Holland Jr. Ms. Esther Hollie Ms. Riviera R. Hollowell Dr. Gretchen Holmes Dr. Ramin Homayouni Ms. Hazel M. Hooks Mr. Patrick A. Hoover Jr. Ms. Robynn G. Hopkins* Ms. Lorna L. Horishny* Ms. Cathy G. Horton Ms. Pamela A. Horvath Dr. David A. Houston Ms. Sheladia K. Houze Mr. Demarico D. Howard* Ms. M. Kate Howard*

+ Deceased

Ms. Sheri L. Howard Dr. Yeh Hsueh Dr. Xiangen Hu Ms. Ying Huang* Ms. Tomeco L. Hubbard Ms. Betty J. Huff Dr. Michael G. Huffman* Ms. Annelle R. Huggins Ms. LaShonda R. Hulbert* Dr. Carolyn S. Hull-Toye* Ms. Diana Humphrey-Mckee Ms. Angela Humphreys* Mr. R. Hunter Humphreys* Ms. Virginia Brown Huss Dr. Andrew Hussey Ms. Michelle R. Hussey Ms. Lorie A. Hutson Dr. Stanley E. Hyland Mr. Roger D. Iles* Dr. Douglas R. Imig Dr. Carol C. Irwin Dr. Richard L. Irwin Mr. Khandakar M. Islam Dr. Kristen Iversen Dr. Stephanie S. Ivey* Ms. Barbara D. Jackson Dr. Leonard Jackson Ms. Riki H. Jackson* Dr. Robert J. Jackson* Dr. Wade M. Jackson* Dr. Eddie Jacobs Dr. M. Shah Jahan Dr. Pankaj K. Jain Ms. Melanie A. James Dr. Richard K. James Dr. Wesley L. James Dr. James E. Jamison Dr. Richard Janikowski Dr. Brian D. Janz Dr. Linda Jarmulowicz Ms. Margaret A. Jarred Dr. Houshang Javan Mr. Henry H. Jemison Ms. Judith E. Jenkins Ms. Pamela J. Jenkins Ms. Shanette R. Jenkins-Parks Dr. Jessica Amber Jennings Mr. Ronald R. Jennings* Dr. Chunrong Jia Dr. Christine X. Jiang Dr. Pu-Qi Jiang



Ms. Betty Jobbins Mr. Clyde L. Johnson Jr. Ms. Helen R. Johnson* Lt. James P. Johnson III* Ms. Julie A. Johnson Mr. R. C. Johnson Mr. Tony L. Johnson Dr. John M. Johnston Dr. D. R. Jones Ms. Elizabeth M. McCree Mr. Jessie B. Jones Dr. Joseph Jones Ms. Latica Jones Ms. Nell L. Jones* Ms. Tammy R. Jones* Ms. Teresa D. Jones Mr. Waddel Jones Ms. Kim M. Josh* Mr. Larry J. Joyce Dr. Matthias Kaelberer Ms. Mary N. Kanowitz Ms. Laurie Cooper Kay Ms. Georgette M. Kearney* Dr. Ben L. Kedia Dr. Satish K. Kedia Ms. Deborah K. Keeney* Ms. Denise Gay Keeney* Mr. Dale F. Kehr Dr. Torre C. Kelley Ms. Ashleigh C. Kellogg The Honorable Brian Kelsey Dr. David M. Kemme Ms. Heidi A. Kendall* Dr. William J. Kettinger Ms. Carol C. Key Dr. Shirley A. Key Ms. Jamie B. Kidd* Dr. Loel Kim Mr. Robert W. King* Mr. Matthew S. Kirinovic Dr. Lisa M. Klesges* Ms. Judith D. Knight Mr. Steve Knowlton Mr. Leonard D. Kohr Prof. William P. Kratzke Dr. Roger J. Kreuz Dr. Hsiang-Te Kung Dr. Henry A. Kurtz Ms. Sharon Y. Kuykendall Ms. Janet W. Kynerd Ms. Meta C. Laabs 28

Ms. Melissa D. Labonte* Ms. Janice B. Lacek Mr. Chad I. Lake* Ms. Carol L. Laney* Mr. Kevin Langellier Ms. Anita K. Langston Dr. Charles A. Langston Dr. Craig J. Langstraat Ms. Mary L. Lanier* Mr. William G. Lansden Dr. Mohamed Laradji Ms. Donna LaRiviere Mr. Lonnie E. Latham* Dr. Dan L. Lattimore Dr. Peter S. Lau Mr. Justin T. Lawhead Dr. Billy E. Lawson Ms. Nila J. Lawson Mr. David G. Lazich Mr. Craig Leake* Ms. Bernadette Y. Lee* Dr. Euntae T. Lee Mr. Kye Y. Lee Dr. Shirleatha T. Lee Ms. Anita J. Lenhart Dr. Martin L. Levin Ms. Shawn Levstek Mr. Benjamin Lewis Dr. Gladius Lewis Dr. Yuhua Li Ms. Lorrean L. Lim* Mr. Tarit Limpornpugdee* Ms. Rong Lin* Mr. Erno Lindner Dr. Eric C. Link Ms. Allison L. Linna Mr. Daniel M. Linton Jr.* Mr. Bruce D. Lipford Jr. Dr. Martin E. Lipinski Mr. Lavaire Lockhart Ms. Jennifer D. Lofton* Mr. William E. Lofton* Ms. Moira J. Logan Dr. John H. Lomax Jr. Mr. George C. Looney Jr. Mr. Richard Lou Dr. Max M. Louwerse Ms. Carol S. Lowry* Dr. Deborah Lowther Dr. Joseph P. Luckey Ms. Kelli N. Luebbe*


Dr. James M. Lukawitz Ms. Glynda P. Luttman* Ms. Debra Lynch Ms. Danita A. Macon* Ms. Christina L. Magueyal Dr. Susan Magun-Jackson* Dr. Robert Maichrowicz Mr. Kriangsiri Malasri* Dr. John M. Malloy Dr. Walter H. Manning Ms. Mary H. Mansour* Dr. Jeffrey G. Marchetta* Ms. Barbara P. Marese Ms. Jennah L. Marino* Dr. Kristine M. Markman Ms. Patsy A. Marner* Ms. Mary M. Marr* Dr. Reginald Martin* Dr. Emery Trey Martindale Ms. Naomi Martinez-Jones Mr. Malvin Massey* Mr. Joseph S. Matesich* Ms. Laura L. Mathews Mr. Leslie Mathis Dr. Yuki Matsuda Mr. Marlin G. Mayo Mr. Charles J. Mazzone* Dr. Brad McAdon Ms. Kimberly C. McAfee Mr. James R. McArthur Ms. Nichole McBride Mr. Todd McCarver* Dr. Barbara S. McClanahan* Dr. Sue Ann McClellan* Mr. Andrew J. McClurg Ms. Becky J. McCoy* Mr. Cedric McCray Dr. Herbert L. McCree* Mr. Edmond McDavis Dr. Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy Ms. Christine F. McDonald* Ms. Elizabeth F. McDonald* Mr. John J. McFadden Jr. Ms. Daphene R. McFerren Ms. Melissa McFerrin Dr. Thomas H. McInish Ms. Jean McIvor Dr. Duane McKenna Ms. Joyce A. McKibben Mr. Darrell McKissick Dr. Larry McNeal

Ms. Keri Lyn Means Mr. Michael K. Means Ms. Ann R. Meier Dr. James N. Meindl Dr. Elizabeth Meisinger Dr. Nancy C. Mele Dr. Lisa Lucks Mendel Dr. Maurice I. Mendel Mr. Kevin W. Merriman Dr. Thomas Meservy Dr. Katrina Anne Meyer Dr. Andrew W. Meyers Ms. Susan D. Mikell Dr. Thomas R. Miller Ms. Aretha R. Milligan Mr. Phillip M. Minyard Dr. Mitsunori Misawa Dr. Sanjay R. Mishra Mr. Tracy Mitchell Dr. Verner D. Mitchell Ms. Cheryl A. Moore* Ms. Gloria W. Moore* Dr. Larry Moore* Dr. Larry W. Moore Ms. Yolonda M. Moore Mr. Byron Morgan Mr. Gregory E. Morris* Dr. Vivian G. Morris Dr. Bashir I. Morshed Mr. Benjamin E. Morton Ms. Shelia R. Moses* Dr. Anna Strassmann Mueller Ms. Karen Mueller Mr. William J. Mueller* Ms. Vanessa A. Muldrow* Dr. Barbara Mullins Nelson The Honorable Steven J. Mulroy Ms. Jennifer L. Murchison Dr. Renee C. Murley* Dr. James Murphy Ms. Kendra L. Murphy* Ms. Carolyn F. Murrell Mr. Dan H. Murrell* Dr. Victoria S. Murrell* Ms. Patricia S. Murry* Dr. Fawaz Mzayek Mr. James L. Nabors Ms. Adelia A. Nason Ms. Anna B. Neal* Mr. Terrance A. Neely Dr. Susan Neely-Barnes

Dr. Robert A. Neimeyer Ms. Edna J. Nelson Dr. Monika Nenon Dr. Thomas J. Nenon Jr. Mr. Jerry D. Newman* Mr. Peter Nguyen* Dr. Broderick E. Nichols Dr. Ernest L. Nichols Jr. Dr. Vikki G. Nolan Mr. Cedar L. Nordbye Ms. Angela R. Norwood Mr. Yotis Norwood Ms. Kathryn J. O’Bryan* Ms. Sheila A. Ogburn Dr. Albert A. Okunade Dr. Theresa M. Okwumabua* Dr. D. Kim Oller Mr. Errol M. O’Neill Ms. Elizabeth R. Organ* Dr. Elin Ovrebo* Ms. Rose Owens Ms. Shelia D. Wilson* Dr. Janet Page Ms. Linda M. Page* Dr. Paul J. Palazolo* Mr. Daniel E. Pallme* Ms. Elizabeth H. Park* Dr. Insu Park Ms. C. Lynn Parkes* Dr. Gilbert R. Parra Dr. Abby L. Parrill-Baker Ms. Latasha T. Parrish* Mr. Joshua P. Pastner Dr. Philip Pavlik Ms. Kathryn Reed Dr. J. Helen Perkins Dr. Edward H. Perry Ms. Felesha R. Perry* Ms. Frankie Perry* Ms. Jennifer W. Perry* Ms. Vera J. Martin-Perry Ms. Vickie H. Peters* Dr. Richard L. Petersen Dr. Stephen H. Petersen Ms. Charlotte E. Peterson* Dr. Shahram Pezeshk Dr. Truc Chi T. Pham* Dr. Vinhthuy T. Phan Ms. Carla D. Phillips Mr. Randy Phillips Dr. Latrice C. Pichon

* Alumni

Ms. Anita Kay Pierce Dr. Charles A. Pierce Dr. Wayne J. Pitts Dr. Gene A. Plunka Dr. Daniel J. Poje* Ms. Tasha M. Pollock Dr. Susan L. Popham Dr. Robin S. Poston Ms. Laxmiswetha Potana* Mr. Phillip A. Poteet* Dr. Sarah Potter Dr. Richard E. Potts* Mr. Sri Rajalingam Prahalathan* Dr. James D. Preston Dr. Chrysanthe Preza Mr. Bobby A. Prince Ms. Lou A. Pritchard Mr. Eric M. Pugh Dr. C. S. Pyun Ms. Haixia Qian* Ms. Shuhung Qiao Ms. Margaret M. Quinn* Mr. Ted J. Quinn Dr. Shirley C. Raines Dr. Ernest A. Rakow Ms. Jeanine H. Rakow* Dr. Carol H. Rambo Ms. Christie S. Ransom Dr. Richard R. Ranta Dr. Kenneth Reardon Dr. Anne M. Reef* Ms. Beverly H. Reeves Mr. George E. Relyea* Ms. Julia M. Rhodes Ms. Mary L. Rhodes* Dr. N. Dewaine Rice* Ms. Iliana Ricelli Ms. Marcia Richardson Ms. Sharon D. Richardson* Ms. Teresa A. Richardson Dr. Todd M. Richardson Mr. Allen Rippe Mr. Richard C. Ritzman Dr. Yeon Sun Ro Dr. Robin R. Roach* Dr. Esra Roan Ms. Canty Robbins Ms. Paulette P. Robertson* Dr. Aaron L. Robinson Ms. Angela Robinson Mr. Desmond A. Robinson* W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Dr. Hoke Robinson Dr. Leslie A. Robinson* Ms. Margaret E. Robinson* Dr. Martha D. Robinson Dr. Nicole R. Robinson Ms. Tracy P. Robinson* Ms. Jaclyn S. Rodriguez* Ms. Sharon A. Roehrig Mr. David S. Romantz Ms. Alisha D. Rose Mr. Robert W. Rose Mr. Allison I. Ross* Dr. Sally Ross Ms. Caroline Royal-Evans Dr. Thomas F. Rucker* Dr. Vasile Rus Dr. Wanda S. Rushing Ms. Perveen K. Rustomfram Mr. Hassan Saadatabadi* Dr. Helen J. Sable Dr. Jeffrey J. Sable Dr. Lynda M. Sagrestano Mr. Zachary D. Sandberg* Dr. E. Renne Sanders-Lawson Dr. Charles A. Santo Ms. Katherine L. Saunders* Ms. Monique S. Savage* Dr. S. J. Schaeffer III* Ms. Michele R. Scherer Dr. ChrisAnn Schiro-Geist Dr. Joan T. Schmelz Ms. Susan T. Schmidt* Ms. Leila B. Schroeder* Dr. Kent Schull Dr. Margaret R. Schultz* Ms. Deborah A. Scott* Ms. Margaret Ann Scott Dr. Richard Scott Ms. Nelda H. Scruggs* Dr. Allen H. Seed Mr. Ryan G. Seidner* Ms. Deborah Dugas Sellers Catherine P. Serex EdD* Dr. Frank W. Shaffer Jr. Mr. Alireza Shahjouei Mr. Stephen L. Shaver* Ms. Lauren M. Shelley Ms. Courtney M. Shelton Ms. Elizabeth W. Shelton* Ms. Mary S. Shepard Dr. Janann Sherman

Dr. Gayle H. Shiba* Mr. James J. Shibest Mr. Timothy Shiu Dr. Sajjan G. Shiva Ms. Melissa M. Shoaff* Ms. Patricia K. Short Ms. Michele D. Shouse Dr. Bill A. Simco Ms. Madeline Simington Dr. Judith C. Simon Dr. Paul S. Simone Jr.* Mr. H. Wayne Simpkins Ms. Laura Ann Simpson Ms. Claudia Ann Sims* Ms. Kay Sims Dr. Omar Skalli Mr. Michael C. Slater* Mr. Shelby L. Slater Dr. Arwin D. Smallwood Ms. Everlena Smith Ms. Janette Y. Smith* Ms. Jeanette G. Smith Ms. Karen M. Smith Dr. Kevin H. Smith Ms. Ruth Stolarick-Smith* Ms. Stacey J. Smith Ms. Trenda M. Smith Dr. William T. Smith II Ms. Holly L. Snyder* Dr. Anna B. Sorin Mr. Scott C. Southall* Dr. Ronald W. Spahr Dr. Carolyn I. Speros* Dr. J. David Spiceland Mr. Jonathan K. Spiceland Mr. Beau B. Staples* Ms. Sherri G. Stephens* Ms. Kimberly L. Stevenson Dr. Craig O. Stewart* Mr. Fred R. Stewart* Ms. Alicia V. Stires Ms. Lornette W. Stokes Mr. Perry J. Story Ms. Joy R. Stout* Mr. Calvin O. Strong* Dr. Genae D. Strong Dr. Shelly G. Sublett* Mr. William A. Sugg Ms. Wendy R. Sumner-Winter* Mr. Kevin J. Sutfin* Dr. Carrie Hayes Sutter

Ms. Catherine C. Swearengen* Dr. George H. Swihart Dr. Stephen E. Tabachnick Dr. Irvin L. Tankersley* Dr. Jennifer P. Taylor Mr. Jermale D. Taylor Dr. Robert R. Taylor Ms. Susan C. Te Paske Ms. Sharon D. Teamer Mr. Steven A. Terry Ms. Connie E. Thiemonge Ms. Elizabeth G. Thomas* Mr. Manuel L. Thompson* Dr. William J. Thompson Mr. Robert R. Thornton Mr. Philip G. Thrasher Dr. Emily A. Thrush Ms. Karen Thurmond Mr. Richard N. Tillman Ms. Inez L. Todd Dr. Deborah P. Tollefsen Ms. Kathy A. Tuberville* Dr. Cynthia G. Tucker Ms. Destin B. Tucker* Ms. Kimberlee R. Tucker* Ms. Debra M. Turner Ms. Rita A. Turner Dr. William Terry Umbreit Mr. Daniel J. Vacanti Ms. Pamela M. Valentine Dr. Roy B. VanArsdale Ms. Donna S. Van Canneyt* Ms. Susan K. Van Dyck* Ms. Rebecca A. Vandyck-Laumann Mr. James A. Vest* Ms. M. J. Virdure Ms. Joann E. Waddell* Dr. Donald I. Wagner Mr. Adam G. Walker Ms. Pepper E. Walker* Mr. Niles A. Wallace Dr. Stanley N. Walls* Dr. Junmin Wang Dr. Yongmei Wang Mr. Audis W. Ward Jr. Dr. Kenneth D. Ward* Dr. David J. Wark Ms. Marilyn D. Wark Ms. Lisa A. Warmath Ms. Carol S. Warren* Ms. Stormey K. Warren

+ Deceased

Ms. Edwina T. Washington Ms. Ellen I. Watson Ms. Jackie Webb Ms. Wanda D. Webb Dr. Karen D. Weddle-West Ms. Daphne Wei Ms. Beverly B. West* Dr. James P. Whelan* Dr. Kristina M. Whicker* Mr. Steven L. Whistler Ms. Joyce B. White Ms. Nancy S. White Ms. Shundra L. White* Mr. William E. White III* Mr. Christopher W. Whitehead Mr. Paul N. Whitehead* Ms. Patricia A. Whitley* Ms. Melynda B. Whitwell* Mr. Michael Wholey Ms. Debora L. Widman* Ms. Janet A. Wiens Dr. Robert R. Wiggins Ms. Betty J. Wiley* Ms. Cathy N. Wilhelm* Mr. Carl R. Williams* Ms. Colette B. Williams Mr. Gary Williams Dr. John L. Williams Ms. Meri K. Williams* Dr. Ruth Williams* Mr. James F. Williamson Ms. Margie A. Williamson* Dr. Robert L. Williamson* Ms. Berlinda Williams-Strong* Ms. Pamela Y. Willingham* Ms. Angie Wilson Ms. Deborah F. Wilson* Mr. Gordon B. Wilson* Dr. Jeffery L. Wilson Mr. Jermaine J. Wilson Ms. Jodi L. Wilson Ms. Kimberly Wilson Mr. Robert E. Wilson Ms. Simone N. Wilson* Ms. Toya L. Wilson Dr. Alistair J. Windsor Mr. Winston S. Wingate Ms. Kismet L. Winkelmann Ms. Teresa D. Winkelmann* Mr. Robert F. Winn Jr.* Dr. Mitchell M. Withers



Mr. Clay A. Woemmel* Ms. Teresa Wolf Dr. Tit-Yee Wong Ms. Susan Wood Ms. Marth M. Woods Mr. Thomas E. Wyatt* Dr. Lijing Xu* Ms. Yue Xu Ms. Kay Yager Dr. Amanda J. Young Mr. Bob R. Young* Dr. Xinhua Yu Dr. Shuai Yuan Dr. Stephen A. Zanskas Ms. Christina A. Zawisza Mr. David G. Zettergren* Dr. Lin Zhan Dr. Bentuo Zheng

GIFTS IN KIND Arkansas Museum of Discovery, Little Rock Baer’s Den John and Rebecca Bakke Bob Richards Jewelers Inc. Buster’s Liquors Christie Medical Holdings Ms. Sadie Cobb Dr. Greta M. Coger Mr. Jack Cooper Mr. Clarence Day+ Fastsigns G and W Diesel Service Inc. Susan Lawless-Glassman and Richard Glassman Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gordon Ms. Barbara I. Ingram Dr. D. R. Jones Mr. Benjamin Lewis M. Palazola Produce Co. Microsoft Corp. Mr. Andrew E. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Neal Ms. Susan Owen-Leinert Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Parks J. Michael (Mickey) Robinson and Catherine Ladnier Mr. Glen Smart St. Jude Children’s Research 30

Hospital Dr. Carol S. Knowles Mr. Wendel L. Thompson University of Memphis West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation Ms. Christina A. Zawisza

COLUMNS SOCIETY The Columns Society is a means by which the University of Memphis acknowledges those who have the vision, foresight and generosity to include the University in their planned and estate giving. Membership is open to donors who have made provisions for the University of Memphis Foundation through any of a variety of estate planning options. We acknowledge those listed below for this long-term critical support. Anonymous Mr. Chris E. Adams Dr. Thomas H. Appleton Jr. Mr. Robert C. Appling+ Ms. Eleanor E. Appling Mr. and Mrs. J. Olin Atkins Ms. Martha Baber+ Mr. Sam Loeb Bacherig Jr.+ and Ms. Kathy Bacherig Mr. James O. Bacon+ Charles*+ and Phyllis Bailey+ Mr. and Mrs. George D. Barnes Paul W. Barrett Jr. Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Bearden Ms. Clair S. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Emile A. Bizot III Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bland Jr. Mr. David Bornblum+ Mr. Arch B. Boyd III+ Ms. Jean M. Bradfield+


Mr. Raymond A.+ and Mrs. Maxine Ritchey Bratcher+ Mr. James T. Bridges+ Dr. Edward J. Brovarski and Dr. Deloryse J. Nord Dr. Jane Warne Brown Dr. Joe L. Brown II Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Brown+ Mr. Herman G. Burgess+ Mr. Bill Eugene Burk+ Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Burkett Mr. Jerry R. Bussey Mr. and Mrs. Lynn H. Carrier+ Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Dr. S. Wayne Chamberlin Mr. Ken Chipley Ms. D. Ann Cicala Mr. Eugene D. Cline+ Robert E. and Paul Collins Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Crawford Dr. Suzanne B. Darnell Ms. Esther King Davis+ Mr. Kelly O. Davis Ms. Frances Marie Dean+ Mr. and Mrs. Lester K. Diamond Robert and Deana Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Bill Donigan+ Ms. Marcia A. Duckworth Mr. William B. Dunavant Jr. Miss Sara Eaton+ John and Valerie Elkington Ms. Josephine O. Elosua Ms. Janie Evans Dr. W. Harry Feinstone+ Mr. Robert C. Fite Mr. Thomas C. Fleet Jr.+ Ms. LaVerne M. Fleming+ Ms. Laurie Petrick Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Forman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O. Forrester Sr. Mr. Bryan D. Fox Mr. James H. Frazier Dr. and Mrs. Jerre M. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fristick Jr. Dr. Charles R. Goodpasture+ Mr. Mickey G. Granger Mr. Joe Grills Ms. Mildred F. Grooms+ Ellen Elaine Kayser Haas Trust Mr. and Mrs. William O. Hagerman

Mr. J. Frank Hall Jr. Jackie Jensen Hart and Ron Hart Mr.+ and Mrs. James E. Harwood III Dr. and Mrs. Roger L. Hiatt Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bernard Hill Hill Clayton Trust Ms. Elaine C. Hoffman+ Ms. Janice M. Holder Dr. Jack W. Holt Dr. Jane H. Hooker Mr. Emmett House+ Mr. William S. Huff Dr. John G. Hughes+ Ms. Florence V. Illing+ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inman Jr. Ms. Kathryn E. James Mr. Don S. Jamison Ms. Janet T. Jennings Ms. Lela Almarita Johnson+ Ms. Ruth F. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Johnson Jr. Stanley H. Justis+ Dr. James C. Kasperbauer Mr. Guy M. Kennedy Mr. Guy T. Kennedy+ Eloise Kimmelman Foundation Ms. Delores Kinsolving Ms. Virginia H. Klettner Major and Mrs. Walter J. Klimek Mr. S. L. Kopald Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kraker Mr. and Mrs. Burns Landess Mr. and Mrs. Lester Larimer III+ Mr. Edward J. Lawler+ Mr. and Mrs. F. Lin Lawrence Dr. Douglas C. Lemmon+ Ms. Elsie M. Ligh Ms. Celia Lightman+ Gail and James Link Dr. George G. and Barbara Lipsey Ms. Sue Ann Lipsey and Mr. Bernard A. Lipsey Estate of Mr. Cole W. Litton+ Mr. and Mrs. Barlow T. Mann Dr. Barbara D. and Mr. William E. Mashburn Estate of Ms. Barbara B. Matheson+

Mr. Harvey F. Maxwell Sr. Dr. W. Theodore May+ Mr. John McCallen+ Ms. Ruthie McCallen Ms. Judith K. McCown Col. and Mrs. James K. McCurdy+ Ms. Glenda Huey McDaniel Nancy and Bill McKinnie Ms. Shanti McKinnie Mr. and Mrs. Randy H. McKnight Ms. Neva McMahon+ Mr. Robert M. McRae Jr.+ and Mrs. Louise McRae+ Mr. D. Michael Meeks+ Dr. Lisa L. Mendel and Dr. Maurice I. Mendel Mr. Roy G. Mersch+ Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. L. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Olin F. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Saunders Morgan Morton Ms. Susan Bailey Moss Ms. Sharon R. Murdock Professor William J. Murnane Jr.+ Dan H. and Vicki S. Murrell Dr. Patricia H. Murrell Jay B. and Maureen W. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Nichols Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Nolan Trudy A. Noyes+ Mr. Richard M. Nunnally+ Ms. Patricia O’Brien Eunice and Edward Ordman Mr. Mac E. Ozier+ Hal and Betty Padgett Mr. Larry W. Papasan Dr. Lloyd D. Partridge+ Mr. David Patrick and Ms. Jeannie Moffatt Mr.+ and Mrs. John B. Peyton Mr. Dion G. Pogson Ms. Dorothy B. Kay Price Mr. Bobby A. Prince Mr. and Mrs. John Raiford Mr. James F. Rand Dr. John H. Rand Ms. Flora Hayes Rawls+ Mr. Oscar Edwin Reece+ Mr. William R. Reed Jr.

* Alumni

Mr. William R. Reed Jr. Ms. Geraldene D. Reynolds Bernadette and Kyle Rice Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor Richardson Dr. John W. Richardson Jr.+ Ms. Elma N. Roane+ Mr. Jeff Roth Ms. Laura Rowland Ms. Virginia A. Rust+ Mr. Carl Sanders Jr. Dr. Helen M. Sawyer Ms. Katherine B. Sevedge+ Dr. Naseeb Shaheen+ Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sharpe Sr.+ Mr. John S. Shepherd Ms. Mary E. Sherman Dr. Janann Sherman Mr. William O. Shults Dr. Nancy D. Simco Dr. and Mrs. Omar E. Smith Jr. Mr. M. Hayes Smith Jr. Dr. W. Byron Smith Mr. James R. Smoot+ Dr. Allen and Mrs. Hope H. Sneed Mr. and Mrs. Billy G. Spain Dr. James N. and Emily C. Speakman Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Stafford Ms. Mary Alice Stagner+ Drs. Bobbie and Jim Staley Mr. Robert L. Stephens Ms. Harriet W. Stern Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stokes Ms. Deborah L. Talbot Ms. Celia H. Terry+ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Thomas+ Dr. Wayland A. Tonning+ Dr. Robert E. Tooms Mr. Donald R. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Traicoff Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. Turetzky Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Turner Mike and Norma Turnipseed Ms. Sandra B. Van Velsor Mr. Thomas L. Wallace Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Warder Jr. Ms. Nancy R. Warrick+ W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Ms. Ellen I. Watson Mr. Con T. Welch+ Alison Weld and Charles Russell Ms. Elizabeth Hall Weymers+ Jim and Gina Wiertelak Estate of Fletcher Earl Wilkinson+ Ms. Carol B. Williams+ David and Elsa Williams Mr. Calvin M. Wills Jr.+ Mr. William C. Wilson Mr. C. Kemmons Wilson Sr.+ Ms. Cornelia Littlejohn Wolfe+ Mr. James H. Woodbury+ Harry and Ruth Woodbury+ Ms. Emmie B. Woodward+ Dr. Lawrence and Ms. Sarah J. Wynn*+ Mr. Robert W. Yates Mr. John L. Zoccola Ms. Jane E. Zussman+

LIFE MEMBERS The University of Memphis Alumni Association gratefully acknowledges its esteemed life members. Life membership is the highest level of membership within the organization and is open to graduates and friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. Robert Abney Ms. Beverly Vaughan Acker Mr. Eddie B. Adair Dr. Ruth F. and Mr. Larry G. Adams Ms. Mary F. Adams Dr. Richmond B. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Todd T. Adams Dr. Thomas W. Addcox Mr. Kelly L. Agee Mr. Ayman Y. Al Ajmi Mr. and Mrs. James D. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Alford

Ms. Carol D. Aljets Mr. A. Alexander Allen Ms. Charlene J. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Randal H. Allen Mr. Anthony G. Altieri Mr. and Mrs. Brent H. Alvord Mr. Cleve L. Anderson Mr. James W. Anderson Mr. James M. Andrews Dr. Dot Arata Dr. C. Steven Arendall Ms. Vivian E. Arendall Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Argo Rev. John L. Armstrong Mr. Scott A. Arnwine Ms. Octavia P. Ashby Ms. JoAnn R. Ashley Mr. J. Olin Atkins Ms. Bertha L. Atwater Ms. Thelda P. Atwater Mr. James W. Ayers Mr. Larry W. Babb Mr. Andrew L. Bailey Ms. Melody B. Bailey Ms. Elizabeth P. Baker Dr. Diana R. Baker and Mr. Hal L. Baker Mr. James A. Baker III Mr. Steven A. Ballard Mr. Lynn H. Ballinger Ms. Rebecca W. Ballou Dr. Harold R. Bancroft Mr. Erie Lachelle Banks Mr. Jeffrey G. Baravik Mr. John C. Barber Mr. and Mrs. Aprad D. Bardos Mr. and Mrs. Dean D. Barger III Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Barnes Mr. Gregory E. Barnes Mr. Kim Barnett Mr. Harvey E. Barton Mr. Dennis R. Beal Mr. Albert L. Bean Ms. Amy P. Beard Mr. J. David Beard Ms. Sue J. Beard Mr. Kenneth M. Bearden Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Beasley Ms. Ada M. Bell

Mr. Borden E. Bell Jr. Ms. Doris B. Bellott Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Belz The Honorable Robert S. and Mrs. Ann Benham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bennett Dr. Marvin R. Bensman Ms. Regina F. Benson Mr. Brian P. Bentz Ms. Ann P. Berry Mr. Robert Berry Mr. Turney P. Berry Mr. Albert R. Biggs Dr. Jack C. Biggs Dr. Nancy C. Biggs Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Earl Billings Dr. Dorothy G. Bilsky Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Binswanger Mr. Dennis J. Biodrowski Ms. Caroline B. Birchmore Mr. T. Gary Bird Mr. Madan M. Birla Mr. William A. Bishop Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Emile A. Bizot III Ms. Dorothy E. Bizzell Drs. Delano and Lynette Black Ms. Lynda Wray Black Esq. Mr. Roy W. Black Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blackwell Ms. Patricia P. Bladon Mr. James W. Blair Jr. Nell and Paul Blair Dr. William E. Blank Mr. James E. Blount IV Dr. Judith A. Blucker Ms. Frances A. Blumenthal Mr. Samuel J. Blustein Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Boals Ms. Mary D. Boaz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bobango Dr. Peggy J. Bodine CDR John C. Bogan Ms. Patricia O. Bogan Ms. Susan J. Bogan Ms. Wight F. Boggs Ms. Deloris P. Boldt Ms. Christina L. Bolles Ms. Denise Bollheimer Mr. H. Eric Bolton Jr.

+ Deceased

Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neill Bomer IV Linda and George Bond Mr. and Mrs. P. Robert Boone Dr. and Mrs. Jerrell L. Borup Mr. Joseph W. Boston Ms. Wanza B. Boswell Mr. Brent T. Bousson Mr. Charles M. Bowen Ms. Rikki D. Boyce Mr. Arlander Boyd Ms. Diana Drewry Bradberry Mr. John R. Bradford III Mrs. Judith S. Brantley and Dr. J. Hays Brantley Dr. Joe Dell Brasel Dan and Kathy Breckenridge Ms. Peggy Brightwell Ms. Sandra W. Brooks Mr. Robert L. Browder Dr. Joe L. Brown II Ms. Maxine Brown Mr. W. David Brown Mr. James L. Browning Ms. Margaret S. Brownlee Mr. Michael J. Bruns Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Bryant Jr. Ms. Kathleen P. Bryson Drew and Melissa Buchner Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Buckner III Ms. Jack P. Bugbee Mr. Edward A. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Willie O. Burcham Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Burkett Dr. and Mrs. William E. Burkett Dr. and Mrs. Pat E. Burlison+ Mr. Ronnie Burrage Mr. Charles L. Bursi III Mr. Eric A. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Busby Dr. Orton C. Butler Ms. Carolyn M. Bynum Mr. Harold W. Byrd Ms. Irene B. Byrd and Mr. John L. Byrd Ms. Darci Ann Caesar and Mr. Gregory P. Caesar Mr. Jeffrey H. Cagle Mr. Xiaoshan Cai Dr. Felix L.



and Ms. Ann K. Caldwell Ms. Mary A. Caldwell Ms. Mary Caldwell Dr. William R. Callahan III Mr. John J. Cameron Ms. Mary Ann M. Camp Mr. Harold D. Campbell Dr. Shirley C. Raines and Dr. Robert J. Canady Ms. Margaret C. Canerdy Mr. Robert W. Canfield Jr. Mr. G. Coble Caperton Ms. Jessica A. Capocaccia Ms. Mary Ann B. Capocaccia Mr. William G. Capshaw Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Carlson Mr. Kenneth J. Carmack Dr. Joseph S. Carnes Mr. Stanley H. Carruthers Ms. Kimberly M. Carter LtJG Michael L. Carter Mr. Richard M. Carter Ms. Ruth R. Cash Dr. Ernest L. Cashion Mr. Gene Cashman Ms. Betty J. Castellaw Ms. Patricia F. Cavender Mr. William E. Cayce Mr. Glenn N. Chambers Ms. Leesa T. Chambliss Ms. Anita M. Chapman Mr. Dale R. Charlton Mr. Barry Chase Dr. Zhaohui Xu and Mr. Wei W. Chen Mr. Norman R. Cherrett II Mr. Ronald G. Chesemore Dr. Stephen R. Cheshier Ms. Amy J. Amundsen and The Honorable Robert L. Childers Ms. Bertha T. Ching Mr. Jimmy T. Chiu Ms. Glynna Christian Ms. Daniella M. Christy Ms. Mary C. Christy Ms. D. Ann Cicala Mr. James W. Cisco Jr. Mr. A. Russell Clack Jr. 32

Dr. Raymond A. Clapsadle Dr. Monty C. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Clayton Ms. Virginia P. Cline Mr. Edward L. Cobb Mr. Barry E. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cochran Ms. Jerryann H. Cocke The Honorable Stephen I. Cohen Mr. Randy M. Cole Mr. Stephen R. Cole Ms. Jan S. Coleman and Mr. Ronald L. Coleman Ms. Carol C. Coletta Mr. A. Douglas Collins Jr. Mr. David A. Collins Mr.and Mrs. Joseph L. Collins Ms. Melissa C. Collins Dr. Thomas W. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Colston Mr. Billy J. Colvard Mr. Wayne Connell Ms. Frances Connors Mr. Gerald L. Conway Dr. ChrisAnn Schiro-Geist and Mr. John J. Conway Sr. Ms. Winnie P. Conway Mr. George F. Cook Mrs. Angela R. Jackson Cook and Mr. Joseph S. Cook Ms. Jeanette Cooley Mr. and Mrs. Brandon L. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Cooper Mr. R. Dave Corbin Ms. Christine A. Cordts Mr. Ray Costa John and Deborah Cothern Ms. Betty G. Cotton Mr. and Mrs. James G. Couch Ms. Anesha Cowan Mr. Danny P. Cox Mr. James T. Cox Mr. Larry D. Cox Ms. Katherine A. Coyle Mr. Joseph L. Crain III Mr. and Mrs. S. Lawson Crain Ms. Florence Crenshaw-Hall Mr. Hilliard Crews


Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Crews Jr. Ms. Sandra J. Crowley Dr. William G. Crump Ms. Cynthia M. Culver Mr. C. Alan Cunningham II Ms. Tamara Curole Mr. Edgar E. Currier Mr. Ronnie J. Curtis Ms. Karen R. Cushing Mr. Phillip L. Dagastino Jr. Mr. Christopher Dahlberg Ms. Laverne D. Daley Dr. Debora C. Daniel Ms. Peggy W. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Zack A. Daniel Ms. Nancy B. Darnall Dr. Susanne B. Darnell Mr. Christopher B. Darr Ms. Jane E. Darr Ms. Alice Davis Mr. B. Duncan Davis Mr. Brett S. Davis Dr. Ellen B. Davis Mr. John J. Davis and Dr. Rosie Phillips Bingham Mr. Kelly O. Davis Dr. Kenneth B. Davis Mr. Terry Davis Mr. W. Lee Davis Jr. The Honorable and Mrs. William H. Davis Ms. Tina M. DeCosta-Fortune Ms. Renee S. DeGutis Mr. Vincent M. DeGutis Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas DeHart Jr. Dr. Robert W. Deininger Dr. Hubert L. Dellinger Jr. Dr. Charlene A. Deloach Dr. C. Frederick Deneke Dr. Thomas O. Depperschmidt Ms. Peggy D. Derrington Ms. Rebecca Brown Derych Darrin and Cheri Devault Ms. Mary Ann Diamond Ms. Carolyn J. Dickens Mr. Eric Jerome Dickey Mr. James R. Dickey Mr. John Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dinkelspiel

Ms. Dianne R. Dixon Mr. Fred Dixon Mr. Jim Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Ted B. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Donovan Mr. Rick G. Doran Dr. and Mrs. H. James Dorman Mr. Edward G. Douglas Mr. Gary B. Douglas Mr. R. Wayne Douglas Vivian Cesar Driscoll Dr. Leon E. Drouin Jr. Ms. Alicia D. Hubert Duffy Mr. William B. Dunavant Jr. Mr. Timothy D. Duncan The Honorable Timothy J. and Ms. Belynda Dwyer Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Dyer Jr. Ms. Penny B. Dyer Ms. Patti W. Eason Mr. Edward G. Eckstein Mr. Robert A. Edlund Mr. and Mrs. Elbert J. Edwards Mr. James D. Edwards Rev. Mary Wall Edwards Ms. Melinda H. Edwards Mr. W. Terry Edwards Dr. Jimmy H. Elam Mr. James M. Elcan Mr. Terry K. Emery Dr. and Mrs. J. Rex Enoch Mr. Robert H. Eoff Mr. and Mrs. Charlie L. Epperson Jr. Ms. Emily C. Epperson Ms. Sherry M. Essig Mr. Wesley B. Estes Dr. Carol P. Etheridge Ms. Eleanor G. Eubank Mr. and Mrs. Robley D. Evans Mr. Stephen D. Evers The Honorable David R. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Farr Ms. Donna H. Farris Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Faudree Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Felsenthal Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ferguson Ms. Julianne B. Fermi Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ferraro Ms. Carla W. Field

Dr. Curt Fields Jr. Ms. Anne G. Fisher Mr. John J. Fisher Sr. Ms. Mildred C. Fisher Mr. R. Jack Fishman Ms. Lavelle W. Fitch Mr. Joseph G. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Flack Mr. Frank L. Flautt Jr. Mr. Glenn D. Floyd Ms. Kathy Fly Mr. Robert F. Fogelman Ms. Cynthia C. Forman Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Forman Mr. Reginald A. Foster Dr. Yvonne Fournier Ms. Mary A. Franklin Ms. Olander Franklin Mr. Sidney M. Franklin Mr. James H. Frazier Ms. Catherine M. Freeburg Dr. and Mrs. Jerre M. Freeman Mr. Joel T. Freeman Dr. James L. Fritzsche Dr. Carol S. Fruchtman Dr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Fuller Ms. Leslie L. Fuller Ms. Dana S. Gabrion Mr. David T. Gadd Ms. Anne R. Galloway Dr. Donna M. Gambill Ms. Eleanor J. Gandy Mr. Raymond Garcia II Gen. Donald R. Gardner Mr. Larry Garner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Garrety Ms. Julie E. Gentry Ms. Elizabeth A. Gentzler Ms. Beth M. George Dr. Wilburn E. George Jr. Ms. Patricia G. Geshke Ms. Billie G. Gholson Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Erik J. Gilley Ms. Martha L. Gilliland Ms. Julian Z. Glassman Susan Lawless-Glassman and Richard Glassman Ms. Elizabeth L. Glosson

* Alumni

Ms. Ann Glover Ms. Molly A. Glover Ms. Gwen Y. Gnadt Dr. Ronald L. Goode Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Graeter Jr. Susan and Alan Graf Ms. Jane C. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Troy R. Graham Ms. Roger Grace House Grant Mr. Gary M. Grear Mr. Yancey Green Mr. Jacob Greer Mr. James F. Greer Mr. Kris N. Gregory Ms. Mindy Gregory Mr. Terry D. Gregory Mr. Darryl D. Gresham Mr. Michael D. Griffith Mr. Robert L. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Grinder Mr. Richard N. Grinder Mr. D. Breckenridge Grover Dr. Elinor K. Grusin Marty and Gayle Grusin Ms. Pamela M. Guasco Mr. Morton L. Gubin Ms. Johnna Guilbeau Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Gurney Sr. Ms. Anjuli C. Gustafson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hadaway Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hadley Jr. Mr. Christopher J. Hageman Mr. Paul L. Haire Mr. Ben D. Hale Ms. Kimberly R. Hale Mr. Joseph G. Hall Mr. Robert F. Hall Ms. Amy E. Hall-Baker Ms. Emily C. Hallum Ms. Roy Ellen Hammann Dr. Michael H. Hamrick Sr. Ms. Trina H. Hanks Mr. Bruce C. Harber CDR and Mrs. Michael S. Harber Ms. Sharon A. Harber Dr. Esther A. Harbert Ms. Ann F. Harbor Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Harger Jr. Tre and Dawn Hargett W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Mr. Mike Harless Mr. Donald B. Harmon Mr. Harold B. Harris Jr. Mr. Jerry L. Harris Ms. Linda N. Harris Mr. Matthew O. Harrison Mr. Thomas R. Harrison Ms. Janet Harris-Smith Ms. Jackie Jensen Hart and Mr. Ron Hart Mr. Michael W. Harwood Mr. Lawrence S. Haupt Mr. Michael Hawkins Mr. Robert W. Hawks Ms. Jane E. Hayden Ms. Kathy L. Hayek Mr. and Mrs. James N. Haynie Mr. Jimmy Hayslip Ms. Linda S. Hayward Mr. J. Kenneth Hazen Mr. Jerry Hearn Ms. Tammy Hedges Mr. Jack G. Heffington Ms. Wilma P. Hendrix+ Mr. Robert A. Hendry Ms. Stacey J. Hendry Boswell Ms. Caryn C. Hendry Clark Mr. Carlton D. Henley Mr. Gary D. Henley Mr. Arthur G. Herald Jr. Anonymous Donor Dr. Jane S. Hester Mr. Hugh O. Higginbotham Jr. Mr. Larry Hilbun Mr. Benjamin F. Hill Jr. Beth and Carrick Hill Mr. and Mrs. W. Bernard Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jim H. Hillhouse Ms. Tanya H. Hilliard Mr. Andrew D. Hilton Ms. Bethany J. Himel Dr. Mabel T. Himel Mr. Joe D. Hinson Mr. Justin J. Hipner Mr. and Mrs. Yulun U. Ho Lt. Col. Benjamin P. Hobday Charlotte and Fred Hodges Mr. Herbert C. Hodovsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hoerter

Mr. and Mrs. B. James Hoggatt Mr. Theopolis Holeman Mr. Albert D. Hollingsworth Jr. Dr Harris B Hollingsworth Ms. June D. Holloway Dr. Trina M. Holly Ms. Wanda L. Holmes Ms. Patricia C. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Holt II Dr. Jane H. Hooker Mr. Henry Hooper II Mr. Roger A. Hoover Mr. Lee R. Hopkins Ms. Mae Alice Hopkins Mr. Brett C. Hopper Mr. James W. Hopper Mr. Michael E. Hopper Ms. Helen G. Horne Gail and Randy Horner Lt. Col. John W. Horton Ms. Lexine R. Horton Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Horton Mr. and Mrs. John I. Houseal Jr. Mr. Kyle L. Howard Ms. M. Kate Howard Mr. Joe B. Howell Dr. John D. Huber II Mr. Robert W. Huber Jr. Mr. William A. Hudson Ms. Bethany K. Huffman SGT. Richard D. Hulshof Ms. Helen Humber Mr. Cecil C. Humphreys Jr. Mr. Richard N. Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Hundley Mr. Donald L. Hutson Dr. and Mrs. John C. Hyden Jr. Mr. J. Kevin Hyneman Ms. Louise P. Ijams Mr. Roger D. Iles Ms. Mary L. Incardona Ms. Barbara I. Ingram Mr. Frank Inman Jr. Karen Fields Isaacman and Ken Isaacman Ms. Lauren E. Isaacman Mr. C. M. (Mickey) Ison Ms. Fariss A. Ivey Ms. Cheryl Y. Jackson

Mr. Larry B. Jackson Mr. Melvin Jackson Ms. Dorsha N. James Ms. Kathryn E. James Mr. Robert D. Jamison Mr. Thomas F. Jenkins Jr. Dr. William M. Jenkins Mr. Lawrence K. Jensen Mr. Andrew M. Johnson Mr. Anthony B. Johnson Ms. Christina O. Johnson Dr. Diane M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. George T. Johnson Ms. Julie A. Johnson Mr. Marvin Johnson Mr. Richard E. Johnson Ms. Joan R. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Johnson Jr. Mr. Dennis W. Johnston Mr. Michael Burnett Joiner Mr. Chad D. Jones Mr. Doyle E. Jones Mr. Fred Jones Jr. Mr. George R. Jones Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Jones Mr. James C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jones Ms. Julia R. Jones Ms. Laverne K. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Jones Mr. and Mrs. William W. Jones III Mr. Deotis A. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Jordan Mr. Jeremy M. Jordan Mr. Robert P. Jordan Mr. David C. Kabakoff Dr. James C. Kasperbauer Mr. Joe KatterJohn Ms. Frances C. Kauffman Mr. John C. Kauffman Mr. Mason C. Kauffman Ms. Janis J. Keating Ms. Louise B. Keeler Mr. Hugh L. Keenan Jr. Ms. Helyn R. Keith Mr. Brian J. Kelley Mr. John C. Kelley Jr. Ms. Kathleen G. Kelley

+ Deceased

Mr. James A. Kelly Maj. and Mrs. Jimmie D. Kelly Ms. Rose S. Kelley Mr. Bryan P. Kennedy Patte and David S. Kennedy Dr. Mary M. Kennon Ms. Martha Jane S. Keough Dr. Joyce C. Kilpatrick Ms. Delores Kinsolving Ms. Dorothy O. Kirsch Mr. Joe Kirsch Mr. Edward G. Klein Jr. Mr. Jerry Klein Major and Mrs. Walter J. Klimek Ms. Gertie R. Knox Ms. Heather A. Kolasinsky Mr. Andrew S. Kopta Mr. and Mrs. John E. Koski Ms. Barbara Gurley Kouns Dr. Roberta H. Krapels Ms. Linda C. Krebs Mr. Bakulesh P. Kshatriya Ms. Linda W. Kuntzman Dr. Henry A. Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. David F. Kustoff Mr. Jerome R. Kutliroff Col. Edward T. Ladd Sr. The Honorable L. Terry Lafferty Bill and Iris LaGrone Mr. and Mrs. Burns Landess Ms. Susan L. Lang Mr. Adam M. Langley Mr. Dustin B. Langley Ms. Jana L. Larson Mr. Bradford A. Larson Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Latimer The Honorable Jennie D. Latta Mr. Donald E. Laughlin Mr. Patrick W. Lawler Ms. Blandy C. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Lawrence Sr. Ms. Elizabeth A. Lawrence Mr. John T. Lawrence III Mr. John R. Lawrence Mr. John T. Lawrence Jr. Mr. Kevin L. Lawrence Mr. Terry W. Laws Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee



Mr. Timothy R. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Lenoir Ms. Lora L. Leonard Mr. Sidney B. Levine Mr. John W. Lewallen Jr. Ms. Betty A. Lewis Mr. McCall Lewis Ms. Patricia B. Lewis Mr. Howard C. Liebengood CDR J. Michael Lien Ms. Gerlene S. Lifer Mr. John S. Lilak Ms. Dorothy A. Liles Mr. Bryan E. Lindfield Mr. H. R. Lindstrom Mr. James F. Link Jr. Jim and Joanne Lippy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Lloyd Ms. Barbara R. Loevy Ms. Elizabeth B. Lofton Ms. Cleo P. Long Dennis and Kathie Long Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Long Mr. Paul A. Long Dana and Robert Longfield Ms. Bertha R. Looney Mr. Miller M. Loosier Ms. Rose Blakney Love Ms. Patricia P. Lovington Mr. and Mrs. F. Lynn Lowery Jr. Ms. Lisa L. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Luhrs Mr. Jamie Luter Dr. Marjorie F. Luttrell Mr. Matthew Lynch Dr. Raymond M. Lynch Dr. Herbert L. Lyon Mr. Michael N. Lyons Ms. Thelma T. Mabry Mr. Glenn M. Maclin Mr. James E. Maclin Jr. Ms. Beverly Frizzell Magee Dr. Carole and Mr. Jerry Maness Mr. Stephen R. Manley Mr. Lawrence B. Mansfield Mr. Joseph F. Manuszak Russell and Susan Marks Ms. Mary R. Marler 34

Mr. Stephen C. Marshall Dina and Brad Martin Ms. Jean L. Martin Kirk Dr. Barbara D. and Mr. William E. Mashburn Dr. James M. Mason Ms. Victoria V. Mathews Mr. William A. Mathis Mr. Harvey F. Maxwell Sr. Mr. Kenneth A. May Mr. and Mrs. George D. Mayo Jr. Dr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Mayo Sr. Ms. Lois C. Mayo Ms. Morgan L. Mayo Ms. Barbara S. McAdams Ms. Emily J. McAllister Mr. John W. McBride Mr. and Mrs. James F. McCallen Jr. Ms. Ruthie McCallen Mr. Evans McCaul Mr. Edward McClain and Dr. Rosella O. McClain Mr. Luther C. McClellan Ms. Lorene W. McCollins Dr. Harold A. McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O. McCormack Ms. Judith K. McCown Mr. Sammy T. McCraw Ms. Margie McCullar Dr. Steven L. McCullar The Honorable Richard P. McCully Ms. Barbara C. McDaniel Ms. Glenda Huey McDaniel Spencer and Karimeh McDaniel Col. David A. McDermott Ms. Emily J. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. James W. McDonald Ms. Marsha A. McDonald Mr. John D. McDonnell Mr. Ralph D. McDowell Mr. Michael T. McElya Ms. Anna S. McFarland Mr. Donald W. McGarrity Mr. Michael S. McGee Mr. James E. McGehee Jr. Ms. Yainieh T. McGinley


Ms. W. A. McGinnis Mr. Jonathan T. McGlothian Mr. Jere S. McGuffee II Dr. Sidney J. McKay Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. McKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nip McKnight Mr. Richard C. McLain Ms. Shirley A. McLaurine Ms. Amy M. McLean Ms. Shirley W. McRae Ms. Pauline M. Mcsparrin Mr. Ronald B. McSwain Mr. Billy R. Mears Ms. Nancy K. Mellon Jo Ann and Del Mercer Dr. Brian W. Meredith Mr. and Mrs. Bergen S. Merrill Jr. Mr. Allen W. Messer Mr. and Mrs. George T. Methvin Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Michel Mr. Bobby J. Miles Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Miller Dr. and Mrs. Neil A. Miller Ms. Rachel S. Miller Ms. Virginia A. Miller Mr. William (Bill) C. Miller Jr. Ms. Abigail L. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Mitchell Mr. Mark A. Mitchell Ms. Tanya S. Mitchell Mr. Tadios E. Molla Mr. and Mrs. Larry Montague Ms. Helen A. Montgomery Ms. Alethea S. Moore Mr. David D. Moore Ms. Sherry R. Moore Ms. Shannon L. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. L. Morgan Mr. James A. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Morris Mr. Olin F. Morris Mr. Terry R. Morris Mr. William N. Morris Jr. Ms. Joyce P. Morrison Ms. Bessie M. Morrow Mr. Saunders Morgan Morton Mr. John-Paul Motley Mr. Kristian K. Moxley

Ms. Hilda C. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Mulrooney Jr. Mr. Carey T. Mulwee Harry and Vivian Murchison Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Murphree Dr. Laura O. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. William S. Murray IV Mr. Kyle A. Murry Mr. Mario J. Musarra Ms. Marianne C. Mussett Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Myers Mr. Zachary P. Nahmias Mr. Brenton J. Nair Mr. David L. Nall Mr. Manjith R. Nanabolu Mr. Michael D. Neal Mr. Dustin L. Nelson Ms. Mary H. Nelson Dr. Monika Nenon and Dr. Thomas J. Nenon Jr. Ms. Kathryn P. Nesbitt Dr. James K. Newman Dr. James M. Newman III Mr. Howard C. Nickelson Mr. Gary W. Nickerson Ms. Anita B. Nix and Mr. Thomas E. Nix Ms. Marla J. Norris Dr. Wayne A. Norton Ms. LeAnne P. Nowell Ms. Jeanne B. Nuckolls Dr. Helen R. Nunn Mr. and Mrs. David O’Brien Mr. Lewis B. O’Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Olita Sr. Ms. Anna R. Olswanger Mrs. Eunice B. and Dr. Edward T. Ordman Mr. Cleveland D. Orr Drs. Michael and Suzanne Osborn Ms. Christean B. Outlaw Mr. and Mrs. James R. Owen Ms. Lynne H. Owens Ms. G. Sue Oxner Hal and Betty Padgett Carol and Mike Palazola

Anonymous Donor Ms. Vicki Roman Palmer Mr. Russell Palmiter Mr. John R. Panzeca Mr. Larry W. Papasan Mr. Jerrell H. Parchman II Ms. Tommie Pardue Mr. Nathaniel W. Parham Ms. Phyllis H. Parker Dr. Richard C. Parker Ms. W. Dean Parker Dr. Charles W. Parrott Jr. Mr. Robert R. Parsons Jr. Ms. Nell A. Pasley Mr. Joshua P. Pastner Mr. David T. Patrick Jr. Mr. Horace Patrick Ms. Gloria D. Patterson Mr. Joseph L. Patterson Ms. Martha R. Patton Esther and Clint Pearson Ms. Valerie C. Peavy Ms. Eleanor H. Peckham Dr. Binford H. Peeples Mr. William P. Peeples Mr. David M. Pennington Mr. Mark E. Pennington Mr. Joe Pepe Dr. John J. Pepin Susan and David Perdue Ms. Kathryn S. Perrine Mr. Austin C. Perry Dr. Barbara A. Perry Mr. Elliot L. Perry Ms. Tameka T. Perry The Honorable Curtis S. and Gerldean S. Person Ms. Barbara J. Perutelli Mr. Corey Pettigrew Mr. and Mrs. James M. Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Phillips Mr. Joe G. Phillips Mr. Kenneth B. Phillips Ms. Rachel E. Phillips Ms. Lauren S. Pickens Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pickens Ms. Wendy D. Pickett Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Pinckney Mr. Phillip L. Pinkston

* Alumni

Mr. Jason L. Pittman Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pittman Mr. George M. Pollard Ms. Shawn S. Pool Mr. John L. Porter Mr. Roger A. Porter Ms. Gwendolyn D. Poston-Wade Mr. Joseph E. Poston Rev. TroyAnn Poulopoulos Ms. Florence Annette Powell Mr. Alan F. Powelson Ms. Jill Powelson Mr. Richard S. Powelson Mr. Ralph A. Prater Dr. Barbara U. Prescott and Mr. Allie J. Prescott III Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Presley Ms. Dorothy B. Kay Price Mr. Bobby A. Prince Dr. Randall P. Prince Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Prince The Honorable Ann L. Pugh Ms. Pearlie H. Pugh Ms. Katie M. Pullen-Foster Elwood and Janet Qualls Ms. Martha Jane Qualls Dr. Lea G. Queener Ms. Tracy Q. Roseman Mr. Robert (Gus) Radford Ms. Billie L. Raggett Ms. Kimberly A. Raiford Mr. Andrew M. Raines Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rainey Ms. Maurice T. Rainey Mr. David L. Ralston Mr. C. V. Ramanakumar Ms. Lucy S. Ramey Mr. Christopher L. Ramsay Dr. Richard R. Ranta Ms. Janet M. Rasmussen Wilbert Dr. Marshall E. Rasnake Ms. Alice J. Rawlins Mr. Donald R. Rawlins Mr. Don E. Ray Dr. Patricia P. Ray and Mr. W. Barry Ray Ms. Juloy B. Raymer and Mr. William P. Raymer Mr. David C. Reeves W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Ms. Metra B. Reid Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodson Reid Mr. Charles A. Remaklus III Ms. Peggy P. Reynolds Gatlin Mr. Terry L. Rhea Don and Jean Rhoads Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rice Sr. Dr. and Mrs. H. Lyndall Rich Ms. Stephanie E. Rich Mr. John D. Richardson Dr. Malcolm L. Richardson Dr. Robert L. Richardson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Richardson Mr. Leonard J. Richelson Mr. and Mrs. James W. Richens II Ms. Kimberly A. Ridenhour Ms. Susie Webb Ries Dr. Ona Z. Riggin Ms. Ellen P. Riker Mr. and Mrs. George E. Riker Dr. Michael W. Riker Mr. Preston J. Robb Mr. David T. Robbins Mr. Scott M. Robbins Ms. Esther Roberts Mr. Jonathan S. Roberts Mr. Eric D. Robertson The Honorable Kay Robilio Ms. Cynthia R. Robinson Mr. J. Michael Robinson Mr. John W. Robinson Ms. Stacey J. Roe Mr. Claude C. Rogers Jr. Mr. George W. Rogers Mr. Robert H. Rogers Ms. Shirley H. Romine Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Roper Mr. Michael Rorie Ms. Laura L. Rosas Ms. Cathy D. Ross Mr. Louis M. Ross Spang Dr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Rosser Mr. Christopher T. Rosson Mr. Michael Ross-Spang Mr. Alan Skid Rowe Ms. Emily B. Ruch Ms. N. Janell Rudolph Ms. Jamie N. Rugel Ms. Natalie Ruggiero

Mr. and Mrs. James S. Russell Mr. John A. Russell Mr. Gary M. Rutherford Dr. James P. Ruyl Ms. Jeanette M. Saino Mr. M. David Saller Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sanderson Dr. Nat H. Sandler Ms. Diane D. Santerre Mr. Peter E. Sartino Ms. Dorcas S. Saunders Mr. Ned B. Savage Ms. Sara T. Savell Dr. Helen M. Sawyer Dr. Patricia K. Scales Ms. Susan G. Brito Mr. Milton T. Schaeffer Mr. John W. Schanck Mr. Rudi E. Scheidt Sr. Ms. Billie S. Schelp Mr. Frank V. Schriner Jr. Mr. Jerry W. Schroeppel Mr. Mark J. Schuermann Ms. Janet S. Schwoerer Ms. Donna L. Scobey Ms. Thelma F. Scott Mr. William W. Scott-Williams Mr. Phillip A. Scrip Mr. Thomas W. Scruggs Jr. Ms. Heather L. See Mr. Mark A. See Mr. and Mrs. Oscar N. Seelbinder Jr. Dr. Edmund P. Segner Jr. Mr. Geddes Self Jr. Mr. Gnanasegeran Selvadurai Dr. Candace B. Settles Ms. Jeanne D. Settles Mr. and Mrs. Kerry R. Sewell Ms. Betty D. Shadish Mrs. Donna Sue Shannon and Mr. Wayne C. Shannon Dr. David C. Sharp Mr. Winfred H. Sharp Mr. Charles K. Sharpe Mr. M. Andrew Shaul Mr. Preston L. Shaw Jr. Ms. Annette E. Shearin

Mr. Steven Z. Sheegog Dr. Janann Sherman Ms. Emma Ruth Shomaker Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Showalter Jr. Ms. Karen J. Silverstein Mr. Frank U. Simonton Mrs. Kathryn Hicks Simpson and Mr. James A. Simpson Jr. Mr. John A. Simpson Mrs. Tona Jackson Simpson and Mr. Randy Simpson Dr. Gregory R. Singleton Mr. David S. Skipper Ms. Monica S. Skipper Dr. Janice W. Slaughter Mr. Craig A. Smith Ms. Delaine R. Smith Ms. Elizabeth Sharp Smith Mr. Garland T. Smith Mr. Gary K. Smith Mr. Kittrell T. Smith Mr. Philip K. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Smothers Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton Smythe III Mr. Kevin A. Snider Jim and Janice Sorsby Dr. Carole F. Southerland Ms. Rita T. Sparks Dr. Sylvia E. Sparrow Ms. Diane C. Spears Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Spell Mr. Vernon Spence Mr. Bernard M. Spiegel Ms. Evelyn I. Springer Mr. and Mrs. Willard M. St John Mr. Thomas W. Staed Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Stafford Dr. and Mrs. Louis Charles Stagg Mr. Terry R. Standridge Dr. Jean B. Stanford Ms. Lucy B. Stansbury Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Stark Mr. J. Hary Starr and Ms. Jo Anna Starr Ms. Joan S. Stein Mr. Robert L. Stephens

+ Deceased

Mr. John F. Stetson Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Stinson Ms. Dorothy A. Stockdale Mr. Charles E. Stone Jr. Mr. Bruno W. Strack Ms. Sadie Strawn Mr. Luke H. Stribling Mr. Dennis W. Strickland Mr. James S. Strickland Jr. Mr. Todd Stricklin Ms. Patricia B. Stringer Mr. Richard D. Stroud Ms. Diana E. Stumph Mr. Jason T. Stumph Ms. Anne Sublett Ms. Wendi J. Sutton Mr. Robert A. Svoboda Mr. Thomas F. Svoboda Mr. L. Franklin Swords+ Ms. Akiko O. Takayama Mr. Frank R. Talarico Ms. Deborah L. Talbot Mr. Bobby E. Tapley II Mr. Howard A. Taube Dr. Carol S. Knowles Mr. Henry C. Taylor Jr. Ms. Rebecca W. Taylor Mr. Thomas R. Taylor Mr. Rufus L. Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Terry Ms. Susan D. Terry Ms. Sara S. Thatcher Mr. Arthur Theil Mr. Daniel P. Thiel Ms. Felicia M. Thomas Mr. Ralph W. Thomas Jr. Mr. Randall J. Thomas Lt. Col. James F. Thomasson Jr. Mr. C. Michael Thompson Sr. Mr. Don Thompson The Honorable Fred D. Thompson Sr. Mr. Lawrence K. Thompson Ms. Tanja Lueck Thompson Mr. Roma L. Thorn Jr. Mr. Hubert R. Threlkeld Dr. Alicia C. Tilley Mr. Amrik S. Tiwana Mr. William F. Todd



Mr. McCain J. Tom Dr. Robert E. Tooms Mr. Donald R. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Traicoff Mr. Michael N. Trebiani Mr. Guy E. Treece Ms. Lorraine B. Trenk Col. Alfred D. Tripp Jr. Ms. Mary T. True Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Tucker Ms. Laurie A. Tucker Mr. Melvin Tuggle Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. Turetzky Ms. Carolyn B. Turman Dr. Carmen M. Turner Ms. Johnnie R. Turner Mr. Jordan Turner Mr. and Mrs. C. Dillard Tutor Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean Tutor Sr. Mr. Jeffrey L. Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Uhlmann Mr. Andrew C. Van Vulpen Mr. Brian D. Vanderheyden Ms. Brenda B. Vanderslice Mr. Richard A. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. James L. Vaughn Mr. David Vaught The Honorable Diane K. Vescovo Susan and Steve Vescovo Mr. and Mrs. Van S. Vincent Mr. Richard G. Vinson Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Voldeng Mr. John M. Vosse Ms. Ann M. Wade Mr. B. J. Wade Mr. David C. Wadlington CDR Jerrel E. Walker Dr. R. Wilson Walker Mr. J. Michael Walls Dr. Jane Walters Anonymous Donor Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ward Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Warder Jr. Ms. Geraline Wardlow Mr. Ben C. Watkins Mr. Kenneth W. Watkins Mr. William H. Watkins III Mr. and Mrs. William H. Watkins Jr. Mr. J. Thomas Watson 36

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Watson Mr. and Mrs. S. Alan Waxler Mr. Stephen M. Weatherly Jr. Ms. Pauline A. Weaver Mr. James G. Webb Mr. Paul T. Webb Ms. Jo Ann C. Webb-McNutt Ms. Doris D. Webster Mr. David Wedaman Dr. Deelene and Mr. Wayne Weedon Mr. Joseph D. Weekly Jr. Mr. Jesse W. Weeks Jr. Mr. Joe T. Weeks Mr. Norris E. Wells Ms. Stacey H. Wells Ms. Bettie C. Welsh Mr. James A. West III Ms. Georgia W. Whaley Mr. Robert E. (Bobby) Wharton Jr. Dr. Nancy H. Wheat Mr. Louis K. Wheatley Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. White Mr. L. Forrest White Dr. and Mrs. Lonnie J. White Dr. Nicholas L. White Mr. and Mrs. Steve N. White Ms. Christen B. Whittington Ms. Gina Wiertelak Mr. John H. Wilkes Julia T. Wilkins Mr. John A. Wilkinson Ms. Marlene R. Wilkinson Mr. Bobby J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Williams Mr. David Williams Ms. Deidre D. Williams Mr. Edward F. Williams III Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Williams Dr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Williams Mr. Maurice Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Williams Jr. Ms. Sue Reid Williams Mr. Tyler C. Williams Mr. Willis T. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bennett Mr. Bobby D. Wilson Dr. Leigh A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson Mr. Jerry V. Winemiller


Mr. and Mrs. Tommy G. Winter Ms. Joyce Wiuff Mr. Joseph L. Wolf Ms. Julie M. Wolfson Ms. Meme Wong Mr. W. Lewis Wood Jr. Ms. Claudia Conner Woods Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Wray Dr. Lynette Wrenn Mr. Charles D. Wright Dr. Robert F. Wright Mr. Steven T. Wyatt Ms. Anita M. Wyninegar Ms. Lucy A. Yancy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Yarbrough Mr. Robert W. Yates Ms. Sherry W. Yelvington Ms. Elizabeth J. Young Dr. Jan Young Mr. Roberto W. Young Dr. John N. Younker Ms. Olivia D. Zahler Ms. Sandra H. Zehntner Ms. Barbara T. Zimmerman Mr. Paul J. Zoccola Mr. William L. Zoccola Ms. Justine J. Zollinger Mr. James M. Zotkiewicz Ms. Rebecca S. Zulager Martin and Becky Zummach

TIGER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Donors to the Tiger Scholarship Fund contributed $7 million in 2011-2012 toward studentathlete scholarships. As the primary fundraising arm for University of Memphis Athletics, Tiger Scholarship Fund finances the cost of athletic scholarships for more than 350 student-

athletes every semester. This is achieved through the generous contributions and stewardship of fans, friends, family and alumni. These resources allow our student-athletes to meet the immediate challenges of competition and the classroom. Ambassadors $500,000+ Bill and Madonna Bond Dave and Judy Bronczek Glen and Valerie Brown Ben and Martha Bryant Mike and Marian Bruns Bob and Debra Byrd Marsha Cohn Hilliard and Harriett Crews William and Tommie Dunavant Jr. Evelyn Echols Doug and Andrea Edwards Jr. Jeff Farmer and Norma Upshur Lenny and Rhonda Feiler Frank and Brenda Flautt Jr. Glenna Flautt Alan and Susan Graf Anferee Hardaway Fred and Charlotte Hodges Jim and Peggy Hughes Ken Issacman and Karen Fields Isaacman Janet and Bob January George and Betty Johnson Jack Jones and Sandra Saunders Jones Al and Carol LaRocca Ken and Sandy Lenoir Brad and Dina Martin Jackson and Betty Moore Bill and Ann Morris Mark and Lauren Pickens Kyle and Bernadette Rice Mike and Debbi Rose Gary Rosenberg Elkan and Laurie Scheidt Fred and Diane Smith

Rita Sparks Rick and Sandy Spell Elaine Springer John and Anne Stokes Ron and Wynoka Terry Tom and Robin Watson Jim and Gina Wiertelak Platinum Tiger $25,000+ Dr. M. Brent Addington Dr. Charles Arkin Armstrong Relocation Emile and Carol Bizot Campbell Clinic Board of Directors Campbell Clinic PC Imec/Dee Cole Hilliard Crews FedEx Sponsorship Marketing Arthur Franklin MD Mike Garibaldi Robert Henning Hicks Convention Center Services Hot Graphics & Printing Auto Zone Irish Mikes LLC Scott Kadien Jim & Kay Kelly William L. Koeneman Jaco-Bryant Printers/Sam Lencke McDonald Outdoor Advertising Morgan Keegan & Co. The Peabody Hotel Pepsi Americas David C. Perdue Dr. Barry Phillips Joyce Phillips Dr. Robert L. Richardson Jr. Roadshow BMW Mike Rose Hardin Sysco Regional Adjustment Bureau Inc. Craig & Cindy Thompson Tiger Sports Properties McFadden Brothers Co. David Wilcox Mrs. Carolyn Williams-Bennett Van Weinberg

* Alumni

Gold Tiger $15,000-$24,999 Air Technical Services Inc. Banes Capital Management John M. Barzizza Ron & Anise Belz Anne Wulff & Brian Bendersky Bryon Besser Bond, Johnson & Bond Jeffrey Bronze Charles Burkett John J. Campbell Co. Inc. C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc. Cindy Lou LLC Michael Cook Shelia Jordan and Roger Cunningham Michael McLaren and Diane Vescovo John Hull Dobbs Dobbs Management Services Glenn and Kirby Dobbs-Floyd Robert F. Fogelman II Fogelman Management Group Jim Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Gaylon Hall Michael & Rebecca Hawkins Wes Hicks Michael E. Hopper Jerry & Libby Hubbard Jim Jacobs J-B Mailings Bryan & Kim Jordan Kalb Equipment Co. Charles E. Kennedy Jr. Kisber Enterprises Janice L. Kolb Mr. & Mrs. James D. Lackie Mr. & Mrs. Lester F. Lit Jere & Angie McGuffee Phillip McNeill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Padawer Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Parker Woody & Lisa Reid Billy Riley Roadshow BMW Michael A. Robinson Craig Russell Harry D. Samuels W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Reid Sanders Rudi E. Scheidt Murray & Susie Scott Dr. William V. Shappley Signature Advertising Ron & Linda Sklar Southern Spray Co./ K. Throckmorton Stone, Higgs & Drexler Swaffer Fleet Leasing Morgan & Thornburg Inc. Joe Tidwell Tiger Book Store/John Williams Craig Weiss Logan Young III Scholarship Tiger $10,000-$14,999 Jack Aaron Johnny Aaron American Seafood Co. Amerispan Tents Dr. Rex Amonette Dr. Esmond Arrindell Banes Capital Group Barnes & Brower Inc. Belz Investment Co. Inc. Brimhall Food Co. Inc. Paul Brothers Dan & Janet Brown John B. Buford Eric Callan Phoenix Mfg./Ken Carmack Carolyn Carnesale Central BBQ Chris Woods Construction Co. Bob & Joanne Cohen Larry E. Crum Bryan Darr Robert W. Dawson Delta Wholesale Inc. Ted & Jan Donaldson Eagle Specialty Products James L. Ellis Jr. MD Dr. William D. Falvey Debbie & Ed Farler Fidelity Investments Randy Fishman Trow Gillespie

Frank Gusmus Jr. Harcros Chemicals Danny Harris & Raymond Kelley/Ledbetter Foods Rusty Hyneman Interstate Blood Bank Inc. Tommy Jagendorf Randy and Laurie Karchmer Mike Karel Lea Ann Kelley Jimmie Kelly Kiser’s Floor Fashions Wesley & Becky Kraker Mr. & Mrs. John T. Lawrence Jr. Don Lawrence Jeff and Melanie Little Joe & Donna Lucchesi Helen Hardin Trust Darin McDonald Judy McDonald Scott McDonald Doug McKnight Memphis Communication Corp. Michael T. Mitchell Larry Moss Glenn W. Munson Warren Nunn Oden Orgill Inc. Mark & Cathy Palazola Larry Papasan & Jack Blair Dr. Paul Payne William Pickens Shelly Pierce/ Joe & Billie Pierce Dan & Myra Quinley Mark & Melanie Reed Mike & Debbie Richmond Frank Roberts RMCI Foodservice/Danny & Ken Robinson Dr. & Mrs. Lowell B. Robison Royal Furniture/Butch Faber James W. Russell Jr. David Sage Security Bank Richard & Sharon Shaknis Mrs. J. Alvin Shelby Howard & Lisa Silver Linda M. Smiley

Putt-Putt Family Park Industrial Painting LTD F. S. Sperry Co. Inc. Mark Story Jim Strickland Jr. Rick and Cheryl Summers Mrs. Anita Tauer Dr. Kurt Tauer Germantown Commissary/ Walker Taylor Edgar & Trish Tenent Mr. & Mrs. Maurie C. Thomas Dr. & Mrs. John Touliatos Tri-State Armature Kevin True Unisource USFoodservice Stephen and Angie Valadie David Wedaman Van Weinberg/Randy Fishman Dr. Danny Weiss Scott Werner Robert E. Wharton Jr. Bob & Nelda Wilson Super Tiger $5,000 to $9,999 Abney & Uhlmann Attorneys Adams Patterson Gynecology & Obstetrics Mr. & Mrs. James R. Adkins Adlam Corp. Dr. & Mrs. Justin C. Adler Jr. Administrative Consulting Services Agrileum LLC Glynn Alexander Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Amann Andrew J. Anderson and Henry S. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Bill Anderson Anderson, Pam & Brent Rex D. Anderson Marlin & Denise Angell Bob & Ruth Archer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Argo Kenny W. Armstrong Edward and Mary Autry Scott Bailey

+ Deceased

William & Sandra Bailey Bank of America Baptist Memorial Hospital ProTech Systems Group George Barham Bob & Deborah Barksdale Tim Barrentine Larry & Carn Beilstein Dr. Donald J. Bellott Bodie Council, Best Tarps Cynthia Bicknell Richard & Debbie Binswanger Chris & Christi Bird Chuck Birdsong Denise Birdsong Timothy S. Bland Scott Blen Jeffery Blocvk John & Lisa Bobango Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bourland Jr. Ralph Braden Jr. George Brandenburg Dan Breckenridge Brooks & Mazzola Henry Brooks Alex Brown Buck & Mim Brown R. H. Buckman Maurice Buring David & Suzon Burrows Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bush Mr. & Mrs. R.M. Hammond III Gary Byars Felix & Ann Caldwell Dana Cappacoccia Murry J. Card Bill & Patty Carkeet Tommy Carls Carrier Corp. Carty & Co. Champion Awards Diane Chance Chancellor & Son Inc. Todd Chappell MD David Chenault Cigna Healthcare John Clark Cheryl Cleaves Barbara and Ken Clenin



Gene B. and Sandra T. Cochran Jan and Ron Coleman Active Bolt & Screw John & Rhonda Conway Best Mailing Solutions -Rick Cooper Anna Coplon Mr. & Mrs. John W. Cothern Steve & Valerie Cowles Dr. Clair Cox Craig Construction Co. Dr. V. Glenn Crosby Greg & Bradley Cross Patricia Crowell Mark Crowl Sheila Jordan Cunningham Charles and Ellie Curtis James & Jan Dacus Ray Dan Dick & Mary Jane Davis Fred & Toni Davis Jack D. Day Jr. Ronald L. Day Vince DeGutis Dr. Hubert L. Dellinger Jr. Kin Dempsey Cypriano and Laurie DeSouza Charles E. Dickey James & Sonia DiLorio Tim & Sharon Donaldson Jess & Pamela Dotson Darrell Douglas CFP Bonnie Dove David and Marie Dowling Jackie Drake Jr. John & Leslie Dunavant Mr. & Mrs. Todd Dunaway Dyson Associates Tommy Earl Economy Boat Store Jerry L. Edmonds Clay Edrington Charles Ennis EnviroUSA Evans/Templeton Evergreen Steel Corp. Michael Farien Peter & Judy Felsenthal Fischer Lime & Cement/ 38

Jim Raines Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Flick Flintco Constructive Solutions Dr. & Mrs. Noel Florendo Fogelman College of Business & Economics Scott Forman FPS Co. Frito-Lay Dianne B. Fry David & Jane Gadd Keri Gage Berl B. Garey Jr. Jim Garner Tim Beyer Peter Giannini Dr. Nello Giaroli Tim Gillespie Susan Lawlless-Glassman & Richard Glassman Ron Goforth Larry Goldsmtih Mr. & Mrs. M. Goldstein Marshall and Brenda Gordon Mickey Granger/Jackson Cemetery Association Glenn Gravatt Green Mountain Consulting Dan & Betty Green Hulet Gregory Fred Grinder Grinder Fabricating Co. Bartlett Home Furnishings Mr. & Mrs. Rhett Hailey Joseph Halyard Dr. & Mrs. James M. Hamlett III Bob & Betty Hammons Hand Family Beverage/ Budweiser of Memphis Jerome Hanover Hardin Sysco Barry E. Hardin Chris and Lori Harding Chris Hargett Neil Harkavy Tom R. Harrison Radwan F. Haykal M.D. Randy & Laurie Higginbotham Dr. & Mrs. T.C. Hilger


Lora & Brian Hill James Hillhouse Mr. & Mrs. Byrom Hogue Dr. Randall Holcomb Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Holland Albert D. Hollingsworth Drs. Brian & Melissa Holmes Margaret Anne Hooker Dennis Hope John Horn Independent Bank Dr. Charles P. Ingram Inventory Locator Service LLC Allen Israel Donald J. Israel J. M. Smucker Co. Dr. Bryan Jackson Jamison Pest Control John and Debbie Jerkins Ernie Jetton George & Betty Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Jordan Jr. Mrs. Betty Keirsey Marty Kelman Bob & Judy Kennedy Kevin Kenny/Dupont Flooring Systems A.P. Kersey Jerry Knauss Martin R. Kriger Erik Krull Jeff & Mary Kuntz Bernie & David Kustoff/ Kevin Snider Kim Lane Howard & Bettye Lasley Stan Lautar Dr. Stuart Lazarov Lehman-Roberts Co. John Cicala Michael I. Less Marvin Leventhal John & Susan Lewallen/ Ron Crook Clif Lipman Bernard Lipsey Lonnie E. Loeffel Lichterman-Loewenberg Foundation

Robert & Dana Longfield Mr. & Mrs. J. William Lovelace Wayne Lowrie Joy Lucado Chris & Betty Luhrs John Luther & Marilyn Andereck Richard & Paula Lynch Mr. Bill Maclin Jimmie & Elizabeth Madden Nancy Paschall Maddox John & Nancy Maiden Jim Markham Jr. Marsh USA Inc. Elizabeth & Jerry Marshall Larry Martin Massey’s Foreign Auto Parts Barry Puckett & Jim McBryde Richard McBryde McCabe Construction Co. Mike McCaskill McDonald’s/Century Management Dale & Jan McGee William S. McKee Rick McKenna Jerry & Shirley McLaurine Milton & Jo Anne McLellan Mabel McNeill Richard A. McStay Ron McSwain McVean Trading William and Elaine Melton Jo Ann Mercer Jeffrey and Laurie Meskin Mid-South Plumbing Solutions Inc. Mid-South Specialties Thomas A. Migliaccio Millington Telephone James & Debby Mirda Stephen & Angela Montoya John and Cathy Moore John G. Morten Jim & Charlotte Moton Mountain Top Management Dr. Ian Murray Glen & Barbara Murry Alex & Debra Saharovich New Tech Packaging Cynthia & Paul Newman

NexAir LLC David Nicholson-Allen & Hoshall Terry & Sheila Nightwine Larry Nolen John & Glenda O’Connor Drs. Michael & Suzanne Osborn Dan Otten Patriot Bank Buzz and Sandra Fly James H. Paulsen Jr. Paulsen Printing Co. Minor & Jackie Perkins Arnold & Mary Lynn Perl Peterson Insurance Services Inc. Nancy & John Petree Amy Phillips Brad Phillips Judy Jackson Dr. Charles Plesofsky Laurence Plummer Charles Powell Christopher Pratt/Jason Guff Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Preston Mike & Carol Prince Lee Purkey Pyramid Food Brokers Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Win Rainey Ronnie Randall Britt Rast Dal M. Rawlins Peggy Reeve Chris and Tina Reisedge Restoration Systems Darrell & Courtney Riffe Nancy Rigell Becky Rivalto Joy Roberts J. M. Robinson Monice Roland Laura Rosas/MTC Walter Rotenberry Jim Rout Tate and Deborah Rush Susan Rush Wilkes Safety-Quip Phil Schuyler Mr. & Mrs. Don Scobey David & Phyllis Scruggs Seamless Systems

* Alumni

Brad Sessell John Sharp & Ben Ward Thomas B. Shelton Charles & Mary Beth Simmons & Mary Ann Tapp Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Simpson Dr. Milton Siskin Smith-Berclair Insurance Inc. Charles & Harolyn Smith Darrell D. Smith Foster Smith Johnny Smith Michael D. Smith and Wendy Geurin Smith Allen & Hope Sneed Dr. & Mrs. Buck Snyder SSR Ellers Inc. Will & Karen Stafford Ken Steinberg Michael Stengel Service by Air Dr. Gary D. Strasberg Mr. & Mrs. D.W. Strickland James B. Summers Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Svoboda Terry & Caron Swatley Patricia Tanner Mr. and Mrs. David Tate Technical Consultants Inc. Annie Ruth Terrell The Lilly Co. The Pallet Factory Mr. & Mrs. Elbert L. Thomas Jr. Brad Thomas James Thomas John H. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Mike Thompson Nancy Bigger Thompson Tillman Insurance Service Jerry Todd Charles Trammell James L. Tucker R. Dean Tutor Sr. F. Dexter Tutor Frank Uhlhorn Ronald Underberg Premcor Refining Owen Vance Jr. Henry & Jeanne Varnell W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Dr. Barry Vescovo Susan & Steve Vescovo Mr. & Mrs. T.A. Vickers III Vining-Sparks VistaCare Health Services Inc. Tom Wallace William E. Warner James G. Webb Kenneth Weiss Elliot Wender West Cancer Clinic West Memphis Steel Maurice Wexler Kenneth T. Whalum Jr. Barry F. White Bill E. White Kym & Josh White Bryne Whitehead Whitehorn Tankersley & Co. L.Wiener/W.Willey/B.Wunderlich Cal Wilkins The Law Offices of Ricky Wilkins Willis Willey Ron and Kay Williams Thomas & Jan Williams Andrea Williford Wilson Air Jim Witherington Wooldridge Construction Co. John D. Worley Jr. Jim & Marlene Wright Todd & Kay Yoder Ms. Sandra Zehntner Striped Tiger $2,500-$4,999 Larry & Elaine Adams Advanced Pools Jamil Akbik Mike & Pam Allen AmeriSteel Corp. Michael Anderson Byron Ashby and Amanda Ashby-Brumbaugh John Baertels Larry & Helen Bailey Robert L. Baker/ Plant Maintenance Service Stephen Balton

Trey Barber Dominic Bardos Mr. Jeff Barnes Terryn & Dianne Barron Dr. Reed Baskin Beale Street Merchandising Inc. Mr. J. Benedict Beer Sr. Keith & Cindy Belote Michael H. Bennett Mario J. Bertagna Stanley Bilsky Robert Black Donald A. Blackard Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Blackard Jack Blair Jon Blaylock Craig Blondis BlueCrossBlueShield of Tennessee Jay Bobo James Bollwerk Rusty Boone Tina Bounds Barbara Bowling Larry Boyd Joe & Sue Bracket Larry R. & Stacie J. Bray Family Steve Brinkmeyer John H. Brooks Ralph Brower Patricia Bryce Howard E. Buehler Mr. & Mrs. Peter Burcky Billy Burks Don & Janet Burkett Dean A. Butler Mr. Edward Byrne Cadence Bank Dr. John Cannon Canup Engineering Inc. Micahel Casimir Tom Cassidy Kathleen Cates Dan Causie Judge Robert L. Childers Matthew Chism Tyler K. Chow Frank Cianciola The Russell Clack Family

CFH Financial Services Dr. Jane B. Clement Clinica Para La Mujer Elise Clough Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Coleman Carrier Mid-South H. L. Cooke Jr. Robert F. Cooper Clyde & Suzanne Counts Dr. J.F. and Jean Crabtree Pat Craddock Dr. & Mrs. Joe M. Cromwell Cummins Inc. Sheldon & Susan Dacus Peggy W. Daniel & Drew Daniel Datacomm Services Corp. Keith Davidson Robert and Linda Dawkins Harry Day Joseph L. Deen Tommy & Carla Dennis Kenneth Derryberry Don Deweese Michael Dexter Mary Ann Diamond C.L. & V.C. Dillihunt Sally & Jim Dorman David Dotson Dr. & Mrs. Ron Dougan Stan Droke Brian Earl Brian & Shanna Eason Andrea Eberly Mr. Walter Edge Mr. & Mrs. F.H. Edwards John Edwards Martin Edwards Jerry M. Ellis Andy & Debbie Ellzey Billy J. Evans II Glen A. Faulkner Mrs. H.W. Fienup Jay and Katie Fik Kelly & Beverly Finnell Timothy J. Finnell William H. Fisher III Mrs. Janice Fitzpatrick K. C. Folden Will Frazier

+ Deceased

David & Diane Freeman Thomas A. Fristick Jr. M.B. Futhey Jr. G.W. Palmer & Co. Bernard E. Gant Dr. Robert L. Gardino DDS Pat & Leesa Gavin Lisa Geater E.J. & Camille Gilley Billy Gipson Jim & Dotty Giusti Mark Goodfellow Dan & Nancy Goodwin Lisa Grear William B. Greer Darryl Gresham John & Clare Griggs Skip Gronauer Dr. Todd Gruen Dr. Gordon E. Gruen Ralph B. Hamilton Jr. Mark Hamilton John Hammons Lou Hansen Bruce and Allison Betchick Harber Eddie Hardin Hugh and Claire Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Harless Robert & Vicki Harris Harley & Cora Etta Hathaway Robert Hatmaker Joseph H. Hauser Mr. James E. Hayslip HeathSpring Mark Herrington Monica and Hootan Hidaji Jeff Hink John G. “Mouse” Hollis Paul A. Holt Richard J. & Judy M. Holt Richard Huddleston and Sarah Lebovitz Jacob Tubing James Pest Management Chris Jameson Mr. & Mrs. James D. Jarrett Dr. Gerald R. Jerkins Vaughn & Amy Johnson Eddie & Carol Johnson



Mark & Renee Johnson Paula P. Johnson Dr. Samuel & Nacquia Johnson Charles R. Jones Chris & Traci Jones Donald & Wanda Jones Robert C. Jones Lenny & Ginger Kaplan Michael E.Keeney Harold & Helyn Keith Kay Kelly Meade Kendrick III Tom Kennon/Boyd Metals Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Kerlan Joe & Ronni Kirsch Klinke Bros. Ice Cream Co. Clark E. Knight Steve Knott Shobhan Koneru Andrew Kopta Robert H. Krauch Jr. Gordon J. Kraus Grace & Tony Kreager James M. LaBarreare Mrs. Margie Lackie Brent Laird Diane Lambert-Chester Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Laskaris Mike Lathum Jim & Sheila Lawrimore Ken Lee Nick Lee Henry & Amy Linderman Richard & Judy Linder Dr. Angela Link Linkous Construction Co. Inc. George & Elizabeth Lofton Michael Long Joey Lucchesi Michele Lynn James A. & Mary L. Maglio Sr. Dinah & Gary Makowsky Tony & Judy Maranise Willima R. Massey Charles M. Mathis Jr. Richard & Nancy Mattox Harvey F. Maxwell Mr. Scott May Pillar Sales Group 40

Jeffrey Mayhew Dr. Harold A. McCormack McKnight Family Donor Fund Steve & Tina McMillian Mr. Al Meeks Bobby Meeks & David Bradford Memphis Pizza Cafe Diane & Paul Mendelson Methodist Health Systems Jim & Jeonie Meyers Matthew Middleton Mid-South Products & Maintenance Mark & Abbey Miesse Dora Milam & Rita Burgess Gerald & Linda Miller Harry B. Miller J. Don Miller Jeff Miller Rick Miller Lisa Moffat Mike Montesi Dave A. Moore Patty Moore Tim Moran Joseph & Jeanne Morton Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mosby Mitch Moskovitz Dr. & Mrs. William B. Moss J. Michael & Sherry Murphy Richard Murphy John Nabers NewSouth Capital Management Lee Nicholson J.F. Owen & James A. Owen Scott Owens Hal & Betty Padgett Mr. & Mrs. Barry S. Paller William Pallme Salil Parikh Kevin and Lucinda Perkins Harold Perry/Plant Maintenance Service Corp. Doug Petty Clifton & Debbie Phillips Kevin G. Phillips Melvin & Ann Phillips Pickering Companies Gary & Ginger Pilgram


David Pinter Janet Pitts Paul Plescher Poag & McEwen Lifestyle Centers LLC Dion G. Pogson Billy & Jackie Poston Paul Prather & Patrick Fleming Pride Construction Russell Pridemore Morris Proctor Robert Radford Jim Regensburger James & Sandra Rice Preston & Gayle Robb Barry Roberts Sandra Robertson Bill Robilio Chris Robinson Josh & Ursula Roman Herschel L. Rosenberg Sheldon Rosengarten Jimmy Ross Jim Rotenberry Robert E. Royal Mr. & Mrs. Al Ruiz Chris Sage Eddie & Lori Salera Vince Sampietro Craig Sander Mr. & Mrs. Tom Scherer Schilling Farms Dental John Scheutz Brian Sexton Fran Shannon Shelby Electric Co. Elesco Inc. Madeline Simonetti Danielle Mitchell & Larry Sims Marian E. Sisco Dennis Slone Angela D. Smith G. Henry Smith Greg Smith Bonnie Willmott Smith Dr. Mark Smith Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Smith Nancy Smith Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Smith

Vincent & Connie Smith Michael P. Sobczak Southern Steel Supply Co. Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Sparkes Marc Stegman MD Dr. Gilbert G. Stein Terry & Linda Sturdivant Eddie & Cathey Sturgeon Mrs. Virginia Szalay and Mr. David Szalay Alfred B. Wexner Cummins PowerCare Business Robert L. Tilton Dr. Richard K. Toland Mike Townsend Tri-State Ironworks Inc. Sharon Turner Twenty-Five Club in Memory of Dr. Bailey Prichard Jeffrey L. Tyler Dr. and Mrs. David E. Umsted C.E. Thompson Scholarship Walter & Kay Veazey Chris & Anne Vescovo Mac Vickers Kurt Voldeng Jim & Yvonne Waggener L.D. Waldrip Larry and Lisa Walker Lee Walker Chuck and Anita Ward Sam Ware & Associates Tom & Sandra Waring David & Anita Wathen Rodger Watkins/Watkins Construction John E. Webb Rod & Diane Webb William H. West Thomas & Marilyn White Dr. & Mrs. W.J. Whitehead Dan & Pat Whitt David & Margerite Wieland Ron Wigginton Marvin Wilkins Edward & Yancey Williams Ken & Nita Williams Robert & Sharon Williams Steven Williams

Todd Williams Dr. G. Trent Wilson Gary Wilson Ginger & Lance Wilson Marianne & Berkley Wolff Ruth Woodard Bill Woods & Elaine Green Joanne H. Woody/ Jo Ann Owen Glenn Wright Jack Wright Dr. Leonard Wright Jr. Bob & Denise Yates Philip & Sherry Yelvington Shayne & Donna Younger David Ziebarth Mark and Leigh Zipperer Bengal Tiger $1,000-$2,499 Robert P. Abbott Elliot & Sandra Abel Ron Abernathy Michael T. Adams Advanced Industry Support Bill & Gail Akey James D. Alexander Lynn C. Alford Burt Allen Barbara A. Anderson Jerry & Kathy Anderson Stephanie C. Anderson James & Dorma Appling Chip Armstrong Michael Arndt Jimmie & Nancy Atkins John & Janet Avis Janice Bailey Chip Baine BancorpSouth Bank Melvin C. Barber III Kevin R. Barker Arthur J. BarnettIII Henry and Linda Barnhardt Mr. & Mrs. David W. Bartlett Bob Baskin Greg Basye Linda Bedrin Sandra Belk Tim R. Belton Linda Bennett

* Alumni

Brian & Melissa Bernhoft Maureen & Tony Bernot Gary Bird David W. Blackburn Claire Blackwell Darrell Blanton Mrs. Joe T. Bond II P. Robert Boone Dr. Jerrell and Miko Borup Ross A. Boswell Ms. Susan Boyd Mark Bradford Bill & Kathy Bradshaw Kevin & Stacey Branyan Mr. & Mrs. Cecil F. Bridges Bonnie Osborn Briggs Record Imaging Systems Lloyd Brooks Daniel L. Brown Daniel M. Brown Bernie & Judith Brown Lillian Hammond Brown Roger L. Brown William & Marylou Brown Paul L. Brundige Mike Bruns Andrew & Melissa Buchner Brenda Kay Buckingham Thomas & Kathy Buford Jr. Eugene L. Bursi Jr. Doris Burton C.R. Fuller CPA Kevin & Gina Campbell Roy Campbell Deborah Capocaccia Thomas Capon Don & Denise Carpenter Thomas & Candice Carr Mr. & Mrs. Joe Carruthers Anne Carter Patricia F. Cavender Michael Cervetti Nancy Chase Jack Childs Chris-More Inc. David and Connie Church Michael S. Ciaramitaro Jay & Carol Clacher Thomas Keenan Clarke Thomas W. Clarke Kent & Sherry Clothier Michael Cochran W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

LaRose Todd Coffey John Coggin Bobby & Paula Collins Paul Colston Rick Colter Chris Conlee Michael & Vicki Cook Bill Cook Dennis K. Cooley Juanita & Gerald Cooper Mr. and Mrs. James W. Corbitt Scott Corbitt Frank Cotham David Cowsert David N.Cox Preston and Andrea Cox Michael Craig James Crawford Kevin Creamer Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Cremer Mr. Richard Crews Scarlett & Walter Crews James A. Crislip David & Terry Cropf Lee Crouch Annie Crowder Dianna & Edward Crumpler Dr. Carol Danehower Victoria Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Zack A. Daniel Coach & Reba David Crystal Davis Georgia Davis Natalie Davis Terry & Cheryle Day Collins Day Susan Day Linda L. DeBerry Harry Cooper Mrs. Joe W. Deming Jr. Polly Dennison James E. Dillard Ms. Jeanne Distretti Ernest & Charlotte Draffin Jed Dreifus Charles Drennon III Michael & Mary Dreve Dennis & Martha Drexler Steve Droke Gene Drost Tim Dunahoo Ronnie Dunigan

Dr. Frank M. Dyer Jr. Sandra Eberle Joe Edmondson Dr. & Mrs. Larry R. Edwards Tom & Connie Edwards James Ellsworth Matthew and Kathryn Ephlin/ Tim and Shirley Ephlin Beth and Kevin Evetts Thornton Fee & Kirk Fee Dr. James E. Fickle Christopher and Andrea Finch Lavonne Finley Richard Fisher Michael A. Flexsenhar Jr. Cynthia Ford Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Ford Jr. Justin & Jenny Fuente Meredith Gamblin David Gardner Gary & Elizabeth (Boo) Gardo Suzanne Gehringer Charlie Gentry David George Mr. & Mrs. A.B. Gibson Andrew Gibson James Gilliland Richard & Peggy Glatt Billy & Nancy Glidewell Jim & Yvonne Glover Robert Goldwin Jacquelyn Gonzales Stephany Goodnight John Gossett Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gould Katherine Gould Jerrold J. Graber Cindy Greaves Kevin Green Sean Green Wally & Julie Green Bill Greenslade Bryan Grinder Justin Grinder David Guasco Darell Guymon Sheila & Robert Hall Chris Hamman Barry & Jo Hammons Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hamrick Jr. Brian Harris William Harris

Chris Harrison Meredith & Don Haselwood Jane Hayden Martin Haywood Roy Henderson P. James Henry Jeff Herod Mark Hicks Darrell Higdon Spirit Transportation Tony Hill Jeff Hollis Andrew Trimigan Holmes Steve & Cheri Holmes Robynn Hopkins David E. Hopper Robert & Hilda Hornbeak William & Lina Horner Charles Horton Lois Horton David Howell Joan Hudson William Hudson Robert Huff Designs Robert S. Humphreys Greg Hunt Sharon Hyde Stanley E. Hyland Barbara I. Ingram Ron Curlin Melvin Jackson Wade Jackson Steve & Pat Jameson Rick & Candace Jefferies Bill Jeffries Gary Jewel Jhan & Donna Johnson Nick Johnson R.C. & Melba Johnson Warren Johnson Bill Jones Doris Jones/Marjorie Russell Gwen Gordon Mark A. Jones Kim Josh David & Sheryl Joyner Hugh Keenan Beth Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy M. Kelly William Kemp William J. Kettinger Deborah Kinard

+ Deceased

Jim & Ruth King Michael G. King Mike & Patsy King Dr. Robert & Lisa Klesges Donald Knox Bill Koehler Ruth & Dennis Kopcial Neil & Roberta Krapels Henry A. Kurtz Iris & Bill LaGrone Brad & Carol Laney Brad & Jana Larson Dr. Dan Lattimore Mr. Lawrence Laurenzi Terrie Lawrence James Henry Leath Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ledford Scott & Roxanne Ledford Mike Lemmi Benny Linderman Bob A. Leopold Sumner Levine Hal F. Lewis Joey Lewis Pat & Elizabeth Lewis Paul Lewis K.C. and Lorrean Lim Sheri Lipman Jeana Littrell Mr. & Mrs. Pat Lloyd Brett & Jennifer Lofton Timothy Long George Lord Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Lott Steve & Andrea Lovelace Scott Low Protection Unlimited Inc. Kevin Luke Jonathan Lyons Makowsky & Ringel Inc. Dr. John M. Malloy Martha Manley Paul & Linda Mann Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Markwell Jr. Patsy Marner Tommy Martin Edward Martin Tom Maschmeyer Tammy Mason Mr. & Mrs. James L. Matlock Nancy Matthews Dan Mayhew



* Alumni

Ryan Mayhew David Wilson McAdams Susan B. McArthur Nancy McBride Lynda J. McCavitt Andy & Trudie McClelland Steven & Martha McCleskey Carl & Margie McCullar Mike McCune Malinda A. McDaniel Jerry W. McEwen Kenneth McGarvey Vince McGrory Robert & Jean McIvor Dr. Sidney McKay McKee Stride Rite Jody McKibben Don McKinnon Michael D. McKnight Mr. & Mrs. John McLaughlin Mr.& Mrs. Mark McLeod Mrs. Anna McNeill Randy McPherson Bill & Sandra McWatters Medallion Financial Services Inc. Lone Star Industries Maurice Mendel Ronald H. Campbell Michele Dote Meritt Andy & Lee Meyers Shaun & Stephanie Micheel Don & Anne Miller James & Martha Millrany Patrick Minderman Delia & Chuck Molinski Mike Molpus Mr. & Mrs. Alex W. Moore Brad Moore David L. Moore Jessie Moore Ted Morley Gary Morrell Bill Morris Clark and Janet Morris Donald & Nancy Morton Mr. & Mrs. Fred M. Morton Shirley Moses Bill and Blair Lansden Fred and Joyce Murdock Karen C. Murdock Dr. James K. MusKelley N.E.W.S. Transport Co. Inc. 42

Kenneth Newberry Mr. & Mrs. David W. Nickel Sharon Ohsfeldt Mike O’Kelly Skip O’Leary Joseph Orgill III Melvin Orlansky Suzanne Osborne John Osby Dewey & Judith Overton Billie Ann Owen Rick & Elaine Owings Gwendolyn Oxner Jay Patchen Dr. Mahadev Patil Vickie Patten Ken Patton Kurt Patton Brian Payne Mr. and Mrs. William Sidney Payne Hart Pearigen Ronald & Cindy Pennington Kimberly Peoples Mrs. Charlie Perkins Patrick L. Perry Kjeld Peterson Todd and Carol Peterson Douglas C. Petties Michael Pfrommer Daniel and Dianne Phillips Tony Pinson Raymond Pipkin C M Piraino Wayne Podgorski Cathy & Ron Poe Dr. Robin S. Poston Jim & Gail Prate Allie Prescott III Robert B. Preston Kay Price David & Carolyn Ragland David L. Rains Jr. Ernest Rakow Jeanine Rakow Kenny & Lynda Ratliff Tom & June Rauscher Marc Reisman and Morris Rosenberg John and Anita Reuter Reynolds, Bone & Griesbeck Thomas A. Reynolds


William H. Rice Kirk & Emily Richardson Bruce & Gene Riesenberg Mary Ellen Riley Jimmy Ringel Nick Ringel Jay & Gina Ringle Riverside Couriers Elma Roane Michael L. Robb Tommy G. Roberts Dennis and Jan Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Don Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Jose Rojas Al Ross Gerald R. Rossi Robert J. Rowan Jr. Michael B. Russell Debbie Rutkowski Wayne Rutledge Otha Samuels Jr. Donnie Sappington Elder’s Lawn Service Danielle K. Schonbaum Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schubert Margaret Schultz Josh & Rachel Scobey Kyle Scott James R. and Melinda Selberg Sidney L. Selgstein Joe and Nancy Sellers Michael & Denise Shaffer Dorothy Sheilds Elizabeth Shelton Mary Shepard David Short Larry Short Carl & Ann Shorter Ted Showalter Prof. N.D. Simco Frederick Simi Jerry & Debra Sisson Dr. Omar E. Smith Jr. Jeff Smith Joe & Debbie Smith Lynn Smith Ruth Stolarick Smith Thomas Smith Kerry Snyder Tim & Donna Soder Janice & James Sorsby Southern Steel

SouthernSun Asset Management Richar Spahr Dr. J. David Spiceland Susan & Kenneth Spurlock James W. Stafford Jr. James W. Stafford John Stanfill Dorothy Steen Robert M. Stein Judy Stephens John and Margery Stoever Linda Street Calvin O. Strong Jeff Stroud Tommy & Beverly Summers C. Ken Sutton Mickey, Susan & Cody Swain Don Tabb Charles Tackett Kris Talley Robert Talley Herb & Diane Taylor Jimmy Taylor Janis & Pat Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Taylor Roland Taylor Charles F. Teamer Curt Terry TESCO Properties Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Thomas Justin Thomas Barbara Thompson Charles Thompson Mr. Bruce Townsend Debra Townsend Lloyd Towry Paul Trzil Susan Turman Jacqueline Harris Peter and Sharon Voehringer George & Janie Vogel Paul Wadsworth Dr. Donald Wagner Dennis & Deb Walker Jared Walker Larry R. Walker Barry Walls Stephen & Dianna Waring Dr. David J. Wark Belinda Watkins Michael Watson William Watts

+ Deceased

Steve & Lisa Weatherly Brian Weathers Phyllis Webb William G. Webb Louis L. Werner Bob Westmoreland Susan Whalen Larry & Donna White Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas White Shelby Wilhelm Britton & Teresa Wilkins Guy T. Wilkinson Dodd Williams John Williams Leitner Williams Michael & Gay Williams Don Wilson L.B. Wilson Leigh Wilson Sherman B. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. J. Art Winsler III Amanda Winter Ron & Jo Wochner Randall Wolfe Lee Wood Patsy Woodard J. Craig Wright Phyllis Wright Mike & Pat Yancey Summers N. Yancey Mark Yarbrough Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Young Jr. Teresa Young Richard John Zaino Mr. & Mrs. David Zelinski

YOUR GIFT IS IMPORTANT TO US! We have made every effort to report gifts correctly; however, if we have made an error, please bring it to our attention by contacting Bobby Prince at 901/678-1335 or baprince@ memphis.edu.

EMPOWER Donors Help Ensure University’s Success

Today, the University of Memphis is at a dramatic crossroads as it looks toward its second century. It has a unique opportunity to build on 100 years of educational achievement, steady growth and service to the community. Simply put, the time has come to secure its future as one of the nation’s leading metropolitan research universities. To seize this opportunity, the University executed a major campaign as a capstone to its first 100 years. The $250 million Empowering the Dream Centennial Campaign will position the University for greatness and serve as a catalyst for the next 100 years. Momentum is strong. To date, thousands of generous donors have demonstrated their support of this historic effort with total commitments in excess of $220 million. “As we move into the final months of the campaign, we encourage our alumni and friends to demonstrate their support for the University of Memphis during this defining moment in our history,” said Dr. Shirley Raines, U of M president. Charles Burkett, a proud alumnus and former president of First Tennessee Bank, who is co-chairing the campaign with his wife, Judy, stressed that every gift counts, regardless of size. “We want everyone to feel they are part of this,” he says. “You want to be proud of your alma mater, the place that provided a strong foundation for your success. You want to see your university flourish and its reputation enhanced over time.” A central way to accomplish these objectives is to attract talented students and faculty, and to provide world-class facilities, all of which are priority initiatives of the campaign.

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

The University of Memphis seeks to be a first choice among the nation’s brightest students, including National Merit Finalists and other high-achieving students. To be competitive with other leading universities across the nation, the U of M must increase both the size and scope of scholarship and fellowship packages. Similarly, Empowering the Dream supports accelerated progress toward attracting top faculty and researchers. The University is committed to investing in its faculty to ensure the integrity and quality of its academic programs. Many universities provide incentives to recruit and retain outstanding faculty through annually awarded professorships. These named professorships provide support and recognition to faculty who have earned distinction in research, teaching and outreach. State-of-the-art facilities create a 21st-century campus environment that helps the University remain relevant in community engagement, research and student learning. “We now have an opportunity to secure state matching funds to complete crucial academic facilities such as our Community Health Building and the new Music Center,” said President Raines. “For every one dollar in private support given toward these buildings, the State of Tennessee will provide three dollars of matching funds. We must take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity.” The Empowering the Dream Centennial Campaign is an emphatic statement of the importance of the University as it launches its second century. Through partnerships with alumni, friends and community leaders, the University of Memphis will empower the next generation of Dreamers. Thinkers. Doers.



DONOR IMPACT Endowed scholarships like the Richardson Scholarship change students’ lives U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is fond of saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Perhaps it takes a city to raise a successful student. E. Taylor Richardson (BS ’62), a retired regional sales manager for Becton Dickinson Inc., was lucky enough to get help from individuals and organizations in his hometown to attend the University of Memphis. Years later, he is making it possible for others to get an education at the U of M through the E. Taylor and Mary Richardson Scholarship, which he and his wife, Mary (MA ’97), established in 1976. “I set up a scholarship because I started thinking how much my college experiences in Memphis had enhanced both my personal life and my career, and I wanted to give back in some way,” Richardson says. “In particular, I was grateful for support I had received from citizens in the community where I grew up – Tiptonville, Tenn., in Lake County – who made it possible for me to attend college in the first place, so it was natural for me to want to designate the scholarship for that geographical area.” The scholarship is awarded to graduates of Lake County High School who qualify academically and financially. Some 63 students, both undergraduate and graduate, have benefited from the Richardson Scholarship. Richardson faced many challenges in financing his education at the University, but also received a lot of help. “Fortunately, the Kiwanis Club of Tiptonville awarded me a scholarship for my freshman and sophomore years, which gave me the financial support I 44


r Mia Fowle

needed to come to Memphis to start school,” he says. “I also had the moral support of my high school coach and several teachers who encouraged me to start college, even though I didn’t know how I was going to be able to finance a four-year education.” The Kiwanis scholarship covered registration fees for the first two years, and he was able to work part-time jobs to pay for his room and board and fraternity expenses. “Then I actually had to drop out of school for more than a year to work full time – for the Corps of Engineers on the Mississippi River – to earn enough money to return for my junior year,” Richardson recalls. “During that time of

working on the river, I realized even more what an education would mean to me later in my life. Also, the community support I had received up to that point motivated me to want to continue working toward a degree.” A man in Tiptonville co-signed a loan to help Richardson finish his senior year. “I was able to repay that loan a few years after graduation when I had begun my full-time career.” Richardson loved his years at then-Memphis State. “I made friends mainly through SAE fraternity that continue even to this day. I loved the sports programs, especially football, and the instructors were great people and excellent educators.”

Taylor and Mary have been extremely impressed with all of the recipients they have been able to meet so far. “She likes to refer to them fondly as the ‘Richardson Scholars’,” Taylor says. “One has gone on to practice law; others have become teachers; many have gone on to successful careers in business and are enjoying a better life for themselves and their families.” One of the 2012 recipients is freshman Mia Fowler. Mia graduated last year from Lake County High School, earning the title of salutatorian in a class of 65 seniors. It was an honor borne out of tragedy. Mia is the daughter of Donna Fowler and the late Mike Fowler. Mike died five years ago in a drowning accident while trying to save his son. “He was saving my brother; the tide was taking him under,” Mia recalls. For a time after that, Mia didn’t do well in her studies. “Then I decided that he would want me to do well in school. My dad was my best friend. He would want me to do better and be better.” Inspired by her father’s memory, Mia – who has two stepsisters, two stepbrothers and a halfsister in addition to her brother – turned things around. “It’s a really, really small town. My dad was a very important person in our community,” she says. “This scholarship has benefited my education by allowing me to focus on my studies rather than working a job to pay off loans that would have been necessary for me to take out if I were not awarded the Richardson Scholarship.” Without the scholarship, her family could not afford to finance Mia’s education. “So this scholarship is allowing me to not only graduate from the University of Memphis, but also is helping make sure I receive my degree in four years.” Students at Lake County High are very familiar with the Richardsons’ generosity and the scholarship, Mia says. One semester in, she loves being at Memphis as much as Taylor Richardson did. “I always knew I wanted to go to the U of M, ever since I started high school,” she says. “I can’t express how much the school has meant to me.” W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Richardson returns to the U of M fairly often. He has served his alma mater as president of the University of Memphis Foundation and as a member of the Board of Visitors. Richardson also is a past president of the Highland Hundred. “The Highland Hundred has always been good for the Tiger football program,” he says. “It supports the team and the coaches and has a good time while getting more people in the community involved in the life of the University. I have always been supportive of all of the Tiger teams, even when we are losing. It is all about competing and learning what is important in your life.” Richardson knows a number of his scholarship recipients who would not have gone to college without the financial assistance.

“I would love to see more alumni support scholarships and spend more time in support of the University. As a bonus for the alumni, it is very rewarding and fulfilling to actually see some of the fruits of your labor in the person of the scholarship recipients. That is just something I never expected could be so meaningful. “The impact on the community and the benefits we all get are tremendous. If you stop and think for a few minutes about where Memphis and the surrounding area would be without the University, it is sobering. I can’t even imagine where we would be as a community without all the graduates who are contributing in various capacities.”

E. Taylor a nd Mary R ichardson



EMPOWERING THE DREAM LEADERSHIP CO-CHAIRS: Judy and Charles Burkett CABINET MEMBERSHIP: Tommie and Billy Dunavant Martha and Bobby Fogelman Brenda and Frank Flautt Sandra and Jack Jones Pat and Mark Luttrell Dina and Brad Martin Jim McGehee Musette and Allen Morgan Dianne and Larry Papasan Deanie Parker Honey and Rudi Scheidt Rita Sparks Ruby and A C Wharton Norma and Kem Wilson STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: Anise and Ron Belz Marian and Michael J. Bruns Martha and Ben Bryant Jr. Harriett and Hilliard Crews Evelyn and Theopolis Holeman Betty and George Johnson Anne Marie and Tom Kadien Trish and Carl Ring Beth and Harry L. Smith David Wedaman CENTENNIAL 100 MEMBERSHIP: Amy Amundsen Rebecca and Mark Askew Norma and Olin Atkins Janet and Jim Ayers W. Gordon Ball Alice Nishiwaki and Reed Baskin Carolyn Williams-Bennett and Tom Bennett Carole and Emile Bizot Judy and Dave Bronczek Harold Byrd Debra and Robert Byrd Mary Calorio Mary Jo Greil and Don Carson Kathy and Gene Cashman Bena and George Cates



Isabel and Wei Chen Jan and Ron Coleman Margaret and Kin Dempsey Elizabeth and Robert Dinkelspiel Janice and Ted Donaldson Pamela and Phillip Donovan Andrea and Doug Edwards Amy and John Farris Fredrika and Joel Felt Bobbie and David B. Ferraro Glenna Flautt Wendy and Avron B. Fogelman Bradley and Robert Fogelman Anne and Jerre Freeman Kathy Buckman and J W Gibson Dorritt and Art Gilliam Susan and Richard Glassman Susan and Alan Graf Willie H. Gregory Sr. Helen S. Gronauer Carolyn and Marino Hardy Jeannie and Hunter Harrison Jackie and Ron Hart Rhonda and Ken Hazen Charlotte and Fred Hodges Alison and Al Hollingsworth Margaret and Charles Hubbert Peggy and Jim Hughes Terri and Don Hutson Janet and Robert January Leesa and Larry Jensen Georgette and Cato Johnson Kim and D. Bryan Jordan Nancy and John Kelley Marjean and Richard Kremer Margie and James Lackie Nan and Burns Landess Betty and Skip Loewenberg B. Lee Mallory John Moore Ann and Bill Morris Joanne and Morgan Morton Charlotte and Bob Neal Barbara and Jim Neely Marla Johnson Norris and James Norris Suzanne and Michael Osborn Carol and Mike Palazola Dan Palmer Vicki Roman Palmer

Charles and Judy Burkett

Tommie Pardue Julie and Joe Pepe Susan and David Perdue Kimberly and Elliot Perry Diane Duncan and Knox Phillips Rhonda and David Porter Barbara and Allie Prescott Ann and Stephen C. Reynolds Amy and Bill Rhodes Mary and E. Taylor Richardson Barbara and H. Frank Ricks Catherine Ladnier and Mickey Robinson Cathy Ross Sandra and Joe Rowell Diane Rudner Milton Schaeffer Arif Shakeel Glenda and Gary Shorb Gina and Russell Sugarmon Frederick W. Smith Maxine Smith Barbara and Stefan Smith Chris Spindel

Anne and John W. Stokes Jr. David Sullivan Pat Kerr Tigrett Laurie and John Tucker Lynne and Henry Turley Deborah Turner Ann and James Vining Jeanette and Bill Watkins Robin and Tom Watson Pauline Weaver Bobby Wharton Joy and Russel Wiener Gina and Jim Wiertelak


Jonas Kisber, 8th Congressional District, 2008-2014

John S. “Steve” Copeland, DVM, 6th Congressional District, 2009-2012

Fran Marcum, 4th Congressional District, 2010-2016

Gregory Duckett, Vice-Chair, 9th Congressional District, 2006-2012

Paul W. Montgomery, 1st Congressional District, 2007-2013 Richard Rhoda, Executive Director, THEC

John Farris, At-Large West Tennessee, 2008-2014

Howard Roddy, At-Large, East Tennessee, 2010-2016

Lee Gatts, Student Regent 2011-2012

Emily J. Reynolds, At-Large, Middle Tennessee, 2010-2012

Tom Griscom, 3rd Congressional District, 2010-2011 The Honorable Kevin S. Huffman, Commissioner of Education

Robert P. Thomas, 5th Congressional District, 2009-2015 Danni B. Varlan, 2nd Congressional District, 2010-2013

The Honorable Julius Johnson, Commissioner of Agriculture

Members of the 2012 Board of Visitors BOARD OF VISITORS OFFICERS: Charles G. Burkett, chair Tom Watson, vice chair Tom Kadien, secretary Ben Bryant Jr., treasurer MEMBERS: Anise Belz Michael J. Bruns Hilliard Crews Hon. Paulette Delk David B. Ferraro Art Gilliam Willie H. Gregory Sr. Helen S. Gronauer Carolyn Hardy Don Hutson George Johnson David Kustoff

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

James Lackie James E. McGehee Jr. Joe Orgill III David Perdue Elliot Perry David Porter Stephen C. Reynolds Amy P. Rhodes Dr. Trish Calvert Ring Gary Shorb Harry L. Smith Stefan Smith Rita Sparks Richard Spell John W. Stokes Jr. Phil Trenary Laurie Tucker Hon. Diane Vescovo James Vining

David Wedaman Carolyn Williams-Bennett BY VIRTUE OF POSITION: Dr. Shirley C. Raines David Zettergren Gregory Duckett Allie Prescott John M. Farris HONORARY VISITORS: Frank Flautt Robert F. Fogelman A C Wharton Jr. Mark Luttrell LIFE VISITOR: Dr. Thomas Carpenter

NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Allie Prescott (BA ’69, JD ’72) President Deanie Parker (BPS ’77, MPA ’88) Past President Anita Vaughn (BA ’77, MPA ’83) Vice President for Membership and President Elect Wei Chen (IMBA ’98) Vice President for Communication Kim Barnett (BA ’95, MBA ’99) Vice President for Finances Renee DeGutis (BS ’83) Vice President for Programs and Events



PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL Dr. Shirley C. Raines, President Dr. Tom Nenon, Interim Provost Dr. Rosie Phillips Bingham, Vice President for Student Affairs David Zettergren, Vice President for Business and Finance Linda Bonnin, Vice President for Communications, Public Relations and Marketing Julie Johnson, Vice President for Advancement Ellen Watson, Interim Vice President for Information Technology Tom Bowen, Athletic Director

DEANS’ COUNCIL Dr. Tom Nenon, Interim Provost Dr. Eugene Eckstein, Interim Dean, Herff College of Engineering Dr. Sylverna Ford, Dean, University Libraries Dr. Rajiv Grover, Dean, Fogelman College of Business & Economics Dr. Lisa Klesges, Dean, School of Public Health William Kratzke, Interim Dean, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law Dr. Henry Kurtz, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences Dr. Dan Lattimore, Vice Provost for Extended Programs, Dean of University College and Lambuth Campus Dr. Maurice Mendel, Dean, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders Dr. Richard Ranta, Dean, College of Communication and Fine Arts Dr. Donald Wagner, Dean, College of Education, Health and Human Sciences Dr. Lin Zhan, Dean, Loewenberg School of Nursing

PRESIDENT’S STAFF Arlene Abernathy, Administrative Associate to the President Stephanie Beasley, Assistant to the President for Community Relations David Cox, Executive Assistant to the President for Partnerships and Administration Sheri Lipman, University Counsel Kelli Luebbe, Administrative Assistant to the President Byron Morgan, Chief Audit Executive Jean Rakow, Coordinator of Reporting and Special Projects Kevin Roper, Executive Assistant to the President for Government Relations



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