We Dare to Invite You
Dear Elon, We are members of the organising committee of the
changed beyond recognition over the last few years
Silesian Science Festival. We are writing to you from
thanks to the efforts of many people. We have started
Katowice – capital city of the region called Silesia,
to take better care of the environment and change
situated in the south of Poland. This region is unusually
the image of Silesia from a region based on coal and
rich in mineral deposits. Since the middle ages, coal
industry to a region based on knowledge and culture.
mines and steelworks have been built giving rise to
We have focused on modernity and innovation. In recent
development of the mining, metallurgical and power
years many buildings representing institutions of high
industry for decades. After the Second World War Silesia
culture have been erected, including the Polish National
was mercilessly exploited, industry destroyed nature and
Radio Symphony Orchestra – one of the most beautiful
air quality has drastically deteriorated.
concert halls in Europe, the Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library, the Silesian Museum and the In-
When Poland joined the European Union (in 2004) our co-
ternational Congress Centre. The facilities are located
untry experienced a civilisation leap. Eventhough Silesia
on the premises of a new district called “Culture Zone”.
hasn’t done away with its mining and industrial past, it has
It is here that the our headquarters of our university –
Image2 Credit: Tomasz Kiełkowski
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
the University of Silesia – is situated. Our potential is more and more appreciated in the world, which is proved by the fact that Katowice has been the venue of the European Economic Congress, Intel Extreme Masters world championship in computer games and the Silesian Science Festival for a few years now. It will also play host to the UN Climate Change Conference 2018 (COP24) in December 2018.
innovation become the greatest treasure of the region. Your activity shows that you also wish the world was organized this way. That is why we would like to invite you the
We have put together a few ideas which are sure to catch your interest. There are many young people in Silesia whom you inspire and would love to meet you. On the contrary, our metropolis is inhabited by approx. 2 million
It is our dream that knowledge, clean technologies and
We know you’re very busy, receiving countless of
tions of this kind, but please, give us a chance!
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
people, from the airport in Katowice one may fly to Frankfurt am Main within an hour, and to London, Paris and Rome within two hours. We are in the center of Europe. Apart from that, Poles are nice people: friendly, diligent and hospitable. We will be pleased to host you and your family, and we will show you the beautiful and unique country of Poland.
Image Credit: Tomasz Kiełkowski 3
CONTENTS Part I Why Silesians want to leave the Earth? It all started with coal
University Atmospheric Control Laboratories
Poland focuses on electromobility
Polish electric car
A new dimension of Polish electromobility
Hyperloop Poland
Part II From science fiction to non-fiction Mars is not an alternative for Earthlings
Part III Flight to Mars Are psychologists needed on other planets?
Which mental challenges can we expect?
Problems with space law
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Part IV Life on Mars according to Silesians Earth Bis
Acceleration of space exploration
Lunares Space Base
Rovers from Poland are the best in the world!
The first donkey in outer space!
Plants in space
Mechanisms of behaviour of insects and the automatic control of artificial intelligence
Why should we invest in good pollination?!
New materials for screening diagnostics in outer space
Robin Heart
Video games help explore space
Beer on Mars?
Which language should be spoken by the colonisers of Mars?
Martian playlist
Part V Who we are, what we do? Silesian Science Festival Katowice
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Part I
Why Silesians want to leave the Earth? 6
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Illustration by Grzegorz Chudy
It all started with coal The fate of the land called Upper Silesia was decided 330
Zinc and lead-bearing strata conveniently overlie coal se-
million years ago when lush vegetation of the Carboniferous
ams. To smelt zinc one needed coal, so zinc and coal mining
tropical forest covered vast areas of Europe. With the passa-
developed together. The abundance of coal attracted steel-
ge of time, gigantic trees and ferns turned into the greatest
-makers and soon Upper Silesia became one of the most
riches of Upper Silesia – hard coal.
industrialised regions of the world. Today, while coal is still an important commodity of the Silesian economy, heavy
But it was huge zinc and lead ore deposits that brought ear-
industry is being replaced by high-tech enterprises. It is
ly entrepreneurs to this region.
the entrepreneurial energy of well-educated young Silesians that directs the future of the region.
Janusz Janeczek, Prof. PhD hab. Mineralogist, geologist Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice Rector of the University of Silesia 2002–2008 Chairman of the Council of National Science Centre – a government agency, supervised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Image Credit: University of Silesia
University Atmospheric Control Laboratories Poland, and Silesia in particular, contends with “London-ty-
ganic compounds, plant pollen, zooplankton, gas compo-
pe” smog in the winter season because heat engineering
nents and soot concentration (Black Carbon). The balloon is
and power industry are based, first of all, on burning coal
an excellent laboratory which shows the problems we con-
and wood, and with “Los Angeles-type” smog in the sum-
tend with and what should be done to change the situation
mer, which is caused by the increase in the number of cars
and improve the quality of air in the region, which will have
and by using them by residents of the Silesian agglomera-
a global effect on the improvement of the condition of the
tion, who constitute nearly 1/10 of the population of Poland.
University of Silesia in Katowice has created University At-
Research results are presented to children and school youth
mospheric Control Laboratories (ULKA) and the aerial mo-
at symposia, conferences and meetings of local community
bile laboratory, the only one of this kind in Poland, located
in order to educate and cooperate with the local govern-
in the basket of a hot air balloon designed for research on
ment with the aim of implementing innovative ecological
atmosphere pollution and widely understood ecological
actions in line with the principles of sustainable develop-
education of the youth. The balloon is equipped with sta-
ment gions of the world. Today, while coal is still an impor-
te-of-the-art equipment which allows for registering pollu-
tant commodity of the Silesian economy, heavy industry is
tion changes vertically, up to approx. 4,000 m above ground
being replaced by high-tech enterprises. It is the entrepre-
level, and migration of pollution horizontally, according to
neurial energy of well-educated young Silesians that directs
wind directions. The research covers both mineral and or-
the future of the region.
Mariola Jabłońska, PhD hab. Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice Project manager of University Atmospheric Control Laboratories (ULKA)
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Image Credit: University of Silesia
Poland focuses on electromobility On January 11th, 2018 the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
passed a law on electromobility and alternative fuels,
in agglomerations, in densely populated areas and along
which is to impose accelerated electrification of moto-
trans-European road transport corridors. It is planned
risation in Poland. The law was signed by the President
that by the end of 2020 6,000 electric charging points
of Poland Andrzej Duda on February 5 , 2018.
of normal power, 400 charging points of high power
and The law provides, for example, for: abolition of excise duty
points will be built.
for electric cars and plug-in hybrids (PHEV), exempting them
allowances for companies. It also aims at building
What is more, the law makes it possible for local authorities to create clean transport zones.
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Polish electric car Poland is an indisputable European leader in electric bus
It will be done by the ElectroMobility Poland. EMP is plan-
manufacturing. E-buses will, without a doubt, become one
ning to construct a prototype and start to produce e-cars in
of the key elements of transport electrification in cities across
2022. A functional prototype of the first Polish car is to be
Europe. Poland is now going to build the first electric car.
presented in 2019.
A new dimension of Polish electromobility Transporters S.A. as a strategic investor, thanks to coope-
– We are happy that we have found a partner
ration with the University of Silesia, will install charging
who wants to influence the plow and just
At the same time, the investor will provide an electric car in the form of car-sharing.
as we believe in electric cars. This is an important step not only for the University, but for the entire local community . Project Director Tomasz Jędrusik
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Hyperloop Poland There are a lot of Hyperloop supporters in Poland. They
by new specialists and has developed cooperation with
include a group of enthusiasts who form Hyper Poland.
domestic and international research groups.
When they were students, they got to the second stage of the contest Spacex Hyperloop Pod Competition.
Their ambition is to ensure that Polish technical thought
They were also finalists of the contest Build Earth Live:
contributes to the development of this technology,
Hyperloop, as well as semi-finalists of Hyperloop One
and they dream of Poland being one of the pioneers
Global Challenge. Since 2016 the team has been joined
in the construction of the first passenger line.
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Image Credit: Hyperloop Poland
Part II
From science fiction to non-fiction 18
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Illustration by Jakub Krzyszpin
Mars is not an alternative for Earthlings Interwiew with TOMASZ LEM, son of Stanisław Lem – Polish science fiction writer, philosopher and futurologist, author of such books as Solaris, The Cyberiad, The Star Diaries, Fables for Robots, Tales of Pirx the Pilot, The Futurological Congress, Observation on the Spot.
Copyright by Anna Lem
In his books Stanisław Lem reached the furthest frontiers issues
the in
and the planet itself. Did he believe that mankind could really be saved by the settlement of other planets/
(which doesn’t, of course, determine future engineering possibilities which are unimaginable today). However, in order to save mankind we should probably start from rescuing the Earth, that is from preventing climate changes which we cause – for example by giving up fossil fuels for the benefit of renewable energy. Besides, if we cannot use the Earth’s deposits in a responsible way, why should we be able
to do so on another planet?
I don’t remember my father ever seriously expressing
Stanisław Lem often expressed very important topics in
the idea that mankind should look for another place in the universe, as an alternative to the Earth. Such an idea is rather unreal from the point of view of the extrapola-
a humorous way. Would he be amused by the fact that Elon Musk has sent a cheery-red car with a dummy on board, listening to David Bowie, towards Mars?
tion of technologies which we now have at our disposal
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Illustration by Elena Gomez Gonzalez
Elon Musk has probably expected that the rocket would
I believe my father would deem it impossible. I don’t know if
explode during the launch because I had the impression
he would engage in ethical deliberations. If we can’t refrain
that he was quite surprised to see the car successfully sent
from destroying the Earth, how could we know how to “set-
into space. My father would probably be a bit scandalised at
tle” on Mars? And would the settlement of Mars be the hope
a flying Tesla in the sense that he wouldn’t approve of the
for Earthlings before the Sun starts to transform into a red
trivialization of the conquest of space. When taking the first
giant? The chance that mankind will still exist at that time
steps on the Moon, Neil Armstrong did not shout any Coca
is rather slight, taking into account our suicidal tendencies.
Cola advertising slogans; nor did he say any words which wo-
At the moment, we can’t settle anything and, due to cosmic
uld sound patriotic to Americans in the light of the cosmic
radiation, a living and healthy man is not even able to reach
race with Russia, but which could be perceived by other na-
tions as nationalism. It all probably comes down to a new discipline: limits of jokes in outer space – we don’t have a terrestrial textbook on cosmic savoir vivre yet. However, Elon Musk’s cosmic Tesla proves, without a doubt, that private companies may successfully compete with state institutions like NASA or ESA. What impressed me most was the successful landing of boosters and I imagine my father would also have been enchanted with this show. Stanisław Lem once said that people should stay away
from Mars because the planet had been dead for 2 billion years and it was impossible to breathe there. Yet, one of the plans of Elon Musk is the so-called terraforming of Mars (that is to carry out deep processes aimed at trans-
forming Mars into a planet similar to the Earth, for example in the sense of creating human-friendly atmosphere),
creation of human colonies and extraction of raw materials from this planet. Are you able to say how Stanisław Lem would evaluate this idea? Also in terms of ethics.
Stanisław Lem. Copyright by Tomasz Lem
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Illustration by Krzysztof Włodarczyk
Part III
Flight to Mars
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Illustration by Grzegorz Chudy
Are psychologists needed on other planets? Nobody has checked it yet. Psychologists may, howe-
ring of human behaviour in habitats and the analyses of
ver, provide useful information on predicted human be-
sports and travel expeditions in extreme conditions, we
haviour in outer space. Thanks to the research conduc-
are getting closer to the understanding of the psycholo-
ted by explorers of the polar regions who go to work in
gical processes occurring in astronauts, and maybe even
polar stations for the whole year, as well as the monito-
in the first colonisers of other planets.
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Which mental challenges can we expect? Monotony – a many months’ space flight provides far fewer
Third-quarter syndrome – when half of the mission has
stimuli than we are used to in our daily life. Interpersonal
passed, most people are not pleased with the fact that
tensions – spending a lot of time with the same group of
“the same amount of time is left and that’s it”; their
people, without the possibility of “taking a break”, is a real
spirits tend to sink considerably for this reason.
Agnieszka Skorupa, PhD Psychologist dealing with research on human behaviour in extreme situations She has taken part in survival camps, mountain and polar expeditions to Spitsbergen and expeditions to Amazonia Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, University of Silesia in Katowice
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Problems with space law Problem no. 1 – Border In theory, we all know where outer space is, but, in reality, where does it start? There are different theories. According to one concept, outer space begins approx. 100 km from the surface of the Earth. According to another one, the border between airspace and cosmic space is determined by technical possibilities of airships. The third theory concerns the problem of borders within which different states may exercise their sovereignty. Due to the ban on appropriating cosmic space and celestial objects provided for in the Outer Space Treaty, such sovereignty is, however, impermissible.
Problem no. 2 – Legal status of outer space The law which is currently in force is the agreement on the principles of activity of states in the scope of research and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial objects, also called the Outer Space Treaty. Pursuant to the Treaty, the signatory states agreed, for example, not to place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit around the Earth, on the Moon or anywhere else in cosmic space. According to the Treaty, the Moon and other celestial objects may be used exclusively for peaceful purposes. Each object launched into outer space belongs to the state in which it is registered and it is the law of that state which is in force on board. At the same time, astronauts are treated as envoys of all mankind and, if need be, each state should come to their aid.
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Problem no. 3 – Planetary protection Planetary protection is based on the legal obligations of signatories of the Outer Space Treaty. Space agencies are obliged to prevent the “smuggling” of microscopic living forms to other planets and moons. For this purpose, employees of the agencies regularly check so-called clean rooms and
buildings used for preparation of space probes and other equipment for launching them in search of some microbes. The policy on Planetary Protection defines the limits of biological contamination and probability of hitting a planet or moon for all landers, orbiters and other spaceships performing the gravity assist manoeuvre. Another aspect of Planetary Protection is the prevention of contamination of the Earth’s biosphere by spaceships returning with samples from a different planet or moon.
Agnieszka Sikora, PhD Scientific journalist Editor-in-chief of the scientific portal of the University of Silesia in Katowice
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Part IV
Life on Mars according to Silesians 30
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Illustration by Grzegorz Chudy
Earth Bis The Sun is going to destroy us. That’s for sure. For billions of
on the Moon. Mars is very much like the Earth, both geo-
years it has fed and maintained us, but what used to be our
logically and historically. There may have been some ri-
support will be the source of our death. As a result of natural
vers, lakes and oceans here before. What has become of
processes which occur inside the Sun, its temperature is hi-
them? Most of them have probably evaporated, but there
gher and higher. In a few billions of years, the Sun will start
is a chance that there is a lot of water under the surface
to swell, first burning the Earth and then absorbing it.
of the Martian soil. Permafrost is waiting to be extrac-
What is going to happen to us then?
ted. And when it works out, we will have – as mankind – one foot on the Red Planet. The first people flying to
If we do not find a way to run away from the Earth – we will
Mars will most likely take large supplies of food, but if
die. And if we are to flee, the question is where? And how?
anyone is seriously thinking of settling the planet (even
Will we manage on a foreign, unfriendly globe? The globes
if it was to be only a permanent scientific base), they
which are within our reach today are indeed unfriendly. The-
must find a way to produce food there, locally. It would
re is virtually no atmosphere on Mars, and – except for the
be necessary to grow plants whose DNA would be modified
poles – it is uncertain if there is any water. And even if there
in such a way that they may grow in the Martian soil and in
was, there is no food or plants.
extremely thin atmosphere. But is it feasible? And can it be checked on the Earth? And maybe instead of testing the
It was obvious that men will fly to the Red Planet one day.
Martian conditions on the Earth, it would be better to recre-
The first step was the Moon. It is close, which is its basic
ate terrestrial conditions on Mars?
advantage. Mars will be the next one because, unlike in the case of our satellite, people may function on Mars. In
It is easy to say but how can it be done? The atmospheric
spacesuits and in masks, of course, but still in conditions
composition is not constant but it is a fact that its changes
more similar to the terrestrial ones than to the conditions
are very slight (from the human time perspective). Within
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
the last several dozen years we managed to “fill” the Ear-
The atmosphere is a system of many interconnected ves-
th’s atmosphere with quite a lot of CO2. As a consequence,
sels. We do not fully understand the mechanisms that rule
our atmosphere is getting warmer. Therefore would it be
it. The creation of an artificial atmosphere somewhere or a
possible to change the composition of the atmosphere on
drastic change of its composition in a controlled way and
Mars in a similar way? So that it is possible to live there?
intentionally is not science fiction. It is fiction.
It would be extremely complicated for many reasons. First, Mars is much lighter than the Earth, forming it’s
It is best proved by the results of the Biosphere 2 experi-
atmosphere by attracting gas particles using the plane-
ment. The idea was simple. In order to settle other globes
t’s gravitation but with a smaller force. Unfortunetly, will
it is necessary to build a self-sufficient base on them. Its
not be able to increase the planets mass. Besides, Mars
inhabitants had to be able to grow plants and breed ani-
(unlike the Earth) does not have a magnetic field, which
mals in numbers allowing not only for survival but rather for
works like an umbrella and protects the atmosphere from
long-term functioning. Trees were to turn the carbon dioxi-
a large amount of particles flying from the surface of
de exhaled by men, animals and produced by bacteria into
the Sun. These particles may blow off the atmosphere.
life-giving oxygen, and sunlight was to be the only external
It is, in principle, impossible on the Earth. And it is a real
factor. The proliferation of flora was to be regulated by the
threat on Mars. It might turn out that the produced (in
amount of nutritious substances in the soil and carbon dio-
some way) atmosphere would be destroyed at the first
xide in the air, and animals were to reproduce as long as
opportunity. Yet, where there’s a will there’s a way. Maybe
there was enough food and oxygen to breathe. The same
it will be possible in the future to create a device which
was planned for water plants. It was believed – not groun-
would be the source of an artificial magnetic field. Apart
dlessly – that when nutritious substances in water run out,
from such objective difficulties, would we manage to
algae, plants and fish will simply stop reproducing. And even
create atmosphere on a foreign globe? Theoretically yes.
if some plants grow too much, there should be more
Such a process is called terraforming. It has not been
fish which will simply eat the excess of water plants. In
conducted so far but we know nevertheless that “pro-
brief, the plan was to build a self-sufficient and self-re-
duction” of atmosphere, for example with the use of bac-
gulating ecosystem or, in other words, to create “another
teria, would take hundreds of thousands, or at least tens
Earth” (hence the “two” in the project name) somewhe-
of thousands of years. In the case of Mars, it would first
re in outer space. Without going into details of the pro-
need to be heated, for example by increasing the amount
jects – it did not work out. In retrospect, it is certain that
of CO2 in the Martian atmosphere. Higher temperature
Biosphere 2 did not fail because of high costs. The project
would melt frozen water on Mars. Plants could grow
failed right at the beginning because it was believed that
on moist ground. They would absorb CO2 and produce
we understand how the Earth’s ecosystem works. And,
oxygen. It sounds very simple. But, believe me, it wouldn’t
in reality, we are groping in the dark in many respects.
be simple at all.
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
And what about terraforming? If we are unable to build
more complex organisms. With time, it would be possible
a system of greenhouses for all, maybe it is worth
to plant trees. If oxygen concentration was high enough,
looking once more at the idea of terraforming. When
people might move to the Red Planet. But is terraforming
examining our terrestrial extremophiles, that is bacte-
of Mars the future of mankind? If we want to try to adjust
ria living in the most unfavourable places on the globe,
some globes, it would be better to tackle something loca-
we may, without a doubt, say that our terrestrial micro-
ted further from the Sun than Mars. When the Earth starts
bes would manage without any problem on the Red
to boil in the rays of sunshine, life on Mars will become
Planet. And this is important because bacteria might gra-
unbearable. How about the moons of Jupiter or Saturn?
dually recreate the Martian atmosphere and fertile ground.
Or maybe we can find by that time a way to travel to globes
The process would, however, take a long time. The recreated
situated in other planetary systems.
gas envelope would allow for the functioning of more and
Tomasz Rożek, PhD Physicist, populariser of science, author of the TVP programme “Sonda 2”
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Acceleration of space exploration FP Space is a consortium of three Silesian enterprises – Futu-
We are currently carrying out the Intuition-1 mission,
re Processing, leader of the IT market, FP Instruments (sup-
which is aimed at the observation of the Earth and provision
plier of advanced solutions in the field of design of electro-
of high-quality satellite photographs which will allow FP
nic systems) and KP Labs, which creates volatile software,
to develop business in the field of remote sensing. The first
expert on the Big Data market and machine learning. The
satellite is CubeSat 6U which will have a shape of a cu-
objective of the consortium is to support the space sector
boid with a size of 10×22×36 cm and a weight of approx.
by providing services in the field of developing high-quality
12 kg. For the needs of the mission we will create a highly
software and hardware.
efficient computer for processing data in orbit (OBDH – On Board Data Handling), a hyperspectral camera with
Our mission is to accelerate the exploration of outer space
spectral resolution of 150 channels in the visible and
through the development of autonomic space probes and
near-infrared range (VNIR), as well as segmentation
robot technologies. That is why we sketched a clear vision
and classification algorithms based on deep convolutional
of development which should lead us within the next 10
networks. The Intuition-1 satellite will get to the low Earth
years to a place where we will become an integrator and
orbit (LEO); the launch is planned for 2022. The authors
operator of constellations of small satellites based on our
own satellite platform. In particular, we will concentrate
on such elements of a satellite as an on-board computer,
in the development of a Polish space sector.
project and
interdisciplinary who
a highly efficient computer for processing data in orbit, control of spatial orientation of satellites, power system and
We know in FP how important it is to develop personnel
laser communication. We will develop our competence,
and education sector, which is why we actively support
also in mission planning, control and simulation.
the PW-Sat2 project. It is aimed at the construction of an
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
artificial satellite type CubeSat 2U for the purpose of testing
resistance and cause drastic lowering of the orbit and,
the innovative deorbitation system in the form of a sail with
in consequence, burning of the satellite in the Earth’s
a surface of 4 sq m, and checking the system of opening
atmosphere within a few months.
solar panels, Sun sensor and power system. The project is conducted by members of the Students’ Space Associa-
The work of the whole satellite will be controlled by an on-
tion at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
-board computer powered with a system designed for this
of the Warsaw University of Technology. FP Space supports
purpose. Two cameras will register the opening of the sail
the project by providing software and hardware solutions,
and amateur radio operators from all over the world will be
and in spring 2016 we funded an on-board computer, which
able to receive radio signals broadcast from the communi-
made it possible to move on to the next stage of the project.
cation system.
PW-Sat2 is in the shape of a cuboid with a size of 10×10×22 cm and it contains a square deorbitation sail with a surface
The PW-Sat2 satellite will be put into sun-synchronous orbit
of 4 sq m, which can be folded to a volume of 270 ml (that
with an altitude of approx. 575 km, and will be launched on
is ¼ of the whole satellite). As part of the mission, the sail
board the Falcon 9 rocket by the SpaceX company in the
should be opened after about 40 days of launching the sa-
third quarter of 2018.
tellite into orbit. This action will increase the aerodynamic
Karolina Trzcionka IT sector specialist, team leader in Future Processing, Polish offshore software development service provider
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Lunares Space Base Simulated space base and a research laboratory
It is a simulated space base and a unique research labora-
The Lunares habitat is a private investment of the Space Gar-
The Lunares habitat is isolated from the sunlight and UTC
den company (www.space.garden) established in Poland in 2017. The name “Lunares” comes from “Luna” (Moon) and “Ares” (Mars) to highlight the possibility of running two different simulations for future Moon and Mars inhabitants.
tory. During mission simulations, analogue astronauts are completely cut off from the world, controlled by professional Mission Control Centres. They can go outside from the habitat only wearing space suits and go to the interior of a hangar that simulates the surface of the Moon or Mars. time, which makes this laboratory the largest experimental chronobiology center in the world. More info: www.lunares.space
Agata Kołodziejczyk, PhD Neuroscientist, co-founder of the Space Garden Company Research and Development Executive Director
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Image Credit: Space Garden 41
Image Credit: Anna B. Gregorczyk/Short Stories of the Future
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Image Credit: Anna B. Gregorczyk/Short Stories of the Future
Rovers from Poland are the best in the world! The Raptors team is composed of students from four facul-
We are one of the most titled robotic student teams in the
ties of the Lodz University of Technology who are keen on
world, winning top places at contests such as: Mohamed
designing and constructing a Mars rover for the internatio-
Bin Zayed International Robotic Challenge, European Robot
nal competition of specialist mobile robots. The project con-
League Emergency, University Rover Challenge, although it
sists in creating mechanical structures and control systems
was only two years ago that we made our debut at Univer-
for a robot built of over 2,000 elements, which took part in
sity Rover Challenge in the United States, where we were
many international robotic competitions.
ranked fifth in the world, and we won the first place and became the world champion at the biggest robotic event on the Old Continent – European Rover Challenge – only three months later.
Mateusz Kujawiński, PhD student Leader of the Raptors team building a Mars rover – the winners of the 2016 European Rover Challenge Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering Lodz University of Technology
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Image Credit: Marcin Kowalski 45
Unibot In the near future Unibot will place on Mars a base made
We are currently looking for Lego volunteers to join our crew
entirely of Lego bricks. The first step has already been taken.
who will undertake this mission.
A Mars rover was built and tested during the European Rover Challenge 2016.
The final stage will be the construction of a Lego rocket. Hm… we are wondering if we can find fuel for this rocket?
Ireneusz Foryś Unibot’s co-founder and chief constructor The Open University of University of Silesia in Katowice
Joanna Foryś, PhD Biologist, life science researcher, Unibot’s co-founder and projects manager The Open University of University of Silesia in Katowice
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Image Credit: Joanna 47 Foryś
The first donkey in outer space! On June 10th, 2017, within the framework of the university
the basics of programming and electronics in order to con-
project “Space Donkey – Usiołek w kosmosie”, students
struct an amateur research probe, gather some data concer-
ning the atmosphere, the flight of the balloon and… teach
secondary schools together with researchers from Unibot
Usiołek to fly.
and the Teenagers’ University of Silesia released a stratospheric balloon with a suspended research probe and
Usiołek rose to the height of nearly 30 km and was not
a mascot of the University of Silesia – Usiołek. The students
too cold. The temperature was favourable, with the lowest
had worked on the project for a few weeks and learnt
value of -13ºC.
Image48 Credit: Unibot
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Image Credit: Karol 49 Guzik
Plants in space Taking into account that plants constitute 50% of our food,
cherry tomato. Recently, in 2017 scientists from Peru toge-
there is a high demand for considering possible ways to
ther with Frito-Lay Co. used a simulator that mimics the
grow them in space conditions. Since 1960s experiments
harsh conditions on Mars (e.g. frosty below-zero tempera-
have been conducted in space stations and also on board
tures, high carbon monoxide concentrations, and a system
a spacecraft using plants of several species such as tomato,
of lights imitating the Martian day and night) to successfully
potato, lettuce, Arabidopsis or even wheat. It is not an easy
grow a potato plant. It raises hope for human life on the Red
task to perform such experiments and many challenges
need to be addressed if astronauts are to successfully grow enough food.
Understanding the genetic basis of plant development and the mechanism of response to extreme conditions will
Such challenges include reduced gravity, elevated radiation
allow for better adjustment of plant material to space con-
levels and artificial light. Although there are several examples
ditions. At the University of Silesia, Department of Genetics,
of successful stories such as lettuce grown in International
we are working on semi-dwarf genotypes of barley that
Space Station, there is a need to develop advanced space
successfully deal with water deficit in the soil. One can
agriculture technologies. Additionally, taking into account
imagine a scenario where a multi-layered network of stress
the limited amount of space available on board a rocket
response in plants can be controlled in order to obtain plants
or ISS, scientists aimed to grow dwarf varieties of wheat or
better adjusted to extreme space conditions.
Agata Daszkowska-Golec, PhD Geneticist and molecular biologist Department of Genetics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia in Katowice
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Image Credit: NASA
Mechanisms of behaviour of insects and the automatic control of artificial intelligence Insects surround us every day. Despite being the most nu-
complex cognitive processes and provide excellent models
merous class of animals on earth, they rarely attract our
for the needs of automation and artificial intelligence. The
attention. Although the structure of their nervous system
research conducted by us concerns, among others, insects’
is completely different than mammals’ and their brain is
ability to perceive the geometric properties of the environ-
microscopic, they can move perfectly in complex environ-
ment, including, for instance, the ability to find the center
ments, learn from one another and create complicated so-
of a symmetrical arena. Such experiments allow for asking
cial structures. Getting to know the mechanisms of their be-
questions about the most fundamental relationships
haviour may be helpful in understanding the basics of more
between the animal’s mind and the surrounding world.
Bartosz Baran, BSc Insect neuroethology passionate, laureate of scholarship of the Polish Ministry of Science Department of Animal Physiology and Ecotoxicology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia in Katowice
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Image Credit: Bartosz 53Baran
Why should we invest in good pollination?! The mission to Mars will fail without smart space-farming.
In 2016 we pollinated automatically strawberries and garlic.
Years in space will require constant food production. If we
This year we have finished tests in greenhouses – we have
want to supply Marsonauts with fresh fruit and vegetables,
pollinated 2,000 sq m of tomatoes (approx. 28 metric
we need to consider a universal and efficient pollinator.
tons of tomatoes).
In Poland we already have reached that level – B-Droid is a robotic pollinator which can automatically locate, re-
So far, we have developed an autonomous flier and two
ach and pollinate different species of fruit and vegetables.
versions of an autonomous mobile ground vehicle.
Rafał Dalewski, PhD Eng. Warsaw University of Technology
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Image Credit: Rafał Dalewski 55
New materials for screening diagnostics in outer space In an era of space flights, fast medical diagnostics are
It will be sufficient if the person with alarming symptoms
a very significant necessity for people staying in orbital
breaths on very porous carbon material. The material will
stations to respond to all microbiological threats. The lack
absorb everything from the air breathed out by the patient.
of possibility for hospitalisation makes it necessary to ap-
Then, the material will be inserted into an analyser which
ply quick screening diagnostics aimed at undertaking
will analyse the chemical composition of the patient’s bre-
treatment as early as possible. The application of very
ath and a diagnosis will be made through an advanced
porous carbon materials for sorbing the respiratory phase
neural network, which will allow for a very quick decision on
of people staying in outer space will allow for taking instant
what to do with the patient in a space station where access
and precise steps, such as targeted therapy, quarantine
to a fully equipped diagnostic laboratory is very difficult and/
or return to the Earth.
or completely impossible. Such quick and screening breath analyses and their correlation with specific disease entities will allow for considerable reduction of the risk of spreading of potential infectious diseases among the crew.
Andrzej Swinarew, PhD Department of Biomaterials Faculty of Computer Science and Materials Science, University of Silesia in Katowice
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Image Credit: Andrzej Swinarew 57
Robin Heart Robots must be considered as a part of the future of mankind,
mechatronic solutions. Robin Heart robots offer the oppor-
which will allow for making dreams of freedom come true.
tunity to introduce optimal standards of medical service on
Robots give strength to the weaker, efficiency where people
the Earth and beyond. Before we send a man to Mars, we
lack it, and relief from dangerous or tedious work. They are a
should settle robots there to prepare the whole system of
chance for many to live longer, happier and fitter. Also to live
services needed for people. Because robots will be the main
away from the green planet – the Earth.
human companions on Mars, during rest and work, at home and during the penetration of the planet. They will be the
The Polish robot family, named Robin Heart, prepared for
first to bring help in need. Medical robots such as Robin He-
clinical application, has a potential to provide a lot of inno-
art are necessary to ensure people’s safety.
vative techniques of minimally invasive surgery, which are expected by surgeons. The experimental studies conducted
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus and robots...
on animals and teleoperation attempts proved the effec-
from the Earth. Let’s do it to fulfil our needs and dreams!
tiveness of developed devices and the accuracy of applied
When flying to Mars, do not forget about Robin Heart robots!
Zbigniew Nawrat , Prof. PhD hab. Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development & Medical University of Silesia President of International Society for Medical Robotics
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Image Credit: Mariusz Jakubowski 59
Video games help explore space A journey to Mars is a time of certain limbo between two
The University of Silesia offers classes dedicated to the
worlds. This time can be used in an effective way to prepare in-
creation of new worlds and simulations which enable
terplanetary travellers for living in an alien environment. Video
players or future astronauts to enter a different reality.
games have the unique ability to simulate all, even the most
Our students and graduates contribute to the Polish game
improbable events. It is thanks to such simulations that
industry, which is considered one of the most dynamically
one may gain essential experience without the necessity
developing sectors in the world. It is, among others, thanks
of putting the success of the whole expedition at risk.
to their hard work that a few hundred games are created
The University of Silesia is ready for the conquest of inter-
in Poland a year, and many of them are world’s best sellers,
planetary space thanks to the created study programme
such as The Witcher 3, Dying Light, This War of Mine etc.
in the field of video game design.
Can we imagine a better group of people who will conquer Mars before embarking on the real journey?
Remigiusz Kopoczek, PhD Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science, University of Silesia in Katowice President of the Management Board of ARP Games Ltd
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Beer on Mars? Yeasts are microorganisms which have accompanied hu-
mankind for thousands of years. They have been used for
with isolation and selection of yeast applied in beer
production of, among others, bread, wine and bear. At the
industry. One of the most popular strains is BW-17, which
same time, they are one of the best known microorganisms,
was obtained from an old apple tree and then used to
thanks to which they are used in numerous ways.
brew the first commercially available university beer
During space missions they can serve as a source
in Poland.
of whole food as well as microscopic pharmaceutical
Michał Krzyżowski, PhD student Co-author of the BioWar project Department of Animal Physiology and Ecotoxicology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia in Katowice
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Image Credit: Grzegorz Adamek 63
Which language should be spoken by the colonisers of Mars? English only seemingly appears to be the best language of
e.g. Gaelic, which is used only by 50,000 people or, even
communication on Mars. Firstly, we don’t know how long its
better, by Vilamovian, which is spoken only by 25 individuals.
hegemony on Earth is going to last. It surely must be a world
Specific language features can also be taken into considera-
language, that is a language which goes beyond the eth-
tion, such as, for example, the lack of perfect tense in Ame-
nic community which speaks it. The world spoke Greek for
rican-Indian language Hopi, which would make it possible
about 600 years, Latin for 1,700 years, French only for about
not to finish anything definitively.
150, and English has been spoken, so far, for as many years. Is American English going to survive as long as Latin? It is
Finally, there is a danger of never-ending disputes over the
uncertain when you become conscious of the death of great
criterion for the selection of the Martian language. Therefo-
languages of the past like Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Persian or
re, it would be best to decide on an auxiliary international
language, which does not belong to anyone. The most widespread one is Esperanto. Its basics were developed in 1887
Secondly, we can choose from as many as nearly 7,000 li-
by a Polish-Jewish doctor Ludwik Zamenhof. There is hope
ving languages, which we have at our disposal. Should the
that thanks to such a choice people on Mars will not share
number of people who speak the languages be decisive?
the fate of the builders of the Tower of Babel.
Then, Mandarin would be best as it has been used for 2,000 years and is now spoken by over a billion people. But, we
We should remember that the universal language – which
can equally well assume that the settlement of Mars will
the Universe knows – is the language of mathematics.
save the languages which are on the verge of extinction,
Ryszard Koziołek, Prof. PhD hab. Faculty of Philology Vice-Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Illustration by Natalia 65 Burzych
Martian playlist When preparing this publication, we have decided that we
moments in our new home. We are also going to listen to
cannot forget about one thing which is very important to all
David Bowie, but not to Space Oddity because we do not
of us – about music! You, Elon, must value it as well – other-
want to jinx it and share the fate of Major Tom. ;)
wise you wouldn’t have sent your “man” into outer space accompanied by David Bowie and his Space Oddity.
We are sending you a list of 20 titles. When choosing them, we wanted to get into the spirit of space travel. After settling
We were wondering together what we would listen to on
in, we will propagate on Mars the musical achievements
the last night before setting off for Mars, and then later in
of mankind, which are more extensive that the Martian
the course of the journey, on landing, and during the first
playlist text to.
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
The BEATLES Across the Universe
PINK FLOYD Astronomy Domine
David BOWIE Life on Mars?
The POLICE Walking on the Moon
David BOWIE Starman
DEEP PURPLE Space Truckin’
Patti SMITH Space Monkey
HAWKWIND Space Is Deep
U2 Last Night on Earth
Jean-Michel JARRE Oxygene part 2
Elton JOHN Rocket Man
Richard STRAUSS Also sprach Zarathustra
Jeff WAYNE The Eve of the War
MARS VOLTA Cassandra Gemini
Hans ZIMMER S.T.A.Y. (Interstellar OST)
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Part V
Who we are, what we do?
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Image Credit: University of69 Silesia
Silesian Science Festival Katowice The mission of our festival is: • •
to stimulate the local community’s interest in science
to contribute to development of a knowledge based
by inspiring curiosity in people of all ages,
community, where key decisions and social dialogue
to present the regions contribution to science and
are derived from reason and knowledge.
its scientific achievements, and excellent academic centers that Silesians can be proud of.,
to emphazize importance of communicating knowledge and science.
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Image Credit: University of71Silesia
About the festival
During the Festival in 2017 scientists and polularizers of
The 2nd edition of the Silesian Science Festival was held in
inventions and latest achievements, as well as showca-
2017. The idea of the Festival was the result of joint efforts from the Silesian higher education institutions, aimed at an effective response to the Silesian Province need to promote science and education.
November 30th to December 2nd, 2017. The first day entitled “Science on Stage” was held at the Stanisław Wyspiański Sile sian Theatre, and the following two days entitled “Silesian Science Days” at the International Congress Centre in Katowice.
industry and economy. All popular science proposals were adjusted to different age groups. The pro gramme presentations, workshops and lectures in selected fields of
medical sciences. The next edition of the festival takes place 11th to 14th January 2019.
Group of recipients The recipients of the Festival were all residents of the region. The Festival was addressed to everyone, regardless of age, education and interests. The organizers wished to captivate visitors and ignite their interests in education, culture, art and inspire their curiosity of the surrounding Among
sing their innovative reserach results and its application in
featured, among others, shows, experiments, exhibitions,
The Silesian Science Festival KATOWICE 2017 took place on
science shared a plethora of knowledge. Presenting their
Number of direct participants „Science on Stage” at the Silesian Theatre – 1,450 people Silesian Science Days at the International Congress Centre – ca. 30,000 people
children with parents and grandparents, as well as representatives from the world of media and business.
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Image Credit: University of73 Silesia
Image 74Credit: University of Silesia
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Image Credit: University of75 Silesia
Dear Elon, Have you heard about the Polish Spodek? We are, of course,
hockey, basketball and volleyball). It was here that in 1976
not thinking about a “saucer” [in Polish “spodek”], which is
during the World Ice Hockey Championships we defeated
useful when drinking tea and eating biscuits and which
the Soviet Union 6:4 (you can probably guess what a victo-
is, naturally, also a unique proof of the genius of human
ry over this country meant for Poles at that time), and four
civilization. What we mean is the Spodek which is located
years ago the Polish volleyball players became world cham-
in the Polish city of Katowice. It is one of the most
pions in Spodek. Since 2014 Spodek has hosted the final
important concert and sports venues in Poland. It is a cultu-
tournaments of the Intel Extreme Masters – world
ral landmark and a symbol of Silesia.
championship in computer games: the best players of Counter-Strike and StarCraft II fight for the title.
The Spodek arena was built at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. It was one of the first facilities in the world with a roof
Elon, we will reveal a secret to you. Actually, our Spodek
made according to the tensegrity concept, which makes it
is not what everyone thinks it is. You have probably noticed
a self-supporting structure. The dome of Spodek, made of
its characteristic appearance, which is not accidental. This is
steel and with a weight of 300 tons, and its external steel
our secret spacecraft and we came to the idea of organising
ring are joined with the use of 120 carrying ropes in the form
a great space expedition. We would like Spodek to take us
of bar and string trusses which form the basis for roofing.
to the stars because, like you, we are explorers. When eve-
The effect is impressive!
rything was ready for the trip and were about to take off, a cherry-red Tesla Roadster fell down on our Spodek and da-
It was here that Metallica, The Cure and Genesis gave their
maged our control systems. We don’t know where it came
first concerts in Poland, and it was here that bands like Deep
from because we have recently seen a cherry-red Tesla flying
Purple, Judas Priest, Depeche Mode and Green Day perfor-
towards Mars.
med. Spodek is also the venue of large sports events (ice
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
Dear Elon, we believe that as one of the greatest visionaries of our times you understand our longing for the stars and feel the same irresistible urge to achieve what in the world of Star Trek was expressed as “to baldly go where no man has gone before”, and what was described by Stanisław Lem in his Return from the Stars as burning desire of daredevils setting off in great space rockets into the unknown. This is why we would like to ask you to attend the Silesian Science Festival Katowice 2019 organised by us, to visit our
Spodek and, by the way “collect” your lost property (after landing on Spodek, Tesla was slightly battered, we took it in for
W e , t h e o r g a n isi n g c o mmi t t e e ( y o u c a n s e e us on the picture), invite you to Poland and S i l esian S cience F e s t i v a l K a t o wi c e 2 0 1 9 . Pl e a s e , j o i n u s ! Yes, you can! :)
a service to a mechanic – it may now differ a bit from the original). ;)
Image Credit: Sp a c eUniversity I n v a dofeSilesia rs / We Dare to Invite You
CONTACT WITH US Silesian Science Festival KATOWICE 2019 Organizing Committee Univeristy of Silesia ul. Bankowa 12 40-007 Katowice Poland www.slaskifestiwalnauki.pl/en/ E-mail: sfn@us.edu.pl Phone: +48-512-104-427
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S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u
See you soon!
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
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