Acceleration of space exploration FP Space is a consortium of three Silesian enterprises – Futu-
We are currently carrying out the Intuition-1 mission,
re Processing, leader of the IT market, FP Instruments (sup-
which is aimed at the observation of the Earth and provision
plier of advanced solutions in the field of design of electro-
of high-quality satellite photographs which will allow FP
nic systems) and KP Labs, which creates volatile software,
to develop business in the field of remote sensing. The first
expert on the Big Data market and machine learning. The
satellite is CubeSat 6U which will have a shape of a cu-
objective of the consortium is to support the space sector
boid with a size of 10×22×36 cm and a weight of approx.
by providing services in the field of developing high-quality
12 kg. For the needs of the mission we will create a highly
software and hardware.
efficient computer for processing data in orbit (OBDH – On Board Data Handling), a hyperspectral camera with
Our mission is to accelerate the exploration of outer space
spectral resolution of 150 channels in the visible and
through the development of autonomic space probes and
near-infrared range (VNIR), as well as segmentation
robot technologies. That is why we sketched a clear vision
and classification algorithms based on deep convolutional
of development which should lead us within the next 10
networks. The Intuition-1 satellite will get to the low Earth
years to a place where we will become an integrator and
orbit (LEO); the launch is planned for 2022. The authors
operator of constellations of small satellites based on our
own satellite platform. In particular, we will concentrate
on such elements of a satellite as an on-board computer,
in the development of a Polish space sector.
project and
interdisciplinary who
a highly efficient computer for processing data in orbit, control of spatial orientation of satellites, power system and
We know in FP how important it is to develop personnel
laser communication. We will develop our competence,
and education sector, which is why we actively support
also in mission planning, control and simulation.
the PW-Sat2 project. It is aimed at the construction of an
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u