Unleashed#71 Back To School Issue

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Unleashed Wakeboard Magazine World Headquarter France 2 rue Dorbesson 31100 TOULOUSE Issue 71 – Sept / Oct Cover: Nikita Martianov / Photo : Alexey Shabanov Who’s Who: Nikita Martianov / Photo : Alexey Shabanov FOUNDER, CEO, EDITOR & DIRECTOR Philippe SIRECH PUBLISHER Philippe SIRECH +33(0)7 87 95 37 40 Europe +1(407)800-3567 USA/WORLD philippe@unleashedwakemag.com MARKETING MANAGER Philippe SIRECH info@unleashedwakemag.com ADVERTISING MANAGER Phil Good ads@unleashedwakemag.com P.R (PRESS RELEASE) Stephanie PROTET +33(0)6 11 11 25 32 - sephanie@unleashedwakemag.com CSO , MARKETING & STATS Sophie Sirech-combettes +1(407)800-3567 - sophie@unleashedwakemag.com GRAPHIC DESIGNER Elise Fougere +33 (0)6 99 10 62 98 - elise@unleashedwakemag.com WORLD REPORTER AND PROOFREADING Vicki Hernandez Dill +1(832)338-8116 - vicki@unleashedwakemag.com SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER MANAGER Hector Urzaiz Calpe +34 69 725 2381 - Hector@unleashedwakemag.com CONTRIBUTERS PHOTOGRAPHERS Roehm Hector Urzaiz Calpe, Tim Spanagel, Jon Shrimpton, Matt Cotton , Alexey Shabanov , Philippe Shack , Phil Sirech. CONTRIBUTERS WRITERS Vicki Dill, Liam Peacock, Joseph Holub, Jack Battleday, Scotty Broome, Martin Martin, Mark Heger, Zack Block , Danielle Crawford. VIDEO CREW Eric Lespagnon, Remi Quillot, Zac Conrad TRANSLATION Vicki Dill, Dominique Granger COUNTRIES

UNLEASHED SPAIN Hector Urzaiz Calpe +34 69 725 2381 - Hector@unleashedwakemag.com UNLEASHED JAPAN Nagahisa Matsukawa +81 9 016 752 900 - Matsu@unleashedwakemag.com UNLEASHED RUSSIA Katia Volkova +79 16 90 00 679 - kate@unleashedwakemag.com UNLEASHED CANADA Dominique Granger +1(514)267-1636 - dom@unleashedwakemag.com

Nikita Martianov © Alexey Shabanov

UNLEASHED FRANCE Jérôme Macquart +33(7) 60 89 76 43 - jerome@unleashedwakemag.com

UNLEASHED USA Philippe Sirech +1(407)800-3567 - philippe@unleashedwakemag.com UNLEASHED SOUTH AMERICA Nathalia Vinee +33750325437 - nathalia@unleashedwakemag.com PRINT : EVOLUPRINT France and Sundance solutions Orlando USA DIGITAL : ISSUU.COM

Unleashed Wakeboard Magazine is published six-time- sannually by Unleash Communication located at 2 rue d’orbesson 31100 Toulouse, France. All right reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is strictly prohibited. Unleashed Wakeboard Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited submissions including, but not limited tomanuscripts, photographs and illustrations. Disclamer: The activities described and photographed hereim are performed by trained athletes. Attempting anything contained within these pages could result in serious injury or death. Unleash Communication is not responsible for any injuries sustained by readers or the failure of any equipment shown herein. So wear an Helmet and a life vest !!!!







ZIPPER LOCK Features a button to keep the zipper secure and lock tight.

IMPACT FOAM Give yourself some extra protection and makes sure your body can take a beating.

Dieter Humpsch is always in search of unique locations and natural obstacles to take wake skating to the next level. The South African was born ready to explore.


Dieter Humpsch

The reinforced stitching makes the vest stronger and more durable.

PK FRONT ZIP Keeps the vest nice and tight around your body.

Like every year since the world began, September comes with fall & highly anticipated new products here in FLORIDA. Everyone is eagerly awaiting this time of the year to find out what will be happening in the wakeboard industry during 2017. All the brands are ready to display their 2017 innovations to the professionals and journalists, who come to Orlando to experience the mecca of wakeboarding. One more time Surf Expo will open their doors to the most eclectic crowd composed of professionals, retailers, cable-park owners, miscellaneous riders, as well as the pro’s. Experts during the show will present their new signature guns to the retailers of the world. It’s a competition between the brands here, each of them wanting to have the best innovations and be the king of style. However, it’s a peaceful battle because ultimately wakeboarding is a huge family where sharing passion is the main objective. This issue brings you the most incredible content and reports on the most impressive wakeboard events of the first part of the season. Unleashed gives you the perfect mix of interviews, events, reports, innovations and all the news you should know if you want to stay connected with the heart of the sport. In addition we started a partnership with ZACHARY RYAN BLOCK who created a comic strip about wakeboarding. We are proud to present to you the first 12 pages of this insane story. It will be a comic series that you can find in the magazine throughout the year. We hope you will enjoy that! All the Unleashed Crew worldwide joins me in wishing you happy reading. If you have any suggestions or remarks on this issue feel free to contact us at info@ unleashedwakemag.com. Enjoy this brand new edition of your favorite Wakeboard magazine. Enjoy the EVOLUTION of UNLEASHED WAKEBOARD MAGAZINE Philippe Sirech 8

Nikita Martianov © Alexey Shabanov

















C A S T O R C R E W ´ S D A I LY W O R K W E A R


W inch ing

12 / N EW S P RO D UC T S

by CK Koester / photos : Jon Shripton

Wakeboarding in the UK is on the r ise again. There are full size par ks spread across the countr y and Sys tem 2.0’s popping up left, r ight and center. The spor t in the UK is following the trends in the wake wor ld, with wake par ks full of features and the wake groms a bsolutely shredding their faces off. With this in mind, w hen you’re in your late 20’s you have to do something unique t o s t a y r e l eva n t . F o r m e t h i s i s w i n c h i n g , a n d t h i s i s w h e r e “Yes terday Crew” has evolved. I’ve said too many times , ‘I wish we did tha t’. It’s easy to jus t r ide your local wake par k again and again, but going out and finding spots , that takes time. So we loaded the Van with two winches , plenty of boards and a photogra pher and headed Nor th towards the Lake Distr ict UK, searching for spots along the way on our smar t phones. We had one must-go spot which would be a revisit from a disastrous trip a few months ear lier. This was known as the ‘two ledges . Other than that it was weir s and natural features that were in the cards . We hit a wall a t a huge reser voir then followed off around the Nor th searching far and wide. Three days later we e n d e d u p h a v i n g o n l y r i d d e n o n e o t h e r s p o t a l o n g t h e wa y, at the two ledges . After spending an entire day there, for only a couple of shots , we decided to call it quits .

20 / N EW S I N N OVAT I O N / Hercules / Woo Wa ke

T h e t h i n g a b o u t w i n c h i n g i s i t ’s a lwa y s a m i s s i o n . N o s p o t i s ever close by or easy to access , but that’s the fun of it and it makes getting the shot totally wor th it. The point of winching is that it’s hard and takes time, but if you don’ t do it you’ll regret it and it’ll be too la te. You don’ t want to be saying, “I should have done it yes terday’.

#Yes terdayCrew



24 / ART Y / Les Petroleuses


34 /

26 / MUS I C / Mar tin Mar tin Turncable Takeover photo : Stefan Eigner

28 / EV EN T / Plas tic Playground 2016

Sesitec Teamr ider s taking over Tur ncable. What was this project all about? Simply about having a great time with the best team mates, wakeboarding from day to night, showing some creative riding and all of that captured in nice shots and videos. After the big action spor ts event, Munich Mash, a lot of Sesitec’s Teamr ider s were already in Ger many. Perfect time and place to gather around and have a nice team wakeboard session. And why not invite some great photographers and filmmakers and make a media event out of it? To join the other guys , wakeboard legend Tom Fooshee came all the way from Amer ica and took par t in a week of wakeboarding and photo shooting. To catch some good light, the team had to get up early in the morning. Coffee and go! Seeing the first results, the team was convinced and made their best to get out of bed every day before sunrise. Top photographer Stefan Eigner and filmmaker Steffen Vollert were joined by Lukas Riegl and Jan Schädle. This constellation of creative minds combined with professional and fun riding was a guarantee for big hits. With the help of the whole team, the shots were realized. Back to the boat life: Tom or Brenton jumped onto the motorboat and drove the photographers and filmmakers as close to the features as possible.

The crew was unbeatable! What a strong constellation of riders: Nico von Lerchenfeld, Felix Georgii, Tom Fooshee, James Windsor, Brenton Priestley, Max Balser, Yanneck Konda, Steffen Vollert, Manu Rupp and Tobias Michel. The System 2.0 HD was their playground for almost a whole week! Here, the guys had their private area, could talk about their ideas, enjoyed food together (from awesome burgers, pasta to excellent BBQ) and could also sleep in on-site bungalows. Two boys shared a bungalow where they could spread their wakeboards and stuff – for these few days it really felt like a small wakeboard community just focusing on a common goal. To let everyone else share their experience at Turncable Takeover, the guys were constantly publishing great action shots on social media with the hashtag #turncabletakeover.

34 / T RI P / Winching

After long days of shooting the team was always coming together at a campfire, enjoying some beers and BBQ and just having a good time. They know each other really well, but the times when they come together for a longer period of time, just doing what they love, are getting quite rare. So there were enough topics to talk about – from wakeboard history to hair care (yes!) and the performance of the German soccer team during the European Championships. All in all, the project could not have turned out any better. The team grew together even more and had an awesome time together, they pushed each other to great performances, showed their creativity and skills and the outcomes were amazing. Thanks to the whole Turncable crew as they didn’t miss a beat. The team riders didn’t have to worry about anything but having a good time. Great people – great project – Turncable Takeover was a blast... or how the boys would say – Turncable Takeover was gnarly!

But the action was not only happening at the System 2.0 HD. Also shooting at the two Full Size Cables with a brand new Unit Parktech set-up was on the list and completed their perfect spot for having a great wakeboard shooting. It was all about capturing high-quality shots! The set-up at the System 2.0 HD was rebuilt every day. The riders were doing it all together: first discussing what set-up could be fun and challenging to ride and then jumping in the water, rebuilding and anchoring it. From time to time it became an exhausting task to complete but together as a team the guys really killed it. The results were action packed, great photos and videos. But it was not only about wakeboarding all the time ... the young guns Yanneck Konda and Tobi Michel were showing their superman skills while being pulled up the air by the System 2.0 HD. Also barefoot riding was up on the “agenda”– always a classic. JAMES WINDSOR 44

42 / EV EN T / Tur nca ble takeover


42 /

48 / EV EN T / Uk Pro Tour 52 / W H AT MAT T ERS / D aniel Grant 54 / I N T ERV I EW / J on Shr im pton


56 / C O MI C S / Shake the Lake vol.1-par t1


56 /

68 / C O N T ES T / Fise 2016 70 / I N T ERV I EW / Aaron G unn The

76 / I N T ERV I EW / Angelik a Schr iber

Aaron Gunn © S h r mi pt on




81 / S H O P P I N G G I R L S


82 / C O N T ES T / Wake Air Contes t

70 /

84 / H OW T O WAK E / Liam Peacock The LIFE of a Pro

86 / LO C AL H ERO / Loic D eschaud

Wa ke bo a rde r

Angelika Schribe r by / photos : Jon Shrimpton

S o u t h A f r i c a n b e a u t y, A n g e l i k a S c h r i b e r, h a s b e e n traveling the globe lately slaying ever y cable she r ides . When she’s not traveling and competing she calls the G o l d C o a s t o f Au s t r a l i a h e r h o m e . T h o u g h s h e l o o k s all of 18, Ange, as her fr iends call her, jus t tur ned 30 in M a rc h . S h e ’s b e e n r i d i n g s i n c e s h e wa s 1 4 a l t h o u g h s h e s t a r t e d o u t a s a b o a t r i d e r. F i ve ye a r s l a t e r s h e d i s c ov e r e d C a b l e S k i C a i r n s a n d o n l y p l a n n e d t o r i d e c a b l e t o i m p rove h e r b o a t r i d i n g , w h i c h wa s h e r profession at the time. She fell in love with cable wake b o a r d i n g , e x c e l l e d p r e t t y q u i c k l y, a n d s t a r t e d fi r s t c o m p e t i n g i n 2 0 0 8 . F ro m t h a t m o m e n t o n s h e n eve r looked back.


88 / N EW S P O T / Shar k Wake Par k


76 / 10

// / / B I T EB I RD \\\\ Do you need an easy and cheap internet connection when traveling abroad? Bitebird offers a high speed Wi-Fi connection for up to 10 devices in more than 50 countries around the world. The connection is secure and private, and you can save up to 90% compared to roaming costs! Enjoy Bitebird Wi-Fi now by ordering on www.bitebird.com

/ / / / I O N 2017 \\\\ For ION the time was ready to try something really new: A unique entry level concept that delivers maximum freedom of movement! The Zipless version in our wetsuit line turned out to be most flexible and light, thanks the single lined back panel. • EPIC FLEX: No restrictive zipper to hinder your movements. • LIGHTWEIGHT: No heavy plush lining and a lighter double lined back panel. • MAKI TAPE: 100% neo tape sealed on the inside for superb flex and water resistance Experience the freedom of movement! www.ion-products.com

//// LKI \\ \\ LKI Boardshorts Brand: LKI Style: Disarm Code: L106A1027 Colourway: Blue - Multi Available: NOV Info: LKI Mens 19’ board short - 88% Polyester, 12% Spandex - Sublimated Artwork - Rear Zip Pocket with key Loop www.loosekid.com




Bolt Connecting pin TIGHT S PA CING


C leat

www.candock.com Spa c er Sliding nut Bumper







/ / / / K IT V ISI ON


Kitvision introduces the new Escape 4KW action camera, with 4K ultra HD video resolution, Wi-Fi and a built-in high resolution 2” display, allowing you to create action packed videos that truly evokes the moments that you enjoyed. The new Escape 4KW is perfect for all types of extreme sports; it can be taken to depths up to 30 meters when fitted into the waterproof case included. The Escape 4KW can also be switched to photo mode for high resolution 12 megapixel photographs, or you can use the Time Lapse mode to unleash your creative side. Thanks to its Wi-Fi compatibility it’s simple to send over file to mobile devices, you can also control the action camera from a distance and playback the captured footage. With an easy to use app available for Android and iOS devices, you can easily download and share footage online. The new Kitvision Escape 4KW also comes with a range of accessories included. With the 30 meter waterproof case, bicycle mount, helmet mount, and adhesive mounts, you can use your camera on a car, board, bike, or helmet and be confident that it is safe and secure. Features: •4K Ultra High Definition recording •1080p 60fps video mode for smooth recording •Wi-Fi connectivity (app available for remote view/control) •12 MP photo resolution and time lapse mode •Hi-res 2inch built-in LCD display Kitvision products are available in most high street and online retailers such as Amazon UK. www.kitvision.co.uk

/ / / / S AN D B OX 2017 \\\\ The Legend Low Rider from Sandbox, perfect for protecting your head, while making sure you look damn fine while throwing down and impressing the guys & girls on the shore. All Sandbox Low Rider helmets are CE certified for water sports. Now available with ear covers (sold separately) to protect your ear drums and ensure you can still rock out to Zeppelin when you’re 90. www.sandboxland.com

//// MY STZ.C O M \\\\ The shirt is the Coalition limited edition - Proceeds go towards the full length movie Happy shredding bucket hat - pick your own patch Camo stay outside bucket hat - pick your own patch www.MYSTZ.com


// / / WA PH \\\\ Feel the real power of your bindings with the lace systems from the french brand WAPH. WAPH is a new brand from France, created by a wakeboarder, but also an engineer. Created at the end of 2015, with a strong boardsport spirit, the brand is now a ‘can’t miss’ in France, and is promised to have a great future. Its first main product was a shoelace belt, with a 3D printed buckle. The WAPH shoelace belt is the lightest and easiest to use belt, inspired from the way skateboarders tighten their pants with shoelaces. But WAPH pushes innovation further and rebuilt its shoelace belt to use it like a tightening system on bindings! The REINFORCED pack was born, which is now a best seller on the market. The pack is composed of two strong laces and two unbreakable buckles which were redesigned from the belt’s buckle. They are 3D printed and life warranted. With its real cog-wheel inside, the laces’ traction is distributed in the best way in your bindings and the tightening is automatic. These lacing systems will make you have a tightening comfort you have never experienced ! It really doesn’t move, and makes you feel the power of your bindings like you’ve never experienced before. Two kind of packs are available: REINFORCED for 2 laces and 2 buckles or REINFORCED x2 for 4 laces and 4 buckles, depending of how many laces your bindings need. The packs are compatible with all bindings with laces. WAPH didn’t stop there. They pushed the concept even farther by creating the WAPH subscription. Actually some bindings are really hard for laces, even if it’s a really strong one. So WAPH found the solution and introduce the WAPH subscription so that you get new laces regularly and enjoy the REINFORCED technology all season without stress. WAPH is the only brand in the world to do that! Now, you can enjoy full power throughout your season! The REINFORCED pack by WAPH will be used by the entire French team in contests. Everything is 100% made in France. Discover WAPH on the website www.waph.fr, on facebook WAPH and instagram @waph_officiel 16

/ / / / 2017 MO FO U R AB LE \\\\ Crafted in EU and more than ‘Able’ to cope with every obstacle that comes under its durable, yet super fast, grind base. The brand new, tech-filled, Mofour stick is rocking partial channels, with a slight concave on both sides of the base, enabling the board a controllable lock while pressing those pipes and rails. The slanted sidewalls promise durability and sharp edging, while the shape of the outline reduces the impact on those heavy-knee-killer landings. Carefully chosen, lightweight-prime materials, with strategically placed carbon reinforcements, contribute to a very pop-Able and flex-Able high-end wakeboard. You like your stance wide or new school narrow? Extra added inserts cover both ends of the stance spectrum. The 2017 Mofour Able is the obvious choice for every shredder looking for a Swiss knife amongst the ultimate park oriented wakeboards. It comes in sizes 137,140 and 144. www.mofourwakeboards.com

//// LAMZAC \\\\ The Lamzac® the original is a new product from the Netherlands. The Lamzac® the original is a comfortable seat or sofa for two that you can fill with air within seconds using our unique filling technique. While the Lamzac® the original is large and comfy when you use it, it is easily deflated and stored in a small package allowing you to take it anywhere you want! As a result the Lamzac® the original is the perfect buddy for all your outdoor activities such as traveling, festivals, beach trips, hanging out in the park and much more. Meanwhile the lightweight but strong and durable fabric will ensure that you can use the Lamzac® the original over and over again. Be prepared to get loads of attention when using this product in public! www.fatboy.com/fr/lamzac

/ / / / S LI N GS H O T \\\\ The KTV boot has been completely re-invented in 2017 with the addition of our ALL NEW Gummy Strap closure system, Direct Connect souls, and the K9 mounting system. Strap into your boots in just seconds and feel the immediate improvement in support / security / and comfort with this NEW low profile closure system. Simply stretch the straps to the desired tension and lock them onto the pin for a closure that refuses to slip or slide and never requires adjustment during your sessions. The Direct Connect souls give your setup a fresh new look by eliminating the bulky base-plate and puts your feet in direct contact with the surface of the board for an immediate transfer of energy from the time you initiate to the time the board reacts. Mix and match strap colors with the second set of highlight colors supplied in the box for a cool and unique custom look. www.slingshot.fr


Konex is proud to introduce the most robust and customizable linear cable system in the world. Developed around the needs of both the owner and the rider, it oers better performance, more options and less downtime. CUSTOM BUILD YOUR CABLE SYSTEM konexwakeparks.com

Hercules WAE OUTDOOR RUSH 2016 Innova t ion Awa rds H onoree a t CES in La s Vegas .


WAE OUTDOOR RUSH, with its IP67 certification, is not only immersionresistant (able to withstand being submerged in 1 meter of water for 30 minutes), but also “oceanproof”: its metallic grills are specially treated to protect them against corrosion by salty seawater, via a nickel electroplating process. Lab tests have demonstrated up to 2 years of resistance when the speaker is completely immersed in seawater! Also providing full protection against dust, sand and snow, WAE OUTDOOR RUSH is the perfect companion for all your training sessions, when preparing for competitions or for just kicking back and relaxing. Whether you’re into surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, standup paddleboarding, skiing, snowboarding or any other boardsports, WAE OUTDOOR RUSH lets you experience your outdoor activities with even more intensity – accompanied by your favorite tunes!



WAE OUTDOOR RUSH is the only wireless speaker in its category to feature FM radio. This means that even in the riskiest and wettest conditions (where no one would want to bring their fragile smartphone along) – or in situations where you just don’t want to run down your phone’s battery – the music never has to stop! The speaker’s FM tuner ensures high-quality reception and lets you easily find and tune in to radio stations in your vicinity, no matter where you are in the world. Just press the “FM” button on the speaker or in the WAE app to start scanning for stations: the information is then displayed in the app, on your smartphone’s screen. You can even switch between stations directly on the speaker itself. The FM radio works independently of your phone, allowing you to leave it in a safe place when necessary – and still be able to listen to music, whatever kind of conditions you find yourself in. The speaker’s radio antenna is internal, so there’s no risk of breaking it when you’re out enjoying your sports activities.

Although it’s compact in size and highly portable (weighing in at just 0.7 pounds/320 grams), the power and sound quality put out by the WAE OUTDOOR RUSH in outdoor conditions will blow you away. Its rechargeable battery allows for 12 hours of continuous use. WAE OUTDOOR RUSH also features a very handy “Boost Charger” mode, allowing you to use all of the speaker’s power to charge your phone if its battery is weak in an emergency situation. Thanks to its built-in standard screw thread, WAE OUTDOOR RUSH is compatible with any attachment system. Hercules already offers great packs of accessories for its WAE Outdoor range of speakers, and will be releasing new ones specially designed for water sports and mountain sports as well. So get ready to experience all of your rides more intensely than ever, while listening to your favorite music! Ready for the ultimate adrenaline rush?



WOO Wake is a new game to progress your riding and connects you with wakeboarders all around the world. WOO Wake gives a rider a score for every trick during a session. Riders can boost their score with a more difficult trick variation and longer airtime. Or lose points for a sketchy landing. The game is powered by a little piece of technology that mounts right on your board - the WOO. Once mounted, simply press record on the WOO and go ride! When you’re back at the dock, sync up your WOO via Bluetooth with your phone and download your session into the WOO Wake App. Imagine it’s game on in your cable park, where riders complete challenges, unlock badges, and battle it out against their local and global peers. // Available for pre-order NOW at www.woosports.com/wake



Get a high score on a specific trick variation, and try to complete the WOO tricktionary. WOO will detect regular vs. switch, heelside vs. toeside, and frontside vs. backside tricks! TRACK YOUR PROGRESSION

Every jump from every session is recorded to help you track your riding over time. See your riding progress as you log new tricks, and boost your trick scores! CHALLENGE FRIENDS

Challenge your friends around the world to keep the competitive vibes flowing every day of the week. Follow friends and track all their session to see how they’re keeping up! LEADERBOARDS

Check the leaderboards to see where you stand: King of your local spot? National leader on a specific trick? Or best rider in your groups of friends? Where will you claim the top-spot!?


Wirelessly synchronize WOO to your phone on the go SHOCKPROOF

Designed to take a beating and keep recording WATERPROOF

Completely sealed to protect against damage CORROSION RESISTANT

The device contacts hold up to repeated contact with water BATTERY

Long battery life (8 hours / 1200+ jumps) 9-AXIS MOTION SENSOR

Records motion in every possible direction TRICK DETECTION

Recognizes and scores tricks in the tricktionary RECORDS EVERY JUMP

Jump height, airtime, landing g-force & landing quality



Gra phic designer s , illus trator s and screen pr inter s , Alice & Valoo created the b r a n d T h e Fe m a l e A r s o n i s t s ( L e s P é t ro l e u s e s ) . A r m e d w i t h c a n s o f p a i n t a n d wooden framewor ks , they give life to poetic and wacky animals .

From the basement of their workshop in Toulouse, the two assistants adorn tote bags, t-shirts, postcards and notebooks with their drawings embellished with their slogans with punk and quirky influences. Born from a common desire to launch a creative project around serigraphy (a technical print using a stencil), they create a limited-series bestiary where each model has a unique touch, thanks to the artisanal process. Their graphic style causes a universe where Valoo’s vivacity and Alice’s sweetness are wonderfully combined. The reference to Christian-Jaque’s movie is obviously intentional. The

blonde one, Brigitte Bardot, and the brunette, Claudia Cardinale, are two women with sturdy characters and the film tells the story of a criminal association! The Female Arsonists (Les Pétroleuses) sell their creations in creators’ markets, shops and exhibitions. They weave their network through France and do not intend to stop there! www.les-petroleuses.fr www.instagram.com/lespetroleuses www.facebook.com/lespetroleusesdesign 24

steffen vollert

stefan eigner

M2X often mixes in wake parks with musical and punchy sets in a sunny and lounge atmosphere for the happiness of riders and families. This is a special place where people share a great time with unforgettable smiles and the celebration of new tricks while shredding to Martin Martin’s music.

Martin Martin, nicknamed M2X, from his real name Laurent Bolorinos, is a French artist from Toulouse. He started his DJ career when he was young and became passionate about electronic music. As a winter sports lover, wakeboarding is a good substitute for snow, and mixing his two passions came easily to him.

We hope he continues to discover new trendy spots, to travel around the world, to meet new musicians, and to keep on performing and progressing while make a living from his passion!

M2X can diversify his sound at his best. He considers that the meaning of a mix, its atmosphere and its inner energy are key points for him. M2X’s music is not a simple series of sounds but a real and deep reflection: Mixing compositions, searching for new sounds, developing originality and matching music with riders is his mission.

You can find his new sound selection in the next edition.

Follow him on Facebook : www.facebook.com/2xMartin - Follow him on Soundcloud : www.soundcloud.com/martin2x

Mr. Rogers I‘ll Take You (Jenaux Remix)

Martin Martin Bootleg Brass (Original Mix)

Royal Blood, Rkayna Pretty Lights (Original Mix)


Glitch Hop

SkilfulGorilla Jazz Me Imfamous (original Mix)

Glitch Hop

Royal Blood Stain Remover (Original Mix)

Icona Pop, Louis The Child Weekend (SNBRN Remix)





Pl a s t i c Playground

2 0 1 6 by Phil Sirech / photos : Jon Shrimpton

P l a s t i c P l a y g ro u n d h a s q u i c k l y b e c o m e o n e o f t h e wo r l d ’ s major Wake par k events dur ing each contes t season. Held in the UK, jus t outside London, the Liquid Leisure Cable and Boat Par k br ings the wor ld’s bes t Wake Par k athletes together for a fun packed week in July. Plas tic Playground a ttracts the bes t r i d e r s w i t h n o t o n l y a h e a l t hy p r i z e p o o l , bu t a l a ke bu r s t i n g full of UNIT Par ktech features , that will allow them to br ing out t h e m o s t c r e a t i ve a n d c o m p e t i t i ve r i d i n g s e e n a t a ny Wa ke Par k event all year.





The world class guy and girl riders, competing at the event, reached in the hundreds across amateur and professional divisions during this 5 day event outside the UK capital. The course setup was huge with 18 different UNIT features spread out across every spare stretch of the Liquid Leisure lake, including the huge final hit of a kicker to quarter pipe. This insane UNIT setup, specially designed for Plastic Playground, took some practice with each rider needing to string together 11-12 different feature hits in one lap. Not to mention hitting every feature perfect as you have only have one lap. Because of this the Liquid Leisure grounds had become a camp site of the worlds Wake Park community in the lead up to the event with tent villages and nightly hang outs at the Liquid Leisure bar and entertaining rooms were the norm in the week prior. Each entrant spent their days fine-tuning runs before the contest started.


The amateur divisions, included for the first time ever at Plastic Playground, were thoroughly enjoyed by all spectators, as well as family and fans as they concluded their main competition on Saturday. Each rider was able to enjoy the lake all to themselves during their runs and see just what it felt like to compete on a world-class setup. Full results can be found on plasticplayground. co.uk, which includes all the Plastic Playground 2016 winners. The Liquid Leisure Park crew, headed up by Stu Marston, and ‘island leader’ Jim Sedgwick ran an awesome week for all at Plastic Playground. With a host of entertainment including FMX, Jet Ski, Wake Surf and SUP Yoga demos, Stu had everything covered to ensure a good weekend


SCOTTY BROOME for everyone. The trader’s village had just about every brand’s new products on display including some cutting edge technology used for the first time at the event. Each and every run from plastic playground was filmed using an autonomous drone system called ‘Airdog’, as well as each athlete’s speed, height and g-forces reached were measured by Woo Sports. Wakeboard competition was truly stepping into the future this weekend. Meanwhile Jim’s ‘island leader’ status came from the fact that he headed up the judging crew who were based on the island in the middle of the lake. Locked away from everything and everyone for 5 days straight,

along with assistance from an international crew of male and female riders including Parks Bonifay, this job was no small feat. While Matt Crowhurst, Parks and I commentated over Sunday’s main part of the event, we discussed just how much the park scene had changed in the 20 years we had all collectively been watching it evolve. From the early days of Scott Byerly hitting PVC piping screwed down to a dock, to now what can only be described as a full blown Skate Park on water, the use of features and obstacles in Wakeboarding has given rise to some amazing talents.



The women’s event at Plastic was the best example of this evolution with insane tech tricks, spins, and transfer combos coming from the whole field of professional women. Trick lines that any male rider would be happy to stick were on display and setting the bar of women’s riding high. Liquid Leisure’s own Megan Barker took her, ‘no holds barred charging’ all the way through to the finals, boosting bigger than anyone on the UNIT XL kicker and would represent the UK and her home park well slotting into the top 8. Taylor McCullough, Michela Phillips (riding with a fractured foot), Ange Schriber and Maxine Sapulette filled in the runner up positions with great riding all through the rounds and into the finals.

In the professional Men’s event 51 competitors from the UK, Europe, Asia, US and Australia came together in London chasing their share of the $30K prize pool and Plastic Playground glory. The level across this field was insane with previous champs Dominik Hernler and Yonel Cohen both on form again throughout the event. Chandler Powell, who is always a force at wake park events around the world, made another final here at Plastic Playground with his own creative approach to charging, like big Method BS 3 combo’s and technical rail lines. Australia’s Busty Dunn was a force the entire event showing off his deep bag of tricks with a HS Front 900 and TS Back 1080 in the Quarter finals, and a HS Back 9 and HS Front 1080 in the finals that would be good enough to secure 5th. Carrying on his impressive riding after success at FISE in 2016, US rider Guenther Oka was super solid across the whole course and landed in 4th place.

3rd place went to US rider Anna Nikstad, who spent the previous couple of months living and working at Liquid Leisure, put her time to great use sticking a clean line around the Plastic Playground course and locked in a podium finish. The consistent and technical approach from German rider and Wake Park World Champ Julia Rick would land her in a very respectable 2nd place, as the USA’s Jamie Lopina took 1st place. Jamie approached the course with some super creative lines, technical full pulls and solid riding on all features to take home the Plastic Playground crown in 2016.

The UK was well represented during the country’s premier Wake Park event with Ryan Peacock taking out the first of the podium spots in Pro Men. Ryan took a completely different approach to these features and flowed between them effortlessly to secure arguably his biggest major international pro podium. No doubt it won’t be his last. Previous champ of



Plastic, Yonel Cohen, kept that winning form and knowledge of the event again, with impressive lines and huge spins to take out 2nd place. Australia’s Aaron Gunn would be the Plastic Playground champ in 2016 with completely locked-in hits on the entire UNIT Parktech course, including combo spins in and out of every rail, a HS Back 9 and massive quarter pipe transfer to seal his run and claim the 2016 Plastic Playground title.

huge success. All the efforts by the team and staff at Liquid Leisure, the trader villages, the excellent efforts made by fund raisers for Brad Smeele and Mac Rosen throughout the weekend, and of course the epic crowd made this event one for the memory books. Keep an eye out for news of next year’s event on the plasticplaygrounds.co.uk website as well as a recap of all runs filmed autonomously using Airdog. No doubt next year will raise the bar a little higher on what a Wake Park event can be!

A massive thank you must go out to all the staff and everyone behind making the Plastic Playground event in 2016 such a


Win c h i n g by CK Koester / photos : Jon Shrimpton

Wakeboarding in the UK is on the r ise again. There are full size par ks spread across the countr y and Sys tem 2.0’s popping up left, r ight and center. The spor t in the UK is following the trends i n t h e wa ke wo r l d , w i t h wa ke p a r k s f u l l o f f e a t u r e s a n d t h e wa ke g ro m s a b s o l u t e l y s h re d d i n g t h e i r fa c e s o ff. Wi t h t h i s i n mind, w hen you’re in your late 20’s you have to do something u n i q u e t o s t a y r e l eva n t . F o r m e t h i s i s w i n c h i n g , a n d t h i s i s w here “Yes terday Crew” has evolved. I’ve said too many times , ‘I wish we had done that’. It’s easy to jus t r ide your local wake par k again and again, but going out and finding spots , tha t takes time. So we loaded the Van with two winches , plenty of boards and a photogra pher and headed Nor th towards the Lake Distr ict UK, searching for spots along the way on our smar t phones. We had one must-go spot which would be a revisit from a disastrous trip a few months ear lier. This was known as the ‘two ledges . Other than that it was weir s and natural features that were in t h e c a rd s . We h i t a wa l l a t a huge reser voir then followed off around the Nor th searching far and wide. Three days later we e n d e d u p h a v i n g o n l y r i d d e n o n e o t h e r s p o t a l o n g t h e wa y, at the two ledges . After spending an entire day there, for only a couple of shots , we decided to call it quits . T h e t h i n g a b o u t w i n c h i n g i s i t ’s a lwa y s a m i s s i o n . N o s p o t i s ever close by or easy to access , but that’s the fun of it and it makes getting the shot totally wor th it. The point of winching is that it’s hard and takes time, but if you don’ t do it you’ll regret it and it’ll be too la te. You don’ t want to be saying, “I should have done it yes terday’.

#Yes terdayCrew


35 C K KO E ST E R


37 C K KO E ST E R








Turncable Take ove r photo : Stefan Eigner

Sesitec Teamr ider s taking over Tur ncable. What was this project all about? Simply about having a great time with the best team mates, wakeboarding from day to night, showing some creative riding and all of that captured in nice shots and videos. After the big action spor ts event, Munich Mash, a lot of Sesitec’s Teamr ider s were already in Ger many. Perfect time and place to gather around and have a nice team wakeboard session. And why not invite some great photographers and filmmakers and make a media event out of it? To join the other guys , wakeboard legend Tom Fooshee came all the way from Amer ica and took par t in a week of wakeboarding and photo shooting. The crew was unbeatable! What a strong constellation of riders: Nico von Lerchenfeld, Felix Georgii, Tom Fooshee, James Windsor, Brenton Priestley, Max Balser, Yanneck Konda, Steffen Vollert, Manu Rupp and Tobias Michel. The System 2.0 HD was their playground for almost a whole week! Here, the guys had their private area, could talk about their ideas, enjoyed food together (from awesome burgers, pasta to excellent BBQ) and could also sleep in on-site bungalows. Two boys shared a bungalow where they could spread their wakeboards and stuff – for these few days it really felt like a small wakeboard community just focusing on a common goal. To let everyone else share their experience at Turncable Takeover, the guys were constantly publishing great action shots on social media with the hashtag #turncabletakeover.

To catch some good light, the team had to get up early in the morning. Coffee and go! Seeing the first results, the team was convinced and made their best to get out of bed every day before sunrise. Top photographer Stefan Eigner and filmmaker Steffen Vollert were joined by Lukas Riegl and Jan Schädle. This constellation of creative minds combined with professional and fun riding was a guarantee for big hits. With the help of the whole team, the shots were realized. Back to the boat life: Tom or Brenton jumped onto the motorboat and drove the photographers and filmmakers as close to the features as possible. After long days of shooting the team was always coming together at a campfire, enjoying some beers and BBQ and just having a good time. They know each other really well, but the times when they come together for a longer period of time, just doing what they love, are getting quite rare. So there were enough topics to talk about – from wakeboard history to hair care (yes!) and the performance of the German soccer team during the European Championships. All in all, the project could not have turned out any better. The team grew together even more and had an awesome time together, they pushed each other to great performances, showed their creativity and skills and the outcomes were amazing. Thanks to the whole Turncable crew as they didn’t miss a beat. The team riders didn’t have to worry about anything but having a good time. Great people – great project – Turncable Takeover was a blast... or how the boys would say – Turncable Takeover was gnarly!

But the action was not only happening at the System 2.0 HD. Also shooting at the two Full Size Cables with a brand new Unit Parktech set-up was on the list and completed their perfect spot for having a great wakeboard shooting. It was all about capturing high-quality shots! The set-up at the System 2.0 HD was rebuilt every day. The riders were doing it all together: first discussing what set-up could be fun and challenging to ride and then jumping in the water, rebuilding and anchoring it. From time to time it became an exhausting task to complete but together as a team the guys really killed it. The results were action packed, great photos and videos. But it was not only about wakeboarding all the time ... the young guns Yanneck Konda and Tobi Michel were showing their superman skills while being pulled up the air by the System 2.0 HD. Also barefoot riding was up on the “agenda”– always a classic. 43

Pre mi e re o f



a c ompl e te s u c c e ss photos : Daniel Den Barcos



Dominik Hernler rocked the Olympic Lake this Sunday with victory at the WAKEBOARD BIG AIR event. The Austrian pulled off a stunning Switch Mobe Melon to claim top spot ahead of local heroes Dominik Gührs and Nico von Lerchenfeld at what was the first edition of this exciting event in Munich’s Olympic Park. “I am so happy. Today everything came off and the atmosphere here at the Olympic Lake was really cool,” commented event winner Hernler.

set for a tantalizing showdown between the final four. In the final heat with three runs for each rider the 24-year-old Austrian, who lives in Orlando, pulled off a sick Switch Mobe Melon to secure victory in the WAKEBOARD BIG AIR contest. Munich native, Dominik Gührs, dialed in a sweet Double Halfcab Flip Mute but was unable to match Hernler’s amplitude. Nico von Lerchenfeld was the only rider to hit the kicker toeside, but he was unable to stick his trick clean and had to settle for third place.

The final of the WAKEBOARD BIG AIR contest, held in front of 16.500 MASH-spectators lining the banks of the lake, could hardly have been more tense.

“The atmosphere among the spectators and athletes was proof that it was the right decision to add Wakeboard to the MASH program this year,” commented Arno Hartung, CEO of the Olympic Park in Munich.

In the head-to-head KO round there were four riders from Germany: Nico von Lerchenfeld, Benedikt Tremmel, Dominik Gührs and Felix Georgii. In the end experience won over. Gührs and von Lerchenfeld progressed through together with Daniel Grant, who eliminated Aaron Gunn in his semi final, and Dominik Hernler, who defeated William Klang. The scene was

DON’T FORGET! The livestream of the WAKEBOARD BIG AIR can be watched on the MASH website until Friday, 15 July: http://www.munich-mash.com/2016/de_live_3.html


03.07.2016 15:52:27

Final Result Rank

BIB Lastname


Nationality City









AUT Orlando



F 156.66





GER Munich



F 156.33




GER Cologne



F 146.66





GBR Bangkok







AUS Sydney



KO 134.66





SWE Gothenburg



KO 127.66





GER Garching



KO 122.66





GER Kranzegg Im All








GER Frankfurt



Q 100.99





CAN Nanaimo


















AUT Linz









AUS Orlando Florida









NED Gemert









GER Landshut









AUS Sunshine Coast





Total Riders:


F 127.32



Copyright 2016 - Rawmotion GmbH - www.rawmotion.com

03.07.2016 15:52:27


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U K Pr o T ou r St o p 2 / L i ver p ool. UK by Scotty Broome / photos : John Shrimpton

The second event of the 2016 UK Pro Tour calendar fell on one of the mos t perfect weekends anyone could ask for. Perfect not jus t because i t wa s c e n t e r e d i n o n e o f t h e U K ’ s m o s t h i s t o r i c a n d i n t e r e s t i n g c i t i e s , n o r b e c a u s e i t wa s i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h a f r e e 3 d a y mu s i c a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t f e s t i va l o n t h e c i t y ’s wa t e r f ro n t , bu t b e c a u s e i t ha ppened to be dur ing one of the bes t r uns of hot wea ther anyone had seen dur ing the UK summer yet. It was bound to be a cracker of an event!


The city of Liverpool plays host to the International Mersey River Festival each year to celebrate the city’s historic waterfront, and showcase the vibrance of the city today with an incredible free music line-up, creative workshops, and ranges of entertainment for all ages.

that was to be installed straight after the event at the Industry 1 Liverpool Wake Park only minutes down the road. Having the riders and staff from the Industry 1 Liverpool Wake Park helped to make sure things went super smoothly and the event was well supported throughout the weekend. The staff and members from the local park are a great bunch that have helped to build, drive, and spread the stoke on Wakeboarding on to many. No one has done more than local rider and Autistic Wakeboarder, Mikey Pinder. Mikey has been a member at the Liverpool Park for sometime and was invited to do demonstration runs between heats while the main event was going on. With some effortless and flawless passes through the course, utilizing a variety of the features, Mikey was sure to inspire a new group of riders over the weekend to give it a go. He inspired not only the new riders, but also all of the competitors, by having as much fun as possible when on the water. Congrats Mikey!

It’s not the first time Wakeboarding has been showcased here with Liverpool previously hosting Red Bull Harbour Reach for the past 3 years running, so the crowds knew what they might come to expect from the Albert Docks wakeboard setup. They didn’t disappoint either supporting in the thousands to enjoy the event, consistent warm sunshine and some of the country’s top wakeboarding talent over the whole weekend. The course design was on point using again inspiration from the surroundings to create a super fun and challenging setup including various features incorporating the whiskey barrels that were once such a significant part of the Liverpool docks life and history. Also included was a brand new box feature


The young guns were a force to be reckoned with throughout the weekend. The perfect conditions meant everyone was able to shred at a really high level and having multiple parts to make up the contest gave different riders the chance to shine. With the judges, and photographers settled right in the middle of the docks, on a fleet of brand new Mastercraft wake boats, it would be Joe Battleday that would impress them the most and proved too strong for the strong field with some super technical riding, including a huge flowing BS 3 box transfer that landed him in the top spot on Saturday. Liam Peacock, in 2nd place, rode through another weekend of super consistent head to head rounds with moves including an Indy Double Toe-Side Backroll that was so on lock, even the Flyboarder had to be impressed. Freddie Carter rounded out the top 3 with some of the most creative approaches’ to the features all weekend, mixing that with some all-out charging meant he would also take the ‘Stand-out rider’ award of the day. The best trick categories on Sunday gave everyone, especially those with sore heads from enjoying Liverpool’s awesome nightlife, the chance to have a more relaxed session on the course and charge at particular tricks they wanted to stomp. Freddie Carter, not satisfied with two paychecks, took home a third winning the ‘best glide’ competition with a giant seatbelt batwing high above the 44 Gallon drum stacks. Matty Muncey was up there again using his own special approach and winning the best ‘over the barrels’ with a foot plant. Joe Battleday took home another win in the best ‘more than 540’, boosting a giant HS FS 900, and finally it was Ryan Peacock taking out the ‘best mobe’ contest with what can only be described as some kung fu crazy wake skills sticking a variation of an early handle pass Mute Tootsie roll rewind, and a super styled out Indy Pete Rose. Super impressive! Be sure to check out the videos on the Industry Wake Parks Facebook and through the website, along with more awesome event photos. The weather and riding was so good that chief photographer, Jon Shrimpton, didn’t have enough pages in Unleashed to run them all. A huge thanks to the event sponsors: Industry Wake Parks, Sesitec, UNIT, O’Neill and Mastercraft Boats along with the International Mersey River Festival for again showcasing wakeboarding in this awesome city. With two events left in the series things were sitting pretty for tour leader Joe Battleday with two wins under his belt. But there was a solid field of talent, young and old, breathing down his neck and some new events remaining, including the ‘Quadra Crown’ Glass Butter Beach Festival later in August, which will have Boat, Cable, Pool Gap and Kicker events throughout the weekend and bound to shake things up in the field from here.



Name: Daniel Grant Birthdate: 23/12/97 Hometown: Bangkok Thailand Sponsors: Ripcurl Liquid Force Spy Optic Sesitec Razer Unit Park Tech Intensity Pro Shop Thai Wake Park Stance: Goofy


Daniel GRANT photos : Daniel Den Barcos

What Makes Daniel Grant Cool?

What make a Music Cool ?

Haha weird question…um riding a wakeboard/wakeskate makes me cool? Because I live in Thailand and its hot here!

The energy and the places it can take you, nothing can compare.

What Makes a Ride Cool? To me is because one second you are in your own zone doing what makes you forget about everything else and be happy and the next minute you can connect with friends riding on the other side of the cable park or could even be inspired by the person riding ahead of you.

What Makes a Rider Cool? Cable Courtesy eg. going next to the feature if they are not going to hit it instead of riding straight down the middle of the cable.

What makes a board cool ? Its enables me to wakeboard.

What make a wakeskate cool ?

What makes a WAKE PARK cool? A Wake Park with an owner or crew that have an idea about wakeboarding.

The similarities that wake skating has to skateboarding is cool.

What makes a Girlfriend Cool ?

What makes a Wakeboard tricks look cool?

Amazing food and baking.

Putting creativity into your riding. Making it your own.

What makes a Huge Fall Cool?

What makes a Wakeboard Boat cool?

Laughing about it after making sure he/she’s alright.

The big speakers.

What makes Winch session cool?

What’s the most important thing in order to get sponsorship?

The reward you get after it’s all over and the people you are with.

Don’t go talking to everyone about your riding let your riding do the talking

What makes a video edit cool?

What’s the most important thing in order to progress?

You know a video edit is cool if as soon as you’re finished watching,you have that fire to be out there on the water.

Make sure you have all your basics.

What’s your last Words ?

What makes a photo cool? The better the camera the cooler the photo.

Watch Out for my new edit coming out December can’t wait to show you all what I’ve been up too! 53

jon SHRIMPTON by Phil Sirech / photo : Dave Wren

Hi Jon - Can you introduce yourself in few words? Easy going but focused, energetic but chilled, with a love for the extreme, known to many as Jonboy, Dad or Shrimpoid.

sure I have more than just the rider in the shot. I think landscape/ surroundings are very important in making a good image. Is there a place in the world where you like to shoot in particular? This is a hard one; there are so many places in the world I would love to get the perfect image. I take most of my images in the UK and there are some great spots, especially when winching. Though, if I were to choose the perfect country to shoot in, it would be between New Zealand and Japan. A perfect shot for me would be combining my love for wakeboarding and landscape: I’ve traveled all over the world and these two countries are without a doubt my favorite.

First of all, can you tell us how you came to take photos? I started taking photos when I was quite young. I’d say the first picture I ever took was when I was about 10 years old but I really got into photography when I was 16 and I’ve never really looked back. What artistic elements do you try to emphasize in a photo? The trick? The colors? Landscape? Well getting the image right in camera, before editing, is really important to me. However, if I was to choose two elements that are really important to me, when taking wakeboarding shots, it’s first of all the trick, if this isn’t up to scratch then the shot will never make the cut. The second is composition. I always make

Who do you usually shoot? I have had the pleasure of working and taking pictures of some


of the top wakeboarders in the world and most of them have become great friends, so the list is long and I wouldn’t want to leave anyone out. They all have their own distinct styles and I think one of the hardest elements of getting the “Perfect Shot” would be knowing your rider, reading what they are about to do, which takes so much time, but when you get it right the shots can be epic. So the answer to this question would be the riders I’ve spent most of my time shooting; Scotty Broome, Louis Floyd and CK Koester. Getting to know these guys and now knowing how they ride, what their strengths are, and their style, makes them a given for this question.

be on point. It combines all of the above, I get to do fashion, events and product shoots and I’m outside whether in a park or shooting a winch session, doing what I love most, taking pictures. Do you wakeboard as well? Do you find it frustrating sometimes when you see other riders having fun while you’re taking pictures? Yeah I try, love being out on the water. I used to kitesurf a lot but wake boarding has definitely taken over and I try and get out as much as possible. I wouldn’t say I get frustrated when I see others riding because I’m better placed behind the camera and I hate missing a shot, I also love watching someone having a great shred.

What kind of camera, flash, and lense do you use? Hahaha - the equipment question. I am a bit of equipment whore so I’m not going to go into any great detail because I would bore everyone that reads this. I’m am 100% Nikon when it comes to my cameras and lenses, I use two different cameras the D4s and the D810 and I have 5 lenses 14-24mm 2.8, 24-70mm 2.8, 70-200mm 2.8, 200500mm 5.6 and one prime lense which is the 105mm 2.8 this covers most eventualities. My Flash/Strobe setup consists of two elements, which are 2x Nikon SB900’s, and my strobe, which is a Profoto B1. I can’t leave out a couple of other vital pieces of equipment that I use a lot, my Aquetech Delfin water housing and I wouldn’t be able to get all this kit around without my Pell 1510 hard case and the work horse which I never leave the house without, My bag, FStop‘s Satori EXP.

Finally, do you have some important tips to give to those who want to progress with action sports photography? If you’re going to get involved in the action sports industry it’s all about determination and perseverance, whatever avenue you choose it doesn’t happen overnight. I took my first wakeboarding shots years ago and I thought they were the dogs but now when I look back I wouldn’t use one. It’s all about getting to know the sport you’re shooting, finding out what is needed in the shot and most importantly get to know your rider/s. Oh and get used to criticism, in any element of photography if you can’t take criticism don’t bother picking up a camera, it’s the only way you’re going to get better and there’s always room for improvement whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned pro.

Do you have any special camera configurations? Not really, I use a combination of camera and lenses for whatever the situation needs. If I were to pick my favorite configuration it would be my water Housing (Aquatech Delfin) the Nikon D4s and 14-24mm 2.8 lense. I love getting up close to the riders, whether I’m perched on an obstacle or bobbing around in the water next to one, I think this combo gives great perspective and great results.

Thanks for your time Jon, if you want to say something else, go for it! Thank you for the Interview… Yeah I would like to say thanks to a few people. Phil and Unleashed for the opportunity to talk about myself and for showcasing my work. Scotty Broome, Toby Yeo, Matt Crowhurst, Louis Floyd and CK Koester, for their time, advice, honest criticism and sick riding, couldn’t get the shots without them. Tim Woodhead and Industry Wake Parks for everything really, couldn’t of done half of the stuff I’ve been involved in without them, a massive contribution to my photography career. Finally, my other half Sinead and my family for literally putting up with me over the years and standing behind me at every turn and I can’t forget a shout out to my home park Liverpool Wake Park and the staff, this is where you can find me shredding like an elephant and honing my photography skills.

Do you take photos of other sports? Do you also shoot Fashion, Weddings, or other stuff? I started off shooting weddings but I just keep to friends and family now. Throughout my photography degree I shot a lot of fashion, products, and even forensic photography and loved it but I never really took to being stuck inside a studio. So I think this is where my soft spot for landscape came from, being up in the mountains, in the countryside or out on the water makes me happy. I love shooting any action sport. I’ve been an avid fan all my life of any sport with an edge, Motocross, Kitesurfing, Surfing, Wakesurfing Skating etc. etc. but over all Wakeboarding has to

Wakeboarding in the UK is growing at a pace and being involved in this growth is brilliant, I love what I do and I haven’t even touched the peak, can’t wait for what’s ahead, watch this space.















TH E 2 0 1 6 FI S e Through the eyes of GUENTHER OKA photo : Stefan Eigner


© hector

© hector

A s I h o p p e d o n my fi r s t p l a n e r i d e t o E u ro p e , a n d my fi n a l d e s t i n a t i o n being Montpellier, France, I had no idea w hat I was getting myself into. I had only heard the s tor ies about this legendar y contes t and until you’ve exper ienced Fise in the fir st per son, the stor ies will never do it justice. Upon arr iving at the tiny air por t of Montpellier, a 15 minute bus r ide landed us at Fise and I star ted to process exactly what was going down.

On one side of the event there is the skateboard, BMX, and mountain bike courses where the action is nonstop. On the other side there is the scooter and roller setup with all the restaurants in the background overlooking the river. Across from the restaurants and down into the river lies my favorite part, the wakeboarding. Sitting below the banks of the river is two, 2 way cable systems running above the some of the gnarliest wakeboard features of the year. This is where the main event of the weekend was going to take place.

the only people who come to watch wakeboarding events are the other competitor’s families and diehard wakeboard fans. The crowd at Fise was so unreal because of the energy they exuded and their enthusiasm in rooting for us. It definitely made competing way more fun. The Semi heats were listed, but by the looks of them they could have all been Final heats. I was put into a heat with some of the best like James Windsor, Blake Bishop, and Yonel Cohen. It was an epic heat and I happened to find myself sitting top seed going into Finals the next day. The final day of Fise was here and after a great couple days of riding and hanging out with everyone, it was time for the finale. Sunday came along with some less than ideal weather but the crowds were still there ready to make some noise. The six man final was one of the craziest I’ve ever experienced because we are all such good homies and we all want to see each other do well. Some of the highlights from finals were Timo Kapl stomping a perfect Heel Front 10 off the kicker, Daniel Grant going absolutely massive on every feature, and I ended up taking my first professional win! It was a dream come true to see myself on top of the podium at such a prestigious event like Fise. After the event was over the night life kicked off and that ended my time at Fise 2016. See you all next year!

© S ti jn Va nove r b e ke

© S ti jn Va nove r b e ke

The week seemed to go by quickly with the first day being the practice day for most of us. The boys were out there throwing down and having fun on the insane setup that Fise had created. Meanwhile the shore was filling up with people who were all stoked to watch the action go down. The next day was the qualifying rounds and with all the heats looking stacked, we knew we had to be on top of our game from the very beginning. It was a crazy first day and I managed to win my heat, putting me in a good position to move into Semi Finals. Saturday came and the banks of the river were packed with people who just wanted to watch some wakeboarding and cheer us all on. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. Thousands of people poured into this event who didn’t even know us but yet they were so fired up to watch us ride. Normally back in America,




A aron Gunn I nterview by Phil Sirech




© S h r mi p t o n

Hi AARON - Can you introduce yourself in a few words? My name is Aaron Gunn, I’m 20 years old & I am a professional wakeboarder from Sydney Australia! You’re fresh off your big Plastic Playground win. Can you tell us more about the feeling there and the level of riding? Plastic Playground 2016 was an amazing event. The level of riding was unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. Every single rider in the main event had the tricks to take the victory so it was quite crazy to win this event as I feel it was the hardest competition I’ve ever ridden in. Tell us more about your latest victory at Plastic Playground and how you felt when your received your $10,000 first place prize. This is the biggest cash prize, for a first place win at a cable contest, ever. I am still so stoked to win Plastic Playground! It was such an insane event & of course the cash prize of $10,000 dollars is an even better feeling! It’s my biggest win to date and I still can’t believe I did won! What is a typical day for AARON GUNN ? Wake up, go shred for a few hours, take my dog for a walk, then go to work for 9 hours in the afternoon, come home and see my girlfriend, go to sleep and then do it all again the next day. Having a girlfriend and being a pro wakeboarder – is that a good combination? Yeah I love my girlfriend! She is one of a kind & has been so supportive of my wakeboard career! I’m so lucky to have her!

Lately you’ve been traveling all around the world. What are you trying to accomplish by traveling and riding? I’m just trying to see more of the world & hit as many amazing cable parks as I can! And obviously trying to do well at all the events I attend. Tell us your four favorite cables to ride and why? Cables wake park Penrith - it’s my home park and it is amazing. • CWC , no rules, amazing cable! • Thai wake park, I LO E THAILAND • Turn cable, such a cool vibe with so many obstacles • Liquid leisure, so many insane lines to ride ! Do you do any other sports? No. Which riders have influenced you the most? The riders who have influenced me the most would have to be Aaron Rathy Raph Derome & Brenton Priestley They are all incredible wakeboarders in every aspect of the sport & I hope to ride like them one day. Which videos blow your mind the most this last season and inspire you ? The XGames real wake parts. They were mind blowing and opened a whole new door for wakeboarding! Tell us more about your life and your training? My life is pretty great, I get to travel the world doing what I love which is awesome! I also have a job back home to help pay the bills which I quite enjoy too I ride almost every day, so that is pretty much my training schedule!



© S h r mi p t o n




What kind of music do you listen to? Rap music! For sure! Would you consider yourself mostly a contest rider or a free rider? I consider myself a bit of a crossover between free rider and contest, I do love to compete and travel the world competing. You’ve only been riding for a short time, what does wakeboarding provide for you? Fun, happiness and loads of memories. What is your best memory as a wakeboader? I think winning my first ever world title in Abu Dhabi in 2014! That was such a surreal feeling. How did you discover this sport? My parents got me into it. What have you been focusing on during the wakeboard off-season? Just trying to progress my riding and work on doing some new stuff that no one else has done before!

What are your plans for this year? Ride heaps, travel even more & hopefully do well in some more contests


Š Ph i l l G o o d

Thanks for all your answers AARON. Any last shout outs? Shout out to my friends, family, girlfriend & sponsors! Slingshot, Jetpilot, Spy, Sandbox, Unit Parktech, Cables Wakepark!


The LIFE of a Pro

W ake b o a r d e r

Angelika Schriber by Vicki Dill / photos : Jon Shrimpton

S o u t h A f r i c a n b e a u t y, A n g e l i k a S c h r i b e r, h a s b e e n traveling the globe lately slaying ever y cable she r ides . When she’s not traveling and competing she calls the G o l d C o a s t o f Au s t r a l i a h e r h o m e . T h o u g h s h e l o o k s all of 18, Ange, as her fr iends call her, jus t tur ned 30 in M a rc h . S h e ’s b e e n r i d i n g s i n c e s h e wa s 1 4 a l t h o u g h s h e s t a r t e d o u t a s a b o a t r i d e r. F i ve ye a r s l a t e r s h e d i s c ov e r e d C a b l e S k i C a i r n s a n d o n l y p l a n n e d t o r i d e c a b l e t o i m p rove h e r b o a t r i d i n g , w h i c h wa s h e r profession at the time. She fell in love with cable wake b o a r d i n g , e x c e l l e d p r e t t y q u i c k l y, a n d s t a r t e d fi r s t c o m p e t i n g i n 2 0 0 8 . F ro m t h a t m o m e n t o n s h e n eve r looked back.


How did you get started wakeboarding? My dad was the one that introduced me to wakeboarding when we were in America training for 3 event waterskiing. He was the driving force and the one that got me to try wakeboarding for the first time. He loved watersports and loved new things to try. Ironically my first wakeboard that my dad ever purchased for me was a 128 Liquid Force Mini Squirt at Performance Ski and Surf.

when I first started this was to be known on an international level, in many countries around the world, and to get my name out there. I spent the money to do just that and started financially from scratch each year supporting myself. Traveling for 7 years on the world tour helped me get my name out there. I learned a hell of a lot traveling. I worked two jobs for my first year to travel, sold my car to travel the second year, relied on winning competitions to get me from place to place, which was a huge risk, and was definitely not easy. It put a lot of pressure on me but I managed to do it. I worked at Wake parks to fund my next stint of travel and along the way had some amazing sponsors that came on board and helped me a bit to get from place to place to compete. Everything adds up from rental cars, to accommodation, to food, to entry fees and towards memberships, which has always been out of my own pocket. It was a risk I took but somehow it worked out. I stayed focused and determined with my goals moving forward. In saying this, I couldn’t have financially afforded to travel on my own, but sharing the costs with my partner Matty Hasler while on tour, definitely helped. We learned to budget to make it work.

Angelika...this is a big year for you with getting signed by the Liquid Force powerhouse. Tell us about that process of partnering with LF. The process of my change to LF presented itself at the right time and I had to make a good decision to further my career and take this opportunity to move forward. I feel that it was the right time for me. Being with such a well established brand is something I am so proud of and a huge goal in itself. To be part of the Liquid Force international team is unreal. I believe it’s a positive step for me, in the right direction, at this point in my career. I need to be marketed well and be with a company that has the leverage to push me to excel even further in my career. This is something that I have done on my own in the past. It’s great to be connected with a company that has such a huge social media and global presence that can help me grow even further which is something I had been searching for.

Last year I had to get a job to have a weekly income to be able to live weekly in Australia, as the cost of living is very expensive. After all the hard work being an athlete and achieving so much already I didn’t expect that I had to make ends meet by getting out into the real world after eight years of countless world titles and achievements world wide. I cannot afford to live weekly in Australia just purely on wakeboarding. This is the first time in my career that I am starting to gain some really fantastic sponsors that will hopefully support me in a way that I can fund my career like I never have before. It’s important to market the companies that support you so you both can move forward together and to grow together. It’s a two way street and nothing is for free.

Where were you when you got the final word from LF that they were backing you as one of their female global riders? I was on the Gold Coast in Australia eating breakfast when I got the email that they were super interested to have a chat with me. Who gave you the news? The team manager of LF contacted me directly. I was actually blown away because I never thought LF would approach me and reach out to see if I would be interested to join their team. I couldn’t believe it. It was a morning I will never forget.

Tell us some of the struggles you’ve experienced being a “pro” rider. 2012 was definitely my biggest year. To give you an idea I was the first girl to be a double world champion in Abu Dhabi at the WWA Wake Park World Championships. I was the first girl to land a switch Heelside 900. I won the Transworld best trick of the year and had my first ever-front cover in the Bikini issue for Wake Journal. 2012 was my biggest year and I struggled to find financial support and sponsors with such a great year. One of the struggles I have is when you achieve such high achievements like winning a world title and being on top of the tour, sponsors should notice you and approach you but that was not the case.

What does this partnership really do for you? Time will tell. I definitely believe it’s a move in the right direction. It’s great to be with such a rad company that have been the innovators and pioneers for wakeboarding from the beginning. In people’s minds you just wakeboard everyday and occasionally post good pics and videos on social media. What’s the reality? What do you honestly have to do to make ends meet AND to be able to do what you love? I’ve worked really hard to get where I am on my own two feet financially while supporting myself from the beginning. My aim

Living in Australia it’s really expensive to travel to and from



and can be quite costly if not planned in advance. Being a pro rider it’s frustrating when dates for events come out a month before or even weeks before. It’s unfair if you need to pay your own way for everything financially. I like to plan ahead and to book things in advance to save money.

confident. You need to be confident in your mind and on the wakeboard. If you weren’t a wakeboarder what would you be? A professional swimmer. I was very talented in the breast stoke. I used to beat top swimmers in South Africa who went to the private schools and got trained by professional coaches. I loved swimming and practiced every morning.

Your livelihood depends on your body being strong and injury free, but you’re in a sport that requires daily risks. How do you balance the two - your health & doing the hardest tricks? I’ve been involved in watersports from the age of five, so I definitely think this helps as my muscles have adjusted to impact sports. From a young age doing three-event competitive water-skiing has helped me understand my body and has shaped my muscles to absorb high impact. Warming up before I ride is vital. Rest and recovery is highly important to perform at the highest ability. When your tired, sore and you push yourself in that moment sometimes it can be the wrong thing to do.

Three words you would use to describe yourself as a wakeboarder. Talkative / Energetic / Bubbly You’re very inspiring to a lot of riders...tell us about the people who have kept you motivated on your hardest & darkest days. I am somewhat competitive so failure is the driving force that keeps me motivated especially when I want to reach a goal. It’s all a learning curve. Winning keeps me motivated and losing makes me want to work even harder. My family, my partner Matty and his family have been by my side supporting me through everything, and my best friend Jade.

What do you do to stay healthy? Eating right is an important factor to me. I take my natural Metagenics drink powder called “Fibroplex” when I’m training hard during the week and on tour to replenish my body with the right nutrients, which works well for me. I am super active each week and always on the go. At home I ride my bike all the time to keep my knees strong, I surf, run, do yoga once a week and use my rev balance board for some core strength exercises. I always warm up before anything and stretch after which is super important. Epson Salt baths is something I like to do for recovery. Rest is super important so I tend to train during the week and give my body 2 days rest during the weekend.

Traveling must be such a perk! What are a few of the coolest places you’ve had the opportunity to visit during your wakeboard travels? Geneva Switzerland, Amsterdam, Slovakia, Thailand , California Seeing the world is such a cool part of being a pro Wakeboarder. Besides family and friends,tell us the things you enjoy the most while you’re on the road being a pro. • ust to be able to ride with other pro riders is awesome, traveling to different parks to ride. It’s always changing and you’re always trying something new when it comes to the park obstacles. •The locations you get to travel to are definitely a perk. •Always on an adventure e ploring is something I’ll always appreciate. •I Love trying the new cuisines each country has to offer. • ideos and photos you get to capture while on the road are wonderful memories. •Seeing the young talent at each Wake Park and influencing new riders feels good.

Tell us the mindset you have when it comes to trying new tricks that scare you...do you have a process you use when learning? Learning new tricks can be scary especially if you haven’t envisioned it or played it out in your mind. I like to break down the trick to its core and once I understand the movement in my mind I go for it. Before I even try a new trick I have to mentally envision it in my mind. Sometimes it’s scary trying a new trick for the first time, and might take a bit of guts to try. Thinking too much can be detrimental so I try not to think about it too much. Certain days you want to try a new trick and it just doesn’t work so you need to listen and try something new and get back to that one trick another day. I don’t try tricks I feel I will hurt myself with especially if I’m not comfortable with the basics and haven’t prepared - it definitely takes time. For me trying new tricks comes best when I am in form and

Tell us some things that we would be surprised to know about you. I was born in South Africa. I played the piano and obtained my royal school of music certificate until teaching level. I competed from the age of 12, representing my country in 3-event Waterskiing, breaking the South African records and obtaining my Protea South African colors for waterskiing.


/ / / / Z I Z O U \\\\ ZIZOU In the Surf

/ / / / DEEJO \\\\ Deep Knives Unleashed Limited Edition By Bizmut Deejo began as the inspiration of Luc Foin and Stéphane Lebeau to rekindle the pleasure and tradition of the pocket knife. Deejo is a nomadic knife forged from a unique alloy: stellar quality and extreme lightness. A fine blade designed to cut through with delicate precision even the most robust dishes. Being just the size and weight of a pen, the Deejo is both easy to carry and use. Deejo is unique and personal. Designated according to their lightness, Deejo pocket knives are available in three exclusive weights across three varieties of material: Deejo colors (27g), Deejo wood (37g), Deejo naked (15, 27, and 37g). The tattoo on the Deejo blade adds another dimension to this already personal object: self-expression. Thanks to a technique of fine engraving on the blade, the handle, or both, your knife carries classic iconography of the traditional tattoo: geometric, latinate, seafaring, ancestral, etc. More: Unleashedwakemag.com/e-shop

Zizou Parfums tells the story of every young woman or young-at-heart woman in a series of moments big or small that make up her life. Zizou perfumes collection: Zizou in the Surf, Zizou in a Bikini, Zizou on a Date, Zizou in Heels. The Zizou jewelry collection is infused with the fragrance Zizou and lasts up to 2 years. Never done before - the scent is baked into the medallion. Get your Zizou in the Surf (featured in the picture) for this Daring, Strong, Competitive moment of your life. Made in France. www.zizouparfums.com

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C O NT ES T 20 1 6 F RA NC E

THE most unique event in the world

mixing WAKEBOARD and KITE by : Yann Duffait / photo : Phil Good

This year the event was organized in the harbor of one of the most emblematic places of Catalonia - in CANET. A sys tem 2.0 was on the side of the harbor, and on the other side of the jetty was a beautiful beach and in the middle was the bar. It was a great place to take shots , eat and par ty on the panoramic terrace. This 5th edition took place during the middle of May 2016 and this was also a stop of the Two Tower European Tour. This year Antoine Serre, one of the organizers of WAC, had some surprises in store with the invitation of some of the best European riders: Lior Sofer (Israel), Mateusz Wawrikniak (Poland), Matt Montoro (France), Yannick Paton (Spain), Jeremy Nadal (France), Jean Baptiste Nacher (France), Sepe Ibanez (Spain), Louis Mistaudy (France), Charpenet Peter (France), Axel Tack (Belgium), Alex Aulbach (Germany).

taken over the place. The park is in place and all wake and kite structures are ready. Saturday, despite the “Tramontane” (name of the wind there), the sun is shining, as well as the crowd and we can start the qualification runs . 4 divisions were opened in the Two Tower tour: Amateur Junior / Amateur Open / Men Pro / Pro Women Spectators invade the place on Sunday, the tension mounts in intensity, the second run of qualifications has happened and we are witnessing the first quarter-final of Juniors. The sun is going down, and we can launch « the King of tricks » and the party as well. The riders’ heats carry on until Louis Mistaudy surprised everyone and landed a front side 900 with a heelside grab in the middle of his spin. No one can reach him during the contest and he kept this place on the throne during the whole night. This throne was his last year and congrats to Louis for keeping it in 2016.

// FORMAT The federal staff composed of Yann DUFFAIT - chief judge, Alvaro Bianco, Xavier Garni and Rachel Lucas chose to judge the contest on two round trips per competitor with the better kicker and the best slider included on one of the two. This was dependent on the conditions. It’s obvious that the competition was more favorable toward some riders than others by allowing certain riders to wait on conditions when they were less than favorable. Riders met in battle head to head.

Monday all conditions are met, sun, flat water and all the best meet in the the final battle. All goes smoothly, the dam is full to bursting and the PRO’s had hey runs. It’s finally JB Nacher who gets the lead against Yannick Paton with a toe side backside 450 transfer on the tube and 720 Front received perfectly. In a small final the local Matt Montoro won before the young prodigy Theo Balsa who finished in the fourth place. In women’s it is the young Aurelie GODET at just 12 years old. It has made everyone clear in agreement about Severine and the kitesurfer Julia Castro.

// The SET UP The famous local rider named Kum, mounted a brand new SESITEC 2.0 pulley for the occasion. The module setup is still as Huge on the Harbor of Canet. It really hasn’t changed since last year except it was ideally placed and secured to the comfort of the rider throughout the competition. Composed by a flat tube transfer, 2 hand rather steep roof rail and a Aframe also allowing the transfer and a very big SPIN with a nice curve.

It was a really good event with $10,000 cash price. Everyone left happy and promises to come back next year.

// RUNNING Of The CONTEST After two days of effort the team organizing association has 83

Double TS BackRoll l i am P e ac o ck Photo : Phil Sirech

As you cut into the kicker the first thing you need to be thinking about is having a hard toeside edge in so that you can get the most height possible off the top of the kicker. As you flatten off just before you reach the bottom of the kicker, you should be focusing on making sure that you initiate the flip with enough power to rotate twice and have enough time to open up and land cleanly. At the top of the kicker you need to push your feet and legs forward, grab your board and tuck in tight keeping your eyes on the water as much as possible so that you know where you are during the double. This will also help you spot your landing which will mean you get the trick more consistent and clean. As you feel yourself flip over for the second time, you should be ready to release the grab as soon as you see the water. This will slow down your rotation allowing you to land cleanly and in control.



Name: Deschaux Loic Birthdate: January 20, 2005 Years of Riding: 2 years Sponsors: ION France, JOBE, WAPH, TNA, WAXTHAT, BOMBER, UNLEASHED , PICTURE


Loic Deschaux by philippe Sirech / Photo : Jon Shrimpton

Can you introduce yourself in a few words? Hi My mame is Loic. I just started wakeboarding two years ago and my home spot is TNA in France. Where are you from and how did you end up shredding at TNA in France? I’m from France Haute-Savoie part , I live in Manigo town (74) in the middle of the Alps in the Aravis resorts. I found TNA cable-park , 2 years ago , because it was the closest park near my house. Why wakeboarding? I wakeboard to stay in shape for snowboarding during the spring and summer period. It’s the right balance. What do you think of today’s level in wakeboarding? The level is insane especially in the kid’s division you can’t imagine having to land some Mobe tricks to reach the podium in the under 15 division. Do you see a difference in the way people ride (style, tricks, etc) between here and during the world contest where you will take part this year ? No, not really. The level in France is a good level now. It’s much like an international event and I saw more pro riders. It was too cool! What do you like the most about TNA? The obstacles and the tension of cable! You competed at Plastic Playground, the biggest contest at Liquid Leisure


in London. Tell us more about how that went for you? It was a sick event with lots of obstacles. It was an unforgettable experience with all my idols. It was a dream to take first place in my division under 15. A big thanks to Cedric, the TNA owner, for taking charge of me for this event. What do you like the most about this sport? I like to be on the water with my friends and landing new tricks, but most of all having fun. Rails, kickers or air tricks? I like all three. I like diversity. My last tricks were a crow mobe , mobydick, and a 313. How would you describe your riding style? Aggressive, committed and determined. Who inspires you? Daniel Grant, Lior Sofer and James Windsor. What are your goals with wakeboarding? Reaching the top level! What do you do outside of wakeboarding? Just snowboarding! Shout out? I want to thank all my sponsors, Cédric and Egy bump of TNA and my parents of course, and thanks unleashed wake mag for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed.

SHARK WAKE PARK photo : Shark wake park

Shark Wake Parks offers the beginner to advanced experience! With 9 Unit features, a five tower 7 carrier full size and an Alta 2 system, it is set up to be a first class Wake Park. The pro shop sells and offers rental equipment provided by Ronix and Square 1. When you’re done, enjoy a Sweetwater IPA at the bar deck that over looks the cable ways. The location in North Myrtle Beach Park and Sports Complex also offers many other activities such as Go Ape zip lines course and is hosts to many sporting events and music festivals. Located right off the highway, it’s a fast drive to the beach and many hotels. Rider owned and operated, the staff at Shark Wake Parks are dedicated to growing the sport they love by providing outstanding customer service and offering an atmosphere that all can enjoy!








∠ CO PRO ∠
















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