UNLIMITED Report #2 International Edition

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REPORT Tracing Revival.

„Gather the hung r y ones and worship Me!”

No. 2

CONTENT The new magazine tracing revival in Germany and all around the world.

O4 05

5 YEArs UnLiMitEDGoD Development of our ministry and story

O5 14

UnLiMitED rEport Tracing Revival. No. 2 International Edition unlimitedGod e.V. Bahnhofstr. 3 97215 Uffenheim Germany

21 22

EDitoriAL Introduction by Pastor Ruediger Schoendorf

LoCAL rEport 5 Years unlimitedGod with Jubilee Contest

historiCAL rEport Graf Nikolaus von Zinzendorf Poet and Pioneer

pAGE For KiDs Report from our Transformer Kids

GErMAnY rEport Kologne, Carneval, Kamelle and Jesus?

BANK DETAILS Holder unlimited God e.V. | Sparkasse Neustadt a.d. Aisch


BIC BYLADEM1NEA Donations account IBAN DE12 7625 1020 0221 1531 09 Seminar account IBAN DE98 7625 1020 0221 202 195



27 28 35

shop oFFErs Brandnew, exclusive products

Worship oUr AssiGnMEnt Teaching by Ruediger Schoendorf

GooD nEWs Wonderful stories of God’s healing touch


Mummy & revival Part 2


Report from our painters team


pErsonAL insiGhts

CrEAtiVE Arts

Worship insiGhts From playing guitar to unlimitedMusic Part 2


Publisher unlimitedGod e.V. Chairman Rüdiger Schöndorf Editorial staff Steffi Schöndorf Editing Rüdiger Schöndorf, Mädels WG (Christina Fosshag, Theresa Döller, Carmen Kölli, Kristine Stefes), Lisa Kreglinger, Tabea Kreglinger, Simon Bricher Design Simon Bricher & Jonas Schettler Print WIRmachenDRUCK GmbH, Backnang E-Mail info@unlimitedGod.de Phone 09842 80 29 58 2 Website www.unlimitedGod.de Shop www.shop.unlimitedgod.de Heading pictures unsplash.com All the rest of pictures was taken commissioned by the association. Many thanks to these diligent photographers. Permission necessary for reprints!



UNLIMITED REPORT Editorial Th is is the second edition and also the one focusing on our 5 year anniversary. God speaks and what He’s speaking comes into existence. Back then He spoke to me “Gather the hungry and worship me!” Th is has been and continues to stay our focus as God is moving accordingly to His word.

Pastor Ruediger Schoendorf with his wife Steffi and their son David Lennart. In 2011 they pioneered the church and ministry unlimitedGod in Uff enheim (Franconia).

We are experiencing worship as an important part of all areas in ministry and church life. Ultimately we are created to live in and out of the presence of God and the new issue of this magazine testifies to this reality. You can discover worship in all its various articles and testimonies shared. When I thought about which historical person to write on in this edition, I thought of Graf Zinzendorf. He also was a German revival pioneer and we continue to build on his heritage. Zinzendorf and the Herrnhuter movement stands for fellowship with God, passionate worship, openness to the Holy Spirit, world mission and being interdenominational.

Tracing Revival.

Our guest author, Conrad Max Gille, Pastor of Face to Face Ministries, tells how he and his team dare to bring Jesus to dark places which often are still avoided by Christians. It is very encouraging to see how they push into new areas trying out powerful ideas with the Holy Spirit.

No.2 International Edition June 2017 A MAGAZINE OF UNLIMITED GOD E.V.

Have an empowering time reading this magazine including our guest contributions. May God, through the stories of His work, trigger a new hunger for MORE of Him.

UnLiMitED rEport

unlimited Blessings PASTOR RUEDIGER and TEAM




How it all began At first we thought the enemy had torn us out of the awakening revival and thriving ministry of the past few years - a painful incision in our lives. But then we slowly began to understand God‘s bigger plan. His vision for the ministry of our lives was not limited to a city, but apparently everything should begin in a very inconspicuous place. How reassuring that even Jesus was not from a big city but came from a very remote area.


STEFANIE SCHOENDORF Local Report A review of the development from the beginning



2011 Everything new 2011 was a year of reorientation, more precisely an intense time of seeking God. And He let Himself be found! Two prophetic words became the foundation for unlimitedGod: -Gather the hungry ones and worship me! -Franconia for Jesus! God showed us how to begin – with worship. And He made the region and target group clear to us: Franconia and the hungry ones for more of God. As Ruediger wrote down the vision for unlimitedGod, he precisely found the aspects that God had already shown him in 2006, the year when God had called him back into the ministry within the kingdom of God. •

• • • •


God‘s Presence: living in and out of this source Church: Calling people into the Father‘s house School: Training His disciples to live in the supernatural lifestyle of Jesus Compassion: Bringing God’s love and power to a sick and suffering world


The name unlimitedGod came from a gathering we held before this new beginning had even started. It was a gathering with all those hungry ones wanting to seek God without agenda. It was a time of letting God move without restriction. So we took our first steps responding to God’s word to us: The worship services on Saturday nights were born. We were very touched when a group of people gathered around us. God had clearly spoken to them about walking with us. We became a group of nine.

2012 God’s Presence is our centre It didn’t take long for the hungry people from the area to come: The service became a fixed size and had reached around 80 people. There was great excitement about the breakout in the region, for God was moving powerfully. We started with the second assignment, training disciples. The Transformer School went into the first round. Since we also had a heart for the next generation to come into the supernatural lifestyle of Jesus right away from young age, we began to work with children and youth, too. In the following year the annual Transformers Camp for the youth and young adults started.

Healing testimony 2012: We prayed for a woman who used to have very strong migraine in autumn and winter time. This winter the migraine did not return after we had prayed for it. Another woman had severe depression in autumn season for several years. We prayed for her, also her little son. She strongly felt the Presence of God and she testified that something had happened. When autumn came the depression stayed away and did not come back!

Now our ministry needed a legal basis and we founded the organisation unlimitedGod e.V. Franken. We can also gratefully share about God’s faithfulness in provision of finances. According to our mission, we made a step in faith and invested into the area of worship. We cleared our bank account for the first sound system. God came through and the account didn’t stay empty for long.



2013 The tree is getting rooted and growing Our mission: bringing light to dark places It was time to get rooted deeper. Local people became partners to implement God‘s vision for the region. Together we started building a model church for whole Franconia. For this we needed rooms. The renting of the seminar and office spaces in Uffenheim was a next big step in the area of finances. God came through again. This year God also focused on bringing light to dark places. So we started to invest into outreachs outside of the church and into outreach training.

Goodbye plaster leg In July we met on the Kappel hill to worship God and to intercede for the area. An Iranian guy was there who had a broken foot. We felt like praying for him. As a result the pain that accompanied him constantly went away after the second command and he was able to walk again. He even went all over the field without a crutch! His friends were amazed and we praised God for His intervention. A short time later we heard that he had removed the plaster independently and showed it to the treating physician. He was surprised and had to find that the fracture was actually cured.



2014 We become family Our teaching focus this year was on “coming home” (see same-named seminar CD) and spiritual fatherhood. As a congregation we met for intensive, in-house worship services, which connected us strongly. It was all about fine-tuning. Interestingly, during this phase, God was also working in different areas: over 80 people came to Jesus that year.

A whole school class gets saved During a street outreach, two girls got saved through our missions leader Nathanael. They told their teacher, who at the time was attending our one-year Transformer School. Together they decided to invite Nathanael into the school to share more about Jesus to the classmates. He got 90 minutes to preach the gospel of Jesus! In the end, the girls prayed for healing with their classmates: A girl got healed from pain at the coccyx after a bicycle accident; a boy was freed from back pain, which tormented him for four years; another kid got painless on both wrists, and able to move his knee less painfully; pain of a cut-up wound and migraine disappeared. All were amazed that Jesus is still healing today. Then Nathanael asked the whole class who wanted to give their life to Jesus. Of 16 children 13 followed this call. When he prayed and invited the Holy Spirit many of those who stood up felt His Presence in the form of shaking and soft knees.

A new era was introduced as well: different travel journeys attracted international attention to Franconia, especially the trip with a group of 14 people to the Bethel church in Redding. Dawna de Silva, founder and head of the Bethel counseling ministry (Sozo) spontaneously visited us for a small conference in autumn. Gary Oates, author of the book “Open my eyes, Lord” confirmed to come to minister for the following year.



2015 The days of the King The king came to rebuild ancient ruins: • Mighty miracles happened in the newly founded healing rooms. • Ruediger & Steffi got a son, even though the doctors had given little hope for a natural pregnancy. • Our first intern from Bethel strengthened the team and launched a series of moves of people to come to join the church team. In the area of finances, we took another a risk step: we hired two members of the management team and expanded the music system for the church services.

Back cured and goitre disappeared From the Healing rooms A couple from Damascus who had fled from their home country during great hardships came to the healing rooms to receive prayer. Because of an accident in 2008 the man had an operation where his spine was stiffened with screws. Since then his radius of movement has been very limited. He could not bend anymore and stand up no longer than 3-4 minutes. Meanwhile, he was surprised to find that he had been on his feet for more than 10 minutes. After the healing prayer, he could make movements again, which until now were no longer possible. He could also bend over again and walking around for a longer time was no problem anymore. At the same time we were praying for his wife because of a crop - which she always covered with a scarf. When she took off her scarf after the prayer to check her neck, she could not find the crop anymore. She could not believe it at all and went to the mirror again and again to check whether the goitre is still gone. Both - and of course we too - were deeply touched and totally enthusiastic about this powerful healing touch of Jesus. The couple lay in their arms, cheering and checking the amazing changes.



2016 You are the light of the world A year of intensification In the first half of the year four event-packed events were held: our church retreat, pastor Ruediger‘s 60th birthday celebration, Transformer Camp with more than 60 young people and the conference with the De Silva‘s. In autumn, the Transformer School kicked off again with a new momentum. It is the largest class since the beginning of school and the new students are very hungry. Since we have two young mothers in the management team now, a few reorientations in the flow of things had to be done. The previous investment in employee training now paid off.

The lack of space was becoming a real problem. The seminar rooms were hardly enough for the Sunday church services. The monthly building up - and dismantling activity in the Ergersheimer community hall for the big worship night services took a lot of our strength. But God made His priorities clear: first people, then building. So now seven people now have a work contract, and for some, we could even raise their low salaries. Again a step of faith to which God stood.




Deepening & More Fruit Every branch that bears fruit, He cleanses it so that it may bear more fruit. (John 15: 2) Regarding events, 2017 is a quiet year: there is neither a conference nor a Transformer Camp. The focus is on the deepening of the Word of God and intensiving discipleship. There is already a lot of fruit, because some people have already found Jesus and became part of the church family. It was also time going to go MORE into the public. With a trailer full of musicians, accompanied by our dancing church members, we moved through the city at the Uffenheimer Walpurgi parade and celebrated God. What a spectacle!

In order to be able to integrate new hungry people into the church more quickly, we took two steps: We opened our café as a overflow room for live streaming our church services. So there is now more space and everyone can come to join to the Sunday church services. Soon there will also be a shorter “light” version of the Transformer School, where they can learn about our core values. A real estate committee is now dealing with the search for space. We are eager to see how these steps will unfold!



5 Jahre unlimitedGod – DAs GEWinnspiEL













Gott ist


Ich bin






bewirkt Gnade. . ermöglicht Bestimmung. Leben gestalten aus der

Sehnsucht nach


So geht’s: als Nehmen.

Kultur der

Wie gut kennst du uns? Bei diesem Rätsel geht es um unsere Kernwerte. Vervollständige die Aussagen und schreibe die Antworten in das Gitter.

hat alles bezahlt.



ist unmöglich.



Geben macht


. .

Sende das Lösungswort bis zum 05.08.2017 mit deiner Anschrift an info@unlimitedgod.de, Betreff „Rätsel 5 Jahre unlimitedGod“. Der Gewinner wird unter allen Teilnehmern mit der richtigen Antwort ausgelost und schriftlich benachrichtigt. Teilnehmen kann jede(r) Volljährige, ausgenommen Partner von unlimitedGod e.V.

Das kannst du gewinnen: 1Exemplar von Pastor Rüdiger Schöndorfs neuem Buch „WERT“ und die komplette Themenbox-Reihe „Vision 2017“. Die Reihe enthält die Themenboxen „Mehr Frucht“, „Identität – wo stehe ich?“ und „Leben im Vaterhaus“.

des Guten in allen Lebensbereichen. UNLIMITED REPORT


historY GRAF NIKOLAUS VON ZinZEnDorF “Lord, Thy Word, that sacred treasure, Let me evermore retain; Naught of earth can give the pleasure That I from its wealth may gain. Were Thy truth no more to guide us, How our faith would go astray! Lord, whatever may betide us, Let this light illume our way. Hallelujah, now and ever Be Thy truth my stay, O Lord! Grant in mercy that I never Cease to love Thy precious Word. By its teachings so appealing May it keep me firm and true; At Thy feet with Mary kneeling, I would learn Thy will to do.” (* 26. MAY 1700 IN DRESDEN; 9.MAY 1760 IN HERRNHUT) HE WAS A GERMAN LUTHERIAN-PIETISTIC AUTODIDACTIC THEOLOGIAN, FOUNDER AND BISHOP OF THE HERRNHUT-BROTHERS („BRETHREN-UNITY“) AND POET OF NUMEROUS OF CHANTS.





Further historical papers and theological articles are regularly published on his blog. www.ruediger-schoendorf.de

eichsgraf Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorfcame from a family who had to leave Austria for the sake of their evangelical faith. His father died shortly after his birth. He was educated by his grandmother, who was strongly influenced by the Pietism of Philipp Jakob Spener. In his eighth year of age, he sank into a meditation through a song that his grandmother sang to him at bed time, so he was sleepless all night. The ideas of atheism wanted to penetrate his mind and completely disrupt him. But he overcame his doubts and made the decision to believe the word of God with all his heart. As a student, he met in Halle Missionaries from a mission that had been active in India since 1706. Th is gave him a desire to become a missionary himself. After attending the secondary school at “August Franckes Pädagogikum” in Halle he wanted to study theology. But this was hardly conceivable in a family of military and government officials. For this reason he studied jurisprudence in Wittenberg from 1716 to 1719. In 1721, he became privy councilor and King´s council in Dresden. In 1722, Zinzendorf married a woman who was equally influenced by Pietism and bought “Gut Berthelsdorf ” from his grandmother. In the autumn of 1722, he offered a refuge to religious refugees from the Bohemian Brethren Church, and named their place of settlement “Herrens-hut”, from which be-

came “Herrnhut”: “Under the aegis of the Lord”. From the community of the Bohemian Brethren in Herrnhut the ecclesiastical independent Brethren assembly grew.

Melted in tears In 1723, Zinzendorf made a covenant with his three friends, Rothe, the pastor of Berthelsdorf, Schäfer, and Friedrich von Watteville, to break off the realm of darkness. Further refugees from Moravia came to join them, and later Saxon Lutherans, who had come into conflict with the Catholic authorities. In 1724 the foundation stone was laid for a community house. Frederick of Watteville spoke a prayer of such spiritual power that the people were deeply in tears and Zinzendorf said he never heard such a prayer again.

Foundation of the Herrnhuter Brethren church After the death of his grandmother in 1727, Zinzendorf was able to give up his profession and devoted himself entirely to the settlement, now grown to 300 people. There were considerable tensions between the various groups, which were miraculously abolished on 13 Au-

gust 1727 by a common supper celebration with Rev. Johann Andreas Rothe. The Holy Spirit fell upon the present in a very powerful manner, and caused a deep rue and repentance. It was a decisive hour of which the participants later said “we learned to love each other”. After this “awakening”, the dispute had vanished and the “Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine” was founded. Zinzendorf now developed an arrangement for the brothers’ community. Each day began with a morning exercise and ended with a singing session; On Sunday there was the church service. New liturgical forms such as love meals, foot washing, hourly prayers around the day, and night watch were practiced. In this context in May 1728 the “Herrnhuter Losungen” emerged as a battle cry for the day passed from house to house. With a multitude of laity ministry, the general priesthood was formed, but nevertheless the church was integrated into the Lutheran territorial church. The strong position of the women was striking. There were, among others, “female elders”, teachers and supervisors. Zinzendorf also spoke of the third person of the three-figure god in female form as a “female spirit”. It was also important to Zinzendorf to pay the Jew “an exorbitant esteem”. Th is he emphasizes in a paper which he wrote especially for combating the hatred of the Jews. „ UNLIMITED REPORT



GRAF NIKOLAUS VON ZinZEnDorF DiChtEr & pioniEr Herrnhut 1910 1722 nutzte Zinzendorf das Gut auch, um Religionsflüchtlingen Obhut zu gewähren.

Missionary passion From that day, dated on the 13th of August 1727, the will of missionary activity began to rouse the brothers’ communities. The young men of the community moved together into a house (many were without parents) to study God’s word and geography, and to prepare themselves for the missions in silence. Women also formed such communities, “choirs”, where they lived together. At the celebration of the coronation of the new king of Denmark and Norway, Zinzendorf met a body servant in Copenhagen in 1731, who came from the Caribbean island of St. Thomas and told him about the slavery of his



relatives. When the count reported this to the congregation, two days later Leonard Dober and Tobias Leutfeld announced to go to St. Thomas as missionaries. They wanted to become slaves themselves, to be able to preach the gospel to the slaves. Zinzendorf invited the body servant to Herrnhut. Thus he sharpened the attention of the community for the tasks of the worldwide mission, which became a main concern of the brothers’ community. Th is was the beginning of the German, Protestant world mission with a view to the pagan peoples in all parts of the world. About 200 years after Catholic missionaries had gone to work, the idea of the mission awoke in Protestantism. So began the work of the brotherhood in 1732. In 1739 the count visited the church on St. Thomas. When he spoke in the liturgy, “I believe that Jesus Christ truthful God ...”, nine hundred caribians joined in with tears! In 1735 the missionary work began among the Indians in North America, Georgia and the South American Suriname. Therefore the unofficial connection of America and England to German Protestantism was established. In 1737 among the Khoikhoi in South Africa as well as on the gold coast; 1754 in Jamaica, where they founded the mission station “Neu-Herrnhut”.

For the mission, Zinzendorf oriented himself to the Biblical model of the man from Ethiopia (Acts 8: 26-39) and the Roman leader, Cornelius. In both the Holy Spirit had already acted before the encounter with their baptists. Similarly, missionaries should turn to those with whom they feel a receptivity to the Gospel message. No one could be converted by force. The basis for each mission was the prayer of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, where he voluntarily decided to go on the path of salvation through his deputy death on the cross (Matthew 26: 36-46). The message of the mission must be the message of Jesus Christ, as every person already has an awareness of God, as Paul already recognized (Romans 1:19). Every “moral” is inappropriate - it is not about raising people to a higher level of culture, but about the gospel. Each of his brethren became a missionary, who, in the time of growing unbelief, bore the fire of Christ through the land.

Persecution, theological development and travel In 1732, Zinzendorf was expelled from Saxony because he alienated the Emperor, the King of Bohemia, from subjects and helped them escape. In 1733 he visited Württemberg in search of a new place for his congregation. There he met Friedrich Christoph Oetinger, who had previously visited Herrnhut, and Johann Albrecht Bengel. However, his calculation of the imminent end of the world and the beginning of the 1000-year kingdom for the year 1836 caused Zinzendorf ’s disconcern. Bengel, on the other hand, wrote a dispute against the toleration of the “so-called brethren assembly” in Württemberg. After Zinzendorf had taken his theological examination in Stralsund in 1734, he was admitted as a “free preacher” during a further visit to Württemberg by the Faculty of Sciences in Tübingen. In 1737 in Berlin he was sanctified to the bishop of the Herrnhuter bretheren church by Daniel Ernst Jablonski, the grandson of Johann Amos Comenius, the court preacher and bishop of a department of the Bohemian Brethren Church. Through the great expeditions of the Count and the missionary glow of his Moravia (people from Bohemia / Morowa), the brethren church spread all over Germany in a short time. 1736 followed his second expulsion from Saxony. Zinzendorf moved the church community to the Ronneburg in Wetterau, to Marienborn Castle and to Herrnhaag. He traveled and worked in the Baltics, West Indies and North America, where he worked as a missionary among the Iroquois Indians in 1741-1743. When in 1747 the ban was lifted, Zinzendorf was able to return to Herrnhut, but re-

mained there only briefy. In 1748 he went to England, where he had also founded a brotherhood. From 1751 he lived entirely in London and did not return to Herrnhut until 1755. In 1756 his wife, who had been an indispensable assistant to him and had given birth to twelve children, died. Of the 12 children, only four had survived the childhood. Zinzendorf died in 1760. At his death, members of the Brotherhood were active in 28 places worldwide. „ UNLIMITED REPORT


* Pietism - originally a mocking name, derived from the Latin „Pietas“, „piety“ - emerged in the 17th century, being the most important reform movement after the Reformation in the Protestant Church. It arose through a felt lack of piety and inadequate Christian life. Leading men promoted Pietism‘s concern and achieved a new luminosity of faith with a special emphasis on the Bible. In Pietism „the individual“ was discovered for faith as never before. The movement was generally supported by many simple people, but also the universities, especially those of Halle, were influenced. Through a life change, referred as „rebirth,“ people „take Christ personally into their lives“. They put their lives under prayer and learn from the Bible. Faith thus often has a special charisma and impact. „Pietism“ means the experience of God consciously also experienced by the subject and the deliberately accomplished devotion to God‘s Word.

Denominational Pioneer Already as a student in Wittenberg, Zinzendorf had developed ideas on the reconciliation of pietism and orthodox Lutherans. From 1719 to 1720 he undertook a cavalier tour through Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, to the Reformed Netherlands and the Catholic France. There, he gained the friendship of people of other denominations, including Cardinal Louis-Antoine de Noailles, with whom he remained in contact. He also experienced the possibility of a cross-confessional “heart to heart” religion among Christians. His experiences and thoughts extended to a program for the reconciliation of all confessions. In its multiplicity and manifoldness he saw “one of the deepest intentions of God.” The differences should therefore be preserved, but the cooperation on the basis of the Holy Scriptures should hold a “brother character”. According to Karl Barth (* 1886-1968, Swiss, Protestant-reformed theologist), Zinzendorf was “the first ecumenist thinking and talking about the whole thing”.

“As soon as I start talking, I feel the coal on the altar” Zinzendorf had a mighty preaching gift. When he held church services in Berthelsdorf, the people streamed from all sides. He wrote about a strongly attended meeting in Berlin: “My preparation an hour before is such an oppression and poverty that I do not know where I am. As soon as I start talking, I feel the coal at the altar. I feel my listeners according to their diff erent ways. Tears are not a rarity with them, even among the soldiers. The whole city is moving; All the priests are against me. I am a poor sinner and a prisoner of love, who, as in triumph, is walking beside his chariot.”



In Reval (the German name for the Estonian capital of Tallinn), he held so shocking sermons that the people said: “Whenever so preached, everything should turn.” The aftermath of this visit was felt 150 years later.

Songs and enthusiasm The Count was a singer of the grace of Christ, a source of song flowed from his heart. Zinzendorf has composed more than 2000 songs. Singing was an emotional and community-oriented exercise for him. Verses and spontaneously tuned responses exchanged. His songs are written in the Baroque sentiment. For a time, a sense of security and enthusiasm arose through the congregation. From this erroneous mind, tasteless songs were written and sung, e.g. from the “side-hollow of the blood husband”. These excesses were very bad for the brotherhood. Compared to the narrow law of some pietists of the third generation, the brothers emphasized childlike happiness. Th is also led to the silliness and minimisation of God. The trinity became “Daddy God, Mummy God, and the little “Flämmen” Brother baby lamb.” But finally the Count himself had made a point of justifiable criticism, and the church was always led back to spiritual prudence. Zinzendorf is too big for us to lose our honouring. With a dedication, he has proclaimed the crucified Jesus, at a time when Voltaire and the liberators of this time of humanism wanted to erase the memory of the Lord. In time of low faith, he carried the love fire of Christ through the world, leaving in his congregations the oases of faith in increasing destruction and power sources of missionary work. On the 9th of May, 1760, the Count to Herrenhut passed away. His nature and his work are thanks for the life-giving

grace of Jesus Christ. “The discharge of prayer in the chamber”, he said,”brings irreparable harm.” What he had seen as a teen before the crucifi x in Dusseldorf became the expression of his whole being:” I (the Lord) did that for you, What are you doing for me?” So he had only one passion, “that was He, only He.” Til today the Herrnhuter brethren church, in Herrnhut and world-wide living is mainly known through their missionary activity and through the

“Herrnhuter Losungen”, a collection of Bible verses for each day of a year.

Historical classification In 1675, Philipp Jakob Speners’ “Pia desideria,” “Pious Desires” gave the impetus; In Halle Pietism was given a first center by Spener’s friend and co-worker August Hermann Francke. In the eighteenth century, the Herrnhuter brethren assembly became an essential department of Pietism. In Wurttemberg a pietism flourished, which was

very comprehensively adapted to the soon-to-be-awaited Kingdom of God, and connected the Bible with nature and history in large systems of salvation history. The main representatives were Johann Albrecht Bengel, Friedrich Christoph Oetinger and Michel Hahn. Pietism and Enlightenment were then allies in the struggle against orthodox doctrines and hierarchical structures, as well as in the emphasis on individuality and the rights of the individual. But with time, Pietism turned „ Bibliography: Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon Wikipedia: Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf Die Kirche lebt, Wegener, Günther S. Väter der Christenheit Friedrich Hauss



against the critical Enlightenment, which stressed the mind and questioned the faith in God, which is revealed in the Bible. In the 19th century awakening movements in the Siegerland around Siegen, Wuppertal, Minden and the Ravensberger Land around Herford, also in Pomerania - often strongly influenced by America and England - were the carriers of the movement which led to the emergence of Neupietism. The expansion of diaconal institutions, such as orphanages, hospitals, care for the poor, the mission in the interior of the country and around the world, began from the pietistic circles in the Protestant church, from independent youth work as in the CVJM and from adult education to the communities. A great wealth of songs are owed to these communities. In 1888, leading representatives of the communities met for the Pentecostal Conference in Gnadau. In 1897, the “Gnadauer Verband” (“Gnadauer Association”) was established as an association of all German community circles. While pietism in the 17th and 18th centuries was a creative unrest and a revolutionary one, its forms of expression gave a conservative impression in the 19th and 20th centuries. Many contemporary statements in the Protestant Church are controversies about questions posed by Pietism, such as the relationship between faith and piety, justification and rebirth, the Bible and dogma. Multipurpose template

The Transformer School is an 11 months part time school with the goal to train people in the supernatural lifestyle of Jesus to demonstrate the loving Father to a lost world.





WERDE EIN TRANSFORMER www.transformer.schule

Registrati on deadline for this upcomin g school y ear is on the 09th July .

KiDs PAG E one time at transformer kids: A boy told us that he had circulation problems this morning so he almost couldn’t come. He reminded himself of what he heard at Transformer kids. He thought it would be a great pity if he could not go to Transformer kids in the afternoon. So he prayed and after a short while he felt a hundred percent better.

Ben (11) reports: Lately I had an argument with my dad about my mobile phone. As a consequence my relationship to father God got worse. I absolutely wanted to build up the relationship again. On our church weekend I was able

to apologize to my dad Frank for often being angry when I wanted to go on my phone when I wasn’t allowed to. On Saturday evening in worship I understood how powerful the words are which we are singing. During the song “Your name is victory” I was deeply touched. I had a vision where I saw God who gave me a kiss and said:” Everything is all right, your are awesome!” Immediately I had

to cry. He touched my heart. A second later someone laid a blanket around my shoulders and said:” this is God who embraces you and says: You are my beloved son!” There even was a prophetic picture of an ice floe and the invitation to step off on solid ground. I took part and stepped on solid ground. Then there were no boundaries and I started crying. I cried 20 minutes and during this time lots of people even my Dad where praying for me. I felt secure and I felt hot. For long time I laid in the arms of my Dad.




CArniVAL, sWEEts AnD JEsUs?

A report on the trails of revival in Germany.

CONRAD MAX GILLE Euskirchen Conrad and Justyna are the leading couple at Face to Face Ministries. They have two daughters. He studied at MorningStar School of Ministry and is the author of the book “Freedom is calling - Discover who you really are and live in victory”




t was February 2011. Carnival was once again around the corner. Usually, most Christians travel during this time. They go to conferences and disappear from the carnival region, because many unpleasant things happen in the carnival. It is a kind of exceptional state in which everything seems possible. So in this time people drink way too much. Some people use this time for sex adventures to celebrate hilariously and also to try some drug`s. In my first year in Bonn / Rheinland, I saw a teenager lying on the floor of a public bus early in the morning at 9:30 AM on Women‘s Day. On his back he had a sort of a tank with hoses that led to his mouth. He was unconscious of the alcohol! At carnivals, young people are massively sent to hospitals, The pregnancy rate of young girls go up during this time and thus also the abortion rate. All this is packaged in a colorful hustle and bustle, in costumes, a lot of music and colorful moves, on which “Kamelle” (mostly candy throwing material) is collected. Understandably the Christians avoid this time. Only this year the disappearance somehow disturbed us.

Jesus in carnival In our church, we thought Jesus would go in the midst of the hustle and bustle. He would not drink, not commit adultery, or come under any negative influence. No, HE would be the influence - a positive influence. He would bring heaven in the midst of it and make a difference. Jesus hung around sinners most of the time. Him accepting and loving them, brought them to repentance.. Didn´t Paul write that he “has become all things to save some in different ways” (1 Corinthians 9: 19-22) And when a lot of bad stuff happens in carnival, aren´t we challenged as Christian´s? “Well, but how?” We asked. How do you become a carnival person, even if you are not one? Certain circles were running through the carnival with signs, where people were told to repent, or they would go to hell. Once I saw a sign with

many sins written on it. There was also the threat of hell. I noticed that this sign got no attention and apparently nobody repented.

THEN WE HAD AN IDEA: WE WOULD CLOTHE OURSELVES AS JESUS! “... but put on the Lord Jesus Christ ...” it is said in Romans 13, verse 14. Or Galatians 3 verse 27: “For all you who have been baptized into Christ, you have been clothed with Christ.” “Well, great,” we concluded with satisfaction, “with a Jesus costume, we make a “prophetic proclamation” of what is actually real in the spirit. And therefore it is also the destiny of every Christian to represent Jesus and to make him visible through our being, character and works. “That fits perfectly.”

Three “Jesuses” and one princess Now three of us ordered a Jesus costume and made the first unofficial test on Rosenmontag on the Domplatte in Cologne. Next to Düsseldorf this is actually the epicenter of the carnival. Even so, it was not the first test. We must tell you, a few days before we had been traveling in our city of Euskirchen in a Jesus costume. We experienced healing and a woman gave her life to Jesus. I also went to Euskirchen into a crowded Mc Donalds and shouted out loudly that I would now turn water into wine. Unfortunately, this didn´t work, but it led to a few good conversations about Jesus! I wondered what it would be like in Cologne on Rosemontag? To be honest, it was pretty challenging already. Three “Jesuses” and one princess went through the very noisy hustle and bustle of about ten thousand party crazy people, most of them where drunk and in „ UNLIMITED REPORT


In den folgenden Jahren waren wir 50 verkleidete „Jesusse“, dann 70. Wir liefen in unserer Heimatstadt Euskirchen beim Umzug mit und gingen dann auch nach Köln. Wir liebten einfach die Leute!

rosEnMontAG AUF DEr DoMpLAttE in KÖLn. costumes. It didn`t take long, when all of a sudden a woman screamed, “Jesus!!!! You can heal me, can´t you? My knee is bust!” she laughed. I answered, “Sure, wait a minute!” And we went over to her, knelt in front of her and prayed for her knee. It was busted and she could not dance because of the pain. The woman, of course, made a joke and thought we were also joking. But we didn´t make a joke. And when pain left her knee after the prayer, she realized it too! She thanked us and was very amazed, dancing away happily.

The carnival conference That was gooooood! We were encouraged! But after three hours telling people-of-Jesus and praying we had enough. To be honest, at home I needed a while to recover. All the impressions, the atmosphere, the noise, all this swirled around in my head. But our people were encouraged and an idea was born! Th is happened six years ago. Since then we went to the carnival every year. We even turned it into a conference. We named it “gospel feast” because we where convinced that the good news of Jesus Christ is the true happi24


ness, the true life and also the true party! And if we live this whole hearted, others will get attracted to it. It is not about an anti message , but rather about a demonstration of true life, were light uncovers darkness and it will flee. That is why we never thought of ourselves as an opponent of carnival, but more as a promoter of true life, true joy and the true source of happiness: Jesus Christ!

A prisoner gives his life to Jesus! In the next year we were already 50 dressed “Jesuses”, after that 70. We walked in our hometown Euskirchen in the procession and then went on to Cologne. We just loved the people! We prayed for them, talked to them about the love of Jesus, prophesied, prayed for the sick, hugged, gave flowers, and made a “photo in exchange for a prayer”. Yeah right! In Cologne, many visitors want to take photos and where can you find 70 Jesus’s in a bunch? Our people were prepared to do this, but before the photo, people were blessed through us in prayer. We used the carnival and the disguise to get in touch with the people. When we meet People

dressed as monks, we checked them out, what they where up to (after all, we were Jesus, their Lord ...) Many where dressed as Devils, when we met them we laughed and said “Unfortunately you lost!”. Meeting people in jail costumes we told them: “Jesus will set you free”. In this context, there is a prophetic photo of a carnival encounter which hits the nail on the head:” it shows a man, in a prison costume, kneeling on the ground, several of the Jesus kneel with him, while the prisoner gives his life to Jesus! In Cologne on the Domplatte our people also made a fire tunnel. (They stand facing each other and pray for the people who pass through this “tunnel”) We sent the people through and simply laid hands on them. In such situations almost everyone is in party move and think that this is a party gag, so they go through it. The re-

sult? They are blessed, heard of God‘s love and get prophetic words. Many times, conversations followed, and lot of them gave their lives to Jesus. Particular tourists who traveled to Germany for carnival were especially open for Jesus.

Our dream is: our first own chariot Jeach year it get´s easier. The atmosphere didn´t typecast us anymore. Far more, we brought real life and joy. Pain left, sense of smell was restored, wounds healed, Gods presence came upon people, and much good seed was sown. Afterwards we also saw how the fruit developed. A young man who had given his life to Jesus during the carnival, came to our church afterwards. He still is there today. Meanwhile, he has attended a Bible school and is now serving the LORD. There are many more stories to tell ... Yes, there is another one, that wants to be told. Whenever the car„


Das brandneue Buch von Conrad Max Gille!

„Freiheit ruft“ beschreibt auf lockere und tiefe Weise, gespickt mit persönlichen Erfahrungen, dass Jesus am Kreuz ein vollkommenes Werk für uns vollbracht hat, um uns in ein Leben der Freiheit zu führen. Es ist alles vorhanden, um siegreich durchs Leben zu gehen! Nicht mehr geht es um krampfhafte Versuche, etwas zu bekommen, sondern viel mehr darum zu entdecken, dass uns der himmlische Vater ein kraftvolles Überwinderleben in Christus bereitet hat. UNLIMITED REPORT


nival season was over, our church dreamed of one thing: we wanted to go with our own carriage on the train! Carnival 2016 it finally came true. With a big own wagon, heaps of sweets with the imprint: “You are loved!” Or “You are valuable” together with our web address, we drove with the Saturdayprocession in Euskirchen. The procession is not quite small with over 30 chariots and 10,000 spectators. We had live music on the car. Some of our people had written songs especially for this event. One of the songs lyric is, “I am full, full, full of your love ...” (in the sway-rhythms) or “Jesus, we celebrate you! - or, Euskirchen, City of Light! “. So we hear worship, proclamation, and joy in carnivalproof melodies from our carriage. Behind us, was a crowded group full of Jesuses, who not only danced but also gave away roses to the surrounded people. It was outstanding! The experiment was a complete success and the hearts of people opened up. We especially noticed that in the evening disguised people from the street sat in our worship service.

People blessed through sweets The effort in power and finances was huge, but we found it worth it. Our church mingled the operation with a conference. During the conference, Christians came from all over the world, experienced God, and dived deeper into the good news. Beside that, they also helped us to bless our city by participating in the parade. The Person in charge for the procession from Euskirchen asked us to participate again next year, and we were very happy to do so! When our chariot



came this year, many people blossomed! We looked people straight in the eye as we threw the candy with a message. In the next moment we smiled at them and blessed them. Our candies, by the way, are deliberately of the higher quality variety, through this people get the message: “I am precious!” Meanwhile, our ground-groups are walking around before the carriage amongst the waiting people, and again healings happen, prophecies and great conversations are taking place. In this way we overflow Euskirchen with love!

We dream big Days after I had many talks with people from our city. I listened to many testimonies: “Your music is the best! We really wait for your wagon and you have the best sweets” from these statements I resolved “We are touching the heart of our city!” Now we ask ourselves where will this lead to? Well for us we think that Carnival should become one big celebration for Jesus. That would like the following: alcohol and drugs excesses would stop, relationships would recover and become healthy – instead of breaking down. True joy in purity and holiness would determine the atmosphere! Our church is actually dreaming that the presence of God would so cover our wagon that people would get healed, free and saved as we simply passing by. We also dream about being part of the parade in cologne. Dreaming to big? Well, lets see what God will do!


Book launch The „WERT“ booklet is our statement about the culture of heaven as we have understood it so far. The booklet helps to practice what we have defined and recognized. Whoever reads it feels that deep truth was learned from Scripture in the encounter with Jesus. It’s less theory and more practical help. A feast for the spiritual hungry.


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teaching text



rUEDiGEr sChoEnDorF founder and pastor

A teaching text about true worship and its historical development of Israel until today.



We are celebrating God for the 5th anniversary of unlimitedGod e.V. Our gratitude is directed to all His faithfulness, which He showed continuously, while we made many mistakes and still do. But no thing that God starts is running perfectly. Where “no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.” (Proverbs 14: 4). In other words: where wood is chopped, splinters must fall. Or: if you do not risk and do nothing, you do not make mistakes either. The beginning was started by God, when he gave Ruediger a prophetic word after a hard time of disappointment, as an order for what was to come. One morning Ruediger heard clearly: “Gather the hungry and worship me!” We learned a lot about hunger and the hungry and also how to worship. What has been learned is still our “credo” (meaning: what I believe, confession). Therefore it is appropriate at this point, to express some thoughts.

“Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. Psalms 73:25 KJV “I never want to measure myself at my tasks or responsibilities. I am not bigger then my affection and my worship towards God.“ For some Christians it is exactly the opposite. They value themselves according to their responsibilities and tasks. The greater their responsibilities and tasks, the more important and significantly they value themselves before God. Their affection for God, which they express in worship, is relatively small. Th is is tragic! It shows how deep the relationship is to their Lord! Worship is powerful for many reasons. One of the most important reasons is that we will become what we adore. Worship is therefore a creative act the beginning of every thing!

Worship OUR ASSIGNMENT teaching text




OUR ASSIGNMENT The link between the history of Israel and our destiny On the basis of the history of Israel, it is wonderful to see the relationship between the history of Israel and our own destiny in God. God‘s call to Israel at that time was to leave Egypt to worship Him: Then Moses an Aaron went to the king of Egypt and said, “The LORD, the God of Israel, says, “Let my people go, so that they can hold a festival in the desert to honour me.” Moses and Aaron replied, “The God of the Hebrews has revealed himself to us. Allow us to travel for three days into the desert to off er sacrifies to the LORD our God.” (Exodus 5: 1,3 GNB) Israel should be a nation known to the presence of God among them, among all peoples. Th is is still true today for the body of the local church! “But you are enthroned as the Holy One, the whom Israel praises.“ ( Psalms 22:3 GNB) In worship it is never about us or what God does for us. Rather, it is always about Him who answers with His presence! In the following section we see what God wants to free his people from. We go back to the exodus from Egypt. From the description of Pharaoh’s reactions, we can see how Satan tries to control God’s people and keep them under his rule. At the same time it becomes clear what is important to the Lord. He demonstrates His power to “Pharaoh,” who is quite comparable with Satan. In the further course of the scriptures, we will revive Pharaoh’s reactions to God’s order to draw his people, work them out, and draw the parallel to our modern times.

Satan’s control over the sacrifice “Then say to the king, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, sent me to tell you to let his people go, so that they can worship him in the desert. But until now you have not lis30


tened.“ (Exodus 7:16 GNB) Offering sacrifices and serving God is substitutable and the same. The word “serve” also means “worship”. The lexicon writes: “Latin operari = serve a God by sacrifice; By personal renunciation possible surrender of something in favour of another I The parents are not afraid of any sacrifice for their children; In favour of another, give something valuable to a thing, even if it is not easy.“

Satan’s control over the place “Then the king called for Moses and Aaron and said, “Go and off er sacrifices to your God here in this country.” (Exodus 8:25 GNB) The plagues forced the pharaoh to yield. They showed the power of God, which opposes everything that does not worship Him. Satan becomes a background artist, at which God demonstrates His power! Mike Bickle puts it this way: “All judgments of God are directed against what hinders love.” Th is passage reveals yet another truth about worship. It is impossible to sacrifice to God, to offer Him when you live in the land of slavery. The Israelites back then were slaves of the Egyptians. Today Egypt stands for life in sin and slavery under the terrorist regime of Satan. It symbolizes the miss use of people for the “self-worshiping and self-glorification” of Satan. Slaves had to build the monuments of the self-edification of the pharaohs. Egypt also stands for the old man, the sin in the flesh. But there must be a clear separation from the flesh, the place of sin, in order to worship God in truth and in spirit. The devil uses that. To understand

the tactics of the devil, we must remember that the word “worship” also means “serving”. The enemy, however, tries to defile the serving and worshiping of God. For this he uses the same method as the Pharaoh. He “allows” us to worship and serve God in the flesh, but only there. Like the Pharaoh, Satan limits the place of worship. But worship in the flesh is impossible! Jesus died in his body so that our flesh would die and we could become true worshipers.

Satan’s control over convenience “The king said, “I will let you go to sacrifice to the Lord, your God, in the desert, if you do not go very far. (…)!” (Exodus 8:28 GNB) Comfort and sacrifices can not exist alongside! Bill Johnson says, “Walking is a sacrifice and a folk who is not sacrificing is no danger to the devil.” The true praise is always a sacrifice and that has strength! Because the enemy knows about this power, he will try to prevent us from making the sacrifice. “Do not go to far!” is a sentence that is supposed to stop us. The Pharaoh also said this to Moses. It is the speech of caution that does not come from God. “This may not happen to you ...” said a best friend of Jesus to Him while Jesus spoke of His death. Jesus, however, relegated him and this satanic sentence behind him. (Mark 8:33) The fear of fanaticism has kept many believers from their destination! We can only follow the one who died in our place on the cross, if we reflect His devotion in our lives. He went far! The “Extreme” calls other extremists to come and follow Him. With this group, He will change the world. The world in Uffenheim, middle Franconia, Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe and so on!

How extreme are we? How far do we go with Him? The devil is greatly afraid of a people who worship God! He is not bothered by self-complacent worship, for that is his own. This attitude threw him out of heaven. To get the worship back, the devil tried to force Jesus to worship him. Satan

didn’t succeed, but it showes us very clearly how important worship is to him. It reveals to us what he was ready to give: all the kingdoms of the world! Compassionate or self-worshiping is exactly the opposite of true worship. It kills our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Instead, it works in the opposite direction to the effect of adoring worship. The consequence of this is that the presence disappears and the change which the presence produces in us, is lost. Instead, performance thinking and individualism take place in our heart. It is astonishing that the devil stays so well in churches with headstrong worship! „



I’m not alone

church retreat 2015 // painting: held I felt so sad and the only thing I was longing for was having a family. Around that time I moved out from home and I kind of felt alone. While worship at the church retreat I really wished to have a Papa. I began to imagine Papa God holding me in His arms. That moment I saw the artist painting exactly that picture. A Papa holding his child. It deeply touched my heart and confirmed Him being so close. I’m actually not alone. Th is painting still reminds me of having a heavenly dad who protects me and provides for me.

Satan’s control over the next generation “So Moses and Aaron were brought back to the king, and he said to them, “You may go and worship the Lord your God. But exactly who will go?” Moses answered, “We will all go, including our children and our old people. We will take our sons and daughters, our sheep and goats, and our cattle, because we must hold a festival to honor the Lord.” The king said, “I swear by the Lord that I will never let you take your women and children! It is clear that you are plotting to revolt. No! Only the men may go and worship the Lord if that is what you want.” With that, Moses and Aaron were driven out of the king’s presence.“ (Exodus 10:8-10 GNB) Th is shows Pharaoh’s strategy of keeping the young generation as a pledge. The devil does the same. They both want the old people to return to Egypt. The future of the older



generation is the boys. It is therefore a sign of the work of Satan when the youth is left behind in a nation! Practically it happens when the older generation says the youth is not “mature enough” for worship. They leave the youth to themselves, but the worship of God is exercised by all generations! It is not just a matter for the mature older ones. The next generation goes on in the commission which God gives to all the people. Th is principle is also evident in the Old Testament. King David stands for the next generation after the Mosaic. He discovered e.g. the next step in the adoration of God, which has not been changed since Moses.

Every generation has access to more than the previous one! David recognized in particular how God responds to the praise of His people. God reacts with His presence! This was not known at the time of Moses. Moses discovered how God brought His people out of Egypt to bring offerings to Him. The Exodus symbolizes our salvation from the prodigality of sin, to worship the Lord our God. David was building up praise and worship at that time and set a standard, which is only to be collected in the New Testament. Think of his psalms, his specially designed instruments, and his extravagant dance in front of the ark of the covenant because of the presence of God! But the development went even further. In the next generation, Josaphat used praise and worship strategically. Today we have the possibility to discover all facets. This is due to the fact that the spirit has been poured out! Today, we understand that worship is possible everywhere-also through our actions. Therefore, we can conclude from these stories: When Satan retains the young generation, he blocks access to the next level in God. But there is no stronger adversary for the powers of darkness than a united sacrifice of several generations! It is, unfortunately, all too common for a member of the family to stand out as the spiritual one, while the rest of the family is known for their self-conceit. Tragically, the priest often excuses himself in his pride. This can lead to divisions. Another reaction is that he lowers his level of passion to adapt to the smallest common denominator

in the family. Neither of the two ways are effective.

Satan’s control over property The king called Moses and said, “You may go and worship the Lord; even your women and children may go with you. But your sheep, goats, and cattle must stay here.” (Exodus 10:24 GNB) Small domestic animals and cattle represent wealth in the Old Testament. The devil wants to do everything in his power to keep the generations from bringing the “sacrifice” for Jesus and JAHWEH. But if he can not do anything else, he wants at least to keep control of their property! What a meaningful sacrifice can I bring to God, which does not include my money and my possessions? Nothing impressive! A sacrifice of comfort preserves the form, the ritual and my image. But none of these things threaten the devil! Satan even takes part in events that have this as priorities, and remains unnoticed. On the other hand, true worship or sacrifice includes my whole person. It is physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and financial! True worship involves my relationships and my family. It has a big impact on the boundries that I have put for my life. Sacrificing has a clear orientation: it is about God and its value! The Israelis were at that time a generation of slaves. But actually they were destined to be higher! Their first step getting into this greatness was giving HIM an extravagant sacrifice! Moses answered, “Then you would have to provide us with animals for sacrifices and burnt offerings to offer to the Lord our God.“ (Exo-

dus 10:25 GNB After the Pharaoh was beaten by further plagues, he let them go. From this we can see that every act of God, here the plagues, opposes our enemies against our enemies. It is important to God to have a people of his trust and worship.

The fight for control “That same night the king sent for Moses and Aaron and said, “Get out, you and your Israelites! Leave my country; go and worship the Lord, as you asked. Take your sheep, goats, and cattle, and leave. Also pray for a blessing on me.” (Exodus 12:31,32 GNB) When they were allowed to go, with all their possessions, to give to God, He gave them favour among the Egyptians. Through the favour of God, the Israelis “plundered” the Egyptians so to speak. God made the Egyptians give them much jewellery, gold, cattle, etc.! “The Lord made the Egyptians respect the people and give them what they asked for. In this way the Israelites carried away the wealth of the Egyptians.” (Exodus 12:36 GNB When we have just given everything, God comes and makes us rich so that we can give more! It’s all about who He is. As soon as we worship with just God´s activity in mind, we fall into the trap of manipulation. We are trying to control Him so that He does, what we want to achieve with our praise. We turn Him to our servant instead! An example of this manipulation behaviour is when people gather around wealthy people. These people hope that they get something from the wealth of the rich. They try to manipulate the wealthy people. They play „ UNLIMITED REPORT


and act in front of them, and behave differently in their presence. Our worship may not be like this towards God. True, pure and perfect worship is selfless. It does not follow a particular pattern, does not set conditions, has no hidden motives - only the desire to give to Him what you have. “But the time is coming and is already here, when by the power of God’s Spirit people will worship the Father as he really is, off ering him the true worship that he wants. God is Spirit, and only by the power of His Spirit can people worship Him as He really is.” (John 4:23,24 GNB) So we, at unlimitedGod, want to keep and stay in this with our friends. Here in Uffenheim the local church community developed around this mission. May the Lord continue this development “unlimited”.







... When I heard Simon’s testimony in the church service I started wishing that God would heal my eczema, which I had on my thighs all my life, I simply wanted beautiful legs. So after the service I went to Simon to be healed by Jesus. During prayer my hand was getting really hot and red. Simon instructed me to lay my hand on the affected places. Already half an hour after prayer, I discovered a hand print with healthy skin on one of my thighs. The next morning, both thighs were completely free of the

Domino Effect

One skin disease after the other Simon told in a church service that God had improved his rash on his thighs. As Martin heard this, he asked for prayer for himself. A week later in the service, Martin reported that he had been completely cured of his rash on his legs. Simon’s rash was still there in a weakened form,

rash! I told my husband, we praised God for it and prayed for the impure skin in my face. My hand was right back red and hot, so I put it on the skin in the face. Within the next week, all the open spots and pimples healed in my face. Since then I have a pimple every now and then, but not at all as it was before the prayer. Because I was so grateful to God and so glad about it, I called my mom and told her the whole story. She was a bit skeptical about my experience. A few days later she had back pain and could barely get up. She had no medication at home and also felt unable to drive to the doctor in this condition. That’s when she remembered that God had healed my skin and she wondered if He could heal her back. So she prayed and asked God to heal her back. Within minutes she had no back pain. She called me and told me about the miracle. A few days later she met an acquaintance, who had pain in his back as well. So she asked him if she could pray. When she prayed, his back was also healed by God. That was how she was going for several days. She met people who needed physical healing, prayed for it and God healed all the people. God took away knee problems, headaches and back problems very quickly! My mum and I are very grateful to God for this experience and for each individual healing. It is a gift to be allowed to participate in such a healing wave and I am sure that God has much more in store.

so Simon asked for prayer himself too. His rash disappeared completely. ...







stEFAniE sChoEnDorF Co-founder and leader of UnlimitedGod Her responsibilities include planning, communication and dance. She is married to Ruediger and is the mother of David Lennart (1,5 years old).


t has been one and a half years since David Lennart joined us! And he fi lls my complete daily life. Yes, a child changes your whole life. He challenges my faith and enriches it beyond all measures! How do you bring up a child of promise? A child of great promise? A child, who one day shall take possession of our heritage?



“Mary, did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water” – this song (sung by Pentatonix) touches my heart and expresses what I feel inside of me: a great amazement at this miracle and at the special plan God has for our son. What a responsibility – what a joy! He is the heir, our successor, not just in the natural. He shall be able to build on the foundation what God is doing through us! He shall be able to accomplish way beyond what we were able: to win the whole of Franconia for Jesus and to continue the vision of unlimitedGod. We can only start building the foundations. As with King David, who had supplied the plans and means to build the temple, while his son Solomon finally did build it later on.

So I took my steps. I blessed my child while it was still in my womb and dedicated him to the Lord, since HE has given him to us. When I put him in bed I pray for him every evening: “And give my son David Lennart the wholehearted devotion to keep your commands, requirements and decrees and to do everything to build on the foundations we have provided” (see David´s prayer; 1. Chronicles 29:19). I observe him very closely in order to find out his God-given gifts, to pray for their unfolding and to strengthen them. I am amazed how much this was recognizable when he was still little. From beginning on David Lennart was very attentive, was watching his environment and looked bright-eyed into the world. Often I observed how he looked into a direction where apparently nothing seemed visible. What may he have seen? Was this the visible blessing of `Gary Oates`? He is a prophet and well known for his insight into the heavenly world (see his book `Open my eyes, Lord`). I pray very often for David Lennart that he may receive a special

access to this heavenly world, that he may dream of it and be allowed to look into it. I am convinced that children still have a natural access to it, which we adults already have lost since a long time.

Highly sensitive Because of his high attentiveness David Lennart is very sensitive to various atmospheres of places and moods of people who are close to him – positively as well as negatively. That is why it matters a lot how I myself rest confidently in God. Whenever I am at unease it does have an immediate effect on him, especially on his sleep at night. David Lennart is the indicator of the level of my trust in God. He is so to speak my perseverance coach. The many impressions overwhelmed David Lennart, especially in the beginning. He needed a huge amount of closeness and protection. He also needed a lot of physical contact. That is why we carried him around a lot. Whenever it got too much for him, which was the case quite often, he would cry. Then it was difficult to calm him and on some evenings he would

even scream for hours. I actually planned to use a sling and carry our baby with me wherever I would go. Then, I thought, I could put him down to sleep in a quiet room, while I would take part in various events and could be present. Well, this plan did not work out. God challenged me to lay down my own agenda and to trust HIM that I would not miss out on anything, if I remain faithful to my calling as a mother. That is why I lived out of the world for the first months and I tried to keep David Lennart away from too many external impressions. Whenever he was sleeping or in a good mood, I was able to hook-up to a service via `Facetime` for a while. That is how I was able to listen to some sermons (at least in part) or I enjoyed the worship together with David Lennart. We both really liked that. Thank God for modern technology. In addition God gave me a completely new access to intercessory prayer. Even when I was dancing I realized again and again that it is about intercession: Dance expresses what God is doing or „



what HE wants to do; dance puts the angels in motion. By now God would show me His plan for an ongoing event and I would call it into existence. Again and again the exact thing happened, what I had prayed for or what God already had shown me through His Spirit. I was a part of the event even though I was not physically present. I experienced the joy to see God at work and to be part of it. Bit by bit I invited individual people for coffee in order to build relationships or to coach co-workers. Later on we moved our meetings to the sandbox or we went for a walk with David – and he would always discover something new. My ministry changed: from implementation to supervision and counseling, as I hardly ever had a free hand to do something practical.

Intuition or Holy Spirit David Lennart often used to cry for hours. This brought us to our breaking point during our first weeks together, even though Ruediger tried to support me as much as he was able to. As soon as he cried for a longer period of time I worried about it and asked myself - what the heck is going on? Does he have a tummy ache, is he overtired or did it all get too much for him again? However, it was a pretty quiet day for him?!?! Again and again I received advice from others. And at the end



I did not even know anymore to whom I should listen to. The time came for me to rely more on my own maternal intuition. Or better to say to rely on the Holy Spirit? He surprisingly has a lot of similarities with the role of a mother: the Holy Spirit is close to us, comforts us and explains or answers our WHY?questions (see John 14:26). He taught me to follow the quiet impulses and to recognize what David Lennart needed at that point in time. And when I was exhausted Ruediger kept a cool head and let God show him what was needed. Furthermore God intervened with His wisdom. A midwife who is specialized in attending to crybabies heard about our situation in one of our services. She offered to pass by and advised us to match the baby´s (sleeping) environment to the mother´s womb as much as possible, especially during the first three months. She suggested to wrap the baby tightly when we put him in bed. She also advised us to imitate the mother´s walk, gently rocking (with) him on an exercise ball. This helped us tremendously! Apparently … Holy Spirit! When I was able to take David

Lennart with me to a service later on, he especially was seeking my closeness during worship. He would then snuggle up to me and wanted to be breast-fed. As if he would feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and seek His closeness and comfort. As if he wanted to be filled by HIM – by HIS earthly ambassador: his Mama. That touched me very much!

Sleep or no sleep David Lennart´s need for affection also had a strong impact on his sleeping habits. He never wanted to sleep for long period at a time and preferably with body contact to me. That is why I often would let him sleep in my arms or on my belly, padded with lots of cushions so I could also have at least a little sleep at night. The advice of a polish midwife ensured my survival: `Baby sleeps, Mama sleeps. And grandma will take care of the household`. I often think that other people groups have the advantage of a much natural approach to life over us West Europeans. Dear grandma, dear brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all your amazing help! And thanks to my dear friend Sabine, who after the birth moved in with us for a whole week in order to take care of us! I have not completely understood God´s sense of humor, as He definitely knows about my need of an eight-hour sleep – and maybe

even a nap at lunchtime ☺. However I am amazed how God carried me through these one and a half years with such small sleep. I do not like to count anymore how often I had to stand up at night. It brings me at least some relief to still let him sleep beside me. We still have a long way to go for him to sleep through the night. However, it already got much better! Thank God! I got to know the truth of this statement in a different perspective: `Vision gives pain a purpose`. Because I knew that children get mostly shaped during their first three years of life, I was gladly willing to take on the perceived burdens. Even today I can already say that it was worth it. David Lennart is so much trusting, happy, even-tempered and eager to learn; just such a tremendous joy!

While I was watching my son God explained to me how HE enjoys watching me as His daughter and rejoices over me. That touched me! Often when we went for a walk together, David Lennart wanted to get off the buggy again and again, in order to pick up flowers or stones. God changed my perspective to David´s perspective: to details! Away from my own definition of a successful, long walk. These are just a few examples! The story is not yet over, being a mother is a life-long adventure. However, I do realize through my own situation how God prepares everything in such a way that draws me closer to Him and enriches my understanding of who HE truly is.

Also breast-feeding contributed big times to it. Contrary to popular belief I still breast-feed David Lennart several times a day and at night. Not necessarily any more for nourishment purposes – however, whenever he needs comfort or withdrawal. Sometimes I am insecure, looking at how it is generally practiced in our society today. Yet my anchor is the Word of God, which gives us an answer to it: “You made me trust in you even at my mother´s breast” (Psalm 22:9b NIV).

Time with God My new daily routine with David Lennart required main changes about my time with God – especially since he liked to change a just gained regularity all over again. So I reserved his first sleeping time a day for Bible study and prayer. Often he would wake up again after just a short sleep. Not uncommonly I would then hold David in my arms or in a sling, while gently rocking with him on an exercise ball - with the other hand being busy with the Bible app of my iPad sitting on a stool. As the breastfeeding also took quite a long time, especially in the beginning, it was also a good opportunity to read or to pray. When I was just too tired to concentrate I used the wonderful gift of speaking in tongues.



Infinity Artist: Theresa Doeller c onference November 2015

Arts tEAM



od loves to speak. I think words are only one part of it. God understands what we are moved by even before we are able to tell Him. For me creativity is a language of the heart. Through pictures we can grasp His fullness on a deeper level.

<< We become what we behold. >> As an artist in worship we have the opportunity to influence what we see by making His reality visible. It helps people to

thErEsA DoELLEr Leader of the arts team loves creative expression and to unlock creativity in others. She studies arts therapy in Nuertingen.



realize Him. Prophetic art is a beautiful way to encourage people and to pave the way to encounter God. In my process with creativity I discovered my own uniqueness. Each person has such a unique way of expression that’s why it’s so important not to compare yourself. Instead go after what’s „yours“. Often times while painting the Holy Spirit leads me into new realms and I become braver to try out things I never thought I could. The more I believe God’s thoughts about me, the freer I become to express my-

self. To hear what people experience through our paintings really touches my heart. He takes what I give (and what seems to be small to me) to encounter people.

Trust in stormy in stormy times conference November 2015 // painting: Infinity At a conference with Gary Oates in November 2015 I was painting this picture in worship. To be honest I had no idea what to paint - I only knew the colors yellow and blue. I started to paint. Worship was wild - so I was pretty much dancing and painting at the same time. A woman saw the painting and thought “Wow, if it was possible to buy that painting, I would do it right away!!” The last day of the conference, we were presenting our paintings on stage and the woman came to me, telling me her story with that painting. She and her husband had a ten months old grandchild who was diagnosed with cancer. It was a very hard time for them. They felt like they were drowning in the ocean (like on the right side of my painting). They’ve been praying and fasting for four months in their living room. It felt like God was pulling them towards the light (the yellow in the painting) and he invited them to walk on the water with him and to trust him in that situation. Now the doctor confirmed to them: The baby is healthy!! The painting symbolized that time of trust for her and they’re going to put it on the wall on that place where they were praying and fasting to remember what God did for them! That’s the story about a painting which just started with yellow and blue.




GoD oVErCoMEs CoMpUtEr ADDiCtion conference June 2016 // Cross At a service everything turned around. Two pictures got the ball rolling. At first I saw a picture in worship of Jesus cutting a tumor out of flesh. Second, one of the artists wanted to give away her painting which really spoke to me. It shows a cross breaking through the dark. I also saw a dark hand in it that tried to reach me. But Jesus broke it! Both pictures made me think of my computer addiction. I told the artist about it. I wanted to use the painting as an active weapon in the battle against the addiction. She gave it to me and now 42


Cross Artist: Kristine Stefes conference June 2016

it’s placed above my computer. It helps me to stay aware and to remind me of my past. It also really changes the atmosphere in my room. Jesus made me free that night.

MAnUEL s. Informatics student

Worship Insights PART 2

Corporate Worship


God started something within our midst by putting music into our hearts. Music that worships Him pleasingly for His mighty work among us and His everlasting faithfulness to us. This was the beginning of unlimitedMusic. There were several Home-Meetings within a small group of people. It was the beginning of something new. Looking back on the development of worship in our church will be part of this threefold article. As soon as UnlimitedGod was founded to be an official ministry, we organized services and were invited to minister to other churches. At that time, the band included 4 people. Andrea played the piano while Matthias played the bass. Both, Ruediger and Simon played the guitar. Simon has been the leader of the band since. Not long from that point in time Klaus from Nuremberg joined the band with his percussion skills. God gave us the mission to start services. And so we did. As soon as the first services were held, we experienced the tension between performance and authentic and pure worship. Being a new worship band, I tried to let the worship be new and modern as well. Some people had difficulties understanding the new approach and distinguish between performance and pure worship. Until this day I still feel the challenge of not getting into a performance worship. I still reflect on this issue.

Being a Worshipper as a bus driver Throughout the last years, god took me on a journey to get to know who the church and who me as the worship leader are designed to be. In the

first years, god spoke to me in a picture: I saw the church sitting in a big bus, me being the bus driver. As I increased the speed, the cockpit separated itself and drove away – without the church. At that time, I moved on in such a speed so that others had lots of difficulties in getting along with this speed. Then I pictured everybody in the bus to have their own speed pedal. It was then that I realized what my role as a worship leader would be. It’s not about increasing my own speed as much as I can. More so, it’s my task to teach others to use their own speed pedal so that we could gain a corporate speed level much faster than the one I possibly could reach on my own. The focus changed. Now I searched for a solution how I could serve the church to use their own speed pedals of worship in a better way.

Founding of the School of Worship Next, I decided to offer a school of worship. In total, we met 4 times. Ruediger encouraged me with a verse he learned years before. If you want to grow in a specific issue, then just start teaching in a school about that topic. I followed his advice. My challenge was to gather all of my thoughts and things I had learned at Bethel, Redding and put it into my own words. Furthermore, I’d liked to teach and speak about topics such as identity, ministry, fatherhood, leadership, purity and excellence. Ruediger encouraged me very much. The more I confronted myself with the issue of worship, I started to realize that there wasn’t that much good teaching on this topic. Moreover, „ UNLIMITED REPORT


there’s not even real clarity on the true importance and the meaning of worship in relation to a lasting revival. Building a ministry of worship means to invite God into one’s own life and being open for his change. God isn’t looking for worship, He’s searching worshippers! Due to this fact, the worship leader himself becomes a place where God works continually.

The myth of worship Until this day, I still wonder about the question what worship truly is. Every time I lead worship I start considering this issue. On the one hand, there are a lot of bible verses on this topic, much more than most people think. On the other hand, I regularly notice that I truly don’t know what worship really is. It is supposed to be a myth that confronts me with the fact, that I don’t quite know what it really is meant to be. I feel like exactly this specific revelation is important. If I truly knew what worship really is, I’d perform the worship sets. I would come to that point where I’d know all about the technical parts and so on. Instead there is a mistiness that creates a tension. In the beginning this mistiness was mixed with a lack inside of me. It was shown in different situations. There was a deficiency on my own identity, a lacking knowledge about playing my instrument correctly, bad preparations and an uncertainty in leading the band. God continually works on these fields – if we allow him to work, so that we could handle them as David handled his sling as a young shepherd. Th is is what he did in me!



Now, I totally rest within God even if I had not much time to prepare the set or don’t know what song to play next. No matter what, I’m able to lead the church and the band. I just rest in Him!

God is looking for the worshipper I rest by trusting god on several levels. 1. He is looking for the worshipper, not for the worship itself Therefore, I am important to him. I’m much more important than the best performance I could ever bring. I just rest in the calling, God called me to be: Being a servant before God. Th is is who I am because he chose me! I am His son, and I can rest in this sonship at home, where nobody sees me or just before the service starts. It is a state of being that can’t be influenced by my works. Contrarily, it influences my ministry! One of the hardest lessons I had to learn was stepping into this revelation. In my early years I was influenced by the German working mentality, which honors work more than the worker. 2. Ich ruhe in dem Gefallen Gottes über meine Fähigkeiten. I imagine God’s joy and pleasure in his face as a spotlight that shines every time I unpack a small present. His eyes are fi xed on me like a father sees his son. He values every step the child takes and honors it as extraordinary.

siMon BriChEr Leiter des Musikbereichs Seit fünf Jahr entwickelt er diesen Bereich weiter. unlimitedMusic hat bereits ihre erste EP „unlimitedMusic Live“ veröffentlicht, die exklusiv in unserm Shop erhältlich ist.


I rest in my own joy about music – the work I am allowed to do Just as a baker is baking his bread, or a butcher produces his meat, I am supposed to worship. Th is joy of creating something beautiful with my hands is something beautiful! God is the creator and made everything beautiful. Until this day, scientists are wondering about the excellent creation of humans, animals and the universe. It is just perfect. Th is skill is a valuable gift to God. It is not without power or weak before him. He is the creator and He created us to be like Him. In the restoration of holiness from sin, the work of our hands is made beautiful again. It represents the creator of heaven and earth.

Joy! More important than Sincerity

4. I rest in my band My band consciously decided to follow and trust me. They stir me up and love me. They use their weapons, namely their instruments, their skills and their hearts to support me in my vision of worship. They are just like Jonathan who supported David by entrusting him with his own weapons. We all do enjoy this mentality.

Having fun isn’t the most typical German attitude. Laughing and looseness are more like the inferior goods you have to loose before starting something important. Sincerity is a virtue which increases with responsibility. If young people try to achieve something, they put all their effort into this specific area. Sometimes it creates a severe rigidity, where laughter and joy is seen as impedimentary. Th is is what I experienced the time I lead the youth band when I was 17 years old. Of course, we felt a lot of joy in playing our instruments. But concentrating in such a severe way on practicing to make everything correct replaced this joy from time to time. The beginning of UnlimitedMusic was similar to this. As soon as I start-

Knowing all of this, I can rest without even singing or saying a word. No matter what, I still lead the worship through my attitude of worship which is displayed in my decision to surrender all of me to God. Th is is how an excellent service begins. I give my best unto God and still I’m allowed to fail.



ed the worship set, I was another person. As time passed on and Ruediger mentioned how he experienced joy in his former worship bands, this mindset initially came to a fall. At some point in time I realized that there is not even a conflict between joy and sincerity in worship. Seeing Steffi leading her dancing time in joy and effortlessness encouraged me in changing my mind. There is a shape of being sincere without a relationship to worship itself. It can mutate to a religious form. I realized that much more the joy of the Lord is our strength! Contrarily, there might be a time when the spirit of the Lord rests upon the assembly and a holy sincerity touches people. Our joy of the lord is shown by a funny way of playing the instruments. From that point on I learned how to cooperate with the joy. Music is holy because I offer it to the Lord as an offering of worship. Is there any law that forbids to be cheerful in worship? An agonized atmosphere is not from God. Much more, it concentrates on my feeling of uncertainty instead on God. This is how religion talks about God – an unapproachable impersonal God.



The Key for a breakthrough in the assembly The joy of the Lord in worship is an important key within our church. Using this principle opens the way for a lot of breakthroughs. This is what Jack R. Taylor spoke about in his book “The Hallelujahfactor. Biblical Worship in theory and practice.” A breakthrough is necessary if you recognize that your worship started to be exhausting instead of inspiring and exhilarating. I believe that not only the band is in need of a breakthrough. Much more, the whole assembly and church is included throughout the worship set. Of course, the band is usually pioneering, but the church follows and fights along with them. There are even moments where the assembly stirs up the band with their passion. We experienced this a few times. A significant testimony of healing or salvation boosts the atmosphere so that everybody can’t wait to sing out their joy and love in worship. I love these moments, where the church pioneers. I believe to see this happen is another key to create a culture of worship. A culture of worship where freedom, surrender and passion is taught in words and in person knowing that it is a firm part of a revived church. This is when the church notices the importance of worship in the service and willingly giving themselves into the time of surrender. Joy, honesty, thankfulness and a praying heart that communicates directly to God are the keys into a realm of powerful worship sets.

In the next magazine, I’ll continue to talk about the duties of a worship leader, the value of friendship within the band und the pursuit of excellence shown by the courage to approach risks.



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