UnLtd FY20 Impact Report

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FY20 Impact Report


Introduction The Kids Big Bets Partner Projects Events Industry Initiatives Excursions Messages from our Charity Partners Thank You

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Introduction What a year, no doubt one of the most challenging many have ever faced. Yet at the same time, in the face of adversity, we have witnessed exceptional results. We have seen our industry come together to help young people at risk all across Australia. Whether it be helping indigenous kids learn to read, providing support for homeless youth, helping fund programmes for kids who have been through trauma, or mental health initiatives for the increasing number of young people in need of support, we have helped our charities to deliver programs, helping tens of thousands of kids, all across Australia. Thank you for your incredible support which has helped us to more than double our YOY impact, providing over $31M of value to our charity partners in FY20. We have distributed more funds in grants than ever this year, run more campaigns and raised more awareness than ever before and the industry has spent more time volunteering than ever before. We have broadened our reach into WA, VIC and NSW, with plans afoot to extend to the rest of Australia in FY21, and maybe even beyond that soon after. We had our busiest events calendar yet running 50 of our own events and being invited to partner on many more. We launched our Perth operation, we celebrated with 500 of our supporters at Big Dream, brought the industry together to climb mountains and to bat and kick goals for good and then leapt into the virtual space with our esports and Big Chat series. This year has also seen us rally together to help each other, and we hope that you can see that UnLtd exists to not only support our charity partners, but also our industry. Our corporate partners and our charity partners complement one another and unlocking the magic that both sides can provide allows us to create impact and value to everybody, whether that is awareness for our charities or mental health programs for our industry.


Our model is very focused on shared value. The most impactful partnerships are the ones that fulfil the needs of both sides. We are very proud that we now have so many great examples of this best practice in action. We have brought the industry together to smash the stigma around mental health, and in the past two years have successfully shifted the dial on stigma by 24% points. People are now more comfortable to talk about how they feel, challenges they may be facing, and to ask for support. There is a long way to go and there are still significant challenges that many of us face but we are helping to create an environment across our industry that is inclusive, collaborative and supportive. And we will stay committed to that cause for the long run. We ARE the industry foundation, WE ARE YOU. It is YOU that have made all of this impact happen and we are so grateful to each and every one of you for the part that you have played. THANK YOU so much for the difference that you have made. Every hour volunteering, billboard donated, good deed fulfilled, and dollar raised is helping to save lives and provide hope. You will see a handful of examples of that in this book, and there are hundreds and thousands more across Australia. The way individuals, teams and entire organisations have rallied together to help those less fortunate has been so humbling and inspiring. Thanks to the 200+ organisations and 8,120 individuals who have supported us this year, you are amazing! We believe that every young person deserves the best opportunity in life and our industry can play a huge part in helping to provide these opportunities. You already are and long may it continue. Thanks, Chris

FY20 Impact

Total social impact value generated by our industry


FY20 Impact

+138% Total social impact YOY increase from FY19

2,500 Total volunteering hours

8,120 9

Individual supporters

200+ Corporate partners & supporters

Increase in offers to help during lockdown

The Kids


The Kids Thanks to the generosity of our industry, our charity partners have been able to help tens of thousands of children and young people at risk. Here are some of our favourite stories from the year.



Max has not attended school for 3 years due to severe anxiety and being unable to live at home due to high level of violence. Max has been engaged at BackTrack since 2020 and has a 90% attendance rate. He is currently living in the youth refuge but is about to take residence in the BackTrack tiny home as part of our transition to independent living program.

With the help of Youth Off The Streets, Ryan, 18, went from being homeless and sleeping on trains, to studying law and is now looking to get his first job at a law firm. Steve, 20, was in a bad place before he met MMAD having struggled with addiction and his mental health. He very candidly credits MMAD with saving his life. He is now focused on helping others and is a Youth Ambassador and trainee youth worker at MMAD. Jasmine, 9, presented with severe anxiety and selective mutism associated with family violence at home when she arrived at KidsXpress. Through her expressive therapy she learnt how to express her emotions in a way that was gentle and safe. Jasmine is now able to talk freely with her classroom teacher. Kris dropped out of school at 14, but thanks to Down the Track she has now enrolled in a school based traineeship.

Clayton, 15, was totally disengaged from school, known to the local police for petty crimes and had no regard for his own future. 4 months after spending time in Whitelion’s RISE program, Clayton is now on track to finishing year 10, has increased his confidence and healthy habits and is finally looking forward to his future. Shoey, 16, has been participating in BackTrack’s trainee program and this year received his first ever pay cheque. He also recently got his L plates and is now looking to save money for a car. Tiffany was living in a refuge at 10 and self-harming. MMAD gave her the positive environment and support she needed to break free from self-harm

After struggling with mental ill-health and the loss of a friend to suicide in country Australia, Jake built his resilience and empathy skills via Reach’s workshops and now is a facilitator in training.

Amelie, 19, suffered severe trauma from an incident at school which made her extremely withdrawn and she developed severe social anxiety. At the first meeting with Whitelion, she struggled to even get out of the car. Through her own hard work and by Whitelion providing a consistent safe and supportive environment, she has come out of her shell, is engaged in a theatre program and has secured a traineeship in a childcare centre. Paul, 19, escaped an abusive home but with the help of Whitelion, turned his life around and is now working with Whitelion to help others have a safe place. Last year, Paul got a chance to fly on a plane for the first time when he came to Sydney to the photoshoot for the Invest In Me campaign for Whitelion. Eliza, 9, has a severe neurological disorder - she has no sight in one eye and pinpoint vision in the other. Eliza has endured many hospital stays and surgeries and came to Be Centre to help her process the medical trauma.

Eliza joined Art Club after completing her one to one Play Therapy as she finds it hard to make friends and is often bullied at school. She now loves coming to Art Club and has made some real friendships in the group and recently had a play date with them. Growing up in poverty and being carer to her younger sisters, Gemma, 17, is the first in her family to make it past Year 10 and is about to sit her HSC at Youth Off The Streets’ Eden College in Sydney’s West. She is well on her way to getting a job in hospitality and has enrolled in a Cert 2 Hospitality TAFE course for next year. Jay, 18, has been participating in LeaderLife’s Soil2Soul program learning valuable work and life skills and getting work-ready. This year he has successfully transitioned into a full time apprenticeship with a local landscaping business

Faith has been in foster care since she was 4 years old. This year, she got her own Pyjama Angel who will visit her every week to read stories and inspire a love for learning. The foster mum says she eagerly waits by the door each Wednesday for her visit from ‘her angel’. Jenna, a year 9 First Nations student living in rural WA felt like giving up until she joined the Shooting Stars program. The support and the feeling of being safe has empowered her to re-engage with school again. Liz, 16, joined a Zero2Hero camp keen to learn more about the prevention of youth suicide and build her leadership skills. Little did she know how quickly that knowledge would have an impact and save the life of her girlfriend. Receiving a call from her girlfriends’ parents to say ‘thank you, you saved our daughters life’ was the best call she has ever taken.

Taylor dropped out of school and has no qualifications but thanks to LeaderLife, he has now completed his chainsaw, safe chemical handling and first aid certificates from a local college. 7 year old Ali’s* grief due to the divorce of his parents was expressed as behavioural problems in the classroom, low self-esteem and trouble making friends. KidsXpress therapists supported Ali in group sessions and watched his confidence grow, he chose to express himself through art and slowly starting sharing experiences with others in the group making new friendships. Ali’s confidence and aspirations have blossomed, he wants to be an engineer when he grows up, just like his dad! Mitchell had multiple suspensions from mainstream school due to violence. Now he attends BackTrack full-time and is a star on work crews – he’s next in line to be placed on a traineeship.

Lochlan, 14, has not attended school since year 4. He has been attending the BackTrack program since start of year 7 (2020) and has an 83% attendance rate with zero incidents on violence.

Swifty was living with a $200 a day drug addiction until he found Dismantle. Through their bike rescue program he learnt some valuable skills and went on to be trained and employed by their Renew Property Management business. The two hour commute is never an issue and he says without Dismantle he would probably not be here.

Catherine, 18 has struggled with depression after the impact of losing her dear friend to suicide. Being a part of the Heart On My Sleeve podcast allowed Catherine to feel supported and heard, learning many valuable lessons that she will carry with her forever. Aiden was born with congenital heart disease and it’s been a long struggle through 2 open heart surgeries & one procedure in between, but at 16 years of age, he is defeating the odds & living his dream in European football, music & science. He can now dream of a future and nothing is too grand! HeartKids has been there all the way through, helping him be the best he can be. Alicia, 15, came to Whitelion with everything going against her. Severe bullying at school, low self-confidence, disengagement from school, hostile home environment and parents going through a bitter separation battle. By building trust and confidence through Whitelion’s RISE

program, she has managed to change schools, get fully engaged with school again, even during the lockdowns and is even planning on going to university. Thanks to Reach’s transformative workshops Telaine went from a young offender to a community leader.

*Some names have been changed to protect anonymity.

Big Bets This year we brought the industry together for two major campaigns to take a stand against bullying and to change the perceptions of young people at risk.


Big Bets

Dolly’s Dream “Are your words doing damage?” campaign saw the industry donate $7.6m worth of media inventory and professional skills to stand united against bullying. The result – a nearly 50% increase in donations, even during COVID lock-downs.

Are your words doing damage? Charity: Dolly’s Dream Creative agency: Cox Inall Change, BWM, OTTO Media agency: UnLtd Media inventory donated by: Seven West Media, Nine Entertainment Company, Network 10, SBS, Foxtel Media, WIN, Southern Cross Austereo, Australian Radio Network, Nova, ACE Radio, QMS Media, oOh! Media, JCDecaux, Shopper Media, Val Morgan Outdoor, Australian Community Media, Bauer Media Group, Pacific Magazines, Verizon Media, The Guardian and REA



Big Beats

Big Bets

Whitelion’s “Invest In Me” campaign brought together over 35 media partners to support their first ever media campaign to fundraise and to change perceptions of young people at risk. The result - a $6m campaign and a 146% increase in donations. Invest In Me Creative agency: Ogilvy Media agency: Wavemaker Media inventory donated by: 10, ACM, ARN, AdNews, Daily Mail, Domain, Facebook, Google, InMobi, JCDecaux, Kantar, MCN, Network 10, News Corp, Nine, Nova, Ogilvy, OGB, oOh! Media, Pacific Magazines, Pedestrian, AthletesVoice, QMS, Quantcast, REA, SBS, Seven Digital, Shopper Media, Seven Network, Snapchat, Southern Cross Austereo, Spotify, The Guardian, The Trade Desk, Tonic Health Media, Tribe, Twitter, Unruly, Val Morgan, Verizon Media, Wavemaker and WOM Network. Research: Kantar


Partner Projects At UnLtd, our role is to facilitate meaningful partnerships to give our industry the power to help. We carefully match our corporate partners with the right charity partner, to help create a positive impact for both sides. Here are some of the highlights of the amazing impact created through our partnerships in FY20.


Thanks to Nine, over 50 disengaged at-risk young people will learn practical life and work skills at Down The Track at Lake Cargelligo, giving them a chance to grow their self-esteem and help secure employment, and over 100 kids in Dubbo will get a chance to participate in lifechanging skills workshops at LeaderLife.

Initiative secured $3m worth of media donations for HeartKids’ ‘Show Your Heart’ campaign that raised funds to give 80 new families important one-on-one support as they tackle childhood heart disease.

Show your heart, help little hearts.

Support kids born with heart disease.


00 MONTH 19 To register visit heartkids.org.au or call contact name on 0123 004 005

OMD’s continuous support for The Pyjama Foundation and their annual Pyjama Day campaign helped improve awareness in core target audience by 40% and increase donations by 11%. The OMD team also directly raised $19K, funding 20 Pyjama Angels to help children in foster care achieve their dreams.

TOWN GOES HERE Address goes here 9am-5pm

Network 10 supported several UnLtd charity partners through professional skills and fundraising but it was their soccer skills that earned them a $10K prize from Musica Copa tournament which they donated to Youth Off The Streets (YOTS). The fund allowed YOTS to give critical support for homeless young people during the peak of the pandemic.

Seven West Media raised funds for batyr by many means, including sumo-wrestling, giving 200 schoolage children access to batyr’s mental health program.

In Perth, JCDecaux, NewsCorp, Network 10 and Foxtel teamed up to deliver 350 arts & crafts materials for children isolated in hospital during lockdown through Radio Lollipop.

Verizon Media supported MMAD through various projects, with $40K raised through the Melbourne Cup Big Bet fundraiser and a staff walking challenge. These funds will enable them to adopt a MMAD block in Waterloo, giving 100 at-risk kids a chance to participate in dance and music mentoring programs. They also shared their knowledge by hosting a social media workshop for the MMAD kids and giving the kids a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to record podcasts in their studio.

Domain staff raised $25K for Youth Off The Streets through the Real Estate Sleep Out that saw teams spending the night out in the cold conditions on Bondi Beach. The funds raised allowed YOTS youth workers to provide support on 992 occasions to young people living on the streets.

Partner Projects

GroupM and MFA raised nearly $30K to BackTrack’s Hopes & Dreams program giving six young people, who everyone else had given up on, a chance to chase their hopes and dreams.


Bauer staff raised funds to fund 10 new Pyjama Angels for the Pyjama Foundation, helping children in foster care find their love for learning and reading.

Network 10 helped Indigenous Literacy Foundation create their first ever TV ad with over $2m of media inventory donated by 10, WIN and Foxtel.

In April we launched our virtual volunteering program GoodDeeds. So far over 30 projects have been completed by volunteers during lockdowns helping charities create templates, assets, strategy, videos and much more.

A generous media donation from Google Australia & PHD gave Batyr, Gotcha4Life and Dolly’s Dream a chance to run their first ever outdoor campaigns spreading awareness of their cause and raising much-needed funds.

The bright minds of NGEN generated over 40 innovative marketing ideas for BackTrack through the NGEN category at the MFA Awards.

UM supported batyr with their World Wellness Circle campaign that saw $30K in funds raised.

Mindshare Gig Night raised $5.7K for Musicians Making a Difference and the Mindshare Bushfire Gig raised $9K for kids impacted by the bushfires.

UnLtd: Hall of Good Each year we induct one organisation, or individual, into the UnLtd: Hall of Good for going above and beyond to make a positive difference for children at risk. Congratulations to GroupM for being the 2019 inductees to Hall of Good!


Events In FY20, we batted, danced, golfed, gamed, climbed and kicked goals for good. Even in lockdowns, we brought the industry together in virtual ways to stay connected.




Event attendees

Physical and virtual events

62 Event volunteers


Sausage sandwiches made

In August 2019 we invited our Gold Partners and their kids for a Family Fun Day at Luna Park. Plenty of fun had by all!

Watch highlights


The 8th UnLtd Cup in July brought together 16 Sydney teams across the industry to kick some goals for good at our annual futsal tournament. Kindly sponsored by Xandr, ARN, Amobee and oOh! Media, it was CBSi & 10 who took home the trophy.

Watch highlights

In 2019 we brought the UnLtd Cup to Melbourne for the first time. It was a fantastic day of kicking goals for good and raising an impressive $40K for Mirabel to support children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to illicit drug use.

Watch highlights

UnLtd: Pitch for Purpose

In August 2019 we got the young stars of our industry to Pitch for Purpose, live on stage at Advertising Week Sydney. The five finalists had five minutes each to pitch their social enterprise idea for UnLtd to a panel of esteemed industry judges. Congrats to Max Rapley and Tessa Chong from The Monkeys for taking home first prize!


The 6th annual Big Clash cricket tournament in Sydney saw our ladyballer teams double. With 8 teams competing across Men’s and Women’s games, it was a fun but highly competitive afternoon! Kindly sponsored by JCDecaux, ACM and Seven West Media, it was Team Tech who took home the Women’s trophy and for the first time ever, Team Creative for Men’s game.

Watch highlights

UnLtd: Big Dream Our second Big Dream transported 500 guests to a mystery location for an evening of unique experiences. The guests got to experience what life is like for many young people at risk, hear from many people helped by our industry and celebrate the positive impact our industry is making. Big thanks to Big Dream sponsors Snap Inc., NOVA Entertainment, Australian Community Media, Boomtown and Quantcast and supporters Blow Bar Co, Maud, MKTG, Network 10, Story Mill Studios, The Nest Consultancy.


Watch highlights

The 3rd Big Clash Melbourne was a fiercely competitive day with Media Owners teams taking home the trophies for both Men and Women’s games. The event was sponsored by JCDecaux, ACM and oOh! Media and supported by Kookaburra, Peters and Half Dome Digital.

Watch highlights


The inaugural UnLtd Open in October saw 25 teams swing, drive and putt for good at the beautiful St Michael’s golf course in Little Bay. Kindly sponsored by oOh! Media, it was ACM who took home the inaugural trophy with GumGum taking second place.

Watch highlights

UnLtd: Backyard Trivia

When lockdowns started, we wanted to continue to bring our industry together in a virtual way. So we launched our weekly virtual pub quiz – the Backyard Trivia. Hosted by our own QuizMaster Freelo, it was a great way to stay connected to industry friends over some light-hearted competition. The trivias were sponsored by: 10, Advertising Week, Domain, Impact, JCDecaux, LinkedIn, MiQ, Nine, Pubmatic, Seven West Media, The Trade Desk, Val Morgan and Verizon Media.


In March, just before the pandemic hit, we brought the Big Clash cricket tournament to Perth. Kindly sponsored by JCDecaux, Nine Radio and NewsCorp, the day saw 100 people across the industry take part with Agencies taking home the Women’s trophy and Media Owners lifting the Men’s one.

Watch highlights

In FY20, we educated and inspired over 500 guests through our Big Chat seminars and webinars. Topics ranged from Creativity for Good, Mental Health Toolkit, Raising Resilient Kids, Build Back Better and how to stay Mentally Healthy through COVID-19.


In May 2020, we launched our industry’s first virtual gaming tournament, UnLtd Big Game. The event was kindly sponsored by Twitch and supported by LetsPlay.Live and eGen and saw 24 teams across the industry go head to head in a game of Rocket League for over 5 weeks. Congratulations to OMD for taking home the inaugural trophy.

Watch highlights

Event Impact

UnLtd Cup Melbourne raised $40K for Mirabel funding their Peer Support & Social Inclusion program helping 200 children who have lost their parents due to drugs, and their kinship carers looking after them, to stay connected with other families in similar situation, especially during lockdowns. UnLtd Cup Sydney raised $55K for KidsXpress giving 18 children access to 270 hours of expressive therapy helping them address their mental ill-health and deal with trauma.

In January, we launched our Bushfire Auction appeal with all event auction funds donated to support children impacted by bushfires. The appeal raised $16K that has funded 300 Be Centre Play Kits distributed to children who have lost everything in the fires and funded a BackTrack program to rebuild the fencing lost in fires in rural communities.


15 adlanders climbed 3 peaks in 3 days raising $40K for Whitelion, resulting in 8 young people being matched with a mentor and supported by a Whitelion worker for 12 months, addressing life threatening issues such as homelessness, drug and alcohol use, and family violence.

Big Clash Perth raised $10K for Dismantle giving 10 at-risk young people a chance to participate in their BikeRescue program that builds knowledge, social skills, confidence and teamwork through bike mechanic activities.

Industry Initiatives For many years, our industry has so generously supported us and our charities. When times got tough, it was our turn to give back to the industry.



Together with Never Not Creative, we led the Mentally Healthy Change Group, a volunteer group of people across the industry aiming to make our industry more mentally healthy. In FY20, the group launched mentallyhealthy.org website, Industry Minimum Standards for Mental Health that have been signed by 100 companies so far and hosted many events around mental health.

In partnership with Heart On My Sleeve, we encouraged 50+ leaders to share their mental health stories through an Agency Leaders story book and a special COVID edition book to smash the stigma and encourage others to speak up when they need help.

Together with Never Not Creative and Everymind, we conducted the second Mentally Healthy study and a COVID pulse study with over 2,000 people taking part that saw stigma improve by 24% since 2018.

400+ conversations held and connections made through the COLIV-19 campaign that saw 19 leaders reach out to 19 people over 19 days.

Delivered 12 weeks of weekly GoodNews EDMs to the industry to keep the spirits up during lockdowns.

22 Backyard Trivia virtual pub quizzes held for over 2,000 people in total to keep us connected during COVID.

We put our iso-creativity to good use by creating this little MC Hammer Lip Sync video. Chris’ purple pants nearly broke the internet!

Ran #AdsAtHome competition for the industry to entertain and spark creativity during lockdowns with some very entertaining entries!


Excursions At UnLtd, we know the power of seeing the work our charity partners do first hand. To open our industry’s eyes to the realities of many children at risk, we organise excursions to meet our charity partners and young people they support.

Right: BackTrack trip, July 2019


Excursions BackTrack trip, July 2019

20 industry leaders came together for 48hrs to roll their sleeves up and spend time with the team and kids at BackTrack in Armidale. We helped build fences, welded, jumped dogs, rode horses bareback, shared stories, sang by the campfire and even had a city v country game of touch footy. The trip helped ‘burst the bubble’ for many and open their eyes to the realities many children face. The life of a media company CEO is vastly different to a 15 year old indigenous kid from the bush who has been homeless and spent 3 years in juvenile detention, but the trip united everybody, despite their background. CEOs commented on how the trip changed their views on these young kids and even the kids said: “Youse guys aren’t that bad”. The trip was topped off when it was announced on the Rex airways plane taking


off from Armidale that one of the kids had been successful in his job interview earlier that day, a huge achievement read over the loudspeaker and an even bigger cheer on the runway.


Dubbo & Lake Cargelligo trip, November 2019

Excursions Dubbo & Lake Cargelligo trip, November 2019

We took a group of senior sales executives from Nine to visit some of the toughest communities that we work with. It was emotional, confrontational, hard work and intense, but even with all of that it was life changing for these two communities and also for the Nine staff who helped to transform these communities for good. First off in Dubbo, we got immersed into the Leader Life community by making necklaces, playing cricket and talking and playing with the kids. These kids have very little in terms of possessions, support or love and many of them are without parents, abused or with parents in jail. Leader Life, led by two incredible women, help these kids break the cycle of disadvantage in this indigenous community and give them a safe place to come to. Next, we headed to meet Down The Track at Lake Cargelligo, a community that has


experienced so much hardship through drought, storms and poverty. We visited shearing sheds, did fence work, hard labour pulling thick bush weeds out and we rode on the police boat on the lake. The whole community turned up to welcome us and we were treated to an amazing meal by the kids in the DTT program who have set up a catering social enterprise. The highlight of the trip was when together with Nine, we decided to fully fund both charities for the next three years – when Nine announced it, there was not a dry eye in the house. Truly transformational for the whole community. As one of the indigenous elders commented: “I can’t believe that just happened, that is so big for this community, that has saved us.”

Messages from our Charity Partners


UnLtd and its partners have become family to MMAD. We believe it takes a village to raise a child, and in UnLtd, we have found the strongest, most powerful, biggest-hearted and far-reaching support network for our beautiful kids. Our partnership allows us to focus on what we do best: being a creative and vital helping hand that lifts young people from the lowest, darkest places, and rises them into opportunities that every child deserves. Together, as one big MMAD family, we’re carving better futures than pasts by healing, through the power of creativity, the most broken of young hearts. On behalf of our kids and crew, we send our MMAD love and thanks to you! Dominic Brook & Emma Brook Co-Founders, MMAD What a year 2020 has been for us all! But in these tough times, it’s been so heartening to see everyone pull together to ensure no-one worries alone. I want to thank the incredible team at UnLtd and the entire Australian advertising and marketing industry, in supporting one another and my foundation, in raising awareness of the importance of building mental fitness to develop meaningful mateship and help drive toward zero suicides. Gus Worland Founder & CEO of Gotcha4Life With UnLtd’s generous financial grant we’ve been able to provide access to books and resources – most importantly, culturally relevant books – to some of the most remote communities and organisations across Australia. This has meant this year, despite the immense challenges presented by COVID, we’ve been able to deliver nearly 100,000 books. Karen Williams, CEO, Indigenous Literacy Foundation

It’s been a huge and challenging year, the entire 57 Backtrack team are constantly humbled by the support from the media Industry through our friends at UnLtd. Our long term partnership is an incredibly valuable relationship that brings us together to deliver impact and support for the crucial work we do in keeping kids alive , out of jail and chasing their hopes and dreams. “If you want to travel fast, travel alone, if you want to travel far, travel together.” Can’t think of a better crew to travel far together with. Bernie Shakeshaft, Founder & CEO of BackTrack and Local Australian Hero of the Year 2020 The team at Unltd is an extension of our family. They genuinely share our concern for young people at risk and have brought together the creative, marketing and advertising industry to make a true difference. In March this year Unltd gathered a team of 14 from the creative, marketing and advertising industry to climb three mountains across three states in 33 hours and raised $43K as part of our iconic Three Peaks Challenge. The same industry partners have joined forces to help deliver our first ever online double donation campaign “No Home Address’ which raised $220K. This collaborative campaign would never have happened without UnLtd’s ability to bring a whole industry together for a common cause. UnLtd’s approach is unique. We don’t know any other sector that rallies behind young people in the way UnLtd do. We are enormously grateful for the ongoing support, encouragement and sheer dedication of their team in working with us to create a world where “No young person is left behind”. Hang Vo, CEO, Whitelion

Without the ongoing support from UnLtd. and Channel 9 Down The Track would not have the opportunity to continue delivering our service to the most vulnerable atrisk youth in our community. Our teams, our kids and our community are extremely thankful. Thanks to you both, our young people have the chance to reach their greatest potential no matter what their situation is. Together #WE’VEGOTTHIS

Our partnership with UnLtd has given us the unique opportunity to work with skilled and talented people from the marketing and media sector who are able to use their influence, creativity and connections to make a real difference. Additional financial support has also provided much needed help to our programs as they struggle to cope with the increasing demand brought about by the pandemic.

Lana Masterson, Founder & CEO, Down The Track

Youth Off The Streets

Working with UnLtd over the last 8 years has been a complete ‘game changer’ for The Pyjama Foundation. The media partners which we have had the opportunity to work with have developed millions of dollars’ worth of advertising and promotions for our organisation. This exposure has attracted funding and volunteers and drastically improved our public awareness. This type of contact with the media industry is a dream come true for any not for profit and we are truly grateful for this opportunity. UnLtd have absolutely enabled us to achieve our vision of helping and empowering foster children in Australia. Bronwyn Sheehan, Founder & Executive Director, The Pyjama Foundation Our connection with UnLtd – and by extension people in the media, marketing and creative industry – continues to be a source of critical support to MissingSchool and young people who are isolated from their education and community by serious illness. This support goes beyond bountiful pro bono partnerships and funding, to the kind of moral support that helps us rise to our mission to change the course of these kids’ lives. And that’s immeasurable. Megan Gilmour , Cofounder & CEO, MissingSchool.

KidsXpress has been a proud charity partner of UnLtd since its inception and we would not be where we are today without their investment in our work and unequivocal support. We’re immeasurably grateful to everyone at UnLtd as well as all those who work within the media, marketing and creative industry for their ongoing support as we journey together towards our shared vision of creating a future all children deserve. Margo Ward, Founder & CEO, KidsXpress

Thank you to UnLtd and the media, marketing and creative industry for ensuring young Australians, no matter what their circumstances, have every opportunity to reach their potential and thrive. Your support has ensured more young people can access our transformative workshops in a year when they needed us the most. Thank you! Cath Keenan, Executive Director, Story Factory

For everything you have all done for us in the past, everything you still do and hopefully will continue to do, we at Be Centre just want you to know how thankful we are, your nurturing, care and support has enabled us to bring hope and healing to hundreds of vulnerable children and their families so they can thrive. We could not have achieved these great outcomes for the children without your help. Gailene Keen, Fundraising and Development Manager, Be Centre

The generosity shown by everyone in the industry continues to blow us away. The commitment shown to support our organisation and bring awareness to these children impacted by congenital heart disease inspires us to continue doing what we do to make their lives that little bit easier. It brings new meaning to our slogan Big Hearts Helping Little Hearts in Need. Thank You for making a difference. Dianna Crisp, Acting CEO, HeartKids Mirabel’s relationship with UnLtd is more than a partnership and friendship. It’s a critical collaboration that helps us provide love and immediate support to every Mirabel child. UnLtd is the silent force that makes our work possible and has never been more valuable than during this most challenging year. Jane Rowe, Founder & CEO, Mirabel

UnLtd has enabled my charity (Heart On My Sleeve)59 to spread our mental health message far beyond what we are capable of on our own. Together with UnLtd, we have done incredibly meaningful work sharing stories of lived experience during one of the most challenging years in recent memory which has helped countless people cope and thrive. Having access to the marketing and media industry’s talent, resources and passion is invaluable. It gives a voice to those of us who are trying to help the world, but don’t necessarily have the means to do so. The UnLtd team are true partners in every sense of the word. I feel like they are part of my organisation, and feel honoured everyday that I get to work with such generous and competent individuals who want to support me, my organisation, and our shared vision for the cause of mental health. Couldn’t be more grateful and excited for what we can do in the days, months and years to come. -Mitch Wallis, Founder & CEO, Heart On My Sleeve

On behalf of Kate and Tick Everett and the team at Dolly’s Dream who strive every day to keep young people safe from bullying, thank you and UnLtd for the extraordinary support given to Do it for Dolly Day this year. UnLtd’s work to secure $7.6 million in value in kind from the media industry – during the hardest of times – led to an incredibly successful campaign. You should all take pride in knowing your input is helping to create a safer world for our kids. -Lesley Podesta, CEO, Alannah & Madeline Foundation

From everyone at UnLtd, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us this year.


Whether you’ve attended events, donated, helped us spread our message or volunteered your skills for good – from the bottom of our hearts – THANK YOU for being part of our movement and making the world a better place for young people at risk.



nk you.


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