Happy new year to our readers! Happy start of Spring semester! Welcome to YOUR college library’s bi-monthly newsletter published to bring the latest news and a sampling of some of the print journals and magazines available.
YOUR library has so much going on it’s difficult to determine how to prioritize one project over the other but everything we do is with the end goal to provide the best services and resources for our patrons. One of our priorities is to provide programming and events to inform, have fun and friendraise. Next month is our 19th annual Love YOUR Library event. This is a time to showcase YOUR library and UNM-Taos in general, and have fun at the same time. Over the years this event has included comedy shows, music, auctions and the latest, which seems to be a big hit, is trivia night. Please see the back page for the details of this year’s Love YOUR Library event, and get ready to register your trivia team.

With the Southwest Research Center of Northern New Mexico now under the umbrella of YOUR college library and the materials physically located here, we have been hard at work helping researchers from California to Colorado as well as our local community. All SWRC materials are now seeing the light of day after being in storage for a time but we have the grand task of getting that collection organized.
YOUR college library recently signed the contract to become a repository in the New Mexico Archives Online (NMAO) along with 20 other institutions and special collections across the state. This will enable us to make materials accessible as we begin to build a digital collection around the Water and Land Grant archival materials, and the SWRC special collections.
On a related note, researching newspaper articles for our patrons seemed to be like going on a treasure hunt, so YOUR college library just started a subscription to NewspaperArchive.com. This will enable students, staff and faculty to research articles 24/7 from newspapers around the country.

Also, by going to YOUR college library website (taoslibrary.unm.edu) and clicking on the A-Z database list you can choose NewsBank for access to newspapers as well as the New York Times and the New Mexico Newspaper Project which will take you to the UNM Digital Repository where you will find historical newspaper articles.

This is just a snapshot of what YOUR college library is working on to continue to serve your needs. We are also collaborating with other community organizations and departments within the campus to share resources and provide support. So, as the new semester kicks into gear be rest assured that YOUR library staff are rockin’ and rollin’ and ready to assist you.