you change?
2010 - 2011
A N N U A L r e p o r t o f g i v i ng
Table of Contents Message from the UNM President
Message from the UNM Foundation Leadership
UNM Foundation Board of Trustees
The Year in Numbers
Changing Worlds: The Campaign for UNM
UNM People Changing Worlds
Leaders in Philanthropy
New Endowments
Tom L. Popejoy Society
New Horizons Society
Gifts to UNM
Ways to Give
UNM Foundation Information
F r o m
t h e
P r e s i d e n t
Credit: Kim Jew
Last year’s fund-raising results at the University of New Mexico are astounding, especially in light of the state of our economy. More than $83 million in private funding was raised, exceeding the goal set by the UNM Foundation by $5 million. The way the UNM community has demonstrated the spirit of giving through this recession is an enduring example of graciousness and future focus. We can take pride in how each donor has stepped up to make this possible. On behalf of our students, faculty and staff, I want to express my sincere appreciation to all of our donors. Through their giving, our alumni and friends express what the people of this institution and its work mean to them. For example, the landmark gift from Sonnet and Ian McKinnon supported both academic programs and the needs of student-athletes. What a pleasure to get to know these young philanthropists and learn how their gift helped them to recognize their deep ties to their families and to New Mexico. Still another point of pride for us is that more than $1.2 million was raised through the Children’s Miracle Network in support of the Child Life program at UNM Hospital. One dollar at a time, at cash registers in retail stores throughout the state, donors whose names we may never know pitched in to raise more than $900,000 that will support the needs of hospitalized children and their families. Another $300,000 in goods and services was contributed by local businesses that supported everything from a “radiothon” to the collection of stuffed animals and toys. At every opportunity, people are David J. Schmidly, PhD stepping forward to help others. Since we began Changing Worlds: The Campaign for UNM in 2006, more than $406.5 million in gifts has been raised. I have been privileged to meet with donors and be on the front lines to witness acts of generosity and kindness, and also to see firsthand how philanthropy at UNM meaningfully connects people to one another and to the campus. Collectively, all of our donors are laying foundations for the future success of UNM. Recognizing that it takes good communication, vision and hard work to connect donors with the right opportunities, I want to personally extend my thanks to the staff and volunteer Board of Trustees at the UNM Foundation, along with President and CEO Henry Nemcik, for their leadership. As we move forward through the next year, the need is greater than ever to support our students, faculty and programs. Clearly, now is not the time to take our foot off the pedal. I look forward to continuing to work with you to strengthen our community of donors, students, faculty and staff that is building the future of the University of New Mexico.
David J. Schmidly, President, University of New Mexico 1
F r o m
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F o u n d a t i o n
L e a d e r s h i p
“Changing Worlds” is not just a slogan at the UNM Foundation. The phrase captures the
Courtesy: Gary Gordon
Credit: Kim Jew
way lives are changed through education, the way giving allows donors to express what is most important to them, and the way students, faculty, staff, doctors and researchers at UNM create, discover, inspire, invent, heal and in a thousand other ways change the world. It is our privilege to work at the intersection where the generosity of willing donors meets excellence in education. In the past year, more than 32,000 gifts from nearly 17,000 donors were received, of which 4,179 were new donors. Sixty-five new endowments were created, including 23 new endowed scholarships. In all, more than $83 million in private contributions was received in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. To each and every donor, we thank you for each and every gift. Changing Worlds: The Campaign for UNM had been in its quiet phase since 2006, so we were delighted to celebrate the public phase of the campaign this past spring with a gathering of more than 800 students, faculty, staff and donors. It was inspiring to visit with students from throughout the University, hear the marching band, and listen to moving stories from students, patients and alumni. It is exciting that, from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2011, $406.5 million was raised in the campaign, incredible progress toward our $675 million goal. Learn more about how lives are changed at UNM at fromhereworldschange.org. One gift, one interaction, one mind can change a community, a life or the world. In this report of giving, we explore various aspects of our theme by sharing stories of extraordinary, heartfelt philanthropy and of how one professor’s actions changed the world for one struggling student. A new feature: QR codes that link you to longer versions of these articles on the Foundation’s website, unmfund.org, where you can also learn about the Foundation, review financials, read Trustee profiles, find staff contact information and more. We have appreciated the opportunity Gary Gordon Henry Nemcik to work alongside UNM President David Schmidly for the past four years. His vision for the future of the University and his vision of the power of private giving are moving UNM ahead in profound ways. And Anne Yegge led the UNM Foundation Board of Trustees as our Chair for the past two years with spirit, energy and determination. On behalf of all of the Trustees, we sincerely thank each of them for their leadership during a remarkable time, and we look forward to working with them both in the coming year. Moving stories are created every day in hundreds of ways at the University of New Mexico. Thank you to donors, students, alumni, faculty and volunteers who have, through their actions, answered the central question of the Campaign for UNM: Whose world will you change?
Gary Gordon
Henry Nemcik
Chair, UNM Foundation Board of Trustees
President and CEO, UNM Foundation 2
UNM Foundation Board o f Trustees Carl Alongi Board Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect Albuquerque (2006-2014)
Laura Hueter Bass Placitas, N.M. (2006-2014)
B o a r d
o f
T r u s t e e s
Gus Foster Taos, N.M.
Dorothy Rainosek J Albuquerque
George Friberg ∫ Albuquerque
David Schmidly, PhD President, UNM
Gene Gallegos ∫ UNM Regent Gary L. Gordon Chair, Board of Trustees Los Ranchos de Albuquerque (2004-2012)
Gary Beal J Hobbs, N.M. Sandra Begay-Campbell ∫ Albuquerque
Yolanda Jones King, PhD ∫ Moriarty, N.M.
Stephanie Bennett-Smith, PhD National Vice-Chair Brielle, N.J.
Gerald Landgraf Albuquerque
Mark Lesher, MD Albuquerque
Louise W. Campbell Corrales, N.M.
Michelle Coons Albuquerque (2007-2015)
John Cordova Albuquerque (2006-2014)
Orcilia Zuñiga Forbes, PhD Portland, Ore. (2008-2012)
Jack Fortner J UNM Regent
Anne Yegge Albuquerque (2002-2014)
Raymond Ziler Assistant Treasurer Albuquerque
Randy Velarde J Houston, Texas
Dennis Burns, RPh La Luz, N.M. (2008-2012)
Elizabeth Wiggins ∫ Houston, Texas
Peter Johnstone Secretary Albuquerque
Waneta Tuttle President, UNM Alumni Association
John J. Lopez ∫ San Diego, Calif.
∫ End of Service Term June 30, 2011 J Term began July 1, 2011 2011-2012 Officers in red
FORMER BOARD CHAIRS Anne Yegge 2009-2011
James M. Maddox, Esq. Hobbs, N.M. (2008-2012)
Henry Nemcik President and CEO of the Foundation (2010 - present)
Thelma Domenici 2007-2009 Robert L. Bovinette 2005-2007 Robert M. Goodman 2002-2005 Mary D. Poole 2000-2002 Ann Rhoades 1998-2000 Dick Morris 1996-1998
Kimberly Peña J Albuquerque (2011-2015)
Steve Petranovich Gallup, N.M. (2007-2015)
Wayne Davenport 1994-1996 Maralyn Budke 1992-1994 Maxine Friedman 1988-1992 Jerry Geist 1984-1988 Jack Rust 1980-1984
N u m b e r s
M i l l i o n s
Private Support Totals
o f
During the fiscal year 2010-2011, the University of New Mexico received more than $83.1 million in private support. Almost 17,000 donors, providing in excess of 38,000 gifts, indicated their belief in UNM by continuing to demonstrate the value of philanthropic investment to members of the UNM community. Private support includes all gifts made or pledged to the UNM Foundation for the benefit of UNM and those gifts made directly to the University’s schools, colleges, departments and programs. Your generosity to help build a greater University of New Mexico is truly appreciated and makes a tangible difference in our community’s life each day. We are grateful for your trust, which allows UNM to make lasting connections to the culture, community and aspirations of New Mexico.
D o l l a r s
Private Support fy 2010-2011
$9 0.1
i n
Y e a r
T h e
40 20 0
fy 06 07
fy 07 08
fy 08 09
fy 09 10
fy 10 11
Consolidated Investment Fund fy 2010-2011 The UNM Board of Regents has delegated authority to the UNM Foundation Investment Committee to oversee and manage the endowment assets of the University and the Foundation. The pooled assets are combined for investment purposes and operated as a unitized pool known as the Consolidated Investment Fund (CIF). The CIF is managed in accordance with the Consolidated Investment Fund Investment Policy, which is approved by both the UNM Foundation Board of Trustees and the UNM Board of Regents.
Investments in the CIF are guided by the concept of complementary managers who are responsible for specific asset categories and management styles in a diversified portfolio. The chart below illustrates the mix of assets in the portfolio. Equity holdings are restricted to high-quality, readily marketable securities of corporations that are actively traded on the major exchanges. Marketable alternative investments are a series of absolute return strategies. The CIF finished the year with a market value of approximately $336.0 million, as compared to $283.2 million a year ago, and a return on investment
CIF Spending Distribution by Donor-Designated Purpose Library
0.6% Faculty Support
CIF Asset Allocation
Program Support
Marketable Alternatives
Building/ Construction/ Equipment
Private Equity
Fixed Income & Cash
Real Assets - Liquid
Real Assets - Illiquid
Student Support
International Equity
U.S. Equity
20.0 %
T h e
Y e a r
i n
N u m b e r s
Gifts and Pledges by Purpose
Gifts and Pledges by Source To t a l $ 8 3 . 1 M i l l i o n
(D onor R e s t r ic t ion s) Unrestricted Other Restricted
Other Organizations
Academic Divisions
14.85% ($12.3)
Student Financial Aid
Alumni and Friends
Faculty and Staff
Physical Plant
( M i l l i o n s o f D o l l a r s )
fy 06 07
fy 07 08
fy 08 09
fy 09 10
D o l l a r s o f
$336.0 fy 10 11 5
19.0 %
1.5 %
CIF Spending Distribution
15 10 5
fy 06 07
fy 07 08
Performance as of 6/30/2011
M i l l i o n s
350 300
The Foundation recognizes the need to provide a steady and reasonably predictable stream of income while protecting the real value of the principal of the endowment. The CIF’s spending policy is based on an average of 20 trailing quarters to smooth out fluctuations in market values from quarter to quarter. The policy specifies that the distribution rate must fall between 4 – 6 percent. The current year’s calculation retained last year’s distribution rate of 4.65 percent and will provide approximately $14.9 million in funding for the various schools, colleges and programs that benefit from the endowment program, as compared to $15.4 million the previous fiscal year.
CIF Market Value
M i l l i o n s
o f
D o l l a r s
of 19.0 percent, as compared to 10.4 percent the previous fiscal year. This return compares favorably with those for the overall market and peer institutions. U.S. equities and international equities posted returns of 31.9 percent and 29.8 percent, respectively. Private equity investments returned 14.5 percent, fixed income investments returned 7.0 percent and marketable alternatives returned 8.2 percent. The real asset markets rebounded and posted a 33.7 percent return for the fiscal year. In addition to the customary investment management expenses, a development funding allocation of 1.85 percent of the market value was allocated from each participating fund in the CIF for FY 2010-2011 to assist with operational expenses.
Research 1.47% 13.20 %
Public Service
fy 08 09
fy 09 10
fy 10 11
C a m p a i g n
f o r
Credit, photos to right: Erik Stenbakken
Credit: Kathy Montoya
T h e
Can one gift change our community? Can the efforts of one professor, the care of one physician, or the creativity of one student change a life? We can answer yes with certainty, because at the University of New Mexico, it’s been happening for 123 years. The University of New Mexico began with a gift. In 1889, Territorial Governor Edmund Ross signed legislation establishing three institutions of higher learning in New Mexico, one of which became UNM. The bill specified that the University be located on “high, dry” land that four pioneering families previously had donated to the mayor of Albuquerque for this purpose. This is the location of the University’s first building, now Hodgin Hall. 6
That first gift to UNM—land on which to build—helped change a territory into a state and laid the groundwork for countless lives to be changed through education, medical care and research. That first gift, and hundreds of thousands of gifts since then, have helped each of UNM’s graduates to change their world, and ours. Changing Worlds: The Campaign for UNM has the goal of raising $675 million for the students, faculty and programs of the University of New Mexico. The campaign raises funds in four focus areas: Student Success, Faculty Support and Research, Campus Programs, and Capital Projects and Facilities. This eight-year comprehensive campaign
T h e
C a m p a i g n
began in 2006 and will conclude in 2014. Each school, college and program has important funding opportunities. The campaign includes all gifts, pledges and qualified estate plans made to any area of the University within the campaign time frame. Private philanthropy can help meet the challenges faced by our students, faculty and programs in profound and lasting ways. For more information, including details on the focus areas and how lives are changed at UNM, please visit our campaign website at fromhereworldschange.org.
f o r
Progress Toward $675 Million Total Goal 1oo% 9o% 8o%
Credit: Erik Stenbakken
7o% 6o% 5o% 4o%
$406.5 Million
3o% 2o%
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2011
1o% o%
Campaign Gifts
2006-2011 by Focus Area Student Success & Opportunity
Faculty Support & Research
As you know, it is not just the recipient of a gift who is changed; it is also the donor. Within Changing Worlds: The Campaign for UNM, we invite you to find or renew your philanthropic passion. By supporting the students, faculty, programs and campus facilities of UNM, you have the opportunity to create your answer to the fundamental question of the campaign: Whose world
Campus Programs
Capital Projects & Facilities
will you change?
Millions of Dollars
People Changing Worlds U NM People Ch a ngi ng Wor l d s
Ed L e w i s
Changing Worlds Through Solidarity
Alumnus’ 52-Year Friendship with Former Professor Began through Ideas, Social Consciousness By Michelle G. McRuiz
hen they first talked over coffee in 1959, Edward (Ed) T. Lewis—a football player from the South Bronx—and Dr. Henry Ed Lewis (center) attends J. Tobias—a professor of Russian an awards dinner in New was named after him in his York during which a street history from New Jersey—couldn’t At left (in silver dress) is for native South Bronx along the Bronx Walk of Fame. mer Essence editor Angel a Burt-Murray. have realized how this encounter would change both of their worlds. Their mutual intellectual curiosity formed the at a time when there were very few blacks at UNM. basis for a friendship that was not only pleasurable We didn’t talk about personal things; we talked but also reaffirmed each man’s beliefs in equality about world, communist and Russian issues.” and justice for all. “Tobias and I became very dear friends,” said Ed. “I was back at the University in July [2011] Standing Out and went by the Student Union, and I thought I When 18-year-old Ed arrived in New Mexico saw the table [where we sat]. We talked about all in 1958 to attend UNM on a football scholarship, kinds of issues, from the assassination of Kennedy he was taken aback that of the 8,000 students, to the advent of the civil rights movement.” only a dozen were African-American. “It was a Mutually Beneficial shock,” he said. But the coaching staff, the other athletes, and his membership in the International Henry helped to balance Ed’s perspective about House on campus helped him adjust. the numerous injustices that African-Americans Ed was one of Henry’s Russian history were suffering. “He taught me how this country students, and they met by chance in the Student would be much better off if it provided its citizens Union during Ed’s second year. “One of us was with equal opportunities,” Ed said. “He also made going in and the other was going out,” said Henry, me realize that not all whites were bad.” “so I asked him to have coffee with me. We talked Ed mirrored Henry’s convictions about social, for three and a half hours. racial and political equality. “He gave me a sense “Ed was one of the few students who stood that I was a strong advocate for equality for out,” he continued. “He was black, for one thing, everyone,” Henry said. “In a sense, he proved the 8
P e o p l e
C h a n g i n g
case for me—that blacks could do just as much as anybody else with the right circumstances. If anybody was going to be successful, it was going to be him. He could look beyond himself.” Henry saw the entrepreneur in Ed early on. “He had dedication to whatever he was doing,” he said. “My daughter was selling Girl Scout cookies, and there was an award for the one who sold the most. Ed took her to his dorm and got everyone in the dorm to buy cookies, and she won!”
W o r l d s
Ed Lewis in UNM yearbook, 1962.
Ed, now 71, received an honorary doctorate from UNM Ed Lew spring 2 is addresses ne in 2004. received 0 04 commenc w U NM grad u a n hono e He served rary docment ceremoniaetes during t o r a te degre s at which h on the UNM e. e Foundation Board from 1992 to 2000, has been a member of the UNM President’s Club [now called the 1889 Society], and has established numerous UNM scholarship funds along with his wife, Carolyn. “I’m one of the lucky ones to survive and come into contact with an incredible slew of people who saw things in me that they liked,” said Ed. “I was able to grow and become the person I am today. And Tobias is certainly a part of that.” Henry, now 86, taught at UNM from 1959 to 1969 and retired from the University of Oklahoma in 1988. Now living in Albuquerque, he has published three books on New Mexico history with an emphasis on the Jewish experience. Henry said that although the two men have never tired of discussing news and weighty issues, their friendship and ease in getting along was always what he has cherished most. “He always says that I did Go to unmfund.org a great deal for him,” he said. or scan the QR code above with your smart phone to “What did he do for me? read an expanded version of this article online. He gave me a great friendship.”
Maintaining Ties Ed earned a BA (1963) and an MA (1967) from UNM in political science and international relations. In the late 1960s, after he had moved to Manhattan, Ed founded Essence with Clarence O. Smith. A magazine targeted to African-American women, Essence reflected Ed’s deep admiration of women. He wanted to help them realize that they had much to celebrate about themselves. In the mid-1990s, he founded Latina magazine—the first bilingual magazine for Hispanic women— with Christy Haubegger.
r, Ed Lewis ez, Steve Maureerque. rt Co e qu ri En s Albuqu e friend Left to right, clbiosas enjoy an informal reunion in To ry en and H 9
Leaders in Philanthropy L e a d e r s
i n
P h i l a n t h r o p y
S on ne t a n d I a n McK i n non
Partnership for a Bright Future
Sonnet and Ian McKinnon Give $7.5 Million to Three University Programs
an a single monetary gift change the world? Yes—but it also takes more than money. Sonnet (BBA ’93) and Ian McKinnon have committed $7.5 million to UNM. Along with this extremely generous support, they have given their vision, passion, confidence and pride. “I couldn’t be happier for the Anderson School of Management and the Department of Athletics for securing such an impactful commitment,” said UNM President David J. Schmidly. di N ew to n Ph ot o: Jo “Sonnet and Ian are truly changing worlds.” ildren pose ch r ei th d Anderson will receive the bulk of the gift: non an dgin Hall. Ho nnet McKin Ian and Sieo and Lucy Lobo in $5 million for facility improvements. “Sonnet and Ian’s gift will with Lou enable Anderson to provide New Mexico’s students with the resources, technology and facilities they will need to succeed in the future,” said Anderson Dean Douglas Brown. When Sonnet was a student at Anderson, Dean Brown—then a local businessman—gave a lecture that changed her entire business perspective. Now the McKinnons have become two of Anderson’s most important donors. Their generosity will help shape the perspectives of countless students. The McKinnons’ gift also provides $1 million to University Arena (The Pit), $1.2 million to the Tennis Facility, and $300,000 to establish an endowment for tennis scholarships or internships. The endowment honors brothers Loren Dils—a former assistant men’s tennis coach and current director of the Lobo Tennis Club—and Alan Dils, the current head men’s tennis coach. The McKinnons love tennis and have a long-standing friendship with the brothers.
Sonnet and Ian look forward to witnessing an increasing number of achievements at UNM for many years to come. “We are inspired by UNM’s outstanding students and innovative educators,” they said, “and we hope we’re able to play a role in advancing UNM’s critical mission to provide outstanding educational opportunities for all New Mexicans, Go to unmfund.org or scan the QR code above with your smart phone to as well as for students from read an expanded version of this article online. all over the world.” 10
Leaders in Philanthropy L e a d e r s
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P h i l a n t h r o p y
Ell en a n d Ji m K i ng
Melanoma Survivor’s Gift Supports Prevention, Treatment at UNM Cancer Center
Cou rtes y: UN M Can cer Cen ter
A Head Start on Skin Cancer
f it weren’t for her hair stylist’s keen eyes, Ellen King might not be alive today. Eleven years ago, Ellen’s stylist found a suspicious-looking spot on her scalp. It was melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. She had the cancerous lesion removed. Luckily, the cancer had not spread. Ellen has been cancer free for 11 years. The diagnosis and treatment gave Ellen an idea. “I wanted to do something that would help the discovery and prevention of melanoma,” she said. She and her husband, Jim, chairman of the board of Bradbury Stamm The UNM Cancer Center h Dista nt Thunde a sculpture by Star Lianawit Construction Inc., spoke to UNM Cancer Center Director York, in the foregroundr,. of Development Kenneth Thompson. He set up a meeting with the Kings; Director and CEO Cheryl L. Willman, MD; and Associate Director for Cancer Population Sciences Marianne Berwick, PhD, MPH, who is an international expert in melanoma research. That meeting helped Ellen and Jim realize that they could make a real difference in the lives of New Mexicans. They established a gift from their family foundation.
Ellen wanted to give the UNM Cancer Dr. Willman. “The UNM Cancer Center is grateful Center free rein on how to use the funds. and proud to have Ellen and Jim’s support.” The Cancer Center has established a growing Ellen wants to help educate people who don’t bank of tumor samples for melanoma research think of melanoma as a real disease. She said a and is leveraging the funds to apply for lot of people, including skin cancer patients, major research grants. don’t take skin cancer seriously. The Kings also wanted to see “Because we have been so their money stay in New Mexico. fortunate and our company has “UNM seemed to be the done well,” appropriate place,” Ellen said. Ellen said, “We have been supportive of “we felt we UNM in a variety of ways in the past. could afford to I felt we should give within the state.” give. Skin cancer is “The Kings’ gift is truly making a very serious thing. Go to unmfund.org or scan the QR code above a difference for melanoma prevention I want people to pay with your smart phone to read an expanded version Ellen and Jim King and treatment in New Mexico,” said attention to it.” of this article online. 11
Leaders in Philanthropy L e a d e r s
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P h i l a n t h r o p y
Sue Daulton
A Steadfast Friend
Donor’s Cumulative Giving Means Much to Students
continues. She admires the academic resources Sue and Paul gave to the PSP every year since available to student-athletes to help them its inception in 1976, and Sue continues to balance the demands of school and sport. support it. This program matches donors While Sue’s husband, brother and to scholars, whose education they then son, Tom, all graduated from sponsor. Sponsors and students have UNM, Sue herself did not, opportunities to become acquainted. although she came very close. Sue receives letters of gratitude “I’ve always from the Presidential Scholars regretted she has sponsored, and said, that,” she said. “What they’re studying is over Now she helps my head by about nine feet.” other UNM Supporting the Lobo Club, which students graduate. raises funds for athletic scholarships, Go to unmfund.org or scan the QR code above “It gives me a great is another philanthropic activity that Sue with your smart phone to Sue read an expanded version deal of pleasure.” of this article online. and Paul embarked on together and that Sue Daulton 12
Cou rtes y: UN M Col lege of Nur sing
ow do you change the world? If you do it Sue Daulton style, quietly and respectfully. For more than 40 years, Sue— first with her husband, Paul (BA ’47), who passed away in 2007—has given generously to three important areas at UNM: Sue Daulton (center) the College of Nursing (CON), the scholarship recipients.enjoys a recent College of Nursing dean’s reception with several Presidential Scholarship Program (PSP) and the Lobo Club. “Sue has made a great impact on the lives of nursing students and faculty, and the total academic program,” says Rosemary Gregory, director of development at the College. For all her generosity, however, Sue has always shunned the limelight. She was “dumbfounded” upon hearing that she had won the 2011 Zia Award, which the UNM Alumni Association bestows annually to alumni for their philanthropy and other activities. And at the CON graduation this spring, Sue was taken by surprise when Dean Nancy Ridenour pronounced her the College’s first honorary nurse.
Leaders in Philanthropy L e a d e r s
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P h i l a n t h r o p y
Ell en McCull ough-B r a b son a n d Joh n B r a b son
Music that Lasts a Lifetime
Endowed Scholarship, Music School Bring UNM Students and Children Together
C ou rt es y:
ho ol ic Pr ep Sc U N M M us
or Ellen McCullough-Brabson and John Brabson, life without music is a life without beauty. Ellen is a professor emerita of music education at UNM; John is a retired engineer who has sung in the chorus of Opera Southwest for more than 35 years. They are helping to positively change the worlds of children by bringing music to those who might not otherwise hear it and helping UNM music education students do the same. In 1993, Ellen and a steering committee of several UNM Music Department faculty and community music educators started the UNM Music Prep School, a Saturday morning music program for children from birth through elementary school age. The program has grown to more than e il h w n 600 students. The faculty, comprised of local music nts have fu l participa o o ch S p re cP educators, teach the children to sing, play instruments, U NM Musiusic. m g in k a m move, listen, read music and develop creativity. a children’s opera, Shoes for the Santo Niño. The When Ellen retired in 2003, Diane Bonnell, who has administered the Music Prep School for the opera is the first major collaborative effort between past 18 years, approached her about establishing the UNM and the Santa Fe Opera. Members of the Ellen McCullough-Brabson Music Education UNM Children’s Chorus—part of the Music Prep Scholarship. John’s family’s foundation, School—will perform in it. The opera will the Brabson Library and Educational debut Dec. 16 and 17, 2011 in Albuquerque. Foundation (BLEF), and community Eight years into their retirement, members funded the scholarship. Ellen and John are grateful for this It not only helps give student new era in their lives that gives teachers invaluable experience; them the it also strengthens the school’s means and the community outreach. The children opportunity to come from diverse ethnic and create more beauty economic backgrounds and represent through community every zip code in the city. arts. “That’s what Go to unmfund.org or scan the QR code above The BLEF also provides support gives life meaning,” with your smart phone to Ellen McCullough-Brabson read an expanded version for the Music Prep School as well as John said. “Beauty.” of this article online. and John Brabson 13
Leaders in Philanthropy L e a d e r s
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P h i l a n t h r o p y
Jo a n d Dav i d Wh i t t en
Because They Believe
Hip replacements. Artificial hearts. Remarkable advances in biomedical engineering make these terms familiar to most Americans. David Whitten and Jo Wright Whitten have made two major gifts to the School of Engineering (SOE) with the belief that, in time, UNM could offer a top biomedical engineering program. The first, a current gift, will provide fellowships to UNM Engineering stu first-year biomedical engineering graduate students. t Steven Candelaria operat radio frequency plasma den es a reactor to treat polymer sur The second, a planned gift, will create an endowed faces. professorship in the Center for Biomedical Engineering (CBME). “These generous gifts will help the SOE attract and retain the brightest, most diverse students in the near term, with a long-term ability to add faculty to this growing program,” said SOE Dean Catalin Roman. “The Whittens’ decision to support UNM rather than their own alma maters is a true compliment to the School.” David has been the CBME’s interim director Langmuir, a prestigious publication of the since 2009. The Center’s work has the potential American Chemical Society. to make significant changes in human life. Jo is coordinating editor for Langmuir. A former For example, some people in the Center are educator, she has studied art intensely, including developing artificial implantable devices; silk-screen printmaking and incorporating her others are working on early detection of photographs onto silk-screen prints. Her works Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. are in a number of public collections. In “Everyone working at the Center addition, she taught video production at believes in what they’re doing,” the University of Rochester. David said. “It’s the most The Whittens thought long exciting research I’ve ever and hard about which been involved in.” institution they David has been on would support. the chemistry faculties of the Said David, “We University of North Carolina have had wonderful Go to unmfund.org at Chapel Hill, the University of educational experiences, or scan the QR code above with your smart phone to Rochester and Arizona State University. but you get more bang read an expanded version David and Jo Whitten of this article online. He is also editor-in-chief of for your buck at UNM.” 14
Cou rtes y: UN M Sch ool of Eng inee ring
Couple Funds Engineering Fellowships, Endows Professorship
Leaders in Philanthropy L e a d e r s
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P h i l a n t h r o p y
Contribution to the Community
Foundation’s Gift Funds New Auditorium in Harwood Museum of Art The Arthur Bell Youth Foundation didn’t set out to fund a new auditorium at UNM’s Harwood Museum of Art in Taos. Rather, the Harwood discovered the foundation at just the right time. The foundation’s generous gift has funded a stateof-the-art facility that gives residents and visitors new opportunities for exposure to visual, mpera. ll Jr. 2010. Egg te Be ur th Ar literary and performing arts. d an . of Arthur Bell Sr Eli Levin, Por trait Family. “This beautiful auditorium, ll Cour tesy of the Be equipped with a surround-sound audio system and high-definition video projection, has become both a meaningful gathering place for the community and a portal to remarkable arts experiences happening all over the world,” said Harwood Museum of Art Director Susan Longhenry. The Arthur Bell Auditorium offers films, concerts, ballet, opera simulcasts and lectures to the public. Between December 2010 and June 2011, more than 4,400 people participated in these programs, many experiencing the Harwood for the first time. “[The gift] just came together and turned out to be a wonderful idea,” Go to unmfund.org or scan the QR code above with your smart phone to said a spokesperson for the read an expanded version of this article online. Foundation. “We’re delighted.”
During a personal visit from Susan, the officers of the foundation realized that their philanthropic mission beautifully matched the remaining need of the Harwood expansion—an auditorium. The late Arthur Bell Jr. was mechanically gifted. He had a long career with General Motors, (GM) first on the assembly line, then teaching GM mechanics how to fix vehicles. He launched a foundation after retirement to help give kids more access to the arts. Both he and his father, Arthur Sr., knew and enjoyed the Harwood Museum, and the gift honors both men. 15
t ood Mu seu m of Ar Co urt esy : Ha rw
A rt h u r Bell You t h Fou n dat ion
Endowed Research Professorship in Anesthesiology #2
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E n d o w m e n t s f y 2010 -2011
Established by the School of Medicine, this fund supports research and teaching in anesthesiology.
Friends of Dance Endowed Scholarship in honor of Jennifer Predock-Linnell
Established by friends and colleagues of Jennifer Predock-Linnell, this fund honors her career and contributions to dance by supporting students in dance, preferably students with a special interest in contemporary choreography, performance, contemporary flamenco choreography, or dance and technology.
Rafael Alejandro Atencio Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established by Ralph Atencio, in memory of his son Rafael, who knew that not many young men from Northern New Mexico were afforded the opportunity to attend college and fewer finished. This scholarship benefits students from Española or Northern New Mexico who demonstrate financial need.
School of Engineering Dean’s Endowment Established by friends of the School of Engineering, this fund supports students, faculty and staff, and includes support for scholarship, travel, special projects and other activities at the discretion of the dean.
Marty and Dave Evans Scholarship Endowment in Nursing
Maralyn S. Budke Endowed Chair in Cancer Research and Treatment
Established by Dave and Marty Evans, who moved to New Mexico from Ohio after retirement and who believe in the importance of skilled nursing care, this scholarship supports undergraduate or graduate students who are successfully pursuing degrees in nursing.
Established by the estate of Maralyn S. Budke, this fund supports an endowed chair or chairs in cancer research and treatment. Although she never held elected office, Ms. Budke played an influential role in New Mexico politics for many years. She was director of the Legislative Finance Committee staff during a time of significant growth for UNM’s School of Medicine, UNM Hospital and UNM Cancer Center. Her astute leadership made her a prized board member for a number of units in the Health Sciences Center.
Sheena Ferguson UNMH Nursing Education Fund Established by Sheena Ferguson, chief nursing officer at UNM Hospital, this fund supports staff nurses in attending national conferences for their specialty areas.
College of Fine Arts Dean’s Endowment for Special Initiatives
Maralyn S. Budke Endowed Chair in Otolaryngology
Established by friends of the College of Fine Arts, this fund supports Established by the estate of Maralyn S. Budke, emerging opportunities that further the College’s mission. this fund supports an endowed chair or chairs in Eugene Karen A. Foss Student Award in otolaryngology. Although she never held elected office, Ms. Budke played an influential role in Communication and Journalism and Marion New Mexico politics for many years. Established by Professor Karen A. Foss, Castiglia She was director of the Legislative this fund supports projects that enhance Endowment for Finance Committee staff during a faculty, graduate students and staff in time of significant growth for the Popejoy Children’s the Department of Communication UNM’s School of Medicine, and Journalism. Schooltime Series UNM Hospital and Gorham Family UNM Cancer Established by Eugene and Marion Castiglia, Center. Her astute Endowed who believe that the gift of arts education awakens leadership made her Scholarship in the curiosity of young minds. The fund will a prized board member String Pedagogy for a number of units in the support access for young students, grades Established by the Frank D. Health Sciences Center. Pre-K to 12, to attend the most current, Gorham Jr. and Marie K. Gorham challenging and artistically Cardinal Health Charitable Foundation, this fund provides scholarships for UNM string diverse young people’s Endowed Scholarship Fund pedagogy students with an interest in Established by Cardinal Health, a Fortune programming at becoming music educators. 17 company that improves the cost-effectiveness Popejoy of health care, this endowment will provide Harwood Museum of Art Hall. scholarships for students of pharmacy.
Endowment for Exhibitions
Class of 1974 Scholarship Fund for Law
Established by Maryann Evans, this fund helps to defray the costs of curating, presenting and promoting exhibitions at the Harwood Museum of Art.
Created by the members of the School of Law class of 1974, this fund supports the scholarship needs of students applying to law school but who are unable to afford the cost of tuition.
Harwood Public Programs Endowment
Marnie Collister Memorial Scholarship
Established by friends of the Harwood Museum of Art, this endowment will defray the costs of planning, producing, marketing and staffing for the museum’s public programs, including lectures, concerts and films, held in the Arthur Bell Auditorium.
Established by Douglas Collister, this scholarship honors the memory of his wife, Margaret “Marnie” Spiegel Collister, and will support students at the Anderson School of Management. 16
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Bruce J. Hayward Scholarship in Mammalogy Established by Bruce J. Hayward, a professor of biology and curator of vertebrate collections at Western New Mexico University in Silver City for 32 years, this fund benefits students studying mammalogy by paying a stipend while they are working at the Museum of Southwestern Biology.
Martha R. and Thomas D. Hill Presidential Scholarship Established by Dennis W. and Marianne B. Hill, in honor of Dennis’ parents, who stressed the core values of faith, education, family, hard work and helping those less fortunate.
Aline M. Hoban Endowed Scholarship Established by bequest, this fund will create an endowed scholarship for physically challenged individuals, given on the basis of financial need.
Paul E. Hopkins Business Ethics Scholarship Award Established by friends and colleagues of Paul E. Hopkins, this scholarship endowment honors his legacy as the retiring executive director of the Samaritan Counseling Center.
Deborah and Rick Johnson Marketing Center at Anderson Established by Deborah Johnson and friends and colleagues of the Johnsons, the center will be a state-of-the-art studio and learning facility for students enrolled in upper-division marketing courses at the Anderson School of Management.
Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine This endowed chair was established by the UNM School of Medicine to enhance and support the internal medicine department, thereby enhancing the capabilities of the University in this critical area.
Jersey Jacks Tanuz Family Endowment Established by Richard (Rico) Tanuz and the Tanuz Family, owners of the Jersey Jacks restaurant located inside UNM Hospital, the fund will assist UNM Hospital patients and families with food, clothing and services.
W.K. Kellogg Chair in Sustainable Environmental and Food Systems Established by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, this endowed chair in sustainable agriculture will promote social, environmental and economic well-being through teaching, research, outreach and economic development.
John C. and Marie Marshall Endowed Presidential Scholarship Established by the Marshall family in honor of John and Marie Marshall, this fund honors their dedication to UNM and academic excellence.
Carolyn Dooley Martinez Scholarship Endowment in Nursing This fund was established by Ms. Martinez to support nursing scholarships for undergraduate or graduate students successfully pursuing degrees in the UNM College of Nursing. con t i n u e d on page 18 17
Establish an Endowed Fund An endowed fund is a gift that lasts in perpetuity. It continues to provide support to the University in the areas of the donor’s interest Endowed funds may support student scholarships, faculty, the general needs of the University or any school, college or program within the University. Donors may fully fund an endowment with a one-time lump-sum gift; fund it over a three-year pledge period or through a bequest or other deferred gift. Endowment minimums vary by purpose, so please contact us for more specific information. In addition to cash, endowed funds can be established through any gift vehicle recognized by the UNM Foundation, including gifts of securities or real property, planned gifts, by pooled gifts from a group of friends, with memorial contributions or through continuing gifts to endowment accounts. We work with donors to develop guidelines for how their endowments are to be used, ensuring donor intent and University policies are honored. For information on establishing an endowed fund, please contact any college or school development officer (see page 36) or Endowment Relations Manager Judith Davenport, at jdavenport@ unmfund.org or (505) 277-9600.
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McConnell Discretionary Endowment
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Established by Sue Daulton, this fund supports the mission of research by providing leadership and strategic direction for research, scholarship and the PhD education within the College of Nursing.
College of Nursing Senior Administration Endowment
Sanford and Priscilla McDonnell Pledge Matching Endowment
Established by Sue Daulton, this fund provides for organizational leadership and strategic direction for the College of Nursing. The scope of activity includes external and internal interaction and communication with leaders and colleagues on the Health Sciences Center campus, across the main UNM campus and throughout New Mexico communities.
Established by friends of the College of Fine Arts, this matching fund will support the efforts of the John D. Robb Musical Trust, which promotes the editing, arrangement, performance and recording of Robb’s original compositions, as well as the work of other composers.
Established by the McKinnons, this endowment provides a four-year Presidential Scholarship to one of New Mexico’s most deserving high school graduates.
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College of Nursing Research Endowment
Established by Thomas McConnell, this discretionary endowment supports unrestricted needs and emerging opportunities that further the mission of the College of Fine Arts.
Ian and Sonnet McKinnon Endowed Presidential Scholarship
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The Native American Women’s Student Scholarship
College of Nursing Student Services Endowment Established by Sue Daulton, this fund supports the College of Nursing’s mission through student services, from students’ pre-program needs to maintaining relations with alumni following graduation.
Because of their belief in the value of education and in the value of giving back, former UNM Foundation El Mezquite College of Nursing Board members Sandra Begay-Campbell and Endowment Fund Technology Dorothy Black established this scholarship. Established by Sergio Endowment Bermudez, president of El Its purpose is to help high-achieving Established by Sue Daulton, this fund Mezquite Stores & Enterprises, this Native American women students be supports the College of Nursing’s mission scholarship supports undergraduate successful and earn a UNM through technology, which is especially students who demonstrate leadership critical to meet the needs of New Mexico’s rural undergraduate within the Hispanic community. and underserved populations. degree. New Mexico Educators Federal Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Endowment
Credit Union Endowment This fund was established by New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union in honor of those who have a commitment and devotion to education and/or the credit union movement. The endowment will provide financial awards to students based on each honoree’s passion for a field of study, connection to a New Mexico community or on an individual student need.
Established by the Bernard Osher Foundation, this endowment supports the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute program at UNM Continuing Education. Osher is a non-credit educational program specifically designed for people who are 50 years of age or older.
Charles and Susan Paine Fund for Excellence in Writing Instruction
College of Nursing Clinic Endowment
Established by Charles Paine, a faculty member at UNM since 1994, this fund supports the curricular and professional development of instructors and administrators of courses that focus primarily on teaching writing skills.
Established by Sue Daulton, this fund supports the College of Nursing’s mission through nursing clinics, which are integral to the College’s mission of nursing education, practice and research. Nursing clinics provide an additional source of revenue to the College, and their community and rural outreach are essential to meeting the health care needs of New Mexico and beyond.
Samir R. Patel, MD, Endowed Scholarship Fund Established by Dr. Patel, who completed his Rheumatology Fellowship at UNM in 2000, this endowment supports students who seek a career in internal medicine with an interest in rheumatology.
College of Nursing Education Endowment
Susan Pearson Endowment for Theatre Education
Established by Sue Daulton, this fund supports the College of Nursing’s mission of education, which is to provide direction and leadership for the undergraduate and graduate curriculum.
Established by Professor Susan Pearson, this fund supports the projects of theatre students who are focusing on implementing methods and approaches to theatre education in elementary or secondary schools.
College of Nursing Organizational Services Endowment
Arlin and Calla Ann Pepmueller Music Scholarship
Established by Sue Daulton, this fund provides organizational support to attract and retain the very best faculty and staff and to create a healthy work environment with an effective business plan to carry out the mission of nursing education, research, leadership and service.
Established by Calla Ann and Arlin Pepmueller, this scholarship supports students studying music.
John A. Pieper Leadership Scholars Program
College of Nursing Practice Endowment Established by Sue Daulton, this fund supports the mission of nursing practice and clinical services as well as the UNM Health Sciences Center’s mission by providing clinical education, practice and clinical outcomes research. 18
Established by former UNM Pharmacy Dean John Pieper, this fund supports the development of student leaders in pharmacy by challenging participants to high academic achievement and participation programs that will provide enriching leadership experiences in pharmacy.
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Dr. Ian Rabinowitz Fund for Hematology/Oncology Fellows
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Victor and Ruby Hansen Surface Professor in Gastrointestinal Cancers
Established by Dr. Ian Rabinowitz and his friends and colleagues, this fund supports the development of hematology/oncology Fellows. The director of the fellowship program for many years, Dr. Rabinowitz is seen as the lifeblood and heart of the UNM Cancer Center. The fund honors his belief that Fellows derive tremendous educational benefits from the program and then spread their rich experience to other physicians and to countless patients throughout their careers.
Established by the Surface Family Trust, this fund supports a Professor in Gastrointestinal Cancers. The Surface Family Trust was created to sustain cutting-edge cancer research and enables the recruitment to New Mexico of top researchers from around the world.
Victor and Ruby Hansen Surface Professor in Molecular Modeling of Cancers Established by the Surface Family Trust, this fund supports a Professor in Molecular Modeling of Cancers. The Surface Family Trust was created to sustain cutting-edge cancer research and enables the recruitment to New Mexico of top researchers from around the world.
Leo and Rose Ricco Endowment Established by Edward Ricco in honor of his parents, this flexible use endowment helps fund student support for Moot Court programs or for use at the dean’s discretion to meet the most critical academic needs at the School of Law.
Miriam Syme Endowed Scholarship Fund Trustees of the Estate of Oscar Syme, MD, Drs. Roberta H. Syme and Myron G. Rightman, established this endowed scholarship fund for students at the School of Medicine in memory of Dr. Oscar Syme’s wife, Miriam.
Ridenour Staff and Faculty Development Endowment Established by College of Nursing Dean Nancy Ridenour, this endowment supports the efforts of staff and faculty to strengthen the prominence of the College through the diffusion of knowledge and experience along with a record of exceptional achievement.
Oscar Syme, MD Endowed Scholarship Fund Trustees of the Estate of Oscar Syme, MD, Drs. Roberta H. Syme and Myron G. Rightman, established this endowed scholarship fund for students at the School of Medicine in memory of Dr. Oscar Syme.
UNM Men’s Rugby Club Endowment Established by friends and alumni of the Men’s Rugby Club, this fund supports financial aid awards, professional services and team needs.
UNM Volleyball Lobo League Endowment
Ann Rutledge Endowment in Honor of Elizabeth Waters
Established by the Lobo League, this fund supports a current student-athlete or one who has exhausted her eligibility.
Established by Ms. Rutledge to honor Elizabeth Hannah Waters, founder of the dance program at the University of New Mexico, this fund supports visiting artists to the dance program.
Arthur Earl Walker, MD, and Agnes M. Walker Memorial Library Fund
Joseph V. Scaletti Memorial Lecture Fund
Established by bequest from Agnes M. Walker, this Established by Carla Scaletti and Kurt Hebel, as well endowment funds the Neuroscience Library. Agnes, as friends of Dr. Scaletti, this fund honors the a great friend to the UNM School of Medicine, memory and ideas of Joseph V. Scaletti and received her RN and BSN from Northwestern promotes the values that he worked to John H. Saiki advance throughout his life. It does University. She went on to earn a master’s Clinical Oncology this by inviting dynamic, challenging degree in neuropathophysiology with a Endowment Fund and enthusiastic individuals to focus on curriculum development, the campus who may act as tests and measurements in Established by a grateful patient and his wife, a spark or impetus to preparation as a nursing trigger new ideas this fund will support a chair in Clinical Oncology. instructor. Agnes, a and inspire further Dr. Jack Saiki is one of the most respected clinical researcher in her own ongoing interactions right, was the co-founder oncologists at the UNM Cancer Center. and collaboration. of the American Association of One of his long-term patients initiated Scott Schroeder Neuroscience Nurses, and was its the fund to honor Dr. Saiki’s second president. Memorial Fund decades of excellence Established by the family of David and Jo Whitten in patient Scott Schroeder, this fund honors his Endowed Fellowships care. unique ability to bring out the very best in everyone Established by David G. and Jo Wright Whitten to he met, and will be used for any work related to the honor their lifelong work and significant contributions in the early detection of cancer, including research, screening and area of education. educational programming.
Peter A. Winograd Endowed Presidential Scholarship
Sharon Lee Smoker Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Established by Peter Winograd, this endowment provides a four-year Presidential Scholarship to one of New Mexico’s most deserving high school graduates.
Established by Ruth G. Bernstein, this fund honors the memory of her daughter, Sharon, and her compassionate commitment to nursing in New Mexico. 19
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S o c i e t y f y 2010 -2011
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Blackburn Michael and Janice Blake Dr. Jane Ann Blumenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovinette Monica and Michael Bowlin G. Dana Brabson and Shirley Brabson M Joan M. Branch and James A. Branch, Jr. Margaret Moses Branch and Turner Branch Dr. Gary Brooks Brennan and Amy Brennan Barbara Brenner Patricia and Charley Brewer
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Campana Dr. Quito Osuna Carr Gene* and Marion Castiglia M Prof. Roy D. Caton, Jr. Peggy Cavett-Walden Regent and Mrs. Don Chalmers Dr. William H. Chambers Mr. Author E. Charette Jean and Clem Charlton Mr. Peter Chatzky Lois Chess Josina Chimenti Mr. Philip M. Ciofalo M
Dr. Charles Briggs Diane Broadwell Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks Anne J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Brown Q Sarah and Douglas Brown Richard G. Brown Scott and Kay Brown Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buchheit Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burnett Robert Bybee*
Debra Cito and Dr. Stephen Cito Richard and Mary* Civerolo Ann Simms Clark Rosamaria Clark Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cobb John and Carol Cochran M Edwin Cohen Ms. Van Deren Coke Patrick D. Conroy
Credit: Bruce Cramer
Anonymous (27) Dr. Karen Abraham Mr. and Mrs. Larry Abraham Lawrence T. Abraham* Q Mr. and Mrs. Esteban Aguilar Dr. and Mrs. Harjit Ahluwalia Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ahrens Paul W. and Leigh Ann Albers Janet Kiehle Allen, MD Leslie Amestoy and Pierre Amestoy, Jr. Prof. Rudolfo Anaya Barbara Anderson Beverly Anderson Albert A. Anella Q Mary Anella Q Profs. Ronald and Jacqueline Angel M Prof. and Mrs.* Garo Antreasian Mr. and Mrs. Adelmo E. Archuleta Dr. and Mrs. Kent Argubright Ms. Lenora Neil Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Jerrell Atkinson Ray B. and Jean M. Auel Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Baca Dr. and Mrs. David B. Baddour Rene M. Balagna Prof. and Mrs. James Barbour Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barela Gloria Ybarra and Fernando Barnuevo Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Carl E. Baum* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck Dr. and Mrs. Richard Beidleman Dr. Robert Bell and Dr. Stirling Puck Dr. LeGrand Belnap M Stephen Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bennett Martha J. Benton H. Allen Berkheimer Mr. and Mrs. Burt Berman Anthony and Beverly Bernitsky Pierre E. Berry Mrs. Maria Berry and Mayor Richard J. Berry Dr. Troy Best James Bewley Jeff and Anne Bingaman Dorothy W. and A. Rolfe Black A. Wade and Renata Black
Dr. Jean Giddens and Mr. Jay Corazza Eddie Corley M The Hon. C. B. Cosgrove, III Q Mr. and Mrs. George A. Cowan M Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cox Elizabeth and Robert Crain Katherine and Scott Creagan M Prof. Virginia P. Crenshaw* Mr. Robert Cromwell and Ms. Sarit Rozycki Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cruft Q Ann Cullum Mr. and Mrs. Robert Custer David Dalgarno Mr. Michael Daly Mr. and Mrs. John Danfelser Ms. Randi McGinn and The Hon. Charles Daniels Kevin and Leonor Daniels M Sharon (Peach) Daniels Jimmy Daskalos Sue Daulton Mr. and Mrs. A. Wayne Davenport Henrietta Davies Bruce Davis Vicki and Sam Dazzo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nunzio De Santis Pauline DeKraker Susan and James Demas Joe D. Dennis, Jr. Brent and Eileen DePonte Mr. and Mrs. Robert Desiderio Joe and Christine DiGregorio Gerri Doherty Dorothea B. Donnelly* Barbara Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Donald Duke Betty Jo Dunn and The Hon. Aubrey Dunn Q Dr. Jacqueline Dunnington Q Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Durkovich Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dushane Mr. and Mrs. Randy Eastburg Mel and Mary Ann Eaves Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Edgeington Lori Efroymson Miriam Efroymson Dr. Peter Michael Eller Mr. and Mrs. Antony James Ellman Mr. Michael Emerson and Ms. Kathryn Naassan
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Mr. James Enyeart and Ms. Roxanne Malone M Ms. Shaari Ergas Dr. and Mrs. Ray Esquibel Tony Evanko Mr. Frank Evans and Ms. Janet Boles L. Diane Evans Jean Fielder Nancy and Jim Fisher Thomas A. Fitzgerald Graham Flint Mr. James H. Foley Q Tim Foley Mr. Edward A. (Gus) Foster Drs. Kathryn and Elliott Foucar Dr. Abraham Franck Jean Rosenthal and W. Nicholas Freygang George J. and Mary E. Friberg Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Friedman Q Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Greg Frost Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gaddy Mayo Galindo Felice Gonzales and Regent Gene Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallegos Dr. and Mrs. Miguel Gallegos Edward T. Garcia Sheilah Purcell Garcia Raleigh Gardenhire Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gehrke Sharon and Jerry Geist Kevin and Vickie Georges M Lanny Ross Gerald Prof. Walter Gerstle Dr. Monika Ghattas and Robert Ghattas James R. and Deborah L. Giannelli Susan and James Gibbs M Van H. and Sandra V. Gilbert Jay Gluck M Dr. Peter Glusker Mr. B. Thomas Golisano M James Gollin Benita Gonzales Q Robert and Marti Goodman Terri A. Giron-Gordon and Gary L. Gordon Nedra and Larry Gordon The Hon. Ramsay Gorham and Frank Gorham, III Marie K. Gorham Mark and Ingrid Gorham Gene and Dell Gosnell Mr.* and Mrs. Leon Gould
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Mr. and Mrs. Scott Grady Dr. Cheryl Fossum Graham Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Graham, III Mr. Al Grant M Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gratton Q Georgia Greenberg Drs. Gilda and Norman Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Greene Dr. Richard Greenleaf David Griffin Nancy and Thomas Growney Mr.* and Mrs. John Guest M Mr.* and Mrs. Charles Gunderson John P. Gutierrez* Connie Hale Patricia and Bruce Hall Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harbaugh Mr.* and Mrs. Joseph Harley Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harley LaDonna Harris Dr. Payne Harris Q Dr. and Mrs. Peter Harrison M Joan Hart and Prof. Frederick Hart Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey Penny Little Hawks M Dr. H. Michael Hayes Arthur Hayman Catherine Haynes and Dr. Allan Haynes, Jr. Karen Head Mr. Geoffrey S.M. Hedrick Dr. David Henkel, Jr. Jean Henning* Barbara Herzstein* James Hesse and Dr. Estelle Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. David Hettema Marilyn Hibben Q Arlene High and Charles High, Jr.* Marie Hillerman Ms. Eileen Grevey Hillson and Dr. David Hillson Mrs. Dolores Hines Mr. and Mrs. H. Henry Hirsch Dr. Carol Holland Prof. and Mrs. Richard Hood Van Dorn Hooker Bruce and Teri Hoover I. B. and Marion* Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Scott James Hoover M con t i n u e d on page 22
Q Charter Member(s)
M New Member(s)
* Deceased
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Aspire to the Tom L. Popejoy Society Established by the University of New Mexico Foundation, the Tom L. Popejoy Society recognizes the extraordinary support and commitment of a singular group of donors who want the University to realize its full potential for greatness. Popejoy’s 20 years as president, a time fondly known as the Popejoy Era, capped a career that made him a UNM legend. “I want you and other citizens to be proud of your University; proud because it aspires to higher quality; proud because it wants to serve the state and nation in these desperate hours of survival; proud because it wants to find the truth wherever it may be,” said Popejoy. “The light of truth in a free society is the torch for our survival.” The first Tom L. Popejoy Society dinner was in 1982. Now, 29 years later, this prestigious society has grown to more than 580 members who represent all aspects of the University of New Mexico. The Tom L. Popejoy Society honors individual donors’ lifetime giving to the University of New Mexico. The current threshold for membership is $50,000. Please visit unmfund. org/popejoy-society for Popejoy memorial listings. For more information, contact Donor Relations Manager Jill Slaby at jslaby@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9651.
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Ellen Kaiper Nick and Chris Kapnison Patricia John Keightley Michael and Peggy Keleher Mr. and Mrs. William B. Keleher Drs. Gary and Yolanda King Jim and Ellen King David P. and Linda Hudson Kirby Mrs. Peggy Kirkland and Dr. Douglas Kirkland Dr. Diane J. Klepper Mr. Kevin P. Kneafsey M Prof. and Mrs. John Kneen Dr. Jeanne J. Knight Regent and Mrs. James Koch Marshallene G. Koff M April and Bob Kopp Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kosanovich Dr. Peter Kunstadter
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jehle Dr. and Mrs. J. Charles Jennett Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson Q Debbie Johnson Dr. Robert A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson Youn Ja Lucia Johnson Mr. Peter Johnstone Lakin Jones Mr. and Mrs. S. Kent Jones Ted and Margaret Jorgensen Victor Jury, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James LaBorde Dr. Louise Lamphere Barbara and Gerald Landgraf Bob Langell Alice and Donald LappĂŠ Paul W. Lashbrooke David Laven Iona Lee and Family Dr. William Lehmann Anne S. Leonhardt Barbara and Louis Leurig Q
Credit: Bruce Cramer
C. Ruth Horn Q Mr. and Mrs. Mark Horwitch Mr. and Mrs. Mark Howard Susan Howard Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hudson Mr. Curtis Huff and Ms. Lori Gallagher The Hon. Shirley Mount Hufstedler and Mr. Seth M. Hufstedler Suzanne Hawley and James L. Hughes Ms. Helen Hunt Ross K. Huntingford Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchinson Peggyann Hutchinson * Scott Hutton Ann Hyde and Simeon Hyde, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ingalls Alice P. Irvin Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Jackson M Steven Jackson
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Mr. Richard Levy and Mrs. Dana Asbury Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis Prof. Lester Libo and Mary Libo Roy Lindersmith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Little Q Julia Logan Q Ann E. Long Rebecca and James Long Gloria Longley Ann and Hunt Look Eppie Lopez Prof. Catherine Loughlin Dr. and Mrs. Chalmers Loughridge Mahlon and Beverly Love Ms. Karen C. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lujan Drs. Mary Lipscomb and Rick Lyons William B. Macey Q Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maestas Ed and Joline Mahr Isabel Malloy and Thomas Malloy, Jr. Colleen Maloof Q Linda Marshall M Enrico Martignoni Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Martin Dr. and Mrs. Ruben Joseph Martinez M Mike Minoru Masukawa Betty Sabo and Fred Matteucci Drs. Noemi and Daniel Mattis Judith Hochberg and Michael Mattis C. Herman Mauney Dr. Gerald and Mrs. Mary Joyce May Jim McClintic Mr. Thomas D. McConnell* M Sherman and Cathy McCorkle M Priscilla and Sanford McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Tim McElvain Dr. Michael and Jeanelle McGuire Mr. and Mrs. B.B. McInteer Mr. and Mrs. McKernan Mr. and Mrs. David L. Mc Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ian McKinnon Dr. Dale Melada and Prof. Ivan Melada Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Meltsner Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Meng
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JoAnn S. Mercer Tom and Jean Merson Mr. Jean Robert Milant Erma Miller Kathleen Jackson and Dr. William Miller Thomas E. and Carolyn J. Minton Richard Minzner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mitchell Judy and J. Howard Mock Mr. Martin I. Mondlick and Dr. Ruth Shore Mondlick M Claudia and Robert Moraga Donald and Jurate Moritz M Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris Mr. and Mrs. John H. Morrison Lynn and Jerry Mosher M Mr. Stanley Mount and Ms. Roxanna Meyers Marion and Karl Mueller Matt Mullican Vern Munz and Teresa Urrea Bob and Betsy Murphy Helen Sturges Nadle Dr. Leonard Napolitano Ruth S. and Charles E. Needham Carolyn A. and Donald A. Neeper Marron Lee Nelson and Michael Nelson Rolf Nelson Mrs. Thomas J. Nesbitt Brett and Cindy Newberry M Alexander Novak Joe Novak B.C. Nowlin and Carol Estes-Nowlin Dr. Diana Obrinsky Patricia H. Olliges Annie and David Olson Alan Paine Radebaugh and Karen Rae Olson M Dr. and Mrs. George E. Omer, Jr. Mrs. J. Michael O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. William Overstreet Evangeline M. Pacheco Dr. Brian Papworth and Mardi Papworth M Allison Parks and Dr. Robert Parks Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Payne Richard Perl Mr. and Mrs. John Perner
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c o n t i n u e d
Mr. and Mrs. William Shepard Q Scott Sherman Prof. Virginia Shipman Mr. and Mrs. Eric (Rick) Siegel Dr. and Mrs. Leon Silver Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sivage Paul Skinner Sam L. Slick Mr. and Mrs. Billy G. Smith M Mrs. Harrison Smith Dr. Stephanie Bennett-Smith and Orin Smith Georgia Snead and James Snead, III Mr. and Mrs. William E. Snead Anne M. Snider Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Sparks M Dr. H. Wayne Springfield Elmer Sproul Ann St. John Hawley* Dr. Jim Stagnone Mr. Robert Stamm and Mr. and Mrs. Ms. Mary Herring-Stamm Q Martin Rubenstein M Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rule Chester French Stewart Lissa Russell and Mrs. Virgil Stout Charles Russell, Jr. Roberta C. Straight Gordon Russell Gerda Strauss Donna and Jack Rust Q Carolyn R. Surface Ms. Ann Rutledge M Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Swan Ruth (Betty) Rutledge Barbara Sweet Q The Hon. Murray Ryan Dr. Oscar* and Mr. and Mrs. E. Larry Saiers Q Miriam* Syme M Leonard and Anne Sanchez Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanchez Q Masami Takayama Bartolomé Gil Santacruz Maj. Gen. H. Tom Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sarkisian and Ingeborg Taylor Prof. and Mrs. Edl Schamiloglu John G. Taylor Prof. Linda Schappert and Tish Taylor Q G. T. Schappert Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Schluntz, FAIA William E. Tempel, Jr. Teresa Fitzgibbon and the MarieAnn and Hon. Harrison Schmitt Q Alex Thornburg M Thomas and Susan Schoeman Dr. Ignacio Tinoco, Jr. Romona Scholder Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Schultz David Tippeconnic Mrs. Rudolph (Betty) Schware Rebecca Tobey Eleanor Scoopmire LaRue Toney Sam Scott Mr. Bob L. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Scott Tobe Turpen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Self Dr. Eberhard Uhlenhuth Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Seligman The Ungerleider Family Jean Seth Lisa Unser and Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sheehan Bobby Unser, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Russell* Shelden Brian Urlacher Credit: Erik Stenbakken
Mr. and Mrs. John Perovich Q Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Peters Silas Peterson, Jr. William Peterson Dean Peyton, DO and Jane Peyton Dr. Patricia Armell and Mr. James Phillips Pamela and Eric Pillmore Mr. and Mrs. Mañuel A. Pino Tony and Julie Pisto Mr. Bob Pitre M Kurt and Dianne Plouff Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pompeo Mary D. Poole Suzanne Popejoy and Thomas Popejoy, Jr. Joanne and Will Potter Constance DeJong and Antoine Predock Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Purcell, Jr. M Dorothy and Larry Rainosek Dr. Mark Rainosek Roberta Cooper Ramo and Dr. Barry Ramo Mrs. Lyle Ramsey Mr. Stuart Rappaport and Mrs. Connie Lovelady-Rappaport Dr. Bishnu Rauth Kenneth and Rebecca Ray Charles and Charlotte* Rayburn Paul Bartlett Ré William Reiquam and Eleanor A. Reiquam Penny Taylor Rembe and Dr. Armin Rembe Suzanne Reynolds Ann and Russell Rhoades Mary Rich Dr. David Robbins and Ruthie Horn Robbins M Nancy Anderson Roberts Nancy and Jerrald Roehl Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rogers Maryann Evans and Edwin Roos Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rosenbaum Michael Rosenbaum Mr. Kurt L. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Roth M Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe Ms. María Griego-Raby and Mr. Randy Royster M Drs. Danuta and Ludwik Rozycki
P o p e j o y
Alberta Urrea and Francisco Urrea, Jr. Q Trey Urrea Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Van Dyke Douglas Fyfe Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Georg Vedeler Roger Vergara Janet Lashbrooke and Yvon Villeneuve Jeffrey and Karen Vinyard Dr. Howard Wadstrom Linda Tyler and Dr. Peter Walch Mrs. Agnes M. Walker* Dr. Byron Wall and Mrs. Cindy Hernandez-Wall Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ward Jim and Joan Warne Profs. William P. and Heather W. Weber William Weihofen Ronald Weiner Chuck and JD Wellborn Mr. and Mrs. James Wemple Jerry Wertheim and Mary Carole Wertheim Liz and Bob Wertheim Q Jeanne Wertheimer Prof. Geoffrey West Dr. Jim and Mrs. Brynn Wetherbe M Florence White Larry D. Willard Dr. John Williams Luane Williams Brian and Stephanie Wimbish Prof. Peter A. Winograd M Ms. Nancy Meem Wirth Mrs. Edward (Charlotte) Wood Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Woodcock Q Mrs. Ray Woodham Q Catherine Woodward Johnna and Ken Yarbrough Mrs. S.P. Yates Linda Yates and Peyton Yates, Jr. Vince and Anne Yegge Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zangara Mr.* and Mrs. Richard Zemke Catherine and Ray Ziler Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zimmer Q Mrs. John K. Zollinger Q Q Charter Member(s)
M New Member(s) * Deceased
Fay P. Abrams Raymond Ament Roy and Geneva Anderson Ellen and Evan Ashcraft Harry and Kristina Asmussen Rene Balagna Margaret Bell Martha Benton H. Allen Berkheimer Pierre Berry Mayor Richard Berry and Maria Berry Roy and Tana Bidwell
Thomas Cavanaugh Peggy Cavett-Walden Dr. William Chambers F. Pete Clements Charles and Gwen Clouthier Patrick Conroy Kenneth Corazza Bruce and Diane Creel i
Yolanda R. Dominguez Thomas and Judith Donahue Dorothea Donnelly* Daniel Christian DosĂŠ and Mary L. Taylor DosĂŠ Drexel and Carmen Douglas Dr. Nader Ebrahimi
Dr. Samuel Bluefarb Paul and Susan Bombardt Jim and Diane Bonnell Stephen A. Borbas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovinette Dr. Raymond Bowen and Joan Bowen Jim and Jeanette Boyer Vivian Boyle Frances Bratton James and Elizabeth Brown Otto* and Roberta Burleson i Ms. Shannan Carter Edward and Patricia Cassidy Maria Catanach Prof. Roy Caton, Jr.
Prof. Virginia Crenshaw* Ronald and Marylou Darr i Katharine Daub Dr. Darrell Dawson Bradley and Kathy Day Kathryn Day Dr. William Degenhardt Sheila Delaney James Demas, Jr. and Susan Demas John and Glenna Denton Ren Depew Dr. Walter Dickinson and Dr. Judith Fabian Clinton and Debra Dodge Jeffrey Doll Rae Domenico
Ralph and Lois Elsner Mr. Frank Evans and Ms. Janet Boles Thomas Farrar John and Jo Margaret Farris Ella Joan Fenoglio William and Alice Fienning William M. and Heidi Fietz i William T. Fietz David and Jennifer Finlayson i James and Nancy Fisher i Rona Fisher Martin Fleck, Jr. and Lois Fleck Prof. Marilyn Fletcher James Ford, Jr. and Maureen Ford
N e w
H o r i z o n s
S o c i e t y
Credit: Erik Stenbakken
f y 2010 -2011
Dr. Abraham Franck Kenneth Fridline Drs. Theodore and Charlotte Frisbie Armando Garcia, Sr. and Dr. Linda Kirk-Garcia Sheilah Garcia Raleigh Gardenhire i Charles and Patsy Gassaway Dr. Ann Gateley Dennis and Bonnie Geer Don Kirby and Joan Gentry Robert and Harriet Gerding Hugh Gibson Susanna Gilbert Ila Glore Dr. Leon Goldman and Angela Goldman Gary Gordon and Terri Giron-Gordon Larry and Nedra Gordon William Grasse Drs. Norman and Gilda Greenberg Richard and Nancy Gregory Dr. Brian Hansen and Linda Williams Raymond Heller Marian Henry James and Eleonore Hessler Robert Hilgendorf and Tian-Ling Tong M. Anne Hill The Hon. Norman Hodges Van Dorn Hooker Bruce and Teri Hoover i Peggyann Hutchinson* Simeon Hyde, Jr. and Ann Hyde Alice Irvin Prof. Kuppaswamy Iyengar Terry Jackson Dr. George Jelinek Howard Jenkins Roy and Frances Johns William Johnson and Luanna Hughes Johnson William Junor and Susan Wider Doctor Bill Kelley David P. and Linda Hudson Kirby Stephanie Klecotka Walter and Allene Kleweno
T h e
Gary Kloppenburg Dr. Kathryn Kolankiewicz i Loren and Nancy Kuehne Donald and Margaret Kuehnert D. L. Laidlaw Anthony Landry William Langdon and S. Patricia McSherry Jeanette and James Larson Kenneth Leach and Hazel Tull-Leach i Dr. Mark Lesher and Donna Lesher i Michele Lesher Dr. Stephen Littlejohn and Dr. Karen Foss Prof. Robert Loftfield Frank Logan, III and Patricia Logan Julia Logan H. Hunter and M. Ann Look i Dr. Bill Lovejoy Leon J. Luey Dr. Raymond Lutz, Jr. and Dr. Nancy Lutz William B. Macey Paul and Denise Maestas i Charles and Margery Marshall Ted and Dolores Martinez C. Herman Mauney Karin May Drs. Liam and Marguerite McCurry Michael and Barbara McDonnell Jeannette McKee Dr. Dale Melada and Prof. Ivan Melada JoAnn Mercer Patricia Merlo Dr. E. Gerald Meyer Lee and Jan Miller Dr. William Miller and Kathleen Jackson J. Douglas and Carol Mistler Sarah Moore* Karl Mueller, Jr. and Marion Mueller Dr. Michael Muldawer and Judith Muldawer Dr. Catherine Mulqueen Dr. Marilee Nason Don and Carolyn Neeper
N e w
H o r i z o n s
Rolf Nelson David and Annie Olson Dr. George Omer, Jr. and Wanda Omer Edith O’Rourke James and Teresa* Parnell Jennifer Pedneau Mari Penshurst Calla Pepmueller Mr. and Mrs. John Perner i Manuel and Verna Pino Susan Poet Mary Poole Thomas Popejoy, Jr. and Suzanne Popejoy i Dr. J. T. (Skip) Prichard Larry Nichols and Dr. Polly Primm Larry and Dorothy Rainosek Rob Rayner* Greg and Patricia Remington Buck and Isa Rhodes Mary Rich Dr. Adrian Richards and Efrosine Richards Dr. Jacki Pieracci Riggs* and Joseph N. Riggs, III Michael Roberts i Dr. John Robertson Edwin Roos and Maryann Evans Ingrid Roosild Dr. Estelle Rosenblum Martin and Craig Rubenstein Dr. Isidro Rubi, Jr. and Janice Rubi Lenny Ruggiero and Janice Branch-Ruggiero Theda Rushing Ro Saavedra John Salazar Dr. Dan Salter i Dr. Alex Sanchez and Elaine Sanchez Sandra Sanchez Mildred Sanders Prof. Don Schlegel Harlan and Georganne Seeley Danielle Sengel Alan Shaffer Art and Colleen Sheinberg Dr. Roger Simms Steven Simms and L. Gail Lemons
S o c i e t y ,
c o n t i n u e d
Prof. Rod Snead Elsie Charlese Spencer Dr. H. Wayne Springfield Todd R. Staats Robert Stamm and Mary Herring-Stamm Drs. David and Cynthia Stuart Carolyn R. Surface Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Swan Dr. Oscar Syme* Kenneth Tinklepaugh and Marilyn Hill Coleman Travelstead and Brookes McIntyre Joe Trujillo and Dr. Valerie Trujillo Dr. and Mrs. Robert Turner Tobe Turpen, Jr. i Richard and Diane Vande Noord Cherie Vaughn i LeRoy and Cynthia Vestal Yvon Villeneuve and Janet Lashbrooke Dr. Howard Wadstrom
Mrs. Agnes M. Walker* Mr. Jerry Walker and Dr. Randi Walker Profs. William P. and Heather W. Weber Dr. Marta Weigle William Weihofen John Wheeler Florence White Lynnie Wienecke Carol Wilder Dr. Walter Willis and Joan Willis Phillip and Mary Woodard Janet Yates Dr. Elias Yudkowsky Thomas Zanotti Martha Zollinger Dorothy Zopf
i Lobo Legacy member(s) * Deceased
Join the New Horizons Society The University of New Mexico Foundation would like to recognize all donors who have included the University in their estate plans or who have made other types of planned gifts. New Horizon Society (NHS) members are invited to an annual luncheon event. A planned gift may take the form of a bequest intention in a will or living trust, an IRA or retirement account beneficiary designation, a life insurance or other beneficiary designation, a gift annuity, a charitable trust or other arrangements. Members of Lobo Legacy, a planned giving program for UNM Athletics, are indicated by a i in the NHS member listing. For more information about making a planned gift or joining the New Horizons Society, please contact Director of Planned Giving Sheila Hard, at Sheila.Hard@ unmfund.org or (505) 277-9604. 25
G i f t s
t o
t h e
U n i v e r s i t y
I n d iv idu a l s , C o r p o ra t i o n s & Foundations
Dr. LeGrand Belnap Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico i Estate of Elmer G. Borbely Bristol-Myers Squibb $1,000,000+ Dorothy M. Carlson Trust The Bernard Osher Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation Dr. Eugene A.* and Estate of Maralyn Budke Marion Castiglia i Corporation for Children’s Hospital Public Broadcasting of Philadelphia Friends of KNME-TV Children’s Miracle Network Friends of KUNM Clear Channel Radio and Estate of Thomas D. McConnell New Media Albuquerque i The Navajo Nation Costco Wholesale i Pfizer, Inc. Cowboys for Cancer Research, Inc. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Crohns and Colitis Foundation Sandia Foundation, a Hugh and of America, Inc. Helen Woodward Charity Cystic Fibrosis Services, Inc. Tom and Jane Hanna Daniels Fund Revocable Trust Sue Daulton i W.K. Kellogg Foundation Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Frank C. Hibben Charitable Trust I n d iv idu a l s , Frontier/Golden Pride i C o r p o ra t i o n s Genentech, Inc. & Foundations The George and Lena Valente Foundation $500,000-999,999 Danny Granger, Jr. American Heart Association Estate of Mollie E. Hayes Carl C. Anderson, Sr. and Helene Fuld Health Trust Marie Jo Anderson Hope on Wheels Hyundai Dealers Estate of William B. Castetter Human Frontier Science Program Christopher and Institute for Dana Reeve Foundation Higher Education Policy Estate of Prof. Virginia P. Crenshaw Laguna Development James Enyeart and Corporation i Roxanne Malone The Leukemia and Lymphoma New Mexico Society of America Community Foundation Lilly Research Labs United Way The Mandelman-Ribak of Central New Mexico i Foundation Sanford and Priscilla McDonnell I n d iv idu a l s , Mr. and Mrs. Ian McKinnon C o r p o ra t i o n s Merck Company Foundation & Foundations Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc. $100,000-499,999 New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union Anonymous (2) Joe Novak American Cancer Society, Inc. PCS Health Systems, Inc. American Diabetes Association PNM Resources i Archdiocese of Santa Fe Larry and Arthritis Foundation Dorothy Rainosek i Southwest Chapter Carol Raymond AstraZeneca Foundation
o f
N e w
M e x i c o *
f y 2010 -2011 William and Eleanor Reiquam Dr. Myron Rightman and Dr. Roberta Syme Ronald Rule Sandia Corporation/ Lockheed Martin Sanofi-Aventis U.S., Inc. Service League of UNM Hospitals Surface Family Trust Jeff and Deborah Van Dyke Estate of Agnes M. Walker WateReuse Foundation Wells Fargo P i
I n d iv idu a l s , C o r p o ra t i o n s & Foundations $50,000-99,999 Anonymous (3) Albuquerque Lincoln Mercury Volvo i Albuquerque Public Schools Foundation American General Media i American Thoracic Society, Inc. Bank of America Estate of Leon Bennett Biomedical Research Institute Blood Systems Foundation Cardinal Health i Comcast i Commonwealth Fund Eddie Corley i George and Helen Cowan Defined Fitness i Eight Grady Family, LLC i Eugene L. Garcia Charitable Trust Mr. Frank Evans and Ms. Janet Boles Flintco, LLC Mr. Edward A. (Gus) Foster ABMRF/The Foundation for Alcohol Research Ronald and Susan Friedman Friends of the Tamarind Institute Friends of UNM Men’s Basketball 6th Man Friends of UNM Popejoy Hall Friends of UNM Spirit Squad Garcia Automotive Group i
Edward Garcia i Sheilah Garcia i General Mills B. Thomas Golisano Frank B. Gorham, Jr. and Marie K. Gorham Charitable Foundation Marie Gorham Penny Little Hawks Dr. David Henkel, Jr. Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc. John Templeton Foundation Jim and Ellen King Alan and Marshallene Koff Kohl’s Department Store Dr. Peter Kunstadter Lannan Foundation Law School Admission Council Lockheed Martin Corporation i Lordsburg Realty Company Sherman and Cathy McCorkle Donald and Juarte Moritz Morningstar Minerals Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Sanford N. McDonnell Foundation Oxnard Foundation Dr. Brian Papworth and Mardi Papworth i Frank Purcell, Jr. and Joy Purcell Rett Syndrome Research Foundation Estate of Linda J. Robinson Edwin Roos and Maryann Evans Paul and Lucy Roth Ann Rutledge Santa Fe Institute Senior Scientific Estate of Emma R. Showman Siemens Siriusware Orin Smith and Dr. Stephanie Bennett-Smith P St. Baldrick’s Foundation Surdna Foundation Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Technology Ventures Corporation Brian Urlacher Walgreens Weil Foundation Dr. Jim Wetherbe Prof. Peter Winograd
*The UNM Foundation has made every effort to list our donors accurately and in the manner requested. We regret any errors that may have been made in this publication and would appreciate any corrections, name or title changes or comments regarding your listing via email at marcom@unmfund.org.
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Credit: Erik Stenbakken
Credit: Erik Stenbakken
Credit: Erik Stenbakken
G i f t s
I n d iv idu a l s , C o r p o ra t i o n s & Foundations $25,000-49,999 30 Second Street i 770 KKOB AM i Albuquerque The Magazine i Alice G. Hanson Family Foundation, Inc. American Association on Health and Disability Ronald and Jacqueline Angel Arby’s Restaurant i Ashoka: Innovators for the Public Bank of Albuquerque
Blanton Museum of Art Turner and Margaret Branch i Diane Broadwell i Dean Douglas Brown and Sarah Brown i Doris Bry Carnegie Institution of Washington Caswell Silver Foundation Prof. Roy Caton, Jr. Regent Don Chalmers and Dianne Chalmers i Imogene H. Chambers Trust Robert Crow, Jr. i Crystal Springs Bottled Water, Inc. i David and Lynda Tippeconnic Family Foundation
Sam Dazzo, Jr. and Vicki Dazzo P i Dr. Walter Dean, Jr. and Beverly Dean Delta Dental Plan of New Mexico i Joe D. Dennis, Jr. i DKD Electric Company, Inc. i Dean Thomas Dodson and Elizabeth Dodson i Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. Eli Lilly and Company ExxonMobil Foundation David and Caroll Farmer First Community Bank i FM Sports Radio 101.7 The Team i
Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making Friends of UNM Football First Team Friends of UNM Men’s Golf Friends of UNM Parent Association con t i n u e d on page 28
Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor P 1889 Society member i Lobo Club member * Deceased Gifts of $5000+ and pledge payments received in fy 2010-2011 are listed under “Gifts to UNM.”
G i f t s
t o
U N M I n di v i du a l, C or p or at ions & Fou n dat ions, $25,ooo-$49,999, continued
Friends of UNM Ski Team Friends of UNM Track and Field G and G Advertising i GlaxoSmithKline Jay Gluck i Jerad Harbaugh The Harwood Museum Alliance, Inc. Hayduk-King Advertising, Inc. i Hewlett Packard Janet Horowitz Howard Hughes Medical Institute Ian G. Wimbish Pediatric Cancer Foundation Institute of International Education Intel Corporation i Italian Festivals of New Mexico Jaynes Corporation i Jersey Jacks i Wayne and Kurstin Johnson i KANW-FM i KOB-TV Albuquerque i KRQE/KBIM/ KREZ/KASA i Estate of Stuart L. Levine Lobo Sports Properties, LLC i Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation Lovelace Health System i Paul and Denise Maestas i Manuel Lujan Agencies i March of Dimes Linda Marshall P Max Kade Foundation, Inc. Maxwell Museum Association MDRC J. Howard and Judy Mock i Mr. Martin I. Mondlick and Dr. Ruth Shore Mondlick Mosher Enterprises, Inc. i Jerry and Lynn Mosher i David Mulryan Gary and Anntherese Mulryan Steven Mulryan National Geographic Society Educational Foundation National Kidney Foundation of New Mexico National Writing Project Corporation New Mexico Market Place i Peyton Wright Gallery, Inc. PG Enterprises i REDW, LLC i Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb, PA
Support the Presidential Scholarship Program Many of New Mexico’s brightest and most involved high school graduates study at the University of New Mexico each year because of the UNM Presidential Scholarship. The goal of the Presidential Scholarship Program (PSP) is to attract and retain these students at the University of New Mexico for their college education. Presidential Scholarships are awarded to New Mexico high school seniors based on a minimum 3.75 grade point average, class rank, college board scores, personal essays, peer leadership and community involvement. Each year nearly 125 incoming UNM freshmen receive Presidential Scholarships. More than 425 UNM students benefit from the scholarship at any given time. Scholars come from a wide range of economic and social backgrounds and represent every ethnic group and geographic region in New Mexico. With an annual gift of $2,600, individuals and corporations become full sponsors of a Presidential Scholar. UNM matches the gift and increases it to a $6,900 award, which covers a student’s tuition, fees and books. There are currently more than 140 individual and corporate full sponsors in the program. Almost 20 percent of PSP annual full sponsors are former Presidential Scholars or their parents. Endowing a Presidential Scholarship requires a $50,000 gift. There are currently 71 endowed Presidential Scholarships in the $6.25 million Presidential Scholarship Endowment Fund. Donors may also give to the PSP through the “Share-A-Scholar” program by making a gift of any size. A PSP designation ( ) in this report identifies full sponsors or endowment sponsors during FY 2010-2011. For more information, please contact Associate Director of Presidential Scholarship Program Cathy Bunch at cbunch@unmfund.org or (505) 277-5688. 28
John (Jack) and Donna Rust Sacred Power Corporation Incorporated i Santa Fe New Mexican i Dr. Hyun-Koock Shin Smith & Nephew, PLC Southwest Productions, Inc. i J. Gordon and Dorothy Sparks Robert Stamm and Mary Herring-Stamm P i Summa Foundation Sunquest Advertising i Synthes, Inc. USA Sysco Food Services of New Mexico, LLC i Theodore R. and Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship Foundation David and Lynda Tippeconnic Estate of Daniel C. Trigg Jeffrey and Karen Vinyard i Vista Media Productions, Inc. i Western Refining i William E. and Mary S. Reed Trust Brian and Stephanie Wimbish Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals Yellow Book USA i
I n d iv idu a l s $10,000-24,999 Anonymous (1) Dr. Jonathan Abrams Christina Anaya Prof. Rudolfo Anaya Jerry and Carla Arnold i Ruth Bernstein James Bewley i Robert Bigler Dorothy W. and A. Rolfe Black i Dr. Jane Blumenfeld Larry and Kelly Borgeson Estate of Lorna Elaine Bridenstine Mayor Steve Brockett and Sueko Brockett Anne J. Brown Robert W. Bybee* Estate of Rose Ellen Calkins Dr. Stephen Cito and Debra Cito i Rosamaria Clark Brian and Aleli Colon Patrick Conroy i Dr. Joseph D’Amico Bernaldo Dancel i Kevin and Leonor Daniels i
G i f t s
Mr. and Mrs. Chester French Stewart i Patrick and Cori Sullivan i Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Swan i Prof. Margaret Szasz Norman Thayer, Jr. and Martha Thayer Alex and MarieAnn Thornburg
S. Kent and Joanna Jones i Dr. Gregory Jorgensen i Nick and Chris Kapnison i Charles and Filomena Kiger Rocklan and Kelly Lawrence i Frank Logan, III and Patricia Logan H. Hunter and M. Ann Look i Ben Lucero and Dr. Wendy Fronterhouse-Lucero i Daniel Macke Dean Arup Maji and Dipa Maji Carolyn Martinez Paul and Judith Matteucci i Stephen and Janice Matthews James McCullough, III i David and Adalaida Melton i Thomas and Jean Merson Ben and Robin Miller i Bob and Betsy Murphy i Edward and Patricia Olliges i Dr. Charles Paine and Susan Paine Dr. Samir Patel Dr. Ole Peloso and Sheila Peloso Steven and Debbie Perich i Dr. Stuart Pett, Jr. and Dr. M. Virginia Wilmerding-Pett Dean Peyton, DO and Jane Peyton Suzanne Poole Marcus Rael, Jr. and Theresa Rael Mr. Stuart Rappaport and Mrs. Connie Lovelady-Rappaport i Charles and Charlotte* Rayburn Russell and Ann Rhoades i Mary Ann Sweeney and Edward Ricco i Dr. Nancy Ridenour Nancy Anderson Roberts i Luis Robles Jerrald and Nancy Roehl i John and Lorina Rowe Randall Royster and Maria Griego-Raby i Martin and Craig Rubenstein William and Carol Sabatini i Dr. Mark Savage i Brian Scanlan and Cynthia Chang-Scanlan Bruce and Sandra Seligman i Alan and Joyce Shalette Prof. Virginia Shipman Eric and Nancy Siegel i Billy Smith i Avril Somlyo Gary and Julie Stepic i
Jeffrey and Miriam Ward Robert and Elizabeth Wertheim i Robert Wheeler Dr. David Whitten and Jo Whitten i James and Elizabeth Wiggins i con t i n u e d on page 30
Courtesy: UNM Athletics Communications
Jimmy Daskalos i Estate of Predicanda A. De Geer Richard Dekker and Dr. Diane Dekker i Brent and Eileen DePonte i Joseph and Christine DiGregorio Lee Dirks and Judy Putman i Estate of Dorothy D. Douglas Randy and Lisa Eastburg i Larry and Doris Ellis Wolfgang Elston Dave and Marty Evans Estate of Thelma W. Evans Steven and Paula Fasken Drs. O.C. and Linda Ferrell i Dr. Donald Fischer, Jr. Thomas Fitzgerald Regent Jack Fortner and Terri Fortner i Lenny and Linda Fresquez i George J. and Mary E. Friberg Paul and Patricia Gaeto Dr. and Mrs. Miguel Gallegos i Paul Gibson i Natalie Goldberg Gary Gordon and Terri Giron-Gordon Scott and Laura Grady i Al Grant i Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Greene i David Griffin i Robert and Marjorie Hanna i Executive Vice President David Harris and Linda Harris i Peter and Alexandra Harrison Dr. H. Michael Hayes Dr. Bruce Hayward* Kerry Heubeck Dennis and Marianne Hill Mrs. Dolores Hines Bruce and Teri Hoover i I. B. Hoover i Scott and Renee Hoover i Benjamin and Sandra Horton i Curtis Huff and Lori Gallagher Ross K. Huntingford i Patrick and Nannette Hurley Michael and Monica Hussey Scott Hutton i Dr. Roberto Ibarra and Marilyn Knudsen Estate of Lalitha K. Iyengar Dr. J. Charles Jennett and Linda Jennett Debbie Johnson Roger Jones
t o
Garrett Thornburg and Catherine Oppenheimer John Trestrail, III and Mary Trestrail Mr. Bob L. Turner i Imesh and Bhavna Vaidya i Randy and Vicki Velarde Roger Vergara i Jo Vollmann
Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor P 1889 Society member Lobo Club member i * Deceased Gifts of $5000+ and pledge payments received in fy 2010-2011 are listed under “Gifts to UNM.�
G i f t s I n di v i du a l s, $10,ooo-$24,999, con t i n u e d
Larry Willard Dr. Richard Williams Keith and Deborah Wilson i Kim Yearout i Vince and Anne Yegge P
C o r p o ra t i o n s , Foundations & O rg a n i za t i o n s
DePonte Investments, Inc. i Discount Tire Company Don Chalmers Ford, Inc. i The Dorothy Woodward Memorial Dr. Ernest and Isadora Rosenbaum Trust Eurasia Foundation The Fine Law Firm Fortner & Dalley, LLC i Friends of Children’s Miracle Network Friends of School of Medicine Friends of UNM Cancer Center
Howmedica Osteonics Humane Society of the United States Hutton Broadcasting i Illinois Tool Works Foundation International Rett Syndrome Association J3 Systems, LLC i Jeanette Williams Fine Arts Johnson & Johnson Kenney Brothers Foundation KMGA FM/KQEO AM i KMIN-AM i
Friends of UNM International Medical Delegation Friends of UNM Soccer Friends of UNM Women’s Basketball Friends of Women’s Soccer Frost Foundation General Electric i Gilead Sciences, Inc. Grant & Associates Mechanical, Inc. i
Knowledgeworks Foundation KRST-FM i Latino Public Broadcasting Leakey Foundation Los Alamos National Bank i Lovelace Biomedical & Environmental Research Institute M88 Radio i Merrill Lynch & Company i Meyners + Company, LLC i
Miller Financial i Minuteman Refinishing i Molina Healthcare Moss Adams, LLP i Mountain States Insurance Group Moving Solutions, Inc. i NAIOP - NM Nancy Floyd Haworth Foundation National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Credit: Bruce Cramer
Credit: Erik Stenbakken
Anonymous (1) 3M Corporation 610 The Sports Animal i ABQ Health Partners i Academy of Applied Science Acoma Business Enterprises Albuquerque Asphalt i Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau Allen and Leone Rollie Charitable Fund i Alzheimer’s Association American Foundation for AIDS Research American Physiological Society American Urogynecologic Society Amgen, Inc. Baillo’s, Inc. i Ball Corporation Bank of the West P i The Becerra Group, LLC i Bob Turner’s Ford Country i Brabson Library & Educational Foundation Bradbury Stamm Construction i Bridgers & Paxton Consulting Engineers, Inc. i Brindle Foundation Burrage & Johnson, CPAs, LLC i Butt, Thornton & Baehr, PC i Car Shop Dealership i Centocor Ortho Biotech Services, LLC Century Bank i Chartwells Compass Group i Citgo Colorcon Compass Bank BBVA i Creamland Dairies, Inc. i Cross Country Auto Sales, LLC i CVS Corporation Daniels Family Funeral Services i Dekker/Perich/Sabatini, Ltd. i
Credit: Bruce Cramer
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New Mexico Bank and Trust i New Mexico Broadcasters Association New Mexico Building Branch, AGC New Mexico Coalition for Literacy New Mexico Dream Wedding Giveaway New Mexico Humanities Council Newsom Family Charitable Fund
Cr e di t: B ruc e Cr a m e r
G i f t s New Mexico Pharmaceutical Care Foundation NuVasive, Inc. Ortho Biotech, Inc. Pepsico - Southwest Regional i Perfection Honda i Pharmacare Heath Services i Pink Flamingos i Pop Cap Games Precast Manholes, Inc. i Premier Distributing Company i Presbyterian Healthcare i Public Broadcasting Service QForma, Inc. R & S Powersports Group i Raytheon Company Reliable Chevrolet i Resolution Graphics i RH Power & Associates, Inc. i Rich Ford Sales i Robert E. and Evelyn McKee Foundation Robert Lehman Foundation Robles, Rael & Anaya, PC Ruth McCormick Tankersley Charitable Trust Sandia Office Supply, Inc. i Santa Ana Star Casino i Santa Fe Community Foundation Security’s Lending Hand Foundation Seven Bar Enterprises, Inc. i Shapiro, Bettinger, Chase, LLP Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists Southern Wine & Spirits of New Mexico, Inc. i State Bar of New Mexico State Employees Credit Union STC.UNM Sutin, Thayer & Browne, PC T3 Scientific, LLC Thomas A. Plein Foundation Thornburg Charitable Foundation Tinker Foundation Universities Research Association, Inc. UNM Bookstore Main Campus i UPN 50 (KASY TV-50) i The Veritas Foundation V-me Media, Inc. Volunteer Albuquerque Western Conservation Foundation Western Union Foundation Wilburforce Foundation Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
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Yanni’s, Inc. i Zia Auto i Zia Credit Union i
1 8 8 9
S o c i e t y
join the 1889 Society
I n d iv idu a l s $5,000-9,999
In 1889, while New Mexico was still a U.S. territory, UNM pioneer Bernard Rodey wrote the legislation that established the University and helped usher New Mexico into statehood. More than a century later, members of the 1889 Society are partnering with University leadership to strengthen higher education in New Mexico. Like the President’s Club before it, the 1889 Society is comprised of influential donors intent on making a difference at the University. The flexibility to focus funds on the most prevailing needs is the greatest distinction of the 1889 Society. Over the years, these funds have supported important initiatives that require a flexible and timely response. The Stay a Lobo program, which provides emergency grants to keep students enrolled at UNM, is a perfect example of this responsiveness and was born of the current economic climate. The focus on providing a dependable source of flexible annual support to the UNM president by maximizing unrestricted giving to a broad selection of areas across campus is key to the 1889 Society. This directly supports the core priorities of the University—Student Success, Systemic Excellence, Healthy Communities, and Economic and Community Development— and the ability to seize important opportunities as they arise. As the University strives to fulfill its role as a leader in education and economic development in New Mexico, additional opportunities will emerge. 1889 Society members are vital to that process, and are part of an influential community that truly changes worlds. Membership levels start with annual gifts of $1,889, $2,500 and $5,000 to the 1889 Society. For more information regarding the 1889 Society and current initiatives, please contact Associate Director of Annual Giving Rich Grainger at rgrainger@unmfund.edu or (505) 277-9077.
Fay P. Abrams Louis and Stacy Abruzzo i Richard* and Nancy Abruzzo i Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery H. Albright Carl and Linda Alongi i Donald Anderson and Dr. Sally Anderson Judy Anderson Jules Appelman Edward Aragon i Adelmo and Rebecca Archuleta i Dr. and Mrs. Kent Argubright i Drs. Sanjeev and Madhu Arora Neil Atkins i Ray B. and Jean M. Auel Mike and Teresa Austin i Kenneth Genco and Jacqueline Baca i Tony Baca and Kira Sowanick i Estate of Audrey Baldwin Frank Barela, Sr. and Evelyn Barela i Margot Baron Sandra Bass Stephen and Laura Bass i Hugh and Margaret Bell i Steven and Jolene Benoit i Frank Beserra i Dale and Caroline Blankenship James and Lynna Blea i John and Betsy Bloch George and Sibilla Boerigter Douglas Bornhuetter, IV and Linda Bornhuetter Kenneth and Victoria Bower i John and Suzette Brooks i Prof. Michael Browde and Ruth Singer Dr. Harold Brown and Norma Brown con t i n u e d on page 32
Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor P 1889 Society member Lobo Club member i * Deceased Gifts of $5000+ and pledge payments received in fy 2010-2011 are listed under “Gifts to UNM.”
G i f t s
t o
Scott and Kay Brown i Gail Bundy i Jeannine Bundy i Brian and Celia Burnett i Robert and Mary Calvani Jack and Marilyn Carlson Tony Casale i Eugene and Kathleen Casanova i Paul and Connie Cassidy Bill Cates i Bill and Karla Cates i Paul Cauwels i Dr. William Chambers Clem and Jean Charlton i Gene Chavez, Jr. i Dr. Mark Chavez and Raewyn Chavez Joseph and Susan Chiado i Philip Ciofalo Judy Clark T. A. Cole, Jr.* i Douglas Collister Roger and Elizabeth Cox i Scott and Katherine Creagan i Alfred Creecy Thomas Croston i James Davis, Jr. and Paula Davis Sally Davis Danny Deaver i Jeffrey and Evy Diamond Peter and Erin Doles Jeffrey and Linda Doll Dr. Jacqueline Dunnington Dr. Paul Echols and Marsha Echols i Michael and Cheryl Eckart i Mr. Michael Emerson and Ms. Kathryn Naassan Richard and Carol Esterly i Drs. Heinrich and Joyce Falk Gregg Fallick i Paula Fasken Steven Fasken Orcilia ZuĂąiga Forbes, PhD Richard Forrest, Jr. and Susan Forrest i Rod Forsythe Gregory and Devon Frost i Dr. Jarrett Galbreth and Ruth Galbreth i Sheena Ferguson Raleigh Gardenhire i Larry and Barbara Georgopoulos Robert Ghattas and Dr. Monika Ghattas
Credit: Erik Stenbakken
I n di v i du a l, $5,ooo-$9,999, con t i n u e d
Ted and Margaret Jorgensen i Mary Kaljian Michael and Peggy Keleher i Thomas and Gretchen Keleher i William and Jan Keleher Carolyn Kernberger Kurt and Sherry Kesselman i Roy Keyes and Dr. Irene Patniyot Lisa Kilbreth i Bart Kinney, III i David P. and Linda Hudson Kirby i Dr. Diane J. Klepper Kevin Kneafsey Roger and Karen Koerner i Estate of Renee B. Lameka Iona Lee and Family i Jeff and Judy Leventhal Estate of Mary Jane Linder Stephen Lister i Dr. D. Greg LoPour and Paige LoPour i Dr. Richard Lovato and Rhonda Lovato i Mike and Mary Lowrimore Fred Mady, Jr. and Amy Mady i Joey and Susan Martinez i
James and Susan Gibbs i Van H. and Sandra V. Gilbert i Dr. Ned Godshall and Ellen Torgrimson Robert and Marti Goodman i L. F. and Annette Gorenz i Dr. Cheryl Fossum Graham P J. J. Griego i Thomas and Nancy Growney i John* and Sophie Guest Kenneth and Diane Gwinn Mark Haas i Bruce Hale Lawrence and Saundra Harrison i The Hon. Harris Hartz Karen Head P Peter and Tracy Henderson Arlene High P i Gary Hines i Estate of Aline M. Hoban John and Michelle Hood i G. Paul Howes i James and Mary Lois Hulsman Lowell and Norberta Irby Kim Jew i Robert and Patricia Johnson Mr. Peter Johnstone i
Dr. Ruben Martinez and Karen Martinez i Dr. Vance Masci Luke and Lisa Massar C. Herman Mauney William Mayhew i Stephen and Rebecca McKernan Michael and Mary Merrell L. Michael Messina and Patricia Madrid i Erma Miller i Patricia Murphy Gregory Nelson Rolf Nelson Dr. Hilary Noskin i Dr. Scott Obenshain and Virginia Obenshain Estate of Carla D. Olson Kenneth and Tina Otteni i Nancy Park Gregory Parkhurst Nate Korn and Deborah Peacock Elizabeth Pelz Calla Pepmueller Mr. and Mrs. John Perner i Dale Peterson i Bob and Mandy Pitre i Tom and Theresa Plunkett i Mary Poole Randy Powell i Donald and Victoria Power Arvind Raichur i Dr. Barry Ramo and Roberta Ramo i Kenneth Ray i John Reilly, Jr. and Dawn Reilly i Michael and Janet Rico Lorenzo Romero i Mr. Kurt L. Roth i Glenn Salsman i Bernie and Juanita Sanchez i Leonard and Anne Sanchez i Paul Sanchez Ray Sandoval i Senator John Sapien and Veronica Sapien i Kenneth and Anne Sapon i G. T. Schappert and Prof. Linda Schappert Dr. Robert Schenck, Jr. and Patricia Schenck i Prof. Don Schlegel Prof. Roger Schluntz President David Schmidly and Janet Schmidly i Thomas and Susan Schoeman Dr. Jane McGrath and Mr. Peter Schoenburg, Jr.
G i f t s Dr. J. Thomas Vigil and Dorothy Vigil i Rick and Leslie Wadley i Randal Wallace and Kelly Donahue-Wallace, PhD R. Glenn and Theresa Wertheim Catherine and Ray Ziler P
C o r p o ra t i o n s , Foundations & O rg a n i za t i o n s $5,000-9,999 Ace Metals, Inc. i Addgene, Inc. Albuquerque Community Foundation i The Albuquerque Partnership Albuquerque Publishing Company Albuquerque Range Rover i Albuquerque Rotary Charitable Foundation, Inc. Albuquerque Westside Chamber of Commerce Altela, Inc.
Credit: Bruce Cramer
Cr e di t: B ruc e Cr a m e r Credit: Erik Stenbakken
American Parkinson Disease Association, Inc. American Toyota, Inc. i Americans for Native Americans AmeriSourceBergen Services Corporation The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association Aztec Grading, Inc. i Boeing Company Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, Schreck, PC Brunacini Development i Bueno Foods i Builders Steel Company Business Environments i Captiva Group i Champion Truss i Charter Southwest Commercial, Inc. Chavez Law Offices, PA i Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America Citi Clarion Hotel Albuquerque i Cocina Azul i
Credit: Erik Stenbakken
Dr. John Schooley and Dr. Catherine McClain Prof. Howard Schreyer and Marian Schreyer Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Schultz William and Karen Schumacher Terry Schurmeier Robert and Pauline Seay i Dr. Leon Silver and Arlana Silver Robert Smith David Smoak and Charity Townsend i Dr. H. Wayne Springfield Kurt and Rebecca Steffen Andrew and Katie Stone Estate of Patricia L. Strother Robin and Nancy Strother Dave and Helen Takach Lawrence and Laurel Taub Scott and Susan Throckmorton Jason Tomberlin i Rebecca Ullrich Mary Utton The Hon. Linda Vanzi
t o
Conkerr Cancer Cuddy, Kennedy, Albetta, Ives & Archuleta-Staehlin, LLP DaVita SOURCE Defenders of Wildlife Denver Health Authority Desert Greens Golf Course, Inc. Dino Land i edVenture Partners Emma and Louis Chay Trust Enterprise Rent-A-Car i Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. Fairway, Inc. i The Fasken Foundation Fernandez Company, Ltd. i Fidel, Perner and Michnovicz, LLC i Fidelity Investments i Firestone Family Foundation, Inc. First Financial Credit Union Forest Laboratories, Inc. Forrest Tires, Inc. Franklin’s Earth Moving, Inc. i French Funerals and Cremations i Friends of UNM Arena Renovation Fund Friends of UNM Athletics Friends of UNM Center for Development & Disability Friends of UNM Men’s Tennis Friends of UNM School of Law Friends of UNM Valencia Campus Friends of Women’s Volleyball Frost Mortgage Group i General Distributors, Inc. i Golden Equipment i Graham’s Grille Graphic Connection, Ltd. i Greater Washington Educational Telecommunication Association Guhl Charitable Trust H B Construction i Harrison Contracting Company, Inc. i Independence Foundation Jackson Lewis, LLP con t i n u e d on page 34
Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor P 1889 Society member Lobo Club member i * Deceased Gifts of $5000+ and pledge payments received in fy 2010-2011 are listed under “Gifts to UNM.”
t o
Credit: Erik Stenbakken
Credit: Bruce Cramer
Credit: Erik Stenbakken
G i f t s
C or p or at ions, Fou n dat ions & Orga n i z at ions $5,ooo-$9,999, continued
JM Blomcor, Ltd. i Jobing.com i John Wagner Productions i K&A Wireless, LLC Keleher & McLeod, PA Kim Jew Photography Studio i Kinney Agency, Inc. i Klinger Constructors, LLC i KPMG, LLP Larry H. Miller Dodge/ Chrysler/Jeep i Larry H. Miller Toyota i Larry H. Miller Hyundai i Learfield Communications, Inc. Legacy Church, Inc. i Legacy Hospitality i Lineberry Foundation
Lone Mountain Contracting, Inc. i Marriott Pyramid i Media Designs i Melloy Dodge Albuquerque i Melloy Nissan i The Meredith Foundation Metal of Honor Fund Mirror Image, Inc. i Modrall, Sperling, Roehl, Harris & Sisk, PA Montano Acura i Mr. Tux i NCA Architects, PA New Features New Mexico Gas Company New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association New Mexico Little League District No. 5
New Mexico Mutual New Mexico Oil and Gas Association i Nice Cars, LLC i Pace Iron Works i Palette Art Gallery Paul and Virginia Cabot Charitable Trust Peacock, Myers, PC Peifer, Hanson & Mullins, PA i Pete Daskalos Properties i Pitre Buick-GMC i Plumb Mechanical i PMI Heating and Air i Quality GMC Buick i Quality Mazda i Qwest Communications R.B. Burnham & Co. Trading Post Radisson Hotel i
Randy C. Powell Construction Co. i Ray’s Flooring Specialists, Inc. i Raysteel, Inc. i Regent Services of New Mexico, Inc. Regional Development Corporation Rudy’s Country Store & Bar-B-Q i Sadie’s Cocinita i Sage Accounting i Saggio’s Pizza i Samaritan Counseling Center Sam’s Club San Bar Construction Corporation i San Mañuel Band of Mission Indians Sandia Peak Ski Company i Sangre de Cristo Broadcasting i Santander Universities Schroeder Sales, Inc. i Serious Grippage and Light Co. i Service Electric i Shamrock Foods Company i Shell Oil Company Foundation Silicon Heights Computers, Inc. i Sombra Cosmetics, Inc. Southwest Financial Services i Southwest Glass & Glazing, Inc. i Stanley M. Reinhaus Family Foundation Stock Building Supply i Stryker Leibinger, Inc. Tate Branch Dodge Chrysler Jeep i Tillery Chevrolet i TLC Plumbing & Utility, Inc. i Tom Growney Equipment, Inc. i Truist United Therapeutics Corporation University Motors i UNM Alumni Association UNM Alumni Lettermen’s Association US Auto Parts Network, Inc. Victoria’s Secret Wal*Mart The Walter Henry Freygang Foundation West Wood Realty, Ltd. i XTO Energy, Inc.
Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor P 1889 Society member Lobo Club member i * Deceased Gifts of $5000+ and pledge payments received in fy 2010-2011 are listed under “Gifts to UNM.”
To support UNM and our work with students, faculty and patients, please contact the UNM Foundation office:
W a y s
t o
G i v e
Presidential Scholarship Program
The Presidential Scholarship Program (PSP) receives gifts for Presidential Scholars. Currently, a $2,600 gift grants a donor full sponsorship. See page 28. Contact Cathy Bunch at cbunch@unmfund.org or (505) 277-5688.
• (505) 277-4503 • 1-800-UNM-FUND (866-3863) • unmfund.org For more specific giving opportunities, please see the list of programs and contacts below or refer to page 36.
Planned Giving
The Planned Giving Program provides donors with information and helps establish gifts through bequests, charitable trusts, gift annuities, retirement accounts and life insurance policies. The Foundation’s planned giving experts work closely with the donor’s own advisers to ensure the needs of the University and wishes of the donor are fulfilled. Contact Sheila Hard at Sheila.Hard@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9604.
Annual Giving
The Annual Giving program solicits gifts from alumni and friends by letter, phone and e-mail. Annual Giving donors may designate their gifts to any area, college, school, department or program within the University or give unrestricted gifts, which are used for the University’s greatest needs. Contact Willie Romero at wromero@unmfund.org or (505) 277-2951.
Giving Societies and Dean’s Circles
Giving societies and dean’s circles receive gifts in support of specific programs or initiatives within the University. Membership and gift thresholds vary by school, college or program.
Donors establish endowed funds to support a specific purpose in perpetuity. The UNM Foundation invests the funds and uses a portion of the income generated from the principal to provide annual funding. Endowments may include support for scholarships, faculty or programming, and may be funded over a period of years. See page 17. Contact Judith Davenport at jdavenport@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9600.
Universitywide giving societies include: • 1889 Society Originally established in 2000 as the President’s Club, this group supports presidential initiatives for enhanced academic excellence and student enrichment through unrestricted gifts. See page 31. Contact Rich Grainger at rgrainger@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9077.
Gifts of Real Property
The Gift Acceptance Committee of the UNM Foundation reviews gifts of real property, including real estate, works of art, equipment and other in-kind gifts. Contact Larry Ryan at lryan@unmfund.org or (505) 277-2847.
• Cherry & Silver Society Recognizing alumni who give within 24 months of graduation and then at least once every calendar year thereafter. Contact Margaret Ortega at mortega@unmfund.org or (505) 277-0689.
Giving Online
• New Horizons Society
Give online through the Foundation’s secure website at unmfund.org.
Recognizing donors who have included the University in their estate plans. See page 24. Contact Sheila Hard at Sheila.Hard@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9604.
Matching Gifts Program
The Matching Gifts Program includes both national and local corporations that match their employees’ gifts to the UNM Foundation, enabling donors to double or even triple their gifts. Contact Kirsten Williams at kwillliams@unmfund.org or (505) 277-1655.
• Tom L. Popejoy Society Recognizing cumulative giving to the University. See page 20. Contact Jill Slaby at jslaby@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9651.
Memorials and Honoraria
Memorials and honoraria honor family and friends. Contact Jill Slaby at jslaby@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9651.
T h e
F o u n d a t i o n
he following professional staff can answer questions or help craft a gift that matches your wishes and the needs of the students and UNM people who provide superb education, research, health care and community service. President, UNM Foundation Henry Nemcik | (505) 277-1586 Vice President for University Development and Administration Larry Ryan | (505) 277-2847 Vice President for Health Sciences Center Development William (Bill) Uher | (505) 272-5598
s ch o o l s , C O L L E G ES a n d p r o g r a m s
Anderson School of Management
School o f Engineering
Pam Hurd-Knief | (505) 277-0230
School of Law
Ernest Rodriguez-Naaz | (505) 277-7114
School of Architecture & Planning
College of Fine Arts
Popejoy Hall
Jan Bandrofchak | (505) 277-6442
Harwood Museum of Art
College of Arts & Sciences
Juniper Manley | (575) 758-9826
University College/ School of Public Administration
Jeff MacNutt | (505) 277-0817 Yolanda Domínguez | (505) 277-3194
KNME-TV (Public Television)
Mary Wolford | (505) 277-1088
Polly Anderson | (505) 277-2121
University Libraries
College of Education
KUNM (Public Radio)
Niña Johnson | (505) 277-5632
Hannah Farrington | (505) 277-1038
Belinda Jentzen | (505) 277-7320
Christie Ross | (505) 277-2915
Maryellen Missik-Tow | (505) 277-2159
Mary Oishi | (505) 277-8006
a thl e t i c s
H e a lth Sc i e nc e s C e nt e r
Lobo Leap to Excellence Campaign
Cancer Center
UNM Hospitals
Suite & Club Seats
School of Medicine
Children’s Miracle Network
Major & Planned Gifts
College of Nursing
Annual Giving
College of Pharmacy
Lee De León | (505) 925-5919
Kenneth Thompson | (505) 925-0471
Reggie Garrett | (505) 925-5900
Hazel Tull-Leach | (505) 277-5689
Sherry Wilson | (505) 272-4129
Daniel Jaecks | (505) 277-5684
Rosemary Reichert Gregory | (505) 272-0200
Robert Clark | (505) 925-5607
Harriet Bull | (505) 272-3657
Carly Newlands | (505) 925-5600
U NM BRA NCH CA M PUSES UNM Gallup | UNM Valencia | UNM Los Alamos | UNM Taos | Larry Ryan | (505) 277-2847
1889 Society
Rich Grainger | (505) 277-9077
Donor Relations & Tom L. Popejoy Society
Matching Gifts
Annual Giving
Jill Slaby | (505) 277-9651
Memorial Gifts
Jill Slaby | (505) 277-9651
Corporate & Foundation Relations
Endowment Relations
Betsy Till | (505) 277-1589
Judith Davenport | (505) 277-9600
Sheila Hard | (505) 277-9604
Development & Campaign Services
Major Gifts
Willie Romero | (505) 277-2951
Annette Hazen | (505) 277-9628
Kirsten Williams | (505) 277-1655
Planned Gifts
Presidential Scholarship Program Cathy Bunch | (505) 277-5688
Mary Wolford | (505) 277-1088
U N M Fou n dat ion I nc. Two Woodward Center, 700 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 277-4503
1-800-UNM FUND (866-3863)
Whose World Will You Change? Student Success & Opportunity
Faculty Support & Research
Campus Programs
Capital Projects & Facilities
Director of Communications Wendy Antonio Editor Todd R. Staats Design  Cyd Riley, Firefly Studios Web & Electronic Development Christian Horstmann
Contributing Writers
Wendy Antonio, Cathy Bunch, Judith Davenport, Rich Grainger, Michelle McRuiz Front cover photos Bruce Cramer Back cover photo Erik StenbakkenÂ
Produced by the University of New Mexico Foundation All gifts made to the UNM Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Credit: Bruce Cramer
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage
Paid CPC Mail
University of New Mexico Two Woodward Center 700 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102