UNM Foundation Annual Report of Giving 2014-2015

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Where Generosity Meets Excellence at UNM ANNUAL REPORT OF GIVING 2014-2015

Photo: Jana Fothergill











Now more than 75 percent toward our ultimate campaign goal of $1 billion, our campaign for UNM heads into its final five years.



UNM students and recent graduates have benefited not only from their quality education but also by the generosity of people like you. Read their stories.



Whether extraordinarily generous people, foundations or corporations, meet a few of our valued donors from the past year.





This prestigious society celebrates cumulative giving by some of UNM’s most generous alumni and friends.



This planned giving society recognizes donors who have included UNM in their estate plans or have made other types of planned gifts.








Third semester retention rates, which equate to the number of freshmen who return for their sophomore year, have increased to nearly 8o percent, up from 74 percent four years ago. We also have achieved record highs in both our four-year and six-year graduation rates. Additionally, the UNM Foundation raised almost $9o.7 million in private gifts this past fiscal year—the most in the University’s history. This marks a milestone in our goal to raise $1 billion by 2o2o through Changing Worlds 2o2o: The Campaign for UNM. Your generosity advances our scholarships, programs, research and patient care, and I thank each of you for investing in UNM. I am deeply grateful to the University community, faculty and staff, the UNM Board of Regents, the UNM Foundation and Board of Trustees, and you—our steadfast donors—for your passionate support of our mission and students. Together, we will continue UNM’s legacy for decades to come. Go Lobos!

Robert G. Frank ’74 BS, ’77 MA, ’79 PhD

Robert G. Frank President University of New Mexico

Photos: Liz Lopez

Each fall, I have the pleasure of welcoming new students as they begin their education at the University of New Mexico. And each spring, I have the honor of congratulating our graduates as they walk at commencement, visibly proud of achieving very personal and heartfelt goals. UNM’s excellent programs and faculty, as well as our generous donors, are instrumental in transitioning our students from young and eager scholars to passionate Lobos for life. Each gift the University receives strengthens and expands our academic programs, enhances the student Lobo experience, and elevates the University’s role and profile in New Mexico and beyond. This year’s achievements clearly show that New Mexico’s flagship institution is indeed moving toward a brighter and more illustrious future. We continue making strides to recruit New Mexico’s best and brightest students. In fall 2o15, one-third of New Mexico high school seniors scoring in the top 1o percent on their ACT chose to enroll at UNM, along with 4o percent of New Mexico seniors who scored in the top 3o percent. Overall, this year’s freshman class is our best prepared class yet.

Photo: Kim Jew



FROM THE UNM FOUNDATION LEADERSHIP At the UNM Foundation, we are gratified to hear how generosity and excellence meet at the University of New Mexico every day. Each story is an inspiration, reminding us that generosity advances excellence and excellence encourages the generosity of people like you. Aspiring physician Jaylee Caruso (see page 1o) credits her Presidential Scholarship for allowing her to take advantage of several global education opportunities, including serving with an international medical delegation to Central America. Louise Kiger (see page 15) was a member of the first graduating class of the UNM College of Nursing in 1959. When Louise reunited with her classmates for their “golden grad” reunion 5o years later, the group expressed their gratitude by establishing a scholarship in memory of the college’s first dean, Eleanor King. Jaylee and Louise are just two examples of the stories represented by each name in this year’s UNM Foundation Annual Report of Giving. They provide insight into the generosity of our donors, the appreciation of our students, faculty and patients, and the excellence that takes place on our campuses every day. We are grateful to all of you who honor UNM through your generosity. Each gift helps strengthen the University’s excellence—and inspires others to look forward by giving back.


Peralta, New Mexico | 2o15-2o19

Larry Abraham Q

Los Ranchos de Albuquerque 2o12-2o15

Carl Alongi

Immediate Past Chair Albuquerque | 2oo6-2o18

Gary Beal Q

Hobbs, New Mexico | 2o11-2o15

Michelle Coons

Chair Los Ranchos de Albuquerque 2oo7-2o19

Orcilia Zúñiga Forbes, PhD* Portland, Oregon | 2oo8-2o15

Gus Foster

Taos, New Mexico | 2oo7-2o17

Robert G. Frank

President, University of New Mexico

Gary L. Gordon

Los Ranchos de Albuquerque 2oo4-2o16

Geraldine Forbes Isais Dean, UNM School of Architecture and Planning 2o14-2o16

Corrales, New Mexico | 2o15-2o17

Marron Lee J

Henry Nemcik

Carl Alongi

President and CEO, UNM Foundation 2o1o - Present

Anthony Pachelli, MD Albuquerque | 2o14-2o16

Sherry Prud’homme Parsons Taos, New Mexico | 2o13-2o16

Kimberly Peña Albuquerque | 2o11-2o19

Steve Petranovich Q Gallup, New Mexico | 2oo7-2o15

Don Power J

Laurie Moye

Vice Chair, Chair-Elect Albuquerque | 2o12-2o16


Anne Yegge 2oo9-2o11

Thelma Domenici 2oo7-2oo9

Robert L. Bovinette 2oo5-2oo7

Robert M. Goodman 2oo2-2oo5

Mary D. Poole Ann Rhoades

Albuquerque | 2o11-2o19

Ann Rhoades

President, UNM Alumni Association Albuquerque | 2o15-2o16

Nancy Ridenour

Dean, UNM College of Nursing 2o12-2o16 Farmington, New Mexico 2o14-2o18

David Salazar J

Secretary Corrales, New Mexico | 2o14-2o18


Dorothy Rainosek

Lameck Lukanga J

Lynn Mosher

Gary L. Gordon


Kurt L. Roth

Albuquerque | 2o15-2o19


Albuquerque | 2o15-2o17

UNM Regent Albuquerque

Stephen Martinez J

Henry Nemcik President and CEO UNM Foundation

Assistant Treasurer Albuquerque | 2o14-2o18

Tommy Roberts

William Lang J

Denver, Colorado | 2o15-2o19

Michelle Coons Board of Trustees Chair UNM Foundation

Ryan Mummert


Brooklyn, New York | 2o12-2o16


Dick Morris 1996-1998

Wayne Davenport 1994-1996

Maralyn Budke 1992-1994

Maxine Friedman 1988-1992

Jerry Geist 1984-1988

Jack Rust 198o-1984

Orlando, Florida | 2o15-2o19

Randy Velarde

National Vice Chair Houston, Texas | 2o11-2o19

Q End of Service Term

Linda Warning J

J New Trustee

Taos, New Mexico | 2o15-2o19

Judy Zanotti Albuquerque | 2o13-2o16

June 3o, 2o15

* Deceased

2o15-2o16 officers’ names in mulberry

Photo: Liz Lopez




FY 2o 14-2o 15 Almost $9o.7 million in private support was given to the University of New Mexico during the July 1, 2o14 June 3o, 2o15 fiscal year. Along with you, almost 14,ooo donors provided in excess of 34,ooo gifts, proving that the future of student success, excellent patient care, outstanding faculty and cutting-edge research are highly valued at UNM. Private support includes gifts and pledges received for the benefit of UNM’s students, schools, colleges, departments and programs. Your generosity changes worlds daily at the University of New Mexico. We are grateful for your trust, and we thank you for your gifts.





Alumni and Friends


Faculty & Staff



Academic Divisions


Physical Plant

Student Financial Aid





Public Service







$82.0 $83.9 $81.6

$87.6 $90.7

$4 oM Foundations







Other Restricted

$2oM $o M fy










Other Organizations

21.6% ($19.6M)


CONSOLIDATED INVESTMENT FUND FY 2o 14-2o 15 The UNM Board of Regents has delegated authority to the UNM Foundation Investment Committee to oversee and manage the endowment assets of the University and the Foundation. The pooled assets are combined for investment purposes and operated as a unitized pool known as the Consolidated Investment Fund (CIF). The CIF is managed in accordance with the Consolidated Investment Fund Investment Policy, which is approved by both the UNM Foundation Board of Trustees and the UNM Board of Regents. CIF investments are invested for the long-term using a diversified approach with the principal goal of maximizing the return, and thus the benefit to UNM, at a commensurate and acceptable level of risk. Investment strategy is guided by the concept of complementary managers that are responsible for specific asset categories and management styles in a diversified portfolio (see “CIF Asset Allocation” chart at right ). The CIF finished the year with a market value of approximately $4o5.8 million, compared to $415.2 million a year ago, and an investment return of o.5 percent, as compared to 16.7 percent the previous fiscal year. In addition to customary investment management expenses, a development funding allocation (DFA) is assessed against each participating fund to assist with operational expenses. A DFA of 1.4o percent was assessed during the first nine months and a DFA of 1.6o percent was assessed for the remaining three months. The increase was approved by the UNM Foundation Board of Trustees and the UNM Board of Regents to offset a reduction in institutional support and provide for additional fund-raising staff in future years.




Marketable Alternatives Fixed Income and Cash


Real Assets— Liquid

Private Equity




International Equity


$336.0 $329.5


$415.2 $405.8

$4ooM $3ooM $2ooM

Real Assets— Illiquid


U.S. Equity


$1ooM fy












$2oM $15M

$14.9 $14.0 $13.5



$12M $9M $6M $3M

Student Support













0.6% Faculty Support







Gift Annuities Buildings | Equipment



AS OF 6/3O/2O15

















FY 2013-2014

FY 2014-2015

Reported on financial statements

Cash/Cash Equivalents (GAAP) In-Kind Gifts (GAAP) Pledges (GAAP)

$25,o39,7o1 $3,o97,236 $1,3o7,185

$27,165,499 $ 2o5,685 $1,135,727

Not reported on financial statements, but recognized as campaign gifts:


$23,875,468 $17,161,454 $2o9,o79 $16,94o,397

$34,243,348 $ 5,694,65o $6,23o,873 $16,o1o,174



Photo: Liz Lopez

Cash/Cash Equivalents (Reported by UNM) In-Kind (Campaign reporting standard) Pledges (Campaign reporting standard) Testamentary Gifts (Campaign reporting standard)


The UNM Foundation (UNMF) complies with various standards when reporting private gifts, depending on the purpose of the report and the requirements of the requesting organization. We welcome your questions at (5o5) 277-45o3. B This UNMF Annual Report of Giving reports the total effort of the UNM community in engaging private donors. Using Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) campaign counting methods, qualifying bequests, cash and in-kind gifts donated directly to UNM-affiliated units, as well as pledges meeting the criteria, are counted and recognized in the annual total. B The UNMF’s audited financial statements report your gifts in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Unlike campaign reporting, gifts of bequests, cash and in-kind gifts donated directly to UNM-affiliated units, as well as pledges outside the criteria for GAAP, are omitted. B Additionally, we participate in the Voluntary Support for Education Survey (VSE), which requires only gifts of cash and cash equivalents be reported. Given their differing objectives, each of these standards reports the gifts received by UNM differently. Campaign reports are distributed monthly and through this Annual Report of Giving. Our audited financial statements and a link to VSE report totals are available on our website, unmfund.org.



Changing Worlds 2O2O: The Campaign for UNM inspires our alumni and friends to support student success, faculty research, campus programs and capital projects. But what does it mean to “change worlds?” The phrase encapsulates how people’s lives are improved and enhanced through their positive experiences at the University of New Mexico. Our students come to the University from big cities and small towns across New Mexico, the country and the world to explore, learn and achieve personal goals and dreams. They learn from and collaborate with passionate and accomplished faculty to create world-class scientific research, inventions throughout the technical disciplines and inspiring art. UNM’s medical researchers’ wideranging discoveries and the skilled care provided by the UNM Health Sciences Center’s health care providers improve patients’ lives every day. All of these experiences come together to transform people’s lives, perspectives and attitudes—essentially, their worlds are changed. And while their worlds are influenced at UNM, they, in turn, influence the world around them. This is how worlds are changed—one student, one patient, one class, one research project, one game, one degree, one mind at a time. Since the University of New Mexico launched The Campaign for UNM in 2oo6, more than 65,7oo donors have contributed nearly $75o million to UNM’s students, programs, facilities, research and patient care. We are now closer than ever to reaching our overall campaign goal of $1 billion in private support by December 2o2o. Each gift has the opportunity to change worlds in our local communities as well as nationally and globally. We encourage you to imagine how your gift will answer the fundamental question of Changing Worlds 2O2O: The Campaign for UNM—Whose World Will You Change?




9 o% 8 o% 7o% 6 o% 5 o% 4 o%


3 o%


2o %

July 1, 2oo6 to June 3o, 2o15


Photos: Liz Lopez




Total as of June 3o, 2o15


UNM Foundation Student Writer Continues Study at Home and Abroad By Ellen K. Ashcraft

Photo: Jeanell Pelsor



in Conceptions Southwest. Since February 2o14, she has been a student writer for the UNM Foundation’s Marketing and Communications Department. This past summer, Anna joined students from around the country at the German Summer School of New Mexico for the second time. Operated in Taos Ski Valley by UNM and California State University-Long Beach, the experience exposes students to professors from Austria and Germany. Classes include German Literature, U.S. and Germany Relations, and lectures on such topics as dialects, Schiller, and the Eurovision Song Contest, among others.

Ever since fourth grade, Anna Adams (BA ’14) yearned to speak the language of her grandmother’s family. Today, as a master’s degree candidate in foreign languages and literatures at UNM, she does. After seven years of study, she holds a Goethe Institute C1 Certification for German Anna Abroad speaking and writing skills. Last spring, she In 2o14, Anna received a scholarship for even taught lowerthe two-week long Shakespeare Abroad Program division German classes in London. There, her research project compared at the University. Shakespearean English with German in the During a trip to England this past June, Anna Adams (left) and UNM Honors But Anna didn’t play Hamlet. Professor Leslie Donovan pose on Westminster Bridge in London, with the Palace particularly aspire to Since August and through June 2o16, of Westminster and Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) in the background. teach. “Once I actually Anna is a Fulbright English teaching assistant taught, I realized it’s a lot at a college preparatory school in Hamburg, Germany. She supports the of fun,” she said. “It takes a lot of energy to be in front of a class and English teacher and serves as a conversation partner to students. While get them fired up.” To do so, she offered variety in the class warm-up— intimidated at the thought of being compared to last year’s Fulbright asking questions, playing games and teaching vocabulary with gestures. Scholar, she is eager to know the students—and to have them know the “I was surprised by how good they got,” she said. United States through her. She said she expects to give them insights and dispel stereotypes learned from U.S. television shows. Ambitious Scholar Anna is well aware of how fortunate she’s been to have received UNM Lottery and UNM Scholars scholarships aided Anna’s education. scholarship support. Regarding the Fulbright Scholarship, she said, Advanced Placement credits helped her complete a double-major in “I had a lot of help from many people at UNM, including Dr. Donovan, professional writing and German in just three and a half years. She minored who encouraged me to apply. Plus, the UNM Fulbright Committee gave in interdisciplinary studies. In classes taught by Dr. Leslie Donovan, me valuable feedback on my application, which I was able to revise.” professor in the UNM Honors College, Anna recalls studying literature and When she returns from Germany, she will resume her writing job at art history together, with one project focusing on the use of dragons in the UNM Foundation as she continues pursuing her master’s degree. Tolkien’s literature and in watercolor paintings. And what next, after that? With an eye toward becoming a college Anna shares her research and writing talents. From 2o12 to spring professor, she may go for a PhD in German, or perhaps in comparative 2o15, Anna held several editing positions for Best Student Essays, a UNM non-fiction magazine. She had a short story and a poem published literature. Knowing Anna, she just might do both!


By Michelle G. McRuiz

Doing Well—and Good

Like his mother and grandfather, John Clark (BA ’14) dislikes idleness. “I get bored if I’m not doing anything,” he said. Choosing architecture as a major and a career, then, was a wise move. “I enjoy problem-solving and the challenges of moving projects forward.”

A graduate of St. Pius X High School in Albuquerque, where he was a National Hispanic Scholar and a National Honor Society member, John was well-prepared for success in college. At UNM, he was a four-year recipient of a Presidential Scholarship. His scholarship sponsors, Larry and Dorothy Rainosek, are longtime donors to and friends of UNM, including the SA+P. “I thank the Rainoseks for their help every chance I get,” John said. “Their financial support took a big burden off of me and my family. Anytime someone gives me an opportunity to succeed, I’m even more motivated to give my best.” Beyond preparing him to do well, UNM also has prepared John to do good. “My UNM education has put me in a position where I can use my skills to benefit others and make their lives better,” he said, adding, “which is why I was drawn to the ecoMOD project.”

Serious Play—and Work

Now a graduate student at UNM’s School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P), John put his skills to good use last spring in one of his studio courses. He was part of a team that designed and built a playhouse for the New Mexico Appleseed Parade of Playhouses. The playhouses were then auctioned to benefit the nonprofit, which works to end hunger, poverty and homelessness in New Mexico. John has been a student and an employee at UNM since 2o1o. For four years he served as equipment manager for the Lobo football team. Growth and Focus “Learning from and observing the team from that After he completes his master’s degree next perspective was a great experience,” said John. year, John intends to gain more architecture firm He remains a loyal fan. A series of professional internships followed. experience and then take his licensing exams, Last year, he worked for the UNM Foundation with an ultimate goal of becoming a managing as a graphic designer, using some of his skills to partner in a firm—or branching out on his own. support Foundation initiatives through design of “Ultimately, I’d like my profession to not only allow Terra, Noah and John pose during a family trip to print and web-based materials. “It’s encouraging me to support my family, but also to address Colorado this past August. that my work as a student employee has had a social issues and provide design services to those positive impact on philanthropy to UNM, including who can’t afford them,” he said. UNM Children’s Hospital,” John said. An overlapping internship at John faces many choices in the near future and feels the push to become McClain + Yu Architecture and Design during the spring semester provided established. He has another reason not to be idle: He’s also busy raising his direct experience in his field—and this past summer, he interned at the 2-year-old son, Noah, with his fiancée, Terra Garcia-Chang (BA ’14), who also Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland AFB where he continued to build earned her architecture degree from UNM. Currently working full time, the practical-experience hours needed for his architect’s license. Earlier Terra plans to return to UNM for her master’s degree after John finishes his. this fall, John resumed his UNM Foundation and McClain + Yu positions. Balancing study, work, relationship and fatherhood hasn’t been as John’s master’s project, which starts in the spring, will involve diffi cult as John thought it might be, he said, “because Terra and my family managing the ecoMOD project. “The student and faculty team will help hold everything together.” Being a dad at age 23 “has been more of a design and build a sustainable prefabricated home for an affordable motivation instead of a setback or a delay,” he said. “It’s definitely another housing organization in 2o16,” he said. (See ecomod.unm.edu online for reason to keep pushing forward.” more information.)



UNM Graduate Student Enjoys Challenges of Architecture, Design and Life



Future Physician Benefits from UNM’s Presidential Scholarship Program “Living in a different country is humbling and confidence-building Presidential at the same time,” Jaylee said. Scholar Jaylee Caruso “Studying abroad tests you. Living has made the most of in a new place, while experiencing her UNM experience a new culture and language, is no while working toward easy task—but it is exhilarating!” her goal of becoming a Jaylee also has studied physician. “I’ve always in Costa Rica. Through a direct been interested in the exchange program she was able health care field,” she to pay UNM tuition while studying said. “I’d like to stay in for a semester at Universidad New Mexico and help de Costa Rica in the country’s people here.” capital, San Jose. A senior with “I will miss the people here in a double major in Costa Rica and the lifestyle they nutrition and Spanish, embrace,” she wrote in a thankJaylee is one of many you letter to her PSP sponsor, Jaylee Caruso poses on Playa Ostional in students who have Dr. Bill Dominguez. “They like to Costa Rica during an arribada, or arrival, chosen to study at UNM live in the moment instead of when thousands of sea turtles come to shore in large part because to dig their eggs into the black volcanic sand. stressing about what could be.” The turtles shown are Olive Ridley sea turtles. of the Presidential As her sponsor, Dr. Scholarship Program Dominguez has supported (PSP). For 4o years the program has attracted Jaylee throughout her time at UNM. Because he New Mexico’s brightest and most accomplished is an anesthesiologist, he also has helped her by students to UNM for their education. Scholarships answering questions about her plans for medical are awarded to New Mexico high school seniors school. “One thing I love about the PSP that sets based on grade point average, class rank, it apart from other scholarships is the mentorship College Board scores, personal essays, peer it establishes,” she said. “It puts a face to the leadership and community involvement. opportunity and makes you even more grateful “The Presidential Scholarship has allowed for being awarded this scholarship.” me to take advantage of every opportunity at Jaylee remains thankful for her relationship UNM,” said Jaylee. “It’s also allowed me to with Dr. Dominguez. “He reached out to me as a discover my love of travel and other cultures.” freshman, and we’ve kept in touch ever since,” Since coming to UNM, she has been involved she said. “We meet a few times each semester for with many student activities, including an coffee and conversation, and his guidance has international medical delegation to Central helped me to balance the stresses of being America. In 2o14, a group of 2o undergraduates a pre-med student and life in general, keeping me grounded and reminding me to make my traveled to El Salvador to set up medical brigades happiness a priority along with my studies.” and distribute medicine in rural communities. By Anna Adams

Photo: Tessa Flores




Jaylee wants to incorporate nutrition into treatment of her future patients. She chose Spanish as a second major to help her work with the many Spanish-speaking people in New Mexico. “I really want to stay here at UNM for med school,” she said. “And when I’m financially able, I’d like to become a Presidential Scholarship sponsor like Dr. Dominguez has been for me.” I want to keep the cycle going and give back to students at UNM.”

Happy 4Oth, Presidential Scholarship Program! In 2o16, UNM’s Presidential Scholarship Program will celebrate 4o years of providing premium scholarships to some of UNM’s most talented students. Since 1976, more than 4,ooo Presidential Scholars have attended UNM, with more than 48o currently enrolled. An annual gift of $2,6oo sponsors a Presidential Scholar. UNM then increases it to a $7,9oo award. Endowing a Presidential Scholarship requires a minimum $5o,ooo gift. Donors may also give to the PSP through the “Share-A-Scholar” program by making a gift of any size. A PSP designation O in this report identifies individual and corporate sponsors during FY 2o14-2o15. For more information, please contact Associate Director of Annual Giving Cathy Bunch at Cathy.Bunch@ unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-5688.

Young Double Alum Excels at Energy Business in Western New Mexico


Giving Back—and Recruiting Forward For the past four years Jeremy has been a member of the Cherry and Silver Society (see below). He felt motivated to join when one of his professors talked about alumni having donated supplies to the School of Engineering. “I thought that was cool,” said Jeremy. “I’m excited to help students with whatever they need to learn. I feel very proud of UNM. I enjoy recruiting there, and have even hired engineering graduates from the University.” And who knows? Those recruits just might end up working for Jeremy one day.

The Cherry & Silver Society Established in 2oo4, the UNM Cherry & Silver Society recognizes dedicated alumni who make a gift to UNM within 12 months of graduation and at least once every year thereafter. Alumni have a variety of reasons for giving to UNM. Gifts enhance undergraduate education, support innovative research, provide scholarship assistance and instill pride in Lobo athletics. Private support makes a significant difference in the quality of the student experience, faculty and programs at the University of New Mexico. For more information, please contact Associate Director of Annual Giving Margaret Ortega at Margaret.Ortega@ unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-O689 or visit unmfund.org/cherry-silver-society online.


Photo: Sherri Kachirisky

societies, Pi Tau Sigma and Tau Beta Pi. Jeremy Chavez (BSME “We took part in ’o9, MBA ’12) had many different community interests while growing up service projects,” said in Grants, N.M. Aside from Jeremy. “It was also a hunting and riding ATVs, great opportunity to he also liked mechanics. expand my network “I was interested in and meet people from how things worked,” he different departments.” said. “I was always very During his summers mechanically inclined.” away from UNM, Jeremy The double UNM interned at El Segundo alumnus now serves as Coal Company (Peabody maintenance manager at Energy) in northwestern Western Refining in Gallup, New Mexico. As a N.M., though he lives with senior, alongside his his family in Grants. His wife, engineering professors, Marcie, received her MBA he worked with Los at UNM in 2o1o and serves Alamos and Sandia as the human resources National Laboratories director at Cibola General Jeremy and Marcie Chavez pose with their for his final thesis Hospital in Grants. The daughters, Natalie (left) and Jenna in project. He graduated Albuquerque’s Old Town. couple has two daughters, magna cum laude in Jenna, 5, and Natalie, 3. oo 9 and then began working for Peabody 2 When not working, Jeremy enjoys Energy as a reliability engineer. The company rebuilding old Pontiac cars, entering his work encouraged him to get his master’s degree. in car shows and spending time with his family. In 2o1o, Jeremy began UNM’s Executive Hardworking Student MBA Program, designed for working professionals. “My campus life was very limited,” Why choose UNM? “My sister and a lot of Jeremy recalled. While pursuing his master’s, my family went to UNM,” Jeremy said. “I really he was promoted to general maintenance liked the University because of all the options supervisor at Peabody. He graduated with I had. When I first started there, I wanted to his MBA in 2o12, and in 2o14 Western Refining become a pharmacist. Because what UNM reached out and offered him a job. offers is so varied and all in the same general “I went from coal to oil and gas,” said area, it was easy to switch to engineering.” Jeremy. In his current position, he’s in charge Jeremy enjoyed his new major and became of budgeting, planning and implementation. very involved in the School of Engineering, “I make sure products leave on time.” eventually joining two engineering honors By Anna Adams



WisePies’ $5 Million Gift to UNM Athletics Kicks Off Larger Charitable Initiative Last December, UNM announced one of its largest gifts ever: $5 million, to be paid over 1o years, to support the Athletics Department through the newly established WisePies Fund. The corporate donor, the rapidly expanding Albuquerque-based restaurant chain WisePies Pizza & Salad, is owned by New Mexico native Steven B. Chavez and longtime New Mexico restaurateur Michael Baird, who serve as co-CEOs. A highly successful tech entrepreneur, Chavez owns many thriving companies, most notably Integrated Control Systems, Mechanical Control Solutions and SC3 International. Baird owns the restaurants Vernon’s Speakeasy in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, N.M., three Vernon’s Open Door locations as well as the retail shopping center called Shops on 4th Street. The WisePies Fund will support debt service incurred from The Pit’s 2oo9-2o1o renovations. As part of the recognition for the generous support, University Arena (The Pit) has been named “WisePies Arena (AKA The Pit)” for the duration of the gift. “From the time we first discussed the potential renovation of The Pit, we talked about the need for state and private support to make the renovation a reality,” said Paul Krebs, vice president for Athletics. “Specifically, we’d talked about the need to find a naming rights partner for the building. The fact that WisePies Pizza & Salad is a local company, and Steve Chavez is a native New Mexican and successful, local businessman makes this gift even more significant and special.” “Our vision is to create the most endearing family pizza concept that is sustainable and maintains a foundational strength that will leave a legacy of excellence,” said Chavez. “With our contribution to the University of New Mexico, it is unquestionable that we are the real deal.” Baird added, “Local community initiatives are paramount to our rapidly growing company as we expand to new territories.”


A year later, Baird’s comment shows momentum. The UNM gift was not only newsworthy at the time, but in retrospect it’s now considered the kickoff to the company’s larger charitable initiative, “Community Support is Family Support.” The initiative’s mission is to support organizations that provide food, clothing and shelter to the youth in the communities in which WisePies Pizza & Salad restaurants operate, such as food and clothing banks or other local nonprofits that provide services to children and families most in need. Toward this end, in early 2o16 the company will launch the companywide WiseChoices Community Initiative with the first local effort called the Apples for APS program in Albuquerque. This will benefit the APS Education Foundation’s Community Clothing Bank, which, in partnership with Goodwill Industries of New Mexico, helps more than 5,ooo children each year in need of clothing, shoes, undergarments and winter coats. During February and March, WisePies Pizza & Salad customers will be asked if they’d like to donate $1, $5 or any other amount to the clothing bank, and then each donor will receive a paper apple on which they can write their name and post to a wall in the restaurant to show the impact and level of support of the “Apple” campaign. The individual locations may also add to their guests’ giving. The company’s goal is to find an organization in each of its markets that could benefit from the same charitable mission. Such markets include Gallup, Rio Rancho and Farmington in New Mexico, as well as Tempe, Ariz., and Las Vegas, Nev. Now, that’s how great guys give. Photos: UNM Athletics



Longtime Fine Arts, Architecture Donors Endow Architecture Scholarship Photo: Mario Lara

By Michelle G. McRuiz The strength of Bob and Gloria Mallory’s 44-year marriage reveals itself in its daily rhythms. They each are active, inquisitive and independent. Bob, an award-winning architect who has been in practice for 64 years, still puts in several hours a day at RMKM Architecture. Gloria, longtime headmistress of Manzano Day School and a former president of Menaul School, loses herself painting in her home studio. But the shapes of their lives fit together so snugly, and each partner finds so much to admire in the other, that it brings a feeling of peace to those around them. As individuals and as a couple, the Mallorys possess longevity.



They share that endurance with UNM, too, as longtime donors to the College of Fine Arts and the School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P). In 2o11, triple UNM alumna Gloria (BFA ’6o, MA ’69, PhD ’72) established an endowment for the Theatre Department in memory of her mentor, former Theatre Chair Eddie Snapp. The Mallorys’ recent establishment of an endowed scholarship, combined with donations from SMPC Architects and RMKM, will assist a SA+P student showing promise in, as the Mallorys put it, “the constructability of architecture”— how all the parts of a building fit together and exist alongside the design. Bob was a longtime partner at SMPC (once known as Stevens, Mallory, Pearl and Campbell), the state’s oldest architectural firm. The scholarship will be in Bob’s name, and will “honor his legacy of architecture and the handprint his firm had on the state of New Mexico and the city of Albuquerque,” said Gloria. Bob and George Pearl, another SMPC partner and the namesake for the SA+P’s Pearl Hall, worked together for more than 4o years. “They were like brothers,” recalled Gloria. “They were at the University of Texas [in Austin] at the same time, and it was really fun to watch them work together. They had a real partnership of the minds.”

Growing It Forward Bob waves away any recognition, even praise. “I don’t relish anything like that,” he said. “We did discuss contributing to the school; SMPC had already set up an endowment for sustainability [the SMPC Architects Endowment for Sustainable Design]. That and the fact that George and I were partners for so long made me interested in contributing. I have worked

Gloria and Bob Mallory pose on their patio at home in Albuquerque.

now with so many graduates of the school; I think they have gained from the good programs and faculty, and I would like to see that perpetuated.” “I basically grew up at UNM,” said Gloria. “It’s where my worldview broadened, and I have enormous gratitude for the opportunities the University gave me.” With those opportunities, Gloria earned three degrees— a BFA in theatre, an MA in English, and a PhD in statistics and linguistics. Over the years, her pride in UNM and support of the University grew, so much so that she served as president of the UNM Alumni Association. Today, in much the same way that Bob plays classical music for his many tomato plants and strokes them to strengthen their stems each spring—in much the same way that Gloria creates paintings that portray the juxtaposition of man-made objects against forces of nature—the Mallorys contribute to the success of UNM students and faculty through their continued generosity.



Honoring a Legacy in Architecture

Bilinski Educational Foundation Helps Humanities Students Complete Graduate Degrees financial need and a personal interview. Russell and Dorothy (Doro) Students must agree to devote full-time Bilinski met during World War II effort over the course of two semesters and married in 1948. Both were and two summers to completing and true intellectuals, adventurous defending their dissertations. As part world travelers, independent and of the $3o,ooo award, they agree to driven. Russell was a researcher not have any outside employment, and professor of political science which gives them the opportunity to and psychology at the University focus solely on writing. of California-Berkeley, and UNM created the multifaceted an entrepreneur. Doro was an application process to ensure that accomplished artist, patron of the prestigious fellowship is awarded the arts and an independent, to the most exemplary students. culturally educated woman. Based on its success, the Bilinski Russell and Doro both believed Educational Foundation provided a that education was a means o 15 to continue the second gift in 2 to obtain independence, and program. To date, 18 fellowships have when they died they left a been awarded, eight students have wonderful legacy in the formation graduated and four more are on track to of the Bilinski Educational graduate this December. “It’s all in how a Foundation (BEF). Mary Hudgens Henderson and her son, Adrian, visit Monument Valley near the university administers the program,” said Bilinski Educational Arizona-Utah state line during the summer of 2o14. Bonnie. “If a university doesn’t perform to Foundation board members took our standards, it certainly doesn’t receive a hard look at the gaps and needs a second gift. UNM has been stellar in its administration of our gifts, and in higher education and decided to focus their efforts on helping students its students have met expectations in all ways.” in the humanities finish their doctoral degrees. This support is critical for For graduate student Mary Hudgens Henderson, a fellowship from such students to address the compound problems of drop-outs and the the Bilinski Educational Foundation has made the difference between often extended time to complete doctoral degrees. “There are very few completing her PhD in Spanish and Portuguese and quite possibly monetary resources for students after they finish their undergraduate quitting altogether. degrees,” explained Bonnie Severietti, executive director of the BEF. “Before I had the fellowship,” Mary said, “I was teaching two classes a “Science gets a lot of funding; liberal arts and humanities do not.” semester, trying to write, and taking care of my newborn baby. It was too In 2o13, the Bilinski Educational Foundation made a gift of $4oo,ooo overwhelming, and I seriously considered dropping out of my program.” to establish the Russell L. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Fellowship Fund at UNM. Mary said, “The Bilinski Fellowship relieved me from the need to teach to Students in UNM’s Departments of American Studies, English, Foreign support myself, so I was able to concentrate all my energy on my dissertation Languages and Literatures, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, and Spanish and being a mother. I will be defending my dissertation this December.” and Portuguese with exceptional academic merit and financial need are These impacts are exactly what the Bilinski Educational Foundation set eligible to apply for funding to complete and defend their dissertations. out to achieve. “The world needs researchers, teachers and people who Fellows must undergo a rigorous selection process that includes a work in social services and the arts,” Bonnie said. “We are glad to continue written application and proposal, letters of recommendation, proof of to support the universities that do a great job for us.” Photo: Innes Henderson




One of UNM’s First Nursing Graduates Champions Scholarship Support

Q Louise and Chuck Kiger

Top: First graduating class of the UNM College of Nursing, 1959: front row: Carmelita Allapowa (now Sanchez), Margaret Mary Neill, Lucy Ann Catallo (now Wines) and Muriel Gould; back row: Nancy Lalicker (now Shaffer), Dorothy O. Voss, DuAnn Duphorne, Mary Sanchez (now Villa), Frances D. McBride, Louise Grey (now Kiger) and Katherine Chase. (One graduate, Susan Eckersley, is not pictured.) Above: Class of 1959 members attend the UNM College of Nursing’s Golden Grad reunion in 2oo9, from left: Carmelita Sanchez, Louise Kiger, Mary Villa, Lucy Wines, Dorothy O. Voss and Nancy Shaffer.

She held positions of increasing clinical and administrative responsibility in the Public Health Service, eventually becoming chief nurse of the Indian Health Service in Rockville, Md. Louise found joy in mentoring others coming up in the field. “She delighted in securing funding to enable Indian nurses to earn advanced professional degrees,” Chuck stated. When Louise retired in 1999, Chuck and her colleagues created a fund in her honor at UNM, but it wasn’t until 2oo9, her Golden Grad year, that she became truly invested. “Eight of the 12 original graduates attended the celebration,” she said. “We were very grateful and wanted to give back.” The group established the Dean Eleanor King Memorial Scholarship Endowment in Nursing. With another generous commitment in 2o1o, Louise and Chuck revitalized and endowed the Louise Grey Kiger Nursing Scholarship to assist Native American students. “As we celebrate our 6oth anniversary this year, it is exciting to see a member of the first graduating class continue to benefit our college,” noted Dean Nancy Ridenour. “Louise had an illustrious career and made a difference in the lives of people around the country. We appreciate the Kigers’ support for future generations of nurses.”



A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle; the world just becomes brighter. Louise Grey Kiger has lived this metaphor of generosity. Raised on Santa Clara Pueblo near Española, N.M., Louise received inspiration from her mother, whose nursing education was interrupted by family demands. Mentored by her high school principal and his wife, a home economics teacher, Louise became the first of her seven siblings to attend college. The UNM College of Nursing opened in 1955, conferring its first 12 BSN degrees in 1959. Dean Eleanor King and her colleagues designed their fledgling program with foresight and a broad-based curriculum. “From the beginning, the program was sensitive to New Mexico’s three major cultures, and we were well prepared to do any kind of nursing,” Louise recalled. “Dean King knew our needs and strengths, and found scholarships for many of us.” Louise’s career took her far from her ancestral home, never suspecting that a half century later she would reconnect with her alma mater to provide scholarship support for nursing students. Louise served in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps for 11 years, including a year “in country” in Da Nang during the Vietnam War. During her tour in Vietnam, she met her future husband, Chuck Kiger. While earning her MSN degree in 1979 from the University of Washington in Seattle, Louise served in the Naval Reserve and continued to raise their three children with Chuck. In 1983, she transferred to the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

Photos: UNM College of Nursing

By Hilary Mayall Jetty



Photo: John Sumrow




FY 2o 14-2o 15

An endowed fund is a gift that lasts in perpetuity. It provides continuing support to the University in the areas of the donor’s interest. Endowed funds may support student scholarships, faculty, the general needs of the University or any school, college or program within the University. The UNM Foundation works with donors to develop guidelines for how their endowments are to be used, ensuring that donor intent and University policies are honored.

Reggie Behl Drawing Award David and Judith Bennahum Medical Humanities Travel Fellowship for Medical Students Dr. Walter Burgdorf Lectureship in Dermatology Jack and Marilyn Carlson Endowment for Faculty Enrichment in honor of Ralph Douglass John and Dolores Colby Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Special Education Computer Science Founders Fund Dr. Luis Benjamin Curet Endowed Professorship in OB-GYN Alice Cushing Endowed Chair Desert Mountain Medical Orthopedic Career Endowment Fund

You may fully fund an endowment in many ways:

• With a one-time gift of at least

the full minimum amount, which varies depending on the endowment’s purpose

• Over a three-year pledge period • Through a bequest or other deferred gift In addition to cash, endowed funds may be established and funded through any gift vehicle recognized by the UNM Foundation. These include:

• Gifts of securities or real property • Pooled gifts from a group of family, friends or colleagues

For further information, please contact any college or school development officer (see page 36) or Endowment Relations Manager Judith Davenport at Judith. Davenport@unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-96OO.

Photo: Liz Lopez

• Memorial contributions • Recurring gifts


Cristobal M. Duran Men’s Basketball Scholarship Bradley Ellingboe Choral Projects Endowed Fund Endowed Fund for Excellence for the UNM Faculty Senate Kenneth Duane Fennell Endowed Scholarship John and Priscilla Gaillour Memorial Endowed Scholarship Thomas M. Holmes, MD Endowed Scholarship Marshallene G. Koff—Manuel D.V. Saucedo Scholarship in Law Laura Likar, MD Endowed Scholarship for the School of Medicine James W. Linnell Fund for Dramatic Writing

John Gaw Meem Archives of Southwestern Architecture Endowed Curator Robert L. Milne, MD and Ann De Hart, MD Endowed Scholarship Museum of Southwestern Biology Bird Division: Ornithology Collection Manager’s Fund New Mexico Nursing Education Consortium Endowment Parker Center for Family Business Patel Endowed Fund for the School of Medicine Helen Pino Memorial Endowment for Education Shannon Michael Porter Endowed Scholarship The Provost’s Fund for Women STEM Faculty Rheumatology Endowed Fund Professor Don and Jackie Schlegel Graduate Award Kendall O. Schlenker Endowed Scholarship in Law Robert J. Stamm Professorships in Advanced Design and Construction Practices, in the Schools of Engineering and Architecture and Planning Michelle L. Teachout Student Scholarship Fund Uhrik-Boone Chair in Pediatrics Viens/Montoya Nurse Practitioner Fund Peggy Cavett Walden and Jerrold Leanky Walden Endowment for Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture Louise McKinnon Wellborn Scholarship for Woman Student-Athletes Professor Peter A. Winograd Annual Visiting Professorship in Nursing



Photo: Bruce Cramer

FY 2o 14-2o 15

TOM L. POPEJOY SOCIETY Founded in 1982, the Tom L. Popejoy Society recognizes philanthropic leaders whose cumulative giving over the course of their lifetimes exceeds $5o,ooo. Thirtythree years later, this esteemed group of donors has grown to more than 1,ooo active members who represent all aspects of the University of New Mexico. Named in honor of UNM’s legendary ninth president, Tom L. Popejoy, the society was established to embrace a community of philanthropists who impart President Popejoy’s passion and commitment to the University and who are changing worlds each and every day. Thanks to Popejoy Society members, the greatest impact on student success and opportunity, faculty support and research, campus programs, and capital projects and facilities can be achieved. For more information on this prestigious society, please contact Donor Relations Director Jill Slaby at Jill.Slaby@unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-9651. For Popejoy Society memorial listings, please visit unmfund.org/ popejoy-society.

Anonymous (15) Karen Abraham Beverly Abraham and Mayor Larry Abraham Stacy and Louis Abruzzo Esteban Aguilar, Sr. Manjit and Harjit Ahluwalia Susan and Larry Ahrens Leigh Ann and Paul Albers Beatrice and Jeffrey Albright Janet Allen Leslie Amestoy and Pierre Amestoy, Jr. Rudolfo Anaya Beverly Anderson Sally and Donald Anderson Albert Anella  Jacqueline and Ronald Angel Garo Antreasian Rebecca and Adelmo Archuleta Lee and Kent Argubright Denise Armenta Dale Armstrong Carla and Jerry Arnold Madhu and Sanjeev Arora Olivia and Jason Aryeh Vera Aryeh Chris Ashton Lenora Neil Atkins Ginger and Jerrell Atkinson Jean and Ray Auel Kathleen and John Avila Susan and Ronald Baca Kira Sowanick and Tony Baca Maha and David Baddour Rene Balagna and Jack Baker Margaret Davidson and James Barbour




Karen and Christopher Bard Evelyn Barela and Frank Barela, Sr. Gloria Ybarra and Fernando Barnuevo Sandra Bass Laura and Stephen Bass Pauline Lucero and Steven Becerra Marjorie and Robert Beck Harold Behl Linda and Richard* Beidleman Robert Bell and Stirling Puck LeGrand Belnap Madge Bender Alexandra Benjamin Judith and David Bennahum Katherine and Lawrence Bennett Martha Benton H. Allen Berkheimer, Jr. Jean and Burt Berman Beverly and Anthony Bernitsky Pierre Berry* Maria Berry and Mayor Richard Berry Frank Beserra, Jr. Troy Best James Bewley Anne and Jeff Bingaman Dorothy and A. Rolfe Black Renata and A. Wade Black Amy Black Shawne and Billy Blackburn Janice and Michael Blake Lynna and James Blea Jane Blumenfeld Sibilla and George Boerigter








Yvonne and Robert Bovinette Patrick Bowen Monica and Michael Bowlin Roberta Price and John Boyd Susan MacDonald-Boyle and Michael Boyle Shirley and G. Dana Brabson Joan Branch and James Branch, Jr. Kandi and Tate Branch Margaret and Turner Branch Amy and Gary Brooks Brennan Barbara Brenner Patricia and Charley Brewer Stacey Eoff and Randy Briggs Diane Broadwell Suzette and John Brooks Valerie Brooks Anne Brown Donna and C. Lee Brown  Sarah and Douglas Brown Elizabeth Calhoon and Richard Brown Kay and Scott Brown Jeanne and Gig Brummell Doris Bry April and Paul Buchheit Celia and Brian Burnett Gregory Bussiere Anne Butterfield and Bernie Butterfield, Jr. Claudia and Jory Cafferky Mary and Michael Campana Marilyn and Jack Carlson



Patricia and William Carpenter Quito Osuna Carr Connie and Paul Cassidy Marion Castiglia* Karla and William Cates Roy Caton, Jr. June Catron and Thomas Catron, III Laurie Archer and John Catron Dianne Chalmers William Chambers Author Charette Jean and Clem Charlton Peter Chatzky Philip Ciofalo Debra and Stephen Cito Rosamaria Clark Alice and Frank Cobb Carol and John Cochran Edwin Cohen Joan Coke Mary and David Colton Patrick Conroy Michelle Coons and William Coons, III Tricia and Robert Cooper Marty and Johnny Cope Jean Giddens and Jay Corazza Maria and Ed Corley C.B. Cosgrove, III  Elizabeth Cox Meinrad Craighead Elizabeth and Robert Crain Katherine and Scott Creagan Shalada and Alfred Creecy Dorothy Crist Sarit Rozycki and Robert Cromwell Robert Crow, Jr.




Geraldine and Edgar Cruft  Ann Cullum Mary and Robert Custer David Dalgarno Michael Daly Betty and John* Danfelser Randi McGinn and Charles Daniels Leonor and Kevin Daniels Sharon (Peach) Daniels Demetrios Daskalos Sue Daulton Karen and A. Wayne Davenport Revathi A-Davidson and Russ Davidson Henrietta Davies Bruce Davis Vicki Dazzo and Sam Dazzo, Jr. Beverly Dean and Walter Dean, Jr. Danny Deaver Virginia and Thomas DeCoster Tom Degroot Diane and Dale Dekker Pauline DeKraker Susan Demas and James Demas, Jr. Joe D. Dennis, Jr. Eileen and Brent DePonte Teresa and Nunzio DeSantis Anne and Robert Desiderio Evy and Jeffrey Diamond Rebecca and Rudolph Diaz Christine and Joseph DiGregorio Lee Dirks Elizabeth and Thomas Dodson Gerri Doherty Erin and Peter Doles Linda Novy-Doll and Jeffrey Doll Judith and Thomas Donahue Nancy and William Doolittle Neall Doren Elizabeth Wills and Robert Downey Pamela and Donald Duke Betty Jo Dunn  Jacqueline Dunnington  Karen and Stephen Durkovich Barbara and Gary Dushane Lisa and Randy Eastburg Olga and R. Philip Eaton Mary Ann and Mel Eaves

Dawn and Gregory Edgeington Lori Efroymson Miriam Efroymson Eason Eige Peter Eller James Ellis Julie and John Ellis Antony Ellman Wolfgang Elston Kathryn Naassan and Michael Emerson Roxanne Malone and James Enyeart Shaari Ergas


Ray Esquibel Tony Evanko Susan and Dick Evans Janet Boles and Frank Evans L. Diane Evans Joyce Duncan Falk and Heinrich Falk Carol and David Farmer Spencer Feix Patricia Hancock and Glenn Fellows Sheena Ferguson Sarah Davies and William Ferguson Mary Fernandez






Linda and O.C. Ferrell Jean Fielder Nancy and James Fisher Thomas Fitzgerald Graham Flint Robin Flint-Ballenger Eloisa and James Foley  Tim Foley Orcilia Zúñiga Forbes* Susan Forrest and Richard Forrest, Jr. Terri Fortner and Regent Jack Fortner Gus Foster Kathryn and Elliott Foucar Abraham Franck John Freienmuth Jean Rosenthal and W. Nicholas Freygang Mary and George Friberg Maxine and Jerald Friedman  Susan and Ronald Friedman Devon Frost and Gregory Frost, Sr. Rosemary and Donald Fry Peter Furst Glenna and Philip Gaddy Patricia and Paul Gaeto Mayo Galindo Felice Gonzales and Gene Gallegos Rhonda and Michael Gallegos Christina and Miguel Gallegos Tina and Rick Galles Edward Garcia Sheilah Garcia Raleigh Gardenhire Nancy Logan-Garver and Richard Garver Kathy and Brad Gehrke Sharon and Jerry Geist Lynnie Wienecke and Oscar George, Jr. Vickie and Kevin Georges Lanny Ross Gerald, Sr. Irene and Walter Gerstle Monika and Robert Ghattas Deborah and James Giannelli Susan and James Gibbs Paul Gibson Sandra and Van Gilbert Arnold Glimcher






Photo: Liz Lopez



Jay Gluck Peter Glusker Ned Godshall Catherine and Joseph Goldberg B. Thomas Golisano James Gollin Marti and Robert Goodman Terri Giron-Gordon and Gary Gordon Nedra and Larry Gordon Ramsay Gorham and Frank Gorham, III Laura and Scott Grady Barbara Graham and Ray Graham, III Cheryl Fossum Graham Danny Granger, Jr. Al Grant Jean and Patrick Gratton  Gilda and Norman Greenberg Susan and Jerry Greene David Griffin Leigh and Thomas D. Growney Nancy and Thomas F. Growney Dana and Rodney Guinn Barbara Gunderson Mark Haas Robert Hakeem Connie Hale Patricia and Bruce Hall Teresa and Paul Harbaugh Debra and Wayne Harley Linda and David Harris LaDonna Harris Ann Simms and Leo Harris Alexandra Harrison Saundra and Lawrence Harrison Doris and Stanley Harrison F. Michael Hart Joan and Frederick Hart




Continued on page 2o 

Charter Member New Member * Deceased



Continued from page 19

Mark Hartman Carolyn and John Harvey Penny Little Hawks Arthur Hayman Catherine Haynes and Allan Haynes, Jr. Karen Head Geoffrey S.M. Hedrick David Henkel, Jr. Chuck Henningsen Michael Henningsen Susan and David Hettema Kerry Heubeck Marilyn Hibben  Arlene High Marie Hillerman* Eileen Grevey Hillson and David Hillson Dolores Hines Sofia and Gary Hines Monica and Hernan Hirsch Judith Ferrell-Holbrook and Steven Holbrook Carol Holland Nancy Hollander Rick Homans Suzanne Hood Van Dorn Hooker * I.B. Hoover, Jr. Teri and Bruce Hoover Renee and Scott Hoover Ruth Horn  Barbara and Mark Horwitch Theresa and Philip Houser Marion and Mark Howard Susan Howard Karen and Tommy Hudson Lori Gallagher and Curtis Huff Shirley Mount Hufstedler and Seth Hufstedler Suzanne Hawley and James Hughes Mary Lois and James Hulsman Betty and William Hume Helen Hunt Ross Huntingford Shannon Rainosek Hurley and Patrick Hurley, Jr.





Susan and Jack Kennedy Lisa Kilbreth Yolanda and Gary King Ellen and James King Jerri Kinney and Bart Kinney, III Linda and David Kirby Peggy and Douglas Kirkland Diane Klepper Kevin Kneafsey Patricia and John Kneen Nene Koch and Regent James Koch Karen and Roger Koerner Marshallene Koff April and Robert Kopp Pauline Kosanovich Peter Kunstadter Mary and James LaBorde Louise Lamphere Barbara and Gerald Landgraf Alice and Donald Lappé Paul Lashbrooke Lois and David Laven Iona Lee William Lehmann Fay Abrams and David Lemley Anne Leonhardt Donna and Mark Lesher Barbara and Louis Leurig  Dana Asbury and Richard Levy Carolyn and Edward Lewis Mary and Lester * Libo Roy Lindersmith Patricia and Jack Little  Ann Long Rebecca and James Long Rieka Long Gloria Longley Deborah and James Longo M. Ann and H. Hunter Look Paige and D. Greg LoPour Catherine Loughlin Ruth Loughridge Rhonda and Richard Lovato Beverly Love and Mahlon Love, Jr. Karen Lovett Virginia and Edward Lujan Mary Lipscomb and Rick Lyons William Macey 

Photo: Liz Lopez


Monica and Michael Hussey Betty and James* Hutchinson Scott Hutton Ann Hyde Donna and Henry Ingalls Norberta and Lowell Irby Alice Irvin Glenda and Jerry Jackson Steven Jackson Caroline and Larry Jehle Linda and J. Charles Jennett Frances and Roy Johns Louise and Alvin Johnson  Debbie Johnson Robert Johnson Patricia and Robert Johnson Kurstin and Wayne Johnson Youn Ja Johnson Carol Lakin Jones Joanna and S. Kent Jones Margaret and Albert Jorgensen Mary Jury and Victor Jury, Jr. Ellen Kaiper Nick Kapnison Patricia Keightley Peggy and Michael Keleher Gretchen and Thomas Keleher Jan and William Keleher




Paul Maestas Joline and Edwin Mahr Isabel Malloy and Thomas Malloy, Jr. Colleen Maloof  Phillip Maloof Dara Mark Linda Marshall Enrico Martignoni Victoria and Gerald* Martin Sharon and J. Landis Martin Kimberley and David Martinez Karen and Ruben Martinez Mike Masukawa Sara and Kent Mathis Betty Sabo and Fred Matteucci Joseph Matthews Noemi and Daniel Mattis Judith Hochberg and Michael Mattis Marina De Vos Mauney and C. Herman Mauney Mary Joyce and Gerald May David Mc Kinney Cathy and Sherman McCorkle Priscilla McDonnell Anna and Tim McElvain Jeanelle and Michael McGuire Rebecca and Stephen McKernan Sonnet and Ian McKinnon Effie and James Medford Dale and Ivan Melada Adalaida and David Melton Wendy and Ronald Meltsner Tammy and Ronnie Meng JoAnn Mercer Jean and Thomas* Merson Mary and Bernard Metzgar Jean Robert Milant Henry Miller, II Robin and Ben Miller Erma Miller John R. Miller Margo McCormick and Ranne Miller Ryan Miller Kathleen Jackson and William Miller Ann De Hart and Robert Milne Nadine Miner and John Miner, Jr. Carolyn and Thomas Minton






Sabieann Baca Minzner and Richard Minzner Cynthia and Stephen Mitchell Judy and J. Howard Mock Ruth Shore Mondlick and Martin Mondlick Claudia and Robert Moraga Juarte and Donald Moritz Patricia Morris Barbara and John Morrison Lynn and Jerry Mosher Roxanna Meyers and Stanley Mount Marion Mueller and Karl Mueller, Jr. Matt Mullican Brandi and Ryan Mummert Teresa Urrea and Vern Munz Betsy and Robert Murphy Harry Myers Helen Nadler Lori Nash Ruth and Charles Needham Carolyn and Don Neeper Regent Marron Lee and Michael Nelson Rolf Nelson Ruth Nesbitt Cindy and Brett Newberry Eileen and Stephen Nicholas John Nichols Alexander Novak Joe Novak Carol Estes-Nowlin and B.C. Nowlin Diana Obrinsky Annie and David Olson Wanda Omer and George Omer, Jr.* Marianne O’Shaughnessy Gertrude and Dennis O’Toole Elizabeth and William Overstreet Evangeline Pacheco Mardi and Brian Papworth Jay and James Parker Linda and James Parker Judy Parker Allison and Robert Parks Samir Patel




Delores and Ronald Payne David Pelletier Debbie and Steven Perich Richard Perl Cynthia and John Perner June and John Perovich  Kathleen and Gerald Peters Katharine Peterson and Silas Peterson, Jr. Dale Peterson William Peterson Jane and Dean Peyton Joann and Gifford* Phillips Patricia Armell and James Phillips Pamela and Eric Pillmore Mañuel Pino* Julie and Tony Pisto Mandy and Bob Pitre Dianne and Kurt Plouff Theresa and Tom Plunkett Elena and Richard Pollack Ernest Pompeo Mary Poole Suzanne Popejoy and Thomas Popejoy, Jr. Joanne and Will Potter Marc Powell Victoria and Donald Power Bernard Pracko, II Constance DeJong and Antoine Predock Joy Purcell and Frank Purcell, Jr. Karen Rae Olson and Alan Paine Radebaugh Becky and Arvind Raichur Dorothy and Larry Rainosek Mark Rainosek Roberta and Barry Ramo Lyle Ramsey Connie Lovelady-Rappaport and Stuart Rappaport Bishnu Rauth Rebecca and Kenneth Ray Charles Rayburn Paul Bartlett Ré Rita Reeves Dawn Reilly and John Reilly, Jr. Eleanor and William Reiquam






Penny and Armin Rembe Suzanne Reynolds Ann and Russell Rhoades Mary Rich* Nancy Ridenour and Ed Mason* Ruthie Horn Robbins and David Robbins Nancy Anderson Roberts* Nancy and Jerrald Roehl Beverly and James Rogers Jeffrey Romero Robin and Leo Romero Lorenzo Romero Maryann Evans and Edwin Roos Marjorie and Jacob Rosenbaum Michael Rosenbaum Estelle Rosenblum Kurt Roth Lucille and Paul Roth Lorina Montoya and John Rowe María Griego-Raby and Randall Royster Danuta and Ludwik Rozycki Craig and Martin Rubenstein Kate and Ronald Rule Lissa Russell and Charles Russell, Jr. Gordon Russell Donna Rust  Ann Rutledge* Murray Ryan William Sabatini Nancy and E. Larry Saiers  Anne and Leonard Sanchez Dina and Robert Sanchez  Juanita and Bernie Sanchez Christie and Todd Sandoval Bartolomé Santacruz James Santistevan Veronica and John Sapien Carol and Paul Sarkisian John Schaefer Elmira and Edl Schamiloglu Linda and G.T. Schappert Patricia Schenck and Robert Schenck, Jr. Don Schlegel Roger Schluntz Karen Schmidt





Teresa Fitzgibbon and Harrison Schmitt  Susan and Tom Schoeman Romona Scholder Ruth and Sidney Schultz Karen and William Schumacher Betty Schware Sam Scott Joyce and Sherman Scott Jennifer and Randy Self Sandra and Bruce Seligman Scottie and Timothy Sheehan Russell Shelden* Linda and William Shepard  Scott Sherman Hyun-Koock Shin Virginia Shipman Beverly and Rodney Shoemaker Nancy and Eric (Rick) Siegel Leon Silver Jill and Michael Sivage Paul Skinner Sam Slick Houghton Smith, Jr. Billy Smith Stephanie Bennett-Smith and Orin Smith Phyllis Smith Georgia Snead and James Snead, III Patricia and William Snead Anne Snider Deborah and Gregg Solove Dorothy and J. Gordon Sparks James Stagnone* Mary Herring and Robert Stamm*  Victoria and Robert Stamm Rebecca and Kurt Steffen Julie and Gary Stepic Diana Stewart and Chester French Stewart Marilyn Stout Roberta Straight Gerda Strauss Cori and Patrick Sullivan Carolyn Surface Jean Ann and Duffy Swan Chisako Takayama Richard Tanuz



Ingeborg Taylor and H. Tom Taylor, Jr. John Taylor Tish Taylor  William Tempel, Jr. Martha Thayer and Norman Thayer, Jr. Kenny Thomas Tori Thomas Ray Thomason Kelly Smyer and Bruce Thompson MarieAnn and Alex Thornburg Catherine Oppenheimer and Garrett Thornburg Ignacio Tinoco, Jr. Lynda and David Tippeconnic Rebecca Tobey LaRue Toney Ellen Torgrimson Bob Turner* Tobe Turpen, Jr. Linda Tyler Eberhard Uhlenhuth Gay Dillingham and Andrew Ungerleider Lisa Unser and Bobby Unser, Jr. Yolanda and David Urias Brian Urlacher Alberta Urrea and Francisco Urrea, Jr.  Trey Urrea Mary Utton Bhavna and Imesh Vaidya Rosemary and Al Vaio Deborah and Jeff Van Dyke Margaret and Georg Vedeler Randy Velarde Vicki Velarde Darlene Velasquez Sheril and Roger Vergara J. Thomas Vigil Benita Villanueva  Janet Lashbrooke and Yvon Villeneuve Jeffrey Vinyard Karen Vinyard Leslie and Rick Wadley Howard Wadstrom Alfred Walker







Cindy Hernandez-Wall and Byron Wall Adele Ward Renee and Vincent Ward Joan Warne and James Warne, Jr. William Weber William Weihofen Ronald Weiner JD and Chuck Wellborn Diane and James Wemple Elizabeth Wertheim  Mary Carole and Jerry Wertheim Geoffrey West Brynn and Jim Wetherbe Jo and David Whitten Elizabeth and James Wiggins Larry Willard John Williams Luane Williams Juliana Boyle and Michael Williams Richard Williams Deborah and Keith Wilson Stephanie and Brian Wimbish Peter A. Winograd Nancy Meem Wirth Charlotte Wood Marion Woodham  Catherine Woodward Johnna and Ken Yarbrough Linda Yates and Peyton Yates, Jr. Lian and Kevin Yearout Steven Yearout Anne and Vince Yegge Eileen and Anthony Yeung Kathy and Kenneth Zangara Pauline Zemke Catherine and Ray Ziler Barbara and Ray Zimmer  Martha Zollinger 




Charter Member

G New Member *




Photo: Liz Lopez

FY 2o 14-2o15

JOIN THE NEW HORIZONS SOCIETY The University of New Mexico Foundation would like to recognize our donors who have included the University in their estate plans or who have made other types of planned gifts. New Horizons Society (NHS) members are recognized at an annual luncheon event. A planned gift may take the form of a provision in a will or living trust, an IRA or retirement account beneficiary designation, a life insurance or other beneficiary designation, a gift annuity, a charitable remainder trust or other arrangements. Members of Lobo Legacy or Forever Lobo Society, a planned giving program for UNM Athletics, are indicated by a i in the NHS member listing. For more information about making a planned gift or joining the New Horizons Society, please contact Director of Gift Planning Sheila Hard, JD, at Sheila.Hard@unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-96O4.

Fay Abrams Raymond Ament Beverly Anderson Mary Payne and Larry Anderson Roy Anderson Ellen and Evan Ashcraft Kristina and Harry Asmussen Sandra and Burck Bailey Rene Balagna and Jack Baker David Barbour Laura and Stephen Bass Margo Milleret and Vance Bass Margaret Bell Martha Benton H. Allen Berkheimer, Jr. Pierre Berry* Maria Berry and Mayor Richard Berry Tana and Roy Bidwell Amy Black Samuel Bluefarb Susan and Paul Bombardt Diane and Jim Bonnell Stephen Borbas Karl Bossi Yvonne and Robert Bovinette Joan and Raymond Bowen Jeanette and Jim Boyer Frances Bratton Anita and John Briscoe Elizabeth and James Brown 5 Barbara Busch and Jaye Jensen Joan L. Bybee Elaine Carey Marilyn and Jack Carlson


Shannan Carter and Janet Yates Edward Cassidy Maria Catanach Roy Caton, Jr. Barbara Caton Clare and Thomas Cavanaugh William Chambers Rudolph Chavez 5 Virginia Clark F. P. Pete Clements Gwen Clouthier Joan Gilberry Coke Patrick D. Conroy Kenneth Corazza Theresa TarantinoCortez and Manuel Cortez, Jr. Bruce Creel 5 Alice Cushing Katharine Daub Revathi A-Davidson and Russ Davidson Ruth A. Luckasson and Larry E. Davis Darrell Dawson Kathy and Bradley Day Kathryn Day William Degenhardt Susan Demas and James Demas, Jr. Glenna and John Denton Debra and Clinton Dodge Rae Domenico Yolanda R. Domínguez Judith and Thomas Donahue Mary L. Taylor Dosé and Daniel C. Dosé Carmen and Drexel Douglas 5 Georgia Duncan Evangeline and William Dunmire

Nader Ebrahimi and John Wheeler Janet Boles and Frank Evans Judith Fabian and Walter Dickinson Joyce Duncan Falk and Heinrich Falk Thomas Farrar Jo Margaret and John Farris Alice and William Fienning Heidi and William M. Fietz 5 William T. Fietz Jennifer and David Finlayson 5 Nancy and James Fisher 5 Rona Fisher Lois Fleck and Martin Fleck, Jr. Marilyn Fletcher Maureen Ford Gus Foster Abraham Franck Kenneth Fridline Charlotte and Theodore Frisbie Shelly and Ian Fritz Linda Kirk-Garcia and Armando Garcia, Sr. Sheilah Garcia Raleigh Gardenhire 5 Patsy and Charles Gassaway Ann Gateley Bonnie and Dennis Geer Lynnie Wienecke and Oscar George, Jr. Sharon and Jerry Geist 5 Harriet Gerding Hugh Gibson Susanna Gilbert

Carol and Tal Godding Angela and Leon Goldman Terri Giron-Gordon and Gary Gordon Nedra and Larry Gordon William Gornall, Sr. 5 Felice Grad * William Grasse Gilda and Norman Greenberg Nancy Gregory Linda Williams and Brian Hansen Sheila Hard Debra Harris Rosalee and Warren Heffron Lisa Hendrix Eleonore and James Hessler Tian-Ling Tong and Robert Hilgendorf M. Anne Hill Marilyn Hill Dolores Hines Sofia and Gary Hines Stephanie and Dale* Hoekstra Bruce Hoffman Connie Holmes and Jesse Holmes, Jr. Van Dorn Hooker * Teri and Bruce Hoover 5 Martha Hoover and Mark Hoover Andre Huffmire Ann Hyde Alice Irvin Kuppaswamy Iyengar Terry Jackson George Jelinek Howard Jenkins Frances and Roy Johns


Dolores and Ted Martinez Valerie Mathes Janice and Stephen Matthews C. Herman Mauney Sharelle Mayer 5 Marguerite McCurry Meaghan McDevitt Barbara and Michael McDonnell JoAnn Mercer Patricia Merlo Judith Mersereau E. Gerald Meyer Alix Michel Henry Miller, II Kathleen Jackson and William Miller Ralph Mirabal, Jr. Carol Mistler and J. Douglas Mistler, USA (Ret.) Helen and Col. Frank Moran Andrea Morris Barbara and John Morrison Susan Morrison Helen and Gerald Moser Laurie and William Moye Marion Mueller and Karl Mueller, Jr. Judith and Michael Muldawer 5 Catherine Mulqueen Mary and John Mulvany Stephanie and Frank Munzinger Shirley Murphy Lori Nash Marilee Nason Sharon and Larry Neely 5 Carolyn and Don Neeper Rolf Nelson Charles Noe Catherine and Mel Oleson Annie and David Olson Wanda Omer and George Omer, Jr.* Evangeline M. Pacheco Susan and Charles Palmer

James Parnell Jennifer Pedneau Mari Penshurst Calla Ann Pepmueller Mr. and Mrs. John Perner 5 Joni Pierce MaĂąuel Pino * Susan Poet Mary Poole Suzanne Popejoy and Thomas Popejoy, Jr. 5 J. T. (Skip) Prichard Polly Primm and Larry Nichols

Dorothy and Larry Rainosek 5 John Rask Paul Bartlett RĂŠ Patricia and Greg Remington 5 Isa and Buck Rhodes Mary Rich* Efrosine and Adrian Richards Michael Roberts 5 John Robertson Alice and Larry Rodgers

Photo: Liz Lopez

Debbie Johnson Robert Johnson Luanna Hughes Johnson Susan Wider and William Junor Julia Kalmus Bill Kelley Hari Khalsa Jerri Kinney and Bart Kinney, III 5 Linda Hudson Kirby and David P. Kirby Joan Gentry and Don Kirby Stephanie Klecotka * Allene and Walter Kleweno Gary Kloppenburg Marshallene G. Koff Kathryn Kolankiewicz 5 Nancy and Loren Kuehne Margaret and Donald Kuehnert Nancy Kuttesch and J.F. Kuttesch, Jr. Gerry Laidlaw 5 Barbara and Jerry Landgraf Anthony Landry S. Patricia McSherry and William Langdon Jeanette and James Larson Hazel Tull-Leach and Kenneth Leach 5 Donna and Mark Lesher 5 Michele Lesher Michelle Linn-Gust Karen Foss and Stephen Littlejohn Robert Loftfield* Patricia Logan and Frank Logan, III M. Ann and H. Hunter Look 5 Bill Lovejoy Nancy Lutz and Raymond Lutz, Jr. William Macey Alfred Maher Gloria and Bob Mallory Margery and Charles Marshall Phyllis and Felipe Martinez


Ernest Rodriguez-Naaz Maryann Evans and Edwin Roos Ingrid Roosild Frederick Rose, Jr. 5 Estelle Rosenblum Mr. Kurt L. Roth Ann and Bernard Rubenstein Craig and Martin Rubenstein Janice and Isidro Rubi, Jr. Janice Branch-Ruggiero and Lenny Ruggiero Ro Saavedra Sonia Sabath John Salazar Marcia and William Salazar Susan Weaver and Dan Salter 5 Anne and Leonard Sanchez Elaine and Alex Sanchez Sandra Sanchez Don Schlegel Roger L. Schluntz Karen Schmidt Kileen and Dale Scott 5 Don Scott Edith Cherry and D. James See Georganne and Harlan Seeley Danielle Sengel Alan Shaffer Colleen and Art Sheinberg Francine Sikorski and Henry Sikorski, Jr. Roger Simms L. Gail Lemons and Steven Simms Deborah Helitzer and David Sklar Elizabeth Slota Emily Smith Garrett Smith Robert Smith Todd R. Staats

Mary Herring and Robert Stamm * Schelly Storm and Louis Storm, II Cynthia and David Stuart Carolyn R. Surface Jean Ann and Duffy Swan Kyla and Roger Thompson Louise Campbell-Tolber and Steven Tolber Lisa Torres Brookes McIntyre and Coleman Travelstead Valerie Trujillo Karen and Robert Turner Tobe Turpen, Jr. 5 Barbara Van Cleve Diane and Richard Vande Noord Cherie Vaughn 5 Cynde and LeRoy Vestal Janet Lashbrooke and Yvon Villeneuve Howard Wadstrom Randi and Jerry Walker William P. Weber Marta Weigle William Weihofen Jo and David Whitten Carol Wilder Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wilder Susan Wilhite Linda J. Williams Joan and Walter Willis Corinne and Raymond Willison Peter A. Winograd Mary and Phillip Woodard Thomas Zanotti Martha Zollinger Dorothy Zopf



Lobo Legacy or Forever Lobo Society Member Deceased

The following donor roll, pages 24-34, lists gifts and pledge payments of $5,ooo+ received by the UNM Foundation during FY 2o14-2o15 (July 1, 2o14-June 3o, 2o15). | The square photos scattered among the donor roll were submitted this year by UNM students via the #Lobovision Campaign, which was launched by the UNM Foundation in 2o14. To view more photos, please search #lobovision on Instagram on your smart phone.


$1,000,000+ INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS Anonymous (2) The Bernard Osher Foundation Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Corporation for Public Broadcasting Friends of KUNM Friends of New Mexico PBS General Electric Company Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust The Navajo Nation Eileen and Stephen Nicholas PCS Health Systems, Inc. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Sandia Foundation, a Hugh and Helen Woodward Charity O United Way of Central New Mexico 5 W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Photo: Liz Lopez

$500,000-$999,999 INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS Anonymous (3) American Heart Association Estate of Zenas (Slim) Boone Conrad Hilton Foundation Frederick Hammersley Foundation Walmart


H Max | Class of 2o16

Lobo Basketball #UNM #GoLobos #lobovision

$100,000-$499,999 INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS Anonymous (8) AbbVie, Inc. Albuquerque The Magazine 5 Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation American Cancer Society American Economic Association American Historical Association Carl C. Anderson Sr. and Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Olivia and Jason Aryeh Vera Aryeh Atlantic Philanthropies Bilinski Educational Foundation


Blood Systems Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico O i Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Comcast Corporation i Consulado de Mexico Costco Wholesale i Cowboys for Cancer Research, Inc. Cumulus Media, Inc. i The Dana Foundation Daniels Fund H. Paul and Sue Daulton Trust Sue Daulton O Dialysis Clinic, Inc. Educational Credit Management Corporation Foundation Susan and Dick Evans Estate of James W. Farish, Jr. Fraternal Order of Eagles i Freebird Foundation Rosemary and Donald Fry Guhl Charitable Trust Heffter Research Institute Estate of Elinor P. Hempelmann Michael Henningsen Frank C. Hibben Charitable Trust Lori Gallagher and Curtis Huff Human Frontier Science Program James S. McDonnell Foundation John Templeton Foundation Diane Klepper The LAMAJ Foundation Fay Abrams and David Lemley Lumina Foundation for Education, Inc. March of Dimes Estate of James Nelson Murdock Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc. National Multiple Sclerosis Society Novartis Nusenda Credit Union i

Ovarian Cancer Research Fund David Pelletier PNM Resources i Marc Powell Bernard Pracko, II R. D. and Joan Dale Hubbard Foundation i Dorothy and Larry Rainosek OA i Recarnation Smith’s Food and Drug Stores Society of Family Planning Research Fund St. Baldrick’s Foundation Stamm Family 1997 Charitable Trusts Mary Herring and Robert Stamm* O A i Victoria and Robert Stamm Surdna Foundation Tori Thomas Ray Thomason Thornburg Foundation Catherine Oppenheimer and Garrett Thornburg U.S. Bancorp i Univision Radio i Vijay and Marie Goradia Charitable Foundation Wells Fargo O i Westmeath Foundation WisePies Franchise Services, LLC i

$50,000-$99,999 INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS Anonymous (2) 89.1 KANW i Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation American Academy of Nursing American Association on Health and Disability American Diabetes Association American General Media i Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Dale Armstrong i Judith and David Bennahum Roberta Price and John Boyd Briggs Charitable Trust Estate of William C. Briggs Marilyn and Jack Carlson Caswell Silver Foundation Roy Caton, Jr. Celgene Corporation Clear Channel Radio and News Media i Connection Communications, Inc., Static Radio 88.3 FM i Dorothy Crist Robert Crow, Jr. i Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Electrochemical Society Eli Lilly and Company Emergency Medicine Foundation Entravision Communications, Inc. i ESPN Sports Radio 1o1.7 i Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Foundation

Q UNM Running Club

First track meet as a club complete! #NIRCA #lobovision


Estate of Thelma W. Evans ExxonMobil Mary Fernandez Howard L. Franks Memorial Scholarship Trust Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Urias & Ward, PA David Freedman Gallegos Law Firm, PC i Felice Gonzales and Jake Gallegos i Christina and Frank Galles i Sheilah Garcia i General Mills i Gilead Sciences, Inc. Catherine and Joseph Goldberg i Google, Inc. F. Michael Hart Chuck Henningsen Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. Sofia and Gary Hines i Nancy Hollander IGW Pediatric Cancer Foundation Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation Robert Johnson Ellen and James King O i Marshallene Koff Kohl’s KRQE/KBIM/KREZ/KASA O i Peter Kunstadter O Laguna Development Corporation i Lannan Foundation Lockheed Martin Corporation i Kimberley and David Martinez Martinez, Hart & Thompson, PC Priscilla McDonnell Sabieann Baca Minzner and Richard Minzner Mr. and Mrs. Sanford N. McDonnell Foundation New Mexico Activities Association i Linda and James Parker

Phi Beta Psi Joy Purcell and Frank Purcell, Jr. Robin and Leo Romero i Sandia Corporation/ Lockheed Martin Smithsonian Institution Sparks Living Trust Dorothy and J. Gordon Sparks Kelly Smyer and Bruce Thompson TLC Plumbing and Utility, Inc. i Yolanda and David Urias Brian Urlacher i Valero Energy Corporation Deborah and Jeff Van Dyke Van Dyke Software, Inc. Walgreens O Alfred J. Walker Renee and Vincent Ward i Stephanie and Brian Wimbish Peter A. Winograd O Continued on page 26

H Isabo | Class of 2o18

#instafall #wherethelightgetsin #unm #lobovision #nofilter O Presidential Scholarship Program

full sponsor or endowment donor A UNM President’s Club member i Lobo Club member Deceased



H Ahmed | Class of 2o16

#FSAE #UNM #LoboMotorsports #FishEye #lobovision Continued from page 25

$25,000-$49,999 INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS Anonymous (3) 3o Second Street i Abram and Ray Kaplan Foundation i Airport Fast Park i Albuquerque Asphalt i Albuquerque Business First i American Academy of Family Physicians American Lung Association Anderson Schools of Management Foundation Arby’s Restaurant i Bank of America O i Bank of the West i Harold Behl Thomas Allen Borden Estate Margaret and Turner Branch i Brindle Foundation Diane Broadwell i Sarah and Douglas Brown A i Elizabeth and George Bunch Clear Channel Outdoor i

Cochiti Pueblo Concours du Soleil/Albuquerque Community Foundation i Estate of Elizabeth T. Cooper Maria and Ed Corley i Corley’s Albuquerque Lincoln Volvo i Crystal Springs Bottled Water, Inc. i Cutrs, LLC i David and Lynda Tippeconnic Family Foundation Dazzo Family Trust i Vicki Dazzo and Sam Dazzo, Jr. A i Estate of Predicanda A. De Geer Tom Degroot i Delta Dental of New Mexico i Joe D. Dennis, Jr. i Depuy Synthes Orthopaedics, Inc. Dino Land i DKD Electric Company, Inc. i Don Chalmers Ford, Inc. O i James Ellis Ema Foundation Spencer Feix i Sheena Ferguson Abraham Franck John Freienmuth i Friends of the Tamarind Institute G and G Advertising i Gallup Land Partners, LLC Garcia Automotive Group i Edward Garcia i Eugene L. Garcia Charitable Trust Yolanda Garcia Kathy and Brad Gehrke i Jay Gluck i Carolyn and John Harvey The Harwood Museum Alliance, Inc. Carol Hinton Sandi Miller and Thomas Holmes Rick Homans i Betty and William Hume Intel Corporation i Italian Festivals of New Mexico J & J Technical Services i

Linda and J. Charles Jennett Johnson Scholarship Foundation Journal Publishing Company O i Kit Carson Electric Cooperative i Kroger Estate of Mary Jane Linder O Lineberry Foundation Lobo Sports Properties, LLC i Bruce Loughridge i Love’s Travel Stops Lyle M. Spencer Foundation Max Kade Foundation, Inc. David McCloskey Cathy and Sherman McCorkle i Sonnet and Ian McKinnon O i MedImmune, Inc. The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research Microsoft Corporation i Brenda Midyette and John Midyette, III Henry Miller, II i Ryan Miller i Ann De Hart and Robert Milne i Mosher Enterprises, Inc. i Lynn and Jerry Mosher i Betsy and Robert Murphy i NAIOP - NM Nancy Floyd Haworth Foundation National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. North Pacific Research Board Online News Association Oxnard Foundation Paradise Fire Protection i Grace Parr Samir Patel Pepsi Beverages Company O i RH Power and Associates, Inc. i Rich Ford Sales O i Nancy and Jerrald Roehl i Estate of Celia D. Rumsey James Santistevan i Estate of Emma R. Showman Nancy and Eric (Rick) Siegel i Francine Gaillour and Jeffrey Silesky


$10,000-$24,999 INDIVIDUALS Anonymous (4) Stacy and Louis Abruzzo i Linda and Carl Alongi i Marc Alongi Jacqueline and Ronald Angel Rebecca and Adelmo Archuleta i H. Lee and Kent Argubright i Carla and Jerry Arnold i Kira Sowanick and Tony Baca i Sandra and Burck Bailey Karen and Christopher Bard Margaret Bell Madge Bender O Jolene and Stephen Benoit i Diane and Joel Berger O Frank Beserra, Jr. i Anne and Jeff Bingaman Lee Blaugrund Sibilla and George Boerigter Kandi and Tate Branch i Cerianne Mullins and James Braun i Patricia and Charley Brewer i Anne Brown A Laura and Hal Brunson i Celia and Brian Burnett i Elena and Leroy Candelaria Frank Casale i Michele Casale i Tony Casale i Connie and Paul Cassidy A i Julie and John Castillo i Karla and William Cates i Laurie Archer and John Catron Karen and Gregory Chase

Q UNM Running Club

Lobos out in force volunteering at #UNMFood’s annual BBQ Night #lobovision #NIRCA


Margaret Jones and Dominic Gross Mark Haas i Barbara and Paul Hanna i Robert Hanson i Joann Harnar Lisa Harney and Jack Harney, Jr. i Jodi and Adam Harrington i Cheryl Harris and Richard Harris, III i Linda and David Harris i Mark Hartman O David Henkel, Jr. Kerry Heubeck Eileen Grevey Hillson and David Hillson Dolores Hines Patricia Hoban

Teri and Bruce Hoover i Kristin Houle Shannon Rainosek Hurley and Patrick Hurley, Jr. O i Monica and Michael Hussey Scott Hutton i Darlene Hyer and Calvin Hyer, Jr. Nick Kapnison i Jerome Kendall Lisa Kilbreth i Jerri Kinney and Bart Kinney, III i Linda and David Kirby O Karen and Roger Koerner Carlota and Enrique Lamadrid Anne Lee and Knute Lee, Jr. i Erica and Cody Lee i Greg Levenson i Laura Likar Rebecca and Jim Long i

M. Ann and H. Hunter Look i Patricia and J. C. Lopez i Martin Lucero i Arlene and Larry Lujan i Donald MacKenzie Paul Maestas i Gloria and Bob Mallory i Jennifer and Christopher Mason i Stacie Mathewson Robin and Ben Miller Kathleen Jackson and William Miller Judy and J. Howard Mock i Janet and John Mockovciak Brandi and Ryan Mummert i John Nichols i Dorothy Nofer Susan Pearson

Karen and Charles Peifer i M. Virginia Wilmerding-Pett and Stuart Pett, Jr. Jane and Dean Peyton Julie and Tony Pisto i Mandy and Bob Pitre i Jack Price i Karen Rae Olson and Alan Paine Radebaugh Connie Lovelady-Rappaport and Stuart Rappaport i Charles Rayburn Ann and Russell Rhoades i Mary Ann Sweeney and Edward Ricco i Janie and Tom Riccobene i Patricia and Anthony Richards Erin Brender and Mujahid Rizvi Maryann Evans and Edwin Roos O Bradley Root Kurt Roth i Lorina Montoya and John Rowe O Joyce and Donald Rumsfeld Ann Rutledge* Estate of Mildred M. Sanders Cristine and Todd Sandoval i Nancy and Donald Schmierbach Susan and Tom Schoeman Rodric Schoen Joyce and Sherman Scott Brenda Dintiman and Edward Shanahan Scottie and Timothy Sheehan Virginia Shipman O Joyce Shupe Gay Sinclair Continued on page 28

Photo: David Benyak

Martin Chavez Debra and Stephen Cito i Patrick Conroy i Julia Roberts and Chris Coppin i Marilyn and Thomas Coughlen Lisa and Robert Curtis Randi McGinn and Charles Daniels Leonor and Kevin Daniels i Kathryn and Benjamin Darwin i Demetrios Daskalos i Virginia and Thomas DeCoster i Diane and Dale Dekker i Susan Demas and James Demas, Jr. Eileen and Brent DePonte i Charles DiLorenzo i David DiLorenzo i Sheilah and Christopher DiLorenzo i Vincent DiLorenzo i Karen and Christopher Dorato Barbara and Gary Dushane i Mary Ann and Mel Eaves i Ray Esquibel i Paula and Steven Fasken Patricia Hancock and Glenn Fellows Carol and Mark Fidel Nancy and James Fisher i Robin Flint-Ballenger i Gus Foster Renee and Brad Francis i Jean Rosenthal and W. Nicholas Freygang Devon Frost and Gregory Frost, Sr. i Richard Garcia i Raleigh Gardenhire i Deborah and James Giannelli i Jessica and Bill Golden i Terri Giron-Gordon and Gary Gordon A Leland Gould i Laura and Scott Grady i Susan and Jerry Greene i David Griffin i

O Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor A UNM President’s Club member i Lobo Club member Deceased

* 27

Continued from page 27

Wanda Easley-Small and James Small i Elizabeth and Ben Spencer i Jared St. Aubyn i Rebecca and Kurt Steffen Katie and Andrew Stone Cori and Patrick Sullivan i Richard Tanuz i Martha Thayer and Norman Thayer, Jr. i Annette and Murray Thayer i MarieAnn and Alex Thornburg Gary Tillery i Carol Trelease Rebecca Ullrich Estate of Robert J. Ullrich Demian Vargas and Ray Vargas, II Yvett Vazquez-Elias Ann and Robert Von Pentz i Autumn and Darin Wade i Lynda and Donald Welage Richard Williams Margaret and Thomas* Williams Deborah and Keith Wilson i Lian and Kevin Yearout i Anne and Vince Yegge OA i Adelaide Zabriskie

H Avonlea | Class of 2o17

Sometimes you just need time to relax #duckpond #unm #lobovision

$10,000-$24,999 CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS Anonymous (5) Ace Hardware i Advanced Presentation Systems i Albert I. Pierce Foundation Albuquerque Ford Dealers i The ALS Association of New Mexico American Academy of Pain Management American Association for Cancer Research American Association of Immunologists, Inc. American Toyota, Inc. i Americans for Native Americans Anchorbuilt, Inc. i Aquinas Newman Center Arthrex, Inc. Ayudando Alpha, Inc. i Ball Corporation Bank of Albuquerque i The Biological Society of New Mexico Brad Francis Ford Mercury i Brewer Oil Company i Bridgers & Paxton Consulting Engineers, Inc. O i Paul and Virginia Cabot Charitable Trust Captiva Group i Center for Orthopaedic Trauma Advancement Century Bank i Child’s Play Charity Citgo Petroleum Corporation Colorado Foundation for Public Health and the Environment ConocoPhillips Company Consolidated Solar Technologies, LLC i CO-OP Financial Services

Cooperative Educational Services Credit Unions for Kids CU Auto Sales i Dahl, Inc., Plumbing Wholesale i Demand Printing Solutions i DePonte Investments, Inc. i Desert Mountain Medical i Domino’s Pizza i The Dorothy Woodward Memorial The Dorothy D. Douglas Trust EMCORE Corporation Enterprise Rent-A-Car i Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. Fairway, Inc. i The Fasken Foundation Feinstein Kean Healthcare Flintco, LLC i Friends of Music, Inc. Friends of School of Medicine Frontier/Golden Pride OA Furry’s Buick GMC i Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research Gap, Inc. i The George and Lena Valente Foundation Golden Equipment i Greater Washington Educational Telecommunication Association Harnar Trust Heritage Hotels & Resorts, Inc. i Holman’s, Inc. i Hutton Broadcasting i IDQ Companies IHOP Independent Television Service Integrated Control Systems, Inc. i Jackson Lewis, LLP Jaguar Land Rover Albuquerque i Jaynes Corporation O i Jefferson Investments, LLC Jersey Jacks i JM Blomcor, Ltd. i Just Sprinklers i Keller & Keller, LLC


Photo: Liz Lopez


KHL, Inc. i Kinesio U.S.A., LLC i KLJH FM i KMIN i KOA Care Camps KYVA-FM i Larry H. Miller Dodge/ Chrysler/Jeep i Larry H. Miller Hyundai i Larry H. Miller Southwest Hyundai i Larry H. Miller Toyota i LK Curtis Children’s Foundation Lobo Aquatic Club, Inc. i Los Alamos National Laboratory Malcolm Fraser Foundation Martin Foundation for the Creative Arts

Match New Mexico Melloy Dodge Albuquerque i Melloy Nissan i Minuteman Refinishing i Molzen-Corbin & Associates i Mountain States Insurance Group O i New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association Foundation New Mexico Humanities Council New Mexico Pharmaceutical Care Foundation Nick & Jimmy’s i North Campus Neighborhood Northwestern Mutual i Panda Restaurant Group, Inc. Peifer, Hanson & Mullins, PA i


Perfection Honda O i Perkins & Will, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Pitre Buick-GMC i Power Ford i Premier Distributing Company i Prime Therapeutics Professional Aerospace Contractors Association of New Mexico Quail Roost Foundation Quality GMC Buick i Quality Mazda i R & S Powersports Group i R.B. Burnham & Co. Trading Post Charles C. Rayburn Trust Ray’s Flooring Specialists, Inc. i Raytheon Company RE/MAX International William E. and Mary S. Reed Trust Richard L. Garcia Broadcasting, Inc. i Risksense, Inc. RMCI, Inc. i Robert E. and Evelyn McKee Foundation Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Martha Elizabeth Root Trust Saggio’s Pizza i Sandia Peak Ski Company i Sangre de Cristo Broadcasting i Shannon J. Shaw Memorial Fund Sheehan & Sheehan, PA Sherman and Joyce Scott Family Foundation Smiles for Kids i SMPC Architects The Sociological Initiatives Foundation Sombra Cosmetics, Inc. i Southern Wine & Spirits of America, Inc. i Southwest Capital Bank i Southwest Glass & Glazing, Inc. i St. Jude Medical, Inc. Estate of Wade H. Stackhouse State Employees Credit Union

Susana Martinez Inaugural Committee Sutin, Thayer & Browne, PC i Tanoan Country Club i Taos Community Foundation, Inc. Tate Branch Auto Group i Technology Student Association Technology Ventures Corporation i THIRTEEN Thomas A. Plein Foundation, Ltd. Tillery Chevrolet i Tillery Pontiac Buick-GMC i Transforming Youth Recovery Trimedyne, Inc. Two Bears Construction, LLC i Ullrich Living Trust University Motors i UNM Alumni Association O UNM Bookstore Main Campus i The Veritas Foundation The Walter Henry Freygang Foundation Weil Foundation Wenner-Gren Foundation Western Union Foundation Yearout Mechanical, Inc. i Zia Surfaces i

H Saide | Class of 2o15

Lovely day. #Spring #lobovision

$5,000-$9,999 INDIVIDUALS Anonymous (2) Beverly Abraham and Mayor Larry Abraham O i Sylvia Wittels and Joseph Alcorn i Alex Alvarez i Leslie Amestoy and Pierre Amestoy, Jr. i Sally and Donald Anderson Kirk Anderson Fabian Aragon i Debra and Waleed Ashoo i Amy Bryan and John Atkins A Lenora Neil Atkins i Jean and Ray Auel Tamara Johnson-Baack and Brad Baack Linda and Victor Baca Laura and William Baker Evelyn Barela and Frank Barela, Sr. i Karen Bayless and Tucker Bayless, II i Pauline Lucero and Steven Becerra i Clarissa Krinsky and Eric Benson Diane and Steve Blair i Caroline and Dale Blankenship Lynna and James Blea i Patricia Baum and Thomas Blomquist Breda and Art Bova i Patrick Bowen i Victoria and Kenneth Bower i Jason Bowles i Shirley and G. Dana Brabson Barbara Brenner Ruth Singer and Michael Browde Elizabeth Calhoon and Richard Brown Signe Brullke Jeanne and Gig Brummell i Angelo Brunacini i


Lindsey Bundrant i Judy and Scott Burchiel James Burns i Robert Burpo i Christine and Robert Butler i Anne Butterfield and Bernie Butterfield, Jr. i Christopher Buttner i Merrilee Caldwell Jessica and Joshua Carothers Judy and Mark Caruso i Nick Casale i Richard Castillo Lauren and Chris Cates i June Catron and Thomas Catron, III Diane and Fletcher Catron Paul Cauwels i Gregory Chavarria i Joe Chavez i Ying-Ru and Sing-Tsung Chen Joyce and Richard Chess i Richard T. Chess* i Patricia Christian i Scott Clark i Robert Collins i Margaret Connell-Szasz Arthur Cordova, Jr. i Mary and Robert Custer i Donna and Randall Cygan Revathi A-Davidson and Russ Davidson O James Dean i Barbara and Gary DeVane Marjorie Devon Evy and Jeffrey Diamond Erin and Peter Doles Linda Novy-Doll and Jeffrey Doll Joanne* and Thomas Dowler Elizabeth Wills and Robert Downey Karen and Stephen Durkovich O i Julie and John Ellis i Carlos Esparza i Ted Esparza i Lucinda Fairfield i

Joyce Duncan Falk and Heinrich Falk Carol and David Farmer Nancy and Neil Finnen Barbara and Alan Firestone Jack Firestone Jennifer FitzPatrick Richard Follingstad i Orcilia Zúñiga Forbes* Susan Forrest and Richard Forrest, Jr. i Christine and Rod Forsythe Kathryn and Elliott Foucar Leah and John Franco President Robert G. Frank and Janet Frank O A i Patricia and Thomas Fritts Debra Atkins and John Frodel Jimmie Frybarger i Bruce Fuller Carlos Garcia i Cynthia and Dennis Garcia i Julian Garcia Vickie and Kevin Georges i Monika and Robert Ghattas Stephanie Giannini and Armand Giannini, Jr. i Paul Gibson i Victoria and James Gilbert Sandra and Van Gilbert i Susie and Jeff Gilkey i Sandy Gold i Marc and Thomas Goldsmith Phillip Gonzales i Marti and Robert Goodman O i Cheryl Fossum Graham A Patricia McCrory and Thomas Grande Continued on page 3o

O Presidential Scholarship Program

full sponsor or endowment donor A UNM President’s Club member i Lobo Club member Deceased


Photo: Liz Lopez


Continued from page 29

Patrick Griebel i Barbara and Jeffrey Griffith i John Hammons i Debbie and Irwin Harms i Carla Scaletti and Kurt Hebel Lu-in Wang and David Herring Wendy Shannon and A. Richard Higgins i Arlene High A i Dolores and James Hoffman Judith Ferrell-Holbrook and Steven Holbrook i I.B. Hoover, Jr. i Karen and Robert Houle G. Paul Howes i Susan Hudson Tyler Huning Norberta and Lowell Irby

T Lance Jackson Claire and Anthony Jaramillo i Caroline and Larry Jehle i Cindy and Kenneth Johns i Patricia and Robert Johnson O Joanna and S. Kent Jones i Margaret and Albert Jorgensen i Gregory Jorgensen i Rebecca Mark Jusbasche and J. Michael Jusbasche Mary Ellen and F. Chet Karnas i Linda Keene Margaret and Michael Keleher i Gretchen and Thomas Keleher i Jan and William Keleher O i Louise and Charles Kiger Christine and Scott Kim Donna and Walter Klinge i Eric Knapp

Nene Koch and Regent James Koch i Iona Lee i Melinda and David Leith Shana Levenson Elizabeth and Robert Lill i Patricia and Jack Little Deana Mercer and James Love Juliana and Ted Lowe i Wendy Fronterhouse-Lucero and Ben Lucero i Linda and Stephen Maggart Barbara and Frank Mares i Iris Weinstein and Steve Margulin i Linda Marshall O A Daniel Martinez i Gilbert Martinez O Margaret and James Martinez i Susan and Joey Martinez i


Charlotte Webster and Robert Martz Judith and Paul Matteucci i Marina De Vos Mauney and C. Herman Mauney A Kim Maxwell Don May William Mayhew i Gail and Lyle McDaniels i Jerry McDowell Jennifer Chan and Kevin McGee Rebecca and Stephen McKernan Loretta and James McNamara Robert McNeill Effie and James Medford Walter Meech i Wendy and Ronald Meltsner O Mary and Michael Merrell Judith Mersereau Jean and Thomas* Merson O Mary and Bernard Metzgar i Margo McCormick and Ranne Miller i Marcus Mims i Nadine Miner and John Miner, Jr. O Cynthia and Stephen Mitchell Beth and Steven Moise Carolyn Monroe Patsy and John Mosman i Cynthia Murray Vickie Wilcox and Jeffrey Myers Janet Napolitano Lori Nash Rolf Nelson O Cindy and Brett Newberry A i Richard Nichols Faye and Charles North Virginia and Scott Obenshain Jay Odom i David Ortiz i Tina and Kenneth Otteni i Terri and Anthony Pachelli i De Ann Padilla i Nancy Park Jay and James Parker O

Judy Parker i Gregory Parkhurst Marta and Bert Parnall John Pate i Tonya and Kenneth Patton Jean and James Payne i Mary and Mark Peceny Cristina Martinez and Karl Pergola i Cynthia and John Perner i Dale Peterson i Sheryl White and Mark Petrie i Susan Smith-Pierce and Craig Pierce Diane Albert and Eric Pinkerton Mary Poole Melissa Porter Marvin Procter i Becky and Arvind Raichur i Roberta and Barry Ramo i Rebecca and Kenneth Ray i Gopal Reddy i Caryn and Harry Relkin i Penny and Armin Rembe i Faye and Peter Renna Peggy and Jeffrey Roberts i Karen Talbot Rohde and Mark Rohde Jeffrey Romero i Lorenzo Romero i Melanie and Stanton Royce MarĂ­a Griego-Raby and Randall Royster i Ellen Ann Ryan i Beverly and Glen Salas John Salazar i Anne and Leonard Sanchez i Continued on page 32

O Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor A UNM President’s Club member i Lobo Club member Deceased


Photo: Liz Lopez

Photo: Liz Lopez


Sandra Sanchez Linda Sandstrom and Gary Sandstrom, Sr. Brian Santrock i Veronica and John Sapien O i Patricia Schenck and Robert Schenck, Jr. Don Schlegel Roger Schluntz Gregory Schornstein i Marian and Howard Schreyer Charlene and David Schroeder i Elisabeth Schultz Karen and William Schumacher O Noreen and Robert Scott i Cindy and John Seay i Sandra and Bruce Seligman O i Vasanta and Sanagaram Shantharam Judith and Robert Sherman i Bryan Shetter i Elizabeth and Galen Shipley i Clare Castiglia and Lawrence Shore i Amanda and Marshall Shuler Judith Harris and Richard Silverstein Jill and Michael Sivage i

Calculus homework is the most fun out of chemistry and physics (in my opinion). #math #doyouevenintegrate #calculus #school #unm #lobovision

Patience and Gordon Skarsgard i Carla and Scott Slezak Billy Smith i Dean Smith Douglas Smith Charity Townsend and David Smoak i Carol Spitz Brian Stafford i Leigh Anna and David Steele O i Kelly Stout-Chavez Roberta Straight Carolyn Surface Arthur Tatum Mary Hershberger and Christopher Taylor Daniel Teoli Ginger and Jack Thompson i Maribeth and Christopher Thornton i Jason Tomberlin i Smoky and Alan Torgerson i Michelle and Gehron Treme i Donald Tucker Susan and William Tully Estate of Bob L. Turner Kaye and Thomas Tynan Bhavna and Imesh Vaidya i

Lance Woodworth i Pammela and Paul Wynn i Janice and Gary Young Nathaniel Zich i

$5,000-$9,999 CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS Anonymous (3) Abba Technologies, Inc. i The Academy of Applied Science, Inc. AccuStripe, Inc. i

Photo: Liz Lopez

Continued from page 3o

H Joshua | Class of 2o18

Rosemary and Al Vaio i Patricia Buksa-Valdivia and Arnold Valdivia O i Andrew Veitch i Patti and Mark Veteto i Diane Viens Leslie and Rick Wadley i Daniel Wascher i Brook Watson i Elizabeth Wertheim O i Felicia Finston and Bernard Whaley, Jr. Elizabeth and James Wiggins Floyd Wilson, Jr. i Wade Wilson Catherine Woodward i James Woodward


Ace Metals, Inc. i Action Audio Visual i Admiral Beverage Corporation i Adobe Systems, Inc. Albuquerque Business Law, PC i Albuquerque Community Foundation i Albuquerque Tents i Albuquerque Wholesale Ambercare Hospice, Inc. The American Academy of Pediatrics American Campus Communities O The American Endowment Foundation American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network Amerind Risk Management Corp. i AmeriSourceBergen Services Corporation Apex Education, Inc. Apogee Enterprises, Inc. Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Aztec Grading, Inc. i BDV, LLC Bentley Plumbing & Heating, Inc. i Boeing Corporation i Bradbury Stamm Construction O i Bristol-Myers Squibb Brocade Communication Systems, Inc. Brown & Associates Brunacini Development i Butt, Thornton & Baehr, PC i Butterfield Jewelers i C. G. Corrigan, Inc. Calibers i Catron Family Chartwells Compass Group O i Chico’s FAS, Inc. CJ’s Upholstery i Clifton, Larson, Allen, LLP Cocina Azul i

Comar II Commonwealth Fund The Company of Biologists, Ltd. Compass Bank BBVA i Conkerr Cancer Credit Union Association of New Mexico Crowne Plaza i CVS Corporation Daniels Family Funeral Services i Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust Dorothy J. Giacinto Trust Eileen Fisher, Inc. El Terrero Construction, LLC i Embassy Suites and Spa i Enchantment Cabinetry and Design i Enterprise Builders Corporation i FBT Architects O Fernandez Company, Ltd. i Fidel, Perner and Michnovicz, LLC i Fifth Street Law i The Fine Law Firm Firestone Family Foundation, Inc. First Mortgage Company First National Bank of the Rio Grande Franklin’s Earth Moving, Inc. i French Funerals and Cremations O Friends of 2o15 Walgreens Golf Tournament Friends of Issa Sakaki Merrill Friends of UNM SoM Alumni Association Continued on page 34 O Presidential Scholarship Program

full sponsor or endowment donor A UNM President’s Club member i Lobo Club member Deceased


Photo: Liz Lopez


JOIN THE UNM PRESIDENT’S CLUB The UNM President’s Club is the bridge between the University of New Mexico and the community. Comprised of distinguished alumni and community leaders who join together to support UNM’s key initiatives, this group of influential donors is committed to the success of our students—and to ensuring UNM’s ability to seize great opportunities as they arise. The President’s Club has been responsible for the success of programs such as the Freshman Learning Communities, which led to dramatic improvements in the success rates of first year students. That program has since become self sufficient. Members’ support has also sent students to study abroad throughout the world, and to intern in the Washington, D.C. offices of New Mexico’s five-member congressional delegation for a semester. Equally as important as program support, President’s Club funds give UNM the ability to be responsive to student needs. A perfect example of this is the Stay-A-Lobo Fund, which provides emergency grants to keep students from dropping out of school for financial reasons. Currently, the President’s Club focus is to help launch the Innovation Academy. This is the academic component of Innovate ABQ. The academy allows students the opportunity to engage in entrepreneurial efforts while enrolled at UNM. It offers a curriculum along with resources to help students solve societal problems and establish new businesses to contribute to local economic development. UNM President’s Club members can help these students succeed. The designation A in this report identifies President’s Club members during FY 2o14-2o15. For more information, please contact Jalen Dominguez at Jalen.Dominguez @unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-2816.



Friends of UNM Taos Campus Frost Mortgage Group i Garcia Infiniti i General Distributors, Inc. i Gold Medal International Greater Albuquerque Medical Association Greg LoPour, DDS, PA i H B Construction O i

Hartman Publishing, Inc. Hilltop Landscape Architects & Contractors i The Hussey Foundation Hyatt Regency Albuquerque i Improve Group i Jessica’s Love Foundation Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence JTB Family Investment Company I, LLC

Photo: Liz Lopez

Continued from page 33

Kappa Kappa Gamma O KASA TV Channel 2 Keleher & McLeod, PA Kevin Georges & Associates, PA i KPMG, LLP i KYRN Socorro Mine Country 1o2.1 i Lattice Electro Optics Law Office of Diane Albert The Lensic Performing Arts Center Linda S. Marshall Trust LithExcel Communication Service Provider i Lone Mountain Contracting, Inc. i Lone Sun Builders, Inc. Los Alamos National Bank Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation Marriott Pyramid i Marriott Residence Inn Albuquerque Airport i McKay Oil and Gas, LLC i MCM Elegante Hotel and Event Center i Miller Stratvert Law Firm i Moss Adams, LLP Mountain States Construction i Moving Solutions, Inc. i Mr. Tux i NanoPore, Inc. National Distributing Company i National Philanthropic Trust New Mexico Mutual Group i New York Life i Nob Hill Bar & Grill i Northrop Grumman Corporation Opus Solutions, LLC Parnall Law Firm, LLC POSLavu i Presbyterian Healthcare Services i Radiology Associates of Albuquerque i


Radisson Hotel i Raysteel, Inc. i Real Estate Advisors i Rembe Enterprises/ Los Poblanos Inn i Resolution Graphics i RMKM Architecture Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb, PA Rotary Club of Albuquerque Metro RSF Land and Cattle Company, LLC i Rudy’s Country Store and Bar-B-Q i Sadie’s Cocinita i Sage Accounting i Samaritan Counseling Center Sandra C. Sanchez Trust Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union Sandia Office Supply, Inc. i Schroeder Sales, Inc. i Securities America, Inc. i Serious Grippage and Light Co. i Service Electric i Silicon Heights Computers, Inc. i Sivage Community Development, LLC i Sodexo Sports & Leisure at the University of New Mexico i Southwest Care Center Southwest Financial Services i Southwest Reinsure, Inc. i Stanley M. Reinhaus Family Foundation The Storehouse Subway i Surface Family Trust TECO Energy Tesaro, Inc. Thomas M. Blomquist, PHD, MD, LLC Three Brothers Management, Inc.

Tony Claire Photography i TriCore Reference Laboratories Truist - United e-way i Bob L. Turner Charitable Trust United Way of Northern New Mexico UNM Medical Group, Inc. Unser Racing Museum US Eagle Federal Credit Union i Veteto Foundation i Village Pharmacy, Inc. Villella Skarsgard & Noya Trust Account i Wade Wilson Art The Walt Disney Company Foundation Water Research Foundation West Wood Realty, Ltd. i Western Refining i Westwind Landscape Construction, Inc. Zia Trust, Inc.

H Kyle | Class of 2o17

Fall is my favorite season & UNM is beautiful. #lobovision

O Presidential Scholarship Program

full sponsor or endowment donor A UNM President’s Club member i Lobo Club member Deceased


Photos: Liz Lopez

WAYS TO GIVE TO UNM To support UNM and its work with students, faculty and patients, please contact the UNM Foundation office at (5O5) 277-45O3, 1-8OO-UNMFUND (866-3863) or visit unmfund.org. For more specific giving opportunities, please see the list of programs and contacts below or refer to page 36.

ANNUAL GIVING PROGRAM The Annual Giving Program solicits gifts from alumni and friends. You may designate your gifts to any area, college, school, department or program within the University or give unrestricted gifts. Contact Willie Romero at Willie.Romero@ unmfund .org or (5O5) 277-2951.




Giving societies and dean’s circles receive gifts in support of specific programs or initiatives at UNM. Membership and gift thresholds vary by school, college or program. See page 36 for school, college or program constituent development officers.

The Presidential Scholarship Program receives gifts for Presidential Scholars. See page 1o. Contact Cathy Bunch at Cathy.Bunch@unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-5688.

MATCHING GIFTS PROGRAM The Matching Gifts Program includes both national and local corporations that match their employees’ gifts to the UNM Foundation, enabling donors to double or even triple their gifts. Contact Suzanne Eubank at Suzanne.Eubank@ unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-1747.


You may establish endowed funds to support a specific purpose in perpetuity. See page 17. Contact Judith Davenport at Judith.Davenport@ unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-96OO.

Memorials and honoraria honor family and friends. Contact Jill Slaby at Jill.Slaby@unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-9651.



The Gift Acceptance Committee of the UNM Foundation reviews gifts of real property, including real estate, works of art, equipment and other in-kind gifts. Contact Suzanne Awen at Suzanne. Awen@unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-1586.

GIVING ONLINE You may give online to a variety of areas through the Foundation’s secure website at unmfund.org.

The Planned Giving Program can provide you with information and help you establish gifts through bequests, charitable trusts, gift annuities, retirement accounts and life insurance policies. The Foundation’s planned giving experts will work closely with your own advisers to ensure the needs of the University and your wishes are fulfilled. Contact Sheila Hard, JD at Sheila.Hard@ unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-96O4.


Universitywide Giving Societies:

CHERRY & SILVER SOCIETY Recognizing alumni who give within 24 months of graduation and then at least once every calendar year thereafter. See page 11. Contact Margaret Ortega at Margaret.Ortega@unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-O689.

NEW HORIZONS SOCIETY Recognizing donors who have included the University in their estate plans. See page 22. Contact Sheila Hard, JD at Sheila.Hard@ unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-96O4.

UNM PRESIDENT’S CLUB Supporting presidential initiatives for enhanced academic excellence and student enrichment through unrestricted gifts. See page 33. Contact Jalen Dominguez at Jalen.Dominguez@unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-2816.

TOM L. POPEJOY SOCIETY Recognizing cumulative giving to the University. See page 18. Contact Jill Slaby at Jill.Slaby@ unmfund.org or (5O5) 277-9651.





Ed Manzanares (5o5) 925-56o7


Emily Blaugrund Fox (5o5) 277-7114 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING

Stuart Starner (5o5) 925-5o14 Kole McKamey (5o5) 925-5o17

Laurie Roche (5o5) 277-6442 PRESIDENT AND CEO Henry Nemcik | (5o5) 277-1586 VICE PRESIDENT OF UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT Larry Ryan | (5o5) 277-2847 VICE PRESIDENT OF HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER DEVELOPMENT Bill Uher | (5o5) 681-6279 The professional staff at the UNM Foundation can answer questions or help craft a gift that matches your wishes with the needs of the students and UNM people who provide superb education, research, health care and community service.


unmfund.org @unmfund unmfoundation @unmfund



Jeff MacNutt (5o5) 277-o817 Yolanda Domínguez (5o5) 277-3194


Jon Burkett (5o5) 925-59oo Ciara Martinez (5o5) 925-59o8



Mary Wolford (5o5) 277-1o88


Justin Schroer (5o5) 925-o471


Betty Karlsson (5o5) 277-o23o



Kristine Purrington (5o5) 277-732o HARWOOD MUSEUM OF ART

Juniper Manley (575) 758-9826

Ken Thompson (5o5) 362-331o Betsy Smith (5o5) 277-2oo9 Megan Dugan (5o5) 277-o322 Jessica Bridwell (5o5) 277-2195 COLLEGE OF NURSING


Sara Lister (5o5) 272-o2oo COLLEGE OF PHARMACY

Diana Martinez (5o5) 277-2210

Michele Tigelaar (5o5) 272-3657



Theresa Spencer (5o5) 277-1225 KUNM (PUBLIC RADIO)

Anndee Wright Brown (5o5) 277-2814 CHILDREN’S MIRACLE NETWORK

Mary Oishi (5o5) 277-8oo6 SCHOOL OF LAW

Nickie Vigil (5o5) 277-o554 POPEJOY HALL

Maryellen Missik-Tow (5o5) 277-2159



Betsy Till (5o5) 277-1589 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES

Annette Hazen (5o5) 277-9628 DONOR RELATIONS | TOM L. POPEJOY SOCIETY

Jill Slaby (5o5) 277-9651 ENDOWMENT RELATIONS

Judith Davenport (5o5) 277-96oo MATCHING GIFTS

Suzanne Eubank (5o5) 277-1747 MEMORIALS AND HONORARIA

Jill Slaby (5o5) 277-9651

Kara Clem (5o5) 277-4553 Kathryn Richards (5o5) 277-5684






Maggie Schold (5o5) 277-5632

Wendy Stires (5o5) 277-o318


EAST COAST REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Chris Albrecht (513) 378-4o4o

Sheila Hard, JD (5o5) 277-96o4


Wendy Stires (5o5) 277-o318

Photo: Liz Lopez





CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Anna Adams | Ellen K. Ashcraft Hilary Mayall Jetty | Jennifer Kemp Michelle G. McRuiz | Todd Staats | Betsy Till

Produced by the University of New Mexico Foundation. All gifts made to the UNM Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.



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