UNM Foundation Annual Report of Giving 2017-2018

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A Legacy of Lobo Loyalty

Where Generosity Meets Excellence at UNM Annual Report of Giving


L O B O S . The lifeblood of our loyalty to and love of our pack. Much more than an athletic mascot, to be a Lobo is to be a part of New Mexico’s flagship educational institution.

The University. Our UNM. T a b le o f Contents Message from the UNM President


New Endowments


Message from the UNM Foundation Leadership



UNM Foundation Board of Trustees


The Year in Numbers


Tom L . Popejoy Society This prestigious society celebrates cumulative giving by some of UNM’s most generous alumni and friends.


Changing Worlds 2020: The Campaign for UNM


New Horizons Society This planned giving society recognizes donors who have included UNM in their estate plans or have made other types of planned gifts. annual giving opportunities at unm The UNM Presidential Scholarship Program and President’s Club are two ways you may give annually.


Ways to Give to UNM


UNM Foundation Information


Your generosity has allowed the UNM Foundation to reach 100 percent of our campaign goal of $1 billion in 2018, with two more years of fundraising opportunities remaining in the campaign!


A legacy of lobo loyalty Through their giving, UNM donors and alumni demonstrate a legacy of loyalty; not only for current students, recent graduates and patients, but also for future generations who will benefit from the generosity of the donors who supported them. Read their stories.

The EV O L U T I O N of U N M ’ S L O B O M A S C O T 1920



the Lobo became the UNM mascot. The following year, the first and only live Lobo mascot made its debut with the UNM football team, as shown in this photo from 1921 (see inside back cover).

Photo: Courtesy UNM Archives.

In the fall of 1920,




From the UNM President On behalf of The University of New Mexico’s students, faculty and staff, it is my honor to write to you as president, to thank you

Photo: Jodi Newton

for your generous support.


state and region. It is impossible to list the countless touch points that extend within and outside of the University. I am truly inspired by UNM’s donors. I have had the opportunity to meet many of you and am moved by your passion for UNM, its excellence, and its potential. It is this passion—your dedication as a donor—that helps UNM be successful. All donors, from individuals to

I have had the honor of meeting so many people

corporate and foundation supporters, help UNM achieve its mission

across campus and throughout New Mexico

because of their generosity and loyalty. Your gifts positively impact

and am reminded of the critical role UNM plays

our students, faculty, staff and patients.

in the lives of our students, faculty and staff, as well as across the state, region and globe.

As donors, you are part of our Lobo family. Each of us defines all of us, and you help define UNM. Your gifts create a legacy that helps

The University provides students with

propel UNM toward a bright future. Thank you for your continued

opportunities to increase their knowledge,

support and for creating a legacy of generosity for future generations.

prepare for their future and have an impact on our community and beyond. Faculty and

staff not only share their knowledge and expertise with students but also help them conduct cutting-edge research and share their discoveries with the world. Health care

1940s — 1950s


professionals provide life-changing treatments to patients across the

1950s — 1960s

1970s — 1990s


President The University of New Mexico

Mid-90s — Mid-2000s

2008 — Present

Lobo mascot logos courtesy UNM Athletics and UNM Communication and Marketing

2018 Photo: Anthony Jackson courtesy of The Daily Lobo

Garnett S. Stokes

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100 Years of Lobos! In April 2018, Bindi (pictured), a gray wolf/coyote/ husky mix, visited campus as part of UNM’s annual Wolf Fest, which is put on by the Biology Undergraduate Society to create awareness about wolf conservation and general environmental protection.



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From the UNM Foundation Leadership A decade is a key milestone in any organization, and it is no different for The UNM Foundation. As we look back over the past 10 years, it is apparent that the loyalty and generosity of our donors have allowed us to reach major milestones and expand on the legacy of giving at The University of New Mexico.

L au r i e Moye

H enry N e mci k

Board of Trustees Chair UNM Foundation

President and CEO UNM Foundation

Since 2008, the UNM Endowment, also known as the Consolidated Investment Fund (see page 4), has grown by nearly $200 million to $454.9 million, as of June 30, 2018. This growth is due to generous donations and a strong investment strategy put in place by the UNM Foundation’s Investment Committee. These endowed funds support various programs, scholarships, research and other initiatives at the University in perpetuity. More than $148 million has been distributed to UNM over the past decade to support the University’s important activities and initiatives.

Photo: 160over90

Changing Worlds: The Campaign for UNM, the third and most ambitious fundraising campaign in the University’s history, launched in 2006. The campaign achieved its goals, and was then extended to 2020 with a new, much larger goal of $1 billion in cumulative private donations. We are thrilled to announce that this goal was met ahead of schedule in early 2018! According to the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), UNM is just one of 59 four-year public institutions in the United States to achieve a $1 billion or greater fundraising campaign goal. UNM is now part of an elite group of institutions, and we are very proud of reaching this milestone. We will continue to raise funds to support UNM’s needs and priorities through the campaign’s official conclusion in 2020.


These fundraising achievements are possible through the generosity and support of individual, corporate and foundation donors. The following pages include stories about the impact of this generosity. As you can see, these donors, like you, are part of our Lobo family, and they inspire others. Thank you to all of our donors—individuals, corporations and foundations— for creating a legacy of giving for future generations to follow.


Carl Alongi Q Albuquerque 2006-2018

john brown president, UNM alumni association Albuquerque 2018-2019

Michelle Coons Immediate Past Chair Los Ranchos de Albuquerque 2007-2019

Gary Dushane Albuquerque 2016-2020

felicia finston ASSOCIATE VICE CHAIR Dallas, Texas 2017-2021

Greg Foltz Corrales, New Mexico 2016-2020

Geraldine Forbes Isais

Dean, UNM School of Architecture & Planning 2014-2019

William F. Lang Albuquerque 2016-2020

William P. Lang assistant treasurer Corrales, New Mexico 2015-2021

Marron Lee UNM Regent Albuquerque

Lameck Lukanga

Los Angeles, California 2015-2019

Laurie Moye Chair Albuquerque 2012-2020

Ryan Mummert ASSOCIATE VICE CHAIR Albuquerque 2014-2022

Albuquerque 2017-2019

Henry Nemcik President and CEO, UNM Foundation 2010-Present

Anthony Pachelli, MD Albuquerque 2014-2021

Sherry Prud’homme Parsons

Kurt L . Roth

national vice chair Brooklyn, New York 2012-2020

David Salazar Orlando, Florida 2015-2019

garnett S. stokes

President, University of New Mexico

R andy Velarde

Taos, New Mexico 2013-2020

Vice Chair, chair-elect Houston, Texas 2011-2019

Kimberly Peña

Linda Warning

secretary Albuquerque 2011-2019

Don Power Albuquerque 2015-2019

Dorothy Rainosek Albuquerque 2011-2019

Nancy Ridenour, PhD St. Louis, Missouri 2013-2020

Taos, New Mexico 2015-2019

Judy Zanotti Albuquerque 2013-2021

Former Board Chairs

Thelma Domenici 2007-2009

Robert L. Bovinette 2005-2007

Robert M. Goodman

Photo: Lynn Bystrom

Isleta Pueblo, New Mexico 2015-2019

Santa Fe, New Mexico 2016-2020

John Myers


Mary D. Poole 2000-2002

Ann Rhoades 1998-2000

Dick Morris 1996-1998

Wayne Davenport 1994-1996

Photo: Zeljkokcanmore

Carolyn Abeita

Cheryl Fossum Graham, PhD

l e a d e rs h ip

Maralyn Budke 1992-1994

Maxine Friedman 1988-1992

Jerry Geist 1984-1988

Jack Rust 1980-1984

Michelle Coons 2015-2017

Carl Alongi 2013-2015

Tommy Roberts

Gary L. Gordon

Farmington, New Mexico 2014-2022

Anne Yegge



Q End of Service Term, June 30, 2018

Photo: 160over90

Board of Trustees

found a t ion

2018-2019 officers’ names in RED 3

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F Y 2017-201 8


Over $87 million in private support was given to The University of New Mexico during the July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018 fiscal year.

$23. 2M

$12 .6M







operated as a unitized pool known as the Consolidated Investment Fund (CIF).

with the Consolidated Investment Fund Investment Policy, which


is approved by both the UNM Foundation Board of Trustees and the UNM Board of Regents. CIF investments are invested

fy 13-14


for the long-term using a

CIF PERFORMANCE As of June 30, 2018

$40M $20M

TOTAL $87, 232 , 434

the University and the Foundation.

The CIF is managed in accordance



manage the endowment assets of

for investment purposes and





Committee to oversee and

The pooled assets are combined










$ 8 7. 2


UNM Foundation Investment


le d ge s by so p & ur s t c f OTHE R O RGAN I ZATIO N S

F Y 2017-201 8 has delegated authority to the

$91 . 4


Consolidated Investment Fund The UNM Board of Regents




Your generosity changes worlds daily at The University of New Mexico. We are grateful for your trust, and we thank you for your support.



$ 8 7. 0

Private support includes gifts and pledges received for the benefit of UNM’s students, schools, colleges, departments and programs.




Along with you, more than 11,000 donors provided in excess of 31,000 gifts, proving that the future of student success, excellent patient care, outstanding faculty and cutting-edge research are highly valued at UNM.



$ 8 7. 6

Private Giving

donor r e s t ric t ions

fy 14-15

fy 15-16

fy 16-17

fy 17-18



3 year


5 year


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diversified approach with the principal goal of maximizing the return, and thus the benefit to UNM, at a commensurate and acceptable level of risk. Investment strategy is guided by the concept of complementary managers that are responsible for specific asset categories and management styles in a diversified portfolio (see “CIF Asset Allocation” chart).




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In addition to customary investment management expenses, a development funding allocation (DFA) of 1.85 percent is assessed against each participating fund to assist with operational expenses.

CIF MARKET VALUE $500M $400M $300M $200M

CIF spending distribution by donor-designated purpose

$100M $0M




13 -14


14 -15


15 -16


16 -17




The CIF finished the year with a market value of approximately $454.9 million, compared to $425.3 million a year ago, and an investment return of 8.2 percent, as compared to 11.8 percent the previous fiscal year.

$ 3 9 5 .1



$405. 8


$415 . 2


Photo: Jim Fisher










$10M $5M





13 -14


14 -15


15 -16


16 -17



$14 .9

Photo: Glenn Nagel











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h o w

How We Report Your Gifts

w e

r e por t

y our

g if t s

F Y 2017-201 8

This UNMF Annual Report of Giving reports the total effort of the UNM community in engaging private donors. Based on UNM Foundation campaign counting standards, qualifying bequests, cash and in-kind gifts donated directly to UNM-affiliated units, as well as pledges meeting the criteria, are counted and recognized in the annual total.

Photo: Liz Lopez

The UNM Foundation (UNMF) complies with various standards when reporting private gifts, depending on the purpose of the report and the requirements of the requesting organization. We welcome your questions at (505) 313-7600.

Gift Commitments to UNM F Y 2017-201 8

The UNMF’s audited financial statements report your gifts in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Unlike campaign reporting, gifts of bequests, cash and in-kind gifts donated directly to UNM-affiliated units, as well as pledges outside the criteria for GAAP, are omitted.

R eporte d on the Fo u n dat i on ’ s a u d i te d f i nan c i al state m ents Cash

Given their differing objectives, each of these standards reports the gifts received by UNM differently. Campaign reports are distributed quarterly and through this Annual Report of Giving. Our audited financial statements are available on our website, unmfund.org.

$35 , 407, 840

In-Kind Gifts

$353 ,000


$825 ,000

N ot reporte d on f i nan c i al state m ents b u t re c ogn i z e d as c a m pa i gn g i f ts Cash

$21 , 866,157

In-Kind Gifts

$6, 568 , 373

Pledges and Estate Commitments T O TA L G IF T C O MMI T M E N T S

$22 , 212 ,064

$ 8 7, 2 3 2 , 4 3 4

G i f ts f or U N M ’ s c u rrent u se Cash In-Kind Gifts TOTAL GIFTS FOR UNM’S CURRENT USE

$42 ,137,056 $6,921 , 373

$ 49,05 8 , 429

G i f ts f or U N M ’ s f u t u re

Photo: UCAM

Cash Gifts to UNM’s Endowment


Pledges and Estate Commitments

$15 ,136,941 $23 ,037,064


$ 3 8 , 1 74 , 0 0 5


$ 8 7, 2 3 2 , 4 3 4



2 0 2 0 :

T h e




Whose world will you change? Progress Toward $1 billion Total Goal

2020 100%



70% 60% 50%

30% 20%

July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2018

10% 0%

Total as of June 30, 2018


When The Campaign for UNM launched in 2006, it was the third and most ambitious campaign in The University of New Mexico’s history. The momentum created by donors, alumni, corporations and foundations resulted in the campaign’s extension to 2020 with a new, more ambitious goal: $1 billion in cumulative private giving.

Changing Worlds 2020: The Campaign for UNM gives everyone a chance to be a part of something bigger, creating a legacy of giving and loyalty. Your gifts, combined with gifts from other individuals, corporations and foundations, provide opportunities for students to learn and grow, faculty to inspire and discover, and health care providers to nurture and heal patients. For more than 125 years, UNM has been a part of the community and the community continues to show support for UNM.


Bi l l ion

Your Gifts Inspire Others, Change Worlds— and Leave a Legacy of Lobo Loyalty

Early in 2018, through the generosity of our donors, we achieved this goal. However, our work is not done. The campaign continues through 2020, and we will continue to raise private funds to support student success, faculty research, campus programs and capital projects until the official conclusion of the campaign.



Photo: 160over90



Like a true Lobo pack, we are each strong on our own, but we are stronger together. Every gift, big and small, creates a lasting impact, and every gift creates a legacy of Lobo loyalty. Look forward by giving back and imagine how your gift will answer the fundamental question of Changing Worlds 2O2O: The Campaign for UNM—Whose world will you change? 7

c a nis

l upus :

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uni v e rsi t y


n e w

m e x ico ’ s

m a sco t

Wild Lobos roamed the Southwest for millennia. By the end of the 20th century, these Mexican gray wolves, a subspecies of canis lupus (wolf, or gray wolf), had been hunted to near extinction. The last five known Lobos were captured in 1980 in accordance with an agreement between the United States and Mexico intended to save the subspecies. A 15-year captive breeding program brought Lobos back from the brink—and in March of 1998, a reintroduction campaign began with the release of three packs into a national forest in Arizona and 11 wolves into a wilderness area in southwestern New Mexico. Twenty years later—after heart-tugging successes and heart-breaking failures—there are now 114 Lobos roaming wild and free. The final goal for the Lobo recovery is a wild, self-sustaining population of at least 300.

Photos clockwise from top left: Gea Strucks, 160over90, UCAM, Tomas Maracek, Bildagentur Zoonar, Liz Lopez


c a nis

l upus :

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uni v e rsi t y


n e w

m e x ico ’ s

m a sco t

While wild Lobos of the wilderness have t h e i r ow n h i s t o r y, U N M L o b o s a r e a l l o f u s , f r o m ev e r y w h e r e , r o a m i n g ev e r y w h e r e . F a r b ey o n d t h e a t h l e t i c f i e l d s , c o u r t s a n d c o u r s e s , U N M L o b o s r e a c h ev e r y p a r t o f o u r campuses, across New Mexico, and the world ov e r. S t u d e n t s a n d a l u m n i , f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f, f r i e n d s a n d f a n s . J u s t l i ke a L o b o p a c k , e a c h of u s d e f i n e s a l l of u s . A s t h e c h a n t g o e s , Ever yone’s a Lobo —Woof! woof! woof! Wo of t o t h e wo lf, i n d e e d . G O Lo b os ! i Photos clockwise from top left: Liz Lopez, Erik Stenbakken, Jim Cummings, UNM Athletics, Anhong, Lynn Bystrom, Mikael Males, Liz Lopez


L e g a c y


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Lo y a l t y

Bridging the Health Care Divide

This is the resolution of the photo from the link you provided.

By Miche lle G . McRuiz

An estimated 415 million adults around the globe live with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and that figure a widely diagnosed condition, patients in large urban areas continue to have difficulty receiving highly skilled, coordinated health care among multidisciplinary providers. For patients in rural areas, it’s nearly impossible. Both types of diabetes can cause serious, life-threatening complications if not managed well, hence the need for primary care providers and specialists to consult with one another. So far, the rate of diabetes diagnoses and the staggering costs of treating it far outpace the ability for providers to give the care patients need. 10

of Endo ECHO (a Project ECHO program focused solely on endocrine conditions, including diabetes) alone are

UNM School of Medicine’s Project ECHO Links Providers Worldwide with Life-Saving Clinical Knowledge

will continue to rise. Yet, for such

Recent data show that Project ECHO delivers. The results

Photo: Eric O’Connell, Courtesy UNM School of Medicine


S anjeev A rora, MD Project ECHO, a department within the UNM School of Medicine, aims to change the delivery of health care for these patients via an innovative practice model. Aided by generous and ongoing financial support—particularly from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, as well as other corporate, private and foundation donors—Project ECHO bridges wide gaps in care through telementoring initiatives. Initially launched by UNM’s Sanjeev Arora, MD, in 2003 to improve health outcomes for rural hepatitis C patients, Project ECHO connects many different types of health care providers with specialists at academic

impressive. Primary care providers (PCPs) report they are more confident in treating complex diabetes cases. PCPs are twice as likely to adopt best-practice diabetes care. They are less likely to refer patients to specialists (for whom wait times can be 12 or more months) as often. For Portales, N.M. resident Kaycee May, Endo ECHO not only helped her to be able to graduate from high school; it also helped her feel that she was in control of her life. “Without Endo ECHO,” said May, “I probably would have stopped taking care of myself and just thrown my hands in the air.” Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 17, May drove four hours round-trip every month to see her doctor in Lubbock, Texas. Her Portales PCP, physician assistant Neelu Finley, began receiving training and mentoring through Endo ECHO, working with a team of providers in Albuquerque to manage May’s diabetes—all without May needing to leave her town. “Before Endo ECHO, I felt like I had a gigantic burden,” May said. Now, “I’ve kind of accepted it as part of my life, but it’s not running my life.” In 2014, the Helmsley Charitable Trust awarded a 36-month grant of nearly $6.5 million to Project ECHO to pilot Endo ECHO in New Mexico, and to lay the groundwork to replicate the model in other states. That funding, said Dr. Arora, has allowed The ECHO Institute™ “to demonstrate that the ECHO model can

medical centers to share clinical knowledge. With regular

significantly improve access to care, quality of life, and

virtual clinics, meetings, and the sharing of successes

health for those living with diabetes in New Mexico.”

and challenges, far-flung providers can improve their

Patients can stay with the providers they know and trust

capacities to treat complex cases.

in their own communities while receiving excellent care.


“Endo ECHO is vital in achieving our vision of reducing the burden of type 1 diabetes, because it allows providers to meet patients where they are,” said Helmsley Type 1 Diabetes Program Director Dr. Gina Agiostratidou. “The interest among providers in expanding ECHO is a testament to its impact.”

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Dr. Arora is grateful for the Helmsley Charitable Trust’s support for enabling the Project ECHO team to show how the ECHO model can improve outcomes for diabetes and other complex endocrinology conditions and for the support provided to the ECHO Institute more broadly. “The Helmsley Charitable Trust’s funding has allowed ECHO to expand endocrinology care across the U.S. and around the world, as well as to have a model for additional ECHO programs,” he said.

Photo: Steven St. John

Dr. Arora plans to keep the momentum going so the ECHO Institute can achieve its global ambitions. “In order to continue building on the results from the initial ECHO pilot,” he said, “we plan to pursue additional funding that will enable the expansion of the Center of Excellence teams outside of New Mexico across the United States and internationally.” “We want to work closely with the Helmsley Charitable Trust and other partners to change the way that diabetes care is delivered in our country and our world—and to move knowledge, not patients,” Dr. Arora continued. “The goal is that through the expansion of the Endo ECHO model, we can ensure that all patients with type 1 diabetes and other endocrine conditions can get the right care at the right time and in the right place.”

Kaycee May, who has benefited from the UNM School of Medicine's Project ECHO, poses with her husband, Daniel, and their daughter, Jaymie, near their home in Portales, N.M. 11


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Homestead on the High Plains Family Donates History of Early New Mexico Settlement to UNM Libraries B y Hi l a r y M aya l l J e t t y

At the turn of the 20th century, Jenny Herlihy was a widow bringing up five sons in New York, where city streets held dangers for a pack of rambunctious boys. Her second eldest, Ted, left home to seek opportunity. The Homestead Act of 1862 encouraged western migration by providing public land to those willing to work it, and he acquired acreage in the recently established New Mexico territory. In 1910, Jenny left New York with her three youngest boys to join Ted. Their twoweek journey took them by steamship to Florida, then Galveston, Texas, where they boarded a train for Taiban, N.M. A horse-drawn wagon then transported them to a huge parcel of land they’d never seen, in a strange new place. It was an adventure 12-year-old George Herlihy treasured. Decades later, he wrote about his family’s joys and struggles as ranchers in that isolated southeastern New Mexico community, on the plains east of Ft. Sumner. The manuscripts containing George’s recollections, plus other memorabilia, now reside at the Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections (CSWR) at the UNM College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences. His son, Barry, inherited the collection and initiated the gift. “Barry and I had a conversation in 2016, and he was pleased that I knew where Taiban was,”

A Herlihy family portrait. 12

Springtime outing near the Herlihy homestead in southeastern New Mexico near Ft. Sumner. said Tomas Jaehn, director of the CSWR. “Sadly, two months later his wife, Marie, informed us that Barry had died, but she honored his wish that we receive these materials, along with funds to enable us to process them properly.” The Herlihy Family Fund enabled Laurie Firor to accept a CSWR fellowship position created for this purpose, and she spent a year researching and cataloguing the collection’s contents. Firor received a master’s degree in landscape architecture from UNM in 2004; she returned in 2016 to earn a post-graduate professional certificate in Historic Preservation and Regionalism, and found this project intriguing.

“It’s an amazing piece of history, reflecting day to day life in rural New Mexico at that time,” Firor stated. “The Herlihy boys were city kids, and they had to learn ranching and dryland farming in order to grow their own food. They built their home, barn, fencing and a water reservoir.” With their labor as the backbone of the enterprise, Long Canyon Ranch, as it came to be known, continued to expand. “George Herlihy’s anecdotes provide a great sense of place and family,” Firor noted, “along with hundreds of pictures, postcards, rodeo pamphlets, ranch documents and newspaper clippings.” Homesteading is a lifestyle of selfsufficiency. Although springs ran


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throughout the Taiban area, it was difficult to grow anything in the high desert climate, including feed for cattle. Jenny made the best of it, and was known for entertaining friends and neighbors, but she never felt totally at home on the range. She was able to escape the isolation of ranch life through occasional travels to visit old friends and family.

Marie recalled a visit to Taiban with her husband. “Barry knew his way around,” she said. “He wanted to look for the landmarks his father wrote about and found them all. When Barry received his family’s historical documents, he knew they needed to be preserved, and The University of New Mexico was simply the best place for this.”

Taiban’s population didn’t grow much beyond 400 at its peak, but the town was remarkable for its conflicting interests—the church community was constantly at odds with flourishing liquor distribution businesses and bawdy houses. Trains eventually stopped coming, and droughts took their toll.

Various photos of Herlihy family and friends from the Long Canyon Ranch Pictorial Collection at the Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections at the UNM College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences.


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All photos this spread: Courtesy UNM College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences

In 1920, new federal government policies deflated agricultural interests, which created financial stresses that ended the Herlihy brothers’ dream of becoming cattle barons. George and his brother, Herbert, moved on to the University of Arizona to study law. They sold the land, and eventually established a successful law practice in Los Angeles. In 1987, George retired, leaving the firm to the next generation of Herlihys. Marie Herlihy and Barry’s sister, Ellen Olsen, assisted Firor’s research. They have donated various artifacts to the New Mexico History Museum in Santa Fe, and are pleased that the rest of the collection will have a home at UNM. “New Mexico was always a part of our lives,” Ellen recalled. “We knew of the Taiban people, the neighbors, through family stories. Dad took us there several times, and the caretaker would let us on the property. We’re thrilled that others will be able to make use of the collection.” 13


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Protecting New Mexico’s Children

Hart began his career as a child abuse attorney with the New Mexico Department of Human Services and joined the law firm of Martinez, Hart, Thompson & Sanchez, P.C. in 1990, where he is now partner. Widely recognized throughout the Southwest and beyond as an outstanding attorney, Hart focuses on children and adults who have

Double UNM Alumna Funds Scholarship to Assist Law Students Interested in Child Advocacy

been victims of crime and negligence. Before establishing the scholarship, Curtis considered the future of New Mexico’s children and their welfare at home, through divorce and the death or incarceration of parents, during foster care, and in daycare and school. “We are getting older,” Curtis said of herself, Hart and their contemporaries, “and we really care that someone would

B y M ic h e l l e G . M c R ui z

Legal representation of

be around to do this work.”

Michael Hart and Lisa Curtis

Second-year UNM law student Crystal

New Mexico’s working families, especially children, has been

Cabrido knows firsthand how challenging

fundamental to Lisa K. Curtis (BA ’90, JD ’93) since she began her

it can be for children to thrive in disrupted

Albuquerque law practice in 1993. However, she knows well that child

or unsafe environments. “I grew up in

advocacy is not the most lucrative path a young lawyer could choose.

foster care from age 7 or 8,” she recalled.

With the high expenses of law school, graduates may be tempted to

“Knowing how hard it was to succeed with

join a firm that might offer more prestige and a heftier starting salary.

that background made me passionate about wanting to help kids. That’s why

Curtis wanted to do something to make it easier for law students to choose a

I went to law school.”

career helping kids, so she established the Michael Hart Children’s Advocacy Fund Scholarship at the UNM School of Law. Her gift assists qualified students

“It can be easy to get caught up in joining

who have shown a strong interest in or aptitude for pursuing legal careers

a prestigious law firm and forget about

representing New Mexico children, and she established the fund to honor

helping people,” she continued. “With Lisa’s

“the incredibly important work” her close friend and colleague F. Michael Hart

scholarship, I don’t have to take out so much in loans; I can focus on helping children.”

(JD ’88) has done for the past 30 years.

Crystal Cabrido

“Mike makes a difference in the safety of all children,” said Curtis, who is a

Curtis welcomed the opportunity to publicly appreciate her school. “I got an

medical malpractice trial attorney. “His level of dedication toward keeping

excellent education at the UNM School of Law,” she said. “UNM-trained lawyers

children safe and taking care of them after something terrible happens—

know the law, and they understand how to try cases. UNM is a top law school in

that is something law students need to live up to.”

the nation, and its faculty is super dedicated.”



Loyal Lobo’s Legacy of Giving Generously

“In the course of my work, I’ve traveled most of the proverbial Seven Seas,” he stated, “pioneered the academic field of ocean engineering education, developed academic marine geo-technology research, chaired committees and lectured worldwide.” In retirement, Richards and his wife, Efrosine, whose background includes teaching elementary school and ESL (English as a Second Language) internationally, spend part of each year on their sailboat. The university that launched his career is anchored in memory, and included in the couple’s philanthropy. A five-year pledge to the UNM College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) Dean’s Fund is intended to provide

Photo: Ron Richards

B y Hi l a r y M aya l l J e t t y

Richards earned his PhD at the University of California's Scripps Institution of Oceanography. An illustrious career followed, including work in academia, government and industry.


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Lo y a l t y

This intensive, clinically oriented trip is a valuable learning experience for bilingual UNM students, as they practice alongside physical and occupational therapists. Video conferencing afterward provides feedback and follow-up.

UNM Alumnus and Wife Fund Future Success—and Provide Critical Program Support When Adrian Richards attended UNM, the campus was spacious, and its surroundings still somewhat rural. “Old Town roads were dirt, and the evening smell of burning piñon wood was delicious,” he recalled. Richards received his BS degree in geology in 1951. “I got a superior education at UNM,” he said.

L e g a c y

Adrian and Efrosine Richards pose in Sloten, a village in the Dutch province of Friesland, The Netherlands. matching funds for other donations to maximize future discretionary capital. Additionally, a bequest will eventually benefit the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. These enduring investments will advance future education and research, but a spontaneous contribution has already made a substantial impact on a signature program in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences. For nearly three decades, between spring and summer semesters, students and faculty from Speech and Language Pathology (SLP) have visited Comunidad Crecer, a school in Mexico City for children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities. Students, parents and staff at the school eagerly look forward to welcoming their UNM “family” each year.

When budget cuts eliminated the 2018 journey, SLP graduate student Michael Campbell was disappointed. “This is a phenomenal program,” he explained. “It’s an enriching experience to work in a different language and culture.” Determined to continue this important collaboration, he contacted the UNM Foundation, which alerted A&S administration. Early in 2018, A&S Dean Mark Peceny met with Dr. and Mrs. Richards. In the course of lengthy discussions, this program and its dilemma entered the conversation, and without hesitation, they provided the needed funds. Clinic Director for the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences Sandra Nettleton, PhD was happily astonished. “Some students come to UNM specifically for our bilingual Speech and Language Pathologist training program, and we’re really proud of it,” she noted. “We went into high gear and got things organized; I can’t thank Dr. and Mrs. Richards enough.” Campbell was thrilled to participate once again. “We were so surprised,” he said. “Realistically, we thought our trip was cancelled this year. These donors are really good people.” “It was especially meaningful,” Campbell added, “because it was the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Comunidad Crecer clinic. We’ve been part of it nearly that long, and we were able to be there for the celebration.” 15


L e g a c y


Lo b o

Lo y a l t y

Photo: Courtesy UNM Children’s Hospital

Dancing to Save Lives LoboTHON Event Benefiting UNM Children’s Hospital Sets New Fundraising Record B y Hi l a r y M aya l l J e t t y

Left to right, 2018 LoboTHON executive leadership team members Jessica Marrello, Sarah Putnam and Aaron Ochoa celebrate the annual event's record-breaking year.

For UNM undergraduates who love to dance, more than 13 continuous hours of music and movement sounds like a great event. Yet even students who claim they can’t dance get excited about the annual LoboTHON dance marathon, because they’re raising money to benefit kids with medical challenges. This past March 3, hundreds of participants gathered in the UNM SUB Ballroom for festivities guaranteed to put the fun in fundraising. LoboTHON raised $51,000 in 2017, and this year it set an ambitious goal of raising $66,000 in honor of the 66,000 young patients treated each year at UNM Children’s Hospital. By the time the music and merriment ended, their total exceeded $95,000! UNM Children’s Hospital is a member of Children’s Miracle Network (CMN), a non-profit organization dedicated to saving young lives through excellence in care and research, and promoting awareness of children’s health issues. Dance marathons are 16

held at many schools across North America to benefit their local CMN hospitals. “Bad Dancing Saves Lives” is a unifying theme among them; and it has helped unite and motivate the UNM Lobo community through the years. Aaron Ochoa and Jessica Marrello got involved with LoboTHON in their first years at UNM. Marrello recently graduated, and Ochoa just entered his senior year; he was executive director for LoboTHON 2018. Marrello served as the event’s finance director in 2018 and as its executive director the previous year. “It’s like casual prom,” Marrello stated, “and you don’t even have to have a date. There’s a wide variety of music and activities. Our morale committee creates an easy, non-intimidating dance that’s taught to everyone over the course of the event, uniting all of us.” Miracle Kids and their families join in to share emotional stories of struggle, hope and healing, and to celebrate their appreciation for UNM Children’s Hospital. “From noon to 1 a.m., we stand

in solidarity with these kids and families,” Ochoa said. “It’s powerful to connect students to this cause, and it’s fun!” “Students also have opportunities to develop skills in interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution, project planning and peer-to-peer fundraising,” he continued. “I never anticipated how much I’d benefit from my involvement.” LoboTHON is the largest student-run philanthropic program in New Mexico, and it takes a year of planning to execute the popular event. Committees of enthusiastic student volunteers recruit dancers, and manage creative fund-and-friend-raising strategies, marketing, event logistics and finances. They build partnerships on campus and in the community, and local restaurants donate food. Games, raffles, DJs and dance instructors keep everyone upbeat and engaged. Thanks to the energetic efforts of the Lobo community, LoboTHON received the Most Improved Dance Marathon Award during the Miracle Network Dance Marathon Leadership Conference held in Indianapolis, Ind. this past July. LoboTHON was recognized for its impressive success this year, which centered on creative improvements in the areas of campaign activation, dancer recruitment, fundraising, alumni relations and collaboration with UNM departments. “LoboTHON has donated more than $216,000 over the past four years to provide vital resources for children and families at our hospital,” said Maribeth Thornton, executive director of children’s services at UNM Hospitals. “We are proud of the LoboTHON leadership team, and the students, faculty and staff who contribute their time, talent, dancing skills and dollars to this successful event.”


L e g a c y


Lo b o

Lo y a l t y

Champions of Achievement UNM Alumna’s Philanthropy Assists Diverse University Programs and Students

Wanderlust propelled Maryann Evans from the New York suburbs to the wilder west that was New Mexico in the 1970s. “I immediately loved New Mexico because it was so dramatically different from anything I knew,” she recalled. “The pickup trucks, the blue of the sky, truly a magical place.” Her bachelor’s degree in urban planning from UNM in 1977 provided an advantage in her pursuit of a real estate career in New York’s steel and brick canyons. Her abiding connection to the Land of Enchantment is reflected in her art collection, which includes a work by renowned Taos painter Agnes Martin, and her philanthropic commitments to UNM. Evans and her husband, Edwin Roos, are Presidential Scholarship Program donors, support the Harwood Museum of Art, and fund scholarships at the College of Fine Arts. They also established the Maryann Evans & Edwin Roos Scholarship at the College of Nursing (CON), which is helping Janet Abernathy to achieve her goal of educating future nurses. As a divorced single mom in the early 1980s, Abernathy initially had wanted to become a physician. Medical school admissions were highly competitive, so while applying to various schools, she thought it made sense to study nursing, and she enrolled at the CON. By the time Abernathy was accepted into a medical school, she realized nursing was her true path, and she completed her BSN degree in 1983. “Nursing was a better fit with my health care philosophy,” Abernathy stated. “The way I practice is: who are you, what do you need and how can I help? Nursing gives me a toolkit that helps me figure that out, and it might be different for two patients with the same disease—you get more flexibility and choice in how you go about helping them.”

Photo: Connor Adams

b y Hi l a r y M aya l l J e t t y

Maryann Evans (far right) poses with three of the five recipients of the scholarships she established at the UNM College of Nursing. From left, the students are Xiao Hua, Janet Abernathy and Shradha Bisht. Abernathy’s nursing career spans several decades and modalities, from providing critical care for individuals to handling occupational health issues for corporations. She is now the quality programs manager at the UNM Cancer Center, and at the age of 60 she returned to UNM for an advanced degree. She’ll receive her MSN in nursing education next year. “When we met, I asked Maryann why she supports nurses,” Abernathy said. “She said it was because she believes in things that empower women, and nursing is one of them. It not only empowered me, it gave my daughter the vision; she just completed her RN-BSN degree at 40!” Five nursing students benefit from the scholarship fund each year; current recipients include a student from a New Mexico pueblo, one in Hawaii enrolled online, and two women originally from China and Nepal. “Edwin and I have both experienced the care of great nurses, and hospitals are among those who receive our primary charitable donations,” Evans said. “Nursing is a career where the need is ever growing, one that provides a respectable living salary as well as flexibility for changing family demands. For us,” she added, “there’s nothing better than being able to help someone succeed.” 17


e ndo w m e n t s for U N M

Create an Endowment

Total number of endowments through FY 2017-2018


An endowed fund is a gift that lasts in perpetuity.


It provides continuing support to the University in the areas of the donor’s interest. Endowed funds may support student scholarships, faculty, the general needs of the University or any school, college or program Daniel J. Cox/KimballStock

within the University. The UNM Foundation works with donors to develop guidelines for how their endowments are to be used, ensuring that donor intent and University policies are honored.

which varies depending on

In addition to cash, endowed funds may be established and funded through any gift vehicle recognized by the UNM Foundation. These include:

the endowment’s purpose

• Gifts of securities or real property

• Over a three-year pledge period

• Pooled gifts from a group of family, friends or colleagues

• Through a bequest or other

• Memorial contributions

deferred gift

• Recurring gifts

the full minimum amount,

For further information, please contact any college or school development officer (see page 24) or Director of Donor Relations Jill Slaby at Jill.Slaby@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7650. 18


Endowments established by corporations or foundations during FY 2107-2018

New endowments during FY 2017-2018 support 10 academic units across campus: School of Architecture and Planning, College of Arts and Sciences, Anderson School of Management, College of Education, School of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Law, School of Medicine, College of Nursing, and Graduate Studies.

supports students

YOU MAY FULLY FUND AN ENDOWMENT IN MANY WAYS: • With a one-time gift of at least

e n d o wm e nt s e s ta b li s h e d d u r in g F Y 2017-201 8

supports programs

25 8 10 3

Dollars added to UNM Foundation Consolidated Investment Fund (CIF) during FY 2017-2018

supports faculty

supports research


t om

l .

pop e j o y

soci e t y

Tom L. Popejoy Society

As the first native New Mexican to hold the position of president of The University of New Mexico, Tom L. Popejoy left a far-reaching legacy. Popejoy’s 20 years as president (1948-1968), a time fondly known as the Popejoy era, capped a career that made him a UNM legend. During his tenure, the campus was greatly expanded to include the School of Medicine, KNME-TV, Jonson Gallery, the first Bratton Hall, and The Pit, to name a few, all of which helped shape the UNM footprint today. We are grateful to those who echo President Popejoy’s passion and commitment to the University and who are changing worlds each and every day. Thanks to Tom L. Popejoy Society members, the greatest impact on student success and opportunity, faculty support and research, campus programs, and capital projects and facilities can be achieved. For more information on this prestigious society, please contact Donor Relations Director Jill Slaby at Jill.Slaby@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7650. To view a listing of those Tom L. Popejoy Society members who are no longer with us but whose thoughtfulness and support of The University of New Mexico live on, please visit unmfund.org/popejoy-society.

t om l . pop e j o y soci e t y


charter m e m b e rs

esta b l i she d

Total number of new members in FY 2017-2018


i n


1 , 327

Total living members ( including anonymous )

$13,549,290 Total amount of donations represented during FY 2017-2018

Photo: Mazura

Founded in 1982, the Tom L. Popejoy Society recognizes philanthropic leaders whose cumulative giving over the course of their lifetimes exceeds $50,000. This esteemed group of donors has grown to more than 1,300 active members who represent all aspects of The University of New Mexico.

n e w m e m b e r s o f t h e T o m L . P o p e j o y S o ci e ty Anonymous (2) Jill Aubrey and Kirk Anderson Deborah and John Camp Julie and John Castillo Lauren and Chris Cates Judy and Stephen Chreist Ruth and T. Patrick Connery Lydia and Luis Curet Marsha and Paul Echols Lucinda Fairfield Catherine* and DeBow Freed Patricia and Thomas Fritts Wendy FronterhouseLucero and Ben Lucero William Galbreth Lakshmi and Choudary Ganga Elizabeth Gattas-Waskow and John Waskow Janet and Duane Gilkey Jennifer and Dub Girand Annette and Fred Gorenz William Grasse Adam Harrington Stuart Harroun, Jr.* Eric Hoberg

Christine and Rocky Hughes Brenda Izzi Claire and Anthony Jaramillo Mary Ellen and F. Chet Karnas Dana and Eric Knapp Rebecca and Stephen Kush Jeanette Larson and James Larson, Jr. Patricia Logan and Frank Logan, III Karen Lovelady Daniel Martinez David McCloskey Jason McConville Janet and John Mockovciak Evelyn Neil Joan and Horton Newsom Jean and James Payne Susan and Charles Paine John Pate Ross Perkal Antje Postl and Randal Brown Gopal Reddy Efrosine and Adrian Richards

Patricia and Anthony Richards Missi Sousa Rogers and Joshua Rogers Pia and Jesus Salazar Jessica Sanchez and Nick Sanchez, Jr. Carla Scaletti and Kurt Hebel Nancy and Donald Schmierbach Jenean and George Stanfield Laurence Tafoya Juanita Thompson Kyla and Roger Thompson Anne and Bardyl Tirana Bruce Trafton Ann and Robert Von Pentz Carmen and Brook Watson Janet Webb Catherine Wisner and Donald Tucker Lance Woodworth Maxine Baca Zinn and Alan Zinn * Deceased 19

n e w

h ori z ons

New Horizons Society

soci e t y

The UNM Foundation created the New Horizons Society (NHS) to recognize individuals and

families who have included The University of New Mexico in their estate plans. Members are honored at an annual lunch that celebrates the impact of estate gifts on University programs,

For more information, please contact Associate Vice President of Planned Giving Bonnie McLeskey at Bonnie.McLeskey@ unmfund.org or (505) 313-7610.

Total number of members


Total number of new NHS members in FY 2017-2018


$19,412,540 N ew estate c o m m i t m ents i n FY 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8

$17,688,584 Received from estates in F Y 2017-201 8

Photo: Liz Lopez

students and faculty.

If you name the UNM Foundation as the beneficiary of an estate gift of any size, we want to welcome you as a New Horizons Society member. Estate gifts include a provision in a will or trust, a beneficiary designation (on a bank account, retirement plan or life insurance policy), or any arrangement providing lifetime income to the donor.



a nnu a l

Your Annual Giving Opportunities at UNM Private support makes a significant difference in the quality of our students’ experience both inside and outside the classroom at The University of New Mexico. The UNM Office of Annual Giving oversees programs to engage the University’s alumni and friends.

g i v in g

Presidential Scholarship Program The UNM Presidential Scholarship Program (PSP) provides financial assistance annually to more than 425 of New Mexico’s highest achieving high school graduates. As of 2018, the scholarship award is almost $9,000, which is enough to cover tuition, fees and books. 
 Many of New Mexico’s most ambitious high school graduates attend UNM each year due to the PSP. These scholars earned the right to be called Presidential Scholars through their academic performance and through their leadership and community service. They enrich our communities throughout New Mexico and are exemplars of student success as Lobos during their undergraduate years. Many stay in New Mexico, continuing to contribute to our state. More than 65 percent of PSP alumni live in New Mexico, 5 percent more than the general UNM alumni population. With a gift of $2,600 each year, you can become a full sponsor of a Presidential Scholar. UNM matches your gift more than 3 to 1 to provide the nearly $9,000 award. All full sponsors receive a letter of appreciation from their “matched” scholar each fall. In addition, donors have the opportunity to meet their scholar at special invitation-only PSP events held annually. Gifts of any size may be made to the PSP fund, and these donors “share a scholar” with other donors.
 For more information, please contact Terry Mulert at Terry.Mulert@ unmfund.org or (505) 313-7679.

UNM President’s Club The UNM President’s Club is a key philanthropic bridge between The University of New Mexico and our community. Comprised of community leaders, distinguished alumni and friends of UNM, President’s Club members actively support Presidential priorities and key initiatives. President’s Club donors are committed to the success of UNM and its students. Now in its second decade of providing a dependable source of flexible annual support to the UNM President, this group’s

unrestricted giving provides support for a broad selection of areas across campus that are vital for the University’s core priorities. Most recently, Presidents’ Club support galvanized the academic component of Innovate ABQ, the UNM Innovation Academy, to help make it possible for students to create businesses and engage in entrepreneurial projects within our community while enrolled at UNM. In addition to direct program support, President’s Club responds to student needs by underwriting much needed scholarships.

oppor t uni t i e s

a t


pr e sid e n t i a l sc h o l a rs h ip pro g r a m

4,430 Stu d e nt s s i n ce 1 976

200+ $9M c u rrent S ponsors

in Endowments

_3.75 >

Scholar’s required GPA

Required Test Scores


> _ 27


> _ 1,253

Collectively, gifts to the President’s Club have had a tremendous effect in our community by helping transform the lives of generations of UNM students. We thank all President’s Club members who so graciously donated in during FY 2017-2018. To continue this momentum, we encourage you to support the UNM Presidents’ Club by joining as a visionary philanthropic member. For more information, please contact Associate Vice President of Executive Programs Raquel LeCesne at Raquel.LeCesne@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7669. 21

a b ou t



FY 2017-2018 at a Glance Total number of donors


Number of individual donors


To ta l r a is e d

$87,232,434 N u m b er o f f i rst-t i m e d onors



Number of corporation and foundation donors


$500,000-$999,999 $100,000-$499,999 $50,000-$99,999


19 20 88 82

Photo: Courtesy UCAM

Number of Donors per Top Giving Levels:

w a y s

Annu a l Gi v in g pro g r a m The Annual Giving Program solicits gifts from alumni and friends. You may designate your gifts to any area, college, school, department or program within the University or give unrestricted gifts. See page 21. Contact Willie Romero at Willie.Romero@ unmfund.org or (505) 313-7686.

Endo w m e n t s You may establish endowed funds to support a specific purpose in perpetuity. See page 18. Contact Jill Slaby at Jill.Slaby@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7650.

Gif t s of R e a l P rop e r t y The Gift Acceptance Committee of the UNM Foundation reviews gifts of real property, including real estate, works of art, equipment and other in-kind gifts. Contact Suzanne Awen at Suzanne.Awen@ unmfund.org or (505) 313-7668.

Ways to Give to UNM To support UNM and its work with students, faculty and patients, please contact the UNM Foundation office at:

(505) 313 -7600 or visit unmfund.org

t o

g i v e

t o


P l a nn e d Gi v in g pro g r a m The Planned Giving Program provides you with information and helps you establish gifts through bequests, charitable trusts, gift annuities, retirement accounts and life insurance policies. The Foundation’s planned giving experts will work with you and your advisers to ensure the needs of the University and your wishes are fulfilled. Contact Bonnie McLeskey at Bonnie.McLeskey@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7610.

P r e sid e n t i a l S c h o l a rs h ip P ro g r a m The Presidential Scholarship Program supports scholarships for New Mexico’s best and brightest scholars. See page 21. Contact Terry Mulert at Terry.Mulert@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7679.

For more specific giving opportunities, please see the list of programs and contacts on this page or refer to page 24.

Gi v in g O n l in e You may give online to an area of your choice through the Foundation’s secure website at unmfund.org.

Un i vers i t y w i d e G i v i ng S o c i et i es :

C h e rr y & S i lv e r S oci e t y Recognizing alumni who give within 12 months of graduation and then at least once every calendar year thereafter. Contact Willie Romero at Willie.Romero@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7686.

Gi v in g S oci e t i e s a nd D e a n ’ s C irc l e s

N e w Hori z ons S oci e t y

Giving societies and dean’s circles receive gifts in support of specific programs or initiatives at UNM. Membership and gift thresholds vary by school, college or program. Contact the appropriate school, college or program development officers (see page 24).

Recognizing donors who have included the University in their estate plans. See page 20. Contact Bonnie McLeskey at Bonnie.McLeskey@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7610.

M at c h in g Gif t s P ro g r a m

Recognizing cumulative giving to the University. See page 19. Contact Jill Slaby at Jill.Slaby@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7650.

The Matching Gifts Program includes both national and local corporations that match their employees’ gifts to the UNM Foundation, enabling donors to double or even triple their gifts. Contact Jenny Frame at Jenny.Frame@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7641.

M e mori a l s a nd Honor a ri a

Tom L . P op e j oy S oci e t y

U N M P r e sid e n t ’ s C l u b Supporting presidential initiatives for enhanced academic excellence and student enrichment through unrestricted gifts. See page 20. Contact Raquel LeCesne at Raquel.LeCesne@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7669.

Memorials and honoraria gifts honor family and friends. Contact Jill Slaby at Jill.Slaby@unmfund.org or (505) 313-7650. 23




Schools, Colleges and Programs A n d e r s o n Sc h o o l o f M anag e m e nt

P r e s i d e nt an d C EO

Henry Nemcik (505) 313-7667 V ic e P r e s i d e nt o f U niv e r s ity D e v e lo p m e nt

Larry Ryan (505) 313-7626

Bill Uher (505) 681-6279

T h e prof e ssion a l s ta ff at t h e U N M Foundation c a n a ns w e r qu e s tions or h e l p cr a f t a g if t t h at m atc h e s your w is h e s w it h t h e n e e ds of t h e s t ud e n t s a nd U N M facu lt y a nd s ta ff w h o prov id e sup e r b e duc ation , r e s e a rc h , h e a lt h c a r e a nd communit y s e rv ic e .

Two Woodward Center 700 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87102

(505) 313-7600


Sc h o o l o f A r c h it e ctu r e an d Plannin g

Health Sciences Center

Laurie Roche (505) 277-6442 Co ll e g e o f A r t s an d Sci e nc e s

Yolanda Domínguez (505) 277-3194 Margaret Ortega (505) 277-0817 Co ll e g e o f E d ucati o n

Mary Wolford (505) 277-1088 Leslie Currie (505) 277-0230 Co ll e g e o f Fin e A r t s

Kristine Purrington (505) 277-7320



Willie Romero (505) 313-7686 Co r p o r at e an d Fo un dati o n R e lati o n s

Co ll e g e o f N u r s in g

Betsy Till (505) 313-7678 D e v e lo p m e nt S e rvic e s

Co ll e g e o f P h a r macy

Annette Hazen (505) 313-7637

Markella Pavlakos (505) 272-3657

Wendy Stires (505) 313-7616

Ann-Mary MacLeod (505) 272-7514

N e w M e x ico PBS ( Pu b lic T e l e vi s i o n )

HS C initiativ e s

P o p e j oy Hall

Maryellen Missik-Tow (505) 277-2159 Co ll e g e o f U niv e r s ity L i b r a r i e s an d L e a r nin g Sci e nc e s

Diana Martinez (505) 277-5632


A nnual Givin g

Connor Adams (505) 272-0200

p r oj e ct e c h o

Nickie Vigil (505) 277-0554

Kristine Mazzei (530) 219-1507

Megan Dugan (505) 313-7621 Betsy Smith (505) 313-7623

H o n o r s co ll e g e

Sc h o o l o f L aw

West Coast Regional Development

Sc h o o l o f M e d icin e

Megan Dugan (505) 313-7621

K U N M ( Pu b lic Ra d i o)

Chris Albrecht (513) 378-4040

Central Development Office

Sonya Davis (575) 758-9826

Theresa Spencer (505) 277-1225

East Coast Regional Development

JooHee Berglund (505) 925-0471 Lorraine Hare (505) 925-0471

Ha rwo o d M u s e um o f A r t

Jalen Dominguez (505) 925-5014 unmfoundation

U N M C anc e r C e nt e r

Co ll e g e o f P o p ulati o n H e alt h

M aj o r an d Plann e d Gi f t s @unmfund

S p e cial Ev e nt s

Dakota Cox (505) 925-5607

Mary Oishi (505) 277-8006

UNM Foundation, Inc.

Paige Klostermann (505) 925-9508

Joe Weiss (505) 249-6977

Sc h o o l o f En g in e e r in g V ic e P r e s i d e nt o f H e alt h Sci e nc e s C e nt e r D e v e lo p m e nt

A nnual Givin g

Ken Thompson (505) 362-3310 U N M H o s p ital s

Anndee Wright Brown (505) 313-7608 C h il d r e n ’ s M i r acl e N e two r k

D o n o r R e lati o n s | To m L . P o p e j oy S o ci e ty

Jill Slaby (505) 313-7650 En d owm e nt R e lati o n s

Jill Slaby (505) 313-7650 Gi f t & R e co r d s P r o c e s s in g

Judith Davenport (505) 313-7651 M atc h in g Gi f t s

Jenny Frame (505) 313-7641 M e m o r ial s an d H o n o r a r ia

Jill Slaby (505) 313-7650 Plann e d Gi f t s

Alex Rich (505) 272-7394

Bonnie McLeskey (505) 313-7610

UNM Branch Campuses

P r e s i d e ntial Sc h o la r s h i p P r o g r am

U N M Gallu p

Dr. James Malm (505) 863-7519 U N M Lo s A lam o s

Cynthia Rooney (505) 661-4689 U N M Tao s

Louis Moya (575) 737-3737

P r e mium S e atin g

U N M Val e ncia

Sean Ferrera (505) 925-5900

Marcus C. Gallegos (505) 925-8550

Terry Mulert (505) 313-7679 P r inci pal Givin g , p r e s i d e nt ’ s initiativ e s an d R e g i o nal D e v e lo p m e nt

Wendy Stires (505) 313-7616 U N M P r e s i d e nt ’ s C lu b

Raquel LeCesne (505) 313-7669

Long Live the Lobos!

Bruno Dieckmann, an alumnus from the class of 1902, retrieved the first live Lobo for the University at his own expense. (See photo on inside front cover.) The Lobo was cared for by the cheerleaders until later in the 1920s when a child teased the wolf and was bitten, necessitating that the Lobo be eliminated.

Editor’s note: Special thanks to UNM Archivist Portia Vescio, who provided information for the following as well as the archival images on this page. Additional information comes from unm.edu.

Photo: Rochuskofler

The Beloved UNM Mascot Turns 100 in 2020

First and foremost, fierce. From the beginning, when early UNM students were searching for a mascot for the football team (generic names had been used since the football program began in 1892), they knew the mascot had to be fearsome. The Roadrunner simply would not do. At least as early as 1917, the student body began to explore possibilities for both a mascot and a new name for the student newspaper, the U.N.M. Weekly. Though several names were suggested, none struck a responsive chord among students. On Sept. 22, 1920, sophomore George S. Bryan,

U.N.M. Weekly editor and student manager of the football team, attended a Student Council meeting to suggest that the teams be given a mascot name because other universities were adopting such names. Bryan suggested Lobo, the Spanish word for wolf. The name was enthusiastically received. The Oct. 1 issue of the U.N.M. Weekly (which would become The Daily Lobo) announced “The Lobos” with dramatic fanfare (see image with article at lower right).

Publication Credits Front cover photo Glenn Nagel back cover photo Klein-Hubert/KimballStock Senior director of Marketing & Communication Jennifer Kemp

In place of a live Lobo, UNM created Lobo Louie, a student in a wolf costume, to cheer for the Lobos at sporting events. In the 1980s, a female mascot, Lobo Lucy, was adopted to cheer alongside and interact with Louie during University outings. The other representation of the Lobo mascot that has become a key tradition at the University is the famous Lobo Head Cheer. The cheer is done by raising your index and pinky fingers, while touching your middle and ring fingers down to your thumb. After emulating the shape of a wolf with your hand, you proceed to chant, “Everyone’s a Lobo —Woof! Woof! Woof!”
 The Lobo grew into much more than a mascot over the decades, becoming a Universitywide symbol for inspiration through leadership, prowess and cunning. Long live the mighty Lobo, standing above the pack!

Editor & art director Todd Staats Design & Production Cyd Riley Web & Electronic Development Mario Lara CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Hilary Mayall Jetty Michelle G. McRuiz

Produced by The University of New Mexico Foundation. All gifts made to the UNM Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.


U ni v e rsit y of N e w M e x ico F oundation

Two Woodward Center, 700 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.