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Editor’s Note with being at the top.

Comparisons were always the why behind the expectations. While it is an excellent motivator to push ourselves forward, we may also never realize that we might be chasing someone else's dream. Think Icarus. You might fly too close to the sun and get burnt.

Never beyond the reach of our own fingers, never outside the bounds of our own imaginations. On the verge of a monumental breakthrough, we hear the numerous congratulatory remarks being thrust at us; yet, what came before the euphoria is consistently being hidden behind the shadows of the red-carpeted fame and ovation. Many of us are running an incomprehensible race, chasing after the dreams others trapped us into. Success was never wanting the billion-dollar paycheck, never thirsting for fame, and never basking in the glory that comes

Finish this statement: I see myself as great because... To fail is not to be a failure. To succeed is to define your own success. Inked in this issue are words and feelings which cannot be measured by possessions and achievements society deems to be great. Because greatness is always within the reach of our own fingers and always inside the bounds of our own imagination.

7KH 2Ž LFLDO 6WXGHQW 3XEOLFDWLRQ RI WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ of Negros Occidental - Recoletos Integrated School Grades 11 & 12



Krystel I. Felicisimo MANAGING EDITOR

DESK EDITORS Mary Kate B. Carmona


Jaira S. Panaguiton


Beya Catrine L. Garbanzos LITERARY EDITOR Xavier Romeo C. Emnace ASSOCIATE LITERARY Lance Joshua P. Satojito


STAFF NEWS, OPINION AND Jochelle Francinne Arlos Ellia Caress Buenaventura FEATURE WRITERS

About the Cover

Jopay Dante Jell Hucalinas Pauline Mae Jurisprudencia Maria Renemae Mialen Lovernne An Montales Ariane Diane Tagulalap

The universe is a cutthroat, fastpaced, unrelenting, continuous battle that brings to naught paracosmic ideologies and knocks the stuffing out of rosy pipe dreams that would supposedly be an indicator of the veracities in reality, but truth be told: the devil is in the details. The whole nine yards is not a space solely for the glitz and glitter— but home to the inclusive list of souls in existence, alongside all the fleeting emotions one bears. Resilience is powerful, but so is feeling. As we venture out into the frightening unknown, we should allow ourselves to be disheartened as much as we strive to dominate; as we celebrate our wins, we should embrace our losses and take pride in our progress. We hold each other through and through, clinging to the

idea of togetherness, and finding hope amidst the hazy densities in the insides. Just as in greatness, a certain beauty is associated with everything— whether in victory or vulnerability, amidst glory or grapple, thriving or merely trying.


Alexandra Dean Eshey Reign Embon Bien Ellysa Garbanzos Ly-ian Lynn Hervias Reashelle Royce Tampos Geryne Velasco


Selwyn Jaco Princess Alexis Moraña Kryzell Mugemulta Vanessa Tortal


Christy Sofia Abiol Ashlyn Villarias


Shiphrah Bless Basiya Jan Bryan Laporno


Thea Jonieben Salvador

Methozela P. Iligan, MAEd


PRINCIPAL Rev. Fr. Persiuz Joseph M. Decena, OAR


Asterisk A bullet flies to heaven, signaling the start of a dreaded match, but your feet feel numb at that moment, you knew you were at a loss, and people started booing and calling you a loser. But somehow, you're bolted, and you find yourself sprinting despite assuredly being in last place, you get up when stones stumble on you, and you condition your mind to focus despite the dubiety, uncertainty, and the sound of your heart deafening. When the champion is called, the runners-up become the shadows of the pack, and those who are unlucky even to get a title are camouflaged in the background. Nonetheless, you are elated to have started a losing fight, and you have pushed yourself more than anything. In the end, life is not just about the winner; it's also for the almosts, the fighters, the losers, and the triers. Seize the uncomfortable and transcend.

Contents 3 4 5 6 8 9 10

Altered Clocks My Body, My(Their) Rules How to Become Your Own Heart Evangelista Seizing the Odds COVID-19 Vaccines: An Expression of Love in the Pandemic Hamulak: Blooming Through the Pandemic Almost, but Should Never be Forgotten Mettle: The Students’ Tale Amidst the Pandemic

11 12 13


Personally, Politically Who Are You: the Starlight Personality Type Chart StarBox Settling Doubts She Who Dethroned Sol Verging Capacity: The Tragedy of Misplaced Passion Sukatan ng Kakayahan Reviews

15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24

altered clocks Written by: Pauline Mae Jurisprudencia & Renemae Mialen Graphics by: Kryzell Mugemulta

"Snarky remarks, backhanded compliments, a never-ending competition."


itting in front of the VFUHHQ ZLWK WLUHG H\HV À [HG on one particular section of the form while the pale moonlight hovers all over—a metaphor of the dominating feelings as of the moment of a confused mind lost in an abyss so plain and quiet that even the moon can’t light the direction outbound. Days of processing documents to speed up the college applications all led to the same deadend—the need to choose between practicality and passion; standard and the unconventional; you and the people around you. How often have you heard the phrase, “indi ka da kay wala da kwarta,” or “indi na ya kay madugayan ka da kag indi sure ang ubra,” or even “indi na practical, diri ka nalang ho”? All these phrases urge the person to take the path of the ordinary, the practical, and the convenient, but what is so wrong with the unconventional?

standard of the s o c i e t y recognizes as the best—the track everyone tread on. To break free from this is to unclasp from the unwarranted opinions other people give, and it does not mean not receiving these statements anymore but not making them affect you. Pursuing the unconventional liberates yourself from the years’ worth of ,Q D )LOLSLQR KRXVHKROG WR[LFLW\ unluckily conventional seemed to be intertwined with the very upbringing. The desire fabric of what holds a family to a certain to pursue something as degree, where being part of a Filipino bold as what society has family meant being able to cope with been turning a blind eye to WKH WR[LFLW\³WKH XVXDO VQDUN\ UHPDUNV takes courage that must come or backhanded compliments from from within—the utter valor relatives, the never-ending competition to look past what they have so as if everything is a race to see who got lavishly set before you on a golden plate. D GHJUHH À UVW RU ZKR JRW D EHWWHU SD\LQJ Breaking free is shattering the cycle and job, and so much more. Most youths developing one’s own goals, cutting the grew up in this familiar setup, shaped WLHV WKDW OLQN \RX WR WKH WR[LFLW\ WKH\ to always become the better one to the purposefully shoved on your face. point that the passion and desires of the Nobody can really guarantee children get entangled, lost in the midst of all these, only trained to be what the you if your pacing is too slow or too fast.

Time frames may leave a lesson that cannot be altered, but you can choose what is the most VLJQLÀ FDQW FRQVLGHUDWLRQ The universe knows how to arrange things to fall into their proper places, and things that are for you will À QG WKHLU ZD\ WR \RX WKURXJK the grooves of least resistance. Mr. Cogsworth does not stand still for anyone, but you are given enough time to pursue your dreams and aspirations. Clocks all over the world move in the same manner, but people live in different timezones. The same is true in life; there is no need for someone to conform to societal ideals such as achieving this or that at a certain age. Contingent on what is best for you, you can go ahead or behind the others. Unconventional timelines not only defy societal norms but also teach you to treasure the process of your own voyage, no matter what. To get to your destination, you simply have to take a leap of faith and travel along a path of unknown length. This isn’t DERXW ZKR À QLVKHV À UVW EXW UDWKHU DERXW À QGLQJ WKH EHVW SDWK IRU \RX in the course of time. LOQUI TUI VERITATI.



My body, My(their) rules Written by: Keziah Patrice Jocson Photos from: Brandon Braza

Hea Evange Written by: Keziah Patrice Jocson Graphics by: 3ULQFHVV $OH[LV 0RUDxD


ociety taught us the concept of body positivity, yet, it is the reason why such ideology H[LVWHG LQ WKH À UVW SODFH 7KLV movement urged people to accept the imperfections present in their bodies, but are there really any? Is your indifference considered a Á DZ \RX DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR DFFHSW and embrace? If yes, then body positivity’s impact is opposite to its aims; rather, negativity stems from every crack left by the debris of falling while trying to hold on to this notion. This so-called positivity is VRPHZKDW WR[LF DQG DUGXRXV Fashion industries advocate body positivity and inclusivity: diverse models, sizes, and designs, yet it is slowly becoming a marketing WUHQG ,W FDQ EH GLIÀ FXOW WR GLVFHUQ if the intentions are pure or if this movement just paved the way for SURÀ W RULHQWHG RUJDQL]DWLRQV 7KHUH can only be two outcomes: you can IHHO HPSRZHUHG DQG FRQÀ GHQW ZLWK this principle, or you will get even more insecure with your differences, and your self-esteem will be lowered. There can also be the potential emergence of weight and bodyrelated diseases connected to this campaign. You can look good, but do not neglect your state of health for WKH VDNH RI À WWLQJ WKHLU VWDQGDUGV The criticism-obsessed VRFLHW\ ZLOO À QG HYHU\ ´IDXOWµ LQ your body in the morning and comfort you with false acceptance at night. They will tell a person who lost weight that they should have embraced what they were before but will denounce an individual with a goal to gain weight. Be kinder to yourself; you do not have to force yourself to love your body because they told you to do so, but at least acknowledge what it has helped you so far. With that, you can look at yourself comfortably in the mirror. Nothing is wrong with you—


none, not even one. Your size, color, folds in your tummy, dark spots in your cheeks, or marks that stretch from your thighs are valid enough for you to be criticized. Although the public has made you feel otherwise, your perception of your body must not be dependent on their approval and H[SHFWDWLRQV <RX DUH under no obligation to pressure yourself LQWR IXOÀ OOLQJ WKHLU criteria of what a seemingly perfect body should be. B o d y is positivity not the key to harmony, and clearly, it is not working. It does not have depth and is lacking. This is only the surface, whereas body neutrality answers every plea. This will allow you to be at peace with your body, both the parts you like the most and the features you try your hardest to hide. It leaves a space for healthy living and motivates you to change what you can change, that is, only if you want to, and have gratitude for what you cannot. You can change your weight, hair, and lifestyle, but never regret your race and the height you were always condemned with. Body positivity is all about looking good in the eyes of others; Body neutrality, on the other hand, promotes healthy practices for your body. After all, you are human, and humans are supposed to be unparalleled– your ERG\ LV LQ QR ZD\ D Á DZ


eart Evangelista made strides as she became one of the most prominent trendsetters in today’s fashion world. +HU ZDON KHU RXWÀ WV DQG PRVW HVSHFLDOO\ KHU FRQÀ GHQFH PDGH people aspire to be like her. Here’s the click, you can be your own Heart Evangelista, even without spending a fortune on those OX[XULRXV EUDQGV DQG FRPSDQLHV Consider these tips:

Find your own style

Try to establish your own signature aesthetic: may it be a color or a certain accessory that will always perfect your DWWLUH 7KHUH DUH ZLGH DUUD\V RI RXWÀ WV IRU you, so be sure to pick the best based on your liking. “Oh, that’s surely y/n’s style”, would be so nice to hear, wouldn’t it?

Add layerrrs

/D\HULQJ LV DQ XQG\LQJ WUHQG :HDULQJ D À WWHG top and a pair of denim pants would make you look plain, so try adding a little spice. Use vests, cardigans, jackets, and blazers to elevate your wardrobe staples. Play with your look DQG LQYHQW D VHHPLQJO\ GLIIHUHQW RXWÀ W

Right Accessories

Necklaces, rings, bracelets, chokers, and earrings are not just for show, they highlight a person’s taste. Do not forget to include appropriate accessories in \RXU RXWÀ WV ,Q WKH IDVKLRQ ZRUOG WKLV LV not optional, but a necessity. Accessories À QLVK \RXU ORRN DQG LW FRPSOHWHV LW


art elista Have your wardrobe staples

It is necessary to have these essentials: a white tee, a pair of denim pants, a button-up shirt, a black turtleneck top, and a plain-colored pleated skirt. With these basics, \RX FDQ PL[ DQG PDWFK \RXU ZDUGUREH WR FUHDWH D QHZ RXWÀ W HYHU\ WLPH <RX MXVW KDYH to be innovative!

Balance proportions

7R DWWDLQ EDODQFH \RX À UVW QHHG WR VHOHFW FORWKHV WKDW DUH VXLWHG WR \RXU SURSRUWLRQ RU RXWÀ WV WKDW contrast or complement. The most popular way to achieve this is to pair an oversized sweater with straight-leg trousers or baggy shirts and baggy pants. It’s up to you!

Add Colors!

Colors make your OOTD stand out. You could dress in one tint: all black, all white, all brown, etc, with different shades. You FRXOG ZHDU WZR WRQHG RXWÀ WV ZLWK \RXU favorite color combinations. Of course, adding more than two colors will never hurt; paint your own masterpiece and make your clothes your canvas.

Written by: Renemae Mialen Graphics by: Bless Basiya

A political leader and philanthropist, Nelson Mandela, once said, “We slaughter one another with words and attitudes. We slaughter one another in the stereotypes and mistrust that linger in our heads and the hateful words we spew from our lips.” For generations, the issue of stereotypes has never died as the media, popular culture, and public RIÀ FLDOV· SRUWUD\DOV RI GLYHUVH W\SHV of people have led to biases that have contributed to discrimination. Do you UHDOO\ KDYH WR FRPSURPLVH WR À W LQWR these unrealistic ideals? If society’s rules appear unfair, why not break them and make a difference?

generations. Looking back through history, women are frequently ignored for having a role in society. Drowning them in the idea that they should only be great at maintaining a family together and doing housework. A woman is viewed by society as a helpless individual who DOZD\V QHHGV VDYLQJ DQG LV FODVVLÀ HG DV a being who is too emotional to think rationally. Because of such a misguided notion, society has lost a tremendous amount of talent and capacity because the talent itself is dressed in a skirt. The people in power would not allow a woman to be a voice, a decision-maker, or a leader.

7KH VKDUSO\ GHÀ QHG JHQGHU UROHV VHW E\ society have disregarded freedom for people. Men are commonly regarded as powerful beings who can never crumble or split apart, and they have been denied the right to be emotionally and psychologically vulnerable. Who puts their puzzle pieces back together? Who tends to the wounds that bleed from within? It is not society’s implausible ideals that will mend them, but rather their own selves. They have every right to complain and cry as much as they want because people in this world are not given emotions so that they can live like robots. Vulnerability i s not interwoven with weakness; instead, it is a brave act that demonstrates that not everything can be controlled.

Wasting so much time trying to live up to society’s ideals will lead you to keep wanting to be someone you’re not. The chains that prevent you from becoming who you want to be should be destroyed in the same way that these norms have SXW D ORW RI SUHVVXUH RQ HDFK H[LVWLQJ individual. These recurring stereotypical images for every individual should be diminished now that people are free WR H[SUHVV WKHPVHOYHV LQ WKH ZD\ WKH\ know and want. It is not for society to determine; rather, it would be in the hands of every person who desires WR FRH[LVW ZLWK HYHU\RQH ZLWKRXW obstruction. Stereotypes should not dictate how people live their lives, but rather t h a t they should embrace the chance to be special. A world that values inclusivity and liberty will consistently produce and create standouts.

While men are trapped in the concept of WR[LF PDVFXOLQLW\ women have been oppressed in societal structure f o r

Take these tips in mind and who

Maybe you’ll be the next Heart Evangelista, or even better? Each road is a red carpet knows?

if your clothes are stunning, fashionista!


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COVID-19 Vaccines:

An Expression of Love in the Pandemic Written by: Beya Catrine Garbanzos Photographed by: Lance Joshua Satojito

COVID-19 Vaccines as A Love Language ‘First Dose? Check. Any symptoms before? None. The second dose will be scheduled next month.’

RI 2[IRUG·V 2XU :RUOG ,Q 'DWD SURMHFW (2022), only 65.6% of the total global population had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as of March 19, 2022. Not to mention that vaccination rates continue to fall back in certain countries, especially the low-income ones where ere comes the tiny medical device only 15% of the population has received at with a sharp needle attached, least one dose. Every country continues to which the people in lab coats do its best to ensure every citizen is fully inject into our bodies. Inside lies the drug, vaccinated to guarantee their people’s the remedy, and the solution to a more safety and security. However, regardless of than year-long virus plaguing the entire every national government’s methods and world. After long months of research and implementations, there are still citizens H[SHULPHQW VFLHQWLVWV DOO DFURVV WKH JOREH who refuse to get their bodies injected with KDYH À QDOO\ SUHVHQWHG D WUHDWPHQW WKDW VRPH ¶IRUHLJQ· Á XLG FRQYLQFHG WKDW WKLV LV could alleviate the COVID-19 pandemic, all nothing but ineffective. It is really a bit put human lives in safety, and ease hard to believe how this small inanimate livelihoods back on track. Yet, despite object presented to you is a gift and an this development, numerous people all offering of love capable of saving multiple over the world remain unvaccinated, lives, especially after being locked inside either from a lack of supplies or from the one’s house, battling dread, isolation, and hesitancy of the people themselves, who fear for all those months. dread the effects of the vaccine and believe it will only cause more harm than good for their bodies. According to the University


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Taking the First Dose


n romance, the beloved’s hesitancy to accept a sudden and foreign thing given is not uncommon. The same way can be applied to an unvaccinated person’s hesitancy to receive the COVID-19 vaccine LQ WKHLU ERGLHV ,Q FDVHV OLNH WKLV RQH·V À UVW approach would be to understand the love ODQJXDJH :KDW NLQG RI H[SUHVVLRQ LV LW DQG what does it mean? To better comprehend the purpose of the COVID-19 vaccine, (2022) stated that there are three main types of vaccines, namely the mRNA, Protein Subunit, and Vector. mRNA is a molecule that instructs human bodies to produce proteins; the molecule found in COVID-19 vaccines VXFK DV 3À ]HU DQG 0RGHUQD LQVWUXFWV FHOOV to produce harmless proteins similar to those of the virus, whereas Protein Subunit YDFFLQHV VXFK DV WKH 1RYDYD[ YDFFLQH contain harmless fragments of proteins unique to the COVID-19 virus. On the other hand, the Vector vaccines, just like the J&J vaccine, utilize another virus that is considered safe to deliver material that informs the body’s cells to make harmless proteins unique to the COVID-19 virus. The rest of the ingredients found in the vaccines are also often found in some processed foods used to preserve and ensure the vaccine’s effectiveness. Other components can also be found in the human body, including salt and water. The vaccines work by teaching the human immune system to recognize the virus. Once vaccinated, the immune system will immediately acknowledge, attack, and block the virus if the person is H[SRVHG WR LW 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ WKH YDFFLQHV· elements and function will slowly realize WKHLU VLJQLÀ FDQFH DQG ZK\ WKH\ KDYH WR be taken and accepted. When the beloved understands that the gift given by their lover isn’t as bad and weird as it may have seemed, they reach out and open themselves more to it.

Getting the Second Dose


he creation of the COVID-19 vaccine isn’t simply for the mitigation and cessation of the COVID-19 virus that caused the widespread pandemic. Its development was mainly made to emphasize the value of human life in the world. When pharmaceutical scientists, GRFWRUV DQG PHGLFDO VWDII À UVW LQYHQWHG the vaccine, it was their way of connecting with the world’s thoughts and emotions. They understood the people’s concerns and, realizing they had the means and capabilities to address them, produced the drug that is now saving multiple lives each hour, each day, and each month. Vaccines are their love language to the rest of the world as they show their value and demonstrate their concern for human life. Moreover, the administration of the COVID-19 vaccination in countries is also a form of love language by a country’s government as they share the love that was À UVW VHQW RXW E\ WKH YDFFLQHV· GHYHORSHUV WR D PRUH VLJQLÀ FDQW QXPEHU RI UHFLSLHQWV However, this language is not limited to professionals and higher-ups because we FDQ DOVR H[SUHVV RXU ORYH WR WKH ZRUOG by embracing these vaccines in our lives as mere recipients and citizens. The act of getting fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus is a declaration of love WR HYHU\ SHUVRQ +XPDQV H[KLELW RXU ORYH and care for mankind by ensuring that

we aren’t agents who cause our own kind’s demise but rather catalyze its improvement and growth. The best way to open oneself to these vaccines is to realize that love sometimes comes abruptly. It is QRW DOZD\V H[SHFWHG DQG LWV DUULYDO PLJKW take a person off guard, dreadful of the reason for its approach. However, when looking at a broader and future-oriented lens, one may discern that it didn’t arrive without a bigger purpose. According to Saag, the true value of the vaccine is more recognized and appreciated if we consider the events that would’ve happened if its development had failed. When vaccines are understood by many as a form of love, XQLÀ FDWLRQ DQG LPSURYHPHQW LW LV HDVLHU to open up to them. It is foreign, abrupt, and small, but that doesn’t make it any less of a love language. It is only that people fasten the doors of their hearts and minds shut to it. When love is closed off from people, more suffering and chaos will occur, drawing the world farther away from each other and from growth. Through the proven claims of doctors and vaccinated people, one will realize that the COVID-19 vaccine is specially made WR EHQHÀ W HYHU\ SHUVRQ DQG WKH SXEOLF·V health. It is a message, a gift, a love letter, saying, “You should get well. Take care.” from me to you. LOQUI TUI VERITATI.


“... having Hamulak is one of the physical evidence of the change Hamulak: Blooming Through the Pandemic I have with myself.” Written by: Pauline Mae Jurisprudencia Photo Credits: Hamulak


he pandemic was a crisis that authored a lot of things to wither— motivation, energy, drive, amongst others. Still, amidst the adversities, a SUHSRVVHVVLQJ Á RZHU EORRPHG DQG conquered through the dark just as how a PRRQÁ RZHU EHDXWLIXOO\ EORRPV DW QLJKW Hamulak, a collection of artisan resin pieces and beadworks by a UNORian ABM student, Chynna Beatrice D. 3DUUHxR LV RQH RI WKH RQOLQH EXVLQHVVHV that the pandemic has birthed. As much as the pandemic forced everyone to the FRQÀ QHV RI WKHLU KRPHV LW DFWXDOO\ EHFDPH an opportunity for others to recollect and reconnect with their passion, talent, and craft that their busy lives pre-pandemic have slightly kept them from. A product of vision and talent is Hamulak. Hamulak is a Hiligaynon word that means bloom, D UDWKHU H[TXLVLWH DQG SHUIHFW PLUURU of the intricately made and seemingly blooming products it offers. However, setting this aside, the name was a unique way to give pride to her FilipinoBacolodnon roots. Come aboard and get to know the blooming story of Hamulak DQG LWV SURSRQHQW &K\QQD 3DUUHxR 6LQFH WKHQ &K\QQD 3DUUHxR has always had a knack for various kinds of arts altogether. She was gifted in drawing, painting, singing, theatre, graphics design, and literary writing and was always persistent in sharing it with others in hopes of sparking inspiration. At that time, she also already knew the value of money and, even as a kid, had always dreamed of using her talent to earn for herself and her family. When asked what prompted her to start the kind of business that she now has, that ZRXOG GHÀ QLWHO\ EH KHU JHW JR DQVZHU Hamulak is a product of passion and the inclination to be of help to the family combined. However, that dream of a kid LV QRW HQRXJK WR IXHO WKH FRPSOH[ UHDOLW\ of starting a business. Just as everybody else felt useless, at some point, during the duration of the pandemic due to being holed up at home for a long time with absolutely nothing to do with the lives that were abruptly paused, she also felt like she was wasting being a 16-year-old (at that time) without creating a change. And so, when she witnessed how her aunt opened a business in the midst of the pandemic, a realization dawned upon her. She saw the opportunity and swore that she could do it as long as


she put her time, passion, and thought into it. Lo and behold, Hamulak was born! She had the dream since she was a child, but the pandemic became the À QDO GULYLQJ IRUFH ZLWK WKH RSSRUWXQLWLHV it presented. During the pandemic, micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) were given the sunlight they QHHGHG WR Á RXULVK DQG EORRP LQ WKH garden of businesses. Still, it did not provide enough light for Hamulak to Á RXULVK ZLWK RWKHU EXVLQHVVHV ´, KDG WR build my own door of opportunity for Hamulak with only my limited resources to promote it. For now, I am still in the process of making Hamulak have its own opportunity to unconditionally VKLQH µ 3DUUHxR HODERUDWHG ,W ZDV D ORW of risk for a person to start a business, let alone a 16-year-old with limited À QDQFLDO UHVRXUFHV +RZHYHU ZKDW steered her forward is her passion for the arts and the thought process of having the capability to provide for herself and OHVVHQ KHU SDUHQWV· À QDQFLDO REOLJDWLRQV an accustomed desire of a Filipino daughter. With the desire and vision she has, she launched Hamulak in September of 2021, making her juggle between academics and business when sorting out priorities. Hamulak is something she RXJKW WR À [DWH RQ KRZHYHU DFDGHPLFV is undeniably a demanding and timeconsuming priority, as well. This truth is dispiriting for her because she cannot IXOO\ PD[LPL]H WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR aggrandize Hamulak and get it out there to everybody, especially since this is the aspect she believes is one of the hardest realities to confront in starting a business. This even led her to believe that she was not dedicating much time to her business, which she thought she should have. Being a one-woman business with still zero traction, it is all up to her to brainstorm ideas, canvas raw material prices, think of a way to promote a product, take pictures, write, and post it individually RQ WKH EXVLQHVV·V VRFLDO PHGLD 3DUUHxR H[SRXQGHG RQ WKH GLIÀ FXOW\ RI VHWWLQJ up prices that can cater to everyone’s À QDQFLDO FDSDELOLWLHV DQG DW WKH VDPH WLPH SULRULWL]H WKHLU SURÀ WDELOLW\ PRUH VR because they are still trying to build their inventory for future planned launches. Starting her business came with a lot of thorns she needed to deal with to not bleed too much as a businesswoman: major setbacks, pending loans, liabilities,

stresses, and taking risks. The thoughts of not dedicating the time and attention she intends to give Hamulak upon planning it still bother her of the present; nevertheless, she does not lose track. “ I remind myself from time to time (and with the help of my support system) that I don’t have to pressure myself to FRQIRUP WR DQ\RQH·V H[SHFWDWLRQV DQG that only I can set my own pace. In the end, I just have to remember not to rush my business if it isn’t yet the time and if I’m still busy prioritizing my acads and other priorities,” she said with enthusiasm. Although her student life and businesswoman life are still in FRQVWDQW FRQÁ LFW ZLWK HDFK RWKHU VKH LV hopeful that in the years to come, she FDQ À QG WKH WLPH WR IRFXV RQ WKH EXVLQHVV DQG PDNH LW Á RXULVK OLNH ZKDW LWV QDPH GHQRWHV WR SURYLGH D EHWWHU H[SHULHQFH for her and her customers. Hamulak is the ending of a beautiful blooming story of a person trying to better herself. According to 3DUUHxR ´ KDYLQJ +DPXODN LV RQH RI the physical evidence of the change I have with myself. You can say that the UHVXOWV RI P\ VHOI UHÁ HFWLRQ DUH RQH RI the reasons that motivated me to start my business.” Although the moment where she can say that everything she has gone through to establish her brand is worth the risk is still yet to come, how she has been carrying on and caring for Hamulak for it to bloom beautifully is enough of an inspiration for aspiring business owners. Transcendence does not come in the same face for all of us. It does not only entail thriving gracefully through the struggles but can also be seen as perceiving the 75% of failure out of the 100% yet still trying. In the same way, greatness is not only evident in immediate successful business stories EXW DOVR LQ MXVW WDNLQJ WKH À UVW OHDS of faith even though the chances of stumbling and falling are relatively high. When asked for one word to describe KHU ZKROH +DPXODN MRXUQH\ 3DUUHxR stated “growth.” Blooming is growing, and just as how her business is growing and blooming throughout the journey, &K\QQD 3DUUHxR DV D SHUVRQ JURZV and blooms—transcending all business H[SHFWDWLRQV DQG SDFLQJ RWKHUV KDYH VHW rather, focusing on her own pace and her own path.


Written by: Lovernne An Montales & Ellia Caress Buenaventura Photographed by: Lance Joshua Satojito

“My brother is not a pig! Ang kapatid ko ay tao, hindi baboy damo!”



must watch

Five must watch Filipino Films Hintayan ng Langit (2018)

Kalel, 15 (2019)

“Bakit parang kasalanan ko?”

o these lines strike a memory? We probably heard and seen it on tons of memes posted on social media and on an afternoon Star Cinema spree every weekend. The lines mentioned above were only a few compared to the hundreds of cinemas created in the Philippines.

“Akala mo lang wala pero meron, meron, meron!”

Moving on to the 1980s, the Philippine cinema reached the peak of its QG JROGHQ HUD ZLWK À OPV VXFK DV +LPDOD ,Q WKH SDVW \HDUV 3KLOLSSLQH À OP by Ishmael, Kulang by Lino Brocka, and has been labeled as either dead or dying. Burlesk Queen by Celso. Those are the 3URÀ W LV QRZ WUDJLFDOO\ EHLQJ SULRULWL]HG times when Filipinos are so invested in while art appreciation appears to decline. their own creations. But to our dismay, Perhaps, it is because of over-marketed and the following decades are not in favor of considered superior Hollywood movies the rise of Philippine Cinema. Filmmakers or because we are tired of supporting and production companies were left to what is really ours. Lots of Filipinos lack SURGXFH ORZ TXDOLW\ À OPV GXH WR LQFUHDVHG compassion for their country and for local WD[HV DQG LQVXIÀ FLHQW IXQGLQJ ZKLFK OHG WR productions. One obvious scenario is the the fall of Philippine cinema. It was when VWURQJ LQÁ XHQFH RI IRUHLJQ PDGH À OPV DQG the rumors about the dying cinema of the dramas. Korean dramas, Chinese dramas, Philippines were made. Thai dramas, and even Hollywood movies, 8S XQWLO QRZ QXPHURXV À OPV \RX QDPH LW 1HWÁ L[ DV WKH WRS VWUHDPLQJ and movies were created by Filipino site, is crowded with such productions. Take a look at the Top 10! Bridgerton, moviemakers and artists, even with the Inventing Anna, Twenty Five Twenty One, fact that some of their creations are being Business Proposal—are we all aware that snubbed and traded with foreign movies. what we are doing is killing the Philippine For how long are we going to keep this up? You really need to consider, isn’t it time cinema? to go back to where we came from? To go If we look back to the olden days, back to the roots that created the trunk and there was a point in time where Philippine branches you have right now? cinema was highly notable such as the )LOLSLQR À OPPDNHUV ZLOO work of Manuel Conde’s Genghis Khan in XQGRXEWHGO\ FRQWLQXH WR FUHDWH À OPV 7KLV SDUWLFXODU À OP ZDV HYHQ JLYHQ the screening opportunity at the Venice but whether or not the Filipino masses DQG &DQQHV )LOP )HVWLYDOV³WKH À UVW will be enthusiastic to see them remains a pipe dream. A call for passionate and golden age of Philippine Cinema. WDOHQWHG À OPPDNHUV ZKR DUH DEOH WR

Pamilya Ordinaryo (2016)

Bliss (2017)

Norte, the End of History (2013) revive the industry should be encouraged and supported for the Philippine craft RI À OPPDNLQJ WR EH FURZQHG RQFH DJDLQ 3KLOLSSLQH FLQHPD DOPRVW ORVW LWV À UH but with some Filipinos burning with FRPSDVVLRQ WKH Á DPH ZLOO DJDLQ EH LJQLWHG The Philippine cinema will rise again!


51 9


t was a radiant day in mid-March; the sun was shining in full force, and there was a clear sight of the beautiful blue skies. Everyone was busy running around, ecstatic with the school year's upcoming end, and complete mayhem broke out suddenly. An unforeseen health crisis shook and forced a sudden shift in the educational system's pedagogy, which tested the abilities of each student to adapt.

Written by: Jochelle Francine Arlos

pandemic's Graphic Art by: Kryzell Mugemulta consequence pushed students to deal with the GLIÀ FXOWLHV RI RQOLQH discussions–from facing setbacks from lacking proper resources to feeling more and more challenged as this new normal Nothing ever stays the same—an slowly hampers our lives. We stayed up undeniable truth since before we even late, drowned ourselves in caffeine, grew H[LVWHG 'HVSLWH WKDW VRPH RI XV VWLOO À QG LW bags under our eyes, and faced mornings hard to adapt to the changes we encounter À OOHG ZLWK XQFHUWDLQWLHV³PLQG FKDOOHQJHG in our everyday lives. For instance, how and chest heavy. It was like hanging by a every student's peaceful and typical day thread; one wrong move and everything vanished as the COVID-19 outbreak was was going downhill. Students and One necessity to improve our lives is to reported. Little did we know that this teachers alike struggle psychologically and embrace change. It is normal to encounter change as a challenge throughout our simple pandemic would alter the lives physically as we try to adjust. lives. Understandably, most of us wanted of each population around the globe in a +RZHYHU DPLGVW WKH P\ULDG RI SHUSOH[LQJ to hide under our beds or just lay on them blink of an eye. circumstances that bear us awestruck, we the whole day, blankly staring into the Months later, after having adjusted to pushed through and urged ourselves to dark abyss of our rooms–all scared and the new normal, the students were again a path of growth. We managed and did hindering ourselves from making a move. challenged by the changes brought by the our academic tasks despite the challenges It made us take risks, accept opportunities pandemic. It was announced and settled of online classes. It didn't matter that and acquire knowledge—establishing that every school was to utilize an online we barely breathed conquering these a more stalwart and better version of set-up to continue learning. Their once monsters, yet we still shined. No matter ourselves. As a result, we remain in our VXQVKLQH À OOHG GD\V DEUXSWO\ WXUQHG how many tears we shed, we were able to familiar surroundings, but this pandemic into a massive hailstorm of never-ending pass on time, reminding ourselves why we has forced us not to merely adapt to it but documents waiting to be answered. The ZHUH À JKWLQJ³PDNLQJ WKHVH FKDOOHQJHV to thrive by conquering uncertainties and become opportunities to foster growth and embracing the greatness we have within revitalize our purpose. ourselves. 10

“One necessity to improve our lives is to embrace change.”

5HGHž QLQJ *UHDWQHVV Written by: Jaira Panaguiton Photographed by: Lance Joshua Satojito Models: Eshey Reign Embon & Lovernne An Montales

Success is overrated. The times have taken the people in jeopardy through shock, hanging them out to dry before brawling until only the fortunate make the cut. In the quest for gripping greatness, we directly picture Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg, whose inventions and gizmos have upstaged the corners of modernism. Associating greatness with success brings a broad array of names who have made it big because they have triumphed after time, not to mention the amount of cash they have in their bank accounts. :H KDYH EXLOW D JXW ZUHQFKLQJ DQG PLQG QXPELQJ FXOWXUH RI H[SHFWDWLRQV :H are always anticipated to constantly be strong, eminent, and resilient—basically always having to fend for ourselves and continuously be on our feet because ZH DUH H[SHFWHG WR RQO\ VPLOH EHFDXVH LW·V XQSOHDVLQJ DQG XQFRPIRUWDEOH WR see someone be candid about their negative emotions; we have to continuously reinvent ourselves in a way that we show new facets to the world because if we won’t, we aren’t pushing ourselves enough; and we have to show that we are capable, because who will we be when we fail? In the middle of the stage, in the spotlight, swimming in a pile of medals, trophies, and bleeding ears of endless praises, the beginning of the inquiry for more starts. A win is never HQRXJK WR VD\ \RX·UH GRQH DQG FRQWHQW EHFDXVH VXFFHVV LV QHYHU À QDO LOQUI TUI VERITATI.


Situated at a small household in the slums of the city, where water is dripping from the discolored part of their ceiling every 8 seconds and the walls are too thin that they hear the cries of their newborn neighbor, is a Grade 12 student that was at the top of their class but is now in the verge of failing. He tries to concentrate on doing modules for his General Physics class, yet his 5 months old little brother bursts crying from the small homemade baby nest that he PDGH RXW RI ROG PDWWUHVV IDEULF DQG SLOORZ VWXIÀ QJ +H ZDV DERXW WR JR back to answering, hoping his mom would tend to the small child that was now having a mewling contest with the baby adjacent to their living space. However, he took a deep sigh out of frustration as he heard his young mother bid him goodbye to play Tong-its with other mothers at another house in the same compound, completely ignoring how her child needed her. He shushes the teensy-weensy human in his arms while studying his features, amazed at how much they look alike yet more fascinated by how genes work, thinking Science is really a fascinating subject. After his brother calmed down and fed, he tried to go back to answering his modules, yet the only thing his mind could process was that his mother was at it again, mindlessly spending the money they could have used for food or milk for her own temporary enjoyment and in the company of other people rather than her own sons.


6RPH SHRSOH VD\ KH KDG ORVW KLV WRXFK ZKLOH KLV WHDFKHUV ZRUULHG IRU KLV IXWXUH EXW KH MXVW FRXOG QRW À QG WKH WLPH WR VXEPLW KLV PRGXOHV RQ WLPH EHFDXVH RI WKH PXOWLSOH UROHV KH KDG WR IXOÀ OO )HDUV ZRXOG SRXQG KLV head in the morning and would show up as ghosts in his dreams at night, haunting him about what lies in WKH QH[W EHQG LQ WKH URDG (YHQ VR KH VKDNHV RII KLV F\QLFDO WKRXJKWV DV KH RQFH DJDLQ IDFHV WKH SLOH RI SDSHU before him and dives into it, doing his best to get by. Rags to riches personalities deem poverty a motivation, but for him, it is a rock that continuously trips him over in his journey through life, a ceiling that separates him from living the everyday adolescent life, and D VSLW LQ KLV IDFH RI WKH UHDOLW\ RI WKH ODFN RI QHHGV DQG VXSSRUW IURP KLV SDUHQWV DQG KDYLQJ WR ZRUN H[WUD harder than others. They say, “When opportunity doesn’t knock, build your door,” yet the truth is in the scrimmage against the circumstances of life, it is easier to fail, especially when it already has you grappled by the throat. Nonetheless, we try to get a hold of our lives on its neck, gasping for air and pursuing despite the knowledge of the probability of failing or losing, like holding a blade against a mighty oak. We strive to thrive. Greatness does not just have to be about the upsides of life, the shining crackerjacks, and the 8 out of 100 VXFFHVV VWRULHV SURPLQHQW RQ <RX7XEH ,W VKRXOG QRW EH MXVW DERXW WKH JROGV³H[FHOOHQFH LV HQJUDYHG LQ the silvers and bronzes, too. Heck, even solely trying is a win in itself, no matter how we try to downplay ourselves because of the notion that winning should be the goal in everything we try to indulge ourselves in. Greatness is practiced the moment we try to push ourselves in doing something, in trying to do anything.



,Q UHDOLW\ WKH W\SLFDO GHÀ QLWLRQ RI VXFFHVV LV QRW IRU HYHU\RQH DV ZH DOO have different races, thus yielding to disparate starting points, racecourse, FKDOOHQJHV DQG GLVWLQFWLYH À QLVK OLQHV +RZHYHU DV H[WUDYDJDQW DV WKH JROG metal plate may look, it is always achieved with a streak of losses and a series RI VDFULÀ FHV ZKHQ LW WUDQVSLUHV /LIH LV D FURVVURDG RI GHFLVLRQV ZH PDNH³ the “Should I?”, “Should I not?” and the “Perhaps I should just make a run for it?” Each path we choose to take comes with a series of nitty-gritty whys and hows, coalesced with the heap of dubiety, uncertainty, and little jim-jams. Not everyone is an Elon Musk-in-the-making, trying to land a multimillion dollar deal that would change the course of our lives and need not be the Elon Musks of our lifetimes nor try to push ourselves too hard that we break and never be able to walk with enough strength anymore. Greatness is fostered when we accomplish goals—whether big or small— and wholeheartedly accept failure in the contentment of doing our best and simply through the process of trying. Transcending the odds comes in breaking through despite diminutiveness, disintegrating our walls of comfort, and embracing that merely being human makes us capable of greatness.


personally, politically A repeated cycle of worded ignorance has run through our social media timelines more than we can count. Whether you’re a member of the Kakampinks, BBMs, DDSs, or a supporter of Isko, Pacquiao, or Lacson, what’s mutual is a heightening fence of intolerance for a view unlike ours. The nation has entered the election campaign period and unfortunately, its bitter political divide is causing ‘social distancing’ and taking a toll on relationships. Before, politics was regarded as something to talk about behind closed doors with only the closest of friends and families, leaving their chosen political party behind the curtains in the voting booth. But with such a partition of the candidates’ capacities, the 2022 elections have changed everything. With social media on the front lines, people erupt with threats to block and unfriend former friends who’ve evolved into brainwashed sheep, fanatics, or activists—depending on which side they’re camped on. Political disagreement is the backbone of democracy. Without the voices of the opposition, there is no balance to the future we envision for the country. With that, politics have always been personal because people align themselves with political parties WKH\ IHHO ZLOO JUHDWO\ EHQHÀ W WKHP LQ the long run. Friendships end over politics when those politics are rooted in discrimination and marginalization of those who are already discriminated against and marginalized. And because politics is never really “just” about politics, it’s about a person’s values, principles, and core beliefs. One’s choice of a candidate is no doubt a fraction of all those things. Keeping that in mind, political parties are immensely the

same as university clubs when people ZLWK WKH VDPH LQWHUHVWV Á RFN WRJHWKHU so it is natural that political parties are the clubbing of politicians who have the same ideologies regarding equality, social justice, and the like. At the end, how these politicians address these social issues concern every single person in the country. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but we are not entitled to our own truths. Unjust people will always be within the vicinity, pushing you to “respect” what they assume is a simple opinion; however, a mere opinion equates to how one feels about the system and those in it. Same as how power is dangerous when given to the wrong hands, one’s opinion controls the way our society works. The political is personal; they cannot be

Written by: Kristen Thea Lozada

separated. When we look at the issues at large such as the COVID-19 crisis, discrimination, war, or education, there is one common sentiment—the government lacks somewhere. Your support for whatever ideology you FKRRVH UHÁ HFWV \RXUVHOI DQG WKLV LV ZKHUH your relationship with others gets affected—a seemingly obvious cycle. Diversity, difference, contrast—these enrich a community as long as we deal with them strategically. Everyone acts for the sake of what they think is good and no one is wrong voluntarily. Nonetheless, some political views will be so ethically unacceptable that it already affects one’s morals and beliefs. If any of those political views are or will directly affect the people negatively, it isn’t simply a difference of opinion. Open your mind, look for facts, and let yourself be educated. If a die-hard loyalist changes their mind after being educated, then maybe it is you, who is ignorant of the truth, is the problem.

everyone is entitled to their opinions, but we are not entitled to our own truths.” LOQUI TUI VERITATI.


Methozela Iligan

Mary Kate Carmona



Jaira Panaguiton

Lance Joshua Satojito

h & !

h 6

$V VWURQJ SHRSOH SHUVRQV 3URWDJRQLVWV VKRZ WKURXJK H[DPSOH walk the talk, and never miss an opportunity to do something for the sake of others as they genuinely value helping and motivating people. They live up to their titles as they voyage life purposefully with the help of their charisma, wit, outgoing personality, and authenticity—living like they are the main characters.

Despite the rareness among the Advocates, their prominence and ideologies are transcended as their passion and integrity know no bounds. They are often described as conscientious, altruistic, virtuous, and compassionate as they continuously PDNH LQWHQWLRQDO HIIRUWV WR EDWWOH LQMXVWLFHV DQG À JKW IRU ZKDW LV ULJKW DQG IXOÀ OO WKHLU SXUSRVH 7KH\ RXJKW WR PDNH WKH ZRUOG better by appealing to the hearts of the people for the people.

:IP BÂ you? 16

"According to the Myer-Briggs Personality Types"


personality type chart Caricature by: Jan Bryan Laporno

Xavier Romeo Emnace

INTJ Beya Catrine Garbanzos

h &

7KHLU GHWHUPLQDWLRQ WR KDYH D GHHSHU XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI FRPSOH[ and challenging topics that pique their interests allows them to continuously make logical decisions through intuition, introspection, and fostering their creativity by enjoying the wonders of life while searching for answers to their never-ending questions. Architects are quick-witted, independent, driven, and competent. As they venture into the unknown, they will innately make themselves known at the right time by conceptualizing their intellectual concepts and pursuit of ambition.


ISTP (The Craftsman) - Mysterious. Rational. Independent ESFJ (The Provider) - Empathetic. Dedicated. Respectful ESFP (The Performer) - Colorful. Daring. Theatrical ENFP (The Champion) - Quirky. Friendly. Gentle ESTP (The Doer) - Charming. Logical. Spontaneous ESTJ (The Supervisor) - Efficient. Determined. Traditional INTP (The Thinker) - Ingenious. Knowledgable. Calm ISFJ (The Nurturer) - Grounded. Kind. Imaginative ENTP (The Visionary) - Innovative. Eccentric. Ingenious ISFP (The Composer) - Intrinsic. Tasteful. Artistic

ISTJ Kristen Thea Lozada


Logisticians make quiet, grounded, and logical decisions for the greater good. 'HVSLWH QRW EHLQJ WRR H[WUDYDJDQW DERXW their contributions, they slowly get the respect and recognition they deserve IRU WKHLU H[FHOOHQFH DWWHQWLRQ WR GHWDLO reliability, practicality, and integrity. They have a strong sense of duty and are always pursuing the common good with a sense of stability and structure, proving that they are the backbone of society.

INFP Keziah Patrice Jocson

h 3

Mediators are innately sensitive, soulful, idealistic, and deeply appreciate everything beautiful. They often spend time harmonizing with their own feelings, perspectives, and actions that make them unique as they yearn to have postulation about everything, especially with themselves. They use their wit, grit, and tact to bring about impactful differences in the world. They show their skills and talents through FUHDWLYH H[SUHVVLRQ EXLOGLQJ LQWLPDWH relationships, and empowering others through empathy.

ENTJ Krystel Felicisimo

h (

With a clear bigger picture in mind, they stay motivated, strategic, competitive, and relentless through making analytical GHFLVLRQV LQ SXUVXLW RI HIÀ FLHQWO\ maneuvering obstacles as they prove that they are worthy of the title Commander. They love a good challenge as they FRQÀ GHQWO\ DFFRPSOLVK JRDOV ZLWK precision, rely on theoretical and logical information, and constantly showcase how well-spoken, organized, selfassured, and thrive despite high-stressful circumstances as natural-born leaders.

interviewed by: Jell Hucalinas and Reashelle Royce Tampos


How did you exercise your greatness to survive this school year? Harriane Mae Gonzales, Grade 12 - SNT01 (ABM-TVL) I make sure that I contribute and share them with my peers. It feels good to know that there are things that we can do great, it keeps us motivated and moving. However, there are FHUWDLQ WKLQJV WKDW ZH ODFN WKDW RQO\ VRPHRQH HOVH FDQ ͤ OO Acknowledging it is not a weakness, it can also be a strength. And that’s what made me survive this school year. I focused on the things that I do well, and ask for help for the things that I can’t.

Sean Patrick M. Quezon, Grade - 12 SA01 (HUMSS) I exercised my Greatness to survive this school year by motivating myself to push thru out of my comfort zone since these school years are a massive rollercoaster trip. Also, with the help of my best classmates and squads, I learn the deepest hope of not giving up and using all the stress and negativity to convert it into a positive impact on my part as a Senior High Student.

Nohvyn F. Bretaña, Grade 12 - SEM05 (STEM-AMH) The past two years of virtual education have shaped me to HPERG\ WKH ̸JUHDWQHVV̹ , VR GHͤ QH &RQVLGHULQJ WKDW LW YDULHV depending on our perception, I have exercised mine by following the path I believe God has laid out for me and remaining steadfast in doing my requirements, knowing that He is with me on this journey.

Emmanuel E. Bedayo, Grade 12 - SEM01 (STEM -EIT) The sudden transition from face-to-face classes to online FODVVHV KDV EHHQ GLIͤ FXOW IRU PH KRZHYHU VHWWLQJ JRDOV KHOSV me to stay motivated and survive this school year. Every day I plan out what are the needed tasks that I need to accomplish and try to stick to what has been scheduled. And when there are times, the plan doesn’t go according to what is supposed to be, I don’t put myself down, but I take it as an inspiration to do better next time.

Hengel Marie Bravo, Grade 12 - SMN01 (TVL) I exercise my greatness in order to survive this school year through perseverance, self-discipline, and constantly talking to God. And I focus on the objective that I’ve set for myself, which is to graduate this school year smoothly. LOQUI TUI VERITATI.


settling doubt

“life doesn’t come along with a road map.”

“The future is certain,” —but only to a certain extent.

Written by: Kristen Thea Lozada Photographed by: &KULVW\ 6RÀ D $ELRO

sometimes choose to wander uselessly to actually realize where we should be. On a personal note, I’ll share what I absolutely hate. It is the fact that, at times, I don’t know where I’m going, how to balance life and school, what college We awake with doubt beside us, like a course I’m going to take, when it is time curtain half-open and sun rays peeking. WR À JKW VWRS DQG OHW JR ZKR FDQ , WUXVW We dress doubting, like a doll undecided if her looks were to be considered perfection. We eat doubting, and why am I even like this. On the other side, I continuously work doubting, and sleep doubting ourselves; as trucks love all of those on the list of my doubts and uncertainties. beeped away, the thoughts almost settled in. We dream of I’m sure you’ve had this happen to you as well. A constant doubt day and night— for what is the meaning of dreaming if drilling thought keeps gnawing at the back of your mind: “Am not that all we are inside it is drifting, wishing it was reality? I doing what I’m supposed to be doing?”. At times, I browse “what should I do after graduation” questions on Google— Some of our minds start to ponder, “If we go to school and an utterly stupid action, honestly, as it mostly contained ZRUN KDUG HQRXJK DIWHU ZLOO ZH KDYH D VWDEOH H[LVWHQFH"µ outdated advice, but somehow it made me feel better. As much as we would like it to be that way, life doesn’t come along with a road map. Life doesn’t come with a set “The future is certain”—no, it is not. Businesses close, of books saying, “Read this, and you will learn everything people let go, relationships change, and all these scenarios you need to know.” Something traditional education had FDQ KLW \RX ZKHQ \RX OHDVW H[SHFW LW $QG ZKHQ QR ORQJHU already engraved in us. We do not know what will happen dust gets blown away, when no longer the toddler and LQ WKH QH[W KRXU ZKDW PRUH WR VD\ WRPRUURZ DQG WKH the clouds cry out, when no longer we run for a bus for a following years. Memorized and manifested these success meeting that surely will end before we arrive, there is no end PDQWUDV \HW LW LV WUXO\ MXVW DQRWKHU À IW\ À IW\ VLWXDWLRQ ,W to doubt and what-ifs. And in kneeling before the unknown, LV SHUKDSV ELWWHUVZHHW WR DQDO\]H WKH FRQWH[W ZKHUHLQ ZH we can’t help but doubt you will ever be able to dream. 18

She Who Dethroned Sol Written by: Jopay Dante Graphics Art by: Bless Basiya

In spite of the continuous progress in women’s UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ LQ LQÁ XHQWLDO positions, a surprisingly large number of people across the world still doubt women’s potential to contribute to the betterment of our society. These biases are deeply ingrained and changing this disposition can EH SUHWW\ GLIÀ FXOW 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ despite women gaining ascendancy, the pernicious culture of misogyny VWLOO H[LVWV ´,W·V MXVW D P\WK WKDW RQH female leader can change society,” these are the words engraved on my mind whenever I encounter situations like this because people are too blind and scared to admit how phenomenally outstanding women are. Mao Zedong, a Chinese revolution OHDGHU SRLQWHG RXW WKH VLJQLÀ FDQFH of women in a world that is strongly dominated by men by claiming, “Women hold up half the sky.” Women play just as equally important roles as men by having their “equal share of the sky.” Thus, it clearly VLJQLÀ HV WKDW ZRPHQ OHDGHUV KDYH

VSHFLDO NQRZOHGJH DQG PDJQLÀ FHQW competencies that they can apply IRU WKH QDWLRQ·V EHQHÀ W DV D ZKROH If this stereotyping is discontinued, we can live in a world where women can hold up their own fair share of the sky and, soon, the vast universe.

progressive movements, education, care for the sick and wounded, cultural matters, and charity for the poor.

Embracing this concept should be the norm in today’s society. Rather than encouraging women to sulk and follow everyone’s lead, we need to Women are like the sun that brightly persuade them to assert their rightful shines where people can’t outshine its position and power. We should be HWKHUHDO EHDXW\³D Á DPLQJ VXQ WKDW catalysts for change and dismantle the no one can tear down. Unfortunately, social structures that favor men over people have prejudices against women women as representatives of today’s taking the lead, for they are hesitant society. We should empower ourselves to admit the gleaming potential of to eventually overcome barriers in each woman. Besides, leadership female leadership rather than acting has traditionally been linked with as the barriers discouraging women masculinity, both as a cause and a from stepping up to the plate. Give consequence of this fact. There are ZRPHQ WKH PLQGVHW DQG FRQÀ GHQFH SHRSOH ZKR À UPO\ EHOLHYH WKDW PHQ DUH they need to be leaders. As women, “natural leaders” and that women are our mantra should be: empowered meant to stay behind and follow their women empower women. Instead tails. And even with this recurring link of allowing them to remain on the between leadership and masculinity, margins of society, inspire them to some women have demonstrated their take the limelight and claim their ability to provide presiding and visible throne. Let us strive to make women empowerment in almost every society. tougher and bolder and break Glistened with hope, women still have through the taboos surrounding us. presented domineering leadership in



Photographed by: L Models: Eshey Reign Emb


Lance Joshua Satojito bon & Lovernne An Montales



Verging Capacity:

The Tragedy Tragedy of of Misplaced Misplaced Passion Passion The Written by: Jell Hucalinas Graphics by: Lance Joshua Satojito

People tend to overwork themselves as they perceive that the results will always be worth it. Looking forward to something at the end of everything seems UHZDUGLQJ EXW SHRSOH WHQG WR VDFULÀ FH PRUH WKDQ they should at its cost. Hard work does pay off after the endless devotion of effort and perseverance to take an individual where they want to be in their respective lives. Most individuals seek validation and assurance in whatever they do. It entails a sense RI LGHQWLW\ WKDW E\ ZRUNLQJ KDUG WR WKH H[WHQW RI EXUQRXW DQG H[KDXVWLRQ ZH PD\ EHFRPH VRPHRQH remarkable because of the intensity of our work.

individuals who desire validation as they root themselves for whatever appreciation they can get from others. Once the validation sets, this will only allow endless overworking. It is hard to stop when validation is the only thing a person craves to function well.

What happens when it ends? The passion inside a person to do something will also end. All the dedication and effort will end, causing the person to stop since there is nothing more to look forward to after everything. When we romanticize overworking, we put a toll on ourselves that it is only the one thing we can do when it is not. ([HUWLQJ HIIRUW DQG GHGLFDWLRQ DUH RQO\ SDUW RI DFKLHYLQJ It is, indeed, a sad realization that we depend on our what we intend to achieve, but we don’t have to be H[LVWHQFH WR EH YDOLGDWHG E\ RWKHUV GHSHQGLQJ RQ KRZ in a race and competition as we have our timelines PXFK ZRUN ZH GR VLQFH WKH PRUH VLJQLÀ FDQW WKH ZRUN WR JURZ DQG À QLVK WKLQJV ZH QHHG WR FRPSOHWH WKH PRUH H[FHOOHQW YDOLGDWLRQ RQH FDQ UHFHLYH :KHQ someone believes to be doing less work, they regard Taking it slow and according to your capacity, as the polar opposite of those who demonstrate things will fall into place, and everything hard labor. It becomes a race, but an will make sense. The validation from unhealthy one, because to achieve overworking will only make sense to WKH DIÀ UPDWLRQ RQH ZDQWV RQH yourself and not others. Let us be gentle must give up many things. and romanticize only the best for ourselves without compromising a Looking over the aspect of lot for the sake of validation, as at overworking, especially the end of the day, it is what we to students, consumes think and do that matters them whole as and not from others. academic validation is what they yearn to receive. The same goes for

18 22

5 SIGNS YOU’RE PRE-CASTINATING AND HOW TO STOP Written by: Reashelle Royce Tampos and Geryne Velasco Graphics by: Jan Bryan Laporno


Cheap Satisfaction. You get a higher pleasure response from completing little, easy-toDFKLHYH DFWLYLWLHV ZLWK VSHFLÀ HG timelines than from more VLJQLÀ FDQW EXW XQFOHDU MREV ,Q other words, crossing items off your to-do list provides you ZLWK LPPHGLDWH JUDWLÀ FDWLRQ



Time management vs Energy management. Most of us are trained to conceive of work and productivity in terms of time management. If you only have an hour to complete a test, it makes sense to start with the easiest questions and work your way up. However, in WKH FRPSOH[ ZRUOG RI VHULRXV work, the more intelligent strategy is often to manage your energy rather than your time.

Conscientiousness. If your overall guideline is to complete activities as soon as possible, it’s simple to begin ticking off MREV ZLWKRXW SDXVLQJ WR H[DPLQH LI VRPH tasks are worth your work and time as others. So, while being diligent and getting your job done is a positive attribute in general, it may become troublesome if left uncontrolled and unquestioned.


Sukatan ng Kakayahan Written by: Krystel Felicisimo Graphics by: 3ULQFHVV $OH[LV 0RUDxD

Okay lang ang okay lang. Hindi maitatanging ito ang isang linyang hindi madalas marinig sa paligid. Karamihan ay palaging kaya mo iyan huwag kang sumuko, isa pang push, o kung kaya nila, kaya mo rin! Pero paano nga ba kung ikaw mismo ay alam mong ginawa mo na ang lahat? Na ang isa pang push ay yun na pala ang hangganan? Ano nga ba ang sukatan ng kakayahan at kasanayan? Ito ba ay ang gintong medalya o unang gantimpala? Gayunpaman, maaari rin bang masukat ito sa okay lang o pangkaraniwang kahusayan? Kung isasantabi ang pananaw ng mundo, maraming mga aspeto sa buhay na ang isang tao ay may alam at potensyal. Maaari na ito ay sa akademiko, teknikal, musika at iba pa, ngunit hindi maiiwasan na sa dami nito ay mas pinapahalagahan ang iba. Tiyak na natural na sa mga tao ang magsikap upang makamit ang kanilang inaasam, isa na rito ang makilala sa isang bagay na sila ay magaling at natatangi sa iba ngunit

hindi lahat na kagustuhan ay matutupad sapagkat ang buhay ay may kalakip na kapalaran.


What is self-care? If you’re continually worried about everything you have to do, you’ll waste a lot of time and energy worrying about it rather than doing it. Mental pauses to journal, meditate, practice breathwork methods, listen to music, or engage in other peaceful self-care activities will help you keep your sanity, which is necessary for you to be productive and perform well in all of your duties.

Poorly prioritized to-do lists. You handle the QXPHURXV WLQ\ LWHPV RQ \RXU WR GR OLVW À UVW WKLQJ LQ WKH PRUQLQJ VLQFH WKH\·UH WKH À UVW RQ WKH OLVW and it feels nice to cross them off. Unfortunately, \RX·YH VTXDQGHUHG \RXU À QHVW HQHUJ\ DQG WKH TXLHWHVW WLPH DW WKH RIÀ FH RQ WKH OHDVW YLWDO FKRUHV <RX PXVW QRZ À QLVK \RXU PRVW FULWLFDO chores in the afternoon when you have less energy and attention and more distractions.

pangkaraniwan ang kakayahan ay pwede namang masanay ito at mas mapabuti. Isa ring natatanging kakayahan ang may kaalaman sa maraming bagay kahit na ito ay kainaman—hindi sobra o kulang kundi katamtaman. Kailangan lamang na makita ito ng karamihan at matanggap sa sarili upang maliwanagan ang kaakibat na kulay at katangian. Sa madaling salita, ikaw na okay lang ay ikaw ring kakaiba at mahalaga.

Sa totoo lang, kalaban nito ang pagkawala ng puso dahil sa kahit ano pa ang pagsisikap ay hindi talaga makikilala ang sarili sa isang larangan. Dagdag pa ang pagiisip sa kung saan ang tamang tatahakin dahil sa hindi malaman ang karapat-dapat. Minsan, mas mainam na ang klarong kinabukasan kaysa ang mahirap na pagdiskubre sa kung saan talaga nabibilang. Sa kabila nito, ‘di ba masaya rin ang pagiging okay lang? Ito ay dahil malayang makapili ng larangan na walang kalakip na ekspektasyon o pag-aasam Minsan, kailangan lamang tanggapin na ang sarili ay may mga limitasyon rin at kahit na LOQUI TUI VERITATI.



reviews. SQUID GAME SERIES REVIEW /DVW 6HSWHPEHU 7KLV KLW .GUDPD VHULHV UHOHDVHG E\ 1HWÁ L[ blew up the internet days after its release. With record-breaking production, unique plot, and iconic characters, this series immediately won the hearts of many viewers including western audiences. With a storyline that revolved around the lives of indebted people risking it all to win a large sum of money, this series not only broke the records but also paved the way for many notable works from Asian countries. Overall, this series lives up to its fame and is highly recommended to everyone looking for a good TV show.

YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL SONG REVIEW “Young & Beautiful” a Single by Lana Del Rey talks about the romanticization of our youthful years to the H[WHQW RI EHLQJ IXOO RI OLIH EHDXW\ DQG RSHQQHVV WR H[SHULHQFH ,W WHOOV D VWRU\ DERXW D \RXWKIXO JLUO ZLWK a life granted of her conscious liberty. Her liberty gave history to her lavish way of living, where she’s always permitted her desires, but never in control of her time and youth which sparked her insecurity of having the person she loves the most love her less when she’s older.

LITTLE WOMEN BOOK REVIEW Set in the 1860s in Concord, Massachusetts, the story draws focus on the struggles one encounters in life, the path to womanhood, the power of familial love, and discovering what truly brings happiness as we learn the important lessons in life. Alcott’s writing is impressive to readers as she FDSWXUHV WKH UHDOQHVV RI HYHU\ FKDUDFWHU GLVSOD\LQJ QRW RQO\ WKHLU Á DZV EXW their talents, all well-told throughout their journey to adulthood. Overall, this LV D RQH RI D NLQG FODVVLF UHDG WKDW H[SORUHV LQGLYLGXDOLW\ and freedom—teaching every little woman that they too can make their way in the world. 24



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