Environmental Issues Class 12 MCQ Questions Free PDF Download

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Environmental Issues Class 12 MCQ Questions We have provided you with Environmental Issues class 12 MCQ Question with Answers free PDF download as per latest CBSE syllabus. To score good marks in your exam practice these MCQ Questions on a daily basis.You can also get an unseen passage for class 4 to 12 in hindi and english here.

Question. By what degrees has the mean global temperature increased in the 20th century?

(a) 0.2%

(b) 0.4%

(c) 0.6%

(d) 0.8%



Question. Which of the following is a natural pollutant?

(a) Smog

(b) Volcanic gases

(c) Strong wind

(d) Gale



Question. Photochemical smog differs from classical / London smog in

(a) Having a reducing climate

(b) Its development during high temperature

(c) Not having polluting components of secondary origin

(d) Having SO2 as major pollutant



Question. In collaboration with which one, Ahmad Khan proved that blends of polyblend and bitumen, when used to lay roads, enhanced the bitumens’ water repellent properties, and helped to increase roadlife by a factor of three.

(a) R. V. College of Engineering

(b) The Bangalore City Corporation

(c) Three Mile Island

(d) Both a and b



Question. Algal bloom is caused by

(a) Availability of excess nutrients

(b) Lack of nutrients

(c) Increase in non-biodegradable pollutants

(d) Decreased BOD



Question. When domestic sewage mixes with river water –

(a) small animals like rats will die after drinking river water

(b) the increased microbial activity releases micronutrients such as iron

(c) the increased microbial activity uses up dissolved oxygen

(d) the river water is still suitable for drinking as impurities are only about 0.1 %



Question. The Ozone hole over Antarctica develops each year between

(a) Late August and early October

(b) Late October and early November

(c) Early July and Late October

(d) None of the above



Question. The world summit on sustainable development held in 2002 in commitment to achieve by 2010. ________ countries pledged their

(a) Rio de Janeiro, 27

(b) nesburg (in South Africa), 190

(c) Rio de Janeiro, 190

(d) Johannesburg, 27



Question. Green muffler is used against which type of pollution?

(a) air

(b) soil

(c) water

(d) Meter



Question. In treatment of waste water, biological treatment is –

(a) Secondary treatment

(b) Primary treatment

(c) Tertiary treatment

(d) Reverse osmosis stage



Question. Choose the odd one out w.r.t. ozone depletion in the stratosphere

(a) UV rays have the ability to both degrade as well as form ozone layer

(b) UV rays are depleting the good ozone in the troposphere

(c) CFC’s are disturbing the balance of ozone equilibrium

(d) UV-B rays cause inflammation of cornea called snow blindness



Question. Read the following statements given here below and select the right answer

(A) Kyoto protocol, 1997 conference obtained commitments from different countries for reducing overall green house gas emission at level 5% below 1990 by 2008 – 2012

(B) Montreal protocol was signed in 1987

(C) Montreal protocol became effective in 1989

(D) Montreal protocol was signed to control the emission of ozone depleting substances.



Question. Which is a non-degradable pollutant?

(a) Smoke

(b) Polythene

(c) Copper scraps

(d) Iron scraps



Question. Minamata disease is caused by contamination of

(a) Hg

(b) Pb

(c) Cd

(d) As



Question. Which of the following is correct about “El Nino effect”?

(a) temperature rise leads to odd climatic changes

(b) cutting down the use of fossil fuels,

(c) planting trees

(d) slowing down the growth of human population.


Question. The process of nutrient enrichment of water is called as _________.

(a) Eutrophication

(b) Stratification

(c) Atrophication

(d) Biomagnification


Question . ___ are used in electrostatic precipitators.

(a) Catalysts

(b) Absorbers

(c) Electrodes

(d) Chemicals


Question. The phenomenon by which certain pollutants (e.g. DOT) accumulate in body tissue in increasing concentration is called

(a) Biological magnification

(b) Biological reduction

(c) Bio-precipitation

(d) Bio-degradation


Question. Two lakes, A & B are identical in all aspects except that lake A has higher temperature. Which of the following is true?

(a) A has higher rate of Oxyaen dissolution

(b) B has higher rate of Oxygen dissolution

(c) Oxygen dissolution of both is the same

(d) Both have same BOD


Question. In India, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act came into force in 1981 but was amended in 1987 to .include

(a) thermal pollution

(b) radioactive pollution

(c) noise pollution

(d) ozone pollution.


Question. Pick out the correct choice from the following

(a) As BOD increases, DO increases

(b) As BOD increases, DO decreases

(c) It depends on the water body and the surrounding environment

(d) No such relation exists between BOD & DO


Question. Thickness of ozone is measured in

(a) Decibel

(b) Dozen

(c) water

(d) noise


Question. In a aquatic food chain polluted by DDT, the tissue concentration of DOT would be highest in

(a) Aquatic weed

(b) Herbivorous fish

(c) Carnivores fish

(d) Bird feeding


Question. Increasing skin cancer and high mutation rate are the result of

(a) Ozone depletion

(b) Acid rain

(c) CO pollution

(d) CO2 pollution


Question. When and where the Ozone hole was discovered?

(a) 1985, Antarctica

(b) 1985, Arctic

(c) 1987, Arctic

(d) 1987, Antarctica


Question. The Earth Summit, 1992, was held at

(a) Rio de Janeiro

(b) Kyoto

(c) St. Petersburg

(d) Washington


Question. Which of the following pair(s) is / are correctly matched?

A. fossil fuel burning – CO2 release

B. nuclear plant- Radioactive wastes

C. CO2 – Green house effect

D. Montreal protocol – Control O3 depletion,

(a) A, B

(b) A,B,C

(c) A, D

(d) A, B, C, D


Question. DOT causes-

(a) Air pollution

(b) Water pollution

(c) Soil pollution

(d) AII


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