Unseen Passage for Class 4 in English

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Unseen Passage for Class 4 in English

Unseen passage for class 4 covers the significant bit of the English paper. It contains around 25% imprints weightage in the test.Along these lines, students who need to score good grades in Class 4 English should rehearse the understanding entry preceding the test. To help them in their planning, we have given the CBSE Unseen Passages to Class 4 English.Students should go through them and tackle the inquiries dependent on these appreciation sections.

1.Read the passage and answer the questions that follow :

The natural life span of a domesticated horse is about 25–30 years, 10 years down from what it was in the wild. You can tell a horse’s age from the number of teeth he has.They get all their teeth by the age of 5, after which those teeth just get longer. Horses have close to 360 degree all round vision. The only place they cannot see is directly behind or right in front of them, which is why it’s dangerous to stand behind a horse. If they feel something behind them, they may kick first and ask questions later! It also means that they cannot see a jump once they are about four feet from it, and have to rely on memory as to its height and shape! Each of the horse’s two eyes works independently wherever a horse’s ear points it is the direction where the horse is looking.Ahorse is able to sleep standing up as he is able to lock his leg muscles so that he doesn’t fall asleep.

Choose the correct answer:

i) What is the life span of a wild horse?

a) 25-30 years b) 30-35 years c) 35-40 years d) 40-45 years

ii) Which body part in a horse helps us to tell its age? a) ears b) tail c) teeth d) eyes iii) Why is it dangerous to stand behind a horse? iv) How can we know that in which direction is the horse looking? v) What helps the horse to sleep while standing?

vi) Write the words from the passage which mean the same as: a) on your own b) unsafe

Suggested answer for above questions:

Choose the correct answer:

i) c) 35-40 years ii) c) teeth

iii)Ans. It is dangerous to stand behind the horse because it cannot see is directly behind or right in front of them iv)Ans. Wherever a horse’s ear points it is the direction where the horse is looking v)Ans.Ahorse is able to sleep standing up as he is able to lock his leg muscles so that he doesn’t fall asleep.

vi) Write the words from the passage which mean the same as: a) on your own- independently b) unsafe- dangerous

Also read:-Unseen Passage for Class 12

2. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:

Sharks have prowled the seas for about 400 million years. Their size, power and great toothy jaws fill us with fear and fascination.Afew kinds of sharks such as great white sharks attack the swimmers but most of them stay away from people. Most of the sharks eat other sharks. Sharks are fish but they don’t have bones. Instead, a shark’s skeleton is made up of a rubbery bone material. The rubbery material is called cartilage and its tiny toothed shaped scales are called denticles. Sharks use their eyes, ears and sense of smell to hunt food.All the animals create a small field of electricity around them. Sharks sense this electricity through special tubes in their heads as they have an unusual sense.

1. Answer the following questions :

a) For how many years sharks have prowled the seas? b) What does most sharks eat? c) What is a shark’s skeleton made of ? d) How do sharks hunt food?

2. Fill in the blanks.

a) sharks attack the swimmers. b)The rubbery material that a sharks skeleton is made up of is called and its scales are called .

3. State whether the following statements are True or False.

a) Sharks are fish with bones. b) Most of the sharks stay away from people. c) Sharks use their eyes, ears and sense of smell to hunt food.

Also read:-Unseen Passage for Class 6

3 Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:

Once upon a time, king Brahmadatta wanted a place which would stand on a single pillar. He thought it would be one of the greatest wonders of the world. He needed a strong tree for the pillar. He sent hundreds of wood-cutters all over the forest to find such a tree.

The wood-cutters looked everywhere.At last, they found a tall and magnificent sal tree in the middle of the forest. The wood cutter got ready to cut down the tree. The tree grew very sad that it would die the next day That night the tree spoke to the king in his dream. It said to him, “O King! Can you tell your wood-cutters to cut me in parts.

First my top branches then my middle branches and then the trunk?” The king was surprised. “Why?” he asked.The tree told him, “If they cut me at one stroke, I might fall on the other trees and hurt them. So cut me limb by limb. It will spare the other trees being hurt”.The king was moved by the tree‟s kindness. He decided not to cut the tree to build his palace.

1. Answer the following questions :

i. What kind of a palace did king Brahmadatta wish to build?

ii. What kind of a tree did the wood cutters find at last?

iii. What did the tree want the king to do?

iv. How did the tree want itself to be cut?

v. Find the opposite of the following words from the passage : a. short b. weak

vi. Find words which mean the same as: a. large branch of a tree b. the act of hitting

Also read:-Unseen Passage for Class 9

4. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who became very ill. He had to spend all day in bed.There wasn’t much he could do except look out of window. One day, he saw a strange sight outside the window. It was a penguin eating a sandwich. The penguin squeezed in through the open window and said, “Good afternoon.” The little boy didn’t tell anyone about this because who would have believed him? Even so, more strange characters ended up putting joy back in his heart, and in his body Before long, his health has improved so much that he was able to go back to school again.There, he got to talk to his friends and tell them all the strange things he had seen. While he was talking to his best friend, he saw something sticking out of his friend’s school bag.The boy asked his friend what it was, and he was so insistent that finally his friend had to show him what was in the bag. There, inside, were all the fancy dress suits that his best friend had been using to try to cheer up the little boy! From that day, the little boy always did his best to make sure that no one felt sad and alone.

i) The little boy was sad because_______ a) his mother scolded him b) he did not have any friend c) he got less marks in exams d) he was ill ii) Which animal did he see near his window, one day? a) dog b) penguin c) elephant d) lion iii) Why didn’t the little boy tell anyone about what he saw? iv) While talking to his friends, what did the boy see? v) What was inside the school bag of the boy’s friend?

vi) Write the words from the passage which mean the same as: a) apart from b) happy

Suggested answer for above questions:

Q1. a) iv) he was ill b) ii) penguin c)The little boy didn’t tell anyone about this because no one would have believed him.

d) While he was talking to his best friend, he saw something sticking out of his friend’s school bag.

e) Inside the bag were all the fancy dress suits that his best friend had been using to try to cheer up the little boy

f) i) except ii) cheer
Also read:-Unseen Passage for Class 10 Download free study materials for your Examinations at Unseenpassage

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