MCQ on Biodiversity and Conservation Class 12 Free PDF

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MCQ on Biodiversity and Conservation Class 12 We have provided you with MCQ on Biodiversity and Conservation Class 12 Free PDF download as per latest CBSE syllabus. To score good marks in your exam practice these MCQ Questions on a daily basis.You can also get an unseen passage for class 4 to 12 in hindi and english here.

Question. Which of the following phyla has largest number of species?

(a) Arthropoda

(b) Echinodermata

(c) Cephalochordata

(d) Annelida


Question. The impacts of loss of biodiversity include –

A. Decrease in plant production.

B. Lowered resistance to environmental perturbation

C. Increased variability in ecosystem processes like water use, pest / disease cycle, plants productivity.

D. None

(a) A, B

(b) A, B, C

(c) B, C

(d) D


Question. According to the concept of species area relations –

(a) The number of species in an area increases with the size of the area.

(b) Larger species require larger habitat areas than do smaller snecies.

(c) Most species within any given area are endemic.

(d) The larger the area, the greater the extinction rate.


QuestionThe numbers of National Parks, Biosphere and Wildlife sanctuaries of India were:

(a) 90,14,448

(b) 158,62, 10

(c) 58, 412, 10

(d) 96, 412, 10


Question. Which species is most likely to-be positively selected by natural selection?

(a) One with a large gene pool

(b) One with a medium gene pool

(c) One with a small gene pool

(d) No correlation exists between gene pool and natural selection


Question. Which one of the following in a pair of Endangered species ?

(a) Garden lizard and maxican poppy

(b) Rhesus monkey and sal tree

(c) Indian peacock and cannot glass

(d) flornbill and Indian aconite


Question. An exotic species that is introduced to a new area, spreads rapidly and eliminates native species is called –

(a) an immigrant species

(b) an invasive species

(c) destructive species

(d) none


Question. Where was the World Summit on Sustainable Development held?

(a) South Africa

(b) U.S.A.

(c) South Korea

(d) U.K.


Question. Which of the following phyla has largest number of species?

(a) Arthropoda

(b) Echinodermata

(c) Cephalochordate

(d) Annelida


Question. An endemic species is

(a) one found in many different geographic areas.

(b) one found naturally in just one geographic area,

(c) one found only on islands.

(d) one that has been introduced to a new geographic area.


Question. The lion-tailed mankeys macaca silenus are found only in-

(a) Kaziranga

(b) Eastern ghats and Chennai

(c) Western ghats including travancore and Mysore

(d) Himalayas


Question. What is Biodiversity referred to as?

(a) species in a region

(b) genes & species in a region

(c) Genetic, species & ecological diversity in a region

(d) Genes and species in an ecosystem


Question. What are the total number of hot spots present in the world?

(a) 25

(b) 29

(c) 34

(d) 39


Question. Identify the odd combination of the habitat and the particular animal concerned.

(a) Sunderbans______ Bergal tiger

(b) Periyar______Elephant

(c) Ran of Kutch______ will Ass

(d) Dachigam national park______Snao leopard


Question. Which of these statements is true?

(a) Biodiversity tends to increase as you get closer to the equator

(b) Tropical regions of Earth contain very few of the world’s land species.

(c) Coral reefs tend to be less biologically diverse than temperate deciduous forests.

(d) Cold climates have greater amounts of biodiversity than warm climates.


Question. What is the approximate percentage of the earth covered by terrestrial hot spots?

(a) 1.5% (less than 2%)

(b) 2.5%

(c) 3.5%

(d) 4.5%


Question. What is the decreasing order of number of animal species, as far as India is concerned?

(a) Mammals, Aves, Reptiles, Amphibia

(b) Aves, Reptiles, Mammals, Amphibia

(c) Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibia, Aves

(d) Reptiles, Amphibia, Mammals, Aves


Question. Most large whale species have been driven to the brink of extinction. Which of the following is the most accepted explanation for this situation?

(a) Overexploitation

(b) habitat loss

(c) pollution”

(d) competition from introduced species


Question. Biosphere reserves differ from national packs and wild life sanctuaries because in the former-

(a) Human beings are not allowed to enter

(b) People are an integral part of the system

(c) Plants are paid greater attention than the animals

(d) Living organisms are groupht from all over the world and preserved for posterity


Question. Which one of the following are two hot spots of biodiversity in India?

(a) Western ghats & North eastern Himalayas

(b) Deccan and Western Ghats

(c) Himalayan and Deccan Plateau

(d) Western Ghats and Gangetic Plains


Question. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

(a) alpha diversity – number of species in a given habitat,

(b) genetic diversity – variation of genes within species

(c) beta-diversity – diversity of habitat in the whole region

(d) species diversify-product of species richness & evenness


Question. Which of the following is NOT a benefit.that humans receive from a biologically diverse world?

(a) source of medicine

(b) source of water

(c) source of economic gains

(d) source of food


Question. Which is not a v d reason for the species-area relationship?

(a) larger areas have higher z values

(b) extinction rates are greater on small islands

(c) larger “core” areas .

(d) larger areas contain more habitats


Question. According to conservation biologists, how much of the Earth’s land surface should be strictly protected?

(a) 25%

(b) 5%

(c) 50%

(d) 10%


Question. As estimated by Robert May, what is the total number of species present on earth?

(a) 3 million

(b) 5 million

(c) 7 million

(d) 9 million


Question. The major extinct from India in-

(a) Cannibalism

(b) Felling tress

(c) Habitat destruction

(d) None of these


Question. In island biogeography, c =

(a) number of species

(b) a constant measuring the slope of the line

(c) a constant measuring number of species per unit area of habitat

(d) area


Question. Threats to biodiversity comes from –

(a) habitat loss

(b) Over exploitation

(c) Intensive agriculture

(d) AII


Question. Which of the following was the first National Park of India?

(a) Corbett

(b) Nanda Devi

(c) Kaziranga

(d) Jaldapara


Question. Idri Idri is found is-

(a) Australia

(b) Madagascar

(c) Mauritius

(d) Tasmania


Question. In which part of biosphere reserves human settlement is permissible?

(a) Buffer Zone

(b) Transition Zone

(c) Core Zone

(d) Settlement not allowed


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