Unseen Poem for Class 9 in English | Latest Unseen poem

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Unseen Poem for Class 9 in English Unseen poem for class 9 covers a significant bit of the English paper. It contains around 24% imprints weightage in the test. Along these lines, students who need to score good grades in Class 9 English should rehearse the understanding entry preceding the test. To help them in their planning, we have given the CBSE Unseen poems to Class 9 English.Students should go through them and tackle the inquiries dependent on these appreciation sections.

1. Read the following poem carefully: Turn, Fortune turn thy wheel, and lower the proud; Turn thy wild wheel thro’ sunshine, storm, and cloud; Thy wheel and thee we neither love nor hate. Turn, Fortune, turn thy wheel with smile or frown; With that wild wheel we go not up or down; Our hoard is little, but our hearts are great. Smile and we smile, the lords of many lands; Frown and we smile, the lords of our own hands; For man is man and master of his fate

Turn, turn thy wheel above the staring crowd; Thy wheel and thou are shadows in the cloud; Thy wheel and thee we neither love nor late Alfred Lord Tennyson Idylls of the King (1) We neither love nor hate ` means’__. (a) we are unconcerned (b) we disregard (c) we are unrelated (d) we are not touched (2) The words `lower the proud’ are request to Fortune to __. (a) throw down those who are snobbish (b) bring down the proud (c) humiliate people (d) make powerful people lose power (3) Our hoard is little means __. (a) we have little fortune (b) we don’t have much in our stores (c) we are not wealthy (d) what we have collected is little (4) `The lords of our hands’ means __. (a) we have our destiny in our own hands (b) we are farmers (c) we have strong hands (d) we control our life

(5) The wheel of fortune symbolizes__________. (a) changes in fortune (b) ups and downs in life (c) a spinning wheel (d) a giant wheel Also read:-Unseen Poem for class 12

2. Read the following poem carefully: The tigress Razia lives alone. Her two cubs haven‟t been named. Sheru barely played with them And now he‟s gone, O what a shame! Sheru was an expert on winds, Knew how they traversed dale and hill. And where they put up for the night When no leaf stirred and all was still. He knew their winds, their traffic lanes! He knew the deer would smell him out, If they were down – wind. So he would belly – crawl and crouch And take a long circular route, Hiding behind bush and shrub. Once he knew his scent won‟t carry, In a flash he would erupt. (Deer hadn‟t sniffed that thick and musty

Smell of his which people dubbed As tiger – scent.) He got the stag, His claw fell like a giant club On neck and antler – both were crushed. Now Sheru‟s gone. Not any more Do people fear his dreaded spoor, (smell) Pug – marked on the forest floor. Grief and fear start competing In Razia‟s heart. With Sheru gone, Will the hyenas hound her cubs ? Can she leave the little ones alone, When she goes hunting flesh and bone ? The tigress Razia lives in fear. A greater dread, when will again The poachers with their guns appear ? Answer the following questions by choosing appropriate options from those given below : (1) The tigress Razia lives alone because (a) Sheru has gone (b) her cubs haven‟t been named (c ) she wants to live alone (d) she wants to play with her cubs (2) Sheru would crawl on his belly because (a) he wanted to play in the grass (b) the deer would smell him out

(c ) it was very windy (d) he wanted to hide from poachers (3) „In a flash he would erupt‟ means (a) roar in anger (b) leap high up in the air (c ) flash like lightening (d) pounce on his unsuspecting prey (4) With Sheru gone, Razia experiences (a) happiness and pride (b) anger and frustration (c ) grief and fear (d) excited and adventurous (5) Poachers are people who (a) keep pets (b) train animals (c ) hunt animals illegally (d) cure animals Also read:-Unseen Poem for class 11

3. Read the following poem carefully: When I see birches bent left to right Across the lines of straighter darker trees, I like to think some boy‘s been swinging them. But swinging doesn‘t bend them down to stay. Ice storms do that. Often you must have seen them

Loaded with ice a sunny winter morning After a rain. They click upon themselves As the breeze rises, and turn many-colored As the stir cracks and erases their enamel. Soon the sun‘s warmth makes them shed their crystal shells Shattering and avalanching on the snow crust Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away You‘d think the inner dome had fallen. Read the questions given below and write the most appropriate option in your aswer sheet : (A) The birch trees were bent down by __ (a) the boys (b) the poet (c) the ice storms (d) their weight (B) ‘cracks and erases their enamel’ refers to __ (a) the breaking of the ice (b) the paint peeling off (c) the cutting of the branches (d) the snapping of the branches (C) The warmth of The sun _ (a) causes flowers to bloom (b) makes the poet feel happy (c) melts the ice (d) reminds the poet of his childhood

(D) The poet is _ (a) in a reminiscent mood (b) in love (c) bitter (d) angry Also read:-Unseen Poem for class 10

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