Ella Yale - Urban Design Report

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CONTENTS 01 SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT ............ Page 03 02 OPPORTUNITIES AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES .......... Page 17 03 STRATEGIC PRECINCT PLAN ............................. Page 22 04 URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK ............................. Page 28 1.1. Executive Summary 1.2. Planning Controls 1.3. Urban Site Analysis - Regional and Local Context 2.1. Opportunities Mapping 2.2. Design Principles 3.1. Precinct Location 3.2. Precinct Plan Options 3.3. Prefered Precinct Plan 4.1. Illustrative Master Plan 4.2. Public Domain Structure Plan 4.3. Blocks and Built Form Plan 4.4. Proposed LEP Mapping 4.5. 3D Views 4.6. Yields

PLAN4002 | 2022 ELLA YALE | z5259987 Executive Summary Planning Controls Urban Site Analysis - Regional and Local Context SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTROLS01 PLAN4002 2022 Group 12 Claire Waddington, Ella Yale, Kuzivakwashe Jaravani, and Tak Ko Yung A1: Planning Context and Site Analysis Report MOSS VALE: PLANNING CONTEXT AND SITE ANALYSIS REPORT

Moss Vale is located half way between Sydney and Canberra, in the Wingecarribee Shire Local Government Area (LGA) and is one of three towns that make up the Southern Highlands, alongside Mittagong and Bowral. Moss Vale is rich with colonial and diverse cultural heritage and recognises the Gundangara People as the traditional custodians of the land. Moss Vale has a land area of just under 80 square kilometres, with both major road and rail routes passing through the town. According to the 2021 Census, Moss Vale had an estimated resident population of 9,605 with a population density of 120.7 persons per square kilometre. The town has a unique country feel and is home to an array of gardens, vineyards and farmlands as well as several heritage listed landmarks. In light of recent investigations into the construction of a fast rail line stretching from Melbourne to Brisbane, the opportunity to analyse and prepare a Strategic Precinct Plan and Urban Design Proposal for future development surrounding proposed line has been presented to students of the University of New South Wales. A potential station location in Moss Vale is proposed to service the Southern Highlands region and is the subject of this analytical proposal. Methods of analysis that have been adopted to form an understanding of the character, opportunities and constraints development in Moss Vale include an assessment of current planning controls, an assessment of typography and geographical features, the identification of existing services, infrastructure and key places, a walkability analysis and an analysis of environmental constraints. This analysis has informed the development of an opportunities map, highlighting areas in which future development could improve the liveability, vibrancy and sustainability of Moss Vale. In turn, opportunities mapping has inspired the formation of five, clear design principles to guide strategic planning processes and the proposed master plan.

04 1.1. Executive Summary


The vision of this Urban Design Framework is to re-imagine the Moss Vale town centre complimentary of the existing heritage, infrastructure and open space. The vision also involves gently densifying the precinct and creating an active and accessible area safe for all. This framework will ultimately focus on two key blocks adjacent to the main street and Transport Hub, providing a master plan, domain structure plan, built form plan, 3D plans and yield plan as well as the proposed changes to LEP maps, crucial to the success of the proposed precinct plan.

• Moss Vale contains a generous supply of R3 Medium Density land currently consisting of old housing stock which could provide the opportunity for redevelopment within walking distance to shops, services and the railway station.

The Future Transport 2056 Strategy is a state-wide strategic document which aims to guide the direction of transport planning in NSW to best support economic growth in the cities and regions. The Strategy outlines a ‘vision’ for the states’ transport network, which is supported by key outcomes for governments to adopt, supporting aligned decision making.

• Increased pedestrian priority in the town centre;

• Provide overarching planning principles for neighbourhoods, this includes:

Wingecarribee Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) 2040

• Protecting high environmental value lands and heritage assets as a priority for the LGA.

• Identifies improved connections between Canberra, Queanbeyan, Moss Vale, Goulburn, Batemans Bay, Cooma and Bega via improvements to existing connection or new services and connections.

• Revitalisation of the town centre; and


• Capitalise on the Moss Vale Enterprise Corridor to attract industry and investment.

• Well-designed residential release areas and Infill Development.

• Recognises that High Speed Rail should be investigated over the next 10 to 20 years.

PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT 1.2. Planning Context

Regional NSW Services and Infrastructure Plan - Future Transport

• Promote the Shire as a destination for visitors.

• Improvements to existing connections include:

South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036

• The following have been identified as opportunities for improvement:

• ‘A bypass route has been identified to revive Argyle Street from traffic pressure and remove heavy vehicles from the retail core and unlock the potential for the Moss Vale Enterprise Zone’.

• Increase the supply and diversity of housing options.

• Public transport networks that link frequent buses into the rail systems;

• Moss Vale to Unanderra rail connection; • Local bus services; and • Walking and cycling.

In summary, the Strategy:

The South East and Timberlands Regional Plan 2036 provides a framework for the NSW Governments in relation to land use planning priorities and decisions over the next 20 years. It relies on local councils to deliver the directions and actions set out in the plan and provides priorities for further investigation and implementation.

The Wingecarribee LSPS sets out a 20-year land-use vision within the shire and provides a long-term planning framework to meet the housing, social and environmental needs of the community.

The Moss Vale locality is located within the Wingecarribee Local Government Area (LGA). Objectives for the future development of Wingecarribee under the Plan include the following:

• Easy access to major town centres comprising of a mix of shops, recreational facilities and services.

• Streets and suburbs planned in a manner that supports residents walking to shops; and

•following:‘Moss Vale has undergone a transition to an increase of boutique retail and food and beverage offerings contributing to the revitalisation of the town centre that has supported it become a popular destination for visitors’.

The Wingecarribee LSPS provides further, detailed strategic planning guidance for the Moss Vale locality to achieve this vision. Key highlights of the LSPS include the

Wingecarribee Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2010

Moss Vale Township Development Control Plan (DCP) 2010

• To conserve and enhance, for current and future generations, the ecological integrity, environmental heritage and environmental significance of Wingecarribee;

• To protect and enhance waterways, riparian land and water quality in the drinking water catchments of Wingecarribee.

The Wingecarribee DCP 2010 provides detailed provisions to supplement the Wingecarribee LEP 2010. The Wingecarribee DCP is broken in to several parts relating to specific locations and land uses.


• Promoting the commercial corridor of Mittagong, Bowral and Moss Vale as the Greater Southern Highlands Commercial Business District is a priority.

• Ensuring that the planning framework facilitates new and innovative business opportunities.

• To strengthen the viability of Wingecarribee’s business centres;

• The Moss Vale DCP is also accompanied by site specific DCPs, these include the following:

• The Moss Vale Enterprise Corridor DCP relates to land towards the north east between Moss Vale and New Berrima. The area is envisaged to cater for conventional light and general industrial development to meet local and regional demands for industrial land.

• Discouraging the establishment of incompatible uses in bush fire prone areas; and

Local Environmental Plans guide decisions within the applicable LGAs through zoning and development controls. Moss Vale is subject to the provisions of the Wingecarribee LEP 2010.

• Maintain Wingecarribee’s original settlement pattern of towns and villages dispersed throughout a rural and native vegetation landscape;

• The Moss Vale DCP contains key controls relating to biodiversity, water management, flood liable land, vegetation management, subdivision, development near road and rail corridors and a range of building controls.

Southern Highlands Destination Strategy 2020-2030

The Destination Strategy aims to create an environment that is supportive of future local business and tourist-based economic development in the Shire. Key objectives of the Strategy include the following:

• To encourage the efficient use and development of urban land;

• The Moss Vale Enterprise Corridor is seen as a key economic strength of the Southern Highlands and will support a strong, local employment network and a healthy local workforce.

• A summary of the key objectives of the LEP are as follows:

• To provide opportunities for a range of new housing and housing choice in locations with access t services;

• The Chealse Gardens Coomungie Precinct Plan applies to land located to the South East of Moss Vale adjoining the Moss Vale Golf Course. The area is identified as a location for future low density residential housing. The plan contains key development controls relating future transport connections, subdivision, street network and hierarchy, open space networks, pedestrian and cycleway networks, and a range of building controls.

PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT 1.2. Planning Context

• Establishing an education precinct at the Moss Vale TAFE Campus is being explored to deliver local training opportunities.

LEP Floor Space Ratio Map

LOCAL CONTEXT Opening paragraph n bo d ur her key observat ons n do po nt fo ma 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:10 000 @ A3 R2 Low Dens y Res den ia Legend R3 Med um Dens ty Res dent a B2 Loca Centre B4 M xed Use B5 Business Deve opment N IN1 Genera ndus r a RE1 Pub c Recrea on RU4 P mary Produc on Smal Lots Zone C3 Env ronmenta Managemen RE2 Private Rec eat on B2 Loca Cent e B4 M xed Use B5 Bus ness Development C3 Env ronmen al Managemen R2 Low Dens y Res den ia R3 Med um Dens ty Res dent a IN1 Genera Indus r a RE1 Publ c Rec eat on RU4 Pr mary Product on Sma Lots Zone RE2 P ivate Rec eat on HERITAGE CONTEXT Opening paragraph n bo d ur her key observat ons n do po nt fo ma 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:10,000 @ A3 Sta e Her tage I em Legend Loca Her tage I em Heri age Conserva on Area N HERITAGE CONTEXT Open ng paragraph n bold fu her key observat ons n do po n ormat 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 10,000 @ A3 S ate Her age Item Legend Local Her age tem Her tage Conservat on A ea N LOCAL CONTEXT Open ng pa ag aph n bo d ur her key obse va ons n do po n o mat 0 100 200 500m sca e 1:10 000 @ NA3 Legend T a n Route T a n S a on Bus Rou e Bus S op HERITAGE CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold furthe key observa ons n dot poin ormat 0 100 200 500m scale 1:10 000 @ A3 S a e He i age tem Legend Loca He i age tem Her tage Conse va on Area N HERITAGE CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bo d urthe key observa ons in dot point ormat 0 100 200 500m scale 1:10 000 @ A3 S a e He i age tem Legend Loca Heri age tem Her tage Conserva on Area N HERITAGE CONTEXT Opening paragraph n bo d ur her key observat ons n do po nt fo ma 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:10,000 @ A3 Sta e Her tage I em Legend Loca tage I em Her age Conserva on Area N LOCAL CONTEXT Open ng paragraph n bo d ur her key observat ons n do po nt forma 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:10,000 @ A3 R2 Low Dens y Res den ia Legend R3 Med um Dens ty Res dent a B2 Loca Cent e B4 Mixed Use B5 Bus ness Development N IN1 Genera Indus r a RE1 Pub c Recreat on RU4 Pr ma y Produc on Smal Lots Zone C3 Env ronmen al Managemen RE2 P ivate Recreat on B2 Loca Cent e B4 M xed Use B5 Bus ness Deve opmen C3 Env ronmen a Managemen R2 Low Dens y Residen al R3 Med um Dens ty Res dent a IN1 Genera Industr a RE1 Publ c Rec eat on RU4 P imary Production Sma Lots Zone RE2 P ivate Recreation HERITAGE CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bo d urthe key observa ons in dot point format 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:10 000 @ A3 Sta e He i age tem Legend Loca Her tage I em Her age Conserva on Area N 1.2. Planning Context PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT

The predominant FSR of the buildings of the town centre of Moss Vale is 0.7:1. Blocks and parcels of land in and surrounding the town centre are governed by FSR controls of 0.5:1, 0.9:1 and 1.5:1.

The low building height controls in Moss Vale reflect the semi-rural character and heritage charm of the township.

Given the semi-rural nature of the Wingecarribee LGA, FSR is a relatively underutilised development control. In Moss Vale, FSR controls only apply to the town centre.

07 LOCAL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bo d furthe key observa ons n dot poin ormat 0 100 200 500m scale 1:10 000 @ A3 10m 12 5m N Legend 5m 7 5m 8m LOCAL CONTEXT Open ng paragraph in bold fu her key obse va ons n do po n ormat 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 10 000 @ A3 Legend 0 5:1 0 7:1 0 9:1 1 5:1 N LOCAL Open ng parag a u her key 0 100 200 Legend Tra n Rou e Tra n Sta on LOCAL CONTEXT Open ng pa agraph n bo d ur her key observa ons n do po n o mat 0 100 200 500m sca e 1:10 000 @ NA3 Legend T a n Rou e T a n S a on Bus Rou e Bus S op LEP Land Zone Map

The land north of the Moss Vale town centre supports the daily operation of the town and is predominantly zoned RU4 Primary Production Small Lots and IN1 General Industrial. A number of sprawling greenfield residential developments zoned R2 Low Density Residential are located on the outskirts of town.

Land adjacent to the existing train station is predominately zoned B2 Local Centre and B4 Mixed Use, reflecting the economic significance of the area as a commercial centre of Moss Vale. Land surrounding the town centre is predominantly zoned R3 Medium Density Residential and houses the majority of Moss Vale's residents as it is well supported by public transport.

Floor Space Ratio (FSR) is a key control of the Wingecarribee LEP 2010 that controls the scale and density of development.

Land zoning is a key development control under the Wingecarribee LEP 2010 that regulates the nature and use of development.

LEP Height of Buildings Map

Maximum building height controls are another key element of the Wingecarribe LEP 2010 that control the scale and density of development.

The predominant height restriction of buildings in the town centre of Moss Vale, to the north and south of the train station is 7.5 metres. Land to the east of the train station is restricted to a maximum building height of 8 metres or 10 metres. Land to the west of the train station has a maximum building height of 10m. Pockets of land surrounding the town centre also have building height controls ranging between 5 and 12.5m.

Land use in the Moss Vale township is dominated by detached residential dwellings which emanate from the commercial core in the centre of town. There is a small amount of semi-detached dwellings and a distinct lack of medium to high density residential development. Land surrounding the heavy rail corridor and to the north of the town centre is dominated by light industrial uses. Community and public uses include sports fields, educational facilities, a showground and public services buildings. Pockets of vacant land remain scattered around both the centre and outskirts of town.

LEP Sensitivity and Flood Planning Map

LEP Heritage Map

HERITAGE CONTEXT Open ng paragraph in bold fu ther key obse va ions n do po n ormat 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 10 000 @ A3 S ate Her age tem Legend Local He age tem Her tage Conse vation A ea N HERITAGE CONTEXT Open ng paragraph n bold fu her key observat ons n do po n ormat 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 10,000 @ A3 S ate Her age Item Legend Local Her age tem Her tage Conservat on A ea N HERITAGE CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold further key obse va ions n dot po n ormat 0 100 200 500m scale 1 10 000 @ A3 S ate Heri age tem Legend Loca He i age tem Her tage Conse va ion Area N 1.2. Planning Context PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT

08 HERITAGE CONTEXT Opening paragraph n bo d u ther key obse va ons n do po n o mat 0 100 200 500m sca e 1:10 000 @ A3 S a e Her age em Legend Loca He tage I em Her age Conserva on Area N HERITAGE CONTEXT Open ng paragraph n bo d ur her key observat ons n do po nt fo ma 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:10,000 @ A3 Sta e Her tage I em Legend Loca Her tage I em Heri age Conservat on Area N LOCAL CONTEXT Open ng paragraph in bold fu her key obse va ons n do po n ormat 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 10,000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N De ached Semi de ached Terrace Ho e Pub ic/commun y x x x x x Pr vate g een space Pub ic green space Undeve oped ndus r a Commerc a LOCAL CONTEXT Open ng paragraph n bo d u ther key obse va ons n do po n orma 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 10 000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N detached sem de ached te race ho e pub c/commun y x x x x x pr vate g een space pub c g een space undeve oped ndust a commerc a LOCAL CONTEXT Open ng paragraph n bold ur he key observa ons n dot po nt orma 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 10 000 @ NA3 Legend T a n Rou e T a n S a on Bus Route Bus S op ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS Open ng paragraph n bo d ur her key observat ons n do po nt forma 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1 10 000 @ A3 1% AEP F ood Exten Legend Aqua c & Terrest ia Hab ta Bank S abi ty & Wate Qua ty Env ronmen al Cor do N ENVIR CONS Open ng pa a ur he 0 100 200 1% AEP Legend Aqua c Bank S a Env ronm Land Use Map

The township of Moss Vale was founded in 1861 and is home to a rich portfolio of colonial and Federation era heritage architecture. The township contains seven state listed heritage items, including the Railway Station, Rail underpass, Throsby Park and several colonial era estates such as Throsby Cottage, Park Barn on Church Road, ‘Oldbury’ House and grounds and ‘Whitley’ House and grounds. Moss Vale also contains three Heritage Conservation Areas of local significance which contain commercial, residential and public buildings and spaces characteristic of Federation era Mossarchitecture.Valeislocated on the lands of the Gundangara Nation and remains under the custodianship of the Gundangara people, however the landscape has been heavily modified by colonial settlers and there are no known sites of Aboriginal heritage significance located within the township or neighbouring lands.

The township itself is relatively unencumbered by environmental constraints. Conversely, land surrounding the town, particularly surrounding Whites Creek and other natural water bodies, is burdened by environmental corridors, natural habitat and water quality protection constraints.

Land surrounding Whites Creek and comprising parkland and primarily residential development to the south of the town centre would be inundated during a 1 in 100 year flood event and is identified as Flood Prone Land.


Legend Water Lines Water front 0N 500 1000 2500m Pr vate Par k Nat onal Par k Topogr aphy ( 10m ) Local Par k Reser ves Water front

• Moss Vale is in close proximity to many rivers and creeks, including the iconic Wingecarribee River.

Sch ools C eek Paynes

Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observat ons in dot point for mat scale: 1:50,000 @ 0NA3 0 5 1 2km Legend Waterways Topogr aphy Nat onal Par Pk rivate Par k



C ub Throsby Pa k Cec Ho skins Na u e Rese ve Ber ma Re se ve Wh te s C eek Bong

Res ervoi Wh te s Creek Medway R vu et W ngecar be

ons in

• Morton National Park is found within the study area as well as three reserves, including Cecil Hoskins Nature Reserve, Mount Alexandra Reserve and Berrima Reserve.

ona Park M Brough on Go and Count y Cl ub Moss Va e Go C ub Bowra Go

• Moss Vale is approximately 700m above sea level and this elevation is shown by the thick contour lines.

Local Par k Reseraterbodies Na f Bong R ve Ke ys C ek Creek ngecar 1.3.1. Regional Context

• Within the study area, there are three private golf clubs, four sporting ovals and a Showground, which is used most notably for horse and greyhound races.

• A key historic landmark and public open space within Moss Vale is Throsby Park. This park is of national significance and is located towards the eastern extent of the Moss Vale township. paragraph in bold fur ther key observat dot point 1:50,000

• Moss Vale is surrounded by rural farm land with low, rolling hills. Steeper mountains are found within the town and near Morton National Park.




Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat scale: 1:50,000 @ A3


The Moss Vale study area holds various open spaces, including local parks, playgrounds, private golf clubs, ovals, showgrounds, reserves and national parks. Being located in the highlands, Moss Vale is characterised by a vascillating typography of rolling country hills and mountainous escarpments.

for mat sca e:

be R ve


Water front REGIONAL CONTEX T Opening

Whites Creek runs through the centre of town. Other waterways include Bong Bong Reservoir, Kellys Creek, Schools Creek, Paynes Creek and Medway Rivulet.

@ 0NA3 0 5 1 2km Legend Waterways Topogr aphy National Par Pk rivate Par k Local Par k Reser Wves aterbodies 1.3. Urban Site Analysis PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT

Acac a Pa k Arg y e S reet Pa k Bro u ee Park Yeo Park Rot arac Park Cosg ove Pa k Le gh ton Gardens Bevan Badge ry Park Henderson Park Moss Va e Sho wg ou nd Good e Park Lac key Park R ch e Pa k Thwa t es Pa k Coroman de P ace Pa k E dge Park Burrad oo Pa k Mo to n

Moss Vale has direct and connective streets to many neighbouring regional towns. This map displays the primary and secondary structuring streets that run through Moss Vale.


Legend Prim ar y Structutring Streets Secondar y Structur ing Streets

• There are two primary roads that connect Moss Vale to other parts of the Southern Highlands, including the Illawarra Highway and Argyle Street. There are also three secondary or arterial roads; Moss Vale Road, Yarrawa Road and Berrima Road.

• Illawarra Highway is a two-lane highway connecting Moss Vale to Wollongong and linking the Hume Highway with the Princes Highway.

• Berrima Road is a two lane road moving in both directions linking to the Hume Highway and connecting Moss Vale to Berrima. scale: 1:50,000 @ 0NA3 0 5 1 2km scale: 1:50,000 @ 0NA3 0 5 1 2km

10 REGIONAL CONTEX T Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat scale: 1:50,000 @ A3 Waterbodies Legend Water Lines Water front 0N 500 1000 2500m Pr vate Par k Nat onal Par k Topogr aphy ( 10m ) Local Par k Reser ves 1.3.1. Regional Context

Legend Prim ar y Structutring Streets Secondar y Structur ng Streets BERRIMAROAD ARGYLE STREET ILLAWARRA HIGHWAY MountBroughtonRoad YARRAWA ROAD YARRAWA ROAD MOSSVALEROAD No w r a Roa d MOSS VA L E RO AD EridgeParkRoad BERR I MA ROADTaylorAvenueOLDHUMEHIGHWAY Nowra RoadILLAWARRAHIGHWAY Wera i Road Throsby Street RobertsonRoad ARGYLESTREET Wai t e S treet 1.3. Urban Site Analysis PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT

• Argyle Street links to Moss Vale Road which connects Moss Vale to Bowral.

• Argyle Street is a busy, two-lane street moving through the Moss Vale town centre in both directions.

• Yarrawa Road links to the Route B73; an important connection for the South Coast.

• The proposed High Speed Rail (HSR) station is located roughly 5km from the Moss Vale town centre. The HSR route curves makes an arc to the south and east of Moss Vale and intersects with existing passenger and heavy rail lines both southbound and eastbound.



Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat scale: 1:50,000 @ A3 Waterbodies

0 0 5 1 2km scale: 1:50,000 @ A3 Legend HSR Route HSR Stat on N Tr ain Route Tr ain Stati on Bus Route Bus Stop Regional Context


• The closest train station from the Moss Vale Railway Station is found 7km north-east in Burradoo. The Exeter Railway Station found 9km south-west of the Moss Vale Railway Station.

Legend Water Lines Water front 0N 500 1000 2500m Pr vate Par k Nat onal Par k Topogr aphy ( 10m ) Local Par k Reser ves

• In the Southern Highlands, railway stations are sparsely located, with roughly one train station located in each town.

• There are ten key bus routes displayed on this map and these include routes 808, 811, 812, 813, SH100 and 751-755.

Currently, the closest bus stop is 2.5km away and the closest train station is 3.5km away.

1.3. Urban

Moss Vale’s railway and bus routes help to connect the town to other key and neighbouring regional towns. However, stations and bus stops are sparsely located and are inaccessible to residents that do not reside in close proximity to the Moss Vale town centre.

• There are no existing bus routes that travel to the proposed HSR station, limiting accessibility.

• These key bus routes travel to and from Moss Vale to other key regional points of interest such as Berrima, Bowral, Mittagong, Robertson, Goulburn, Wollongong, Bundanoon and other, smaller regional towns.


0 0 5 1 2km scale: 1:50,000 @ A3 Legend HSR Route HSR Stat on N Tr ain Route Tr ain Stati on Bus Route Bus Stop Site Analysis


12 REGIONAL CONTEX T Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat scale: 1:50,000 @ A3 Waterbodies Legend Water Lines Water front 0N 500 1000 2500m Pr vate Par k Nat onal Par k Topogr aphy ( 10m ) Local Par k Reser ves Legend REGIONAL CONTEX T Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat scale: 1:50,000 @ 0NA3 0 5 1 2km Spec al SPlaces pec Places Institut ons/Uni versities Prim ar y/High Schools Showground Spor Lts i brar y Churches Cour t House Retirement Vi lages Cemetar ies Community C entres Town Centre Spor ts Clubs Golf Clubs Suburb Boundar ies Legend Special SPlaces pecial Places Institutions/Uni versities Pr m ar y/H gh Schools Spor Lts i brar y Churches Cour t House Ret rement V llages Cemetar ies Community C entres Town Centre Suburb Bounda r ies Showground Spor ts Clubs Golf C ubs M OSS VA LE BU RRA DOO NE W BERRIM A BERR M A SU TTON FOREST EXET ER W ERAI M AN CH ESTER SQUARE BOW RAL 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 21 3 4 6 5 7 8 Winer y Showground Legend REGIONAL CONTEX T Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot po nt for mat Spec al SPlaces pec Places Showground Legend Specia Places Institutions/Uni vers ties Prim ar y/High Schools Spor Lts i brar y Churches Cour t House Retirement Vil ages Cemetar ies Commun ty C entres Town Centre Suburb Boundar ies Wineries Golf Clubs M OSS VA LE BU RRA DOO NE W BERRIM A BERRIM A SU TTON FOREST BOW RAL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 21 3 4 6 5 7 8 Spor ts Clubs 1.3.1. Regional Context SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE There are eight special places within Moss Vale, including: • There are many churches and retirement villages located within Moss Vale. There are also numerous cemeteries within the study area as well as two community centres and two sports clubs. • With a relatively small population per square kilometre, Moss Vale has a generous amount of educational institutions. Moss Vale has four high schools, two primary schools and is also home to the TAFE NSW Southern Highlands Campus and the University of Wollongong Southern Highlands Campus. • The Wingecarribee LGA Council Chambers are located at the centre of Moss Vale, adjacent to the Moss Vale Court House, Library, Civic Centre and the War Memorial Aquatic Centre. • The closest hospital is the Bowral and District Hospital, located North East of the Moss Vale town centre, which is not visible at the scale of this study area. Legend REGIONAL CONTEX T Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat Special SPlaces pecial Places Institutions/Uni versities Prim ar y/High Schools Showground Spor Lts i brar y Churches Cour t House Retirement Villages Cemetar ies Community C entres Town Centre Spor ts Clubs Golf Clubs Suburb Boundar ies Legend Special SPlaces pecial Places Institutions/Uni versities Prim ar y/High Schools Spor Lts i brar y Churches Cour t House Retirement Villages Cemetar ies Community C entres Town Centre Suburb Bounda r ies Showground Spor ts Clubs Golf Clubs M OSS VA LE BU RRA DOO BOW RAL 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 21 3 8 4 6 7 Throsby Park - Landmark Railway CecilLeightonUnderpassGardensHoskinsReserve Legend REGIONAL CONTEX T Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat scale: 1:50,000 @ 0NA3 0 5 1 2km Special SPlaces pecial Places Institutions/Uni versities Prim ar y/High Schools Showground Spor Lts i brar y Churches Cour t House Retirement Villages Cemetar ies Community C entres Town Centre Spor ts Clubs Golf Clubs Suburb Boundar ies Legend Special SPlaces pecial Places Institutions/Uni versities Prim ar y/High Schools Spor Lts i brar y Churches Cour t House Retirement Villages Cemetar ies Community C entres Town Centre Suburb Bounda r ies Showground Spor ts Clubs Golf Clubs M OSS VA LE BU RRA DOO RIM A BERRIM A W ERAI M AN CH ESTER SQUARE BOW RAL 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 21 3 8 4 6 5 7 Boral Concrete Moss Vale Bong Bong Common Southern Highlands Model Aero Club Wingecarribee Shire Council Office 1.3. Urban Site Analysis PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT


• As shown in the map, the town centre comprises a mix of commercial uses and is in close proximity to a number of community uses, including a court house, churches, a meals on wheels hub, council offices, memorial halls, and the like.

• Furthermore, walkability to key places in the locality is dependent on, and impeded by, the length of block sizes and dead ends streets to the north. As such, movement to key places in the locality is restricted and the township is not considered to be highly walkable.

Tr ain Stati on Spor ting fi elds Show Ground Corbett Wa kway Exist ng Tr ain Line Pub c Park Pedestr an Under Br idge Walkabili ty Legend Ex sting Tr a n Line Commerci al Industr ial Community U ses Education Tr ain Stati on Railway Underpass Corbett Walkway Publ ic Park Spor t ng Fields Showground

100m Walking Rad us Legend Bus Route Bus Stop Local Context - Walkability

Legend Existing Tr a n Line Publ ic Park Walkabil ty Legend Ex sting Tr ain Line Carpar ks 100m Walking Radi us Legend Bus Route Bus Stop Commerci al Uses Corbett Walkway Pub c Park Spor ting F elds Showground

The town centre of Moss Vale is the key point of interest for the locality.

Educational Establishments Industr ia Uses Community U ses Ex siting Trai n Stat on Ra lway Underpass LOC AL CONTEXT - Walkabili ty to Key and U niq ue Places

1.3. Urban Site Analysis PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT


• As indicated in the 100m walking radius, walkability is achieved within the town centre. As you progress away from the town centre, educational establishments and key places such as the Corbett Walkway, showgrounds and some parks to the north achieve a level of connectivity but are restricted to areas in proximity.

Tr ain Stati on Spor ting fi elds Show Ground Corbett Wa kway Exist ng Tr ain Line Pub c Park Pedestr an Under Br idge Walkabili ty Legend Ex sting Tr a n Line Commerci al Industr ial Community U ses Education Tr ain Stati on Railway Underpass Corbett Walkway Publ ic Park Spor t ng Fields Showground 100m Walking Rad us Legend Bus Route Bus Stop Legend Special SPlaces pecial Places Institutions/Uni versities Prim ar y/H gh Schools Spor Lts i brar y Churches Cour t House Retirement Villages Cemetar ies Community C entres Town Centre Suburb Boundar ies Showground Spor ts C ubs Golf Clubs REGIONAL CONTEX T Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observat ons in dot point for mat sca e: 1:50,000 @ 0NA3 0 5 1 2km 1.3.2. Local Context - Walkability LOCAL BUS ROUTES AND STOPS As shown in the map, a greater level of walkability is achieved within proximity to the local town centre. Surrounding development tends to represent a majority of residential and industrial land uses which are not appropriately serviced by public transport infrastructure or are characterised by subdivision patterns that do not support a walkable environment. LOC AL CONTEXT Walkabili ty to Key and U niq ue Places Wa kab li ty Legend Existing Train Line Commerci al Industrial Commun ty U ses Education Train Stati on Railway Underpass Corbett Walkway Publ ic Park Spor t ng Fie ds Showground 100m Walk ng Radi us Legend Bus Route Bus Stop 1.3. Urban Site Analysis PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT


mat 0

NA3 Waterbodies Legend Waterways Local Par k Topogr aphy Water front Private Par k Yeo Park Cosg ove Park Le gh ton Gardens Bevan Badge ry Park Henderson Park Moss Va e Sho wg ou nd Good e Park Lac key Pa k R ch e Pa k Thwa t es Pa k Moss Va e Go C ub Wh te s Creek 1.3. Urban Site Analysis PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT

Waterbodies Legend Waterways Local Par k Topogr aphy Water front Private Par k Yeo Park Cosg ove Park Le gh ton Gardens Bevan Badge ry Park Henderson Park Moss Va e Sho wg ou nd Good e Park Lac key Pa k R ch e Pa k Thwa t es Pa k Moss Va e Go C ub Wh te s Creek LOC AL CONTEXT Opening

Bus Stop



Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 Tr ain Route Tr ain Stati Bus Route

• The elevations in Moss Vale range between 668m AHD and 750m AHD. The topography of the city center is relatively level at an average elevation of 668 metres above sea level, while topography outside the city centre is, on average, 695 meters above seal level.



• Whites Creek is a natural waterbody that traverses the Moss Vale township to the south of Leighton Gardens. Numerous natural and man-made ponds, dams and lakes are scattered across the township for recreational purposes and to support local agriculture.

observations n

Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations n dot point for mat 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 paragraph in bold fur ther key dot point for 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @

• Parks and open spaces are generally located in the outskirts of the Moss Vale town centre, mostly within residential areas, or along the Whites Creek. Among the parks and open spaces in Moss Vale, the most significant are Bevan Badgery Park, Moss Vale Showground and Lackey Park.


1.3.2. Local Context - Environmental Elements

As Moss Vale is situated in the Southern Highlands, which is a mountainous region, it has a higher topography relative to coastal towns. Overall, the northern part of Moss Vale is lower in elevation, while the southern part is higher. Moss Vale is scattered with exisiting waterways running through and surrounding the town.



Yeo Park Cosg ove Pa k Le gh on Ga dens Bevan Badge ry Park Henderson Pa k Moss Val e Sho wg ou nd Good e Pa k Lac key Pa k R ch e Park Thwai es Park Moss Va e Go f C ub Wh te s Creek LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot po nt for mat 0 100 200 500m sca e 1:10,000 @ A3 Ret rement Vi age Legend Sports Faci t es Medica Faci ies Pub ic To et Street based Re ai N Church Other Goverment Faci t es (Counc L brary, C v c Centre Cour House LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10, Retirement Village Leg end Spor ts Fac lit es Medical Facilities Public Toilet Street based Reta l N Church Other Goverment F acilities (Counci , Library, Civ c Centre, Court House) fur ther key observations in dot point for ma 0 100 200 500m scale: Ret rement Vil age Leg end Spor ts Faci ities Medical Faci ities Public Toilet Street based Retai N Church Other Goverment F aci ities Counci , L brary, C vic Centre, C House) LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations

Spor ts Facil ties Medica Facilities Pub ic To et Street based Retail N Church Other Goverment F acil ties (Council, Library, Civic Centre, Court House)

Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:10, Retirement Vil age Leg end Spor ts Fac lities Med cal Faci it es Publ c Toilet Street based Retail N Church Other Goverment F acilities (Council, Library, C vic Centre, Court House)

LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations n dot point for mat 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 Bus Route Bus Stop


Water front Private Par


• The Moss Vale Public Library, Wingecarribee Shire Council, Civic Centre Theatrette, Community Oval and multiple churches are all located in the town centre.

Waterbodies Legend Waterways Local

The town centre is centrally formed by the buildings and active frontages along Kirkham Street, Clarence Street and Argyle Street. Various types of services are available near the town centre including public facilities (library, civic centre, council, and court house), recreational facilities (sports and leisure facilities) and social services (vet hospitals, clinics, and aged care).

0 100 200 500m sca e: 1 10,000 @ A3 Re irement V l age Legend Sports Fac l t es Med ca Fac t es Pub c Toi et Street based Reta N Church Other Goverment Fac l t es Counc , L b ary, C v c Cen re, Court House)

LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations n dot point for mat

LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 Legend Tr ain Route Tr ain Stati on Bus Route Bus Stop

fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ A3 Retirement Vi lage Leg end

• There is no hospital that could provide emergency service in or near the town centre, jowever there is a General Practice located on teh outskirts of town.


LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations n dot point for mat


0 100 200 500m scale: 1 10 000 @ A3 Ret remen Vi age Leg end Sports Fac ties Medica Fac it es Pub ic To e Street based Reta l N Church Other Govermen F ac it es Counc , L brary, C vic Centre, Court House

1.3. Urban Site Analysis PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING CONTEXT

Spor ts Facil ties Medica Facilities Pub ic To et Street based Retail N Church Other Goverment F acil ties (Council, Library, Civic Centre, Court House) p 0 100 200 500m Ret rement Vi lage Leg end Spor ts Facil ties Medica Facilities Pub ic To et Street based Retail N Church Other Goverment F acil ties (Council, Library, C House)

fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ A3 Retirement Vi lage Leg end

Ret rement Vil age Leg end Spor ts Facilities Medica Fac lities Pub ic Toi et Street based Retail N Church Other Goverment F acil ties (Counc l, Library, Civic Centre, Court House) p g p fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ A3 Ret rement Vil age Leg end Spor ts Facilities Medica Fac lities Pub ic Toi et Street based Retail N Church Other Goverment F acil ties (Counc l, Library, Civic Centre, Court House)

1.3.2. Local Context - Environmental Elements

Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ A3


• The town centre and retail streets of Moss Vale are located along Argyle Street, Clarence Street, and Kirkham Street. AL CONTEXT paragraph in bold fur ther key observat ons in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:10,000 @ NA3 Par k Topogr aphy k in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10, Retirement Village Leg end Spor ts Fac lit es Medical Facilities Public Toilet Street based Reta l N Church Other Goverment F acilities (Counci , Library, Civ c Centre, Court House)


p g

PLAN4002 | 2022 ELLA YALE | z5259987 Opportunities Mapping Design Principles OPPORTUNITIES AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES02 2.22.1 OPPORTUNITIES Open ng paragraph in bold fu her key observa ions n do po nt format 0 50 100 250m scale 1 5000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N

id Connect the Moss Vale town centre to the HSR station with an express bus route that runs parallel to the southern railway route Improve the transport interchange between the railway station and the proposed express bus stop through an adaptive reuse of the existing railway station and underpass Introduce a new street that runs parallel to the southern railway route for bus and car travel from Moss Vale to the HSR station Improve walkability in the Moss Vale town centre by defining a wayward grid structure with a maximum walking distance of 200m between each intersection Activate street and laneway frontages in the Moss Vale town centre with active food and retail uses to encourage pedestrian


public and residential uses Incorporate


Introduce new and harness existing green spaces with playgrounds, park benches, gym equipment and other high amenity uses Proposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m sca e: 1:25,000 @ A3 x Legend x x N Exisit ng Parks Whites Creek Proposed HSR Station Existing Rail way Route Existing Rail way Station Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Blue Green Cor ridor Proposed Wayward Gr id Proposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m x Legend x x N Exisiting Parks Whites Creek Proposed HSR Stat on Existing Ra l way Route Existing Ra l way Station Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Blue Green Cor ridor Proposed Wayward Gr d Proposed Transpor t Hub x Legend x x Exisiting Parks Wh tes Creek Proposed HSR Station Existing Rail way Route Existing Rail way Stat on Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station Proposed New Road Act ve Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Act ve Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Blue Green Cor ridor Proposed Wayward Gr id Exisiting Parks Whites Creek 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 Proposed HSR Station Existing Rail way Route Existing Rail way Stat on Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station N Waterways Legend Blue Spi ne Green Spine Exisiting Parks Green Spine Exisiting Parks Exisiting Parks Green Spine x Legend Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Transpor t Hub Study Area Proposed HSR Route Exisiting Parks Whites Creek 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 Proposed HSR Station Existing Rail way Route Existing Rail way Stat on Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station N Waterways Legend Blue Spi ne Green Spine Exisiting Parks Green Spine Exisiting Parks Exisiting Parks Green Spine x Legend Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Transpor t Hub Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 x Legend x x N Exisiting Parks Whites Creek Proposed HSR Station Exist ng Ra l way Route Exist ng Ra l way Station Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestr an Zone Proposed Blue Green Cor ridor Proposed Wayward Gr id Proposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 x Legend x x N Exisiting Parks Whites Creek Proposed HSR Station Exist ng Ra l way Route Exist ng Ra l way Station Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestr an Zone Proposed Blue Green Cor ridor Proposed Wayward Gr id Proposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 x Legend x x N Exisiting Parks Whites Creek Proposed HSR Station Exist ng Ra l way Route Exist ng Ra l way Station Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestr an Zone Proposed Blue Green Cor ridor Proposed Wayward Gr id Proposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 x Legend x x N Exisiting Parks Whites Creek Proposed HSR Station Exist ng Ra l way Route Exist ng Ra l way Station Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestr an Zone Proposed Blue Green Cor ridor Proposed Wayward Gr id Exisiting Parks Whites Creek 0 250 500 1250m sca e: 1:25,000 @ A3 Proposed HSR Station Existing Rai way Route Existing Rai way Station Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station N Waterways Legend Blue Spi ne Green Spine Exisiting Parks Green Spine Exisiting Parks Exisiting Parks Green Spine x Legend Proposed New Road Act ve Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezon ng Act ve Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Transpor t Hub Study Area Proposed HSR Route 3 7 9 8 1 6 5 2 4 2.1. Opportunities Mapping PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 2: OPPORTUNITIES AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES

Existing Zoning Not show ng public buildi ngs, special p aces or school s 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 B2 Loca Centre Legend 18 Proposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 x Legend x x N Exisiting Parks Whites Creek Proposed HSR Station Exist ng Ra l way Route Exist ng Ra l way Station Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestr an Zone Proposed Blue Green Cor ridor Proposed Wayward Gr id 2.1.1. Moss Vale Opportunities Using the findings gathered from an in depth analysis of Moss Vale’s planning context and a site analysis of Moss Vale at both a local and regional context, physical opportunities for uplift in the study area become present. The isolated location of the proposed High Speed Rail (HSR) presents an opportunity for Moss Vale to improve the existing transport interchanges and bus routes for better accessibility and a less car-dependent population. Further opportunities arise from the unique context of Moss Vale, which lends itself to densifying the town centre to more mixed-use development, as well as introducing high amenity open space and new access points for pedestrians and cyclists. This opportunities map identifies potential and specific opportunities for Moss Vale, including: 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Proposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 x Legend x x N Ex s ting Parks Whites Creek Proposed HSR Station Ex sting Rail way Route Ex sting Rail way Station Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Stat on Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Blue Green Cor ridor

Proposed Wayward Gr activity and security Transform Clarence Street into a shared pedestrian zone and slow street with ground floor activation and high amenity and rezone the Moss Vale town centre to medium density, mixed-use developments create a functionally integrated village style space with a natural ecosystem that runs through the Moss Vale town centre strengthening the presence of Whites Creek as a riparian corridor



19 OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ A3 Waterways Legend Blue Spi ne Green Sp ne Exisiting Parks N Proposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 x Legend x x N Exisiting Parks Whites Creek Proposed HSR Stat on Existing Rail way Route Existing Rail way Station Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Blue Green Cor ridor Proposed Wayward Gr d 2.1.2. Design Principles There are five key design principles that will guide plans for Moss Vale, including: 1 2 3 4 5 Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Rezoni ng Proposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 Legend N Existing Ra l way Route Existing Ra l way Station Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Stat on x x x Legend x Legend Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Blue Green Corridor Act ve Street Frontages Proposed Wayward Gr d Legend Legend Improve Transport Interchanges and Access to High Speed Rail Station Define a Wayward Grid within the Town Centre Activate Street and Laneway Frontages Densify the Town Centre and Create a Shared Pedestrian Zone Strengthen the Presence of a Blue-Green Corridor Along Whites Creek Proposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 x Legend x x N Exisiting Parks Whites Creek Proposed HSR Station Exist ng Ra l way Route Exist ng Ra l way Station Study Area Proposed HSR Route Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station Proposed New Road Active Laneway Frontages Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Rezoni ng Active Street Frontages Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Blue Green Cor ridor Proposed Wayward Gr id OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observat ons in dot po nt for mat 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N 2.1. Opportunities Mapping 1 2 3 4 5 Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Rezoni ng x x Legend Legend Active Street Frontages Proposed Wayward Grid Legend Legend Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Rezoni ng Proposed Transpor t Hub Legend Existing Rail way Route Existing Rail way Stat on Proposed Express Bus Route Proposed Express Bus Station x x x Legend x Legend Proposed Green Spaces Proposed Blue Green Corridor Active Street Frontages Proposed Wayward Grid Legend Legend Proposed Shared Pedestr an Zone Proposed Rezon ng Legend x x x Legend x Legend Proposed Green Spaces Proposed B ue Green Corrid Active Street Frontages Proposed Wayward Grid Legend Legend Proposed Shared Pedestrian Zone Proposed Rezon ng x x x Legend Legend Proposed Blue Green Corridor Active Street Frontages Proposed Wayward Grid Legend Legend PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 2: OPPORTUNITIES AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES

The orange lines indicate potential active street frontages and the red lines indicate existing and proposed laneway access to the town centre.


The Wingecarribee Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) 2040 recognises Moss Vale’s need to revitalise and prioritise pedestrians within the town centre, which can be achieved through active street and laneway frontages. Introducing ground floor activation through more active food uses and retail shop fronts, encourages security and pedestrianisation within the town centre.

The thin purple arrows show existing and potential streets, lanes and walkways that lead directly to Argyle Street, which is the main street that runs through Moss Vale. Increasing the number of access points to Argyle Street and the town centre, supports a walkable and accessible street grid.

20 Proposed Shared Pedes r an Zone Proposed Rezon ng Proposed Transpor Hub 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25 000 @ A3 Legend N Ex st ng Ra way Rou e Ex st ng Ra way S a ion Proposed Express Bus Rou e Proposed Express Bus S at on x x x Legend x Legend Proposed Green Spaces Proposed B ue Green Corr dor Ac ve St ee F on ages P oposed Wayward G d Legend Legend Proposed Shared Pedes r an Zone Proposed Rezon ng P oposed Transpor t Hub 0 250 500 1250m sca e 1 25 000 @ A3 Legend N Ex s ng Ra way Rou e Ex s ng Ra way S at on P oposed Exp ess Bus Route P oposed Exp ess Bus Stat on x x x Legend x Legend Proposed G een Spaces Proposed B ue G een Co r dor Ac ive S reet Frontages Proposed Wayward Gr d Legend Legend Moss Vale is a heavily car-dependent population and with the introduction of the proposed HSR there is an opportunity to improve Moss Vale’s existing public transport with an express bus route that travels straight from the Moss Vale railway station to the HSR station along a new street. The proposed HSR station is located in the middle of rural land, between Exeter and Moss Vale, along the existing railway. A sustainable solution to connect Moss Vale to the HSR station, with minimal impact on the surrounding fertile rural farmland, would be to introduce a direct street that runs parallel and as close to the southern railway route as possible. This new street is key to the proposed express bus route to the HSR station. Due to the existing railway station being heritage listed, an adaptive reuse of the existing station will allow the station to uphold its historical significance whilst providing additional amenities, such as an improved transport interchange between the railway station and the proposed express bus stop and a safe, accessible, pedestrian-friendly underpass. OPPORTUNITIES Open ng paragraph n bold u the key observa ons n do po n o mat 0 50 100 250m sca e 1:5000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N OPPORTUNITIES Open ng paragraph n bold u the key observa ons n do po n o mat 0 50 100 250m sca e 1:5000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N OPPO Open ng par ur her 0 50 100 x Legend x x x x OPPORTUNITIES Open ng pa agraph n bo d ur he key obse va ons n do po n orma 0 50 100 250m sca e 1 5000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N 1. Improve Transport Interchanges and Access to High Speed Rail Station 2. Define a Wayward Grid within the Town Centre 3. Activate Street and Laneway Frontages

The thick purple line follows the organic shape of Argyle Street. It shows how a number of back streets already run parrallel to this organic shape and continuing this line along the length of the town centre would support a wayward grid structure. It also presents as an alternative back route to take the traffic pressure off of Argyle Street.

0 50 100 250m sca e 1 5000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N

OPPORTUNITIES Open ng pa agraph n bo d ur he key obse va ons n do po orma

Moss Vale has a poor grid structure that limits the walkability and pedestrianisation of the town centre. A defined wayward grid, with a maximum walking distance of 200m between each intersection, would improve walkability to and within the town centre and support the objective of the South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036 (Regional Plan) for ‘easy access to town centres’.

Moss Vale offers an exisiting retail and food culture that can be expanded further through active street and laneway frontages in the Moss Vale town centre.

2.2. Design Principles P oposed Shared Pedes r an Zone P oposed Rezon ng Proposed Transpor Hub 0 250 500 1250m scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 Legend N Ex st ng Ra way Rou e Ex st ng Ra way S a on Proposed Express Bus Rou e Proposed Express Bus S a on x x x Legend x Legend P oposed Green Spaces P oposed B ue Green Corr dor Ac ve St ee Fron ages P oposed Wayward Gr d Legend Legend P oposed Shared Pedestr an Zone P oposed Rezon ng Proposed Transpo Hub 0 250 500 1250m sca e: 1 25 000 @ A3 Legend N Ex st ng Rai way Route Ex st ng Rai way Sta on Proposed Express Bus Rou e Proposed Express Bus S a ion x x x Legend x Legend P oposed Green Spaces P oposed Blue Green Corr do Act ve S ree Fron ages P oposed Wayward Gr d Legend Legend OPPORTUNITIES Open ng parag aph in bo d ur her key obse va ons n do po n orma 0 50 100 250m sca e 1 5000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 2: OPPORTUNITIES AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES

2.2.1. Exemplar Designs

Adaptive reuse of railway station in Arncliff, NSW (Photograph by Jim Bar 2021) Shared zone along Marunouchi Naka Street, Tokyo (Photograph by Tripadvisor 2022) Blue-green eco-corridor in Ningbo, China (Photograph by SWA Group 2021) Pedestrian and cyclist underpass in Amsterdam, Netherlands (Photograph by Ruan Scott 2016)

21 Wayward street grid in Shanghai, China (Digital Image by Sage Van Den Berg 2022) Active laneway frontages along Degraves Street, Melbourne (Photograph by Mariot 2022) 4. Densify the Town Centre and Create a Shared Pedestrian Zone 5. Strengthen the Presence of a BlueGreen Corridor Along Whites Creek OPPORTUNITIES Open ng pa agraph n bo d ur he key obse va ons n do po n forma 0 50 100 250m sca e 1 5000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N OPPORTUNITIES Open ng paragraph n bo d u her key obse va ons n dot po nt orma 0 50 100 250m sca e: 1 5000 @ A3 Wate ways Legend B ue Sp ne G een Sp ne Ex s ng Pa ks N

W hites Creek is an existing waterway surrounded by riparian land that runs through Moss Vale. Strengthening the presence of this blue-green corridor through the town centre will support human health and encourage interaction with green open space.

Whites Creek lends itself to becoming a natural ecosystem and riparian corridor through the town centre. A strong presence of a blue-green corridor along Whites Creek would support the Wingecarribee LEP 2010 objective, ‘to protect and enhance waterways and riparian land’. Improving the corridor could also reduce flooding along Whites Creek by acting as a sponge to drain and soak up heavy rain.

The Wingecarribee LSPS 2040, the Wingecarribee LEP 2010 and the Regional Plan 2036 all share a common objective for an increase in housing supply and diversity in proximity to shops, services and the railway station. Moss Vale can achieve this by gently densifying the town centre through rezoning the area to mixed-use development. Medium density, mixed-use developments, such, as shop-top housing, would support a functionally integrated village space with public and residential uses.

2.2. Design PrinciplesOPPORTUNITIES Open ng paragraph n bold u the key observa ons n do po n o mat 0 50 100 250m sca e 1:5000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N OPPORTUNITIES Open ng pa agraph n bo d ur he key obse va ons n do po n orma 0 50 100 250m sca e 1 5000 @ A3 x Legend x x x x N Proposed Shared Pedes r an Zone Proposed Rezon ng Proposed Transpor Hub 0 250 500 1250m sca e 1:25 000 @ A3 Legend N Ex s ng Ra way Rou e Ex s ng Ra way S a ion Proposed Express Bus Rou e Proposed Express Bus S at on x x x Legend x Legend Proposed Green Spaces Proposed B ue Green Corr dor Ac ve St ee F on ages P oposed Waywa d G id Legend Legend Proposed Shared Pedes r an Zone Proposed Rezon ng Proposed Transpor Hub 0 250 500 1250m sca e 1:25 000 @ A3 Legend N Ex s ng Ra way Rou e Ex s ng Ra way S at on Proposed Exp ess Bus Rou e Proposed Exp ess Bus Stat on x x x Legend x Legend Proposed Green Spaces Proposed B ue Green Co r dor Ac ve Street Frontages Proposed Waywa d Gr d Legend Legend PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 2: OPPORTUNITIES AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES

Moss Vale’s town centre is mostly dominated by local centre land uses as well as medium density residential and a small number of business and mixed-use developments with no high amenity pedestrian spaces.

The green circle buffers highlight existing green spaces that could be activated with walkways, playgrounds, park benches, gym equipment and other high amenity uses.

Clarence Street, sits parallel to Argyle Street and the railway station and is an optimal location for a shared pedestrian zone and slow street with ground floor activation and high public amenity. Along Clarence Street there are numerous car parks, three of which could be used for alternative active uses such as wider pedestrian paths or public buildings.

PLAN4002 | 2022 ELLA YALE | z5259987 Precinct Location Precinct Plan Options Prefered Precint Plan PRECINCTSTRATEGICPLAN03 Proposed P aza Stree s Commun ty Cen res Aquatic Centre Hea th Hub Railway Med um Densi y Non Residen ia H gh Densi y M xed Use H gh Densi y Non Res den al Med um Densi y M xed Use Railway Sta on Un vers t es Inst ut ons L brar es Schoo s H gh Densi y Res dent a Proposed P aza Streets Legend Med um Densi y Res dent a Low Dens ty Res den a Open Spaces 0 50 100 250m scale 1 5000 @ NA3 Commun y Centres Aqua c Cen re Hea h Hub Preferred Option Med um Dens y M xed Use Low Dens ty Mixed Use Med um Dens y Non Residen ia Legend Low Dens ty Non Res dent a Ra way Ra way S at on Univers ies/ nsti ut ons Her tage Conserva on Schoo s C v c Park Open Spaces Loca Park Librar es

3.1.1. Precinct Location

Shared pedestrian zone along George Street, Sydney (Photograph by Ben Hansen 2021)

Water sensitive urban design and activation in Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, Singapore (Photograph by Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl 2016)

0 400 800 2000m scale: 1:40,000 @ A3 Legend Rura Land Pub c Open Space Private Open Space Reser ves N Site Boundar y Railway Route HSR Route | ELLA YALE z5259987 Precinct Location

• The proposed High Speed Rail (HSR) station is located roughly 5km from the proposed precinct location. The HSR route curves makes an arc to the south and east of Moss Vale and intersects with existing passenger and heavy rail lines both southbound and eastbound.

0 400 800 2000m scale: 1:40,000 @ A3



3.1.2. Exemplar Designs

• Each precinct layout option will be analysed against the defined Design Principles from Chapter 2 and the strategic directions as well as their physical opportunities and misgivings. This analysis will then guide the design of the preferred precinct plan, which will appropriately incorporate the most admirable qualities of each option into one precinct plan.

S te Boundar y Legend Rural Land Publ ic Open Space Private Open Space Reser ves N

0 400 800 2000m scale: 1:40,000 @ A3


• All three precinct layout options, as well as the preferred precinct plan are located here, as outlined by the site boundary.


The proposed precinct is located at the centre of Moss Vale and includes the Moss Vale Town Centre, the existing Railway Station, and Whites Creek.

PLAN4002 | 2022

Civic plaza park design at Hyde Park, Sydney (Photograph by Mark Merton 2019)

Legend Rural Land Pub c Open Space Pr vate Open Space Reser ves N Site Boundar y Railway Route HSR Route

1 2

The large pedestrian shared plaza space creates a pedestrian orientated local square, extending the Town Centre and better connecting the Town Centre to the Railway Station and the existing University and TAFE. Additional community and cultural buildings within the Town Centre are easily accessible and encourage pedestrian Well-structureduse.

wayward street grid, through straightening existing streets and introducing proposed street and laneways that run parallel to each other.


Proposed open spaces and parkland connect to the existing Bevan Badgery Oval, creating an extensive green corridor through the Town Centre. These open spaces also interface with the proposed High/Primary School.

Option 1 proposes a well-structured street grid and introduces safe pedestrian infrastructure throughout the Town Centre. This option defines a clear wayward grid with straight and direct routes to the main street. Ground floor activation becomes attainable through the proposed public buildings and recreational potential. Shared pedestrian zones are proposed along three local streets encouraging safe pedestrian engagement with the Town Centre.

Proposed Schoo s Existing Churches Existing Aquati c Centre

Exist ng Univer si ty/TAFE

Proposed Health Hub Existing Retirement Vi lage Existing Commun ty Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Proposed Plaza Legend

Using a combination of the existing and proposed streets, the almost parallel local streets and laneways now follow the shape of the main street.

The existing pocket parks to the very right and very left of the study area are now directly connected via proposed laneways, local streets and shared pedestrian plaza.

24 OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ A3 Waterways Legend Blue Spi ne Green Sp ne Exisiting Parks N PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 3: STRATEGIC PRECINCT PLAN 2.2. Precinct Plan Options Propose Local Main Street Exist ng Major Street Exist ng Pr mar y Street Exist ng Propose Legend OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point fo Existing Librar y Proposed Librar y Existing Aquati c Centre Proposed Health Hub Existing Commun ty Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Exist ng L brar y Proposed Librar y Exist ng Rail way Station Proposed Plaza Local Main Street Existing Major Street Existing Pr mar y Street Existing Local Street Proposed Loca Street Existing Laneway Proposed Lanew ay Exist ng Open Space Proposed Open Space Exist ng Schools Exist ng Un ver s ty/TAFE Proposed Schoo s Exist ng Aquat c Centre Proposed Hea th Hub Existing Community Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Legend OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ NA3 Existing Librar y Proposed Librar y Existing Aquati c Centre Proposed Health Hub Existing Community Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observat ons in dot point for mat Existing Schoo s Legend Existing Univer si ti es/Institutions Proposed School s Local Main Street Ma or Street Existing Pr mar y Street Proposed Plaza Loca Main Street Exist ng Major Street Exist ng Pri mar y Street Exist ng Local Street Proposed Local Street Exist ng Laneway Proposed Lanew ay Exist ng Open Space Proposed Open Space Exist ng L brar y Proposed Librar y Exist ng Schools

3.2.1. Option 1 - Pedestrian Orientated Plaza Precinct

0 50 100 250m sca e: 1:5000 @ NA3 Existing L brar y Proposed Librar y Exist ng Rai way Station Proposed P aza Local Main Street Existing Major Street Existing Pr mar y Street Existing Local Street Proposed Loca Street Existing Laneway Proposed Lanew ay Exist ng Open Space Proposed Open Space Exist ng Schools Exist ng Univer si ty/TAFE Proposed Schoo s Existing Aquat c Centre Proposed Hea th Hub Exist ng Community Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Legend Option 3 Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 1 2 3 3 1 5 4 1 6 6 6 2

The proposed grid structure involves directly cutting through the existing street grid, substantially disrupting the existing built environment and character of the town. The proposed blocks are walkable with mid-block laneways but they are not completely pedestrian orientated, with a majority of block lengths reaching close to 200m.

Park located on the existing Bevan Badgery Oval, will encourage pedestrian interaction with local parks and open space.

25 OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ A3 Waterways Legend Blue Spi ne Green Sp ne Exisiting Parks N PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 3: STRATEGIC PRECINCT PLAN 2.2. Precinct Plan Options Propose Local Main Street Exist ng Major Street Exist ng Pr mar y Street Exist ng Propose Legend OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point fo Existing Librar y Proposed Librar y Existing Aquati c Centre Proposed Health Hub Existing Commun ty Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Exist ng L brar y Proposed Librar y Exist ng Rail way Station Proposed Plaza Local Main Street Existing Major Street Existing Pr mar y Street Existing Local Street Proposed Loca Street Existing Laneway Proposed Lanew ay Exist ng Open Space Proposed Open Space Exist ng Schools Exist ng Un ver s ty/TAFE Proposed Schoo s Exist ng Aquat c Centre Proposed Hea th Hub Existing Community Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Legend OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ NA3 Existing Librar y Proposed Librar y Existing Aquati c Centre Proposed Health Hub Existing Community Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observat ons in dot point for mat Existing Schoo s Legend Existing Univer si ti es/Institutions Proposed School s Local Main Street Ma or Street Existing Pr mar y Street Proposed Plaza Loca Main Street Exist ng Major Street Exist ng Pri mar y Street Exist ng Local Street Proposed Local Street Exist ng Laneway Proposed Lanew ay Exist ng Open Space Proposed Open Space Exist ng L brar y Proposed Librar y Exist ng Schools Exist ng Univer si ty/TAFE Proposed Schoo s Existing Churches Existing Aquati c Centre

Introduction of Civic Plaza

3.2.2. Option 2 - Natural Environment Activation

Street enhances the presence of a

corridor along Whites Creek. OPPORTUNITIES : MISGIVINGS : Ex sting Librar y Proposed Librar y Ex sting Rail way Stat on Proposed Plaza Loca Main Street Ex st ng Major Street Ex st ng Pri mar y Street Ex st ng Local Street Proposed Local Street Ex st ng Laneway Proposed Lanew ay Ex sting Open Space Proposed Open Space Ex sting Schools Ex sting Univer si ty/TAFE Proposed School s Ex sting Aquati c Centre Proposed Health Hub Ex sting Community Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Legend OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ NA3 Existing Librar y Proposed Librar y Existing Aquati c Centre Proposed Health Hub Existing Community Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre 3 2 1 5 4 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5

The cul-de-sacs in the South-East of the precinct plan obstruct walkability and should be better connected through laneways.

Option 2 proposes limited disruption to the existing grid structure and encourages public interaction with the natural environment. This option use the existing local streets to develop a wayward grid structure for the town that also follows the natural shape of the main street. The introduction of proposed public buildings along Clarence Street and Argyle Street support edge of Argyle blue-green

With the proposed densification of Moss Vale, tree-lined streets and laneways help to reduce urban heat-island effects and connect pedestrians to the natural elements that characterise Moss Vale today.

The location of the proposed High School means that it doesn’t interface with any community or recreational uses.

3 3

1 2 The proposed Civic Plaza Park will disrupt the existing Bevan Badgery Oval and this open space should be accounted for as this layout option does not propose enough significant open space.

Proposed Health Hub Existing Retirement Vi lage Existing Commun ty Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Proposed Plaza Legend

activated frontages. The proposed open space along the

The proposed open space along Argyle Street creates a green interface with the main street, enhancing the presence of Whites Creek. All proposed streets and laneways, integrate well with the existing street grid and connect to existing local Extensionstreets.of the existing Community Civic Centre across the street to create a Community Cultural Centre encouraging pedestrian use of community buildings in the Town Centre.

open space along Whites Creek enhancing the presence of a blue-green corridor through the Town Centre.

Location proposed High/Primary

School combination is found adjacent from the proposed Community Centre allowing students to interact with the public building. For the most part, proposed streets and laneways follow the existing grid structure, minimising disruption to the Town Centre.


The layout option significant

26 OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ A3 Waterways Legend Blue Spi ne Green Sp ne Exisiting Parks N 2.2. Precinct Plan Options PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 3: STRATEGIC PRECINCT PLAN Propose Local Main Street Exist ng Major Street Exist ng Pr mar y Street Exist ng Propose Legend OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point fo Existing Librar y Proposed Librar y Existing Aquati c Centre Proposed Health Hub Existing Commun ty Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Exist ng L brar y Proposed Librar y Exist ng Rail way Station Proposed Plaza Local Main Street Existing Major Street Existing Pr mar y Street Existing Local Street Proposed Loca Street Existing Laneway Proposed Lanew ay Exist ng Open Space Proposed Open Space Exist ng Schools Exist ng Un ver s ty/TAFE Proposed Schoo s Exist ng Aquat c Centre Proposed Hea th Hub Existing Community Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Legend OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ NA3 Existing Librar y Proposed Librar y Existing Aquati c Centre Proposed Health Hub Existing Community Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observat ons in dot point for mat Existing Schoo s Legend Existing Univer si ti es/Institutions Proposed School s Local Main Street Ma or Street Existing Pr mar y Street Proposed Plaza Loca Main Street Exist ng Major Street Exist ng Pri mar y Street Exist ng Local Street Proposed Local Street Exist ng Laneway Proposed Lanew ay Exist ng Open Space Proposed Open Space Exist ng L brar y Proposed Librar y Exist ng Schools Exist ng Univer si ty/TAFE Proposed Schoo s Existing Churches Existing Aquati c Centre Proposed Health Hub Existing Retirement Vi lage Existing Commun ty Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Proposed Plaza Legend 3.2.3. Option 3 - Highly Connected Wayward Grid Option 3 proposes a walkable, pedestrian orientated Town Centre that connects to the existing Railway Station. This option defines a clear wayward grid with local streets and laneways all directed towards the main street. It encourages ground floor activation and pedestrian engagement through proposed public buildings and a shared pedestrian zone along Clarence Street. The presence of a blue-green corridor along Whites Creek is strengthened through this option with the introduction of significant open space along Throsby Street. OPPORTUNITIES : MISGIVINGS : Ex st ng Librar y Proposed Librar y Ex st ng Churches Ex st ng Aquati c Centre OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ NA3 Ex st ng Schools Legend Ex st ng Un ver s t es/Inst tutions Proposed Health Hub Ex st ng Retirement Village Ex st ng Community Centre Proposed School s Local Main Street Proposed Primar y Street Major Street Existing Pri mar y Street Existing Local Street Proposed Local Street Existing Lane Proposed Lane Existing Open Space Proposed Open Space Proposed Commun ty Centre Proposed Plaza Local Main Street Existing Major Street Existing Pri mar y Street Existing Local Street Proposed Local Street Existing Laneway Proposed Lanew ay Existing Open Space Proposed Open Space Existing Librar y Proposed Librar y Existing Schoo s Existing Univer si ty/TAFE Proposed School s Existing Churches Existing Aquati c Centre Proposed Health Hub Existing Ret rement V llage Existing Community Centre Proposed Communi ty Centre Proposed Plaza Legend 1 2 3 3 4 3 5 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 Enhanced walkability and civic engagement with block lengths of less than 100. This is achieved through the introduction of proposed streets and laneways for pedestrian and cyclist use.

Extension of the existing laneway that is located to the right of the existing Bevan centre of the proposed Plaza the Town Centre

is not


orientated with only one shared pedestrian zone along Clarence Street.

1 2 The located of the proposed Community Centre is too far from Town Centre it recommended that a second Community Centre proposed within the Town Centre.

discouraging public use,

This layout option completely pedestrian


Badgery Oval all the way to the

better connects

to the existing University and TAFE.


Proposed P aza Streets Legend Preferred Option Medium Dens ty Mixed Use Low Density M ixed Use Medium Dens ty Non Res dent al Legend Low Density Non Residential Railway Rai way Station Universi t es/Insti tutions Heritage C onservati on Schools C vic Park Open Spaces Local Par k Li brar ies



Centre Health Hub Railway Medium Density Non Residential High D ensi ty Mixed Use High D ensi ty Non Resi dential Medium Density Mixed Use Railway Station Universi ties/Insti tut ons Li brar ies Schools High D ensi ty Residential Proposed Plaza Streets Legend Medium Density Res dent al Low Density Resid ential Open Spaces 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ NA3 Community C entres Aquatic Centre Health Hub Preferred Option Medium Dens ty Mixed Use Low Density M ixed Use Medium Dens ty Non Res dential Legend Low Density Non Residentia Railway Railway Station Un vers t es/Insti tutions Heritage C onservati on Schools Civ c Park Open Spaces Local Par k L brar ies ARGYLESTREET ARGYLESTREET ILLAWARRAHIGHWAY VALETTASTREET KIRKHAMSTREET ARTHURSTREETTHROSBYSTREETRAILWAYSTREET LACKEYROAD PINE STREET WAITESTREET ELIZABETH STREET SPRING STREET MACKSTREET SPRINGSTREET ELIZABETHSTREETCLARENCESTREET ARGYLE STREET PINESTREET

4. DENSIFY THE TOWN CENTRE AND CREATE A SHARED PEDESTRIAN ZONE: The shared pedestrian zone in this precinct plan is a combination of all three plaza options to create a significantly pedestrian orientated Town Centre. The precinct plan is proposing gentle densification across the Town Centre to medium density mixed use development with surrounding low density mixed use development. This will look like shop top housing with ground floor food and retail options and will involve the adaptive reuse of heritage conservation buildings present in the Town Centre. The proposed low density non-residential development will look like 1-storey developments with food, retail and business options and the medium density non-residential development will look like 2-storey developments with top floor business options.

Proposed Plaza Streets Community C entres Aquatic Centre Health Hub Ra lway Station Li brar ies

Proposed Plaza Streets Legend Preferred Option Medium Density Mixed Use Low Dens ty M ixed Use Medium Density Non Residential Legend Low Dens ty Non Res dent al Railway Railway Station Universi ties/Inst tut ons Her tage C onservati on Schools Civic Park Open Spaces Local Par k Li brar ies

3. ACTIVE STREET AND LANEWAY FRONTAGES: The proposed mixed-use and non-residential development densities will all provide ground floor activation through retail, food and business options. Activation in the Town Centre will also be attainable through public buildings including the location of the two proposed Community Cultural Centres influenced by Option 2 and 3 and the proposed health hub and library from Option 3.

OPPORTU NITIES Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 50 100 250m scale: 1:5000 @ A3 Waterways Legend Blue Spi ne Green Sp ne Exisiting Parks N 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 PLAN Precinct Plan

Community C entres Aquatic Centre Health Hub Preferred Option Med um Density Non Residential High D ensi ty M xed Use High D ensi ty Non Resi dent al Medium Dens ty Mixed Use High D ensi ty Residential Legend Medium Dens ty Residential Low Density Resid ent al Railway Railway Stat on Universi ties/Inst tut ons Li brar es Schools Civ c Park Open Spaces Local Par k Proposed Plaza Streets Plaza Streets Community C entres Aquatic Centre Health Hub Railway Stat on L brar ies

5. STRENGTHEN THE PRESENCE OF A BLUE-GREEN CORRIDOR ALONG WHITES CREEK: The open space and parklands in this precinct plan are an adaptation of Option 2 and 3 and enhances the presence of a bluegreen corridor with the majority of open space surrounding Whites Creek. The proposed civic plaza park will disrupt the existing Bevan Badgery Oval, but this will be accounted for outside of the study area, as there are already two other ovals seen to the right of this study area and to the left of the Railway Station. Streets Community C entres c


PLAN4002 |

1. IMPROVE TRANSPORT INTERCHANGES AND ACCESS TO HIGH SPEED RAIL STATION: For this proposed precinct plan, access to the HSR involves access to the Transport Hub at the existing Railway Station. Therefore, the proposed extension of the laneway that runs through the middle of the Town Centre from Option 3 provides the best accessibility to the Railway Station from all buildings in proximity to this laneway.

2. DEFINE A WAYWARD GRID WITHIN THE TOWN CENTRE: The proposed street grid from Option 3 is the main influence for the grid structure in this precinct plan with some aspects from Option 2, such as, the straightening of Spring Street and the laneways across Whites Creek. This wayward grid structure towards the main street proposes minimal disruption to the existing street grid.

2.3. Preferred


3.3.1. Preferred Urban Layout Option - Hybrid

Using the findings gathered from a critical evaluation of the physical opportunities and misgivings of each layout option, it becomes easier to see what should be present in the preferred layout option. This preferred urban layout is hybrid of all three layout options, combining all of the most admirable qualities of each, such as, the location of public buildings, plazas, open spaces, streets, and laneways. The stronger options had walkable blocks, accessibility to public buildings and recreational uses, ground floor activation, safe pedestrian infrastructure, and significant open space and parklands that interact with Whites Creek that runs through the Town Centre. The three layout options and the five Design Principles outlined in Chapter 2 guided the design of this Precinct Plan, as follows:

PLAN4002 | 2022 ELLA YALE | z5259987 Illustrative Master Plan Public Domain Structure Plan Blocks and Built Form Plan Proposed LEP Mapping URBAN FRAMEWORKDESIGN04 P aza Pr va e Open Space Green Strip Footpath B ke Pa h Illustrative Master Plan x 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:2500 @ NA3 Bu t Form Legend S ree s Large Na ive Trees Sma l Na ive Trees GWaterways reen Open Space 3D YieldsViews4.64.5

Existing Zoning

• Small native trees are use for the street planting that is found consistently along the edges of all roads and pathways in the precinct area to increase shade in key pedestrianised areas and for the car parking spots integrated along the green strip. Large landmark native trees can be found in the centre of the shared plaza and at the entrances for the library and community cultural centre.

0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3

Illustrati ve Master Pl an x 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3


Bu lt Form Legend Streets Large N at ve Trees Smal Native Trees

Illustrati ve Master Pl an x 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:2500 @ NA3


• Whites Creek is located to the bottom left of the precinct and has a much larger presence in the area with clear pedestrian and cyclist routes and direct access from Argyle Street, Clarence Street and Throsby Street.

• Proposed public open spaces are found at the entrances for the library and community cultural centre. Internal courtyards are proposed for the mixed-use residential buildings found at the top of the precinct. To support a healthy environment in the precinct area rooftop gardens are proposed for two mixed-use residential buildings as well as the proposed health hub to minimise the effects of densification.

Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path Illustrati ve Master Pl an x 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:2500 @ NA3 Built For m Legend Streets Large N ative Trees Smal Native Trees Waterways e and Parking Strip Built Form Streets Large N ative Trees Small Nat ve Trees Waterways ARGYLESTREET VALETTASTREET KIRKHAMSTREET THROSBYSTREET ELIZABETHSTREET CLARENCESTREET

GWaterways reen Open Space Master Plan Illustrative Master Plan

Not show ng public buildi ngs, special p aces or school s

GWaterways reen Open Space Plaza Private Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path

PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 4: URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK 4.1. Illustrative

P aza Private Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path

Built For m Legend Streets Large N at ve Trees Smal Native Trees

The illustrative master plan proposes a finer grain, detailed plan for two blocks adjacent to the main street and proposed Transport Hub. The precinct area responds to five design principles and is reimagined as a medium-density active town centre supported by the presence of Whites Creek, active transport, shared pedestrian zones, community buildings and rich heritage.

• A pedestrianised precinct with active transport is achieved through two-way bike paths that cover most of the precinct, as well as widening the curbs and pathways, introducing more street and zebra crossings, creating a shared pedestrian zone along Clarence Street and incorporating through site links throughout the whole precinct area.

B2 Loca Centre Legend

Existing Zoning Not show ng public buildi ngs, special p aces or school s 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 B2 Loca Centre Legend 30 Built MForm a n Street Primary Street Local Street Laneways Plaza x Green Open Space Green Str p Footpath Bike Path Public Dom ai n Structure 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Cycl ist Routes Through Block Conne Bus Routes Built Form Cyc st Routes Through B ock Connection Bus Routes Bu lt For Mm ain Street Prim ar y Street Local Street Laneways Public Dom ai n Structure 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Cycl ist Routes Through Block Connection Bus Routes Bu lt For m Cycl ist Routes Through Block Connection Bus Routes P aza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 4: URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK 4.2. Public Domain Structure Plan 4.2.1. Public Domain Structure Plan

• All buildings within the precinct respond to the surrounding context and infrastructure of the precinct area and Moss Vale's broader town centre. Proposed buildings compliment the existing and proposed public open space and maintain the existing character of the shop frontages and heritage buildings along Argyle Street through appropriate setbacks of 3m for proposed residential storeys.

Bui t MForm ain Street Primary Street Local Street Laneways Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path Public Dom ai n Structure 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Cycl ist Routes Through Block Connection Bus Routes Built Form Cycl ist Routes Through Block Connect on Bus Routes 754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 54 152 472 925 3 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 552 307 457 397 26 33 112 43 334 243 553 553 71 71 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 6 6 8 2 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 954 576 1126 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 101 64 594 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Hea th Hub Commun ty C ulture Centre Pol ice Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent Li brar y Apar tments Super market Cour t House Health Hub Community C ulture Centre Pol ice Station M xed Use Developm ent Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path

The Public Domain Structure Plan achieves the five design principles by locating the main street between the Transport Hub and the precinct area, by creating a clear grid through site connections to Argyle Street and Whites Creek, by densifying the precinct area and by providing active transport and ground floor activation.

• Argyle Street is the main street that runs through the precinct area and is located between the Transport Hub and the precinct. The location of the main street is intentional to not obstruct pedestrian movement within the precinct. Clarence Street is a pedestrian-orientated local street with a shared pedestrian zone and acts as the spine of the precinct area running directly through the middle.

• The precinct area successfully creates active streets through two-way bike paths and through site connections in and around the precinct. Bus routes move around the edges of the precinct area as not to obstruct the pedestrianised streets within the precinct area.

754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 54 152 472 925 473 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 552 307 457 397 26 33 112 43 334 243 553 553 71 1 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 362 6 8 4 2 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 4 501 576 1126 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 101 64 594 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Hea th Hub Commun ty C ulture Centre Pol ice Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent Li brar y Apar tments Super market Cour t House Hea th Hub Commun ty C ulture Centre Pol ice Station Mixed Use Developm ent P aza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path 454 754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 45 54 325 636 925 473 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 499 552 653 457 397 26 33 598 112 43 253 334 243 553 553 71 71 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 362 6 8 4 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 4 501 576 1126 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 456 101 64 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Hea th PHub laza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path Community C u ture C Pol ice Station Mixed Use Developm L brar y Apar tments Super market Cour t House Health Hub Community C ulture Centre Po ce Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent P aza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path Bui lding Hei ghts 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 1 Storey Legend 2 Storeys 4 Storeys Streets 754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 54 152 472 925 3 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 552 307 457 397 26 33 112 43 334 243 553 553 71 71 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 6 6 8 2 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 954 576 1126 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 101 64 594 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Hea th Hub Commun ty C ulture Centre Pol ice Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent Li brar y Apar tments Super market Cour t House Health Hub Community C ulture Centre Pol ice Station M xed Use Developm ent Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path ARGYLESTREET VALETTASTREET KIRKHAMSTREET THROSBYSTREET ELIZABETHSTREET CLARENCESTREET

• In order to gently densify the town centre there are two mixed-use buildings and 14 mixed-use residential buildings proposed in proximity to the Transport Hub. These buildings also help to activate the centre and are either orientated towards the Transport Hub, Whites Creek or the shared pedestrian zone along Clarence Street. All residential buildings are in proximity to private or public open space for resident use.

• For building types along the ground floor, the key design principle was active street and laneway frontages. Therefore, activation through retail, cafes, restaurants, community buildings, and supermarkets can be found on the precincts ground floor. Community buildings can be accessed easily along street frontages and include a library, health hub, court house, police station, and community cultural centre. There are two supermarkets already found in the precinct area and these are made much more accessible via active transport routes and street parking.

Existing Zoning Not show ng public buildi ngs, special p aces or school s 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 B2 Loca Centre Legend 31 454 754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 45 54 325 636 925 473 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 499 552 653 457 397 26 33 598 112 43 253 334 243 553 553 71 71 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 362 6 8 4 2 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 954 501 576 11 6 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 456 101 64 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Health PHub aza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path Community C ulture Centre Po ce Station Mixed Use Developm ent Li brar y Apar tments Apar tment with Retail Health Hub Community C ulture Centre Pol ice Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent Super market Cour t House PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 4: URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK 4.3. Blocks and Built Form Plan 4.3.1. Building Types and Dimensions There is a diverse range of building types proposed within the precinct area. Building types were chosen with the five design principles in mind as well as street frontage, orientation and proximity to open space and public transport. Pedestrian safety, permeability and accessibility was also key to the decisions made.

• Buildings along Argyle Street are classified under a heritage conservation area. Therefore, building types were chosen to compliment the existing heritage buildings within the precinct, maintaining the existing uses, some with additional storeys above.

Existing Zoning Not show ng public buildi ngs, special p aces or school s 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 B2 Loca Centre Legend 32 Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path Bui lding Hei ghts 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:2500 @ NA3 1 Storey Legend 2 Storeys 4 Storeys Streets Bui lding Hei ghts 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:2500 @ NA3 1 Storey Legend 2 Storeys 4 Storeys Streets Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 4: URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK 4.3. Blocks and Built Form Plan 4.3.2. Building Heights and Subdivisions The height of buildings within the precinct area range between 1-4 storeys to not disrupt the existing character of Moss Vale's town centre. • Mixed-use residential buildings are the tallest buildings in the precinct area being a total of 4 storeys high which includes 3 storeys of residential developments above 1 storey mixed use developments. • Community buildings such as, the library, health hub, court house, police station, and community cultural centre have a maximum of 2 storeys. This helps to distinguish these buildings from the residential mixed-use buildings. 754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 54 152 472 925 3 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 552 307 457 397 26 33 112 43 334 243 553 553 71 71 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 6 6 8 2 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 954 576 1126 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 101 64 594 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Hea th Hub Commun ty C ulture Centre Pol ice Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent Li brar y Apar tments Super market Cour t House Health Hub Community C ulture Centre Pol ice Station M xed Use Developm ent Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path 10 20 18 6 4 16 12 21 15 3 5 17 14 1 19 7 8 2 9 11 13 22ARGYLESTREET VALETTASTREET KIRKHAMSTREET THROSBYSTREET ELIZABETHSTREET CLARENCESTREET

33 PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 4: URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK 4.4. Proposed LEP Mapping Existing Land Zoning Existing Floor Space Ratio Amend Sheet FSR_007A and Sheet FSR_007C Existing Height of Buildings Amend Sheet HOB_007B and Sheet HOB_007D Exist ng Zon ng No show ng pub c bu d ngs spec a p a es o sc oo s 0 100 00 500m ca e 1 500 @ NA3 B2 Lo a Cen e Legend Proposed Land Zoning Proposed Zoning Not show ng pub c bui d ngs spec a p aces or schoo s 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 2500 @ NA3 SP2 In rastructu e Legend B2 Loca Centre B4 M xed Use RE1 Pub c Rec ea on Proposed Zoning Not show ng pub c bu d ngs spec a p aces o schoo s 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 2500 @ NA3 SP2 n as ruc ure Legend B2 Loca Cen e B4 M xed Use RE1 Pub c Recrea on Existing Zoning Not show ng pub c bui d ngs spec a p aces or schoo s 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 2500 @ NA3 B2 Loca Centre Legend Proposed Zon ng No show ng pub c bu d ngs spec a p a es o sc oo s 0 100 00 500m ca e 1 500 @ NA3 SP2 r s uc u e Legend B2 Lo a Cen e B4 M xed Use RE1 Pub c Rec ea on Proposed Zoning Not show ng pub c bu d ngs spec a p aces o schoo s 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 2500 @ NA3 SP2 n as ruc ure Legend B2 Loca Cen e B4 M xed Use RE1 Pub c Recrea on Existing Zoning No show ng pub b d ng spec p ace o schoo s 0 100 200 50 m sc e 1 250 @ NA3 0 7 Legend 1 5 Proposed Floor Space Ratio Proposed Zoning No show ng pub c bu d ngs spec a p aces o schoo s 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 2500 @ NA3 SP2 In rast uc u e Legend B2 Loca Cen re B4 M xed Use RE1 Pub c Rec ea on Proposed Zoning No show ng pub b d ng spec p ace o schoo s 0 100 200 50 m sc e 1 250 @ NA3 0 5 Legend 1 1 2 1 4 1 No FSR Proposed Zoning No show ng pub c bu d ngs spec a p aces o schoo s 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 2500 @ NA3 SP2 In rast uc u e Legend B2 Loca Cen re B4 M xed Use RE1 Pub c Rec ea on Existing Zoning No s ow g p b c bu d ngs pec a p aces o 0 00 200 500m Nsca 7 5m L g nd 8m 10m Proposed Height of Buildings Proposed Zoning No show ng pub c bu d ngs spec a p aces or schoo s 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 2500 @ NA3 SP2 nf as ructure Legend B2 Loca Cent e B4 M xed Use RE1 Pub c Recrea on Proposed Zon ng No s ow g p b c bu d ngs pec a p aces o 0 00 200 500m Nsca 6m L g nd 11m 15m No HOB Proposed Zoning No show ng pub c bu d ngs spec a p aces or schoo s 0 100 200 500m sca e 1 2500 @ NA3 SP2 nf as ructure Legend B2 Loca Cent e B4 M xed Use RE1 Pub c Recrea on Existing Zoning No show ng publ c bu dings, spec 0 100 200 500m 7 5m Legend 8m 10m Existing Zoning Not show ng pub c bu d ngs spec a p aces o schoo s 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1 2500 @ NA3 0 7:1 Legend 1 5:1 Proposed Zoning Not showing pub c bu d ngs spec 0 100 200 500m 6m Legend 11m 15m No HOB Proposed Zoning Not show ng pub c bu d ngs spec a p aces o schoo s 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1 2500 @ NA3 0 5:1 Legend 1 1 2 1 4 1 No FSR B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 15m 15m 15m 15m 15m 11m No HOB 15m 11m 6m 6m 6m 6m 11m 11m 15m 15m 0.7:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 0.7:1 0.7:1 1.5:1 0.7:1 0.7:1 0.7:1 8m 10m 10m 8m 8m 10m 7.5m 8m 8m B4 B4 B4 B4 15m SP2 RE1 15m SP2 B2 B2 SP2 SP2 B4 B4 2.2:1 2.7:1 2.4:1 2:1 1.8:1 0.7:1 No FSR 2:1 0.6:1 0.5:1 0.4:1 0.7:1 0.8:1 2.5:1 2:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 2.3:1 2.6:1

Existing Zoning Not show ng public buildi ngs, special p aces or school s 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 B2 Loca Centre Legend 34 Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path Existing Zoning Not showing public buildi ngs, special places or school s 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Streets Legend Apar tmens Mixed Use Developm ents Cour t House Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Streets Legend Apar tmens Mixed Use Developm ents Cour t House PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 4: URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK 4.5. 3D Views a a a Op n S a e G e S p o p h B k P h l ustra ive M 10 0 5 e e d G e Ope S a 1 1 2 2 Plaza x Green Open Space Green Str p Footpath Bike Path Existing Zoning Not show ng public buildi ngs, special p aces or school s 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Streets Legend Apar tmens Mixed Use Developm ents Cour t House 21 754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 54 152 472 925 3 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 552 307 457 397 26 33 112 43 334 243 553 553 71 71 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 6 6 8 2 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 954 576 1126 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 101 64 594 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Hea th Hub Commun ty C ulture Centre Pol ice Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent Li brar y Apar tments Super market Cour t House Health Hub Community C ulture Centre Pol ice Station M xed Use Developm ent Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path 4.5.1. Section Views 1 2 North-West to South-East section looking North-East South-West to North-East section looking North-West

Existing Zoning Not show ng public buildi ngs, special p aces or school s 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 B2 Loca Centre Legend 35 PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 4: URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK a a a Op n S a e G e S p o p h B k P h l ustra ive M 10 0 5 e e d G e Ope S a 1 2 3 4 454 754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 45 54 325 636 925 473 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 499 552 653 457 397 26 33 598 112 43 253 334 243 553 553 71 71 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 362 6 8 4 2 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 954 501 576 11 6 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 456 101 64 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Health PHub aza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path Community C ulture Centre Po ce Station Mixed Use Developm ent Li brar y Apar tments Apar tment with Retail Health Hub Community C ulture Centre Pol ice Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent Super market Cour t House 454 754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 45 54 325 636 925 473 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 499 552 653 457 397 26 33 598 112 43 253 334 243 553 553 71 71 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 362 6 8 4 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 4 501 576 1126 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 456 101 64 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m sca e: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Hea th PHub laza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path Community C u ture C Pol ice Station Mixed Use Developm L brar y Apar tments Super market Cour t House Health Hub Community C ulture Centre Po ce Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent 454 754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 45 54 325 636 925 473 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 499 552 653 457 397 26 33 598 112 43 253 334 243 553 553 71 71 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 362 6 8 4 2 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 954 501 576 11 6 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 456 101 64 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Health PHub aza x Green Open Space Strip Footpath Bike Path Community C ulture Centre Po ce Station Mixed Use Developm ent Li brar y Apar tments tment with Retail Health Hub Community C ulture Centre Pol ce Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent Super market Cour t House 31 42 4.5. 3D Views 4.5.2. Street Level Views P aza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path Bui lding Hei ghts 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 1 Storey Legend 2 Storeys 4 Storeys Streets 754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 54 152 472 925 3 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 552 307 457 397 26 33 112 43 334 243 553 553 71 71 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 6 6 8 2 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 954 576 1126 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 101 64 594 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Hea th Hub Commun ty C ulture Centre Pol ice Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent Li brar y Apar tments Super market Cour t House Health Hub Community C ulture Centre Pol ice Station M xed Use Developm ent Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path 1 2 North-East Street Level View East Street Level View South-East Street Level View South-West Street Level View 3 4

Existing Zoning Not show ng public buildi ngs, special p aces or school s 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 B2 Loca Centre Legend 36 PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 4: URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK 4.5. 3D Views 4.5.3. Isometric Views Plaza x Green Open Space Green Str p Footpath B ke Path Bui lding Hei ghts 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 1 Storey Legend 2 Storeys 4 Storeys Streets 754 12 19 91 45 45 9 9 54 4 5 54 21 54 01 10 10 54 152 472 925 3 43 64 804 903 854 803 643 552 307 457 397 26 33 112 43 334 243 553 553 71 71 183 173 01 4 324 332 3 321 573 193 10 634 263 456 10 667 773 5511 765 528 9511 391 9921 391 6 6 8 2 2 1305 6 21 23 12 32 954 576 1126 71 277 861 277 961 45 825 439 101 64 594 Block and Bui lding Types 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:2500 @ NA3 Legend Hea th Hub Commun ty C ulture Centre Pol ice Station Mixed Use Deve opm ent Li brar y Apar tments Super market Cour t House Health Hub Community C ulture Centre Pol ice Station M xed Use Developm ent Plaza x Green Open Space Green Strip Footpath Bike Path 21 1 2 North-West Isometric View South-East Isometric View a a a Op n S a e G e S p o p h B k P h l ustra ive M 10 0 5 e e d G e Ope S a 1 2

37 Location: Building Type Subdivision # Footprint Area (sqm) # Storeys Gross Area (sqm) Efficiencies Net Area (sqm) Ave. Dwelling TOTAL YIELD Apartment(RESIDENTIAL)(above retail) 1 979.4 3 2938 72.5% 2130 75 28 Apartment (above retail) 2 1024.1 3 3072 72.5% 2227 75 30 Apartment (above retail) 4 778.0 3 2334 72.5% 1692 75 23 Apartment (above retail) 6 1076.9 3 3231 72.5% 2342 75 31 Apartment (above retail) 7 1024.4 3 3073 72.5% 2228 75 30 Apartment (above retail) 8 1232.6 3 3698 72.5% 2681 75 36 Apartment (above retail) 9 430.6 3 1292 72.5% 936 75 12 Apartment (above retail) 10 768.0 3 2304 72.5% 1670 75 22 Apartment (above retail) 11 740.1 3 2220 72.5% 1610 75 21 Apartment (above retail) 12 643.7 3 1931 72.5% 1400 75 19 Apartment (above retail) 13 591.1 3 1773 72.5% 1286 75 17 Apartment (above retail) 14 2245.8 3 6737 72.5% 4885 75 65 Apartment (above retail) 18 1480.6 3 4442 72.5% 3220 75 43 Apartment (above retail) 21 2556.9 3 7671 72.5% 5561 75 74 452 dwellings Mixed Use (non-res) 1 1343.0 1 1343 80% 1074 Mixed Use (non-res) 2 1024.1 1 1024 80% 819 Mixed Use (non-res) 3 385.3 1 385 80% 308 Mixed Use (non-res) 4 1147.0 1 1147 80% 918 Mixed Use (non-res) 6 1507.6 1 1508 80% 1206 Mixed Use (non-res) 7 1338.0 1 1338 80% 1070 Mixed Use (non-res) 8 1568.0 1 1568 80% 1254 Mixed Use (non-res) 9 1596.6 1 1597 80% 1277 Mixed Use (non-res) 10 1546.6 1 1547 80% 1237 Mixed Use (non-res) 11 1496.9 1 1497 80% 1198 Mixed Use (non-res) 12 1015.8 1 1016 80% 813 Mixed Use (non-res) 13 1302.9 1 1303 80% 1042 Mixed Use (non-res) 14 2245.8 1 2246 80% 1797 Mixed Use (non-res) 18 1480.6 1 1481 80% 1184 (NON RESIDENTIAL) PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 4: URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK 4.6. Yields

38 Apartment (above retail) 7 1024.4 3 3073 72.5% 2228 75 30 Apartment (above retail) 8 1232.6 3 3698 72.5% 2681 75 36 Apartment (above retail) 9 430.6 3 1292 72.5% 936 75 12 Apartment (above retail) 10 768.0 3 2304 72.5% 1670 75 22 Apartment (above retail) 11 740.1 3 2220 72.5% 1610 75 21 Apartment (above retail) 12 643.7 3 1931 72.5% 1400 75 19 Apartment (above retail) 13 591.1 3 1773 72.5% 1286 75 17 Apartment (above retail) 14 2245.8 3 6737 72.5% 4885 75 65 Apartment (above retail) 18 1480.6 3 4442 72.5% 3220 75 43 Apartment (above retail) 21 2556.9 3 7671 72.5% 5561 75 74 452 dwellings Mixed Use (non-res) 1 1343.0 1 1343 80% 1074 Mixed Use (non-res) 2 1024.1 1 1024 80% 819 Mixed Use (non-res) 3 385.3 1 385 80% 308 Mixed Use (non-res) 4 1147.0 1 1147 80% 918 Mixed Use (non-res) 6 1507.6 1 1508 80% 1206 Mixed Use (non-res) 7 1338.0 1 1338 80% 1070 Mixed Use (non-res) 8 1568.0 1 1568 80% 1254 Mixed Use (non-res) 9 1596.6 1 1597 80% 1277 Mixed Use (non-res) 10 1546.6 1 1547 80% 1237 Mixed Use (non-res) 11 1496.9 1 1497 80% 1198 Mixed Use (non-res) 12 1015.8 1 1016 80% 813 Mixed Use (non-res) 13 1302.9 1 1303 80% 1042 Mixed Use (non-res) 14 2245.8 1 2246 80% 1797 Mixed Use (non-res) 18 1480.6 1 1481 80% 1184 Mixed Use (non-res) 19 1859.0 1 1859 80% 1487 Mixed Use (non-res) 20 1859.0 1 1859 80% 1487 Mixed Use (non-res) 21 463.9 1 464 80% 371 Mixed Use (non-res) 22 231.0 1 231 80% 185 1074 sqm of letable space Court House 5 767.4 2 1535 80% 1228 Police Station 16 1518.6 2 3037 80% 2430 Community Cultural Centre 17 1153.3 2 2307 80% 1845 Health Hub 18/19 2790.3 1 2790 80% 2232 Library 22 994.5 2 1989 80% 1591 9326 sqm of public space (PUBLIC + COMMUNITY) (NON RESIDENTIAL) PLAN4002 | 2022 | ELLA YALE | z5259987 CHAPTER 4: URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK 4.6. Yields Location: Building Type Subdivision # Footprint Area (sqm) # Storeys Gross Area (sqm) Efficiencies Net Area (sqm) Ave. Dwelling TOTAL YIELD Apartment(RESIDENTIAL)(above retail) 1 979.4 3 2938 72.5% 2130 75 28 Apartment (above retail) 2 1024.1 3 3072 72.5% 2227 75 30 Apartment (above retail) 4 778.0 3 2334 72.5% 1692 75 23 Apartment (above retail) 6 1076.9 3 3231 72.5% 2342 75 31 Apartment (above retail) 7 1024.4 3 3073 72.5% 2228 75 30 Apartment (above retail) 8 1232.6 3 3698 72.5% 2681 75 36 Apartment (above retail) 9 430.6 3 1292 72.5% 936 75 12 Apartment (above retail) 10 768.0 3 2304 72.5% 1670 75 22 Apartment (above retail) 11 740.1 3 2220 72.5% 1610 75 21 Apartment (above retail) 12 643.7 3 1931 72.5% 1400 75 19 Apartment (above retail) 13 591.1 3 1773 72.5% 1286 75 17 Apartment (above retail) 14 2245.8 3 6737 72.5% 4885 75 65 Apartment (above retail) 18 1480.6 3 4442 72.5% 3220 75 43 Apartment (above retail) 21 2556.9 3 7671 72.5% 5561 75 74 452 dwellings Mixed Use (non-res) 1 1343.0 1 1343 80% 1074 Mixed Use (non-res) 2 1024.1 1 1024 80% 819 Mixed Use (non-res) 3 385.3 1 385 80% 308 Mixed Use (non-res) 4 1147.0 1 1147 80% 918 Mixed Use (non-res) 6 1507.6 1 1508 80% 1206 Mixed Use (non-res) 7 1338.0 1 1338 80% 1070 Mixed Use (non-res) 8 1568.0 1 1568 80% 1254 Mixed Use (non-res) 9 1596.6 1 1597 80% 1277 Mixed Use (non-res) 10 1546.6 1 1547 80% 1237 Mixed Use (non-res) 11 1496.9 1 1497 80% 1198 Mixed Use (non-res) 12 1015.8 1 1016 80% 813 Mixed Use (non-res) 13 1302.9 1 1303 80% 1042 Mixed Use (non-res) 14 2245.8 1 2246 80% 1797 Mixed Use (non-res) 18 1480.6 1 1481 80% 1184 Mixed Use (non-res) 19 1859.0 1 1859 80% 1487 Mixed Use (non-res) 20 1859.0 1 1859 80% 1487 Mixed Use (non-res) 21 463.9 1 464 80% 371 Mixed Use (non-res) 22 231.0 1 231 80% 185 1074 sqm of letable space (NON RESIDENTIAL)

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