Western Sydney Airport CMP

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2 TableofContents 1.EXECUTIVESUMMARY 2.PROJECTCHARTER 2.1PurposeofProjectCharter 22ProjectandProductOverview 23Justification 231BusinessNeed 2.4Scope 2.4.1ProjectObjectives 2.4.2MajorDeliverables 25Duration 251Timeline 252KeyMilestones 26BudgetEstimate 2.6.1FundingSource 2.6.2Estimate 27Assumptions,Constraints,andRisks 28TeamOrganization 281TeamMembers 282TeamRolesandResponsibilities 2.9TeamCommunicationPlan 2.10TeamRiskManagementPlan 3.SCOPEMANAGEMENTPLAN 3.1Introduction 32ScopeStatement 321MajorDeliverables 322AcceptanceCriteria 323ProjectExclusions 3.2.4Constraints 3.2.5Assumptions 3.2.6Milestones 327DependencyLinkage 33WorkBreakdownStructure(WBS) 331Definition 3.3.2WorkBreakdownStructure Level3 3.3.3WorkBreakdownStructureDictionary 3.4VerificationandValidationPlan

3 341VerificationProcess 3.4.2ValidationandApprovalProcess 3.5ScopeMonitoringandControllingProcess 36ScopeCreepManagementPlan 4.PROJECTSCHEDULEMANAGEMENTPLAN 41SchedulingMethodologyandTools 42ActivityIdentificationandEstimateDurationMethods 43ActivitySequencingMethod 44ProjectScheduleBaseline 4.5ProjectMilestonesandTimeline 4.6ListofCriticalPathActivities 47ScheduleControlProcess,ScheduleUpdatesandReportingFormat 5.PROJECTCOSTMANAGEMENTPLAN 51CostEstimationandBudgetDeterminationMethods 52CostBreakdownStructure(CBSuptolevel3) 53Cash flowDiagramandCostBaseline 54CostPerformanceMeasurement(EarnedValueManagement) 5.4.1WesternSydneyAirport Calculation 5.4.2Explanations 5.5CostControlProcessandReportingFormat 6.PROJECTRESOURCEMANAGEMENTPLAN 61ProjectOrganisationalBreakdownStructure(OBS) 62RolesandResponsibilities 63RACIMatrix 64ResourceAcquisitionandReleasePlan 6.5HRcalendarandHistogram 6.6MachineryandEquipmentCalendarandHistogram 6.7StaffInduction 68GroundRules 69TrainingPlan 610PerformanceReviewandAssessment 6.11StaffRecognitionandRewardsPlan 6.12Compliance,Equity,DiversityandInclusion 7.PROJECTPROCUREMENTMANAGEMENTPLAN 7.1ProcurementMethodologies 7.2ProcurementProcessDiagram 73DesignatedResponsibleOrganisation(DRO)LogorPackageList 74HireorBuyAnalysis/MakeorBuyAnalysis

4 75ContractTypeSelection 7.6SourceSelectionCriteria 7.7ProcurementMetrics 78ProcurementControllingProcessandContractAdministration 79ProcurementClosingProcess 8.PROJECTQUALITYMANAGEMENTPLAN 81Introduction 82RolesandResponsibilities 83QualityPlansandStandards 8.3QualityMetrics,Inspection&Checklist 8.4QualityAssuranceProcess 85QualityControlProcess 86QualityTools 9.PROJECTRISKMANAGEMENTPLAN 91RiskManagementMethodology 92RiskBreakdownStructure 93RiskTolerancesandThresholds 9.4DefinitionofProbabilityandImpact 9.5ProbabilityandImpactMatrix 9.6RiskRegister 97RiskResponseandControlProcess 10.PROJECTSTAKEHOLDERMANAGEMENTPLAN 101Introduction 102RolesandResponsibilities 103StakeholderIdentification 10.3.1StakeholderRegister 10.4StakeholderAnalysis 10.4.1CategorizeProjectStakeholders 1042StakeholderEngagementAnalysis 1043StakeholderInterviews 1044MonitorandControlStakeholderEngagement 11.PROJECTCOMMUNICATIONSMANAGEMENTPLAN 111CommunicationRequirements 11.2CommunicationToolsandTechnology 11.3CommunicationMatrix 11.4ProjectInformationManagementSystem(PMIS) 115ProjectPerformanceReportTemplate

5 12.PROJECTCHANGECONTROLMANAGEMENTPLAN 121ChangeManagementProcesses 122ChangeRequestReview 12.3ChangeControlBoard 13.HEALTHSAFETYANDENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENTPLAN 13.1Introduction 13.2HSEPolicyandObjective 133ManagementResponsibility 134LegalandDutyofCareRequirements 135EmployeeOccupationalHealth 136HazardIdentification&RiskManagement 13.7ResourceManagement 13.8Awareness 139ProjectManagement 1310SubcontractorManagement 1311HSEPerformanceMonitoring 1312IncidentManagement 13.12.1IncidentProcedure 13.12.2IncidentReporting 13.12.3NotifiableIncidents 1313ReturntoWork 1314AuditandManagementReview 1315Inspections ConclusionsandRecommendations References

7 1.ExecutiveSummary This document which was prepared by the group 29 development team will detail the construction management plan for the Western Sydney Airport project. The document will detail the project's project charter, scopemanagementplan,schedulemanagementplan,costmanagementplan,resources management plan, procurement management plan, quality management plan, risk management plan, stakeholder management plan, communications management plan, change control process as well as thehealthandsafetymanagementplan.TheobjectiveofthisPMPisto: ● Detailtheprojectsuccessfuloutcome ● Provideprojectobjectives ● Provideareferencefortheprojectteamonhowtodealwitharisingissues ● Identifyprojectconstraints ● Provideinsightonhowpermanencemeasurementwillbeconducted ● Toprovideinsightintothechangecontrolprocess ● Detailtheprojectscheduleandcostbaseline ● Establishhowstakeholderengagementandcommunicationwillconducted ● Provideaframeworkfortheprojectteamonhowtomanageunforeseenrisks. ThePMPisawaitingapprovalfromtheboardofdirectorsandtheprojectsponsor Member Role MrPaulO’Sullivan ChairandNon executiveDirector MrsFionaBalfour Non executiveDirector MrTimEddy Non executiveDirector MrVinceGraham Non executiveDirector MsAntheaHammon Non executiveDirector MsChristineSpring Non executiveDirector MrJohnWeber Non executiveDirector Table1:Boardofdirectorsandtheprojectsponsor Once approved by the board this plan willbecomeaguidelinefortheprojectmanagementteam.This document is subject to change if the project manager submits a change request and it isapprovedby thechangerequestboard.


The intended audience of the Western Sydney International (Nancy Bird Walton) Airport projectcharteristheprojectsponsorandseniorleadership


The Western Sydney International (Nancy Bird Walton) Airport is a greenfield project to be constructed in Badgerys Creek, Sydney, New South Wales (See Figure X.X below). The development willrolloutinastageddeliverybasedonresponsetopassengerdemand,stage1 began in 2018 with the construction of several major facilities,theseinclude;constructionof a passenger terminal, a single runway which is 37km in length, cargo storage facilities, maintenance and ground transport amenities for ground checks/on site services andtransport requirements, as well as car parks and additional infrastructure to support The airport is scheduled to begin operation in mid 2020s (2026) withstage1settoaccommodatetheneeds of up to 10 million passengers annually The eventual growth of aviation will result in increased passenger traffic (roughly 82 million P.A. by 2063) whichissettobesupportedby anadditionalrunway

Figure1.LocationofNancy BirdWaltonInternationalAirport

The Western Sydney International (Nancy Bird Walton) Airport project charter documents and tracks the necessary information required by decisionmaker(s)toapprovetheprojectfor funding. The project charter should include the needs, scope, justification, and resource commitment as well as the project’s sponsor(s)decisiontoproceedornottoproceedwiththe project ItiscreatedduringtheInitiatingPhaseoftheproject

The Western Sydney International (Nancy Bird Walton) Airport is currently one of the most important infrastructure projects occurring in New SouthWales,withabudgetof$5.3billion for the completion of stage 1 The airportisbeingdevelopedbythe‘WesternSydneyAirport Company Ltd,’ with equity provided by the commonwealth The Australian Government is also to behave asanairportregulator Theairportpresentssignificantbenefitstotheeconomy of both Western Sydney and the overarching Greater Sydney regions for the period of 2020 2050 with a net present value of between $92 $156 billion and $157 $256billion for the economies of each area respectively (Economic impact ofaWesternSydneyAirport| DeloitteAustralia|Finance,DeloitteAccessEconomicsreport,2021).

Additionally, the Western Sydney International (Nancy Bird Walton) Airport will be almost double the sizeofKingsfordSmithInternationalAirportandwillfacilitatebothDomesticand International flights to enable improved air traffic routes and facilitate improved passenger traffic. This in tandem with an improved transportation and train network will balance the traffic congestion load currently presented to Kingsford Smith International Airport Additionally, the development willincreasepropertydevelopmentwithintheWesternSydney region which will bolster its economy through increases in investment and employment through the creation of job opportunities.Thus providing both economicalandsocialvalueto the Western Sydney region (Western Sydney International (Nancy Bird Walton) Airport: Overview,nd)


The organisational structure of this project will operate with a board of directors subdivided intospecificdepartments,toimprovetheefficiencyinlinesofcommunication.

The research has displayed that the areas which will experience the greatest long term impact include St Marys,BadgerysCreekandBlacktown,themajorimpactontheseareasbeingnoise pollution due to constant flight traffic whichcannotbeminimisedevenwitha10.5kmdistance between the airport and nearest suburbanresidence(AnairportforWesternSydney,2016),this may over time result in residents moving out of the area or may even result in the closing of businesses which can be detrimental to quality of life and have negative ramifications with regards to the economy of the respective areas as a result of the opening of the airport. Additionally, air quality changes can have a large detriment to quality of life factors,however withimprovementsintechnologyitislikelythatthiswillminimiseovertime


From a purpose standpoint, there is a focus on adaptation of advanced technology, the airport interiors are to be designed by Accenture, with focus on utilising technology to improve the customer experience through use of data analytics, cloud storage and artificial intelligence to improve efficiency, convenience and security. Further to this, it is estimated that by 2063 the population of Sydney is likelytoincreaseby63,000withalargemajorityofthattobebasedin Western Sydney The Western SydneyInternational(Nancy BirdWalton)Airportwillfacilitate domestic and international transit for this increased population and is likely to generate in excessof61,000newjobswithinthearea(AnairportforWesternSydney,2016) Thuscreating majorsocialandeconomicbenefitswithinWesternSydney


There are a plethora ofsocialandeconomicconsiderationswhichhavebeentakenintoaccount which address both the purpose and need for this project From a social standpoint, the long term impacts of the project have been extensively researched, with specific analysis on noise impacts, air quality, traffic, planning and changes tothelandscapetoaccommodatetheairport.

● To improve social prosperity andprovideAustraliancitizenswithgreateropportunity for employment In particular, those Western Sydney residents have a facility that is closer to home and convenient for travel purposes. The current landscape of the Western Sydney region accommodates almost 50% of Sydney’s overall population with an estimated rise in the next decade (Australian Government, 2016) With the current population landscape changing, the demand for job opportunities will continuetoriseinordertomeetthefuturedemand.

12 2.4SCOPE

Sydneywillhavetomeetthedemandofpassengersandtravelpatternsthroughoutthe coming months once restrictions begin to ease It is predicted that a totalof2billion passengers would be unserved if noadditionalinfrastructureisdeveloped(Australian Government,2016)


The construction of theWesternSydneyAirportprovidesameteorologicalfacilitythatsupports a wide range of aviation services, and effective transportation operations; with potential employment opportunities for those communities of Western Sydney There are a range of economical benefits forecasted to result once the airport begins its operations and passengers begin to utilise the final product. The organization's strategic plan is focused on sustaining quality and environmental management, coststrategybenefitsandlegislativeprocessesinorder to design a fully equipped airport that deliversasafeandreliableservicetoitsusers Theclient expectation is widely considered throughout the course of the project lifecycle, with regular communication with local communities and key stakeholders, to ensure the project is shaped aroundtheneedsofthefuture

● The airport will provide the community with wider transportation opportunities and insight into the professional excellence of aviation and airport management operations. As restrictions caused by COVID 19 have affected the tourism rates, Australians can expect freedom of travel through using this brand new service.

The scope outlines the objectives of the construction oftheWesternSydneyAirport,asevident below:

● The airport is a critical asset to providing employment activity in order to sustain economic growth and drive Australia’s gross domestic product The Australian Government has committed up to$5.3billiontoproducetheWesternSydneyAIrport andtoimprovetheeconomicstatusofthenation.

13 2.4.2MajorDeliverables This table highlights the major deliverables that the Airports product andservicemustmeetin ordertosatisfytheprojectobjectives. MajorDeliverable DeliverableDescription EconomicUpturn TheprovisionofemploymentopportunitieswillofferNSWa largeeconomicboostof$175billioninGrossDomesticProduct (AustralianGovernment,2016) TravelandTourism Demands(postCOVID 19) Over30millionpassengersarepredictedtorequirehighlevel servicetransportationannuallyforthenext10years EmploymentTargets Allcommunitysectorsofthestatewillbetargetedandoffereda rangeofworkforceopportunities ThegroupssuchasIndigenous, aviation,disabiled,universitygraduatesandWesternSydney residentsallhavetheopportunitytofulfilmuchneededjobroles offeredbytheairport Thesociallandscapewillbetargetedin ordertomeetallemploymentdemand Table2:MajorDeliverables

14 2.5Duration 2.5.1Timeline Figure2:Timeline 2.5.2KeyMilestones The table below lists the high level Key Milestones of the project and their estimated completiontimeframe KeyMilestones EstimatedCompletionTimeframe Completionoftenderprocessincluding designprocess(andredesign)and remediation. October2017 January2018 Procurementprocedureincluding procurementofequipment,materials, laboretc.. January2018 May2018 Completionofprojectincluding completionofearthworks,construction andallapprovalsforoperationtobegin March2018 February2026 Table3:KeyMilestones



The total capital cost of the Western Sydney Airport project is expected to be around $ 5.3 Billion major capital cost is the Airport works (around (97%), this includes site

preparationandairportinfrastructure 2.7Assumptions,ConstraintsandRisks

of public holidays, rainy days and normal workinghours. 3 There is sufficient


This section identifies initial assumptions that are considered to be true and from which a inclusive demand for the development of a second airport in Western concerning resources, budget and schedule must be


takenintoconsiderationpriortotheinitiationoftheproject. 1 Thecommittedbudgetof$53billionisaconstraintinthedevelopmentbecauseifthe budgetexceedsthisamount,thegovernmentwillbeforcedtoinvestmoreandmay causepotentialscheduledelays. 2. Limitedresourcescandelaytheschedule,whichisalimitationwithincurrent economicconditions,whereworldwidesuppliersmaysufferfromanincreased unemploymenttrend,thereforedelayingmaterialtransport 3. Projectcompletionisscheduledfortheendof2025,wherethetimerestrictionmay causeforadelayedproject,thereforeaffectingthebudget.

15 2.6BudgetEstimate 2.6.1FundingSource

conclusionwasdrawntodefinethisprojectcharter. 1 Theestimatedbudgetincludescontingencyfunds 2 The schedule completion is

Sydney,asthearea’spopulationisgreaterthanthecentralcitydistrict 4. Thedevelopmentisfeasibleintermsofbothbudgetanddesign. 5. Thedevelopmentfollowslegislativepolicies,buildingcodesandrequirements. 2.7.2Constraints This section identifies any limitation


The federal government has committed to investing $53 billion towards the development of this project due to its long duration and completion at the end of 2025, there are assumptions, constraints and risks to be considered as they may have an effect on the governmentbudget

The Australian Government will contribute up to $ 5.3 Billion in equity to construct and operate the Western Sydney Airport The government owned airport will address both economic and social needs in the form of creating more jobs and increasing opportunitiesfor small businesses. The airport will support 28,00 jobs five years after its completion. Once operationsbegintheairportwillalsobeabletofunditselfandfutureworks

considerationssuchascodesandstandards Mitigation:

Risk Mitigation

The table below includes high level risksthatapplytotheproject,andthemitigationstrategies thatshouldbeadopted.

Effects: Promotesfasterdevelopmentopportunitiesandmorecost effective construction. Environmental Issues: The area ofdevelopmentmaybesubjecttoriskssuchasbushfires, which may occur due to materials used within the area such as aviationfuels. The area may also be contaminated with asbestos, pathogens, herbicides, heavy metals and pesticides The site is also at risk of flooding due to its location within close proximity of Badgerys Creek. Mitigation: A management andresponseplanneedstobedevelopedincaseof these risks occurring, as well as giving proper handling and storageofmaterials

16 2.7.3Risks

Strategies on decontaminating the site and disposal of materials need to be implemented to prevent exposure to harmful substances. Installing drainage and stormwater systems can assist in avoiding floodingonsite WHS Issue: Construction sites are prone to injuries and accidents given the materialsandactivitiesthatoccuronsite. Mitigation: SafetyofficersshouldbepresentonsitetopromoteWHS,and investigateworkzonestoensureallworkersarefollowingthe safetyoutline Quality Issue: Employing contractors with a lackofsufficientskillsandignoring

Technological Prospect: Developmentofnewtechnologyorconstructiontechniques

Issues: Changes


Issue: Volatilityinthebusinesscycleandinterestrates Mitigation: Contingencyplansshouldbedevelopedbyanalysingbusiness cyclesandforecastingpotentialeffectsonthedevelopment.

17 Throughensuringawelldevelopedtenderprocess,reputable contractorscanbeselected,aswellasthosethatadheretobuilding codes

Political in government/political parties can affect different Creating a negative environment for the surrounding community, levelrisksandmitigationstrategies

buildingpolicies Mitigation: Itiscrucialtounderstandthepotentialeffectofachangein politicalparties,soastrategicplancanbedevelopedtoprevent theserisks Social Issue:

suchasnoisepollutionwithinresidentialzones Mitigation: Engagingwiththelocalcommunitytoincreasetheirawarenesson thedevelopmentanditsmilestones,whichmayhaveanimpacton them,ispivotalasitcreatesanunderstandingbetweenboth parties Table4:high

18 2.8TeamOrganisation 2.8.1TeamMembers Name Email ClaudiaCirjak z5259078@adunsweduau AnthonyEl Arif Z5254938@ad.unsw.edu.au ConnorMcNamara z5264270@adunsweduau MaysaSasabi Z5254763@ad.unsw.edu.au KyleD’Souza z5256220@adunsweduau 2.8.2TeamRolesandResponsibilities TeamMember Rolesandresponsibility ClaudiaCirjak Tableofcontents,teamcharter,thescope managementplan,Projectprocurement managementplan,documentediting,document design,references,formatting AnthonyEl Arif Tableofcontents,teamcharter,Projectresource managementplan,Projectriskmanagementplan ConnorMcNamara Tableofcontents,teamcharter,Projectschedule managementplan,Projectcostmanagementplan, changerequest MaysaSabsabi Tableofcontents,teamcharter,Projectstakeholder managementplan,Projectcommunications managementplan KyleD’Souza Tableofcontents,teamcharter,Projectquality managementplan,Health,safetyandenvironmental managementplan,Conclusionand recommendations



In every aspect of a project, there are risks The risks that might be present throughout the semester for completing of the activities and what is expected. The risk of time refers to members having jobs or obligations that may conflict with the team’s communication plan or other organised meetings This will be mitigated by discussing the most appropriate time for all team members every week and ensuringeveryoneisabletoattendunlessnotifiedprior Otherwise, to mitigate a lack of understanding of the activities and what is expected, updates will be posted based what was information



Communication management will be vital in ensuring that the major assignment (CPMP) is completed effectively, efficiently and successfully. The particularwaythattheteammembers of this project will communicate is through the utilisation of project teams Through project teams, we will organise weekly sessions that all team members must attend unless there is a reasonable excuse. Through these weekly sessions, we will discuss and continue to work on our project and ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of the activities and their expectations


SIGNOFF: Ihaveparticipatedinthedevelopmentofthischarterandagreetoit. TeamMember(Name) zID Signature Date Claudia Z5259073 CC 14/09/21 Anthony Z5254938 AE 14/09/21 Connor Z5264270 CM 14/09/21 Maysa Z5254763 MS 14/09/21 Kyle z5256220 KD 14/09/21


or changes

from the client, stakeholders and projectteams TheWesternSydneyAirporthasbeenbrokendownintothree packagesasfollows: 1 PackageOne:BulkEarthworksandOtherCivilWorks 2. PackageTwo:BuildingoftheTerminalandAviation Department 3 PackageThree:Constructionofotherfacilitieslikeairportcarparksandexterior buildingfootprints

The Scope Management Plan is the foundation for other management and the project lifecycle. It is critical that the scope the latest information provided

21 3.ScopeManagementPlan 3.1Introduction The Consulting Group has developed the Scope Management Plan to ensure all required works are defined and actioned by WSA Co, thus meeting all project requirements. The collection of project processes will ensure thatworkflowsareclearlycapturedthroughoutthe plan and structured with inputs, tools and outputs Thisscopeplanwillessentiallycrystallize the expectations of the consultant, with deliverables clearly delineated, structured and controlled, to vindicate consistency and compliance of project policies by all management bodies. When defining the project scope, it was critical to cover concepts such as design specifications, budget requirements, resource scheduling, milestone targets, constraints and assumptions. It is through the planning stageoftheWesternSydneyAirportthatdeconstructs thekeycomponentsoftheScopeManagementPlantoidentifythefollowingTable5. ScopeDefinition: The extent of the projectscopethatisdetailedanddescribed,with stakeholders and consultants responsible for collaboration throughoutthewholeprojectlifecycle WorkBreakdown Structure(WBS) Ahierarchicaltechniquethatdividesmainconstructionactivities intosmallertasksforbettermanagementofprojectdeliverables. ScopeValidation The verification that the completed work packages are acceptable andreflectedintheoriginalscopespecification InstrumentsofScope Control Themanagementtoolsinplacetomaintainmonitoringand controllingofconstructionstatusandpreventionofscopecreep. Table5:ScopeComponents


procurement of tender packages throughout the

plan is actively updated as per

22 Furthermore,thecorebasisofscopemanagementistheallocationofrolesandresponsibilities in order for all parties to comprehend their dutywhencarryingoutconstructionworks.Table 6 briefly highlights the roles and responsibilities of the 3 main parties that form the scope managementteamontheWesternSydneyAirport Name Role Responsibility WesternSydneyAirportCoLimited Project Sponsor Provides business context, enterprise and funding capacity to the wider project management team The sponsor initiates and establishes the vision and governance of the airport Krahn and Hartment,2018) ConsultingGroup Claudia Cirjak, Maysa Sabsabi, Kyle Dsouza, Anthony El Arif and Connor McNamara Construction Management Deliver the construction management plan and steer the design and scope development phase Review and report any recommendations or solutions to possiblescopeissues. Aurecon Engineering Identify complexities and fulfil functional objectives of the scope and throughout the entire construction lifecycle There is an interconnection between the components of cost, safety and practicality to achieve the final goods (Engineering Contributors, 2019) Table6:RolesandResponsibility


andreducestherisksthatcausecreepsanddeficienciesinscopeprojection. 3.2.1MajorDeliverables

The following table major of the Western Sydney Airport the project.


in which aims to meet the objectives of

The Project Scope Statement is a primary tool for stakeholders to define who, what, when, where and why the establishment of the Western Sydney Airport will take action.Themain objective of this transport infrastructure remains critical to the Australian economic status, through the investment of $53 billion by the Federal Government to enhance the seamlessness of customer travel experience and expand aviation technology The establishment of the WSA is based on a range of components, such as validation and verification, project assumptions and constraints defined during the project planning and design phase, major deliverables and exclusions This makes up the crucks of the project Scope Statement as well as alleviates the key objectives required to meet scopeexpectations

Thesedeliverablesaredefinedbyairfieldandland construction, further evident in Figure 7highlightingkeyoutputssuchasrunways,taxiareas, terminals,cargos,ancillarysupport,etc Figure7:AirportLayout(AirportPlan)

reflects the


upto90,000m2offloorareaandat leasttwopublicpassengerlevelsfortheAirport

Anaircraftmaintenancefacilitywillbeconstructed,includingaccesstobothairsideandlandside Ground support equipment (GSE) maintenance facilities

communications and power



24 ThemajordeliverablesareillustratedinTable8,howeverarenotlimitedtothefollowing: WESTERNSYDNEYAIRPORT

lengthparalleltaxiway,taxiwaysystemandlanestomaintainprogressive movementandsafetyduringthetransportationofaircraft. Navigation for aircraft



main terminal will cater for both international/domestic terminals,

maintenance workshop structureswithgantrycraneandservicepits; toolandsparestores;andoffices The development of a secure freight precinct with access to aprons and taxiways as well as landside access throughacargoterminalcomplex,storagefacilities,freighthandlingfacilitiesandwarehouses Thedevelopmentofapotablewaterinfrastructuralsystemthatutilised recycledwatertreatmentplantsand provisionfortheuseofnon potablewaterforappropriatepurposes A versatile gas system that offers an expected pressure rating of 210 kPa and could provide up to 57,000 gigajoules(GJ)peryear. Communicationssystemsforalluserswithopticfibrecablethatallowsmobileandlandlinetelephonecoverage, wificoveragethroughtransmittersandacentralisedcommsroomswithintheterminal. Fuelfarmwithacoverageof17,200m2thatprovidesaminimumof81megalitresofpetrol Table8:MajorDeliverables(WesternSydneyAirportCo,2018)



Theconstructionofa3700msinglefull through Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL) that is integrated within the for services such as CCTV, lighting,

pavement surfacebycoringandinstallationofseatingrings. Security fencing, including civil works provisioning

The of through fighting storage and run off control facilities, and a vehicle maintenance Facilities with automatic stations that provided instant data on conditions through a


facility. Meteorology

AVIATIONSUPPORTANDUTILITIES(WesternSydneyAirportCo,2018) will be developed to include



The with

25 3.2.3AcceptanceCriteria The WSA Co Limited must obtain project acceptance by satisfying an assessment criteria prior to commencing any works or construction processes. The criteria to be abided by is summarisedinthebelowfigure9: WESTERNSYDNEYAIRPORT WSA Acceptance and Development Criteria Code of Tendering2016:contractorsandsubcontractorsaretocomplywithBuildingCode Code of Tendering and Performance of Building Work 2016 This ensures that all stakeholding bodies are committed to developing a high quality end product, within the meansofthenegotiatedbudget. Australian Standards: Construction complies with Specification C18 including lightweight construction by providing a wall bounding a corridor, passageway or non fire isolatedrampfortheterminal(TCMSolution,n.d.). Contract Requirements: during the procurement stage, the type of contract binding the contractor and subcontractor depends on the nature of works provided. Both parties must agree to the same clauses within the contract that outlines payment schedules, scope of works,programs,warranties,scheduleofrates,etc Budget: works to be completed by the year 2026 and within the proposed budget of $5.3 billion Certification and Licensing: local authorities have provided approval of works and the principalcontractorhasupdatedcontracts Service: the infrastructure of transport services that offer leisure and employment opportunities. TerminalConstruction: Stage1Developmentwillestablisha3.7kilometrerunwaywithanintegrateddomesticand internationalterminal,tocatertoanestimatedcapacityof10millionpassengersandthe growingcapacityofmorethan80millionpassengersayear(DigitalDataSources, 2016).TheInternationalAirTransportAssociationAirportDevelopmentReferenceManual definesLevelofService(LoS)criteria.The‘Optimum’levelthatWSAshouldachieve aimstominimisewaitingtimesandthespaceperpassengerisacceptable Sustainability The airport is designed to meet the Environmental Impact Statement by specifically including measurable targets for energy andwaterefficiencyandwastemanagementwithin the Environmental Management Plan Under the Act. WSA is responsible for producing a master plan every five years, which will include a detailed environment strategy (Digital DataSources,2016) Figure9:AcceptanceCriteria(WesternSydneyAirportCo,2018)

26 3.2.4ProjectExclusions The construction of the WesternSydneyAirportisdelineatedintothreestages Thefirststage of the development will not include the likes of an expansion as scoped in Stage 2 and 3. Therefore,theactivitiesnotwithinthescopeofStage1include: ● Asecondparallelrunway ● Anewconventionalcentreandcommunityhub ● Theadditionalfeaturestoinfrastructuretoimproveterminalcapacity ● Improvementstofuellinesandconnectionsofundergroundpipelines ● DelaysasaresultofCOVID 19GlobalPandemic ● The expansion of external transportation networks such as railway links toCBDand othermetropolitanandregionalareas. 3.2.5ProjectConstraints The constraints posed to the Western Sydney Airport are those that place limitations on the project schedule, site access and material transportation; with restrictions to the overall projectscopeplan Thelistedconstraintsareevidentbelow,howeverarenotlimitedto: ● The temporary boundary fence that is circulated aroundtheconstructionimpactzone will restrict the access into the construction site Therefore, until the fence is completely secured and placed in the required zone, the Northern Road will have limitedaccess(JNCGroup,n.d.). ● Environmental constraints such as noise, vibration and air pollution that affects the surroundingneighbourhoods TheseelementsshouldbereflectedinanEnvironmental ManagementPlaninordertocomplywithsocialandcommunalexpectations. ● The Australian Standards, Safework NSW and the National Construction Code are legislative requirements expected by authorities WSA Co Limited are limited to the guidelinesandexpectationsoutlinedwithinthesesources ● Local weather conditions can affect soil conditionsduringdemolitionandexcavation causingdelaystoconstructionactivities. ● Changes or adjustments to design as per request of the client or other stakeholder parties ● The development must be delivered within the frame of the projected budget. Any exceedings in budget due to variations or project additions must be approved by the client ● Time constraints caused by site hours as active work hours are limited to 7:00am to 6:00pm on weekdays and 8:00am and 1:00pm on weekends. Heavy dutyworkssuch as blasting and vibration are also limited to within 9am to 5pm including public holidays

Project Assumptions of the Western Sydney Airport are those preconceived events that are predicted to occur during the project lifecycle based on a limited amount of informative resources.

● Stage 1 annual freight is assumed to be approximately 220,000 tonnes meaning at leastfourcargostandpositionsarerequired(CommonwealthofAustralia,2020)

● The aviation layout can cater for underground railways to optimise travel for passengers.

● Theprojectisassumedtobecompletedandoperatedbytheyear2026

● The COVID 19 pandemic will not affect the workflow of the project nor will it impacttheattendanceofworkersontheconstructionsite.


27 3.2.6Assumptions

● Thedemandforpassengerswilldoublefrom40millionto87millionwithina20year timeframe

● Over the next 20 years, passenger aviation services in Sydney will increase from 40 to87millionpassengersperannum,anddoubleagainby2060


● The airport would generate an estimated $246 billion in direct expenditure by 2060 (AustralianGovernment,2016)

● Heavy vehicle movements are estimated to risefrom200vehiclemovementsperday to 400 vehicle movements per day during the main works (Western Sydney Airport Co,2018)

● Throughout the planning stage, it was determined that the Airport would be capable of serving75%ofdomesticand100%ofinternationalpassengersbyaerobridgegates (CommonwealthofAustralia,2020).



The project's key milestones are reflected in Figure 10 highlighting that the project willtake anestimated

The dependency linkage is the link among the Western Sydney Airports terminal elements and highlighted in the Infrastructure NSW Plan The purpose of this is to provide an ease of transportation for passengers to the new airport,ensuringefficiencyandfasterroutesfromall locationsofNSW.

The dependency linkages are guided by the state government throughfundingof$3.6billion dollars, to add the south, northern and east rail link as well as anewlydevelopedconnection to the M12 motorway This will improve the overalltraveltimesfortravellersandreducethe overalltrafficburdenonSydney’smainroadsthatlinktoBadery’sCreek.

28 3.2.7Milestones

29 3.3WorkBreakdownStructure 3.3.1Definition The Western Sydney Airport utilises the Work Breakdown Schedule tool to interconnect scope, cost and schedule baselines to ensure that the project is aligned with client expectations. The Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management Book of Knowledge PMBOK further defines the WBS as an oriented hierarchical decomposition of theworktobeexecutedbytheprojectteam 3.3.2WorkBreakdownStructure-Level3 The WBS is breakdown of the construction activities into smaller tasks and stages to make the lifecycle project easily identifiable and manageable(WorkBreakdownStructure,2020). AthreelevelWBSfortheStage1WesternSydneyAirportisevidentbelow: Figure11:WorkBreakdownStructure Level3ofWesternSydneyAirport(BETCHEL,2018)

30 3.3.3WorkBreakdownStructureDictionary The Work BreakdownStructuredictionaryisaneffectivecounterpartoftheWorkBreakdown Structure above, as it defines each task, activity and deliverable associated with the project (ProjectManager.com, 2021). This visual tool also assists project management teams with conformingtogoverningcomplianceandmeetingtheexpectationsofstakeholders TheWBSdictionaryprovidesdetailsforindividualworkpackagesthatarestatedintheWBS, in order an oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team.AnexampleWorkBreakdownStructureTemplate isevidentbelow. ProjectName:WesternSydneyInternationalAirport Development WorkPackageName:TheEarthworksPackage WBSLevel:Level3 WBSCode:612 KeyMilestones Duedate Descriptionofwork 1Contractorisselectedtoperform terminalbuildingconstruction 01/02/2019 Deliverables:aninformation technologyarchitectureandnetwork system,includingspecialistsystems suchasbuildingmanagementsystem, telecommunicationandradiosystems (WSACo.,2019c). 2ITsysteminstallation 08/10/2019 3Examinationofthesystem 05/05/2020 AssumptionsandConstraints 1 ItisassumedthattheDesignandPerformanceSpecificationdocumentshavealreadybeen approvedbytheseniormanagersandauthorities Activity 1 DevelopmentofadetailedreferencedesignandperformancespecificationsbyWSA’s MasterArchitectandMasterEngineer (WesternSydneyAirport,2019) 2 Deployinnovativetechnologiessuchastheinternetofthings(IoT),datamanagement (analytics),cloudcomputingandsecurity,inordertoenableefficientoperationsand facilitatetherapidandsafemovementofpeopleandgoodsthroughouttheairport (Hewett,2020) TechnicalRequirements 1 Informationsystemtomeetspecifications,designandstandards Acceptancecriteria(Hewett,2020) 1 Thedesignofinformationtechnologyandnetworksystemsshouldillustratehowthe innovationintheplanningcouldbeintegratedwithinthedevelopmentofintelligent infrastructure.

31 2 Thedesignmustbeinstalledinaccordancewiththeprinciplesincluding:safeandsecure, speed,ease,reliability,calmingandentertaining. 3 Aworld leadingairportthatisresponsivetotheneedsoftravelers,usersofairport facilities,employeesandindustrypartnersshouldbedelivered. Comments Figure12:WorkBreakdownStructureTemplateandExample(BETCHEL,2018)

32 3.4ProjectVerificationandValidation 3.4.1TheVerificationProcess The Project Verification Process is determining whether the project complies with the regulations set by authority bodies and stakeholders There must be internal processes implemented to maintain quality results throughout the lifecycle. This process is utilised to ensure that drawings ‘issued for construction’ are free of error Verified documentation must align with client specification and legislative criteria that is presented in the project scope plan The inputs on the verification process include Australian regulations such as Work Health and Safety Act, Contract Requirements and Building Code of Australia aswellasthe internalQualityManagementPlan OtherlegislativeconductsWSACowillabidetoare: a AirportsAct1996 b NationalGreenhouseandEnergyReportingAct2007 c. EnvironmentProtectionandBiodiversityConservationAct1999 The activities that make up the process can be document reviews, regular inspections and desk auditchecks,usuallycompletedbytheproject Figure13.TheVerificationProcess(VerificationProcess,2021)

The Project Validation Process on the otherhanddealswithvalidatingwhethertheprojectis suitable and acceptable to the end user. This process involves the formalisation of project through inputs as the It is critical to ensure that the Western Sydney Airport is meeting the requirement of specifications




33 3.4.2TheValidationProcess

The Figure 14 below outlines a flow

chartofhowtheprojectscopewillbevalidatedtosuittheclientsneeds. Figure14:TheValidationProcess(PMBOK,n.d.)

projectmanagementplan,workperformancedataand requirements traceability matrix


requiredtoensureresultsarecapturedunderarequiredthreshold ● Earned ValueManagementwillfurtherdeterminethedifferencebetweenbaselineand actualperformance. ● RFI system that monitors the request for scope details and monitoring the system so thattheseleadsarebeingrespondedto ● Rectifydocumentationvariationswithinacertaintimeframe 3.6ScopeCreepandChangeManagementPlan The Scope Creep and Change Management Plan

of steps that a project manager can follow

changes indesignorerrorsinshopdrawingsthataremissedduringtheapprovalphase Scope change can have major effects


The Monitoring and controlling the scope on the Western Sydney project a and of can cause and determining what action is is critical to ensure there are no major Oftentimes, there may be on the critical path, budget and the overall capability of will be practises in rather than acting on the deficiency when it arises There are a certain sequence in order

toformallyhandlecreepandwhenfacing thecomplexitiesofmajorchangesinscopethroughouttheWesternSydneyAirportproject. 1. ImplementaChangeRequestForm:thiswillbeadocumentthatinitiateschanges andwillgothroughareviewandapprovalstagebytheclientandmaincontractor 2 Judgment:Makejustifiedjudgmentsastowhychangesareoccurring 3 Lessonslearnt:Evaluatethelessonslearntonsimilaraviationprojectsandminimize theriskofcreepoccurring. 4. ClearScopeDefinition:ensurethatscopeisclearlydefinedthroughouttheplanning stagewithproactivereviewersandalldisciplinesreadilyavailabletosubmitrevised plans

variations andmajorchangesintheschedule Some techniques utilised to monitor and control project scope elements effectively and regularlyare: ● Comparing baseline results to the current period

rectifying any differences between construction progress andbudgetwithcontractdocumentation.Thefundamentaltoolsutilised by the project manager ensures the mitigation

variations between the proposed scope of work and deliverables.

major undertaking of data observation, comparing

34 3.5ProjectMonitoringandControllingSystem

unforeseen risks that


meeting the proposed key milestones. There

placetopreventinstancesof scope creep

areillustratedbelow.(BernieRoseke,2018) Figure15DevelopSchedule(BernieRoseke,2018)

The project schedulemanagementplan(SMP)establishestheprocessoforganisingaprojectbasedon the project scheduling. The plan depicts the methodologies to be used for the project. This involves deciding the most suitable scheduling technique for the project, identifying project activities, estimating task duration, sequencing and establishing relationships between activities Quantitiesand prices of materials are also analysed to help provide an accurate estimation on project duration. Without the SMP the project will have no estimated duration and have a delayed completition The inputs, tools & techniques, and the outputs of project schedule management (according to PMBOK)


37 4.1SchedulingMethodologyandTools Usingtherightschedulemethodologyisextremelyimportantforaproject'ssuccess Schedulingwillillustratetheproject'svisioninatimebasedplan Havingaplanhelpskeep resourcesorganisedandallowsfortaskstobecompletedsimultaneously TheWesternsydneyairportprojecthasadoptedseveralschedulingtoolsandmethodologies including: 1 Ganttchart 2 Criticalpathmethod 4.1.1GanttChart UsingaGanntchartmethodallowstheprojectteamtoseeindividualtasksintermsofstart andfinishdatesaswellasactivityduration Thisallowstheteamtobeabletotrackproject progressionthroughouttheproject Figure16:GanntChart(ganttchart,WSA) Based on Figure 16 the team can utilize it to identify whether any activities are behind schedule The chart allows the teamtobeabletoseeanyissueswiththeproject,theteamcan thenimplementstrategiestostopfurtherdelayandorissues.Theganttchartalsoletstheteam see which activities are being completed simultaneously which reduces the likelihood of activities clashing With proper scheduling the project will run efficiently and be completed on time The chart is also a good tool for the client so they can understand the project's progressionandseetheprojectedhandoverdate.

used to illustrate the project's critical path The

it delays the project delivery date. This means ifthecriticalpathisdelayedtheprojectenddate willalsobedelayed Figure17(TheUltimateGuidetotheCriticalPathMethod(CPM)|Smartsheet,2017) Figure 17 illustrates an example of the critical path fortheWesternSydneyproject.Oncethe project team knows the critical path and are aware of the project constraints they can ensure that the critical path will not be delayed by implementingstrategies Withlargeprojectslike the Western Sydney Airport generally the CPM can get complicated which is why the gantt chartwillbetheteamsprimarytool. 4.2ListofCriticalPathActivities BelowisthecriticalpathfortheWSA. (AnnualReport2019,2019) ● EarlyEarthworks ● Sitepreparation(includesfencing,siteoffices,temporaryservices) ● Trafficcontrolplan ● Vehiclemovementplan ● Siteaccommodationconstruction ● Bulkexcavation ● Pavementforrunway ● Airsideroadwaysconstructed ● Aviationsupportfacilities ● Passengerterminalconstitution ● Projectcommissioningandtesting ● Projectcompletion

38 4.1.2Criticalpathmethod

longest path without a float A float is

activity sequence with


Once the gantt chart is completed the critical path method can be constructed The CPM is critical is an the the amount of a activity can be late before


Three point estimating: Three point estimating uses three separate estimates to calculate the average duration of an activity. The three estimates will come from the company's historic records, expert judgement as well as published estimating data from organisations such as Rawlinsons Australian Construction Handbook This methodisextremelyaccuratecomparedtosinglepointestimationmethodslikeexpert judgement and analogous. The method is popular as it can take into account the likelihood of negative events occurring and their effects on activity duration (Three Point Estimating and PERT Distribution (Cost & Time Estimation)

Bottom up and three point estimating will be the primary methods used for the Western SydneyAirportprojectastheyareaccurateandareoptimalforlargeprojects.

Bottom up Estimating: Bottom up estimating is utilized to reduce the complexities involved in each individual activity involved Bottom up estimating consists of dissecting each task into more manageable components and developing a schedule This method is extremely suitable for the Western Sydney Airport project as it reducesthecomplexityofestimatingduration

Project Management.info,2015)


There are a range ofdifferentmethodstoaccuratelyestimatethedurationofactivities forthe



Theseinclude: Expert Judgment: Expert judgement is a technique in which thedecisionsthatmay be made in the project will be based on a set of criteria orexpertisecollectedfroma specificindustryorknowledgefrompastexperience

Activity identification allows the team to construct a consistentguidefortheschedulingand planning process throughout the Western Sydney Airport Project.. This process requires the experience of scheduling planners, government bodies, stakeholders, and the construction management team including site engineers, procurement leaders, and safetycoordinatorsand quality assurance representatives. The schedule planner will conduct analysis on task identification, this will be conducted with help from the WBS and management plans From the information derived from these documents a list of activities will be constructed Using this listthe plannerandprojectmanagerwillcreatemanageableworkpackageswhichconsist of several similar activities. These packages will also contain relevant information on activities and schedules Once all project activities have been identified their durations must becalculated

Estimating activity duration is the process of estimating the amount of working periods needed to complete a specific activity Theassociatedworksarereviewedinaccordancewith budgetandtimeconstraintstodetermineitsduration





Using the illustrates activities as nodes. These nodes the relationship between each other this method will allow important details oftheWSAprojectactivitiesto Different dependencies and relationships in a precedence diagram include: (PDM Precedence Diagramming Method [FS, FF, SS, SF] (+ Example) Project Management.info, Finish to Start (FS): A later activity that is dependent on a previous activity's completion. Finish to Finish (FF): A taskthatcanonlybecompletedonce anothertaskhasbeen completed. Start to Start (SS): A successor activity cannot begin before its predecessor has started Start to Finish (SF): A successor activity cannot be completed until the previous activityhasstarted An example of how the dependencies will be illustrated for the Western Sydney Airport projectisillustratedinFigure18


Activity sequence method is the process of determining the best order in which activities should begin and end. This is determined by analysing the relationship between activities

witharrows Sequencing through

The internal mandatory and discretionary dependencies within the Western Sydney Airport project need to be identified, as mandatory dependenciesarelegallyorcontractuallyrequired and discretionary dependencies can be completed in a chosen order External mandatory and discretionary dependencies also need to be identified so the precedence diagramming can be used.

criticalpathmethod,theprecedencediagramcanbeutilized.Thediagramisachart that

40 4.4ActivitySequencingMethod

41 Figure18: PrecedenceDiagrammingMethod(Project Managementinfo,2017) The diagram allows the team to identify the project critical path and activity dependencies This will be used to determine the sequence of activities, which activities can be completed simultaneouslyaswellastodetermineleadandlags.

42 4.4.2LeadandLagIndicators Leads are the amount of time a successor activity can proceed before predecessor activity is affected. While lags are the amount of time a successor activity is required to wait before affecting predecessoractivity These indicators are vital in the development of the WSA program as they can affect the project’s schedule efficiency for the better or worse It allows the project to have no wasted time and allows for an earlier project completion Figure 19 shows what the Precedence di l k lik i hl d dl i di

a level3schedulewillbeused.Alevel3scheduleusesthe WBS, detailed activity sequencing


Western Sydney Airport

43 4.5ProjectScheduleBaseline(Uptolevel3)

unforeseen risks

The project The schedule is important as it will always be looked at to measure project progression. the project as well as accurate activity estimates The schedule baseline has be carefully develop, it can be seen in

constraints and risksincludeweather,availabilitywindowsaswellaspermitsand licensing.

Once activity duration and sequence have been established the schedule baseline can be developed. The schedule baseline is the approved plan for the execution of the project. The baseline will consider the likelihood and effects of project constraints and



Figure 20 Figure20:ScheduleBaseline(WesternSydneyAirportScheduleBaseline)

44 4.6ProjectMilestonesandTimeline Project milestones are the completion of large work packages which were created in the activityidentificationstage.Keymilestonedatesandtheprojecttimelinecanbeseenbelow. Milestone EstimatedTimeframe PreparatoryActivities 2018 2026 EarlyEarthworks September2018 December2019 VisitorCentreandSiteAccommodation November2018 June2019 MaterialImportationandStockpiling December2018 November2022 BulkEarthworksandDrainageP1 A September2019 June2022 BulkEarthworksandDrainageP1 B August2020 August2025 RunwayPavement/AirsideCivilP1 C January2022 August2023 PassengerTerminalP2 December2022 December2025 LandsideCivilandBuildingP3 February2023 september2025 ProjectCompletionP3 2026

45 4.6.1ProjectTimeline Figure21:ProjectTimeline(Lee,2018) 4.7 Schedule Control Process, Schedule Updates and Reporting Format Controlling the schedule isanextremelyimportantprocesswithinschedulemanagement.Itis the process of monitoring project progression, updating the schedule and managing changes to the schedule baseline Thescheduleneedstobemonitoredsoanydeviationstotheoriginal schedule can be detected. Once the project deviates from its original schedule it can lead to wastingresourcesandadelayedcompletiontime.Controlsneedtobeimplementedtoprevent andcorrectanydeviationstotheschedule Theprocessofschedulecontrolincludes: ● Monitoringprojectprogressioninaccordancewiththeprojectschedule ● Implementcontrolstopreventschedulechanges ● Determiningwhethertheprojectschedulehaschanged ● Managetheevidentchanges

The progress measurement system refers to reporting the progress of a task, activity or project. In relation to the Western Sydney Airport, the system that willbeusedtocontrolthe progress will be through site logs (daily) and weekly progress reports The daily site logs would be crucial in identifying the work packages that have been completed andwhichones are yet to be completed. The data collected by the logs would be able to be placed into a project progress measurement software like Microsoft project This software also allows for performance to be measured through the method of Earned Value Management (EVM) At this point, determining if the project schedule has changed is possible from the results extracted from the schedule analysis techniques. The schedule's status can be visualised through the utilisation ofaprogresscurvesuchasaProjectS Curve,asthisisplacedoverthe baseline schedule


PlannedValue Theplannedcostoftheschedule EarnedValue Thepercentageofprogressionagainst


earnedvaluefromtheplannedvalue Schedule Performance Index A ratio

Other key indicators that will be used to measure project progression within the Western SydneyAirportinclude: thetotalbudget performance that is calculated by subtracting the that is calculated with the value and


The project s curve is used to compare the project schedule and actual progress progression.Whenalargedeviationbetweenthetwoispresenttheremustbechange to bring the project back on track The curve is alwaysupdatedwiththeschedulewhenthere are any changes to the project schedule (Earned Value Management: EVM Basics | EcoSys, 2017)

Schedule Variance A



47 4.7.2Reportschedule TheTablebelowisthereportschedulethatwillbeusedfortheWesternSydneyAirport ProgressReport Objective Daily Recordsthedaytodayprogressionoftheproject Weekly To summarise the week's progression. This report will be used for meetings with the project team as it helps the team decide on schedule control strategies This report is completed by the projectmanager Monthly The monthly report looks at the month's progression This will be sent to the client and the community It is also utilised for progressclaims Yearly This yearly reportdetailstheprogresswithintheyearaswellas financialsandrisks Thisinformationisreleasedtothepublicto increasecommunityengagement. 4.7.3Schedulecontrolthreshold Schedule control threshold is the amount of variance between project progression and the project schedule before schedule updates need to be made The main tool used during this process is the Schedule Performance Index (EV/PV) If the western Sydney Airport’s SPI is beyond the threshold, actions will need tobemade.TheSPIthresholdfortheWSAisseenin thetablebelow SPI ProjectProgress 0.95to1.05 Theprojectisprogressingasplanned 0.9to0.95,1.05to1.1 Regularmonitoringisrequired Below0.9,Above1.1 Changecontrolsmustbeimplemented

48 4.7.4Scheduleupdatesprocess From the results of the progress reports the schedule baseline may need to be updated especially with a largeandcomplexprojectliketheWSA.Notupdatingtheschedulewillend in large delays, an increase in wasted resources as well as increased costs If the baseline schedule was to have variances to the project progression, theissuewillbeidentifiedandthe project manager notified. Depending how bigtherequiredchangeisthechangecontrolboard will have to giveapproval Oncegivenapprovaltheprojectmanagerwillimplementschedule control strategies to reduce the impact of the variance This will also lead to a new updated schedule andcreatea newtimeframe.Scheduleupdatescanalsobereasonablefortheproject tobegreatlyshortenedandreducecostsandwastedresources.

50 5.PROJECTCOSTMANAGEMENTPLAN Project cost management is theprocessofestimating,budgeting,financing,controllingandmanaging costs for the project. The Australian government is investing $ 5.3 billion worth ofequitytodeliver the Western Sydney Airport. With a budget this large cost management has to be completed in great detailtoensuretheprojectisdeliveredonbudget Financialsnapshot(asofJune30th2020)(AnnualReport2020,2020) 2020($000) 2019($000) 2018($000) Sitepreparation 257,459 171,266 211,823 DesignandProject Management 20,121 17,025 19,902 Decontamination 36,982 20,416 25,144 EmployeeBenefit 24,043 21,286 6,036 Other 25,740 22,890 17,636 Total 364,345 252,883 280,540 InterestIncome (893) (892) (573) OperationalLoss 363,452 251,991 279,967 Capitalexpenditure 145,749 32,526 3,835

andquickestimation.Thismethodisusedatthestartoftheprojectlifecycle. Three pointestimating:Threepointestimatingusesdatafromthreeseparatesources to provideanaverageestimation Thedataissourcedfromhistoricalrecords,industry standards, and

project, this includes materialsandlabour.Whileanindirectcostincludesunrelatedcostslike taxes Theaccuracyofanestimationwillincreasethroughouttheprojectlifecycle ThemethodsusedtoestimateprojectcostfortheWesternSydneyAirportinclude: Analogous estimation (top-down):

51 5.1CostEstimationandBudgetDeterminationMethods

Cost estimation is the process of calculating the expected costofcompletingtheproject.The estimated cost will consider project risks, inflation allowance and cost of financing to ensure the most accurate estimation is achieved The calculation willalsoincludebothdirect the project A direct cost is directly related to the production ofthe This estimation method uses historical records similar projects the team has completed previously This will provide a cheap published data. This is an accurate method as it will consider more This method is used throughout theprojectlifecycle will be used in accordance with the bottom up method (Three Point Estimating Project Management.info,2015) Bottom up estimating is utilized to reduce the complexities involved in each individual activity involved Bottom up estimating consists of dissecting each task into more manageable components and developing a schedule. This method is extremely suitable for the Western Sydney Airport project as it



Bottom-up Estimating:



and indirect costs within


variables and use more sources

52 5.1.1BudgetDetermination Determiningthebudgetistheprocessofaggregatingthecostestimationaswellascalculating management reserves. Management reserves are a contingency whichisanamountofmoney set aside at thestartoftheprojectforunforeseenwork Thereserveiscalculatedbyanalysing the impact unforeseen projectriskswillhaveonthefinalcostoftheproject Thisiscomputed through the use of historical data (lessons learned) and teamexperience(Rowley,2013).The reserve is generally presented as a percentage The project budget willbethesumofthecost baselineandthemanagementreserves Usingthesemethodsinconjunctionwitheachother,itisestimatedthatthecostofstageone oftheWesternSydneyProjectcost$53Billion Figure21:ProjectBudget(Rowley,2013)

Thecostbreakdownstructureisahighlydetaileddiagramthatbreaksdowntheestimatedcost of the project into work packages. This is accomplished by using the WBS as well as the bottom up method It allows the project team to monitorcostthroughouttheprojectlifecycle and detectanycostvariations




Thisensureschangecontrolstrategiesareimplementedassoon as a cost based issue arises.Belowisthelevel3CBSfortheWesternSydneyAirportproject.

The airport project has been separated into 9 work packages for the CBS: runway, apron surfaces, car parks, landing aid, international terminal, domestic terminal, capital costs, contingency reserves, as well as projectmanagementanddesign.(ECONOMICIMPACTOF




54 5.4CostBaseline

The cost baseline is a cumulative time phased cost schedule. The baseline is utilised to measure, monitor and control the cost performance of a project. It can also be used to compare the actualcoststotheplannedbudgettoseewhethertheprojectwillbeon,ahead,or underbudget

The cost baseline for the WSA was created by connecting the project schedule to thecostof each activity, this was done by using a bottomupapproach Therefore,anestimatedcostwas calculated for each stage of the project life cycle. Cost estimates for the planninganddesign phase of the project lifecycle are always subject to change due the constant changing of the project scope To reduce the risk of this occurring, all budgeting must consider the time scheduleandunforeseenrisks

55 5.4CostPerformanceMeasurement Cost performance measurement is the process of measuring the project's performance in regards to costs, budget and schedule. The performance is measured by comparing the costs and the project progression This can indicate how much the project is worth and how efficient finances have been used With large projects like the WSA performance measurement isextremelyimportantinidentifyingissuesandensuringthesuccessfuldelivery of the project The formulas and performancement measurements used for the WSA are illustratedbelow Measurement Formula/Objective EarnedValue (EV) Istheamountthecompletedworkisvalued ActualCost(AC) Theactualcostoftheworkcompleted PlannedValue (PV) Istheestimatedvalueoftheworkthatstillneedstobecompleted Schedule Variance(SV) SV:EV PV ScheduleVarianceindicateswhethertheprojectison,aheadorbehind schedule CostVariance (CV) CV:EV AC CostVarianceindicateswhethertheprojectisahead,behindoron budget Cost Performance Index(CPI) CPI:EV/AV CostPerformanceIndexmeasuresthebudgetintheformofaratio

56 Budgetat Completion (BAC) Totalbudgetfortheproject EAC:Estimate atCompletion EAC:BAC/CPI Thismeasuresforecastedfinalcostoftheprojectbasedonits performanceuptoitscurrentstage VAC:Variance atCompletion VAC:VAC EAC Indicatethedifferencebetweenoriginalplannedvalueandthenew estimateatcompletion ETC:Estimate toCompletion ETC:EAC-AC Figure24:CostPerformanceFormula(EarnedValueManagement:Basics|EcoSys,2017) Theperformancemeasuresabovewillbeusedthroughoutthewholeprojectlifecycleto ensuretheprojectdoesnotgooverbudget 5.5 WesternSydneyAirport-Calculation Usingtheinformationfromthe financialsnapshot,costbaseline,andcashflowstatement theseformulascanbecalculatedfortheWSAproject 5.5.1Actualcost (AsofJune30th2020) = TotalIncurredcosts (280,540 +363,452+3,835 573)+(252,883+251,991+32,526 892)+(364,345+ 145,749+279,967 893) =1972930x1000 =$1,972,930,000

57 5.5.2Earnedvalue AsofJune30ththeWesternSydneyAirportis3yearsintoits8yearschedulewhichmeansit isat375%completion Furthermorethebudgetatcompletionis$5,300,000,000 Thismeans theEarnedvalueis$1,987,500,000 5.5.3Plannedvalue =Thevalueofworkstillneededtobecompleted =1 0375x100 =625%x53billion =$3,331,250,000 5.5.4CostVariance =EV AC = 1,987,500,000 1,972,930,000 =14,570,000 5.5.5CostperformanceIndex = EV/AC =1,987,500,000/1,972,930,000 =10073 5.5.6Estimateatcompletion = BAC/CPI =5,300,000,000/10073 =$5,261,590,390

58 5.6Analysis Costvariance The Cost variance as of June 30th 2020 is $ 14,570,000 This is an extremely promising figure as it indicates thattheprojectisslightlyunderbudget.HavingapositiveCVmeansthe projectisunderbudgetandnoactionsarerequired Costperformanceindex The Western Sydney Airport project has a CPI of 10073, This indicates that the project has been efficient with its finances and is on track to meeting its budget Noactionsarerequired basedonthisratioasseeninfigure25 CPI Action 105to095 ● Progressisgood ● Noactionrequired 106to120,096to080 ● Projectisnotontrack ● Monitorclosely >120,<08 ● Projectisnotperformingwell ● Correctiveactionsareneeded immediately Figure25:CostPerformanceIndicators(EarnedValueManagement:Basics|EcoSys,2017) Estimateatcompletion The EAC for the westernSydneyAirportprojectisat$5,261,590,390 Thisindicatesthatthe project is on track tobedelivered$40,000,00underitsoriginal$5,300,000,000budget This is extremely promising when considering how large and complex the WSA projectis.Italso meansthecostbaselinedoesn'tneedtobeupdated

Thecostchangecontrolprocess fortheWSAisasfollows:

59 5.5CostChangeControlProcess

● Validate the change by analysing why and how it is occurring. The change request boardwillusethisinformationtoeitherapproveorrejectthechangerequest.

● The board will conduct a meeting to determine whether thechangeistobeapproved or rejected For the change to be approved or rejected a majority vote must occur If the board is left un satisfied they may request more information from the project manager.

● Determine the impact the change will have on the cost/ budget of the project, will it save orcostmoney Theboardwillreviewthisinfoto seewhetheritisfeasibletothe project budget to implement the change request. The chief finance officer will also provideinsighttowhetheritisfeasible.

● If approved, the change request plan will be implemented into the project to control the cost variation. All change requests are documented into the change register so they can be tracked and their impacts analysed If the change request is rejected the project manager can resubmit with more information until the change isapprovedor theissueisnotevidentanymore

● First the change has to be identified as well as which area of the cost baseline it is affecting The change is identified by conducting performance management Once this has occurred a change request form must be documented and submitted to the change request board The form will outline the characteristics of the changeaswell asaplantocounteractit

61 6.PROJECTRESOURCEMANAGEMENTPLAN 6.1ProjectOrganisationalBreakdownStructure(OBS) Figure26:OrganisationalBreakdownStructure

62 6.2RolesandResponsibilities Role Responsibility Skill Projectdirector ● Monitorproject progressioninregards tocostandtime ● Overseeproject managers ● Ensuringallpermits havebeenobtained ● Managerisks ● Meetingwithclients andstakeholders ● Leadership ● Monitoring ● Clearcommunication ● Effectivedelegation Projectmanager ● Staffcoordination ● Manageproject progression ● Developproject schedule ● Ensuringtheproject meetsthedeadlines ● Overseeingproject documentation ● Overseethetendering process ● Leadership ● Delegation ● Scheduling Siteengineer ● Planningand managingallonsite activities ● Setprojectboundaries ● Ensuringallsafety measuresarebeing usedonsite ● Overseethedeliveryof materials ● Planningand scheduling ● Monitoring Contractadministrator ● Ensureconstructionis compliantwiththe companiespolicies ● Prepareconstruction reportsand presentations ● Manageallcontractual changesaswellas disputeresolution ● Ensurethecontractual agreementsarebeing fulfilled ● EnsureDA,CCandOC areallachieved ● Procuredocuments ● Understanding contracts ● Clearcommunication

63 Humanresources manager ● DevelopaHR managementplan ● Increase management/employee relationships ● Recruitmentofstaff ● Staffinduction ● Createahealthy workplaceculture ● Employeeappraisal ● Emotionalintelligence ● Clearcommunication 6.3RACIMatrix TheconstructionoftheWesternSydneyAirportwillbeanextensiveprojectthatrequiresagreat amountofresourceandriskmanagementthroughoutitsentireprocess.Thisprocesswillinclude bothinputfromexternalandinternaltradessuchasEngineers,ProjectManagersandConsultants andmayhavevariousroleswithineachstageofconstruction Inordertoensurethateachstageof theprojectisappropriatelymanaged,Completedsuccessfullyanddivertingunforeseenrisks,a RACImatrixwillbedevelopedandprovidedfortheprojectinordertoallowforallpersonnelto understandwhatneedstohappenineverytaskforeachstakeholder Thematrixdevelopedforthe projectwillincludefourcategoriesbelow: 1. Responsible: This refers to a stakeholder who is responsible foraparticularstageof theproject,generallyreferringtopersonalsthatarticulatecontroloftasksandrisks 2. Accountable: This refers to a stakeholder who is accountable for the work being delivered to complete the task Such as the project manager having to authorise specific risks to a risk manager to ensure that they are controlled before the next phaseofdevelopment 3 Consulted: This refers to a stakeholder that needs to be consulted on the task This will include all personalandstakeholdersinvolvedintheprojectbothholisticallyand inspecifictasks 4. Informed: Once a task has been finalised or a risk has been controlled, certain stakeholdersmustbeinformed Thisiscompletedthroughtheaccountablepersonalof that particular task to consolidate and provide alltherelevantinformationandresults tothenecessaryconsultants

64 Client PM SM OHS DES Creationofproject scope,budgetand feasibility R/A I Projectdesign (Consultandaward) R/A C/I C R/A OrganiseTender (Oversee&Award Subcontractors) I C/I C Consolidateand Managemain Site/worksprogress I R/A R/A R/A QualityManagement I R/A R/A R/A Documentcontrol I R/A I Riskmanagement I R/A R/A R/A R=Responsible,A=Accountable,C=Consulted,I=Informed PM:ProjectManagement OHS:Occupational,HealthandSafetyOperational SM:SiteManager DES:DesignManager Figure27:RACIMatrix

Transitioning to other projects means that the project manager will assign the departingstaff their new responsibilities, and HR management will assist in the smooth transition. The transitioning staff may require additional training tosupportthenewresponsibilities,anditis likelythatthetransitionwilltake1 2weeks

ThestaffacquisitionandreleaseplanispartoftheHumanResourceManagementPlan,where staff acquisition is the process of gatheringhumanresourcesneededtohelpacompanyattain its goals and complete a project. The acquisition process can be completed internally or externally, where employees can be recruited through human resource agencies The WSA project highlights a focus on corporate structure and the need for resources to deliver key project milestones. Constant reviewals of the human resources on the project are required, because as the project matures and transitions through design and construction phases, the workforce will need change to ensure capabilities and expertise arealignedwiththeproject's goals.

During the WSA project, once each phase comes toaclose,staffwillbetransitionedtoother projects,orwillbereplacedastheircontractsarecomplete

WSA is recruiting at least 30% of its employees from Western Sydney suburbs during the construction phase, and at least 50% as it leads into operation in 2026, therefore seeking to generate 11 000 jobs during construction, and 28 000 jobsduringoperation.TheWSAboard consists of the Chief Executive Officer, other officers, managers and advisors as presented below

The staff release plan determinesthemethodandtimingofreleasingemployeestobenefitthe project and the employees themselves This plan assists in creating a smooth transition to upcoming projects and therefore increasing staffmoraleandmitigatinghumanresourcerisks.



The Western Sydney Airport Annual Report, 2020 outlines that a critical review of the expertise needed for the future oftheprojectwasundertaken,thusensuringthesuccessofthe project as it transitions into its construction phase The long term success and commercial viabilityoftheorganisationhasalsobeenevaluated,asitleadsintoitsoperationphase


66 Replacement of staff is undertaken by HR management, and any staff requirements will be addressed by them. Staff maybereplacedbyotherresourcesortheirworkloadmaybeshared byotherstaff 6.5HRcalendarandHistogram The Western Sydney Airport Human Resource calendar identifies all the activities that involve Human Resourcesandtherangeofresourcesanddurationssequencilythroughoutthe year The Human Resources Planning Calendar represents the information relating to human resource matter, in this case, the staff are shown in annual blocks,providinginformationand outlineforthenumberofrequiredstaffmembersintheseperspectiveyears Figure29:HumanResourceHistogram(HumanresourceHistogram)

67 6.6MachineryandEquipmentCalendarandHistogram The Machinery and Equipment Resource Histogram derives the resources needed and available at a specific point in time.The histogram with thex axisshowingtheyears,andthe number of resources on the y axis, and this form of demonstration can show easy understanding of resources availability, as well as planning for resource levelling and smoothing Figure30:MachineryandEquipmentHistogram(MachineryandEquipmentHistogram) 6.7StaffInduction The process of construction frequently induces the factor of risk ontothoseconductingit To mitigate the impact of said risks, it is required that all employees are inducted andtrainedto preventanyinjuryoraccidentfromoccurring According to the National Code of Practice there are 3 different types of OHS induction training methods (National code of practice for induction for construction work, 2021) These are: GeneralInduction: ● Informedofcommonhazardsandrisks ● Taughtthebasicprinciplesofriskmanagement ● Informedofrightsandresponsibilitiesaccordingtothelaw ● InformedofrequirementsbasedoffOHSlaws ● Expectationsandstandardsaresetintermsofbehaviourforallstakeholders

68 SiteInduction: ● Site orientation, this will involve access and exitpointssuchasfireexit,first ai,amenitiesetc… ● Informsafetyproceduresandrulesthataresitespecific ● Evacuation,emergencyandincident/accidentprocesses ● Inform of hazards and risk control measures that are site specificandrelated totheirworks. TaskspecificInduction: ● Provide information in regards to risk factors and control measures for specificconstructionactivities ● Informed of the risks, hazards and dangers for specific types of works/activitiesintheproject ● Informedofsafeworkmethods ● Provided information on code of practices, standards, regulations and legal liabilities 6.8GroundRules Ground rules refers to a tool that is implemented by the project team in the project's early stages This tool will lead to a positive and efficient working environment as it willimprove the team members' relationship This is due to the tool allowing for better communication between the members, as this will directly impact the project's quality, cost and time performance.Thegroundruleswillbementionedanddefinedbelow: ProjectMeeting Project meetings refer to organised gatherings by the team leader that will include an exchange of information in order to discuss and/or solve issues that have arised These meetings will ultimately support the relationship between team members and improve team morale. ● Attendthewholemeetingunlessthereisanapprovedcircumstance/emergency ● Attendthemeetingandspeakprofessionally ● Listenandspeakwhennecessary ● Teamleaderwillcommunicateagendaforeverymeeting ● Meetingschedulemustbeflexibleandsuittheavailabilityofteammember’s

69 ProjectDecisions ● Anyincompletetasksorissuesmustberaisedtoteamleader ● Gainfeedbackoncompletedactivitiesorworks ● Duedatesshouldbesettodecreaserisksregardingtimeanderrors TeamAttitudeandCulture Team culture will be crucial in ensuring that the team membershaveagoodrelationshipasa collaborative and positive culture must be established in order to motivate allteammembers incompletingthesetgoalstoanacceptablestandard ● Constructive criticisms will be necessary for improvements or to resolve potential issues ● PositiveAttitude ● Accountabilityandresponsibilityneedtobeaccepted 6.9TrainingPlan Training is crucial for all team members, especially in terms of overall work, health and safety; but not limited to an improvement in project performance. The Western Sydney Airport project will enforce induction training that will be a part of the overall training process Training programs will also be implemented in order to provide additional training and employment opportunities for team members and will train the team members for activities on site and improve their overall skills; positively impacting quality. The skills learned will then be reflected in the overall quality of the project and decreased safety risks, asrisksbeyondtheearthworksphasewillbedecreasedduetopropertraining

70 6.10PerformanceReviewandAssessment

Theseperformancemeasuresinclude: Safety: This will measure the performance in preventing, identifying and protecting all stakeholders from risks and will be measured through ‘Total recordable injury frequency’ Engagementofcommunity: This will measure the communities involvement in the project andpublicawareness. This will be measured through the number of public complaints the project receives andthelevelofengagementfromthecommunity.

Stakeholderengagement: This will measure the team members commitment to their roles and responsibilities whilst taking into account leadership, as this will be measured through astakeholder engagementscore EnvironmentalPerformance: This will measure the project's ability to be environmentally sustainable in its practices and conditions and will be measured through the project's level of compliancetotheseconditionsandpractices

FinancialPerformance: This will measure the overall costs on the project and will be measured through the comparisonoftheactualcostsandtheestimatedbudget

The WSA project will implement multiple performance measures for various activities in stage 1ofdevelopmentandwillbeoverlookedbyHRmanagement.Thesemeasurementswill allow for accountability to be established and will allow for strategic decision making to be performed These performances will be reviewed in order to mitigate any potential issues or risk

Writtenletters: Individuals who have completed works to an exceptional standard will be rewarded through a written letter via email to recognise the work that has been accomplished This will be utilised in order to promote a healthy workplace culture and motivate

71 6.11StaffRecognitionandRewardsPlan


Staff recognition and rewards plan refers to a plan that will help motivate, grow and encourage quality works from stakeholders when completing their objective/s HR managementwillobservethestaffrecognitionandrewardplanandensurethatindividualsare rewarded accordingly to their overall performances for their works. The type ofrewardsthat the plan will include for this project will be written letters or bonuses and will be explained below: Short TermIncentives: This incentive will be based on individual scores of KPI’s set by the company and will also reward employees based on an assessment on the overall results and performance of works that are in correlation to the values and goals set by the project’sclient This reward refers to the base salary andsuperannuationgiventoemployeesandany




72 6.12Compliance,Equity,DiversityandInclusion Compliance, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is essential at the WSA project and will help ensure that the project's performance overall is successful It is expected that a collaborative and an inclusive working culture is incorporated within the project life cycle toensurethata positiveworkplaceispracticedandthatthereisanincreaseinmoralebetweenstakeholders. Diversity This refers to acknowledging and accepting both the differences and similarities between stakeholders in terms of all aspects such as personalityandcharacter.These includebutarenotlimitedto: ● Disability ● Age ● National/ethnicityorigin ● Language Inclusion

This to not excluding individuals and ensuring that they are respected, the workforce is crucial as this will promote healthy communication andwilllead to better overall performance. This will be a requirement within the project as all stakeholders must accept other individuals whilst removing judgment in order to ensuretheworkplaceiscollaborativeandpositive

This refers to treating every stakeholder fairly and equally through providing equal opportunity Throughout the process of developing the Western Sydney Airport, equity will be incorporated in order to ensure that there is fair treatment andthatthe promotionofinclusionanddiversityisalsopresent


welcomed and valued uponarrivalandthroughouttheconstructionprocess Inclusion in

Figure31:KeyManagementPlanEvents(AustralianNationalAuditOffice,2018) The administration and governance of the procurement

basedstructurethatthe clienthasexercisedinordertomeettheobjectivesoutlinedintheProcurementStrategy

The Project Procurement Management Plan outlines the methodology that will be utilised by the project to achieve and deliver contract expectation. The purpose of this plan describes the management of binding contracts from the beginning of initiation until the final encounter. It will consist of items such as methods of procurement, contract type, metrics, control tools, selection criteria, contract administration and the overall closing process


The WSA Co provides a timelineof the key milestones of the management's plans, specifically, the Procurement Management plan developedinDecember2017. processfollowsarule

75 7.1ProcurementMethodologies

The Project Procurement Management Plan underlines the methodology and process of contractual execution. In particular, the Australian Government provided $5.3 billion dollars towards the procurement and attainment of many goods and services expected from the completion of the WesternSydneyAirport ThenovationdeedsignedbyWSACounderstatesthe obligation to undertake ‘the procurement of goods and services to a high standard, to achieve value for money, and ensure appropriate financial and probity controls are in place’ .(Australian National Audit Office, 2018). WSA Co offered and employed an open tender scheme that contributed 19% of contracts binded to the present project The results from the open tender

approacharefurtherillustratedreflectedinFigure32 Figure32:Responsetoopentenderapproach(AustralianNationalAuditOffice,2018)



1 Registration

The three step procurement process utilised throughout planning, design and construction works was reflected below. It is through an in depth assessment and evaluation process determines the eligibilityofeachcandidatepriortomeetingtherequestfortenderphase of Interest (ROI): the call for potential tenders in whom have the Expression of Interest (EOI): the client provides details of the project and the type of contract to be agreed on, unamended The potential tenderers gain greater insight

capabilitytodeliverthescopeofworkpertheprojectrequirements. 2.

3 Request for Tender (RFT): submission of the RFT documentation enables the tenderer to ‘stand out’ amongst the pool of submissions. The aim is to consider the tenderers who are most capable of delivering ‘value addition’ (Preparation Guides, 2015) Once tenders submissions are processed, the evaluation process begins and the tenderer that covers all minimum requirements whilstachievingvalueformoneywillbeconsideredtosignthe consultancydeed(WesternSydneyAirportCo,2018)

The procurement policy manual maintained the recurring themeofvaluemaximizationthrougha competitive landscape of contract engagement. Obtaining value for money through a three step procurementprocesswastheexpectationofthethreepackagesofStage1Developmentwithinthe mainworks package in which included: Bulk Earthworks and Airside Civil Works, Terminal and SpecialtyWorksandLandsideCivilandBuildingWorks(WesternSydneyAirportCo,2018)

Theproject'smilestonesand schedule baseline considers theestimatedtimelineoftheairport'sconstructionactivities,ensuring that risk and possible complexities are assessed and managed to achieve performance expectations Figure 33 is indicative of the key milestones of the project; a concept in whichthe projectteamaimstomarryscheduleswithprocurementactivities.

TheframeworkisconstitutionalisedaroundtheCommonwealthProcurement Rules that was initiated in 2018 by theDepartmentofinfrastructure



The procurement process is applied using a rule based structure where management actively oversees and exercises adherence to WSA’s vision and objectives contained within the Procurement Policy

The procurement process is reflected in Figure 34 where the sequence of tendering activities is expressedthroughaflowchartthatisutilisedbytheWesternSydneyAirport


78 Figure34:TheProcurementProcess The selected procurement process was aimed to maintain consistency andfairnesswhenutilising evaluation criteria and relationship development with contract management. The platform employed by the Western Sydney Airport since earlier 2019 was based on the notion of eTendering followed by creating strong relationships with those procured packages greater than $50,000. Essentially, theevaluationcriteriawouldcaterforbothfinancialandnon financialareas, withtheassessorseligibletoaddoradjustcommentsandscores. 7.3DesignatedResponsibleOrganisation(DRO)LogorPackageList The below table lists the current contracted packages with theWesternSydneyAirportwiththeir associatedworksnotified ContractAwarded Supplier CommencementDate ContractDuration AirportPlanning Arup 12/11/2018 25 BulkEarthworks Contract CPBLLJV 30/08/2019 37 DeliveryPartner Bechtel Infrastructure (Australia)PtyLtd 29/06/2018 103 EarlyEarthworks CPBLLJV 29/06/2018 19 ExperienceCentre Watpac ConstructionPty Ltd 25/10/2018 7 ProjectManager (Definition) Bechtel Infrastructure (Australia)PtyLtd 29/06/2018 30 RelocationofEnergy Assets Transgrid 1/12/2017 20 SiteFencing JNCGroup AustraliaPtyLtd 31/12/2018 12 TerminalPrecinct Architect CoxArchitecture PtyLtd&Zaha HadidArchitects 31/10/2019 74 TPEDSTerminal PrecinctEngineering Design Aurecon AustralasiaPty Ltd 1/11/2019 74

79 MEDSMaster EngineeringDesign Services GHDPtyLtd 13/01/2020 71 AirportSystemsDesign andIntegrationServices Accenture AustraliaPtyLtd 24/02/2020 9 CorporateConsultant Services RightLane ConsultingPtyLtd 9/04/2018 0 CorporateConsultant Services DeloitteRisk Advisory 1/06/2018 25 CorporateConsultant Services KPMG ENTERPRISE 10/10/2017 15 CorporateConsultant Services EY 12/10/2017 37 CorporateConsultant Services TheBoston ConsultingGroup PtyLtd 12/12/2017 0 CorporateConsultant Services TrafficPtyLtd 7/05/2018 37 CorporateConsultant Services TheHallway GroupPtyLtd 2/07/2018 24 CorporateConsultant Services DELOITTE ACCESS ECONOMICS PTYLTD 9/07/2018 15 CorporateConsultant Services Newgate Communications PtyLtd 18/07/2018 3 CorporateConsultant Services Gartner Australasia Pty Ltd 1/09/2018 37 CorporateConsultant Services Architectus Group PtyLtd 12/11/2018 12 CorporateConsultant Services MJIInvestments PtyLtd 10/12/2018 37

80 CorporateConsultant Services Zavesky ConsultingPtyLtd 31/01/2019 36 CorporateConsultant Services Collaborative Solutions 4/03/2019 24 CorporateConsultant Services KPMG ENTERPRISE 25/03/2019 9 CorporateConsultant Services IconVisual Marketing 21/10/2019 12 CorporateFacilities Management Interdell DevelopmentsPty Ltd 1/11/2017 37 CorporateGoods ZenithInteriors PtyLtd 14/11/2017 99 CorporateSystem QBTPTY LIMITED 24/04/2018 27 EngineeringServices JKGeotechnics 1/11/2017 99 Environmental ConsultantServices AvisurePtyLtd 3/01/2018 12 Environmental ConsultantServices CONSARAPTY LTD 16/04/2018 94 HRConsultantServices SMGHealthPty Ltd 16/07/2018 24 HRConsultantServices KPMG ENTERPRISE 7/01/2019 6 HRConsultantServices KPMG ENTERPRISE 19/02/2019 37 HRConsultantServices LawsonPeters 11/03/2019 37 HRConsultantServices MAXIMUS INTERNATIONA LPTYLIMITED 18/04/2019 40 HRConsultantServices KornFerry(AU) PtyLtd 11/07/2019 3 Figure35 Tier3,4and5PackageListWSA(Awardedtenders|WesternSydneyAirport,nd

● Quality: determining whether the product has the capability to meet quality standards and producevalueformoneyresults

In summary, the long term outcomes for a large contractor are exceedingly significant to their long term financial status Nevertheless, the following concepts must be considered before outsourcingorleasingcertainproducts:

● Competitiveness: to outsource means it will not benefit the contractor financially in the future,thusplacingtheminturmoil

There are a range of considerations when conducting a hire or buy analysis prior to growth and expansion of the project. The decision to hire or buy is heavily dependent on theinitialfinancial situation, the sufficiency of operating earnings, secured source of financing and advantages associated with purchasing a particular product An overview of the advantages associated with either entailing direct costs and risk of a productorleasingisfurtherillustratedinFigure36 The contractor would consider both transactional and production costs when outsourcing from an external contractor. The hire or buy analysis for the works on theWesternSydneyAirportwould become comprehensible after a range of NPV and IRR calculations that determines the financial success of procuring from an external supplier or procuring from internal suppliers Due to the extent ofpackagesassociatedwiththeworksontheproject,WSAandtheAustralianGovernment notedthatitiseconomicallybeneficialtosourcetendersexternallytoperformprojectpackages


81 7.4HireorBuyAnalysis/MakeorBuyAnalysis

● Control: the amount of control when using the product may affect the extent in which it completesrequiredwork.

82 7.5ContractTypeSelection

There are a wide range of contractual options and project delivery methods when binding works in the construction industry. The types of contracts applicable to the Western Sydney Airport would be Design and Construct (D&C), Supply Agreement (SA), Design, Novate and Construction (DN&C), just to name a few The contract price types associated with the listed contract agreements are as follows: lump sum, cost reimbursable and time and material, as illustratedinFigure36. The WSA Co preferstheDesignandConstructContractAgreementasthepreferredcontracttype for the Western Sydney Airport Thedynamicallychangingscopeofworkandvariationstoclient needs makes Design and Construct Contracts the most effective as the contracted party is responsible for executing the instructed work, associated commission and warranties. The subcontractor, in some cases, is able to sign under a tripartite agreement wheretheparties'rights and obligations regarding the completion of building works and processes involved to deal with defaultsunderanyloanorunderthebuildingcontract(Taouk,2021)


83 7.6SourceSelectionCriteria The Source Selection Criteria outlines the attributes required by potential tenders that indicate whether they can meet the expectations of the agreed contract.Theelectedtendersmusthavethe capability to adjust to the technological advancements, procurement methodologies, and risk associated with the nature of the Western Sydney Airport project This criteria allows a sophisticated evaluation of bid proposals of concurring tenders Source Selection Criteria can consistofthefollowingmeasures: ● Understandingthebidder'sproposalandhowitrelatestotheprocurementwork. ● Lifestylecosts ● SkillandKnowledgecapability ● Theamountofrisktiedtotheseller ● Abilitytomeettenderdocumentationandachieveexpectedresults ● Warranties ● FinancialCapability ● Pastperformanceonpreviousorsimilarprojects ● IntellectualPropertyRights(Wells,2019) The Two Envelope Evaluation System is a concept initiated by the WSA Co in which separates vendorresponsesandindependentlyandfairlyevaluateseachproposal.Thefollow

84 7.7ProcurementMetrics The Tender Evaluation Plan (TEP) will be utilised by WSA Co to evaluate the most suitable selection of tenders to effectively deliver and achieve ‘value for money’ on the Western Sydney Airport. In accordance with the NSW GovernmentProcurementRequirementsandtheevaluation criteria, all requested tender documentation issued bytheclientwillgothrougharankingsystem Furthermore, the EOI and RFT returnable approach is utilised tomaintainconsistencyinbidding preparation and the evaluation of tender proposals. The identification and assessment of tender submissions will proceed through a sequence of criteria items to ensure anaccurateformationof tenderpackages Otherwise, the procurement metrics and criteria concepts that would be most relevant to the Westernairportinclude,howeverarenotlimitedto: ● Ability to meet project milestones or separable portions specified in the most updated program ● Accept the contractors request to proceed with external financial audits through providing bankstatementstodeterminethecurrentfinancialposition. ● Comply with the standardsintheCodeofTenderingandPerformanceofBuildingWork2016 assetbytheCommonwealthGovernment ● Provideasignedcopyofthedesignandconstructionandacceptalltermsofthecontract ● The ability to work and liaise with all project disciplines through design, construction and commissioningpractises. ● Determine thepaymentsystem,whetheritbebankguaranteeorcashretention(heavilyreliant uponthecontractorsexpectationsofmonetaryretention) ● Thecapabilitytomeetequipmentsupply,hireexpectationsandmaterialallocation The table below reflects the metric sample that can be used to evaluate and select the suitable tenderstopartakeindevelopmentoftheWesternSydneyAirport:

85 Organisation TotalRating: Works AREA DESCRIPTION RatingScale (1=LOW, 5-HIGH) Rating Scale Weight(%) EXPERIENCE Demonstratesthe supplier’sabilityand experienceinproviding workintheaviation industry(withinthelast5 years) Theirperformancein executingpastscopeof worksmustbe highlightedwithinthe portfolio. 15% FINANCIALS Theircurrentfinancial statusmustbeprovided throughtoparticipateina financialaudit Theymust demonstrateanannual revenueof$10million. 40% SAFETY Compliancetowork, healthandsafety protocolsandadherence tomanagementplanson projectssimilarinnature 25% TECHNICAL SKILLS Informationregardingthe organisationalstructure andkeypersonsinvolved intheorganisationcan providetheirmost applicableCVand experienceinasimilar role 20% TOTAL 100% Figure37:ProcurementMatrixSample


The procurement process of the Western Sydney Airport is closely monitored andcontrolled due to its enormous scope and expectations of respective stakeholders who influence the smooth flow of action throughout the project. Contract’s Administration ensures the contractual relationship between the client bodies and contractors is valuable and executed based on binding terms and conditions

WSA Corecognisestheprojectrisksthatcouldimpactthetargetedprogramandaimstowork in parallel with the project schedule. Therefore, the collaboration with key stakeholders to mitigate unforeseen risk that could affect the Western Sydney Airport There are various fundamentals crucial to success of contracts administration that enable an effective procurementcontrollingprocessinordertomaintainleadtowardsmaximumsuccess.

The contractual stage of the project involves written agreements to legally bind two parties together and stabilizing the responsibilities when delivering the required goods and services. The project's milestones and schedule baseline considers the estimated timeline of the airport's construction activities, ensuring thatriskand possiblecomplexitiesareassessedandmanagedtoachieveperformanceexpectations

The regulation of frequent performance reporting is implemented to review and create discussion regarding the current status of progress. The comparison of progress against the program will also advise whether packages require amendments or adjustments to bettersuitthecurrentneedsoftheproject(AustralianNationalAuditOffice,2018)

The results from the 2017/18 JCPAA audit was highly satisfactory, however in saying that, there were indications of unsatisfactory compliance in following reviews of undocumented documentation and understanding the inconsistency in pasted records (AustralianNationalAuditOffice,2018).




The Australian National Audit Office and JointCommitteeofPublicAccountsandAudit (JCPAA) was delegated to pursue the performance audit on the procurement of the Western Sydney Airport Under the Auditor General Act 1997, a Commonwealth owner company is able to pursue assessment on the procurement framework and activities throughout a project The aim was to specifically determine whether the procurement process was achieving ‘value for money’, timely, competitive and whether monetary outcomes were demonstrably obtained (Australian National Audit Office, 2018). This incentive is extremely effective in determining whether the project's Procurement policy isalignedwithcorporateactivitiesbothfinanciallyandnon financially

87 RecordingSystem WSA COs noncompliant recording management system reinstated that the reorientation of a centralised documentation system is criticaltothecomplianceofrecordingstandard A central system for management plans, staffing emails, portals and confidential procurement documents will improve the execution of client variation, higher authority approvalsandrecordmanagement(AustralianNationalAuditOffice,2018) ReviewofManagementPlans To minimise the delays of the construction works, it is critical that there is regular management andupdatesofprojectplansaswellastheapprovalfromrelevantauthorities parties(AustralianNationalAuditOffice,2018) 7.9ProcurementClosingProcess The Procurement Closing Process signifies the closing phase of the project or when the contract deadline is met and the main contract reaches termination. The project team is responsible for updating the organisational process assets and abiding to set protocols when completing the closingphase TheprocurementclosingprocessissummarisedintheFigure38below: STEP DESCRIPTION ProductVerification Thecontractoristodeterminewhetherthecompletedworkis alignedwiththeinitialandcontractualproposal.Itiscriticalto understandwhethertheproductmeetstheneedsofthebuyer FinalSettlement Claims,paymentinvoices,purchaseordersandotherfinancial complexitiesaresettled FinancialClosure Providefinalpaymentstorelevantsubcontractors RecordManagement Updaterecordingsystemtomatchthestatusofdocuments, paymentsandplanstodate. PerformanceRecording Determinetheoverallperformancethroughanoverviewofpast reports.Collateafinalperformancereport. LessonsLearnt Developasystemthatidentifieslessonslearntthroughthe projectintermsofprocurementandcontractsadministration StoreandFile Developastoragesystemthatholdsconfidentialdocumentation fromtheprojectandstorethesegoodsfortherequiredamountof time. FormalClosure Formalsign offisreceivedandthecontractisclosedoncethe finalproductisdeemedacceptable. Figure38:ProcurementClosureProcess(FinanceGov,n.d.)

consider that this operation is a joint venture between a Joint Venture between Lendlease Building and CPB Contractors, Multiplex and Watpac) Within their jurisdiction of responsibility, they oversee those processes which may encroach or deviate from the standards and guidelines as prescribed within AS/NZS ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) and therefore, are also responsible for conducting thorough analysis of resource handling pathways and distribution throughout the project duration as well as due diligence regarding newly implemented system to provide a multifaceted review of said systems as juxtaposed with ISO 9001 standards (Quality management systems Requirements,2016)

The table below highlights the roles, level of involvement and responsibilities of the myriad of individuals tethered to quality processes within the Western Sydney (Nancy Bird Walton) InternationalAirport

The inculcation of effective quality management may result in higher quality products, deliverables and services which can improve the customer experience, thus bolstering sentiment, which may present an opportunity for higher revenues and by extension higher productivity and efficiency (waste reduction in inventory) through optimising workflows to meet quality needs (Importance of Quality Management, nd) This presents a compelling case for the elucidation of its implementation within the Western Sydney (Nancy Bird Walton)InternationalAirport.

Within the Western Sydney (Nancy Bird Walton) International Airport development, the enforcement of quality management standards and guidelines are to be handled by the cooperation of a superintendent, project, and quality manager The presence of these individuals working in tandem ensures that there is a consistent adherence to the prescribed standardsandguidelinesthroughoutthevariousstagesoftheproject. Bechtel, thoughhavingaprimaryrolewithin,projectmanagement,procurement,engineering, and construction isalsoresponsibleforundertakingtheroleofqualitymanagement(onemust

89 8.ProjectQualityManagement


8.1Introduction Quality management planning involves the processes which ensure that the products, deliverables, and services provided and produced within a project adhere to prescribed guidelines and standards. This serves to limit the ramifications of defectsinthefinalproduct and to meet the predetermined expectations of the stakeholder, shareholder, and consumer.

Quality Manager High

● Heavilyinvolvedinthedecision makingprocessrelated to the implementation of quality control systems, quality assurance and processes related to quality managementwithintheproject(Patterson,1983)


● Ensures that standard compliance practises are concordantly arranged and that any renewal processes are managed to be compliant and conducive of standardsandguidelines(Patterson,1983)

High ● Allocate the distribution of resources to ensure that there is a balance of supply in ensuring the completion oftasks


● Liaising with various parties (engineers, architects, clients, supervisors, and project manager)toensurethat the quality standards set out within AS/NZS ISO 9001, and any internal quality specifications are scrupulously met to the expectation and requirement of the parties statedprior.

● Organises and arranges the project schedule and allocates dates for the completion ofthevariousproject phases

Project Manager

● Tracks and reviews, with the authority to approve or deny changes to the project The Quality Manager also assesses the impact which changes to the project may have on quality and utilises recorded information to monitor and control the quality performance of the designated products, deliverables, or services in question.

Role Involvement

● Oversees the implementation of amendments and changes to quality processes, quality assurance and quality control as well as communicating said changes torelevantboardsandrelatedparties(Egeland,2011)

High ● Works jointly with on site crews such as the site supervisor, tradespeople, and contractors to ensure that the requirement and expectation of the client and the prescribedqualitystandardsandguidelinesaremet.

● Is responsible for delegating tasks to the tradespeople and monitors, observes and oversees the process of managing quality assurance, thus convening frequently with superiors to convey information of defects that occurduringworksconducted.

● Createsandamendsqualityreports


Architect Medium

● Works with the architect to determine the feasibility of the structure and designs, conducts assessment to determine the impact of the design onthequalityofthe project, this involves inspecting and conducting simulations and tests on elements of deliverables to determinetheirsuitabilityfortheproject

Project Engineer Medium

● In the event of non conformity or compliance, the superintendent can temporarilyhaltordiscontinuework to conduct quality control and prevent detriment to the qualityofthefinalproduct

● They are also responsible for communicating with project and quality management regarding generating solutions that may allow for the rectification of issues related to insufficiently meeting quality expectations andrequirements(Caldeira,2021).

High ● Cooperates and works closely with tradespeople and contractors to ensure that the expectations for the quality of the deliverable are made clear, works with relevant parties to iron out checklists to ensure that engineering,architecturalandpracticalrequirementsare met

Construction Foreman

● Works with the engineer and other design team members to as stated above,determinethefeasibilityof proposed designs in concept and address the safetyand quality expectations and requirements of the design (Huntley,2019)

● Functions as an on site certifier as they can conduct rolling audits regarding conformity to the prescribed quality standards and guidelines, considering this they are also able to identify those systems and processes which may be implemented to confirm compliance of futureworkstothequalitystandardsandguidelines

● Ensures the selection of materials utilised in construction is compliant with the regulations and requirementsofthelocalgovernmentarea,andthatthey are compliant and in line with the mission of the


92 organisation and the expectation andrequirementofthe client. Tradespeople/ Contractor Low ● Responsible for meeting the expectation and requirementsetoutbytheclient. ● Have a responsibility and duty of care to communicate news of the completion of deliverables and the discovery of potential defects so that they may be rectified ● Are responsible for maintaining a safe working environmentandaclutterfreespacetopreventpotential damage occurring due to piling of debris. Also responsible for safely disposing of any hazardous material to prevent any detriment to the quality of the project (Quality control and complaints builders and tradespeople,2021) Table39RolesandResponsibilities QualityControlanditsContributors

Given that the Western Sydney (Nancy Bird Walton) International Airportistobedeveloped in a public private infrastructure context, the standardsandguidelinesregarding,government and building regulation requires scrupulous quality planning to ensure that they are thoroughly surpassed Thus, in implementing the quality planning process one must identify relevant objectives, control processes,appropriateallocationofresponsibilitiesanddetermine the standards which are conducive to the requirements of theproject.Infollowingtheabove, the Western Sydney Airport Company has determined that the AS/NZS ISO 9001 quality management system or that equivalent to it, is the most suitable benchmarking system for quality planning and management of this project, given the criteria of project standards, performance, quality assurance, quality compliance and meeting and exceeding customer expectations

● Implementing a feasible design with nuanced operation systems to ensure the airport maximisestheutilityofinnovativetechnology,AI(ArtificialIntelligence), and cloud storage systemstoprovideamaximumbenefittotheconsumerandthe provider whilst efficiently operating in a sustainable, cost saving and quality assuringmanner

● Utilising modern technology to develop an optimised methodology for deliverable production which maximises sustainable utility of resources whilst minimisingwaste,thusbyextensionmaximisingtheprojectvalue.

● Provision of an experience which can sustain the growing demand for travel by means of aviation for a minimum of 5 years with the prospect of supporting a growing population and an estimated 10 million aviation passengers per annum, alltoahighdegreeofquality.

The AS/NZS ISO 9001 quality management system has been implemented at various stages in the development plan for the processes of construction and the management of water and air quality To ensure that the standards are fulfilled, each of the processes as well as management procedures are analysed with a focus on ascertaining the best deliverable production method and are concordantly certified according to AS/NZS ISO 9001 to verify validity of the methodology

Thepotentialofreducingclasheswithregulatorybodiesthrough effective quality planning is reduced through strictly conforming to predefinedstandardsand regulations, thus minimising the risk of time and cost overruns through delays caused by non conformity/compliance

93 8.3QualityPlansandStandards

● A requirement to meet the International Air Transport Association’s designated levelofserviceinachievingkeyperformancetargetssuchascustomerexperience toasatisfactorydegree.

In fulfilling the expectations of the client, the Western Sydney Airport Company aims to achievethefollowingoutcomes(CormannandFletcher,2017):

94 The standards regarding airport and terminal construction, runway construction and the placement and installation ofutilitieshasalsobeenconsideredregardingqualityplanningand isasfollows: AirportandTerminalConsiderations: ● Multifunctional airport, capable of handling the requirements of both leisure and full service aircraft without any one factor behaving as an impediment to theoverall projectqualityandobjective ● Airport to installacategoryCATIII Binstrumentlandingsystem(eitherequivalentor higher) (Instrument Landing System (ILS) SKYbrary Aviation Safety, 2021) to achieve a high efficiency and safe landing path in both poor visibility and extreme inclement weather scenarios within 50 metres of the landing surface during the operationphasesoftheairport(AirportPlan,2016) ● The airport is required tomeetinfrastructuresustainabilitystandardsasprescribedby the infrastructure sustainability council of Australia, whilst simultaneously aimingto beawardedexcellentgreenstarratings(KeyFunctionalSpecifications,2017) ● The terminals are designed with a maximum building height specification toprevent incursionwithaviationtelemetryandnavigationinstruments. ○ Façade materialsarechosenthroughaselectiveprocesswiththoroughtesting conducted to ensure minimal to noreflectivitythuspreventingthepossibility of the structure disorienting pilots during take off and landing procedures (AirportPlan,2016). ● RunwayConsiderations: ○ The Runway is to accommodate a loading capacity more than56,000tonnes during take off and landing whilst remaining durable without negative impacts to the quality of the landing surface (Key Functional Specifications, 2017). ● UtilitiesConsiderations: ○ Consistency in utilising pressure ratings with kPa as the main unit of measurement. ○ Electricity Voltage to be 132V with a reliability index at N 1 level (Key FunctionalSpecifications,2017)

To sufficiently satisfy and exceed building codes and pre defined national standards, a setof standardised quality checklists (as illustrated in figure 40 below) are utilised by the Western Sydney Airport Company The checklists are frequently conducted through the implementation of athoroughinspectionsystemwhichensuresthattheprojectiscompliantat all stages. The information recorded from thesechecklistsalsoprovidesvalueasitallowsthe project and quality managers to assess the performance of the project in its compliance and error mitigation should a defect or a non conformity be highlighted through a process of reporting.

95 8.4QualityMetrics,Inspection&Checklist

The findings of these values are recorded and utilised in theprocessofqualityassuranceand control processes to aid in the efficient implementation of new systems which are in themselves a metric for the further development oftheWesternSydney(Nancy BirdWalton) InternationalAirport

Quality metric processes measure the outcomes of the quality control process by dissecting them into their individual variables then comparing said variables against tolerances to determine their value impact as a variation regarding cost control, performance, and failure


saidqualityfortheclientandtheeventualconsumers 8.5QualityAssuranceProcess

Planning: The QMS operates at high efficiency whentetheredwithathoroughplanningsystem which details risks and opportunities and addresses quality objectives and the best practises which can be undertaken to achieve these objectives with regard to the production of a deliverable, the planningelementofqualityassurancealsoentailsthe processes pertaining to the changing of management and handover of information systems to ensure that the overall direction remains within the project tolerance threshold (ISO9001:2015QualityManagementSystems|Audit&Certification|SAI Global®Assurance,n.d.).

To further elaborate the quality assurance process, it is important to overview its 7 internal subcategories,thesearebrokendowninto: Leadership The organisations leadershaveanobligationtocommittothesuccessoftheQMSvia provision of sufficient resources and the implementation of appropriate quality policies and objectives which reify roles and responsibilities, and the authorities present (ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Certification Global®Assurance,nd)

| Audit &


The effective implementation of quality inspections and checklists will bolster an environment of safe, compliant, and efficient work that will yield quality results and ensure


Quality Assurance processes involve the management of features pertaining to the planning and control of quality Effective assurance of quality ensures that the deliverable meets the specified expectations and requirements of criteria predefined by regulating authorities By conducting quality assurance as a process throughout the construction phases the tolerance threshold for the project is determined which allows one to accommodate for a range of alterations to the project whilst mitigating any impedance on the project given the costly nature of defects liability and the rectificationofqualityissues Theconductionofsystematic andfrequentqualityassuranceauditsisessentialtoensuringasmoothdeliveryoftheproject.

In following the above, the Western Sydney Airport Company has implemented the globally recognised AS/NZS ISO 9001 QMS which is noteworthy due to its ability to achievehighly desirable standards and certifications for deliverables if scrupulously followed. To ensure validity, if the prescribed standards within the QMS are sufficiently fulfilled a certificate is issued Additionally, during the registration of interest process, all potential tenderers must provide evidence of approval which maybeintheformofanAS/NZSISO9001certification oranyequivalentorhigheralternativeQMS.




Support: As above, a well informed organisation is best suited for a chance of successfully meeting its objectives, in such light it follows that an organisation that provides the right type of support, be it through provision of resources where necessary and through effective allocation of the QMS tethered with clear monitoring protocols is also giving itself the best chance at success (ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management

Within the AS/NZS ISO 9001 the success ofanorganisationdependsonitsabilityto effectively interpret the context of and pertaining to its internal and external factors, as these may encroach on its ability to meet its desired objectives Thus, it follows that a well informed organisation gives itself the best chance at success (ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems | Audit & Certification | SAI Global® Assurance,n.d.).


In following the clauses of the AS/NZS ISO 9001 QMS to best ensure operational success an organisation is urged to thoroughly plan both its implementation and processes of control regarding meeting standards and requirements which arerelated to the provision, production and distribution of their product or deliverable (ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems | Audit & Certification | SAI Global® Assurance,nd)

The ability of an organisation torecordandassesstheirperformancetoevaluatetheir methodology is essential in demonstrating verifiable process capability in relation to client requirements, the effective execution of performance evaluation potentiates higher quality outcomes (ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems | Audit & Certification|SAIGlobal®Assurance,n.d.).

Improvement: As above, recording and assessing performance also gives the organisation the opportunity to continuously improve through identifying and managing any non conformities, solving problems as they appear and conducting error mitigation where appropriate (ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems | Audit & Certification|SAIGlobal®Assurance,nd)



The following section details thevariousqualitycontrolprocessesutilisedbyWSAco These includebutarenotlimitedto: Process Overview


● Designated on site material storage with ample fencing to prevent any runoff or dust polluting the air in the surrounding areas ● Strategic revegetation of the area to facilitate improved air qualitygoingforward

WaterQuality Control

Water quality control processes for the Western Sydney (Nancy Bird Walton) International Airport adhere to the specifications entailed within the upper Parramatta River catchment trust. It specifiesthatthe structure of the water should consist of 45% nitrogen and 45% phosphorus with an additional 80% suspended solids (Key Functional Specifications, 2017) Following the specification ensures that the quality and condition of the waterwithintheParramattaRiverremains unimpactedbythedevelopment

Preparation of sufficient run off areas in and around the runways and taxi areas ensures that there are countermeasures in place in the event of inclement weather which if not correctly accounted for can cause significant delays to the construction schedule and bleed precious resources as well as impact the budget Additionally, the implementation of bio terrain basins prevents the runoff of potentially hazardous substances from the ground into the river catchment (Key Functional Specifications, 2017) thus preserving the storm water and overall water quality of the area through precise controlled countermeasures

● Limiting the number of bulk earthworks conducted at a given time to preventdustandforeignparticulatesfrompollutingthe airsurroundingthesite.


● Utilising site fencing, buffers, and suppression systems to prevent run off and air pollution as a by product of site clearingandpreparation.

StormWater QualityControl

The AustralianGovernmentprovidesstringentguidelineswhichensure that no adverse and unmanageable outcomes occur because of undertaking a development Therefore, prior to the commencement of work, as entailed within the construction environmental management plan countermeasures to air pollution are to be implemented (Airport Plan, 2016). The countermeasures are then to be evaluated by an approver prior to the provision ofauthorisationforthecommencement ofwork


AirQuality Control

99 Construction QualityControl By strictly adhering to the prescribed AS/NZS ISO 9001 quality management system the WSA company can effectively manage and control the quality of construction works undertaken and ensure that thefinaldeliverablemeetsthepredefinedexpectationsoftheclient 8.7QualityTools Thereare7commonlyusedqualitytoolsintheindustry.Atoolinthiscontextisasystem whichassistsintheactivityofcheckingprogressorauditingadherencetopredefined standards,guidelines,orexpectations The7qualitytoolsmostfrequentlyusedinindustry includechecksheets,scatterdiagrams,fishbonediagrams,histograms,stratification,pareto andcontrolcharts Of the 7 quality tools mentioned above, the fishbone diagram is the most used due to its ability to break down quality processes to the individual deliverable thus segmenting the control processes based on their specific work packages Forexample,theprocessofpouring a concrete slab in the airport terminalwillbethemaindeliverablewhichwillthenbranchout into the individual components required for the task to be completed, e.g., Sign offs from engineers, post tensioning (PT) engineer sign offs, ITPs from the form workers and the electricians, reports and testing from engineers at day 1, 4 and 28 post pouring with an additional PT report from the PT engineer as well as accountability for defectseg cracksor inconsistencies in the level or grade of finish which then need to be rectified, further to this one mustaccountfortheweatherconditionsandwhattodointheeventofinclementweather, as well as material quality considerations which have a remarkable impact on the final product if not correctly handled. An Illustration of a fishbone diagram is provided in figure x.xbelow. Figure41:IshikawaFishboneDiagram(ASQ,2021)


Furthermore, the use of checklists is commonplace as a qualitytoolgivenitsabilitytoutilise planning materials to then create a systematic approachtoworkdoneaswellasensuringthat quality standards have been met Additionally, it behaves as a progress tracker tool as tasks can be checked off the list as they are confirmed completed This information can then be compiled into reports and can be analysed to provide the QM (Quality Manager) and PM (Project Manager) information regarding the efficiency of their decisions in meeting quality goals

Additionally,theuseofqualitymanagementsoftwareenhancestheprocessofutilisingquality tools in the process of assurance. Software such as BIM360 and commonly used software such as Hammertech aid in creating ease of use in conducting the quality assurance process due to the advantages of parametric informationandtheabilitytoeasilyshareandcoordinate information with all parties utilising the software, this also makes it easier to keep a rolling audit on any amendments and record their impact on quality from various perspectives (cost andscheduleetc)

In the context of the Western Sydney (Nancy BirdWalton)InternationalAirportitwasfound that their implementation of quality management systems was not up to the standards that were prescribed resulting in a large quantity ofunsignedanduncheckeddocumentsthatwere left disorganised. This resulted in asymmetry of information which caused internal conflict and was hugely unproductive. This instance elucidates the importance of conducting high quality preliminary work and compiling and ensuring all documents are signed off Thus, demonstrating the importance of aligning completed work with a thoroughly planned checklist or alternatively employing a fishbone system or any of the other common quality toolstoensureadherencetothequalitystandardsexpectedbytheclient

Thesedocumentswill also be used as a control plan and will form a part of the environmental reporting that takes placeonamonthlybasisontheWSAproject.


Through creating a risk methodology, the project can benefit from overall cost savings, through having communication and documentation methods for potential risks and risks that occur For example, environmental risks can be minimised through regular communication between management, staff and subcontractors, where weekly tool box talks can be used as discussion points about environmental issues that occur on site. Documenting these discussions can assist in measuring the strategies the WSA is using to mitigate these environmental risks, as well as closingoutactionsthataretobetaken

Assessing these risks as qualitative or quantitative is also usefulasitmeasuresthelikelihood and harm of the risk. The risk assessmentcanallowforariskscoretobeassignedtotherisk, and create a ranking system from high to low,relatingtoqualitativerisks.Ontheotherhand, quantitativeriskassessmentfocusesmoreonmeasurableandpre defineddata

Risk management is the process of identifying andexaminingallpotentialriskstoaproject’s ability to reach a successful completion Risk management outlines the abilities to take necessary control measures before risks occur, by analysing risks within theearlystagesofa project. Through this analysis and assessment, risks that have a common occurence are identified,thereforetheteamcandeterminemitigationstrategies


In regards to the Western Sydney Airport project, the risk identification process will involve determining individual risk and categorising the risk with a probability and severity rating.

The utilisation of documentationfortheriskbreakdownoftheprojectiscrucialtoensurethat the risks identified have an appropriate measure to mitigate the risk and have additional information regarding the risks agreements and assumptions The documentation would also be crucial in ensuring that all stakeholderswillbeabletobeinformedoftherisksandhowto minimisetheprobabilityofitoccurring

Figure 42 highlights the Risk Breakdown Structure that provides an initial riskassessment that will identify the risk of the project The data from this breakdown will be continuously updatedtoprovideanaccuraterepresentationofprojectrisksandresponses.





Probability: A term used to determine the likelihood of the occurrence of a risk within a predefined time period This can be categorised into 5 sections; Rare, Unlikely,Possible,LikelyandAlmostcertain.

It is crucial to define the terms which ultimately have a considerable weight on the developmentofprojectobjectives

Risk tolerance refers to the measurement of risks that stakeholders of a projectarewillingto accept or avoid with caution varying on the objectives and budget of the project, whilst risk threshold refers to the acceptable range level of tolerance for a risk in order for it to not negatively impede the desired project outcomes. In order to determine the risks threshold range, interviews and meetings should be organised between the client, risk and project managers and other relevant stakeholders that will analyseanappropriatetolerancelevelasa collective group and utilise this data to accurately calculate a risk threshold This process is crucial to the success of a project as this will allow for a mutual understanding of the risks present and will prevent social risks due to all stakeholders being informedoftheacceptable risks(Simosa,2021)


Impact: A term used to define the effect which the risk has on the project, like probability it can be categorised into 5 sections; Insignificant, Minor, Moderate, MajorandCatastrophic.

Risks are generally denoted by priority, severity and further to this the likelihood of their occurrence. These factors stimulate the thought process related to the project's processes, its outcomes and objectives The most commonly utilisedqualitativeevaluationprocessconsists oftheimpactandprobabilitymatrix

In reference to the Western Sydney Airport, an example of risk tolerances and thresholds is the project's tolerance for noise and vibration in their environmental management plans The plan determines that an appropriate noise pressure is ± 05 dB(A) This level of toleranceis essential to understand for all stakeholders to ensure that restrictions are put in place in regards to the type of equipment and tools that areutilisedonsite Ifthenoiseandvibrations goes higher than the threshold (maximum allowed noise pressure level), this may result in significantly impacting the community surrounding the project and its workers; which can further result in the project being delayed or losing fundsasaresultoflawsuits.Therefore,it is crucialtoensurethatalltoleratedrisksarecompletedwithintheirthresholdsandtakenvery seriously 9.4DefinitionofProbabilityandImpact

105 9.5ProbabilityandImpactMatrix Figure43:RiskLikelihoodDescriptor(WesternSydneyAirport,2018) Figure44:RiskConsequenceDescriptor(WesternSydneyAirport,2018)

106 9.6RiskRegister Ariskregisterisatoolthatidentifiesallpossibleprojectrisks,itdetailstheriskdescription, impact,likelihoodofoccurring,who'sresponsibleandmitigationactions.Whenoneofthe listedrisksbecomespresentwithintheproject,theprojectmanagerwillrefertotheregisterto ensurethecorrectactionsaretaken ID Riskdescription Riskimpact Risklikelihood Riskowner Mitigationaction 1A Riskofextreme weatherincluding windandrain High Likely Project manager Ensureall infrastructurecan withstandstrong winds Installproper drainagewithin thesite. 2A Healthandsafetyfor constructionworkers High Unlikely Healthand safety manager/ sitemanager Ensureallsafety practisesareused. Installappropriate signage Ensure allworkersare qualified 3A Noisepollution Low Almostcertain Project manager/ sitemanager Completeloud worksduring appropriatehours ofthedayto minimise disturbance Installnoise barriers

Avoid Avoid referstocompletelyremediatingtheriskandstoppingitfromoccurring. This response plancannotbeusedwithallrisks,andcanstillbechangedifthe projectobjective,scope,requirementsandtheseverityoftheriskisaltered

Accept Accepting the risk is typically used when the risk has a low severity and likelihood This is due to the risk not posing a significant negative impact to the project in terms of its schedule, quality orbudgetandcanbeacceptedasa minorinconvenience Whenariskisaccepted,itmustbedonewithacomplete understanding that the risk does still existandthereisnoprioractionplandue toitslowimpact.

RiskResponsePlan A risk response planreferstotheprocessofcreatingoptionsandactionstoreducethreatsand


Transferreferstotheresponsibilityofthe risk being given to anotherpartytomanageastheywillmostlikelyhavemore experience dealing with the risks presented. The transferring of the riskneeds to be clearly written and approved to allow for all stakeholders involved to understandwhoisresponsiblefortheriskifanegativeoutcomedidoccur

Mitigate If avoiding and transferring the risk is not possible, mitigation would be the next appropriate option Mitigation refers to developing strategies that will reduce theimpactofthepossiblenegativeoutcome,ascompleteeliminationof theriskwasnotpossible.

enhance the opportunities related to theproject'sobjectives

Transfer If the risk cannot be properly avoided as a risk response, thentransferringthe risk maybethemostfeasibleoption

Airport project, the risk responseplanbeingutilisedistheavoid,transfer,mitigateandaccept risk strategy This strategy will determine appropriate responses in order to achieve the risks feasibility criteria,butalsohelpstakeholdersunderstandtheseverityandimpactofarisk The risks will be strategically categorised into differing response plans depending on the type of riskandwhichresponsewillprovidethebestoutcome.Theseresponseplansincluding:

107 9.7RiskResponseandControlProcess


3. Reviewprocess

2. MonitoringandTracking

The process of monitoring and tracking refers to monitoring each risk and task and assessing the risk potential to occur. This isaneffectivewaytocontrolrisks,astasks will be tracked on monitoring systemsandthisprocesswillbeintegratedwithonsite risk audits to ensure that all the risk management systems that were utilised are operatingtosatisfactorystandards.


These plans are the first control measure that can be utilised in the identification process The datafromtheseplanswillbeabletohelpdeterminetheprioritylevelfor individual tasks and their severity. The response plans will also includetherisksand urgency in which it needs to be controlled, and if these are not developed in an appropriate timeframe thenitcouldleadtosignificantnegativeimpactsontheproject suchascost,qualityandscheduling.

Following the process of monitoring the risks, a report outlining the findings willbe provided to the project manager and other stakeholders involved with that particular risk This report will provide details in regards to any unsatisfactory procedures and risks that musthavenewstrategiesorimprovementsimplemented.Therefore,therisk being reviewed is crucial ineliminatingoraddressingrisksinordertoprovideasafer working environment to all stakeholders involved, as audits will be conducted to ensurethecontrolmeasurementisbeingeffective

The risk control process is an element of the project that is crucialinensuringthesuccessof preventing or reducing the negative impact of a project risk, with the negative outcomes including project delays, increased costs, poor quality etc Therefore, the Western Sydney Airport project will utilisethefollowingmeasures,mitigationstrategiesandcontrolprocesses below:

1. Action/ResponsePlan

eachstakeholder’srolesandresponsibilitieswithinthe project,whichtheninvolvesthecreationofastakeholderregister.


The stakeholder management plan will guide the project team on communications and engagement with the stakeholders, and must be updated throughout the project Theplandefines anddocumentstheactionsthatwillincreasethesupportofstakeholders,andmustidentifythekey stakeholders,alongwiththelevelofpowerandinfluencetheyhaveontheproject. Stakeholder analysis is vital understand

10.1Introduction Stakeholder management involves organising, monitoring and improving relationships with stakeholders To do so, the needs of the stakeholders must be considered before beginning a project. Keeping all stakeholders informed throughout the project willleadtohighersatisfaction, andcanbemanagedthroughthestakeholdermanagementplan

assets,whichareallinputsforplanningstakeholderengagement 10.2RolesandResponsibilities The table below provides insight into the project team members’ duties involved in stakeholder managementforWesternSydneyAirportdevelopmentproject. Name Role Responsibility WesternSydney Airport CoLimited Project Sponsor ● Leadtheprojectteam ● Completeandapprovethestakeholderregister ● AssistprojectmanagertogenerateStakeholder ManagementPlan ● Providefeedbackwhendevelopingstakeholder managementstrategies ● RepresenttheAirportprojecttocommunicatewith externalparty Benchlet Project Manager ● Develop&UpdateStakeholderManagementPlan ● HandleandevaluatechangerequeststoStakeholder ManagementPlan ● Implementmanagementplan,monitorandcontrol allactivitiesrelevanttostakeholderengagement NicoleRyan; MichaelJohnson Stakeholder Manager ● DevelopStakeholderRegister,andconduct stakeholderanalysiswithprojectteam ● Implementtheplan,givetimelyfeedbacktoproject managertoensuretheeffectivenessoftheplan ● Enactwithexternalstakeholderswithproject sponsorandmanager GrahamMillett WSACo Executive General Manager ● Provideadvice,reviewandapprove/reject StakeholderManagementPlan ● Assistindevelopmentofmanagementstrategies, ensureitisinlinewithbusinessstrategyandvision

charter, procurement contract, enterprise environmental

110 10.1ProjectStakeholderManagementPlan

The WSA projectteamundertookthestakeholderidentificationprocessbyreferringtotheproject factors and the organisational process

111 10.3StakeholderIdentification 10.3.1StakeholderRegister The stakeholder register documents all stakeholders of the WSA project and their level of influence and interest The register must be updated throughout the project to capture all relevantinfluences. StakeholderRegister Name/Role Expectations Influence Interest Communication Localauthorities/ citycouncil Givenecessaryapprovalfor theproject’sprocess High High ● Emails ● Reports ● Application forms TheGovernment Projecttobedeliveredon timewithinbudget High Low ● Progress reports ● Emails ServiceProviders Servicehasbeeninstalled correctlyandpaymentstobe madeontime Low High ● Briefing ● Letters ● Meetings Subcontractors Finishtherequiredtasksand paidontime Medium High ● Briefing ● Letters Privateinvestors Projecttobedeliveredon timewithinbudget High Medium ● Progress Reports ● Letters ● Email Financial institution/bank Positivecashflow High High ● Letters ● Relevant documents Local neighbouring residents Safeworkingenvironment Minimisenoiseandair pollution. High Low ● Openletter ● Monthly newsletter Localresidents Functionalandefficient workingairport Medium Medium ● Openletteron website Materialsupplier Materialsdeliveredontime andgetspaidontime High High ● Briefing ● Letters Equipment supplier Equipmentdeliveredontime andpaymentsmadeontime High High ● Letters ● Relevant documents

112 10.4StakeholderAnalysis 10.4.1CategorizeProjectStakeholders Through analysing the people and organisations that are affected by the WSA development, the team must create a power and interest matrix, which willassistintheprioritisationofthe stakeholders. The below power and interest matrix exhibits the way in which the team will determinewhichstakeholdershaveahighorlowinfluence,andhowtheyshouldbemanaged Figure45:PowerandInterestMatrixforWesternSydneyAirportProject

113 PowerandInterest Role Responsibility HighPowerwith HighInterest Investors/Client/Owner ● Theyhavehighinterest andpowerintheproject ● Needtobemanaged closely Architect ● Theyhavehighinterest andpowerintheproject ● Needtobemanaged closely HighPowerwith LowInterest NeighbourhoodResidents ● Theyhavehighpowerbut lowinterest ● Needtobemanaged closelytoavoidconflict LowPowerwith HighInterest EngineerConsultants ● Theyhavelowpowerand mediuminterest ● Mustkeeptheminformed toensurenomajorissues arise,astheycanassistin thedetailinganddesignof theproject Subcontractors ● Theyhaveverylowpower buthighinterest ● Theyneedtobe adequatelyinformed LowPowerwith LowInterest GeneralPublic ● Theyhavelowinterestand lowpower ● Onlymonitoring (minimumeffort)is required

114 10.4.2StakeholderEngagementAnalysis After conducting the stakeholder categorisation, it is evidentthatmoststakeholderswillneed tobemanagedclosely,thereforetheywillbeassessedintermsofthecurrentanddesiredlevel ofengagement. According to PMBOK’s ‘Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix,’ the levels of engagementaresplitinto5categories 1 Unaware:Thesestakeholdersareunawareofthedevelopment anditsimpacts 2. Resistant: These stakeholders are highly aware of WSA and are resistant to change due to unknown or uncertain development results, therefore posing a threat to the success of the WSA and its deliverables The WSA project team must pay close attentiontothesestakeholderstoavoidtheriskofnegativepublicity 3. Neutral: These stakeholders are aware of the project but are neither supportive nor resistant. If they have high power or high influence, the project team must make the efforttogetthesestakeholdersmoreinvolved 4 Supportive: This is the most desirable engagement level, where these stakeholders aresupportivetoWSA 5. Leading: These stakeholders are actively engaged to ensure the success oftheWSA development.

115 10.4.3StakeholderEngagementPlan The stakeholder engagement plan is a guide on how to communicate to all stakeholders effectively StakeholderEngagementPlan Stakeholder ProjectPhase AreaofInfluence Engagement Approach Frequency ProjectSponsor Initiationand Construction Phase Providesbudget, needstobeinformed oftheproject milestones Projectmonthly reports,andall financialrelated documents Heavilyinvolved atthebeginning, weeklybasis LocalCouncil or Government Consultant Initiation, Execution, Closing Certificationneeded tocontinuewiththe project Officialdocuments, meetingsand required documentation Onlywhen necessary,to informandrequest inadvancetogain certification ProjectTeam Construction Phase Prioritisingthe projecttobeontime andonbudget Cooperatewith everyoneandmonitor theworkers Asfrequentlyas possible EntireProject Teamincluding Subcontractors Construction Phase Ensureeach subcontractoris doingrequiredwork Reviewweekly detailsandtasks,use theprojectscope managementplanand reviewthework breakdownstructure Weeklyor bi weekly meetings

Assessmentwillallowforthe review of stakeholder management activities such as meetings and information sessions,and will include preparing and reviewing all the materials used which assist stakeholder communicationplans.

Monitoring engagement can be undertaken through reviewing stakeholder’s response to change, and through updating the Stakeholder Management Plan regularly Thiswillgivethe project team a clear indication of whether they are communicating with stakeholders efficiently through assessing stakeholders’ understandings of project goals and risks. Engagement level can also be measured through the stakeholder’s level of interest and their expectationsoftheproject

The projectteammusthavemeetingswithhigh prioritystakeholdersinorderforstakeholders tounderstandthecurrentstateoftheproject,aswellassettheirfutureexpectations


The WSA project team has received ongoing feedback through using tools such as enquiry forms, and issues and risk logs, where stakeholders are encouragedtoraisetheirconcernson thedevelopment.


Adjustments for engagement strategies can be made throughouttheprojectinordertoensure the most efficient and effectivestrategieshavebeendeveloped

The management team must control stakeholder engagement to ensure relevant stakeholders cooperatetodelivertheWSAprojectsuccessfully.Adjustingengagementstrategieswillassist in monitoring the stakeholders’ relationships to the project and understand their methods of communication

Preparing project reports from lessons learned, issue logs, project close reports, and other knowledge areas can provide knowledge to the project team to effectively manage relevant stakeholders Through this assessment, data can be analysed to give insight on how strategies can be changedtoengageeffectivelywithstakeholders.

118 11.ProjectCommunicationsManagementPlan 11.1CommunicationRequirements The Communication Management Plan outlines the communication requirements for WSA and defines processes of howcommunicationwillbedeliveredtoandfromrelevantstakeholders The plan defines all roles and responsibilities for communication,includingboththeprojectteamand thestakeholders. WSA requires an extensivecommunicationmanagementplaninordertounderstandtheapproach in communicating information and requirements to stakeholders, as well as allocating organisational assets and needs oftheproject Thecommunicationmanagementplanwilldevelop effective communication to stakeholders by presenting relevant information in a timely manner, andwillincludethefollowingcriteria(PMI,2020): ● Identifyingstakeholdersandthecommunicationrequirements ● Identifyinganddevelopingcommunicationmethods ● Utilisationofcommunicationtechnologyandtools ● Processofapprovalsforcommunication As part of WSA’s communication requirements, monthly reports and status updates will be provided to stakeholders and senior management, as well as carrying regular quality standard checks Through developing and maintaining these communication requirements and tools, efficiencyandvaluewillbeaddedtotheWSAdevelopment 11.2CommunicationToolsandTechnology Communication can be achieved through using tools such as different communication channels. Communicationchannelsaresplitbetweenthreelevels; 1. Verbal 2 Written 3 Non Verbal WSA will be using verbal and written communication methods, and the channel will depend on thefollowingfactors; ● Urgency of the need for information: Depends on the urgency, frequency and and formatoftheinformation ● Availabilityoftechnology:Accessibilityoftechnologytorelevantstakeholders ● Environmentoftheproject:Facetofacemeetings,virtualenvironmentortimezones ● Easeofuse:Suitabilityandeasetounderstandforstakeholders ● Confidentiality of the information: The importance of the information can risk theft orsabotage

119 Themethodsbelowarethecommunicationtoolsandtechnologieswhichhavebeenutilisedbythe WSA project team to transfer informationtoallstakeholders,allowingforseamlesscollaboration andchannelsofdatasharing Methodof Communication Description Email Sendingandreceivingfilesanddocumentstocommunicatewithclients, vendorsandinternalstakeholders.WSAwilluseMicrosoftOutlookastheir businessemailasitiscompatiblewithMicrosoftApplicationssuchasProject andExcel. Cloud BasedSharing OracleAconexwillbeavitaltooltoWSA,throughitseaseofaccessand constantupdatesofdocuments.Aconexwillenhancetheautomationof workflow,issuesinmanagementanddocumentmanagement. On-SiteMeetings On site meetings are used to discuss measures and strategies in regards to certain and significant topics, where the results of the meeting are then communicatedtorelevantsitepersonnel. VirtualMeeting Videoconferencingwillallowforaccessiblemeetingcommunicationwhen facetofaceisnotanavailableoption MicrosoftTeamswillbeutilisedbythe WSAteam StakeholderBriefings Keystakeholderswillbegiventheopportunitytoreceivebriefingsonworks andpotentialimpactsontheproject. StakeholderDatabase Stakeholdercorrespondencedetailswillbeenteredintothedatabaseused, whereanyrequestsforinformationareneededtobeactionedbytheproject teamwithinacommittedtimeframe SocialNetworking MarketingforWSAcanbedevelopedthroughsocialmediaplatformssuchas LinkedIn,FacebookandInstagram,allowingforagreateronlinepresence. Thiswillhelptheprojectgainalargerstakeholdergroupandpotential sponsors. MediaRelease Mediareleasesmaybeissuedforkeyoperationalmilestonessuchaswork commencement,overviewofworks,andtheprogressoftheworks

120 11.3CommunicationMatrix Deliverable Purpose Medium Frequency Audience Sustainability Reports Toreviewperformanceand sustainabilityreports Rectifyandissuesand implementimprovementsto satisfyrequirements Promoteunderstandingof outcomesandknowledgewith theteams/committee Committee Meetings Monthly Environmental management ServicesTeam WSACommittee Members Design Coordination Todiscussplausibledesign options Identifyoutstandingdesign compilation. Formulatedesign alternativesforcomplications andissues. Ensurethedesignsare satisfactorywiththe regulationsandrequirements. Meetings Virtual Meetings Fortnightly Designteamand Architects ComplianceReport Toensuretheprojectisin compliancewith requirements,regulations,and theAirportPlanCondition39 Quarterly Meetings Website Reports WSABoard Design&Construct Committee/team Public Performance Report Toassessandprovideupdated reports,aswellasidentifying anyprojectissues. Written Reports Monthly Reports WSABoard Design&Construct Committee RegionalCity& Development Infrastructure Department Sustainability Knowledge Topromoteknowledge sharinginregardstonew technologies,development andinnovation Internal Forums Quarterly Developers WSABoard AirportOperators Tenants Complaints/ Inquiries Toachievestakeholderand communityengagementgoals inaccordancewiththeplans, andtoaddressconcernsabout theproject. Emails,calls, lettersand online submissions. Throughout theproject phases. External Community Members External Shareholders

Oracle Aconex is the chosen PMIS for WSA,wherethesetupandmanagementofthesoftwareis the project manager’s responsibility Aconex is a cloud sharing software that is often used inthe construction industry due to its efficiency and ability to meet project needs

Aconex provides benefits of mobile availability through the use of digital documentation, graphical and real time analytics, automationofworkflow,controlofprojectcorrespondence,and issuesmanagement


PMIS includes information systems that involve multiple software applications, and important information specific to each aspect of the project It alsoconsistsofinformationsharingcapacity to provide to relevant stakeholders so they can track the project’s progress. PMIS speeds up the decision making process and any concerns that are required to be actions in order to stay on scheduleandbudget


PMIS are systematic tools and techniques to deliver information accurately, where its main function is to organise, automate and provide control of the communication management processesoftheproject.

Theprojectmanager and team can grant accessprivilegesforotherusersforsharingofinformation,aswellascreating andreviewingdocuments

122 11.5ProjectPerformanceReportTemplate This template is used by project managers and submitted on a weekly basis to project sponsors andclientsforreview. Figure46:PerformanceProjectReport

The change management process is the steps required that the change management team completes so the project reaches its desired outcome With large projects like the WSA it is very likely changes will have to be made. To ensuresuccessfortheWSAprojectallchanges Thesteps necessary change is first identified by the project management team The project manager is notified so they are able to assess the changes requirements and its the project manager has assessed the change theythenhavetofilloutachange request form that identifies the properties of the issue and how it canbefixedwitha project change. Once complete, the form issubmittedtothechangerequestboardfor furtherapproval change request board willreviewthechangerequestformandanalysewhetherit is suitable fortheproject.Theboardwilleitherapproveorrejecttheproposedchange basedontheirfindings If the request is approvedtheprojectmanagerwillimplementthechangetotheWSA project

● The

124 12.ProjectChangeControlManagementPlan 12.1ChangeManagementProcesses

possibleimpactontheprojectsbudget,scope,resources,andschedule ● Once

required forthisprocessareasfollows ● A



126 ChangeRequestRegister Allprojectchangesneedtobedocumentedintothechangerequestregistersotheirimpactcanbe analysed TheregisterfortheWesternSydneyAirportprojectisillustratedbelow PROJECTNAME: NO:REQUEST REQUESTNAME: INITIATOR: DATE: CHANGEIMPACT:: UPDALASTTE: STATUS PROGRESS:IMPLEMENTATION Figure48:ChangeRequestRegister 12.2ChangeRequestReview Once a changerequestisapprovedbythechangerequestboard,furtherapprovalisneededby theministerofinfrastructure.ThisisduetothefactthattheWesternSydneyAirportprojectis being funded by the Australian government All variations to the project plan must be reviewed every 5 years to ensure compliance It is also necessary that all approved changes need to be communicated to all project stakeholders. Project contractors will also need tobe sentthenewapprovedplantoensuretheyarecompliantincarryingouttheircontractedwork. If a request is rejected by the change control board the project manager will communicate with their project team. They will analyze new actions and/or collect moredocumentationto get future approval for the revised change request The board will elaborate reasons to why therequestwasrejectedandspecificwaysapprovalcanbeobtained

Alldecisionsmadebytheboardmusthavea majority vote to gain approval.Theboardwillnotifytheprojectmanagerifmoreinformation isrequiredbeforethememberscanmakeamajorityvote. TheMembersareasfollows: Member Role MrPaulO’Sullivan ChairandNon executiveDirector MrsFionaBalfour Non executiveDirector MrTimEddy Non executiveDirector MrVinceGraham Non executiveDirector MsAntheaHammon Non executiveDirector MsChristineSpring Non executiveDirector MrJohnWeber Non executiveDirector

project to ensure the correct decisions are made

127 12.3ChangeControlBoard

The chairman prepares themeetingagenda week prior

The change request board for the Western Sydney Airport are required to be non executive directors that at least one member has a deep over the design and construction of the

and notifies the board members one

understandingofthedesignandoperations of the WSA. Their role as the board is to authority


HSEMP consists of 14 interrelated constituents which will be elucidated upon in upcoming sections. Given

The the ongoing nature of as well as ensure a basis there iscontrolwithregardsto correction through the inculcation of subsequently through the modification of management

the project

management systems and

prescribed standards and procedures,

improvements in technology, practises and legislation, the following document should be treated a live document to facilitate updates, reviews and amendments based on conformity checks conducted at regular intervals to


129 13.Health,SafetyandEnvironmentalManagementPlan 13.1Introduction The purpose of a Health, Safety and Environmental Management plan (HSEMP) istodefine those processes, strategies and objectives which facilitate the undertaking of activities by WSA co whilst minimising the possibility of the occurrence of accidents, mitigating the potential for environmental risks, and fostering an air of safe and healthy work practices throughoutthelifecycleoftheproject Factors considered when developing this HSEMP are as follows (Health Safety and EnvironmentManagementPlan,2018): ● WSACo.HealthandSafetyWorkPolicies(WorkHealth&SafetyPolicy,2019) ● Western Sydney AirportEnvironmentalImpactStatement(EnvironmentalImpact Statement,2016) ● New South Wales Work, Health and Safety Act 2011 (Work Health and Safety Act2011No10,2020) ● Work, Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011,2011) ● Applicableregulationsandrelatedindustryguidelines.

day to day




Followingtheabove,WSACo.HassubsequentlyidentifiedtheexpectationsoftheHSEMP ●

130 13.2HSEMPPoliciesandObjectives

The improvement of Health, Safety and Environmental practises for the current and future benefit of employees, contractors and the extended community will be accomplished by the Focus on integrating the HSEMP goals and objectives into theWSAcobusiness strategy Minimisationoftheuseofnaturalresourcesandfossilfuelenergy. Utilising environmentally sound practises to conserveresourcesandfacilitatethe goalsandobjectivesoftheHSEMP Focus on consistency in commitment to the HSEMP by all employees at all levels Record procedures to facilitate the implementation of the HSEMP and any correctivemeasures Utilisemeasurablecriteria Aimtofosteranaccident freeworkingenvironment. Strive for leadership and move towards the forefront of excellence within the HSE(Health,SafetyandEnvironment)aspect. Create a safe and comfortable work environment with consistent updates and supporttofosterattitudesthatperpetuatesafeworkpractices. Promoting pollution reducing measures with a focus on reducing the use of natural resources and fossil energy to generate long term benefit to society throughreducingenvironmentalimpact.

following: ● Compliancetoalltherelevantlaws,policies,regulations,andstandards ●

131 13.3ManagementResponsibility The following section lists the personnel relevant to the successful execution of the HSEMP within the Western Sydney (Nancy Bird Walton) International Airport, the list is complemented by the position of personnel and their responsibilitiesandcontactinformation whereavailable Name Position HSEMPResponsibility ContactDetails Bechtel Project Manager IsresponsibleforDirectingand Controllingallactivities undertakenbyWSACo Ensuresadherencetoand implementationofallrelevant laws,policies,standards,and guidelineswhilstmaintaining focusontheprescribedgoalsand objectives Involvedinthesupervisionof activitiesandintheappointmentof tasksrelatedtovariousfunctions withintheHSEMP Liaiseswithmanagerstoensure thecorrectandefficient implementationoftheHSEMP Ensuresthatallrelevant precautionarymeasuresare implementedwithintheHSEMP. Involvedinthesubmissionand reviewofchangerequestsrelated totheHSEMP,providesfeedback andrecommendationsbasedonthe changerequests bechtel@gmailcom

132 WesternSydney AirportCompany Limited Project Sponsor Implementingfreedomofaccessto allrelevantresourceswhich facilitatethecorrectandeffective executionoftheHSEMPfor employees,contractors,and subcontractors. Managesandnavigatestheterms ofthecontractsgeneratedforthe purposesoftheHSEMPwithboth contractorsandsubcontractors Involvedinthesupervisionprocess oftheHSEMP. IsarepresentativeofWSACo Andwillconductcontractualand mediarelationswiththe Governmentoranyotherrelevant authorities Willreviewandsuggest amendmentstotheHSEMPbased onitsefficacyfromacost efficiencybasis. wsa@gmailcom DavidNeville HSE Director Involvedinthesubmissionand handlingofchangerequestsrelated totheHSEMPandassiststhe projectmanagerintheprocessof safelyimplementingtheprescribed changes. Recordsandmonitorsthe performanceoftheHSEMPwhilst simultaneouslyassessingthe necessityforimprovementswhere required EnsuresthattheHSEMPis effectivelycommunicatedtoall employeesandthatresources pertainingtotheHSEMPare readilyavailable ConductinganannualHSEMP revieweitherthrougha dneville@gmailcom

133 face to faceinteractionora mandatoryonlinesurveywhere feedbackcanbetakeninto improvetheoverallqualityofthe HSEMP AndrewTofallis Site Manager Ensuresthatemployeesareaware oftherisksandhazardsthatthey mayexperienceonthejob Assessandreactstopotentialrisks andhazardsthattheyaremade awareof Onceidentified,propose aplanofactiontoavoidorprevent theoccurrenceofsaidriskor hazard AswiththeHSEdirector,thesite managerisresponsiblefor ensuringthatallinvolvedparties aremadeawareoftheHSEMPand howtocorrectlyexecuteit. Involvedinthefacilitationofdaily toolboxchatstoensurethatifany newrisksorhazardsareidentified theycanbemitigatedandto provideupdatestoworkersifnew bestpracticeshavebeen discovered. andrew.t@gmail.com CPBContractors Contractor Responsibleforcreatingthe definitions,documentationand maintainingarosterofrolesand responsibilitiesfortheemployees withspecificfocusonthe executionoftheHSEMP Ensuringthattheyreviewtheir involvementintheexecutionofthe HSEMPandprovidefeedbackto theHSEdirectorandsitemanager withregardstomethodsof improvingtheHSEMPvia knowledgepooling cpbinfo@gmailcom Figure49:ManagementResponsibility

134 13.4DutyofCareandLegalRequirements Following the identification of all relevant regulations and compliance criteria for the Nancy Bird Walton Airport, it follows that the HSE directors should set in place a plan containing fundamental rules regarding on site operationsthatmustbefollowedtoensurethe successful execution of the HSEMP This would include (Health Safety and Environment ManagementPlan,2018): ● Recordingdatapertainingtoenvironmentalconcerns,Ie,airpollutiondueto excavationanddemolitionwork,carbonemissionsduetowastedisposaland vehicularmovementthroughoutthelifespanoftheproject ● Comparingandcontrastingrecordeddatatocurrentstateofworktogauge performanceandfacilitatethedevelopmentofimprovements ● Understandingandapplyingtheobligatorydutyofcarerequirementsforthe employees,contractors,subcontractors,keystakeholders,advertentand inadvertentusersoftheprojectinthepresentandinthefuture. ● Communicatingandreadilyprovidinginformationregardingtheminimum requirementsrelatedtothesuccessfulexecutionoftheHSEMPtoallrelevant employees. ● Identifying,addressing,andreactingtoanyapparentenvironmentalhazardsor risksshouldtheyoccurtomaintainasafeworkingenvironment. ● Ensuringthatallemployeesareawareofthedrugandalcoholtestingprotocols establishedbyWSACo.Toensureasafeworkingenvironmentandtoensure adherencetotheHSEMP(CodeofConductPolicy,2018) It is important that the HSEdirectorcoordinateswiththeprojectteamtoensurethatrisksand hazards in any context are identified and addressed as best as possible, as leaving these unresolved may result in complex legal issues due to failing to meet obligations As with quality assurance, the utilisation of checklists can aid in theprocessofefficientlyconducting regularreviewsoftheHSEMP

135 13.5EmployeeOccupationalHealthandSafety(OHS) Optimising OHS policies based on the relevant legislation, regulations and guidelines facilitates the effective execution of the HSEMP and genuinely improves the experiences of employees through the provision of a safe working environment Assuchthefollowingtable describestheresponsibilitiesoftheemployer(WSACo)withinanOHSsetting Role Responsibility WSACo. Workwithstaffonsiteandmachineryhandlerstoensurethatallequipmentand machineryisproperlymaintainedanduptostandardwiththeprovisionofany relevantcertifications Liaisewithsitemanagerstodesignateasafezoneformaterialshandlingand deliveryaswellasstorageandtransport. Providesiteinductionsandconductthoroughresearchintothemostefficient trainingplanstoensurethatallstaffareawareofthebestpractisetoutilisein conductinganytrades ThisinvolvestheappointmentofOHScertifiersto ensurethattheprescribedstandardsarebeingadheredto EnsurethatstaffareutilisingcertifiedPPE(PERSONALPROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT) Implementsystemstoensurethattherearefrequentface to facecheck ups withindividualstoensurethattheirhealthandwell beingisaccommodatedfor. Especiallyiftheirtradeinvolvestheutilisationofheavy,loud,ordangerous equipment Ensurethattheworkingenvironmentisaprofessionalspacethroughsetting groundrulesregardinglanguageandbehaviouronsite Thiswillaidin preventingdisputesandcanhelptoimprovetenorbetweenmembersofproject team(Occupationalhealthandsafety yourlegalduties WorkSafe,2021) Figure50:RiskMatrix(likelihoodagainstconsequences)

Likelihood Consequences Rare Unlikely Possible VeryLikely CertaintoOccur Catastrophic Moderate Moderate High Critical Critical Major Low Moderate Moderate High Critical Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Moderate High Minor VeryLow Low Moderate Moderate Moderate Insignificant VeryLow VeryLow Low Low Moderate Figure51:RiskMatrix(likelihoodagainstconsequences)

4 The incorporation of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 risk controls aids in reducing or eliminating the occurrence of risks Level 1 involves the removal of hazards which eliminates the possibility of a risk occurring. Level 2 involves the substitution of a hazardous material or substance with one that is safer toreduce the chance of arisk Level3utilisesimprovementsinsafepractisestoensurethat ahazardcanbemitigatedthroughreductioninhumanerror.


The process begins with the identification of hazards within the context of the safety objectives set out within the HSEMP, this is done in tandem with an analysis of said hazards with the related risks This process is done within all phasesoftheprojectlifecycle(Managinghazardsandrisks,2021).

To gaugetheprobabilityversustheseverityoftheriskacommontoolknownasa risk matrix is utilised This aids in the process of managing the risks and their associatedhazards

To provide a thorough assessment of the risk, various criteria are used to better develop an understanding of the risk, this includes; determination of theseverity of the risk, the probabilityofitsoccurrence,factorswhichperpetuatetheriskand ascertaining an idea of the damage or harm that may be caused by the hazards associatedwiththerisk


The following details a systematic approach to identifying and managing risks and hazards withprotocolrelevanttoWSACoanditson siteoperations.


2 Once the process of risk identification has been conducted, it is important to assess said risks This will allow for a clearer understanding ofthehazardwhich theriskmayposetoemployeeswhoareexposedtotherisk.


3. Following the evaluation of risks, based on the criteria used the risks can be subdivided into various risk control measures which aid in determining what actions to take, to manage and control the risks Currentcontrolmeasurescanbe evaluatedtogenerateimprovements.

Co. Utilise a multifaceted

Symmetry of information through effective communication secures awareness, awarenesson site and on a general level ensures that the objectives set out within the HSEMP can be executed to the desired degree It is important to state that communication practises must extend to all levels ofauthoritywithinanorganisationasthatisaprerequisiteofsymmetryof information. Furthermore, practises which can raise awareness regarding safe work practises include: Siteinductions Provision of training regarding safe work practises, industry safety regulations andrequirements. Ensuring there are regular check ins with staff to ensure they understand the responsibilities they are obligated to fulfil with regards to the provision of up to datequalificationsandcertificatesaswellasanyupskilltraining. Ensurethatallstaffunderstandexitproceduresintheeventofanemergency. In the event where work is undertaken in circumstances that do not fulfil safety regulations and requirements, all staff must understand their obligation to stop work to prevent the instance of a hazard perpetuating risks and potentially causingharmtoothers,damagetoequipmentordelaystotheschedule

totheemployees.Itincludes: ● UnderstandingtheimportanceofHSEwithinaworkspace ● Understandingthehazardsandrisksassociatedwiththeworkbeingundertaken ● Having


● Beingcompetentincompletingdesignatedtaskswithinasetperiod 13.8WorkplaceCommunicationandAwareness

137 5. Though it is possible to identify most hazards and risks,theconstructionsiteisa dynamic environment and there areconstantimprovementsinmethodologiesand technology which by extension requires constant review of processes related to hazardandriskidentification,mitigation,andmanagement 13.7ManagementofResources

The success of a HSEMP other than being dependent on planning, is attributed to the work culture within which it is set. It therefore follows, that if the culture inculcates a strong attention to maintaining high quality standards of work, then it is understood that given the WSA criterion which ensures that the expectations are made clear the willingness and ability to work independently or collaboratively withinateam.

and awarenessatalllevels


scopeofworkdocumentationthefollowingfactors: ● ClientrequirementsrelevanttotheHSEMP ● LegalandregulatoryrequirementsrelevanttotheHSEMP ● HazardsandRisksassociatedwithvariousactivitieswithintheproject. ● Qualificationdocumentationandrecordsforpersonnelemployedfortheproject. ● Training andinductionrequirements,withtaskspecificinductionswhererequired foremployeesonsite Project Managers provide essential insight by

It is essential that over the course of the project lifecycle WSA effectively manages the subcontractors it engages with It is likely that WSA Co Will require subcontractors for numerous services and thus it follows that the requirements from a HSEMP standpoint will vary, as such, WSA Co. Must ensure that its subcontractors understand the goals and objectives of the HSEMP and are qualified to meet the requirements set out within it To facilitate this, WSA Co Will provide all its subcontractors with a copy of the HSEMP and will document and log the skills and qualifications of the subcontractor personnel that are to partakeinactivitiesonsite.

currently being utilised on site

then used to compile methods of

executing its HSEMP, from

asregularmeetingswithsitemanagersandtheHSEdirectoraidinensuringsymmetryof information which helps in perpetuating safe

Considering that the process of conducting activities will always carry risks, it therefore follows that in managing a project full of activities, be it design, construction orthecreation of a HSEMP, identifying, assessing, and managing risks is a crucially interrelated facet of both project management and the HSEMP To provide WSA Cothebestchanceatsuccessin a project management perspectiveitwillaimtooutlinewithinits communicating the shortcomings of the to the HSE director alongside the site manager. This information is better controlling the HSEMP or improving the practises Further to this, constant reviews of OHS and the HSEMP as well work practices to communication

aforementioned factors

138 13.9ProjectManagementandtheHSEMP


all events of injury or incident arepromptlyalertedtotheprojectmanagementpartner(Bechtel) Thisinformationis to be reported in the risk register and must be followed byariskreportwhichistobesentto the HSE and the OHS directors respectively tofacilitatechangeswhererequiredtothesafety procedurestomitigatefutureinstancesofreoccurrence

139 13.11HSEMPPerformanceMonitoring

projects Themeasurementofthefollowingfactorsaidsintheimprovementprocess: ●

13.12ManagingIncidents 13.12.1ProcedureforHandlingIncidents Whenanincidentonsite,itisbestpracticetoadoptthefollowingprocedure: 1. Aidanypersonnelwhohavebeeninjuredasrequired. 2 Alertfirst aidpersonnelon siteoftheincident 3 Calltheappropriateemergencyservicesasrequired(ambulance,firedepartment) 4 Ensure that no one interferes with the incident site unless it is critical or life threatening. 5. Abidebyanyinstructionsprovidedbyemergencyservices 6. Contacttherelevantentitiesandupdatethemregardingtheincident. 13.12.2ReportinganIncident To ensure that the HSEMP protocol is executed, it is

The HSEMP is a tool utilised to aid inexecutingsafeworkpracticesonaworksite,focusing on the health of the individual, their safety with and around others as well as the broader impact to the environment within which work is being conducted It is understood that over time, as technology improves the positive correlation regarding the work done utilising the technology ensures that the practices and methodologies of conducting said work also improves. To facilitate this, utilising a recording and monitoring system allows one toutilise choice factors to develop and improve the HSEMP over time for the current and future Monitoring scale through input allows one to identify hazards and risks more easily within an organisation's task/activity list, thus facilitating measurement of hazards Recording and monitoring the processes and theiradequacyforataskallowsone to assess the efficacy of the choice qualitatively and quantitatively and thus improvetheprocessinfuturebygaugingitseffectiveness Utilising the above factors and additionally monitoring and recording the outcomes allows one to be reactive and use information to make more educated and viable choices, thus in the context of the HSEMP reducing the opportunity for the occurrence of a hazard, its risks, and the potential negative outcomes of saidrisk essential that

140 13.12.3ImmediateNotificationIncidents If an instance occurs where an incident requiresimmediatenotificationtotheWHSauthority by either phone or writing such as death, severe injury or illness or a dangerous incident or near miss. All relevant documentation must be filled out and presented to Bechtel with this informationbeingavailableforafurther5years 13.3ReturningAfterAbsencefromWork Insomeinstances,employeesrequirealeaveofabsencefromwork,reasonsmayinclude: ● Illnessorinjury ● Leaveforcompassionategrounds ● Recoveryfromillnessorinjury ● Recoverybreaksbetweenhighdemandprojects Furthertothis,theHSEDirectorhasaresponsibilityinensuring: ● The return of the employee occurs with a schedule and that they are re inducted wherenecessary ● That the employee is right to return to work with advice from their medical practitioner ● Theemployee'sprivacyisprotected ● That the employee is compliant to standards and regulations expected of them withregardstoworkcompleted. 13.14ManagerialReviewsandAudits On regular intervals, management must conduct reviews of their systems and practices to ascertain strengths and weaknesses Conducting these high level reviews can facilitate improvements in the HSEMP and the delivery of its management With consideration of the above,thefollowingfactorscanaidinthereviewprocess: ● AnalysingRisksandOpportunities Usingqualitativeandquantitativemeans ● AssessingthesafetyculturewithinWSACo Forchangestobemade ● Utilisingthefeedbackprovidedbysuppliersofgoodsandservices ● Applyingthefeedbackprovidedbytheclientwherenecessary. ● Addressingcorrectiveactionsandapplyingtheresultsoftheaudit.

141 13.15HSEMPInspections Any transit paths in or around the vicinity of the site that are likely to be used for the movement of materials in and out of the site as well as for general vehicular transit will require regular maintenance and inspections to ensure that they do not create any hazard or risk to both transport workers orthegeneralcommunity Regularinspectionsarebeneficialto the effective execution of the HSEMP and compliance to the mandated government regulationsaswellasclientrequirements.Furthermore,intheeventofanaccidenttheprocess ofcollectinginformationandconductingacorrectiveactionsprocesswillensurethat: ● Theincidentisrecorded ● Areactiveplanorresponseiscreated. ● Asolutionisfoundtotheproblemanditisrecorded. ● The solution is shared with the relevant personnel, in this instance; Client representatives, WSA Co employees and relevant subcontractors, those involved inthemanagementoftheareaandworkerswithinthearea. ● A reactive or response plan is implemented andinspectedatfrequentintervalsto monitorperformance ● Conduct an evaluation of the response plan to determine the validity of the response plan and makealterationswhererequiredtoimprovetheresponseinthe future.

142 14.ConclusionsandRecommendations

As with most facetsofconstruction,successinexecutionisbasedonthedepthofpreparation

Finally, it is recommended that WSA Co is in constant liaison with its clients to constantly update them of the progress being made on the project and its relevance in the scheme of the entire project roll out, as their satisfaction as sponsors may have broader implicationstofurtherbusinessin therolloutofstage2oftheprojectaswellasanyupdatesthatmayoccurtotheterminalovertime.

Insuch a light the Western Sydney (Nancy Bird Walton) International Airport benefits from preparation and planning at a very earlystageinitslifecycle Furthermore,consideringthenatureofthisdevelopment as ongoing, it applies that this document is to be treated as a live document with frequent amendments Though preparation at an early stage minimizes therequirementforadditionalresource usage and time as the development process progresses it is important to understand the dynamics of construction and its position as a process thatisinconstantflux Therefore,conductingregularcheck ups and reviews of what is being doneisanimportanttoolinfacilitatingaddedflexibilitytoalargely linearprocess.

Additionally, given the brevity of the project and its long term roll out, it is important to address its complexity as an amalgamation of social need aligningwithapoliticalanglethatisthentetheredtoa joint venture and sponsored construction and handover. It thereforefollowsthatWSACo,hasalarge role in curating the correct set of people with the skills andaptitudetonavigatethecomplexitiesofa project of this scale It is recommended that WSA Co, continuously audits its personnel to ensure compliance to any relevant regulations, guidelines and standards and that they record and monitor their progress and conduct reviews on their performancesothattheycanmaximisetheirefficiencyin delivering the project within the budget and on time Further to this, it is paramount that WSA Co optimises its internal communication strategiestoensuresymmetryofinformationandtomitigatethe hazard and subsequent risk of asymmetry of information causingcostlydelaysandorincidentsdown the line.

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