Frugal Hedonism - the Flutter of Beats at the Bays
(Ziv) YANXI WANG Z5158455
What if repositioning simple pleasures in the post-industrial landscape, can rebirth the Bays Precinct?
Context -
Post-industrial waterfronts Comparison HMAS Platypus
Former BP Site Park
Ballast Point
Cockatoo Island
The Bays Precinct
Site Selection
White Bay Power Station
The Silos
Glebe Island Bridge
1- Adapting the Arrowhead Violet and the Australian Fritillary to the Existing Drainage Lines as a Response to WSUD
Hydrology Analysis
Stormwater Overflow in 100 yrs
Existing Drainage Lines
Stormwater Overflow in 50 yrs
Site Boundary
Proposed WSUD
High Points
Existing Canals
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
WSUD Palette WSUD Trees Botanical name
Common name
Banksia robour Casuarina glauca
Swamp Banksia
Corymbia tesselaris
Moreton Bay Ash
Eucalyptus tereticornis Melaleuca leucadendra
River Blue Gum Weeping Tea Tree
Swamp oak
Banksia robour Casuarina glauca Corymbia tesselaris Eucalyptus tereticornis Melaleuca leucadendra Carex appressa Imperata cylindrica Lomandra longifolia Viola betonicifolia
5 25m
Bioretention Shrubs & Groundcovers Botanical name
Common name
Carex appressa Imperata cylindrica
Tall Sedge
Lomandra longifolia
Spiny-headed Mat-rush
Viola betonicifolia
Arrowhead Violet
2 15m
Blady Grass 10m
In 5 yrs
WSUD - Detailed Plan & Section Proposed WSUD
Existing Vegetation
Drainage Line Sheer Topsoil Hawkesbury Sandstone
In 50 yrs
Tree Canopy Location - Southern side of WBPS
forming a shelter for people & butterflies
Contour Line Indent - 1m
Stormwater Overflow Proposed Steps - from Victoria Rd to WBPS Locations of Arrowhead Violet Stormwater Retention
WSUD - Southern Side of WBPS
2 - Mending the Fragmented Vegetation on the Site With Phytoremediation to Form a Connected Eco-corridor Soil & Contamination Analysis
Hawkesbury Sandstone
Slightly contaminated area
The site is highly contaminated due to its industrial past Contaminants - Easy to remove - Cd Ni Zn Ar Solidum Cn
Ashfiled Shale
- Moderate to remove - Co Mn Re - Hard to remove - Pb Cr Ur
Existing Vegetation Analysis
2 3
Existing Vegetation in 50 yrs
Existing Vegetation in 10 yrs Existing Vegetation (now) Phytoremediation (mend and form a connected green corridor)
3 25m
Planting Palette
Existing Plants
Botanical name
Common name
Banksia integrifolia Casuarina equisetifolia
Coast Banksia
Casuarina cunninghamiana
River She-oak
Eucalyptus radiata Eucalyptus polyanthemos Eucalyptus nicholii Howea forsteriana Phoenix canariensis
Forth River Peppermint Red Box Willow Peppermint Thatch Palm Canary Island Date Palm
Beach She-oak
5 10m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Casuarina equisetifolia Casuarina cunninghamiana Eucalyptus radiata Eucalyptus polyanthemos Eucalyptus nicholii Banksia integrifolia Howea forsteriana Phoenix canariensis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Acacia mearnsii Crotalaria novae-hollandiae Eucalyptus cladocalyx Eucalyptus polybractea Gossia fragrantissima Neptunia amplexicaulis Grevillea robusta
-5m -10m
-15m -20m
7 3
25m 20m
Plants For Phytoremediation
Botanical name
Common name
Acacia mearnsii Crotalaria novae-hollandiae
Black Wattle
Eucalyptus cladocalyx
Sugar Gum
Eucalyptus polybractea Gossia fragrantissima Grevillea robusta Neptunia amplexicaulis
Blue Mallee Sweet Myrtle Silky Oak
New Holland Rattlepod
-5m -10m
-15m -20m
4 2
5 6
Vegetation Design of the Site Edge
Existing Condition
Fragmented Vagetation
Busy Car Lane
Fenced Carpark Phytoremediation
Concrete Pavement 0.1 - 0.15m
Landfill Ha
In 50 yrs
Edge of the site has been defined by vegetation
Contaminated soil has been remediated Ha
Vegetation Design of the Proposed Street
Existing Condition
In 50 yrs
Pedestrian Safety Issue response
3 - Adapting the Site to the Future Public Promenade Plan by Revealing the Timber Structure Along the White Bay Public Transport Analysis
Future Public Promenade & Bicycle Route
Proposed Metro Station
Existing Public Promenade
Existing Bus Routes
Proposed Public Promenade
Existing Light Rail Route
Existing Bicycle Route
Pedestrian Analysis (Based on Structure Plan)
Site Access Development (Based on Structure Plan)
Existing Pedestrian
Proposed Public Promenade (Stage 1)
Site Selection
Visitor Experience
Public Promenade Project during Structure Plan Phase
Proposed Access - Reopening of Glebe Island Bridge
Street Design - North Side of the Silos
Public Promenade
Pedestrian A Car Lane Pedestrian B
Utilising different types of streets to activate the dysfunctional waterfront.
Revealing histrocial timber jetty Bench design along the edge
Public Promenade
Street planting design
Adding new street paving
Pedestrian A
Street planting design Repurposing the buildings
Rearranging the car lane
Car Lane
Street planting design Adding one more pedestrian
Pedestrian B
Street Design - Section Existing Condition Limited Human Activities
No Defined Edge between Pedestrian and Car Lane
Concrete Layer
Historical Jetty Landfill - Moderately Contaminated
In 50 yrs
Remove the Concrete Layer to Reveal the Historical Jetty
Increased Social Interaction
Cafeteria Planting Design for Safety
Adding More Pedestrian
4 - Mending the Decommissioned Glebe Bridge to Establish Better Access to the City Transport Between the Bays and CBD
Route via Pyrmont Bridge
Route via A4
Route via A4 - Market St
Plan - Reopening of Glebe Island Bridge
Tunnel (under the bridge) connects with the Southern side of Glebe Island Providing access to connect the residential area with the site adding a bridge and steps
Section - Reopening of Glebe Island Bridge Two-way Car Lane
Pedestrian Adding steps onto the slope
Bridge for a faster access
Steps to the tunnel which connects with the Southern Glebe Island
Stage Plan - Stage 1
Public Promenade
Remediated Green Corridor
l Ar
n ide
r lA
Cafeterias Reopened Glebe Island Bridge
1 - Enhancing the People’s View to the Landmarks and Sydney Harbour With New Lighting Design White Bay Power Station
Glebe Island Bridge 77m
6m 36m
The Silos 32m
These three landmarks can easily create such a strong sense of place - that defines the uniqueness of the Bays Precinct so well...
Natural Surveillance Analysis White Bay Power Station
Glebe Island Bridge
Natural Surveillance (Higher Priority) Natural Surveillance (lower Priority)
CPTED - Comparison of Day and Night
New lights highlighting the high chimneys
Improve pedestrian safety during nighttime
New street lights highlights the reopened Glebe Island Bridge
CPTED - White Bay Power Station
CPTED - The Silos
Introducing a Public Plaza on Top of the Future Metro Station Which Can Accommodate Different Types of Services to Boost the Site Into a New Town Centre
Existing Town Centres Analysis
Existing Town Centre Links to New Centre
Proposed Town Centre at the Bays Precinct
Design Process of the Public Plaza
Shape of Butterfly Wings
Bending Its Two Sides to Create Slopes
Lifting Up Its Edge to Minimize Stormwater Runoff
Design Process of the Public Plaza
Adding WSUD Plants
Adding Pavilions to Enhance Human Activities
Plan - New Urban Plaza
Scale: 1:500@A3
Detailed Analysis - New Public Plaza
Its relation to the WBPS and the Silos
Section 1 of the Pavilion
Section 2 of the Pavilion
Section - New Public Plaza
WSUD Plants - Groundcovers & Low Shrubs
Retail Stores & Restaurants
Metro Station
Scale: 1:500@A3
3 - Introducing a Thrift Market in Front of the Silos to Promote Social Interaction and the Lifestyle of Frugal Hedonism Existing Popular Markets Analysis 1 - Marrickville Organic Markets Dog-friendly markets aren’t just a ritual for locals – loyal visitors from all over Sydney trek to Addison Road Community Centre for organic groceries and a wander around Reverse Garbage.
2 - Orange Grove Organic Food Markets Using the expanses of Orange Grove primary school, these markets fill the playground with covetable goods on a weekly basis.
3 - Cambridge Markets EQ 4 - Sydney Vegan Market Across the stalls, people can expect to see Sydney’s most popular vegan brands, peddling everything from vegan sausage rolls and vegan fried chicken snack packs to vegan cinnamon scrolls and fluffy doughnuts.
5 - Rozelle Collectors Market Stallholders have been selling their pre-loved wares to an ever expanding audience in the grounds of the Rozelle Public School for over 20 years, and the market community had developed a reputation as brilliant spot for a poke about, catch up with friends, and to bag some unique finds.
6 - Carriageworks Farmers Market 7 - Kirribilli Art, Design & Fashion Markets 8 - Glebe Markets 9 - Sydney Fish Market
Analysis - How Does a Market Activate and Integrate With Its Surrounding Landscape Rozelle Collectors Market Surrounding Landscape
Markets People
Glebe Markets Surrounding Landscape
Markets People
Kirribilli Art, Design & Fashion Markets
Surrounding Landscape
Markets People
Plan - The Silos Thrift Market
Scale: 1:500@A3
Detailed Analysis - The Silos Thrift Market
Pavilion Design for the Market
Section of the Market in Between the Silos
Thrift Market - The Silos
Stage Plan - Stage 2
New Public Plaza
Thrift Market
Local Creative Industries by Relocating Them Into the Power Station Complex to Offer the Site Opportunities to 1 - Embracing Accommodate Art Events and Other Inclusive Activities
Jobs Density & Employment Clusters Analysis High Job Density
Low Job Density
Mixed Business (Retail)
Rozelle Light Industrial Zone
Cultural & Creative Analysis
Art Galleries
Public Art Projects
Art & Cultrual Walk
Relocating Local Creative Industries
Plan - Art Pavilions
A Wayfinding Structure
Accommodate Outdoor Exhibitions
It Provides Seating Area for Visitors and Staff who works in the WBPS
Scale: 1:1000@A3
Art Pavilions - White Bay Power Station
Plan - Art Workshops at the White Bay
Section - Art Workshops at the White Bay
Maxmized Human Activities
Scale: 1:500@A3
‘We used to live in those big warehouses… I had a 400 pounds old german piano… we brought the piano in the top level of the warehouses… Because it is so closed to the water, not great for the condition of the piano, but the sound, it was so moist, sometimes, it was just lush…’ - Bridie King
Two-storey Building for Art Workshops
Public Promenade
Street Planting
Art Workshops & Public Promenade - White Bay
2 - Embracing the Endangered Fauna and Flora Species by Arranging Educational Tours Within the Site Wildlife-Observing & Nearby Schools Analysis Wildlife Observing Spots 1 - Pirrama Park 2 - Wentworth Park Soccer Fields 3 - Jubilee Park
4 - King George Park 5 - Barangaroo Reserve 4 6
6 - Royal Botanic Garden Sydney
School 3 2
Standing Boards Design for Educational Use
Blue - Endangered Species
Orange - Non-endangered Species
Location Map of Educational Standing Boards
Educational Field Trips - The Bays Precinct
Stage Plan - Stage 3
Art Workshops
Models - Pavilions Design
Art Pavilions
Plaza Pavilions - New Public Plaza
Market Pavilions - The Silos Thrift Market