Volcam Volunteer Envoys TOR

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VolCam Volunteer Envoys Terms of Reference (TOR) 1. Purpose and objectives of VolCam 1.1. The purpose of VolCam is to promote the concept of volunteerism throughout Cambodia, encompassing both international and local volunteer programs. It acts as a knowledge sharing forum, where members have an opportunity to learn from one another and it facilitates access to information about volunteering and volunteering opportunities in Cambodia for people of all ages and levels of skill, whether they are from Cambodia or from other countries. VolCam believes that volunteering is a crucial component of development in any country, an important tool for strengthening and mobilizing communities and capacity building and it provides valuable opportunities for volunteers as well as services for the society. 1.2. Specific Objectives of VolCam • Volunteer agencies work together on joint communication plans, campaigns and research projects to promote volunteerism • VolCam supports, as appropriate, governmental initiatives to promote volunteerism in Cambodia • VolCam works with other entities to plan International Volunteers’ Day • VolCam works together on common issues which either negatively impact or promote volunteerism • VolCam acts as a knowledge sharing forum, where members have an opportunity to learn from one another • VolCam organises training sessions for members to enable skills transfer between volunteer agencies. It also aims to enable members to identify opportunities to work together, maximising their impact for volunteering in Cambodia.

2. Purpose and objectives of the Volunteer Envoy initiative 2.1. Volunteerism within Cambodia is increasingly recognised as being a key driver in supporting social unity and development. As a network representing the volunteer agencies and volunteer involving organisations in Cambodia, VolCam recognises the importance of direct volunteer representation and involvement in the activities of the VolCam. The purpose of the initiative is to establish a corps of Volunteer Envoys to support the activities of VolCam, creating ownership and encouraging sustainability of the network activities. 2.2. Specific Objectives of the Volunteer Envoys • To provide co-ordination and administrative to support the activities of the Volunteering Cambodia (VolCam) Network, including chairing meetings (where required) • To promote official VolCam Facebook page (in English and Khmer) • To recruit and train volunteers to participate in VolCam activities • To support the organization of Volunteerism related events

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To participate in VolCam events To actively promote volunteerism and act as ambassadors for VolCam

3. Operational structure of the Volunteer Envoy initiative 3.1. A total of 12 Volunteer Envoys will be selected from volunteers within VolCam member organisations 3.2. Three different roles will be created: • 1 Volunteer Envoy Chair • 2 Volunteer Envoy Vice-Chairs • 9 Volunteer Envoy Contributors 3.3. Volunteer Envoys will be appointed for 12 months from June 2016 to June 2017. The individual appointment of Volunteer Envoy can be extended up to 24 months. 3.4. All roles are voluntary and non-paid. Only direct expenses for communication and transportation in the delivery of events run by VolCam will be reimbursed, at the discretion of VolCam member organisations. 3.5. VolCam will provide training and support to Volunteer Envoys to enable them to fulfil the responsibilities outlined in this document. 3.6. Volunteer Envoys must be available to attend VolCam meetings as outlined in the role descriptions described in section 4.1 and 4.2. VolCam meet every two months and future meeting dates are agreed at the end of each meeting. The location of the meeting changes on a rotational basis and is shared, together with a meeting agenda, amongst the VolCam members in advance of each meeting. As required, additional meetings are held to discuss specific issues. 3.7. All Volunteer Envoys will be accountable to VolCam for their activities. 3.8. VolCam reserves the right to dismiss Volunteer Envoys from their role if the activities or conduct of an individual are incompatible with the purpose and objectives of VolCam. The decision of VolCam is final.

4. Roles and responsibilities of Volunteer Envoys 4.1. Volunteer Envoy Chairs Volunteer Envoy Chair and Vice-Chairs will: • Attend all VolCam meetings and events • Co-ordinate and Chair VolCam meetings on a rotational basis • Ensure all necessary communications and logistical arrangements are made for VolCam meetings • Represent Volunteer Envoys to VolCam and other organisational bodies • Support the implementation of VolCam annual work plan • Oversee planning, logistical arrangements and delivery of events run by VolCam

• Oversee specific projects and initiatives taken on by the Volunteer Envoys • Oversee the recruitment and training of volunteers involved in the delivery of VolCam activities • Co-ordinate and lead media activities, including management and promote official VolCam Facebook page • Act as positive role models and advocates for volunteerism

4.2. Volunteer Envoy Contributors Nine Volunteer Envoys will: • • • • • • •

Attend at least 50% of VolCam meetings on a rotational basis and all VolCam events Actively contribute to the implementation of VolCam annual work plan Support the planning, logistical arrangements and delivery of events run by VolCam Support any specific projects and initiatives taken on by the Volunteer Envoys Support recruitment and training of volunteers involved in the delivery of VolCam activities Support VolCam media activities Act as positive role models and advocates for volunteerism

5. Eligibility of applicants All Volunteer Envoys will meet the following criteria: a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Cambodian national Currently a sophomore or junior at the university Experience in social media Strong planning and organizational skills Demonstrated experience and ability in report writing Excellent communication skills; fluency in Khmer and English Extensive experience in volunteer work

6. Selection process 6.1. All Volunteer Envoys will be appointed by VolCam. 6.2. VolCam members will form a selection sub-committee for the purpose of carrying out review, assessment and appointment of the VolCam Youth Envoys. 6.3. UNV will co-ordinate the recruitment process on behalf of the VolCam sub-committee.

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