Summer 2012
Emeritus Mary Kay National Sales Director
Divine Gift Showcase 2012 Artists Featured: International National & Local Talent
Our Annual Conference Is for the entire family to enjoy!! Youth sessions Spa Experience Free Business Symposium Informative sessions & great food!! Register now for 2013!!
Special Thanks to our Conference Sponsors & Partners see inside cover
Unveiled Purpose Magazine / summer 2012/
Editor-In-Chief Ericka Ward
From the Editor
In this Issue: Retreat Special Features/SpeakersThe Divine Gift Showcase / Artists Bea PowellAbout Unveiled Purpose MagazineArtistically Speaking Film ―What About the Children‖ Fashion & Beauty Sponsorship Opportunities Euclid Gray Advertisements Evangelist Ericka Ward EDITOR-IN-CHIEF What does it mean to be “SOLD OUT”? I believe that in serving God, Jesus is our best example. He helped people everywhere He went. It’s an honor to be entrusted with the great responsibility of the ministry of helps… I want to inspire every reader of this issue to champion the cause of “paying it forward” to be a blessing to someone else's life, ministry or vision. That’s what we do here at DCG & UPM. It is when you are able to look beyond your own needs, desires… wants... and see that of another and then begin to take action to be a blessing to them, it is then that you are the most enriched and fulfilled. The beauty (of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you) is that at some astounding moment, even when you least expect; you are most certainly going to reap what you have sown. (Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:38, II Corinthians 9:6, Galatians 6:7) So give, give your time, give your money, give your love, give your undivided attention to the cause of another… even if but for a moment— it may be a child in need of nurturing, a friend in need of a listening ear, a ministry in need of supporters, a vision in need of wings… You are the key to someone's locked door and when you are led by God in divine purpose to help another, you will come to know the selfless humility that is embodied by our savior, the willingness to place what we want aside in order to minister to the needs of someone else. As the scripture hath said it– no greater love than this … that a man would lay down his life for his friends… (paraphrased– John 15:13) It is more blessed to give than to receive... but certainly in giving you shall receive… Ericka 2
Unveiled Purpose Magazine
page 4-9 Pages 10-13 pages 14-15 page 16, 17 page 18 page 19 page 20,21 Page 22 page 23
OUR CONTACT INFORMATION Learn more about us: **SPECIAL APPRECIATION to Robert ―Cov‖ Covington of Pictureman Productions for everything you do to help DCG!! Contact ―Cov‖ for all of your audio-visual production & photography needs - 757-870-3767
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Miriam Stevens Sharon Menzies Norvel Ashley Jr. Lemlem Tsegaw Steven Ward Robert Covington** Jaylynn Turner
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24 St. Johns Drive Hampton, Virginia 23666 Share Comments and / or suggestions below:
Contact us for more information at: Divine Concept Group—Women’s Retreat 24 St. Johns Drive Hampton, Virginia 23666 OR Register at Unveiled Purpose Magazine / summer 2012/
Minister Cavell Phillips Cavell Phillips was the emcee for the 2012 Divine Gift Showcase held in Hampton, Virginia. Mr. Phillips is a well known Radio personality in the Central Virginia area he attended Columbia School of Broadcasting in Fairfax, Virginia. In 1984 he was the music director and the Sunday morning host on Gospel 99 (Magic 99). He continued at Magic 99 on the Sunday Show . Cavell was the first on air announcer in the Richmond area who played gospel on Sundays that was broadcast on a FM station. In 1989 he ventured into the sales aspect of radio and became an account executive in sales at Hoffman Communications. He has served as program director, operations manager, sales manager, and station manager for AM 1240 in Richmond Virginia and 2006 until July 31, 2012, Phillips served as the morning show host at AMEN WGGM 820 and WZEZ 100.5 and General Manager. He still continues as the Sunday morning gospel host on Kiss 105.7/99.3. If you ask; So, why gospel?, “It’s a lifestyle. It’s what I believe in. It’s my values. It’s all about the lyrics. Gospel is like breathing for me. I really feel at home.” His Favorite quote is his own: "Make life better for everyday people. Life is fragile, so handle it with lots of prayer." Nine years ago Cavell became an ordained minister. He is the Assistant Pastor at Richmond Christian Center under the leadership of Dr. Steve A. Parsons, Sr. Even though he serves at his home church, he preaches 2-3 Sundays a month at other community churches around the area. “I have an interest in what people do daily, what makes people tick. Through the radio, I am able to soothe pains, help people rejoice. A particular song may change a person’s viewpoint; help them see the glass half full vs. half empty. I am able to look deeper into what people are going through.” Outside of radio, Cavell enjoys bowling and is a drummer. He admits that he still toys around with the trumpet and baritone horn. from time to time.
Unveiled Purpose Magazine
Minister Antonio Grace Sr. Antonio Grace Sr., a native from Cincinnati, Ohio. A twenty year Retired Combat Veteran of the United States Army and married to a long term personal mentor, lover and best friend. Antonio Grace is his families first God made millionaire. He is a business owner and mentor in the industry of network relationship and CEO of Twins Global Inc. He is having a blessed time building his business while helping others to do the same. Whether it’s a Mlm business or if its an Entrepreneur seeking guidance it doesn't matter. He will actively assist you in reaching your desired goal while having fun along the way. He will be the first to tell you that, even though he has enjoyed and is still learning on this journey to success, it truly didn't start off as very much fun. In fact it was rather painful if he could be 100% honest. His sponsors and mentors were qualified sales men and women and they were recognized in the time share industry as million dollar closers and top managers in the corporate arena. But, they couldn't mentor him to do what they did best. But, it was okay because he is more concerned about people, families, dreams and life long relationships rather then numbers, numbers, numbers, sales, money and did I say numbers? When Grace first started out in Network Marketing and Relationship business he struggled and he could not get any business to work at all. He was at the point where he was ready to give up..... Then one day while surfing on the internet he found all the answers he was looking for from a beautiful and talented lady by the name of Vikki Lawson. The first thing she taught him was that "My Lack of Success was NOT My Fault!" I was once part of a group called Mentoring For Free where everyone Taught Network Marketers how to have success with their company regardless of what company or business venture they may be with. The Best part is they did it entirely for Free!
DCG’s Business & Non-Profit Symposium Speakers provide valuable information to equip new, potential, & seasoned business owners to succeed. This event is always free and open to the public.
Pamela Burgos Minister David Wayne Lawrence Speaker, Minister, Author, Musician, Piano By Ear Teacher, Producer. David Lawrence is a graduate of the highly accredited Oral Robert’s University with a degree in Music Education, Theology, and minor in Psychology. David’s postgraduate studies include Business Management, Leadership Development, Audio and Video Recording, from Georgia State University, Jersey City State College, the International Worship Institute, Recording Institute of America, and Organizational Leadership f rom Regen t Un iversit y. For over 25 years, David has been professionally conducting Worship Department Development Seminars, piano seminars, workshops, and Intensive Piano Training Schools. In an effort to help people who desire to learn to play quickly for personal pleasure, church work, songwriting, etc., he developed the Rapid Piano Learning System, also available in Home Study Courses. He travels and speaks to conferences, seminars, corporations and congregations on Leadership and Personal Development to accomplish the Godgiven PURPOSE for your life.
Pamela Burgos is a mother, wife, fitness instructor, real estate agent and entrepreneur. She runs two business's both are owned by her and she considers herself to be very fortunate. She runs a tanker company with her partner in life and business; husband Raymond, and she is an independent consultant with Scentsy candles where manages a large team. “These candles are much safer then a traditional candle because they are flameless and wickless and you can change your wax whenever you feel in the mood for a new scent.” She encourages you to check out her website for more information and to have a “Scentsationally” Blessed Day!! Pamela Burgos Director - Scentsy Sales Consultant *safe around kids and pets*
Beatrice Powell Beatrice Powell is featured on our cover story. Emeritus Mary Kat National Sales Director, Speaker, Mother and Entrepreneur. Bea has dedicated her life to making things better for others. See the cover story feature to learn more about this Woman of Greatness!! Bea has spoken for Divine Concept Groups Abuse Awareness & Prevention event and again shared her talent at the Women of Greatness Retreat & Family Conference as a Business Speaker for the Business Symposium II and as a Saturday main speaker. Her exuberance and nurturing character is contagious and it’s not hard to recognize that she is a child of God. “Like the bumblebee, I was the least likely to be able to fly, but I went ahead and did it anyway. Pictured with her mentor, Mary Kay Ashe, founder of Mary Kay Unveiled Purpose Magazine / summer 2012/
Pastors Sandra & Junius Smith
Deacon Thomas E. Booker
U.S. Army Retired Command Sergeant Major, Thomas Edward Booker. a career Army Veteran who retired at the top of his rank after serving our nation faithfully for 28 years. He is a decorated Vietnam War Veteran, he has served as 1st Sergeant of the Military Police Company, Military District of Washington at Fort Myer, Virginia, and advisor to the National Guard, Military District of Washington D.C. He is featured in the book by CSM Harold Hunt, “100 Sergeant Majors of Color”. Deacon Booker has continued to give back through service in the community where he lives in Amelia County, Virginia: financially assisting with senior citizens, singing when called upon for funerals, church and other programs (he’s an awesome singer) as well as serving on the local board of Social Services. Of his greatness accomplishments is his relationship with the Lord and being the successful husband and father of wife Barbara and their four children. Deacon Booker is the mentor and father of our Founder and President Ericka Ward.
Unveiled Purpose Magazine
Elder Tanya Liverman Elder Tanya R. Liverman is an ordained minister and serves at Empowered Believers Christian Learning Center (EBCLC), in Hampton, Virginia under the direction of Pastor John A. Young, as a provision to his vision: "Empower Believers to Build the Kingdom of God." Liverman and her husband are directors of the Marriage Ministry of EBCLC; she is the praise dance director, and secretary of the International Ministry. She has been married for almost seventeen years and has six sons and one daughter. Elder Liverman works for Hampton City Schools as a special education instructional assistant and co-directs the SMZBT Teen Leadership Institute under the administration of Rev. Dr. Jerome Barber. She is the founder and facilitator of G.I.R.L.S. with P.E.A.R.L.S., a transition program for girls that teaches character building, leadership, and social skills. Moreover, she is the owner of Native Productions, which helps people put their visions into books and videos. Elder Liverman is the author of Journey to Legacy and Memoirs of an Educarer, which are tools of inspiration. In the community Elder Liverman is an advocate, a minister, a mentor, an educarer, and a friend who is passionate in helping people fulfill their purpose and motivating them to leave a legacy for their loved ones.
Junius & Sandra have served as a team in ministry since the mid 90's. Their ministry began first as deacon & chairman and deaconess & chairperson. They have been united in holy matrimony for 31 years & of that union, they’ve been blessed with two children & two grandchildren, all reared up in the fear of the Lord. Junius serves as pastor of Flower Hill Baptist church, Amelia, Virginia , &prior to that he has served as their interim for 11 months. Evangelist Sandra also served as co-pastor & youth ministry advisor. In 2008, they both founded New Life Christian ministries, a non-profit organization which focuses on the unique needs of widows & needy children. God has used the couple to evangelize far &near, to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth. In 2010, they were invited to preach a revival crusade in Nairobi, Kenya (Africa) which led lives to Christ and supplied some of their needs. Together, they attended seminary and graduated in 2006 with a Bachelors in Religious Studies, the couple plans to further their education in the very near future. They are both licensed & ordained & are dedicated to winning souls to Christ. both are prayer warriors, & God often reveals the fruit of their prayers. Pastor Smith has adopted Matthew 6:33 as a reminder of his walk with Christ, to seek God, in season and out, that all things be added unto him. Evangelist Sandra Smith believes in order to serve God with effectiveness, she must first deny herself, walk in love & forgiveness...& renew her mind as God's word says in Romans 12:1-2, & not conform to the ways of the world. She believes, only through her transformed life God can truly be glorified with her service. They both have achieved many accolades, all because of their bornagain status and humble submission. They are dedicated to minister salvation for the lost, training God's young people to know who they are in the Lord, & be soldiers for Christ. They both agree, without love, they are nothing, {1 “cor.13}...Yet can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. {Philippians 4:13}”
Contact us via e-mail to contact any of our dynamic speakers for your event Saturday Friday, July 20, 2012
Dr. Morgan Joe Evangelist Beatrice Haywood Dr. Morgan Joe, Chiropractor. Dr. Morgan Joes educational experiences are as follows: Cleveland Chiropractic College Kansas City, MO Doctor of Chiropractic – 1995, Norfolk Fire & Paramedical Training School Norfolk, VA, Certificate of Shock /Trauma Technician - 1987, Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA Bachelor of Science, Biology/Psychology – 1985. “Dr. Joes” work experience in the medical and education fields are expansive. He is owner or Cavalier Chiropractic & Principal Treating Doctor, and an instructor & Athletic Trainer/Team Doctor at Norfolk State University, and Medical Director & Associate Professor at Bryant & Stratton College. He has been an instructor at Paul D. Camp Community College. WBA Athletic Trainer 1992 -1995 - Kansas City Mustangs, Inc., Women’s Professional Basketball. Dr. Joe is DCG’s Family Conference “Hall of Healing” Chiropractor. Recognitions and Awards Norfolk Fire and Paramedical School -Magna Cum Laude Graduate, Cleveland Chiropractic College –Who’s Who Among American College Students, Kansas City (Chiropractic)–Community Service Award, Cleveland Chiropractic College – College Service Award, Bryant & Stratton College–Instructor of the semester, USS Harry S. Truman- (Distinguished visitor)– community service award.
Beatrice “Sistah Peaches” Haywood is a psalmist, author, producer, director, workshop speaker and business woman. Raised in the suburbs of Maryland, Sistah Peaches has ventured out to become a Renaissance woman, and has crafted the art of innovation and creativity through her music ministry. She has directed, sung and recorded with various gospel choirs and groups over the years, and has relocated to the Charlotte, North Carolina to further her business consulting, musical endeavors and evangelistic ministries. As a workshop speaker, she has spoken to various organizations and congregations in the areas of Youth Outreach Awareness as well as Effective Praise and Worship. She is also an advocate of Women and Children of Abuse through local outreach programs and non-profit organizations. Today, Peaches has broaden her scope of excellence in ministry by utilizing her previous and present business consulting experience to “remind” the church on how to effectively manage and grow their church. She has come forth with a church administration manual and seminar package to meet the basic needs of the Church to gain a solid foundation for a healthier and more prosperous church. In June 2010, Sistah Peaches launched, a 24-hour Christian Internet Radio Station with cuttingedge spiritual principles to reach the world.
SPEAKERS Antonio Grace-Marketing/Networking on a Budget Pamela Burgos—Faith & Business Go Hand In Hand David Wayne Lawrence—Fear is Sin, Integrity, Character & Business Beatrice Powell—Demographics of the Marketplace
Saturday, July 21, 2012 700am - 900am - Breakfast Buffet 900am - 500pm - OPENING SESSION 930am - 1000amDeacon Thomas E. Booker – Wisdom From our Fathers 1000am - 1100 am Elder Tanya Liverman – “How To Be Sold Out & Not Sell Yourself Short” 1100- -1130 – Vendors Presentations and door prizes (15”Break @ 1130am- please visit our vendors) 1145am - 1245pm – Bea Powell – “Sold Out To The Promises Of God” 100pm - 200pm - Lunch Buffet 145pm – 230pm – Pastors Junius & Sandra Evans-Smith Good Marriages are made from Heaven/ Singles: Being Set Apart For His Goodness 230pm – 330pm – Dr. Morgan Joe – “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made” (10” break @ 330pm) 340pm – 440pm – Evangelist Beatrice Haywood – “Its Not About Me” 440pm-500pm Marcia Kinslow & Ministry Team: Altar call and Divine Intervention HALL OF HEALING "SPA EXPERIENCE" 130pm - 900pm Public is welcomed between 130-400p (500pm-900pm - for conference attendees ONLY) YOUTH SESSIONS -200pm – 5pm (Aletha Russell) 100-200- LUNCH 130pm – 215pm – Oliver Walmon & Charles Little – “Avoiding the Influence of the Gang” 215pm -300pm – Aletha Russell – “You Have Something to Give” 300pm-310pm – ( 10 minute Break) 310pm – 500pm - final session Movie “What about the Children “ and “Straight Talk” – Aletha Russell
Unveiled Purpose Magazine / summer 2012/
Oliver Walmon Oliver Walmon began his career in law enforcement and delinquency prevention after watching family members succumb to the justice system through crime. Oliver went to East Tennessee State University and volunteered his time at the Upper East Tennessee Juvenile Detention Center. Oliver returned to Virginia to assist his family in coping with his siblings criminal detainments. He completed his college career at Norfolk State University. Oliver began as a counselor working in Newport News Detention 19 years ago. He i s t h e Su perv i so r an d Po st Dispositional Coordinator for Newport News, VDAPP President (Virginia Det e n t i o n A sso c i a t i o n o f P o st Dispositional Programs), Certified Gang Specialist through the Virginia Gang Investigator's Association, member of the Virginia Juvenile Justice Association, Special Conservator of the Peace through the Department of Criminal Justice Services, community events organizer the Crossover Promotions, and head youth football coach with the Oyster Point Panthers. Both Charles Little and Oliver Walmon are Certified Medical Agent with the ability to dispense psychotropic medications, Certified in the Handle with Care Restraint Management Program, Certified in CPR and First Aid and Certified through Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) NIMS compliancy. They have noted trainings to include Suicide Assessments & Depression, Self-Awareness Evaluation, Anger Management, Recognizing & Understanding Gangs, Cult Awareness, Rational Self-Counseling, Defensive Driving, JDAI Training (VJJA), Evidence-Based Practices (VJJA), and Graduated Sanctions (VJJA) 8 Unveiled Purpose Magazine
Aletha Russell
Aletha Russell has been a former speaker/facilitator to the youth of the Women of Greatness Retreat & Conference. This year she is giving her time to fulfill her commitment to our youth as the youth leader and Facilitator for 2012. Mrs. Russell is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She has been married for 26 years to Daryl Russell, and they have two daughters Carady and Ayana Russell. She has been living in the Virginia area for 20 years. Aletha has been saved for over 23 years. Her accomplishments are certified fitness instructor, completed a program in the Human Services field. Her continuing education plans: Liberty University majoring in Psychology with an emphasis in Christian Counseling. She attended the Potomac School of Ministry and obtained credentials in August 2010. She has been a Youth Sunday school coteacher for four years at a former church in the Norfolk Virginia area. Teaching on subjects such as HIV/ AID.s, Teen Dating, Peer Pressure and real life subjects that teens face today. A coordinator of natural health and healing workshops and seminars and founder and Editor of a health publication called The Bitter Herb. Aletha traveled to El Salvador as a part of a missions team, and was able to sing in Spanish and minister to the women’s intercessory prayer group. Her ministry focus’ are worship and arts frontline singer, intercessory prayer, HIV/AIDs Ministry and all outreach opportunities where she can be of assistance.
Charles Little
Charles Little is a United States Marine Corps Veteran with tours of duty in Desert Storm. While in Southern California, Charles began to focus on the prevalent gang issue that was becoming a national problem. His stepson was involved in a murder/gang crime and brought the gang reality to Charles' home. Charles was working in the Southern California School District and made it his mission to promote and educate Gang Awareness, Intervention, and Suppression to youth and parents in an attempt to save our children’s lives. Charles has been a supervisor for Community Service for adults and youth. He is also a 15 year experienced Juvenile Counselor in Newport News, VA and a 10 year experienced Juvenile Counselor in Norfolk, VA. Charles is a Certified Gang Specialist through the Virginia Gang Investigator's Association, Gang Trainer, a member of the Gang Intel Team serving federal, state, and local jurisdictions, and the local Crime Committee.
Co-Founder and President of Heart to Heart Circle of Life, Inc. ®, formally known as “Weekend of Life”. Heart to Heart focuses on the Physical & Spiritual Heart. Dedicated to allowing the Holy Spirit to guide her, Linda operates as a change agent for the Kingdom of God. Linda’s evangelistic approach is direct yet loving. She passionately pursues her life’s mission to see broken hearts healed, saved and restored both spiritually and physically. In the past 25 years Linda has served, evangelized, and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who have come her way. She recently accepted her call to ministry and was ordained as an Elder in October 2011 under the care of Apostle Sadie BrunsonAbundant Love Ministries in Wilmington, Delaware. Professionally, for the past 22 Minister Linda Fields years Linda has worked as a Business Agent with the National Union of Hospital and Healthcare Employees, AFSCME, AFL-CIO. Prior to her tenure with the Union she worked as the Public Relations Manager at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania serving as liaison between the university and external constituents. As a negotiator, mediator, community activist, respected labour-relations professional, mentor, and public speaker; Linda brings 25 years of love, caring & compassion to all people. In her words … “Everyone Counts.” The most prevalent scripture that fuels Linda’s love for the Lord and gives her the ability to serve is Romans 8:27-29. Linda is also a wife of 37 years to an adoring husband Charles, II, and a mother of three biological children that she so fondly describes as her “Three Precious Jewels” (e.g. Charles III, Chafie and Candis) In addition; she is a grandmother of five. Linda also has spiritual children and is a “surrogate mother” to many others. Overall Linda credits all of her bless- ings to the Love, Mercy, & Grace that is bestowed upon her by her Lord and Savior, “Jesus Christ.” Evangelist Marcella Allmond is a native of Newark, New Jersey and a current resident of Suffolk, Virginia. She is married to Charles Allmond, Jr. and they have a son, Charles Chavez Allmond. She is a alumnus of Hampton University, and holds a B.A./M.A. in Speech Pathology. She works with academically challenged children at Grassfield Elementary School in Chesapeake. Despite the trials and tribulations suffered throughout her life, she developed a strong love, reverence, and adoration for God. In fact, she still perseveres through struggles knowing that it is only by leaning and relying on the strength and power of God that one remains victorious. Her favorite Bible verse comes from Deuteronomy 31:8 which states, “It is the Lord Who goes before you; He will be with you; He will not fail you or forsake you; Do not fear or be dismayed.” Her motivation and mindset believes that God is a god of second chances. She wants all to understand that during this period of living in “the End-times”, we must realize that Evangelist Marcella Allmond God has called His warriors to be redirected, reconstructed, and revealed so that we may be fully utilized to bring about “Kingdom building”.
Sunday Schedule
Sunday, July 22, 2012 1000am-1100am – Brunch Buffet 1130am - 1200 Prayer, Scripture and Praise & Worship Worship leader- Evangelist Beatrice Haywood Praise Dance – Ivy Peeples 1200pm-1245pm - Testimonies From 2011-2012 1245pm – 1205pm – Evangelist Marcella Allmond 1205pm – 1225pm – Minister Linda Fields 1230pm –Worship Service and Prophetic Ministry: **Dr. Zipporah Brown, Cleveland Ohio (L-R) Prophetess Marcia Kinslow, Min. Linda Fields, Dr. Zipporah Brown, www.consumingfireglobalministries Evangelist Sandra Evans Smith and Prophetess Brenda Alston (not pictured) ** Special thanks to Dr. Zipporah Brown for her time & sacrifice in prayer & intercession with and 1-888-570-3329 for us throughout the past year for DCG’s Annual Conference. Though we were unable to have Contact Dr. Brown if you are a prayer warri- you with us this year, your ministry and love was felt throughout the conference. Thank you for or interested in being a part of a global team praying us through. We love & Appreciate you for being a true mother, sister & friend in ministry. of powerful intercessors!! Unveiled Purpose Magazine / summer 2012/ 9
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Awarded: I Am Radio Interview
Awarded: Free Website Package
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Awarded: FREE E-Blast promotion
Awarded: 2 tickets to ECMA Gala
Awarded: FREE $350 Branding Pkg
Awarded: FREE Photo Shoot Pkg 12
Unveiled Purpose Magazine
Awarded: PG Network Interview Pkg
Group Member Awarded: ECMA Gala Tickets
Awarded: ECMA 2013 Scholarship
Awarded: ECMA 2013 Scholarship
Unveiled Purpose Magazine / summer 2012/
A Woman of Greatness Blessed with the gift to lead and inspire others
―Like the bumblebee, I was the least likely to be able to fly, but I went ahead and did it anyway.‖ Mary Kay Independent National Sales Director
Beatrice Powell Chesapeake, Virginia
SEMINAR Pearl FORMER OCCUPATION: Sales THEME SONG: “Going All the Way” C AR E E R H IG HL I G HT S: Began, July 1973; Independent Sales Director, August 1980; Independent National Sales Director, October 2003; Monthly GoGive™ Award, May 2000; Millionaires Club (has earned more than $1 million in commissions during her Mary Kay career) FAST FUN FACTS: Motivated by: Music and excited people My best asset: My ability to connect with people Favorite vacation spot: Sans Souci, Jamaica
Unveiled Purpose Magazine
Turning lemons into lemonade. If anyone can stir up a mean pitcher of lemonade, it’s probably Independent National Sales Director Beatrice Powell. She’s been dealt a lot of life’s lemons, yet still managed to land on top. Beatrice once was the vice president of sales for her husband’s company. But when the economy began to sour in the 1980s, so did their business. Their 20-year marriage was next. At the same time her personal life was in turmoil, Beatrice’s oldest daughter was preparing to go to college. The reality of becoming a single parent of three helped Beatrice re-ignite her Mary Kay business and gave her the opportunity and the courage to make it on her own. “Because of Mary Kay Ash I came to understand how important it is to have a personal relationship with the Lord.” Beatrice says, and continues, “My first place of strength is with Him.” Beatrice appreciated Mary Kay’s philosophy of God first, family second and career third. It was the foundation for raising her children. Also during this tumultuous time, Beatrice recalled the “bumblebee story.” “Like the bumblebee, I was the least likely to be able to fly, but I went ahead and did it anyway. Thanks to my Mary Kay education, I believed and trusted that I could and would survive. And I did!” says Beatrice. She not only survived, she thrived by using a good old-fashioned work ethic she learned as a child. “My mother was a single parent, and I learned a lot from her. She taught us that by helping others, you can get what you want. That led me to helping in my church, and that’s how I received
my college scholarship.” Beatrice says that her can-do attitude is the greatest inheritance she could ever leave her three children, who are all successful entrepreneurs. “They always tell me that because of me, they made it. They saw me fall down and keep getting up,” says Beatrice. She also adds that the most valuable thing she learned didn’t come from a college classroom. “My Mary Kay business has given me self-esteem, which is nothing that my degree could have given me. And, my Mary Kay business is also my ministry. I tell other women they can make it. Mary Kay Ash has given us this vehicle, but it’s truly been a gift from God.”
Bea & her Family
Emeritus National Mary Kay Sales Director was honored by family, friends, and associates, who came to show love and respect to her as she celebrated retirement from 39 years of Mary Kay. As a pioneer in Mary Kay Inc., out of over Two Million (2,000,000) Consultants and Directors in Mary Kay throughout the world, Bea Powell is the 21st African-American National Sales Director in the entire Company; and the first (1 st) and only African-American National Sales Director in the state of Virginia. Close to 200 people came from all over the United States and celebrated ENSD Bea Powell with songs, mime, dance, gifts, and tributes. Many spoke of how ENSD Bea Powell touched thousands of lives by sharing so much more than lipstick and skin care products. ENSD Powell spoke into the hearts of everyone she encountered and showed them how to become healed, delivered, and prosperous women. Her children spoke of how their college was accomplished and paid for through Mary Kay profits, and how they learned discipline and hard work ethics through their participation in their mothers business. She taught them and others that “if you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.” Emeritus Bea Powell spoke on points of persistence, success, self-esteem, and sisterhood. She said, “When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” When failure looked Bea in the eye, she looked forward and didn‟t stop, she failed FORWARD, until she arrived at her destination of NATIONAL SALES DIRECTOR, which is the highest leadership position in Mary Kay Inc. Therefore, she informed everyone that “your destination becomes your destiny.” Bea Powell‟s life was built on her FAITH in God, which allowed her to make her business her ministry as well. This lined up with Mary Kay‟s philosophy of “God first, family second, and career third.” Bea was able to therefore see beyond women‟s need for makeup on the outside, and see their need for a makeover on the inside as well. Through this she has risen to a level of being one of the most sought after speakers in the Mary Kay organization and other organizations and churches as well. Now at this place of “repositioning,” Bea Powell is continuing to function as an Inspirational and Motivational Speaker, speaking into the lives of both men and women on how to be all that God has created them to be and do what He has called them to do. Secondly, she is so excited about a new Wellness Formula called “Zeal for Life,” which will enrich, restore, and protect your health. It has given her so much energy, balanced her system, and even caused her to lose weight without even trying. Everywhere she goes, people are asking how is it that she looks so good and has this „glow‟ about her. The only difference has been the improvements to her health since taking Zeal. This business is based on 3 John 2, which says, “Beloved I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health, even as you soul prospers. Thirdly, Bea is taking her Inspirational and Motivational speaking to an even higher level by teaming up with John Maxwell. John Maxwell is training her to become John Maxwell certified Coach, Teacher and Speaker. Entrepreneurship, with the emphasis on perfecting Leadership Skills is the legacy that Bea Powell has deposited in the lives of so many, and is now taking that to a whole new level. This has been passed on to her children, who she expects many great accomplishments from. Bea desires that you find the Champion that is deep within you that is waiting for you to discover it and nurture it to win. DIVINE CONCEPT GROUP SALUTES YOU!!! Unveiled Purpose Magazine / summer 2012/
Unveiled Purpose Magazine
Unveiled Purpose™ Magazine Mission
The magazine's mission is to provide opportunities for individuals to minister and share their gift with others in a positive, CHRISTIAN lifestyle publication, our focus is creating a publishing opportunity for new and established talent while providing resources, inspiration and information that fosters the fulfillment of Divine purpose for women, men, families, and youth throughout the country and Internationally.
Editorial Focus and Target Market The biannual publication provides encouragement through the testimonies and stories of others. Unveiled Purpose™ fosters fulfillment of the readers Divine Purpose with a positive lifestyle focus for a target market of about 10 million CHRISTIAN readers. This market believes in spirituality and a wholesome lifestyle for themselves and their families.
Circulation Initial Distribution was via the Women of Greatness Retreat and Conference, future plans include distribution nationally from a combination of events, subscriptions, bookstore sales and direct distribution to churches throughout the country with whom there is a exclusive relationship in reference to the publication. Total readership goal by 2015 is 10 thousand plus per issue. Circulation also includes our digital issue and online presence on our website and other partner sites.
General Advertising Rates-per issue 2012-2013 Frequency per year---
1X - January
2X - July
$450 (save $100)
$310 (save $100)
Cover (Back or Inside) Color– Full Page / 1/2 page
$600 / $350
$550 / $300
Cover (Inside) B&W- 1/2 page
$230 (save $100)
Vertical- 4.625 in. X 7.375 in. Horizontal-7.0 in X 4.875 in.
$230 (save $90)
1/2 page B/W -
$160 (save $90)
Vertical- 2.25 in. X 7.375 in. Horizontal- 4.625 in. X 3.625 in.
$100 (save $80)
1/4 page B/W-
$90 (save $40)
1/8page Color – 3.375in. X 2.25in. Approx. business card size
$70 (save $20)
1/8 page B/W-
$50 (save $20)
Front Cover-
Full Page Color–
8.25 in. X 10.75 in. Full Page B/W-
8.25 in. X 10.75 in.
1/2 page Color –
1/4 page Color
IMPORTANT: For all ads purchased for multiple issues we will run the exact same ad for each issue. Prices are per ad printed: example full page color “2X” means you pay $450 X 2= $900 for two runs of your ad. Multiple page discounts available per issue - 5% to recognized agencies. Fees payable via Money Order, Paypal or using the internet secure ordering and payment provisions on eventbrite: Contact: E. Ward (757) 515-7142 Ad Rates information: We are a 501c3 non-profit organization and our publication is funded solely through donation and by our advertisers and individual issue salesThank you for your support.
Digital requirements: All advertisements may be supplied in digital or camera-ready format -- digital preferred. Acceptable media: CD, DVD, e-mail (preferred, if file is small enough). Disks will not be returned unless requested. Files preferred: Publisher, Word, Advertisement Layout Options PDF, JPG – (all others please inquire for acceptability). Provide hard copy proof at 100%. Minimum resolution: 1200 dpi for all lineart & logos; all other images at least 300 dpi. Method of printing: Digital Laser Also view at Unveiled Purpose Magazine / summer 2012/ 17 unveiledpurposemagazine
Jkbu Productions, Inc./Prov10:22 Films
presents the inspirational youth film
"what about the children" a film about the struggling relationship between the parent and the child and how the child deals with the neglect
- FILM RATED G (Film Appropriate for 9 yrs and older. No sexual, profane or violent content in this film)
Film Links: - “what about the children” official trailer: - "what about the children" Film Premiere & Red Carpet Ceremony: We encourage you to come out to support this inspirational film about our youth and family healing and reconciliation. (Note: This film has received positive reviews from London, England and Auckland, New Zealand)
Below are a few of the reviews from the film:
E-mail us to contact Cortez Mack
“I thought the film sent a clear message about the children, and the stress that they are facing with today, and how we as parents are the ones responsible for their actions, especially in the way carry ourselves.” Wade Smith, Sr., patron
“The message was positive, it showed the love of the church, the love and support of the family, and the love and support of the community for the children/youth of the inner city when they are faced with negative situations.” Terrence Ellery, church youth leader “The movie was excellent! I would like to see more movies with a message like this movie. It was very different the any films I've seen, and would like to see more from this director.” Shaiking Mathis, Film Editor “I greatly appreciate the films it was a positive massage it was very interesting to see what really going on with our society keep up the good work and may God continue to bless you and your family.” Veronica Mack, Blue Shield Blue Cross “This film was EXCELLENT!!! This film talked about all the issue our youth, our families, our churches, our communities are dealing with, and how we need to start getting it together. I would recommend this film to everyone I know. and I will watch this film over and over and over again. Good job, Cortez & Jeri.” Evangelist Ann Bell Free Spirit Ministerial WorshipCenter South Holland, Illinois "What About The Children" truly delivers the message home, by taking it back to the home, where the problems and SOLUTION'S starts. The film captures up to date present problematic scenarios, and situations which makes the film multi-level, thus related to youth and adult alike, as well as, creates outlets to be showcased in environments outside the theater and homes, such as educational schools, colleges, and universities. The film farewell gifts a real blueprint plan of dysfunctional family puzzle solving in the minds and hearts of the viewers, besides, enjoyable family orientated entertainment.” Lord Xodus Chicago Spoken Word Artist/Actor We realized and recognized from the reviews that this film touched the hearts, minds and spirits of those who attended our film screening premiere. The message of this film “struck a cord” with the audience and it encouraged them to understand how important it is to embrace our families, our communities, and especially our youth. 18
Unveiled Purpose Magazine
Shopping Buddy Inside Your Pocket ~ by Jaylynn Turner Now with the help of internet and smart mobile devices, there are several fashion mobile apps designed to become personal shopping assistants so no one has to experience the sold out blues ever again.
Snapette (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) Snapette combines the sharing of social networking, the shopping experience of malls and the satisfaction of consumption all in one mobile app. Snapette users can browse other user’s photos to identify brand, retailer and price. The app enables browsing and screening of products, specifically shoes and bags. In addition, users can keep together a wishlist of items and upload them to Facebook and Tumblr.
Have you ever heard the saying “love something let it go and if it comes back then it is meant to be?” Whoever came up with it definitely was not a fashionista. It is absolutely the worst feeling seeing the perfect maxi dress hanging in the store’s front window, coming back days later and realizing the color or the size needed is sold out. Instead of accepting the fact of an item being sold out, we go through all the extremes to reunite ourselves with the desired item. First thought: “Ask an associate to check another local store.” Second thought: “Ask an associate to go online and check the inventory of all stores nationwide.” Last and most desperate thought: “Search online and find any website that sells that item or something similar.” However, wouldn’t it be so much easier if everyone has a personal shopping assistant to do all the work for us? After all, it doesn’t really matter how the item is found as long as it makes it into the desperate shopper’s hands.
Shop Savvy (Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows) This app scans barcodes and reads QR codes to find an exact product at another store for a cheaper price. Shop Savvy reveals lower prices and reviews by others based on the mobile device’s GPS location. In addition, retailers can upload their products making it easier for shoppers to find and buy products. It’s the perfect solution for shopping on the go!
The Find (Android, Kindle Fire, iPhone, iPad) The Find aims to create a match between the two by bridging the gap between shoppers and retailers. It is an intensive search engine that feeds on the app’s products, stores, sales and coupons. Searches can be saved at its’ online website to purchase items in the future. The app caters to online shopping, local shopping, and green shopping. Which app do you use as your personal shopping assistant? Let me know which shopping app you like the most and why. Send your email with the subject line: “Unveiled Purpose Apps” to Unveiled Purpose Magazine / summer 2012/
DIVINE CONCEPT GROUP SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES Divine Concept Group is a 501c3 charitable organization recognized and in good standing with the IRS. All of our funding is by donation & fundraising, we need your help. Your donations are tax deductible for all funds given where no goods or services were provided by our organization. The receipt of your funding may be recognized in a variety of ways. The following indicative packages have been designed to establish a benchmark and ensure parity between our various sponsors. Comparable recognition will also be arranged on an individual bases for “in kind donations”. The Platinum Package - $5,000 contribution Main stage signage with large scale image of company logo displayed at the Divine Gift Showcase and daily at the Women Of Greatness Retreat & Family Conference. Sponsor acknowledgement in any media releases and advertisements of the event. Signage opportunity at DCG hosted events. The Organization will display one banner that is provided by the sponsor at other sponsored events for the year. Complimentary vendor space (one table) at the event to provide product samples or brochures for distribution as well as an opportunity for preferred vendor status at other DCG events. Opportunity to increase marketing database by collecting names at DCG hosted events, for example by holding a raffle. The raffle prize(s) and the logistics of running the raffle are the responsibility of the sponsor. Full-page color advertisement for your business in the conference July Special Edition of our Official Publication “Unveiled Purpose” Magazine. View past magazine issues at An opportunity to market directly to DCG members and event attendees three to four times within the year in “Unveiled Purpose” Magazine. Display of company logo on all official DCG electronic mail for 1 year. One year "click through" advertisement on our website, and a logo featured in the Sponsorship section of the site at
The Silver Package - $1,000 contribution Main stage signage with medium scale image of company logo displayed at the Divine Gift Showcase and daily at the Women Of Greatness Retreat & Family Conference.
Unveiled Purpose Magazine
The Silver Package Continued 50% discounted vendor space (one table) at the event to provide product samples or brochures for distribution as well as an opportunity for preferred vendor status at other DCG events. Opportunity to increase marketing database by collecting names at DCG hosted events, for example by holding a raffle. The raffle prize(s) and the logistics of running the raffle are the responsibility of the sponsor. Half page color advertisement for your business in the conference July Special Edition of our Official Publication “Unveiled Purpose” Magazine. View past magazine issues at An opportunity to market directly to DCG members and event attendees twice within the year via our Official Publication – “Unveiled Purpose” Magazine. One year "click through" advertisement on our website, and a logo featured in the Sponsorship section of the site at
The Bronze Package - $500 contribution Signage with image of company logo displayed at the Divine Gift Showcase and daily at the Women Of Greatness Retreat & Family Conference. One year "click through" advertisement on our website, and a logo featured in the Sponsorship section of the site at An opportunity to market directly to DCG members and event attendees via the conference Special Edition of our Official Publication – “Unveiled Purpose” Magazine. Complimentary listing for your business with logo in the conference July Special Edition of our Official Publication “Unveiled Purpose” Magazine. View past magazine issues at TALK TO US
We would be delighted to discuss sponsorship opportunities with you in person. We understand that you need to be confident that you will receive a good return on your sponsorship contribution. DCG is determined to work with sponsors to make sure they get the maximum benefit from the sponsorship. Thanks for your support.
If you have any questions about this sponsorship proposal please contact us:
Unveiled Purpose Magazine / summer 2012/
Unveiled Purpose Magazine
DCG Membership 24 St. Johns Drive Hampton, Virginia 23666
Feel free to make copies of the form above Unveiled Purpose Magazine / summer 2012/
We cordially invite you to help the worthy cause of the Nehemiah Project to repair & remodel a newly acquired building in the East End of Newport News, Virginia. Some say it’s the “bottom” but WTUCC is going to help take the neighborhood to “the top”! This Community Center will service and provide needed training, life skills and enrichment for the community. Volunteers, and/or donations will be greatly appreciated. They are a tax exempt 501©3 organization.
Working Together In Unity Community Center Located in the heart of Downtown Newport News, Virginia; will provide life skill training for families. Assistance to families, some homeless, as they move from dependent, often abusive relationships into independent, self-sufficient lifestyles. The Center’s “Empowering the Youth Project” will help at risk youth in the Newsome Park area to learn the skills to become successful in life . The four major components of the program are: Homework assistance through tutoring, mentoring, and use of computer labs Nutrition education to promote healthy lifestyles, combat obesity, and to educate teen moms in the proper nutrition during pregnancy Job placement skills which will help the youth in the area to seek employment College preparation to help with preparation with financial aid and college submission, and award one or two scholarship a year to candidates who made the most improvement during the school year. The before and after school program includes homework assistance two hours/week and health and life skills education hours/week. 24 three Unveiled Purpose Magazine