Winter 2018
Sr. Editor’s Exhortation page 4 Special Report– Finances– Lorra Brown page 6-7 Cultivating your own Garden page 8-9 International Profile-Anna Modell page 10,15 International Profile-Singer Chanea page 22,23 Rising Authors– Featured Books page 28,29 Model LaToya Scott page 26-29 DCG Honors Banquet Gala Invitation page 34,35 Up & Coming Christian Artists -Divine Gift Showcase Intl. Artists C.R.E.A.M., Phil Jay and page 32,36-43 Hearts of Faith, Benjamin Harrell page 44-45,56 Martin Blockson-testimony page -57 Artistically Speaking– Jo Cooney page 33 L. D’Shawn Wright page 46,47 Remembering Travis Kirby page 48 Encore in Memoriam– Bishop Samuel Green page 50,51 DCG Authors & Writers Workshop page 52-53 Men of Power & more about DCG page 58-59
Welcome back to Unveiled Purpose Magazine!! We are so excited to re-launch our official publication after 5 years of various obstacles and hindrances, from a computer malfunctioning, a corrupted jump drive, to a house fire. This issue is a triumph and example for anyone who is facing major opposition in your life. NEVER give up! Gods timing is perfect no matter what your enemies are trying to do, enemies can be both natural and spiritual. In Ephesians 6:11,12 the bible instructs to put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Think it not strange... I Peter 4:12, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. The word tells us to rejoice in that we are partakers in the sufferings of our savior. Trials and suffering come in many forms. But by faith, we endure... knowing that God promises ALL things will work together for good to them who love Him and are called according to His purpose. If we endure in faith knowing that God will help us and He will get the glory out of what we are going through, it makes our suffering more relevant and helps us to go through with a victorious mindset. Giving thanks to God in all things, because He is sovereign and He has a Divine Plan that sometimes includes obstacles, and moments where God will allow difficulties. Our 2018 theme is “Reviving the Fire (of Gods Vision in You)”. Many times our most difficult trials are the very thing that catapults us into destiny, especially if we go through it with the right spirit, continuing to praise God and trust Him for the outcome. It takes a great faith to stare obstacles and adversities in the face with confidence knowing that God is in control and He cares about everything that concerns you. What we go through is not always for us, but if we go through with righteous conduct and never stop praising the Lord, the fruit of our faith will be rewarded openly.
Ericka Ward
Special Feature Interview:
COVER STORY: Interview w/ David L. Cook & Artists’ Music Guild PAGES 12-21
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Staff Senior Editor/Writer Miriam Stevens Layout/Creative Editor Felicia Owens Layout Design Susan Quarterman Writer/Entertainment Editor Nicole Lester Photographer Steven Ward Fashion & Beauty Editor Tiffany Debreaux-Smith Layout Design Intern Azaria Brown
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5 Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018
EDITOR’S EXHORTATION BY ERICKA WARD One morning on my commute to work it was evident that snow was on the way... of course I couldn't snap a photo while driving... but this photo is mighty close to the "swarm" of birds I saw migrating South, which made me think on the instinctive ability of birds to discern what is coming and they make adjustments in their direction accordingly to preserve their own lives. Wow we can learn alot from the birds - when we desire to please our creator we will strive to make moves towards what pleases Him, in the process we save our selves from destruction. Jeremiah 8:6-7 6 I hearkened and heard, but they spake not aright: no man repented him of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? every one turned to his course, as the horse rusheth into the battle. 7 Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but my people know not the judgment of the Lord. Now is crucial time for each of us to take a closer look at ourselves and to measure the way we are living only against what Gods word says is pleasing and displeasing to Him. Look beyond the things we want to do, the things that we have excused with our own justifications and rationalizations for why God will or should accept how we are living. Those of us who love God and want to please Him must not ignore the convictions and nudges from God that may make us uncomfortable with our-
selves. Conviction unlike guilt is the result of Gods own effort to cause us to see the error of our ways. If we admit our wrong doing to God; rather than cover it and make excuses for it, He is waiting to forgive and restore us to right relationship with Him. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. No pleasure, relationship, activity, tradition, or socially popular behaviors are worth losing our souls eternally. In perspective we have to remember that the works of our flesh and the things we do on earth are temporary. While we are alive and able to understand the impact our sin has on God, this understanding should affect us enough to care for how God is affected by our sin. This care should motivate us to desire to change and not to cause God pain or grief. To empathize, recognizing the pain of disappointment when we have confidence in someone and trust that they will be faithful to us and that they will not go back on their word or promise to us. When people betray us, or cheat on us or violate our trust, it is this same pain that we inflict on God when we sin. Our love for God must supersede our love for ourselves, others and our desire to partake in the many worldly and fleshly pleasures that distract us and separate us from God. Unconfessed sin builds up like a wall be-
Senior Editor’s Exhortation/Miriam Stevens
tween us and God, it blocks communication and our own lifeline for growth and Kingdom advancement. Not only will sin block us from where God wants us to be it also can bring us dangerously close to total separation from God. So many of us think we will have plenty of time to get it right, or we have convinced ourselves that because we got saved that we can sin without consequence because God is a loving and forgiving God. He is, however; if we do not take advantage of the remedy in Jesus Christ that allows us to change—then we remain in a willful state of sin. Being Born Again means everything becomes new whatever we were born with, soul ties, generational curses all are nullified under the blood of Jesus Christ! How do we ignore the sacrifice God made in giving His only son to take our place? He who was sinless became sin and took on the punishment we deserve giving up His life and He actually went to Hell so that we don’t have to. If we devalue that great sacrifice the bible says its like killing Jesus all over again!! When we ignore Jesus’ power to help us to change and to keep us living a holy life, it is as if we are literally murdering Him with our own hands. It’s like throwing His sacrifice in His face and saying “Jesus what you did wasn't good enough and I don’t care what you went through I’m going to do what I want to do.” Like spitting in the face of someone who gives you a priceless gift. Why would we reject help to our own hurt? It’s like being in a desolate, dry desert and people finally come to your rescue and one of them offers you a delicious, thirst quenching glass of water, you take a sip and instead of drinking the perfect water you spit it in their face.
Hebrews 6:4-8 4- It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5- who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age 6- and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. 7- Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. 8- But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned. God loves us so much and has given us many opportunities to correct our errors, however; we are not promised perpetual grace to continue in our sins. God is calling for us to hear His voice and submit ourselves to His spirit so that we can change. Many changes cannot be made with our own willpower or desire. We have to genuinely give all our weaknesses to God and allow “Him” to make the change in us– it is His joy to make us “new”, Jesus came to make all things new. So we don’t have anything going on in our lives that is too hard for the power of the Holy Spirit to heal, deliver and change. It is why Jesus came to remove the barrier of sin that separates us from our Heavenly Father. If you are struggling today avoid justifications, excuses and reserving the right to a few choice vices… Turn them all over to Jesus, let him have all of you and trust Him to make the changes that you are not able to make on your own. ~In Love
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018
Photo credit: penywise-freeimages.com
DO YOU TALK FINANCES WITH YOUR PARTNER? IF NOT, TRY THESE TIPS. For some of us money is one of the last things we want to discuss with our mate. Women tend to find it hard to talk openly with their mate regarding money. Others find it difficult to discuss money based upon how their parents dealt with finances. Studies show that 75% of couples say money is a hard issue to talk about. Relationship experts suggest that money is a factor in many divorces.
If you don’t currently have an emergency fund this should be a priority. An emergency fund is needed when something major happens such as job loss, illness, major home or car repair. This will help provide you with financial security.
Talk About Money
If you have not had the money talk do so now. You need to talk about the accounts that you have together and individually. There should also be a discussion regarding debt.
If you are single or married you should make sure that you’re financially secure. This means you should save for retirement. If your company offers a 401K take advantage of it. You should contribute the maximum allowed if your job does matching.
Set Goals After discussing your financial status, set short term and long term goals. When do you plan on retiring? How will
you get out of debt? Make sure you review you goals periodically. You will have much better success. Start an Emergency Fund
Look into a Roth IRA and contribute the yearly max, if your budget allows.
Financial Health, Wealth & Prosperity/Lorra Brown Get out of Debt Debt can take a toll on one person, and can be damaging on two. Start you marriage out on the right foot. Sit down to work out a plan with your spouse to stay out of debt. Living a debt free life is healthy financially and for your marriage.
Responsibilities Husband and wife should share the responsibilities, make sure that you both are aware of the entire financial picture and participate in the managing part of it. It takes both parties to take responsibility together in order for it to work.
Honesty In order for the finances to work in your marriage you must be honest, especially when it comes to money. If you mess up, tell your spouse. You must own up to purchases you shouldn’t have made. There may be some disappointment at first, but they will trust you for owning up to your mistake. Lying to your spouse can cause huge problems, lack of trust, and can even lead to a divorce. you will know how to deal with budgeting, spending and investing. Forming good money habits at the beginning of your relationship will help you in the long run. It is much better to do it sooner than later.
Programming and services provided to the community include: financial literacy seminars, business seminars for nonprofits and churches, and tax seminars. They will also customize seminars on additional topics upon request.
Lorra Brown
ABOUT LORRA BROWN Lorra Brown Enterprises was founded in 2011. The organization was born out of Lorra’s passion for helping others and a desire to assist women, in particular; with financial preparedness. The diversity of services Lorra and her staff provide include assisting women to properly start up their own business with a strategic plan for success, and development of a business and personal financial plan. These services are provided to women all over the world, no matter what their ethnic origin or background. Due to high demand they’ve also expanded their services to include empowering men. Lorra has a beautiful, far reaching goal and vision for the organization. They are certainly making an impact for many by providing them with the tools and services which were previously inaccessible to them.
“My vision is for Lorra Brown Enterprises to go “world-wide” and service everyone including families and children...” Lorra Brown Enterprises is always seeking to form community partnerships. They are interested in partnering with churches, non-profit organizations and even schools. “We believe in creating a meaningful learning environment for our community’s, so that they develop leadership skills to pass down to our children to become future leaders, consumers, and contributors for our local economies”. Marriage and money can be a tricky situation, but if you lay down the ground work early, significant issues can be avoided. Being open and honest with each other is the best thing that you can do. Work on a plan and a budget of how to run you house-hold, so that there will not be any surprises. The sooner you do this the better. Lorra Brown is ranked by ECA Accounting as one of the Top 100 Accounting Experts to follow on Twitter as a result of her prominent role as a CPA and tax expert. Known nationally as The Savvy Money™ Expert Lorra has presented seminars and webinars for various organizations. Plus, she’s been a speaker at numerous conferences for entrepreneurs, churches, and nonprofits. If you would like for Lorra to speak at you next event, please visit or contact us page.
Address 2580 W Cp # 166 Grand Prairie, Texas 75052 Phone (817) 704-4050 Website http://www.lbeconsulting.com
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018
You’ve labored and labored, but still there’s no sign of growth. The ground shows nothing more than weeds and dirt. Just when you thought you were getting somewhere, dormancy... Dormancy is a state of inactivity. During this quiescence, there are external factors that are prohibiting growth and development. However, we cannot talk about dormancy, without talking about germination. Germination is a process by which a seed begins to grow. What about the harvest? Harvest time represents a productive result of the seeds planted. Now that we have the foundation set for this kind of cultivation, let’s talk about the seeds in your life. Many of us have unsaved and/or backslidden loved ones, who we want to see God work a miracle for. We do everything we know how to convince and persuade them to come to church and
fellowship with the body of Christ. We even go so far as to send encouraging messages to them, we show our Godly love, and always extend an open invitation to church. After a while, it seems like our laboring is in vain because we do not see any change for the better. The bible says one plants, one nurtures or waters), but God gives the increase. Sometimes we fail to realize that just maybe our assignment was only to plant the seed, or to water the seed. But, we try to do it all.
“Many of us have unsaved and/or backslidden loved ones, who we want to see God work a miracle for.” Have you ever considered that God has others in position, ready to carry out their assignment? We have to be able to trust God even when we can’t trace his hand. We walk by faith and not by sight.
Photo credit: A Ring by stacib 257927-freeimages.com
When Your Eyes are Blinded by Dormancy/Tijera Moseley When Jesus called Peter out of the boat, to come to Him, walking on water, Peter stepped out on His word. In the midst of his surroundings, he became fearful of the storm, raging winds, and the tussling of the waves. At this point, he began to sink. Peter couldn’t see Jesus because he turned his focus to the storm.
“Have you ever considered that God has others in position, ready to carry out their assignment?” Being blinded by dormancy means losing focus of the harvest because of what looks to be dead or a failure to thrive, not realizing that God is still doing a great work. When God created heaven and earth, His word was powerful! He said “Let there be…” and it was! We have to adopt this same confidence and conviction to know that when we say “Let there be…,” it will be because we believe. Belief is the key to asking, seeking, and knocking. We have to see the planted seed in its blossomed state. We can’t faint in well doing! Do not be moved by what you see. Believe that God is working it out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. You have to PU-S-H: Pray Until Something Happens! You shall reap if you faint not!
ABOUT MINISTER MOSELEY Minister Tijera Moseley is a member of United Nations Church Int'l Fredericksburg . She resides in Providence Forge, VA and has two daughters. Minister Moseley is a Registered Nurse in mental health for the Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services. She has a Master of Science in Nursing from Walden University. Minister Moseley is an intercessor and worshipper at heart, and loves to sing praises to the Lord. It is her heart’s desire to be a blessing to the people of God by giving encouragement through songs and writing. To contact Minister Moseley for speaking engagements, please email her at: www.tijeramoseley@yahoo.com
TESTIMONY OF FLORDIA TAYLOR– CHICAGO ILLINOIS In the year of 2013, about March or April, my right breast was not feeling good and not looking right to me. I waited a few weeks, then I called the Dr. and got a recording. I made up in my mind to go to the Dr. So after my visit, about two weeks later, I got a call to come back. My daughter and grand went with me. while I waited for my next visit, the Holy Spirit had already let me know that it would be cancer. On my return visit, when the Dr. came in, I knew what she was going to say,
just praying it was not too late. She told me that it was cancer, and that I need to have chemocare, 8 treatments. So my first was July 2, 2013 and my last was Dec. 3, 2013. After the treatments, came the surgery, Jan. 14, 2014. I went back two weeks later , she came in the room with a big smile on her face, I knew it was good news. She sat down in front of me and pointed to my breast and said there is no more cancer. Well, you know I lost it right in the Dr,'s office. I was so sick during the treatments, I lost about 30 lbs, did not want food, just something cold to drink. I prayed and asked the Lord to save my life, and he did. Now I will be his walking, living testimony for the rest of my life. God is so good, just put your trust in him, have the faith, pray and pray again. You have to wait on him, he will come through for you, he did it for me, he will do it for you. God bless you. Amen.
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018
INTERNATIONAL PROFILE: ANNA MODELL Name: Anna Modell Statue: CEO UKEN Talent Occupation: Model, Songwriter, Singer, Actress Nationality: Black British, Black African decent/South Sudan Biography: I was fortunate to be born in a family which was well-off in Juba South Sudan, although the condition in the country was not “at hand”. My mother was a decent Teacher teaching Arabic Language in Secondary School. My Father was a well known Medical Doctor by profession who has performed major successful operations. I am the second child born in the family followed by my twin sisters. As a child back in South Sudan, I started education from a very young age. Being in Kindergarden was not one of my best experiences because I suffered some serious abuse known as bullying. I was not bold enough to share my bullying experience with my parents although they were the right people to be open with in cases such as this. I was silent about the whole situation and did not share it with them; it has caused me to feel discouraged about going to School at some point. I remember that I made several excuses not to go to school when my Dad wanted to take me early in the morning. One day I wet myself on the way to school and fortunately we had to come back home which made me pretty much excited about the whole situation. As a child I loved my father very much even more than my mother – you could call me Daddy’s girl back then- he was the best member of the family to me. I hear my mother saying a lot of kind things about him; like how he use to help sick and poor people around the area. I use to go on outings and spend a lot of time with him; in fact I was his favorite, as my big cousins use to say. He always used to take me up to the mountains just to look around and sometimes the entire family to visit friends and drove family around the place with his car. We would also go and visit his big farm where some crops were planted such as Sugar-cane, Corn and Oat. He also use to take me shopping; and one day during the night hours we went to the market to buy fried fish -because I use to like eating it. When we got to the place, before he leaves the car to go and buy the fish he gave me some instruction to follow if someone tries to approach me inside the car which I was in. The instruction was to simply scream out loud! As he left me inside the car, few minutes later I was filled with so much fear and was ready to scream at any second. When he was coming back to the car I felt like somebody was coming to kidnap me so I thought of screaming right that minute but luckily it turned out to be him back with the fish.
Father Farewell One day as I came back from school I heard news that almost broke my heart for the rest of my days of living in South Sudan as a child. The news was that my Dad had left the country and may not come back soon. As young as I was, I was completely devastated with the news. It felt like a big part of my body was gone. This result into me having emotional breakdown where I was refusing to eat properly; no longer playing with my friends; just having bad days full of sadness because I wanted my father back. But all I knew was he will not be back again because he’s left us alone. However, later I discovered he left for educational purposes to go and study abroad. Some years after, I heard news that brought joy into my life. That was to say our family is relocating to live in Khartoum, Capital city of Sudan. I was very happy because I thought I will be meeting my dad once again there. Before we left to Khartoum my mum was trying to make us feel excited by telling us how beautiful that city is, and how food and everything will be available to us because since my dad left we have faced a serious financial difficulties in which we were not Continued on page 15...
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018 11
Cover Story: David L. Cook & Artists’ Music Guild/Ericka Ward When was your organization founded? The Artists Music Guild opened its doors for business on Jan 1, 2011 @12:00 am. What was the catalyst that led to its development? Our Executive President, David L Cook who grew up in the public eye singing with his family The Cook Family Singers who were famed Grand Ole Opry stars finally decided that after years of trying to help other organizations to achieve their goals and finding out that it was a thankless job, decided that he would put together an organization that truly appreciated and protected artists from predatory practices. What population do you serve and what locales? The AMG has offices in Florida, Texas, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina. We serve a huge amount of the United States and do not find that we are area barren. Most of our artists come from all over the place, including outside of the US. What is the vision for the future of your organization? Our goal is simple. We want to grow with style and class without compromising what we set out to do. Our main focus has been and will always be the betterment of the artists and to protect them from organizations and people who seek to use them for monetary and exploitation purposes. We see ourselves growing into an organization much like the Grammys or Emmys, but with an emphasis on multi genres and not just music or television. We also see ourselves as a major force in the public school systems helping teachers to educate young people on the importance of the arts in all genres. How can the community assist your mission? The community as a whole is a vital part of the Guild. We need their support to help us propel young and upcoming artists into a place where they can be respected. Not a flash in the pan kind of thing. We teach our artists how to become better than a one night trick pony. We really do get in there and work with them to hone their craft. The community can assist us by supporting the Guild in its programming and educational objectives. Please share some of the programming/services that you provide. The Guild has a vast array of services available to its members. We have everything from legal services, to artist development, recording studios, product manufacturing, video production, press services, social media’s. The list really does go on and on. How would those in need of your services be able to participate? Joining the Guild is a process all in its own. After a prospective artist completes an online application, they are then reviewed by a committee to see if they fit our level of excellence. We do not want to give “wanna be” artists the wrong hopes. So we need them to be realistic in their endeavors. Singing in your home church or doing karaoke then having people tell you that you should be recording albums and traveling to do concerts does not make you good or professional. It just means you bought into something someone told you. Most of the artists out there today are not really all that good, but they are convinced. Once people get that in their head, you most definitely will not be able to change their mind. So the way people can participate is to keep things realistic. We are not miracle workers and we can only work with what you bring us. This is why we are very particular about our membership.
In summary, the Guild is a place where artists can come to grow. We encourage individuality and not some recreation of what the media or public expects an artist to be. The Guild is a mixture of genres which includes everything from music to authors. We feel that all genres are worthy of acknowledgement and appreciation. The Guild is a conglomeration of companies that have come together to form one huge company in an effort that our artists will never have to go outside of our umbrella if they choose not to. Our service providers must also be members of the Guild so that they meet our fiduciary requirements of how to deal with our members. If something goes wrong we then have proper recourse. Artists who come into the Guild are not coming because they want us to make them a star. They are coming because they want that education of how to have a long and prosperous career that will last them a lot longer than what five minutes of fame will offer. Singer Terri Gibbs shares, "I am thrilled to be a part of the Artists Music Guild. They have been there to help me through situations that would have otherwise been very stressful to me as an artist. They have brought me back to the forefront of my career and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of their hard work and encouragement. I would suggest that any artist looking for a place to go for direction and career help to look no further than the Artists Music Guild."
The Guild gives 25 awards away each year at its annual AMG Heritage Awards and the categories are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018 13
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Jimmy Davis, Guild President IAMAS Corporation Executive Offices www.ArtistsMusicGuild.com
Cook, a seven time Emmy Award winner is using his talents in cooperation with the AMG team of qualified professionals to forward the careers of other talented artists. The guild provides guidance, training, mentoring, legal and professional services to assist and promote artists whose talents encompass every facet of the arts. For more information or to learn how to become a member visit: www.ArtistsMusicGuild.com. Visit DavidlCook.com to learn more about David L. Cook.
International Profile/Anna Modell group -which I really enjoyed and this is how I began to sing publicly from the age of eight.
...continued from page 10 able to fulfil our household needs as usual; not enough food to eat etc. Indeed we felt very excited to be traveling to Khartoum.
Leaving Juba Finally when the day came for us to travel to Khartoum, we packed everything we needed and bid farewell to our friends and relatives to head to the north. It was one of my best moments. After a very long journey on the flight, we finally arrived Khartoum were we were picked up from the airport by my Auntie’s family who lives in the north. I was still thinking about my dad and was feeling excited about being in Khartoum because of meeting him. When we got home, relaxed and after a while I knew that my dad was not there because he’s left to Egypt. And again I was back in the same situation were I was feeling very emotional and unwell. One day I was stricken by a very bad sickness which left me drinking only juice and nothing else. The sickness was caused by lack of enough blood in my body
– I was somehow suffering from anorexia I can say because I was extremely thin and very weak at the same time. My mother fed me blended fruits which the doctor instructed to help improve my blood system. I didn’t use to like drinking the fruit ingredients she made because it tasted very awful to me although it was sweet. But after taking it for a while I began to recover and got well. I lived in Khartoum for about 6 years and there I met new people and made friends that I still remember to date. There I had some beautiful memories with friends and family. I studied there but in the Arabic language whereas when I was back in Juba (South Sudan) I used to study in English.
Singing in the Sunday school was one of my best experiences ever; I didn’t know I could sing before I did it. My Sunday school teacher would teach us a new song every week and help us to harmonize together -I was really good at singing ‘alto and soprano’ they were my best parts- then, on Sundays we would minister the songs before the congregations in church. Moving to Egypt Moving from Khartoum to Egypt, I ended up being in a totally new environment with different people, culture, race and somehow language as well although the Egyptians spoke Arabic but in a totally different way. There l started going to another church which also had Sunday school and I also learned that they were singing. As a person who used to sing in church, I felt like God was giving me another chance to sing for him. I had taken the opportunity with gratefulness and started singing along with the Sunday school just the same way as I used to do back in Khartoum. The only difference is I was the one leading the Sunday school choir in singing. I was chosen to do that by my teachers. Along with singing, the Sunday school teacher would encourage us to do acting for the church. I remember I used to love acting so much that every time I was playing with my cousins and sisters in the house, I would always encourage them to redo a play that we have either watched on TV, or a Movie or TV soap or sometimes I just come up with a plot and scenario and we just follow from there. We were so good at it that each time we are playing together we would always act. However, when it comes to acting in the church I am not very excited about it perhaps because I always end up doing the not so exciting roles such as the mother. Annas Accomplishments: the face of The Globe Commercial, In 2015 2nd place- Miss Black Scotland and a Miss Universe Great Britain Finalist.
https://twitter.com/anna_modell Booking—https://goo.gl/forms/ yR7C7L9kBALClfG13 https://www.facebook.com/ OfficialAnnaModell
In Khartoum my mother used to spend most of her time in the church were she worshipped. I never use to go to church back then. I remember every Sunday I was left alone at home with the dog and a guy who was about the same age as me. We use to play together all day until the rest came back from church. However, sometime later I was allowed to come along to the church. There I met new friends and also became part of the Sunday school singing
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018
Lifetime Achievement Awards to Dee Dee Sharpe & Chubby Checker
Dwayne Taylor photo op with one of the artists
Stella Parton Preparing to walk the red carpet
In the audience with legendary Betty Jean Robinson
Music and Television legends Evelyn Champagne King and Clifton Davis
AMG Founder David L. Cook, always connecting with the members & supporters with a smile
Rainah & Amirah Ward with the one & only Chubby Checker
Singer & Comedian Jeff Steinberg
Ericka Ward with the legendary Dino Kartsonakis
Greatly Blest of N.C.—Edwin & Joyce Benton and Tina Nance Godley
Guild members have opportunity to share their gift and products
Artists & Writer Corey Frizzell & his wife Toni
Artist Joann McCleod DCG Divine Gift Showcase 2014 Winner of AMG Ticket With Brian & Shawn the Chrisagis Brothers of Ohio
AMG Award Nominee Valerie Woodard & husband Vincent
DCG Founder, Ericka Ward & David L. Cook AMG Founder 2014 AMG Heritage Awards After Party
AMG Award Winner Gene Bailey
Singer, recording artists Nai & the legendary Dee Dee Sharpe
Yvonne Pendleton & Son Fonz Chapman DCG Divine Gift Showcase 2014 Winner of AMG Ticket
Gospel legend Pastor Shirley Caesar, presenting her with the 1st issue of Unveiled Purpose Magazine of which she graces the cover
With Martha Reeves of Martha & the Vandellas 2015 AMG Heritage Awards Artist Sharone Owens Divine Gift Showcase 2015 AMG Ticket Winner with the legendary Melba Moore Enjoying old and new friends at the Artists Music Guild event 2015 with sisters Donna Brock Strong, Brenda Brock Messaros
AMG Founder David L. Cook with Melba Moore
The Taylor Singers of Newport News, Virginia on stage 2016 AMG Heritage Awards
Claudine Stowers Anthony & Anthony Washington With DCG Founder at 2015 AMG Heritage Awards
AMG ticket winner Singer Rose Matthews with Singer recording
Legends Dee Dee Sharpe, Clifton Davis & Freda Payne 2016 AMG Awards
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018
2015 AMG Heritage Awards Youth Performances Perry Chicos
2015 AMG Heritage Awards Honorees & Attendees
Audience view of the AMG Heritage Awards set
Music and Television legends Evelyn Champagne King and Clifton Davis
2015 AMG Heritage Awards Youth Performances
The AMG Heritage Awards Remembers... Annually honoring artists who are no longer with us such as Dwayne Taylor of the Taylor Singers in 2015
DCG Founder Ericka Ward & Valerie Woodard with Melba Moore Clifton Davis & AMG Founder David L. Cook
DCG members Geneva Carter & Gwendolyn Odum of the Taylor Singers at the AMG after party fellowship and dining, opportunities to meet and greet other amazing guests
International Profile/Chanea Lewis
REACH HIGHER HEIGHTS WITH SINGER CHANEA Chanea Lewis is a passionate and committed woman of God, a singer, and a psalmist, powerhouse for God, a song writer, I just say Chanea. Her heart is to take the message of the gospel through her music and she desires to win this generation for Christ and release a message of hope to the Body of Christ… Chanea, was born in Kingston, Ja-
maica. A passionate, committed and purpose driven song writer and worship leader who is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Chanea grew up in the inner city community which had its’ own challenges and pressures but somehow at the early age of 11 she chose her path to walking with Christ and is still on that journey as she has made Jesus the center of her life… “I want to serve the Lord with all my heart”. On March 23, 2013 Chanea Radical Princess Lewis released her Debut Album titled My Lover, My Guide with songs such as I Will Give You Thanks, Crying for Our Children, You’re All I Want, Moving Forward featuring Jprojek Robinson, Bad Company featuring DJ Gallimore, His Words Are True among others. Album can be purchased on ITunes and CDBaby and downloaded @ https:// www.amazon.com/My-LoverGuide-Chanea-Lewis/dp/ B00EHRZ9R6 She can be seen on our local gospel concert seen in Jamaica, conferences, crusades and leading worship at her local assembly Fellowship Tabernacle. She had also toured Curacao, Barbados, Grand
Cayman and Guyana which was quite successful!!! Chanea looks forward to Higher Heights as she continues to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and impacting the lives of young people and a wider community through music to God and the people. A new project was released in 2014 she strongly believes it sends a strong message from the word; it’s about man’s desire to turn to God and live a surrendered life and God’s readiness to forgive man of their trespasses and sins. Title: Hear My Cry featuring International Minister Dunamis Reignz. https://youtu.be/K2fi3fl0H54
Contact Chanea Lewis: Email: heartcry10@hotmail.com Website: www.reverbnation.com/chanea Facebook: http;//facebook.com/Cl.PureMusic Telephone: 1-876-4521725
Must Read Books from Rising Authors~
isa Anderson, is a singer, songwriter and author of the new book “Domino Effects” – these are the detailed challenges in my life that were orchestrated for the sole purpose of making melody. My life seemed chaotic at times, but in reality, things were just as they should be. Those seemingly random events suddenly began to make perfect sense and things fell into place. It was black and white and my days were numbered. Every stage of my being was set up like a “domino.” My experiences impregnated me with songs, and I carried them within my soul until I was mature enough to give them birth – “effects.” Every chapter has a matching song title. I take you on a journey Into my childhood. My young and dumb near miss antics, and secrets never told. I was blessed to be able to look back and see God was with me despite the fact that I had no knowledge of Him. I will be your tour guide through the good times and the bad. Here is an excerpt from the Speak to me chapter: I slowly climbed into the tub. Once I was comfortably seated, I removed the blade from the cardboard protective covering and placed it in my right hand. I lifted my left arm and honed in on the target of my wrist. I took a deep breath. It was so quiet in the bathroom that I could hear the air going in and out of my nostrils. I could hear my heart beating and the quiet ripple in the water from my slight body movements. I come from a family where prayer was not commonplace. I can only remember attending church a few times as an adolescent and never as an adult. That is why I found it totally abnormal to utter these words, “God if this is living, I’d rather be dead. Father, please forgive me for what I am about to do”.
Purchase the book for $15 @ https:// www.amazon.com/dp/0615890717/ ref=cm_sw_su_dp
Check out Lisa’s video: https://youtu.be/ y6L5UHaHR24
Single Women, are you wondering why you keep falling for the wrong man? Are you tired of the heartbreak and want to make a change? Watch Out For Me is the book for you!! In this book, Ryan “Jenks” Jenkins discusses the wisdom he shares in his “Watch Out For Me” speech for single women. You will learn some of the male strategies and traps single women are exposed to. Learn to see some of the signs that could lead to relationship disaster. Also, learn how to maneuver around the subjects that he doesn’t want to discuss. If you want to reduce some of the heartbreak and start finding a more compatible mate, venture into the pages of Watch Out For Me. Check out other publications by Jenks such as Single Again, The CHEAPS, Living a Lime Green Life and many more. In addition to being an author, Ryan “Jenks” Jenkins is a sought after Motivational Speaker, Poet and Host/MC. For more information or to book Jenks for your next event, please contact him at RD.Jenkins@cox.net.
Men, don’t you want better in your life? Don’t you want to know you aren’t the only man on this earth dealing with the troubles you face? “Let’s Talk Men” is the book for you!! In this book, God has inspired Ryan “Jenks” Jenkins to discuss the real challenges that men face and possible solutions to their problems. Challenges in money, relationships, goals and sex. This book is designed to allow men to take off their Superman suit and be honest with themselves. The more honest with yourself you can be, the greater the revelation. Men, proceed to explore what’s inside so you can “Come Clean” as we talk about it.
Author Ryan Jenkins has a heart for counseling men, especially in matters of relationships and marriage. Over the past several years he has been able to touch the lives of countless men and women with his relationship and marriage focused publications. Ryan has been married to his wife Alicea for over 16 years, they both have a passion for helping others through counseling and especially building marriages.
Dream On Dreamers is a jam packed book full of inspiration. It is comprised of inspirational, motivational, and thought provoking poems written over a five year span. Llewellyn C. Radford II originally wrote these poems to inspire himself on his journey as an entertainer and actor. As he continued to write he realized he not only helped himself but he inspired others as well. Llewellyn conveys his passion and heart in each poem with every word written. He credits his love for inspiring others to his own life experiences. "It's not always about what happens but how you respond", he says. Sometimes things occur that make us want to give up and we need an extra push. This book is designed to do just that. "If you have fallen before, although it may be a different stumbling block, you will already have learned how to dust off, get up, and keep moving." ~Llewellyn C. Radford II
Dream On Dreamers: Book Of Inspiration
https://www.amazon.com/dp/1533459215/ ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_9TUzAbBNZZE8P Hollywood Lue on Facebook www.facebook.com/LlewellynCRadfordII
About the Author Llewellyn C. Radford II was born in Bartow, Florida and raised in Newport News, VA. He has lived in low income housing the majority of his life with 5 younger brothers, 2 younger sisters, and his mother. Although his father was in his life, he watched him die when he was 21 years old. Following the death of his father he returned to college after a year long hiatus. He attended Hampton University for a period of time initially as an electrical engineering major then he switched to marketing. During his time in college he started modeling which led to an interest in acting. He didn't graduate from college but that season served to prepare him for life. His life has been full of ups and downs but with his faith and determination he would not be stopped. He moved to Chicago in 2008 after leaving college to pursue acting and modeling. He lived there roughly six months, things didn't go as planned but he fell in love with www.llewellynradford.com acting and never looked back. His first acting job was on the movie The Box (2009) as Special Ops number 9. He currently resides in LA as a working actor and entertainer living his dreams everyday. He has a story like most people but coupled with his belief in God and his motto, Dream On Dreamers, he keeps moving forward no matter what obstacles appear in his way.
Available at Barnes & Noble & Amazon.com The Day I Made the Devil Cuss:
Book Review: The Day I Made the Devil Cuss: Author Rhonda Ross By Tijera Moseley Just looking at the brass plated sign on the door made Malachi nervous: "Lou C. Pher, CEO"... Malachi had been placed on special assignment in the lives of Shondrel and Larnelle, but what unfolds was enough to make the devil, himself, cuss! The title of this book alone is enough to draw your attention! There’s a theme of unraveling woven threads throughout this book. These threads represent the bondages of harbored anger, resentment, rejection, and unforgiveness, the very things that the devil uses to kill, steal, and destroy our salvation. But, just when the devil thinks he has you where he wants you, the POWER OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS is sure to deliver you from the hands of the enemy! And that’s when we... through the GREAT I AM, "make the devil cuss"!
Other books by Author Rhonda D. Ross: • The Legend of the ICant's • All about M. E. (Mapping Emotions): Gaining God's Perception of You • The Legend of the ICan'ts: Eissed's Photo • Lessons From A Chalkboard: A Teacher's Devotional • Step F.O.R.W.A.R.D.: 7 Attributes of Effective Stepparenting
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018 5 Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018
This is DCG’s first Benefit Dinner featuring live entertainment, a delicious buffet meal and special moments of DCG highlights and recognition of our hero's who have made significant contributions of time, talent and or/and funds to make our work possible. Historically it has been our goal with every event to share our proceeds with some other non-profit in need, this event is geared especially to provide direct support to our mission. Proceeds to DCG help fund our efforts to sponsor free youth programming, free attendance and activities for youth during our annual Family Conference, our Annual Authors & Writers Workshop, Free Business & Non-Profit Symposium, Sponsorship of an annual Christmas Family, Men of Power Event, Annual Exceptional Young Achievers trip to the United Nations Headquarters for the CSW Women's Conference, assist in shipping of children's shoes to Uganda, Haiti and Pakistan and more…
Giving Opportunity to meet every givers budget… determine how much you would like to help
AN ELEGANT AFTER FIVE AFFAIR Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018 31
The Divine Gift Showcase has Featured Artist from Delaware, Virginia, Florida, Washington State, the Carolinas‌ and more. Every July we offer this unique opportunity to singers, dancers, mime & spoken word artists, actors, visual artists etc. If you or someone you know is talented and desires to share their gift before a nonjudgmental Gospel Showcase audience contact the showcase coordinator Rhonda Ross @at rdl_715@yahoo.com by April 30th 2018. The Divine Gift Showcase provides a unique opportunity for artists to share their talent. Divine Concept Group has faithful sponsors and seeks new sponsors to join us annually to share awards that sow into the gifts of the showcase participants. Not only do artists gain networking opportunities they also are blessed with help to advance their ministry in the arts. FULL FEATURE IN OUR NEXT ISSUE...
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Summer 2016 33 Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018
Artists tune in to “Behind the Music” with Earl Bynum on FB Live…
see and like his official page: https://www.facebook.com/EarlBynumManagment/
2018 IGAA Conference July 12-14, 2018
Registration starts March 1, 2018 Co-presented by Phillip Carter and Minister Earl Bynum, the Independent Gospel Artists Alliance Conference is an opportunity to provide wisdom and expert assistance and support to advance Independent Artists and their ministries. The Conference is a business and music conference that adjusts to the ever-changing needs of the Independent Artist. Therefore, conference sessions change from year to year. Recent conference sessions include Music Distribution, Independent Label Operation, Licensing & Royalties, Structuring Contracts, Marketing, Artist Branding, The REALity of Radio, and Touring Across the U.S. and Abroad, Vocal Master Class, Radio/Marketing/Promotion for Holy Hip Hop Artists, Industry Facts & Myths, and Artwork Fundamentals, Artist Development, Accounting and Tax Tips for the Independent Artist, Worship in a Dry Land, Publicity, and more. Register for informative monthly conference calls https:// www.indiegospelalliance.com/general-artist-registration-form
July 12-14, 2018 / Queen's Chapel UMC - Beltsville, MD http://www.indiegospelalliance.com/
Featured Up & Coming Artist J. Windsor hails from Jacksonville, Florida. He began singing at the age of three. While in High School, J. Windsor was involved in local community and church choirs. He continued to develop his love for music by becoming a musician for several churches and conducting gospel music workshops. Before graduating High School, J. Windsor accepted his calling into ministry. He would later become a licensed and ordained minister of the gospel. While attending Tuskegee University, J. Windsor became the Minister of Music for Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. J. Windsor’s love and passion for music ministry provoked him to leave Tuskegee to pursue music ministry full-time. Soon thereafter, he was invited to minister on an East Coast Evangelical Tour with Evangelist David Young. J. Windsor toured for several months. During his time on the road, he began developing his song writing abilities. In September of 1996, J. Windsor stepped out on faith and relocated to Long Island, NY. J. Windsor began to fellowship with St. Paul Community Church. During his tenure there, he served in the capacity of Youth Pastor and Worship Leader. In June 2004, J. Windsor relocated to Atlanta, Georgia. In November of the same year, he joined New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, where would become a member of the Worship & Arts Department. During his time there, he met his now mentor and brother Gospel Recording Artist Byron Cage. Minister Cage provided an opportunity to J. Windsor to perform at an Easter Service for New Birth at the Georgia Dome in 2007. Shortly after, J. Windsor began traveling nationally and internationally with Minister Byron Cage. J. Windsor facilitated an international musical workshop for him in Paris in 2009. He recorded two albums: Faithful to Believe in Detroit, Michigan featuring Karen Clark Sheard, Marvin Winans, Tye Tribbet, and Pastor Charles Jenkins and Memoirs of a Worshipper featuring Fred Hammond recorded in Chicago, Illinois. He worked with Dwayne Woods, vocal arranger on both albums. Other ministry opportunities: • LIVE at the Apollo Tour lead background vocalist in 2008 where it featured Kim Burrell and Dave Hollister. • Billboard Live tour in Japan 2009 with two shows in Osaka, Japan and three shows in Tokyo. • J. Windsor performed on the Gospel One Love Cruise three times • Lead Background vocal for Byron Cage on TBN along with background vocalist for Kirk Franklin • Feature worship leader for Cruise for a Cause in Bahamas • Performed in Lagos, Nigeria with Bryon Cage as lead background vocalist in 2012 Awards: J. Windsor was nominated for New Artist of the Year, Praise & Worship Leader of the Year, and Contemporary Album of the Year by VOGMA – Voices of Gospel Music Awards to be held in Mobile, AL September 9, 2017. To advance the kingdom of God, J. Windsor encourages us to Love God-Love Yourself- and Love Others.
The magazine’s mission is to provide opportunities for individuals to minister and share their gift with other in a positive, CHRISTIAN lifestyle publication, our focus is creating a publishing opportunity for new and established talent while providing resources, inspiration and information that fosters the fulfillment of Divine purpose for women, men, families, and youth throughout the country and internationally.
The publication provides encouragement through the testimonies and stories of others. Unveiled Purpose™ fosters fulfillment of the readers Divine Purpose with a positive lifestyle focus for a target market of about 10 million CHRISTIAN readers. This market believes in spirituality by way of the Holy Spirit and a wholesome Godly lifestyle for themselves and their families.
Initial distribution was via the Women of Greatness Retreat and Conference, future plans include distribution nationally & internationally in digital format and a combination of subscriptions, bookstore and from churches with whom there is an exclusive relationship in reference to the publication. Total readership goal by 2010 is 10 thousand per issue. Circulation will also include an online presence via our website, social media and other partner sites.
Phil Jay is an artist from Nairobi , Kenya
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter2018 541
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018 43
Brenda Brock Messaros
Donna Brock Strong Valentine's Day is a day set aside to celebrate love. In 1982, that day began a Southern Gospel Music ministry ~ known today as “HEARTS OF FAITH.” That concert was to be the first of many throughout the United States.
Over the years, audiences have also agreed that God has called HEARTS OF FAITH to do His work. They have received numerous nominations and awards, the latest being “Duo of the Year” from the Artists Music Guild www.artistsmusicguild.com.
Today, sisters Donna and Brenda travel approximately 20,000 miles per year singing and sharing God's love to audiences in churches; nursing homes; senior's groups; schools; fairs; dinner cruises; funerals. God has truly opened the doors for them to minister through music!
Radio audiences have also enjoyed the sisters' harmonies. HEARTS OF FAITH has released many songs to radio and have been blessed to see their songs chart. While charting is not a primary goal, they realize acceptance of their songs means some to whom they may never share their music personally is being blessed by their music. Their latest CD, Destiny, was recorded in 2017 at Daywind Studios in Nashville, TN. To hear their songs, visit www.reverbnation.com/heartsoffaith or at their website: www.HeartsOfFaith.biz
In the beginning, it was Donna; Brenda; and their parents. That combination lasted for 19 years, until the parents retired from singing in 2001. That change caused Donna and Brenda to question their futures. Since the inception of the ministry, each had married and children had been born. Were they to continue or simply allow the group to disband? After much thought and prayer, they (along with their husbands) felt the calling to continue the group. So, the sisters became a Southern Gospel female duet. For those who may not follow Southern Gospel Music, it began over 100 years ago with male quartets singing 4-part harmony, traveling to various churches to sell hymnals! Even today, it's a male dominated industry. Typically, females are within family groups. But, Donna and Brenda have proven that God doesn't call only certain people to minister: He calls each of us!
HEARTS OF FAITH has also been privileged to record studio and concept videos. One video, Susie's Eyes, was honored with the 2009 Diamond Award for Video/DVD of the Year. This video and others can be found by searching for Hearts of Faith at www.youtube.com Some have asked how long these sisters plan to continue. The answer has always been the same: until God says stop! There was never any one-year, five-year or ten-year plan when this ministry began but, rather, just following what God had placed in the father's heart. His daughters are continuing that same plan, allowing God to lead them in sharing God's Word through song.
Donna is beside producer Marty Funderburk and next to Brenda is their engineer Justin
Hearts of Faith latest CD “Destiny�.
Recording at Daywind Studios in Nashville
In 2017, Hearts of Faith did sixty concerts plus four music conventions from March through November. They logged over 25,000 miles during the year... with their first trip being a 12-day tour to Arizona (5,417 miles during that 12 days and were in all four USA mainland time zones!).
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter2018 5
”Life Treats You The Way You Treat It”
D’Shawn Wright is a radio talk show host, author, champion bodybuilder, community leader, personal trainer and award winning CEO. After years of working as a trainer at various gyms, in 2009 L. D’Shawn Wright was blessed with the opportunity to start Body By D Gym & Fitness Center (www.bodybydgym.com). In six short years Body By D has gone from its original 75 members to over 400 current members, has more than doubled in square footage and just opened a second location, Body By D 24:7, in Gloucester, Virginia. In 2014 and 2015, Body By D was awarded the Coastal Virginia Magazine Reader’s Choice Award for Best Gym in the 757 area. D’Shawn has become a serial entrepreneur and also started Primetime Wrestling Alliance (PWA), which is a school that trains people to become professional wrestlers as well as L. D’Shawn Wright Enterprises which focuses on his passion of motivational speaking. D’Shawn is varied in his accomplishments. He was awarded the Rapid Results Winner Award from Bally’s Total Fitness, was a Peninsula Sports Club Table of Champions recipient, the Rashad Cartwright Entrepreneurship Excellence Award recipient, was 2014 Runner-up in the Hampton Roads Celebrity Giant Fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis and most recently was awarded the 2015 York County Citizen Hero
Award. D’Shawn has helped 26 student athletes obtain athletic scholarships ranging from Iowa University to VMI. He has also trained national prep champions, pro baseball players, pro football players, collegiate All-Americans, Miss Virginia Pageant Winners, World Champion Race Car Drivers and bodybuilding champions. L. D’Shawn Wright has become a well-known figure in the Virginia bodybuilding community. His love of the sport and charismatic showmanship have won him several titles and appearances. He was on the cover of the September 2014 edition of Performance Press Magazine. He is a national level bodybuilder and has guest posed in several shows across the state of Virginia. Mr. Wright has built a reputation for proven results both athletically as well as mentally. Known for his positive attitude and “Never quit. Never Surrender” outlook on life, he has branched out beyond the gym to become host of the “Man in the Mirror” radio talk show and motivational speaking engagements including Norfolk State University, Sweetbriar College, Men Stand Rally, AntiBullying rallies, and schools ranging from elementary to high school level. Giving back to the community is of utmost importance to D’Shawn, whether it be through fitness, volunteer work, motivational speaking, interviews with other community lead-
ers, or simply being a good mentor. D’Shawn has been featured on CBN, PBS, NBC’s The Hampton Roads Show, has been featured in The Health Journal Magazine and beliefnet.com and is a contributor to both, and has been featured in numerous statewide and local newspapers. D’Shawn has overcome many obstacles on his journey. From being sexually abused as a child, physically abused, and homeless. His message is that no matter what you go through you have the power to change your story because how you confine yourself is how you define yourself. Being a good role model and wonderful, active father to his two children, Aliyah (16) and Cristian (8), is first and foremost in his life and the ultimate reason for everything he has and will accomplish. His first book “Life Treats You the Way You Treat It - Motivation the D Way” was released in early 2015 and is available at Barnes & Noble and at http:// www.dshawnwright.com. D’Shawn continues to expand his brands, show people that the American Dream is not dead and keep on motivating people to never give up on their dreams.
Business / Community Accomplishments 2016 Coastal Virginia Magazine Best Gym 2015 York County Citizen Hero of the Year 2015 Coastal Virginia Magazine Best Gym on the Peninsula 2014 Hampton Roads Celebrity Giant Runner Up 2014 Coastal Virginia Magazine Best Gym in the Hampton Roads 2014 Coastal Virginia Magazine Best Weight Loss Center in Hampton Roads Community Award Presented By Marcellus L. Harris III Recipient of The Rashad Cartwright Excellence in Entrepreneurship Award 2011 Daily Press Best Personal Training L. D'Shawn Wright is available for: Motivational Speaking Modeling Acting Roles Branding Consultant Bodybuilding Guest Posing Bodybuilding/Bikini Posing Coach
Speaker for DCG Retreat & Family Conference 2016 D’Shawn is an unashamed Christian who has lived by example demonstrating the power of brotherly love, and he uses his gifts in fitness training to bring people together. (left) D’Shawn sharing words of encouragement as one of phenomenal Cadre of Speakers July 23rd at the Hilton Garden Inn Riverfront in Suffolk, Virginia. He was also a speaker/ panelist for the DCG Men of Power event this past April.
Bodybuilding / Athletic Accomplishments:
L. D'Shawn Wright Enterprises
Table of Champions Recipient NPC Lenda Murray Overall Champion NPC VA/DC State Heavyweight Champion NPC VA/DC state Best Poser NPC Conquest Light Heavyweight Champion NASF National Champion
Represented by Liquid Talent Agency
106 N Constitution Dr. Yorktown, VA 23692 Email: info@dshawnwright.com
804-223-2427 www.LiquidTalentGroup.com
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018 47
I sat speechless in front of the TV while the commentator announces the official death of my brother. My mind could not catch up with my heart. My heart instantly began breaking into a million pieces, but my mind was still trying to figure something out: “What did Travis do that was so bad, that it cost him his life?” He was rushing down the road trying to get home to his girlfriend. The roads were wet with rain, and he side-swipes a black truck. He should have stopped to exchange auto insurance information, but he was already running too late. Unexpectedly, a spray of bullets come from the black truck behind him. He
never knew they were police officers until it was too late after all, they are in an unmarked car. This quickly escalates from a road chase, to him running inside a random house and kicking the owner out. Cops surround the house, tear gas comes in…and a sniper places his hand on the trigger to… As Travis’ older sister, I always told my brother: “Travis, if you ever get into trouble and you can’t get to me, then get to God. If you call on Him for help, He will save you. The family was called to identify his body, and we were told the police would only
show us “some” of the evidence. And once we saw it - we were not allowed to see it again. EVER. The media had painted my brother to be a wild animal from the streets, the police had all of the evidence tucked away in their files, and WE are supposed to be okay with this? It’s been 11 years years since my brother’s death, and many have asked me “Have you finally found peace?” Yes I have. The day we went to identify his body, the officer shared some very critical information with us. The officer opened up the file and said, “We found his body in a corner with a Spanish Bible in his lap. We have no idea why a [black man] would have a Spanish Bible.” His girlfriend intensely looks at the officer and said, “He spoke Spanish very well.” Ahhh! A peace came over me like a sun ray laying on my face. I beamed from the inside out. My brother listened to me, he made it to God. The grieving process is strange. One minute you can be mad, and the next crying uncontrollably. Anyone dealing with such a tragedy, I encourage you to find a positive means to deal with the pain. If you don’t - then anger, grief and helplessness will eat away at your mind and body until you are a dead man walking. Everything I do, I do in honor of my brother. So when I win - he wins. My brother would never have wanted me to grieve so much that I stopped living. I encourage you to take your loved one with you on your life’s journey. ~ by Tonya Kirby
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we gave.” —Winston Churchill For those familiar with the devastating effects of multiple sclerosis (MS) - either through a diagnosis of the disease, or from personal experience dealing with the struggles of a friend, colleague or loved one – each day brings the possibility for pain, heartache, uncertainty. For those unfamiliar with the illness, an understanding of its origin, symptoms and disability is often uncommunicated or misunderstood. Multiple sclerosis was first described by French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot in 1868. Yet, after more than 140 years of research, much remains a mystery. In very general terms, MS is a disease of the central nervous system. Immune cells in the body attack insulation covering the nerves, causing scars to form in the brain and spinal cord. Disability and symptoms largely depend on where these scars a located; some patients lose the ability to walk, some have problems with vision, speech, cognition; some have issues with bladder and bowel function. Often, those diagnosed with MS have no visible symptoms but suffer with debilitating fatigue or nerve pain. Symptoms may come and go, and some can be treated with medications. However, despite the rapid advancement of diseasemodifying drugs approved and taken to market in the last several years, there is no definitive answer to what causes MS, and no cure. For over 25 years, those seeking information, resources, assistance and support have reached out to the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (MSF). The MSF offers programs that help keep patients self-sufficient and their homes safe (mobility equipment, home care, repairs and improvement, Computer and “Brighter Tomorrow” grants and much more), while MSF hosted educational programs heighten public awareness and promote understanding about the disease. For many people, their personal MS story is one of strength and resolve, overcoming challenges, and rising up to “pay it forward.” Giving back is about linking passion with action and it does not have to be complex – but it does have to be well thought out in order to be effective. What is better than investing in your own values, community and society by giving time and money to the things you care about most? Philanthropy is our contribution to a better world, and one way to achieve this goal is through planned giving. What is planned giving?
Planned giving is a method of supporting non-profits and charities that enables philanthropic individuals to make larger gifts than they could make from their income. A planned gift is any major gift made as part of a donor’s overall financial and/or estate planning. Anyone, at any point in their life, can create a planned gift. These gifts represent a powerful, meaningful way for individuals to create a philanthropic legacy for their community and the organizations they care about. The potential benefits and rewards of a family giving initiative are extraordinary; these include: •A chance to express and act upon the family’s shared values •An opportunity to strengthen and pass on a family legacy •Deepened connection to each other and the outside world •An intergenerational common ground •A place to learn about the meaning and responsibilities of wealth •A challenge to make a significant difference in the world •A journey of shared learning about the world and each other •The flexibility to support charitable organizations over time and after their death Planned giving provides the MSF the opportunity to dramatically increase its revenue by securing gifts that will have a lasting impact on its mission. Planned giving also helps to ensure the continued support of MSF’s donors over time and after their death. There is no greater act of generosity than supporting the work of the MSF through one of the many types of planned giving strategies. The enduring thoughtfulness of legacy donors can impact the scope of our services in the years ahead, creating a legacy of hope and encouragement that will live on. The MSF recognizes and honors those with philanthropy in their heart who have employed certain types of planned giving strategies by including them in our honorary organization, the Philanthropic Leadership Council. Contact MSF Development Director Nathalie Sloane to learn about planned giving strategies that may be appropriate for your situation. You can reach her by email at nsloane@msfocus.org or by phone at 1-800-225-6495. *** Hildy Berger is the former Fund Development Coordinator with the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Jon Sahn, CAP®, is the founder of Ascendant Planned Giving, Inc., a philanthropic advisory practice based in South Florida serving clients nationally.
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/ Winter 2018 49
Senior Celebration Encore Feature: Honoring The Legacy of a True Man of Faith By Ericka Ward has set up a rich inheritance for all who have ever “sat at his feet”, to glean the richness and living water that has flowed from him so freely. Bishop Green is known to willingly open the pages of his life to help others grow.
Bishop Samuel L. Green Jr.
In 1968 this great man of faith stepped out on a great vision for the future, with limited resources and great confidence in Gods word, he pursued the purchase of a building of over 28,000 square feet, with onehundred rooms, and nine conference rooms. That building currently houses what is known across the nation as Faith For Living “Richer Life” Ministries. Bishop Green tells it best, how in the ninth hour the Lord made the way and the funding came through to purchase the St. Johns Church of God in Christ. FFL & St. Johns continues to flourish and nourish the body of Christ while bringing new souls into the kingdom. Bishop Green has many testimonies that he has shared throughout the years, teaching parishioners and visitors that trusting God doesn't mean just believing what God says but acting on it. He has often been known to say “I’ll show you my faith by my works, for faith without works is dead.” This “Father in the Gospel” Images from top to bottom • First Lady Michelle Obama • President Barack Obama • Hilary Clinton • Mother Green & Pres. Bill Clinton • Pat Robertson—presenting Endowed Chair from Regent University. • Reverend Al Sharpton • Senator Bobby Scott • Bishop T.D. Jakes • Muhammad Ali • Pastor Benny Hinn, Dr. Michael Palmer, Dean Vinson Synan • President George H.W. and First Lady Mrs. Barbara Bush • Pastor Sheryl Brady • Bishop Green Preaching • Mother Vivian F. Green-wife of 60 yrs • Praying at one of many Tent Revivals • Giving local children gifts at the Annual Christmas Sing • Baptizing believers in India
St. Johns Church of God in Christ
His faith journey started in the Baptist church as a youth where he learned the foundational teachings of “The Golden Rule,” to do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. This has been a guiding principle in his life that has allowed him to surmount many obstacles and barriers, and he has commanded the respect of others who undoubtedly discovered that he is truly a man of God. A true prophet is often without honor in his or her own land. (Mark 6:4) His holy character has been demonstrated by his ability to relate to people regardless of their station in life. He can be both bold and courageous yet kind and humble. These attributes have aided him to face and overcome great challenges that often come with such a great mantle. He continues to pave a path of blessings and favor for all who will follow his lead, helping many people. He lives an example of Godliness toward others regardless of their conduct towards him. He has imparted this same mind into his children and church family, ‘When you know who you are in God, then you can treat people right and pray for them no matter how they treat you, and God will take care of the rest- vengeance is His, He will repay.’ Bishop Green was the first in his family to join the Pentecostal Holiness church, he discovered that the Baptism in the Holy Ghost was powerful and as real today as it was for the Apostles, not mystical or weird, but both liberating and empowering. For him this life changing experience with God built upon the foundation laid in his childhood. His frequent quote through the years based on I Peter 1:16, “Holiness is right, be ye Holy for I am Holy saith the Lord.” Encouraging listeners to turn from sinful living and live for God. These are words he lives by, backed up by a life that is surrendered to God and always helping others. His fiery faith and dedication to God caused him to rise from a faithful lay member to even greater heights in ministry and
pictured with Presiding Bishop Charles Blake
leadership by being elected and serving 26 years as a Presiding General Board Member, (the Church of God In Christ executive board) in leadership over the denomination of over 5 million members worldwide. His life of faith has been demonstrated in a way that fosters faith in those who witness his example, a contagious faith that causes others to believe for the seemingly impossible too. He has shared the kind of faith and character of a believer, with signs and wonders following: faith that enabled him to pioneer and chair the first African American owned full power TV station in the U.S. TV 49 WJCB-(Jesus Christ Broadcasting) when some didn't believe it could be done, faith to lay hands and pray until cancers dry up, faith to call life back into a hospitalized parishioner who was pronounced dead by her doctor, in the words of Jesus Christ he called her by name and told her to come forth, she lives today to testify. He is living proof of what the word of God promises in Proverbs 18:16, that your gift will make room for you & bring you before great men. Bishop Green has ministered with other great spiritual leaders such as Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Paul Crouch, T. D. Jakes, Oral Roberts, and Benny Hinn to name a few. He has also provided counsel to every U.S. President since Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama. His leadership and influence has been called upon, honored and respected by the Governor of Virginia and every local and regional leader over the past 45 years, to include being honored by Senator Bobby Scott in Congress Wednesday September 29th, 2010 for his 50th year of pastoral service.
Encore publication in memory of Bishop Samuel L. Green Jr. March 19, 1927 - June 26, 2016
“Your Faith Will Enable You to Rise” is the title of one of his writings, this sums up the essence of this anointed man. He has spoken countless words of life that has imparted into the ministries and lives of many men and women of God who have testimonies of the impact that Bishop Greens counsel has had on their life's work, marriages, children, businesses and their success. He lives a life of prayer, and is the kind of leader who will answer his phone in the midnight hour to pray for a stranger, he has even given counsel to couples in the community seeking to be united in Holy Matrimony; who were not members of his church, and performed their marriage ceremony. He has purchased cars for members in need, provided toys annually during a Christmas sing for children in the community. He has blessed many people to broaden their horizons, taking them on missions & ministry trips and inspiring them to plan travel across the U.S. & abroad to places they would have never imagined like South Africa, India, Bahamas, Jamaica, South Korea, London, Honduras, Puerto Rico, China, to digging wells in Haiti. This example
Bishop Dwight L.. Green, Sr. Pastor, Roanoke, Virginia Bishop Republic of South Korea
Elder Samuel L. Green, III Pastor Newport News, Virginia
Bishop Samuel L. Green Jr. March 19, 1927—June 26, 2016. Bishop Green was born in Norfolk, Virginia to the late Deacon Samuel L. Green Sr. & the late Leosia P. Green. He was married for 60 years to the late Vivian Frazier Green, and to their union were born nine children 4 sons & 5 daughters, all who serve in the ministry. Bishop Green was married to Mrs. LueJinnie Flemming Green for 8 years leading up to his passing. Bishop Green attended Norfolk State & Old Dominion Universities. In 1960 he was appointed pastor of the St. Johns Church of God in Christ where he currently pastors. In 1973 he received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Trinity Hall College & Seminary, in 1995 he received a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and in 2000 a Master of Divinity degree both from Norfolk Seminary & College. Bishop Green has been a Bishop in the Church of God in Christ for 44 years to include 26 years serving as one of its 12 highest leaders on the General Board, in 2013 he was honored as an Emeritized Bishop of the General Board. Bishop Green we salute you and your legacy of faith!!
Elder Phillip X. Green Sr. Pastor Lexington, Virginia
Elder Michael D. Green Pastor Portsmouth, Virginia
State Supervisor, Mother Jacqueline G. Holmes Jurisdictional Supervisor
of trusting God, believing his word and loving & helping others is the legacy of inspiration that Bishop Green continues to perpetuate even today at the age of 85. A testament to the life of Bishop Green is the powerful fact that he has fostered over 80 churches and leaders to thrive by his Holy example & financial planning. What better honor for a man of God than for his own children and grandchildren; who know him best, to embrace his faith- all of his children (below) are working in ministry, perpetuating the legacy of holiness and service to others. He continues to inspire others to strive for holiness and “believe God”, by taking the limits off of their faith. A living legend in Gods kingdom, today Unveiled Purpose Magazine honors Bishop Green for his tireless dedication to God and a life of service to Gods people. The seeds he has planted have taken root producing great fruit as his legacy of faith causes men and women everywhere to rise above carnal limitations and see the fullness of Gods power and grace to bless others and usher lost souls into the Kingdom
Dr. Norvice G. Sellers Pastor Orlando Florida
Missionary Nathalie G. Neal Hampton, Virginia
Missionary Naomi G. Ward Charlottesville, Virginia
Missionary Deborah G. Golden Hampton, Virginia
FEBRUARY 23, 2019
DCG Annual Authors & Writers Workshop
Every February Divine Concept Group sponsors this informative Workshop sharing vital information for self publishing with advice and guidance from well established authors who don’t mind sharing valuable secrets to help your authoring and publishing visions to come true. Our goal is to provide helpful writing tips, resources for cost effective self-publishing and marketing of your masterpiece. We also feature the works of newly established authors from previous workshops and other authors in the community. Future authors are given leads and referrals for cover design, editing, formatting etc. The workshop facilitator team is also available to bring the workshop to your location, if you supply the venue; we will come to help aspiring authors from your group or community. Workshops also include lunch and relevant surprise giveaways to help make the journey to author a little easier. Workshops are $40 per attendee, youth sessions also available for $20. Visit https://dcgauthorsandwriters2019.eventbrite.com for more information. All DCG event proceeds are utilized for event expenses, and to assist us with other charitable activities and projects to help others.
Workshop Cadre of Speakers
Making Publishing Dreams Come True DCG Authors & Writers Workshop FULL FEATURE COMING UP in our Spring Edition!!
A delicious buffet at every workshop
February 17th, 2018 Hampton Performing Arts Center
February 21st 2015 Hampton University McGrew Towers Workshop featured author Stephanie Moore https://dcgauthorsandwriters2019.eventbrite.com
A portion of proceeds from many of our events go to support another nonprofit organization
The High Hopes of Marriage Minded Only's Head Woman in Charge Angela J. Thompson POWER Q&A WITH THE CEO OF MARRIAGEMINDEDONLY.COM Q. Who is Angela J. Thompson?
A. Foremost, I am a wife, and mother. After years of nurturing, growing and supporting my family, I sought to pursue my own aspirations. I, then, became business woman, licensed coach, writer and speaker. I dubbed myself a serial entrepreneur, because I have always had the ability to avert and solve problems, as well as create solutions and seize opportunities in many aspects of my private and professional life. Subsequently, I started my real estate investment and redevelopment firms over a decade ago. Today, I find myself, a developer and have just entered into media production. Recently, I launched a new tech company and the premiere marriage-focused, dating app, marriagemindedonly.com. Q. What is Marriagemindedonly.com? A. Marriagemindedonly.com (MMO) is a website and mobile application that connects love-seekers, in a relationship conducive environment where other quality, like-minded people meet. They are able to explore various levels of friendship and intimacy. The initial and ultimate goal is to achieve long-term commitment. We are a dating site that caters to people who are serious about their desire to be married. We attract, only, men and women who want to share lasting love with someone else. Q. Why Marriagemindedonly.com? A. Whether it be an economic decision, as in the days of old, or a conclusion
drawn via mutual love, marriage should not be taken lightly, as two are legally bound and responsible to one another. MMO provides a superior, serious dating experience and insight into both the member and those they desire to meet. Q. What's the MMO Difference?
A. MMO Bridges the gap between Dating and Marriage. MMO encourages longevity and lasting companionship. As dating is a stage of romantic engagements where two people meet, with the aim assessing the suitability of a prospective partner, and perhaps settling into a more committed intimate relationship or marriage. MMO desires to be the conduit, through which, the latter pursuit is achieved. Q. How Do We Connect with Marriage Minded Only on Social Media:
A. Facebook: @marriagemindedonly, Twitter: @marriageminds, Instagram:@marriagem indedonly and on Pinterest: @marriagemindedonly Message from Angela: "As, I have created my own formula for success across multiple industries, I take advantage of opportunities to show women and girls around the world that they can have anything they want if they work hard to get it. I, too, was that little girl, young woman, and housewife that would not have realized my wildest dreams, but I now live them. I encourage women to dream, wildly!" Angela J. Thompson is available for speaking engagements and panel discussions.
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018
Ben Harrell is a songwriter with a passion to capture the hearts of his audience by giving words life. He is thankful for the grace of God, the love of his family and his ability to create a musical experience. Ben is skilled with writing music in many genres especially in Gospel and Contemporary Christian. Music Blog - https://ambitionsofawriter.com Official Songwriting Page: https://www.writersfoundationllc.org Hear music with the Benjamin Harrell touch: https://soundcloud.com/benjaminharrell https://www.facebook.com/benjaminharrellsongwriter Check out Bens interview with Gospel Impact Radio https://soundcloud.com/benjaminharrell/interview-with-gospel-impact-radio-10-27-2015
Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018 57
Men of Power 2016—Denbigh Community Center
First Men of Power Event 2014 St. Johns Church of God In Christ Newport News, Virginia
Your support of Divine Concept Group helps us to continue initiatives that make the next generation greater. Please share a donation to help us continue building others.
https://www.Paypal.me/DivineConceptGroup Divine Concept Group endeavors to help others fulfill their divine purpose. We sponsor many events annually to enrich educate and empower others. Many of our efforts are to help our youth to have a healthy mental. physical and spiritual outlook in life. Areas where your funds will help us are our Exceptional Young Achievers United Nations Experience where we take global minded youth on a week long trip to a UN Conference at the UN Headquarters in NY. Youth free attendance during our annual 3-day family conference with special youth sessions and activities. Men of Power is also a free event where men & boys connect and share life lessons for a more productive and Christ centered life. Please consider planned giving to help us further efforts to build our youth and community.
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Unveiled Purpose Magazine/Winter 2018